,, ,.... THE JOTJENAJj. CLEARFIELD, PA., MAY 2,1860. JTw Stoc&. KraUers advertise In another column of our paper, a splendid stock of Sea- j .onable Goods of every descrlptf on, which they j ofler to customers at fair prices. Bibik SocTT.-The next monthly concert of public worship in aid of the objects of the Clearfield County Bible Society, will be held on Sonday evening, May 6th, in the Baptist Church in this borough. Kirs Orr. Last Friday, a horse, which our young friend, Alfred Graham, was driving in a dearborn wagon, took fright as he was mak ing a turn, and running away, made rather sad work with the wagon, which he wrecked in a gutter, without, however, doing any irjary to the driver or himself. . 4 Dbowssd. On Sunday, the 22nd April, a young man named Adam Rice was drowned in David Foungkin'a mill-dam, on Clearfield vreek. He attempted to cross the stream on a dog raft," but was carried over tho breast of the dam and was drowned. He was about 22 years of age. His hdy was afterwards re covered. AgriccltckalMektisg. A meeting of the Clearfield County Agricultural Society will be hell in the Town Xlall in Clearfield Borough, . -on Monday evening, Juno 18th, (court week.) The several Vice Presidents are requested to make return to this meeting of any monies they may have received ; and their presence Is especially desired, as it is proposed then to take action about holding a Fair the coming Fall. Elli3 Irwis, Prest. S. B. An election of officers will also be held. Read ! Read I ! Dr. Jackson, the Reformed Botanic and Indian Physician, who has proved "very successful. in treatment of chronic dis ases, particularly those brought about by use of calomel, (he has no equal perhaps, in treat ing successfully, affections of the Lungs,) will Yisit Clearfield, Pa., and can be consulted at 'Ihft ' Mansion TInnop " rn T n oe.l 1 v TTalniia. -lay and Thursday, May 22nd, 23rd and 2ith 5 also atCurwensville, " Stage House," Friday, 111 y 23th. The afflicted should not fail to see VhiA and to mark well the time. For further particulars see advertiser's supplement. . A Clear fielder Robbed is IIakhisbfbg. ' In the Telegraph of the 24th April, we find the following in the Court proceedings of that day : " Com. vs. George G as t rock and Sam uel Uoupt, indicted for robbery on the oath of Michael Dinges. Tho defendants are two young men of our city, and the prosecutor is a raltsroan. From the evidence it appeared that be was met by the defendants between cloven and twelve o'clock on Friday night last, and after some conversation they enticed him down to the river under the pretence of tak ing him home. After they got biiri there they demanded bis money under the threat that they would kill him. .They obtained some 6 dollars in cash from him and also a knife and port monnaie. The offence was clearly pro ven, and the prisoners had no testimony to offer. The jury convicted tbeni of the offence charged." ... Sad Occirresck A Child Drowsed The Motuer Savet. On last Tnesday, April 24tb, the wife of Mr. Abimelech Alexander, of Woodward township, returning from a visit to her mother, Mis. Miles, got a man at Po sey's sawmill, near Alexander's fording, to take her across tho creek, in a skiff or flat. When near the opposite shore, tho man droj ped a bottle of whisky from bis pocket, and in endeavoring to recover it, fell and upset the boat, precipitating JfPs. Alexander and child as well as himself, into the stream a short dis tanco above the dam. A person on tLe shoie saw tbe accident, threw a plank to the toman and made other exertions to render her assis tance, but before be could reach her, the wo man, with one arm over the plank and holding the child in the other, was carried over the breast of tbe dam. The man who was trying to render assistance, hurried with all possible haste around the mill, and seeing tbe woman disappearing in tho re-action water, jumped. in and succeeded, at tho imminent peril of his own life, in catching hold of her and bringing her safe to shore. The child, unfortunately, was drowned, and at lust accounts its body had not been recovered. The conduct of the per son'who rescued the woman, is highly praise worthy, and we are sorry that we have not been ebio to learn his name. We understand that the proprietor of the bottle or " Jersey light Ding " has disappeared. " Bloodt Mtstert. There is a cave, says the Pittsbnrg Journalt fn the honey -comb rocks," near tbe Kingston ' Iron Works iue upper cirmingnam bridge, on the msDurg side, Known as " Tbe Old Man cave, i' which is so located that considerable ascent is requisite to reach it, and stones have to be piled up to form a foot-path to it. There is a small cavity in the rocks, after scccaicg tne mil before reaching, the cave, from which tbe entrance to the cave is some ighteen or twenty Inches in diameter. ojs are in the habit or visiting this place Saturday last, they were there uiuai, na returned, again on Monday, when M, mi T ge Quantity or blood, cp- ,resa. on me noor of tbe cave, and nine wad the print of a Mnodv hand, ami tbey aho fouad some grey hairs on the edge j , t .u 1 .. 