Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 04, 1860, Image 2

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    Raftsman's imirrtal.
Subject to the decision of the Chicago Convention
Our readers will doubtless remember that
, on the 22d Nov. 1853, Mr. Buchanan address,
ed a letter to the Committee who had Invited
- him to attend the Centennial Celebration of
the capture of Fort Duqucsne, 8t Pittsburgh,
in which he deplored a growing and dan
gerous evil" "the employment of money to
carry elections,"-and feared, if it was not spee
dily checked, "we most end in a military des-
- potlsni." , A few weeks ago Mr. Covode made
a successful motion to hare a committee of
' five members appointed to ascertain, among
other things, "whether the President of the
' United States, . or any officer of the govern
ment, has, by money or patronage, or other
improper means, sought to influence the pas
sage of any law, appropriate to the rights of
any State or Territory ; and second, also to
inquire into and investigate whether any ofti.
cer or officers of the government have by com-
bination or otherwise, prevented or attempted
.to prevent the execution of any law or laws
now npon tho ttatuto book, or whether the
President has failed or refused to compel the
execution of any law thereof." This inquiry
has touched the President in a sore place,
- and as a lust desperate resort, he, who lectu
red our good people- so roundly on tho dan
gers of the government going to destruction
in conseqeenco of the corruption ot its officials,
has been compelled, through fears of a dis
graceful exposure of his own official conduct,
to protest in a formal message, which he sent
to the House on tho 29th March, against the
'power of Congress to thus arraign him ! He
pleads the independent position of the Execu
tive ollicu in tho samo strain that tyrants of
old contended for the kingly prerogative. He
Although the terms of the latter portion of
the resolution are extremely vague and gener
al, yet my sole purpose in adverting to them
. at present, is to make the broad line oi dis
tinction between the accusatory and remedial
clauses of this resolution. The House of
Representatives possesses no power under the
Constitution over tho first, or accusatory por
tion of the resolution, except as an impeach
ing. body ; whilst over the last, in common with
the Scnate,their authority as a legislative body
is fully and cheerfully admitted. It is solely
in reference to the first or impeaching power
that I propose to make a few observations.
Except in this single case.the constitution has
t invested the House of Representatives with
no power, no jurisdiction, no supremacy, what
vcr,over the President. Jn all other respects
he is as independent of them as they are of
him. As a co-ordinate branch of the govern
ment he is their equal. Indeed, he is the on
ly direct representative on earth of the people
of each of tho sovereign States. To them
and them alone is he responsible while acting
within the sphere of his constitutional duty,
and not in any manner to the House of Rep
resentatives. The people have thought proper
to invest him with the most honorable,respon
siblc, and dignified office in the world, and the
individual, however unworthy, now holding
this exalted position will take care, so far as
in him lies, that their rights and prerogatives
shall never bo violated in his person, but shall
pass to his successor unimpaired by the adop
tion of a dangerous precedent. He will de
fend them to the last extremity against any
unconstitutional attempt, comu from what
quarter it may, to abridge tho constitutional
lights of the Executive, and render him sub
' servient to any human power except them
selves. The people have not confined the
President to the exercise of the execu
tive duties. . They have also conferred on
him a large measure of legislative discretion.
No bill can become a law without his approval,
as representing the people of the United
States, unless it shall pass after his veto, by a
majority of two-thirds of both Houses. In
his legislative capacity ho might, in common
with the Senate and House, institute inquiry
to ascertain any facts which are to influenco
his judgment in approving or vetoing any bill.
This participation in the performance of le
gislative duties between co-ordinate branches
of tho government, ought to inspire tho con
duct of all of them in their relations towards
each other, with mutual forbearance and re
spect. .At least each has a right to demand
justice of the other. Tho cause of complaint
is that the constitutial rights and immunities
of the Executive have been violated in the
person of the President."
An honest and high-minded public function
ary, wrongfully accused of misdemeanor in of
fice, would troublo himself little about the
points of etiquette or the rights of his accu
sers to arraign him, but would challenge an
investigation at once of all that he had done in
his official capacity. , .This, however, is evi
dently what Mr. Buchanan wishes to avoid.
He is doubtless afraid of it, thdugh he asserts
that "nothing but perjury can sully his good
name." ' --"- -
"The Presidentjwonld have us believe that he
'does not shrink from an investigation. He
says, in his message, "I again declare emphat
ically I make this protest lor no reason per.
sonal to myself, but I do it with perfect res
pect for the House of Representatives, in
which I had the honor of serving for five suc
cessive terms." This may be so, but it seems
to us that, iustcad of looking after the welfare
of the House, he is, by this sort of subterfuge,
trying to take care of himself. '
The "protest" concludes as follows :
"I may now,, however, exclaim in the lan
guage of complaint employed by ray first and
Created predecessor, that have been abused
in such exaggerated and indecent terms as
could scarcely be applied to a Nero ; to a no
torious defaulter, or even to a common pick
pocket. I do, therefore, for the'Teasons sta
ted, and in the name of the people of the sev
eral States, solemnly protest against these
proceedings of the House of Representatives,
because they are in violation of the rights of
a co-ordinate branch of the government, and
subversive of its constitutional independence;
because they are calculated to foster a band
of interested parasites, ever ready for their
own advantage, before exparte committees, to
relate pretended private conversations be
tween the President and themselves, incapable
from their nature of being disproved, thus
furnishing material for harassing him, degra
ding him in the eyes of the country, and, e
ventnally, should he be a weak and timid man,
rendering him subservient to improper influ
ences in order to avoid such persecutions and
annoyances ; because they tend to destroy
that harmonious action for the common good
which ought to be maintained, and which I
sincerely desire to cherish between the co-ordinate
branches of the government, -and final
ly, because if unresisted, they would establish
a precedent dangerous and embarrassing to all
my successors, to whatever political party
.they might be attached."
