Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 04, 1860, Image 1

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BY S. B. KW.
VOL. 6.--M 32.
Look out, oh ! weary heart, look out
In the wide world and see
If there thou find'st a laurel wreath,
Or a great work for thee.
Thn the weak heart looked sadly out.
On Menes of change and strife.
And B.fw no fame-wreath for its brow,
Ho great work for its life.
Bo. little deeds that thronged its path
Tbat heart took meekly up ;
Its meed of suffering humbly drank,
And drained the bitter cup.
The quiet life was truly lived.
To have done more it would ;
Bat there is written this of such :
he hath done what she could."
The Missouri Delegates to the Chicago Con
vention, recently addressed a letter to Hon.
Edward Bates of that State, requesting his o
pinions on certain subjects, to which he made
the following reply :
St. Loris, March 17, 1857.
To Messrs. P. L. Poy, Dr. Bernays and others :
' 1 Sirs : B. Gratz Brown, Esq., as President of
the Missouri State Convention, which sat in
Zl. Louis on the 10th of this month, has offi
. cially made known to me the proceedings of
that body, and by them 1 am enabled to know
some of you as delegates to the Chicago Con.
vention, representing the Republican party of
I hare received your letter propounding to
me certain questions, seven in number, which
os suppose will cover most, if not all the
grounds of controversy in the approaching
Presidential election.
With pleasure I will answer your questions.
But, before doing so, allow me to glanco at
the peculiar circumstances in which 1 am pla
ted, and the strangeness of the fact that, I
a mere private man, am called upon to mak
avowals and explanations with any view to
take me from the shades of private life and
p lacs -uitf at the head of the nation.
I came to this frontier in my youth, and
fettled in St. Louis when it was a mere village.
All my manhood has been spent in Missouri.
and during all this time I have followed a pro
fession which left toy character and conduct
open to the observation of society ; and, while
it has been my constant habit freely to express-
toy opinion of public measures and public
men, the people of Missouri, of all parties, will
bear ma witness that I have never obtrusively
thrust myself forward in pursuit of official
honors. I have held no political office, and
sought none for more than twenty-five years.
Under these circumstances, I confess the
gratification which I feel in receiving the re
cent manifestations of the respect 'and confl
' dence of my fellow-citizens. First, the Op
position members of the Missouri Legislature
declared their preference for me as a candi
date. Then followed my nomination by a
Convention composed of aU the elements of
the Opposition in this State. And now, the
Republicans of Missouri, in their separate
Contention just held in St: Louis, have re-affirmed
the Domination, and proposed by their
delegates, to present me to the National Con
vention, soon to be held at Chicago, as a can
didate for the first office in the nation.
These various demonstrations in my own
Suta are doubly gratifying to me, because
they afford the strongest proof that my name
2i.i been put forward only in a spirit of har
mony and peace, and with a hope of prevent
ing all division and controversy among those
who, for their own safety and the public good,
oucht to be united in their action.
For all this I am deeply grateful ; and as far
as concerns me personally, I must declare, in
;mple truth, that if the movement go no far
ther, and produce no national results, still I
am paid and overpaid for a life of labor, and
for whatever of zealons effort and patient
watching I have been able to bestow in support
of & line of Governmental policy which I be
lieve to be for the present and permanent good
cf the country.
Now, gentlemen, I proceed to answer your
qnestions, briefly indeed, but lully, plainly,
and with all possible frankness : and I do this
the more willingly .because I have received
from individuals many letters too many to
be separately answered and have seen in
rusny public Journals articles making urgent
calls upon me for such a statement of my
1. Slavery its extension in the Territories.
On this subject, in the States and in the Ter
ritories. I have no new opinions no opinions
formed in relation to the present array of par
ties. I am coeval with the Missouri question
cl 1819-"20, having begun my political life in
tbtt midst of that struggle. At that time my
position required me to seek all the means of
knowledge within my reach, and to study the
principles involved with all the powers of my
mind, and 1 arrived at conclusions then which
no tnbsequeut events have induced me to
The existence of negro slavery in our coun
try had its beginning in the early time of the
colony, and was imposed by the mother coun
try against the will of most of the colonists.
