Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 07, 1860, Image 2

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Subject to the decision of the Chicago Convention.
The People's State Convention having pas
Bed a resolution declaring Hon. Simon Cams
box tho choice of the party in this Stato for
the Presidential nomination, and knowing that
tie is a avorite of the masses in this region,
we place his namo at our mast-bead, subject
to the action ol the National Convention which
meets at Chicago on the 16th of May next.
, Mr. Cameron's devotion to the advancement
of American industry in general, and the in
terests of Pennsylvania in particular, has be
come almost proverbial, and if nominated at
Chicago, his majority in this State will be
larger than that of any former candidate for
tho Presidency.
Of lion. Andrew G. Ccrtin, our candidate
for Governor, it is almost needless for us to
say anything. He is too well known here to
require any commendation at our hands; but
we cannot refrain from copying a few para
graphs from some of our exchanges to show
how his nomination is received in other parts
of the State.
The Delaware County Republican says :
Mr. Curtin was Secretary of State during
the administration of Gov. Pollock, and, at
the same time, held the office of Superinten
dent of Common Schools, in both of which ca
pacities he exhibited that comprehensiveness
and scope of mind which attracted public at
tention, and which has since led to his selec
tion as a candidate for Executive honors, and
which will end in his triumphant election to
the Gubernatorial chair. Mr. Curtin is a sound
reasoner, an able and eloquent speaker, and
kind and affable in his intercourse with bis
fellow-men. The time-serving policy of the
-demagogue he knows nothing of,and the doc
trine of expediency, at a sacrifice of princi
ple, is his aversion. Thoroughly acquainted
with the resources of Pennsylvania, and con
versant with all her requirements, he will see
that her interests are . developed, her welfare
advanced, and the rights of her people pro
perly guaided. Never before have we enter
ed into a political contest with brighter pros
pects of success. With a candidate for Gov
ernor whom we all honor for his many admira
ble qualities, we are nerved to labor for vic
tory. Let us, therefore, make the lest fight
possible in the coming campaign, and acquit
ourselves in a manner whioh will show our
devotion, not only to our State, but to the
candidate of our choice.
The Allentown Register says :
The nomination was expected,and the wish
es of the People of Lehigh county have been
gratified. The strength of Col. Curtin in the
Convention is conclusive of his strength with
the People. No name would have rallied to
its support a host of warmer friends, and no
candidate could mere have strengthened the
party in all sections ol toe state.
The Pittsburgh Gazette, after remarking
that all branches of the opposition are gratifi
ed with the nomination, and that no dissatis
faction or complaints are heard in any quar
ter, speaks thus :
Wo have known Col. Curtin for some years,
and know him to be a high-minded, upright
gentleman, whose talents, manly bearing and
geniality of character attach to him all who
come within the sphere of his personal influ
ence. Wherever he goes, he will have troops
of friends : and his powerful advocacy of the
principles of our party will be a welcome as
sistance, wherever rendered. jie win prove
a gallant leader of a gallant host, in a struggle
in which victory is as certain as any future e
vent can be.
The Philadelphia Daily Neves says :
There are few men in Pennsylvania who
have more or warmer personal and joIiticaI
friends than Col. Curtin.
The Bedford Inquirer says :
Col. Curtin has always been a favorite of the
people of Pennsylvania. He has always sup
ported a Tariff for the Protection of our man
ufacturers, mechanics, farmers and laboring
men; he is in favor of the Homestead law, for
the purpose of securing to the poor man gov
ernment land when he settles upon it, instead
of its being given to land-jobbers ; and he is
in favor of keeping slavery out of all Territory
that was made free by the Missouri Compro
mise. Col. Curtin is one of the best stump
speakers in the State, will thoroughly canvass
it, and be elected, beyong a doubt, by from
30,000 to 50,000 majority.
The Philadelphia PrcM,Forney'spaper,says:
The Opposition Convention have put in nom
ination Andrew G. Curtin, of Centre' county,
for Governor of the State of Pennsylvania. It
gives us great pleasure to speak of this selec
tion in terms of high praiso. . Col. Curtin is a
man of irreproachable character, and more
than ordinary abilities ; a fine speaker, a thor
ough bred Pennsylvanian, and a national man.
He yields' a great and just influence in the re-
gion in which he lives, and comes of a family
that has entitled itself to the confidence of the
' people of Middle Pennsylvania. His fine pres
ence, generous character, and noble nature,
will attract to his standard many voters. Mr.
Curtin, while Secretary of tho Commonwealth
' under Gov. Pollock, made numerous friends
' by the liberality of his coursu and the upright
ness of his action.
. The Speech of Mr. Seward delivered last
f week in the U. S. Senate, has been published
in pamphlet form by the N. Y. Tribune office,
. and -will be Bold at 25 cents per dozen copies,
$1,25 per hundred, or $10 per thousand.