6-J w. .v .nDe entrance. As yet no clue .t i UiSCOVcrel to tho cause of these strange circumstances. Thf bleached . remain ni ik- : K2 ht"d Vh MeldTwVTo Uah hare been collected into a single grave, -a a stone monument, conical in form, fiftv Might, now marks the snot tlicv rf rflV7,: .1" ! . Br noDl.e? by a cross of VJ'l, J ... ui3 19 flnrmounied hv mo luimw nT incprinttAn "nceis mine I vill repay, saith tho Lord." ih t m'.1116 monument stands a granite . Into wuich are cut the words : Here a foMMmfD,and children were massacred 1 CLIPPINGSANO SCRI83LINQS. EAll the rage Shaker bonnets. (X7"P T. Baruuni is building another house not far from his old Iranistan. DS'-The Parker MHH, at Wareham, Mass., arc cutting 10,000 kegs of nails per mouth. !T"""The Chicago City Collector's office, was robbed of $19,000 in cash and checks on tbe 16th inst. H7"Some author tells us that "much is said about the tongue." True, the thing is in everybody's mouth. """"Virginia Carson was killed in Mobile, Alabama, last week, by a negro with whom she had been living in adultery. C7"It is stated that 20,000 Swedes and Norwegians are preparing to embark in the coming summer for the United States. E5"A woman recently got a divorce from her husband, in Illinois, because he insisted (very like a horse)in sleeping with his shoes on. E7"At a recent wedding in Rockingham county, Va., James Devier,he father of the bride, was shot dead by one of a calathumpian band. CTEdwardReid, convicted at Charleston, South Carolina, of robbery on the highway, has been sentenced to be hung on the first of June. t EIn Clay county.Indiana, a few days ago, a woman obtained a divorce from bei husband, and married another man fifteen minutes af terward. CF" Week before last 2,214 aliens arrived In New York, making a total for the year thus far of 11.110, against 8,248 to the same date last year. K7"Lace shawls ate said to be the rage of the fashionable ladies of New York, and, as they are infernally expensive, of husbands, too, no doubt. K7"Reed, Weaver & Co., have just receiv ed a large stock of seasonable goods, which thev are selling at reasonable rates. Adver tisement next week. E7"A shark was recently captured in Nas sau, N. II., Harbor, and in the stomach of the fish was found a man's hand and a goat's head, with horns seven inches long. CThe everlasting Burdcll case is up again in the New York Courts. The heiis are now quarreling among themselves as to the division of the murdered dentist's property. CP"Tbere is a young .woman living in Al- stead, N. II., who weighs over 700 Ms., and it takes about 20 yards of calico for a dress. What a whopper the lady we mean. E7"A man in Rushville, Schuyler county, III., offers to bet 5500 that bo can eat and di- gest 100 pounds of beef in thirty-six hours. He should hire himself out for a boa-constne- tor. KThe announcement of the marriage at Auburn, New York, of Mr. Edward Straw to Miss Eva Smiley, suggests the probability that he tickled a proposal, and that she smiled a consent. C7"Albert String has been found guilty of sup plying tbe citizens of Mobile with poisonous water, and fined $2,000, ho having used lead instead of iron pipes for leads in the water works of that city. DA child in Wheeling, Virginia, lately bitten by a rabid dog, has since become an idiot, aD(l assumes the tastes, actions and bru talities of a dog, snapping at everybody, and greatly destrcssing its parents. E7"Tbere is a gas excitement at Mendona, III., rivalling the oil excitement in Pennsylva nia. People dig down fifteen or twenty feet for water, and iustead of that fluid nod a com bustible gas, apparently inexhaustible. C7A man calling himself Judge Under wood has been travelling through the west col lecting money in the name of tbe Ladies' Mt. Vernon Association. It has been discovered that be has collected $2,700 in the State of Missouri alone, and large sums in Indiana. He is an impostor. C7"The Natchez, Miss., Free Trader, of the 17th ult., says : The largest sale ever made in this county was consummated yesterday. D. D. Whither sold out bis place, fn the lower part of this county, (nine thousand acres of land, with improvements, and fire hundred and fifteen slaves,) to Jo4m K. Elgee,of Louis iana, for $1,001,200. Cocsty School Scperi5te5dext. The last Legislature ottached a section to the appropri ation bill regulating the compensation of the county fcchool superintendents. The pay be is to receive is five dollars for each school in the county not exceeding one hundred. All above one hundred schools, $3 each. The Female Orcamzatio is often as frail as that of a tender flower. Many of the sex enter into marriage relations without being able to un dergo the labors and trials of maternity. In the country thousands of young and beautiful women are sacrified every year from this cause alone. Hostetter's Ceiebiated Stomach Bitters will save many of this class from an untimely grave. This medicine has been used with great benefit by im mense numbers of people throughout the republic, and the proprietors have received grateful com mendations from all sections of tbe country. Ibe Bitters will be found to be very pleasant to the taste, even as a beverage, and prompt and power ful 10 its effect as a medicine. It infuses new vit ality into the frame, and strengthens the whole system, so that women who use it are enabled to go through with labors which would, without it be certain to prostrate them, bold by all druggists. MARRIED: On the 2Gth April, by Rev. J. R. Focht. Mr. Dan iel Starr to Mrs Margaret B. Asdersos. both of ' iinox townsmp, Clearfield county. DIED: Tn Lawrence township, on Saturday the 14th of April, ui muaniiuauon OI me lunzs. JAMES a.. son 1 : 1 f a . p.. . . ei in. &. ana Alary J. JJaniel, aged 0 mo. and 4 d. 50 iwunu LAiiiLa n AA iLi. to ex amine and reduce the larcre stock of Dress uooas, jusi received ai AlUSSUF'Js. Cf YO UN C MEN WANTED, to whom con- -rJ slant employment will be given, to buy fiwawowjirices lor cash, at JttUasUP B. ASTHMA. For the instant relief and perma- j nent cure of this distressing complaint use - uu.ujm wgarreues, made. Dy j. is. Seymour 4-Co., 107 Nassau street, N. Y. Price, -1 rer dox , sent free bv post. For aula at nil druggists. AP. 4. '60.