Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 09, 1859, Image 3

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CLEARFIELD, PA., NOV. 9, 18.5'J.
Johs G. Cain, Esq., Smith's Mills, is au
thorized to receive subscriptions and adver
tisements for the Journal, and receipt for all
monies paid hiui on accounts due this office.
Rt. Rev. Samuel Bowman, Bishop of the Di
ocese, will preach in thu Episcopal church,
Clearfield, on Saturday evening the 19th at G
o'clock, and on Sunday the 20th inst. at 11
o'clock A. M., and 6 o'clock P. M. The
right of confirmation will be administered on
Sunday at 11 o'clock A. 31. Nor. 2. ,
The Latest News from Harper's Ferry"
can be ascertained by consulting our column
of new advertisements.
The post office at Bald Hills, this county,
which was discontinued some time ago, has
been re-established and Alexander Living
ston appointed post master.
We see that Merrell & Bigler, on Second
Street, have received a large stock of Stoves,
Hardware, Coal Oil Lamps, and a general va
riety of articles in their line of business, ail
of which they aro ready to sell on the most
advantageous terms.
Eatixg Saloon. Our tall young friend, A.
C. Flanigan, gives notice in another column
that he is still on hand at his Saloon on Sec
ond Street, prepared to supply customers with
Oysters and other articles in his line, either
at retail or by the quantity.
A protracted meeting has been in progress
for nbut two weeks in the Lutheran church
in this place, and quite a number of persons
have been converted. The lively interest and
psit that are being taken in this revival by
members ot the other christian denominations
here, cannot be too highly commended.
Steam Saw-mill Blened. The steam saw
mill situated in Burnside township, Centre
county, formerly owned by Irwin & Ilyman,
hut latterly the property of Judge Leonard of
Clearfield borough, was destroyed by fire on
IV.day the 2Sth October. The fire originated
a! out the boiler while the workmen were ab
sent at breakfast.
Sckgical Operation. We see by the Ilar
risburg Telegraph that, on the 1st instant, Dr.
Ceo. Dock, assisted by Dr. Egle, removed a
Irtrge schirroiM tumor from the breast of Mrs.
Eliza Welsh, who was then at the United
States Hotel. Chlorotorm was administered,
and whilst under its eflects, the operation was
performed. Mrs. Welsh resides at Bloom's
Bri'Ige in this county, and her friends will be
gratified to learn that she is doing well.
Ttroxe & Cleaefield Railroad. Wc un
dtrf'.aiid that Wm. B. Foster, Esq., Vice Pres
ident, and H. J. Lomba.rt, Esq., Auditor of
h Pennsylvania Railroad Company, have
been elected Directors of the above road, in
place of Jacob Bnrley an I D. I. Primer, re
kigned. The olject of this change is evident
ly to give the Pennsylvania company a better
pprf unity of pushing the road to au early
oiniplttion as far as Philipbnrg, for which
purpose it has agreed to advance $200,0011.
It is needless to again refvr to the iiiimer.se
advantages that would be derived by this sec
tion of country lrom the construction of this
road these are fully understood by every one
wr.u has given the least attention to the sub
ject. The exact condition cf the road and the
..flairs of the company is, however, a matter
oncoming which but few. if any, except the
B-.ard, know anything whatever. No report,
informing the stockholders of The amount of
ruoncj- that has been collected, how it has
be. n expended, whether economically or ex
travagantly, or how far the road has progress
ed, has for a Ion.? time been published. In
saving t;.i, we wish it to be distinctly under
utooil that we do not intimate thr.t anything
amiss has been done by thoss who have had
control of the affairs of the company on the
contrary, we know them to be hcticst and effi
cient business men. Still, it seems to us,
they should keep the stockholders at least, if
not the public, informed of the financial con
dition and the prospects of the road, which
would n-t only draw attention to the project,
hut would be calculated to inspire confidence
in the public, a matter that is of no little 1m-Prti-.nce
to a railroad company. We trust,
therefore, that the new Board of Directors
itl let the stockholders and the public have,
ss foon as possible, proper information on this
subject. The experience and knowledge of
the two new Directors, in all that relates to
building railroads, is such that we leel certain
that, with no mere than ordinary obstacles to
overcome, the work will be completed, and
the cars running to Philipsburg, at a no very
distant day.
Gov. Packer has pardoned Fred. Thompson,
a boy, convicted of arson in theCrawf'ord coun
ty Courts. The jury found a verdict in oppo
sition to the charge of the Court, by casting
lots, emphatically gambling away the liberty of
an innocent boy ! The pe'ition for his pardon
being signed by the whole of the Meadvilie
Bar, ofliceM of the Court and Cotiuty officers,
the Governor did a simple act of justice in
granting the same.
Tha "Whisky Insurrection" in this State,
sixty-five years ago, was a far niqre formi
dable attempt to outrage the government than
the recent one at Harper's Ferry. A number
'if the insurgents were arrested, and two were
convicted of treason and sentenced to death ;
but both were pardoned by President Wash
ington, and there has never been an attempt
at insurrection since then in Pennsylvania.
Luther Preston, late postmaster at Fillmore,
Minnesota, Was sentenced, last week, by the
L. S. District Court, to fifteen years imprison
ment, for robbing the mails. The discovery
d this villany resulted from robbing the mail
a 1. iter containing two $1000 drafts, for
warded by a party in Troy, N.Y., in May last,
to Wm. S. J add, of Fairbault, Minnesota.
We are glad to see that our friend Dr. Brow
t has agnri taken hold of the Montour Jmeri
Li.u he had quitted some nioatln ago.
clever fellow and good editor.