This message is regarded, even by Demo
crats, as weak and unnecessary, and will fail
to produce the desired effect on tho other
hand, it will go tar to convince the people
of the truthfulness of the charges that have so
repeatedly been made against the President.
March 2G. The Senate struck ont of the
Consular Appropriation Bill, the $15,000 for a
3Iinister to Paraguay. Mr. Blake, of Ohio,
stirred up considerable excitement in the
House by offering a resolution that the Judi
ciary Committee be instructed to inquire into
the expediency of reporting a bill to give free
dom to cveiy human being, and to interdict
Slavery wherever Congress has the Constitu
tional power to legislate on that subject. For
a few minutes the noise and confusion was
great, but the resolution being voted down by
over 60-majority, it soon subsided. A bill for
tho relief of mail contractors, passed both
Houses. It authorizes the Department to use
the net revenue of the quarter just expiring to
pay contractors and route agents.
March 27. Tho time of both Houses was
taken up with the consideration of the Army
and Navy Appropriation bills.
March 28. The bill to increase the pay of
officers in tho Navy was passed by the Senate.
A discussion on polygamy came off in the
House, on the report of a proposition from
tho Committeo on Territories declaring polyg
amy a Crime, and nnnnlling all the Territorial
laws of Utah legalizing and establishing it.
Tho Democrats of the House were liot ready
to stand forth as the advocates and supporters
of this peculiar institution ; on the other hand,
they could not but squirm at the idea of as
serting and enforcing the authority of Con
gress over the Territories in relation to the
subject. For if Congress can limit the num
ber of wives a man may have, it is difficult to
see why it may not also limit the number of
slaves he may have ; if "popular sovereignty"
in the Territories is a delusion and a snure in
regard to polygamy, why not in relation to
slavery also ? Mr. Branch, of X. C, was wil
ling to prohibit polygamy, but could not brand
it as a crime, because the same thing might
then be done with slavery. Tho subject was
at last imformally laid aside. ,
March 20. The President sent a message
to tho house protesting against Mr. Covode's
Investigating Committee, and denying . the
power of that body to make any inquiry, the
result of which may be unfavorable to the per
sonal character or official conduct of the Pres
ident. If the conduct of the President is to
be examined, Mr. Buchanan contends that it
can only be done through the Judiciary Com
mittee and in the form of an impeachment.
Ou this point an interesting debate sprung up.
The steamer Arabia, which arrived at New
York on the 30th, biings three days' later for
eign intelligence, her dates being to the 17th
March. The House of Lords had agreed with
tho House of Commons in an address to the
Crown in approbation of the new commercial
treaty with France by a vote of G8 to '68. An
nouncement had been made in both Houses of
Parliament of the reception of a circular dis
patch from the French Government relative to
the Savoy question. M. Thouvenel states
that the annexation of Savoy to Franc? has
become necessary by the altered position of
Icaly, but that tho feelings of the people of
Savoy will be consulted. The European Pow
ers are, however, to have nothing to say in
the business. It is now stated that the order
for the French army in Lombardy to be ready
to march at a moments notice has been coun
termanded. There is also a report of a rather
Buncombe character to the. effect that the
Emperor Napoleon has sent an autograph let
ter, couched in angry terms, to the King of
Sardinia, against the acceptance by the latter
of Tuscany, notwithstanding the recent test
of universal suflrage. He may, however,
name a Prince of his own house for Tuscany,
and the Romagna may be governed by a "Vicar
acceptable to .the Pope. The Swiss Federal
Council has protested against the annexation
of the neutralized districts of Savoy to France.
The result of the election on tho question of
annexing Tuscany to Piedmont was largely in
favor of annexation. The arrests and banish
ments in Naples were continued, and a reign
of terror prevailed there. Tho British and
other foreign Ministers, it is said, have re
monstrated with the King. In Austria the
symptoms of social and political dissolution
continue to manifest themselves in a most re
markable manner. The condition of that Em
pire renders it unlikely that Franci3 Joseph
will undertake a new war against Lis late vic
torious enemies, except he is driven into it by
irrcpressiblo necessity. It is expected that
the annexation of the Romagna to Sardinia
will be followed by tho excommunication of
both Victor Emanual and Louis Napoleon.
A dispatch from Madrid states that the Empe
ror of Morocco has sued for peace.
Mr. Covode's coramitto is collecting impor
tant information in regard to the expenditure
of money for political purposes in Pennsylva
nia at the last Presidential election, and since
then, for the purpose of illustrating the fitness
of the President's Pittsburgh letter, and con
trasting it with the means by which he obtain
ed his present position. Mr. Schell, the Col
lector of New York,testified to his knowledge
of $30,000 or $40,000 having been raised in
New York, to be expended in Pennsylvania.