-6m. ffJUXlUJU 1U COLLECTORS. The Com- J. 1 missioners of Clearfield county will be in ses sion at tneir omce in uiearneid Borough, on Mon day and Tuesday, May 28th and 29th, for the pur pose ot granting exonerations to collectors of tax es. Ail interested are notified to attend at that time and place. By order of the Board, apza wm. S. riRADLEY, Clk. THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF CLEAR- ; FIELD COUNTY : Gentlemen : In pursu ance or tne section of the Act of bth JUay, 1SD4, you are hereby notified to meet in Convention, at the Court House in Clearfield Borough, on the first Monday in May. A. D. 1860, being the 7th day of the month, as 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and select, ira voce, by a majority of the whole number of Directors present, one person of literary and sci entific acquirements, and of skill and experience in the art of teaching, as County Superintendent, for the three succeeding years ; determine the amount of compensation for the same ; and certify the re sult to the State Superintendent at Harrisburg, as required by tbe 39th and 40th sections of said Act. L. L. STILL. Co. Snt. pll of Clearfield county. TIN WARE ! PRICES REDUCED ! MERCHANTS AND DEALERS are inrited to call and examine the lai gest assortment of well made Tin-ware to be found in the State, which we are prepared to sell at Lotcer Prices than in ferior goods are generally sold for. MELLOY 4 FORD. Sign of tbe Large Coffee Pot, Mar:14:'59-3m. 723 Market st. Philadelphia. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testa mentary on the Estate of John Ludwig Sny der, late of Bell township, Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, haying been granted to the undersigned, residing in New Washington borough, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment; and thoso having claims, will present them, properly authenticated, for settle ment, to Wm. FEATH, apil THOS. MEHAFFEY, Ex'rs. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his farm, consisting of 80 acres, 40 of which are cleared and under cultivation, situate on the Susquehanna river one mile below Clearfield town, with a good plank house 22 by 30 feet, good Barn and other build ings necessary for convenience and comfort, a good bearing orchard and also a good spring. For further particulars apply to the subscriber on the premises. ISAAC THOMPSON. March 21, 1860 -pd. - LOOK HERE, GENTLEMEN ! WAGON SHOP AHEAD!!!! The subscriber thankful for past favors, takes this method of informing his old customers and the publie in general, that he has removed bis shop from the Foundry to the shop formerly occupied by George W. Orr, on Sec ond street, Clearfield. Pa., where he will continue to manufacture WagoDS of every description, to order, of good material and in a workmanlike manner. Also, Wheelbarrows, Harrows, 6 rain cradles, vc, made on snort notice, in superior stylo, and of the best stock. Repairing of every kind done with dispatch, and on reasonable terms June ISjy. WILLIAM K. BUUWiN rTUlE UNION RIGHT SIDE UP Since X the subscribers have started the Chair-ma king business at their residence in Lawrence tp. i mile from Philip Antes' saw-mill on the west side of the river, where they keep constantly on band Alt dexenvttons of Chairs, betters, JJoxton ROCKING CHAIRS, P.USH BOTTOMS fc SPUING beat Cuiirs, rom the common Windsor up to the very latest style of Parlor Chairs. Tbe subscribers having an elegant water-power by which they do their Boring, cawing. Turning to., they are enabled to sell every style of chairs at reduced prices. The public is respectfully in vited to call and examine for themselves. All work warranted cither new work or repairing. Jan. 4, I860. WM. M'CULLOUGII & SON. BELLEFONTE MARBLE WORKS! The undersigned adopts this method of in forming the publie and the patrons of the late firm of S.A.Gibson A Co.. that be designs car rying on the MARBLE BUSINESS in Belle fonte, in all its various branches, and will hold himself always in readiness to tarnish those who call upon him. with all kinds of Cemetery JVori of the latest classical designs, and superior work manship, such as Jlfonvmeiit, Box Tombs, Cm die Tombs, Spires, Obelisk, Grecian- Tombs, Ta bfe Tombs, llead Stones, Carved. Sculptured or Plain, m cheap, if not cheaper, than tbey can be had at any other establishment in the country. Thankful for past favors, the undorsigned solicits an increase of patronage. V M. UA11AUAJS. Bellefonto, Pa., March 23, 1859-tf. SALE OF ASIIER. COCHRAN'S ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court, granted the 17th