At the time of the Revolution, and long after
it was commonly regarded as an evil, tempo
rary in its nature, and likely to disappear in
the course of time: yet, while it continued, a
misfortune to the country, socially and politi
cally. Thus was I tanght by those who made
our Government, and neither the new light of
modern civilization nor the discovery of a new
system of constitutional law and social philos
ophy has enabled me to detect the error of
their teaching. -
Slavery is a social relation, a domestic in
stitution. Within the States, it exists by the
local Uw, and the Federal Government has no
control over it there. The Territories, wheth
er acquired by conquest or peaceable purchase,
are subject and subordinate, not sovereign like
the States. The nation is supreme over them
and the National Government has the power
to permit or forbid slavery in them.
Entertaining these views I am opposed to
the extension of slavery, and, in my opinion,
the spirit and the policy of the Government
ought to be against its extension.
2. Dots Ike Constitution carry slavery into the
Territories I answer no. The Constitution
of the United States does not carry slavery
Into the Territories. With much more show
of reason may it be said that it carries slavery
Into all the states. But it does not carry sla
very anywhere it only acts upon it where it
nnds it established by the local law. In con
ton with this point I am asked ta state my
views of the Dred Scott case, and what was re
wy etrinined by the Supreme Court in that
case. It is my opinion, carefully considered,
that the court determined one single point of
law only ; that is, that Scott, tho plaintiff, be
ing a negro of African descent, not necessari
ly a slave, could not be a citizen of Missouri,
and therefore could not sue in the Federal
Conrt ; and that tor this reason, ancTtbis alone,
the Circuit Court bad no jurisdiction of the
cause and no power to give judgment between
the parties.' The only jurisdiction which the
Supreme Court had of the cause was for the
purpose of correcting the error of the Circuit
Court in assuming the power to decide upon
the merits of the case. This power the Su
preme Court did exercise by setting aside the
judgment of the CircuitCourt upon the merits,
and by dismissing the suit without any judg
ment for or against either party. This is all
that the Supremo Court did, and all that it
had lawful power to do. I consider it a great
public misfortune that several of the learned
Judges should have thought that their duty
required them to discuss and give opinions
upon various questions outside of the case, as
th9 case was actually disposed of by the court.
All such opinions are extra-judicial and of no
authority. But, besides this, it appears to
me that several of the questions so discussed
by the Judges are political questions, and
therefore beyond the cognizance of the Judi
ciary, and proper only to be considered and
disposed of by the political departments. If
I am right in this, and it seems to me plain,
the precedent is most unfortunate, because it
may lead to a dangerous conflict of authority
among the co-ordinato branches of the Gov
ernment. 3. As to the colonization of the free blacks.
For many years I have been connected with
the American Colonization Society, of which
Liberia is the first fruit. I consider the obi.
ject both humane and wise, beneSeent aftke to
the free blacks who emigrate, and to the
whites whom they leave behind. But Af
rica is distant, and presents so many obsta
cles to rapid settlement that we cannot indulge
the hope of draining off in that direction the
growing numbers of our free black population.
The tropical regions of America, I think, of
fer a far better prospect both for us and for
4. As to any inequality of rights among A-
merican citizens. I recognize no distinctions
among Americas eitizens but such as are ex
pressly laid down in the Constitution : and I
hold that our Government is bound to protect
all the citizens in the enjoyment of all their
rights everywhere, and against all assailants ;
and as to all these rights, there is no difference
between citizens born and citizens made such
by law.
6. Am 1 in favor of the construction of a rail
road from the Valley of the Mississippi to the
Pacific ocean, under the auspices of the General
Government T Yes, strongly. I not only be
lieve snch a road of vast importance as tho
means of increasing the population, wealth
and power of this-great valley, but necessary
as the means of national defence and of pre
serving the integrity of the Union.
6. Am I in favor of the measure called" the
Homestead bill. Yes. I am for guarding the
public lands as well as possible from tho dan
ger of becoming the subject of common trade
and speculation ; for keeping them for the
actual use of the people ; and for granting
tracts of suitable size to those who will actu
ally inhabit and improve them.
7. Am I in favor of the immediate admission
of Kansas under the Wyandotte Constitution ?
I think that Kansas ought to be admitted
without delay, leaving her, like all the other
States, the sole judge of her own Constitution.
