p 5 3 t 5-4 I i I I 11 x . : . i - A 1TEW VERSION OF AN OLD SONG. Illustrating the Growth of Public Sentiment. Aib : John Brown had a Little Injun." Old John Brown, he had a little nigger, Old John Brown, he had a little nigger, Old John Brown, he had a little nigger, One little nigger boy. Chorus, by several voices. District Attorney Ould One little, two little, Secretary Floyd Three little nigger, Messrs. Mason & Vallandingham Four lit tle, five little, Mr. Buchanan Six little nigger, Governor Wise Seven little, eight little, WashingtonConstitution Nine little nigger, 2s". Y. llerald Tea little nigger boys. Democratic Press throughout the Country . (in recitative) Ten thousand little nigger boys, all armed with pitchforks eighteen feet long, and commanded by twenty thousand Aboli tionists. Interval, in which the election is snppos- eu to have passed. Anthorities of Virginia Seven little, six little, five little nigger, Authorities at Washington Four little, three little, two little nigger, People of the Country (in accents of sur prise at the upshot of the whole) One little nigger bey !!!! She Did.vt Mean- That. The Neosho, Mo., Herald relates the following amusing incident of a Maying party: "Muggins the ubiqui tous Muggins attended a May day pic-nic this season. Being somewhat of a lady's man and good looking withal, it is not strange that Muggins should be found at the head and bot tom of all pic-nics, quiltings and social gath erings in his immediate neighborhood. Well, Muggins was in 'clover' the pic-nickers as sembled in a beautif ul grove, a short distance from town. What with dancing, singing and 'sparking,' the time passed off unnoticed, and the shades of evening were fast approaching. Some ten or fifteen girls and boys were enjoy ing themselves in the play of 'Seven King doms,' etc., and it was agreed to 'wind up' by kissing round, Muggins to begin the good work. Now it happened that Sue , a bright-eyed, rosy-cheeked lass, was standing at the extreme end of the row from where the kissing com menced, and getting impatient, not only to start for home, but also to receive her share of the 'busses,' she clapped her hands exclaim ing : -Boys, kiss the girls at both ends !' The boys yelled outright, the girls giggled, poor Sue blushed all over, saying 'she didn't mean that,' and Muggins hastened to our sanctum and confidently informed us of Sue's proposi tion. After explaining to the ignorant scamp that Sue meant to kiss them at each endaot the row, we ordered our devil to kick him out, and forbid him ever to enter our presence again, and the last we heard of him he was back of town a short distance, 'fishing and fighting,' and hunting turkevs." PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CAELS. Late European papers say : A large failure has taken place in Russia, where speculation of all kinds has lately been rife. The house is that of AlexiefT& Co., Moscow, and their lia bilities are said to amount to $3,000,000. So vast is the disaster, that the Russian govern ment is expected to interpose. It has teen brought about by speculation in sugar, indigo and other produce. The firm had a high re pute, and the principal partners inherited Irom their father $5,000,000. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The Raftsman's Joi-rsal is published on Wed nesday at $1.50 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning cf the year, S2.00 will be charged. Advertisements will be inserted at 51,00 per square of 12 lines for three or less insertions. For every additional insertion 25 cents will be charg ed. A deduction will be made to yearly adver tiser. No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. . 5. B. ROW. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Pres"t Judge lion. James Gamble, As'te.Judges Hon. Win. L. Moore. Hon.Bcnj'n. Bonsall, Sheriff. . . . Fred'k . Miller, . Prothonotary, Jas. T. Leonard, . . Keg. A Rec. . James Wrigley, . . Treasurer. . . John Mcl'herson. . . District Att'y. Robert J. Wallace, . Co. Surveyor. John L. Cuttle, . . Corninisa'n'rs, John Irwin. Sr. George Earhard. . . William McCracken, Peter Hoover, . . Aaron C. Tate, . . Isaac W. Graham, . George Richards, . . Auditors. Coroner. Jersey Shore. Clearfield Luthersburg. Clearfield Clearfield. NewMillport. Lumber City. Curwensville. Clearfield. Clearfield. Arrival and Departure of Mails at Clearfield. ARRIVES. Eastern, daily, Sundays excepted, at 7 P.M. Western. " " " " 8 P.M. Smith's Mills, Saturdays, 5 P.M. Sinnamahoning.Wednesd. & Saturd. 8 P.M. Karthaus, Saturdays, 6 P.M. Kylertown, Mondays & Thursdays, 12 M. DEPART. Eastern, daily, Sundays excepted, at 4 A.M. Western, " " " 4 A.M. Smith's Mills, Fridays, 7 A.M. Sinnamahoning, Tuesdays& Fridays, G A.M. Karthans, Thursdays, 8 A.M. Kylertown, Mondays & Thursdays 1 P.M. The Mails will close at 9 o'clock, P. M. N. B. Business men, of town and vicinity, will please preserve this for future reference. C. D. Watson, Post Master. Mail arrives at Curwensville from Indiana, via Newman's Mills, Burnside, New Washington, Chest, Bower and Grampianllills. Tuesday and Fridays at ll- A. M., and de parts same days at 1 P. M. Mail leaves Curwensville for Marron, via New Millport and Lumler City, every Satur day at 6 A. M.. and returns same day at 8 p.m LIST OF POST OFFICES. Townships. Name, of P.O. Names of P.M Ueccaria, - - Glen Hope, Bell, - - - Bower, - - . .... Chest, - - . ... Cush, ... . . '. . Oetend. - - -Boggs, - - Clearfield Bridge. Bradford - Woodland, - -BT.djr - Luthersburg, -Vit . . - Troutville. f Jefferson Line, - Burnside, - NewWasbington$ El a til Rakestraw Mary Elder - Thos.A. M'Gbcc, - J. B. Sunderland - Lewis Smith. - P. B. Miller. - Edw'd. Williams - A L. Sehnell. - Jacob Kuntz. - John Hoover. J. M. Cummings. -'Jas McMurray. - Cbaa. I. Watson. - F. Coudriet. - J. F.W. Schnarr - Samuel Way. Burnside, Clearfield, - Clearfield, - -Covington, - Frenchville, " - Karthaus. - - Curwensville Curwensville, - Decatur, - Philipsburg, Centre