p r: i) ill; i ii ! 1 1 I. " -v 1 i I !! Its A western wag informs us that before he knew bow batter was made be always had an idea that it was dog oat of salt mines. It is only by labor that thought can be made healthy, and only by thought that labor can be made happy ; and the two cannot be separated with impunity. The Cincinnati Gazette notes the arrest of De Marbais and wife, who recently figured in a tragedy there on a charge of fighting. lie is said to be crazy. The trade of Shanghae, China, in 18-38, ag gregated in imports to over $33,000,000, and exports to almost $60,000,000. The value of Opium imported was $23,500,000. Morissey, the prize fighter, has accepted the challenge of Ileenan, to fight for $10,000 a side, within four or eight months alter the bat tle of the latter with Sayres, the champion of England, and has deposited $500 to "bind the match," with Mr. Wilkes of New York. Remarkable Theft. A man named David Gaintor has been arrested at Greenfield, Mass.) for stealing bird tracks the tracks being stones collected by a neighboring geologist, on which are the footprints of gigantic birds An Irishman who had lain sick a long time, was met one day by the parish priest : "Well, i'atrick, I am glad you haTe recovered but were you not afraid to meet your God V3 "Och, no, your reverence, it was the other chap I was afraid uv," replied Tat. A learned Lord, speaking of the salary at tached to a rumored appointment to a new judgeship, said it was all moonshine. Lord Lyndburst, ia his dry sarcastic way,remarked "May be bo, but I have a strong notion that moonshine though it be, you would like to .see the first quarter of it." A clergyman of Concord, N. II. so says the Statesman of that place met a little boy ot his acquaintaEce on the cars, and said to him, "This is quite a stormy day, my son." "Yes, sir," said the boy, "this is a very reel rain." The clergyman, thinking to rebuke such hyperbole, asked if he ever knew of oth er than wet raia. The boy answered that he never knew personally of any other, but he had read in a certain book, of a time when it rained fire and brimstone, and he guessed that was not a wet rain. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The Raftsman's Joctial is published on "Wed nesday at S!.i0per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, $2.00 will be charged. Advertiseme.vts will be inserted at S1,C0 per square of 12 lines for three or less insertions. For every additional insertion 25 cents will becbarg d. A deduction will be made to yearly adver tisers. 2so subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. " S. 15. ROW. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Pres't Judge . lion. James Gamble, Jersey Shore. Clearfield Lnthersburg. As te.Judges Sheriff. . . . Prothonotary, Hon. m. L. Moore, Hon. Eenjn. Bonsall, Ired k G. aimer, Jas. T. Leonard, . James Wrigley, . John McPherson. . . Clearfield Keg. A Kec. . Treasurer. . . district Att'y, Co. Surveyor, Comaiiss'n'rs, Robert J. Wallace, John L. Cuttle, . John Irwin. Sr. . George Earhard. . M'illiam McCracVen Peter Hoover, Aaron C. Tate, Isaac W. Graham, George Richards, . Clearfield. XewMillport. Lumber City. Curwensville. Clearfield. Clearfield. Auditor;. Coroner. Arrival and Departure of Mails at Clearfield. ARRIVES. Eastern, daily, Sundays excepted, at 7 P.M. Western, " " " 8 IM. Smith's Mills, Saturdays, P.M. Sinnamahoning.Wednesd. & Satnrd. 8 P.M. Karthaus, Saturdays, 6 P.M. Kylertown, Mondays & Thursdays, 12 M. DEPART. Eastern, daily, Sundays excepted, at 4 A.M. Western, " " " 4 A.M. Smith's Mills, Fridays, 7 A.M. Sinnamahning, Tuesdaj-sSc Fridays, 6 A.M. Karthaus, Thursdays, 8 A.M. Kylertown, Mondays & Thursdays 1 P.M. The Mails will close at 9 o'clock, P. M. N. B. Business men, of town and vicinity, will please preserve this lor future reference. C. D. Watson, Post Master. Mail arrives at Curwensville from Indiana, via Newman's Mills, Burnside, New Washington, Chest, Bower and Grampianllills. Tuesday and Fridays atll A.M., and de parts same days at 1 P. M. Mail leaves Curwensville for Marron, via Xew Millport and Lumber City, every Satur day at G A. M., and returns same day at 8 p.m LIST OF POST OFFICES. Totcnships. Names of P. O. Nam of P.M. B&ccaria, - Glen Hope, - - Elam Rakestraw Bell, - - - Bower, - - - Mary Elder " - - - - Chest, .... Thos.A. M'Ghce, " - - - Cush, - - - - - J.B.Sunderland " - - - - Ostend. .... Lewis Smith. Boggs. - - - Clearfield Bridge. - P. B. Miller. Bradford, - Woodland, - -'- Edw'd. Williams Brady, - - - I.uthersburg, - - A L. Schnell. ' - - - Troutville. - . Jacob Kuntz. " iefferson Line, - . John Hoover. Burnside, - NewWashington - J.M. Cummin" - - - Burnside, - . jas McMor-ay. Clearfield, - Clearfield, - - - Chas. I). Watson Covington, - French ville, - ?. Coudriet - - - Karthaus, - - - J. F.W. Schnarr Curwensville Curwensville, - - Samuel Way. Decatur, - Philipsburg, Centre county. Pa. Ferguson, - Marron, - - - - Edua. Williams Fox, - - - - Ilellen Post Office, Elk county, p. Girard, - - - Leconte's Mills, - C. Mignot. - - - Bald Hills, - - - William Carr. Goshen, - - Sbawsville, - - - A. B. Shaw. Graham, - - Grahamton,- - - Jas. B. Graham. Huston, - -Tyler. ... - David Tyler. " -- Pennfield, - - -H.Wooiward. Jordan, - - Ansonville, ... Eliza Chase. Karthaus, - Salt Lick, - - - Geo. Heckadorn Knox, New Millport, - - D. E. Mokel. Lawrence, - Breckenridge, - - J-W.Thompson. Morris, Kylertown, - - - Jas. Thompson - - - Morrisdale. - - - Jas. McClelland. Penn, Lumber City.t - - W W.Wright. .... Grampian Hills, - Jon'a. Evans, like, - - - - Carwensville, - - Samuel Way. ' - - - - Bloomingville,- - Michael Wise. Lmon, - - - Rockton, - - . - Wm. F.Johnson. Woodward, . Jeffries, .