Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 07, 1860, Image 3

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We direct attention to tho advertisement of
Mr. Womrath, of Philadelphia, dealer in Ot
ter, Coon, Fox and other furs.
The weather has been warm and spring-like
in this region for several days. Daring the
past night and this morning it has been rain
ing rapidly. Tho water in the river is up to a
good rafting stage.
Da. A. M. Hills, desires us to say that he
will be in his office in Clearfield, most of the
time from the 1st of March till after the June
court ; alter which time, he expects to be ab
i ent for several months. Persons desiring his
services will do well to call on him before that
time. The Doctor has improved facilities for
putting up work, and does it in such a neat
and durable manner, that he has obtained a
deservedly high reputation as a Dentist among
those for whom he has operated. m74t.
Nikkow Escape. Last Thursday, whilst a
on of Mr. Edward Williams, of Bradford town
ship, was engaged, with several others, "raft-Ing-in"
at Graham's rafting ground, a large
stick of timber was accidentally rolled
down the beach. All started to hurry out of
the way, but young Williams tripped and fell,
and before he could recover, the stick rolled,
from heels to head, over him, pressing his face
into the sand ; yet, strange to say, he was but
lightly injured, and complained only ot a
prickly sensation in one of his thighs.
Fatal Accidext. On last Thursday, a man
named Anspach, from Clarion county, who
was engaged at Ilarrison Miller's log job on
Clearfield creek, in Knox township, this coun
ty, met with an accident which cost him his
life. A tree that he cut down, fell against a
dead tree, which broke off and striking Mr. A.
on the back, knocked him down, and his fore
head coming in contact with a spruce pole, it
was mashed in, causing death la about eight
hours after. lie leaves a wife and two chil
dren in Clarion county, to mourn his sad fate.
RArTiso. During the latter part of the past
week the waters of the Susquehanna and trib
utaries rose to a good rafting stage, and soon
the banks of the streams presented a scene of
activity that sent a thrill of gladness to every
heart, for here all high and low, rich and
poor are, directly or indirectly, interested in
the lumber trade. On Monday and Tuesday a
large number of rafts started "down tho riv
a," and in a few days our friends at Lock
Haven, Uarrisburg, Middletown, Marietta, Co
lumbia and other points along the Susquehan
na, will bo visited by the hardy raftsmen of
this region, who spread life and animation
wherever they go. The stock of lumber is
large, but we do not think that it will be more
than equal to the demand,' and from what we
have learned we are induced to believe that
prices will be remunerative. Wo hope these
-anticipations will bo realized, and that our
lumbermen, who have suffered severely by tho
-depressed state of the trade for the past three
-or four years, will once more receive such en-
couragement as their business demands.
Teacher's Association. The Woodward
and Beccaria Teacher's Association met in
Glen Hope, Feb. 25th, at 6 r. si. The house
was called to order by electing n. B. Wright,
President, and T. W. Johnston, Sec. Teach-
er present, Miss II. Swan, and Miss Edith A.
Wright, and Messrs. Edwards, Connell, John
ston and Wright.
On motion, Mr. S. II. Ilindman was elected
President of the association, for the ensuing
year; Mr. Jones Rollin, Vice President ; Mr.
.John G. Cain, Secretary, and Mr. P. T. John
ston, Assistant Secretary.
On motion of Mr. Edwards, the President
was authorized to appoint a committee of 3 to
revise the constitution. - .
Mr. Connell, delivered a comic speech. Mr.
Edwards, delivered a short address; after
which he offered tho following ; the first was
passed, and the second laid on the table :
Resolved. That it shnnM hn thn rfntu nf tho
Secretary of the Board of Directors, to report
the state ot each school under his jurisdiction,
at the February town meeting.
Resolved, That the Rule of Three, or Pro
portion, doiu simple ana compound, has a ten
dency to mystify, rather than to make the
work simple and plain.
On motion, Dr. A. T. Schryver was called
ou to illustrate the best method of teaching
Chirography ; to which'call he responded.
Mr. Cain being called on, differed material
ly from Dr. Schryver's method ot teaching
Penmanship. Dr. Schryver also made a speech
on Phonetics, and read an essay on Normal
Schools ; and speeches were made by Messrs.
Umdman and Woodruff, on OrthoeraDhv.
The Association tendered a vote of thanks
to Dr. Schryver for his attendance and parti
cipation in the exercises; and to the editors
f the county papers, for publishing the pro
ceedings of our last meeting.
On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Secretary
was ordered to forward the proceediegs of this
meeting to the editors of the county papers
for publication ; after which the Association
adjourned to meet at Lord's school house, on
Saturday, March 17th, at 1 o'clock, p. m.
II. B. Weight, President.
. T. W. Johhstos, Secretary.
.S nft boi!bert was "rrested in Cincin
nati on the 28th nit., for attempting to pass a
spunoui five dollar bill of Hartford Bank, of
U.rtford, la. $3,280, in 1's, 2's, 6'a and 10's
ct the same issue, were found in his trunk.
Spencer Wood, thefdence of the Gover-
ivoo1 of Canada, was destroyed by fire
cn Feb. 28th. The building was the property
ot the province, and was insured for $20 000.
it i supposed that the fire originated from a
defect m the heating apparatus.
" i
thJthnTVhiKgton Star ,a-rs that the daim !
22S ?,MJl." 0ne hundi a"l three.votes
;!c?reifor Charleston i. a mere brag for ef-
hf . y" he cannot at tbe Dtmo't ?et over
7"On a bender the red top boots.
