Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 14, 1860, Image 1

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VOL. G.--JVO. 29.
A blooming lass of sweet sixteen,
First roused my admiration,
With looks so mild, I thought that aht
Loved me like all creation ;
My boyish heart at last found words
It's tale of love to tell her,
And listened when she fondly swore
She loved some other feller !
My second was more lovely far
Than all the girls around her,
With mules and niggers, stocks and lands,
And money too confound her
I coaxed her with a cunning tongue,
And nought she asked refused her,
But when she begged ine to "excuse,"
I, like a fool, "excused her."
The next had charming, golden curls,
Around her shoulders floating,
With lip and eye, and voice so sweet,
I scarce could help from courting ;
Bo mild, so gentle too. was she
So little touched with evil,
Eat when I made my motive known,
She proved a perfect d coquette!
I tried again, with like results
The lower and the higher
Each beauty seemed to dote on mo
Until I came to try her;
Bo here's a toast to one and all
The female population ;
I'll keep my pictures, books and rings,
And quit the occupation.
Editorial Correspondence of the "Journal
Clearfield, March 8, 1SG0.
Dear Readers: Daring my absence from
home, last week, I paid a flying visit to Wash
ington, the capital of the Union. The city
Las a favorable location, but the buildings are
too scattered and irregular to make one re
gard the place as either tasteful or beantiful.
It ha been well named the "City of Magnifi
cent Distances." It might also be appropri
ately called a city of magnificent pretentions
and habits, for extravagance and display a
bound everywhere, in private as well as in
pnblic circles, to such an extent that you in-
Toluntarily are forced to conclude that no lit
tle of it is mere sham. Tastes and morals arc
beyond all doubt vitiated. Everything, in
deed, in and about the place, has a touch cf
the neglige, if I may be permitted to use the
term in this connection, which leaves a doubi
. ful, uncertain and suspicious impression on
the mind of a stranger.
No one visiting Washington for a few days
can fail to become impressed with the idea
that corruption and peculation abound there
to an alarming extent. In this connection, an
acquaintance remarked to me that all that a
man required to enable him to get rich was a
mere nominal office, and that "everything was
done icith money for money." In the course
of a conversation with another gentleman, I
inquired of him what a member of Congress
could clear in a winter ; to which he replied
that "he can bo reasonably honest and clear
bis salary." If this can be done by being "rea
sonably honest," what, we are left to inquire,
may not be done by acting dishonestly ? Many
thousands of dollars are no doubt uselessly
wasted upon the public buildings. Whether
the Capitol, Patent or Po&t Office "extensions"
or "alterations," of which we read, have real
ly for their object the improvement of tho
buildings, or aro intended to give fat jobs to
favorites, I leave others to infer; but it seems
to me that keeping a few men picking away at
a couple of big lime-stone blocks for a year or
two, and paying out enormous sums for the
work thus done, looks more as if It was de
signed to. "pile up rocks" in tho contractor's
pocket than on the public buildings. A fact
or two concerning the dome of the Capitol,
will give a faint idea of how some things are
done. The original design of the dome was
altered in 1856, and $600,000 appropriated to
ward its construction. Another change was
made last year. On the demolition of the old
and tho progress of the new dome, $301,860
have been expended. The balance on hand
fs $398,140. A further Bum of $245,000 is re
quired, and three years more time will be con
sumed in completing it, if no further altera
tions are made. This will make tho cost of
the dome alone $901,000.
The public buildings are splendid structures.
Tb Capitol is a building of which the Nation
peed not bo ashauied. It has been erected at
an immense cost, and there is no telling how
much more money may yet be spent in its a
dornmenf and in its completion, for thu?e who
get the control of it seem to be like the boy
who undertook to say grace, they "can't wind
the darned thing up." The Capitol stands on
an eminence, and from it you have a tolerable
view of the city, with Georgetown and Alex
andria iu the distance. The grounds surroun
ding it display much taste. An enlargement
of these, it is said, will be proposed by the ap
propriate committee, one square north and ono
square south. The square north is covered
with brick houses, worth perhaps not less than
half a million of dollars. If the bill is report
ed and becomes a law, as a matter of course
somebody will make a nice thing out of the
"enlargement." The post office, treasur7,
and patent office buildings are also beautiful
and costly. The latter is a place of decided
Interest, and the visiter becomes lost in won
der and amazement at the vast number and
variety of articles it contains.