Thus, gentleman, I believe I have answered
all your inquiries, in a plain intelligible man
ner, and I hope to your satisfaction. I havo
not attempted to support my answers by ar
gument, for that could not bo done in a short
letter ; and, restraining myself from going in
to general politics, I have confined my re
marks to particular subjects upon which you
requested me to write. Your obliged fellow-
citizen. Edward Bates.
The case of MissCarztang against Mr. Shaw
is again in course of trial at St. Louis.
It will be remembered that on the first trial
of this caso a verdict was given for the plain
tiff assessing her damages at $100,000. The
defendant applied for a new trial, which, after
a lengthy argument, was granted by Judge
Reber. Since that time Mr. Shaw has used
every means in his power to collect testimony
againt the plaintiff from every quarter where
she has ever lived or been known. The St.
Louis Democrat of the 9th instant devotes a
large space to a summary of the whole matter,
an epitome ot which follows.
The defendant, Henry bbaw, has been a res
ident of St. Louis for forty-one years. lie
was formerly a merchant, and acquiring great
wealth retired from business as long ago as
1841. In personal appearance Mr. Shaw is of
medium height, hearty complexion, rather
sharp in features, with blue eyes, and possess
ed of great suavity of manner ; in fact one of
tho politest men of St. Louis. His age is be
tween fifty and sixty ; his hair is tinged with
gray. His wealth is variously estimated be
tween $1,500,U00 and $2,000,000.
The plaintiff, Miss iffie Catharine Carztang,
has lived in comparative obscurity till the
commencement of the present proceedings.
bhe went to St. Louis in the year 1854, and
has resided since on Fifth Street with Mrs.
Seaman, her sister. II er acquaintance with
Mr. Shaw commenced during the year 1856,
and the promise to marry is alleged to have
been given in November, 1856. In personal
appearance Miss Carztang is rather tall in fig
ure and withal graceful, has dark hair.brilliant
eyes, blonde complexion, and a firmness of
features indicating tho decision of character
which has marked her participation in the
present suit since its inception. She is proba
bly a little over thirty years of age.
The array of legal talent in the case consti
tutes one of its features. For the plantiff there
is eBgaged Major Uriel Wright, an eminent
jurist and orator, Luther M. Shreve, William
ilomes, and Mr. Boyce ; and for the defend
ant Edward Bates, leading counsel, ex-Judge
Luckland. ot the Circuit Court, ex-Kecorder
Cady, J. R. Shipley, and Samuel Glover.
These gentlemen are said to combine every
shade of legal ability. The testimony to be
introduced npon the trial, taken through the
several commissions Issued at various tinges
within the last eight months, is said to be of
a vast amount. .
Query fo "Smilies." Is whisky nowa
days seen "Comin' through the Rye 7"
OR "conn as wheat
In the State ot Tennessee there is a certain
village boasting of a tavern, three stores and
lour groceries, where, from morning till night,
and from night till dawn, a person entering the
town, may una in tne tavern, stores, and gro
ceries aforesaid, one or more erouDS of Der-
sons playing cards. Gambling there is. re
duced to a science ; the history of the four
kings is thoroughly studied, and from the
scnoot boy to the gray-haired veteran, from the
miss to the matron, they are initiated into the
mysteries of high, low, jack and game right
and left bowers the honors and the odd trick.
One of the best players in the village was Major
Smith, the tavern keeper ; or, as he expressed
it, the proprietor of the hotel ; a widower, who,
liKe "jeptna, Judge, in Israel, Had a daugh
ter passing fair."
Fanny, the daughter, was one of the pretti
est girls in Tennessee, and therefore one of
tne prettiest in the world ; for we here digress
in order to lay down an ipse dixit, that Tskines
see women, in point of beauty, are matchless.
The sweetheart of Fanny was a young farmer,
residing in the neighborhood, whom we shall
designate by the name of Bob.
It happened that one dav before harvest the
young man was detained in the village, and
found, as usual, at the hotel, seated between
the Major and his daughter. After a desulto
ry conversation between the two gentlemen on
the state of the weather, the prospects of the
approaching harvest, and such important sta
pies e-f conversation, the Major asked Robert
now bis wheat crop promised to yield. In re
ply he was told that the young farmer expect
ed to mase at least one Hundred bushels.