Mr. Butterworth, and the treasurer who offici
ated in New York, as well as the distributor
in Philadelphia, were to have been next ex
amined, to ascertain who subscribed and who
received the money. , .
, Babxum Erect. We see by the New York
papers that the great showman has disposed
of the great clock debt and "come to time.','
The Museum is to be once more under his
control, and the world is to sit down to its an
cient feast of astonishment every morning.
While the Pharisees, were abusing Barnura,
Barnura was id Europe lecturing, and apply
ing his earnings to the extinguishment of his
indebtedness. That was honest.
Indiana Cocxtt. The steam-saw mill and
plaining factory of George Dill & Co., near
Strongstovvn, was consumed by fire on Satur
day night, March 23d. ... A little child of
Wm. Youngblood, of Indiana borough,' was
bitten by a dog belonging to Abraham Moore,
on the 22d. It was with difficulty that the
dog, though a young one, could be induced to
let go his hold. ... John Mitchell, a son of
Dr. Robert Mitchell, of .Indiana, died near
Elwood, Kansas, on the 15th ult. He went to
Kansas in the spring of 1856 ; squatted on a
section of land ; in the fall, started, in com
pany with others, to Leavenworth for flour ;
the "party was attacked on the way by 200 Bor
der Ruffians ; young Mitchell was among the"
prisoners taken ; all were released but nine,
Mitchell being of this numbci. They were
detained eleven days, when they were deliver
ed to Gov. Shannon. During this time, the
prisoners had to lay on the damp ground with
out blankets or covering. By this exposure,
Mitchell contracted a cold, followed by fever
and ague, and eventually terminated in con
sumption, which caused his death.
Blair Couxty. A step-daughter of Mr.
John Schweigert, proprietor of tho Red Lion
Hotel in Altoona, was seriously bnrned,on tho
21st March, by her clothes taking tire from
a fluid lamp which was upset or exploded.
Her screams brought her step-father to her
relief, but it was with difficulty that her clothes
could be torn off. The girl, who is about 14
years of age, was severely burned about the
left breast and arm and right thigh. . . .On
the evening of the 2Gth, the wife of Mr. A.
Eckel, tobacconist, of the same town, was
terribly burned about the face, breast and
hands, by tho explosion of a lighted fluid lamp.
Most of the hair was burned from her bead,
the skin on her face so much seared that it
will come off, and one of her ear-rings was
burned out of her ear. Her injuries are not
considered dangerous. . . . The Episcopalians
of Tyrone and vicinity organized a Parish on
Monday, the 26th March, under the title of
"St. Philip's." A vestry was elected, and
steps taken to procure thu services of clergy
men. We8tmorele5D Coixty. James Kilgore
and two sisters, of Mt. Pleasant, were thrown
from a buggy last week and severely injured.
. . . Jacob Gran, sr., of Pleasant Unity,was last
week severely hurt by being kicked in the face
by a horse. ... The dwellings of Thomas
.ioore and II. Smith, and the store room of
W. II. Guthrie & Co., in North Washington
were burned. No insurance. . . . On the 28th
ult., Mary Jane Huston, aged about twenty
four vears. daughter of Mr. Joseph Huston,
who resides at Covode's Factory, committed I
suicide, by cutting her throat with a razcr.
Five cuts were inflicted upon her neck. From
the position in which her corpse was found it
is supposed t'at she had gone to tho barn, ta
king the razor with her, and attempted to
hang herself with a plow line, and that tho
knot slipping, she had recourse to the razor to
accomplish her object. No cause is known
for the commission of the act.
Cumberland Coentt. On tho 20th March,
Mr. Peter Myers, in company with his daugh
ter, a little girl aged thirteen years, attemped
to cross the dam at James' mill, in West Penns
boro township, in a small boat that had been
used for that purpose. Immediately on leav
ing the shore, a tempestuous gale drovo the
boat rapidly down the stream, and finally over
the dam ! The boat capsized, and Mr. Myers
and his little daughter, after a few ineffectual
efforts to save themselves, sank to the bottom
of the deep stream. The only one who wit
nessed the catastrophe was a little boy, who
immediately gave tho alarm, when the neigh
bors asspmbled and used every effort to rescue
the sufferers, but all their exertions were una
vailing. The bodies were taken from the
stream about half an hour after the accident.
Jefferson Cocxtt. On Friday, March 23d,
a young man named Jacob Fisher, was engag
ed in loosening a pile of logs near Russet's
mill,' three miles from Brookville, when the
pile started and throwing him down he was
crushed beneath the rolling timber. The de
ceased was abeut 16 years of age.and although
living when taken from under the logs,, he was
so crushed and bruised that he died in a few
During week before last, a sloop engaged in
the oyster-trade was found off Staten Island,
New York, at sea, and upon examination it
was ascertained,that no persons were on board,
and that the vessel bore marks of a bloody en
counter. The deck was covered with blood,
at places showing signs of a struggle. At the
sides of the vessel were to be seen bunches of
hair clotted with blood. On the stair-way
leading to the deck was to be seen the mark
of a hatchet, where evidently in the encoun
ter the hand of one of the unfortunate victims
in clinging to the stair-way had been cut off.