day of April, A. D. 18C0, I will expose to vale by publie vendue or outcry, at the house of William A. Mason in Curwensville, on Saturday the 9th day of June, A. D. 1860, at 10 o'clock a. in., the real estate or land, late the prop erty of Asber Cochran, deceased, in Penn town ship, containing 57 acres 14-3 perches, and de scribed as follows : Commencing at a post by a dead pine, tbence couth 6i degrees west )z per ches to a post, thence North 37 degrees west 100 perches to a post, thence North 12 degrees east 40 perches to a post by public road, tbence by said road 711 degrees east 34 i perches, thence still by said road North 87J degrees cast CO perches tg,a post, thence by Jane Cochran's land South 17 de grees east to tbe place of beginning being the purpart set on to Asher Cocbran as one of the heirs of Uliphant Cochran, deceased. ap25 Adm'r of Asher Cochran, dee'd. LIST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and Do. mestic Merchandize in Clearfield county, for the year 160, 6 abject to the payment of License : NAME. RESIDENCE. CLASS. TO PAY. A. MontgomeryACo., Brady town'p., 14 57 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 Jacob Kunts, 14 John Carlisle Si Co., K. II. Moore, Samuel Arnold, F. K. Arnold. E. MMastcrs, James M'Murray, Patshin & Sons, Bowman & Perks, W. K. Diekinson, Lionel W. Weld, 44 14 " 44 13 44 4 4 1 3 44 44 14 Burnside t'w'p.-14 " 44 14 u u 14 Beccaria t'w'p. 14 " 14 44 . " 14 44 44 14 .i - 14 Bell township, 14 Boggs township, 14 Bradford t'w'p., 14 44 14 Covington tp., 14 44 44 1 4 44 44 1 4 44 44 1 4 Chest township, 14 Clearfield boro', 12 44 -4 12 44 44 12 44 44 12 44 44 11 44 44 1 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 12 Jeremiah Cooper, bamuel llegarty, Liewis tmith, William Lumadoe, Mathew Forcee, Edward Williams, Francis Coudriet, P. T-llegarty, P. A. Gaul in. J. P. Kider, William Hunter, Heed 6r Wea ver, Moore iV Etrweiler, 12 50 12 in Kicnard Mossop, Graham V Boy nton, t 12 12 15 7 7 25 10 7 15 7 15 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 10 7 50 William F. Irwin, " 0 00 00 00 C. Kratzer Sons, 44 41 Merrelld- Bigler, " " John O. Lorain J Co., " 14 9 Leonard, Finney f Co , (Bankers,) 00 0 00 John Irvin, Curwensv. boro',13 John D. Thompson, " . 44 14 John Patton, . 11 11 11 44 14 ii j 1 w'p., 14 ii 14 it 14 u 11 "0 00 00 00 00 00 A. Montgomery, William Irvin, Bowman 4 Perks. D. Edmundson V Co., 11 i Decatur t' c. l l Limpincott d- Co., J. F. Steiner, Ellis Irwin & Sou, Goshen towns'p, 14 44 4- 13 Girard towns'p, 14 00 00 A. B. Shaw, James Irwin, "0 00 00 Augustus Leconte, 13 William F. Humphrey 44 44 1 4 Thomas II. Forcey. Graham towns'p.l 3 10 00 Fox 4- Souder, Guelich towns'p.l 4 7 7 On 00 James A. llagerty, 44 44 1 4 Phoenix Lumber Co., 44 44 14 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 00 00 00 00 P. Sneeringer d-Co., 14 " 14 W. B. Darlington 4- Co.," 44 14 David Tyler, Huston towns'p, 14 Hiram Woodward, 4 4- J4 00 00 00 00 00 00 David M'Geehan, Jordan towns'p, 14 Henrv Swan. . '-11 M'Murry 4- llegarty, 44 44 14 Martin O.Stirk, Knox township, 14 imam banker. Karthaus t'w'p, 14 Lawrence tp., 14 Lumber city bo. 14 , 44 44 . 14 ct " 8 Morris towns'p,14 44 4- 14 N.Washingt'nB.14 44 44 14 Woodward tp., 14 , 44 14 " "14 R J. Haynes, 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 James Forrest, John Brooraall, Wright 0 Co., J. Ferguson, (Conf.) J. C. Brenner, J. C. Brenner. Russell M'Murray, Allison & Snyder, Thomas Henderson, S. P. Whitcombd- Co John M. Chase, Retailers of Patent Medicines, &c. C. D. Watson. Clearfield boro'. 4 4 John Patton, Curwensv boro', i t. ilham Irvin, 4 Sastanranta. E.Goodwin, Curwensv. boro', 4 5 00 D l still ri pa. Michael Steinkirchncr, morris Tp., 19 5 99 NOTICE An appeal will be held on Tuesday the 15th day of May, at the Commissioner's Office in Clearfield Boronzb. when and where all who feel themselves aggrieved by tbe above appraise ment can attend if they see proper. Ap.4:'60. JOHN B. HJEISE Y, Mere. Ap. CLOVER-SEED A quantity for sale by Wm. F. lawn, Clearfield, Pa. ap4 SHIPPING FURS ! The highest CASH pri ces paid for Mink, Coon, Red Fox, Grey Fox, Otters, Muskrats, c, Ac, at WOMRATHS' 415 k 417 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, March 7, 1360-2m. - CLEARFIELD RIFLE COMPANY Tou are ordered to meet for parade, on Monday the 7th day of May, at Goshen school house, in summer uniform, fully equipped, and with ten rounds of blank cartridge. By order of the Capt. P13 S. ALEX. FULTON, O. S. COLLECTORS, PAY UP ! The Commis sioners of the County have placed in my hands, all balancas due the county for years previous to 1860, and ordered me to issue executions unless they are paid in full by the 1st day of June. These orders will te carried out to the letter, un less all balances are paid to me before that date. Wm. A. WALLACE, April 11, 1860. Counsel for Com'rs. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between Hessenthaler A Haut. in the Brewery business in Clearfield, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent, the 'undersigned having purchased the entire interest of Charles Haut in the Brewery, Let, and all the perttonal and other property there on. Persons having accounts with the firm, will settle them with JACOB HESSENTHALER. Clearfield, 11th April, 1860 apl8-3tpd DISSOLUTION OF -PARTNERSHIP The partnership that had previously existed between W. E Hegarty and John McMurray, in the Mercantile and Lumbering business at Anson ville, Clearfield eounty, Pa., was dissolved in June. ioov. ine books are in the bands of w. ii. Jieg arty for settlement and collodion, who is also to pay the debts of tho firm . Those indebted arc re quested to call and settle without delay. W. B. HEGARTY, apl8-3tpd JOHN McMURRAT. CJOMETIIINO NEW IN THE PEACE- tO FUL VILLAGE OF CURWENSVILLE. The undersigned h iving entered into partnership in the Foundry Easiness, under the name and style of liobison 4t Denmark, respectfully an nounce to the publie that they have constantly on hand, or will make to order, Stoves, Plows, and all other Castings commonly used in the country, which they will sell at the lowest rates for cash, or exchange on the most advantageous terms for old metal, or approved country produce. JACKSON ROBISON, jreoruary 1, isoo. v. J. VtJS JiAHK. BOGGS TP. FARMS FOR SALE. One containing 124 acres 85 cleared and under good fence. A log bouse 22 by 26, plank house 16 oy is, log nam, emithy and all necessary out-buil-dings thereon. Large springand spring-house con venient to house. The land is well watered and has sufficient wood and fencin r timber. There is an orchard of large grafted trees, and a young or chard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient for pasturing droveH. ALSO, one containing 90 a cres 10 cleared- and under fence balance well timbered. This lacd has a log bouse and stable mereon. jror terms apply to October 13. L, J. CRANS, Clearfield. I-RPIIANS COURT SALE By virtue of -r an order ot me Urphans Court of Clearfield county, there will be exposed to public sale at Shawsville, in Goshen township, on Friday the inn uayoi way, ib0, at 2 o clock r. M.. the fol lowing described property, situate in Goshen town- !; i a - . snip, viearneia county, town: lieginning at a black oak, thence by No. 1921 north 98 perches to a hickory, thenee by No. 1922 west 180 perches to a white pine, thence by No. 5313 south 93 perches to a post, thenee by No. 1945 east 180 perches to piace or beginning, containing 101 acres and al lowance, with a log bouse and barn, and about 30 cleared, thereon ; the balance well timbered late tbe estate of James L. Flezal. deceased. Terms One-third cash, and the balance in three equal annual payments with interest, to be secured oy pond and mortgage on the premises. DAVID DRESSLER, Guardian of the minor heirs of said J. L. Flegal, decd. .apm ii, xsov ll. WOOL J WOOL ! WOOL I-WOOL ! w T lhe -National Conventions Are drawing very near, And what I now wilLtclI you, I know your hearts will cheer. Joe G winner now is with you, And sells as cheap a lot Ot Goods, as ever yet have been To Clearfield county brought. Of Cashmeres he has a quantity, Black. Fancy Satinets, Also plain Flannel Coverlets, -Together with Blan kets. quantity of Stocking Yarn, 1 ou II find that he does keeD : Likewise you'll find his prices Are truly very cheap. B. The market price paid in cash for wool. fUST RECEIVED AT XAUGLE'S 9 CUEAP JEWELRY STOKE. Graham s Row, Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of WATCHES JEWELRY, fcc, Ac, to which we in vite attention. Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch es, to oe nad at JSAUGLE'S. lbe American Lerer of different dualities, can De had at KAUGLE'S. Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo. Coral. La va, jett, carbuncle, ttarnett, Upal, Florentine Mo saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings, Ac, ch ver holders at NAUGLE'S. Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fnb buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S. A fane assortment of gold finger rines of differ ent stvles and aualitr. cold lockets, coral neckla ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and all articles in his line, on hand at NAUGLE'S. Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1,25 to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S. Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange lurgooasai j AUUL.li'3. - All goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S. If you wish your vratches put in good repair and warranted, taae tnem to K AUG LIS s. WATCHES GIVEN AWAY. A giftval- ued at from two dollars to one hundred dollars given with every boos sold at retail price At least one watch, is Guaranteed to Every fx 1 t ry t i . . x weive xwoaa; j.neso inducements are ottered by the Suffolk Exchange Company., 116 Washington street, Boston, the most extensive and the most liberal Gift cencern in existence. Send for a cat alogue. Those who Lave patronized other Gift nouses are particularly requested to acquaint memseives wun our terms, car inducements are nnrivaled, and put all others in the shade. The following are some of the gifts to purchasers : English Lever Gold Watches, hunting cases. Patent 44 44 44 4 . " Ladies' " 44 ,: 44 cpen face. Detatched Lever Silver Watches, hunting cases. Lepine Silver Watches, open face. Gold Lockets, various sizes. Ladies' and Gents' Gold Chains, various styles. Ladies' and Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons and Studs, all patterns. Gents' Bosom Pins, new and rich styles. Gold pencils and Pens. Ladies' and Gents' Gold Rings. A great