The Major appeared to study for a moment,
then- abruptly proposed a game of old sledge,
or "seven-up the stakes to be his daughter
Fanny against the crop of wheat. This, of
course, the young man indignantly refused, be
cause he could not bear the idea that tbo hand
of her he loved should be made the subject of
a bet, or that he should win a wife by gambling
for her; and, perhaps, because he knew the
old man was "hard to beat," and there was a
strong probability of nis losing both wheat and
wife. It was not until the Major, with his usual
obstinacy, had sworn that unless he won her he
should never have her, that the young man
was iorcea reluctantly to consent to play.
The table was placed, the candles lit. the
cards produced, and the players took their
seats, with Miss t anny between them to watch
tne progress of tho game. The cards were
regularly shuffled and cut, and it fell to the
Najor's lot to deal. The first hand was play-
ea, ana Kobert maao gift to bis opponent's
high, low, game. Robert then dealt, and the
Major begged ; it was given, and the Major a
gain made three to his opponent's one.
Six to two," said Miss Fanny with a sigh.
" The Major, as he dealt' the cards, winked
and said :
"I'm good for the wheat, Master Bob."
The old man turned up a trump it was a
ppade. Fanny glanced at her father's hand
her heart sank ; ho held the three, eight-spot,
and the king! She then looked at Robert's
hand, and Io !' he had the ace, queen, dence,
and jack, or knave. She whispered to Rob
ert to beg he did so.
"Tako it," said the Major.
Robert led his deuce, which the Major took
with his three-spot, and followed by playing
the king. Robert put his queen upon it. The
Major, supposing it was the young man's last
trump, leaned over the table, and tapping his
last trick with his finger, said :
That's good as wheat."
"Is it?" asked Robert, as he displayed to
the astonished Major the ace and jack yet in
his hands.
"High, low, Jack, gift and game," shouted
"Out!" ejaculated Fanny.
"Good as wheat," added Robert, as he flung
his arms around her neck and kissed her.
In due time they were married, and ever
after that, when anything occurred of a .pleas
ing nature to the happy couple, they would
express their emphatic approbation of it by
the phrase, "Good as wheat."
Amusisq if True. In one of the populous
and thriving manufacturing towns near Ash-ton-under-Lyne,
says a London paper, one of
the volunteer rifle companies had a meeting
for. the purpose of choosing officers. It was
known that there were many candidates for the
honor, but it was not until the time of election
that the exact state of the case was understood.
On that occasion a suggestion was made, that
all the gentlemen desirous ,of becoming of
ficers should retire during the election, when,
to the general astonishment, it was found that
only three members of the company were left
to proceed with business. The three gentle
men left to do the work.however did not flinch
from their duty, and those who had retired
were in due time summoned back to tbo meet
ing. They were then informed that the meet
ing had felt great difficulty about the selection,
because the claims of all who had left the room
were so conspicuous it seemed invidious to
take one in preference to another. Under
these circumstances the meeting had adopted
the most obvious and satisfactory way of es
caping the difficulty by electing themselves
to fill the three vacant offices.
Hickory township, in Lawrence county, Pa.,
must have some dangerous Amazons among
its population. Three of these, taking um
brage at some children attending the township
school house, attacked them with stones and
other missiles, seriously endangering the safe
ty of the children. The assault was repeated
on the following day, when it became evident
to those entrusted with the preservation of the
public peace that the New Castle jail was the
most fit place for snch termagants, and they
were accordingly lodged there. When the
people heard of these outrages, great excite
ment ensued, and acting on the lex talionis,
they proceeded in a body to a house occupied
by one of the offenders and tore it down ef
fectually, not leaving one stone npon another.
Tub Balm for Broken Hearts. A corres
pondent writing from Nattick, Mass., mentions
two suits for breach of promise pending in the
court there. One of the plaintiffs is the eldest
daughter of a Methodist clergyman, and sues
s wealthy grain and flour dealer of Boston for
$10,000 damages. The prosecutor in the oth
er case is a citizen of the Granite State, and
brings his action against a lady, now the wife
of a prominent citizen of Nattick. He assesses
his damages at $5,000. This pair of breaches1
is creating quite an interest in the tows.
