Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 28, 1860, Image 2

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Raftsman's jfliirnal
1 'SgJ-SSrfcv -
Subject to the decision of the Chicago Convention
Recent events in Mexico are attracting much
attention. It seems that Miramon, on the 29th
ult., approached Vera Cruz, with 5,000 men,
a numerous train of artillery, and ammunition
stores, and encamped four miles from the city,
bis headquarters being at Medelin. An expe
dition, under the command df Marin, and de
signed to co-operate with Miramon in an at
tack on Vera Cruz, the bead-quarters of Jua
rez, was fitted out at Havanna, and was to
hare landed at the mouth of the river Mede
lin. On the 5th inst., Miramon besieged the
citj ; and on the 7th made an assault, but was
repulsed by the Liberals. On the 6th, two
steamers appeared before the city and refused
to show their colors. Com. Jarvis, of the U.
S. Squadron, therefore, ordered the Saratogo,
with detachments from the Savannah and Pre
ble on the steamers Indianola and Wave, to
proceed to the anchorage and ascertain the
character of the steamers. As they approach
ed, the two strange Vessels, which afterwards
proved to be those of Marin, tried to escape,
bat were too late. . Capt. Turner, of the Sar
atogo, then sent a boat with a flag to demand
the nationality of the steamers, when the boat
was fired upon twice. Hereupon the Saratoga
fired Into one of Marin's vessels, the Mi
ramon, and the action became general. Both
steamers now hoisted the Spanish flag, bnt af
ter a spirited engagement Marin surrendered,
and with most of his men was taken prisoners.
The American loss is three wounded, one
mortally; and the Mexican loss is 15 killed,
and 20 to 30 wounded. The er.gngement took
place by moonlight. The two captured steam
ers were taken to New Orleans as prizes.
The affair has caused considerable excite
ment ffid there is no telling what might grow
out of the action of Com. Jarvis; perhaps a war
between the United States and Mexico. The
proceeding, it is said, is regarded at Wash
ington as an act of war, and resolutions of in
quiry into the capture were presented in both
Houses of Congress on the 21st. The Navy
Department treats Marin's expedition as pirat
ical, but the fact has yet to be legally estab
lished. The ground of this assumption rests
upon the allegations, that when the Indianola
approached Marin's steamer, after a shot had
beed fired to bring her to, and hailing, it was
answered by a roMey of musketry. The In
dianola and "Wave were smaH steamers belong,
ing to Juarez, and known te be such to Marin.
He could hardly snppose that American offi
cers and seamen were participating in theeiv-
"ilwar in Mexico, and doubtless fired upon
them under the impression that they were part
of the Mexican faction with which he and his
party had kg been at war. On the other
hand, the eouroe pursued by the U. S. officer
looks as if the capture had been an act of of
fensive and defensive alliance between him
and the Juarez party.
' What the Administration of Mr. Buchanan
will do in the premises, remains to be seen.
Under any circumstances it will be trouble
some enough. There are many who think
the United States officers acted in consonance
with the wishes of the Administration at
Washington. Whether this is so or not, we
are not prepared to say ; but there is no doubt
that it and the leaders of the Democratic par
ty desire to enter upen a war in Mexico, in the
hope of thereby saving themselves from defeat
in the approaching election at home, and of
retaining power, which the people of this
country are resolved shall no longer remain
in their hands. To this end Mr. Buchanan
last year begged for millions of dollars, and
unrestricted control of the army and navy. To
this end, the famous proposition of establish
ing a protectorate, which Mexico never asked
for, was devised. With the same purpose,
Mr. M'Lane's treaty was negotiated with Se-
nor Juarez, in order that, under it, we might
have a pretext for invading and occupying
that country. The satae intention is visible
ia the orders lately issued to disregard the
blockade of Vera Cruz, about to be establish
ed by Miramon, as a part of his attempt to
take the town from the Constitutional party,
and thus bring the long-standingcivil war to
a period. It is evident on all hands that, if a
sufficient plausible pretext can be found, the
President and his advisers are resolved to
make war upon Mexico, as a means of influen
cing the coming elections here.
What does it Meajt ? We find in Forney's
Prttt of Wednesday, a tolerably plain decla
ration of neutrality in the coming gubernato
rial contest. It says that if Mr. Foster in
tends to do anything, he must immediately
repudiate the Administration of James Bu
chanan. As Mr. Foster cannot repudiate Bu
chanan's iniquities without repudiating the
plank in the Reading platform, it is pretty evi
dent that he cannot get the support of Mr.
