Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 28, 1860, Image 1

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    BY S.-'B. ROW.
VOL. 6.-JW. 31.
'"" One after one they left us ; . . - - t -'
" The sweet birds out of our breasts
Went flying away in the morning :
Will they coine again to their nests f
WiJLthey come again at nightfall,
, With God's breath in their sung?
. Jfoon is fierce with the beats of summer,
V And summer days are long !
: Oh. my Life ! with thy Upward liftings,
. Thy downward striking roots.
: Kipening out of thy tender blossoms
But bard and bitter fruits, .
In thy boughs there is no shelter
For my birds to seek again !
Ah! the desolate nest is broken
And torn with storms and rain !
"Buzz buzz buzz buzz!"
Indeed I cannot stand this. You'll drive
me quite crazy with your buzz, buzz, buzz
ing. 1 must and will have silence. I find
that plain, pleasant persuasion will not do;
I shall be forced to resort to a harsher meth
od. Now listen, one and all, while I assure
you that the first scholar, young or old, miss
or master, young gentleman or lady whom I
ball see whispering without leave, I will
lernle !"
The teacher, Mr. Arthur Stone, closed his
bearded lips firmly, and glanced about the old
fashioned school room with a determined ex
pression, as ho ceased speaking- lie evident
ly meant just what he had said meant it in
the face ol the stalwart young gentlemen, and
pretty, witching, bright-eyed' girls around him.
For a moment there was a dead silence among
all, while every eye was fixed upon the hand
some resolute face of the teacher. But in the
little crowd of eager, up-turned faces, there
was bnt one which his eye sought intuitively ;
drawn, as it were, by some strange mesmeric
power. Ono face, and one at that moment
which was a pretty picture of piquant beauty,
with its saucy, inquisitive blue eyes, which
met his own fully and daringly ; its strawber
ry red mouth, pursed up by the most provo
king and daring of smiles, that said it as plain,
ly as words could have said it, "You won't
lerulu me, Arthur Stone, if 1 whisper ever so
A sudden flash of anger reddened nn into
the cheeks of the young man, and shot from
the depths of his fine gray eyes, as ho said de
terminedly, in answer to the smite of the red
mouth and blue eyes, and the toss of the dain
ty head "I repeat it; I will ferule the first
scholar whom I see whispering without leave."
. This time there was no mistaking it ; there
was a perceptible motion of Anna Ilawkes'
pretty head, an - nnniistakcalle light in her
eyes, and a whole unbroken sentence wreathed
about the curve of her lips, as she turned care
lessly to bcr books "You can ferule me if
jon choose." she said mutely, not believing
that he would venture to do it.
"And I certainly will," was the silent reply
of the young man, confident the while that she
would not allow him an opportunity of putting
his threat in execution. But be was ill at
ease as bo turned moodily to the arithmetic
class from which bis attention had been drawn
Ly the unusual contusion. Affairs had taken
a disagreeable turn, an unexpected course,
and whatever he might do, he could not better
them. There was but one way for him. He
must put a stern face on the matter. lie must
maintain his dignity as a teacher, even if he
was obliged to thrust aside his own wishes and
inclinations. Anna Ilawkes, pleasant, witch
ing, graceful Anna the one bright star that
threw so much light on his arduous, tiresome
duties ; the warm-hearted girl who had grown
nearer and nearer to him as the dull, wintry
days went by, till he had dared hope, silently
but earnestly, that some time he might bo
more to her than any one clso in the world,
even if she, coming between him and his du
ties, must be sacrificed. It was a miserable
thought, and he greeted it with a long, deep
drawn sigh.
Not once during that forenoon, did he ven
ture to look towards Anna's seat, or allow him
self to pause anywhere in her vicinity, for fear
his ear might be greeted by a provoking, odi.
ous whisper. .Not once, I say, but I must ex
cept the long recess, during which he watched
her eagerly, as she bent over her slate, work
ing out her algebraic problems apparently lost
to everything around her. Two or three times
he started from bis seat to go to her assist,
ance, as she knit her white brow perplexedly,
but a strange, new feeling, like pride, kept
him back. He thought he had never seen her
look half so pretty or loveable as then, as she
sat there bending thoughtfully over her book,
with one hand running rapidly and gracefully
over her slate. Her dress of dark crimson
cloth, with its full sleeves confined at the
wrists by black velvet bands, fastened high in
the neck, but in such a manner as to display
ber full, whito throat, was strangely becoming
to her. lie had never thought of it before,
but there was a certain refinement in her taste
that was truly pleasing. It was visible in ev
erything sho wore the dainty cambric collar
confined at the throat by a small, cameo breast
pin ; the knots of black ribbon fastened about
her luxuriant brown braids; the petite black
silk apron, with its girdle of silk cord, and full
large, dropped tassels, and the slender, shi
ning little kid boots that peeped daringly out
from the folds of her ample skirt. In all his
life, Arthur Stone had never looked upon
a lace or figure so pleasant or captivating.
But as he watched her, she raised her eyesjto
his face. In a moment the pretty seriousness
which had rested so bocomingly on her fea
tures was gone. A provoking smilo curled
upon her rosy mouth, and went with a sudden
rush of triumph over her whole face, dilating
lier finely curved nostrils, and sweeping like
ft sunshine over the blue of her eyes, making
such rare dimples about ber chin, as one might
have supposed to have been fitted by the cun
ning fore-finger of Cupid himself. .
Arthur Stono was vexed, but was too much
a man of the world to allow the young girl to
know how much she was capable of annoying
him, and so after the first flame of petty an
ger had died out from his cheeks and forehead,
he said in a voice, the coolness of which sur
prised even himself :
"Can I be of any assistance to you, Miss
"None, sir, thank you. I havo quite con
quered my exercises alone to-day."
Foolish fellow ! The very coolness of bis
manner betrayed the secact which he strove to
nide. There was little need of covert if there
fi,an0thiDg to conceal- And so it was that
Iw ,0ffnoon slipped unpleasantly away, and
me afternoon came in Its stead. The teach
er's rule so far was a good one. If Anna
Ilawkes had not been present, Mr. Stone would
have counted it a success, but as it was, he
was in a constant tremor of fear.
A raised hand in the neighborhocd of her
seat and a timid application for assistance was
met with something like an unreasonable
frown. In a hurried and nervous way he pro
ceeded to explain away the difficulty to the
timid applicant, anxious to be free from such
dangerous surroundings. Just as he was con
gratulating himself upon his success, and was
about turning away, a rapid whispered volley
of words rattled past his ears. . He knew the
source from whence they came as well as did
ever' scholar that heard them. He could not
pass thoughtlessly along.
The dread alarm had como with such a sud
den distinctness as to surprise him into an in.
voluntary start. Every -pair of eyes were turn
ed inquiringly and curiously to his face. He
was forced into doing his duty. Tho heavy
beard about his mouth was friendly to him
then, for it covered a suspicious pallor that
settled there as he turned about and rested bis
eyes sternly upon the blushing, piquant face
of Anna Ilawkes. She was the picture of in
nocence just then, with her brown lashes
drooped low upon her cheeks, and the pearly
white teeth crushed cruelly down upon the
crimson of her lips. -'
"Miss Ilawkes, can you tell me who whis
pered a few moments since ?"
"Yes, sir."
Tho white lids were thrown wide open, and
tLe clear eye fixed firmly upon his own.
"I, sir." ' "
"Will you oblige me by stepping this way a
moment ?"
He led the way out on the floor.
"Yes sir, certainly."
She followed him promptly, pausing beside
the desk and resting one hand prettily upon
it's top.
"I suppose you listened to my rulo this
morning "
"Yes, sir." :
"You understood it, too, doubtless '"
"Yes; sir, perfectly."
"Understanding it perfectly, then, you have
been pleased to break it. Can you name my
duty 1"
"It does not admit of a question. Ferule
me, sir." She commenced drawing a slender
gold ring from her left hand. "This hand ?"
she asked suddenly, looking up in his face.
"We have plenty of time Miss Hawkes; do
not nurry," he said, evading her question. "I
have something to say to you."
ihe leaned her elbow upon' the desk, and
her burning faccnpon her hand. "I shall bo
happy to listen to you," she said.
"1 will trouble you but a moment, only to
say that I regret more than I am. ablu to ex
press, that i scholar whom I havo endeavored
to treat with uniform courtesy and respect,
ana in wnose advancement I had felt a lively
interest, snouia by so glaring a misdemeanor.
such an utter contempt of my wishes, avow a
disregard lor me as a teacher and a friend
Such a display is unpleasant enough if a mere
child wilfully breaks the rules-of a school, but
when instead, a young gentleman or lady so
tar lorgets mm or herself, it is intensely pain
ful. I assure yon that I deeply regret this."
-Anna bowed gracefully as Mr. Stone ceased
speaking. Again her white teeth were dented
into her lip, while the brown lashes trembled
close upon the burning red of her checks.
"Your hand, if you please." -
The little white haud was reached forth as
if it were to receive a caress instead of a blow.
As it lay so tenderly and trustingly upon the
broad band of the teacher; he inwardly curs
ed his stars. He called himself a brute, a ty
rant, a knave, a monster. He had a mind to
get down on his knees and pray for a big
mouthed earthquake to come and swallow him:
for a sudden flash of lightning (in the winter
time) to melt turn into nonenity ; for a whirl
wind to sweep him with its rapid, rushing
winds from the lace of the earth. Strike that
little dimpled hand with a cruel two-inch rule?
aiuv. mtuvi will ajCj UII31C1 lb Willi
es, instead. It trembled within his grasp, and
about the mouth of the owner a little white
line was islanding the redness of her lips. He
ugm ne'd Kneel before ber, and ask her
to give the pale prisoner entirely to him. It
would be 6ts hand then, and no one could
blame him for not wishing to injure his own
property. . A thought struck him. ne might
strike his own hand instead of Anna's. He
could shield her and take the blow himself.
He was in a mood for cracking every knuckle
that he owned. He raised his ruler. Anna
raised her eyes to his face. His fixed deter
mined expression startled her. She would
bear tho blow without starting, she thought,
but O, she would hate him, hate him, hale Aim,
as long as she lived! As the thought passed
through her mind.a gay, dashing sleigh, drawn
oy a pair oi nne norscs came ranidlv ut to the
school house door.
Lucky, lucky, Mr. Stone : tho rule fell harm.
lessly on the fair rosy palm of Anna, and he
turned his eyes toward the window, and ex-
ciaimeu uurneuiy :
"I ho committee, Miss Hawkes. You can
take your seat now ; but remain to-night after
school. Even for this interruption I should
not feel justified in letting tho affair pass."
"The last committee man upon earth that I
would caro to see," exclaimed Mr. Stone to
himself, as he bowed low before tho pompons
young gentleman, known by tho cognomea of
Dr. Wesley Barker, who rapped with his whip
upon tho door said young gentleman being
one of wealth and education. But the teach
er did not care a fig for his wealthhe did not
envy him or anything for his education his
own was quite equal to it. But what he did
care for was, that Dr. Barker was a great ad
mirer of Anna Ilawkes, and in the present
state of affairs he did not care about having
rivals around. Everything went on smoothly
during school hours, as it always did during
the visits of the several committees, but the
moment school was dismissed, Dr. Barker
stalked across the school-room floor, and up to
Anna Hawkes' seat. Mr. Stone tit his lips
with vexation. His rival made his appearance
quite in the nick ol time. He despised mean
liness heartily, denounced it, but now in spite
of himself, he stood and listened eagerly to
catch the few words that dropped from Dr.
Barker's and Anna's lips. ,
"I'll ask Mr. Stone to excuse me," he heard
Anna say.
"Which of course he will do," replied Dr.
Barker. -
"I am not so certain," was tho smiling re
ply, as she darted towards his desk. -"I
hope you ".rill pardon mo lor daring to
ask such a thing, but Dr. Barker wishes mo to
urive wun mm in bis new sleigh, which I am
very anxious to do, and so I'd like to be ex
uuaeu irum remaining to-nignt to take my
leruiing,, promising to como early to-morrow
morning." .
Mr. Stono bowed and said, "very well,
tnouga the words almost choked him. He
secretly wished Dr. Barker and bis new sleigh
in vnina, ana himself free from the vocation
of school teaching. Ho thought as ho stood
moodily by his desk watching Anna Ilawkes
pin ner piaid shawl closely about her throat
and tie under her chin the blue ribbons of her
quilted hood, preparatory to ber drive with
Dr. J3arker, that he was the most miserable
man in existence, and that he would purchase
a iarm, worK at snoveling on the railroad
would do anything rather than teach another
school. He had engaged already to take charge
oi me village academy the followme SDrinsr
but now he resolved that he would not do it
no would throw up the engagement at once
"No doubt she thinks mo a very brnte," he
said to nimself, as the gay equipage went
dashing down the street. Perhaps alter all,
sno naa not meditated that ruthless attack up
on his dignity and patience. Indeed now he
thought of it again, the whisper was more like
a sudden exclamation than anything else
Yet he had not given her tho slightest chance
lor an explanation, but like the executioner
who loved his occupation, hurried her forward
to tho punishment the dolt that he called
himself. He had a very poor opinion of Ar
thur Stone just at that moment. He was sure
that he would like to horsewhip him.
A fair counterpart of tho pupil's thoughts
were those of the teacher. It was a dull.
areary drive tnat Anna Ilawkes took with Dr.
Barker. She hadn't the heart to-eniov it after
tue louy ot tne afternoon.
. "Ho thinks that I do not care for nor respect
him," was tho thought uppermost in her mind,
whichever way sho turned. "And this is the
return I am making him for his kindnes to me
all the interest he has taken in my studies,
both in and out of school. O, if he could
but know tho truth."
"The truth !" the young girl startled herself
by these words. And what was the truth
She buried her burning face in her hands as
sho asked herself the question. It was this.
bhe loved Arthur Stone ! loved him better
than life itself ! A cry of pain went from her
lips, as the knowledge settled down upon her
nearc. jsui wnat prool Had she given of this ?
nat prool that sne was any other than a vain,
selfish thing! None, alas, none ! Like any
woman who is conscious of her power, she
gloried in hers over Arthur Stone. But how
was he to know that it was any but the glory
of a fickle, heartless coquette, rather than that
of a strong, loving, true-hearted woman, who
L makes her power ft golden harn -about the
heart, of therrTOan 'she loves, by which she
draws him Jenderly towards her? How, O;
how was ho to know this ? The thought was
agonizing to her. : , l
: She resolved at last to -go to him in the
morning and confess her fault, humbling as it
was. Ho should know, at least, that she held
his feelings too sacred to wound them wanton
ly. But in the morning she was sick and le
vensh, scarcely able to lift her head from the
pillow. She could not.see Arthur that day,
and so she must contentedly wait for the next.
Against her wishes Dr. Barker was summoned,
wno croaked dubiously of a fever hangmgti
bout her. Sho must bo careful, be very quiet
and follow : his directions, he said, and he
would come again in the afternoon to learn
how she was getting along. He cams in the
afternoon, but at an unlucky hour.- Anna sat
back in the rocking chair bj' tho window,
looking eagerly up the street. But while he
paraded learnedly by her side, he saw a rapid
red stain through the, whiteness on her cheek,
and an eager light break out from the clear
blue of her eyes. Arthur Stone was passing
by tho house, and viewing with a scornful
curl of the lip the handsome equipage of Dr.
Barker. Ho did not look bevond it to the pale
face bent so eagerly towards him, but turned
his eyes coldly away , and walked haughtily
down the street, while Anna sank back with a
sigh into the softly cushioned chair.
, Is ext morning she refused to remain away
from school anotherday. Arthur Stone would
say she was cowardly, that she feared the fe
ruling, that she absented herself purposely,
because ot tho misunderstanding on Tuesday
afternoon, which she was too guilty to face
again. She would goto the school though
she dropped fainting on the way. Sho could
not rest until her mind was unburdened of
this heavy load. So she went pale and tremb
ling at an early hour to the school house.
"How he scorns me how he bates me !"
she thought, as Mr. Stone quietly raised his
eyes to her face and bowed a silent good morn
ing as she entered the room. How could she
ever face that stern, cold gaze, and make ex
cuses for not keeping her appointment ol the
previous morning ! ; -
"I was too ill to como yesterday morning,"
she said, in a trembling, voice, "or I should
not have broken my promise. Will this morn
ing do as well ?"
Mr. Stono glanced keenly into her face.
The blanched cheeks and white quivering lips
testified to the truths of what she said.
""Are you able to be here how ?" he asked
in a tone ot voice that bad more of tender
ness than aught else running through it.
"Hardly, lou can ler ferule me, and I
will go home," she said, while ' her cheeks
crimsoned with shame. - .
Mr. Stone bit his lips to keep back a reply
which roso involuntarily to them. Again was
that tender, whito hand before him waiting
meekly for its punishment, now weak and
trembling from illness. Did she think him a
brute? Quite evidently from her action.
"I-I regret that I wounded your feelings on
Tuesday," she said, raising her eyes to his
face. "I am thoughtless, 1 hope not heart
less. Will you pardon me ?" The question
was asked in a low, quivering voice,hlaf chok
ed with tears.
"Pardon you ?" Mr. Stone repeated tho
words slowly, in a clear, emphatic tone.- ;
"la it too much to ask ? You will not re
fuse me you could not refuse me if you
knew " . -
"What?" -
"How utterly miserable I am. I cannnot
stay here here's my hand be quick let me
go home!" ' - '
With a quick rapid movement, the teacher
grasped the little, feverish hand that was out
stretched to btm, covered it over and over
with fervent and passionate kisses.
"Forgive you," he said, while, his fine eyes
grew deep and tender in their expression,
"fOrffive VOU. ves. a thousand liniAn nrt fnn
not be able to show you a millionth part of the
iuvo wuicu i Dear lor you. f orgive you but
I'll dare ask more than vnn rl:iro hnno norhans
more than you care to hope that you will
niae you win piace yourseu ana tnis
sinned against, abused little hand in my keep
ing. Tell me Anna, have I asked too much ?"
The answer was faint and low that came
from Anna Hawke's lips, but nevertheless it
was asatifactory one,lor the sweet little mouth
from whence it camo took immediate reward
in kisses. '
So it all ended. And in a few weeks after
Anna Hawkes becamo Mrs. Arthur Stone,
mnch to the satisfaction of the woudering
scuooi at iton.
A Romeo and Jcxiet is Cuba. Romance in
Real Life. Quite a romantic and melancholy
affair took place in Cienf'uegos, Cuba, on the
evening ol the 7th March. A young man
(clerk in the office of Aveles & LeBlanc,) by
the name of Carlos Ponfanti, ofcood family.
and possessed of considerable means, has lor
some time been under marriage engagement to
a young lady by the name ol Carr, who is said
to be the most beautiful girl in Cienfuesos
The couple were anxious to consummate the
marriage tie, but, in consequence of the oppo
sition of the gentleman's friends, it was de
ferred, although tho parties had proceeded so
far as to have a house furnished and the lady's
wedding dress prepared; but, finding their
wishes frustrated, they determined, as they
were denied tho happiness of living together
in this world, to seek that desirable favor in
another, and, in pursuit of this object, each
took a doso of strychnine in coffee, on the
night of tho 7th, at 10 o'clock. The poor girl
died at 11, after having written a long letter to
her friends, explaining the cause of her taking
this sad step. She was buried this afternoon,
arrayed in what was to have been her wedding
apparel. Her father and sisters are almost
distracted under their terriblo affliction. The
young man was alive tho next day, but his
death was looked for every hour, and he de
clares, positively, that if the present attempt
does not succeed, he will adopt such means as
will. Iho event created much excitement,
and great sympathy is manifested for both par
ties. Their parents are half Spanish and half
American. Miss Carr's father is a native of
Philadelphia, and is at present custom-house
officer at Cienf uegos. It appears that a little
sister of the deceased was in the room when
the poison was taken, and begged for some of
the coffee in which it was mixed, but her wish
was refused.' The young'man was the first to
partake of the fatal drahght ; he then took an
affectionate farewell of bis affianced one, both
in life and death, and returned home. The
girl drank, tho dregs and retired to', bed, but
shortly, alter she called ud the famuy aod j:ave
them the letters she had' written, at. the same
f ri" 2 l ' J" '.i y . i . ' nr
time iiuoruiing mem 'i me iaiat act. -. jjvery
effort was made to save- her life, but without
success. ne told tnem tnat if sno could not
live with : him sho loved in this world, she
wpuld meet him in the next, where they would
be nappy, A , , . ; ,
A"Ssake" 'in the Mexican , Teeatt. A
Washington correspondent makes a revelation
which goes far to account for the cold shoul
der given to tho Mexican Treaty in the Senate,
in the face of so many strong recommenda
tions for its ratification. The pith of . this
story is, that at the eleventh hour it was dis
covered that inasmuch as one of the provisions
of thetTreaty established free trade between
Mexico and the United States, we should be
obliged in the event of its ratification to
open our ports, likewise, to the "free trade
of England, France, Germany and all other
nations with whom we have treaties and guar
antees in them that they shall be placed on
the same footing with "the most favored na
tions. V Tho Treaty, it seems, was soingeni-
ously worded, that nobody discovered the flaw
until it had been under discussion for days
and days but when the discovery was made,
free lraders as well as .Protectionists, we are
told, agreed to lay the Treaty, without a dis
senting voice, upon the table. , If this repre
sentation be ; correct, the conclusion would
seem to be irrepressible that tho makers of
the treaty . did . their best to . do, sub rosa, a
thing which they, knew could never be done
openly and above board or also,if everything
was fair and square on their part, the Adrain-
stration, . the -I oreign Relation Committee,
and the Committee on Finance, whose special
business it was to study out the mystery, ought
to have a patent for a statesmanlike penetra
tion astuteness which it would be difficult to
find a parallel for, anywhere beyond the area
of the District of Columbia. .
Making the Most of It. The remarkable
advance in tho charge for board and lodging in
Charleston, which is to commence a week be
fore the meeting of the Democratic National
Convention in that city, and to continue while
its members remain in town, reminds one of
an anecdote related of George the Second.
That monarch was in the habit of paying f re
quent visits, from England, to his hereditary
Electorate of Hanover. . On one occasion,
while on the way to his German capital,' he
stopped, with his retinue, to. lunch at a small
hotel or inn in a petty village. The host had
nothing in the way of provisions except, bread
and eggs, andtlie. Monarch .and his retinue
partook, ot a light", repast of these. . Aa the
royal party was retiring, the landlord present
ed his "little account," which so much startled
the nobleman who held the , purse, that be
banded it to the King. It happened that his
Majesty was notoriously fond ot money. He,
therefore, flew into a dreadful rage, and asked
the extorting landlord what he meant by charg-
ng thrco hundred dollars lor a simple lunch
of bread and eggs lor a dozen people. "Are
eggs so scarce in this village ?" asked his Ma
jesty. The . landlord replied, ;No, siro, but
Kings are!" ,
Good Advice. He gave good advice who
said: If you are in trouble, doh'f tell it to ev
ery one you meet. Not ono In a hundred will
sympathize with you. ; Some may speak a
word of comfort, to turn away and ridicule
you j but precious lew will laugh less freely,
or engage with less earnestness in the business
of life. Troubles, in nine cases out of ten,
are like threatening clouds which soon vanish.
They have a queer test in Washington to as
certain how far a man is intoxicated. ; If he
can -say "National Intelligencer," straight
put, he - is considered, passable. When be
sings .out "National Tcllinencer," it- U tuo't
accessary for him to go heme.
The following extract from a private letter,
dated Home, February 20, 18G0, we take
Irom the J ew 1 ork Tribune :
"Saturday was the first day of the carnival
Most of us Americans had never been in Rome
before, and were impatient to witness and take
part in a festival about which we bad heard
so much. - The Pope, unfortunately, had in
terdicted masking. This precluded muth of
the grotesque display of costume and funny
extravagance which we had expected to boo
taking from the festival half of its picturesque
ness and much of its spice.
"For a week or more, the Corso had been
gradually going through a course of transfor
mation. Temporary balconies were erected
in lront of every eligibly situated window, and
where balconies already existed, (and they are
in front of nearly all the windows commanding
the street,) they were decorated with gaudy
rugs, tapestries, and scarlet cloths, and from
every window of the upper stories hung long
draperies of crimson and gold. By the morn
ing of Saturday the ordinary somber aspect of
the street was changed to ono of sparkling
."At the corner of all the streets in the
neighborhood of the Corso, huge baskets of
confetti were exposed for sale. Boquets of ev
ery grade of beauty and costliness from the
full dress article, with its dainty camelias, and
pink and white rosebuds, at three or four scu.
di each, to the modest bunch of violets and
bachelor's buttons, at as many baiocchi, were
temptingly displayed in the face of the pass
ers by, and out of every shop window hung
great bundles of wire masks aud small tin
scoops, which indicated clearly the kind of
warfare which was about to take place.
"At 2 o'clock the gun from Castle St. An
geio announced the commencement of tho Car.
nival, and almost immediately crowds of peo
ple, on foot and in carriages, began to wend
-their way toward the Corso, either to join the
procession in the street or to sco it from tho
balconies which they bad previously hired.
"Our position was peculiarly fortunate. It
was in one of the balconies of the apartments
occupied by our young and gentlemanly Con
sul, Mr. Glentfrorth, who, with his uniform
courtesy, had early in tho season insisted that
we should occupy it on this occasion. The
house was directly opposito that of the French
General, De Guyon, the commander of the
forces in Italy, and near the open square at
the Via Condotti, where one ot the French
regimental bands was posted, which played at
intervals during the afternoons of each day of
the Carnival.- - - .
- "With considerable tact, Mr. Glentworth
bad placed his windows at the disposal of sev
eral Northern and Southern families, who have
been somewhat conspicuous in society the
present season in Borne,' and the" entire front
of His apartments .-was thus, lined-with a par
terre of i living flowers,, comprising a number
of the most elegant ol our countrywomen, who
formed together a fitting representation of
that beauty for which American ladies are so
remarkable. Thoir tasteful d6minoes and
well arranged toilettes made these balconies
the most noticeable of all upon the Corso: as
was proved by an almost incessant shower of
costly boquets and pretty bon-bons, which was
rained upon them lor three hours daily during
the festival., ,: , . .
"I will not attempt to describe particularly
the peletnele of the carnival at Rome. ' You
who have seen it will recall to mind the long
narrow street crowded for its entire length
with a confused mass of human beings in ev
ery imaginable costume horses, wagons and
carriages decorated in every conceivable col
or, and every man, woman and child who make
up the motley mnltitute, with hands filled with
confetti, and each raised against its neighbors,
and pelting them with all the earnestness of a
desperate conflict; the street mud hidden be
neath the debris of broken boquets and an at
mosphere of chalk powder, and flying rose
leaves hanging like a canopy between the niot-
ly masses below, and the merry laughing
crowds of beautiful girls and pretty children
which fill the balconies above their heads ! It
is the most amusing sight imaginable. The fun
s so contagious that the old as well as young
take part in it, and all are sorry when the gnu
sounds for tho Corso to be cleared for the
horse race,which concludes the day's festivity.
Dreadful Affair in Arkansas. In Crit-
don county, Arkansas, not far from Marion,
and eight or ten miles from this city, lived a
man named Robinson and his wife. On last
Tuesday night but one,' February 21,' no one
being in the dwelling but Robinson and bis
wife, just as he was retiring for the night a
shot fired by some person outside came crashi
ng through the window it was well aimed,
and the unfortunate man fell before his wife a
corpse.' Strong excitement arose in the neigh
borhood, and Robinson being a favorite with
bis neighbors, a determination was expressed
that justice should be done. Investigation
led to the discovery of suspicions conduct on
the part of the wife of the murdered man. So
dark and damning were the indications of her
guilt that she was arrested and placed in jail
on Friday of last week The wretched wo
man, overcome with horror and fear, sought
to save herself by denouncing others, and
made a full confession. She stated that she
had formed an intimacy with a man whose
name is not given, and wished ta marry him,
aud for one hundred dollars she hired his
brother to do the deed of death by which sho
might bo set free from her husband. ' He per
formed his task only too well." On Wednes
day the two men implicated wero arrested and
placed in custody. On the 1st mst., the ex
asperated people dragged the criminals from
the jail to the woods, and there hung them up
until they were dead. The woman was reser
ved, but was to bo hung on the d, as the pop
ulace were determined that all who were con
cerned in the assassination of Robison, should
cumber earth no longer. Memphis jlppeal.
Tho Charleston Convention will vote by
States, each State' casting as many votes as it
has in the electoral college ; but by a resolu
tion adopted at Cincinnati, the Convention
will bo composed of twice as many delegates
as voters. Classified into Free and ' Slav
States, the former will . send 360 against 240
from the latter. Beside these, the members of
the Democratic National Executive Commit
tee have seats on the floor of the Convention,
but no votes. ' They are S3 fn number. More
over, it is customary to admit distinguished
members of the party to the floor of the house,,
as a courtesy : so that the Convention will be
composed- of about 650 members.
" "' ' . - - - - - BT ARTEMIS WARD.
A showman meats strange sites, ne sees
human natur as she ar, unmasked and without
no close on, & bo must be stupider nor a ded
kab hoss ef he dnzzent stock his branes with
several kinds of nollege. The undersined
won't boste. Ime an Arqcrican sitterzun. I
go in for the fast sailin, snug bilt & full mand
skuner United States, whitch runs herself, sho
duz, and on whose decks 1 man is as good as
annuther man, & frekwcntly more so, if he
cond ucks himself strate. To use a Shakespea
rian fraso, Ime nativ and to the manner born,
& don't want to put on airs ciiuply becaws Ivo
met with great sucksess in the showperfeshun
(whitch I've bin into goln on twcnty-2 yeres.)
My wurthy projenny tors was nnable to give mo
a clasycal eddy.cashnn, & all I nose I pickt up
"As I sailed, as I sailed," to kwote from Cap
ting R. Kidd, the sellerbrated pirat. But
thank Ilevn my sire and sircss gave me a good
name, & I pint with fcelins of pride & plesuro
to the fack that nun of our family was ever in
Congress or on the New York perlice, or Ams
hous Guvner. The ensooin sene in my check
erd karreer is respectably submitted :
I pitcht my tent in a small town in Injianny
one day larst sccson, and while I was standin
at the dore takin munny, a deppytashun of la
dies came up & sed they was members ot the
Cunkumvill Femail Moral Reform & Wimin's
Rite's Associashun, and they axed mo if they
cood go in without pay in'.
' "Not exackly," ses I, "but you can pay
without goin in."
. "Dewou know who we air ?" scd one of
the winiin, a tall & feroshus looking critter,
with a blew kotton umbreller under her arm,
"dew you know who we air, Sux.?' '
"My impreshun is," sed I, "from, kursery
vew, that you air females."
"We air, Sur." sed the feroshus woman,
"we belong to a Society whitch blecves wimin
has rites whitch bleeves she is endowd with
as much intelleck as man is whitch bleeves
she is trampiled on & abuzed whitch will re
sist henslth & forever the encroachments of
proud and domincerinian." " ,
Dunn' her discourse the execntric femail
grabd me by the koat koller & was swingen her
umbreller wildly over my hed. ' - .
, "I hope, Marm," ses I, starting back, "that-
your intenshuns is honorable ? Ime a lono
man hear in a strange place. Decides, I've a
wife to bum." - :
"Yes," cride the femail, "and she's a slave !
Doth she never dreem of freedom doth sho
never think of throwin off the yoke ot tyrinny
& thinkin & speekin & votin for herself ? Doth
sho never think of theso yere things ?" :
".tSot bem' a natral born lool," sed I, by
this time a little riled, "I kin safely say that
Bhedusunt." ' ' " :' " '
"0 Tvhot whot V Screamed tho "femail;
swingin Jier umbreller in the air, "O whot i
the price that wuman pays for ber experience ?"
"I don t know, marm," ses I, "the price to
my Show is 15 cents pur individooal." " '
"& can't our Society go in free?" asked
the femail. : ; ' . . ;"
"Not if I know it,", sed I. ,
"Crooil, crooil man," she crido, & bust inr
to tears. - - ' -
"Won't you let my darter In ?" sed another
of the exsentric wimin, takin me afeckshunitly
by the hand. "O, please let my darter in, .
she's a sweet gushin child of natur." ,
"Let her gush !" roared I, as mad as I cood
stick at their tarnal nonccnts ; "let her gush i"
hereupon they all sprung back with tho si-
multanius obscrvashun that I was a Beest.
"My femail friends," sed I, "be4 you ieeve.
I've a few remarks to make ; wa them well.
The femail woman is 1 of the greatest insti
toosbuns of whitch this land kin Boste. It's.
onpos3ible to get along without her. Had thar
bin no femail wimin in tho world, I. sbood
scarcely be hear with my unparaleled show on
this very orspicbus occashun. She is good in
wellness good all the time. O wooman, woo.
man !" I cride, my feelins wurked, up to ft hi
loetick pitch, "you air an angil when you be
have yourself; but when you take oil" your
proper apparil, & (mctyforicaly speakin) git
into panty loons when you desert your fire
sides, & with your beds full of wimin's rites
noshuns. go round liko roarin lyons seekin
whom you may devour sumbuddy rin short,;
when you undertake to play the man, you play,
the devul, & air an emfattic noosance. , My fe
mail friends," I continued, as they was indig
nantly leavin, "wa well what A, Ward has sed!"
The Threatened War in CniNA.-The ap
pointment of the Earl of Elgin as Plenipoteti-t
tiary Extraordinary to tho Government of.
China affords ground to hope that the threat,
encd war may be averted. Tho voice of the-'
English nation is undoubtedly for peace, and, '
accoiding to secret advices from Pekin, tho
Chineso Lmperor is disposed to make every,
reasonable concession. It would seem, there
fore, that nothing was wanting but a skillful'
diplomatist, free from prejudice and person
ally acceptable to the Chinese, in order to se-,
cure a good understanding; and such a man.
we have in the person of the Earl of Elgin.
In"1857 Lord Elgin was appointed special En-
oy to China, on a mission similar to that for
which he is now designated ; and, though the
ebollion iu India -foiled his efforts at that.
time, he was regarded by the Government of
China with peculiar favor. -
Thi nrire of a New York lfifrfslafor rjtrinn ."
first quality sells at $30,000; middling $5,000; .
inferior $3,000 that is If tho buffalo Courier
tplls the truth when it sava vnfps r nnenl'V
- j - - i
purchased at the above sums, and that Sena
tors and Assemblymen have their specified
prico for supporting gives measures. ;
The planting in Texas is said to bo either
rapidly progressing or finished, as far as re
gards oorn and vegetables. In the lower and
western counties corn is already up. In Mid
dle and Eastern Texas the ground has been in :
fine condition, and has been broken up easier ,
and deeper than has been usual.. , , - ,
The swamp-lands in the suburbs of New
Orleans are now being drained, and the eiti-
zens anticipate thereupon a speedy extension ,
of tho city. . . ,
Seeing a cellar nearly fisishcd,a waggish fel-
ow remarked that it was an excellent 1 ounda- :
tion for a story. . , , . ' ,
There arc in Leavenworth. Kansas, one bun-
dred and fourteen lawyers and judges.
The Kentucky Senate rejected the bill pro
hibitiDg the marriage of cousins.