EF"Titto the chap with bushy hair.
K7"Fell out tho bottom of our roads.
: (idHere March; and stormy as usual.
. KPp the water in the Susquehanna.
K7Down the b'hoy that fell off a raft.
K7"In demand beans, bacon and bad whis
key. Circulating counterfeit l's on the Che
mung Bank.
tT-A. G. C. A Good Caudidate. He'll be
elected sure. .
- Q"Again hostile the Navajo Indians, in
New Mexico.
C-Erected ice houses to hold 50,000 tons
of ice, in Paris.
tt-Tho first jury ever cmpannelled was in
England, in 970.
CE?Cultivated in Louisiana the tea plant,
without difficulty.
BCJWill spend France, a million and a half
in fortifying Algiers.
"Consumed annually 20 million bushels
of coal, in Cincinnati. .
CPCanada is fast becoming a great nation.
She owes $60,000,000.
DIIas determined Jenny Lind, to erect
an asylum for decayed singers.
K?Twice frozen over the Hudson river its
whole length, this winter. An unusuai circum
stance. KFThe Charleston Mercury says that it sees
o.nly a cheap edition of Mr. Seward in Senator
Douglas. .
CSAre the same tho following words, if
spelled backwards or forwards : "Nanio no
one man."
C-Fact a man who goes to law to recover
damages hardly ever recovers lrom the dama
ges he receives.
C?Taking steps the people of Chicago, to
memoralize Congress to establish a branch
mint at that place.
K7""About the only person that wo ever heard
of that was not spoiled by being lionized, was
a Jew named Daniel.
K7"Sound the Boston merchants. They
are about to petition Congress to withdraw the
cent coin from circulation.
K?Died at Madison Mr. Stephen Thurston
a few days since, at the age of 99 years. He
leaves an orphan child aged 75 years.
tt7Have a habit the Democrats, of unset
tling everything. Nothing will ever be per
manently settled till we settle them.
K?Two of tbe Pennsylvania State Senators
Messrs. Schindel and Landon preached ser
mons in Uarrisburg on Sunday, Feb. 26.
f!FMade their appearance fresh shad in the
narrisburg market, on Feb. 29. Tho price at
which they sold gave them a decidedly silve
ry taste.
EF"Mr. Douglas's Chicago Organ says that
the country owes it to 3Ir. D. to elect him to
me r-resiaency. men we guess the country
.fCii .. i i .
tin i cpuuiuie.
ff7"A sacriligions wretch entered the Pres
byterian Chnrch in Alton, Illinois, recently
and stole the entire communion plate, which
was very valuable.
CF"Prentice says that the Slavery issue in
ftx-ntucKy is about 2;j,0U0 nigger babies a year.
This estimate does not include the shaded va
rieties, we presume.
K7"Informed his pupils an Irish pedagogue
recently, that tho feminine gender should be
appnea to all snips and vessels afloat, except
man sieamers ana men ot war.
K7The Courts of New-York have decided
that it is optional with the teachers of the nub.
lie schools, whether the Bible shall bo read as
one of the exercises of School or not.
D-Not yet settled the case of the Chica
go postmaster. The President and the Post
master General, like all ill-mated heads of a
household,are still quarrelling about their Cook
CC7Repoi ted that a man in Illinois is wri
ting the life of Douglas. His life.wc suppose,
may as well be written now as ever. It is lived
out, so far as any matters of political moment
are concerned.
KF"Virginia,as usual, is getting a huge share
oi ine public patronage. Old Brown was a ter
rible old fellow, but his raid upon Virginia was
a trine in comparison witn v lrgiania's raid up
on the Treasury.
K7A Georgia paper says that until the pre
sent year, ine disunion party had hardly a
hook io nang a nope on. irthey have got a
hook now, they had better hang their fiddle on
it or themselves.
IJ"aanimy, my son, don't stand there
scratching your head ; stir your stumps, or
yon'll make no progress in life." "Why Ga
iner, l-ve neara you say the only way to get
aiong was to scratcn a-tiead."
D-rAn Arkansas paper says "if Cash Clay
were to undertake to speak in this State he
would very soon have to make himself scarce.'
We guess that it wouldn't be the first instance
ot Cash made scarce in that State.
Democratic stock is rising Lancaster
intelligencer. Yea, Stevens was hanged the
otner day, and two or three more are sentenc
ea to tne same bad elevation in April. Dem
ocratic stock is rising, sure enough.
IT-A remarkable cow has Mr. John Shen.
hard, of West Chester. Goshen eountv. M" V.
She yields milk so rich that it turns to butter
without churning ! Such a cow would be a
periect god-send to some folks here-about.
C7"The principal part of Danville, Ky., was
destroyed by fire on February 22d, consuming
eighty buildings, including three churches, the
Court House, Adams Express, Batterton Ho
tel, ana tne leading business houses. Loss,
$250,000. '
E7"The Kentucky Legislature has passed a
law appropriating $18,000 to improve the
minds of the imbecile children of the State.
Prentice says?if such a law had gone into op
eration a good many years ago, some of the
Democratic editors of Kentuckv miirht have
quailifled to make better papers than
they do.
The Pennsylvania Telegraph thinks it would
now be in order for the friends of Mr. Hick
man to present hitn with a six-shooter as a
set-off for the cane presented by the South
Carolinians to the bully Edmundson.