- - . - Thos Henderson t n.V i'L' Milla' ' - J- A. Hegarty. Pt Office will do for Chest townslfir,. TV. ill answer for Ferguson township. BARBERAND HAIR DRESSER.-The undersigned takes this method to announce to the citizens of Clearfield and the surrounding country, that be has opened a Barber Shop, on Market street, in Shaw's new row. where be is pre rsred to v com mod ate all who may give him a call, ana hopes to receive . liberal patronage, -r-t. fi, ifto8vi t JEREMIAH NOlftllS. PBOFESSI0IIAL & BUSINESS CABDS. C. PCRVTANCE, Ambrotypist. corner of 2nd . and Cherry streets, Clearfield, Pa. Aug3'59. H B. W80DS, Attorney at Law, Indiana, Pa. . Professional business promptly attended to. D R. B. F. AKELY, Grahamton, Clearfield coun ty, 1'enn a. April 1. DO. CROUCH, PnvsiciAS, Curwensville, Clear . field county, Penn'a. May 14. DR. II. R. BRYANT, Lnthersburg, Pa., tenders his professional services to the public in gen eral. Luthersburg, October 13, 1S59, LJ. CRANS, Attornev at Law and Real Estate . Agent, Clearfield, Pa. OfEco adjoining his residence, on Second street. May 16. "7ILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. V Clearfield, Pa. Office, one door north of the Post Office, on Second street. Sept. 1. ROBERT J. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. (and District Attorney.) Clearfield, Pa. Office in Shaw's new row, Market street. May 23. HBUCHEIt SWOOPE, Attorney at Law,Clear . field, Pa. OfEct in Graham's Row. one door east of the 'Raftsman's Journal' office. Nov 10. I7IRANX SHORT, Boot and Shoe-maker. Shop. 1 en Second street, (nearly Opposite Reed and Weaver's Store.) Clearfield, Pa. May 4, 1853. "J T" A. FRANK, Justice of the Peace, Market St., 1V1. Clearfield, Pa. Business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Collections made and money remitted Apr27'59. GEORGE W. RHEEM, Dealer in Drugs, Medi cines, Stationary and Fancy articles. Room formerly occupied by Lorain, on Market Street, Clearfield. Sell cheap, for cash Apr20. "TT7ILLIAM F. IRW IN, Market street, Clearfield, V Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. TOnN GFELICH, Manufacturer of all kinds of If Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59. 0311 UA S. JOHNSON, Cabinet Maker, Market street. Clearfield, Pa. He will also attend fu nerals with a hearse, when called on ; and make coffins to order, on short notice. Nov. 10. R. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin ing townships. Residence with J. D. Denning in Kylertown, Clearfield county. May 1 1, lS5y. B. SHAW. Shawsville, Clearfield county, Pa., . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, 4c, sells cheap for Cash, or exchan ges for Lumber or approved country produce. HF. NAUGLE. Watch and CIockMaker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in thaw's new row, Market street. opnositethc Rafts man's Jaumal office, Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 10. JB M ENALLY, Attorney at Law, Clearfield, . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Ofaco in new brick addition, adjoining the residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10. BLACKSMITHING.-Shunkweiler & Orr, thank ful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of a share of public patronage in their line of business. Shop oh Third St. Nov. 10. RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign ar.d Do mestic Dry (ioods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Liquors, fcc. Room, on Market street, a few doors west of Journal OJice, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. L. BARRETT, Notary Public. Clearfield, Pa., , Will attend to collections and remit prompt ly. Office on 2d Street, with Dr. M. AVoods. oppo site Slerrell & Biglers Tinware store. june22'j0. "ITfM. FEATH, Justice of the Peace, NewWash y V ington, Clearfield county, Pa. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to, and all instruments of writing done on short no tice. New Washington, June 1, 1853-6mp. LARRLMER & TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1356. JAS. H. LARR1MER. ISRAEL TEST. rpHOMAS J. M CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law, 1 Clearfield, Pa., may be found at his office on Market street, one door west of Richard Mo3op"s store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar ed with promptness and accuracy. Feb. 13. JOHN RUSSF.L & CO.. Tanners and Curriers, Ptnnville, Clearfield Co , Pa. Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides of all kinds taken in exchange Jnlyl5-54. TOUN IIUIDEKOPER, Civil Engineer and Land ) Surveyor, offers his professional services to the citizens of Clearfield county. All business en trusted to him will be promptly and faithfully ex ecuted. Office, with Col. J. L. Cuttle, on Market street, Clearfield, Pa. September 21, 1S59. JAMES B. GRAHAM, Dealer in Sawed Lumber, Squared Timber, Shingles, Boards, to.t Gra hamton, Clearfield county, Pa., is prepared to fill, on the shortest notice, all orders for articles in his line of business, on a3 reasonable terms as they can be procured in the county. Jan23-'56-tf. DP.. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite the office df L.J. Crans, Esq. Office, the same that wa3 recent ly occupied by non. G R Barrett, where he can bo found unless absent on professional business. F.NTAL CARD A. M. SMITH, offers his pro fessional tervices to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Clear 3eld and vicinity. All operations upon the teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being familiar with all the late improvements he is pre pared to make artificial teeth in the best manner. Offico in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15. YOUR TEETH ! DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to announce to his friends and patrons, that ho is now devoting all of his time to operations inDcn tistry. Those desiring hisscrvices will find him at his office, adjoining his residence, at nearly all times, and always on Fridays and Saturdays, un less notified otherwise in the town papers the week before. All work warranted to be satisfactory. BOOT A SHOE MAKING. The undersigned hav ing entared into partnership in the above bu siness, at the end of the new bridge, 11 miles a bove Clearfield borough, are prepared to do all kinds of work in their line on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. JOHN S. HUYT, A. G. 110 YT. N. B. All kinds of country produce and hides taken in exchange for work. Juno 23, 1858 TJLASTERING The subscriber bavins Io J- catcd himself in the Borough of Clearfield, would inform the public that he is prepared to do work in the above line, from plain to ornamental of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man ner, and on reasonable terms. April 7, 185S. EDWIN COOPER. NEW GOODS t -JOHN PATTON has just re turned tromthe Eajl d is opening one of the largest stocks of SPRING A SUMMER GO' IDS ev er brought into the county. His stock embraces a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Queensware, Ac. all of which will be sold at very reasonable prices for cash, or exchanged for country produce, lumber, Ac, at market prices. The public are invitwd to call and examine his goods. . (maylS BANKING AND COLLECTION OFFICE OK LEONARD, FINNEY & CO., CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts Discounted Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con stantly on hand. Office, on Market St., opnesite thorcde.icaof Jas.B.Graham.Esq. . Ur,r13. JAMES T. LEONARD. , :. ; : ; ; p. A. riy, wr A,VAi.tAce. v: tr :; : : : A. c, riN-sr. TVTEW GOODS! NEW GOODS'! FIRST ll ARRIVAL!! Just received at the "corner store" of Wm. Irvin. in Curwensville, a very large and well selected stock ot Fail awl Winter Goods, comprising everything adapted to the wants of the people. Please call and examine the goods and prices. September 24, lb59. A LARGE LOT of new Prints. Delaines, Plaids, x Ac. Also a fine selection of Cashmeres, Eng lish and French Merinos, and all styles of Ladies' dress goods, at the "corner store" of Wm. Irvin, in Curwensville. September 21. A LARGE LOT of Nails. Glass. Paints. Oils, Bur ning Fluid, Turpentine, Alcohol, Ac, very low by the quantity, at the "corner store" of Curwensville. September 24. WM. IRVIN. A FINE LOT of Buffalo Robes of different sizes and prices, for sale at the cheap corner store of Wm. Irvin, Curwensville. September 21. AVERY LARGE Stock of Clothms, JJoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, are now offered for sale low by Wm. Irvin, Curwensville. Sept. 24., ENRY DISTON'S Mill and X-cut Saws, and Loveland & Mann's superior chopping Axes, at Wm. Irvin's. in Curwensville. Sept. 21. HIDES taken at the highest price in exchange for goods by Wm. Irvin, at the "cheap cor ner" in Curwensville. September 21. WINTER Bonnets, Shawls, Mantillas, Cloaks. Ac, a large assortment at the "corner store" in Curwensville. September 21. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, an assortment, at the "cheap corner store"' of Wm. Irvin. in Curwcnsvillo. . September 21. COOKING AND FA It LOR STOVEH, for sale at the "cheap Corner storo" of Win. Irvin. in Curwensville. September 21. HEAVY draught Hames, also a few sets of sin gle hames, for sale low by Win. Irvin. in Curwensville. September 21. R IFLES AND SHOT GUNS, an assortment, for sale by m. Irvin, Curwensville. Sept. 24. W AGGON AND BUGGIES, for sale cheap, by m. Irvin, Uurwensville. bept 21. s KELETON SKIRTS, all sizes and pricov.for sale Dy Wm. Irvin, Curwensville fccpt. 21. G RIND STONES with fixtures, for sale by Wm. Irvin. Curwensville. September 21. s HOE FINDINGS, Last, Pegs, Ac., at the store ot u m. Irvin, Lurwensvulc-. Sept. 21. s PANISH SOLE LEATHER, forsalo low by Wm. Irvin, Vurwcnsville. September 21. M EAT CUTTERS for sale at tie corner store of September 21 WM. IRVIN. IO It SALE OR RENT A VALUABLE 1 TAVERN STAND AND FARM of 85 acres of Land. 65 of which are cleared and under culti vation, situate on Clearfield Creek, on the main road leading from Cleai field town to Clearfield Bridge, in Clearfield county, Pa., and three miles from the former place. The house is large, new. well calculated for a Tavern, and will command nearly all the custom of the watermen during the freshets, which usually last from four to six weeks. There are also a good Barn, Wood Shed, Wash and Bako House, and various other buildings necessa ry for convenience and con) fort. The terms of sale will be made easy say four annual payments. For further information inquire of L. J. Crans. Esq., Dr. A.T. Schryvcr. James li. Larimer, Esq.. Clearfield, or L. W. Weld, Glen Hope, Clearfield county, Pa. Possession can bo given so that the buyer or rentor can have the benefit of the spring business, which alone will amount to more than double the rent A, T. SCHRYVER. Clearfield, Ta., January 5. 