Heenan and Saters Compared. The an
ticipated fight for the championship, between
Sayers, of England, and Heenan, of America,
is now and will be for some time to come, the
principal topic of interest among that class
known as the sporting fraternity, or "fancy ;"
and, whatever may be said of prize fighting in
tne abstract, it is undeniably that the great
mass of the reading public demand that they
snail not be kept altogether in the dark in ref
erence to these contests, or "mills'" as they
are very significantly termed. Hence, the
present match, by far the most exciting ever
made, has been discussed by nearly all the
leading papers in London and Liverpool, and,
since the arrival of Heenan in England, small
items ot gossip are given in the mos trespecta
ble journals, with as much particularity as
though they related to the court of St James.
Immense sums of money will be staked upon
the issue, and, no doubt, thousands will risk
all their ready cash, just in accordance with
their national prejudices, and not from any
understanding they may have in regard to the
relative merits of the combatants. The Lon
don Globe says, in reference to the matter :
"The great prize fight, of which all sporting
men are talking, is to take place on the 16th
of April, and will be fought privately, though
not perhaps confidentially, not very tar from
Middenball, a little village town in Suffolk, on
the Eastern Counties line of railway. Mr.
Smiles, the secretary of the south-eastern
railway ,was applied to for a special train along
his line, but the concession has been refused
The assailants in the forthcoming battle are
Tom Sayers, 'the Champion of England,' and
a young fellow who is called the Benicia Boy,'
an American, who recently arrived in this
country for the purpose of lighting any body
who wishes to distinguish himself pugilistical
ly, especially 'the Champion of England,' from
whom he wants to get 'the belt,' in order to
take it across the Atlantic. Tom layers, the
present champion, is, according to common
rumor, a small man, at the somewhat mature
age of thirty-eight. He may, therefore, ex
peet some rough treatment from a youngster
of twenty-two, who fought the American
Champion, but without success. Mr. Sayers,
it appears,, lollowed the honorable occupation
of a bricklayer, until he got a taste for fight
ing, and when be got a little 'up7 in the world
had the presumption to challenge Ben Cannt,
who had 'the belt. The magistrates of Mia
dlesex, with a propriety of conduct which
cannot be too highly commended, told 'Ben'
that he might do one of two things : 1st, That
be might fight, and not get .his license for Lis
public house ii) St. Martin's lane ; and 2d,
that ho might not fight, and have his license
continued. The valiant man of pugilistic
t a' im
uioo preierreu uis license iu uis usis, uuu x uui
Sayers became champion of England without
a fight. , Now a veritable Yankee challenges
him, and the bets are in favor of 'our Cousin.'
There is a rnmor in sporting circles that the
'xoughs' will: not allow the American to win,
and that, it he should get the advantage there
will be a wrangle, with a view to deprive him
of his honors. Without caring much for the
result which, it will be admitted, without
much doubt, will not affect our national in
terests it may be hoped that Tom Sayers and
young "Benicia' will have fair play."
The above, from an English point of obser
vation, is certainly not very flattering to Hee
nan. We turn now to an American view of
the "Benicia boy," which is equally discour
aging. The editor of the Mobile, Aa.,Herald
has estimated Heenan's lungs, and leports :
"In our examination of Heenan, while in Mo
bile, we saw that he lacked chest, or in other
words, wind ; and generally he looked any
thing but hardy, although big. And it was
this defect of lungs which secured bis defeat
in the fight with Morrissey,who is a bull-headed
fellow, with lungs as large as a forge bel
lows, ne can stand and be beaten all day.
Heenan has to do his work in 'rounds' of a
few minutes. After that he becomes weak.
Sayers, the English champion, is a little fel
low, but has pluck and plenty of 'wind;' and
added to these two qualities of endurance, he
has great 'science,' and soon knows the man
he has to 'play,' with. The probabilities are,
therefore, that Heenan will not get the Eng
lish 'belt.' Sayers will tako pains to wear him
out and flog him at his leisure."
In connection with the above, we may ap
pend the following stanzans, in which the
Benicia boy is represented as replying to the
poetical wailing of Adah Isaac Menken, who
claims to be his bride :
"Why so early in life didst thou leave me.
In our heaven-grand life of love." --Adah
Isaac Jtfert&eu.
And ask'st thou why I left thy side
While yet the dawn flushed love's young day?
Ah, well thy song-born soul might guess
'Twas not my heart that strayed away.