. : j ;
Minnesota has chosen eight delegates to the
; Republican National Convention at Chicago,
and instructed them to support Wm. H. Sew.
ard for President.
Hon. Chapin 'Hall -will please accept our
thanks for a copy of the Report of the Board
.of Regents of the Smithsonion Institution.
This body met at Reading on the 29th Feb
ruary, and nominated on the third ballot Hon.
Henry D. Foster, of Westmoreland county, es
their candidate for Governor. It is boasted
that Mr. Foster did not want to be a candi
date, and that his nomination was a spontane
ous outburst of popular feeling and enthusiasm
for a man pre-eminently qualified for the po
sition. This is not the case. We know Mr.
Foster well, 'and w ill give him all the credit
he deserves. As a citizen, be enjoys a good
reputation ;" as a lawyer, he has gained somo
celebrity ; as a politician, he is wishy-washy ;
as a busiuess man he has never displayed suf
ficient tact to keep his financial affairs in a
healthy condition. He is a good speaker, and
yet, last fall, when he ran for Congress against
John Covode, who stumped the district with
him, he was beaten 1092 votes in a district
which, six years ago, gave over 2,500 Demo
cratic majority. When Col. Forney was a
candidate for U. S. Senator, be voted against
him ; but as soon as the result was declared
adverse to Forney, he asked leave to change
his vote for him, w hich request, as a matter of
course, was not granted. It was a happy hit
ol the Convention to place such a candidate
on the Cincinnati platform, for when he meets
a Lecnmptonite, he can say he adopts the plat
form according to Buchanan's construction,
and to the Douglas men he can declare that he
adopts it as the "little giant" defines it.
The nomination of Mr. Foster was doubtless
a pre-arranged matter. Tho Administration
cared little what became of Mr. Witte or any
other aspirant, so that it secured a delegation
to Charleston, after its own heart. This ac
complished, and regarding the coming contest
as hopeless to them, the wire-pullers of the
Convention had nothing to lose by sacrificing
the Administration candidate, and nominating
another who may possibly unite most of the
shattered fragments of the party. The fallow
ing extract of a letter from Reading to the
Philadelphia Bulletin, will give our readers
some idea of how the affair was managed :
"It is well understood here that Witte was
sold out-and-out ; no one is so verdant as to
believe that the nomination of Foster was the
sudden inspiration that is pretended not ex
actly. There were parties in Reading ten days
ago, who knew of the dodge, and who told
their friends, privately, that Foster would be
tho man. It is true, that a large portion of
the delegates were outsiders as to the mea
sure ; but there was a party fully posted up
large enough, with the help of the outside hur
rah, to carry the hurrah and rush tho vote
through. 1 hose w ho watched the proceedings
of the Convention closely, were aware that
some plot was forming. Thus although cer
tain, members took every occasion to speak of
the popularity of Foster, and to express their
regret that ho would not consent to have his
name used, and w hen he was proposed for a
delegate at large, he got but 20 votes next
ballot, none. For Senatorial elector he re
ceived but four votes, when it was said that
he was not a candidate, and it was asked that
his name and votes be withdrawn. Nothing
was said about withdrawing the names and
votes of some others. Why was Fosters vote,
on these occasions, so small, and why the pa
rade about his being before the Convention ?
Why did not his friends voto for him 1 They
were keeping him back for Governor, and
ready to vote for him when the time came.
Those not in the ring voted for him. Had I
time I could give you many incidents all point
ing the same way. Mr. Witte, when, alter
somo considerable trouble, was induced to
come into and address the Convention,evident
ly felt that he had been victimized, and re
marked that the time would come, perhaps,
when tho secret history of the last three days
would be written. If so, it will be a curious
chapter on the subject of political Conventions.
Tho coup d'etat was bold but successful. "
The first resolution of the platform adopted,
declares an urshaken confidence in the princi
ples of the Democratic party as proclaimed at
the Convention? held at Baltimore and Cincin
nati. The second deprecates the agitation
of slavery in and out of Congress as tending
to weaken the bonds of union, excite animosi
ty, and thus create heart-burnings, and accom
plish no possible good. The third declares
that Congress has no power to legislate on the
subject of slavery in tho territories. The
fourth says the question of the right of citizens
to hold slaves in territories is a judicial ques
tion and not a legislative one. Its decision
is committed exclusively to the courts. The
fifth declares that the whole power belongs to
Congress to legislate and enact laws and exe
cute them. It belongs to the Judiciary to in
terpret them, and their decision is final and
conclusive, and sbould be cheerfully acquies
ced in. Sixth, the doctrines of irrepressible
conflict between the North and South is fraught
with danger to the best interests and dearest
rights of the people of the confederacy. : Sev
enth,th Union of the States is above and be
yond all price, and the dty of patriots to
frown indignantly on any attempt to alienate
oue portion of the Union from the rest.