The small boat of tho vessel was gone. It
was found upon bringing the vessel to New
York that the sloop had left the harbor of New
York but shortly before in charge of a Cap
tain, two boys, and a man by the name of
Johnson. A vessel had run into the sloop the
night before she was found, when the small
boat was still aboard, and but one man made
his appearance on deck. Particular attention
was not called to the sloop at the time. Tho
Police of New York were soon ou the track
of the raurdercr.and a series of circumstances
soon came to light, which lead to hi3 speedy
capture. A man in a small boat landed on
Staten Island, and left the boat on the beach.
Shortly after a person with a bundlo stopped
at a restaurant, and his conversation seemed
rather suspicious. He was traced on a Ferry
boat, where he had the same bundle.and mado
an exhibition of some money in the bundle,
about $1000 as alleged, which he had saved
from a ship-wreck. He was finally, traced to
his home in New York, was seen to leave the
city with his wife and child and was finally
captured in a private dwelling on the outskirts
of Providence, R. I. A gold watcb,bclonging
to the Captain of tho sloop, was found in his
possession. The name ot" the suspected mur
derer is William Johnson, and it is supposed,
that he murdered his three unfortunate victims
singly, the clothing of the Captain being found
unsoiled with blood, and rendering probable
the inference, that he was in bed, when the
other two were murdered. The unfortunate
man has been brought to New York", where
his trial will come off in due time. A more
daring and cold-blooded murder, it has not
been our lot to chronicle in many a day. " ' ;
."' Harriet A. Blackington, an operative in one
of the .Loweir factories, died of phlebitis, a
very rare disease, last week. It commenced
in the thumbs, resembling a blood-blister, and
grew,' rapidly malignant, like the bite of a rat
tlesnake, till she died in great agony, three
days after its appearance. During her spasms
she bit the finger of an attendant, who was sa.
ved by cauterization. ' ' , ' :-
" The Imprisoned Commissioners. We learn
from the Pittsburg papers that the County
Commissioners in the prison of that city hold
daily levees, which are largely attended, and
their anti-tax friends keep constantly patting
them on tho back and telling them to remain
firm. Their confinement does not seem to set
hard on them. -, v - ;
The materialist views man as a walking uia-
' chine propelled by tho instincts cf life. : ..
Alvertisementsset itp with targe type or out of usual
style trill be charged double price- for sjtace occupied.
LOVER-SEED A quantity for sale by Wh.
k. Irwis, Ciearneia, fix. r ap-i .
ASTHMA-For the instant relief and perma
nent cure of this distressing complaint u?e
Fendt'a Bronchial Cigarrettes, made by C. B.
Seymour i- Co., 107 Nassau street, N. Y. Price,
SI per box ; sent free by post. For sale at all
druggists. Ap. 4, '60.-ni.
IOST! On the 30th March, 1800, between
J Howard Merrell's Tavern, on the new turn
pike, and Grahamton, a Calf-Skin rocket-Book,
containing a note of hand on Harvey Bisgcll for
$153, dated Grahamton. 24th Marcb.,1860, payable
one day after date ; a note of hand on William
Aber for 5175; dated Canisteo, N. Y ; July or Au
gust 1859. payable six months afterdate ; and a
bout 53 or S4 in paper on the Steuben co (X. Y.)
Bank, and in silver. I think it also contained a
pete on Win. C. Johnson, for SI00, dated Burns,
Stuben county, N. Y., March, 1859. payable one
year after date. Any person finding it and re
turning it to me, or giving any information of if,
shall Le suitably rewarded, as the notes will be of
no use to any one but me.
Ap. 4, 'GO. : t TII03. CHAMBERS.
ued at from two dollars to .one hundred
dollars given with every booK sold at retail price.'
At least one watcn. is uuaranteea to .Every
Twelve Books! These inducements are offered by
the Suffolk Exchange Company., 110 Washington
street, Boston, the most extensive and the inogi
liberal Gift concern in existence. Send for a cat
alogue. Those who have patronized other Gift
houses are particularly requested to acquaint
themselves with our terms. "- Our inducements are
unrivaled, and put all others in the shade. Tho
following are somo of the gifts to purchasers :
English Lever Gold Watches, hunting cases.
Patent : " u- ' ' "
Ladies' ." " " open face.
Detatched Lever Silver Watches, hunting cases.
Lcpine Silver Watches, open face.
Gold Lockets, various sizes.
' Ladies' and Gents Gold Chains, various styles.
Ladies' and Gents' Gold Sleevo Buttons and
Studs, all patterns.
Gents' Boom Pins, new and rich styles.
Gold pencils and Pens. . :
Ladies' and Gents' Gold Rings.- . ,.
A great variety of Ladies' Jewelry. Pins and
Ear Drops, comprising all the styles now worn,
pach as Cameo, Mo?aic. Gold Stono, Lava, Flor
entine, tVc. Gold Bracelets, ui styles.
The list of books comprises a great assortment
of standard works in every department of litera
ture, interesting to tho young and old. Do not
fail to send for a catalogue. Catalogues mailed
free to any address. Apply to the SUFFOLK. EX
CHANGE CO., 11G Washington Ft., Boston.
Ap:4,'60. C. W. ELD1UDGE, Trcas.