county. Pa Ferguson. - Marron. - - - - Edm. Williams Fox, - - - - Heilen Post Office, Elk county, Pa. Girard. - - - Leconte's Mills, - C. Mignot. '- ... Bald Hills, - - - William Carr. Goshen, - - Shawsville, - - - A. B. Shaw Graham, - - Orahamton,- -Huston, - - Tyler, . - - " Pennfield, - - Jordan, - - Ansonville, - -Karthaus. - Salt Lick. - -Knox. ... New Millport, -Lawrence, - Breckenridge, -Moiris, - - - Kylertown, - - ft. ... Morrisdale. - - n, - - - Lumber City.t - .... Grampian Hills. Pike, X-Curwensville, -." Bloomingville, - Union, - - Rockton, - - -Woodward, Jeffries, - - - . .... Smith's Mills. - 4 This Post Office will do for Cheat township f Will answer fer Frgun township". - Jas. B. Graham. - David Tyler. - II. Woo (ward - Eliza Chase. - Geo. Heckadorn - D. E. Mokel. - J W.Thompson. - Jas. Thompson - Jas. McClelland. - W W.Wright. - Jon'a. Evans, - Samuel Way. - Michael Wise. - Wm. F.Johnson. - Thos Henderson J. A. Hegarty C. PURVIANCE, Ambrotypist. corner of 2nd . and Cherry streets, Clearfield, Pa. Aug3'59. H B. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Indiana. Pa. . Professional business promptly attended to. R. B. F. AKELY, Grahamton, Clearfield coun ty, i'enn a. April 1. D O. CROUCH, Phvsicias, Curwensville, Clear . fiefd county, Tenn'a. May 14. DR. II. R. BRYANT, Luthersburg, Ta., tenders his professional services to the public in gen eral. Luthersburg, October 13, ISo'J, I J. CRANS. Attorney at Law and Real Estate J. Agent. Clearfield, Pa. Office adjoining his lesidence. on Second street. May 16. TT7ILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa. Office, one door north of the Pot Office, on Second street. Sept. I. ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. (and District Attorney.) Clearfield, Pa. Office in Shaw's new row, Market street. May 23. HBUCHER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law,CIcar , field. .Pa. Offict in Graham's Row. one door east of the 'Raftsman's Journal' office. Nov 10. 1T1RANK SHORT. Root and Shoe-maker. Shop. on Second street, (nearly opposite Reed and Weaver's Store,) Clearfield, Pa. May 4, 1853. MA. FRANK, Justice of the Peace. Market st., . Clearfield, Pa. Business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Collections made and money remitted Apr27 o9. GEORGE W. RHEEM. Dealer in Drugs, Medi cines. Stationary and Fancy articles. Room formerly occupied by Lorain, on Market Street, Clearfield. Sell cheap, for cash Apr20. "I VTILLIAM F. IRWIN, Market street, Clearfield. Pa.. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise. Hardware, Queeusware, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. TOHN Gl'EI.ICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of J Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, Cabinet Maker, Market street. Clearfield, Pa. He will also attend fu nerals with a hearse, when called on ; and make coffins to order, on short notice. Nov. 10. DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional services to the citizeus of Morris and adjoin ing townships. Residence with J. D. Denning in Kylertown, Clearfield county. May 11, 1SoV. 4 B. SHAW. Shawsville. Clearfield county. Pa., Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, tjueensware. Ac, sells cheap for Cash, or exchan ges for Lumber or approved country produce. HF. NAUGLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac. Room in Shaw's new row, Market street, opposite the lla ('to man's Journal office, Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 10. JB M ENALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield, . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining the residence of James" B. Graham. Nov. 10. 1)LACKSMIT1IING.-Shur.kweiler A Orr. thank y ful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of a share of public patronage in their line of business. Shop on Third St. Nov. 10. RICHARD M05SOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do- mestic Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour. Bacon," Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west of Journal Office, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. 1 L. BARRETT, Notary Public. Clearfield. Pa., )m Will attend to collections and remit prompt ly. Office on 2d Street, with Dr. M. Woods, oppo site Merrell A Bigler's Tinware store. june22'j9. -1I7M. FEATH, Jusfice of the Peace, New Wash- ington, Clearfield county, Pa. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to, and all instruments of writing done on short no tice. New Washington. June 1, 1339-Grup. IARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law.CIear field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6, ljo. JAS. H. LAKlllMEIt. ISRAEL TEST. 11IOMAS J. M CULLOl'GH. Attornev at Law, Clearfield, Pa., may be found at hi office on Market street, one door west of Richard Mossop's store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar ed with promptness and accuracy. Feb. 13. JOHN RUSSEL A CO.. Tanners and Curriers, Pennville, Clearfield Co ,.Pa. Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest caih prices. Hides of all kinds taken in exchange Julyl.i-54. T TOHN HL IDEKOPER, Civil Engineer and Land ) Surveyor, offers his professional services to the citizens of Clearfield county. All business en trusted to him will be promptly and faithfully ex scuted. Office, with Col. J. L. Cuttle, on Market street, Clearfield, Pa. September 21, 1309. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Dealer in Sawed Lumber, Squared Timber, Shingles, Boards, Ac, Grr hainton. Clearfield county. Pa., is prepared to fill, on theshortest notice, all orders for articles in his line of business, on as reasonable terms as they can be procured in the'eounty. Jan23-'56-tf. DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite the office f L. J. Crans, Esq. Office, the same that was recent ly occupied by Hon. G R Barrett, where he can be found unless absccton professional business. ENTAL CARD. A. M. SMITH, offers his pro fessional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being familiar with all the late improvements he is pre pared to make artificial teeth in the best manner. Office iu Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15. "VTOUR TEETH ! DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to JL announce to his friends and patrons, that he is now devoting all of his time to operations inDen tistry. Those desiring hisservices will find him at his office, adjoining his residence, at nearly all times, and always on Fridays and Saturdays, un less notified otherwise in the town papers the week before. All work warranted to be satisfactory. BOOT A SHOE MAKING. The undersigned hav ing entared into partnership in the above bu siness, at the end of the new bridge, li miles a bove Clearfield borough, are prepared to do all kinds of work in their line on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. JOHN S. HOVT, A.'G. HOYT. N. B. All kinds of country produce and hides taken in exchange for work. Juce 23. 1858 1359 .rjbtfew 1859' I XV MERCHANT AND EXTENSIVE DEALER IN SQUARE TIMBER, .r BOARDS. SIITVilT.'K ,KT. x- c x I liV nv V? A If r lW 1 3 Octl3 a well supplied co11' """id i - -u,ius 1859. RANKING AND COLLECTION OFFICE LEONARD, FINNEY" & CO., CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts Diseounted. Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con stantly on hand. Office, on Market St., opposite the residence of Jas. B. Graham, Esq. Aprl3. james t. leopard. ::::::;:: d. A. rissEr. wm a. Wallace. :::::::::: a. c. fisset. UNIVERSAL FEED CUTTER a new and excellent machine, for sale by Auj. ai. MERRELL BIGLER, Clearfield. BUY THE WAMSUTTA PRISTS Thay are the Best Calicoes yet offered to the Pub lic for the money. Wholesale Agents, DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG A CO., April 20, 1859-6ni. New York. TTEvV GOODS! NEW GOODS!! FIRST 11 ARRIVAL !! Just received at the "corner store" ef Wm. Irvin, in Curwensville, a very large and well selected stock of Fall and Winter Goods, comprising everything adapted to the wants of the people. Pleare call and examine the goods and prices. September 21, 1S59. F OR SALE OR RENT A VALUABLE TAVERN STAND AND FARM of 85 acres of Land, 65 of which are cleared and under culti vation, situate on Clearfield Creek, on the main road leading from Clearfield town to Clearfeld Bridge, in Clearfield county. Pa., and three miles from the former place. The house is large, new. well calculated for a Tavern, and will command nearly all the custom of the watermen during the freshets, which usually last from four to six weeks. There are also a good Barn. Wood Shed, Wash and Bake House, and various other buildings necessa ry for convenience and comfort. The terms of sale will be made easy sny four annual payments. For further information inquire of L. J. Crans, Esq., Dr. A. T. Schryver, James II. Larimer, Esq.. Clearfield, or L. W. Weld, Gkn Hope, Clearfield county, Pa. Possession cau be given so that the buyer or rentor can have the benefit of the spring business, which alone will amount to more than double the rent A, T. SCHRYVER. Clearfield, Pa., January 5, 1359-tf. HIGHLY 1 31 PORT ANT IN FOR MA Til) N . N e ,v S print? Good L. A W. REIZENSTEIN, comer of Main and Jov streets, opposite William Barker's "Mansion House," LOCK HAVEN, PENN'A. " The undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield county, especially Lumbermen coining to Lock Haven, that they have just received their Spring goods, comprising a tremendous stock of fashionable and seasonable READY-MADE CLOTHING. ALSO FURN ISHING GOODS HATS AND CAPS BOOTS A SHOES. TRUNKS, VALISES. AC, which can"t be found in any town this side of the qity : all of which, they are determined to sell at so slight an advance on city cost, and at such a great reduction from the usual prices, as to aston ish even the closest buyer. The goods are all new and, fashionnble and have been selected with the greatest care and will be warranted in point of durability. Remember the place! L. A W REIZENSTEIN, Opposite Win. Barker's "Mansion House." Lock Haven, Pa., March 16, 185!)-3m. KEEP UP THE EXCITEMENT. Re movals always cause excitement, and since the great excitement about the removal of the Court House has subsided, the community gener ally have become somewhat excited upon heiiring that Charly Watson has determined to pull up stakes and remove to Virginia. But the latest cause of excitement is the fact that I have icmov ed my Saddler Shop from my old stand opposite the Court House to my new shop on Market street, nearly opposite the jail, where all who may favor me with a call can be supplied with .SWn, Sitf irc Harness. Donhte Harness, Tns? Harness. JJri dles. Collars. Whips, Halters. Housings, lireeeli lianUs. iilr Ftrap. and in fact every article in the line of Saddling and Harness making. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed I solicit a continuance of the same and a call from as manv new customers as can make it suit. Aug. 29, '53. GEORGE W. RHEEM. P. S. My being connected with the Drug busi ness will not interfere with my shop, for I have the Drug Store attended to by cartful hands ami intend devoting my time exclusively to my regu larg business. G. W. R. SAY IT BOLDLY", thatyourGolden Salve J. saved my life! I was brought to the brink of the grave by a broken breast; I gave up all hopes of getting well ; it cased the pain in 1 hour and seven boxes cured me; I could nurse my child in one week. Afr. .. lirunnen, Yu. 7 High Street. Ttirrl, ISIassari it setts. IT CAN'T BE RUBBED OUT It Can't le. Rubbed Out It Can t be Rubbed Out THAT WHITTEN S GOLDEN SALVE THAT WHITTEN S GOLDEN SALVE Has saved life in I,oirell Has saved li ft in Lou-ell J las s:i ved I " 1 n Lo n-rll Hjs so red . ife in lo well AND IS DOING A GREAT WORK AND IS DOING A GREAT WORK By completely curing Piles, Rheumatism. Cuts Bruises, Sprains, Old