Eighth.tbat treason is deprecated as an attempt
of sectional parties. Every effort of such
parties is to be resisted. Formed as the gov
ernment is for the common good of the whole
country, all sovereignty rests with the people,
who hold power to conduct the government
through their representatives, lhe govern
ment only exists as a Union of the States,
sovereign and independent within their own
limits, in their own domestic concerns, but
bound together as a people by the general gov
eminent. Ninth, in the adoption of the Fed
eral Conststution, the States acted generally
as free and independent sovereignties, dele
gating a portion of their powers to the Feder
al Government as security against dangers,
domestic or foreign, and any intermeddling of
one or more States with the domestic institu
tions of another, is a subversion and violation
of the constitution, serving to weaken and de
stroy the Union. The acts of State legisla
tures to defeat the purposes ot the fugitive
slave law are subversive of the Constitution
and revolutionary, in effect. Eleventh,the do
mestic and foreign policy of Mr. Buchanan has
been eminently pure, patriotic, conservative
and just, and wo look upon the success crown
ing his labors as the proudest vindication of
its propriety and wisdom. Twelfth, we con
cur in the views and recommendations in mat
ters of State policy of Gov. Packer, and in
his prompt and patriotic action in delivering
to the authorities of Virginia the fugitives
from justice who participated in the Harper's
Ferry outrage. Thirteenth, The convictions
of the Democratic party of Pennsylvania re
main nnshaken in the wisdom and justice of
adequate protection to coal. iron, wool and the
great staples of the country. The views of Mr-
Buchanan on the subject or specific duties are
approved, and the representatives in Congress
are desired to procure sucn modification ot the
laws as the unwise legislation of the Repubu
can party in 1857 renders necessary to tho
prosperity of toe Industrial interests of renn
sylvania. Fourteenth endorses the nomina
tion of Henry D. Foster ; it also pledges the
Democracy oi' Pennsylvania to the nominee
of the Charleston Convention. .
Wm. Bigler, Wm. Montgomery, John L
Dawson and Joseph B. Baker were appointed
Delegates at large to the Charleston Conven
tion. We have no idea that the people can be
humbugged by the position this Convention
assumed on the tariff question.
Last Wednesday, Hon. Wm. H. Seward de
livered a speech in the U. S. Senate, which
will give tho Democrats trouble again for at
least a twelvemonth to come. Its main points
are as follows : - -
"After reviewing the history of the question
of slavery as a conflict between Southern cap
ital and Northern labor, he referred to the
coming Presidential campaign.and to the Re
publicans holding to the principle of prevent
ing the Territories, by constitutional means,
from becoming houses for slavery and polyg
amy. He said the policy of the Republican
party was to stand by the freedom of speech
and of the press, the speedy improvement of
the public domain by homestead laws, and to
encourage mining, manufactures and internal
commerce, with needful connections between
the Atlantic and Pacific States. He alluded
to the fact that many Southern men are not
willing to seo the inauguration of a Republi
can President, becausd it is a sectional party,
and passed on to prove that the Republican is
not a sectional organization. He asked, is it
easier for us to bear your sway than for you to
bear ours? Is it unreasonable that for once
we should alternate ? He said the real princi
ples of tho Republican party were national.
He was no assailant of States. It was well
and wisely arranged that the States were sov
ereign on the subject of slavery within their
own borders. He said John Brown and his as
sociates" acted on earnest, though fatally erro
neous convictions. He pronouueed fclie act an
act of sedition and treason, and criminal to
just the extent that it affected the public
peace and was destructive of human life. He
did not think anything serious would grow out
of the oft-repeated threats to dissolve the U
nion." In every sense, the speech was conservative
and national, realizing the anticipations of his
friends and compelling the respect of his ene
mies. His designation of "Capital States and
Labor States," is not at all relished by the
Democracy. Mr. Douglas attempted an an
swer, in which he misrepresented the posi
tions taken, by assuming that Mr. Seward had
advocated an equality of the white and black
races a falsehood that Mr. Trumbull threw
back into the teeth of the "little giant" in the
presence of the Senate and the immense
crowd that had collected to hear Mr. Seward.
Is the Millenium at Hand. The Rev. Dr.
Cumming,the noted London preacher.believes
that we are on the eve of the Millenium. In
discourses recently delivered in Leeds, he
gare interpretations of passages in the Book
of Daniel and the Apocalypse, which are nov
el if not convincing. We quote from a brief
report in an Lnghsn paper :
He said the year 1867 seemed to end G.000
years of the world's history, and from the ear
liest periods onward it had been the almost
universal belief that the six days of creation
were typical of these 6,000 years and that sev
enth day of creation, or the Sabbath, was ty
pical of the millennial rest of 1,000 years.