LIST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and Do
mestic Merchandize in Clearfield county, for
the year 1SG0. subject to tho payment of License :
A. Montgomery tCo., Brady town'p.. 14 $7 00
Jacob Kunt3, . - 14 7 00
John Carlisle &, Co., " r " 14-, 7 00
R. II. Moore. . " . - " 13 . 10 00
S.xmuel Arnold, " - - "13 10 00
F. K. Arnold. " " It 1 00
E. M'Masters, Eurnside t'w'p .14 7 00
James M'Murray. ' " 14 ' 7 00
Patsbia & Sons, , - ; ; 14 :. ; 7 00
Bowman fc Perks, ,; Beccaria tw;p. 14 - ; 7 00
W. K. Dickinson, .- 14 . 7 00
Lionel W. Weld, " . " 14' 7 00
Jeremiah Cooper, " " 14 . 7 00
Samuel Hegarty, "It 7 00
Lewis Smith, Bell township, 14 7 00
William Lumadoo, Boggs township, 14 7 00
Mathew Forcee, Bradford t'w'p., 14 7 00
Edward Williams, , " . . 14 7 00
Francis Coudriet, Covington tp., 14 7 00.
P. T. llegarty, ", " 14 7 00
P. A. Gaulin, " " , i( 14 .7 00
J. P. Rider, " " 14 7 00
William Hunter, Chest township, 14 7 00
Reed iV Weaver. Clearfield boroM2 12 50
Moore iV Etzweiler, " ' 12" 12 00
Richard MossopT . f : " 12' 12 50
Graham (V Boy nton, ' " "12 .12 50
William F. Irwin, . ; " " 12 , 12 50
C. Kratzer if Sons. " " 11 15 00
MerrelUV Bigler. " . .' r "".14.; "7 00
John O. Lorain i- Co., " -' .14 7 00
Leonard, Finney tV Co , (Bankers.) ; 9 25 00
John Irvin, Curwcnsv. boro',13 10 00
John D. Thompson, " 14 ' 7 00
John Patton, " 11 15 00
A. Montzomcry, " ; " 14 7 00
WillianTlrvin, " " 11. 15 00
Bowman Perks. Decatur t'w'p., 14 7 00
I. Edmundson J- Co., " 14 ' 7 00
Limpincott 4-Co.,' " 14 .7 00
J. F. Steiner, . " ." 14 . 7 00
Ellis Irwin tj-Sou. Goshen towns'p, 14 7 00
A.B.Shaw, - " 13 10 00
James Irwin, Girard towns'p, 14 7 00
Augustus Leconte, " ' 13 10 00
William F. Humphrey, " 14 7 00
Thomas II. Forcey, Graham towns'p.l 3 10 00
Fox tV Souder, Guelich towns'p.14 - 7 00
JaiucsA. Hagcrty, " . " 14 7 00
Phoenix Lumber Co., " . " 14 7 00
P. Sneeringer 4-Co.. " " 14 ' 7 00
W. B. Darlington .y Co.," 14 7 00
David Tyler, Huston towns'p, 14 ' 7 00
Hiram Woodward, 14 7 00
David M'Geehan, Jordan towns'p. 14 . 7 00
Henry Swan, " t . 14 - -7 00
M'Murry V llegarty, " 14 7 00
Martin O.Stirk, Knox township, 14 7 00
William Sankey, Karthaus t'w'p, 14 7 00
R J. Haynes, . " - " 14 7 00
James Forrest, . ; . Lawrence tp., 14 7 00
John Broomall, Lumber city bo.14 7 00
Wright tV Co., 14 7 00
J. Ferguson, (Conf.) " " 8 5 00
J. C. Brenner, Morris towns'p,14 7 00
J. C Brenner, " 14 7 00
Russell M'Murray, N.Washingt'nB.14 7 00
Allison A-Snyder, " 14 7 00
Thomas Henderson, Woodward tp., 14 7 00
S. P. Whitcoiub Co., " " 14 7 00
JohnM. Chase, : . ' " j ; " 14 1 00
Retailers of Patent Medicines, &c. .
C.D.Watson, . ; Clearfield boro'. 4 -5 00
John Patton. Curwensv boro", 4 . . -; 5 00
William Irvin, . ' ( 4 , 5 00
Restaurants. .' "; .
E.Goodwin, . Curwensv. boro', 4 5 00
NOTICE. An appeai wfill be held on Tuesday
the 15th day of May, at tho Commissioner's Ofiice
in Clearfield Borough, when and where all who
feel themselves aggrieved by the above appraise
ment can attend if they see proper. ' '
Ap.4:'00, . JOHN B. HEISEY, Mere Ap. 1
JLt SHOP AHEAD!!!! The subscriber thankful
for past favors, .takes ..this, method of informing
hi3 old customers and the public in general, that
he has removed his shop from the Foundry to tho
shop formerly occupied by George W. Orr, on Sec
ond street, Clearfield, Pa., where he will continue
to manufacture Wagons of every description,- to
order, of good material and in a workmanlike
manner. Also, Wheelbarrows, Harrows, Grain
cradles, Ac, made on short notice, in superior
style, and of the best stock. '.Repairing of every
kind done with dispatch, and on reasonable terms
June 29, 1359. . WILLIAM R.' BROWN.'
the subscribers have started the Chair-making
business at their residence in Lawrence tp.,
i nailo from Philip Antes' saw-raill on the west side
of the river, where they keep constantly on hand
All description of Chairs, Setters. Boston
Seat Chuirs, from, the common Windsor up '
to the very latest style of Parlor Chairs.