variety of Ladies' Jewelrv. Pina and Ear Drops, comprising all the styles now worn, cuvu us -vameo, mosaic, uoia ctone, juava, Flor entine, Vc. Gold Bracelets, all styles. The list of books comprises arreit usnrtrarnt. of standard works in every department of litera ture, interesting to tho Toans and old. Do not fail to send for a catalogue. Catalogues mailed free to any address. Apply to the SUFFOLK EX CHANGE CO., 116 Washington .t.. Boston. Ap:4,'60. Q. W4 ELDRIDGE, Tress. NAILS, GLASS, Oils, Paints, Ac, to be had at the most reasonable prices, at the store of Feb. 20. GRAHAM, BOYNTON A CO, BEANS. A quantity of good whiteJBeans for -sale at' miBREU a Biglxb's, ClearXs&z. HA-V, Sides and Shoulders, for sale at tbe store of W31. F. IRWIN, Clearfield. xiainKoiareastpins,.ararops.llootliar rintrs. I :,j Ti - "l1""" h " Gold seals, keys and pencils, cold pens and sil- I - nurcu searuropsnariDEsai AAUULL S. I ,.n.i : WANTED Dry Pine Lumber and Shingles at D. J. McC ANN'S new store in Philips barg. Centre co. February 22.1860-Sm. CORN, RTE, OATS. SALT, FLOUR. FISH and Ground Plaster, for sale at the chean Cash eiuro oi u. J. McCANN. February 22, 1360-3m. Thilipsburg. PROVISION AND GROCERY STORE. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand at his store room in Philipsburg, Centre county, a full stock of Flour, Hams. Shoulders Sides, Cof fee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, tc. Also, Li quors of all kinds, Tobacco. Segars, Snuff, 4c; all of which he offers to purchasers on the most ad vantageous terms. Give bim a call, and try bis articles. imar2l ROBERT LLOYD. V NITED STATES HOTEL Thes ubscri- the publio in general, that be has taken tbe above named house, located at the Railroad, in Harris burg, Pa. He will endeavor to make this house one of tbe most desirable stopping places in the State Capital, by accommodating all who may fa vor him with their custom in the best manner pos sible. fjnlylll BEN. HARTSHORN. Sup't. NEW GOODS. Having just returned from the East, we are now opening a fresh stock of SEASONABLE GOODS,, at the old stand on Second street, Clearfield. Pa. The stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, such as Cloih., Cassimerc, Cassinetts, Tweeds, Muslins, Calicoes. Flannels, Ginghams, and a variety of Ladies' Dress Goods, tyc., fye. Also, Groceries, Jlardieare, Qiteenstrare, and a u sual assortment of such articles as are wanted by the community at large, all of which will be sold at reasoable rates for cash, or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Give us a call. Nov. 2, 1859. REED A WEAVER. NEW HOUSE, AND NEW ARRANGE MENT. The subscriber respectfully informs tho traveling public in general, and the water men of the West Branch of the Susquehanna in particular, that be nas recently erected and just opened a large and commodious Tavern House at the well known landing at the mouth of Sany Creek, in Covington township, where he is prepa red to entertain watermen and all others who may favor him with their patronage. The house hss been built expressly for the accommodation of the public, and every attention will be given to tbe comfort of those who visit him while they remain. Feb. 15, 1860.-2m. LAWRENCE FLOOD. DROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE ! IM- P0RTANT NOTICE TO THE RAGGED'.'.! The undersigned having opened a Tailoring Es tablishment in Shaw's Kow, in the room recently occupied by Ji. t . rtaugie as a Jewelry More, an nounces that he is now ready and willing to make Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Ire., for his old custom ers, and as many new ones as may give him a call, tlftftF' k A tataor a m J net a wv w-r A swiAa P any of the old fashions, if they prefer it. By doing bis work in a neat and substantial manner. and r..,c,,. u: i pects to secure a liberal share of patronage. Jan. 18 1850. WM. RADEBAUGII. LOOK HERE ! LOOK HERE !! The un dersigncd take this method of informing tbe public generally that they have entered into co partnership in the Blacksmitbing business, and their old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient, to give them a call. imng on your bocs, your spades, and picks, Your log chains and your pullinsr sticks. Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse and mare, jno mree-year old, shall then go bare. Your spears we'll work up then just right, To pruning hooks for every bight. Your swords too, shall then be wrought To plough-shares such as Cain ne'er bought. J. SHUNKWEILER, Dec. 6, 1S58. ' GEORGE W. ORR. TVUW J-'IKM AND NEW GOODS. The un- J.1 dersigned. ha vinz become sole owner of the store oi liina irvin bona, in Curwensville. Pa., would respectfully inform the public, and the old customers of the establishment, that he has just received ircm tne .ast. a large and extensive as sortment ot Sr-niJSU SUMMER GOODS, which he will d ispose of at the lowest prices. He desires to call particular attention to the great variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which nave been selected with an express view to meet the wants of the community. He has also Cloths and Cassi meres of the latest stvles.' and a laro-e stock of Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Bonnets of the latest lasbion; Mackerel and Herring; Sugar, Tea and Molasses; Hardware, Queensware, Ac.. Ac., alt of wnicn ne win sen at prices to suit the times. Lumber and country produce of all kln.la. tn- en in exenange lor uooas. lie invites purchasers to give bim a call bcCora supplying themselves elsewhere. JOHN IRVIN. Curwensville, Pa., May 18. 