Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 07, 1859, Image 3

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1 I
The Susquehanna this morning is very high,
with a prospect ot rising during the day.
Dox't tail to see 'Sixth Annual Announce
ment and brilliant offers, in another column.
The Sheriff's Sales, Register's Notice, and
lercral other new advertisements appear in
oar columns to-day.
Ccl. Jons L. Cuttle, the new Prothonotary
for this county, entered npon the duties of his
olBce on last Thursday the 1st inst.
Revival. We understand that the Luther
ans and Methodists have lor some days past
been holding union meetings in the town of
Luthersburg, this county; that much feeling
on the subject of religion is being manifested,
nud that a quite a nuni'oer of persons have
ieen converted since the meetings began.
"With Divine permission, the Lord's Supper
vill be observed in the Presbyterian Church
in this place on next Sabbath. Public worship
will commence this evening (Wednesday) at
Ci o'clock, and be continued on each succeed
ing day, commencing at 11 A. M. and G P.
X. The Kev. G. W. Thompson, D. D., is ex
pected to be present and assist the Pastor in
these services.- A cordial invitation to attend
is extended to all.
Winter. On last Saturday, snow to the
depth of several inches fell in this region, ma
king things out-doors look and feel quite win
ttry. Though the atmosphere moderated a
little, and caused the snow to thaw during
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, It has not all
disappeared yet. The melting of the snow on
the slightly frozen ground, has put the roads
in such a Lad condition that they are almost
irupasaable with wheeled vehicles.
Look to your Stove-pipes. Nearly every
paper we have received for some weeks past
contained an account of the burning of some
building, and in a majority ofjnstances it was
stated that the fire originated at the stove
pipe !" Teople should take this as a warning,
and see to it that their stove-pipes are not en
dangering the safety of their houses. No
stove-pipe should pass through a ceiling or
roof; th only secure mode is to build flues
from the basement up, and run the pipes di
rectly into the flues.
Lost on Wednesday, Nov. GOih, on the
nw pike, between the Black Moshannon and
Kyler's, a carpet bag belonging to Miss Ellen
Jamison. Among the contents was a scrap
Look, which, though highly prized by the own
er, can be of no use to any one else. The
Look and carpet bag may, if found, be left at
either this office, at A. Jackson's hotel, Phil
i:burg, or at Antis's hotel, or Col. W. W.
Brown, of Bellelonte, addressed, telling him
where to procure it. The finder will be suit
ably rewarded. For the return of the scrap
book alone a reward will be given.
IIorsE Ecrsed. Last Friday, Dec. 2d, the
-duelling house of Mr. Robert Hunter, about
L ilf a mile above the village of Ansonville, in
this county, was destroyed by fire. No one
but Mrs. Hunter was at home when the fire
broke out, and by the time she gave the alarm
to some neighbors, it bad made such progress
that it was utterly impossible to save the build
ing. Some corn, a cook stove, and a few oth
er articles were also burned ; most of the fur
niture was saved. The fire originated at the
stove pipe. Though the house was not a very
valuable one, its destruction at this season of
the year is a serious loss.
Tue Lru3EE Bcsixess. The lumbermen of
onr county are busy at present making tim
ber, hauling, &c. From all we can learn, we
judge that the quantity next spring will bo as
large as uuul. but cannot say what the prices
are likely to be. The log men are also active
ly at work, and will most probably get a large
stock of logs into the streams during the win
ter. This system of lumbering Las had the
effect of materially diminishing the manufac
ture of boards and scantling in this county,
and consequently the bulk of the lumlier ta
ken from here now is in the form of square
limber. Should the snow of the last week
melt rapidly enough to produce a "flood" in
the river, a few rafts will doubtless be started
this week for the lower markets.
As Item for Merciiaxts. A reportorial co
temporary says, very truly, that there is a dif
ference in men business men. especially.
When ia want of a given article, it is a pleas
ure to call upon certain men and purchase it.
You are received kindly, waited upon gen
teely, aud courteously thanked for your pat
ronage. But entering another place of busi
ness, you are obliged to wait some time before
you can seenre attention then are slowly and
sullenly waited upon no word of thanks pass
ed or dreamed of uninvited to call again
and the manner of the dealer, more plainly
than words, telling you that you have been ac
commodated, and that you are the 6ole one un
der obligations. It is not difficult to guess
w hich of these mon secures the largest amount
of. business, nor which deserves it.
Fashions Changing. The following para
graph, taken from the Paris correspondence
of the Philadelphia Bulletin, may prove inter
esting to some of our lady readers:
"Bonnets at Paris arc increasing daily in
size. They are very high in front, come over
the forehead, and entirely conceal the hair ;
frightful things. I think. Belts of gold and
silver braid, with old shaped buckles, like lit
tle shields, are the rage; they are mostly en
amelled with Byzantine, Chinese or arabesquo
designs, and are very handsome. Then there
are the most extraordinary trimmings for
dresses, perfectly military, called Garniture
ir, Guides, Garniture de I' Elat Major ; they
are made up of epaulettes, algnilletee, cords,
, cc., in gold and ribbon lace, and jet beads.