Forney's paper. The Press highly eulogizes
Cot. Curtin in the same article.' We receive
this as new evidence that the fusion at Read-,
ing was net real as we more than hinted at
tiit time. -
We have no intention of needlessly alarm
ing anybody; bnt we fear that a certain cor
respondent of the Philadelphia Press is in im
minent danger of utter annihilation, unless the
avenging pen of the editor of that brilliant
hebdomadal the Clearfield Republican can at
once be stayed. Naturally, will be asked the
question : What has been done that the de
structive ire of our usually placid and amiable
neighbor should be aroused to such a high
pitch 1 Let all, then, be informed that the
correspondent alluded to 'one who profits by
treason," mayhap, as our neighbor says, "an
inveterate John Brownist," or "disappointed
aspirant for distinction at the Reading Con
vention" has bad the temerity, the audacity,
the "bad grace," to "vent his spleen," through
the columns of that "general receptacle of all
vile slang and contemptible abode of promi
nent Democrats,", mentioned above, against
that most "national" of all men, that embodi
ment of the "true spirit of patriotism," that
"talented, faithful and fearless public ser
vant," "Gov. Bigler, the able and distinguish
ed United States Senator from Pennsylvania."
Not having had a sight of the splenetic mis
sive which has so much disturbed the blissful
equanimity and enviable self-possession of our
up-town neighbor, we are unable to state pre
cisely the extent of the writer's offending ; but
haven't the least hesitation about taking the
word of the Republican for it, that it is "a raed
ly of inconsistent charges of collusion and in
sincerity on the part of Mr. Bigler to secure
his election!" Is that not dreadful t Is it not
outrageous 1 Is it not too much or human
flesh and blood to bear ? Is it any wonder that
the editor of the Republican should repel such
an assault upon the object of bis special admi
ration and worship, and treat the author of it
as a traitor ? Is it surprising that, with such
evidences of "treason" before him, the
ghost of old John Brown should flit through
his excited imagination ? Why who would
ever dream of tho aforesaid, "talented, faith
ful and fearless public servant," the "able and
distinguished U. S. S.," "Gov.," &c, (whom
we trust we name with due and becoming re
spect,) of "collusion and insincerity" for the
paltry purpose of "securing his election ?"
Aye, who would ever suspect Aim of assisting
to pack a State Convention, secure a seat for
a substitute from his own county against the
known wishes of many of the best men of the
party, control the nomination, and get him
self chosen delegate to a National Convention,
which, perhaps, may select him as their can
didate for the Vice Presidency ? ne wouldn't
be guilty of taking part in any such opera
tions no, no, not he! "The truth is," Bays
our neighbor, with knock-down force, "that
the choice of Mr. B., as one of the delegates
to Charleston (like all its transactions) was one
of the spontaneous acts of the Reading Con
vention." We are astonished that a "profiler
by treason" would dare to hint of it being any
thing but "spontaneous," and ho might have
known that a conflicting opinion would bring
upon him scathing, if not fatal, condemnation.
It, however, may be now, mind, we don't as
sert it positively we only mention it as a re
mote possibility, that a little envy or jealousy
may have had something to do with the fierco
onslaught our irate neighbor made last week
against the writer in the Press. It may be
we again speak qualifiedly that be regards it
as an invasion of a special prerogative for any
one but himself to write or talk about the a
foicsaid "able and distinguished U. S. S.," in
any manner whatever. We know that, aside
from acting the part of self constituted cham
pion for that "talented, faithful and fearless"
personage, nothing seems to delight our ad
miring neighbor more than to make known to
the world all that relates to his idol. Should
Gov. Bigler return to his home in Clearfield,
the pleasing event is at once announced in
the Republican. When be takes his departure,
the fact is duly chronicled, and his appear
ance, bis health, his rural pursuits, his tastes
and habits, commented on by the editor. Does
he go out pigeon shooting, the important step
is proclaimed, in a becoming manner, by that
sheet. If he passes a day in trout-fishing, the
remarkable exploit is detailed in its columns.
In short all his out-goings and in-comings,
his up-risings and down-sittings, are carefully
watched and noted by his faithful chronicler.
We have no disposition to make light of these
things we do not wish to be understood as
speaking of them in a spirit of levity. Our
object was not to "poke fan" at, or speak de
risively of anybody, but to warn thoughtless
and imprudent persons "disappointed aspi
rants," or "inveterate John Brownists," some
of whom, our neighbor's language would seem
to imply, are among the Democracy from
trespassing on the same sacred premises the
correspondent of the Press rashly ventured up
on, for if they do they will eertsi aly subject
themselves to a similar fate.
Mr. Hyatt, the "contumacious" witness, is
preparing for a long confinement in the Wash
ington prison. He seems resolved to persist
in his course until the bitter end. He has,
according to a correspondent of the Boston
Atlas, sent for his library and maps, made ar
rangements for furnishing bis cell comfortably,
and will make himself contented as possible
with a view to a stay of years, ne has also
authorized his brother to conduct bis affairs as
though he was dead. He says he has nothing
to conceal as a witness, but wishes to test the
power of the Senate to compel the attendance
of a witness, and then force him to give testi
mony. He declares be can suffer as long as
they can inflict punisbment,and it has become
with him a question of endurance. All this
sounds very well ; but who will be benefited
what good principle will be established
should Mr. Hyatt succeed in exhausting the
patience of the Senate in its inflictions of
punishment 7 .