1859. IRON ! signed. IRON !! IRON !!! We, the under- would respectfullv inform tho nnhlie that Laving lately repaired the works commonly known as the H)ld Alleghany Forge,", near Phil ipsbrg. we are prepared to manufacture all kinds of liammered iron, such r Sledge Mbiilds. Crow JSars, Horse-shoe Bars, Satp-mill Bars. IVaron Tire of all sizes. Scoin Iron. Shovel Plowshares. Forge and Furnace Tools, if-e. We will also man ufacture Iron for machinery, which, for strength and durability, commands a high standinsr in the estimation of all good machinists. Persons wish ing any ot tbe above iron can be accommodated on short notice. It is unnecessarv to dwell on the alities the hammered iron possesses ron, as persons using both are soon the superiority of the former. The people of Clearfield will find it to their advantage to use the hammered iron, both for strength and durability. Country produce and scrap iron of every size and description taken in exchan?o for nammerea iron. All orders will be cromntlv at- 1 .... "? icuucu io ujr auurecsing ine nrm oi j i . i j j . Ii. 1H5TH.EKLIN & CO.. Sept.l4,'59-6m Philipsburg, Centre co,.Ta. TEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, AND NEW J- Pnif !' w 'f P1BPIPT n The undersigned, desire to inform the citiiens of Clearfield and surrounding vicinity, that they have recently purchased in the Eastern cities a large and well selected stock of seasonable Goods, wnicn iney uave opened in the well-known Koom on Market street, Clearfield, (formerly occupied by I "m-F-Irwin Their stock consists ot a general assortment oi tne very Dest l-oreign and Domestic DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARD-WARE CUTLERY. QUEENS-WARE. CEDAR A WILLOW WARE. BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, DRUGS, PAINTS, AC, AC. Their stock of Dry Goods consists in part of such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Testings. Mitsuns, J.ici.ing,isaexs, CaJtcoei, Chintzes, Ginghams, Canton and Wool Flannels, De Laene-x, Cashmeres, Sills, Plaids, Shawls, Brilliants, Hosiery, Gloves, etc.,. etc. Also, a great variety of Ladies' Boots and Gaitera, M iKiaAa ami PV ilrl runs SriAaa rVrAa' lMM9 i Youths' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, with a large Beiecuon oi useiui notions, anions which are Perfumery, C'oi and Hair Bruxhc, Fany Soaps, Pens andJPen-holders, Combs, Ire, together with , many other useful notions, all of j which will be sold low for Cash, or in exchange for approved country produce. As their stock is entirely new, and purchased on the most advanta geous terms, they feel confident that they can sell goods to tne advantage ot tne buyer. Step in and examine for yourselves, before purchasing elsewhere. Remember tbe new store is the place. xeo. 23, isou. vjftAMAJi, UUl JilUJN A CO. 1000 LBS. HAM, 1000 LBS. SIDES. 1000 pounds Shoulders, Just receiving, and for sale at the store of Feb. 22 R, MOSSOP, Clearfield, CAfl LBS. CHEESE, 500 LBS. DRIED tlJJ cherries, on hand and for sale by Feb. 22 R, MOSSOP, Clearfield. RAFT AND DOG ROPES, a little cheaper than they can be bought in the county, at te,o. zz it. fliUfeSUJ S, ClfearEeld. FUSn, BACON AND SALT, just received and . 1 for sale at moderate prices at the store of Feb. 29. GRAHAM, BOYNTON A GO. ean be found at the shop formerly occupied by Ja- . I l. p'-H- ' - A, Jf . w" 44Crneiu, cob Shunkweiler, on Third street, in the borough SoVnti" Offi1"1 ,a ,?afieJ! n J ji"iS of Clearfield, where they will be pleased to see fS" n "bck addition, adjoining . PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS. HB. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Indiana, P a Professional business promptly attended to. DR. B. F: AKELt, Grabamton, Clearfield eo-a. ty, Penn'a. April 1. DO. CROUCH, Pbjtsicias, Curwensville, Clear . field county, Penn'a. May 14. DR. II. R. BRYANT,' Luthcrsburg, ra.rtenders his professional services to the public in ten- eral. Luthersburg, October 13, 1S59 T J- CRANS. Attorney at Law and Real- Estate Office adjoining his May 16. JU. Agent, Clearfield. Pa. residence, on Second street WXJ;PAM A. WALLACE, Attorney a L t . Ierfield' P- Office, one door north of Law, Post Office, on Second street.' the ?ept. 1. RiV???-J.ALJJLF' Attorney at LiwTl District Attorney.) Clearfield, Pa. Office in fchaw s new row, Market street. jjay 26. BUCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Cle.r . 'A? dTA 3mP i44 Graham s Row. one door east of the 'Raftsman s Journal' office. Nov 10. I71RANK SHORT, JJoot and Shoe-maker. Shop 0n eond Street, (nearly opposite Reed and' Weaver s Store..) Clearfield, Pa. May A, 1839. ril W. MOORE, Land Surveyor, will attend to all J . business entrusted to him with care and dis patch. Grampian Hills, Pa.; Nor: 3, -'59-C.mp. MA. FRANK, Justice of the Peace, Market sr. STf n A ft B Ik . V --'-- "raeia, ra.. .Business- enfrnstf-rt in his care win receive prompt attention, made and money remitted Collections Apr2759. GEORGE W. RHEEM, Dealer in Drugs,- MedT eines, Stationary and Fancy articles. Room formerly occupied by Lorain, on Market Street. Clearfield. cell cheap, for cash Apr20. VIJ,-LIAM F- IRWIN, Market street, Clearfield. M Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and family articles generally. ov. 10. Ty.Gl ELICn' Manufacturer of all kinds of Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa. .7 J , w order cofiios, on short uotioe, atid antuus mucrais w un- a ncarsa. AprlO,"S9: JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, Cabinet Maker, Market street. Clearfield, Pa. He will also attend fu nerals with a hearse, when called n; and make cotunsto order, on short notioe. Nor.