Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 07, 1860, Image 1

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    BY S. B. EOW.
VOL. 6.-NO, 28.
The stormy March is come ut last
With wind?and cloud and changing skies,
I hear the rushing of the blast,
That through the snowy valley flies.
Ah ? passing few they are who speak,
Wild, stormy month, in praise of thee ;
. Yet. though thy winds are loud and bleak,
Thou art s welcome month to me.
For thou to northern lands again,
The glad and glorious sun dost bring.
And thou hast joined the gentle train,
And wear'st the gentle name of Spring.
And, in thy reign of blast and storm,
Smiles many a long bright sunny day,
When the changed winds are soft and warm,
And heaven puts on the blue of May.
Then sings aloud the gushing rills
And the full springs, from frost set free,
That brightly leaping down the hills,
Are just set out to meet the sea.
The year's depnrting beauty hides
Of wintry storms the sullen threat :
13 ut, in tby earnest frown abides
A look of kindly promise yet.
Thou bring'st the hope of those calm skies,
And that soft time of sunny showers.
When the wide bloom, on earth that lies,
Seems of a brighter world than ours.
At the time of our story, there was an auc-
tion store near the Course.
Tho Viscount Robert N. de P was twenfy
flve years of age, had an Income of 25,000 li
tres, good looks, an illustrious name, and
could Lave made a very brilliant marriage. lie
ought to have been the happiest man in the
world. He only had one regret. He had
nothing to do. lie was unhappy at his hap.
piness. The constant tranquility of life fati
gued him. He needed a little bitter in his
cup of perpetual sweets. But Heaven refused
to grant it to him. He resolved to fly to oth
er lands, there to seek the fatigues, the saffcr
ings, the novelties he lacked.
, So, five years ago, he entered by chance an
auction room, just as they were putting up a
capital portable writing desk.
Ho was about to travel, and it was just what
he wanted ; so he bought it for threo hundred
It probably cost more than ten times that
sum. In the interior there were compartments
for everything, and a plate bore the name of
Lord N , one of the richest peers ol England.
He was enchanted with his purchase, and car
ried it home in triumph. Some days after he
set out for Spain ; as he went from Madrid to
Cadiz he was stopped by thieves, who com
pletely despoiled him. The only thing he
missed was his desk. He prayed them to re
turn It. They refused ; but their chief, Don
Jose Maria, promised to send it to Cadiz after
him, on receipt of a ransom. Robert promi
" sed 200 reals, and gave the address of the ho
tel where be meant to stop at Cadiz. He sent
the money and got his desk.
In America, in the wilds of Mexico, his desk
was carried off by Mexicans. He thought it
lost. Four months afterwards he found it in
a shop in Vera Cruz, and paid 500 francs for it.
In 1852, having returned to France, he tho't
of going to Baden. He passed the summer
there, and went to Paris, visiting Cologne and
Aix-la-Chapelle on the way.
Arrived at the frontier which separates
France from Belgium, he fell into the bands
of the custom-house officers. Some days be
fore some skillful fellows had defrauded the
customs to a considerable amount, consequent
ly the officers were on their guard.
The search was long, and the Viscount be
came furious.
"What do you fear ?" he asked angrily.
"Oh, sir, objects of great value can be con.
cealed in a small space." .
'Have I the air of a smuggler ?"
"No, but there aro ambassadors who smug
gle without scruple."
The search continued, and the Viscout was
astonished to sec the officers open drawers in
his desk, of the existence of which he was ig
norant. At last, full ol impatience, be wish
ed to reclaim it.
"Jow, that you have seen all," said he,
41 let ns not prolong this unpleasant investiga
"What do you say, sir ?"
"I say that you have seen all, and know that
.1 have nothing contraband."
'Your coolness, sir, makes me pity you.
"Have you nothing to bring forth ? If you do
so, you will be freed by paying the dues ; if
not and I find anything, there will bo a conns
,cation and a fine."
"But you have seen all."
"What do yon mean by perhaps ?'
"It is well made. Any one but myself might
inave been deceived."
"But I swear to you that yon have seen all."
"Why deceive me ? I am going to prove to
ithc coatrary.
"If you find anything else, I'll swear 1 knew
nothing oi it."
