THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., MARCH 28, 1860. Low Mr. Joseph L. Curby, of Lumber City, whilst in onr town on the 19th inst., lost bis pocket book, containing $45 in money, and promissory notes and orders amounting to 284. He offers a reward for its return. See adrertisement In another column. By an advertisement in another column, it will be seen that our young friend, Ross Harta liorn, has entered Into partnership with Henry Swan, In the mercantile business, at Anson Tille, and that they have received a new stock of Sessonablo Goods, which they offer to sell on advantageous terms. Staoe Coach Bcesed. It is reported here, that one day last week, the two-horse coach Tunning between Bellefonte and Lock Ilaven, took fire near nnblersburg and was burned op, -together wjth the mail. There were four pas sengers in it at the time, and it was with diffi culty (hat the horses could be detached and saved. There is something strange about the occurrence, if it has been related correctly. Cuangk of Landlords. In a few days, the .'Msnsion House in this place will be taken by "Mr. David Johnston, of the Susquehanna Ho tel, Curwensville. The latter house will then be taken by Capt. Dan. Weaver, who formerly kept the Mansion. Both these men are clever landlords, and know how to keep good hotels. They never spare any pains to render guests comfortable, and will no doubt secure large share of the public's custom. KewChcbch. Onr Methodist friends in this place have taken the preliminary measures for the erection of a new church edifice, which is designed to be a large and commodious build ing, and to be a credit to the town. It is to bo located on the two vacant lots fronting the residence of M. A. Frank, Esq., on Second street, a, most beautiful situation. As. the Spring business will soon be over, we presume fhey will be calling round for subscriptions in short time. Every -citizen of the borough ought to vnbeeribe liberally, for the credit and improvement of the town. There is nothing ' speaks better for the character of a comniuni iy, than good churches. . Fire. Last Thursday afternoon, the house occupied by A. Leonard Ogden, as an inn, on tbe.Lutbersburg pike, about a mile beyond this place, was destroyed by fire, together with .a part of the contents. It seems that the fire originated by sparks out of the stove-pipe, which protruded but a few inches above the i oof, being blown beneath the shingles, and .almost instantaneously fanned into a blaze by the high wind which was prevailing at the -time. Mr. Ogden, we are told, was in the barn, and seeing the danger, rushed to the bouse to put out the sparks, but the fire made such rapid headway that his efforts, as well as those of a number of other persons who has tened thither, proved unavailing. We are set able to say what the loss will amount to, but it will probably not be less than $500 or $600. Cocat Proceedisos. At the Court held last 'week, the folIowingjRoad Views were Confirmed absolutely : From road near to James Alexander's to Alexander's fording; and from road near Moses Robison's to public -road near Janesville, in Woodward Tp. From lands of A. Leconte's in Girard town ship, to lands of E.Wooldridge nearM. Billets. From L. Hubler's to Englishs, in Graham tp. From road leading from Elijah Burns, at or near windfall, to Fred. Shaffers, in Union tp. From Luthersburg to Curwensville. - From Mrs. Kratzera in Pike township to near Cochran's farm in Penn township. Confirmed ni si. From Alexander's fording -on Clearfield Creek to Osceola. From Joseph Bailey's to road near Daniel Bailey's; from Kratzer's saw-mill to Bridge pert, in Pike township. From near S. Byers' barn to road from New Washington to Riddle's school house near where T. Mchaffy 's line crosses, in Burnside tp. Referred back. From F. Coudriet' mill to public road leading from Deer Creek to steam saw-mill, in Girard township. Petitions presented. For a road to lead from near Jacob Goss' to intersect the Joseph Goss road near David Goss', in Decatur tp. View ors, Geo. Wilson, Thos. Waring and Jos. Goss. . For a road from Wm. Westover's saw-mill on Chest creek to Joseph Brothers' saw-mill on Beaver run, Burnside township. Viewers, Ja cob Boice, T. F. Gaitley, D. C. Gorman. For a road from mouth of Curry's run, in J3ell township, to intersect the public road from Arnold's grist mill to Kramer's saw-mill in Brady township. - . LICENSES GRA5TCD. Henry Goodlander, Brady township, Tavern. R. W. Moore, Brady