The subscribers having an elegant -water-power
by which they do their Boring, Sawing, Turning,
Ac, they are enabled to sell every style of chairs
at reduced prices. . , The public is respectfully in
vited to call and examine for themselves. All
work warranted either new work or repairing.
Jan. 4,1860. ' WM. M'CULLOUGil A SON."
AILS, GLASS, Oils, Paints, Ao., to bo had at
the most reasonable prices, at the storn of
Feb. 20. y ' GRAHAM, BOYNTON A CO.' ;
LfONEY. A good article of Honey, for sale
, nirRAVRsvir r.R propfiitv von SALE
Vy A house and lot in Curwcnsvillo borough for
saie ; ior terms and description applv to
JuneS, 1859 L. J. CRANS.'Clearfield.
SHIPPING-FURS ! The hi-hest CASH pri
ces paid for Mink, Coon. Red Fox, Grey Fox,
utters, iuuskrats, Ac, Ac, at . WOAIKATllS
415 A 417 Arch Street, Philadelphia
Philadelphia, March 7, lS60-2m.
THE FARM in Jordan towship noccupied by
1 r T." 1 1 111,, Kikln. nMwno '1 f 1. i n WA
cleared and under good fence, and having a house
ana Darn tnereon erected, lor sale. Apply to
June 15, 1859. L. J. CRANS, Clearfield.
ITIOR RENT. The undersigned has for rent a
house and lot. and blacksmith chop, in the
Borough of Luthersburg This is a good location
for a blacksmith. For further information apply
Luthersburg, k eb. Ztf. To JAJ1KS IUVIN
(formerly kept by Mrs. Clements.) The sub
scriber respectfully solicits the patronage of his
old menus, and assures all rivermen having bu
siness in Marietta that no pains will be spared
lor their accommodation ami comrort.
Feb. 22. 180-ly. " ABNER M'MICHAEL.
undersigned takes this method to announce
to the citizens of Clearfield and the surrounding
country, that he has opened a Barber Shop, on
Market street, in fchaw s new row. where he 8 pre
pared to accommodate all who may give him a
call, and hopes to receive a liberal patronnge.
Oct. 6, 1853. JEREMIAH NORRIS.
to call and examine tho laigcst assortment dwell
rnaac jun-tcare to be iouna in tne htate, wnicu
we are prepared to sell at Loicrr Prices than in-
r , ,
lerior gwcij are geueraiiy soia ior.
.Sign of the Large Coffee Pot,
Mar:14:'59-3m. 723 Market st. Philadelphia
".. . i.ne unttersignca hereby announ
ces to the citicens f Clearfield county,
-1. I 1 - -111 1 i V '
mui ii u is bum engaged, ai ms oia srnna
? TVPnvn nTTr 7 rr n t r
and BOX TOMBS. Also Head au4 Foot Stones
of the latest and most approved styles, and on the
moi?t reasonable terms. All orders promptly at
tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN,
Aug.25,1858.-dcc23-'57. Tyrone City.
The undersigned takes this method of inform
ing the public that he has commenced the manu-.
tacture ot ttone-Ware in the Borough of Clear
field, and thst he is now prepared to supply all
wno may want them with. Alilk and Cream Crocks,
Jug9. Jars, Ac, at lewer prices, than they can be
bought elsewhere. He solicits a share of patron
. Clearfield, Pa.. M.;y 25, lSSfrly.
The undersigned having entered into p-artnership
in the Foundry Business, under the name and
style of Robison A Denmark, respectfully an
nounce to the public that they have constantly on
hand, or will make to order, Stoves, Plows, and
all other Castings commouly used ia the country,
which they will sell at the lowest rates for cash,
or exchange on the most advantageous' terms for
old metal, or approved eountrv produce.
: February 1,1830. D.J. DENMARK.
containing 121 acres 85 cleared ami under
good fence. A log house 22 by 26, plank house 16
by 18. log bnrn. smithy and all necessary oat-buildings
thereon. Large springand spring-house eu
venient to house. The land is well watered and
has sufficient wood and IVncing timber. There is
an orchard of largo grafted trees, and a young or
chard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient
for pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing 90 a
cres 10 cleared and under fence balance well
timbered. This land has a log house and stable
thereon. For terms applv to
. October 13. L.J. CRANS, Clearfield.
The undersigned adopts this method of in
forming the public and the patrons of the late
firm of S. A.Gibson A Col. that he designs car
rying on the 31 ARBLE BUSINESS in Belle
fonte, in all its various branches, and will hold
himself always in readiness to furnish those who
call upon him. with all kinds of Cemetery Wvri;
of the latest classical designs, and superior work
manship, such as M')iument$. Box Tombs, Cra
dle Tombs, Snircs. Obrlixl. Grecian Tombs, Ta
ble Tombs, llead Stones, Carved. Sculptural or
Plain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be
had at any other establishment in the country.
Thankful for past favors, the undorsigned solicits
an increase of patronage. -WM. GAHAGAN.
Bellefonto, Pa., March 23, lS59-tf.