"A poor excuse. I warn you that I do not
believe you.
"Let up finish this bad joke."
"We will, and so uiueh the worse for you."
And with a nail tho officer pressed against
what was apparently a little ornament, which
flew back, disclosing a drawer, in which was a
paper parcel.
The officer took it oat, looked at it, and put
it back.
"That is not contraband," said he, with a
bow, "and with so much money I was wrong
to accuse you."
But the Viscount was stupefied.
"Bank notes," cried he, "but I did not put
Jtnem there." -
"You are very fortunate, sir, if you can for
get a millicn so easily,"
In fact there was there a million of pounds
The Viscount took the notes, counted them,
replaced them, and determined to find the ow
ner. Arrived at London he sought ont Lord
J , whose name wag graven inside. The no
bleman affirmed that the money was not his.
lie had given this desk to a former valet of
his whose address be gave the Viscount.
This valet was now a wealthy shopkeeper in
Pall Mall, ne told the Viscount that he knew
nought of the money, but while in Italy, had
sold the desk to Count Luigi Settimanni, who
was immensely rich, and in whose service he
, The Viscount set out for Italy, and went to
Jtavenna, where Count Settimanni lived. He
recognized the desk, but avowed that he bad
never placed any money in it. He sent the
t iscount, however, to the Signora Laura
a former prima donna at the San Carlo, at
whose house, irt his gay days, he had forgot
ten his desk.
The Signora Laura recognized the desk and
related that she had given it to the Russian:
prince, Alexis B , in exchange for a pearl
The Viscount set out for St. Petersburg. He
was very happy. He now bad something to
do to hnd the owner ot the hidden treasure
ne placed it at interest, in order that it might
not run tne risK ot Demg lost.
Prince B , knew the desk, but declared
that he bad never concealed a bank note in it
He told the Viscount that in leaving Italy he
had gone to Paris, and had given the desk to
a danseuse of the opera, Louisa P , who was
not in the habit of concealing money.
Robert returned to Paris.
There he learned that, after a life of gallan
try and luxury, Louisa P had died in mis
ery, and that her furniture was sold by her
creditors. It was at this sale that he bad
bought the desk.
What to do now? ne could only think that
the maker of the desk had placed the money
there, or that it was there deposited by the
Spanish robbers who stole it.
Tho maker at London wrote that he knew
nothing of it, and the Viscount learned that
the Spanish robbers had all been hung, long
Ah I perhaps it was deposited in the desk
by tho Mexicans. He went to Mexico, whence
he returned two montns ago.
He there discovered that one of those into
whose hands it had fallen was a trapper, who
carried on a considerable trade in skins with
the Americans. This was sufficient. He must
have been the man who concealed the bank
The Viscount continued the search, and at
last found, one day, at Vera Cruz, a verv pret
ty young girl of seventeen, the daughter of
the Mexican by a French, woman, who had
come to Vera Cruz as a milliner.
In answer to his questions, she told him that
she knew nothing of her father, but that he
had been killed by a Texan Ranger.
She was excessively pretty, and. like a sen
sible fellow, he married her, and havipg at last
something to do, returned to Paris with her
to enjoy the fortune of which a singular chance
naa put mm in possession.
The Des Moines (Iowa) Register of a few
days ago remarks that they have hardly had
what may be called a rain storm in Central
Iowa, for tho past six months. There was a
shower or two after harvest, last summer, and
hardly a sprinkle since. But for the snow
that has fallen freely at intervals, this winter,
the roads would be dry and dusty as in mid
summer, .Three-fourths of the wells and cis
terns have been dry for weeks, and great in
convenience is experienced in obtaining a sup
piy oi water, ine people nave enjoyed a
great deal of clear, beautiful weather this win
ter; more sunshine than is usualy enjoyed in
a half dozen winters in the Middle and East
ern States. During the past month the weath
er has been quite warm most of the time, car
rying oil the snow, and preventing the enjoy
ment ot the accustomed sleighrides.