'A Snaet Witi. An Illinois editor chal
lenges fbe State to produce a wife equal to
his, for smartness and muscle. Among the
manythings enumerated which sho easily per
forms before breakfast, are whipping the ed
itor, spanking nine children, kicking over the
table and breaking all the dishes, wringing a
neighbor's nose for interfering, cuttiug off a
dog's tail, and ihrowuig the servant girl into
the cistern.
March 19. In the Senate, Mr. Nicholson,
the new Senator from Tennessee, made along
speech in favor of the Senate Homestead bill,
wVlch materially differs from that passed by
the House, which he opposed. No action
was taken on the Nicaragua treaty to-day.
The President, in reply to a resolution com
municated bis instructions to Mr. M'Lane con
fidentially. On the 24th May and the 30th of
July last, be was authorized to offer $10,000,
000 for Lower California, and the right of way
from the Rio Grande to Mazatlan, and from
Arizona to Guaymas. Juarez desired a sepa
rate treaty for this object, and the negotiation
finally fell through. The House concluded
action on its rules. Speeches are to be limi
ted to one hour each. Mr. Cox, of Ohio want
ed Mr. M'Lane's still-born treaty with Jnarez
adopted, so as to commence the work of mas
ticating Mexico.
March 20. The Senate adopted a resolu
tion looking towards the extinction of the In
dian title to lands about Pike's Peak. Mr.
Mason of Va., objected to the resolution, say
ing we wanted no more territory, ne meant
of course that we want no more to be occupied
by free laborers. Mr. Wilson Introduced a
bill for the building of five steamers to serve
in the African waters in suppressing the slave
trade ; a resolution authorizing the President
to negotiate for the establishment of a general
right of search within 200 miles of the West
Coast of Africa; and an order instructing the
Judiciary committee to report a bill changing
the punishment of those convicted of being
engaged in the slave trade to imprisonment
for life, instead of death, as provided by the
existing law. The Harper's Ferry Committee
are at a stand-still, and undecided either to
go backward or forward. The resolution not
to summon Gov. Wise has been re-considered
but be has not yet been called. If summoned,
he will probably refuse to testily on certain
points, ard then the Senate may cage another
State prisoner. When the Committee on Pub
lic expenditures have thoroughly explored the
printing corruption, and the political uses to
which a portion of its profits were applicdl
they will examine into the manner in which
Secretary Cobb has leased the public stores
in New York to the same parties who were
concerned in the Fort Snelling, Willett's
Point, and New Bedford speculations.
March 21. The Senate passed the bill to
reduce the price of public printing 25 per cent.
It provides that the binding shall be done by
binders elected by Congress. A resolution,
offered by Mr. Hale, was adopted, inquiring
of the President if any instructions had been
given to officers of the Navy, by which in any
event the naval forces of the United States
were to take part in the civil war in Mexico,
and by what authority certain Mexican steam
ers were captured and their officers and crew
made prisoners. Mr. Stanton,.of Ohio, offer
ed a resolution to the same effect in the
House. Mr. Dawe's report from the Commit
tee on Election's, authorizing Mr. Williamson
to take testimony to contest Mr. Sickle's seat,
was adopted by a vote ot 80 to 64.
March 22. A lengthy debate was bad in
the Senate on the Homestead Bill. The "ir
repressible conflict" was never more vividly
outlined. The speeches of Mr. Clingman and
Mr. Wigfall evince that confusion of ideas
with regard to Man's Right to the Soil which
must prevail wherever the laborer who tills
the earth is conceded no rights but those of a
chattel. Sir. Wigfill of Texas said the Home
stead question he regarded as a party issue.
If this government was elemosynary in its
character if it was established to provide for
the halt, blind, lame, deaf, &c., if it could
give land to the landless why not niggers
to the niggerless it might re-open the Afri
can slave-trade on missionary grounds and
bring negroes here to be converted. If we
could give lands, we could give money. If
they were to give lands, he should propose to
give each man $160 in cash, and pay him mi
leage to come to Washington, and negroes to
work the land he thocghi throe would be e
nongh, one man, ono woman and a child, with
the prospect of a large increase, ne denoun.
ced the policy of the New England States
they had always lived off their neighbors.
Nothing better could occur than a dissolution
of the Union. New England would then beg
the South to come back. Her spindles would
cease to turn, and her ships rot at the wbarve;
her sailors and operatives, turned out to starve
would burn and steal. He believed no Black
Republican could ever be inaugurated Presi.
dent of the United States ; and hooted at the
idea of the array forcing the South to submit
to such a proceeding. He could only see one
man on the other side of the Senate who had
ever teen the flashing of a gun. On his side,
were plentyl of warriors men wo understood
war and fighting. On the other he saw none.