En and Ear. It will be seen In onr adver
tising columns that Dr. do Heintze will visit
our village for one week. We were not ac
quainted with this gentleman before, but we
have received letters from well known friends.
stating the Doctor's utmost success in treating-
diseases of the Eye. We have no doubt he
will succeed in our town, and can recommend
him to those suffering with diseases of the or
gans of sight and hearing. Angelica Reporter.
20 Bojcs Smoked Herrin,
10 Barrels White Fish,
10 Cans Spiced Salmon,
5 Barrels Salmon,
5 Barrels Blue Fish,
5 Barrels Mackerel,
5 Barrels Haddock,
Just receiving, nmd for rale at reasonable rates by
Feb. 22. II. MOSSOP, Clearfield.'
chills and Fever ! Chills axd Fever !! One
o: ice greatest remedies that has ever been laid
before the public, for Fever and Ague, and which
nave received the highest enconiuins from the
press and the people, is Dr. J- Hostettera Celebra
ted -outers, who would endure the tortures ari
sing from this terrible disease, when it can be so
easily cured ? Who would endure sleepless nights,
burning fevers and icy chills alternately, when a
rumuuj caa De obtained lor a mere trine ? And
yet how many families linger out a painful exis
tence under tbe deadly blight, and do nothing but
su'F wu quinine, until it Decomes as common
as their daily meals, and yet they are not reliev
es xione Dutthe loolish and weak would hesi
tate to procure these valuable Bitters, and save
themselves intense agemy. Sold by druggists and
dealers generally everywhere, "f See advertise
ment in another column.
On Sunday the 2oth February, MaetAmas-
da, aaugnter of James and Ann Mullen, of
this borough, aged 2 years.
J. sale at the store of WM. IRVIN, Cnrwensv
iAHk. A quantity of good white Beans for
sale at Merrell a Bigler's. Cle,
. Clearfield.
TJRUNES AND CURRANTS, a good, fresh ar-
jl ticie just received and for sale cheap, by
February 29. WM. F. IRAVIN, Clearfield.
RAFT AND DOG KOPES, a little cheaper
than they can be bought in the county, at
xeo. zt 11. AlUSSUr'S, Clearfield.
f UU Cherries, on hand and for sale by
R. MOSSOP, Clearfield.
1000 pounds Shoulders,
Just receiving, and for sale at the store of
22. R. MOSSOP, Clearfield.
IOR RENT The undersigned has for rent a
house and lot, and blacksmith shop, in the
borough of Luthersburg. This is a good location
for a blacksmith. For further information apply
j-utnersourg, t eo. Z'J. io JAALts llLV l.
fjyJXJ 500 Uush. Shelled Corn,
500 Sacks White Wheat Flour, (a good article,)
500 Pounds Buckwheat Flour, do do
200 Barrels White Wheat Flour. do do
'Just roceiving, and for sale at reasonablo ratesby
leo. zz. it. MUSSUr, Clearfield.
-TJl of Administration on the Estate of Jacob W.
Sensenig, late of Knox township, Clearfield coun
ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned, residing in New Millport, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims against
the same, will present them, duly authenticated
for settlement, to the undersigned, or to L. J.
Crans, Esq., Attorney, Clearfield, Pa.
Feb. 2'J. 1860. . MARTIN O. STIRK, Adm'r.
T ICENSE NOTICE. The following named
JLi persons have filed in the Office of the Clerk of
the Court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield County,
their Petitions for License at MARCH Session
next, agreeably to Act of Assembly of March 23,
TSoO, entitled "An Act to regulate tho Sale of
Intoxicating Liquors," Ac.
Henry Goodlander, Brady township, Tavern.
R. W. Moore, Brady township, Tavern.
William Reed, Bradv townshiD. Tavern.
David Johnston, Clearfield Borough, Tavern.
Oreorge It. Lamch. Clearfield Borough, Tavern.
aientme Jlollman, Covington towa'p, Tavern.
Lawrence Flood. Covington township. Tavern.
Benjamin Suidcr, CoviDgton township, Tavern.
JMetioIas eroecK, Covington township. Tavern.
Wm. A. Mason, Curwensville Borough, Tavern.
Isaac liloom, Uurwensville iJorough, Tavern.
Dan. M. Weaver, Curwensville Boro', Tavern.
James Haines. Beccaria township, Tavern.
Peter Bloom, Jordan township. Tavern.
Robert J. Hayncs, Karthaus township, Tavern.
Joseph L. Curby, Lumber-city Borough. Tavern.
ISranson Davis. Lumber-city Borough, Tavern.
Wm. u. Merrell, Morns township. Tavern
Wm. W. Anderson, Penn township, Tavern.
Henry Post, Decatur township, TaverjJ.
Wm. L. Starritt, Boggs township, Tavern.
Richard Mossop, Clearfield Boro". Mercantile.
Howard Merrell, Bradford township, Tavern.
Adam Knarr, Brady township, Tavern.
John Jordan, Guelich township. Tavern.
Benjamin Bloom, jr., Curwensville Bor', Tavern
j-.dward Albert, lioggs township. Tavern.
Win.- W. Worrell. Chest township. Tavern.
Profy's Office, Clearfield, Feb. 29, 1K60.-
CJIIEKIFf'S SALES By virtue of sundry
K7 writs ot venditioni JiTpouas issued out ot the
Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and
tomedirccted, there will be exposed to public sale,
at the Court Hou se in tli Uorough of Clearfield, on
tne ioiiowing aescriocd iteai instate, to wit:
A certain lot of land, situate in Luthersburg,
uiearneia county, renn a, one Known as No. 22
the other immediately in the rear and known as
No. 1, the whole being bounded cast and north
by an alley, and on the west by G. R. Barrett's
dwelling and store house, with stable and other
buildings thereon erected. Seized, taken in exe
cution, and to be sold us the property of T. Y el
ton Barrett.