There is a dispute in the London press in re
lation to the discovery of the North-West
Passage. The friends of Sir John Franklin
claim the credit is due to him for it and that
the widow is, in consequence, entitled to the
$20,000 offered by the British Government for
that discovery. The British Government has
already awarded the prize to Sir R. McClure,
the officer who commanded the expedition,
which, sailing from Behriug's Straits, reached
the furthest point eastward attained by any
vessel. From this point he abandoned his
ship, alter being two years shut up in the ice,
and still proceeding eastward, joined the expe
dition from Baffin's Bay, thereby completing
the voyage and journey across the North A
merican continent from the Pacific to the At
Wholesale Counterfeiting. It has been
ascertained that from the 20th to the 25th of
November last, between 5200,000 and $300,
000 in counterfeit notes of $50 and $100, on
the Bank of Philadelphia, were successfully
put into circulation in the State of Illinois,
Louisiana and Missouri, being exchanged for
genuine money, mostly Missouri fcurrency.
This is the largest and most successful villainy
of the kind on record, and it must have been
concocted and consummated by quite a num
ber of persons. Only one of thcm,named Ba
corde, has yet been detected, and he is on tri
al at St. Louis, where efforts are making for
the detection of others of the gang. Bacorde
was taken in Canada after a laborious search.
Some persons are cheerful workers. In the
family, in the church, and in society they are
ready for every good word and work. Their
time is spent in loosing; and so in finding their
lives. They are never disturbed by a fresh
appeal for help. If they can respond, they do
so cheerfully. If they cannot they as cheer
fully refrain. These are the pillars of our
churches, and the moving power of every
good enterprise. Their example stimulates
the slothful, and urges forward the lagging.
They do not worry, do not look sour, do not
chafe at the sight ot a burden. They bless and
are blessed. Let their number be multiplied.
A couple of Kentuckians lately visited Bos
ton, and sat down to dinner at the Revere
House. Codfish balls were seryed at the ta
ble, and one of the Kentuckians taking them
for "corn; dodgers," proceeded to break one
in two. Getting the scent of it he turned to
his partner, and remarked in the most solemn
manner, "Something dead in that, Tom 1"
Water Chicken. A tourist stopping at a
hotel saw the phrase "Fried Water Chicken"
on the bill of -fare. Desiring to know what
this meant, he sent for a dish of water chick
en. He tried it, and finding it excellent, rec
ommended it to the rest of his party, ladies
and all. . All liked the dish wonderfully, and
so became frog eaters without knowing it.
Mr. Joseph W. Fawkes, the inventor of the
steam plow, has received, through President
Buchanan, the Gold Medal of Honor awarded
to him by the United States Agricultural So
ciety, at their last exhibition, at Chicago. Tho
medal is of pure gold, three inches in diame
ter, and nearly a quarter of an inch thick, and
its value is estimated at $300.
The enlistment of "Germans by the Papal
Government has been protested against by the
Sardinian Government,
Raymond Welliord was considered, though
a young man. one of the most flourishing mer
chants. He was a welcome guest in our so
called highest circle of fashion, while many a
calculating mamma considered him a very de
sirable son-in-law in perspective. Suddenly
he was overwhelmed with pucuniary losses and
embarrassments; while the news spread as
gossip tongues could report it. Strange to
say, aitnougn bis elegant mansion had to be
sacrificed, there were not a debt that remained
unpaid, while some money was yet left him.
"vvnat mink you or human nature, my
iriena t" said he to me.
"It is a philosophical enigma," I replied."
"So it was with me till I solved it," said he
"I found it a strange companion ; the larger
portion ol which was selfishness. For instance
when the gilding of wealth covered my name
I was sought after by tbe very men who now
turn their backs on me. I was flattered by
women, who, if my name was now mentioned
in their presence, would effect a forgetfulness
ot ever having heard of it. After dinner we
will make some calls during which you will
perceive some ample illustrations of what
have said."
Accordingly after dinner we set out.
We first entered the counting-room of
mercnant, to wnom ne introduced me as a
friend. I soon learned that my friend was
not held in the highest estimation, from the
cold formality with which he was received.
We did not even have the courtesy of chairs
ottered us. With a meaning smile, Raymond
bid the merchant good af ternoon,and we found
ourselves again in tbe street.
"This is illustration No, 1," said he with a
"Is it possible that you could have been in
timately acquainted with this man," I asked.
"That man has been reduced to the extremi
ty of begging his dinners. Time after time,
have I thus accommodated him. I even loan
ed him money to commence business,and now
you see how graciously he has received me
and my friend."
