Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 14, 1860, Image 4

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Tbe bill abolishing slavery in Kansas, which
was vetoed by Got. Medary, bas been passed
OTer bis veto by a rota of 30 to 7.
A man recently trot married in Kentucky
one day and hung himself tbe next. .No
doobt be wanted to try all varieties of nooses,
to see which he liked best.
An enterprising citizen of New Jersey bas
prepared ponds for tbe purpose of raising frogs
for the table. The reaany-command me
price of one dollar per hundred at wholesale.
Frogs are becoming a common article or food
National Boasting. Ab," said an Eng
lishman, the other day, "I belong to a coun.
try upon which the sun never sets." "And I,"
said a lankee, "belong to a country of which
there can be no correct map it grows so fast
that the surveyors can't keep up with it."
Tbe will of the late Stephen Whitney, the
New York millioniare, is published. The im
mense estate which it disposes of (some $15,-
000,000 in value,) all goes to the children and
grandchildren. The various public and pri
vate charities that were confidently calculating
on being remembered, got "nary red."
A wedding took place in Detroit the other
day, between an aged female ol sixty-five and
a young man of twenty-one. They were cou
sins, and on uniting themselves in matrimony,
became possessed of ten thousand dollars
by bequest. The donor of this money had,
upon bis death bed, willed them five thousand
dollars each, under the condition that they
were married in the family.
1 A greenhorn, from somewhere, standing
carelessly upon the end of one of the East
River piers, watching a Brooklyn ferry boat,
accidentally lost his equilibrium, and found
himself suddenly in the "damp." lie, how.
ever, soon clambered up again, and while
blowing off the superfluous brine, he was ask.
ed by a bystander how be relished old Nep
tune's soup, to which be replied : "Wall, 1
aint got much agin it ; but all I have to say
is, that whoever put the salt in, waren't a bit
The Raftsman's JorR5AL is published on Wed
nesday at 51,60 per annum in advance. If not
paid at the beginning of the year, $2,00 will be
' Advertiseme5ts will be inserted at 51,00 per
square of 12 lines for three or less insertions, tor
very additional insertion 25 cents will be charg
ed. A deduction will be made to yearly adver
tisers. No subscription taken for a shorter time than
six months, and no paper will be discontinued un
til all arrearages are paid, except at tbe option of
the publisher. S. B. ROW.
9 .
Tres't Judge Hon. Samuel Linn, Bellcfonte.
As'te.Judges Hon. Wm. L. Moore, Clearfield.
IIon.Benj'n. Bonsall, Luthersburg.
Fheriff. . . . Fred'k G. Miller, . Clearfield
Prothonotary, John L. Cuttle, . .
Reg. A Rec. . James Wrigley, . .
District Att'y, Robert J. Wallace, . "
Treasurer. . . Geo. B. Goedlander, "
Co. Surveyor, II. B. "Wright, . . Glen Hope.
Commiss'n'rs, George Earhard, . . NewMillport-
William McCracken, Lumber City
Vt m. Merrell, . .
Aaron C.Tate, .
Isaac W. Graham,
J.B.Shaw, . .
George Richards, .
. Clearfield.
. Clearfield.
Arrival and Departure of Mails at Clearfield.
J Eastern, daily, Sundays excepted, at 7 P.M.
Western, " " " 8 P.M.
Smith's Mills, Saturdays, 5 P.M.
Sinnamahoning,Wednesd. & Saturd. 8 P.M.
Karthaus, Saturdays, 6 P.M.
Kylertown, Mondays & Thursdays, 12 M.
Eastern, daily, Sundays excepted, at 4 A.M.
Western, " " " 4 A.M.
Smith's Mills, Fridays, 7 A.M.
Sinnamahoning, Tuesdays& Fridays, 6 A.M.
Karthaus, Thursdays, 8 A.M.
Kylertown, Monday & Thursdays 1 P.M.
The Mails will close at 9 o'clock, P. M.
N. B. Business men, of town and vicinity,
mm please preserve tins lor lature reference
C. D. Watsov, Post 31 aster.
Mail leaves Curwensville for Marron, via
XSew Millport and Lumber City, every Satur
day at 6 A. M., and returns same day at 8 p.m
Mail arrives at Curwensville Irom Indiana,
via Newman's Mills, Burnside, New
Washington, Chest, Bower and Grampianllills
Tuesday and Fridays atll A.M., and de
parts same days at 1 P. M.
Townships. Names of P.O. Names of P.M.
Beccaria, -
Glen Hope,
- Elam Rakestraw
Eell, -
Bower, -Chest,
Cush, - -
Ostcnd. -
Mary Elder.
- Thos.A. M'Ghee,
- J. W Campbell
Lewis Smith.
Boggs, - - - Clearfield Bridge, - P. B. Miller
Bradford, - Woodland, - - - Edw'd. Williams
Brady, - - - Luthersburg, -"
- - - Troutville, - -"
... Jefferson Lino, -
Burnside, NewWashingtonJ
" ... Burnside,
Clearfield, - Clearfield,
Covington, - Frenchville,
" ... Karthaus, - -
- A L. Schnell
- Jacob Runts.
- John Hoover.
J. M. Cummings.
- ias. .aicAiurray.
- Chas. D. Watson
- F. Coudriet.
- J. F.W. Schnarr
- Samuel Way.
Curwensville Curwensville,
Philipsburg, Centre county. Pa.
Marron, - - - - Edm. Williams.
- Hellen Post Office, Elk county; Pa.
Leconte's Mills,
C. Mignot.
" - - - Bald Hills, - -Goshen,
- - Shawsville, - -Graham,
- - Grahamton, -Huston,
- - Tyler, - -
" - - - Pennfield, - -Jordan,
- - Ansonville, - -Karthaus,
- Salt Lick. - -Knox,
- - - New Millport, -Lawrence,
- Breckenndge, -Morris,
- - - Kylertown, - -
" ... Morrisdale, - -Penn,
- - - Lumber City.t -
.... Grampian Hills,
Pike, .... Curwensville, -
' .... Bloomingville, -Union,
- - - Rockton, - - -Woodward,
Jeffries, - - -
" -- - Smith's Mills, -
- William Carr.
- A. B. Shaw.
- Jas. B. Graham
- David Tyler.
- H. Woodward.
Eliza Chase.
- Geo. Heckadorn
- D. E. Mokel.
- J.W.Thompson.
- Jas. I homp8on.
- Jas. McClelland.
- W W. Wright.
- A. C. Moore,
- Samuel Way.
- Michael Wise.
- Wm. F.Johnson.
Thos Henderson
- J. A. Hegarty.
S This Post Office will do for
Chest township.
tWill answer for Ferguson township
TVEW GOODS. Having; just returned from
11 the East, we are now opening a fresh stock of
at the old stand on Second street, Clearfield, Pa.
The stock consists of a general assortment of Dry
(toods, such as Cloiis, Cassimeres, Cassinetts,
Tweeds, Muslins. Calicoes, Flannels, Ginghams,
and a variety of 'Ladies'' Dress Goods, ire., ire.
Also, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, and a u
eual assortment of such articles as are wanted by
the community at large, all of which will be sold
at reasoable rates for cash, or exchanged for ap
proved country produce.. Give us a call.
Nov. 2, 1859. REED A WEAVER.
A house and lot in Curwensville borough for
sale ; for terms and description apply to
JnneS, 1859 L. J. CRANS. Clearfield.
BAR IRON, Spring. Shear, American, Eng
lish blister and cast Steel, at the cheap cor-
n linra Wu T ..... v ".. 111.
Wm. Irvix, Curwensville.
A FEW set of Ladies' Furs will be sold very
low at the "cheap corner store" of
Jan. 2. W. Irvi.v, Curwensville.
GRIND STONES with fixtures, for sale by Wm
Irvin. Curwensville. September 24.
A quantity of good Flour, in 100-Ib
X1 tacks, for iaf by
it X. X . IH WIX, Ulcartld.
B. WOODS. Attornev at Law. Indiana. Pa.
Professional business promptly attended to
TAR. B. F. AKELY, Grahamton, Clearfield coun
X-f ty, renn'a.
April 1.
DO. CROUCH, Phtsicias, Curwensville, Clear
. field county, Fcnn'a. May 14.
TTR- II. R. BRYANT, Luthersburg, Pa., tenders
XJ his professional services to the public in gen
eral. Luthersburg, October 13, 1859,
LJ. CKANS, Attorney at Law and Real Estate
. Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Office adjoining his
residence, on Second street.
May 16.
"TT7ILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law
f V Clearfield, Pa. Office, one door north of the
Post Office, on Second street. Sept. 1.
ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law, (and
District Attorney.) Clearfield, Pa. Office in
Shaw s new row, Market street. May 26.
XT BUCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law, Clear-
J-L. field. Pa. Office in Graham's Row, one door
east of the 'Raftsman s Journal' office. Nov 10.
T7IRANK SHORT, Boot and Shoe-maker. Shop,
: on Second street, (nearly opposite Reed and
eaver's Store,) Clearfield, Pa. May 4, 1859.
TW. MOORE, Land Surveyor, will attend to all
. business entrusted to hiin with care and dis
patch. Grampian Hills, Pa., Nov. 23, '59-6mp.
MA. FRANK, Justice of the Peace, Market St.,
. Clearfield, Pa. Business entrusted to his
care will receive prompt
made and money remitted
attention. Collections
GEORGE W. RHEEM, Dealer in Drugs, Medi
cines, Stationary and Fancy articles. Room
formerly occupied by Lorain, on Market Street,
Clearfield. Sell cheap, for cash Apr20.
WILLIAM F. IRWIN, Marketstreet, Clearfield,
Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. Nov. 10.
JOHN GUELICH, Manufacturer of all kinds of
ft Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield, Pa.
He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse.. Aprl0,'59.
J OSHUA S. JOHNSON, Cabinet Maker, Market
street, Clearfield, Pa. He will also attend fu
nerals with a hearse, when called on : and make
coffins to order, on short notice. Nov. 10.
WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional
services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin
ing townships. Residence with J. D. Dennintr in
Kylertown, Clearfield county. May 1 1, 1359.
AB. SHAW, Shawsville, Clearfield county, Pa.,
. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Queensware, Ac, sells cheap for Cash, or exchan
ges for Lumber or approved country produce.
HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac. Room in
Shaw's new row. Market street, opposite the Ra fts
man's Journal office, Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 10.
Pa. Practices
Attorney at Law. Clearfield,
in Clearfield and adioininc
counties. Office in now brick addition, ndioinin,
tbe residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10.
TLACKSMITIIING.-Shurikweilcr A Orr.thank-
XJ iui iorpasi iavors, would respectfully solicit a
continuance of a share of public patrona.se in their
line of business. Shop on Third st. Nov. 10.
RICHARD M0SS0P, Dealer in Foreign and Do
rn est ic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon
Liquors, Ac. Boom, on Market street, a few doors
west ot Journal Uffice, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
LARRIMER & TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear
field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1856
THOMAS J. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law,
and Notary Public, Clearfield, Pa. Office on
Market street, one door west of Richard Mossop's
store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar
ed wun promptness and accuracy. Jt eb. 13.
JOHN KUSSEL A CO., Tanners and Curriers,
Penn viile, Clearfield Co , Pa. Keep constantly
on nana an excellent assortment ol leather, which
they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides
of all kinds taken in exchange. Julyl5-5l.
JOHN HUIDEKOPER, Civil Engineer and Land
tt Surveyor, offers his professional services to the
ft? . , . ... .
citizens oi wiearneiu county. All business en
trusted to him will be promptly and faithfully ex
ecuted. He can be found at the banking house of
Leonard, Finney A Co. Sept. 21, 1859.
DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi
ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity
Residence on Second street, opposite the office of
it. J. rans.l',sq. unice, the same that was recent
ly occupied by Hon. G K. Barrett, where he can
be found unless absent on professional business.
TENTAL CARD. A. M. SMITH, offers his pro
I fessional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen
of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the
teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being
familiar with all the late improvements he is pre-
pareu io mane uriiuciai ieein in tne Dest manner
Office in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15.