-10v Dy.. wm. campbell; offer his professional services to the citiiens of Morris and adjoin ing townships. Residence with J. D. Denning in Kylcrtown, Clearfield county;' May 11 lSi3 A A , . ' Tilaw' 5H. Clearfield county.P., -f-1,eare4 n Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware. vueciieirirr. e irhoiin fn r.cl, i 1 1 . yucciiBwarr, tic., sells cttoan fnr r.aet, - . -v, ges fr Lumber or approved country produce. HF.NAlGLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, ic. Room in fcbaw s new row, Market street, opposite the Rafts man s Journal office, Clearfield, Pa.- Nov 10 BLACKSMITHING.-Shunkweiler .t Orr, thank lal for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of a share of public patronage in their line of business. Shop on Third st. Nov 10 T I CHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Dol j mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour. Bacon, liquors. 4c. Jvoom. on Marlrpr west of Journal Office, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. T iSS1 pEI1 Tpr, Attorneys at Law.Clear a field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6. 18j6 IAS. B. LARBIMER. TEST. THOMAS-JlM CULLOCGH, Attorney at Law, and Notary Tubllc, Clearfield, Pa. Ofikeon Market street, one door west of Richard Mossop". store. Deeds and other Ifi , L ed with promptness and accuracy. Feb. 13. JOHN BUSSEL A CO., Tanners and Cu7ie7s, rennville, Clearfield Co, Pa. Keep constantly on band an excellent assortment of lcather,-which tbey oficr for sale at the lou-Pstr.il, , n:.i of all kinds taken in exchanco. " JuIvlS-.'.i JOHN HLTDEKOPER, Civil Engineer and Land fJ surveyor, offers his nrofessio citizens of Clearfield counts ah kb;m trusted to him will be rroinnrlv nnrl f.,;tf,fii acnted. He can be fonnrl r thn ki-; . - - - . ... ...... i ij - u V U 7C Jl Leonard, Finney & Co. Sept. 21. ISoO. L. J. Crans. Esa . Office, th e Jy oecupied by Hon. G R. Barrett, where he can be found unless absenton professional business. DENTAL CARD. A. M. SMITH, offers bis pro fessional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the teeth executed with neatness and lesn.it,. h t:; familiar with all the late improvements he is pre- . pared to make anificial teeth in the best manner Office in Shaw s New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15. OUR TEETH !-DR. A. M. HILLS; desircsTo announce to his friends and patrons, that he is now devoting all of his time to operations inlen tistry. Thosedesiring hisservices will find him at his office, adjoining his residence, at nearly all times, and always on Fridays and Saturdays, un less notified otherwise in the town papers the week before. All work warranted to be satisfiu!tr - - j BOOT A SHOE MAKING. Tbe undersigned hav ing entered into partnership in the above bu siness, at the end of the new bridge, lJaWesa bove Clearfield borough, are prepared ti k all kinds of work in their line on the Eborte notice and most reasonable terms. JOHNiS JIOVT A. GvJfOYT. N. B. All kinds of eonntrv - t rod tw -.,..! ,;.t taken in exchange for work. June 23. Ia3? 1So9. MERCHANT ANTD EXTENSIVE DEALER IN SQUARE TIMBER, "Pi. BOARDS. snrvrjfVK.3 n.. vS- j.. Jj'JAnus. oiilji'JLhia, AU-, AX!-t-?rr- tT.VJ ' IV. - I. A J 1 - I - A W . 1 . . I . . 1. . ' rtl. ' n - - '.111. Ill 1 r, T 1. & I . 1 ' 1 V . -iU I "OAT riVA W -' .IS, . i, i '-z rr- a"" toT"" e : 'rrl,!l assort.?-- 'KHtM r ..ii u i c.-j c 0ctl3 a tecfl supi""-" FLOUR! FLOUR!! The undersigned havi ing made arrangements with a larue manu facturing establishment to supply him with Flour, he gives notice to the publio that be is prepared to furnish all who want a good article, at the very lowest price, in as larcre or small ouantities as my be desired. He also keeps on hand constant ly liquors of all kinds, which he witl sell whole sale or retail. JAS. H. GALER. Tyrone City, Pa , July 11th. 1859. JJANKINU AND COLLECTION OFFICE . LEONARD,' FINNEY & CO., CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts Discounted. Deposits received. Collcctionsmade, and proceeds promptly remitted. Exohange on the Cities con stantly on hand. Office, on Second street, ia the roo g lately occupied by . A. aluce, Esd. james. t. leoxaf.d. ; : : : : : : : : d. a. rixser. wm. a. Wallace. : : : a. c. fixsey. A LARGE LOT of Nails. Glass, Paints, Oils, Bur ning Fluid, Turpentine, Alcohol, Ac, very low by the quantity, at tbe "corner store'' of Curwensville. September 24. Wm. IRVIN. HENRY DISTON S Mill and X-cut Saws, and Loveland A Manna superior chopping Axes, at Wm. Irvin's, in Curwensrillo. Sept. 24. I T R MTV1ITV l.. . . .u. iwcmc m wuiaeg is. uranam. .Kov10' DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Residence on Second street, nnnwitn th ..r