The undersigned informs his friends and custom
ers that he ha received at his 6tore on Market
street, Clearfield, a full and general assortment of
Drugs and Medici net,' Varnishes, Oils and
Paints, lieady-M'idc Clothing, ire, Ire,
which he will dispose of at the most reasonable ,
rates for cash, or exchange. for every description
of approved country produce. Buyers should at j
all times consult their own interest, and procure
their goods wherever they can purchase the most
for their money. The '-cheap cash store," it is
believed, has this desirable feature of economy,
and therefore should be sought by those who wish
to procure goods at the lowest cash prices.
Nov. 2, lb59. WM F. IRWIN.
having fitted np a shop a few doors east of
the "Old Jew Storo," on Market street, desires to
inform the community at large, that he keeps on
hand a variety of CABINET WORK, at his
shop, and that he manufactures to order, (of su
perior finish.) every description of Household and
Kitchen furniture, among which are Centre, and
Dining Tables : Mahogony and Common Bureaus;
Common and Fancy Bcdstead3, Stands, Safes, Cup
boards. Sofas. Lounges. Ac, which he is determin
ed to dispose of at as cheap rates, for cash, as they
can be purchased at any other establishment of
the sort in the county. Persons wishing, to buy
furniture are invited to come to his shop and ex
amine his articles, and judge for themselves of its
quality and finish, before purchasing elsewhere,
as he feels confident that he can suit them in price
and quality. Country produce will betaken in
payment for furniture. - November 10, 1858.
N- B. He is also prepared to make COFFINS to
order on the . shortest notice, and attend funerals
with a hearse, when cailod upon. J. S. J.
Graham's Row, Clearfield, Ta., a fine assortment of
WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which we in
vite attention. ..
Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watoh
es. to bo had at ; , . NAUGLE'S.
The American Lover of different qualities, can
bo had at- NAUGLE'S.
, Fina setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La
va, Jett, Carbuncle, Garnett,Opal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gold Stono Mosaic, Porcelain paintings, Ac,
or Fingle pieces at NAUGLE'S.
Plain gold Breast pins, Ear drop3, Hoop Ear rings,
childrcnseardropsand rings at NAUGLE'S.
, 'Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil
ver holders at - .NAUGLE'S.
Gents breastpins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob
buckles and guard slides at " NAUGLE'S.
A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ
ent styles and quality, gold lockets, coral neckla
ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and
all articles in his line, on hand at NAUGLE'S. i
Just received," a fine assortment of Fancy and
oominon Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1,25
to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S.
Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange
for goods at - "NAUGLE'S.
All goods warranted as represented, or the mo
ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S.
If you wish your watches put in good repair
aai warranted, take tjiera to NAUGLE'S,.
at D. J. McCANN'S new store in Phihp,'
burg. Centre co.
reoruary a, iS6u-3m
Ground Plaster, for sale at the cheap Cuh
store of D. J. McCANX,
February 22, 1860-3m. Philipsburg.
PUBLIC VENDUE The undersigned win
sell by public out-cry, at his store house; is
Karthaus township, on Monday, the 23.1 day of
April, his entire stock of goods, consisting of lir'.
Goods Groceries, Hardware, Hats and Caps, Boot
and Shoes, and a general variety of articles uu
ally found in a country store. Term made knows
on day of sale. JOHN PETEK RIDER.
Karthaus. March 23. 1S60.
CAUTION. The public are hereby caution,
ed against meddling with or buying 4 hti
of horses, 4 milch cows, 1 3-year old Bull, 1 2-year
old heiffer. 4 1-year old heiffers, S spring eaWei
9 head of hogs, I Threshing machine, 2 Plowi j
harrows,' 1 cultivator and 2 wagons in the posses
sion of . Thomas White, in Karthaus towmhip
Clearfield county, as the same belong to me.
Maroh 21, lS60.-pd. JAMES WHITE
The undersigned keeps constantly on haad
at his store room In Philipsourg. Centre conntr.
full stock of Flour, Hams. Shoulder Sides, Oof.
fee, Tea, Sugar. Rice, Molasses, Ac. Also, Li
quors of all kinds, Tobacco. Segars, Snuff, Ac; !
of which he offers to purchasers on the most id
vantageous terms. Give him a call, and trv hit
articles, lmar2Il ROBERT LLOYD.
lf REWARD. WAS LOST a Calf-Skin
tJXvr Pocket Boek, in the Borough of Clar.
field, on Monday the 19th March iost'., containing
S45 in $5 bills- and several promissory notes, or
ders. A-c, amounting to over S2S4. The above re
ward will be paid to the finder on the return of
the pocket-book and contents to the subscriber re
siding in Lumber City, or on giving inorutioa
as to whero it can be had.
March 23, lSt50.-3t.pd. JOS. L. CURBf..
HWARD, Manufacturer and Dealer In 5trw
Goods. Nos. 103, 105 and 107, North Secood
Street, Philadelphia. Having just received our
Spring Stock, which comprises larjre and desira
ble assortment of all kinds of Straw and Le
Goods. Our stock of Flowers and Ruches ia una
Mially large this season, and we would invit oor
fpecial attention to that departtceut Pica..
call and examine them before making vonrpsr
fthasea. Feb. 29-4t. H. 'A R.
TV EW GOODS. Having just returned fes,
X the East, we are now opening a fre?i nociot
at the old stand on Second street, ClearfieH. Pa.