XTOUR TEETH ! DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to
I announce to his friends and patrons, that he
is now devoting all ol his time to operations mDen
tistry. Those desiring his services will find him at
his omce, adjoining his residence, at nearly all
times, and always on Fridays and Saturdays, un-
I AZ! 1 -.1 " T . ll i . t .
less nouueu uiuerwiae in me town papers me week
before. All work warranted to be satisfactory.
BOOT A SHOE MAKING. The undersigned hav
ing entered into partnership in the above bu
siness, at the end of the new bridge, 14 miles a
bove Clearfield borough, are prepared to do all
Kinus ot work in their line on the shortest notice
and most reasonable terms. JOHN S. HOYT,
N. B. All kinds of country produce and hides
taken in exchange lor work. June 23, 185S
AIA U 1 U Al A X X A 1-1 XJ
h . toUAKUS, SilliStiJUliS, 4U., V l
ui m nil. at ' -.,isi .
tnTj--7rof .to
Oz, j . r' assort"-'jii' 9
a well supplied
Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts Discounted.
Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds
promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con
stantly on hand. Office, on Market St., opposite
the residence of J as. 15. Graham, Esq. Aprl3.
"us t. leosabv. ::::::::: d. a. nssET.
wm a. Wallace. :::::::::: a. c. fixxet.
FLOUR ! FLOUR !! The undersigned hav
ing made arrangements with a lartre manu
facturing establishment to supply him with Flour,
he gives notiee to the public that he is prepared
to furnish all who want a good article, at the very
lowest price, in as large or small quantities as
my be desired. He also keeps on hand constant.
ly liquors of all kinds, which he will sell whole
sale or retail. JAS. H. GALER.
Tyrone City, Pa , July 11th, 1859.
AGENTS WANTED ! to sell Cary's Patent
Cap and Breast Lantern. To those furnish
idg satisfactory references, a liberal salary and
expenses will be paid. The article is needed bv
every farmer and mechanic in the country, and
will meet with ready sale. For particulars address
J. C. UAKX, l'atentee.
Pc. 11, 1359-lt. 81 Nassau St., N.Y.
M-J mentary on the Estate of James Henry, late
or Pike township, Clearheld county, 1'a , deceas
ed, havin? been irranted to the undersigned re
siding in Union township, all persons indebted to
said estate are required to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against the same
will present tbem duly authenticated to my Attor
ney, u. vrans. .sq., ciearneia, tra., or
February 8, 1860. Executor.
the great excitement about the removal of the
Court House has subsided, the community gener
ally have become somewhat excited upon hearing
that Cnarly Watson has determined to pull up
stakes and remove to Virginia. But the latest
cause of excitement is the fact that I have remov
ed my Saddler Shop from my old stand opposite
the Court House to my new shop on Market street,
nearly opposite the jail, where all who may favor
me with a call can be supplied with Seuldles, Sin
gle Harness, Double Harness, Tug Harness, Bri
nies, collars. W hips, Hatters. Jlottsing-s, ISreerh
bands. Side Straps, and in fact every article in the
line of Saddling and Harness making. Thankful
for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed
I solicit a continuance of the same and a call from
as many new customers as can make it suit.
Aug. 29, '59. GEORGE W. RHEEM.
P. S. My being connected with the Drug busi
ness will not interfere with my shop, for I have
the Drug Store attended to by careful hands and
intend devoting my time exclusively to my regu-
larg business. G. W. K.
A HOMESTEAD FOR 0. A Homestead
JrX. for $100. Also, Homesteads for $1000 and
over, situated on and near r.appahannock itiver,
above and below Fredericksburg, in Virginia.
A new town, called Rappaiannoei, has recent
ly been laid out, in Culjwjer County, in the midst
of the Gold Region of irginia, surrounded by
mines and Mining Companies; and farms and
Town Lots in alternate divisions or shares, can
now be had for a "Mere Song," simply to induce
scttlenieiit in this desirable region. 5154,900 worth
of land is to be divided amongst purchasers or
given away as an inducement to come on and make
improvements, ana tneiana isot tne most improv
able qualities. Many have already settled and
scores of others are coming. Good farminsr laud.
in tracts of any size to suit purchasers, can also be
naa at ironi 10 to 5z0 per acre, payable in easy
iiuuier vBariy instalments, u nq uesiionaoie li
nes win in all cases t iriven. Ur Agents arc
wanted every where to sell these lands ; liberal
inducements will be given. For particulars,
Address, h. UALD.fc.li, Land Agent,
Tort Royal, Virginia,
Or apply to Thomas Robins, Agent at Clearfield
iiearneid county, 1'a. Dec. 14, ISo'J.
The Prince of the House of David!
The Prince of the House of David! By the Rev
J. 11. ingraham, LL. 1. A new and revised edi
tion, with the author's latest corrections. One
volume, 12ino., cloth, 472 pages. Price SI. 25.
Published by George G. Evaxs,
No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
"DerFurst aus David's Hause" a literal trans
lation in German of the "Prince of the House of
David." One volume, lSlho.. cloth, 475 pages.
rnce si.uu. Verlas von tiEO. U. .Evans.
No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
The Pillar of Fire! or. Israel in Bondage.
By the Rev. J. Ii. Ingraham, ll. d. One volume.
i.smo.,cioui. nuu pages, irice io.
Published by George G. Evaxs,
No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
records or the Revolutionary War : contain
ing the Military and Financial correspondence of
distinguished omcers : General Orders of ash-
ington, Lee and Greene ; names of the Officers and
Privates, with the dates of their commissions and
enlistments, with a list of distinguished prisoners
of War; the time of their capture, exchange, etc ;
to which is added the Half-pay Acts of the Conti
nental Congress ; the Revolutionary Pension Laws ;
and a list ot the Urocers of the Continental Army,
wno acquired the right of Halt-pay. commuta
tion, Land warrants, etc., etc. By W. T. R. Saffcll.
counsellor and agent for Revolutionary claims.
One volume, 12mo., cloth. 554 pages. Price $1.25.
T. S. Arthur's Popular Books. True Biches.
Home Scenes, Golden Grains. The Martyr Wife,
sparing to Spend, I ales of Heal Lite, The Old
Man's Bride, The Way to Prosper, The Withered
ileart. lales ot Married Life, bteps towards Hea
ven, What can Woman do ? Tales of Domestic Life,
Heart, Heart Histories and Life Pictures, The tri
als of a Housekeeper, Leaves from the Book of
Human Life. '-In the union of thrilling dramatic
incidents, wtth moral lessons of the highest impor
tance, these works of T. S. Arthur stand forth pre
eminent amongst modern authors." "They have
been introduced into the District, Sabbath School,
and various other Libraries throughout the coun
try." Each of the above Books contain nearly
500 pages, and are illustrated with finely execu
ted Jleziotint engravings, and handsomely bound
in one l.mo. volume rnce i.uu each.
Books recently Published. Translated from
the Ircnch. Memoirs of Robert-Houdin, Prcsti-
digiteur, Author, Magician, Artist, Sorcerer, Wii-
aed, JNeeromancer, Conjurer, Lnchanter, Ambas
sador, Escamoteur, Professor of Slight of Hand,
etc,, etc. written oy nimseii, taited by Dr. Ii.
Shelton M?Kenzic, with acopious Index, carefully
arranged. Bound in I vol.l2M,cloth,44(p. PriceSl.
National Library. Lives of Heroes, Hunters
ana ratrioti. Liie ot Uoi. Urocketc, Life of Lew
is Wetzell, Life of Col Daniel Boone, Lives ol
Gen s. Lee and Sumptcr, Life of Gen. Sam. Hous
ton, Lives of Southern Heroes and Patriots Pub
lic and Private Life of Daniel Webster. Each of
the above books are illustrated with fine engrav
ings, and bound in 1 vol. 11 mo., cloth. Price 51.
Live of Illustrious Women of all Ages and
Nations, including the Empress Josephine, Lady
iauo vi rev, xeairiue uenci, ooan oi Arc, Annelio-
leyn, Charlotte Cordey, bemiramis, Zenobia, Boa
dicse.etc. etc. Edited by Mary E. Hewitt, Em
bellished with finely engraved Portraits on Steel.
una volume, lZino , cloth. pages. Price $1.25.
Lectures for the People. Bv the Bev. Hns-h
Stowell Brown, of the Myrtle Street Bantist ChaD-
ei, Liverpool, x-ngjana. rtrst aeries. vith a
-1 T , T . I . - . .
.Biographical Intropuction by Dr. 11. Shelton Mac
kenzie. Published under a special arrangement
with the author. One volume, 12 mo., cloth. 414
pages. Price S1.00. Unon remittance of the
price of the book and 21 cents additional for pos
tage, copies oi euner oi the above books accom
panied with a handsome present, worth from 50
cents to one hundred dollars will bo mailed to
any person In the united States.
Send for a Classified Catalogrue of Books, con
taining me most complete list ot books in everv
department ot Literature ever published, and
which will be sent gratis to any tierson. sending
their address. To insure vromvtness and honora
ble aeaiine, send an your orders for books to
and author of the Gift Book business.
No. 439 Chestnut Street. Philadcf uh ia. Pa.
And you will be sattsfied tbat it 13 the best place
r .i . . , t- ,
iu luu country io purcnase Xiooks.
Evans, having purchased the stereotype plates,
copyrights, etc., of the "Prince, of the House of
David' "Pillar of Fire," etc., would call the at
tention of agents to these truly valuable Works.
The "Prince of the House of David," is one of
the most popular and best selling books ever
published. Over 180,000 copies have been sold,
and it bids fair to out-rival the "Pilgrim's Pro
gress," or any other similar work.
The "Pillar of Fire," by the same author, is
now meeting with a rapid sale, over 90,000 copies
have been sold since its publication, as a compan
ion to the "Prince of the House of David," eve
ry reader of that book should purchase a conv
l. .i. ? a , , - 1
.ff-'L"'.' "ud giFff . vas ap"?ntof
"u .cvuiua ui uio nevvmuonary n ar, 13 a
information relative to the Soldiers of th it
lution, and is an invaluable book of reference for
the descendenta of its heroes and all who are in
terested in Pension claims. Land Warrants, etc."
The most liberal inducements are offered to A.
gents, and upon addressing the publisher everv
luwiuiMiuu niii ui Kiiea. cenu ion catalogue.
Address GLO. G. EVANS, Publisher,
Jan. 23, '60-6t. 433 Chestnut St.. PhiVa, Pa.
TVoo ;n vt.;.'d i ;c. t v:r.ut ; r' N public
T1LASTERING. The subscriber havinlo
JL cated himself in the Borough of Clearfield,
would inform the pubiictuat ne is prepared to do
i . , i - e i r i
wora in toe aoove line, iruin pt&m to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also
whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man
ner, and on reasonable terms.
April 7. 1858. . EDWIN COOPER.
ber announces to his Clearfield friends, and
the public in general, that he has taken the above
named house, located at the Railroad, in Harris
burg, Pa. He will endeavor to make this house
one of the most desirable stopping places in the
State Capital, by accommodating all who may fa
vor him with their custom in the best manner pos
sible. IjulyllJ iJtiN.UAUXS110KN,Sup t.
The undersigned takes this method of inform
ing the public that he has commenced the manu
facture of Stone-Ware in the Borough of Clear-
f.eld, and thst he is now prepared to supply all
who may want them with Milk and Cream Crocks,
Jugs,'Jars, &c, at lower prices, than they can be
bought elsewhere. Jle solicits a share of patron
age. tat.u.u.u;ix x.iirzjJNUi.K.
Clearfield, Pa., My Zj, ISaa-Iy. -
JL undersigned informs
the public that he has
HtltA tin n T! i ! liinl T? AATil nn.fif flfra in Tti T strain's
Building on Market street, Clearfield, Pa., lor the
accommodation of all who
io may wish to indulge
in this delightful and scientific recreation. His
table is of the latest and best pattern, and all the
appliances are of a simrfar character. No atten
tion will be spared to insure tbe comfort and plea
sure ot customers. ii.uu.bKT SMITH.
Clearfield, December 21, 1S59.
Maker, keeps constantly on hand for sale at
his shop, near Luthersburg, Clearfield county, Pa,
Kip and Calf Skins, (French and American;)
and a variety of Linings, Bindings, Shoe Pegs,
.sails ana 1 bread, lioot V ebbing, lilacking. Vc.
in fact, everything usually kept in a shoe-finding
establishment, lie has also Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
iea, nice, coda, c-yrup, Tobacco, fcegars, Nails,
Glas3, Ac, all of which can be had cheap for cash.
i.utnersourg, November z, i&D-iyp.
JLi SHOP AHEAD!!!! The subscriber thankful
for past Iavors, takes this method, of informing
his old customers and the public in general, that
he has removed his shop lom the Jroundry to the
shop lormerly occupied by George W. Orr, on Sec
ond street, Clearfield, Pa., where he will continue
to manufacture agons of every description, to
order, of good material and in a workmanlike
manner, vu.s-o, heclbarrows. Harrows. Grain
crauies, c, made on short notice, in superior
style, and of the best stock. Repairing of every
H.1UU uoue wun uifpaicn. ana on reasonable terms.
June 29,1859. WILLIAM R. BROWN.
the subscribers have started the Chair-ma-
- iub Buuscnocrs nave started tne cnair-ma-
king business at their residence in Lawrence tp.,
i mile from Philip Antes' saw-mill on the west side
of the river, where they keep constantly on hand
Seat Lhairs, from tht common- Windsor up
to the veru latest style of Parlor Chairs.
lhe subscribers having an elegant water-power
by which they do their Boring, Sawing, Turning,
tc, they are enabled to sell every style of chairs
at reduced prices. The public is respectfully in-
vueu io can ana examine lor themselves. All
work warranted either new work or repairing.
Jan. 4, 1S6U. WM. M CLLLOLGli A SON.
gEHr OYSTER SALOON. lhe undcrsign-
ea wouia inioriu the citizens of Clearfield and
vicinity, that he has recently fitted up a SALOON
adjoining his Uakery, where he is prepared to
serve all customers who may call with ckoio
and all the attendent "Sarins'" that may be desired
AL5U, t'JkhS, is US, AFFLES, AC,
on hand and for sale at reasonable rates for cash
Persons wishing anything in this line are reques
ted to give me a call, and I am confident that
you will be pleased with the quality of the edi
bles, as well as with the arrangement of the room.
nememoer tne piace, tae "Uia Jew Store." on
Market street, Clearfield.
Nov. 2, 1859 WrENDLLN ENTRES.
JLi dersigned take this method of informing the
generally that they have entered into co-
artnership in the Blacksinithine business, and
can be tound at the shop formerly occupied by Ja
cob Shunkweiler, on Third street, in the boronsrh
ot Clearheld, where they will be pleased to see
their old customers, and as many new ones as can
maae it convenient, to give them a call.
rsring on your noes, vour snades. and nicks.
Your spears we'll work up then just right.
j.o pruning hooks lor every night,
Your swords too, shall then be wrought
To plough-shares such as Cam ne'er bought.
Dec. 6, 1853. GEORGE W. ORR.
of Land, 65 of which are cleared and under culti
vation, eiiuate on learneia creek, on the main
road leading from Clearfield town to Clearfield
Bridge, in Clearfield county, Pa., and three miles
Irom the lormer place. The house is large, new.
well calculated for a Tavern, and will command
nearly all the custom of the watermen during the
iresnets, wnicn usually last trom lour to six weeks.
There are also a good Barn, Wood Shed, W ash and
iake House, and various other buildings necessa
ry for convenience and comfort. The terms of sale
will be made easy say four annual payments.
For further information inauireof L. J. Crans.
Esq., Dr. A.T. Schryver, James H. Larimer, Esq.,
Ulearheld, or L. W. n eld. Glen Hodc Clearfield
county, Pa. Possession can be given so that the
buyer or rentor can have the benefit of the spring
business, which alone will amount to more than
double the rent A, T. SCHRYVER.
Clearfield, Pa., January 5, 1859-tf.
1 ION. IV ew Svrinsr Goods.
L. A W. RE ZENSTEIN. corner of Main and
Joy streets, opposite William Barker's "Mansion
lhe undersigned would respectfully announce
to the citizens of Clearfield county, especially
iiumuenueii coming 10 iioca xiaven, that they have
juai reewveu loeir spring gooas, comprising a
tremendous stock of fashionable and seasonable
which can't be found in any town this side of the
city ; all of which, they are determined to self at j
so slight an advance on city cost, and at such a
great reduction irom the usual prices, as to aston-
isu even me closest buyer, lhe goods are all new
ana lashionnble and have been selected with the
greatest care and will be warranted in point of
durability. Bemember the place !
Opposite Wm. Barker'a "Ma
Lock Haven, Pa., March 16. 18a9-3m.
CABINET MAKER. Th nhnhCr ;i, J
to intorm his old lriends and customers, that he
is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business,
on "his own hook," at his old shop on Market
Street, nearly opposite the "old Jew Store," where
he keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture
to order, every description of Cfthinet-Wn
may be wanted in this section of country ; con
sisting of Sofa3, Lounges, Mahogony and Common
Bureaus, riting and Wash Stands; Centre, Din
ing and Breakfast Tables : Mahogany and Com
mon iieasteaas ; bewmg Stand3, Ac., &c. He will
lEutttr lumimre ana cnair.
f "u' AuuB rainune uono on snort no-
tice, and easy terms. Now ia the time to buy t
.uii.kio piiucs, tts i intcna to sou every thin
in my line of business at the eh
Walk in and examine the artiolea rn har,A onj
judge for yourselves, of the quality and finish.
vuuuiij i""o icuciveu in payment.
P"1 i,3'i859 a JOHN GUELICH.
JI. B CofQnS made tO Order on short. nnt;. anrl
funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro
priate accompanyments, when desired. J. G.
xuur log cuuins ana your pulling sticks
Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse and
No three-vear old. shall then rrn Vinrn
A ,
TIIE FARM In Jordan towsbip noeenpied by j
John Kilion, being 50 acres, 35 of which are
cleared and nnder good fence, and having a house
ana barn thereon erected, for sale. Apply to
June 15, 1859. L. J. CRANS, Clearfield.
11 ARRIVAL !!-
-Just received at the "corner
store" of Wm. Irvin. in Curwensville. avery large
and well selected stock of. roll and If inter Uoods.
comprising everything adapted to the wants of
the people. Please call and examine the goods
and prices. bepteraber 24, lso9.
JL undersigned takes this method to announce
to the citizens of Clearfield and the surrounding
country, that he has opened a .Barber Shop, on
luarKet street, in t-haw s new row.where he s pre
pared to accommodate all who may give him a
call, and hopes to receive a liberal patronage.
Uct. 6, lboS. ' JiiRJiMIAU JUKKI5.
VA CHANGE Tbe subscriber having taken
the aoove well known stand, in Curwensville, Pa.
is ready to accommodate all who may favor him
with their patronage. His table will always be
supplied witn tne Dest tne market can atiord, and
his Bar with the choicest liquors. His stable will
be under the care of attentive hostlers.
April 8, 1858. DAVID SMITH.
YV m A"lJJL,roWN,
. . uauPll,n bounty, I'a. lhe undersigned,
having become proprietor of the above Hotel, re
cently kept by Mrs. U. Griffee, solicits a continu
ance of the custom which has heretofore been so
liberally extended to the house, especially bv the
citizens oi uiearneia county, trusting that he will
be able to render satisfaction to all who mav fa
vor with a call, by strict attention to the wants
ana comiort ot his guests. L R. DEEG.
AUddletown, Pa., March 30, lS59-3m.
mu j"ii j i v 1 ,-),. ine unaersiirned res-
X pectfully announces to the traveling public
in general that he now occupies the Tavern house
i mile east of S. Baudcr's old stand, in Covington
township, where he is prepared to accommodate
all who may favor him with their custom. His
house i3 commodious and well adapted to the en
tertainment of travelers, and bis table will always
uiuimcu mm me uesi mai me market can af-
iuru. ins staoie is also convenient nt.d trnnA
iinuiiiiAJIVA HOUSE.
k5 Curwensville. Clearfiphl C.ntmtn r,.i
The subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Hotel,
i umpsourg, naving taken the above house, situate
in the east end of the Borough ot Curwensville.
on the bank of the Susquehanna River, would res
pectfully announce to the travelling public, that
he is fully prepared to accommodate strangers
ana an others who may favor him with a call.
j.ne nouse is new, well furnished, large and com-
mouious, ana travellers will find everv convent
necessary to their comfort. Ample stablin" is
tached to the premises DAVID JOHNSTON.
curwensville, Jrebrnary 17. 1858.
Tir r"lliVG nriTPi t?nPrmvT-vAirv
h tV,f ro,in r
nu.-n.! i n t r, . " . .
To Inform hTs o i7 Z! llT!L?31
raiiy mat uc has recently taken the above well-
anown stand, and that he has entirely refitted and
reiurmsnea it in a style adapted to the age. and
the Wants of the entire travelling rnmmnniftf
HIS TABLE will always bo provrded with every
luxury the markets and surroundiug country will
anora. ms jl.au will be supplied with thn elmi.
cesc wines and iiouors. JUS ST A TILES, trhir-h
are the best and most commodious on thn mud
within a day s travel, will alwnvs be in chnrcr. nf
careiui ana attentive hostlers In short, every
department of his establishment will be supplied
with all the comforts and conveniences the weary
traveller could desire. WM. A. MASON
curwensville, June 2, 1858.
1ILD, PA. The undersigned would respectfully
inform his friends and the travelli
general, that he has taken the above house, (for
merly known as the Hemphill Hotel.) and that
tlm I ... 1 1 '
.uouwubo ubs Deen recently refitted, improved
ana newiv lurmshed : that Ttnci.. etvi;..
nas just been completed; and that he is pre-
j - i vii ii "
i " Kuuiuuiuuai an wno mav eive nim
a call in the most pleasing hp.1 norpp.hio in r no
lle is amplv Provided vcith nxrcri.thlT, tn -,7
h, " . -m j 1 lJ o -v CUUC1
is House a desirable stopping place, and will
endeavor to entertain his guests in a manner that
vuuuoi ian io give the lullest satisfaction. The
house is situated in a pleasant and quiet part of
luim. mu iiu expense or attention will be spa-
i-L ",aKe " onoot the best houses in the county.
A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. His
bar will be supplied with an assortment of choice
"quo a. . gunez-iSl Ji. HAYS MORROW.
mj'j yjKijLULjtrtw merry s Museum
for 1SG0. The Illustrated Dollar Magazine for
a new volume commences with
the January Number, -with rrx-it.. .ii.nAi..
than ever before. AVe have completed a series of
urruugc.iicms oy wnicn the Museum shall be ren
dered valuable and useful far beyond Precedent.
A o shall have some of the finest engravings that
have ever appeared m a Magazine of ih. kinl
and it will continue to be the ' Young People s Fa
vorite, mesa Illustrations will hn fleonmnnninrl
with rich and facy articles too. from Rnhert Mpi--
ry, 111 ram Hatchet. Aunt Sue. Cnnoin ITnnnnh tu
Old Major, Laura Elmer, and many others of our
wcou Biucis. uuw is me nine to subscribe. To
an new subscribers we will send a fine Steel En
graving of "Uncle Frank," in the January num
ber. ena in your names at once. Terms only
viae iuiiai Tear; in aavance. Address
J N. STEARNS A CO., Publishers,
Dec. 14. 16 Nassau Street, New-York
"T" W Itf -W1 m. W -w m.
i ' A vmvrn t -p i tt ti .
tt t x iJiiii, i. iv. ii. 5 V A JN
announces io tne citizens of Ansnnr 11 .nil t),.
surrounuing country, that he has just returned
irom the .Last and is now opening at his store nn
extensive stock of choice and scrvienhiA pan o,i
i5 . . r .
m iiiici uuuus, cuusisung oi a general assortment of
nvSrXt, ucumnibf, HAliU-WAKE,
n r .'i , "ri,i "WIS K EUUtS.
Ready-Made Cloth ing. Varnishes. Paints
and Oils. Drites. Patent 1.Tr,l
and a great variety of useful fanfv Aa
Whlih m n-rr K C. 1 al . x . . F .
" " "ay iuuuu me larpsr. Rrrina nf I nin.a'
The undersigned would di reef, nfirtinnl.. .tinn.
tion to his extensive selection of Pni-in. .n,i v.i
ZJ C,ocik Stves and fixtures, Stove pipe, Ac.
ALfcO, a largo auantitv of Salt P.n.J ..
of purchasing any of the articles in my line of
ttrc lutUt;u io can ana examine my stock
before buying elsewhere, as I feel persuaded that
I can supply them on as reasonable terms fn i.
as any other store in the county. Lumber of ev
ery description, and approved country produce
taken m exchange for goods. U SWA
Ausonvuie, November 23.1859.
A LARGE LOT of new Prints Delaine pi,m, I
Ac. Also a fine selection of Caiwlt f
Jish and French Merinos, and all styles of Ladies
uisgous, aitne "corner store" of Wm. Irvin.
in i.nrvnnepi . n . . '
A LARGE LOT. of Nail3,Glass, Paints, Oils, Bur
ning Fluid. Tnrnpntlno 11vaVI t-
, -j inuuuwi, .u., very
low by the quantity, at the "oorner store" of
vureuBvine. September 24. WM. IRVIN.
ENRY DISTON'S Mill nH t s.-..
w Lovelan(I Mann's superior chopping Ax
at Wm. Irvin's, in Curwensville. Sept. 24
FIDES taken at the highest price in exchange
or?ooa' b m- Irvia, at the "cheap cor.
September 24.
DRUGS AND MEDICINES, an assortment, at
the "cheap corner store" of Wm. Irvin? in
(September 24.
the ''CheaD cornnr stnra" nf W r .-
1 ... - "m. iivm, in
September 24.
SKST SKRTS allsixei and prices, for
sale by Win. Irrin. rnru-onoriiu i.
AGGON AND BUGGIES, for sale cheap, by
H m. Irvin, Curwemville. Sept 21.
TO Ml-R1M.I I. M. i?t.wJu"
lor Japaned-Ware,
For Brittania-Ware,
For Hard-Ware,
For Hollow-Ware,
go to Merrell A Bigler'
go to Merrell & B)GLER'
go to Merrell A Big i '.
For fancy waiters. g0 to Merbell A Biclv-.
For fanirdnoil Kn... . ""'Ml.
Jt or good dust Dans. iM.r.. . T, LltK
For neat molasses cups.go to Merrell A Kirf"r-
For good foot tubs, go to Merrell A S "
For superior lanthnrn rn tn Mt.. . 7
For water 1. .-m lc"'t
IV- . . . "": a, lilGLED'l
For Stoves nf Oil Irin.l. r. i f - .
tor farmers' Ivi ... r ... .
go to Merrell A BiglerY
patAMrcii.i, M, 1. .
ror gooo stove-pipe,
For summer furnaces, go t Merrell A Bigler""
For large iron kettles, go to Merrell A BiGLEa'g
roasters, go to .Mere ell 4 Bigler1.
For stove brushes, go to Merrell A Digler .'
For German blacklead.go to Merrell A B-gler .'
For stove collars, goto Merrell A BiglerI
Formatting stoves, go to Merrell A Bigler i"
For superior coal oil, go to Merrell A Eig'er'.
For fancy coal oil lamps, go to Merrell A Biler !
For old dominion coffee-pots to Merrell A BiglerY
For fancy gas chandaliers.go to Merrell A Bigler i'
For good dinner bells, go to Merrell A Bi-lerV
lor good grain cradles, e-o to Merrill "
For superior ploughs, go to Merrell A BilierY
lor side hill ploughs. ea to Merr-l! .v l;;f.i !"
For good road scrapers, go to Merrell A BiglerY
lor superior sand screens, go to Merrell A BierY
For good platform scales, goto Merrell A RtglerY
For superior hav scales.
i,"" iuuuici tcaies, go to .merrell A fsio-ler'n
go to Merrell A BiglerY
go to Merrell A BiglerY
go to Merrell A Biger'i
For patent milk pans,
For good clover hullers,
1 A . . -
ror jancy lamp shades,
- " v ounucs, to to-vierreii k liigSer .
l or good spelter and inc, go to Merrell fc BirlerY
lor superior fruit cans. ?ntnMrpii.H!,-.i..-'
For good house-spouting, go to Merrell A BigUrY
For bar iron of all Kind, tm tn Morreii t:-t
For superior cast steel, to Morroii p,i
For good nails and spikes
For good English steel, go to Merrell & BiglerY
1 or neat smoothing iron3, go to Merrell A Biler i
For good spring steel. irn tn Mot-roti i i;i '
For superior door locks, go to Merrell A Dialer-
ror all nnm.i fiTi,r.o t
J-or good buggy springs,, go to Merrell A BiglerY
. wuiu auu xjiDges. dc gotolerrellA Uigie,--.
ror superior brass Kettles, tm tn Merroii x- I'.-i..'
For good mastin kettles, go to Merrell A BiglerY
lor nearest waffle irons, go to Merrell A 13iK!erY
lor good sausage cutters, go toNerrcll A BHerY
or good sausage stuffers, go to Merrell Jr Bi rierY
lor superior coffee mills, go to Merrell & BiglerY
..f.w plcu go to -uerrell t JJi
. . . fcv ly c 1 1 1 1 1 i HI
xv. Sut.vrjor gate ninges, go to Merrell A Bigler'i.
ror superior iack chains, nln f.-ii r:..i-.
I "auuicasnoveis. sro to .Merrell A- Kiu-W.-
E! f Padcs W fork., go to Merrell A Bigleri'
ror noes and iron rakes. Mtn Morrn x- i..i.,-.
lor ferrels of all sires, go to Merrell A Eigler'i
lor superior brass cocks, go to Merrell A Bigler'i
For Brass candle sticks. go toMerrell A Bigler i
lor brass snuffers 4 lock3, go to Merrell A BiglerV
1 or superior lard lamps, go to Merrell A Uigler's
lor good lemon squeezers.go toMerrell Bigler'i!
lor good cork screws. rn tn AWrn t tj;..i.
For egg codlers beaters. irntnMorr.n i- i;.i ."
For good bread toasters, go to Merrell A Bigler'i!
ror superior flesh fork. nMM.r..iiiii;. 1
For good basting spoons, goto Merrell A Bigler'i
1 or good twine boxes, go to Merrell A Bigler'i
lor neat spring balances, go to Merrell & Bigler'i.
lor good corn trrinders. m tn Morrn r?;i...
For good corn shellers, go to Merrell A Bigler!
lor patent saw crumers. tm tn Mrrn x-
For superior castors, go to Merrell A EigUr 1.
v-uuuiry proauce, 01a metui, brass and coppr
taken in exchange. Clearfield.
- GO TO M,,Co..
IF you want good Extra Flour, go to Mossop's!
IF you want Extra Familv Flonr rrn in Mttccnf. '
IF you want good smoked Hams, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Sides or Shoulders, go to Mossop's.
IF you want excellent Dried Beef, go to Mossop's.
IF you want eood Brown S
IF you want superiorWhiteSugar.goto Mossop's.
IF you want tbe best Rio Coffee, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Extract of Coffee, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Imperial Tea, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Black Tea, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Young Hyson, go to Mossop's.
IF you want coarse or fine Salt, go to Mossop's.
It you want excellent Bice, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fresh crronnd Sni m tn vn.,r..'.
1 1 you want superior Candies, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Adamantine Candles, goto Mossop's.
ir you want good 1 allow Candles, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good fresh Mackerel, go to Mossop'r.
IF you want good fresh Herring, go to Mossop's.
IF you want superior White Fish, tm tn M.ia,.o
IF you want Molasses, all kinds, go to Mossop's!
Ir you want fine T)ril Ponnheo , 1.
IF you want fine Dried Apples, go to Mossop'b.
It you want Oranges and Lemons, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Nails ana Spikes, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Hardware of nil k in.U ntn MrcWo
IF you want a good Grass Scythe, go to Mossop's.
IF you want a good Hay Fork, go to Mossop's.
IF you want a good Manure Fork, go to Mossop's.
IF you want erood Garden Snadoa
IF you want Willow Daketa. rrn tn f.-.00'."
Ii you want a good Buggy Whip, go to Mossop'i.
11 you want Tobacco and Cigars, go to Mossop's.
It you want Fancy Wall Paper, go to Mossop's,
It you want ManillaA hemp cords.go to Moss.op'
It you want Palm or Fancy Soap, go to Mossop's,
i yu want Shoe Lasts and Pegs, go to Mossop'i
r wan ?od fcaw-mill Saws, go to Mossop'i,
It you want Powder, Lead A Shot go to Mossop'i.
It you want good Shoe Blacking, go to Mossop'i
It you want eood Stove P.lnolr n . m .
It you want superior Black Ink, go to Mossop'i.
it you want a Smoothing Iron, go to Mossop'i.
IF you want good brown Muslin, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good White Muslin, go to Mossop's.
It you want good colored Musi ins, go to Mossop'i.
It you want silk Handkerchiefs, go to Mossop'i
It you want cotton Handkerchiefs.goto Mossop'i
It you want Linen Table cloths, go to Mossop'i
It you want cotton Table cloths, go to Mossop'i
It you want LmbreliasA Parasols, go to M
Ir you want a superior nwir ., .? t
ossop I
t ... " . 1 - ji(sur i.
" -uu wani ancJ carpet Sacks, go to Mossop'i.
IF you want Table Oil Cloths, & to Mossop'i.
IF you want good rioor Oil Clth, go to Mossop i,
IF you want new School Books, go to Jiossor'..
IF vou wan! f gK-d F,DdersbIri. go toMoswrl.
ti? Z. "--uiouauie i-ants. go to Mossop i.
IF In WanJ fas!onal1Necktiei.goto
It VOU antfh nnnKlo Vh.
T - - -- goto iUOSSUr .
IF you want fashianaKla Ttro
IF you
"? J
wans uoys' UaaL Pan tn m.-a.-i
yoa want Children's Shoes, tn mop'i.
IF you Want fajshinnnKI T .
IF you want Calicoes, new styles, o to Moss&'i.
II you want new fancy DeLaines, go to Mossop'a
II you want good French Chintz, go to Mossop'i.
It you want Frnh r.;nh . .
It you want Domestic Ginghams, go to Mossop'.
" ua" nrsi rate Alpaeas, go to Mossop'i.
IF you Want old MonnnirT,.l w ,.'
It you want Port W ine, superior, go to Mossop'i.
IF you want for Medical use, go to Mossop'i.
IF you want " Sacramental use,go to Mossop'i.
It you want eaaA rhn... !..,. . . t ,.
lb you want good Sweot Wine, go to Mossop i.
IF you want Fancy Cassimeres, go to Mossop I
it you want Black Cassimeres, go to Mossop'i
It you Want plain rani..T- i, i- .,.,
it you want mperior Cassinets, go to Mossop'
it you want superior Sattinets, go to Mossop'i
IF you want ground White Lead, go to Mosscr'i
11 you want line ground Zinc, goto Mossop'
II you want Pure Flax-seed Oil, go to Mossop'-
tp you want an7 other articles, go to Mossop'
II you want to buy cheap for cash, go to Motsor'
viwuum, ru.t Apru a, isaa.
ceived and for sal low t thm ht)teoi
nuiciiuau unsiersieei, go toierrell & liirlerf
lor iron axles and files, go to Merrell A Bigler i'
lor superior puren chains p-n iMorrii A- i??t
I' l a A- II. .1 . a.
jruu wni laspionabj Hand ks, goto Mossop'i.
IF you want fashionable Boots, go to Mossop'i.
It you Want fashinnakl SU. .
T 1
- - . " u viva, eu 10 j.UOSSUI'
ner," CorwtniTilie, by
... .