He woufcl as soon confederate with Old Eng
land as with New England. They were of his
own blood he was an Englishman. Not a
drop of blood was shed by our forefather's for
the Union it was for liberty. The people of
the South have been kept quiet for a time on
the supposition that the Union was of divine
origin that Gen. Washington, or Gen. Jack
son, or the Almighty, had at some time form,
ed this Union, and old King George had come
over here with some Hessians to break it up ;
and thus they had been forced to consider
whether slavery is a moral, social and politi
cal evil ; and whether this Union was cement
ed by the blood of onr ancestors, and whether
it is treason to consider if we are living under
the best form of government. He would like
to see a Northern man come to Texas and ask
a white man to black his boots or curry his
horse he would get curried himself. Yet be
could do that at the North, and that was call
ed Freedom. No one will be surprised at
this harangue, when they learn that the man
who made it had the liquor that inspired it on
the desk before him, and imbibed so freely
that he was devoid of reason. Mr. CHngman's
proposition that any man shall be allowed to
take a quarter-section of the. Public Lands to
day, sell it to a monopolizing, forstalling spec
ulator to-morrow, take another quarter-section
next day, sell it the day after, &c, and
Mr. Wigf all's threat to propose a distribution
of money and slaves to each freeman, suffi
ciently indicate the spirit in which the Slave
power will fight the Homestead bill.
At the prices fixed by the Charleston land
lords, it will cost all delegates and outsiders
from the North-west, who attend the Demo
cratic National Convention, the snug little
sum of about $300 in all. This prospect is
terrifying the friends of Douglas, who are
suspicious, and perhaps not without reason,
that these extravagant prices are part of the
well concerted scheme to kill off their favorite.
It will be nearly impossible to secure full del
egations even, on those terms, to say nothing
ot the strong outside force which we were
lately told would be . in attendance on that
', "Asd Still thet Come." Nebraska Terri
tory has elected 40 Republicans to 12 Demo
cratic members of her constitutional conven
tion. This is the most extraordinary victory
which the Republican party have yet achieved.
The National Administration have always
heretofore been able to control the polities of
all the territories through the land offices, but
Nebraska it stoutly ia rebellion. . She prefers
free labor, and loudly protests against degra
ding white laborers to the level of slaves.
She asks, avid will have "free men" for her
"free soil."
Cambria Cocstt. On the 16th, a young
girl, named Anna Maria Riffle, was arrested at
the bouse of Francis tram som in tyamuria
City, upon a charge of child-murder, the re
mains of an infant having been discovered in
a carpet bag belonging to her. When brought
before a Jnstice, she admitted that the child
was hers, but alleged that it had been born
dead. Nothing haviug been elicited in the
examination to disprove ber story, she was re
leased. The next day she made information
against one James McNulty of Westmoreland
county, whom she charged with being the
canse of all her troubles. He gave bonds for
his appearance at Court. ... James Morris,
the schoolmaster who recently perpetrated a
most diabolical outrage upon the person of a
little girl at Carrolton, and then took a hasty
departure," was arrested a few days since at
Erie, and has been brought to Ebensburg and
committed to jail to await trial. . . .John Car
ney, a workman in the Rolling Mill, while as
sisting in putting in a new set of rolls on the
16th, was struck upon one. of his legs by a
piece of timber with such force as to cause a
severe fracture of the limb. ... The work on
the Cresson Railroad is progressing rapidly.
Its completion by the 1st of August is consid
ered a sine thing.
Jefffrsoh County. Mr. Matthew Bavard,
of Snyder township, bad bis left leg broken
and was otherwise injured by the falling of a
tree on the 15th inst. It appears he was en
gaged felling some timber on his farm, and
one of the trees inclining to fall on one of
his fences, he made an effort to push it in an
other direction, but failing, he was thrown be
tween it and other timber, with the above un
fortunate results. ... On Sunday the 18th, the
dwelling bouse of Mr. Thomas Hall, of Eldrtxl
township, was destroyed by fire, together with
a part of bis goods and furniture. ... About
12 o'clock on the night of the 19th, the large
frame Louse in Corsica.known as the Exchange,
and occupied by Calvin B. Clark, was destroy
ed by fire. So rapidly did the flames spread,
that the inmates had barely time to escape
with their lives. Everything in the house
was consumed. The store house adjoining,
occupied by James Wilkins,and a small frame
shop occupied by P .Sweeny ,were also burned.