The stock consists of a general assortment ot Dry
(roods, snch 3 Cloths, Cn-rvimrcs, Cassinetu,
TurcetlF, Muslins, Calicoes, J'lannels. (iizhano,
and a mriety of Ladies' Dress Goods, ire Ar:
Aso, Groceries, JIardirare, Qtecnstnrre. ml a
sual assortment of such articles a? are wanted by
the community at large, all of which will be t14
at reasoablo rate3for cash, or exchanged fcr ap
proved country produce. Give us a call.
Nov. 2, 1859. REED & WKAYIR.
1 1 undersigned take pleasure in announcing ta
the citizens of Ansonvillc and vicihity that they
have entered into partnership in the mercantile
business, under the r.ame of Svras Hartshorn,
anil tliat they have just received snc opened 'out
a stock of Seasonable Goods, embracing everything
usually kept in a country store, which they wiil
dispose of on the most advantageous terms to pur
chasers. They solicit a share of patronage, trust
ing that they will be abb to render satisfaction t
buyers. HENRY SWAN.
Tfie books of 'Chase V Swan, and those of Henrr
Swan, are in the hands of II . Swan for collection
All persons indebted are requested to call anj set
tle, as it is' desirable to have tho old account
squared. ; (mar23, '60
i.'l dersigned. having become sole owner of th
store of Eliza Irvin A Sons, in Curwensville. Pa.
would respectfully inform the public, and the olii
customer of the establishment, that he has juit
received rem. tne J-.ast. a laree and extensive as
sortment of SPRING A SUMMER GOODS, whish
he will dispose of at the lowest prices.
lie desires ta call particular attention to the
great variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which
nave been solected witn an express view to meet
the wants of the community, lie has also Cloth
and Cassimeres of the latest styles, and laree
stock of Ready-made Clothing. Hats and Caps.
Lioots ant Mioes. JLadies' Bonnets of the latest
fashion: Mackerel and Herrine: Snzar. Tea and
Molasses; Hardware, Queensware, Ac, Ac, all oi
wnich he will sell at prices to suit the times.
Lumber and country produce of all kinds, ta
ken in exchange for Goods.
He invites purchasers to ffive him a call before
supplying themselves elsewhere.
Curwensville, Pa., May IS. 1S59.
IRON! IRON!! IRON !!! We, the under
signed, would respectfully inform the publiu
that bavins: lately repaired the work com monlv
known as the '-Old Alleghany Forge," near Phil
ipsburpr, we are prepared to manufacture nil kinds
of liammered iron, such s leJg-e Moulds. C'rot
Bars. Jlorse-shoe Bars, Saw-mill Bars, Wagon
Tire of all sizes, Scolip Iron, Shovel Plow-sliarts,
Forge and Furnace Tools, c. We will also man
ufacture Iron for machinery, which, for strength
and durability, commands a high standing in the
estimation of all good machinists. Persons wish
ing any of the above iron can be accommodate!
on short notice. It is unnecessary to dwell oa tho
superior qualities the hammered iron voaessei
over rolled iron, as persons using both are soon
convinced of the superiority of the former. The
people ot Llearneld will find it ttheir advantage
to use the hammered iron, both for strength and
durability. Country produce and scrap iron of
every size and description taken in exchange for
nauiiuereu iron, ah orders will De promptly at
tended to by addressing th s firm of
Sept.l4,'59-6m Philipsburg, Centre eo,. Pa.
The undersizned. desire to inform the citiieni of
Clearfield and surrounding vicinity, that they
have recently purchased in the Eastern citief a
large and well selected stock of seasonable Goods,
which they have'opened in the well-known Room
on Market street, Clearfield, (formerly occupied by
Wm. F. Irwin.l Their stock consists ot a generl
assortment of the very best Foreign and Domestic
Their stock of Dry Goods consists in part of such ai
Cloths, Casxiineres, Satinets, Tweeds, Vestings,
Muslins, Tiding, Checks. Col iocs. Chintzes,
'Ginghams, Canton and Wool Flannels, De
Laines, Cash meres, Silts. Plaids, Shawls,
Brilliants, Hosiery, Gloves, etc.. etc.
Also, a great variety of Ladies' Boots and Gaiteri.
Misses and Child recs Shoes: Mens', Boys', and
Youths' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Cans, with a larg
selection of useful notions, among which r
Ferfumtry, Cloth and Hair Brushes, Fancy
Soaps, Pens and Pen-holders, Cords, 4 r,
together with many other useful notions, all of
which will be sold low for Cash, or in exebang
for approved country produce. As their stock m
entirely new, and purchased on the most advanta
geous terms, they feel confident that they can eil
goods to tne advantage of the buyer, ctep
and examine for yourselves, before pnrchaiicS
elsewhere.- Remember the new store is the plac
Just receiving, and for sale at the store of
Feb. 22
R. MOSSOP. Clearfield.
OyJyJ Cherries, on hand and for sal by
Feb. 22 . 1 . R. MOSSOP, CleaxehL
AFT AND DOG ROPES, a little cheaper
than they can be bought in the county. '
Feb. 22 R. MOSSOP'a, CiearfiM
- tide juit recti ved and for aale oheap. by
; February 23, WM. F. IRWIN, ClMrieM-
m aa a r.u . iry l ine Lumoor ana chiuti..