K?Liberal the chap who asked $2 for a
live turkey.
. G3?-E x-actton the lawer's claim when the
Action is over.
lLs?Forty-three horses were burned at Oswe
go, N. T-, on Monday night a-weck.
QSDelightf ul-the weather. We have reg
ular "Indian Summer" here at preseut.
SSA gentleman who spoke of having been
struck by a lady's beauty, was advised to kiss
the rod.
KF"CIoso Vote. Mr. Waggoner, Democrat,
is elected Commissioner of Cumberland coun
ty, by one vote.
CTJThe aggregate taxes of the estate of the
late Ebcnezer Francis, of Boston, hae this
year reached $30,000.
C7"Mrs. Smithers chastised hct husband last
week with a boot-jack for using her corsets for
a vest. Poor creeter sich is life.
XPPlenty apples in the Clearfield market,
notwithstanding the June "frost." . PricJS
have ranged from 50 cents to $1 per bushel.
n7A lady in Indiana entered a complaint
against a man last week for laying his hand
upon her cottou. She doesn't like men of
CT7"The Republicans of Kentucky will meet
in convention, November 14th, at Newport, to
organize in the State and form a Presidential
electoral ticket.
CMr. Bnrlingame, the Boston Congress
man, is stumping it in Kansas, and regaling
himself in the interval of political labors, by
chasing buflaloes. - '
CTJ-Thc Dublin correspondent of the New
York Evangelist estimates that, at the present
time, full one-half of the entire population of
Ireland is Protestant.
CC7A fellow entered a German ball-room in
Galveston the other day and went to kicking
the seats about the apartment. After getting
his own kicked, he left.
C3"The yellow fever hasn't been killing the
people of New Orleans this season, and, what
is more strange, they havn't for a few weeks
past been killing each other.
ETJ-The Freemasons of San Francisco have
purchased a lot on the corner of Montgomery
and Post streets for $02,000, and will erect a
building worth $100,000 on It.
C5"An editor, who had been fined several
weeks in succession for getting drunk, cooly
proposed to the judge, that he should take him
by the year at a reduced rate.
KFAlfred Robison, of Hartford, Conn., has
in his possession a Hebrew shekel, which is
supposed to be more than 3.000 j'eats old.
They are said to be worth $100 each.
DTJ"TJte Albany Evening Journal says that
when Old Brown's sons were murdered by Mis
souri Border-Ruffians, his daughter, who wit
nessed the mutder, became a maniac.
C7A young Miss, named Sarah Jane John
ston, was lately arrested in Detroit, for steal
ing five dollars from one lover, to pay the Cler
gyman's charge for marrying her to another.
CC7Always precede a lady In going np stairs.
This maxim is a Ug-i-see from a maiden aunt,
w ho knew what was what and always manifest
ed great reverence for the rules of propriety.
CP" A chap in Iowa says, that when two
dimes meet together in his pocket, they are
such strangers that, out of common politeness,
he is compelled to introduce them to each
C!7"St. Ambrose says that Idleness n the
Devil's pillow; wherefore many good Chris
tian's who think the devil deserves none, take
it away from him, and put it under their own
CTF""A man in Kalamazoo is training an elk
to trot on the race course. The elk has al
ready trotted against a hcrse fur a pnrse of
seven hundred dollars, winning the prize by a
long distance.
Cr7Wi!;i3m L. McPhail, acting Mayor of
the City of Bakimore,was shot on Sunday eve
ning a-week, in a melee, by J. Marshall Hau
na, reporter for the Baltimore Suu. McPhail
is not expected to recover.
CI7A fearful accident occurred on the Sd,
on the Chicago and North Western Railroad.
A train consisting of thirteen cars ran otf the
track, and eight persons are reported to have
been killed, and a number badly injured.
Cjp-A small steamer his been built in Eng
land of steel plate one-eighth of an inch in
thickness. She is seventy feet long, twelve
feet broad, and six and a halt feet deep, and
measures twenty tons. She has proved to be
an admirable sea boat.
CCT"An Iowa paper states that some German
tanners are paying $15 a ton for a plant very
common in this country, and generally known
as "dog fennel.'' It is said to be a good sub
stitute for oak bark, and can be extensively
grown where that cannot be obtained.
CP'Samuel M. Scott, of Dallas, Texas, late
ly finished threshing his crop of w heat, which
amounted to upwards of four thousand bush
els averaging more than sixty-four pounds to
the bushel. He says that had it not been for
the hail and birds, the crop would have been
much larger.
LC7"A Dead Shot. In New York, a woman
named Margaret Donald obtained a glass of
liquor at one of the Ninth Ward porter houses,
which proved to contain more than the usual
proportions of strychnine. A spasm ensued
shortly afterward ; she fell from her bed to
the floor and expired in agony.
CPAs an instance of the admirable manner
in which counterfeit half-dollars are made to
resemble the genuine article, it is stated that
one of the banks at Washington city received
a box full of the bogus coin on deposit, and
that the City Post Office there also teceived
large quantities ot the same article.
All Neuralgic affections are relieved in from
five to thirty minutes, and soundly cured by
the free use of Du Yall's Galvanic Oil. Price
50 cents per bottle.
Common sense rules the mass of tho people,
whatever the misnamed and misanthrope philoso
pher may say to the contrary. Show them a good
thing : let its merits bo clearly demonstrated, and
they will not hesitate to give it their most cordial
patronage. Tho masses have already ratified tho
judgment of a physician, concerning the virtues
of Hostellers Bitters, as may be seen in the im
mense quantities of this medicine that aro annu
aily sold in every section of the lanJ. It is now
recognized as greatly superior to all other reme
dies yet devised for diseases of the digestive or
gans, such as diarrhoea, dyspepsia, and foi the va
rious fevers that arise from derangement of those
portions of the system. Hostellers name is ra
pidly becoming a household word, from Maine to
Texas, from the shores of the Atlantic to the Pa
cific. Try the article and be satisfied. Sold by
all druggists, in the world. See advertisement
in another column.
On Nov. 1st, by Rev. C Fetzer, Mr. Thomas
Whitk to Miss Emeline Racch, both of Kart
haus township, Clearfield county.
On the 3d, Mrs. Bloom, wife of George A.
Bloom, of Pike township.
On tho 6th Nov., after a lingering illness,
Mrs. Poixt Suiret, consort ot Jacob Shirey
of Bradford township, Clearfield county, aged
62 years, 11 months and 11 days.'
REMOVAL. The undersigned would inform
i u- frienJs and customers that he has remov
ed hu shop to a room up stairs in the West end of
Shaw s new Row, Clearfield.Pa., where he ia pre
pared to accommodate all who may favor him
with their custom. Thankful for past favors, he
now solicits a continuance of patronage.
Oct. 19, 1S39-4W UEOliGE RICHARDS.
BIBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield co...
hereby gives notice that their hooks, name'
ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of
fice of James Wrigley, Register and Recorder at
Clearfield. The books are of various sizes and a
dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun
day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan
tial bibles can be had as low as 23 cents apiece,
and testaments as low as 6i cents apiece.
The people of the county generally are alsu in
vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in-aid of the funds of the
Society. Signed by order of the Executivo Com
niitteo. ALEX. McLEOD, President.
Notice ia hereby given that an application
will be made by the undersigned to the next Le
gislature for the passage of an Act incorporat ng
a Bank to be called the ' CLEARFIELD COUNTY
BANK,'' to be located in the Uorongh of Clear
field, Pa., With a capital of One Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, with the privilege of increasing it
to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars.
J. F. Weaver, Thos. J. McCullough, Isaac John
son, C. D. Watson. D. F. Etzweiler. James Alexan
der. Jn. Iieynton, M. A. Frank, Richard Mossop,
A. K. Wright, W. F. Irwin. S. li. Row.
June 29, lS.i?: '
Loon Here, (Ie.vtlemem-wagox
SHOP AHEAD!!!! The subscriber thankful
for paSt favors, takes this method of informing
his old customers and the public in general, that
he has removed his shop from the Foundry to the
shop formerly occupied by George W. Urr: on Sec
end street, Clearfield. Pa., where he will continue
to manufacture Wagons of every description, to
order, of good material and in a workmanlike
manner. Also. Wheelbarrows, llarroVS, Grain
cradles, Ac. made on short notice, in superior
style, and of the best stock. Repairing of every
kind done with dispatch, arid on reasonable terms.
June 29, 1809. WILLIAM R. BROWN.
Mir let Street, Clearfed, Pa The under
signed would inform his bid customers and friends
that he has opened a new stock in the building
which he erected on Market street, ea.-t of the
Clearfield House' and immediately opposite R.
Mossop's store, where he will serve customers with
at as cheap rates as it can be sold in this section
of country. He also keeps on hand and for sale
Also, a variety of choieo liquors, among whi'di is
Pale Brawl y. Black Bern 1! randy. Cherry Brarf
(I l. Hue Whisky, Port Wine, Common Brandy
Whisky. &cc, all of which ho will dispose of at
reasonable rates, nnd to which he invites the at
tention of those who desire anything in that line.
Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at
cash prices. Give me a call.
Aug. 24. 1S."9. THOMAS ROBINS.
C'llOFl'LA, Oil KINO'S EVIL, is a con
Kn3 stitutional disease, a taint, orcorruption of the
bloo-1, by which this fluid becomes vitiated weak,
and poor. Being In tho circulation, it pervades
the whole body, and 111.13' hurst out in disease on
any part pf it. Xo organ is free from its attacks,
nor is there one which it may not destroy. The
scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial
disease, low living, or disordered or unhealthy
food, impure air. filth and filthy habits, the depres
sing vices, and. above all. by the venereal infec
tion. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the
constitution, descending from parents ' to children
unto the third and fuurch genwratiou ;"' indeed it
seems to be the rod of Him who says. 4iI will visit
the iniquities of the fathers upon t hair children."
It effects commence by deposition from the blood
of corrupt and ulcerous matter, whioh. in the lungs,
liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; ir
the glands, swellings; and on the surface, erup
tions or -ores. This foul corruption, which gen
ders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so
that scrofulous constitutions not only suffer from
scrofulous complaints, but they have far less power
to withstand the attacks of other diseases; conse
quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which,
although not s?rofulous in their nature, are still
rendered fatel by this taint in the system. Most
of the consumption w hich dcccminatcs the human
family has its origin directly in this rcrofulou con
tamination, and many destructive diseases of the
liver, kidneys, brain, and indeed, of all the organs,
arise from or arc aggravated by the same cause.
Onequarterofallour people are scrofulous ; their
persons arc invaded by this lurkingeonianiin.ition,
and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse
it from the system we must renovate the blood by
rn alterative medicine. and invigorate it by healthy
food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply iu
Aijtr's Compound IZxtrwt of Snrsirpiriln.
the mot effectual remedy which the medical skill
of onr times can devtre for this everywhere pre
vailing and fatal malady. It is combined from the
mo-it active remedial that have been discovered
for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the
blood, and the rescue of the system from its des
tructive consequences. Hence it should be employ
ed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those
other affections which arise from it, such as Erup
tive and Skin Diseases. St. Anthony's Fire, Hose,
or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches. Blains
and Doi!s. Tumors, Tetter and Salt Rheum, Scald
Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism. Syphilitie and
Mercurial Diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia. Debility,
and, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitiated
or Impure Blood. The popular belief in impuri
ty of the jl'irj.l" is founded in truth, for scrofula is
a degeneration of the blood. The practical purpose
and virtue of the Sarsaparilla is to purify and re
generate this vital fluid, without which sound
health is impossible in contaminated constitutions.
AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, for all the purpo
ses of a family physic, arc so composed that dis
ease within the range of their action can rarely
withstand or evade them. Their penetrating pro
perties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every
portion of the human organism, correcting its dis
eased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities.
As a consequence of these properties, the inalid
who is bowed down with pain or physical debil
ity is astonished to find his health or energy re
stored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting
Not only do they cure the cvery-day complaints
of every body, but also many formidable ami dan
gerous diseases. Tho agent below named is pleas
ed to furnish gratis my American Almanac, con
taining certificates of their cures and directions
for their use in the following complaints: Co-t-tireies.
Heartburn. Jlemlachr , arising from, tix
orderrd fitomarh , JVanxca. Indigestion. Pain in
and Morbid Inaction of the Boireis, Flatulency.
Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, and ether kindred
complaints, arising from a low state of the body
or obstruction of its functions.
cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Cro np. Bro n ch iti , In et pi en t Co nsn in pi ion. a nd for
the relief of Consumptive Patients in. ayfvanced
stages o f the disease. So wide is the field of its
usefulness and so numerous are the cases of its
cures, that almost every section of country abounds
in persons publicly known, who have been restor
ed from alarming and even desperate diseases of
the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superi
ority over every other medicine of its kind is too
apparent to escape observation, and where its vir
tues are known, the public no longerhesitate what
antidotes to employ for the distressing and danger
ous affections of the pulmonary organs that arc in
cident to our climate. Wailemany inferior reme
dies thrust upon the community have failed and
been discarded, this has gained friends by every
trial, conferred benefits on tho afflicted they can
never forget, and produced cures too numerous
and too remarkable ever to be forgotten.
Prepared by Dr.J.C. Ayer- Co , Lowell. Mass.
All our Remedies are for sale by C D Watson
and M. A. Frank. Clearfield ; E. F. Brenner, Mor
risdale : C. R. Foster, Philipsburg ; John Ring,
Ucionvillo: Wm. Irvin, Curwcnsvillo ; Samuel
Arnold, Luthersburg; and by all Druggists, thro'
out the country. July 6, !So9-Dec 29, 185S-ly.
GARPETS, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Ac.', can
be procured at the store of ,
Mayl2: JOHN PATTON, Cnrwensville
LOUR, Oats, Rve, Ac, for sale at the cheap
store of JVUX l'Ai iw, -nrwenviw8.
of Administration on the estate of George
Weaver, late of Brady tp., Clearfield county. Pa.,
deceased, having been granted to the undersign
ed ; all persons indebted to said estate are reques
ted to make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims will present them properly authentica
ted for settlement GEORGE KNAKR-Jr..
November 2. lSMbfitp. Administrator.
F LOU II ! FLOUR !! The undersigned hav
ing made arrangements with a large manu
facturing establishment to supply him with Flour,
he gives notice to the public that he is prepared
to furnish all who want a good article, at the very
lowest price, in as large or small quantities as
my be desired. He also keeps on hand constant
Iv liquors of all kinds, which he will sell whole
sale or retail. JAS. H. GALER.
Tyrone City, Pa . July 11th. 1839
A CARD. The undersigned have just received
and are bow offering the larsrest and most varied
stock of FRESH GROCERIES ever brought
to this market! In connection with the above,
they are constantly supplied with choice brands of
the variousgradesof FLOUR! Also, Dacon and
Cheese; Whale. Tanner's and Lard Oils; Mess
Pork; together with all kinds of Pittsburg Man
ufactured articles. Ail of which will be sold Low
for Cash. The Merchants of this place aro invi
ted to call befoie purchasing elsewhere. At the
Old Stand. WM. M. GURMLY A CO.,
271 Liberty st., opposite Eagle Hotel.
Pittsburgh. Pa., October 20. lS59-2m.
As this seems to be a fast age in more than one
instance, and as wc are in the midst of bogus Dem
ocratic Conventions and the excitement caused by
the Sickle s trial at Washington, it is not surpris
ing that the folks of Clearfield would get some
what excited to keep up with the times; and as
the subscriber likes to keep up to the fashions in
more respects than one, he would announce to the
people of town and country that he has constant
ly on hand a large assortment of Boots and Shoes
of every description. French and country Calf,
Kip and Stogy Boots; Ladies' Morocco Lace Boots,
dressed and undressed, with or without French
heels; also, any amount of French and country
calf Lace Roots: Gents French calf and cloth Gai
ters, on hand or made to order; walking Shoes of
every description from the Sickles' Laeer to the
coarsest brjgan : .also, findings on hand; all the
above will bo disposed of at extremely low prices
for Cash or Hides. Custom work made to order
on short notice ; and as the times aro mending I
will pay particular attention to mending Boots,
Shoes and Gaiters. Iam always to be found at
tho Short Shoe Shop on Second street, nearly op
posite Reed A Weaver's store. Please call and
see Shorty FRANK SHORT.
Clearfield. May 4th. 1S59.
Shaw's Row. Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment of
WATCDES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which we in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch
es, to ba had at N AUG EE'S.
The American Lever of different qualities, can
be had at NAUGLIvS.
Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo. Coral. La
va Jet. Carbuncle. Garnctt. Opal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gold Stone M'ifaic, Porcelain paintings. Ac,
or single pieces at N AUG EE'S.
Plain gold Breast pins. Ear drops. Hoop Ear rings,
ch ildren's eardrops and rin.srs at N AUG EE'S.
Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil
ver holders at NAUGLE'S.
Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, fhirt studs, fob
buckles and guard slides at NAUGLK'S.
A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ
ent styles and quality, gold locket, coral neckla
ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and
all articles in his line, on hand at NAUGLE'S.
Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and
coniififn CIcCs, and Fancy Tinie-piees. from 1.25
to 15 dollars at N AUG EE'S.
Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange
for goods at X A UG EE'S.
All goods warranted as represented, or the mo
ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S.
If j'ou wish your watches put in good repair
and warranted, take them ta NAUGLE'S.
1. It is a faCt that, at some period, every mem
ber of the human family is subject to disease or
disturbance of the bodily functions; but. with the
aid of a good tonic and 1 he exercise of plain com
mon sense, they may be able so to regulate the sys
tem as to secure permanent health. In order to ac
complish this desired object, the true rourse to pur
sue is certainly that which will produce a natural
state of things at the least hazard of vital strength
and life. For this purpose, Dr. llostetter has in
troduced to this country a preparation bearing his
name, which is not a new medicine, but one that
has been tried for years, giving satisfaction to all
who have used it. The Hitters operate powerfully
upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them
to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by
the simple process of strengthening nature, ena
ble the system to triumph over disease.
For the enre of Dvspepsia. Indigestion. Xansea.
Flatulency, Less of Appetite. Cr Bilious con: plaints,
arising from a morbid inaction of the Stomach or
Rowels. producingCramps, Dysentary,ChoIic, Chol
era Morbus, Ac, these Bitters ha vo no equal.
Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con
tracted by new settlers, and caused principally by
tho change of water and diet, will be speedily reg
ulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspep
sia, n disease which is probubly more prevalent,
in all its various forms, than any other, and the
cause of which may always be attributed to de
rangements of the digestive organs, can be cured
without fail by using 1IOSTETTER S STOMACH
LITTERS, as per directions on tho bottle. For
this disease every physician will recommend Bit
ters of some kind; then why not use an article
known to be infallible ( All nations have their
Bitters, as a preventive of disease and strcngthen
cr of the system in general; and among them all
there is not to be found a more healthy people
than the Germans, from whom this preparation em
anated, based upon scientific experiments which
have tended to prove the value of this great pre
paration in the scale of medical science.
Fkvbh and Agi'k. This trying and provoking
disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the bo
dy of man, reducing him to a mere shadow in a
short time, and rendering him physically and men
tally useless, can bo driven from the body by the
Or.rther, none of the above-stated diseases can be
extracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bit
ters are used as per directions. And as they nei
ther create' ,,3'isea nor offend tho palate, and ren
der nnncccssa " ;tny chansre of diet or interrup
tion of ordinary , . ''""A. ".rmofe sound sleep
and healty digcstio'AV lme
ved as speedily as is cof,Ps Jt
.o'p'aint: is rerao-
'ir jrith the produc
tion of a thorough and rerioru.cit cure.
Par Persons iu Adi'auce.T)m&9. vho are suffer
ing from an enfeebled con? as to be L'nfirm body.
these Bitters aro invalua-e tJJCy gj-Vtorati ve of
strength and vigor, and r .1' f tried to be
that great
appreciated. And to a mo
.u mem.?. - . .t
iuiLt.iaic iiiuk.jjl-iihuic. 1 w litre i lit: mo
ther's nourishment is inadequate to the demands
of the child, consequently hvr strength must yield,
and here it is where a good tonie, such as Hostct
ter's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart tempo
rary strength and vigor the system . Ladles
should by all means try thlfl .t".edy for all ca
ses of debility, and, before 'jJifing, should ask
their physician, w ho. if he is aeiAiainted with the
virtue of the Stomach Bitters, Till recommend
their use in all cases of weakness
Caution.. We caution the public against using
any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask
for Hosteller's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see
that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters'' blown on the side of the bottle,
and stamped on the metalliccapcovering the cork,
and observe that our autograph signature is on the
label. "Prepared and sold by Hosteller if Smith,
Pittsburg. Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers,
and dealers generally throughout the United
States. Canada. South America, and Germany.
Agents Geo W. Rheem and C.D.Watson. Clear
field ; John Patton, Curwensville ; D. Tylerj Hus
ton ; F. K. Arnold, Luthersburg. Sept24,'.!9.
STCVES-ieooking and parlori an assortment, on
hand and for ialo at tho "cheapest corner." in
Curwensville, by joilX PATTON.
MACKEREL AND HERDING, of best quality,
just received and for tale cheap by
Apr S7, 1869. WM. F I R WEN. ;
A house and lot in Curwensville borouga for
sale ; for terms and description apply to
June S, 1859 L. J. CRANS, Clearfifsld. .
BUFFALO ROBES By tho bale or robe at
George F. Womrath's. Nos 415 and 417 Arch
Street. Philadelphia Also, a largo assortment Of
Ladies' Fancy Fufs, of own manufacture. .-
N. B The highest price paid for all kinds if
Shipping Furs. September 2S, lS59-3m.
ber announces to his Clearfield friends, and
the public in general, that he has taken the above
named house, located at the Rai!ro?td, in Uarris
burg. Pa. He will endeavor to make this house
one of the most desirable stopping places in the
State Capital, by accommodating all who may fa
vor him with their custom in the best manner pos
sible. fjalylll BEN. HARTSHORN. Sup't.
Established in 1854. Head Quarters for the -
2 United States at the Publishing Iionse, ofG.
Evans, 439 Chest a ft Street. Philadelphia, a
'.Pa, Catalogues, sent Free. Since I Origina-
ted the Gift Book Enterprise. I have repeat- o
edly called the attention of the public to my n.
large stock of liberal offers, to which they 5'
5 have always warmly responded. I can now,
'r with more satisfaction than cver,caJl attention
'f to my largely increased inducements to pur-s
chasers. Being very heavily engaged in pub
3 lishing. I exchange my own publications for 2
f those of other houses, and am enabled to pro-
cure all my books at the original cost of ma-
king, and thus can and do supply the majori
"Sty of the other houses engaged in tho Gift 2
Book trade, with their ookschcapcrthan they ?
5 can procure them from other publishers. I can
5;ilso, by my heavy purchase? of Watches and
Jewelry, for rash, furnish them with theirS
Gifts, at lower rates than they can buy them
from the manufacturers. Having such an advan
tage in buying. I ?an infure my customers a great
deal better Gifts with their books thau any other
house, and can give my agents a larger commis
sion. A valuableGilt will bedcliveied with each
Book at the time of sale. Gifts worth 5500, at the
lowest wholesale prices, will be impartially dis
tributed with every St. 000 worfh of Boolts sold.
Send for a catalogue, which will be mailed free
to any address, containing, the most valuable col
lection of Standard productions in Literature. Phi
losophy. History. Geography. Travels, and the Sci
ences, w ith all the favorite WOiks of Fiction and
Romance, and every other department of Litera
ture, classified as described below. Send for it. for
if you don't wish to order books, you ill obtain a
valuable book fur reference as it contaips 11 the
desirable books in print. and will cost you nothing.
Particular attention is requested to the list of my
publications, which will be found in th - latter
part of my Classified Catalogue. It contains a large
number of deservedly popular works, by various
authors; among which arc all of T.S Arthur's best
works. well known as a moral. instructive and pleas
ing author. also. interesting biographies. travels, Ac
Asrricnltiiral This department embraces all
standard works upon general Agriculture, Cotton
planting. Flowers, Gardening. Farm Implements,
Horses, Sheep. Cattle, Fowls, Bees, Ac. Ac.
Album? Ladies', (a great variety., Floral. Cap,
Quarto, Royal cap. Demy Quarto. Autograph. Ac
tAinuals A large and elegant assortment.
Bibles A splendid assortmentef pocket, pew and
Family Bibles, in every style, from 51 to S50.
Prayer Books A complete assortment, in eve
ry form and style and at all prices.
Hyniii Books As used by the different denom
inations, (plain and fancy bindings.)
li io graphical-Works of Irving, lleadlcy,Wccms,
Sparks. Bancroft, and every otherstandard author.
Bot inical ByComstock. Gray, Lincoln, Derby,
Wood, Ac, Ac
Cookery Receipt and Cook Books, by Mrs. Hale,
Leslie Widdificld. McKenzie, Ac, Ac.
German Standard German Literature.
Dictionaries Webster's English, French, Ger
man, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Italian. Ac
Cyelopehias All toe standard authors.
(ieographical-lihc latest A most improved chool
andotherGeographics.Maps.and Travelers guides.
Ge&lcgy The works o Hugh Miller, Harris,
Hitchcock. Lyell. and many others.
Historical By Prcscott. Irving, Bancroft, Rob
ertson, Hume. Gibbons, Macaulcy. and othen.
Humorous Embraces a world cf Fun
Juvenile Embracing every desir'ptiot of Il
lustrated books for children.
Liw and Med i rim All the standard works of
these professions.
Jlechanteat and. Scientifii The most approved
works on Mechanics, Architecture, and the exact
Poetry English and American. Octavo and
literary editions of the standard Poets; pocket
and cabinet editions plain and illustrated, bound
in evcrv st3'Ic to suit the taste of all.
Works of Fiction By Scott. Irving, Cooper,
Dickens, and all the approved Writers.
School and Classical . Travels and Adventures.
Games. Sports and Pasti mrs. Religions. Biblical
and Theological. Musical and Glee Books. Odd
Fellowship and Free, Masonry
Miscellaneous Our Miscellaneous Department
embraces everything not included in the above
classification, of an interesting and instructive
character, that is in print.
The (lifts consist of Gold anc Silver Watches.
Gold chains, Ladies' Splendid Black and Plaid
Silk Dresses, Patterns, Pa i lor Time-pi jces. Silver
plated ware, costly sets of Cameos. Mosaic Flor
entine. Coral. Garnet, Turquois, and Lava Jewel
ry. Gold Lockets. Pencils and Pens, Ladies' Neck
and Chatcline chains. Gents' Bosom Studs and
Sleeve Buttons. Pocket knives, Port-nionnaies. and
a Thousand Varieties of Gifts, of use and value.
To Agents I can give more liberal inducements
thau can be afforded by any other house. In addi
tion to larger commissions, it is much easier to get
subscribers for my enterprise than any other.
The Peculiar advantages are A larger stock,
and better Catalogue to select from. A better as
sortment and Quality of Gifts More punctuality
and correctness in filling orders. By acting as a
gents for me. Persons wishing a valuable Library
can procure it gratis. Those seeking an easy
method of earning a livehood can find it.
For full particulars, send for a catalogue.