We next passed to the door of an elegant
mansion,whcrein Raymond had been a freqent
and honored guest. It was the residence of a
professional gentleman of largo fortune, who
still did Raymond the justice to regard him as
such. His lady had even professed a friend
ship for him greater than her husband's if
not for own at least her daughter's sake to
whom rumor once reported he was engaged.
Since Raymond's misfortune was whispered
to her, she no longer spoke of him as a near
friend, but endeavored to persuade ber hus
band to rid the house of him, which provoked
the calm reply :
"He is a gentleman, and as such it "is my
will that you should entertain him whenever
be may honor your house with his presence."
On this account, I suppose, we were tolerat
ed in the present instance, for the gentleman
was not at home. The lady treated us rather
coolly, which I was prepared to see. After
we were seated Raymond inquired for Miss
Richards, her daughter, to which tbe lady re
plied with an apparent shrug of the shoulders,
that she was well, but at present en?a?ed.
"No mamma, I am not," said the beautiful
girl, as she lightly entered the room. "I am
happy to meet an old friend, who, I am sure,
is none the less welcome lor having been un
The lovers for they were had not met
since Raymond's misfortune, and their meet
ing was now so heartfelt, that I could not for a
moment doubt the affection of either. I saw
also the cloud that rested upon the brow of
Mrs. Richards, nor was I surprised to hear her
say :
"My daughter is so pleasantly engaged.gen
tlemen, that I trust my presence is no longer
required ; and without ceremony, she left the
"Clara," said Ravmond, taking her white
hand, "are all my fondest hopes to be realized ?
Can the daughter of a wealthy man condescend
to acknowledge her affection for a poor bank
rupt merchant ?"
The lair girl blushed and looked doubtfully
at me.
"Do not fear to speak in his presence," said
be, "lor next to you he is probably my best
Then listen," she said, smiling sweetly.
"A few weeks since, with the consent of my
parents, I solemnly plighted my love to one
who has long possessed my heart's best affec
tion. I did not ask the weight of bis money
bags, nor the weight of bis coffers, for such
matters, did not form one item of considera
tion with me. I found him a gentleman, and
as such I gave him my hand. Until I am con
vinced to the contrary, why should I desire
to retract my words ?"
"Clara, you are an angel," said Raymond,
as he covered her hands with kisses, "and this
treasure I prize more than my existance, for
in adversity as well as in prosperity, it is still
true to me."
"Miss Richards," said I, "you have perplex
ed me. When I entered this house I thought
had solved the problem of human nature,
and was about to write the sum total selfish
ness ; but I must recant. Human nature is
not so bad after all."
After a happy consnltation on the part of
the lovers, who in their earnestness quite for
got my presence, we left the house.
"Now," said Ravmond, "one more visit,
one more illustration and then for home."
"No, my friend, we will make no more vis
ts this afternoen. The last terminated too
pleasantly to be marred by a fresh picture of
Raymond did not urge the matter, and we
returned to his house.
When Mr.Ricb.ards came home that evening,
his wife and daughter found him in excellent
humor. Something had occurred which pleas
ed him. Occasionally be indulged in a silent
fit of laughter, which for him was unusual;
and once an unconscious exclamation of "Cap
ital!" escaped his lips.
"I am glad, Mr. Richards, to find yon so
happy," said Mrs. Richards, "for I was never
in a worse humor. That Wetlford has called
here again and Clara has honored him with
a long private conference.
"I have received a note from him, in which
he desires me to sanction bis marriage with
our daughter." - .."
"How presuming ! I declare I quite detest
"And I admire him," cooly replied her hus
band. "Several days since 1 offered him the
means with which to commence business,
which he declined. To day I learned the rea
son, Ml also learned bis fortune was not im
paired. His mansion house has not been sold
but be allowed a friend to retain tbe same as
the apparent owner. The fact was that 'he
was envious of bis wealth, and played the
bankrupt simply to test the friendship of his
acquaintances, who have generally acted ac
cording to the world. - Those who slighted
mm must suffer a just mortification oi which,
my lady, you must bear your part."
"I have never disliked him as a man," said
Mrs. Richards, coloring with shame. "My
aaugnter's welfare has only governed my con
duct. She has only experienced affluence,
and would make an ill companion to poverty.
l acted as a prudent mother."
iteaaer, an comedies end in marriage ; so
does the majority of tales. And in this in-
stance I shall not be out of fashion. I have
lived to see many cloudless years of happiness
pass over the union. Raymond is very cau
tious in the selection of his friends although
their number is legion, while be and myself
still retain the same opinion that human nature
is not so bad after all.
r un at HOME. A. writer who gives some
excellent advice to parents says they should
not be afraid of a little fun at home. Don't
shut np your house lest tbe sun should fade
your carpets ; and your hearts, lest a hearty
langh should shake down some of the musty
old cobwebs there ! If you want to ruin your
sons, let them think that mirth and social en
joyment must be left on the threshold without,
when they come home at night. When once
home is regarded as only the place to eat, and
drink and sleep, the work is begun that ends
in gambling houses and reckless degradation.
Young people must have fun and relaxation
somewhere ; if they do not find it at their own
hearthstones, it Will be sought in other, and
perhaps less pro3table places. Therefore let
the fire burn brightly at night, and make tbe
home-nest delightful with those arts that pa-.
rents so perfectly understand. Don't repress
the buoyant spirits of your children ; half an
hour of merriment round the lamp and fire.
light of a home blots out the remembrance of
many a care and annoyance during the day,
and the best safeguard they can take with
them into the world is the unseen influence of
a bright little domestic sanctum.
Can't Afford It. Those who are counting
the costs of dissolving the union, may close
their calculation somewhat after the fashion
of the old woman in the subjoined anecdote
"A person having occasion to visit an old
couple in Durham, of extremely penurious hab
its, found them holding counsel together upon
a matter which apparently weighed heavily on
the minds of both, and thinking it was respect
ing the probable dissolution of the wife, who
was lying dangerously ill, proceeded to offer
them all the consolation in bis power: but
was cut short by being informed that this was
not exactly the subject they were discussing,
but one which affected them still more deeply,
viz : tne cost ot tne luneral ; and to bis aston
ment, they continued their ghastly calcula
tions until every item in the catalogue, from
coffin to night-cap had been gone through,
with much grumbling at tbe rapacity of the
undertakers, when a bright thought suddenly
struck the husband, and he exclaimed Well,
Janet, lass, you may not die after all, ye ken.
Deed, and I hope not, Robert,' replied his
helpmate, in a low, feeble voice, for I am
quite sure we cannot afford it.
A new light of intense brilliancy has been
exhibited lately in the London Crystal Palace.
It is obtained by projecting a jet of oxygen and
hydrogen, or oxygen and carburetted hydrogen
gases combined upon a surface of lime, which
is protected lrom crumbling. It is called the
Lime Light. The power of illumination is
said to be immense, a single jet of medium
size being equivalent to the light of four hun
dred wax candles of four to the pound.
A set of rowdies in v irginia, burned 'the
Hon. Henry Winter Davis in effigy last week,
lor nis vote in tavor or Mr. rennmgton, Mr.
H. Winter Davis is a bandsore man and, if
the efhgy was enough like him to enable a
spectator to discover the resemblance, it was
no doubt a good deal the handsomest figure in
tbe crowd. If Winter Davis himself bad been
in the place of his fmage.the Virginia ruffians
would have had a warm Winter.
A miserly old lady in Northampton, who li
ved in great apparent destitution for many
years, mainly supported by charity, died re
cently, and in her trunk was found a long
stocking full of five and ten dollar gold pieces.
and a roll of bills of tbe first issue of the North
ampton Bank. It was also found that she had
sums of money at interest in different banks.
The Dutch Government has swept awav the
last vestige of slavery from its East India pos
sessions, un tne zutn ot September last, the
institution ceased to exist. The Government
offered an assessed compensation in money to
tbe owners, many of whom, however, refused
to take it, while others took it and made it o
ver to the emancipated slaves themselves.
A Pennsylvania paper undertakes to com
pare Mr. Corwin and Mr. Toombs with each
other. But there is nothing in tbe two admit
ting of comparison. The one is witty, good-
humored, genial and eloquent, whilst the oth
er is as gloomy, repulsive and revolting as
one of his ghastly namesakes in tbe graveyard.
Indian Rhetoric. One of the Penobscot
Indians recently appealed to tbe Maine Legis
lature to build his tribe a schoolhouse, and
thus described the old one : "The building has
become bald with age, and weeps now, within
and without, in every rain ; is as ragged and
tattered as a dead poplar la the woods.".
"Zip!" The : other day a locomotive and
tender passed over tbe northern railroad, of
New Jersey, from Piermont to Jersey City, a
distance of twenty-four and a half miles, in
twenty minutes. . We have not learned how
many stout Jerseymen were employed to hold
the engineer's hair fast to bis head
Millions of wild pigions passed over Cincin
nati on Sunday. A great fuss is made in this
State when a single bill passes over the head i
of tbe Governor, and we wonder what Cincin
nati must have thought when so many bills
passed over ber head in a single day.
Tbe New York Sun says : "It is stated that
the agent who made np the list of New York
merchants for Southern buyers to trade with,
pocketed between $3,000 and $4,000 black
mail during tbe operation." The Philadelpha
agent has hardly made a? much. '
The quibbling and twaddle that some would
be scientists are wont to exhibit on this sub
ject, is well met by these thoughts thrown out
nastily, In an address before the London Bible
Society, by the justly celebrated Doctor Gum
ming. Read and reflect upon what he said :
In speaking of this book, there is one ques
tion, which, though it does not occupy so largo
a space asformerly,nevertbeless excites a great
and growing interest, and it is this : 'Is it true
that science in its freest development, in the
least degree contradicts any written word of
God V Once it was said it did, but what are
the results 7 That the progressive scienco of
the nineteenth centnry and the statements of
the blessed book show that true science and
religion have a common origin the bosom of
God. Now, mark, your Bible was not written
to teach science, but it is tbe only book that
will stand the test of science. The Veda, the
Shaster and the Koran cannot stand the test,
but the Bible can ; and even when it seems to
us beset with difficulty and mystery, those
passages by modern investigation shine with
a brilliant light.
Let me mention to you one or two proofs of
this. . And first of all, the Bible never bints a
system of science. If it had been written by
mere human writers, they might have indica
ted here and there, something like a system of
science. It speaks of flowers and trees, from
the hyssop on the walls to the cedars of Leba
non, but there Is no hint of a system of astro
nomy. So that no investigator or professor of
science can ascertain that he is in the least
degree assisted or impeded in his system of
science by the Bible ; so that it seems to me
the silence of the Bible is as impressive as its
eloquence, just as on the dial the shadow and
tbe sunshine are alike instructive as to the
hour of the day. Then, take the woid 'firma
ment, to be found in Genesis. In the Greek
it is translated by a word signifying a concave
with a vast -solid mass. Tbe Greeks and mo-
dren translators have conveyed this term ac
cording to their knowledge, but when you go
back to the original Hebrew word you find that
it means space without limit. Thus you will
see that Moses was far in advance of those who
translated for him ;:for the actual truth is dis
closed by modern science. In another in
stance : Job speaks of himself, as standing on
the circle of the earth ; and Isaiah speaks of
the circle of the sea. Take one thought more
Who can sway the influence of the Pleiades?
Many have wondered what was the influence
of tho Pleiades. Science, however, tells us
that the stars, the sun, the moon, and the earth
and their sattelites, constitute one group which
revolves around a central sun, and that cen
tral sun is one of the Pleiades. Here, then.
we see that while the Bible does not profess
to teach science, when it does refer to science
it is invariably correct. '
A German Fairt Tale. A curious class of
fairies follow the humble occupation of shoe
makers. Once upon a time, a cobler had be
come so poor, and that without any fault of
his own, that there only remained to him as
much leather as would make one pair of shoes.
He bad them cut into shape at night, so as to
sew them np on the following morning, and
then slipped quietly to bed. When he arose
early to begin his work, the two shoes stood
finished upon the table. He did not know ve
ry well tihat to think of this, but having taken
them up in his hand to look at them more
closely, he found that the workmanship was a
perfect master-piece. This pair of shoes was
sold so well that the cobler was enabled to buy
as much leather as would serve to make two
pair. Having shaped them at night, be again
rose early on the following morning, to begin
his work with fresh spirit ; but he did not need
to do this, for the shoes were already made.
And this went on day after day, until he was
no longer poor, but made a capital thing of it.
One evening not long before Christmas, the
cobbler said to his wife, "What think you to
waiting up to-night, to see who it is that lends
us this helping hand?" So they hid them
selves in a corner of the room, behind some
clothes, and kept a sharp look-out. At mid
night two neat, naked little fellows sat down
at the table, and began to sew and hammer
with such speed, that tbe cobbler, in his ad
miration, could not keep his eyes off them.
When all was finished they ran away. Next
morning the good wife said, "The little men
have made us rich ; let us show ourselves
thankful for this. They run about naked, and
must be very cold. I will make shirts, coats
and breeches for them." At night, instead of
the regular working materials, they laid the
clothes on the table. Tbe little men came as
usual, and weregroatly surprised that there
was no leather lor tnem, and looked at tne
clothes with delight. They put them on with
the greatest liveliness, and danced and hop
ped about, almost out of their little senses with
joy. At last tney danced themselves out ot
the bouse. But they never came back again.
All things, however, went well with tbe cob
bler during the rest of his life.
Agassiz has a human jaw and portions of a
foot taken from conglomerate rock in Florida,
which, he thinks, is at least 10,000 years old ;
be might add 100,000 as well. Dr. Dickenson
has a portion of a human pelvis (a true fossil),
obtained near Natchez, Mississippi in tertia
ry deposits, supposed to be 120,000 years old.
The world renowned Guadaloupe fossil, to
which no antiquity has been assigned with any
degree of probability, is certainly as old ; in
fact, no definite time or age can be ascribed to
any fossil ; we can only approximate to it, and
that not very closely; we may say of fossils,
that they are 10,000, 100,000, or 500,000 years
old, and yet that will seem short in geological
computations. It would be impossible to set
any limit to tbe period when man did not ex
ist on oar globe, nor can we approximate that
age until we can, by geology or some other
means, determine how long a time has elapsed
since tbe continents were covered witn tne
waters of the drift ; and then determine how
long anterior to that the stone hatchets and o-
ther implements wnich were found, passed
under the hand of their fabricators. :
He Remembered the Poor. One John
Rose, a rich old bachelor of New York, died
the othei day. leaving $300,000 to educate
poor children in the science of agriculture.
This disposition of bis fortune is made contin
gent upon tbe raising of a like sum by the ci
ty of New for the purchase of a farm to be de
voted to the object named.
Many persons have a particular ambition to
seem exactly what they are not. We know a
rich man who bought a splendid library, and
signed the contrail wun ms marsu .
Scarlet Fever. We find in one of our ex
changes the following paragraph in reference)
to scarlet fever, a disease which is now alarm
ingly prevalent in many sections of the State.
Parents should be .very careful about their
children when this devouring plague seizes
them, and every good mother should bo pre
pared for it with tbe following good remedies t
1st. When a child is taken with tbe fever
give it a dose of castor-oil ; if the body shows
a flush color, have a pot of saffron tea made
and give it to tho child to drink. This will
drive tbe eruption out. 2d. Have warm baths
for their feet, keep it warm, and the room
under a proper temperature. 3d. When the
eruption is out grease the whole body with
bacon fat, and keep the body open. Then
call for a doctor if the throat should get sore.
To this a coteniporary adds : "Better begin
with the doctor first." Not bad advice but
then doctors cannot always be summoned in
time, and mothers can do a great deal them
selves, if they have a good stock of common
sense. To keep the body well oiled, how
ever, is a treatment which ought not to be
neglected in any case. We have never known
it to fail, where the application was made in
time and adhered to. ,
Uncle Sam's Farm. The amount of land
the United States Government has for sale is
almost incalculable. All the people of four,
teen States and Five Territories derive their
title to their lands from the Federal Govern
ment, and the records and files evidencing tho
inception of their rights, are preserved in tho
general land office at Washington. The pub
lic domain now covers a surface, exclusive of
water, 1,450,000,000 of acres. The Govern
ment has sold but about 120,000,000 of acres
of land during the last quarter of a century,
less than $150,000,000. It will thus be seen
that Uncle Sam's farm is still large enough
for practical purposes, and though he should
sell off lands for centuries to come ho would
have an abundance left, even if he does not
enlarge bis borders by the annexion of Cuba,
Mexico, and half of tho rest of the world.
New Dodge. We saw a letter recentlv, says
the Wheeling Intelligencer, directed to one of
our wholesale grocery houses, the wiiter of
which warned the proprietors that certain mil
lers est were making flour out of white corn
and wheat mixed, and selling it for the genu
ine article. The correspondent stated that a
barrel of this stuff had been inspected in Cin
cinnati, recently, and when placed in water it
would sink straight to the bottom. When
baked it is brittle and has no tenacity what
ever. We are not advised as to the extent of
the imposition, but it has been thought a pro
per subject for a letter of warning, and is en
titled to consideration.
. Small Pox. A medical gentleman writes
to a- New York paper that from all the infor
mation he can obtain from medical men now
having cases of Small Pox under treatment,
that there is no house where gas is burned, ot
the ordinary consumption, in which the dis
ease has yet found lodgment. The gas is a
powerful disinfectant, and hence there is no
contagion within the circle of its influence.
He says that a person burning gas may con
tract the disease abroad and take it home
with him, but it will not be communicated to
any other member of the family.
It has been observed by Camden that onr
forefathers made their conveyances, even if it
were a whole manor, in about twenty lines.
Contracts of all kinds were made in a few
words. Tully, Atticus, Plutarch, Lysander,
and Aristotle approved of this brevity. Thero
is, says Tertulion, more certainty in fewer
words, if they be the proper ones, that in many
parchment skins or foolscap sheets, filled with
tautological repetitions of particulars, and in
some of which lawyers will find a flaw or doubt.
The Eight K's. The Hon. Henry Clay was
denominated the eight K's by a coterie of
wags in Washington, during his last session in
Congress. He acquired the title thus: A gen
tleman sitting in the gallery of the Senate
Chamber, during an interesting debate, wished
to point out Mr. Clay to his friend, a foreign
er, who sat beside him, without disturbing the
house, and wrote upon a card for him, "Tho
gentleman to the left ol the Speaker, in tho
klarct kolored koat with krimson kollar, is
Mr. Klay, member of Kongress from Ky."
A story of good luck is being circulated In
Danbury, Ct. A man near Fairfield, named
Stevans, it is said, lately bid off at an auction
sale, for a trifling sum, a package of old papers
belonging to his father's estate, among which
was found a deed for a soldiers land warrant.
Rumor says that the location is where the vil
lage of Batesville, in Arkansas, is now built,
and he sold his claim to a gentleman of that
State for $40,000.
An English correspondent writes that at Cal
cutta, at the Governor General's ball, a beauty
appeared who was not "put out" though appa
rently on fire. In countless diminutive bags
of gauze she bad imprisoned fire flies, and
these tacked on to her dress, far outshone the
diamonds of the Oriental ladies. As she walk
ed in the more dimly lighted alleys of tho
garden , and grounds, she was indeed a most
brilliant belle !
A Hcndred Fold'. Samuel Iliggins, of
Kinderhook, N. Y., says that be raised ono
hundred and seven Prince Albert potatoes
from one, all but threo of marketable size and
weighing forty -five pounds. Now, if this can
be done once, we want to know why it can't
be done twice, with the same sort of cultiva
tion ; and we want to know if such cultivation
would not be more profitable than tbe present
mode ?
An Acto da Fr. The oligarchs in Mont
gomery, Alabama, are engaged in the laudable
businesss of burning every copy of fcpurgeon s
sermons they can lay their hands on. Aney
have decreed the burning of all copies that
may be found in the bookstores and in private
bouses, and advertised the anair to come on
in the Jail yard in about a week. The next
book in order will be tbe Bible. '
Gen. William Walker is still a firm believer
in the necessity of a slave government outside
of this Union Nicaragua, -for instance and
reeards the Hon. S. A. Douglas as one of tho
most devoted friends of that mode of. Slavery
extension. He is a firm believer, too, in tbe
success of Douglass before tbe Charleston
Convention. So says the Montgomery Mail.
He that cannot forgive others breaks tbe
bridge over which be himself must past. .