township, Tavern. . William Seed, Brady township, Tavern. David Johnston, Clearfield Borough, Tavern. George D. Lanich. Clearfield Borough, Tavern. Valentine Hoffman, Covington towa'p, Tavern. Lawrence Flood. Covington township, Tavern. Benjamin Snider, Covington township. Tavern Nicholas Yerbeck, Covington township, Tavern. Wm. A. Mason, Curwensville Borough, Tavern. isaae Bloom, Cnrwensvillo Borough, Tavern. In. M. Weaver, Curwensville Boro, Tavern. James Haines, Beccaria township, Tavern. Peter Bloom, Jordan township. Tavern. Wm. L. Merrell, Morris township, Tavern Wm.. W. Anderson, Penn township, Tavern. -Henry Post, Decatnr township, Tavern. Wm. L- Starritt, Boggs township, Tavern. Richard Mossop, Clearfield Boro'. Mercantile: Adam Knarr, Brady township, Tavern. John Jordan, Guelich township, Tavern. , Benjamin Bloom, jr., Curwensville Bor', Tavern Edward Albert, Boggs township, Tavern Wm. W. Worrell, Chest Uwnchip, Tavern. Pavid S. Plotner, New Washington, Tavern. Robert J. Haynes, Karthaus township, Tavern. Howard Merrell, Bradford township, Tavern. - , - . . HELD OVER. Joseph L. Curby, Lumber-city BoronghTavern. Franron Davis, Lumber-city BoroughTawn. CLIPPINGS AND SCRIBBLINGS. D"Coming All-fool's day. DThe latest curiosity eggs from a "nest of thieves." GrTTickle the weather. It has been Tery cold for a few days. CJesse Moore died in the Schuylkill co. Almshouse, last week, in his 102d year. KIf you admit only true friends to yonr bouse, you will need very few extra chairs. tGA local paper says that an old lady ap plied to a grocer for a ponnd of oblong tea. DSThe Grand Jury of Clinton county re turned the Jail of that connty as a nuisance. K7"Tbat's so No dnst affects the eyes like gold dust, and no glasses like brandy glasses. OyBIowing hot whiskey punches to cool them, may be termed, "blowing your own horn." James Derr, of Whito Hall, Montour county, within four day's bunting, captured twenty red foxes. CPThe Chambersburg Times, until recently a neutral Journal has come out on the side of Freedom and Protection. TFThe easiest and best way to expand the chest, is to have a good, large heart in it; it saves the cost of gymnastics. DThe Mayor of Pittsburg has decided that the prize system adopted by the gift book stores, is a violation of the lottery act. KJohn Dunfrce was convicted of man slaughter at the late Clinton county court and sentenced to five years in the Penitentiary. C7"The Bradford Argus announces the death of Mrs. Pbebe Hulse, at Sheshequin, on the 2d January, aged 105 years and 3 months. H7"Not a day passes but the grave of Sena tor Brodcrick, in the Lone Mountain Cemetery, near San Francisco, is strewn with flowers. ETo increase the distance between lovers, let Willie walk into the pirlor with a lighted candle in his hand. The effect is instantaneous. 0"The President of a debating society out West ladely decided that the "milk of human kindness' meant milk punch with nutmeg in it. nA business man of onr acquaintance is so scrupulously exact in all his doings, that whenever he pays a visit, be always will insist upon a receipt. DSPat O'FIaharty said that his wife was very ungrateful, for "when I married her she hadn't a rag to her back, and now she's cov. ered with 'cm." EA cotemporary inquires if the young la dies of the present day are fitted for wives. A much more important inquiry is, whether they are fitted for husbands. DBryant says that "the groves were God's first temples." Prentice says A good many romantic yonng lovers unquestionably find them delightful meeting-houses. C-The friends of the Rev. T. Star- King, of New York, in his Society, have subscribed $2,C0Q, to be presented to him on his depar ture or lalirorma, as a token ot their ship and regard- . , tt?"Levi Long, post-master at Davidsville Somerset county, who was convicted of ing a gold dollar from a decoy letter, has pardoned by .President Buchanan. This iieves him from a rather long term in the itentiary 15 years. 