On Wednesday afternoon I heard Mr. Sew
ard deliver his speech on the admission of
Kansas. By the kind intervention of Gen,
Cameron, a number of the members of our
State Legislature and other Pennsylvanians
who were in the city, were accommodated with
ati In the ladies gallery .v Such a crowd as
was there on this occasion, rarely gathers to
listen to a speech. Numbers of persons were
not able to get inside the doors. The closest
attention was paid to the speaker by all. This
was especially the case wfth the Southern Sen
ators, who apparently caught every word as it
came from his lips. The speech was a power
ful one, patriotic and national, admired by his
friends and dreaded by his enemies. Mr. Sew
ard is smaller in stature than I had supposed
him to be. lie is not over five feet eight in
ches in night. His hair, which is slightly
shaggy, has turned quite gray. Ife has a
harsh, broken voice. II is posture on the floor
is awkward, and the few gestures he makes
whilst speaking, are generally inappropriate.
And yet, for two mortal hours, did that im
mense crowd listen patiently, the thermome
ter standing at 71 degrees in the galleries.
This lact alone speaks volumes. Mr. S. is a
plain, unassuming, unobtrusive, yet compan
ionable man, full of incident and anecdote,
which make his conversation very attractive.
On Thursday 1 listened to a running debate
in the Senate on Mr. Wigfall's amendment to
the Military Appropriation bill, asking $1,
100,000 for the support of a regiment of mount
ed volunteers to defend the frontiers of Texas,
in which Messrs. Wigfall, Jeff. Davis, Douglas,
Crittenden, Fessenden, Hale, Wilson and oth
ers participated. Mr. Wigfall is the new Sen
ator from Texas. He makes & rather fine ap
pearance, and is a good debater. Jell. Davis
is tall and spare, calm in appearance, but be
comes easily excited and is ardent in discus
sion. Douglas has a short, heavy set body,
with rather slendet extremities, though they
are an improvement on what they were when
on an electioneering tour he bad to retire in
the presence of the settler's family, and a
brigbt-eyed. mischievous girl told him he had
"a mighty slim chance of legs, thar." His
head is large and round, covered with dark,
wavy hair. His face, which narrows down at
the chin, bears the traces of much anxiety and
care. He is fidgety, dodges around constant
ly, popping up and down like a cork on a fish
line, speaks loud, is always on the alert, ready
to talk and vote if-there is the remotest pos
sibility of making ever so little Presidential
capital. His efforts to make fair weather with
Southern gentlemen, are really humiliating
Crittenden is above the medium size, well
formed, but a little stooped under "the weight
of years:" his head is white, and his appear
ance generally venerable. Hale is a robust,
good-natured looking fellow, brimful of hu
mor, and a general favorite, whom everybody
is anxious to bear speaking. Fessenden, of
Maine, is of medium size, very ordinary in ap
pearance, but is one of the readiest and most
effective debaters in the Senate, his remarks
being always pointed and forcible. The Vice
President, Mr. Breckenridge, is one of the fi
nest looking men to be seen in that body.
The House is a noisy place. Mr. Penning
ton, the Speaker, is large and makes a good
appearance in the chair, but is not stern and
decided enough, in my opinion, for the posi
tion he occupies. There are some marked
men among the members. It requires but a
casual glance to tell that yon large, corpulent,
jovial and brawny faced individual is Tom Cor
win of Ohio. That tall, slim man, with keen
eye, smooth hair, and firm but easy gait, is
John Sherman, who has the reputation of be
ing the best parliamentarian in the House.
That self-important fellow, with short, chubby
body, who is strutting through the aisles,
flinging his arms about so much, is Tom Flor
ence. Henry Winter Davis, of Md., is small
and slender prompt, eloquent and fearless.
Lamar, of Miss., is above medium size, has
heavy, dark hair, and though of a strong fire
eating propensity, is a man of acknowledged
ability. Thad. Stevens who has not heard of
him, with his plain, honest countenance ? But
lack of space admonishes me that I must bring
this gossip to a close. I was struck with the
friendly disposition exhibited towards each
other by members from different sections of
the Union. It made me think that much of
the "fuss" made before the organization was
sheer pretence and humbug.
During my stay in the city I stopped at the
Washington House, where I was well treated.
I found there, amongst others, Hon. Cbapin
Haii', or Member' of Congress, who showed
me much indness and attention. I also met
there Hugh Sfopng, of the Tioga Agitator, a
clever fellow, who bad the good luck to get an
appointment to one of the minor posts in the
Pennsylvanians visiting the capital are kind
ly treated by the amiable and courteous lady
of Senator Bigler. Such was my experience,
and has been that of others who have visited
his hospitable residence.
I must not omit to mention that on Thurs
day evening Gen. Cameron invited to his
rooms a large number of his friends, who then
and there put in "a good time generally."
Tours, Row.
A man named Oats, was held up recently
for beating his wife and children. On being
sentenced to imprisonment, the brute remark
ed that it was very bard a man was not allowed
to thrash bis own oats.
Advices from the Rio Grande are warlike.
If it be true that the President has ordered
Col. Lee to pursue Cortinas in Mexican ter
ritory, wo may calculate upon serious conse
"What a splendid girl! I'faith, she has no
equal for beauty of expression, whatver4may
be said of beauty of form and feature."
The young man who said this was gazing
admiringly on a lovely girl who was among
the dancers, her bright sylph-like form seem
ing to float rather than move in the mazes of
the dance.
After a few moments' silence he turned a
gain to his companion, who made no response
to his previous remarks, and with a manner of
blended gravity and playfulness, said : "Take
my advice, old fellow you know I am fa
mous for giving valuable counsel and secure
this peerless creature while yet you may. If
you dally much longer you deserve to lose
your chance of winning her."
"Much chance have I among the flattering
crowd that always surrounds her," was the
moody answer.
"Oh, well, you can't expect every one to
withdraw whenever you choose to approach
her," said the other, laughing. "You should
be all the more pleased that you can win the
admired of all admirers in despite of them all.
Why don't you propose, and end your doubts
and fears ?"
"1 can perceive nothing in her . manner to
me to wan ant my doing that," was the reply."
"Unce I did fancy that my love was returned,
but I was only deluding myself then. I don't
believe she has any .more thought for me than
for any one of a dozen others who are courting
her favor."
"Miss Linden is not one to meet your ad
vances halfway, if I am any judge," replied
the friend, more seriously than he had before
spoken. "I believe that she does care more
for you than for the others, principally be
cause she is more reserved with you than with
them. She evinces a conscious embarrassment
fn your presence, that would lift me to the
pinnacle of blissful hope were I in your place.
Kely on it, yon are trifling with her happiness
as well as your own."
"See how she smiles on that Railton," said
the lover, evidently paying no heed to what
his friend was saying. He is ever at her
side, and her pleasure in his society is very
"Yes, too evident to be a symptom of love,"
said his companion. "You are not fancying
him in the way, surely? Oh, Tom 1 Tom!
.what has became of your wits ? PInck up cou
rage, man; pop the question, and if yon do
not nna me a true prophet, punish me by neV'
er believing me again."
Young Morris thought over what his friend
had said, and the result of the reflection was,
that on the following morning he repaired to
the house of his lady-love, resolved to learn
his fate Without delay. When shown into the
parlor, be found to his extreme annoyance
that several lady friends were present, who
manifested no intention of soon taking leave.
However, having made up bis mind, and de
termining to outstay them, let them stay as
long as they would, be entered into a trifling
conversation with the ladies.
He soon learned that two of the visitors were
in despair, because Miss Lindon was to leave
home the next day. Her sister at Reading
was going to give her house-warming, it was
mdispensible that Gertrude should be there ;
but on the other hand, Julia Steven's party
next week would bo a failure without her.
Julia intended to have tableaux, and Gertrude
was just the one for that ; they would be obli
ged to give up three or four that they were
roost anxious to represent, if she could not
be there to take the principal cbaracters.'And
further, to Julia's disappointment, Mr. Rail-
ton had begged her to excuse his absence, as
he would not be in town on the appointed eve
ning. Julia was quite vexed with them both,
for it was her birth-day, and she wanted to
have everything go off well.
Mr. Morris forgot to sympathise with the
ladies at this point ; for on the mention of
Mr. Railton he had instinctively glanced at
Gertrude, and she meeting his eye, colored
visibly. His jealous fears returned, and he
paid little heed to the conversation now go
ing on ; he was deliberating whether it would
be better for him to defer the object of his visit
for another time till he could satisfy himself
by close observation whether Railton was in
deed a rival, and still more important, wheth
er he was likely to prove a successful one.
Before be 'had come to any conclusion, the
other visitors prepared to depart. As they
were stepping into the hall they met a servant
bringing a large box which she bad just recei
ved at the door.
"Oh, there is your dress from Madame Car
son's, Gertrude," said one eagerly. "Let me
just take one little peep."
Gertrude objected, but the young lady had
an insatiable curiosity, and moreover, prided
herself on a "pretty, .child-like wilfulness,"
which was increased by opposition. . Aware
of this, Gertrude yielded the point, though
she was evidently annoyed by her friend's un
ceremonious procedure, and young Morris
quite sympathised with her. But bow were
his feelings changed when he heard the excla
mation. "Why, if it is not a bridal dress, and
the veil, orange wreath and all! Just lock!"
and the laughing girl held up to view a wreath
of orange blossoms intermixed with lily of the
valley. "Isn't that exquisite ? Ah, Gertrude,
your secret is out."
It was indeed exquisite, that dainty Jb rencn
imitation of natnre : but in our hero's eyes,
what a hideous thing it was, and what a fin
ished coquette its beautiful owner ! All was
plain enough now ; and while the ladies were
yet bantering her on. their discovery of her
secret, he took bis leave, rejoicing that ho bad
escaped the humiliation of "a refusal."
The other visitors did not tarry much long
er, being in haste to spread the news. Ger
trude tried to convince them that they were
altogether in error, but her protestations were
heard with laughing incredulity. After they
bad left, she sent the box, with its elegant
contents, back to the dressmaker : and in a
short time it again appeared, accompanied by
the regrets of Madame Carson for the mistake
that had been made.
Very beautiful was the evening dress that
Gertrude now drew forth from the unlucky
box, but she surveyed it with small appear
ance of interest or admiration. The reproach
ful look which she had received from Morris,
as he made bis parting bow, still haunted her.
Though he had never in words declared his
p'assion, yet she had long felt that he bad lo
ved ber, and felt, too, that his love was not
unreturned. Vexed by the unlucky incident
of the morning, and the impression it had ev
idently left on. bis mind, she prepared for ber
trip to Rea4ipvTvith less pleasure than she
' anticipated ; though she reassured herself by
reflecting, that on her return he would discov
er the mistake into which he had been led,
and all would be right.
But on her return, she learned that he had
disappeared suddenly, and without apprising
any one of his intentions. "Doubtless he will
return soon," his friends said ; but weeks and
months went by, and he came not. Gertrnde
mourned in secret over the unfortunate mis
take, which she had uo doubt wax the cause of
bis departure. In society she was gay and
charming as ever, and many sought to win her
love, but sought in vain.
It was nearly three years from the day of
nis mysterious disappearance, ere Mr. Morris
returned, lie bad not been in town many
days, when, to his extreme annoyance, be en
countered his foimer confident and adviser,
Coleman. The latter, overjoyed at his friend's
return, plied him with eager inquiries, to all
of which he received vague and brief replies.
Ere long Coleman fell upon the very theme
mat nis triend most wished to avoid.
"Ah, Tom, you stubborn fellow!" said he,
"why did you not act upon that sage advice 1
gave you at our very last meeting 1 Don't you
remember it ? Confess now that in all your
wanderings you have not met one to equal the
bewitching Gertrude. I saw her the other
day, and, by George, I thought her handsom
er than ever."
- "Does she still reside in town ?" Tom put
the question carelessly; his friend did not
hear him, find he was obliged to repeat it.
"I merely asked if Mrs. Railton still resides
in town."
"Mrs. Railton, did you say?" Coleman
looked slightly puzzled. "Oh, the wife of our
old friend, Railton. True, he married soon
after you disappeared, but I do not know his
wife even by sight !"
"Although you were just speaking of her,'
said Tom.
Who ? I ?" said Coleman. "My dear fcl
low, you must be dreaming. Railton married
a lady from Devonshire. I never saw his wife
It was Miss Lindon I was speaking of your
old sweetheart, you recollect ?"
"Well ?" Tom paused in his walk, and awai
ted further intelligence with breathless in
Well," repeated his companion, jocosely :
but looking at his excited friend he dropped
his bantering tone, and said in surprise, "you
did not imagine that Gertrude Lindon married
Kailton, did you ?"
"Whom then did she marry ?" asked Tom.
"Why, nobody," replied bis friend, laugh
ing heartily at bis air of bewilderment. "Our
peerless pearl is still free. I begin to think
you will be the lucky man. though, to be can
did, you don't deserve snch good fortune."
"I don't indeed," said Tom, coloring slight
ly. "X believe l have acted like a simpleton,
II nothing worse."
And thereupon the particulars of his last
visit to Gertrude were poured into his friend's
ears. . .
"Now that you know all, do you think I
want your candid opinion, Coleman," said
Tom, and he spoke beseechingly. "Do you
think There is the shadow of a chance that I
csn win her?"
"As to the shadow, I can't say," was the
provokingly deliberate answer, "but a real,
substantial chance I do thinic you have, pro
vided you do not lose it by further delays and
suspicions. What, irresolute yet ?"
"I fear she despises me," said Morris. "I
should in a like case."
"And so should I," was the consoling re
joinder, "but woman's judgment leans to mer
cy always, you know ; so come to me to
night, and tell me how your wooing speeds
I warrant you'll claim my congratulations."
Coleman's surmises, of course, were torrect.
fcre the close of the evening his friend bound
ed into his room in high spirits.
"Just like all accepted lovers ridiculously
hppy" said Coleman, shaking bim warmly
by the hand.
"You won't slight my counsel the next time,
old fellow ; three years of happiness lost just
through your own lolly ; think of that."
"Too true," said Tom, regretfully.' "And
Gertrude has loved me all along. She never
thought of Railton, nor he of her, she told me;
that is, in the way I suspected. And I have
been so miserable, Coleman ; but I deserved
to be wretched ; 'twas far worse that I render
ed her unhappy."
"Yes, you merited a long probation for that,
I think," said his friend. "She forgave you
too readily, like a gentle, loving girl."
"Like an angel as she is, rather say ?" ex
claimed Tom.
"No, that flight of fancy is only for lovers,"
said Coleman, drily. "I was going to add
that she entrusts her happiness to you too
rashly, I also imagine, after you have shown
yourself too much given to indulging the most
groundless suspicions."
"Ah ! I have suffered enough from that dis
position to be cured of it forever," said Mor
ris, earnestly. "Our married life shall never
be rendered unhappy from that cause."
And time proved that be spoke trulv ; he
was cured forever of jealous suspicions.
A Noble Lad. A little boy, returning from
school, the other day, discovered a large rock
on the Pennsylvania Railroad track, near Con-
emaugh station. Judging rightly that if the
train, then nearly due, ran into it, the conse
quences would be terrible, the fellow took a
red cap from his sister's head,and hurrying up
the track, commenced waiving it as the train
approached. The engineer saw bim .and jndg-
ing mat sometnmg was wrong, puuea up just
in time to prevent that collision which the
child so much dreaded. The engineer was
astonished at the foresight of the boy,and had
him suitably rewarded by the company.
An Indignity. A medical man, who had
just returned trom setting the broken leg of an
Arab, gave the following anecdote : The pa
tient complained of the accident more than he
thought became of one of bis tribe. This the
doctor remarked to him, and his answer was
truly amusing. "Do yon think, doctor," said
be, "I should have uttered one word of com
plaint, if my own high-bred colt in a playful
kick, bad broken both of my legs 7 tint to
have a bone broken by a brute of a jackass is
too bad, and I will complain."
Odd. The Essex Banner gives a carious
description of Harverbill. "Harverbill Is
most essentially a one idea place. We are all
leather and meeting bouses, and any man wno
is on a move may be safely supposed to be
either on a building committee, or about to
'start in tho shoo business.' " - !
Audubon, gives, in his "Ornithological Bi
ography," the following account of a situation
ot peril, in which he was once placed a po
sition which onr readers will admit, was suf
ficiently exciting to affect tho nerves of any
man :
On my return (he says) from the Upper
Mississippi, I found myself oblidged to cross
one of the wide prairies whicb,in tbat portion
of the United States, vary the appearance of
the country. The weather was fine, and all a
ronnd me was as fresh and blooming as if it
had just issued from the bosom of Nature.
My knapsack, my gun and ray dog, were all I
had for baggage and company. The track
which I followed was only an old Indian trail,
and as darkness overshadowed the prairie, I
felt some desire to reach at least a copse, in
which I might lie down to rest. The night
hawks were skimming over and around me, at
tracted by the buzzing wings of the beetles
which formed their food, and the distant howl
ing of wolves,gave me some hope that I should
soon arrive at the skirts of the woodland.
I did so, and almost at the same instant a
fire light attracted my eye. I moved towards
it full of confidence that it proceeded from the
camp of some wandering Indians. I was mis
taken. I discovered by its glare that it was
from the hearth of a small log cabin, and that
a tall figure passed and repassed between it
and me, as if busily engaged in household ar
rangement. I reached the spot, and presented myself at
the door, asked the tall figure, which proved
to be a woman, if I might take shelter under
her roof for the night. Her voice was gruff,
and her attire negligently thrown about her.
She answsred in the affirmative. I walked in,
took a wooden stool, and quietly seated my
self by the fire. The next object that attrac
ted my attention was a finely formed young
Indian, resting his head between his hands,
with his elbows on his knees. A long bow
rested against the log wall near him, while a
quantity of arrows and two or three raccoon
skins lay at his feet, ne moved not he ap
parently breathed not. Accustomed to the
habits of tho Indian, and knowing that they
pay little attention to the approach of civiliz
ed strangers, (a circumstance which in some
countries, is considered as evincing the apa
thy of their character,) 1 addressed nim in
French, a language not unfrequently partially
known to the people in tbat neighborhood
lie raised bis bead, pointed to one of his eyes
with vis finger,and gave me a significant glance
with the other. The fact was, that an hour be
fore this, as he was in the act of discharging
an arrow at a raccoon in the top of a tree, the
arrow bad split upon the cord,and sprung back
with such violence into his right eye as to de
stroy it forever.
Feeling hungry, I inquired what sort of fare
I could expect. Such a thing as a bed could
not be seen, many large untanned bear and
buffalo hides lay piled in a corner. I drew ray
time piece from my breast, and told the wo
man it was late, and that I was fatigued. She
had espied my watch, the richness of which
seemed to operate on ber feelings with clec
trie quickness. She told me that there was
plenty of venison and jerked buffalo raeat,and
tbat on removing the ashes I should find a
cake. But my watch had struck her fancy,
and her curiosity had to be gratified by an im
mediate sight of it. I took off the gold chain
tbat secured it around my neck and presented
it to her. Sbe was all ecstacy, spoke of its
beauty, asked me its value, and put the chain
around her brawny neck, saying how happy
the possession of such a watch would make
her. Thoughtless, and, as I fancied, myself
in so quiet a spot, secure, I paid little atten
tion to ber talk and movements. I helped my
dog to a good supper of venison, and was not
long in satisfying the demands of my own
appetite. The Indian arose from his seat, ai
if in extreme suffering. He passed and re
passed me several times, and once pinched
me on the side so violently that the pain near
ly brought forth an exclamation of anger. I
looked at bim. His eye met mine; but bis
look was so forbidding that it struck a chill
into the more nervous part of my system. He
again seated himself, drew his butcher knife
from its greasy scabbard, examined its edge,
as I would that of a razor suspected dull, re
placed it, and again taking his tomahawk from
bis back, filled the pipe of it with tobacco,
and sent me expressive glances whenever our
hostess chanced to have her back towards us
Never, till that moment, had my senses
been awakened to the danger which I now sus
pected to be about me. I returned glance for
glance to my companion, and rested well as
sured that-what ever enimies I might have, he
was not of their number.
I asked the woman for my watch, wound it
up, and under pretence of wishing to see how
the weather might probably be on the morrow,
took up my gun and walked out of the cabin.
I slipped a ball into each barrel, scraped the
edges of my flints, renewed the priming, and
returning to the hut, gave a favorable account
of ray observations. I took a few bear skins,
made a pallet of them, and calling my faithful
dog to my side, law down, with my gun close
to my body, and in a lew minutes was, to an
appeal ances, fast asleep.
A short time had elapsed, wnen some voices
were beard, and from the corner of my eyes I
saw two athletic youths making their entrance
bearing a stag on a pole. They disposed of
their burden, and asking for whisky, helped
themselves freely to it. Observing me and
the wounded Indian, they asked who I was,
and why that rascal, (meaning the Indian,wbo
they knew understood not a word of English)
was in the bouse. .
Tho mother for so she proved to be bade
them speak less loudly, made mention of my
watch, and took them to a corner, where a
conversation took place, the purport of which
it required little shrewdness in me to guess.
I tapped my dog gently. He moved his tail,
.... . - . T . r r
ana with indescribable pleasure i saw nis nne
eyes alternately fixed on me, and raised to
wards the trio in the Corner. I felt that he
perceived the danger of my situation. The
Indian exchanged a last glance with me.
The lads had eaten and drunk themselves
into such a condition tbat I already looked on
them as hortdu. combat ; and the frequent visits
of the whisky bottle to the ugly mouth of
their dame, I hoped wonld soon reduoe ber
to a like state. Judge of my astonishment,
reader, when I saw this incarnate- fiend take
a large carving knife and go to the grindstone
to whet its edge. I saw her pour water on
the turning macbine.and watched her working
away with the dangerous instrument, until the)
cold sweat covered every part or my body, m j
spite of my determination to defend myself to
the last. Her task finished, she walked to
ber reeling sons, and said, "There that'll set
tle him. Boys, kill you , and then for the
I turned my gun lock silently, touched my
faithful companion, and lay ready to start up
and shoot the first who might attempt my life.
The moment was fast approaching, and that
night might have been my last in this world,
bad not Providence made preparations for
my rescue. All was ready.
The Infernal hag was advancing slowly, pro
bably contemplating the best way of despatch
ing me, whilst her sons should be engaged with
the Indian. I was several times on the eve
of rising, and shooting her on the spot but
she was not to be punished thus. The door
was suddenly opened, and there entered two
stout travelers, each with a long rifle on bis
shoulder. I bounced up on ray feet, and ma.
kirg them most heartily welcome, told them
how well it was for me that they should have
arrived at that moment. The drunken sons
were secured, and the woman, in spite of her
defence and vociferations, shared the same
fate. The Indian fairly danced for joy, and
gave us to understand tbat, as be could not
sleep for pain, he wonld watch over us. You
may suppose we slept much less than we talk
ed. The two strangers gavo me an account
of their once having been in a somewhat sim
ilar situation. Day came, fair, rosy, and with
it the punishment of our captives.
They were now quite sober. Their feet
were unbound, but their anus were still se
curely tied. We marched them into the woods
off the road, and having nsed them as Regu
lators wero wont to use such delinquents, wo
set fire to the cabin, gave all the skins and im
plements to tbo young Indian warrior, and
proceeded, well pleased, towards tho settle
ments. During upwards of twenty-five years, when
my wanderings extended to all parts of our
country, this was the only time at which my
life was in danger from my fellow creatures.
Indeed, so little risk do travellers run in the
United States, that no one born there ever
dreams of any to be encountered on the road ;
and I can only account for this occurrence, by
supposing tbat the inhabitants of the cabin
were not Americans.
Where are you Going ? An anecdote is
told of Finney, the revivalist, and a canal boat
man to the following effect :
He vfcs holding forth in Rochester, and in
walking along the canal one day, be came a
cross a boatman who was swearing furiously.
Marching up, be confronted bim, and rather
abruptly asked :
"Sir, do you know where you are going 7"
The unsuspecting navigator innocently re
plied that he was- going up the canal on tho
boat Jenny Sands.
"No, sir, you are not," said Finney. "You
are going to hell faster than a canal boat can
carry you."
The boatman looked at bim with astonish
ment, for a moment, and' then returned the
question :
"Sir, do you know where you are going 1"
"I expect to go to heaven."
"No, sir! you are going right into the canal."
And, suiting tho action to the word, be
pounced upon poor Finney, and tossed him
into the murky water, where he would have ,
drowned, bad not tho boatman relented, and
fished him out.
Pencil Sketches of the Supreme Court
Judges. A graphic- writer in the Cleveland;
Plaindealer, thus describes the personnel of
the U. S. Supreme Court: "First on the
bench sat Clifford, fat and sleek, with no gray
hairs, and weighing, 1 should judge, two hun
dred. Next, Grier, about the same size, and!
quite gray headed ; then Wayne, with light
but not gray hair, and about one hundred and;
fifty pounds weight; next, McLean, with
scarcely a white hair, though far advanced iu
years, looking hale and hearty, and of about
two hundred pounds weight. Catron, withi
silver hair, but not so large a man as McLean
Next, Nelson, with Whiskers from his-ear
round under bis chin, and tho only man who.
bad a whisker. He would weigh one hundred
and eighty or more. Last, Jndge Campbell,,
the only baldheaded man. He had silver side
locks, and is above medium size. Altogether
it Is a weighty body. In front of the judge's
bench, (very fine arm chairs) are the busts of
the venerable Chief Justice Marshall, Rut
ledge, Jay and Ellsworth. The Court room,
is small, not large enough to hold more thatu
fifty persons."
The Washoe Excitement. We learn by
our California advices that the discovery oC
the Washoe silver mines is creating an excite
ment in San Francisco, equal to those ot the
discoveries at Pike's Peak and Fraser river-
Money is hard to get at in San Francisco, but
everybody who can raise a thousand is putting
it in Washoe. Judges and Iawyers,merchant
and mechanics are all afflicted. Doctors- on
the way to see sick patients stop their horses.
on the corners to talk Washoe. Tho ladies
talk Washoe,and dream of $400 dresses to come
from it. Mechanics knock of work if they
own a few feet,and consider their fortune made.
.Adulterated Liquors. A bill is now be
fore the Legislature to prevent the adultera
tion of liquors in this Mate. It provides for
the appointment of a competant chemist rn
every county in -the State, and two in the city
of Philadelphia, whoso duty it shall be to test
properly the liquors sold in their various lo
calities. If any one shall be found selling a-
dulterated liquors, he shall be liable to prose
cution and conviction. The penalty upon
conviction for such sale shall be a fine of Dot
less than $100, nor more than $500, and im
prisonment for not less than thirty nor more
than ninety days.
Superstition im 1559. Francis II, the hue-
band of Mary, Queen of Scots, whose health)
was giving way, went by the advice of bis
physicians to Blois, celebrated for the mild
ness of its climate. While on bis journey, be
found the villages through which be passed
deserted the French peasantry having heard
and fully believed,that the nature of the king's
complaint was such that it could ocjr be cured
by bis bathing in the blood of young children!
An Irishman fights before be reasons;
Scotchman reasons before be fights ; a Yan
kee is not particular will do either to suit
bis customers.
"I know." said Tinsv. that water is a venr
fine thing, but it is so dreadful tblnu"