Mr. Wilkins had a large stock of goods, which
were mostly consumed. The buildings be
longed to Mr. E. Orcutt, and were worth at
least $1500. Mr. Clark's loss will be about
$500, Mr. Wilkins $1000, and Mr. Sweeny's
about $50. It is not known how the fire ori
ginated. Dacphis Cocstt. On tho 21st inst., the
body of a man named Robert Fields, a brick
maker, formerly of Carlisle, was found on the
Pennsylvania Railroad track near Middletown,
the cars having run over him.breaking his arms
and legs and mangling him terribly. It is
said he had some $40 or $50 the day before ;
as no money was on his person when found, it
is supposed he had been robbed cither before
or alter the accident. . . . The large flouring
mill of Mr. McCulloch of llarrisburg was des
troyed by fire on the 20th. involving a heavy
loss. ... During the early part of last fall, a
gentleman by the name ot John Fox, residing
near Linglestown, was attacked with typhoid
fever, and after a lingering illness, died. He
was visited during bis illness by most of his
friends and neigh bors, among whom some
thirteen took the disease, of whom four have
died, and several are still very ill. ... A weal
thy and respectable farmer, in Swatara town
ship near Middletown attempted to commit
suicide, on last Friday morning, the 16th
inst., by hanging himself in his barn. For
tunately he was discovered and cut down by
one of his sons before life was extinct. -
I.wdiasa Cocstt. On the 13th inst.. the
dwelling boose of Mr. Henry Ow, in White
township, occupied by Samuel McMul'en, was
destroyed by fire, together with all its con
tents. The family were absent at the time and
it is supposed that an incendiary set fire to the
building. ... On the morning of the 13th, a j
fatal accident occurred on the farm of Robert
G. Stephens, about 3 miles from Indiana bor
ough. Two of Mr. Stephen's sons had gone ;
to the woods to chop down some trees. In j
felling one, it lodged on another, causing the
butt end to swing around, and striking the I
elder ot the young men, Robert, knocked him
down and fell upon him. He was released by
the efforts of of his brother, but in such a
bruised and injured condition that he died in
about six hours after. ... The body of Mr.
David King, one of the five persons drowned
in the Conemangh river near Saltsburg, on
the 1st inst., was recovered on the 14th, about
a mile below the place where the accident oc
curred. The other bodies bad not at last ac
counts been discovered.
Clarion Cocstt. The dwelling house of
Mr. William Rhodes, on the Lucinda furnace
road, was burned on the night of the 12th
inst., and horrible to relate, four of his boys,
one aged about 20 years, perished in the
flames. Mr. Rhodes was not at home at the
time. Four of the children were sleeping in
the loft, and five down stairs with the mother.
When Mrs. Rhodes wakened up, she found the
stairs burned away. She got out four of the
children below, and tried to get to the loft
from the outside, but failed. At this fearful
moment she remembered that her babe was
still in bed, and with a mother's love, at the
risk of her own life, she rushed in through
smoke and flame, and succeeded in rescuing
it. No one was near to aid her in this mo
ment of agony, and she chonld only brood
upon the destruction of ber home, and weep
bitter tears for those whom she could not suc
cor. Tbo bones of the burned children were
carefully gathered and deposited on Wednes
day in the Clarion grave-yard.
Blair, Covktt. A shocking accident, re
sulting in the death of Dennis B. Dimond, oc
curred on the Branch Railroad on Tuesday
evening, March 13th. Mr. Dimond was re
turning homo from Altoona on the freight
train, and while crossing over the top of the
cars, he was struck by a water trough leading
to Baker's Mill, which knocked him off, and
the train ran over bim, killing him instantly.
He was engineer of the Branch freight train-,
but was not running the train at the time of
the lamentable occurrence. The deceased
was a resident of Gaysport, a worthy, indus
trious citizen, and leaves a wife and four chil
dren to deplore his loss. He was a native of
Cambria county, where his remains were ta
ken for interment. -
Potter Cockty. The new grist mill of
Sherman & Ensley, situated at Pike Centre,
was destroyed by fire on the 28th ult. . . . The
exports of lumber from Potter county are
thus summed up by the Journal: Saw logs,
39,500,000 ft. ; square timber 2,500,000, ft. ,
lumber 37,900,000 ft. j short shingles 18,000,
000, and long shingles, 2,400,000, valued at
$802,400. . . . Thirty two of the watebe re
cently stolen from R.J. Butterworth of Cou
dersport, were found in the River, tied up in
a bag. . . . Hon. Timothy Ives has been ap
pointed by the Governor, Register and Re
corder of this county, to fill the vaeancy oc
casioned by the death of A. II. Butterworth.
It is said that quite a thriving dog trade is
kept up between Cincinnati and New Orleans.
There are no less than nine "merchants" in
the fanner place who ship dogs to the South,
realizing as high as twenty-five and thirty dol
lars on a single animal. The dogs are, of
course, generally stolen. This makes the in
vestment small, and the profits large.
Advertisements Mr t up with large type or out of ustial
sly i will be charged double price for space oecup ed,
PUBLIC VENDUE The undersigned will
sell bv Public oat-err. at his store home, in
Karthaus township, on Monday, the 23d day of
jipru, uis enure mocK or goods, consisting of Dry
Goods Groceries, Hardware, Hats and Caps, Boots
and Shoe, and a general variety of articles usu
ally found in a country store. Terms made known
on aay or sale. JOHN PETER RIDER.