2-Margaret Dillon, an Irish domestic, looking at the Pembertou mill when it She was so completely paralyzed, that from that moment she lost the power of speech, and though she has attended to her work regularly since, she has not littered a word ! Cp-"So so!" The Washington Union, ehanan's organ, says it will dissolve the if either Seward or Bates, or anybody holding their principles, is elected. No matter the Republicans may take up the Slaveocra cy will try the frightening game. EFA Locofoco organ at Ilarrodsbnrg says that "the curses sent forth against President Buchanan will, like young chickens, go to roost." We guess that on the 4th of March old Buck himself, who is no "chicken," but a great curse, will "go home to roost." KF"The great qnestion of the day is, not will be nominated for President at Charleston but, "What's the price of board, washing lodging ?" Squatter bovereignty, the Lecomp ton Constitution, Tariff, and even the "Sambo," all dwindle into insignificance the presence of that momentous question. Strikes. The recent strike of the shoema kers at Lynn, and other places in the East, spread to adjacent towns and cities, and consequence there is much labor at the ent time unemployed. The butchers, daguer- reotypists, amurotypists, painters, and members of several other trades and profes sions are out for higher wages, and refuse work longer for their employers. Da. A. M. Hills, desires us to say that he will be in tiis office in Clearfield, most of the time from the 1st of March till after the June court ; after which time, he expects to be sent lor several months. Persons desiring his services will do well to call on him before that time. The Doctor has improved facilities putting up work, and does it in such a neat and durable manner, that he has obtained a deservedly high reputation as a Dentist among tnoso ior wnom ue nas operated. m74t. CniLLS asd Fever! Chills and Fever!! of the greatest remedies that has ever been laid before the public, for Fever and Ague, and which have received the highest encomnms from the press and tbe people, is Dr. J. Hostetter's Celebra ted Bitters. Who would endure the tortures sing from this terrible disease, when it can easily cared f n ho would endure sleepless burning fevers and icy chills alternately, when a remeay can do obtained lor a mere trine ? And yet how many families linger out a painful exis tence under the deadly blight, and do nothing but guip oown quinine, until it becomes as common as their daily meals, and yet they are not reliev ed. .None but the foolish and weak would hesi tate to procure these valuable Bitters, and save themselves intense agony. Sold by druggists and dealers generally everywhere. See advertise ment in anotner column. MARRIED: On the 22d of March, by Wm. Porter, Esq., Mr. Wit. H. Miller, of Centre county, and Miss Hannah a. Bloom, of Clearfield borough TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEAT ED LANDS for Taxes for the years 1858 and 1859. J NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of Jane, A. D. 1815, entitled "An act to amend an act di recting the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes," Ac, the following tracts of unseated lands in Clearfield connty, will be exposed to public sale, or outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the Borough of Clearfield, on the Second Monday of June, 1860 : BECCARIA TOWNSHIP. Acres. Per. Warrantees & Owners, Tax. Herman $ Co. 162 116 Jacob Krug, $21 90 162 116 John Gibson, 2190 94 91 Jeremiah Marshall, 12 79 162 116 Peter Getz, 21 90 330 153 Martin Fauty, 44 69 296 125 Jacob Fautz, jr. 39 95 328 153 George Mnsser, 41 01: 215 73 Robt. Wilson, 28 99 74 32 Thos. Wilson, 10 00 324 84 Matnias Barton, 40 60 433 153 David Barton, 60 433 153 Edward Hand, CO S56 69 Emanuel Reigert, 48 108 George Mocre, 14 A. Nevlinz. 1C6 82 John Funk, $32 100 Frederick Hubley, 17 Thomas Weston. 151 50 Thomas Ketland, 24 162 116 Abraham Witmer, 25 162 116 Michael Mnsser, 25 G. L. Reed & Co. 426 56 William Miller, 75 A.B. Reed's Estate. 100 James McMurtrie, 16 80 Thos. Murgatory, 12 80 Magnes Miller, 10 John Patchin. 410 96 John Brady, 68 210 Wm. Brady, 30 279 4 E. Blair,' 36 S. W. Keaggv. 22 Brown & Boynton, 1 Jas. Hockenberrv. . 205 Brown & Bcynton, 15 Abraham Beyers. 247 146 Jacob Krug, 43 Same for '56 & 57, 38 I). G. Nivling. Ill 37 Wm. Brown, 19 Wm. Dowder. 140 Wm. Brown, 10 James Gallagher. 20 Fred'k Hernman, Wm. Hammond. 234 Herman Witmer, 14 Caleb Copenhafer. 55 108 P. Gloninger, 4 R. J. Wallace. 8 16 Thos. Billington, John Cooper. 5a 102 Sarah Billington, 1199 David Younkin. 50 Campbell & Turner. 100 John Shank, 3 Gill & Bratlon. 71- 80 John Ketland, 11 8 Peter Whitesides, 132 124 Jacob Mussersmitb, 22 55 60 Wm.Bansman, 2 98 140 Michael Fantz, 17 200 G. W. Caldwell, 12 George D. Morgan if Co. 58 Peter Miller, 153 43 John Mailer. 