1850-tf. HIGHLY IMPORTANT IN FORM A T I O N. Ar 10 t pr iv g iroo d s. L. A W. KEIZENSTEIN, corner of Main and Joy streets, opposite William Barker's "Mansion House," LOCK HAVEN, PENN'A. The undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield county, especially Lumbermen coming to Lock Haven, that they have just received their Spring goods, comprising a tremendous stock of fashionablo and seasonable READY-MADE CLOTHING. ALSO FURN ISHING GOODS HATS AND CAPS BOOTS & SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, AC, which can't be found in any town thi3 fide of the city ; all of which, they are determined to sell at so slight an advance on city co.t, and at such a great reduction from the usual prices, as to aston ish even the closest buyer. The goods are all new and fashionnblo and have boon selected with the greatest care and will be warranted in point of durability. Remember the place ! L. & W KEIZENSTEIN, Opposite Wm. Barker's "Mansion House." Lock Haven, Pa., March 16, 1359-3m. KEEP UI THE EXCITEMENT Re movals always cause excitement, and since the great excitement about the removal of the Court House has subsided, the community gener ally have become somewhat excited upon "hvarfn'' that Charly Watson has determined to pull tip stakes and romove to Virginia. But the latest cause of excitement is the fact that I havo remov ed my Saddler Shop from rny old stand opposite the Court House to my new shop on Market Htrcet, nearly opposite the jail, where all who may favor me with a call can be supplied with Swlilles, Sin gle Harness. Double llariirss, Tuq- lf irnc?, liri dies, Collars. Whips, Halters. Housings, Breeeh barvts. .S'tVe Strap, and in fact everv article in the line of Saddling and Harness making. Thankful tor the very lUieml patronago heretolorc hestowed I solicit a continuance of the same and a call from as many new customers as con make it suit. Aug. 2't,.'59. GEORGE W. RHEEM. P. S. My being connected with the Drug busi ness will not interfere with my shop, for I have the Drug Store attended to by careful hands and intend devoting my time exclusively to my regu larg business. G. W. It! H J SAY IT BOLDLY, thotyourGolden Salvo J. saved my life! I was brought to tho brink of the grave by a broken breast; I gave up all hopes of getting well ; it eased tho pain in 1 hour and seven boxes cured me; I could nurso my child in no week. Mrs. J. Brannen, No. 7 High Street, Isjrell, Massachusetts. IT CAN'T BE RUBBED OUT It Can't he Railed Ont ll Cai't be Liiiljicd Out THAT WHITTEN'S GOLDEN SALVE THAT WUITTEX'S GOLDEN SALVE Has saved life in Lowell Has saved life in Lcicfll Has saved life m Lowell Has savulx fe in Lowell AND IS DOING A GREAT WORK AND IS DOING A GREAT WORK By completely curing Piles, Rheumatism, Cuts. Bruises, Sprains, Old Sores. Scrofulous Humors, Erysipelas, Pimples on the Face, Corns and Chil blains, Sore Nipples, Broken Breast, Burns and Scalds, Spinal Difficulty, Felons, Warts, Chafings, Cancerous Sores, Ringworms, Salt Rheum, Sore Lips, Frost-bitten limbs, Chafed Infants, Chapped Hands. Boils, Scratches on Horses, Soro Teais on Cows, Ac; and is adapted for every kind of sore or humor that afflicts humanity All laborers, and those who aro tho most subject to acoidents, should supply themselves with tha Golden Salve. It acts without pain heals rapidly, and eases pain almost instantly. It contains no poison, and has no offensive odor. The Golden Salve has, by its complete success in curing the various external diseases, secured a lasting reputation commensu rate to its worth. Physicians uso it extensively, and testify to iU superior value in checking in rluuiatory action, and to its healing power. Gen tlemen of tho Press, the Pulpit and the Bar, tho 1 high and the low, tho rich and the poor, testify to 1 the matchles efficacy of the Golden Salve. -Manufactured solely by P. WH ITTEN. 35 and 37 East Merrimack street, Lowell, Mass. , 25 cents per box. G. W. R"heem, Clearfield ; Jacob Koons. Troutvillc; Howard Merreil, Bradford ; Edward Williams, Woodland; Ellis Irwin & Sons, Lick mD; Shaw.Shawsville; P.A.Gaulin, Trench V .7. " nyer, Kylertown; Henry Swan, Ansonville ; J. L. Allien, New Washington ; and by M. A. FRANK, General Agent. Clearfield', wh will supply all country roerchantson liberal termi uqweu. mass., august 17, ISftO. BUY THE WA mi TtTpIi iTSiw . aro the Best Calicoes yet offered to the Pa Lo for tha money. Wholesale .A-n8 ' DI.FOKEgT, ARMSTRONG Jt to.. ' April 2VSDHav ..... Ne Yprk. CLOTniXG !! CHEAP CLOTIILNC A'. ! The Largest, Cheapest and Best . lot of MENS AND BO YS CLOTHING ever brought to this county, has just been opened And now fcr sale at RICHARD MOSSOP S. October 19, 1859. . Clearfield, Pa. C' LEARFIELD ACADEMY Tho Winter Session of this school will be opened on the first Tuesday of November next. Rev. J. M. Gallowav. Superintendent. Mr. W. W. RALSTOM.Tnstiuctor. Terms are the same as for last session. For fur ther particulars inquire of tho Superintendent or Instructor. . Clearfield. Oct. 19. 1859-3tp. TJOOTS A ND Sno ES-BOOTS &, S II O ES . A large assortment of Men's and Boys' BOOTS AND SHOES, just received and now for sale at tho the very low est prices. AI?o, a largo lot of good women's Boots at ONE DOLLAR a pair at RICHARD MOSSOP'S " October 19. 1S59. Clearfield, Pa. E XCELSIOll MARBLE YARD. fri. j .: 1 1 u .. iuc ujiucisigucu uviKvy auuuua- r -. ces to tho citizens of Clearfield county, that Iia ia a 1 1 1 1 anirai t j -kl cf nni - in TYRONE OITV. Tn erecting MONUMENTS and BOX TOMBS. Also Hea.1 trnd Foot Stones of the latest and most approved styles, and on the mo?t reasonable terms. All orders promptly at tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN. Aug. 25. lS53.-dec23-'57. Tyrone City. LOOK HERE ! LOOK TIERH !! The uu dersigned take this method of informing the public generally that they havo entered-iuto co partnership in tho Blacksmithing business, and can be found at the shop formerly occupied by Ja cob Shunkwviler, on Third street, in the borough of Clearfield, where they will bo pleaded to see their old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient, to givo them a call. Bring on your hoes, your spades, and picks, Your log chains and your pulling sticks. Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse and mare, No three-year old, shall then go bare. Your spears we'll work up then just right, To pruning hooks for every hight, Your swords too. shall then be wrought To plough-shares such as C'in ne'er bought. J. SIIUNKWEILF.lt, JDco. 6.J353. GEORGE W. ORIt. HALLOA! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to his friends and the public generally, that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es tablishment in "New Salem City." Brady town ship, where ho will at all times bo prepared to manufacture, on tho shortest notice, all kinds of Wagons, Cart3, Wheclba rrows Ac. 'I he best ma terial that Can be procured will be used, and his work will be made in the most substantial and du rable manner, such cs will bear tho test of strict examination. By a close observance of his busi ness engagements, and by disposing of his work on the most reasonable terms, which he wilt do for either cash or approved country produce, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub lic custom BEN J. RISHEL. New Salem City. Jan. 16, 1856. G O A X r S E E THE K E W GOODS AT K 11 ATZE II ' S ," Where you will find the usual variety at un usually low prices. Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 19, 1359-4t. PROFESSOR D U V A L L S, . TASTELESS GALVANTC PILLS. Prepared OrigiiHily Id Prof. Duvall, formerly of the Collese o f Siryean , Paris, is now offered to the public for the cure of all those diseases in which alteratives and resolvents are indicated. These pills are rendered void Of taste by which means the most delicate stomach can take them as well as the smallest child. From three to five boxes will cure the wors cac of Scrofula. From two to four boxc3 will cure tho worst case of Slt Rheum. From two to 3 boxes will cure tho Ring Worm. One box will cure Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. From two to four boxes will cure all old Ulcers and Running" Sores. One box will cure Humors in tho Eyes. From one to three boxes will cure the injit in veterate ease of Nursing Sore Mouth." From one to two boxes will ourc the severest case of scabby head in children. From three to six boxes will euro the (common ly called) thick neck or Goitre. Ircm two to four boxes v, ill ctre the Dropsy. J From one to three boxes will cure Jcandice. l roni two to six pills will cure the Sick Head Ache when accompanied with Billions One box will cure the Fever and Ague. For all diseases arising trom an impure state of tho blood, and bilious habits, tho 'Tasteless Gal fun ic Pills are tho best pills ever known in the annals of medicine. 25 cents psr Box Any agent on receipt of SI will send four boxes to any part of the United States, free of postage. J. D. STONEROAD, Proprietor. aug23-'5S-y I.cwistown. Pa. For sale by Moore A Etzwcilcr. Clearaell, Pa., and by country merchants genorally. GIFTS RARE AND BEAUTIFUL GilV cu InMscnmuuttely tritium t moneu to all persons ordering bools from CLARK'S Great GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, Number S(k Spring Garrlen Street, Philadelphia. This establishment is conducted on a scale of unsurpassed magnificence and liberality, as thou sands can testify, and universally acknowledged to bo tho most liberal and punctual Gift Enter- t -- 1 . . 1 ... , ........ ...o, nigiuiia, x r.ivcjs. Adventures, nto ries, Anecdotes,Talca. Narratives, Romances. Sports and Pastimes. Also, Religious. Biblical, Theolo gical, Classical, Philosophical, Geographical, L'o tanical and Agricultural Works, Dictionaries. Lex icons, Albums, Annuals and Presentation Books. Bibles, llymn and Prayer Books, in every stylo of Binding, together with all tho newest icork of the day, all of which are haudsomely bound and guar anteed perfect in evory respect. The schedule of Gifts I present, (as will bo seen by refercuce to my catalogue,) is the most extensive, as it is ulso the motjt superior, elegant and magnificent ever offer ed by any similar establishment in tho Union one of which Gifts will accompany each book at the time of sale. EgA Fine Gold Watch ac companies every order of one hundred books or dered at ono time from my Catalogue.gj TESTIMONIALS. As an evidence ot toe truth of what has been asserted, I append the names of a few gentlemen of high standing, whose veracity cannot bo questioned, who have purchased or or dered books from me and received Gold Watches t 1 Yi ' oi T' ,1-7 . 7 B4-? -"'uieiown.r'a; John D. Skiles, wholesale Grocer, Lancaster, Pa Hon. G. G. Walker, Representative from Somerset vwuuij, in iuu iciiuit legislature; W alter G B vans Notary Tublio, Lancaster city, Pa. ; Jacob Martin, Esq.. Rochester. N. Y.; Hiram Fik, Esq Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. Goo Lcnhart, larrisbur'', Pa.; Mr. J. L. Foars, Bear Creek, Henry eountv' Georgia; Mr. Thomas Smead, Bedford, Pa.; and Julia Crosby, U27 Lawrenee street. Philadelphia who received a splendid Siti dress pattern, worth H- d. w. Clark, No. 80rt Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa." Agents Wanted in every Town and Village in the United States. My terras to Agents are such as to afford them a liberal rouiunei-ation for their trcubie. Full particulars may bo had by address ing nie as Above. Catalogues tent free Uuv -iunfv FhjUdtlphui, July 20. lc'50-Sm TVTEW COODS VERY CIIEAP,-just re- 