0 ! seek not thou to call ma -back,
Nor melt my will with loving prayers
'Twill soon be o'er I left thee, sweet,
To have a "mill" with Thomas Sayers.
Miraculous Escape. The fact is well es
tablished that a drunken man is not easily
killed. He will stand harder usage than a
strictly sober man can be expected to and sur
vive. . A few days ago a man jumped from a
baggage car and rolled down an embankment
twenty feet high, in the vicinity of Lock Ha
ven. The cars were running at the rate of
twenty miles an hour, but were immediately
stopped and run back to the place of disaster.
To the astonishment of every one on the train,
they were met; half way by the party over
board, who did not seem to be any the worse
for his adventure. . Of course he was drunk ;
and of course he would hare been killed out
right had ho been sober.
A, Lantern Cake. One of the most unique
of recent inventions is a cane, which is also aT
lantern a stout, elegant walking-stick, and a
brilliant stead v light. The lantern is set in
the body of the cane, about six inches from
its top- and so as not to disfigure its propor
tions of beauty, and can be lit at pleasure by.
pulling the cane apart, or borne along dead,
when the cane, without close observation, is.
undistinguishable from an ordinary large-si
zed walking stick. It is a useful invention for
doctors, watchmen, editors of daily papers,
young men who "sit up" late with people
who ain't their sister's and all other classes
who have to be out late o' nights.
rr"A householder in a Western village, in
filling up his census schedule, under the col
umn beaded, "Where born," described one of
Bis children as "born in the parlor," and. the
other "upstairs." '
The late foreign advices state that France
and England are making very extensive prep
arations for a vigorous campaign against Chi
na, to avenge the indignity suffered by their
repulse in the attack upon the Peiho forts,
and if their wrath is not appeased, they will
doubtless cause sad havoc among the Celes
tials. But it is by no means certain that the
outside barbarians are clearly in the right in
the present embroglio. When, after the for
mation of the treaties with the French, Brit
ish, and American ministers, the period for
their final ratification at Pekin approached,
the Chinese certainly had the right, under the
usages of civilized nations, to fix the route by
which their capital should be approached by
the foreign ambassadors. The French and
British ministers acted on the presumption
that the proposal to take them to Pekin by a
new route was not made in good faith, and
their knowledge of Chinese duplicity afforded
good grounds for such a suspicion ; but the
success of the American minister, Mr. Ward,
in making his way to Pekin over the route
designated, and in securing the ratification of
the American treaty, proved that the French
and English ministers would also have been
safely conveyed there, and have peacefully
accomplished the objects of their mission, if
they had not attempted to force a passage up
the river and thus again become involved in
All civilized nations reserve to themselves
the right of excluding from great rivers lead
ing into their interior districts armed vessels
ot foreign nations, and it is certainly not as
tonishing that the Chinese, immediately after
a sanguinary war with the French and Eng
lish, should have maintained that right. If
we were at all suspicious of the English, and
fearful of attack from them, we would con
sider ourselves perfectly justified in firing up
on any British war-vessel that attempted to
sail up the Delaware in spite of the remon
strances of the officers of our Government,
even though it had on board a minister, whose
avowed object was the ratification of a newly
formed treaty, and no two Governments in
tho world would be more ready to resist the
approach of hostile fleets, under similar cir
cumstances, than the Governments of France
and England. However the Chinese may be
given to duplicity, and however antiquated
and exclusive tho policy they seek to enforce,
all nations claim, and most of them exercise,
the same right of regulating their own inter
nal anairs, and of determining the extent and
character of their foreign commerce, which
the celestials have attempted to exercise : and
if their version of their difficulties with the
outside barbarians could be fairly placed be
fore the world, it would doubtless be generally
acknowledged that they were more sinned a
gainst than sinning particularly when it is
considered that one great cause of the whole
war, nominally waged in behalf of civilization
and Christianity, is to gain additional facili
ties for furnishing the Chinese people with
tne destructive drug which exerts such a
baneful influence upon them, and that China
has never in her history gone beyond her bor
ders to make any attacks or aggressions upon
foreign countries.
Shovelisq off a Sidewalk. Last winter
an Irishman, recently landed on our shores,
applied to a merchant on the wharf for work.