Sores. Scrofulous Humors, Erysipelas. Pimples on the Face, Corns and Chil blains, S;re Nipples. Broken Breasts. Burns and Scalds, Spinal Difficulty, Felons, Warts, dialings. Cancerous Sores, Ringworms, Salt Rheum, Sore Lips. Frost-bitten limbs, Chafed Infants, Chapped Hands. Boils, Scratches on Horses, Sore Teats on Cows, Ac; and is adapted for every kind of sore or humor that afflicts humanity All laborers, and those who are the most subject to accidents, should supply themselves with tho Golden Salve. It arts imthout pain. heals rapidly, and eases pain almost instantly. It contains no poison, and has no offensive odor. The Golden Sal ve has, by its complete success in curing the various external diseases, secured a lasting reputation commensu rate to its worth. Physicians use it extensively, and testify to its superior value in checking in flamatory action, and to its healing power. Gen tlemen of the Press, the Pulpit and the Bar. the high and the low, the rich and the poor, testify to the matchle-' efficacy of the Golden Salve. Manufactured solely by O. P. WH ITT EN. 35 and 37 East Merrimack street, Lowell. Mass. 25 cents per box. G. W. Rhecm. Clearfield; Jacob Koons, Troutville; Howard Merrell, Bradford ; Edward Williams. Woodland; Ellis Irwin A Sons, Lick Run; A.B Shaw.Shawsville ; P. A.Gaulin, French vilic; Thos. G. Snyder, Kylertown ; Henry Swan, Ansonville; J. L. Allison, New Washington ; and by M. A. FRANK, General Agent. Clearfield, who will supply all country merchants on liberal terms. Lowell. Mass.. August 17, 1859. A LARGE LOT of new Prints. Delaines, Plaids, Ac. Also a fine selection of Cashmeres, Eng lish and French Merinos, and nil styles of Ladies' dress goods, at tho "corner store" of Win. Irvin, in Curwensville. September 21. 4 LARGE LOT of Nails.Glass. Paints, Oils, Bur-J.- ning Fluid, Turpentine, Alcohol, Ac. very low by the quantity, at the "corner store" of Curwensville. September 24. WM. IRVIN. A FINE LOT of Buffalo Robes of different sizes and prices, for sale at the cheap corner store of Wm. Irvin, Curwensville. September 21. AVERY LARGE Stock of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, are now offered for sale low by Wm. Irvin, Curwensville. Sept. 24. HENRY DISTON'S Mill and X-eut Saws, and Loveland A Mann's superior chopping Axes, at Wm. Irvin's, in Curwensville. Sept. 24. HIDES taken at the highest price in exchange for goods by Wm. Irvin. at the "cheap cor ner" in Curwensville. September 24. INTER Bonnets, Shawls, Mantillas, Cloaks, Ac. a large assortment at the "corner store" in Curwensville. September!. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, an assortment, at tho "cheap corner store" of Wm. Irvin, in Curwensville. September 24. OOKING AND PARLOR STOVES, for sahTat the. "cheap corner store" of Wm. Irvin, in Curwensville. September 24. HEAVY draught Hames, also a few sets of sin gle hames, for sale low by Wm. Irin. in Curwensville. September 24. IFLES AND SHOT GUNS, an assortment, for sale by in. Irvin, Curwensville. kept. 24. It W AGGON AND BUGGIES, for sale cheap, by n m. Irvin. Curwensville. Sept 21 SKELETON SKIRTS, all sizes and prices, for sale by Wm. Irvin, Curwensville Sept. 24. GRIND STONES with fixtures, for sale by Wm Irvin, Curwensville. Sentemher 24. s HOE FINDINGS, Last, Pegs, Ac, at the store vi ui. irvin, curwensville. Sept. 24. - SPANISH SOLE LEATHER, for sale low by Wm. Irvin. Cnrwensville. September 24. MEAT CUTTERS for tale at the corner store of September 21. , WM. IRVIN. NEW GOODS VERY CHEAP, just re ceived and for sale low at the "cheapest cor ner," Curwensville, by JOHN PATTON. G" LO RIO US NEWS! NATIONAL EX CHANGE The subscriber having taken the above well known stand, in Curwensville, Ta., is ready to accommodate all who may favor him with their patronage. His table will always be supplied with the best the market can afford, and his Bar with the choicest liquors. His stable will be under the care of attentive hostlers. April 8, 185S. DAAI SMITH. Y?T rASn I NG TON IIOUeTm I DD LETO WN, f T Dauphin County. Pa. The undersigned, having become proprietor of the above Hotel, re cently kept by Mrs. C. Griffee, solicits a continu ance of the custom which has heretofore been so liberally extended to the house, especially by the citizens of Clearfield county, trusting that he will be able to render satisfaction to all who may fa vor with a call, by strict attention to the wants and comfort of his guests. L R. DEEG. Middletown. Pa , March "0. 1339-;!in. PUBLIC HOUSE The undersigned res pectfully announces to the traveling public in general that he now occupies the Tavern house i mile east of S. Bander's old stand, in Covington township, where he is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom His house is commodious and well adapted to the en tertainment of travelers, and his table will always be provided with the best that tho market can af ford. His stable is also convenient and good. March 9, 1S59. BENJAMIN SNIDER. SU S Q U E II A N N A HOUSE, Curirru-sville, Clearfield County, Penn'a. The subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Hotel, Philipsburg, having taken the aoove house, situate in the east end of the Borough ot Curwensville. on the bank of the Susquehanna River, would res pectfully announce to the travelling public, that he is fully prepared to accommodate strangers and all others who may favor hhu with a cail. The house is new, well furnished, large and com modious, and travellers will find every convenience necessary t their comfort. Ample stabling is at tached to the premises DAVID JOHNSTON. Curwensville, February 17. 1S5S. FLEMING HOTEL, (FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE GOOD INTENT.) CUR WENS 1LLE, Clearfield County, Pa. The subscriber begs leave to inform his old customers and the public gene rally that he has recently taken the above well known stand, and that he has entirely refitted and refurnished it in a style adapted to the age. and the wants of the entire travelling community. HIS TABLE will always be provrded with every luxury the markets and surrounding country will afford. HIS BAR will be supplied with the choi cest wines and liquors. HIS STABLES, which are the best and most commodious on the road within a day's travel, will always be in charge of careful ami attentive hostlers In short, e'very department of his establishment will be supplied with all the comforts and conveniences the weary traveller could desire. WM. A. MASON. Curwensville, June 2, 1S5S. CLEARFIELD HOUSE, CORNER OF FIRST AND MARKET STREETS. CLE.fR FIED, PA. The undersigned would respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public in general, that he has taken the above house, (for merly known as tho Hemphill Hotel .) and that the house has been recently refitted, improved and newly furnished ; that extensive stabling has just been-completed ; and that he is pre pared to accommodate all who may give him a call in the most pleasing and agreeable manner. He is amply provided with everything to render his house a desirable stopping plate, and will endeavor to entertain bis guests iu a manner that cannot fail to give the fullest satisfaction. The house is situated in a pleasant and quiet part of the town, and no expense or attention will be spa red to mako it one of the best houses in the county. A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. IHs bar will be supplied w ith an assortment of choice liquo s. Ijuue2-'5S H. I LAYS MORROW. IOOK HERE ! LOO K II ERE '.'.The un -i dersigned take this method of informing the public generally that they have entered into co partnership in the Blacksmithing business, and can be found at the shop formerly occupied by Ja cob Shunkweiler, on Third street, in the borough of Clearfield, where they will be pleased to sec their old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient, to give them a call. Bring on your hoes, your spades, and picks, Your log chains and your pulling sticks. Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse and marc, No three-year old. shall then go bare. Your spears we'll work up then just right. To pruning hooks for every bight. Your swords too. shall then be wrought To plough-shares such as Cain ne'er bought. J. SHUNKWEILER, Dec f; 1353. GEORGE W. ORR. HALLOA! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to his friends and the public generally, that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es tablishment in "New Salem City." Brady town ship, where he will at all times be prepared to manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds of Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows Ac The best ma terial that can be procured will be used, and his work will be made in the most substantial and du rable manner, such as will bear the test of strict examination. By a close observance of his busi ness engagements, and by disposing of his work on the most reasonable terms, which he will do for either cash or approved country produce, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub lic custom BENJ. RISIIEL. New Salem Cify, Jan. 16, 1S5(5. GIFTS RARE AND BEAUTIFUL GIV en Indiscriminately without monei to all persons ordering hooks from C LAltlC IS Great GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, Number 805 Spring Garden Street, Philailelphia. This establishment is conducted on a scale of unsurpassed magnificence and liberality, as thou sands can testify, and universally acknowledged to be the most liberal and punctual Gift Enter prise in the United States. My New and Classified Catalogue of Books, a pamphlet of 48 large pages, contains a full list of Histories, Biographies, Travels, Adventures, Sto ries, A necdotes,Tales, Narratives, Romances. Sports and Pastimes. Also, Religious, Biblical, Theolo gical, Classical. Philosophical, Geographical, Bo tanical and Agricultural Works, Dictionaries. Lex icons, Albums, Annuals and Presentation Books. Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, in every style of Binding, together with all the newest work of the day, all of which arc handsomely bound and guar antred perfect in every respect. The schedule of Gifts I present, (as will be seen by reference to my catalogue.) is the most extensive, as it is also the most superior, elegant and magnificent ever offer ed by any similar establishment in the Union one of which Gifts will accompany each book at the time of sale. J2TA Fine Gold Watch ac companies every order of one hundred books or dered at one time from my Catalogue.,, TESTIMONIALS. As an evidence of tue truth of w hat has been asserted, I append the names of a few gentlemen of high standing, whose veracity cannot be questioned, who have purchased or or dered books from me and received Gold Watches, namely : Wm. Zimmerman, Esq., Middletown, Pa; John 1). Skiles, Wholesale Grocer, Lancaster, Pa; Hon. G. G. Walker, Representative from Somerset county, in the Penn'a Legislature; Walter G.E vans. Notary Public, Lancaster city, Pa. ; Jacob Martin, Esq.. Rochester. N. Y.; Hiram Fisk, Esq Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. Geo Lenhart, Harrisburg, Pa.; Mr. J. L. Fears, Boar Creek, Henry county! Georgia; Mr. Thomas Smead, Bedford. Pa : and Julia Crosby, 927 Lawrence street. Philadelphia, who received a splendid Sill- dress pattern, worth S15- r- AV- CLARK, No. SOo Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. Agents AVanted in every Town and Village in the United States. My terms to Agents are such as to afford them a liberal remuneration for their trouble. Full particulars may bo had hy address ing me as above. r Catalogues sent free to any address. Philadelphia. July 20. !S59-3m. TXCELSIOR MARBLE YARD. Jk-A The undersigned hereby announ ces to the citizens ot Clearfield county, that ho is still engaged, at his old stand in TYRONE CITY, in erecting MOXUJHNTS aiul VOX TOMBS. Also Head and Foot Stones of the latest and most approved styles, and on the most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN. Aug. 25, 1858.