11 ceived and for sale low at the "cheapest cor ner," Curwensville, by JOHN PATTON. GLORIOUS S KWS ! N ATI ONAL EX CHANGE The subscriber having taken tho above well known stand, in Curwensville, Fa., i.TTeady to accommodate allwhoniay fav?rhi2a with their patronage. His table will always be supplied with the best the market can afford, and his Bar with the choicest liquors. IIi3 stable will be under the care of attentive hostlers. AprilS, 1853. - DAVID SMITH. WASHINGTON HOUSE, MIDDLETOWN, Dauphin County, Pa. The undersigned, having become proprietor of tho above Hotel, re cently kept by Mrs. C. Griffee,- solicits a continu ance of tao custoin which has heretofore been so liberally extended to the house, especially by the citizens of Clearfield county, trusting that he will be able to render satisfaction to all who may fa vor with a call, by strict attention to the wants and comfort of his guests. L R. DEEG. Middletown, Pa , March .10, 1359-3m. PUBLIC IIOUSE.-The nndersigned res pectfully announces to the traveling public in general that he now occupies the Tavern house mile east of S. Bauder's old stand, in Covington township, where he is prepared to aecommo-laie all who may favor him with their custoin His house is commodious and well adapted to the en tertainment of travelers, and his table will always be provided with the best that the market can af ford, liis stable is also convenient and good. " March 9, 1859. BENJAMIN SNIDER. SUSQUEIIA S -N A HOUSE, Curt tfe usftlle, Clearfield Coantif, Pemta. The subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Hotel. Philipsburg, having taken the above house, situate in the ca-t end of the Borou jh ot Curwensville. 011 the bank of the Susquehanna River, would res pectfully announce to tho travelling public, that he is fully prepared to accommodate strangers and all others who may favor him with a call. The house is new, well furnished, large and com modious, and travellers will find every convenience necessary to their comfort. Ainnln ti!iiin Jj tached to the premises DAVID JOilNVION. Curwensville, Februiry 17. H.;S. "ffTILEMING HOTEL, (FORMERLY KNOWN JL1 AS THE GOOD INTENT.) CURWENSV ILLE, Clearfield Cmnty; Pa. The subscriber Legs leave to inform his old customers and the public "re rally that ho has recently taken the above "well known taiid, aiid that he has entirely refitted and refurnished it in a stylo adapted to the age. and the wants of.the entire travelling community. HIS TABLE will always bo provrded with every luxury the markets and surrounding country will afiord. HIS BAR will be supplied with tho choi cest wines and liquors. HIS STABLES, which are the best and most coiamodicus on the road within aday's travel, will always be in charge of careful and attentive hostk-rs In short. everv department of his establishment will be supplied with all the comforts and conveniences the weary traveller could desire. WM. A. MASON Curwensville. June 2. 1S53. CLEARFIELD HOUSE, CORNE!tOF 17r AND MARKET STREETS. CLEAR t1,' 1 A- ihe undersigned would respectfully inform hisfiiends and the travellir - public in general, that he has taken the above houn- (for merly known as the Hemphill Hi,l Ka- that the huuso has been recently refitjc 1,' imuroved nud newly furnished; that txtCLsive stahliu na3 just been completed; and thai ho is yrc pared to accommodate all who n-.jv ivo h:iu a call in the most pleasing and agreea.Ie'nni:n?r Ho u amply provided with everything to render his Louio a desirable stopping "place, uud will endeavor to entertain his guests in a manner that cannot fail to gi ve the fullest satisfaction. The house u tuated in a pleasant ar i quiet part ot the town, and no expense or attention will be sir red to make it on t" t!i l-it ; ti.. . . . . . - ... 1 1 1 til' It V . A literal patronage is rc?peetf-jll.v solicited. J'.is oar will be supplied u iih an assortment of choice 1 1 "i 7 1 ... o ' r j 1 ..-., . . - - 'j"".-- a. jia 1 s .n-jimu .v. WF YOU WaNT SUPERFINE FLOUR Gu 10 Mossop's. It you want good Extra Flour, go to Mossw:s. 1 you want Extra Family Fiuiir, go to M ssoi-"s IF you want good smoked" Hams, go to Mossor's. IF you want Sides or Shoulders, go to Mossor's. 1 b' you want excellent Dried Beef, to Mjssor's! IF you v-ant gi.od BroWn Sugar, go to Mossop's. I F you want aiiperiurVhitc.ugar. so to M..ssoi-'s. I F you want the best Rio Coffoo. go" to Mossor's. IF you want Extract of Co (Tee. go to Mossop's. I F you want good Imperial Tea. gi to Mossop's. IF you want good Bl.iek Tea, go to Mossop's IF you want good Young Hyion. go to Mossor's. IF you want coarse or fine Salt, go to M.issor's IF you want excellent Rice, go to Mossop's! IF yon want fresh ground Spices, go to Mossop's. IF you waiit superior Candies, go to Mossop's. IF you want Adamantine Candies, go to M-jssor's." II you w;uii good Tallow Cm ilea, goto Mossop's. IF you want good fresh Mackerel, go to Mosxop'r! IF you want good fresh Herring.'go to Mj-sop's IF you want superior White Fish, go to M.