But he would say that, supposing this were
so, they were at this moment 140 years short
of the 6,000 years. It was a remarkable fact,
however, that the ablest chronologists, irres
pective of all phrophetic theories, had shown
that a mistake of upwards of 100 years had
been made in calculating the chronology of
the world, and that the year I860 of the
Christian era began not from the year 4004 of
the world's history but in the year 4138, and
that the year of Christ's' birth was five years
before that, or in 4132. If his premises were
just, then they were at that moment within
seven year3 of the exhaustion of tho b,U0l
years; so that if 1807 was to be the termina
tion of this economy, they had arrived at the
Saturday evening of the world's long and drea
ry week. If this were so, it was a magnificent
thought that there were some in that assembly
who would never die. They were just plung
ing into days such as they had never before
seen ; an European war was looming, more
dreadful than that through which they had re
cently passed, and when these things happen
ed it would be seen that the sentiments he had
uttered were not the dreams of lanaticism, but
the words of soberness and truth. He was
convinced that England would emerge from
the midst of these vials of wrath ; she was
separated from the great apostacy at the era
of the Reformation, and had never again join
ed her; and he believed there was now more
living vital evangelical Christianity in this
country than there had been 500 years before.
His study of prophecy did not make him a
gloomy, a desponding, or a sad man ; but
whilst God's precepts taught him his duties,
His providence lighted up his heart with the
sunshine of Heaven, and gave him. a hope
that brightened more and more to the perfect
day. .
A Plunder Scheme. There is a project on
foot at Harrisburg, says the Reading Press, to
release the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Com
pany, lor a number of years, from the pay
ment of the interest on the purchase money
for the canals sold to that company, or in oth
er words, to mako a gift of said canals to the
company, and that too, in the taco of a pur
chase offered by responsible parties, who ten
dered a higher price and were able to comply,
fully, with the terms ol sale. This proposi
tion is to release the Sunbury and Erie com
pany from the payment into the State Treasu
ry, of the sura of one hundred and seventy-five
thousand dollars, per annum, which sum, was
to be applied to the Sinking Fnnd for the re
duction of the State debt. The Company
bought the canals at a price many millions be
low their actual value ; but, finding itself em
barrassed, the Company asks for a donation
of the whole purchase.
Fortt-nine Children Drowned. From the
Quincy (111.) Herald we learn that a most ter
rible calamity, rivaling that of Pemberton
Mills, occurred on Thursday last, near the
town of Hardin, Illinois, on the Illinois river,
and about twenty-five miles above Alton.
Fifty school children in attendance at a uni
versity in that place, went out upon the ice to
play. The ice gave way, and with one excep
tion, all were lost. Our informant was una
ble to give further particulars, but he repre
sents that the village was the scene of univer
sal mourning, almost every family in it hav
ing lost one or more of its members.
Senator Prall, of Kentucky, in a speech a
gainst repealing the law forbidding the impor
tation of slaves, says : There is no place in
this broad Commonweath in which the profes
sional negro trader is not held in utter abhor
rence and detestation ; thank God, there is no
spot where his accursed trade is not regarded
as a necessary evil -rather than a thing to be
Bought after, lauded, courted, pampered, as
some gentlemen seem inclined to do. Ken
tuckians use them as the Almighty uses the
crows, the buzzards, and other foul birds, to
remove the carrion which would otherwise
work injury to the body politic.
Eeb. 27 In the Senate, Mr. Davis, Dem.,
Miss., presented a memorial from the L'egis.
lature of New Mexico, asking for the organi
zation of the Territory of Arizona. Mr. Sew
ard, Rep., N. Y- presented petitions asking
that pensions be granted to the soldiers of the
war of 1812. Mr. Hale, Rep., N. H., presen
ted a memorial from Frank Sanburn, protest
ing against the order for his arrest and asking
that it be rescinded. Mr. Collamer, Rep. Vt.,
moved an inquiry into the expediency of hav
ing letters remaining in "a Post-Oflice thirty
days uncalled for returned to their writers.
Adopted. Mr. Wilson, Rep., Mass., gave no
tice of a bill to reduce the rates now paid for.
the public printing twenty-five per cent. Mr.
Brown's resolution relative to the Territories
was then taken up. and Mr. Toombs, Dem.,
Ga., addressed the Senate. The subject was
then postponed, and the Senate went into ex
ecutive session. In the House, the bills for
the payment of Invalid and other Pensions,
and for the support of the Military Academy
were passed. Mr. Conkling, R., N. Y., sought
but failed to obtain consent to introduce a res
olution of inquiry whether any further legis
lation is necessary ' to secure the liberty of
speech or person in the District of Columbia,
and also the rights of free persons in said dis
trict. On motion of Mr. Fcnton, Rep., N. Y.,
a resolution was adopted calling for informa
tion as to the condition of the trust lands west
of the Missouri set apart for the New York
Indians; and if the same have been brought
into market, by what authority. The printing
of extra copies of the President's Annual mes
sage, and Reports of the Heads of Depart
ments, as ordered, as reported by the Com
mittee, a saving of some $16,000 being secu
red. The House proceeded to vote for Printer,
Mr. Colfax, Rep.. Ind., withdrawing the name
of Mr. Defrees. Three votes were had. The
third ballot stood : Mr. Glossbrenner, 74 ; Mr.