Willing to do him a kindness, the latter hand
ed him a shovel, and pointing to the back of
his store, told him to 'shovel off the sidewalk.'
The merchant forgot all about the Irishman,
until the lapse of an hour or two, when Teddy
thrust his head into the counting room (which
was up stairs,) and inquired :
Mayhap yee ud be having a pick, sir.'
A pick to get the snow off V said the mer
chant, smiling.
'Tho snow 'ud be off lone since,' replied
Teddy, 'an' the bricks, too, for that matther,
but its the site (sou) that shticks!'
in some alarm the merchant ran to his back
window,and sure enough the fellow had thrown
nearly all the pavement into the street, and
made quite a hole.
'Good gracious man ! I only wanted you to
shovel off the snow.'
Arrab, sir,' Baid Teddy, 'didn't your honor
tell me to shovel off the sidewalk.'
The Family of Misses. The ugliest and
most mischievous miss we ever knew of was
Miss-Goverament. Her sister, Miss-Manage
ment, is no beauty. Miss-Demeanor surpass,
es them both ; and, while she is uglier and
haughtier than either of her two sisters, she
is still constantly getting "courted." While
we have no particular liking for Miss-Gov-ernment,
Miss-Management or Miss-Demeanor,
we havo a decided disliking for Miss-Fortune.
She is forever sticking her nose where she is
not wanted. Among these unfortunate misses
may be placed Miss-Take, who is compelled
to bear the blame for the acts of Miss-Government,
Miss-Management, or Miss-Demeanor.
As for us, can endorse and even tol
erate any of the above named misses as well,
or better, than Miss-Anthropy. Of her, we
have a perfect abhorrence. There is a whole
family of misses whose company had better
be avoided : for instance, Miss-Chief, Miss-
Lead, Miss-Judge, Miss-Quote, Miss-Repro-aent,
Miss-Rule, Miss-Trust, &c.
" The cost of the Congressional printing, en
graving and binding for the Thirty-fourth and
Thirty-fifth Congress was : Senate,$8 8,435 35;
House, $1,598,065 49. The Superintendent,
in his report, says that the voluminous docu
ments ordered to bo printed by the Thirty
third and Thirty-fourth Congresses, in quarto
form, with their numerous and costly illus
trations, have been completed, with the ex
ception of the fourth and fifth volumes of the
'Results of the Naval Astronomical Expedi
tion to Chili." -
Father Taylor, the eccentric and eloquent
seaman's preacher, was once asked where he
thought Ralph Waldo Emerson would go after
death. The witty old man replied, "The dear,
good, blessed soul ! I don't see in him any ev
dence of saving faith ; bat then I don't know
what Satan could do with him."
V Advices from Brownsville, Texas, to March
23d, state that a party of Rangers and regular
troops had made an effort to capture Cortina,
but just missed bim. They had taken a num
ber ot prisoners, but a Mexican army claimed
them as a part of its rear guard.
There are now no judges in Utah, The on
ly federal officers there at present are Gover
nor Cumming and Podson the Marsha!.
The Raleigh, North Carolina, Press, of a
recent date, contains the following :
"We learn that last week, a young lady of
extraordinary beauty and superior attainments
the daughter of wealthy and respectable
parents, of Sampson county attempted to
elope with a negro fellow, the property of her
cousin. To a friend, we are indebted for the
following particulars : Their elopement had
been planned for several weeks, but a favora
ble opportunity not presenting, it was post
poned from time to time ; an opportunity of
fering favorable to her nefarious designs, she
told the negro to be in readiness, at the des
ignated place and time. When the hour ar
rived, .she crept silently from her father's
house, and soon joined the negro, who was
waiting with a horse and buggy which ho bad
stolen from a neighbor carrying the buggy on
his shoulder two hundred yards to the main
road ; the two then left and proceeded to
wards the railroad.
"Being short of funds, made it necessary for
the lady to call upon one -of her father's
friends, telling him that he (her father) wished
him to loan her a $100, at the same time band
iDg him a note, which, upon examination,
proved to be worthless, as it had no signature
affixed. The gentleman informed her that he
would have willingly loaned her the required
sun, if her father's signature had been to tha
note, but as that important part was neglected;,
he could not do it. She then went with the
negro to Faison's Depot, (on the W. & W. R.