Karthaus, March 23, I860.
to 1 f REWARD. WAS LOST a Calf-Skin
Pocket Book, in the Borough of Clear
field, on Monday the 19th March inst.. containing
o in Dins ana several promissory note?, or
ders, 4-c., amounting to over S2S4. The abore re
ward will be paid to the finder on the return of
the pocket-book and contents to the subscriber re
siding in Lumber City, or on ginng information
as to where it can be had.
March 23, lSC0.-3t:pd. JOS. L. CURBT.
undersigned take pleasure in announcing to
tne citixens ot AnsonTiIIe and Ticinity that they
have entered into partnership in the mercantile
business, under the name of Swan 4- Hartshorn,
and that they hare just received and opened out
a stock of Seasonable Goods, embracing everything
usually kept in a country store, which they will
dispose of on the most advantageous terms to pur
chasers. 'I bey solicit a snare ot patronage, trust
ing that they will be able to render satisfaction to
buyers. HENRY SWAN.
The books of Chase 4 Swss.and those of Henry
Swan, are in the hands of II. Swan for collection.
All persons indebted are re quested to call and set
tle, as it is desirable to have the old accounts
squared. taar28, '60.
flAUTION. The public are hereby cantion-
V ed against meduiine with or bnTins 4 bead
of horses, 4 milch cows. 1 3-year old Bull. 1 2-year
old neiner. 4 1-year old beiners, 3 spring calves
9 head of ho??. 1 Threshing machine, 2 Plows 2
harrows, 1 cultivator and 2 wagons in the posses
sion of Thomas White, in Karthaus township,
Clearfield countv. as the same belong to me.
March 21, 1330 -pd. JAMES WHITE
The undersigned keeps constantly on hand
at his store room in Philipsburg. Centre county, a
full stock of Flour, Hams. Shoulders Sides, Cof
fee, Tea, Sugar. Rice, Molasses, Ac. Also, Li
quors of all kinds, Tobacco. Segars, Snuff. &e.; all
of which he offers to purchasers on the most ad
vantageous terms. Give him a call, and try his
articles. .imar21 ROBERT LLOYD.
HWARD, Manufacturer and Dealer in Straw
Goods. Xos. 103, 105 and 107. North Second
Street. Philadelphia. Having just received our
Spring Stock, which comprises a large and desira
ble assortment of all kinds-of Straw and Lace
Goods. Our stock of Flowers and Ruches is una
gually large this season, and we would invite tour
special attention to that department Please
call and examine them before making your pur
chases. Feb.29-4t. H.WARD.
NEW GOODS. Having just returned from
the East, we are now opening a fresh stock of
at the old stand on .Second street, Clearfield. Pa.
The stock consists of a general assortment of Dry
Goods, such as Cloths, Casu'merrx, Cas.tinetts,
Tweeds, Muslins, Calicoes. Flannels, Gingham,
and a variety of Indies'' Dress Goods, tj-r., ire.
Also, Groceries, Hardware, Qneeusieare, and a u
sual assortment of such articles as are. wanted by
the community at large, all of which will be sold
at reasoable rates for cash, or exchanged for ap
proved country produce. Give us a call.
Nov. 2, 1859. REED k WEAVER.
dersigned, having become sole owner of the
store of Eliza Irvin & Sons, in "Curwensville, Pa.,
would respectfully inform the public, and the old
customers of the establishment, that he has just
received irem ine cast, a large and extensive as
sortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which
he will dispose of at the lowest prices.
He desires to call particular attention to the
great variety f LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which
have been selected with an express view to meet
the wants of the community, lie has also Cloths
and Cassimeres of the latest styles, and a large
stock of Ready-made Clothing. Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes. Ladies' Bonnets of the latest
fashion; Mackerel and Herring; Sugar, Tea and
Molasses; Hardware, Queensware, Ac, &c, all of
which he will sell at prices to suit the times.
Lumber and country produce of all kinds, ta
ken in exchange for Goods.
. He invites purchasers to give him a call before
supplying themselves elsewhere.
Curwensville, Pa., May 18. 1859.
IRON ! IRON !! IRON !!! We, the under
eiicned. would respectfully inform the public
that having lately repaired the works commonly
known as the '-Old Alleghany Forge," near Phil
ipsburg. we are prepared to manufacture all kinds
of itammeretl iron, such n iSlnlsre. Moulds. Crow
Bars. Ilorse-shoe Bars, Saw-mill Bars, Wagon
Tire of all sizes, Srolip Iron, SkoveJ Plow-shares,
Forge and Furnace Tools, Ice. Wc wilfalso man
ufacture Iron for machinery, which, for strength
and durability, commands a high standing in the
estimation of all good machinists. Persons wish
ing any ot the above iron can be accommodated
on short notice. It is unnecessary to dwell on the
superior qualities the haninjered iron possesses
over rolled iron, its persons using both are soon
convinced of the superiority of the former. The
people of Clearfield will find it to their advantage
to use the hammered iron, both for strength and
durability. Country produce and scrap iron of
every size and description taken in exchange for
hammered iron. All orders will be promptly at
tended to by addressing the firm of
Sept.l4,'59-6m. Philipsburg, Centre co,. Pa.
The undersigned, desire to inform the citizens of
Clearfield and surrounding vicinity, that they
have recently purchased iu the Eastern cities a
large and well selected stock of seasonable Goods,
which they have'opened in the well-known Room
on Market street, Clearfield, (formerly occupied by
Wm. F. Irwin.) Their stock consists ot a general
assortment of the very best Foreign and Domestic
Their stock of Dry Goads consists in part of such as
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Vesting,
. Muslins, Tiding, CAecls. CaJicocs. Chintzes,
Ginghams, Canton and Wool Flannels, De
Laine,Cuhmres,SiUs, Plaids, Shawls,
Brilliants, Hosiery, Gloves, etc.. etc.
Also, a great variety of Ladies' Boots and Gaiters,
Misses and Children Shoes: Mens', Boys' and
Youths' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, with a large
selection of useful notions, among which are
Perfumery, Cloth and Hair Brushes,' Fancy
Soaps, Petis and Pen-holders, Combs, d-c,
together with many other useful notions, all of
which will be sold low for Cash, or in exchange
for approved country produce. As their stock is
entirely new, and purchased on the most advanta
geous terms, they feel confident that they can sell
goods to the advantage of the buyer. Step in
and examine for yourselves, before purchasing
elsewhere. Remember the new store is the place.
Feb. 22, 1860. GRAHAM, BOYNTON & CO.
1UIU 1000 pounds Shoulders,
J ust receiving, and for sale at the store of
Feb. 22. R. MOSSOP. Clearfield.
Cherries. OA hand &nrJ for k&1 tiw
Feb. 22 R. MOSSOP. Clearfield.
RAFT AND DOG ROPES, a little cheaper
than they can be bought in the county, at
Feb. 22 R. MOSSOP'S, Clearfield.
PRUNES AND CURRANTS, a good, fresh ar
ticle just received and for al cheap, by
February 29- WM. F. IRWIN, Clearfield.
TO WATERMEN All watermen wisbitr
accommodations, will find it to their interett
tn stop or land at the 'Scootae wharf, as there win
be no pains spared to render them eomfortabU
KnABusnlil'12t 500BrSFI. BARLEY.
U)J 500 Bush. Shelled Corn.
500 Sacks White Wheat F'our, (a good article )
500 Pounds Buckwheat Flour, do do '
200 Barrels White Wheat Flour, do do
Just receiving, and for ri at reasonable rates br
Feb. 22. R. MOSSOP, Clearfield.
v subscriber offers for sale his farm, consisting
of SO acres, 40 of which are cleared and under
cultivation, situate on the Susquehanna river on
mile below Clearfield town, with a good pluck
house 22 by 30 feet, good Barn and other build
ings necessary for convenience and comfort,
good bearing orchard and also a good spring. For
further particulars apply to the subscriber on tfca
March 21, I860 -pd.
of Administration on the Estate of Jacob V.
Sensenig. late of Knox township, Clearfield coot
ty. Pa., deceased.- having been granted to the un
dersigned, residing in New Millport, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make im.
mediate payment, and those having claims saioit
the same, will present them, duly authenticated
for settlement, to the undersigned, or to L. J.
Crans. Esq.. Attorney. Clearfield, Pa.
Feb. 29. 1S60. MARTIN O. STIRK, Adm'r.
OUU 20 Boxes Smoke inerrinj,
10 Barrels White Fish, 10 Cans Spiced Salmon,
5 Barrels Mackerel, 5 Barrels Salmoa,
5 Barrels Haddock, 5 Barrels Blue Fish.
Just receiving, and for sale at reasonable rate fcy
Feb. 22 ' R. MOSSOP, Clearfield.
MENT. The subscriber respectfully informs
the traveling public in general, and the water
men of tho West Branch of the Susquehanna in
particular, that he has recently erected asd juii
opened n large and commodious Tavern Jlouie at
the well known landing at the mouth of SaiHy
Creek, in Covington township, where he is prepa
red to entertain watermen and all others who may
favor him with their patronage. The house hie
been built expressly for the accommodation of the
public, and every attention will be given to th
comfort of those who visit him while they remain.
Feb. 15. 1860.-2m. LAWRENCE FLOOD.
The undersigned having opened a Tailoring Es
tablishment in Shaw s Row, iu the room recently
occupied by II. F. Naugle as a Jewelry Store, an
nounces that he is now ready and willing to make
Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Vc, for his old custom
ers, and as many new ones as may give him a call,
after the latest and most approved styles, or after
any of the old fashions, if they prefer it Ey.
doing his work in a neat and substantial manner,,
and promptly fulfilling his engagements, he ex
pects to secure a liberal share of patronage.
Jan. 18 1S60. WM. RADEBALGII.
Friend.1' a Rare Compzuton for the Wiuie
Month Every Pianist, every Singer, every Tea
cher, every Pupil, every Ameteur, should procure
this weeklv Publication of Vocal and Piano Forte
Music, costing but 10 Cents a number, and pro
nounced bv the entire Press of the eaantrv. to hi
"The Best and Cheapest Work of tke kind in th
World." Twelve full-sited Pajtes o Vocal and
Piana Forte Music for 10 cU. Ycarlv, S5.; Half-
yearly. 52 50; Quarterly, 5125. Subscribe to.
"Our Musical triend," or order it from the near
est Newsdealer, and you will have Mcumc enough.
tor your entire family and at insiguLCcaut cc
and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cot
net, Clarionet. Accordion, etc.. etc-, subscribe to
tbe "Solo Melodist," containing 12" pages, costing
only 10 cents a namher ; Yearly, Half-yearly,
SI 25. AH the back numbers at 10 cent, and
Bound Volumes, containing 17 Naratxs s. at S25&
each.constantlyonhand. C. B.SETMOUR 4 CO.
Jteb. 1, !56tJ. 107 assaa St.. New-York.
It is a fact that, at some period, euerv mem
ber of the human family is subject to disease or
disturbance of the bodily functioa; but. with the.
aid or a good tonic and the exercrs- of plain com
mon sense, they may be able so to regulate the sys
tem as to secure permanent health. Id order to ac
complish tb is desired object, the true rourte to pur
sue is certainly that which will produce a natural
state of things at the least hazard of vital strength
and life. For this purpose, Dr. llostetter has in
troduced to this country a preparation bearing hi
name, which is not a new medicine. kt ae that
has been tried for years, giving satisf4Y ta ail
who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfally
upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring the a
to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by
the simple process of strengthening nature, ena
ble the system to triumph over disease.
For the cure of DvsDCDsia. Indigestion. Nausea.
Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or Bilious complaints,
arising from a morbid inacrios of the Stowaeb e
Bowels, producingCr&mps, DvsenUrv.Cholic.Ckc4-
era Morbus, & c, these Bitters have no equal.
Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con
tracted by new settlers, and caused principally by
the change of water and diet, will be speedily reg
ulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspep
sia, a disease which is probably more prevalent,
in all its various forms, than any other, and the)
cause of which may always be attributed to de
rangements of the digestive orgs us. can be cured
without fail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH.
BITTERS, as per directions on the bottle. For
this disease every physician will recommend Bit
ters ot some kind; then why not use an article
known to be infallible ? Ail nations have their
Bitters, as a preventive of disease and strengthen
er of the system in general: and anion? them all
there is not to be found a more healthv smdIi
than the Germans, from whom this preparation cm
anated, based upon scientific experiments which
have tended to prove the value of this great pre
paration in the scale of medical science.
r ever asd Agle. This trvins and Drovok'nr
disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on .'he bo
dy of man, reducing him to a mere shadow ia a
short time, and rendering bim pbysioally and men
tally useless, can be driven from the body by the
further, none of the above-stated diseases can be
contracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bit
ters are used as per-directions. And as they cei-
ther create nausea nor offend the palate, and ren
der unnecessary any change of diet or interrup
tion of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep
and healty digestion, and the complaint is remo
ved as speedily as is consistent with the produc
tion of a thorough and permanent cure.
for I'ersons in Advanced lears, who are suffer
ing from an enfeebled consitution and infirm body,
these Bitters are invaluable as a restorative of
strength and vigor, and need only be tried to be
appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these
Bitters are indispensable, especially where the mo
ther's nourishment is inadequate to the demands
of the child, consequently her strength must yield,
and here it is where a good tonic, such as Hcs'.eU
ters Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart tempo
rary strength and visor to the svstem. Ladies
should by all means try this remedy for all ca-
r i , . .. ' .. .
sea vi ucuuiij, ana, ceiore -o doing, should ass,
their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the
virtue or the Stomach Bittera will PMotnmend
their use in all cases of weakness.
- Caution. We oaution the cublie airainst nsinf
any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask
for llostetter' Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see
that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. llostetter a
Stomach Bitters" blown oa the tide of the bottle,
and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork,
and observe that our autograph signature is on the
label. iy Prepared aad sold by llostetter If Smith,
Pittsburg, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers,
and dealers generally throughout the United
States, Canada. South America, and Germany.
A A. a- m v. n
Ageuis ireo w . nneem ana u. v. w atsan. ciear
field ; John Patton. Curwensville : D. Tvler. Ho-
ton ; P. K. Arnold. Luthersburg. 6ept24,'59.
RAFTING ROPES, for sale as cheap as tbey
can be had at any other store in town, by
FISH, BACON AND SALT, jnst received at
for sale at moderate prices at the stor of