Ball, 7 ; Mr. Ford, 88 ; Mr. Seaton, 17 ; Scat
tering 3. There having teen no choice, sev
eral ineffectual attempts were then made to
adjourn, when another vote was had. as fol
lows : Necessary to a choice, 93 ; for Mr. T.
II. Ford, of Ohio, 93 ; Mr. Glossbrenner, 71 ;
Mr. Seaton, 18 ; Mr. Ball, 2 ; Mr. Winton, 1 ;
Mr. Ford was declared elected. Mr. Blake,
Rep., Ohio, announced the death of the Hon.
Cyrus Spink of the XlVth District of Ohio,
in an appropriate eulogy. Messrs. Curtis and
Mr. Sherman each also paid a tribute of res
pect to the deceased, when the customary res
olutions were adopted.
Feb. 28 In the Senate, Mr. Mason, Dem.,
Ya., moved a resolution, calling upon the
President to furnish a copy of any reprrt es
tablishing the boundaries between the United
States and Great .Britain. Mr. Foot, Rep.,
Vt., submitted a report and bill explanatory
of the carrying into effect the IXth article of
the Treaty "of 1819 with Spain. The bill au
thorizing the sale of arms to States and regu
lating the appointments of Superintendents of
Public Armories, was taken up and debated.
The Senate then went into executive session.
In the House, Mr. Sherman, Rep., Ohio, re
ported from the Committee on Ways and
Means a bill providing that the President's
message and Executive dcuments shall be
printed in time for distribution at the com
mencement of each session of Congress. Mr.
S. also reported a bill providing that members
of Congress shall be allowed twenty cents per
mile instead of forty, the present mileage, to
be computed by a straight geograpical line,
and repealing all existing acts upon tho sub
ject. Mr. S. explained the inequality of the
present system.- Some debate was had, when
the bill, which had been reported as a substi
tute for one referred to the Committee, was
adopted. Mr. Sherman then moved the pre
vious question upon the final passage of the
bill, but further proceedings were interrupted
by Mr. Ruflin, Dem., N. C, rising to a ques
tion of privilege, declaring that his name was
not recorded as voting on the election of Prin
ter yesterday. Mr. Sherman insisted upon
his motion being put first, and Mr. Rnffin said
he would move to correct the record hereaftei.
The House then adjourned without taking the
question on Mr. Sherman's motion. .
Feb. 29. In Senate, on motion of Mr. Sew
ard, Rep., the bill lor the admission of Kansas
was put on its second reading. On motion of
Mr. Mason, D., the President was called upon
to trausmit whatever communication he had
received from the Governor of Texas relative
to the disturbances on the Rio Grande. Mr.
Seward presented tho memorial of the Legis
lature of Kansas, praying for admission into
the Union, and theu proceeded to address the
Senate at length. A long debate ensued. In
the House, Mr. Parrott, Rep. Kansas, present
ed the resolutions of the Kansas Legislature
asking admission as a State under the Wyan
dot Constitution. Mr. Rufhn,.Dem. N. C. cal
led up his motion to amend the journal by're
cording his vote for Mr. Glossbrenner for Prin
ter. - Mr. R's statement that he had voted was
confirmed by other members who had heard
him, and after some discussion, the House or
dered th6 journal to be corrected. The Spea
ker then declared the election of Mr. Ford a
nullity. A vote was then takn, when Mr.
Ford had 87 votes, Glossbrenner 78, Scatter
ing 15, necessary to a choice 91. Postponed
to March 1st. Mr. Grow. Rep., addressed the
House on the subject of the public lands, and
Mr. Junkln, Rep. Pa., also spoke, advocating
protection to American industry.
March 1. Mr. Davis, Dem. Miss., of the
Senate, submitted a modified series of his res
olutions (the Democratic Platform) and they
were ordered printed. The bill amending the
act regulating the collection of duties on im
ports, &c, was taken up and passed. The
Military Academy Appropriation bill was ta
ken up and passed, and Mr. Wigfall, Dem.,
Texas, moved an amendment appropriating
$1,100,000 for the support of a regiment of
mounted volunteers to defend the frontiers of
Texas, in pursuance of the act of 1858. After
a long debate the matter was referred to the
Committee on Military Affairs. During the
debate, the hour for the special order being
Mr. Brown's resolutions arrived when they
were postponed till Tuesday. The Homestead
bill was made the special order for Wednes
day. The bill authorizing the sale of arms to
the States, and requiring the Superintendents
of Armories to be appointed from the Ord
nance Corps, was taken up, eliciting a long
and somewhat heated debate, when the Senate
adjourned. In the House, the St. Louis As
say Office bill was reported with amendments
On motion of Mr. Washburn, Rep., Me., an
inquiry was ordered into the expediency of a
bollshing a portion of the land offices, or redu
cing their expenses. Mr. W. also reported a
bill amendatory of the act providing for the
safety of passengers on steamboats. Postpo
ned for three weeks. , The resolutions which
Mr. Curtis, Rep., Iowa, attempted to offei
yesterday, calling upon the President for cop
ies of whatever communications had been re
ceived from Gov. Houston, of Texas, relative
to the troubles on the frontier,, was adopted.
The bill to carry into effect the treaties with
the Indians of Oregon and Washington was
taken up, but no action was taken The elec
tion of printer, being the special order was an
nounced, but it was finally agreed to postpone
the -matter until to-morrow.
March 2. In Senate, Mr. Wilson, Rep., in
troduced a Dili amendatory to the act provid
ing for the execution of the public printing
A large number ot private bills were passed
Adjourned till Monday. In the nouse, the
bill carrying into effect treaty stipulations with
tlie Indians In Oregon and Washington Terri
tories, was passed. The House then proceed
ed to vote for Printer.witb this result : Whole
number of votes 187,' necessary to a choice 94,
Ford had 96 votes, Glossbrenner 72, Seaton 9,
remainder scattering. Mr. Ford was declared
elected. Mr. Colfax, Rep., reported a bill au
thorizing publishers to print on their papers
the date when a subscription expires, and it
was passed. A large number of private bills
were reported. Adjourned till Monday.
prepared for the ''RAFTSMAN'S journal."
Lawrence County. On the 22d Feb., New
Castle and its vicinity was visited with a se
vere gale of wind. The roof on the steam
mill of Messrs. Pearson & Co., was blown off
one half of tbo roof was taken over the ma
chine shop and thrown on the roof of the
Lawrence Foundry, knocking a hole in the
roof, and capsizing things generally. The roof
was also blown from the barn of John L. Em
ery, in Croton. At the time of the storm the
protracted meeting was in session in the Meth
odist Episcopal Church. The spire on the
steeple was blown down a general smash was
expected, and the meeting broke up with great
excitement. No very serious injury was done
to the building and jiu one hurt. . . . Ou Mon
day evening, 20th Feb., an explosion occurred
at the Alladin Oil Works, two miles above
Freeport, by which one of the men employed
at tbo works lost his life. The mac, named
William Semple, was engaged in examining a
part of the machinery which had got out of
order, with a lamp in his hand, and carelessly
approached one of tho oil refining tanks, the
vapor from which exploded with a loud noise,
shattering the building, ribd dreadfully burn
ing Semple. lie was conveyed to a house
near by, but he only lived through the night,
expiring in great agoDy on Tuesday morning.
Armstrong Countt. Tho Commissioners
are about making some "internal improve
ments" iu tne jail. . . . Another meeting has
been held in one of the townships, to depre
cate the proposed extra payment of the con
tractors of the new Court House. ... A young
man from the vicinity of Brookville, with a
team of horses in a ferry boat, crossing the
Mahoning, on his way to Kitlanning for goods,
met with what might have been a very serious
accident. A treo was blown down, and killed
one of his horses instantly. . . . Two prisoners
escaped from the jail the other night, and a
third attempted an escape, but was unfortu
nately for him, and, perhaps, fortunately for
justice too corpulent, and stuck in the
apperture, where he bad to remain until
he was relesed next morning. The Free
Press says the jail i3 by no means a safe
one, it being entirely optional with the prison
ers whether they remain or not. . . . The local
papers publish an account of the recent tem
perance movements in Kittanning, and signed
by "all the ministers of the borough,except
Rev. Dr. Painter,of the Presbyterian Church."
Cambria County. A woman named Letitia
Bennett, residing at Johnstown, died on the
24th Feb., of mania polu ! She bad been in
the habit of drinking fceely of intoxicating li-quors-fot
several years past, and had an attack
of mania potu once before. She was the moth
er of nine children, at least four of whom are
a helpless charge upon their father the young
est being under two years old. ... A man
named John Lewis, carter, had his collarbone
fractured in one of the company's coal drifts,
on the 23d Feb., by thc.'falling upon him of a
quantity of slate. He narrowly escaped with
his life. ... A child of David D. Williams, of
Millville, aged about two years, was badly scal
ded about the face, neck, shoulder and arm,
on the 21st r eb., by pulling a cup ol tea off
the table. ,
Blair County. On the 24th Feb., two hor
ses attached to a carriage, the property of Col.
E. Baker of Allegheny Furnace, in front of a
store in Altoona, became frightened and ran
away, broke a wheel and the tongue of the
carriage, snd threw the driver out, who. how
ever, escaped with light injuries. . . . iiolli-
daysburg is beginning to awaken from her
lethargy. The erection of a rolling mill has
just been commenced, and an extensive boot
and shoe manufactory is to be established. .
Clarion County.- Levi Henwood,whiIe cut
ting down a tree in Farmington township, last
Friday, was struck by a falling limb and re
ceived an injury from which he died on Sun
day following A heavy storm of wind
passed over the borough of Clarion and vicin
ity last week. Nearly every house was shaken
and several out-buildings blown down. A barn
of Samuel Duff, near the borough, had its roof
blown off, besides several barns in Limestone
township. . . ' . . ,
Crawford County. Joseph M 'Arthur has
been chosen President of the County Agricul
tural Society. . . . Herman, the third son of
Edgar Huidekoper, was seriously injured on
the 21st Feb. by the premature discbarge of a
gun, the contents of which entered his body
near the arm-pit.
Mercer County. A terrific stcrm passed
over portions of the county on the 22d roofs
were blown off, trees, fences, and chimneys
blown down. The roof of the Methodist
Church in Mercer was entirely blown off.
Clinton County. John Dunfree, who was
convicted of manslaughter at the last term
of Court, was sentenced to five years in the
Penitentiary. . . . The late Grand Jury,of this
county, returned the jail as a nuisance.
The counterfeit gold coin recently offered
in New York, and which answered every test
of the get nine, sadly puzzles those familiar
with counterfeiting processes.to account for it.
A writer in tho Philadelphia Ledger gives the
following respecting its origin s "The white
metal is known only to the Chinese. and work
manship on the genuine, to render them of
less value, is done by them, and if the United
States officers will trace back, or examine fu
ture coins they will And them emanating from
the Chinese quarters of San Francisco, Cal.,
where I have seen many $20s and one $50
gold coin, or slug, all of which were well ex
ecuted,and were taken in the California Branch
Mint. This metal, like the gong metal, and
the manner of soldering the lead paper in tea
cnests,'is still, and 1 believe, ever will remain
a secret with the Celestials, unless Chemists
may hereafter make tho discovery cf those in
valuable secrets."
A dispatch from Halifax states that it is now
ascertained beyond a doubt that there are no
survivors of the disaster to the Hungarian.
Only three bodies have been found those of
a woman, a man, and a child two years' old.
Three buildings have been obtained at Bar-
rington in which to store the goods which are
constantly drifting ashore. The ship's arti
cles, which have been found, show that the
crew numbered, seventy-four. The passenger
list nad not yet been found. The only pas
sengers known to nave been aboard ate Wm,
Boultenbouse, of Sackville, N. B.; and Dr
Barrett f New York. Besides a box belong
ing to the latter, three trunks were found, one
belonging to Margaret Robertson, of Montreal,
one to Konert Martin ot Toronto, and one to
W. K. CrocKer ot Norwich, Conn. It is to be
presumed these parties were also aboard.
No appropriation has been made this year
by Congress lor Seeds for distribution, the
lunds having been used up for the tea plant,
with the cultivation of which experiments are
being made in this country."
Correspondence of the "Raftsman's Journal."
Harrisburg, March 3, 1860.
Mr. Editor : There has been a great deap
ot excitement among the Democracy during
the past week relative to the Democratic nom
ination at Reading. The delegates from the
west and north passed through here both go
ing to and returning from the Convention.
On the way thither, they were like seekers af
ter office, anxiously expectant ; upon their re
turn they professed to be joyously jubilant.
The nomination of Foster was to be regarded
as the panacea for all Democratic Ills a per
fect king-cure-all. Ho has been nominated
spontaneously, they say.
Did you ever hear of spontaneous brick hou
ses, spontaneous railroads, spontaneous tele
graphs, spontaneous cities, spontaneous pretty
women, spontaneous fat babies, spontaneous
big feet, spontaneous consumption, or sponta
neous penitentiaries ? If you have, then you
have some idea of the spontaniety of Foster's -nomination.
Welsh, the President, declared tho nomina
tion of Foster carried unanimously ere th
third ballot, in which, votes were cast for
Witte to the number of 54, for Fry 32, etc.,
bad been announced. This announcmcnt was
the pending order of business beforo the Con
vention. What right had the President, a
practiced parliamentarian, to announce that
Foster was unanimously nominated during tha
pendency of other business, unless he was
determined to force the nomination 1 Why
did Lafayette Baker, the brother of tho col
lector of the Pdrt of Philadelphia, so soon
change his vote from Witto to Foster T He
was among the very foremost in the stam
pede which followed Dietrich's motion to
nominate Foster ? Why did Dietrich, a Bu
chanan democrat, make it ?
Because the nomination of Foster had been '
resolved upon at Washington during the last
days of the preceding week. Witte had mado
himself personally obnoxious to Buchanan,
Black & Co.; Fry was the recognized candi
date of Gov. Packer's administration, and
could not therefore receive the support of tho
National Administration ; Dawson's availabil
ity, although the real favorite of "old Buck,"'
was destroyed by "Davy" Lynch's card, pub
lisbed in Pittsburgh some weeks ago. Tim
contest was then narrowed to Foster and Frr.