58 140 Frederick Hubley, 26 80 John Bausman, 325 75 John Witmer, 30 61 Frederick Ilauman 189 96 John Beam, 126 40 Jacob Mussersmitb, 176 47 Jeremiah Mosher, 244 144 Thomas Billington, 138 Thomas Billington, 399 40 John Witmer, 309 40 Henry Witmer, 231 112 Wm. Wilson, .165 40 Herman Witmer, 251 Wm. Brown, 6 70 Sarah Billington. 232 Philip Mysencope, 150 50 John Mysencope, BELL TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Geo. Oakley. 5766 1000 . Henry Beck, 42?6 1000 Henry Beck, James C. Tlmmoson. 10 27 13 4 57 10 33 22 31 43 24 70 70 40 29 44 41 mend 25 Tax. steal been 60 60 re pen 4289 500 Henry Beck, John P. Hoyt. 3565 161 118 John Nicholson, Wm. Brady. 3565 177 81 John Nicholson, A.B. Reed's estate. 33 was 10 11 feu 5904 1000 Nicklin A Griffith, 60 iuo J0O0 .NicRlinA Griffith. 60 5907 1000 Nicklin A Griffith, 60 Bu 5UIS1100 Kicklin A Griffith. 66 Union 5919 998 Nicklin A Griffith, 60 Arthur JSetl. who 433 Benjamin Gibbs, 26 G. L. Reed. 5909 920 Nicklin A Griffith, 58 5910 350 Nicklin A Griffith, 23 5911 2G3 Nicklin A Griffith, 17 9fii ioi Xv icklin A Griffith, 6 home 5915 767 Nicklin A Griffith. 46 next 5921 1100 500 Nicklin A Griffith, 66 James McGhee, 39 2ft 43 1.35 Joseph Boon, who David Bell, 4 249 100 Frampton Bell, IS and Barnbart Henry, 10 100 Moses Miller, 10 75 Jon'a. Sherman, & august 50 Michael Sheesley, 5 in 100 Lendon Joseph, 5 BOGGS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, &c. has James Dixon. John Thomas, Lumadue 4r Turner. John Thomas, George Bowersox. John Hall, Hunter r Brinkerhoff. 76 Joseph Drinker, H. S. Urian. 76 II. S. Drinker, Cram, Blake 4r Perley, 41 Malam McDonald, 41 John Byers, Thomas Reed. John Montgomery, W. A. Albert $ Bro. Geo. Hootman, Eli Hootman, George W. Gearhart. Walter Stewart, John Madle. nannah Stewart, George D Morgan 6 Co. 61 John Montgomery, 146 Richard Thomas, Fisher $ Powell. 90 Barbara Snyder, John E. Shaw, . Josiah W. Smith. Thomas Smith, as a 89 $6 14 4 14 pres 208 the 78 to 234 408 29 429 429 30 56 30 66 ab 100 132 7 13 for 9 40 70 80 2 20 4 64 One 100 5 80 153 11 13 95 6 80 ari be so 119 6 59 nizhts. 75 4 35 14 60 205 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Ac. 102 Per. Warrantees, Sec. Tax. A. P. Bareer. 35 John Campbell, $8 50 John Porter. 250 Blair McLanahan, 15 95 E. $ Wm. F. Irwin. 437 200 17 Polly McLanahan, 13 31 Wm. Hitchens. 62 Francis West, 10 82 Matthew Forcee. 48 60 75 Mathias Slaymaker 2' 25 John Wooldridgt. Wm. Sansom, 3 51 John W. Turner. Wm. Bingham, 4- 6& John Cowder. 225 100 100 James Duncan, 11 84 Abr. Lansberry, 8 44 Same for 1855-7 9 13 Kehemiah Means, 2- 62 John Stewart. Paul Cox, 60 1 07 159 100 Hall & Buck, Jos. & W. Sansom, V. B. Holt, Wm. Graham, jr. -John Graham, jr. M. Boggs' Heirs, BRADY TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Geo. ir Calvin Baily. 102 34 Roberts A Fox, 9 70 6 37 8 38 150 85 85 46 3 30 3 30 3 43 No. Tax. 3574 $9 13 iXOberts. 86 Joseph Ferron, 50 Samuel Ambrewa. 5682 18- 77 18 18 j 02 69 J7. Beates Estate 1434 5682 363 David Kennedy. 34 5 9 4 90 ww . j.evrpksr 86 oosepnjterron, TiltOH Reynolds. 36 68 6877' 5879 5881 5888. 906 Henry Wyeoff, 112 40 14 32 92 Joseph Dattt. David Kennedy, Rohert Ross. Casper Stiver, Joseph MeClure. Joseph Ferron, David Whitmtr. Joseph Ferron, M. Leys' heirs. 1431 195 5681 5681 218 3609 305 323 157 8 13 77 135 135 6 17 30 12 96 01 12 89 80 36 501 102 161 331 100 25 Christian Sower, 60 48 George munn. Roberts A Fox, 77 2 90 15 47 18 34 31 53 08 94 Ann Kennedy, Same for 1856-7 John Dnnlap, Geo. A. Weaver, Isaac Boyer, 68 5 70 1 28 62 BURNSIDE TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per, Warrantees, Ae. John PateJun. No. Tax. 62 87 5602 100 5603 214 5604 386 John Nicholson, John Nicholson, John Nicholson, John Mailer, Abraham Witmer, Casper Shaffer, jr. George Graff, Samuel Roberts, Daniel Witmer. John Hubley, Mathias Young, Wm Bausman, Mary Roberts, John Tressler, John Cummings, Martin Mailer, John Burge, John Burch, Mary Jenkins, John Tressler, Casper Shaffer. Horace Patchin. ' John Jones, James Chapman, Benjamin Trasnall, J. Backhouse, John Irvin's estate. $10 79 16 92 62 38 74 9 03 79 180 114 25 180 300 474 100 383 203 76 150 264 374 293 165 347 410 303 303 290 105 311 293 68 i 19 52 11 97 1 14 92 13 91 30 18 51 28 27 9 91 17 61 44 77 21 84 8 04 14 84 26 24 37 13 34 22 16 33 10 30 40 30 44 16 05 40 00 40 00 56 33 23 13 91 01 Townsend Spackman, 38 23 39 32 20 Rebecca Brown, 39 34 James Gatlasrher, 424 Mary Crawford, 40 77 Shepley Prestley. 25 07 Ill Christian Stake, 10 95 Joseph Mitchell. 