R. where she expected to take the cars.) and
offered the horse and buggy for sale at terms
so low, that at once aroused the suspicious.,
that all was not as it should bo. Several ques
tions were put to her, all of which she an
swered with so mnch plausibility, that- a by
stander volunteered to lend her money, bot be
fore doing so, he desired to seo the bill ot
sale for the negro, which she affirmed 6he had..
She produced it, but like the note, it was-not-signed,
and also contained several other er
rors. The citizens then determined. to arrest
them, and acted accordingly, whereupon the
young lady made a clean breast of the whole
affair publicly expressing that her determina
tion was to marry the black rascal when she
got to the North. The negro was immediate
ly taken and lodged in Clinton jail, but has
since been carried off and disposed of; Tbo
young lady remained at Faison's a few days
and then returned to ber friends. As-she is
young and beautiful, of superior accomplish
ments,and has numerous relatives and friends,,
and has heretofore moved in the most respec
table society, it is to be regretted that she
acted so improperly and unbecoming a lady."
The Steamer Hungarian. At last wo
have received tho melancholy record of those
who perished in this vessel. Her (agents at
Liverpool state that when she left titer ber
crew numbered 80, cabin passengers 30, steer
age passengeas 40, and lhat she took on .board'
at Queeustown 15 more cabin and 40 'steerage
passengers, making a grand total of 205, not
one of whom was saved to teil the story of. hen
disaster. The London Times, and- a few
other English papers, with only the first
account ot her wreck before them, expressed,
hopes that some of the crew or passengers
might have escaped in the boats ; tut theso
hopes, they will soon learn, are visionary. All
have passed from time into eternity, and: tho
remains of tho vessel have been sold.
Tho Cincinnati Gazette, speaking of- the
statement put in circulation by a St. Louis pa
per that Edward Bates had never emsnolpated
his- slaves, for the best of reasons that-they
had run away from him says : "In the first
place, there is no such paper as the St. Louis
Evening Post. And secondly, it is a well au
thenticated fact that Mr. Bates not only volun
tarily liberated bis slaves, but, as we are reli
ably assured, he liberally provided them with
an outfit, and prepared them for the condition
of freedom. One of his former slaves was well:
educated, and is now one of the ablest andi
most useful of the Christian ministers in Li
beria. Any statement in conflict, with; theso
facts is sheer fiction."
Mr. Green reported a resolution to psy tha
widow of the late Senator Linn, of Missouri,
mileage not drawn, which was passed. So
reads a telegraphic report. To it the Albany
Stair sman adds: The omission to draw his
mileage is another evidence of the absence of
mind of the late Senator Linn. Several years
ago, when member of the U. S. Senate, a bal
lot was taken for President pro. tem. of that
body. On canvassing the ballots, a- cheque
drawn that morning for $500 in favor of Sena
tor Linn for his per diem, was foundiin the
ballot-box. It wns returned to the Senator,
who, smiling at his forgctfulness, banded to-
tbe page "his ballot, which be had carefully hid
away in his wallet.
The ladies of Boston are seriously annoyed
by street-beggars, and call upon the police to
protect them from their importunities. Large
numbers of girls, from 10 to 14 years of age
have adopted begging as a profession.
The prisoners captured by the 17. S. Gulf
Sqnadron, under Com. Jarvis, and conveyed
to New Orleans, have been committed, to the
parish prison of that city. Theirr trial has
been postponed.
Th A ftnlv mnneT- that dnoi a nnn man.
good is what he earns himself, A ready-made
fortune, like ready-made clothinr. seldom
fits the man who comes into possession.
Two kidnappers from Pennsylvania, who at
tempted to sell a colored boy in. Maryland,
have been arrested at Baltimore, and put un
der heavy bonds. -
AU who have a sweet tooth will be pleased
to learn that the maple sugar prospects in tb
Mate are cheering. Thevweathtr. Has been.
Wa knnw some men. who. wheni thev ara-
nernlexed in argument, eret out iust as noor
debtors get out of jail they swear oat..
DM the man who ploughed the sea and af
terward planted his foot on bis native soil, ev
er harvest the crops ?
Why is a yonng lady like a bill of exchange 7
Because she ought to be settled when she ar
rives at maturity.
"I love thee still," as the quiet husband said
to his chattering wife. .