Also a certain tract of land situate in Wood
ward township, Clearfield county, I'a., bounded by
samuei imicn tract on the west, and on the south
by John Alexander and Whitesides. and on tho n.
by John Wolf and Moore fc Wilson, containing a
bout one hundred acres. Seized, taken in execu
tion, and to bo sold as the property of John Mo-
Also a certain tract of land, situato in Chest
township, Clearfield county, Pa., containing one
hundred and seventy acre?, about fifty acres clear
ed, with log house, log barn thereon ; bounded by
x nomas w ooas, jonn laggart and Wm. xozer.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Thomas Tozer and Lewis Hagan.
Also a certain tract of land, situate in Graham
township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded bv lands
of Joseph Thompson, Bratton, Rickets, Moses Den
ning, and others, containing one hundred and fif
ty acres, one hundred cleared with log house and
barn thereon erected. Seized, taktn in execution,
and to bo sold as the property of U. M. Jones.
Also a certain tract of land, situato in Deca
tur township, Cleartild county, Pa., containing one
hundred acres, bounded by John Shaw, Elijah
Reese, and others, with log houso and barn and
fifty acres cleared, with small orchard. Seized,
taken in execution, and to bo sold as tho proper
ty of Abraham, Urecn.
Also a certain tract of land, con taininir sixtv-
two acres, oounaed oy watts, ureenwood M Crac-
ken. Owens, and others, with fifty acres cleared,
ana log nouse ana Darn thereon, ceized, taken
in execution, and to be sold as tho nroncrtv of
John McCrackcn.
Also By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Fa-
cuts, me ioiiowing aesenbea Kcal Estate, to wit :
Alt that certain tract of land situate in Burn-
side township, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded and
acscriDca as loiiows : .beginning ata dotrwood
thence south 88 d. east 160 perches more or less to
a post, thence by John King's land north 1 d. east
182 perches more or less to a post, thence by lands
of John Penticoff north 833 d. west 159J perches
more or less to a chestnut, thence by lands under
contract to John Patchin south 1 i d. west 162 per
ches more 'or less to place of beginning, contain
ing ioi acres and 100 perches more or less and the
usual allowance, bcine part of two larger tracts
surveyed on two several warrants, one to .Peter
Gratz, the other to Paul Zantzinger, being the
sam e premises conveyed to defendant bv deed da
ted 21st Sept., 1854. Seized, taken in execution,
and to be sold as the property of John Yingling.
also an mat certain steam saw mill or build
ing, situate in Jordan township, about two miles
north of the village of Glen Hope, said mill being
about 30 feet by 49 feet, and the lot or piece of
giouna ana curtilage appurtenant to the said buil
ding Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of R. Q. Gibbon.
Also liy virtue of a certain alias writof PL Fa.
the following dascribed Real Estate, to wit i r. .
ah mat certain Jot of land, situate inTroutville.
Clearfield county, Pa., containing one acre, boun
ded by Adam Knarr, Andrew Millcr,.and the pub
lic nignway. oeizea, taken in execution, and to
be sold as tho property of David Wright and E-
Sheriffs Office, Clearfield, Feb. 21, 1859.
T7OR SALE OR RENT, a house and lot sit-
X utte in .Lumber City, Clearfield county, with
all conveniences for a private residence. For
particulars apply to the subscriber.
Feb. 22. 1860-3tp. JOSEPH L. CURBY.
(formerly kept by Mrs. Clements.) The sub
scriber respectfully solicits the patronage of his
lu irienas, ana assures all rivermen having bu
siness in Marietta that no pains will be spared
vii luwr accommodation ana comtort.
Feb. 22. 1860-ly. ABNER M'MICHAEL.
fM- ot Administration on the Estate of R. F.
Ward, Sr., late of Clearfietd Boro',.ClearfieId coun
ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned, residing in said Borough, all persons
mueuieu to saia estate aro requested to make lni-
iucuiuio payment, ana tnose bavingclaims again?
the same, will present them, duly authenticated
tor settlement, to the undersigned.
Feb. 15, lS60.-6t 11. FENT WARD.
AjIST AND ACR1ST, Principal of tho Onh-
muiinio ana Aurai xnnrmary ot Jiunalo. IN. Y.
can bo consulted in Clearfield, at tho Mansion
House, on Friday and Saturday March 9th and
10th. where ho will give his personal services to
all the various diseasesof the Eye and Ear. Dea f-
iiess m a its stages, noises in the head, discharges
from the ears, all affections of tbe eye and vision.
as well as all Catarrhal difficultiee of the throat !
and head, ai these diseases often causo deafness.
Stuttering and Stammering cured in fr m one to
three hours. Electro magnetism is applied with
often immediate result, even in such eases decla
red inourable. -
Dr. do 11. performs all operations in Onthalraio
ana Aurai ourgery. Jr'eb. lo, ls0.
The undersigned, desire to inform the citizens of
Clearfield and surrounding vicinity, that they
have recently purchased in the Eastern cities a
large and well selected stock of seasonable Goods,
which they have'opened in the well-known Room
-on Market street, Cleai field, (formerly occupied by
i in. x iwin.) J. heir stock consists ot a general
assortment of the very best Foreign and Domestic
Their stock of Dry Goods consists in part of such as
Cloth.t, Cassimere.1, Satinets. Tweeds, Vestings,
UUusltnjt, 1 tcJting, (JltecA-S. Vol icons, (Jhmtzes,
. Ginghams, Canton and Wool Flannels, De
Laities, Cashmeres, Silis, Plaids, Shawls,
Brilliants, Hosiery , Gloves, etc.. etc.
Also, a great variety of Ladies' Boots and Gaiters,
Misses and Childrens Shoes : Mens', Boys', and
Youths' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, with a large
selection of useful notions, among which are
Perfumenj, Cloth and Hair Brushes, Fancy
Soaps, Pens and Pen-holders 'Combs, tire,
together with many other useful notions, all of
which will be sold low for Cash, or in exchange
for approved country produce. As their stock is
entirely new, and purchased on the most advanta
geous terms, they feel confident that they can sell
goods to the advantage of the buyer. Step in
and examine for yourselves, before purchasing
elsewhere. Kemenibor the new store is the place.
Feb. TZ, 1360. GRAHAM. BOYNTON fc CO.
V- tnontpealth. of Pennsylvania to the High
tylierilj ot the county of Clearfield. Grec.tins
Whereas, at an Orphans' Court held at Clearfield.
in and lor the said county of Cloarheld. the 11th
day ot January, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and eixty, before the Honor
orable Samuel Linn, Esq., President, and his As
sociate Judges of the Court. rln the matter of the
estate of Hannah oung, dec"d., the petition of
jacoo loung ot uurnside township, Clearfield co.,
in the State of Pennsylvania, was presented, set
ting forth that on the 10th day of September. An
no Domini 1842, Anna Fisher, et., al . Executrix
of the last will and testament of James C. Fisher,
deceased, by deed recorded in Clearfield county.
in tne omce ior recording deeds, Ac., in deed book
II. page 586, granted and conveyed to the peti
tioner a certain tract or piece of land situate in
Uurnside township aforesaid, being part of a Jar
ger tract surveyed on a warrant crranted to f7a.
per Shaffner. Jr., beginning at a post and marked
corner of said tract, thence extending along the
northern line of said tract, south, eighty-nine de
gress east one hundred and sixty perches to a post,
mence soutn one degree west one hundred and
sixty perches to a post near a black oak, thence
north eighty-nine degrees west one hundred and
sixty perches to a post, and thence north one de
gree east one hundred and six perches to the place
of beginning, containing one hundred acres and
allowance, in trust for his mother, Hannah Young,
her heirs and assigns. That the said Hannah
Young hath since died on the 16th day of April,
A. D., 1850, leaving her surviving issue ninechil
drcn, te wit: Jacob, the petitioner, Catharine,
who was intermarried with John Pentico. now
deceased, and who resided in Jasper county, in
the State of Iowa, her last post office address be.
ing Newton, Polly, since deceased, who was in
termarried with David Fulton, and who hath left
issucjilannah, Susannah, intermarried with Rob
ert Owens, Peggy, intermarried with Isaao Lee,
x.uzaoetn, intermarried with Samuel Jb ulton, Fan
ny, intermarried with James McCrearv. and Hen
ry Young, to whom the said land by the intestate
laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsvlvania did
descend and come, the said Hannah Young having
aied intestate. That the above is all tbe real es
tate- which belonged to said Hannah Young at
her decease, and therefore nravinar the Honorable
Court to award an inquest to make partition of
iuo premises aiorsaid, to and among the parties
interested tnerem, to wit: tho parties above na
med, in such manner and in such proportions as
by tho laws of this Commonwealth is directed, if
ouuu pariuion can oe maae witnoui prejudice to,
n - a:.; l. , -ii . . .
orspouing tne wnoie: out it sucn partition can
not d in ado thereof, then to value and appraise
the same, and make return according to law. as
in duty oound.
And whereupon, tbe said Court on due nroof and
consideration of the premises, awarded an inquest
for tho purpose aforesaid. ' Notice to the heirs re
siding out of the State to be given by publication
in one newspaper published in the town of Clear-
neid, lor tour consecutive weeks, and acoov there
of mailed to their post office address. John Young
appointed guardian ad litem, for Cyrus, Boyd S..
taiiiu, vaiuanue rrancea and .UZaoctu 1 Ulton,
r . t -ti i, 1 1 . i . '
uiiuur cnuaren oi i ony r Ulton.
we therefore command you, that, taking with
jrou tweive good and lawiui men ot your baili
wick, you go to and upon the premises aforesaid.
and there, in the presence of the nartiea afomsaiil
by you to bo warned (if upon being warned they
will be present) and having respect to the true
valuation tnereot, and upon the oaths.and affir
mations of tho said twelve good and lawful men,
you make partition to and among tho heirs and
legal representatives of the said intestate in such
manner and in such proportions as by the laws of
tno commonwealth is directed, if the same can be
so parted and divided without prejudice to or
spoiling tne whole. And it such partition cannot
be made thereof without prejudice to or spoiling
the whole, that then you causo the said inquest to
inquire and ascertain whether the same willon
veniently accommodate more than one of the said
representatives of tho said intestate, without pre
judice to or spoiling the whole, and if so, how
many it will as aforesaid accommodate, describing
each part by notes and bounds, and returning a
just valuation of the same. But if the said inquest
by you to be summoned as aforeraid, to make the
said partition or valuation, shall be of opinion
that the premises aforesaid, with the appurtenan
ces, cannot be so parted and divided as to accom
modate more than one of the said representatives
of the said intestate, that then you cause the in
quest to value the whole of .the said real estate
with the appurtenances, having respect to the true
value thereof agreeably to law. And that the
partition or valuation so made, you distinctly and
openly have before our said Justices at Clearfield
at an Orphans' Court there to be held on tbe reg
ular day of sessions thereof, after such inquost
shall be made, nnder your band and seal, and un
der the hands and seals-of those by whose oaths
or affirmations you shall make such partlon or val
uation. And have you then and there this writ.
WITNESS Samuel Linn, Esq., President of our
said Court at Clearfield aforesaid, the 11th day of
January, in the year of our Lord. one thousand
eight hundred and sixty. JAS. WRIGLEY.-
leu. is. 1W50. ciers of u. c;
The undersigned hereby announ-
ces to the citizens of Clearfield cdm.
that he is still engaged, at his old standSSffiS
in Tl RONE CITY, in erectinsr MOirrji p v-m
and BOX TOMBS. Also Head ami Foot Stones
of the latest and most approved stylos, and on tho
most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at
tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN,
Aug 25, 185S.-dec2:-,57, Tyrone City.
MENT. The subscriber respectfully informs
me traveling puouo in general, and the water
men oi tno west rsrancn or the Susquehanna in
particular, that he has recently erected and just
opened a large and commodious Tavern Houso at
the well known landing at the month of Sandy
Creek, in Covington township, where he is prepa
red to entertain watermen and all others who may
iavor him with their patronage Tho house hss
been built expressly for tho accommodation of tho
public, and every attention will be given to tho
com tort ot those who visit him while they remain.
rco. 10, ifcbU.-L'in. LAWtlOCli FL.UOD.
Tho undersigned having opened a Tailoring Es
tablishment in Shaws Row, in the room recentlv
occupied by H. F. Naugle as a Jewelry Store, an
nounces that he is now ready and willing to make
Coats, Ptmtaloons, Vests, iVc, for his old custom
ers, and ns many new ones as may give him a call,
after the latest and most approved styles, or after
any of the old fashions, if they prefer it.' By
doing his work in a neat and substantial manner,
and promptly fulfilling his engagements, he ex
pects to secure a liberal share ot patronage.
Jan. is isou. WM. KADEKAUGII.
J3EUISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is here-
by given, that the following accounts have
been examined and passed by me, and remain filed
of record in this office for the inspection of heirs,
legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way
interested, and will bo presented to the next Or
phans' Court of Clearfield County, to be held at
the Court House, in the Borough" of Clearfield,
commencing on tho 3d Monday of MARCH, I860,
ior connrmauon and allowance :
The Partial account of Samuel Widcmire. one
of the Executors of the last will and testament of
Gideon Widemiro. late of Penn township. Clear-
ncid county, deceased.
Feb. la, 1360. JAS. w RIG LEY. Reg r.
The undersigned informs his friends and custom
ers that he has received at his store on Market
street, Clearfield, a full and general assortment of
Drugs and Medicines, Varnishes, Oils and
Paints, lleady-Made Clothing, &-c. tS-c.
which he will dispose of at the most reasonable
rates for cash, or exchange for every description
ot approved country produce, .buyers should at
all times coesult their own interest, and procure
their goods wherever they can purchase the most
for their money. The -cheap cash store." it is
believed, has this desirable feature of economy,
and thcrotore should be sought by those who wish
to procure goods at the lowest cash prices.
Nov. 2, 1S59. WM F. IRWIN.
IRON! IRON!! IRON !!! We, the under
signed, would respectfully inform the public
that having lately repaired the works commonly
known as the '-Old Alleghany Forge," near Pbil
ipsburg, wo are prepared to manufacture all kinds
of hammered iron, such t8 Sledge. Moulds. Crow
Lars. Horse-shoe Lars, Saw-mi!l Bars. Wafron
Tire of all. sixes, Scolin Iron. Shovel Plow-shares.
Forge and Furnace Toots. A-c. We will also man-
utacture Iron for machinery.
and durability, commands a
estimation of all good machi
ing any ot the abovo iron can be accommodated
on short notice. It is unnecessary to dwell on the
superior qualities the hammered iron possesses
over rolled iron, as persons using both are soon
convinced of the superiority of the former. The
people of Clearfield will find it to their advantage
to use tne Hammered iron, both lor strength and
durability. Country produce and scrap iron of
every size and description taken in exchange for
hammered iron. All orders will be promptly at
tended to oy addressing tne arm ot
H. HETHERLIN & CO., -Scpt.l4,'59-6in.
Philipsburg, Centre co,. Pa.
It is a fact that, at some period, e verv mem
ber of the human family is subject to disease or
disturbance of the bodily functions'; but, with the
aid of a good tonic and the exercise of plain com
mon sense, mey may do ahio so to regulate the sys
tem as to secure permanent health. In order to ac
complish this desired object, the true course to pur
sue is certainly that which will produce a natural
state of things at the least hazard of vital strength
ana ine. .tor mis purpose, vr. itostetter has in
troduced to this country a preparation bearing his
name, which is not a new medicine, but one that
has been tried for years, giving satisfaction to all
who have used it. The Raters operate powcrfullv
upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them
to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by
me simple process ot strengthening nature, ena
ble the system to triumph over disease.
For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Nausea.
Flatulency, Lossof Appetite. or Bilious complaints,
arising lrom a morbid inaction ot the Stomach or
Bowels, producingC ramps, Dysentary,Cholic,Chol-
cra Morbus, ic, these Fiitters have no coual.
Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, eo generally con
tracted by new settlers, and caused principally by
me cnange oi water and diet, will be speedily reg
ulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspep
sia, a disease which is probably more prevalent,
in all its various forms, than any other, and the
cause of which may always bo attributed to de
rangements of tho digestive organs, can be cured
without fail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH
BITTERS, as per directions on the bottle. For
this disease every physician will recommend Bit
ters of some kind; then why not use an article
known to be infallible? All nations have their
Bitters, as a preventive of disease and strengthen-
er of the system in general ; and among them all
there is not to be found a more healthy people
man me uermans.irom whom mis preparation em
anated, based upon sciectlfio experiments which
have tended to prove tbe value of this great pre
paration in the scale of medical science.
x ever anp Ague. This trying and provoking
disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the bo
dy of man, reducing him to a mere shadow in a
short time, and rendering him physically and men
tally useless, can bo driven from the body by tho
iu P lli'WTPTTru'ii KPvmi'Vi'n nrTTr-ov
Further, none of the above-stated diseases can bo
contracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bit
ters are used as per directions. And as they nei
ther create nausea nor offend the palato, and ren
der unnecessary any change of diet or interrup
tion of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep
i j? ...
anu neaity aigcsiion, and me complaint is remo
ved as speedily as is consistent with the produc
tion of a thorough and permanent cure.
For Persons in Advanced Years, who are suffer
ing from an enfeebled consitution and infirm body.
these Bitters are invaluable as a restorative of
strength and vigor, and need only be tried to be
appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these
Bitters are indispensable, especially where tho mo
ther s nourishment is inadequate to tbe demands
of the child, consequently her etrength must yield.
and here it is where a good tonic, such as II os tet
ter s Stomach liitters, is needed to impart tempo
rary strength and vigor to the system. Ladies
should by all means try this remedy for all ca
ses of debility, and, before to doing, should ask
their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the
virtue, of tha Stomach Bitters, will recommend
their use in all cases of weakness.
Caution. We eaution the public against using
any of t e many imitations or counterfeits, but ask .
for Hostetters Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see
that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Hostetter'g
Stomach Bitters ' blown on the side of tbe bottle,
and Stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork,
and observe that our autograph signature is nn the
label. l3r""Prepared and sold by Itostetter Ir Smith,
I'utsourg, fa., and sold by all druggists, grocers,
and dealers generally throughout the United
States, Canada, South America, and Germany. ,
A -n.. ur tj l A r x liT -. r .
field ; John Patton, Curwensville ; D. TylerTHug
ton ; F. K. Arnold. Luthersburg. - Sept2f,'59.
HONEY: A good article of Honey, for sale
at the store ef WM. F. IRWIN.
1 TWiriE Head of tho Susquehanna Shear Boom is
JL now opposite Samuel Carothers' house, a dis
tance of about eighty rods below the Railroad
Bridge at Lynden. Jan. 18, 1860-pd .
A31BROTYPES. Tho undersigned has o
pened out an AmbrotypeGaHery np-tair in
Shaw's row, where ho will "be pleased to take Like
nesses for all who may favor him with a call, ou
ebort notice and reasonable terms. - '
February l,lS3tMt. CHARLES HOLES.
COAL! COAL I! COAL !!! The nndersign
cd informs the citizens of Clearfield and vi
cinity, that he is prepared to furnish the lxst qual
ity of Coal from Mucre's bank, . lor smithing or
stoves, free from sulphur, at 6 cents if delivered,
or 4 cents at the bank. Orders will begiven at A.
C. Flanigairs Saloon for the Cash. Buckwheat or
Corn will be taken in exchange for coal.
The undersigned having entered into partnership
in tho Foundry Business, nmler the namo and
style of Robison & . Denaiark, rcspcetfull v an
nounce to the public that they have.constanlly on
hand, or will make to order, StovesPlows. and
all other Castings commonly used in the couutrv,
which they will sell at the lowest rates for rush,
or exchange ou the most advantageous terms for
old metal, or approved couutrv produce.
February 1,1860.- D. J. PENMA K K .
LEGAL NOTICE. In the mailer of tho E
tate of Abram Hess, deceased, late of Hogg
township, Clearfield county. Upon npplicatiou
being made to the Orphans' court of Clearfield
county, at January term 1 SCO, to wit: on the 16th
day oi January, 181)0, the Court aj.pointod theun-
uersigned an Auditor to ascertain the
fhares of tho heirs iu the above estate.
All persons interested will take notico tbf T
have appointed Friday the 1'thday of March next,
at 10 o'clock, A. M.. at the office of Larimer l Test,
in tho Borough of Clearfield, to hear the clai imn i
and execute the duties of my appointment.
reo. i. low-a. j. ii. IjAKK 1 M I'. it. Aud.
containing 12 acres S5 cleared and nn.lor
good fence. A log house 22 by 20. plank houso Itt
by lb, log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buil
dings thereon. Large springand spring-house con
venient to house. The land is well watered an
has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There is
an orchard of larce grafted trees, and a vonnir or
chard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient
Ior pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing J0 a-
cres 10 cleared and nnder fence balance well
timbered. This land has a log house and staMo
thereon. For terms apply to . .
October 13. L. J. CRANS, Clearfield.
The undersigned adonts this mpthn.l nf in
forming the publio and the patrons of the ll
firm of S. A. Gibson A Co., that he designs car
rying on the MARBLE BUSINESS in Belle
fonte, in all its various branches, and will hold
himself always in readiness to furnish those who
call upon him, with all kinds of Cemetery Work,
of the latest classical designs, and superior work
manship, such as Monumenlt. Box Tamhx. I..
die Tonths, Svires. Obelisk. Grecian Tmht T,x.
ble Tombs, Head Stones, Carved. Sculptural or
1 lain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be
had at any other establishment in the conntrv
Thankful for past favors, the undersigned solicits
an increase ot patronage. WM. (1 AH AG AN.
Hellelonte. Pa., March 23. ISaiMf.
havinsr fitted un a shun :i fVur ilmn ..r
the ' Old Jew Store." on Market Bireet-
inform the community at larre. that lie lorn nn
hand a variety of CABIN JiT tVOHK ut
uvr, ua iunv uc iKiiuuujiin-es to oraer, tot eu-
boards. Sofas, Louneres. &o.. which he is dt-tormin.
ed to dispose of nt as cheap rates, for ca.-h. as thrr
can bo purchased atanv other establishment ,V
the eo it in the county. Persons wi.shimr tnkn
furniture are invited to come to his thou an.l "-
amine his articles, and judec for themselves of it
quality and finish, before purchasing elsewhere,
as he feels confident that he tan suit them iu prico
and quality. Country product: will be taken iu
payment for furniture. November 10. 1.S5S.
JS-15. lie is also prepared to make COFFINS t..
order on the shortest notice, aud attend funeral j
with a hearse, when called upon. ' J. S. J.
Ji FERRY. Brown.
the lealer of lite Insur
rection, found guiltu of Murder and Tre.isnn i
the Fit st degree. The above named 'insurrection'
caused a great deal of gaa to be let off bv leading
politicians and tho political press of this rreat
country, and in fact, the majority of the people of
u ()iucs. were more or less excited on reading
the first account of tbe insurrection some of tb
papers trying to make political capital out of tha
affur and others making light of the matter. Bui
if St had been an Italian strike for Frrmlnm -
gainst their lawful sovereign, led on by Maizinni
or Garibaldi, the Press of this country, with but
one exception, would call meetings and pass rcso-
luuuus anu Boui-ii suoscripuona to aid them in
their so called patriotic work ; but amidst all thi
inconsistency there is one man that is not. the least
interested in the fate of Brown or his comnanioni.
and that one is Frank Short of the Short Shoo
Shop on Second street, where he will be found at
all times ready and willing to wait unon uertoiia
calling on him for anything in the Boot, Shoe or
Gaiter line. Thankful for past favors he only ask
.a continuance of the same, and will sell as cheap
for-cash or hides as any other man iu the county.
November 9, 1859. . FRANKSHORT. .
the Honorable SAMUEL LINN. Eonuire.
President Judge of the Court of Common Picas of
the twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of the
counties of Clearfield. Centre and Clinton and the
Honorable William L. Moore and Bcniamin Bon-
sall, Associate Judges of Clearfield county, have
issued their precept, to uie directed, for the hold
ing of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court,
Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer Jt Termi
ncr. and Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clear
field, in and for Clearfield co . on tho Third Mon
day, the l'Jth day of MARCH next. .
JNUllCJi Its, therefore, hereby given. .to tho Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, iu aud
for said dounty of Clearfield, to appear in their own
proper persons with their Rolls, Records, Inquisi
tions, Examinations, and other Remembrances.' to
do thoso things which to their offices, -and in their
behalf, pertain to be dono, and Jurors and Witnes
ses are requested to be then and there attending,
and not to depart without leave, at their peril.
GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this 2'Jth day
ot jreo. in tno year ot our JUord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty and the eighty-second
year of American Independence
TAKE NOTICE As no Jurors have been
summoned, no trials by Jury will take place at
the approaching March term. F. G. M.
Graham's Row, Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of
WATCHES JEWELRY, &c., Ac., to which we in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch
es, to be had at NAUGLE'S.
The American Lever of different Qualities, can
be had at NAUGLE S.
Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La
va, Jett, Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gold Stone Mosaic-, Porcelain paintings, Ar,
or single pieces at NAUGLE S.
Plain gold Breast pins, Ear drops, Hoop bar ringd
children's ear drops and rings at NAUGLE'S, bt
lioid seals,
i, keys and pencils, gold pens anrtassed
at NAUGL.-
ver holders .
Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, shirt slt. v:2
buckles and guard slides at NAU"T s f
A fine assortment of gold finger rin , T. , -
ent styles and quality, gold lockets.e cniiare&i
ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, wa'
all articles in his line, ou hand af'T o eiwvus; m
Just received, a fine assorts'' ne rights ; . a xanv.
common Clocks, and Fancy Iill do either to suit
to 15 dollars at - .
Old Gold and Silver wW.
for goods at vfpsy, "that water is a verj-
All goods warranty 80 djeadlal tbijtu"
ney refunded, at
If you wish yqr
and warranted.' -
. which, for strength i-;,! " '',, J Jiousenoid and
l nnnnr hmuh i a a .1 : : . r If
high standing in the t;:": 7". ,V ",U""S centre, and
nists. Persons wish- o'"1" , 1: mday and Common Rureaus;
vuuiiuuu anu jraucy ucusicads. Manila, is-ites. Cup