33 100 Henry Mnsser. .4 66 59 47 59 40 37 Valentine King. 115 Henry Musser, 5 33 310 Frederick Kuhn, 33 38 100 James Thompson, 4 66 150 John Ryan, 12 23 Same for 1856-7, 17 93 150 Eben McMasters, 12 23 Same for 1856-7 17 98 11 18 39 50 50 80 15 35 93 CHEST TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, &c. Tax. John Patchin. 311 153 Benjamin Young, $28 84 100 153 John Boyd, 9 32 01 52 313 153 Josiah Haynes, 29 01 433 153 Thomas Hamilton, 37 05 433 153 MarlinWorthington,37 05 398 153 William Wilson, 34 08 195 John Witmer, 19 43 416 30 James Page, ' 85 54 88 83 Drinker 4- Clarke. 38 433 153 William Cook, 40 10 Daniel Gorman. 81 89 316 148 Henry Ferrel, 29 25 James Thompson. 100 31 Henry Pole, 14 25 36 Armstrong&Garnell, 7 18 88 John Irvm s estate. 190 164 Christian Rohrer, 87 88 23 00 97 433 153 John Brenneman, 40 08 81 150 Adam Hagy, 6 41 100 Wyatt Kitchen, 5 70 200 Isaac Bloom, 6 70 150 Barrett Brown, 2 8-5 82 Byers&Montgomery, 4 00 150 William Decker, 6 41 100 Jefferson Jordan, 4 28 25 John Hollis, 1 71 433 Isaac Kirk & Co., 47 48 160 John McPherron, 2 85 63 John Pat ton, 2 67 200 John Port, 11 40 200 John Swan, 11 40 100 James White, . 4 99 100; George Mullen, 9 56 140 Fulton, 9 98 108 Jonathan Kephart, 9 23 35 53 37 54 07 71 97 25 79 84 60 61 20 90 72 83 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Tax. I 2fo. Ac. Per. Warrantees, cVc. Tax Anson G. Phelps. 32 82 54 72 5367 804 George Mead, $22 01 5763 1083 George Mead, 29 65 5773 1100 George Mead, 30 12 5774 1100 George Mead, 30 12 5408 1100 George Mead, 30 12 5410 1100 George Mead, 30 12 5369 1048 George Mead, 23 48 5378 4S3 George Mead, 13 21 5407 1000 Georire Mead, 27 33 07 5404 325 George Mead, 8 83 Frederieia Karthaus. 1893 578 Morris A Stewart, 42 20 1899 890 Morris A Stewart, 64 96 1902 889 . Morris A Stewart, 64 84 1942 545 Morris A Stewart, 39 78 Peter Lamm. 1892 200 Morris A Stewart, 12 78 H. & O. Smith. 5367 250 George Mead, 18 26 Eldridge, Merrell ir Thompson. 5370 1100 5377 1100 George Mead, 30 30 12 12 George Mead, DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, &c. George D. Morgan !f Co. 124 Thomas P. Cope, 47 John Drinker. John Skyron, 137 Richard Thomas. 137 Jacob Downing, 154 Hugh Ely, 70 Henry Drinker, 24 Benjamin Wilson, 115 Joseph Hambleton, 41 John Skyron, 133 Thomas P. Cope, Wm. Montgomery, 1 Joseph Sanson, John Cannon, ThomoEdttondson 107 George Graff, 64 Wm. Sanson, Bigler & Wright. Ac. Tax. 417 211 57 62 33 35 123 20 51 408 358 203 56 40 49 49 28 12 210 29 00 7 04 51 106 14 73 6 75 24 35 49 167 46 6 31 262 36 13 78 10 74 97 67 13-36 9 26 203 28 71 433 433 60 John Anderson, $ $42 17 6U uiibert Vaugt, f Fitch Sf Boynton. Joseph Harrison, James McGirk's estate. 42 18 198 27 32 391 159 Thomas Billington, 54 03 Peter Owens. Charles Risk, . Ed. Wooldridgt. Patrick Moore, J. W. Smith. Mary McLanahan. 404 65 72 211 25 69 24 68 202' 300 Thomas Stewardson, 43 80 John McUtrk. 22 William Evans, , 33 23 Richard Coplin. . 241 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, 11 71 202 R. Coplin, 14 74 JoAn tf David Gearhart. 220 Jacob Downing, 30 06 James Albert. 49 Joseph Sansom, 99 William. Sansom, A. B. Long. .Casper Haines, 37 76 13 30 300 290 21 87 D.J. rruner If Co. Eliz. & J. Harrison, 33 98 Henry Kevhrt. 400 Samnel Hambleton. 29 16 90 Jacob Cox, 6 56 250 Casper Haines, 26 51 300 Joseph Harrison, 41 37 Same for 1856-7, 40 20 100 Samnel Kay. 12 97 60 John Weston, 3 25 150 Wm. Wooldridsre. 23 15 Same for 1856-7, 25 13 75 Daniel Philips, 4 88 195 George Goss. 14 22 6 Abraham Goss, 4 05 100 Jonathan Kenhart. 7 29 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per." Warrantees. &c. Tax. Greenwood Bell. 233 159 John Hambright, $20 92 John Patchin. 433 153 Daniel Turner, 20 92 A. Moor. 108 Mathias Sloogb, 7 83 Charles Houston. 433 153 George Ross, 30 90 100 Albert Biship, , 2 85 74 Lewis Jordan, 6 86 50 niram Passmore, - 2 14 100 Benj. Hartshorn. 4 28 POX TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Tax. Henry Lorain's estate. 4200 660 James Wilson. $13 54 4182 990 James Wilson, 20 11 Z. Preston. 4271 495 . James Wilson, 10 13 J.C.French. 4271 495 Jas.Wilson, E. part, 10 17 TJ. S. Land Co. 4241 937 James Wilson, 68 83 4238 947 James Wilson, 64 52 4242 293 James Wilson, 24 43 1531 20 James Wilson. 1 64 1535 600 James Wilson, 49 20 Snencer & Sviler. 439!) 372 James Wilson, 14 84 14 07 Wm.H Gordon. 439 3 216 James Wilson, Daniel Oyster's estate 4100 44 James Wilson, 81 Alexander Vial. 4340 1S8 James Wilson, 12 25 Rndolvh II. Evans 4272 425 James Wilson, 12 65 4183 990 James Wilson, '19 33 106 Benj. Davenport, 5 80 GIBARD TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Tax Anson G. Phelps. 5356 1100 George Mead, $13 93 5371 1033 George Mead, 14 23 5357 1000 George Mead, 13 20 5360 1100 George Mead, 14 52 5364 1066 Georire Mead, 14 07 5365 752 George Mead, 9 89 5362 1003 Georire Mead. 13 30 5353 1043 George Mead, ' 13 81 5375 1083 George Mead, 14 30 5361 1100 George Mead, 14 52 43631100 George Mead, 14 52 5372 1100 George Mead, 14 52 5354 1008 George Mead, 13 30 5359 1000 George Mead, . 13 19 5379 641 George Mead. 12 44 A. & J. Spae&mau, 1890 367 45 Morris&Stewart, bal 3 26 lli.os.ii. fitton Cr Co 1S83 543 Morris A Stewart, 5 61 1928 509 Morris A Stewart, 7 33 1929 70 Morris A Stewart, I 33 1930 225 Morris A Stewart, 4 53 1886 729 Morris A Stewart, 22 41 1917 314 Morris A Stew art, 3 17 1916 406 Morris A Stewart, 5 64 3650 226 Morris A Stewart, 9 26 1887 762 Morris A Stewart. 21 86 A. & W. Murray. 1883 150 Morris Stewart, 5 53 Reed Hr W taver. 1924 508 100 Morris A Stewart, 13 40 Nicholas Roussolet. 1913 115 16 Morris A Stewart, 2 73 Anderson Murray. 1918 114 Morris A Stewart, 4 79 Francis Coudriet. 1890 254 120 Morris A Stewart, 15 17 H. Or U. b truth. 5365 50 George Mead, 4 92 5366 563 George Mead, 5 49 Smith ir Graham. 1929 204 Morris A Stewart. 8 20 Peter Lamm. 3647 117 Morris A Stewart. 1 80 3648 47 Morris A Stewart, 72 1837 97 103 Morris a Stewart, 5 21 J. P. Nelson. 1886 50 Morris A Stewart. 1 00 Eldridge, Merrell 4 Thompson. 5352 798 5376 1100 5353 1100 5355 1100 George Mead, 12 49 George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, 17 22 17 22 17 22 1936 103 Morris A Stewart, 2 1926 256 Morris A Stewart, 3 1938 143 154 Morris A Stewart. 2 22 94 89 Same for 1856-7. 3 86 36 1928 409 Irvin A Powell, baL 5 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ae. Tax. Anson G. Phelps. 5313 653 900 George Mead, George Mead, $9 79 5314 14 83 5315 1000 5.316 1000 5317 1059 5318 1099 George Mead, George Mead, 60 George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George "Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, ' Amos B. Merrell. George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Peter Ruler. George Mead, E. Irwin if Son. Morris a Stewart, Thomas Graham. 16 57 16 57 17 54 13 24 5319 1099 5320 1100 5321 1003 5322 1100 5323 1100 5325 623 5323 1100 5331 1100 5289 330 18 24 20 99 19 16 20 99 20 99 11 84 20 99 20 99 25 99 33 43 86 63 12 40 10 92 5290 488 5291 1100 5325 200 1908 176 1884 1915 300 Morris A Stewart, IS CO Riclturd Shaw ir Son. 124 156 Morris A Stewart, Matthew Forcee. 1922 8 76 1923 383 Morris a Stewart. 34 86 Eldridge. Merrell ir Thompson. 5324 1100 George Mead. 24 89 5326 1100 5327 1100 George Mead, 24 89 George Mead, 24 89 George Mead, 24 89 Georgo Mead, 24 89 5329 1100 53301100 Mapes ALivergood 13 50 300 Same for 1356-7. 8 78 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac; 438 Per. Warrantees, &c. Tax. Fitch,-Boynton Sr Wright. George M'Lanaban, $47 10 Sam' I Lansberry. George Moore, Ed. Albert $ JBro. 31 John Fry, jr. Same for 1856-7. -Wm. Drinker's heirs. John Fry, jr. J. P. Nelson 4 Co Reuben Haines, Jacob King, ' George Wetsel JoAn Cook. Jacob Wetzel!, 100 9 16 103 4 99 2 46 20 35 300 2003 1995 139 12 64 300 396 34 72 41 88 Ae: 466 382 228 61 42 433 433' 433 Hippie, French St Co. Joseph Simmons;- JoAn Cook. Reuben naines, Reuben Haines, P. Ogden. William H. West, Daniel W. Bradley. 46 45 433 279 27 70 433 433 433 433 433' 234 28 65 100 3 25 63 19 I 436 114 Robert Shaw, 433 433' 431 114 Hyman Grata, 62 64 40 T. Forcee, 1 71 8 71 437 200 145 T. Cope. J. Graham, 8 41 John Thomas, 86 42 Reuben Haines, 25 48 Same for 1856-7. 61 04 Charles Hall, 10 68 Thomas Duncanson, 8 68 C. J. Allport, 7 80 George Stiver, 1 43 100 400 170 105 100 90 223 402 205 327 373 100 135 120 25 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, Ao. Tax. John&.Utto. Moore A Delsney.f 102 05 MooreaDelaney, 102 05 Moore a Delaney, 102 05 Wm. Powers, 97 02 56731041 5674 1041 5675 1041 5066 990 5067 877 Wm. Powers. 85 93 Henry Jtoratn s estate. 421 282 407 143 379 360 170 272 40 183 60 100 24 i 231 50 50 50 12 433 407 203 5672 347 27 Moore a Delaney, 26 08 4263 4264 4199 990 James Wilson, 22 83 990 James Wilson, 22 83 990 James Wilson, 22 83 Fitch 6r Boynton. 375 . Shoemaker, 31 77 101 E. Shoemaker 8 20 V. S Land Co. 4235 936 James Wilson. 77 13 77 35 75 41 39 62 4Z26 990 James Wilson. 4229 965 123 James Wilson. 