The moire antique, superb as it is, has ceded
to satin; some tartans in this stuff are ex
quisite. Hoops are descending and increas
ing in size; the lower circumference of a la
dy' drees is something marvellous,"
C?"3eldam meet honor and ease.
rC?Poor trad-i dependence on others.
C?Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.
CSFiddler's fare meat, drink and money.
tt"Good tool a handsaw, but not to shave
, K7Learning makes a man fit company for
himself. J
3"Safe the Union. Old Brown 'went ur'
on Friday the 2d.
KFFact there is no better looking glass
than a true friend.
C?"J ohn Brown and Governor Wise are rep
resented to be Masons.
EF"To be lighted with gas the cars on the
Pennsylvania Railroad.
tT7Many a dashing fellow is like the golden
fleece a fine outside on a sheep's back.
D"A firm in Boston advertise cloth made
from cotton cultivated entirely by free labor.
03" A great bore' the Subalpine tunnel. It
is over 7f miles long, and 1 below the summit.
DFound guilty BenhoCf, of murder in the
2d degree, for killing Frank Weiger.at Dover,
rp-Don?t fail to see the Sixth Annual An
nouncement," and brilliant oilers, in another
CT'Girls want nothing but husbands, and
when they have got them, they want every
thing else.
QSSomc people use one half of their inge
nuity to get into debt, and the other half to
avoid paying it.
CF:'Caught in "her own net," as the chap
said when he saw one of the fair sex hobbled
in her ciinoline.
E7A late traveler, in speaking of Austria,
says that one-half of the people arc under arms
to keep the other half in jail.
CC7"Convicled Robert Warrix and John S.
Sutclin", in the U. S. District Court at Cleve
land, Ohio, for counterfeiting.
EFTo be sold nine churches in Cincinnati,
for non-payment of taxes. Religion must be
at a discount in the Queen City.
C7We believe in the stories of haunted
houses ; we know of many old taverns that arc
haunted da' and night. Ahem
CTWc are sure to be losers when we quar
rel w ith ourselves ; it is a civil war, and in all
such contentious triumphs are defeats.
K7Mr. Douglas says that the blacks are an
inferior race. We guess he admits in his se
cret h,eart that one at Washington is an excep
tion. C"""A man went to a judge to be qualified
for an office. Said he, "Hold up your hand ;
I'll swear you, but all creation couldn't quali
fy yon-"
GJones says he has a way of getting a
drink of water at his boarding house without
asking for it. He gets it by asking for a third
cup of tea.
KFThe London clergymen are melancholy
over the fact, that of the population of three
millions in that city, there are only 150,000
C"A Mr. Pea has been indicted for whip
ping his wife and children. No doubt he thinks
it a hard case that a man cannot bo allowed to
thrash his own Peas.
EF"It is better for a man to send his chil
dren to a good evening school than to permit
them to graduate at the schools kept at the
corners of the streets.
HTGoethe says that modern authors put too
much water in their ink. Some of our fash
ionable writers, agreeing with him in opinion,
seem to substitute brandy.
CSA man who won't take a paper because
he can borrow one, las invented a machine
with which he can cook his dinner by the
smoke of his neighbor's chimney.
DS-Treasonable' free speech, in Virginia ;
at least three Ohio merchants were taken out
of a railroad car and imprisoned, f or express
ing sympathy for Brown's family.
KFAny paper can publish the appointments
after the coming in of a new administration,
but what paper in the world is half large e
nough to publish half the disappointments.
C?"The meanest man in the world is in Lon
don. He buttons his shirt with wafers, and
looks at his money through a magnifying glass
to make hall-dimes look as big as quarters.
C?"A prominent railroad efneial says the
resolutions passed by the Cleveland Conven
tion against giving free passes "have no more
binding effect npon him than a dose ot salts."
Kp-The Petersburg ( Va) Express commends
Gov. Wise for calling out the State militia, as
there will soon be "need for them to stand as
sentinels and fight against any and all who may
become inraders of a Southern Confederacy "
CF"Mr. Schoonovcr, the Agent of the Up
per Sioux Indians, reports that the Yellow
Stone river is navigable for steamers nine hun
dred miles from its confluence with the Mis
souri, and that goods con be landed within four
hundred miles of Salt Lake City.
Hr"The Indian captive, who returned to
Cleveland a few months ago, having been a
mong the Indians, by whom he was stolen, for
twenty-five years, has been identified. lie
turns out to be the brother of Mr. Wm. Bray
ton, of Adrian, Seneca county, Ohio.
1X7" A Columbus paper says that one day re
cently there came over the Central Ohio Rail
road two hundred and forty German emigrants,
bound for Missouri. These are the people who
are to take the place of the disappearing slaves.
An excellent substitute they will be found,
with their industry, frugality, and intelligence.
The uso of Dr. Hostcttcr's Stomach Eittcrs for
Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Heaviness of the Stomach,
or any other like affection, is second to none in A
mcrica or abroad. To be able to state confidently
that tbe "Hitters" are a certain cure for Dyspep
sia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source
of unalloyed plea.rc. It removes all morbid
matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, im
parts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giv
ing it that tone and energy so indispensable for
the restoration of health. The numerous acknowl
edgements of its superior excellence and benefi
cent results have assured the proprietors that it
cannot but prove a great cure to the afSicted, and
impart vitality to the thorough system. See ad
vertisement in another column.