My large capital, together with my long experi
ence in the business, and consequent familiarity
with all its details, gives me an almost incalcula
ble advantage over all other parties. All I ask is
a trial. Sendnie an order, and you will be eouvin
oed that there is no exaggeration. Do not forget
to send for a catalogue. Persons visiting the city,
are requested to call and examine for themselves.
G.G.EVANS. Head Quarters.
439 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
Branch Store, 45 Cornhill, Boston, Mass.
My attention has been called to statements made
through the publie journals, by a New York Gift
Sto e, which are calculated to deceive; who even
presume to advertise themselves as the originators
of the Gift Book Enterprise, which was first suc
cessfully established, and 1 may say honarably
conducted by myself. This concern, w ho are pro
claiming themselves, "TheOIdest in the business,"
are indebted to me, not only for their first ideas of
conducting the business, butfor stock to commence
with, and a place to commence in. Their state
ment, that this is -The fifth year of their location
in New York," is also faisc.
It has been thought, on account of the name
connected with this New York Gift Store, that it
was a branch of my Original Enterprise: but it is
not so. and I wish it distinctly understood, that I
am not in any way responsible for their deceptive
advertisements, nor for the manner in which New
York Gift concerns are conducted. And holding
the position I do, as the Originator of the Gilt
Book Enterprise in the United States having es
tablished it and brought it to its present high po
sition, by constant labor, unwearied application,
and large expenditure of money. I deem it my du
ty to the publio and myself to expose these ore
tehded ' originators," who arc attempting to'ita
pose upon the people. I would here publicly state
that theso parties have been referring, without
authority or permission, to tho largest and most
widely known publishing house in the United
States. I nui in orraed by this firm, which is lo
cated in thi city, that, not only have thev never
given permission to this New York Gift Store to
refer to them, but they utterly disclaim any knowl
edge of their business or standing. The fore
going can be substantiated to the satisfaction of
any person or prr9, by the most inoontrov.rti-blepror-N.
Jaly 1 !, l?53-5
THE FAR3I In Jordan towship nocotspjed by
John Kilion, being 50 acres, 35 of wbilh ar
cleared and uadef good fenee, and having home
and barn thereon erected, for sale. Apply to..
June 15, 1S59. L. J. CRANS, Clcarfiell.
iriOALj' COAL!! COAL !!! The undersign
j ed will deliver the best qi.-Clity of StoneCoal,
to tho citizens of Clearfield, on the .shortest notice,
for six cents per bushel. All orders to be left with
Franklin Short. MICHAEL CONELLY.
Clearfield, August 20. 1S09.
The undersigned takes this method of inform
ing the public that he has commenced the manu
facture of Stone-Ware in the Borough of Clear
frcld, and thst he is how prepared to supply all
who may want then with Milk and Cream Crocki,
Jugs. Jars, Ac, at lower prices, than thy can b
bought elsewhere, lie solicits a share of patron
Clearfield, Pa., Mcy 25, lS59-ly.
R. HAMPTON'S Compound Diuretic Pill
are highly recommended by eminent Physi
cians, as a sa fe, certain, speedy and permanent cur
for Gravel, st'iftures nnd all diseases or derange
ment of the bladder and kidneys, Price fifty rente
per fo r. Sent to any address" free on receipt cf
price. AdJrcss DR. J T. HAMPTON A CO.
No. 405 Spruce street, Philadelphia.
Also, Proprietors and Manufacturers of Dr.
Hampton's Anti-Rheumatic Mixture Dr. Hamp
ton's Medicated Cough Syrup, and the Great De
sideratum or liair Restorer. Oct. 5, l35S-2nj.
containing 121 acres S5 cleared and under
good fence. A log house 22 by 26. plank house 18
by IS. log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buildings
thereon. Large springand spring-house con
venient to house. The land is wcJl. watered and
has sufficient wood and fencing timber. Thero is
an rhard of larjre grafted trees, and a young or
chard on place, all chuic? fruit. It is convenient
for pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing 90 a
cres 10 cleared and under fence balance well
timbered. This land has a log house and stable
thereon. For terms apply to
October 13. L. J. CRANS, ClearSohJ.
'i' CQSl '21 "oiDrj '.tj anojx
"XTJ.HVI7 T '113 taiq aaiS oj ui
-Jad A'ja.a sjiouos ojr dsqo jpg ml oq qoiqM
'S3A0J.S J A"l3ut;A pat 'A'jiiBnb Vaq qj jo
11.1 OT J l;Uttf no sdaa?j osr 8tJsJ 'ijanua
uj uuui jaqjo Xun bbi) jOmoj iuoo jad ij jjos .
ei qsoa joj X3Ajfn:ovo iuiijes Fpuajut &q sy
'fil.'D 3ti(,unJ. " i 'jisivoj. yutjj uo -'aqjorf -g-llq
pjidnjjo hjujinji:f iaoo2J aqj in 'pajniotynuuin
Aiou ep6o") jo qsiuij pan yoiiti a"ja.9 -jovj u; 'pu
uiJPiHD -fr stpir-j jiof sa.ddt;g f3C7g 'eifipry
'. u.j jnf iuiddjjg j,uu sjott; -i;ocy Jo spui.y jjy
jo oojsa-usuaixa ut paaado jsnfsuq -eicol A")Jin
joj ssauisnq ooqg oqi nt paSuSna uaaq ft;q oqi.
pun jautuaoqs lfilojd si oq. -jaquDsqaa x
an Haoj.s aous qjK.v xooa AiaM
"I 860. "It is the duty of every c'itiren of this
A. Great Republic to foster and encourage native
genius and American enterprise." Dax. Webster
A Magazane davoted entirely to the elevation of
American authorship, who ly national, in no wis
sectional or sectarian; having for its motto tha
words of the great statesman :
"iVo Sorth, A'o South. Xo East. No ' Yw'tst ;"
having nothing to do with politics. aimin" only at
the highest in Art. Literature and ScienceTand em
ploying the best writers in every branch, is agaia
before the American public, seeking their sur port.
'1 his Magazine is now finishing the Jirt year
and drawing near tho close of the Second Volume'
and has met with unparalleled success
The Third Volume will commence with the num
ber 'for January, 1 650, which will be issued early
in December, 1659. Every sumbor will be splen
didly illustrated in the highest style of art A
mong the numerous contributors encased for the
coming year are the following well known distin
guished authors : 1 itz Green Hallcek, Orei'es A
lirownson. Seha Smith (Jack Do wi;in:.) Georro p"
Morris. J. T. Hcadley. Get,. D. Pnnt WmTill
more bimms Alice Carey. P8r Benjamin. John
G. r-axe. Calhoun McKenzie. M. F. Maurv Hannah
Eilet "rttc Ki'kir V" OaKes Smith Mrs!
El let. Phebe Carey, Ac, Ac. Ac, Ac.
In the January number will be commenced th
most strikingly original novel of the day. entitled
i l K 'et; 0r.br""s f order Life, Br Eiit-al-eth
Oakes tnmh. There will alo be commenc
ed in an early uuTnhrrnf th . .
- w 'iijn: j vuiurcQ a
Afr;M,. -r " I... 'A' . , S"'f.i(9t; or,
" -Vi. A " '"inoun JlcKeinic .
The ;-Great Republic Monthly" is the lar
'njrazine cau isi:e.i in
000 has already been expended to bring it to it
present high degree of merit. The publishers ar,
determined to p.ye it the largrst circuUt.on in th.
world. V uh this view they make the filowin -munificent
ojfers. And they refer to, every Etib-
SuCMOrt?OW r'IVl1Le,,r-books as w tL'e lity with
wuich tkey fulfil their obligations.
1ERMS : Single copies. 25 cents; Subscription
per year. S3 Ou ; Clubs, of three or more, each
Any one sending a olub of five subscribers,with
the money shall re.-eivc, by mail, fa choice of
f' J f tbeC'w"S magnificent Steel Engrav-
jof ' I V. 1,e f?-st i'Wrr ' tize f Plato, 25 by
40 inches; value. a. The City of the-Grcat Kin
size of plate, 2a by 39 inches; value. ?5. The Pal.
tZni' V &hl01' P,ate-"2i hy 39 inches ;
n ' '' Sr""'A : site of
l-r) 'A tJ 3, ,nc!-JCs; "'".SI- 'WeP.-au.
value, S3- Uobert Burns; size of plat?, 21 by 25
inches; value, S3. 3
Any.person sending a club of. 2m subscribers
vinieCre h'S ChC-e f ar,' : of above engra"
1 Jlg i nDJ "C stvn.J,nS a cl ot Fifteen subscri
bers shall receiv e his choice of any four of above
engravings. Any sending a club of Twenty sub
scr bers shall receive all of the above engraving,
and a cony of the magazine lor oue year, gratis '
1 his splendid offer will enable every one. by
trifling exertion, in getting subscribers, to obtaia
as hne a collection of rare works of Art to adorn
ois parlor as can be obtained anywhere for twen-ty-fi-e
dollars, caeh. ounggcntlemen and youni
lad.es, all over the country, anc invited to get up
clubs upon above terms. Postmasters, and other
respeetabie persons who may desire to a,-t as -gents,
and to receive a cash c'ovnmssiou it-stead'ef
the above liberal offer, arc authorized to forward
us subscribers at the prices before named, deduct
ing twenty per cent, for their trouble. Tho enffra
v.ngs will oc sent m rotation, i the order in which
tho clubs are scut in. First come first orvcd
In addition to to the above unparaUeled oficr
we now announce that where parties do not form
clubs and where their names are not sent in c u
Sf' -''bscrUers sending t!u amoill ""J;
positc to each of the above engravings shall re
ceive the engraving chosen arfd onefopv of
magazine for one year. Some of these engraving,
Vul "'rr nmcs the value of tboso offer-d by th
Old An L mon, and all of them are better and of
more intrinsic worth than any engravings ever of
fered by any 'Gift Enterprise'or Art Association
'"TL Lftst Supper," ad -The City of the Great
King, should adorn the walls of every Clerjrr.
man and Seholar iu the country. - KJ
No such oficri as these were c'ver niado before
there is no chanco': in the matter, no "lottery "
no gift enterprise. r,o humbug. We call nnn
Cerumen. Postmasters, travelers, scholars III
all who arc interested in the success of Amrricau
Literature and Art. to avail themseu4fnr.il
generously liberal offer.. In .ddWoi to aH of K
above, any one sending one dollar and k.ir
tra. (SI so,) shall receive the twe 4ve hiv I '."
of the magazine from JanrV 1SM J be"
devJaSroS'XvrS & "
tions necessary to those forminiclubor ,o A
Give name and Post-office 5d JoS Z fuHAn
sums over three dullart shonH hi ,ntull. All
convenient. Money by m JT hj if
ted. at our risk. l'o5tl?s S"P" authentic,
received at par. 1 h J ,f Hi, "PS an,d Current
newS dealers in the t'Effed S&t"'? b
The trade supplied at Vuhu.h C -Rd Cd.
A Tousey, H Dexter A Pa r,r,ee8' b Ko"
drickson. Rlake i - Lout in V ' v" 1,'ewilt UD
the ,arge lolaaSSISS
1,4 W"HM trrtef, NVTrk
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