Buchanan determined to take the former of
these two. Hence all the prominent confiden
tial friends of tho administration and their
trusted satelites were ready to spring the Fos
ter spontaneous (?) combustion movement up
on the convention whenever it was evident
that tho time had arrived to give it the sem
blance of an "inspiration!" And such an in
spiration as the wire-puller gives to the figures .
in a puppet s how. lie makes them move, but
not spontaneously. To such poor subterfuges .
do tjie leaders ol the once proud Democracy
resort to bolster up their waning fortunes.
They are vain, useless, idle, futile.
Well, so be it. The people at last have to .
settle with this spontaneous bubble ot enthu
siasm, and that w ill determine the genuine
ness of the inspiration.
It is said that Curtin will soon challenge
Foster to take the "stump." This challenge,.
if Foster accepts, (which I doubt very much)
will make the campaign a most interesting
one. Should the candidates begin at Erie and
travel the State together from county to coun
ty, as they do in Indiana. Kentucky, Tennes
see, etc., it would rouse the masses into a per
fect furor. No campaign like it would havo
ever been witnessed in the political history of
this State. The whole strength of both par
ties would be brought to the polls. ' This tact
alone would give an e'minent victory to tha
People's Party.
Rumor assigns to A. K. McCIure of r rank-
lin, the Chairmanship of the State Central
Committee. It would be. a most excellent
choice, as he is experienced in politics, an
able, keen, shrewd leader.
One of the Representatives from yonr dis
trict, Mr. Gordon, has during the last two or
three days taken a leading part in the discus
sion upon two important bills. These were
the Insurance bill and the bill to tax Brokers,
lie advocated tho passage of both bills. Tht
first named, designed as it is to put the bogus
Insurance companies ot the cities of Pittsburg
and Philadelphia upon trial and send them, on
an aeronautic expedition, bas passed the lower
House. It owes its passage to Mr. Gotdon as
much as to any other man. Had he opposed:
it, he could have killed it. He is regarded as
one of the ablest debaters in the body of which
he is a member, and suspicion has not dared
to breathe upon the purity of his motives and.
Feb. 27th, Mr. Gordon read in place a bill"
declaring Medic's Run, in Clearfield County, o
public highway. Also an act to incorporate.
the Clearfield Insurance Company.
March 2d, an act declaring Kersey Run la
the county of Elk, Lanrel Run in Clearfield,
and Elk counties, and Lick Run in the connty
of Clearfield, public highways, passed the-
House. Also, a-supplement to an act to in
corporate a company for making an artificial
road by the best and nearest route from WaN
erford to (he Susquehanna, and an act decla
ring Roaring Run in Clearfield county a pub
lic highway. Tours, Anon.
Advertisements set irv with larsre tvve or out of itsttat
sttflewill be charged double price for space occupied.
SHIPP1MJ FCRS '.The highest CASH pri
ces paid for Mink, Coon, Red Fox, Grey Fox,
Otters, Muikrats, Ac, Ac., at WOMRATUS'
415 & 417 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, March 7, 1860-2m
KIED APPLES for sale at the Store of Wm.
F. Irwin, Market street. Clearfield. Pa.
WHEAT Flour, of good quality, in barrel
and 100-lb. sacks, for sale at the store of
Jan. 25. Wm. Irvin. Curwtiwville.
RAFTING HOPES, for sale as cheap as they
can be bad at any other store in town, by
AILS, GLASS, Oils, Paint3, Ac, to be had at
the most reasonable prices, at the store of
ACON". 11 am s, Sides and Shoulders, for s&I
at the corner store of WM. IK YIN.
Fobmary 29, 1S60. Curwengvillo.
FISH, BACON AND SALT, just received and
for sale at moderate prioes at the store of
PULLEY Blocks, RaftRope, SottsLeatherand
Patent Leather, for sale cheap at the store of'
Jan. 25. Wm. Ibvix. Cuncr.nsvtlle.
WANTED Dry Pine Lumber and Shinglei
at D. J. McCAXX'S new store in Philip?
burg, Centre co. February 22., lS60-3a.
Ground Plaster, for sale at the cheap Cash
store of D. J. McCANX,
February 22, 1860-Sm. ' Philipsbnrg.
HWARD, Manufacturer and Dealer in Straw
Goods, Nos. 103, 105 and 107. North Second
Street, Philadelphia. Having just received oar
Spring Stock, which comprises a large and desira
ble assortment of all kinds of Straw and Lace
Goods. Our stock of Flowers and Ruches is una
sualiy large this season, and we would invito oar
special attention to that department Please
calt and examine them before making your pur
chases. !Feb.29-4t.J if. WAKI