On the 2d Nov., by Kev. J. R. Focht, Mr.
G. WAsniNGTos Rex, of Pike township, to
Miss IiAcnAEL Erhard, of Knox tp.
On the 21th Nov., by Abraham Snyder, Esq.
Mr. Joun R. McCaiix, of Clarion county, and
Miss MartEllen McCracken.oI Clearfield co.
Clearfield Market Prices.
The follow ing arc the prices at which the ar
ticles named were selling yesieruay -.
Flour, oerbbl. $7.2-3 I Hams, pr lb
1 .00
Wheat, p. bush.
Rye, . "
Corn, "
Buckwheat "
Potatoes, "
Beef, per lb.
Pork, "
Sugar, "
Butter, "
Dr. peaches,
Dr. apples,
Eggs, per dozen,
Onions. D. bush.
. 4toG
all. .50'
Corn meal p. cwt. 2.25
Buckwheat fl. " 2.12
Chop Rye, " 2.12
Rags, good, lb. .24
"Hyprt9n 00,00
Molasses, p
TVf0V2TAirr CAVALRYThe members
x.-r- ot hls company are requested to meet, in
citizens drc, at Grahamton. on Saturday, Decem
ber 10, Ibjy. to transact some business pertaining
to the company. By order of
yv-30- WM. CAMPBELL. Capt.
fTXO TEACHERS Four male teachers are
5"ct wanted in Pike School District, Clearfield
county. Application made immediately to the
undersigned, U miles west of Curwensville, will
receive attention. JESSE BROOMALL.
Uth mo. 30th, 1859. Secretary.
COAI,.!llSI'!! CAI-!!!-Theundcrsign-ed
will deliver the best quality of Stone Coal,
to the citizens of Clearfield, on the shortest notice
for six cents per bushel. All orders to be left with
1 ranklin Short. MICHAEL C0NELLY.
Clearfield, August 20. 185U.
The undersigned takes this method of inform
ing the public that he has commenced the manu
facture of Stone-Ware in the Borough of Clear
field, and thst he is now prepared to supply all
who may want them with Milk and Cream Crocks,
Jugs. Jars, Ac, at lower prices, than they can be
bought elsewhere. He solicits a share of patron
Clearfield, Pa., Mt;y 23, !So9-ly.
of Administration on the Estate of Hannah
Spencer, late of Penn township, Clearfield coun
ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned, residing in said township, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims against
the same, will present them, duly authenticated
for settlement, to the undersigned, or to L. J.
Crans, Esq., Attorncv. Clearfield. Pa.
ypY.30 1359. MILES S. SPENCER, Adm'r.
of Administration on the Estate of .Nancy
Spencer, lato of Penn township, Clearfield coun
ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned, residing in said township, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, aud those having claims against
the same, will present them, duly authenticated
for settlement, to the undersigned." or to L.J.
Crans. Esq.. Attorncv, Clearfield. Pa!
Nov. 30. XS39. MILES S. SPENCER. Adm'r.
Maker, keeps constantly on hand for sale at
his shop, near Luthersburg, Clearfield county, Pa,
Kip and Calf Skins, (French and American;)
and a variety of Linings. Bindings, Shoe Pegs,
Nails and Thread, Boot Webbing, Blacking, A c. ;
in fact, everything usually kept in a shoe-finding
establishment. He has also Fotr, Sugar, Coffee.
Tea, Rice, Soda. Syrup, Tobacco, Segars, Nailsj
Glass, Ac. all of which can be had cheap for cash.
Luthersburg. November 2, lS.i'J-lyp.
IN THE COMMON PLEAS of Clearfield county.
Daniel F ulkerson 1 No. 76, August Term.
vs. VI 838. And now, June
William Bartc, owner 4c J 1339. on motion of W.
A. Wallace, Attorney for Sheriff, Thomas J. Mc
Culloughf Esq., appointed Auditor, to distribute
moneys in the hands of F. G. Miller, Esq., Sher
iff, arising from sale of Real Estate of said defen
dant. Per curiam.
By virtue of the above appointment made in o
pen court, I will attend to tho duties of ssiid ap
pointment, at my office in Clearfield, on Saturday
L7th day of December, A . D. 1S39, nt 2 o'clock,
P. M., of said day, when and w here all persons iu
terested may attend if thev sec proper.
November 23. 1339. Auditor.
The undersigned informs his friends and custom
ers that he has received at his store on Market
street, Clearfield, a full and general assortment of
Drugs and iniciirx, Varnishrs, Oils and
Paints, llciuly-JSLule Clolltinsr. ire, tVc-,
which he will dispose of at the most reasonable
rates for cash, or exchange for every description
of approved country produce. Buyers should at
all times consult their own interest, and procure
their goods wherever they can purchase the most
for their money. The --cheap cash store, ': it is
believed, has this desirable feature of economy,
and therefore should be sought by those who wish
to procure goods at the. lowest cash prices.
Nov. 2. 1S39. WM F. IRWIN.
RON ! IRON!! IRON !!! We, the under
signed, would respectfully inform the public
that having lately repaired the works commonly
known as the ' Old Alleghany Forge," near Phil
ipsburg. wo are prepared to manufacture all kinds
of hammered iron, such ?s H'edge Moulds, Crow
Ti'ir.i, Jlorsc-slioc. Hirs. Saw-mill liars, M'agon
Tire of all sizes, Scoip Iron, Shovel Plow-shares,
Purge ami Parnate Tools, i!ye. We will also man
ufacture Iron for machinery, which, for strength
and durability, commands a high standing in the
estimation of all good machinists. Persons wish
ing any ot the above iron can be accommodated
on short notice. It is unnecessary to dwell on the
superior qualities the hammered iron possesses
over rolled iron, as persons using both are soon
convinced of the superiority of the former. The
people of Clearfield will find it to their advantage
to use tho hammered iron, both for strength and
durability. Country produce and scrap iron of
ever' sizo and description taken in exchange for
hammered iron. All orders will be promptly at
tended to by addressing the firm of
11. JIET11ERL1N & CO.,
Sept.lL'59 Cm. Philipsburg, Centre co,. Pa.
announces to the citizens of Ansonville and the
surrounding country, that ho has just returned
from the East and is now opening at his store an
extensive stock of choice and serviceable Fall and
Winter G oods, consisting of a general assortment of
Jlrarly-PiLulc Clothing. Varnishes. Paints
and Oils, Drags, Patent JWedieites,
and a great variety of useful fancy goods, among
which may be found the latest styles of Ladies'
The undersigned would direct'particular atten
tion to his extensive selection of Parlor and Coal
Stoves, Cook Stoves and fixtures. Stove pipe, Ac.
ALSO, a large quantity of Salt. Persons desirous
of purchasing any of. the articles in my line of
business, arc invited to call and examine my stock
before buying elsewhere, as I feel persuaded that
I can supply them on as reasonable terms for cash
as any other store in the county. Lumber of ev
cry description, and approved country produce
taken in exchange for goods. U. SWAN.
Ansonville, November 23, 1S59.
FERRY. tirown, the leader of the Insur
rection, found guilt i of Murder and Treason in
the Pitst degree. The above named -insurrection'
caused a great deal of gas to be let off by leading
politicians and the political press of this great
country, and in fact, the majority of the people of
all parties, were more or less excited on reading
the first account of the insurrection some of the
papers trying to make political capital out of the
affair and others making light of the matter. But
if it had. been an Italian strike for Freedom a
gainst their lawful sovereign, led on by Maizinni
or Garibaldi, the Press of this country, with but
one exception, would call meetings and pass reso
lutions and solicit subscriptions to aid them in
their so called patriotic work ; but amidst all this
inconsistency there is one man that is not tho least
interested in the fate of Brown or his companions,
and that one is Frank Short of the Short Mioe
Shop on Second street, where he will be found at
all times ready and willing to wait upon persons
callimr on him for anything in the Boot, Mioe or
Gaiter line. Thankful for past favors be only asks
a continuance of the same, and will Bell as cheap
for cash or hides as any other man in the county.
ix cents cash paid per pound for beef hides, and
10 cents cash for calf hides.. Roll in your hidei,
boys, and get your money from T
- - i 1 1, I, ... i ii i i ii
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or in" any way meddling
with one dark bay Mare, 3 years old past, now in
possession of James M. Leonard, of Morris town
ship, as the same belongs to me and is only given
to him on loan. - - A. S. GOODRICH.-
Clearfield, November 14, lS59-m23-3t.
of Administration on tho Estate of Henry
Baker, late of Bell township. Clearfield coun
ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the
undersigned; all persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same will present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
Nov. 23, 1339-6t . . JOHN ORR. Adm'r.
of Administration on the estate of George
Weaver, late of Brady tp., Clearfield county, Ta.,
deceased, having been granted to the undersign
ed ; all persons indebted to said estate are reques
ted to make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims will present them properly authentica
ted for settlement GEORGE KN ARK. Jr..
November 2, 1339-fitp. Administrator.
Is now being exhibited in Clearfield countv.
It is a new thing, is admirably adapted to stump
pulling, and is capable of raising from 40 to 100
tons, according to the size of the machine. Some
of the prominent men of the county have pur
chased machines and farm rights, and find that
they are all that they are represented. The ma
chine is of simple construction, and two men can
by it raise from 30 to 50 stumps of ordinary size
in a day. For particulars in regard to prices, ic.
inquire at the "Raftsman's Journal" office. Clear
fudd. Pa., or of W. S. HAWKINS,
October 19, 1859. Agent.
bers would inform the citizens of Clearfield
county, and elsewhere, that they have just erect
ed a Brewery in the East part of the Borough of
Clearfield, and that they are now prepared to sup
ply Tavern-keepers and Eating-Saloons, with a
superior article of Lager Beer. The quality of
their Beer is equal to any manufactured in tho
State, and as they arc determined to sell at the
most reasonable rates, they flatter themselves, that
they w ill be liberally patronized in their new en
terprise. Give them a call and satisfy yourselves
of the superior quality of their Lajrer.
Oct. 19, 1S59. CHARLES HAUT.
A CARD. The undersigned have just received
and are now offering the largest and most varied
stock of FRESH GROCERIES ever brought
to this market! In connection with the above,
they are constantly supplied with choice brands of
thevariousgradesof FLOUR! Also. Bacon and
Cheese; Whale, Tanner's and Lard Oils; Mess
Pork ; together with all kinds of Pittsburg Man
ufactured articles. All of which will be sold Low
for Cash. The Merchants of this place are invi
ted to call befoie purchasing elsewhere. At the
Old Stand. WM. M. GURMLY A CO.,
271 Liberty st., opposite Eagle Hotel.
Pittsburgh, Pa., October 2ti. 1359-2m.
Shaw's Row, Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment of
WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which we in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch
es, to be had at N'AUGLE'S.
The American Lever of different qualities, can
be had at NAUGLE'S.
Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral. La
va, Jett, Carbuncle, Garnett. Opal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gold tftone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings. Ac,
or single pieces at NAUGLE'S.
Plain gold Breast pins, Ear drops, Hoop Ear rin"s,
children's ear drops and rings at NAUGLE'sf
Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil
ver holders at NAUGLE'S.
Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob
buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S.
A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ
ent ntvlcs ami uuuiitjr, gum lovKcta. coral necKia
ccs, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and
all articles in his line, on hand at NAUGLE'S.
Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and
common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1.25
to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S.
Old Gold and Silver will bo taken in exchange
for goods at N A UG LE'S.
Ail goods warranted as represented, or the mo
ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S.
If you wish your watches put in good repair
and warranted, take them to NAUGLE'S.
It is a fact that, nt some period, every mem
ber of the human family is subject to disease or
disturbance of the bodily functions; but. with the
aid of a good tonic and the exercise of plain com
mon sense, they may be able so to regulate the sys
tem as to secure permanent health. In order to ac
complish this desired object, the true tourse to pur
sue is certainly that which w ill produce a natural
state of things at the least hazard of vital strength
and life. For this purpose, Dr. Hostettcr has in
troduced to th is country a preparation bearing his
name, which is not a new medicine, but one that
has been tried for j-cars. giving satisfaction to all
who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully
upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them
to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by
the simple process of strengthening nature, ena
ble the system to triumph over disease.
For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nausea,
Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, of Bilious complaints,
arising from a morbid inaction of the Stomach or
Bowels. producingCramps, Dysentary. Cholic, Chol
era Morbus, Ac, these Bitters have no equal.
Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con
tracted by new settlers, and caused principally by
the change of water and diet, will be speedily reg
ulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspep
sia, a disease which is probably more prevalent,
iu all its various forms, than any other, and the
cause of which may always be attributed to de
rangements of the digestive organs, can be cured
without fail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH
BITTERS, as per directions on tho bottle. For
this disease every physician will recommend Bit
ters of some kind ; then why not uso an article
known to be infallible ? All nations have their
Bitters, as a preventive of disease and strengthen
er of tho system in general; and among them all
there is not to be found a more healthy people
than the Germans, from whom this preparation em
anated, based upon scientific experiments which
have tended to prove tho value of this great pre
paration in the scale of medical science.
Fever and Acre. This trying and provoking
disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the bo
dy of man, reducing him to a mere shadow in a
short time, and rendering him physically and men
tally useless, can be driven from the bodv by the
Further, none of tho above-stated diseases can be
contracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bit
ters are used as per directions. And as they nei
ther create nausea nor offend the palate, and ren
der unnecessary any change of diet or interrup
tion of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep
and healty digestion, and the complaint is remo
ved as speedily as is consistent with the produc
tion of a thorough and permanent cure.
Por Persons in. Advanced Years, who are suffer
ing from an enfeebled consitution and infirm body,
these Bitters are invaluable as a restorative of
strength and vigor, and need "only be tried to be
appreciated. And to a mother while nursing theso
Bitters are indispensable, especially where the mo
ther's nourishment is inadequate to the demands
of the child, consequently her strength must yield,
and here it is where a good touie, such as Ilostet
tcr's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart tempo
rary strength and vigor to the system. Ladies
should by all means try this remedy for all ca
ses of debility, and, before . o doing, should ask
their physician, who, if hois acquainted with the
virtue of the Stomach Bitters, will recommend
their use in all cases of weakness.
Caution. We caution the public against using
any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask
for llostetter's Celebrated Stomach liitters, and see
that each bottle has tho words "Dr. J. Hostctter's
Stomach Bitters7' blown on the side of the bottle,
and stamped on the metallic cap covering tho co;
and observe that our autograph signature isjers,
label. Ej?"Prepared and sold bjllosteteerj nited
Pittsburg, Pa., and sold by all drugflany.
and dealers generally th rough" atson. Clear
States. Canada. South Amerio i D. Tyler, Hug
Agents Geo. W. Rheem frH,'.
field ; John Patton, Cur'
ton ; F. K. AraH T'
TO BUILDERS. Sealed proposals for build
ing a Chureh in Pennsvillc will be received,
by the undersigned building committee, until the
10th of December. Plans and specifications can
be seen at Joseph G Russell's at any time prior
to that date. ABRAHAM SPENCER,
rennsville,Oct 24,'59 Building Com.
- of Administration on the estate of John S.
Curry, late of Pike township, Clearfield coun
ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them duly authentica
ted for settlement. - WM. A. BLOOM,
Pike tp.. Oct. 26, 1839. Administrator.
"TV EW GOODS. Having just returned from
JL 1 the East, we are now opening a fresh stock of
at the old stand on Second street, Clearfield, Pa.
The stock consists of a general assortment of Dry
OomIs, such as Cloths, Casximeres, Cassiuetts,
'Tweeds, Muslins, CaJicoes, Flannels, Ginghams,
aud a variety of Iailiesi' Dress Goods, Arc. V"
Also, Groceries, Hardware, Qaeensirare, and a u
sual assortment of such articles as are wanted by
the community at large, all of which will be sold
atreasoable rates for cash, or exchanged for ap
proved couutry produce. Give us a call.
Nov. 2, 1859. REED A WEAVER.
subscriber would respectfully inform his old
patr ns and the public generally, that he still
continues to keep, at tbe old stand on Second St.,
in tho basement of Merrell A Bigler's Iron Store,
recently occupied by Radebaugh A Flanigan,
everything in the way of refreshments, such as
the Lest Ptttshurg Ale. Istgerlieer, Tobacco and Se
gars, all kinds of Con fectionary, etc.. etc..
which he will sell at retail or by the quantity.
Oysters furnished by the can or half can at a very
small advance. A. C. FLANIGAN.
Clearfield, P., Xovember 9. 1S59.
1 edw
OYSTER SALOON. 1 he nndcrsicn-
would inform the citizens of Clearfield and
vicinity, that he has recently fitted up a SALOON
adjoining his Bakery, where he is prepared to
serve all customers who may call with choice
and all the atttudent "i"xs" that may be desired.
on hand and for sale at reasonable rates for cash.
Tersons wishing anything in this lino are reques
ted to give ine a call, and I am confident that
you will bo pleased with the quality of the edi
bles, as well sis with the arrangement of the room.
Remember the place, the "Old Jew Store," on
Market street, Clearfield.
Nov. 2, 1339 WEND LIN ENTRES.
The undersigned adopts this method of in
forming the public and the patrons of the late
firm of S. A. Gibson A Co.. that ho designs car
rying on the MARBLU BUSINESS in Belle
fonte, in all its various branches, and will hold
himself always in readiness to furnish those who
call upon him. with all kinds of Cemetery Work,
of the latest classical designs, and superior work
manship, such as Monuments. Pox Tombs. Cra
dle Tombs, Spires, Obelisks. Grecian Tornls, Ta
ble Tombs, Iteail Stones, Carved. Sculptured or
Plain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be
had at any other establishment in the country.
Thankful for past favors, the undersigned solicits
an increase of patronage. WM. GA1IAGAN.
Bellefontc, Pa., March 23, lS3'J-tf.
having fitted up a shop a few doors east of
the '-Old Jew Store," on Market street, desires to
inform the community at laree. that he keeps on
hand a variety of CABINET WORK, at his
shop, and that he manufactures to order, (of su
perior finish.) every description of Household and
Kitchen furniture, among which are Centre, and
Dining Tables ; Mahogony and Common Bureaus;
Common and Fancy Bedsteads, Stands, Safes, Cup
boards. .Sofas. Ixunges. Ac. which he is determin
ed to aispose oi at as cheap rates, tor casn, as ttiey
can be purchased at any other establishment of
the sort in the county. Persons wishing to buy
furniture are invited to come to his shop and ex
amine his articles, and judge for themselves of its
quaiity and finish, before purchasing elsewhere,
as he feels confident that he can suit them in price
and quality. Country jjroduce will be taken in
payment for furniture. November 10. 1S5S.
N- B. He is also prepared to make COFFINS to
order on the shortest notice, and attend funerals
with a hearse, when called upon. J. S. J.
? more active aud enterprising young men
can find immediate employment by which they can
make from COO to 1,000 dollars a year, to act as a
gents for several new and popular works just pub
iished exclusively for agents, and not for sale in
Look stores. We have a great number of agents
employed, manj' of whom are making from 15 to
20 dollars per week. Those w ishing to engage in
this pleasant and profitable business will, for par
ticulars, etc., address, C. L. DERBY A CO.,
Publishers and Wholesale Booksellers,
Sandusky City. Ohio.
j Editors of newspapers giving tbe above and
following, three insertions, and calling attention
to it, and sending a copy containing it, will re
ceive any three ot the following works :
Life of Napoleon, by Headly, 51,25
Life of Lafayette, by Haadly, 1 25
Life of Josephine, by Ileadly, 1.25
Life of Mary and Martha Washington, 1,25
Wild Scenes of a Hunters Life, 1.25
Odd rellow s Amulet, 1,25
November 16th, lS59-3t.
dersigned, having become sole owner of the
store of Eliza Irvin A Sons, in Curwcnsville. Pa.,
would respectfully inform the public, and the old
customers of the establishment, that he has just
received frem the East, a large and extensive as
sortment of SPRING A SUMMER GOODS, which
he wiil dispose of at the lowest prices.
lie desires to call particular attention to the
great variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which
have been selected with an express view to meet
the wants of the community, lie has also Cloths
and Cassimeres of the latest styles, and a large
stock of Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Bonnets of the latest
fashion; Mackerel and Herring; Sugar. Tea and
Molasses; Hardware, Queenswarc, Ac, Ac, all ot
which he will sell at prices to suit the times.