4230 507 James Wilson, TT. K. David. Wm. Powers. Thayer 6 Z. Sisson. Wilbelm Willink, Wbi. Powers, W m. B. Gordon. James Wilson, James Wilson, J. G Kidder, 5061 1113 27 78 8 48 21 31 21 19 42 40 19 60 12 15 H. 4902 100 5063 298 4225 250 4236 500 200 195 David Caldwell, 4902 420 42:56 490 4225 740 5672 347 5676 500 5677 500 Wilhclm Willink, 41 29 . James Wilson, 43 73 James Wilson, . 66 14 27 Moore A Delaney, 29 37 Moore A Delaney, 42 40 Moore A Delaney, 42 40 JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees A Owners. Tax. John W. Wright. 153 EbenezerBrenham,$8 39 Ac. 106 Patchin if Swan. 433 153 Richard Martin, 60 42 433 150 Thomas Martin, 60 42 433 Robert Martin, 27 29 150 Benjamin Young, 19 67 , Same for 1856-7 22 65 David McKeehan. 29 David Brown, 6 02 433 100 96 No. Edward Sr James Gilligan- 5922 6936 5937 5935 5933 5951 5959 5964 5953 5925 5952 5954 200 274 120 200 300 Daniel Smith, 15 25 John Cooper. Adam Kuhn, 46 57 Samuel Jordan, 9 15 Wm. Wilson, 31 00 Same for '56 & '57,30 00 John Patchin, 46 53 Same for '56 & '57,45 00 KARTHAUS TO WA SHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, Ao. Tax. Anson G Phelps. No. 5962 5409 1100 George Mead, $20 85 5411 1100 George Mead, 20 85 5412 747 George Mead, 14 15 5413 1043 George Mead, 19 79 5406 1100 George Mead, 20 85 5414 1100 George Mead, 20 85 5105 167 27 George Mead, 3 19 No. Frederxca Karthaus. 600 Morris A Stewart, 80 55 1900 1901 778 507 200 Morris A Stewart, 110 15 57S3 5785 1943 1093 Morris A Stewart, 69 05 Morris A Stewart, 26 85 5774 5775 3582 1429 5923 5931 5926 Patton ir Irvin. 1429 1430 3552 555 120 Wm. Smith, 34 6 563 138 Wm. Smith. 35 79 573 120 Wm. Smith, 36 11 Georse Vaux. 1944 513 95 Morris A Stewart. 23 46 Henry Yothers. 1097 100 Charles Willink. 3 80 E. McGarvey. 856 Charles Willink, 6 13 59 Charles Willink, , 1 33 398 Arnold Custer, 11 35 5779 5412 KNOX TOWNSHIP. 5781 5778 4259 4262 5777 Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Tax Cram, Blake ir Perlev, 437 48 Reuben Hsines, 66 04 435 50 Luke Morris. 65 89 433 153 Joseph Hilliard. 55 77 433 153 Robert Gray, 65 76 429 41 John Bringhurst, 65 60 433 153 Sarah Ward, G5 77 433 153 George Eddy, 65 78 5779 433 153 Moore Wharton. 65 77 433 153 George Ashton. 65 78 John Patchin 433 153 Israel Morris, 47 93 433 153 Benj. Ponltney, 47 24 433 153 Martin Pierrie. 47 93 350 John Boyd, 29 01 No. 200 Peter Loast, 15 65 200 Wm. Johnson. 15 65 1990 3587 Aeres. Fitch ir Bovnton.. 433 153 Isabella Jordan. 59 24 72 Thomas Jordan, 4 68 Wilson Hoover. 197' 80 SilaaWilcot. 9'0S Wm. Brotrn. 200 Silas Wilcot, 15 65 Daniel Bausman. . 200 Geo. A Mary M'Corm'k.l 3 90 231 236 305 335 436 100 57 119 193 433 Same for 1356-7. 23 40 120 Wm. H.Robertson, 1134 600 Isaac Thompson, 56 70 200 Isaac Thompson, 12 51 100 Isaac Thompson, 6 25 90 Thompson a Egleman, 11 92 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. No. Ao. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Tax Alison G'. Phelps. 5292 1100 George Mead, $15 63 433 5294 1100 Ceorge Mead, 15 68 5295 1100 George Mead, 15 63 5293 1100 George Mead, 15 68 237 210 215 5299 1100 George Mead, 15 63 436 433 216 436 334 5600 1100 George Mead, 15 63 5301 1100 George Mead. 15 68 5302 1100 George Mead. 15 63 5303 1100 -George Mead. "15 6S 5304 1100 George Mead, 15 63 5305 1100 George Mead. 15 68 216 433 5306 1100 George Mead, 15 63 5307 1100 George Mead. 15 63 41 5308 1100 George Mead, 15 68 5309 1100 George Mead. 5 09 5310 1100 George Mead, 2 34 433 433 433 5311 1100 George Mead, 2 34 5312 1000 George Mead, 2 34 100 Solomon Kline. 2003 51 Roberts A Fox, 1 17 433 William-Bigler. Wm. Montgomery, 27 15 456 163 60 Wm Boyd. 12 42 158 Jli: Nichols. Roberts A Fox. 1995 77 6 77 29 61 52 03 427 Fitch cj- Boynton. 221 Hugh Jordan, 413' John Read, George Wilson. 94 109 Man Martin. 410 210 3 75 230 Eld rides, Merrell ic Thompson 5293 1100 George Mead. 18 43 314 5296 1100 George Mead, George Mead, Robert Mitchell, E. Irwin tr Son. 18 43 18 43 8 66 40 79 2 93 5297 1100 433 153 90 499 140 97 J. M". Nichols, 46 387 G. D. Goodfellow, 25 16 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. 443 Per. Warrantees, A-c. Tax. 100 Ri IP. Loner: Trustee. 153; Thomas-Morris, $45 90 153 Wm. Morris, 45 99 153 Samnel Meredith, 45 90 260 98 153 Wm. Miller, 45 90 121 100 100 153 Hetty Morris, 29 61 163 Tfcot. Fitsimmonsj 45 90 153 George Clymer, 45 90 153 Robert Gray, 45 90 153 Pat. Moore, 45 90 253 Mary Morris, 45 90 16 215 200 153 Magnes Miller, 45 90 153 Nalbro Fraser, 45 90 300 W. H. Sanderson: 144 Francis Johnson, 53 13 159 JohD-Nicfeolson, 9i 49 109 274 832 Wm. Hoover. 153 Francis Johnson, 19 79 George Slat. John Houston, 49 39 Wm. J. Huff. Blair M'Lanaban, 14 It J.P.NtltonirCo. James Wilson, 13 73 90 : Robert Mortis, 11 54 122 Wm. Morris, 9 53 J. A. Crawford. Simon Grats, 33 61 Henry Lorain's Estate. George Wetcel, 43 84 Wm. Werts, 25 03 Christian Werti, 39 77 David Lanck, y 44 7S Edward Pe is d- Co . Jesse Yarnell, 51 90 School for 1S56-7. 29 6i Geo. D. Morgan if Co. 44 Wm, Drinker, 94 2S 92 II. S. Drinker, 49 47 63 Richard Thomas. 21 8 140 John Read, 47 08 Michael Sondert 43 74 -141 Patrick Hay, 20 82 E. L. Burton. . 16 Robert Glenn, S3 05 TV. if. Robertson. John Best, 1 SX Snyder if Large. Francis Johnson. 22 29 James B. Graham: John Taylor, 4 73 P. Kepple. John Nicholson, 9 01 . J. J. Lintrle. James Smith. 25 56 Same for 1356-7, 22 03 Robert Thomas. Christopher Baker, 24 33 Swartz jy Bower. Francis Johnson, X 15 Joseph Dippard. Blair M'Lanaban. 3 15 Henry Crammond. Casper Sbaffner, 4 53 - George Gates. George Gates, 1 99 Wm. Stewart 46 83 R. R. Smith, 43 OA John Barron. 21 48 Same for 1856-7, 30 03 Robert Rainey, . 45 90 J. Farlow, 11 43 Joseph Potter, 10 30 139 153 PENN TOWNSHIP. Acres. Per. Warranteos a Owners. Tax. William Bisrler. 1100 14 Nicklin A Griffith, $70 95 220 14 Nicklin A Griffith. 14 13 200 Nicklin A Griffith, 12 90 110 , Nicklin A Griffith, 7 10 400 Nicklin A Griffith, 23 78 946 146 Nicklin A Griffith, 6104 93 133 Nicklin A Griffith, 6 34 674 Nicklin A Griffith, 45 15 1093 Nicklin A Griffith, 70 95 1000 Nicklin A Griffith, 66 06 1099 Nicklin A Griffith, 70 95 515 Nicklin A Griffith, 33 69 1 . K. MeiXeely. John Nicholson, 39 10 425 14 William Hepburn. Cochran Tract. 3 10 Wm. Bigler. 3 23 Greenwood Bell, 12 91 Patrick H eg arty, 3 OS 83 30 168 75 PIKE TOWNSHIP. - Acres. Per. Warrantees a Owners. Tax. James Hqj'tlns. 1020 64 John Nicholson, $35 45 819 41 John Nicholsen, 23 67 6S3 64 John Nicholson, 23 37 820 64 JohnNicholson, 27 10 Miller, DuBotyir-Co. 729 30 Roberts A Fox. 34 97 A. B Reed's estate 70 S. Bloodget, 3 95 206 Nicklin a Griffith, 1113 206 Nieklib a Griffith, H 13 129 Nicklin A Griffith. 11 97 Wt'tiam MeCrea. 280 John Nicholson, Fitch if Boynton: 145 . Thomas Jordan, 4 II 9 10 20 43 7 8 25 41 31 93 9 64 33 12 1 53 3 46 9 45 11 82 16 07 13 39 7 61 600 John Nicholson,. 200 John Nicholson, 990 James AVilson, 990 James Wilson, ' 153 Benjamin Johnson, 1020 24 JohnNicholson, 50 Daniel Hartsock, 23 John P. Hoyt, 374 R. A Z. McNaul, 370 R. A Z. McNaul, 334 JohnNicholson, 450 Daniel Bailey. 476 Wm. S. Roberts, Same for 1857: 6 81 300 H. Leech A John Patton, 7 83 UNION TOWNSHIP". Acres, Ter. Warrantees A Owners, . J. W. Hay's. Tar. 200 Roberts A For, Gartland Inoin. 350 Roberts A Fox, 50 Henry Bailey, 50 David Woolmery WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees A Owners, $23 60 36 34 5 70 6 70 Tsx. George 1). Morgan Co. 64 Pigot Shaw, 24 94 82 Benjamin Wilson, 23 31 49- George Baker, 34 00 151 Benjamin Wilson 36 29 145 JohnMcCahen, 48 18 Richard' A tberton, 10 82 Mary Connelly, 6 23 James McGhee if Co. Christian Stake, 12 86 Mathias Young. 20 87 Christian Hager 46 92 George Musser, 46 92 Thomas Yedler, 25 63 Daniel Offley, 22 7 George Baker, jr; 23 40 Timothy Paxton, 47 23 John Burge, 46 89 John Musser, jr. 23 45 Joseph Ashbridge, 47 23 Pigot Shaw, 36 11 Sebastian Graff. 23 36 Thomas Edmondson, 47 34 3. P. ShoJT. Mary Conneli; 2 75 DkD. Hbuts. Philip Loast,. 46 85 Jacob R. Howell. 46 85 William-Johnson, 4S 85 George Beckham, 10 85 Bigler if Reed. John Yaught. 15 64, . Jonathan Walls, 16 43 Joseph Best. Robert MeGhee, 6 51 John- Patehen. John Cannon, 44 19. Dr. James Locke. nenry Drinker, 45 46 Wm. Drinker, 25 95 J. WhUesid. William Sheaff, 15 82 William B. Jlegarty. George Meek 21 69 Henry. Lerai Israel Wheel as. 35 62 143 121 122 153 153 48 75 145 153 153 145 42' 73 153 63 153 159 120 IT 153 5 Robert JT. Walla, i Peter Henry, 4 Hugh Ralston. 7 46 00 J. WoiU . R. MoGhee. 7 10 . Wright d- Menges. . 77. Samnel Emlen, 46 22. Wm. B. Alexander $ Co. Roland-Evans, 10 82 Tutbaho ir Mt. Pz BVk. Road Co 60 John Mahan. 24 40 John. Lampblack, - 10 59 WUlismr Albert & Bro. . Eli Hootman, 13 OS . William Wilson, . . 10 82 Lisle McCully, 6 88 157 Philip Diffenderfer, 1 15 5 Thomas Neal, 23 33 Daniel Fulkerson, 14 55 Same for 1856-7 15 64 John Morgan, 20 65 Same for 1386-7, 39 00 GEO. B. GOODLANDER. Treasure Tressnrer s Office, Clearfield, March 2?, '60." i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers