Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 21, 1860, Image 3

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-'.: We direct attention to the advertisement of
Robert Lloyd, Dealer in Flour, Bacon, Groce
ries, &c, rhilipsburg, Pa.
- Those of our subscribers who intend "mo
ving" this Spring, will please notify us of the
change in their different residences, so that
-we may be enabled to forward their papers to
the proper places.
Is 3AiL.-Oa last Friday, a man named
Thos. Hamilton got on a b!g spree, which re
sulted in his getting put to jail for 24 hours
and lined $5 and costs. We hope this will
have the effect f keeping him sober when he
conies to our town hereafter.
. , Special Notice. Wui. Feath, Esq., at New
Washington, is authorized to receire and re
ceipt for monies duo this office. We have
. .placed a number of accounts in his hands for
collection. We trust those interested will at
tend to them as soon as possible. '
The River. The water in the Susquehanna
at this place is much too low for lumbering.
On Monday a drizzly rain fell, but, the atmo
sphere growing culd during the succeeding
night, and considerable wind prevailing yes
terday, it had but little eflect on the River.
Court. This U the week for the holding of
the March Term of our Courts ; but as no Ju
rors were summoned, and the President Judge
was not to be present, the attendance has been
jflira. Such business a3 can be transacted by
the Associate Judges, is being attended to.
We experienced a slight touch of an equi
tioxial storm yesterday atlernoon, in this re
gion. The wind blew hard fur a short time,
and the tir was filled with snow ; but it soon
passed over, without doing any damage. This
morning it is winterlike, the ground being fro
zen and white with snow.
Diei. We regret to leaan that Mr. Green
wood Eaton. who, whilst working on Ames' log
job in Morris fp., was severely injured on the
-Vth inst., and had his leg amputated below
the knee, has since died, lie was in a fair
way of recovering, when erysipelas attacked
the injured limb, baffling prompt aud skillful
attention, aud causing death a lew days since.
Loo Jams. upturns have been made this
week ly constables that the navigation of
Clearfield Creek is obstructed at the bridge
two miles cast of town and above the Ring
gold mill in Lawrence township, and above
Beat's dam in Beccaria township, by logjams
At the latter place, the jam extends a distance
of from three to five miles. There was a jam
in llalston's dam, about a mile and a half in
length, and there were small jams at other
points. In consequence of these obstructions,
but few raits have been run out of the Creek,
audit Is duiibtfnl whether those above these
jams will be got out at all this season.
AnoBX rota Yards and Gardens. As the
season fur garden making and transplanting is
near at hand, we take occasion to impress up-
n the minds of our readers, whether they own
a patch of ground not more than forty feet
.square, or a dozen of acres, the importance of
providing themselves with trees, shrubs and
jdants. The value of a few fruit trees in a
yard, and the Iieauty which they add, is a con
sideration not to bo overlooked. Fruit trees
and berries, especially, aside from the pleasure
derived in theircultivatior. and the adornment
which they throw around the house, are often
the source of much profit. Strawberries, rasp
berries, gooseberries and the like, produce
largely, and if not required for the consump
tion of the household, always find a ready mar
ket at high prices. A grapo vine, properly
trained, will occupy but a few feet of ground,
and yet produce a fair quantity of fruit. So,
too, of blackberries, an excellent fruit, easily
cultivated and very prolific. Of this species,
the Lawton is the most famous, being large,
plump and hardy, and of a rich flavor, while
it yields immensely, a single stalk often yield
ing nearly a peck of fruit.
Among the' appointments of the East Balti
more Conference, for the present year, we find
the following :
Jcsiata District. George Gnyer, 1 E.,
llollidaysburg, E. B. Snyder; Altoona, Sam'l
Creighton; Woodbury, C. G:aham, J. W.
Buckley ; Schellsburg, W. II. Stevens, Emo
ry Buhrman ; Bedford Station, Sam'l Barnes ;
Bedford Circuit, Charles Cleaver, Hugh Linn;
New Grenada, A. J. Bender, one to be sup
plied ; CassviUe, J. A. Coleman, J. G. Moore ;
Huntingdon, S. L. M. Conser ; Manor Hill, A.
M. Barnitz, J. C. Clark ; Williamsburg, Thos.
Barnhart ; Birmingham, J. A. Melick, M. L.
Smith ; Pbilipsburg, II. Wilson, J. D. Brown ;
Cnrwcnsnlle . and Clearfield, W. L. Spotts
wood ; New Washington, E. W. Kirby, C. II.
Kitchen ; Janesville, II. S. Mendenhall, Wm.
A. Iloucfc.
Bellefoste District. James Sanks, P. E.
Bellefonte station, Thos. Sherlock; Bellefonte
circuit, John Anderson, J. B. Pottsgrove;
Bald Eagle, John Guss Warrior's Mark, T.
11. Switzer, M. P. Crosthwaite ; Pcnn's Val
ley, J. A. DeMoyer, F. B. Kiddell ; Lock Ha.
en,iR. Hinklc, B. W. Dougherty; Clinton,
B- B. King, H. M. Ash ; Great Island, E. E.
Alien ; Liberty Valley, Nathan Shaffer ; New
berry, J. w. Houghawaut, J. F. Brown, Ilun
ter, sup ; Jcrsey Shoro station s w price,
Robert Beers, SUp.. Jersey Shore circuit, W.
A. McKee ; Sinnemahoning, P. B. Riich ;
Shipper, John T. Cole; Caledonia, John I .
Cra:g; Krthans,jUilj-ing
l' JU!?8' iT8 M to 8a7 that he
wiU be m his office hi Clearfield, most or the
time from the 1st of March till after the June
court; alter which time, he expects to be ab
sent for several months. Persons desiring his
services will do well to call on him before that
time. The Doctor has improved facilities for
PUa1?S "P Work and does U in such a neat
and durable manner, that ho has obtained
reservedly high reputation as a Dentist amon
uo-e for whom ho has operated. iu7it.
' ' VJ7"Exciting the foot-race on Monday."
rjcp-In a bad fix the man who held the Makes.
D-Got jugged the fellow who boasted of
his strength, and then "treed."
K7A!1 the go alligator shoes, in Louisia
na. They are made out of alligator hides.
K?Died on the 14th, in Philadelphia, Hon.
L. C. Levin, a well known Native American.
K?"Had a knock-down a couple log-floaters,
one day last week, on Front street. .- Bad
whiskey got up the fight.
CF"Commenced again the rush to the gold
diggings at Pike's Peak. Mining prospects
are said to be never so bright.
CF"It is thought at Washington city that
Spain intends to interfere in Mexican affairs
in favor of the Miramon party.
03?" A resolution to adjourn sine die on the
third day of April, has passed both branches
of the Pennsylvania Legislature.
DC7"Thcre are now nearly 130 temperance
societies in Norway, and drunkards are rapid
ly disappearing from that country.
K7Garrisori's Liberator, the organ of the
ultra Abolitionists, has an article denouncing
the late speech of Senator Seward.
KFA bachelor of our acquaintance, who has
a very pretty sister, recently wrote to another
equally fortunate, "please exchange."
v KP"Victorious the Republicans, in New
Hampshire. They have elected Ichabod Good
win as Governor by nearly 5,000 majority.
nP"Pious the old lady who objected to giv
ing her son a collegiate education, on learning
that "profane history" was one of the studies.
EFA Douglas paper tells us that the Little
Giant is a 'fixed fact.' Well, so are jackasses,
on the score that '-facts are stubborn things."
CF"Beauties the two white male bipeds who
took part in the nigger dance, the other night.
They doubtless '-love darkness rather than
E7"A young lady who had lost or misled her
beau, was advised to hang up her fiddle. She
said the advice did great violence to her heart
strings. E7"Mr. Buchanan may talk as he will about
manifest destiny, but we never knew any man
cr tiling whose destiny was more manifest
than his.
fGA vender of medicines in London bears
the ominous name of "Churchyard." A wag
one day stepped iu and inquired it the sexton
was ut home.
CE?If the Republicans go Se-ward in the ap
proaching canvass they will probably luve to
fish without Bates, says some punster, to the
public unknown.
DSLord Ward, Earl of Dudley, has an in
come from coal mines ot about two millions
jf dollars annually, and yet he can hardly
make both ends meet.
0-Lamb once said to a brother whist play
er, Martin Burney. whose hands were none of
the cleanest, "Martin, if dirt was trumps, what
a hand you would have."
KF"In demand yarb" tea and handker
chiefs, the receu: sudden changes in the wrath
er having given many persons "bad cold in
me Heart." Everybody nose that.
DC-A bill to license gambling Is before the
Legislature of Louisiana. The New Orleans
papers censure it strongly. It is to be hoped
tnak the measure will be deleated.
EF"In a church in Norfolk, Va., on Sundav
the 11th inst., a loaded pistol in the pocket of
a boy went oil. penetrating the leg of a boy,
named Henry Brown, just below the knee.
LL7f,"):ir hundred years have elapsed since
the discovery of pi luting, yet books arc not in
circulation over half the globe ; while the use
of tobacco became universal within fifty years
oi its discovery.
CF"The execution of Stevens and ITazlett,
the last of the Harpers Ferry insurrectionists,
took place last Friday at Charlestown, witness
ed by a large concourse of people. They ap
peared resigned to their fate.
DS"Among the late California items is a
statement that Col. Fremont is sending down
from his mills to San Francisco, "a chunk of
gold about the size of a Philadelphia brick,
every week." How large's that ?
C7"The Legislature of Texas has passed a
bill granting live leagues of land to all institu
tions ot learning worth $70,000, for the pur
pose of endowing professorships. Also, four
leagues to each county for common schools.
E?"A word to the boy who expects to be
President of the United States in A. D. 190.)
refuse all instruction concerning the points of
the compass, since it is absolutely necessary
that you should know no North, no South, no
East, no West !...
KFThe latest information from Mexico
states that there were three American war ves
sels before Vera Cruz, and that all non com
batants had left the city. The Havana expe
dition had been declared piratical by the Jua
rez trovernment.
KT-Majnr Robinson, a solo fifer, one day re
cently furnished the martial strains for" two
military companies in Dayton, Ohio. It was
estimated that they walked five miles, and
were out one hour and a half, during which
time the Major never ceased playing.
K7The hotel keepers of Charleston want to
make a nice thing out of the Democratic Na
tional Convention. They have concluded to
bleed the delegates to tho tune of $7 per day
for board. This is not well relished by those
interested, and there is talk of changing from
there to Baltimore.
7""Tho Paris correspondent of the Courier
des Etats Unis says that when the Grand Duke
of Tuscany came to Paris last year, he not on
ly oeggea Liouis isapoleon to restore Tuscany
to him, but went on his knees and accompanied
prayer with tears and lamentations. His name
should be changed to the Duke of Wails.
K7In order to avoid the skinnimr operation
through which the chivalric people of Charles
ton, S. C, contemplate putting the delegates
to the National Democratic Convention, ume
"cute Yankees" are talking of chartering a
vessel to carry them down, and to remain and
board them during their stav. The idea is a
good one, for, as they are bound to go up Salt
River this fall, they will be that far on their
way, ana can doubtless secure tho vessel for
the remainder ot the trip at a small advance.
Chills akd Fkvf.u! Chills aj Fever!! One
of the greatest remedies that has ever been laid
before the public, for Fever and Ague, and which
have received tho highest enconiums from tho
press and the people, is Dr. J. Hostetter's Celebra
ted Bitters. Who would endure the tortures ari
sing from this terrible disease, when it can be so
easily cured ? Who would endure sleepless nights,
burning fevers and icy chills alternately, when a
remedy can be obtained for a mere trifle ? And
yet how many families linger out a painful exis
tence under the deadly blight, and do nothing but
gulp down quinine, until it becomes as common
as their daily meals, and yet they are not reliev
ed. None but the foolish and weak would hesi
tate to procure thes.e valuable Bitters, . and sare
themselves intense agony. Sold by druggists and
dealors generally everywhere. See advertise
ment in another column.
On the 0th of March, of dropsy, Margaret
Melissa, daughter of David and Margarct,Mc
Collough, of Knox township, aged 0 years and
4 months. '
A uate in Lumber City, Clearfield county, with
an conveniences for a private residence. For
particulars appty to the subscriber,
leb. 23. 18rtC-3tp. JOSEPH L. CURBY.
rpO WATERMEN. All watermen wishing
X. accommodations, will find it to their interest
in stop or iaua at the 'Scootac wharf, as there will
oe in, pains spared to render them comfortable.
600 Bush. Shelled Corn,
oOO backs White Wheat F'our, (a good article,)
500 Pounds Buckwheat Flour, t do do .
200 Barrels White Wheat Flour, do do
Just receiving, and for sale at reasonable rates by
xuo. j... . , .. u. MUftSUi", (Jlearneld.
to call and examine the laigest assortment otmM
made- lin-vare to be found in the State, which
we are prepared to sell at Ltnnrr Price than in
terior goods are geuerally sold for.
Sign of the Large Coffee Pot.
Mar:U:r59-3ni. 723 Market st. Philadelphia
HWARD, Manufacturer and Dealer fn Straw
Goods. Nos. 103, 105 and 107, North Second
Street. Philadelphia. Having just received our
Spring Stock, which comprises a large and desira
ble assortment of all kinds of Straw and Lace
Goods. Our stock of Flowers and Ruches is una
sually large this season, and we would invite vour
special attention to that department l'lease
call and examine them before making your pur
chases. Feb. 29-4t.l II. AVARD.
j.3k. oi Administration on the Estate or R. F.
Ward, Sr., late of Clearfietd Boro Clearfield coun-
tV. Pa., deceased. hnvin hppn frnnti-H tn tha nn.
dersigned, residing in said Borough, nil persons
inaeoteu to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those havingclairas againsj
the snme. will present them, duly authenticated
p . . i . . . , , .
ior settlement, to me unuersigncu.
Feb. 15, 1860,-St RFENT AVARD.
WvU 20 Boxes Smoked Herring,
10 Barrels White Fish, 10 Cans Spiced Salmon,
5 Barrels Mackerel, 5 Barrels Salmon,
5 Barrels Haddock, 5 Barrels Blue Fish.
Just receiving, and for sale at reasonable rates by
Feb. 22. R. MOSSOP, Clearfield.
TVTEW GOODS. Ilavins just returned from
it the East, wo are now opening a fresh stock of
at the old stand on Second street. Clearfield. Pa,
Tho stock consists of a general assortment of Dry
(ro.v, such as C'oiix, Ksuxst meres, fJaxxuirttx,
Tweed. Muslin, Calicoes, blannel. Ginghams
and a variety of JjOtties' )re- Good, q-e.. iVr,
Also, Groceries, Hardware. Qneensirare, and a u
eual assortment of such articles as are wanted by
tU0 community at large, all of which will be sold
at reasoable rates for cash, or exchanged for ap
proved country produce. ivo us a call.
Nov. 2, LSj'J. REED & WEAVER.
IVjjsS If,, 4 a- ur:.,
Months. Every Pianist, every Singer, every Tea
cher, every Pupil, every Ameteur, should procure
this weekly Publication of Vocal and Piano Forte
wmis uuv iu vsa a liuiuucr. anu pro
nounced by the entire Press of the country, to be
..Tlio ri . M'-.-t. c , , .
m tt-a ucai aim ei jjusl ui iw iu me Kinu in tne
World." Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and
Piana Forte .Music for 10 cts. Yearly, S3 ; Half
yearly. S2 50; Quarterly, SI 2h. Subscribe to
uur musical friend, or order it from the near
est Newsdealer, and you will have Music enough
ior jour enure iHinuy ana at insignihcant cost :
nd if you want Music for the Flute. Violin. Cor
net, Clarionet. Accordion, etc., etc , subscribe to
the "Solo Melodist," containing 12 pages, costing
vmj iv renrxo- namner ; 1 early, au ; Half-yearly,
SI 23. All the back numbers at 10 cents, and
Bound Volumes, containing 17 Nuinbe s. at $2 50
each, constantly on hand. C. B. SEYMOUR & CO.
Feb. 1, 1SH0. 107 Nassau St., New-York.
1I dersigned. having become sole owner of the
store ot Eliza Irvin & hons, m Curwensville. Pa.,
would respectfully inform the public, and the old
customers of the establishment, tbnt he has just
received frem the East, a large and extensive as
sortment of SPRINtf & SUMMER GOODS, which
he will dispose of at the lowest prices.
He desires to call pnrticular attention to the
great variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which
have been selected with an express view to meet
the wants of the community. Jle has also Cloths
and Cassimeres of the latest utvlps. nnd n lnr.m
stock of Ready-made Clothing, Jlats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes. Ladies' Bonnets of the latest
fashion; Mackerel and Herring; Sugar. Tea and
Molasses; Hardware, yueensware, tc, Ac, all of
which he will sell at prices to suit the times.
Lumber and countrv nrodunu of ' L-imia ta
ken in exchange for (roods.
He invites purchasers to rrive him a p.ill Twfnro
supplying themselves elsewhere.
Curwensville. Pa.. May 18. 1S59.
Graham's Row. Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment of
WAIiaitS JEWELKA. Jfcc. &e.. to which we in.
vite attention.
Gold and Silver huntin? and onen faced wnfoh.
es. to be had at NAl!(;i7R?S
The American Lever of different nunlifina n
be had at NACGLE'S.
FillC setts of Jewelrv. Riioh na fimnn rnr.il 1
va, Jctt, Carbuncle, Garnctt. Opal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings. &c,
or single pieces at NAUGLE'S.
Plain Zold Breast nins. Fur ilrnnii llnnn Var rSmro
- I T vj...vv. va
ch ildren s eardrops and rings at N A UG LE'S.
uoiu seals, Keys and pencils, gold pens and sil
ver holders at NAUGLE'S.
Gents breostnins. sleeve buttons, shirt ntn.ij v.K
buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S.
A fine assortment of fob! finmr rinin nf iliff...
g It " '0
ent stvles anil (iniLlitv ir-nlil InnL-Ata .kvnl nn.iin.
ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and
an urncies in nis line, on nanu ac i AUliLE S.
Just received, it fine AiiiinrtinAnt nf Vonrtw rwl
common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1.25
to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S'
Old Gold and Silver will be t.lken in fvcknnirn
for goods at NAUGLE'S
All soods warranted as renrpsentod. Ar tho inn.
ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S.
If you wish your watches put in good repair
and warranted, take them to NAUGLE'S.
Tho undersigned, desire to inform the citizens of
Clearfield and surrounding vicinity, that they
have recently purchased in the Eastern cities a
large and well selected stock of seasonable Goods,
which they have opened in the well-known Room
on Market street, Clearfield, (formerly occupied by
Wm. F. Irwin.) Their stock consists ot a general
assortment of the very best Foreign and Domestic
Th eir stock of Dry Goods consists in part of such as
ClotM, Cassiutere, Satiiuts. Tweeds, Vesting,
Mttstin Ticking, Checks. Calicoes. Chintzes,
Ginghams, Canton and Wool Flannels, De
Lamest Cashmeres, Silk. Fluids, Shawls,
Brilliants, Hosiery, Glove, etc.. etc.
Also, a great variety of Ladies' Eoots and Gaiters,
Misses and Childrens Shoes: Mens'. Bovs'. and
Youths' Boots, Shoes, Uats and Caps, with a large
selection or usetui notions, among which are
Perfumery, Cloth ami Hair Brushes, Fancy
Soajjs, Pen and Pen-holders, Combs, ij-c, .
together with many other useful notions, all of
which will be sold low for Cash, or in exchange
for approved country produce. As their stock is
entirely new, and purchased on tho most advanta
geous terms, they feel confident that they can sell
goods to the advantage of the buyer. Step in
and examine for yourselves, before purchasing
elsewhere Remember the new store is the place.
Feb. 22, 1800. GRAHAM, BOYNTON i. CO.
The undersigned hereby announ
ces to the citizens of Clearfield county,
mat ne IS Still enframed, at his old stiindtil
in TYRONE CITY, in ereetina- MONUMENTS
and BOX TOMBS. Also Head ami Foot Stones
of the latest and most approved styles, and on the
most reasonable terms. , All orders promptly at
tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN.
. Aug.2j.l858.-dec2.Va7. Tyrone City
MENT. The subscriber respectfully informs
the traveling public in general, and the water
men of the West Branch of the Susquehanna in
particular, that he has recently erected and just
opened a large and commodious Tavern House at
the well known landing at the mouth of Sany
Creek, in Covington towuship. where he is prepa
red to entertain watermen and all others who may
favor him with their patronage. The house hss
been built expressly for the accommodation of the
public, and every attention will be given to the
comfort of those who visit him while they remain.
The undersigned having opened a Tailoring Es
tablishment in Shaws Row, in the room recently
occupied by II. F. Natigle as a Jewelry Store, an
nounces that he is now ready and willing to make
Coats, Pttntaloons, Vests, ire, for his old custom
ers, and as many new ones as may give him a call,
after the latest and most approved styles, or after
any of the old fashions, if they prefer it. By
doing his work in a neat and substantial manner,
aud promptly fulfilling his engagements, he ex
pects to secure a liberal share of patronage.
Jan. 18 13r0. WM. RADEBAUGII.
REGISTER'S NOTICE Notice is here
by given, that the following accounts have
been examined and passed by me, and remain filed
of record in this office for the inspection of heirs,
legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way
interested, and will bo presented to tho next Or
phans' Court of Clearfield County, to be held at
the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield,
commencing on the 3d Monday of MARCH, ISM.
for confirmation and allowance :
The Partial account of Samuel Wideinire, one
of the Executors of the last will and testament of
Gideon Widemire. late of Pcnn township, Clear
field county, deceased.
Feb. 15, I860. JAS. WRIG LEY. Reg.
The undersigned informs his friends and custom
ers that he has received at his store on Market
street, Clearfield, a full and general assortment of
Drugs and Medicines, Varnishes, Oils and
Paints, Rearly-Made Clothing, tyc, ire,
which he will dispose of at the most reasonable
rates for cash, or exchange for every description
of approved country produce. Buyers should at
all times consult their own interest, and procure
their goods wherever they can purchase the most
tor tlieir money. Ihe --cheap cash store," it is
believed, has this desirable feature of economy,
and therefore should be sought by those who wish
to procure goods at the lowest cash prices.
Nov. 2. 1S39. AVM F.IRWIN.
TRON ! IRON!! IRON !!! AYe, the under-
JL signed, would respectfully inform the public
that having lately repaired the works commonly
known as the '-Old Alleghany Forge," near Phil
ipsburg. we are prepared to manufacture all kinds
of ham mered iron, such is Sledge Moulds. Crow
Bars, Horse-shoe Bars, Saw-mdl Bars, Wagon
Tire of all sizes, Scolip Iron, Shovel Plow-slutres,
Forge ami Furnace Tools, ire. AVe will also man
ufacture Iron for machinery, which, for strength
and durability, commands a high standing in the
estimation of all good machinists. Persons wish
ing any ot the above iron can be accommodated
on short notice. It is unnecessary to dwell on the
superior qualities tne hammered iron possesses
over rolled irou. as persons using both are soon
convinced of the superiority of the former. The
people of Clearfield will find it to their advantage
to use the hammered iron, both tor strength and
durability. . Country produce and scrap iron of
every size and description taken in exchange for
hammered iron. All orders will be promptly at
tended to by addressing the firm of
Sept.l4,'59-(5m. Philipsburg, Centre eo.. Pa.
J. A It is a fact that, at some period, every mem
ber of the human family is subject to disease or
disturbance of the bodily functions; but, with tho
aid of a good tonic and the exercise of plain com
mon sense, they may be able so to regulate the sys
tem as to secure permanent health, in order to ac
complish this desired object, the true course to pur
sue is certainly that which will produce a natural
state of things at the leasthazard of vital strength
troduccd to this country a preparation bearing his
name, which is not a new medicine, but one that
has been tried for years, giving satisfaction to all
who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully
upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them
to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, bv
the simple process of strengthening nature, ena
ble the system to triumph over disease.
For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indizestion. Nausen.
Flatulency, Lossof Appetite.or Bilious complaints,
arising from a morbid inaction of the Stomach or
Bowels, prod ucingCrauips.Djscntary.Cholic.Chol-
cra Morbus, etc., these Bitters have no equal.
Diarrhoea, dysentery or ilux. so generally con
tracted by new settlers, and caused principally by
the change of water and diet, will be speedily reg
ulated by a brief use of this preparation. Drsnen-
sia, a disease which is probably more prevalent,
in all its various forms, than any other, and tho
cause of which may always be attributed to de
rangements of the digestive organs, can be cured
without fail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH
BITTERS, as per directions on the bottle. For
this disease every physician will recommend Bit
ters of some kind; then why not use an article
known to be infallible? All nations have their
Bitters, ns a preventive of disease and strengthen
cr of the system in general; and among them all
there is not to be found a more healthy people
than the Germans. from whom this preparation em
anated, based upon scientific experiments which
have tended to prove the value of this great pre
paration in the scale of medical science.
eveu and Agi'k. This trying and provokins
disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the bo
dy of man, reducing him to a mere shadow in a
short time, and rendering him physically and men
tally useless, can be driven from the body by the
Further-none of the above-stated diseases can be
contracted, fven in exposed situations, if- the Bit
ters are usod as per directions. And as they nei
ther crea nausea nor offend the palate, and ren
der unnecessary any change of diet or interrup
tion of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep
and healty digestion, and the complaint is remo
ved as speedily as is consistent with the produc
tion ot a thorough and permanent cure.
1-or Persons in Advanced 1 ears, who are suffer
ing from an enfeebled consitution and infirm body,
these Bitters are invaluable as a restorative of
strength and vigor, and need only be tried to be
appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these
Bitters are indispensable, especially where the mo
ther's nourishment i3 inadequate to the demands
of the child, consequently her strength must yield,
and here it is where a good tonic, such as HosteU
ter's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart tempo
rary strength and vigor to the system - Ladies
should by all means try this remedy for all ca
ses of debility, and, before iO doing, should ask
tneir physician, who, it he is acquainted with the
virtue of the Stainach Bitters, will recommend
their use in all cases of weakness. .
Caution. AYe caution the public against using
any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask
for Hostetter, Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see
that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle,
and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork,
and observe thatour autograph signature is on the
label. CPreparedandsoldbyJowriJ-iSiMA,
Pittsburg, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers,
and dealers generally throughout the United
States. Canada, South America, and Germany.
Agents Geo.AV.Rheeni and C.D.Watson. Clear- j
field ; John Patton, Curwensville; D. Tyler, Hus
ton ; P. K. Arnold. Lutheraburg. Sept24,'59.
HONEY. A good article of Honey, for sale
at the store of AVM. F.IRWIN.
A house and lot in Curwensville borough for
sale ; for terms and description apply to
JuneS. lS5a J-CRAKS, Clearfield.
FOR RENT. The undersigned has for rent a
house and lot, and blacksmith shop, in the
Borough of x.uthcrsburg This is a good location
for a blacksmith. For further information apnlv
Luthersburg. Feb. 2a. ' To JAMES IUA1N.'
(formerly kept by Mrs. Clements.) The sub
scriber respectfully solicits the patronage of his
old friends, and assures all rivermen having bu
siness in Marietta that no pains will be spared
for their accommodation and comfort.
Feb. 22. lSOO-ly. AENER M MICHAEL.
COAL! COAL!! COAL !!! The undersign
ed informs the citizens of Clearfield and vi
cinity, that he is prepared to furnish the best qual
ity of Coal from Moore's bank, lor smithing or
stoves, free from sulphur, at 6 cents if delivered,
or 4 cents at the bank. Orders will be given at A.
C. Flanigan's Saloon for the Cash. Buckwheat or
Corn will be taken in exchange for coal.
Dee. 21, 18511 MICHAEL CONNELLY.
of Administration on the Estate of Jacob AV.
Senscnig, late of Knox township, Clearfield coun
ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned, residing in New Millport, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims against
the same, will present them, duly authenticated
for settlement, to the undersigned, or to L. J.
Crans. Esq., Attorney. Clearfield, Pa.
ZeJh-2!' 8C0- MARTIN O. STIRK, Adiu'r.
The undersigned having entered into partnership
in the Foundry Business, under the name and
style of Robison t Denmark, respectfully an
nounce to the publie that they have constantlv on
hand, or will make to order, Stoves, Plows, and
all other Castings commonly used in the country,
which they will sell at tho lowest rates for cash,
or exchange on the most advantageous terms for
old metal, or approved country produce.
Febrnaryl.lsr.O. D. J. DENMARK.
IBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield co.,
1 hereby gives notice that their bonks. nma.
ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of
fice of James AA'rigky, Register and Recorder at
Clearfield. The books arc of various sizes and a
dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun
day Schools at very cheap rates. A'cry substan
tial bibles can be had as low as 25 cents apiece,
and testaments as low as 61 cents apiece.
The people of the county generally are also in
vited to leave with Mr. AVrigley any donation they
may bo pleased to make in aid of the funds of tho
Society. Signed by order of the Executive Com
mittee: ALEX. McLEOD. President.
containing 121 acres 85 cleared and under
good fence. A log house 22 by 26. plank house lt
by 18, log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buil-dings
thereon. Large springand spring-house con
venient to house. The land is well watered and
has sufiicient wood and fencing timber. There is
an orchard of large grafted trees, and a young or
chard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient
for pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing 90 a
cres 10 cleared and under fence balance well
timbered. This land has a log house and stable
thereon. For terms apply to
October 13. L. J. CRANS, Clearfield.
The undersigned adopts this method of in
forming the publio and the patrons of the late
firm of S. A.Gibson Co.. that he designs car
rying on the MARBLE BUSINESS in Belle
fonte. in all its various branches, and will hold
himself always in readiness to furnish those who
call upon him. with nil kinds of Ceineteru Work.
,,F l. A i.. . : i , i . ' .
" o..;aii uiiisMcni uetngns, ana superior worK
manship. such as Monument. Bon Tnml,. f.m.
die Tombs, Spires. Obelisk. Grecian Tomb, Ta
ble Tombs, Head Stone. Carved. Sculptured or
Plitin. as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be
had at any other establishment in the country.
Thankful for past favors, the undorsigned solicits
an increase of patronage. AVM. GAHAGAN.
Bellefonte. Pa., March 2:1. 1859-tf.
9 having fitted up a shop a few doors east of
tne -uid .Jew More," on .Market street, desires to
lnlorm the community nt large, that he keeps on
hand a variery of CABIN 1ST WORK, at his
buop, ana mat he manufactures to order, (of su
perior finish.) every description of Household and
Kitchen furniture, anion.? which are Centre, and
Dining Tables ; Mabogonr and Common Bureaus;
common ana taney jjedstoads. stands. Safes, Cup
boards. Sofas. Lounges. &o.. whiidi ha is riotfrmm
ed to dispose of nt as cheap rates, for cash, its they
can be purchased at any other establishment of
iuo son in tne county. Persons wishing .to buy
furniture are invited to come to his shop and ex
amine his articles, and judge for themselves of its
quality and finish, before purchasing elsewhere,
as he feels confident that he an suit thein in price
and quality. Country produce will be taken in
payment for furniture. November 10. 1858.
N- B. He is also prepared to make COFFINS to
order on the shortest notice, and attend funerals
with a hearse, when called upon. J. S. J.
-I r . brown, the leader of the hi stir
rer! ion, found guilty of Murder ami Treason in
me. rust aegree. ihe above named -insurrection'
caused a great deal of gas to be let off bv leadini?
politicians and the political press of this great
country, anu in lacs, tne majority of the people of
all parties, were inoro or less excited on reading
the first account of the insurrection some of the
papers trying to make political capital out of the
affair and others tusking light of the matter. But
if it had been an Italian strike for Freedom a-
gainst their lawful sovereign, led on by Manzinni
or Garibaldi, the Press of this country, with but
one exception, would can meetings and pass reso
lutions and solicit subscriptions to aid them in
their so called patriotic work ; hut amidst all this
inconsistency there is one man that is not the least
interested in the fate of Brown or his companions,
and that one is Frank Short of the Short Shoe
Shop on Second street, where he will be found at
all times ready and willing to wait upon persons
calling on him for anything in the Boot, Shoe or
Gaiter line. Thankful for past favors he only asks
a continuance of the same, and will sell as cheap
for cash or hides as any other man in the countv.
November . 1S59. FRANKSHORT.
1 ((C LBS "AM, 1000 LBS SIDES,
JLUlU 1000 pounds Shoulders,
Just receiving, and for sale at the store of
Feb. 22. R. MOSSOP. Clearfield.
t7Uv Cherries, on hand and for sale by
Feb. 22 R. MOSSOP, Clearfield.
AFT AND DOG ROPES, a little cheaper
than they can be bouzht in the countv. at
Feb. 22 U. MOSSOP S. Clearfield.
RAFTING ROPES, for sale as cheap as they
can be had at any other store in town, by
NAILS, GLASS, Oils, Paints, Ac. to be had at
the most reasonable prices, at the store of
BACON. Hams. Sides and Shoulders, for sale
at the corner store ot WM. IRVIN.
Fobruary 2'), 1860. Curwensville.
FISH, BACON AND SALT, just received and
for sale ut moderate prices at the store of
teb. za. G a Ail Aim. HOYS TON & CO.
WHEAT Flour, of good quality, in barrels
and I00-Ib. sacks, for sale at the store of
Jan. 25. , AVir. Invtx, Cunrensvill.
PULLEY Blocks, Raft Rope, Sole Leather and
Patent Leather, for sale eheap at the store of
Jan. 25. . Wx. Ievin, Curwensville.
PRUNES AND CURRANTS, a good, fresh ar
ticle just received and for sale cheap, by
February 2. WM. F. IRWIN, Clearfield.
RIED APPLES for sale at the Store of AYm.
F. Irwin, Market street, Clearfield, Pa.
sale at tho store of WM. Iu A IN, Curweasv
HAM, Sides and Shoulders, for sale at the store
of F. IRAVIX, Clearfield.
WANTED. Dry Pine Lumber and Shingles
at D. J. McCANN'S new store in Philip.
burg, Centre co.
February 22, 18f0-3m.
Ground Plaster, for sale at the cheap Cash
store of D. J. MeCANN,
. February 22. 186fl-3m. Philipsburg.
THE Head of the Susquehanna Shear Boom is
now opposite Samuel Carothers house, a dis
tance of about eighty rods below the Railroad
Bridge at Lymlen. Jan. 18. lSOO-pd.
SHIPPING FURS ! The highest CASH pri
ces paid for Mink, Coon. Red Fox. Grey Fox,
Otters, Muskrats. Ac., Ac, at WOMRATIIS'
415 A 417 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, March 7. l60-2m
TSA IT BOLDLY, thatyour Golden Salve
J. saved my life I was brought to the brink
of the grave by a broken breast; I gave up all
hopes ot getting well ; it cacd the pain in 1 hour
and seven boxes cured me; I could nurse mv
child in one week. Mr. J. Brn.meu, lo. 7
High Street, Istr-rll. Massachuxrtt.
It Can't be Rubbed Out It Can t be lluhbrd Out
Ha sared life in Jewell Has saved lieii I a well
Ha sared life in lsowell Has saved ,ife in loirrJt
By completely curing Piles, Rheumatism. Zuts,
Bruises, Sprains. Old Sores. Scrofulous Humors,
Erysipelas, Pimples on the Face, Zorns and zhil
blains, Sore Nipples. Broken Breasts. Burns and
Scalds, Spinal Difficulty, Felous, AVarts Zhalings,
Zancerous Sores, Ringworms. Salt Rhcuiu. .Sore
Lips, Frost-bitten limbs. Zhufed Infant. Zhapped
Hands. Boils, Scratches on Horses, Sore Teats on
Zows, Ac; and is adapted for every kind of soro
or humor that afflicts humanity All laborers,
and those who are the most subject to accidents,
should supply themselves with the Golden Salve.
It act without pain heals rapidly, and eases pain
almost instantly. It contains no poison, and has
no offensive odor. The Golden Salvo has. hy its
complete success in curing the various external
diseases, seen red a lasting reputation commensu
rate to its worth. Physicians use it extensively,
and testify to its superior value in checking in
flamatory action, and to its healing power. Gen
tlemen of the Press, the Pulpit and the Bar. tho
high and tho low. the rich and the poor, testify to
the matchle-' efficacy of the Golden Salve-,
Manufactured solely by Z. P. WHITTEX. 35 and
37 East Merrimack street, Lowell. Mass. 25 cents
per box. G. AV. Rhcem. Clearfield ; Jacob Koons.
Troutville; Howard Merrell. Bradford; Edward
AVill iums, AViMidland; Ellis Irwin A Sons. Lii-lc
Run; A.B Shaw.Shawsville; P.A.Ganlfn, French
ville; Thos. G. Snyder. Kylertown ; Henry Swan.
Ansonville; J. L. Allison. New AV ash ington ; and
by M. A. FRANK, General Agent. Zlearlield, who
will supply all country merchants on liberal terms.
Lowell, Mass.. August 17. 1850.
1860. 'It is the duty of every citixen of this
Great Republic to foster and encourage native
genius and American enterprise." Das.AVebstkii.
A Magazane dovoted entirely to the elevation of
American authorship, wholly national, in no wise
sectional or sectarian ; having for its' motto the
words of the great statesman :
' No North. No South. No East. No West;"
having nothing to do with politics, aiming only at
the highest in Art. Literature and Science, ftndem-
Eloying the best writers in every branch, is ig:iu
efore the American public, seeking their support.
This Magazine is now finishing the first year,
and drawing near the close of the Se.enitd Volume,
and has met with unparalleled success
The Third Volume will commence with the num
ber for January. 1850, which will be issued early
in December, 1H.5U. Every number will Lc .splen
didly illustrated in the highest ety'eofart. A
mong the numerous contributors engaged :'or tlio
coming year are the following well known distin
guished authors: Fita Green Halleck. Orestes A.
Brownson. Seha Smith (Jack Downing), George P,
Morris. J. T. Headley, Geo. D. Prentice. AVm. Gill
more Siuims. Alice Carey. Park Benjamin.-John
G. Saxe. Calhonn McKenzie. M. F.Maury. Hannah
F. Gould, Mrs. Kirkland. Mrs. Oancs Smith. Mrs.
Ellet, Phebe Carey, Ac. Ac, Ac, Ac
In the January number will be commenced tho
most strikingly original novel of the day-entitled
The Prophet ; or. Irenes o f Border JJfe. By Eli z
abeth Otikes Smith. There will also be commenc
ed in an early number of the coming volume a
most startling and intensely interesting original
novel, entitled The Slaver of the Corrxf ; or, The
African Trader, By Calhoun McKcnzie.
The -'Great Ropwblie Monthly" is the lareft
Magazine published in this country. Over? 10.
0UO has already been expended to bring it to its
present high degree of merit. The publishers are
determined to give it the largest circulation in the.
world. AVith this view they make the following
magui feent offers. And they refer to- every sub
scriber now on their books ns to the fidelity with
which they fulfil their obligations.
TERMS : Single copies. 25 tents ; Sufcseription
per year, 3 00 ; Clubs, of three or more, each $2.
Any one sending aclub ot Jive subscrihers.with
the money, shall receive, by mail, h s choice of
either of the following magnificent Steel Engrav
ings, viz : The Iast Supper ; size of plnte. 25 bv
40 inches; value. (35. TheCi'ty of thu Gre.it KiuJ;
size ofphite, 25 by S9 inche; value. S5. Tl.r Pal
ace of Westminster ; gir.e of plate. 25 by 3t inches :
value, S5. Sir Walter Scott's Monument ; size of
platii, 25 by :U inches; valce, SI. '-We Prai
Thee, O. Lord' ; size of plate, 21 hy 25 ire he ;
value. $3. Robert Bums ; size of plate, 21 by 25
inches; value, 5.'J.
Any person sending a club of Ti n. subscribers
shall receive his choice of any tiro of above engra
vings. A ny one sending a club of Fifteen subscri
bers shall receive his choice of any four of above
engravings. Any sending a club of Twenty sub
scribers shall receive all of the above engravings,
aud a copy of the magazine for cne year, gratis.
This splendid offer will enable every one, by a
trifling exertion, in getting subscribers, to obtain
ns fine a collection of rare works of Art to doru
ois parlor, as can be obtained anywhere for tuva-tu-f
ce dollar. each. Y'ounggentlemcn and young
ladies, all over the country, are invited to cct un
clubs upon above terms. Postmasters, and other
respectable persons who may desire to act as A
geuts, and to receive a cask commission instead of
the above liberal offer, are authorized to forward
ns subscribers at the prices before named', deduct
ing twenty per cent, for their trouble. The enrra
vingswill be sent in rotation, in the order in which
the clubs are sent in. First come first served.
In addition to to the above unparalleled offer
we now announce that where parties do not form
clubs and where their names are not sent in clubs.
that single snbxcnher sending th amount met op
posite to each of the above enzravinff. shall re
ceive the engravin chosen and one copy of tho
magazine tor one year, fcome or these engravings
are of three times the value of those offered by the
Old Art Union, and all of them are better and of
more intrinsic worth than any engravings ever of
fered hy any 'Gift Enterprise or-Art Association.'
"The Last Supper," and "The City of the Great
King," should adorn the walls of "every Clergy
man and Scholar in the country.
Ao such oners as these were ever made before
there is no chance" in the matter, no 'lotterv.'
no gift enterprise, no humbug. AVe call upon
Clergymen, Postmasters,- travelers, scholars, and
all who are interested in the mtccess of Ainrricau
Literature and Art, te avail themselves of these
generously liberal offers. In addition to all of the
above, any one sending one dollar and a half ex -
tra. (SI 5",) shall receive the twelve back numbers
of tne magazine from January, 1S5, forming a
perfect set of the "Great Republic'' Monthly froi
it commencement. - -
All subscriptions invariably In advanee. and n
deviation from above terms No further instruc
tions necessary to those forming clubs or to Agents.
Give name and Post-office address in Pull. All
sums over three dollar should be sent by draft, if
convenient. Money by mail, property authentica
ted, at our risk. Postage stamps and current bills
received at par. The lnagazino is for sale by a. I
news dealers in the- United States and Canada.
The trade supplied at publishers prices, by Ross
& Tousey, H. Dexter A Co., R. M. Dewitt. Hen
driokson, Blake A Long, in New Yorks and by all
the large dealers in th principal cities. -
- Send in your clubs '. Send in your clnbs! Spe
cimen copies sent upon the reoeipt of 25 ceuts.
The engravings will be sent en rollers, prepaid, or
by express. OAKSMETIl A Co. Publisher. ;
Cct5. 112 A 111 William street. New-York.
; j