Lumber and country produce of all kinds, ta
ken in exchange for Goods.
lie invites purchasers to give him a call beforo
supplying themselves elsewhere.
Curwcnsville, Pa., May IS. 1S59.
CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes
to inform his old friends and customers, that he
is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business,
on '-his own hook," at his old shop on Market
Street, nearly opposite the "old Jew Store," where
he keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture
to order, every description of Cabinet-Ware, that
maybe wanted in this section of country ; con
sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogony and Common
Bureaus, Writing and Wash Stands; Centre, Din
ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany and Com
mon iseasieads; tewing Mands, Ac. Ac. He will
also repair furniture and chairs, in good style,
cheap for cash. House Painting done onshort no
tice, anu easy terms iNow is the time to bua
reasonable prices, as I intend to sell evcrvtef
in my line of business at the cheanoet - and
Walk in and examine tho articles o nnish.
judge foryourselTes. of the qualif";,.
Country produce received V 0 "tLICIl.
April 13, 1359 short no'ce, and
N B Coffins made KhZ l",' &rid ?ro'
funerals attended --Vhen desired. J. j.
priate accompanrOKING GLASSES, of various
.eceived and for sale by
-nd excellent machine fJ J,uJ1- acvr
L-Sll MERRELL A BIG LER.CIearfil,l a
. JU3t receivod and for sala ohn u J 1uautr
Apr 27, 1859.
Vji. t IRWIN.
Curwcnsville, by JOHN PATT0X.
J A house and lot in Curwensville borough fr
sale ; for terms and description apply to
June 8, 1S69 L. J. CRANS, Clearfield.
BUFFALO ROBES By tho bale or robe, at
George P. Womrath's, Noa 415 and 417 Arch
Street. Philadelphia Also, a large assortment of
Ladies' Fancy Furs, of own manufacture.
N. B The highest price paid for all kinds of
Shipping Furs. September 23, lS59-3m.
ber announces to his Clearfield friends, and
the public in general, that ho has taken the above
named house, located at the Railroad, in llarris
burg, Ta. lie will endeavor to make this house
one of the most desirable stopping plaoes in the
State Capital, by accommodating all who may fa
vor him with their custom in the best manner pos
sible. Jjulylll BEN.HARTSUORN.Sup't.
Pstablishrd in 1S54. Haul Quarters for the
g United States at the PtilJishing House, ffG.-g
g7. Pva?u, 439 Chest?wt Street, Philadelphia, a
Pa, Catalogues sent Free. Since I Origina- g
ted the Gift Book Enterprise, I have repeat-g
edlycalled the attention of the public to my
j4 large stock of liberal offers, to which they 5
g have always warmly responded. I can now,
i with more satisfaction than ever.call attention 2,
to my largely increased inducements to pur-sr-
chasers. Being very heavily engaged in pub- 53
j lishing. I exchange my own publications for
those of other houses, and am enabled to pro-
cure all my books at the original cost of uia-
,c king, and thus can and do supply the majori- w
"S ty of the other houses engaged in the GiftJi
g Book trade. with their ookscheaper than they PS
gcan procure them from other publishers. I can 2?
o also, by my heavy purchases of Watches and
Jewelry, for cash, furnish them with their 2
Gifts, at lower rates than they can buy them
from the manufacturers. Having such an advan
tage in buying. I can insure my customers a great
deal Letter Gilts with their books than any other
house, and can give my agents a larger commis
sion. A valuableGitt will be delivered with each
Book at the time of sale. Gifts worth 5500, at the
lowest wholesale prices, will be impartially dis
tributed with every SL 000 worth of Books sold.
Send for a catalogue, which will be mailed free
to any address, containing, the most valuablo col
lection of Standard productions in Literature. Phi
losophy, History, Geography, Travels, and the Sci
ences, with all the favorite works of Fiction and
Romance, and every other department of Litera
ture, classified as described below. Send for it. for
if you don't wish to order books, you will obtain a
valuable book for reference as it contains all tho
desirable books in print.and willcost you nothing.
Particular attention is requested to the list of my
publications, which will be found in tho latter
part of my Classified Catalogue. It contains a largo
number of deservedly popular works, by various
authors ; among which are all of T.S Arthur's best
works.wcll known as a moral.instructivc and pleas
ing author.alsodnteresting biographies. travels,Ac.
Agricultural This department embraces all
standard works upon general Agriculture, Cotton
planting. Flowers, Gardening, Farm Implements,
Horses, Sheep, Cattle, Fowls, Bees, Ac, Ac.
Albums Ladies', (a great variety,", Floral, Cap,
Quarto, Royal cap. Demy Quarto. Autograph, Ac
Annuals A large and elegant assortment.
Vibles A splendid assortments pocket, pew and
Family Bibles, in'every style, from 51 to 50.
Prayer Books A complete assortment, in eve
ry form and style and at all prices.
Hymn Books As used by the different denom
inations, (plain and fancy bindings.)
Biogruju'iical-Vfoi'ks of Irving, Head ley ,Weem8,
Sparks, Bancroft, and every other standard author.
Butmical By Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Derby,
Wood, Ac, Ac
Cookery Receipt and Cook Books, by Mrs. nale,
Leslie. Widdificld, McKenzie, Ac, Ac
German Standard German Literature.
Dictionaries Webster's English. French, Ger
man, Spanish, Latin, Greek. Italian, Ac.
Cyclotehirts -All tuc standnrd authors.
Grograpiirl-The latest most improved school
and other Geographies. Maps.and Travelers guides.
Geology The works ot Hugh Miller, Harris,
Hitchcock, Lyell, and many others.
Historical By Prescott, Irving. Bancroft, Rob
ertson, Hume. Gibbons, Macauley. and otherl.
Humorous Embraces a world of Fun.
Juvenile Embracing every description of Il
lustrated books for children.
Luic and Medicine All the standard works of
these professions.
Mechanical and Scienti fir The most approved
works on Mechanics. Architecture, and the exact
Poetry English and American; Octavo and
literary editions of the standard Poets; pocket
and cabinet editions plain and illustrated, bound
in every style to suit the tasts of all.
Works of Fiction By Seott. Irving, Cooper,
Dickens, and all the approved Writers.
School and Classical . Travels tend Adventures.
Games. Sports and Pasti mes. Religious, Biblical
and Theological. Musical and Glee Books. Odd
prllo it-ship ami' Free Masonry
Miscellaneous Our Miscellaneous Department
embraces everything not included in the abovo
classification, of an interesting aud instructive
character, that is in print.
The Gifts consist of Gold anc Silver Watches,
Gold chains, Ladies Splendid Black and Plaid
Silk Dresses, Patterns, Parlor Time-pieces. Silver
plated ware, costly sets of Cameos, Mosaic, Flor
entine. Coral. Garnet, Turquois, and Lava Jewel
ry. Gold Lockets. I'encils and Tens, Ladies' Neck
and Chatcline chain?. Gents' Bosom Studs and
Sleeve Buttons. Pocket knives, Port-monnaics. and
a Thousand Varieties of Gifts, of use and value.
To Agents I can give more liberal inducements
thau can be afforded by any other house. In addi
tion to larger commissions, it is much easier to get
subscribers for my enterprise than any other.
The Peculiar advantages are A larger stock,
and better Catalogue to select from. A better as
sortment and Qualify of Gifts More punctuality
and correctness in filling orders. By acting as a
gents for me, Persons wishing a valuable Library
con procure it gratis. Those seeking an easy
method of earning a livehood can find it.
For full particulars, send for a catalogue.
My large capital, together with my long experi
ence in the business, and consequent familiarity
with all its details, gives me an almost incalcula
ble advantage over all other parties. All I ask is
a trial. Send me an order, and you will be convin
ced that there is no exaggeration. Do not forget
to send for a catalogue. Persons visiting the city,
are requested to call and examine for themselves
G. G. EVANS. Head Quarters.
4"9 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
Branch Store, 45 Cornhill, Boston, Mass.
M V Httlnt ion h.K linrn onTlml fri L-f4tni,.A.i. --dO
r attention has been called to statements
ugh the publie journals, by a New V--"
i, which are calculated to deceirr , 7- even
Sto c,
presume to advertise themselves as,'0
was hrst sue
y honarablw
vi me uui jm'uh. iLHierprise. 'av s-ir
cessfully established, ami
I'nni-prn K J
conducted by myself. JeOIdest in the blTJX
claiming thoii.rlves.it nt r.- i,r . 'le-
. - o -- - ii iui ir iirst m
eas of
; X , ' ' vullur nocii to commenca
with, and-ais is -The fifth year nfth;Ji
ment. Jork," is also ftnse 7 " f their Iocatl
en thought, on acconnt f n,
inectcd with this
uth this New York Gift "stop. k -j
J. Origin., EnVe'r'preTbuU
I wish ,t distinctly understol AlVi
was a branch
not so, and
tly understood, that r
' concerns are conducted
And holding
Book Enterprise in the United M ? 1 -e Uift
tablished it and brouh t it tl llShAla.S es-
ia bought it to its present hiifv
stant labor, unwearied ppSioT
Jnd.turo of money, I deem ?t mt w '
.0 and myself Jeinn .L' dB'
onion, oy constant ;
ana large exper
fir In tliA nnki:.
tended -originators." w . " ;?.s .these Pre-
.P? ?J? b PfP. I weld here IX 1 7& J
l,Je partic-s have h .r 5.
authority or permission t .i. without:
dely known BMw. ' "rgest and ao
lam B'-;:"17 "?? the U nT-
ed in this P; ; lT"A ln s whiMT'
7" y'".' "oioniy have
to tfiem, but thv wfactinn
---j w-ivnjr ui,ri
onsincai jnoontrovorh-
can bo substantiated f 1 1 , 1 m thn .
r.,r persons, by
r -1
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