-iss-jp's.' It you want Jiolasses. nil kinds, go to Moss, p's IF you want fine Dried Peaches, po to Major's IF you waut llae Dried Apples, go to Mossop's.' IF you want Oranges and Lemons, go to Mossop's. IF you want Nails an-t Spikes, go to Mossop's. IF you want Hardware ut'.iil kin Is.go to Mossop s. IF you want a good (Jra.s Scythe, go to M.. shop's IF you want a ;;ood -Hay Fork, go to Mossop's. IF you want a good Manure Fork, go to Mossop's. I F you want good Garden Spades, go to Mossop's. I F you want Willow Baskets, go to Mussop's. IF you want a good Buggy Whip, go to Mjsmip's. if you want aouucco nud Cigars, go to M )si)-''? IF you want Fancy Wall Paper, go to Mossop's". TF you want Manilla hemp cords.50 to Mossor's. I F you want l'alui or Fancy Sojp. go to Mossop's. IF you want Sboo Lasts and Pegs', go to Mossop's. IF you want good Satv-tuill Saws, go to Mossop's" I F you want Powder, Lead A Shot. go to M;Sc:p"s! IK you want good Shoe Blacking, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Stove Blacking, go to Mossop's! IF you want superior Blue Ink, go to Mossop's. IF you want a Smoothing Iron, go to Mossop's! IF you want good brown Muslin, go to Mossop's. IF you want good White Muslin, go to M jssop's. IFjou waut good colored Muslims, go to .Mossop's IF you want silk Handkerchiefs, go to Mossop's. IF you want cotton Handkerchicl's.goto Mossop's! IF you want Linen Tabic cloths, go to Mossor's IF you want cotton Tabic cloths, go to Mossop'w IF you want Umbrell.isA Parasols, go to Mossop's! I F you want a superior Clock, go to Mossop's IF you want Fancy Carpet Sacks, go to MoSop's I F you want Table Oil Cloths, go to Mossop's IF you want good Floor Oil Cl.uh, g0 to Mossop's! IF you want new School Books, go to Mossop's. IF you Wi.nt a .good Undershirt, go to Mossop's IF you waut fashionable Coats, go to Mosop's IF you want fashionable Pants, go to Mossop's IF you want fashionable Neck ties.go to MosW's II you want fashionable; Vest?, go to MossopV. J! you want fashionable Hats, go to Mossop's 11 you want fashionable Ilar.d ks. goto Mor-up's IF you want fashionablo Boots, go to Motor's IF VOU want f.l?hionali! Sh you want Boys' Coats & Pants, go to Mossnp' It- you want Children' Shoes, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionablo Bonnets, goto Mossop's It you want Calicoes, new styles, go to Mossop s! I you want new fancy DeLainos, go to Mossop's II you want good French Chintz, go to Mossop's! II you want 1 rench Ginghams, go to Mossor's it you want Domestio Gingham go to Mossop's IF you want first rato Alpacas, go to Mossop's. IF you want old Monongahela, go to MossoP's it you want Port Wine, superior, go to Mossop's II you waut " for Medical uso, go to Mossop's' It you want :; " Sacramental use.go to Mosop's U you want good Cherry Brandy goto Mossop's. II you want good Sweet Wine, go to Mossop's. IF you want Fancy Cassimercs, go to Mossop's It you want Llack Cassi meres, go to Mossop's It you want plain ft f-.r-y Tweeds, goto Mossop's' It you want superior Casincts. go to Mossop's! At you waut superior Sattinets, go to Mossop's. IF yoa want ground -White Lead, go to Mosscp's! It yon want line ground Zinc, goto Mossop's. iF you want Pure Fiaa-seed Oil, go to Mossop's. IF you want any other articles, go to Mossop's 1 you waut to buy cheap for cash, go to Mossop's. Clearneld, Pa., April -7, 1S5'J. . . BACON Hams, Sides and Shoulders tu hand and for nnn lit. 1 h c a. .),.,.. i. ... v.. and for tialu at ih 'cheau oash store." bv Apr '7, lS.i3. WM. F. IRWIN. TACKKRFLtJuiirter and Half barrels, for - , , crt bp pT corner ir. I nverS. Mlio;v.y Uunts: JOHN FAITON I OK TIN AFAR E OF ALL KlNDs r For Jananed-V.'nro. umtnMi-...,. TTLt" ..(.Mr..! ft?". For Brittsnia-Ware, go to Merrell bIsS' lor Hollow-Ware, go toMsRRELL fc'r japanned ware. u-a. For fancy waiters, go to Merreil 1 HKWt For "f.o.l foot t.,K . . f'GI-rRY I Of Superior lanthorns;go to Merrell 4 I!iG,rM For water coolers. gotoMERRELLi Eirtro For chamber buckets, go to Merrell i Eiclb-J STOVES, STOVE FIXTURES, Ac. For stoves of all kinds, go to Merrell & 'v,r, P. For farmers' boilers, go to M erp.ell hlr" ' For good etovc-pipe, go to Meep.eli. & Bier !' l or summer furnaces, go toMEPRELLft Birrru" For large iron kettles, go to Merrell 4 BI(", I -S' For cofiee roasters, go IoMeurellA Biclp' l or stove brushes. go to Merp.ell & Bigler !' I-or German bIacklea!?.go to Merre: l 1 I'iilfb CT f,to collars. go to Merrell & VaolzI I lor Rafting stoves, g0 to Merkei.l A Livu.cs", MISCET.i-.AStOl-S ARTICLF.8. For superior coal oil, go to Merrell ft P,i..vr lor fancy coal oil lamps, go to Merrell ft r.&'u, tor old dominion coffee-pots to Merrell ft I i' For fancy gaschandaliers.trot-j Merrell ft mV'Zl For good dinner belli go to Merrell ft Bie- ! I or good graiu cradlei, Co toMerrell ft liziv l 1 or superior ploughs, go to Merrell ft . For side hnl ploughs. go to Merrell 4 Biie' lor good road scraper.?, go to Merrell ft Lii;e"v lor superior sand screens, f-o to MerreF ft hi 'I9--' For good platform scale;, goto Merrell ft Ett-'erl lor good counter scales, go to Merrell ft bi "rc t or superior hay scales, go to Merrell ft Bi- er'j For patent milk paiis, go to Merrell ft r.;er ,' lor good clover hullers, go to .Merrell ft Bi eri 1 or fancy lamp shades, go to Merrell ft Bi V"-' tor good spelternnd zinc, go to Merrell ft B;?c'. 1' tor superior fruit cans, jr to Merrell ft Pi-'.-i I or go-d hou;e-po"3t!ag. ;.-ott- Merrell i i'i-:e'"'; Jf.RDWARE Ai i.-IPLKMLNr.s. " ' For bar iron of all si ads. tro to Merrell ft riser's t or superior cast steel, i. ,9 Merri; 4 Uigi-, l or good nails and st.:f:.. ir,-, .. t. i: ."' lor good hi.g'i-h steel, go Merrell ft BifV I or i,uatsr.o-.tLinSiro33. go to Merrell ft BiglcrV r or gr.r,d r-uljS sct.;j gl) to Merrell ft Big!er t or sMpevior door lock j. go to Merrell ft BigJor' - r.r .;iLcrls:.B b!i-.rtefd, g- to Merrell ft R&or tor iron axles and fil... ff0 to .Merrell ft EiIerV' lor suFerOrpui3pf!;.ii,t2 so toMerrell ft Bier or a,l pumj, Csturci. t- Merrell ft Bi-!er" lor good buggy spring?, go t Merrell ft LiT-ier'.' tor huttsau.t hinges, ft j go to Merrell ft Bi"l..ra' r..r superior o:-asj;oil!es. go to Merreil ft BiIer'. lor good ni:ir.in kettb go to Merre!' ft B:ur tcr nea'fst wao iror.s. go to Merrell ft p.jrtr- t or goa aauiage cutters, gotoNerrell ft Biker's lor good sau.aye s:n!Ter?, go to Merrell ft-Eigler t . or Btipenor c.Cee ,ni'3. g0 to Merrell ft Bi-lcrV j or superior porch feet, go to .Merrell ft Biler '1 p.ongh wings, goto Mem!! ft ni--ler tor go.,.1 horseshoe nails, go to Merrell ft Biker's' jor superior hotel iumps, to Merrell 4 Bier". tor uitm uoor bin-,... g.