-dec2V57. Tyron City. IF Y OU WANT SUPERFINE GOTO IF you want good Extra Flour, go to IF you want Extra Family Flour, go to IF you want good smoked Hams, go to IF you want Sides or Shoulders, go to IF you want excellent Dried Beef, go to IF you want good Brown Sugar, go to IF you want superiorWhiteSugar,goto IF you want the best Rio Coffee, go to IF you want Extract of Coffee, go to IF you want good Imperial Tea, goto IF you want good Black Tea, go to IF you want good Young Hyson goto IF you want coarse or tine Salt, go to IF you want excellent Rice, go to IF you want fresh ground Spices, go to IF you want superior Candies, go to IF you want Adamantine Candles, goto IF you want good Tallow Candles, goto IF you waut good fresh Mackerel, go to IF you want good fresh Herring, go to IF you want superior White Fish, go to IF you want Molasses, all kinds, go to IF you want fine Dried Peaches, go to IF 3"ou want fine Dried Apples, go to IF you want Oranges and Lemons, go to IF you want Nails ana Spikes, go to IF you want Hardware of allkiuds.goto IF you want a good Grass Scythe, go to I F you want a good Hay Fork, go to IF you want a good Manure Fork, go to IF you want good Garden Spades, go to IF you want Willow Baskets, go to IF you waut a good Buggy Whip, go to IF j-ou want Tobacco and Cigars, go to IF you want Fancy Wall Paper, 50 to IF you want ManillaA hemp cords, go to IF you want Palm or Fancy Soap, go to IF 3"ou want Shoii Lasts and Pegs, go to IF you want good Saw-mill Saws, go to IF you want Powder, Lead A Shot. go to IF you want good Shoe Blacking, go to IF you want good Stove Blacking, go to IF you want superior BlacK Ink, go to IF you want a Smoothing Iron, go to IP' you want good brown Muslin, go to IF you want good White Musiin. go to IF you want goodcoloredMuslins.goto IF you want silk Handkerchiefs, go to IF you want cotton llandkerchlcfs.goto IF you want Linen Table cloths, go to IF you want cotton Table cloths, go to IF you want UmbrellasA Parasols, go to IF you want a superior Clock, go to . IF you want Fancy Carpet Sacks, go to IF you want Table Oil Cloths, o to IF you want good Floor Oil CI th, go to IF you want new School Books, go to IF you want a good Undeishirt, go to IF you want fashionable Coats, go to IF you want fashionable Pants, go to IF you want fashionable Neck ties. goto IF you want fashionable Vests, go to IK you want fashionable Hats, go to IF you want fashionable Hand'ks. goto IF you want fashionable Boots, go to IF you want fashionable Shoes, go to IF j'ou want Boys' Coats A Pants, go to IF you want Children's Shoes, go to IF you want fashionable Bonnets, goto IF you want Calicoes, new styles, go to IF you want new fancy DcLaines. go to IF you want good French Chintz, go to IF you want French Ginghams, go to IF you want Domestic Ginghams, go to IF you waut first rate Alpacas, go to IF you want old Mnnongahefa. go to IF you want Port Wine, superior, go to IF you want " for Medical use. go to IF you want' ' Sacramental use.go to IF you want good Cherry Brandy goto IF you want good Sweet Wine, go to IF you want Fancy Cassimeres, go to IF you want Black Cassimeres. go to IF 3-011 want plain A fancy Tweeds, goto IF you want superior Cassintts. co to IF you want superior Sattinets, go to IF you want ground White Lead, go to IF 3-ou want line ground Zinc, go to IF 30U want Pure Flax-seed Oil, go to IF j-ou want any other articles, go to IF you want to buy cheap for cash, go to Clearfield, Pa., April 27, 1859. FLOUR Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossof's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mos sop's Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop'r. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mms sop's. Mos sop's. Mossop's. .Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. ?Jossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Msop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. F OR TINWARE OF ALL KINDS GO TO For Japaned-Ware, For Brittania-Ware, For Hard-Ware, For Hollow-Ware, MERRELL A BIGLER'S. go to .Merrell A Biollr's. go toMeitRELL A Bujlkk's. go to Meurcll A Biglek's. go to Mr.ititELL A Bioler's. JAPANXtD WARE. For fancy waiters, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For fancy deed boxes, go to Merrkll A Bigler's. For good dust pans. goto Merrell A Bigler's. For neatinolassescups.gotoMtKRELL A Bigler's. For good foot tubs, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior lanthorns.go to Merrell A Bigler's. For water coolers. go to Merrell A Bigler's. For chamber buckets, go to Mep.reli. A Bigler's. STOVES, STOVK riXTl HKS, AC. For stoves of all kinds. go toMEURCLL A Bigler's. For farmers' boilers, go to M f.k iiell A Bi.jleu's. For good stove-pipe, go to Merkell A Bigler's. For summer furnaces, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For large iron kettles, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For co flee roasters, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For stove brushes, goto Merrell A Bigler's. For German blacklead.go to Merhe: l A Bigler's. For stove collars. goto Merrell A Bigler's. For Rafting stoves, go to Merrell A Bigler's. miscellaneous articles. For superior coal oil, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For fancy coal oil lamps, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For old dominion coffee-pots to Merrell A Bigler's. For fauc3' gas chaudaliers.go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good dinner bells, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good grain cradles, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior ploughs, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For side hill ploughs. go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good road scrapers, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior sand screens, go to Merrel A Bigler's. For good platform scales, goto Merrell A Bigler's. For good counter scales, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior hay scales, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For patent milk pans, goto Merrell A Bigler's. For good clover hullers, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For fancy lamp shades, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good spelter and zinc, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior fruit cans, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good house-spouting, go to Merrell A Bigler's. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS. For bar iron of all Kinds, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior cast steel, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good nailsand spikes, go to Merrell A Bigler's For good English steel, go to Merrell A Bigler's For nest smoothing irons, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good spring steel, go to Merrell A Bigler's For superior door locks, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For American blistertieol. go to Merrell A Bigler's. For iron axles and files, goto Merrell A Bigler's. For superior pump chaius.go to Merrell A Bigler's For all puni,. fixtures. go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good buggy springs, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For butts and hinges. Ac go to Merrell A Bigler's lor superior brass Kettles, go to Merrell A Bigler's For good mastin kettles, go to Merrell A Bigler's' ua.voi wume irons, go 10 Merrell & uigier s. ror goou sausage cutters, go toNerrell A Bigler's I- or good sausage stuffers, go to Merrell ir Bigler's. ror superior coffee mills. tnMrrp(.li .t- Ui-i..-. For superior porch feet. ro Mern.ti Biin- a For shovel plough wing?, go to Merrell A Higler'a. r or good horse shoe nails, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior hotel lamps, go to Merrell A Bidder's For barn door hinges, go to Merrell A Bigler's I or superior gate hinges, go to Merrell A Bigler's lor superior jack chains, go to Merrell A Bi'ler's lor long handled shovels, go to Merrell A Bigler's I or spades and hay forks, go to Merrell A Ei-'ler's For hoes and iron rakes, goto Merrell A Biler's For ferrels of all sizes, go to Merrell A BMer's for superior brass cocks, gotoMerreilA Bigler's I or Brass cand le sticks, go to Merrell A Bigler's lor brass snuffers locks, go to Merrell A Bigler's For superior lard lamps, go to Merrell A Bi 'ierY l or good lemon squeezers.go toMerroll A Bigler's. lor good cork screws. go to Merrell A Bigler lor egg codlers k beaters, go to Merrell A Bigler's. ior good bread toasters, go to Merrell A Bigler's lor superior flesh forks, goto Merrell & Bi rier a tor good basting spoons, goto Merrell A Bigler's. or good twine boxes, go to Merrell A Bigler's. tor neat spring balances, go to Merrell A Bigler's. or good corn grinders, go to Merrell A Bigler's. or good corn spellers, go to Merrell A Bigler's. tor patent s,aw gumcrs, go to Merrell A Bigler's or superior castors, go to Merrell A Bigier a. Country produce, old metal, brass and copper taken in exchange. Clearfield, June 8, lS5tf. TjOR SALE. A Saw-mill and about 125acrei -- of land for sale. Priee. 1000. For descrip tion, Ac., apply t L. J. CRANS, Je8:lfcrt. eirfU. pLOTIIIXG!!-CnEAP CLOTTil.XG p. The Largest, Cheapest and Beat lot of ' MENS AXD BOYS CLOTHlXQ ever brought to this coantv. has just been on.ri and now for sale at RICHARD MOSSOP'S October 19, 1S59. Clearfield,? BARBER AND HAIR DRES.SEU.t undersigned takes this method to annonn-! to the citizens of Clearfield and the surroand'r! country, that he has opened a Barber Shop V5 Market street, in Shaw's new row.where hei e 'p pared to accommodate all who may givj call, and hopes to receive a liberal patronage Oct. 6, 1853. JEREMIAH N0RKI TJOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS & SHOES. A large assortment or Men g and Boyi' BOOTS AXD SHOES. just received and now for sale at the the very low est prices. Also, a large lot of gyoJ women'i Boots at ONE DOLLAR a pair at ' RICHARD MOSSOP'S October 19. lSi'J. Clearfield, P. FpIIE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE The Tri- A bune now more than eighteen years old. and having over Two Hundred Ttiousand subjcnltrj or constant purchasers, diffused through every f?tate and Territory of our Lnion will continue in essence what it has been the earnest champion of Liberty, Progress, and whatever will coi,dU; toour national growth in Virtue, Industry, Knowl. edge, and Prosperity. It will continue to nrgo the emancipation not only of the Black laborer from chattleism and legal impotence, but of the White likewise from Land Monopoly! Intemper ance, Ignorance, and that dependence on remot Markets which paralyzes exertion by denying to Toil any adequate and morally certain reward. Believing that the chief evil of ouj time is the in ordinate multiplication and disproportion of Sot Producers, it will continue to war against wLatitr er tends to degrade Manuel Labor or deprive it of its jut and full recompense. It will itfleii!)! commend the policy of winning hither from Eu rope the Useful Arts, and, wherever they may te needed, the Artisans as well, for whose product our country is now running recklessly into del;, while our laborers roam in fruitless quest of em ployment, leaving their children in want of bread, though the farmer is too often compelled to afn hiscropsat most inadequate prices In suort.while battling against Fillibusterism and every other manifestation of that evil spirif which seeks thro' tLe spoliation cf other countries that aggraudixe ment w hich is to be truly attained only through the due development and cultivation of our inter nal resources, it will urgently advocate a more ef fectively discriminating Tarilf, the Freedom of ti. Public Lands, the construction of a Ruilroad from the navigable waters of the Mississippi to those f the Pacific, and every other measure which seems to us calculated to enhance the dignity or the recompense of Labor and priinou the well-being of Mankind. 'J he -irrepressible conflict"' between D&rkaei and Light, Inertia and Progress. Slavery an lFree dom. moves steadily ou ward. Isolated'acts of fol ly and madness may for the moment givo a aeers ing advantage to Wrong; but God still reigns. und the Ages are true to Humanity and Right. The year 15C0 must witness a memorable conflict be tween these irreconcilable antagonists. The ques tion -hall Human Slavery be further strength ened and diffused by the power and under the flK of the Federal Union V is now to receive a mo mentous if not conclusive answer. Land for tho Landless, versus Negroes for the Negroicss"' is the battle-cry of the embodied Millions who, having just swept Pennsylvania. Ohio and the North-west, appear in the new Congress, backet! by nearly ev ery Free State, to demand a recognition of every man's right to cultivate and improve a modicum of the earth's surface wherever he has not been anticipated by the State'scession to another. Free Homes, and the consecration of the virgin soil vt the Territories to Free Labor two requirement, but one policy must largely absorb the attention of Congress through the ensuing session, as of th People iu the succeeding Presidential canvau; and. whatever the immediate issue, we canmt doubt that the ultimate verdict will be in accord at once with the dictates of impartial Philanthro py and the inalienable Rights of Man. Having made arrangements for fuller and more graphic reports of the doings of Congress, and of w hatever else transpiring at the Federal Metropo lis shall seem worthy of public regard, and hav ing extended both our Foreign and Domestic Cor respondence and strengthened cur Editorial staff, we believe The Tribune may safely challenge a comparison with any rival, whether as an expo nent of principles or as a reliable mirror of the passing world. We purpose not to be surpassed nor anticipated in the collection or presentation of intelligence, though we eschew that reputation for enterprise which is acquired by bribing mes sengers and clerks in public offices to connive at the premature publication of treaties or other of ficial documents. We prize accuracy of statement quite as highly as promptitude, but endeavor Dot to sacrifice thrj latter while securing the former. Essentially, The Tribune will be what it has been, while we shall constantly study to improve its ev ery feature, and -make each day a critic ou the last " The general verdict of the Press and the Public has affirmed the success of our pHst labors, and those of the future shall be by equal earnest ness and assiduity. We ask those who belie v the general influence of our journal to be saluta ry to aid us in extending that influence through an increase of our subscriptions. The JV ew-York Daily Tribune is printed on a large imperial sheet, and published every morn ing and evening (Sundays excepted.) It contains Editorials on the topics of the times, employing a largo corps of the best newspaper writers of tho day; Domestic and Foreign Correspondence ; Pro ceedings of Congress ; Reports of Lectures ; City News; Cattle, Horse. and Produce Markets ; Re views of Books : Literary Intelligence; Paperson Mechanics and the Arts. Ac , Ac. We strive to make The Tribune a newspaper to meet the want! of the public its Telegraphic news alono cost ing over Slo.Oflt) per annua. TERMS; The Daily Tribune is mailed to sub scribers at So a year, in advance; S3 for 6 montL. The, New-York Semi-Weekly Tribune is pub lished every Tuesday and Friday. ind contains all the Editorisls of the Daily. with the Cattle. Horse, and General Markets, reliably reported expressly for The Tribune; Foreign and Domestic Corres ponder.ee ; and during the sessions ot Congress it contains a summary of Congressional.doings.with the more important speeches. We shall, as here tofore, make The Semi-Weekly Tribune a Litera ry, as well as a political newspaper, and we are determined that it shall remain in the front rack of family papers. One copy, 1 year, S3 ; Two copies. 1 year. 55 ; Five copies, one year. 511 25 ; Ten copies, to one address, S-H 00. "Ten copies, or over, to a.iJrtss cf each subscriber, S2.20 each. Any person sending us a club of twenty, or over, will be entitled to an extra copy. For a club of fifty, we will send the -Daily Tribune', one year. The Semi-Weekly Tribune is sent to Clergymen at S"2 per annum. The New-York Weekly Tribune, a large eight page paper for the country, is published every Saturday, and contains editorials on the impor tant topics of the times, the news of the week, in teresting correspondence from all parts of the world ; the New-York Cattle, Horse, and Froduee Markets; interesting and reliable Political. Me chanical and Agricultural articles. Ac , Ac. We shall, during thisyear. as hitherto constant ly labor to improve the qualitv of the instructive entertainment afforded bv The Werlly Tribune. which, we intend, shall coctiuue to be the best Family Weekly Newspaper published in the World. We consider the CaHle Market Report alone richly worth to cattle raisers a year's sub scription price TERMS t One copy? 1 year, 52 ; Three copie. 1 year. 55 ; Five copies, iyr, $3 ; Ten copies, I year, S12. Twenty copies, to one address, $20, of any larger number. SI each. Twenty copies, t address of each subscriber, 524, and any larger number at SI. 20 each. Any person sending us a clnbof Twenty, or moro. will be entitled to an extra copv. For club of fifty, we will send tbo Serai-Weekly lri bune; and for a club of one hundred the Daily Tribune will be sent gratis. We continue to send The Weekly Tribune to Clergymen for 51. Sul" scriptioas may commence at any time. Terms al ways cash in advance. All letters to be addrew HORACE GREELEY A CO , Tribune Buildings. Nnssaa-st., New-York BACON Hams, kidee and Shoulderi on hand and for eale at the ' cheep eaih e'ore." hy Apr27:lS,V ' WM F. fRfl" li I 1 v 6