-, to Merrill ft Bizler" I or superior gate binges. ,;0 to Merrell A Bi,'lerV i .r superior J.1CK chain.?, go to Merrell ft Biier'i. K-r !o,lg handled shovels, go to Merrell A B:!er'S I or jpaes a,.d hay forks go to Merrell ft Bigier i For RMan1r,r?,n -rdk-s' "to Merrell ft Bigier'. I or fe.rels of all !lir,. g to Merrell ft B:ler '. tor superior brass cocks, goto Merrell ft BiglerV. or Lts can.ll sti.-ks. go to Merrell ft Li-lcrV t ot tr:is FEunersi l.,cki, potoMarrell ft Cier'. tor superior lard Ia:np3. go to Me, re!! ft Bier .-. 1 or g.'H). en:ous41utzurs.g. to Merrell ft CigierV. 1 or go: -.! cork srerevv.-. g to Merrill ft Eigier 9. t or egg codlrr?.t beaters, go to Merrell ft Baler's tor good bread toati r. g to Merrell ft B.Mcr r or superior ae.-h forks, go to Merrell ft Bi!cr . t or good baling s?.,3r.r": g-j to Merrell ft Bi'4lcr"i. t.T good twine Koxe-, go to Merrell ft Bigler's. ... o;u:i:n.-es. gotor.lerrell AHigler . ;r goe l corn grinders, go to Merrell ft Bijler'.?. K7J! S . rU suc,,c"- So ' Merrell ft Bigler'. 1- r ;V1- S:nV un,er- Merrell A Biker's, ior superior cantors g' to Mrrrel! ft Hitler . I ouutry produce, old metal, l.ra-s and copper Ukeu in exchange. Clearfield, June d, 133'i. IbVXK SOTELIST. Tho following are the rates of discount at whifb ti-e notes of the banks pven wvro purchased last ....j lucuia.crsu 1 ailaiclpiiia : lli.'JJ 1 LVAMA, TiK of Commerce, Bk of X. America. Bk of Northern Lib Bk of I'cnn Tdwn p. City I'aux, Com. bn of Ponn'a, Commonwealth b. Consolidation b. Corn I'xehango b. Far. ft Moch's b. Girard Bans, Koiiningtdu bar.K, Man A Meeh's b. Philadelphia b. Southw.uk bacK, State I k. Camden, Traders bank, I'nion b:ir:!r MASSA(HIirTT!l. par par par par pdr par par pr par par par par p.ir par 1 ar Solreiit banks. i:ho;ie ilivd. Fa rmers'BK .W iokforl t-anKof South Coun ty, Wakeiicld. " n 20 1 ivcTlOii i.k, j lvertou. W arwi-k Bk. Warwick 5 i..uoUe Ireland Lxccsn B'k, E. Greenwich, Mt. Vernon Bark, Hopkmtoa Bank, All solvent banks. ca.v.srrTicTT. Mcrch Kx.Bk.Bridgp i i:..g--portLirvi;.i, . CidiI:itir 1? .'- par lr I l;s ..f Hart ford Co. F-if'l Halfers Br, liethel. Western bai. i i S Si 3 P 'r j Ksch.B.t. Hartford. Bk of Beaver n. ' hartcrOair f- Bk of Chester Valleypar Bk cf Coui!!:er?e.I"rie. 15k of Crawford co.' i Bk of New Cact'tc, Mercantiie Bark ': I naj 1!k, N'urwich, QuiiicbauB.-r. j WoosterBk.UanburT ' J stown, par j Woodburv Rank, l K i f Brtwrenee co. Pawcatuck Bsi.k, vc.nrai 0.01 ra.. uoi , r,x ot N .Am. Scvmo Favetto Co. bank. 1 Pdhouioofso B.ii).?!ib Jiiisey Shore b. Kittaning bank, Lebanon b:nk, M'ivean co. bank, Oe tot a ra bank, Suamokin baiK. I'nion b. Readipg, AVarrcn co. brick, York cocntv bank, Bk of lVfciVa, Phi! FhiFab-iaks. Ailentown Bank, Anthr.i.-ito bank, Bk of Chester co.. Bk of Ielaiaro co. 4 I par p?r t i i 'a Li par Grauite B;c, Vcluut'u Pequonnoe-k Bar.k. Windham County Ei, N U'.V VtiRS . Agricultural Es llnk Addison Bk, Addiron Bk cf Orleans, Albion, t Central BankofNcw York. L'tica. Chemung County Ex 1 i.nrymej s Har k, par Elmira I5.ir.k- Elmi i l HcIlisterBK. BufTait Hamilton Lx. B.iiik. llnguenot Bs, N.l'al Medina Bx. Medina, Nisgnrw R;,rr B.u k Ontario Bk. I'ti.?a par par Bk of Germautowu, l'K. ot Montg y co., Bk of Pottstown, Bk xf Catasauqua, Columbia Bank, loylcstown Bk, Fasten Bank. par par par par par Ontario Co. Bk. Phelps 1 rati baii, EutJalo f,liverLecft("o'c Bk " Reciprocity Bk, aekctt's liarbjr Western Bk, Look port Yates Co. Bk. PeiA ati Ir 3 3 1 W Fr.ftMcch.bK Easton par Far.liKof Eucksco. par rar.iiir. Lancaster, Far.B.K. Reading, Lancaster C. Imck Ibanon Bank, Maucb Char.k Bk, Miuers' Bk Pottsv'e tr-troudsburg bank, Wvomiusr Bant. pr par . par par par , par par i Solvent batk?, srw jv.p.sir. Solvent brink?, i Bt rgeu County Ea-S at Hackeasack. 2 HMIVI.AND. Solvent Bass, 1 OHIO. Citv Bank, Cincinnati ' O. LifeftTragtC.... Ciu Senaca Co. Bk, Tiffin, Sand u.-ky City Pk.Cl 2 Bk of Mascrab County llarri.?burg Batk, Bk of Cliamborsburg, Bk of Middletown, Yoik Back. Bk of Gettysburg, Bk of Pittsburg, Citizens' Bk, 1'ittsb. Exchange Bk. Pitt.-b. Iron City Bk, Pittib. Meehauics" Bk, Piitjb Mononga'la b.Browus I'ayton Bank, Bay ton Miami Yal.FK, 0 lo I State EanS, v 4 . v r. diiC. '.r. i-a.-.m PivprBsr.k (jit r l ariKl.OK. V ayhing. 7 FarftDro.bK,Waynesb i Bk of Northumberl. j Bk of Danville. par West Branch Bank, i Lock Haven Bank, par Lewisburg Bank. i Far.BKSehuvlkilleo. Rockland Bs;. K ki d I Canton Bai.k. China. Ellsworth Bauk, " Exchange BK.EacgorC'l Grocers' Bank. Maratime Bk, Bacgcr 1U anford Bk, Rockland Uancock Bk,I.I1sw BanK of IlalloweH h Allegheny BK.AUgh'y i 73 Bk of Lawrence co lloneslale Bank MerftMan Ek.Pitt&b. Erie Bank, Erie Citv Bank. VERVOST. Danby Bans. lanby, Bk of South RoyaltoD, Bans of Royaiion, Solvent banks, I ILLISulS-. Solvent Banks, McKean County Bic, Tioga County Bank, par QJALT coarse and ne can be had ty th . or L"s quantity, at Ihe ''cheap cash tor e src., tore oi pr 2, ISjU. WM. F IRWIN. FOll KALE. A Saw-uiill and about 125 acre of land i"r "ri(. inn vf il;r:t W-n Ac -nl JuaR,ifoy to L. J CRAS, F lor good dust pans, goto Merrell Bicrr- T itr nfir mn!aa:Aa Anna rrAfh (i... . - " S J 1 j ! n r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers