Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 19, 1859, Image 3

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    u u
CLEARFIELD, PA., OCT. 19,1859.
loax U. Cai-v, Esq., Smith's Mills, is au
thorized to receive subscripts and adver
tisements for the Journal, and receipt for all
monies paid hiui on accounts dne this orhce.
By Divine permission, the Rev. Mr. Focht
will administer the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper, in the Lutheran church in ClcarQeld
on Sabbath, Oct. 30th, 1859. Preparatory
services to commence Wednesday the 2Cth.
Mossop has just received and opened an ex
tensive assortment of Seasonable Goods, Clo
thing, Boots, Shoes, &c, which he offers at
the lowest prices, as will be seen by a refer
ence to his advertisement in another column.
Lager. By referring to an advertisement
in another portion of our paper it will be seen
that Jacob Ilessendeller and Charles Ilaut
are engaged in the manufacture of lager beer,
and are now prepared to supply all who may
want it with that popular beverage. -:
We learn that, about two weeks since, the
taw-mill of Mrs. Kratzer, 3 or 4 miles above
I'urwensvflle, together with a lot of lumber,
was destroyed by fire. It is supposed to have
teen intentionally burned, as nofire hadbeen
used about the mill for some time previous.
New Stock. C. KratZcr & Sons have re
reived and opened a laarge stock of Seasona
Me Goods, at their store room on Front St.,
-Clearfield, Pa., which they. will dispose of on
the most advantageous terms We direct at
tention to their advertisement in another col
umn of this paper.
Stof.it. Yesterday morning a heavy wind
and rain storm passed over a portion of this
county. The roof of Mr. Jacob Flegal's barn
In Goshen township, from the purloin up, was
raised by the wind and then fell in with a
crash. We have heard of no other damage
of much account having been done.
The contractor having commenced pulling
down iho old county ollices, preparatory to
l uildlng the new court house, the Prothono'a-
rv's r filce has been removed into the jail build
ing, that of the Register & Recorder into t. e
2ke of James Wrigley, Esrj., on 2d street,
uni the Commissioners' office into a room on
second. floor of Shaw's Row.
Clearfield Acadkmt. By reference to a
notice in our advertising columns, it will be
fo;n that the winter session of this iustitution
is to commence on the first Tuesday in November-
We take pleasure in recommending
this school to parents, guardians, and others.
It has an able superintendent, a oompetent
teacher, and is in all respects well conducted.
Fine Specimen or Handiwork. Mr. Fred
crick Leirzmger is manufacturing, at his pot-ir-r?-
establishment in our town, a lot of stone
ware brackets for the cornice of Gov. Bigler's
house on Second street. They are beautiful
specimens of workmanship, much taste and
mechanical ingenuity arc displayed in their
design and formation, and they cannot fail to
gain for Fred, the reputation of being one of
the mtt expert mechanics in the country.
Ii is gratifying to see that his skill is being
duly appreciated, and that his labor is likely
tu receive the encouragement it deserves.
We direct the attention of our readers to an
ad.-ertisement of Hall's Patent Stump Puller.
A short time since we had an opportunity of
v in.o8ing a trial of one of these machines,
and were satisfied that they can bo used to
great advantage in any region where stumps
re as numerous as iu this county. The ma
chine is of very simple construction, and, if
repairs become necessary, they can be made
l.y mechanics of ordinary expertness. Every
person who is in need of a stump puller should
not fail to procure one now, when they have
the opportunity, and can purchase them upon
advantageous teims.
II. D. M'Georce's Suingle Machine. This
truly great invei tion is now exhibiting at
Spencer's Mills, Bridgeport, a mile west of
Curwensville, where every person at all inter
ested iu lumbering, should go and see for
himself. With 4 horse power, fifteen to twen
ty thousand beautiful shingles can bo made in
12 hours, more perfect than can possibly be
doue by hand. Any kind of wood will an
swer, so it is sound, and presented to the saw
so as to cut lengthwise, or with the grain of
the wood. The shingle is sawed, planed and
finished at one operation. There is no hum
bug about this machine. All that is required
is a visit to it to convince every intelligent
man of its utility as a great labor-saving ma.
chiue, aud one that must eventually take the
place cl all and every other known methods
ot making shingles. Parties who have timber
can with one of these machines make more
money than by any other way of preparing it
for market. Men in other locations, less fa
vored for the business, have iu the short apace
of three months paid all expenses for a mill
ind right to use. S20 per day can bo cleared
with all ease. Shingles from 14 to 28 or 30
iscbes long, of any desired breadth or thick
liass, as well as barrel heading, staves, &c,
can b9 made on the mill by any person, at
rot trial. For further information respecting
tha terms for machines and rights, please call
oa John G. McCortaick, Brilgeport, or ad
dress Johx Heath, Proprietor, Pittsburgh.
The ArnriRt Rnirir m EXPLAINED. A SCI
eiitific gentlenion thus gives the origin of this
celestial visitor : "When the nieioiygiswc iciu
bcrature of tho horizon is such as to caloricise
tlic imprudent Indentation of the hemispheric
analogy, the cohesion of the borax curbistus
becomes surcharged with iufinitessimals, that
are thereby deprived of their fissural disqui
fcitioiis. This effected, a rapid change is pro
duced in the ramburupter ol the gyascutis pa
lcrium, which causes a convalcular in the hex
agonal antipathies ot terestriura aqua vernal!.
Tbo clouds then become a mass of.deodorum
izcd epeculae of cermocular light, which can
-zr bs ecea ten it ij visible." Tliat'3 so.
KPSound the "wild cat" region.
EF""Quite common pugilistic performan
ces, hereabouts.
C7-Lectnring Bayard Taylor, in San Fran
cisco, California.
ttF-Cricketing for the nursery give a child
a bat and it'll bawl.
riT-Amounted to $23,000 tho receipts of
the Pennsylvania State Fair.
CGFT)angeroU3 dose that , "tonnage tax."
It seems to scrdlch two ways.
KF"Adopted-the Kansas (Wyandot) con
stitution, by about 4,000 majority
FFolly to ask a full hooped lady to take
a seat in an arm chair. It can't be did.
"KGentility eating meat with a silver
fork, when the butcher's bill is not paid.
D-Consists our naval force in the Pacific,
of 8 vessels, with 2,350 men and 157 guns.
iIPPicked ripe strawberries, at Hartford,
Connecticut, on Tuesday the 11th instant.
CDrank annually about 25,000 barrels
of lager beer, in Milwaukie. So it is said.
E?Xot quite down to 40 Linn's majority
In Centre. Rather premature, that big crow.
""Undeniable that in America it takes
three to make a pair he, she, and a hired girl.
ml7p to the scratch Hall, our Senatorial
candidate, on the Second Tuesday of October.
"Destroyed nearly orje half of the corn
crop in Nebraska, by a heavy frost, last week.
rr7Rather drowsy the chap that fell off a
rocking chair, with his "gal," on Saturday
Deconstructed over 4,500 miles of Rail
road in Fiance, during the presant Xapoleou's
CJ"Xever return the broken word, the
sped arrow, the past life, and neglected op
portunity. C7Kind 'o short that 1C00 majority for
Durbin, in "Camberry." It lacks about one,
(1) Robert.
GMen cannot subsist wholly upon glory.
Fame, taken without meat, is decidedly un
wholesome. C7"Grows wild cabbage, in Sicily. If this
be true, the tailors in that country Can afford
to be honest.
T7"Riglit side up Isaac G. Gordon. That
chap that was Bent-on being elected, couldn't
quite come it.
CT7Plenty "grimmaces," in this "neck of
the woods," on hearing of the defeat of Gam
ble, Durbin & Co.
CyPlease "Exchange." as we heard our
"devil" say to a young lady, when he kissed
her the other evening.
D3"Asserted that dogs "speak with their
tails." Would it be proper to call a short
tailed dog a stump orator.
rr7I)ied Augustus Washington, a lawyer,
and a distant relation of Gen. asutngton, at
Pittsburg, on Friday a-week
G-Discovered a rich vein of gas, atMans
Ci)M,Oliio. Soon alter being opened it caught
fire, and has burned brilliantly ever since.
CF"Erdertained a novel idea in astronomi
eal cirolesjwhich will be startling to every one.
It is that of pricking the great comet, so that
he will carry up his tail.
LCThe Bapt'.sts have, like the Methodists
and Episcopalians, formed a Sunday School U
nion, and henceforth will be supplied with
their own denominational books.
fjrFSentenced a woman, by Justice Trex j
of Williamsburg, N. Y., to three mouth's im- !
prisonment in the penitentiary for stealing an
umbrella. That didn't pay well.
CI?"" What's in a name 7" One of the can
didates for county ofiicers in La Selle co., 111.,
is Wait, and another Waitmore.. If Wait is
elected the other must Wait-more.
Cj?"Detected a well dressed lady in Alex
andria, Va., with thirty-five pounds of stolen
bacon hung to her spring skirt. The merchant
pardoned her, she was su good looking.
ET'Stated by one of the city j-.apersj that
the whipping post is one of the best institu
tions in Delaware. If this be true, her other
"institutions" afe not of a very good kind.
H7"0ut of jail-'-our friend George Richards
with his tailor shop. He can hereafter be found
in Shaw's row, up stairs, ready and willing to
give customers "fits." See advertisement.
C7""Saved by hoops a servant girl who fell
from an attic window in Wheeling last week.
She came down likaa parachute, and received
but little injury, although she fell forty feet.
!X7"Affirmed byGerman physiologists, that
of twenty deaths ol men between eighteen and
twentv-eiglit years of age,ten originate in the
waste ot the constitution induced by smoking.
rXT-Receives a $3,000 salary the Superin
tendent ol Publication, in Louisiana. He is
required to sign his name only four times, thus
getting $750 lor each time he writes his name.
Cp-Remarked a surly Bachelor.that the la
dies' fashions for the ensuing season show a
persistent determination in the dear cceatures
to crawl out ot their drcs3es through the up
per part.
CCf-Thirty flounces per dress, and not one
less, is said to be the last order from the head
quarters of fashion at Paris. The ladies are
requested to take notice and prepare them
selves accordingly.
E7An awkward man, attempting to carve a
goose, dropped it on the floor. "There, now,'
exclaimed his wife, "we have lost our dinner.'
"Ob. no, my dear," answered he, "it's safe
I've got my foot on it."
O-Couldn't get along the world, without
old North Carolina. Her tar, pitch and tur
pentine are used in every corner of tho globe.
The amount shipped to England during the
year 1859 is valued at 2,176,870.
rT-Prevailing a great excitement among
the people of California In regard to the death
of Senator Broderick. They regard the affair
as a cool, deliberate murder ! His assassin has
been compelled to flee to-avoid popular indig
nation. .
K7If you have any sore or painful disease,
tw.foI. hoitle of Du ValFs Galvanic Oil.
if .;n von relief in a few minutes. Two
bottles will cure the worst case of Piles, and
three bottles will cure five cases out of seven
of Rheumatism.
K7-A lady has recovered $650 damages from
a railroad company in Ohio for the act of one
of its conductors, who put her off in the rain
l?eause she tendered a doubtful bill in pay-
. r r,F ir Ona of the children died
from the exposure to the weather.
C7-"Therc is two ways of doing it," said
Pat to himself, as he stood musing and wait-
,r, tnr ioh on the btate street corner, n
d a vt rrw $4- 000. I must lav u $200 a year for
twenty years, or I can put away $20 a year for
200 years. Now which way will I do it V
Clearfield Market Prices.
The following are the prices at which the ar
namwt wprft selline vesterdav :
Flour. Der bbl. $7.o0
Utrco "'"-' . ' ' - - , -met
Hams, prlb.
Wlwat. n. bush. 1.37
Shoulders, "
Butter, "
Dr. peaches, '
Dr. apples, 44
Eggs, per dozen,
.. X
It is a common observation that there are more
sofferers from debility, among Americans, than can
oe iouna auung any other civilized nation. The
reason is obvious. We take too little exercise, and
forget the wants of the body in the absorbing pur
suitsof business. In all cases, ordinary medicines
can do no good. What is required is just such a
tonic and iiiviorator as Dr. J. Uostetter has given
to the world, in his celebrated "Hitters.'" The weak
and nervous denizen of the counting-house, the ex
hausted toiler upon the shop-Doard, and the pros
trated student of the midnight lamp, have found a
wonderful regenerator in tho "Eitters," aDd prefer
it to more pretentious, but less efficacious medi
cines. But it should not be forgotten that the a
gent which is so magical in its influence upon a
frame which is merely debilitated, is equally pow
erful in assisting nature to expel the most .terrible
forms of disease. Who would not give it a trial?
Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. See
advertisement in another column.
On the 11th inst., jat the residence of the
bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Krotel, Maj.
David G. Nivlisg, of Clearfield, Pa., to Miss
Lizzie, youngest daughter of Andrew Stew
ard, of Lancaster city, Pa.
So the gallant Major is gone at last. Well,
we tender him and his lair bride our congrat
ulations, hoping that a full share of earthly
felicity and prosperity may be theirs.
On the 13th inst., by the Rev. J. M. Gallo
way, Mr. E. J. Rked to Miss Margaret Ann,
daughter of Mr. Wm. Daniels, of Lawrence tp.
will meet for parade drill, and inspection, at
the Uoshen School-house, on Saturday, October
lith, at 10 o'clock, A.M., in full uniform,
with your arms and equipments in good order.
Ky order of the Captain,
Scp7. S. ALE A. FULTON, 1st Serg't.
nnO BUILDERS Sealed proposals for build-
JL ing a chnrch on A. Addleman's farm, in Law
rence township, known at Centre Meeting House,
will be received by the Undersigned Building Com
mittee, until the 1st November. Plans aud speci
fications can be seen after the 17th October at eith
er of the printing offices in Clearfield Borough.
October 12, 1S59. Building Ccmmittto.
having fitted up a shop a few doors eftst of
the '-Old Jew Store," on Market street, desires to
inform the community at large, that he keeps on
hand a variety of CABINET WORK, at his
shop, and that he manufactures to order, (of su
perior finish.) every description of Household ana
Kitchen furuiture, among which are Centre, and
Dining Tables; Mahogony and Common Bureaus;
Common an4 Fancy Bedsteads. Stnnds. Safes. Cup
boards, ofas. Lounges. fcc, which he is determine
ed to dispose of at as cheap rates, for cash, as they
can bo purchased at any other establishment of
the sort in the county. Tersons wishing, to buy
furniture arc invited to come to his shop and ex
amine his articles, an J judge for themselves of its
quality and finish, before purchasing elsewhere,
as he feels confident that he can suit them in price
and quality. Cuuutry produce will be taken in
pavment for furniture. November 10, 1S.'3.
N- B. He is also prepared to make COFFINS to
order on tho shortest notice, and attend funerals
with a hearse, when called upon. J. S. J.
Y tlersi-rned. havinz become sole owner of the
store of Eliza Irvin .ons, in Curwensville, l'a.,
would respectfully inform the public, and the old
customers ot the estaoiisnmeni, inai ne nas just
received frcin the Last, a large and extensive as
sortment of jsPRIXii t SUMMER HOODS, which
he w ill dispose of at the lowest prices.
Ho desires to call varticular attention to the
great variety of LADIES' D11ES3 GOODS, which
have been selected with an expreHS view to meet
the wants of the community. He has also Cloths
and Cas.sinieres of the latest styles, and a large
stock of Ketidy-niade Clothing, Hats and Caps,
Hoots and Shoes, Ladies' Bonnets of the latest
fashion; Mackerel and Herring; Sugar, iea and
Molasses; Hardware, Quecnsware. tc, &c, all Of
which ho will sell at prices to suit the times.
Lumber and country produce ol all Kinds, ta
ken in exchange for Goods.
lie invites purchasers to give him a call before
supplying themselves elsewhere.
Curwensville, l'a., May IS. ISo'J.
IKON' ! IKOA II 1KUA we. tnc under
signed, would respectfully inform the public
that having lately repaired the works commonly
known as the '-Old Alleghany Forge," near Phil-
paburg. we are prepared to manufacture all kinds
f hammered iron, such fs Sledsrr Moulds. Crottr
Birs. Hone-shoe Bars, bam-mrft liars, i asron
Tire of alt xize. bcofip Iron, bhovrt rtow-sliares,
Fncr and Furnace Tools, Vc. We will also man
ufacture Iron for machinery, wnieu. lor strengtn
and durability, commands a highStanding in the
estimation of all good machinists. Persons wish-
n" anv ot the above iron can be accommociniea
. J. .. I.! t.l...ll
on short notice. 11 i uncca.j luunnivu.iiv
superior qualities inc narnmereu irou jjujickco
over rolled iron, as persons using both are soon
convinced of the superiority of the lormcr. iiie
people of Clearfield will find it to their advantage
to use tho hammered iron, both for strength and
durability. Country produce and scrap iron ot
every size and description taken In exchange for
hammered iron. All orders will bo promptly at
tended to by addressing the firm ot
Scpt.l4,"59-6m. Thilipsburg, Centre co,. Pa.
CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes
to inform his old friends and customers, that he
is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business,
on '-his own book," at his old shop on Market
Street, nearly opposite the "old Jew Store," where
he keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture
to order, every description of Cabiuet-Ware, that
maybe wanted in this section of country ; cou
sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogony and Common
Bureaus, Writing and Wash Stands; Centre, Din
ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany and Com
mon Bedsteads ; Sewing Stands, Ac, Ac. He will
also repair furniture and chairs, in good style,
cheap for cash. House Painting done on short no
tice, and easy terms- Now is the time to buy at
reasonable prices, as I intend to sell every thing
in my line of business at the cheapest cash rates.
Walk in and examine the articles on hand, and
judge for yourselves, of the quality and finish.
Country produce received in payment.
Ar,ril 13. 1S09 JOHN GUELICH.
N B Coffins made to order on short notice, and
funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro
priate accompanyments, when desired. J. u.
announces to the citizens of Ansonville and the
surrounding country, that he has just returned
from tho Eaat and is now opening at his store an
TfnsivA Htm;k of choice and serviceable Fall and
Winter G ooda, consisting of a general assortment of
Tin nrirlprs !rnd would direct particular atten
tion to his extensive selection of Parlor and Coal
Sv. Cook Stoves and fixtures, Stove pipe, Ac.
at lnrvn minntitT of Salt. Persons desirous
of purchasing any of the articles in my lino of
business, are invited to call and examine my stock
before buying elscwhcro, as l leei persuaueu mi
t -on .nnnlv thpm on na reasonable terms for cash
.3 a..v other store in the county. Lumber of .ev
ery description, and approved COUI?t,r-T,r?UC0
taken in oxchance for goods. II. onAJl.
... . . 1 . r. lOCQ-
Ansonville. JNovemner iu, iwq-
and excellent machine, lor saie ov
nonhinA. for sale bv
Aug. 31
KsJ kinds, just receive wi P
April 27, 18VJ.
EDAR AND WILLOW WARE, received at the
and a great variety ol useiui luncy guouo, uinS
which maybe found the latest styles of Ladies'
rAUTION. All persons are hereby caution- ;
J ed against purchasing or in any way inter
meddling with Two Bay (dark) Horses, and two
Setts Harness, now in the possession of Hiram Q.
Ditsworth,-of Graham township, as the same be
long to me and are subjeet to my order only.
sept21-3t nARVEY BISSELL.
FLOUR ! FLOUR !! The ur-4rsigned hav
ing made arrangements with a large manu
facturing establishment to supply him with Flour,
he gives notice to tho public that he is prepared
to furnish all who want a good article, at the very
lowest price, in as large or small quantities as
my be desired. He also keops on hand constant
ly liquors of all kinds, which he will sell wholes
sale or retail. JAS. II. GALER.
Tyrone City, Pa , July 11th. 1359.
The undersigned adopts this method of in
forming the public and the patrons of the late
firm of S. A. Gibson & Co., that he designs car
rying on the MARBLE BUSINESS in Belle
fonte, in all its various branches,, and will hold
himself always in readiness to furnish those who
call upon him. with all kinds of Cemetery IVori;
of the latest classical designs, and superior work
manship, such as Monuments, Box Tombs, Cra
dle Tomhs, Spires, OMisis, Grecian. Tombs, Ta
ble Tombs, llea-d Stones, Carved. Sculptured or
Flain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be
had at any other establishment in the country.
Thankful for past favors, tho undorsigncd solicits
an increase of patronage. WM. GAUAGAN.
Bellefontc, Pa., March 23, 1853-tf.
As this seems to be a fast age in more than one
instance, and as we are in the midst of bogus Dem
ocratic Conventions and the excitement caused by
the Sickle's trial at Washington, it is not surpris
ing that the folks of Clearfield would get some
what excited to keep up with the times; and as
the subscriber likes to keep up to the fashions in
more respects than one, he would announce to the
people of town and country that he has constant
ly on hand a large assortment of Boots and Shoes
of every description. French and country Calf,
Kip and Stogy Boots; Ladies' Morocco Lace Boots,
dressed and undressed, with or without French
heels; also, any amount of French and country
calf Lace Boots; Gents French calf and cloth Gai
ters, on hand or made to order; walking Shoes of
every detcription from the Sickles' Lacer to the
coarsest brogan; also, findings on hand; all the
above will be disposed of at extremely low prices
for Cash or Hides. Custom work made to order
on short notice; and as the times are mending I
will pay particular attention to mending Boots,
Shoes and Gaiters. Iam always to be found at
the Short Shoe Shop on Second street, nearly op
posite Kced fc Weaver's store. Plea.o call and
see Shorty. FRANK SHORT.
Clearfield. May 4th. 1359.
Shaw's Row, Clearfield, l'a., a fine assortment of
WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which we in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch
es, to be had at NAUGLE'S.
The American Lever of different qualities, can
be had at NAUGLE'S.
Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Ca'meo, Coral, La
va, Jett, Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gold Stone Mosaic.. Porcelain paintings. Ac,
or single pieces at NAUGLE'S.
Plain gsld Breast pins, Eardrops, Hoop Ear rings,
children'senrdropsandringsat . NAUGLE'S.
Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil
ver holders at NAUGLE'S.
Gents breastpins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob
buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S.
A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ
ent styles and quality, gold lockets, ccral neckla
ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and
all articles in his line, on band at N AUG Lb S.
Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and
common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1,25
to la dollars at JAlULb.
Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange
forgoodsat NAUGLE'S.
All oods warranted as represented, or tue mo
ney refunded, at NALGLE&.
If yoa wish your watches pat In good repair
nd warranted, take them to NAUGLE'S.
It is a fact that, nt some period, every mem
ber of the human family is subject to disease or
disturbance of the bodily functions ; but, with tho
aid of a good tonic and the exercise of plain com
mon sense, they may be able so to regulate tbe sys
tem aa to secure permanent health. In order to ac
complish this desired object, the true course to pur
sue is certainly that which will produce a natural
stato of things at the least hazard of vital strength
and life. For this purpose. Dr. Uostetter has in
troduced to this country a preparation bearing his
name, which is not a new medicine, but one that
has been tried for years, giving satisfaction to all
who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully
upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them
to a neaitny ana vigorous action, ami inus, oy
the simple process of strengthening nature, ena
ble the system to triumph over disease.
For the euro of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nausea.
Flatulency, Lossof Appctite.or Biliouscomplaint!",
arising from a morbid inaction of the Stomach or
Bowels, prod ucingCraRips,Dysentary,ChoIic,Chol-
era Morbus, arc, these Bitters havo no equal.
Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con
tracted by new settlers, and caused principally by
the change of water and diet, will be speedily reg
ulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspep
sia, a disease which is probably more prevalent,
in all its various forms, than any other, and the
cause of which may always be attributed to de
ranircmcnts of tho digestive ofijans. can be cured
without fail by using HOSTETXER'S STOMACH
BITTERS, as per directions on the bottle. For
this disease every physician will recommend Bit
ters of some kind ; then why not use an article
known to be infallible ? All nations have their
Bitters, ns a preventive of disease and strengthen
er of tho system in general; and among them all
there is not to be found a more healthy people
than the (rermans.from whom this preparation em
anated, based upon scientific experiments which
have tended to prove the value ol this great pre
paration in the scale of medical science.
Fever and Ague. This trying and provokin;
disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the bo
dy of man, reducing him to a mere shadow in a
short time, and rendering him physically and men
tally useless, can be driven from the body by the
Further, none of the above-stated diseases can be
contracted, even in exposed situations, it tho Lit
ters are used as per directions. And as they nei
ther create nausea nor offend the palate, and ren
der unnecessary any change ot diet or interrup
tion of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep
and bealty digestion, and tne complaint is remo
ved as speedily as is consistent with the produc
tion of a thorough and permanent cure.
For Persons in Advanced Years, who are suffer
intr from an enfeebled consitution and infirm body,
these Bitters are invaluable as a restorative of
strength and vigor, and need only bo tried to be
. . . i . .1 , : . u .
appreciated. Aoa to a moioer wniio uureiug iucbc
Bitters are indispensable, especially where the mo
ther's nourishment is inadequate to the demands
of the child, consequently her strength must yield,
and here it is where a good touio, such as II os tet
ters Stomach Bitters, i4 needed to impart tempo
rary strenirth and vizor to the eyetein. Ladies
should by all means try this remedy for all ca
sc8 of debility, and, before so doing, should ask
their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the
virtue of the Stomach Bitters, will recommend
their use iu all cases of weakness.
Caution. We caution the public against using
any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask
for Uostetter' s Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see
that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Hoetetter's
Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle
and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork
and observe that our autograph signature is on the
label. Br -Prepared and 6o!d by Uostetter if o inttn.
Pittsburg. Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers.
and dealers generally throughout the United
States, Canada. South America, and Germany.
AKents Geo.W. Rheera and C.D.Watson. Clear
field ; John Patton, Curwensville ; D. Tyler, Hus
ton ; F. K. Arnold, Luthersburg. tept24,'59
STCVES cooking and parlor, an assortment, on
hand and for sale at the "cheapest cornr." in
Curwensville, by JOHN TATTON.
TtTACKEREL AND HERRING, of best quality
O.IJB- jus received ana ior saie cneap ov
Apr 27. 1859. WM. F IRWIN
niLOrR, Oat?, Rye. A., for e!e at tbe cheap
L store cf JOHN 1 AIIWji-ur''i;iwiiH.
J A house and lot in Curwensville borousth for
sale ; for terms and description apply to
June 8, 13o9 Jj. J. UlvAiNS. viearueiu.
BUFFALO ROBES By tho bale or robe, at
F. Womrath's. Nos Hi and 417 Arch
Street, Philadelphia Also, a large assortment of
Ladies' Fncy Furs, of own manufacture.
X. B The highest prico paid for all kinds of
Shipping Furs. September 28, 1859-3m.
bcr announces to his Clearfield friends, and
the public in general, that he has taken the above
named house, located at the Railroad, in Harris-
bur-, Pa. He will endeavor to make this house
one'of the most desirable stopping places in the
State CardtaL by accommodating all who may fa
vor him with their custom in tbe best manner pos
sible, fjulylll BEN. HARTSHORN, Sup't.
Established in 1854. Head Quarters for the
? United States at the I'lMixlimg House, of u, -
Street. Philadelphia, a
Fa, Catalogues sent tree. Since 1 Ongina- g
" . . i i i "... 1 ' . TkKnwA.iAntn
tea tne uui cons .enterprise, imitit.r
Z edly called the attention of the public to my
5 have always warmly responded, l can now,
with more satisfaction than ever, call attention
to ray largely increased inducements to pur-si-
cnasers. icin? very ueavuy eugaguu m iuu-
.a iisning. l excuauge my own puuiicauuaa ior
r those of other houses, and am enabled to pro-
cure all my books at the Original cdst of ma-
o king, and thus can and do supply the majori-
et nf tho ot!itr houses encrairCd iu the Gift--
g Book trade, with their ooks cheaper than they P
c can procure them from other publishers. I can '
alsos by my heavy purchases of Watches and
t? Jewelry, for ca3h, furnish them with their S
uiits, at lower rates man iney cau ouy a-cui w
from the manufacturers. Having such an advan
tage in buying, I can insure my customers a great
deal hotter Gifts with their books than any other
house, and can give my agents a larger commis
sion. A valuable G ilt will be delivered with each
Book at the time of sale. Gifts worth S300, at the
lowest wholesale prices, will bo impartially dis
tributed with every SL000 worth of Books sold.
Send for a catalogue, which will be mailed tree
to any address, containing, the most valuable col
lection of Standard productions in Literature, l'ni
losophy. History, Geography, Travels, and the Sci
ences, with all the favorito works of Fiction and
Romance, and every other department of Litera
ture, classified as described below. Send for it. for
if you don't wish to order books, you will obtain a
valuable book for reference as it contaips 11 the
desirable books in print. and willcost you nothing.
.Particular attention is requested to the list ot my
publications, which will be found in thy latter
part of my Classified Catalogue. It contains a large
number ot deservedly popular works, by various
authors; among which are all of T.S Arthur's best
works. well known as a moral. instructive and pleas
ing author.also.interesting biographies, travels. Ac.
Agricultural This department embraces all
standard works upon general Agriculture, Cotton
planting, flowers, t.ardoniDg, larm Implements,
Horses, Sheep, Cattle, Fowls, Bees, Ac, Ac.
Albums Ladies (agreat variety,, iloral. Cap,
Quarto, Royal cap, Demy Quarto. Autograph. Ac.
Annuals A large and elegant assortment.
ibesA splendid assortment of poeket. pew and
Family Bibles, in every style, from SI to jO.
1'raaer Hooks A complete assortment, in eve
ry form and style and at all prices.
Hymn books As used by the different denom
inations, (plain and fancy bindings.)
Btograpitical- orks of Irving, Headley.Wecms,
parks, Bancroft, and every otherstandard author.
Botanical Bv Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Derby,
Wood, Ac. Ac.
Cookery Receipt and Cook Books, by Mrs. Hale.
Leslie. AViddificId, McKcnzie, Ac, Ac.
German Standard German Literature.
Dictionaries Webster's Ecirlish. French. Ger
man, Spanish, Latin, Greek. Italian. Ac.
Cu cloven ins All the standard autnors.-
Geographical-Uhe latest A most improved school
and other Geographies.3Iaps.and Travelers guides.
trroozrtf ihe works or llusrh Miller, Harris,
nitchcock, Lycll, and many others.
Historical By Prescott. Irving, Bancroft, Rob- 1
crtson, Hume. Gibbons, Macaulcy. and other.
Humorous Lmbraccs a world of i un.
Juvenile Embracing every description of Il
lustrated books for children.
Lite and Medii'ine All tke standard works of
these professions.
Mechanical and Sncvttpc The most approved
works on Mechanics. Architecture, and the exact
Poetru English and American. Octavo and
literary editions of the stanJard Poets; pocket
and cabinet editions plain and illustrated, bound
in every style to suit the taste of all.
Woris of Fiction By Scott, Irving, Cooper,
Dickens, and all the approved Writets.
ScJiool aiul Classical-. 1 ravels and Adventures.
Gamrx. Sports and Pastinus. Religious, Biblical
and Tlteological. Musical and Glee Boois. Odd
Fellowship aud Ft ee Masonry
Miscellaneous Our Miscellaneous Department
embraces everything not included in the above
classification, of an interesting and instructive
character, that is in print.
The Gifts consist of Gold ane Silver Watches,
Gold chains, Ladies' Splendid Black and Plaid
Silk-Dresscs, Patterns, Parlor Time-pieces. Silver
plated ware, costly sets of Cameos, Mosaic Flor
entine, Coral. Garnet, Turquois, and Lava Jewel
ry, Gold Lockets. Pencils and Pens, Ladies' Neck
and Chatcline chains. Gents' Bosom Studs and
Sleeve Buttons. Pocket knives. Port-monnaies, and
a Thousand Varieties of Gifts, of use and value.
To Agents I can give more liberal inducements
thau can be afforded by any other house. In addi
tion to larger commissions, it is much easier to get
subscribers for my enterprise than any other.
The Peculiar advantages are A larger stock,
and better Catalogue to select from. A better as
sortment and Quality of Gifts More punctuality
and correctness in filling orders. By acting as a
gents for me, Persons wishing a valuable Library
can procure it gratia. Those seeking an easy
method-ot earning a livehood can find it.
For full particulars, send for a catalogue.
My large capital, together with my long experi
ence in the business, and consequent familiarity
with all its details, gives me an almost incalcula
ble advantage over all other parties. All I ask is
a trial. Send me an order, and. you will be couvin
ced that there is no exaggeration. Do not forget
to send for a catalogue. Persons visiting the city,
are requested to call and examine for themselves.
G. G. EVANS, Head Quarters,
439 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
Branch Store, 45 Cornbill, Boston. Mass.
My attention has been called to statements made
through the publie journals, by a New York Gift
Sto. e, which are calculated to deceive ; who even
presume to advertise themselves as the originators
ot the Gilt iiook Lnterpnse. which was first sue
cessfully established, and I may say honarably
conducted by myselt. 1 his concern, who are pro
claiming themselves, "The Oldest in the business,"
are indebted to me. not only for their first ideas of
conducting the business, but for stock to commence
with, and a place to commence in. Their state
ment, that this is '-The fifth year of their location
in New York," is also faise.
It has been thought, on account of the name
connected with this New York Gift Store, that it
was a braneh of my Original Enterprise; but it is
not so, And I wish it distinctly understood, that I
am not in any way responsible for their deceptive
advertisements, nor for the manner in which New
York Gift concerns are conducted. And boldinj?
the position I do, as tbe Originator of the Gift
Book Enterprise in the United States having es
tablished it and brought it to its present high po
sition, by constant labor, unwearied application,
and large expenditure of money, I deem it my du
ty to the publie and myself to espose these pre
tended "originators," who are attempting to im
pose upon tho people. I wotild here publicly state
that theso parties have been referring, without
authority or permission, to the largest and most
widely known publishing house in the U nitcd
States. I am in brmed by this firm, which is lo
cated in this city, that, not only have they never
given permission to this New York Gift Store to
refer to them, but they utterly disclaim any knowl
edge of their business or standing. The fore
going can be substantiated to. tho satisfaction cf
any person or persons, by tbe most incontroverti
ble proof;. , July 11, l(k'3 ?in.
TIIE FARM in Jordan towabip noccupied by
John Kilich, being 60 aores, 35 of which axe
cleared and under good fonce,and having ahoue
and barn thereon erected, for sale. Apply to
June 15, 1853. L. J. CRANS, Clearfield.
COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! The undersign
ed will deliver the best quality of Stone Coal, v
to the citiiens of Clearfield, on the shortest notice, '
for six cents per bushel.. All orders to be left with
Franklin Short. MICHAEL CONELLY.
Clearfield, August 20. 1S5. ; J - '
Tho undersigned takes this method of inform
ing the publio that he has commenced the manu
facture of Stone-Ware in the Borough of Clear
field, and thst he is now prepared to supply U
who may want thein with Milk and Cream Crock,
Jugs. Jars, Ac, at lower prices," than they can be
bouffht elsewhere. He solicits a share of patron
Clearfield, Pa., My 25, lS59-ly.
TAR. HAM PTON 'S Compound Diuretic Pill.
M-P are highly recommended by eminent Physi
cians, as a safe, certain, speeiy and permanent cure
for Gravel, strictures and all dieenees or derange
ment of the bladder and kidneys. Price fifty rents'
jierltnx. Sent to any address free on receipt of
price. Address DR. J T. HAMPTON A CO.
No. 405 Spruce street, Philadelphia.
Also, Proprietors and Manufacturers of Dr.
Hampton's Anti-Rheumatic Mixture Dr. Hamp
ton's Medicated Cough Syrup, and the Great De
sideratum or Hair Restorer. Oct. 5, 1&5S-2di.
containing 124 acres65 cleared and under
good fence. A log bouse by zo. pianK nouse 10
by 18, log barn, smithy and all necessary out-bull-dings
thereon. Large springand spring-house con-'
venient to house. The land id well watered and
has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There is
an orchard of large grafted trees, and a young or
chard on place, all choice fmit. It is convenient
for pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing U0 -cres
10 cleared and under fence balance weH
timbered. This land has a log house and etable
thereon. For terms apply to
October 13. L. J. CRANS, Clearfield.
uis-ccgl 'CI iaqo;oo J!D edojii,
'XIXHVrc 1 H "H-eo v raiq a&i3 oj uo
-j ad A'ioao 8iK!p)e 0j "diteqa aa tn eq qoiqji
'S3AOXS J if!JA pu Ai!inb isaq eqvjo
II.IO'I puequo Bdaai oB an3 A")unooair
ui u-wiu jaqjo A" lie ucqi -)uaj I9d () list (I
oq qsD toj A"9Aisnora 2uijs puejat eq sy
'fiiifi iuoj-iijj in 3?uis ficoj .yKP no 'jj.r
fly piniiuao tiujunnj ' iuooJ oqi ui 'pdJniaKjuactu
aoa epoogjo qeiug pun Agiica AJdAa :jovl Ui pu
.' Ujp11(Q Jp SJipVj jof SJXldlfg soyg lSUllTQ
M3JI J,0f iMMtdjig puo rioyg 'sjootf fo tpuij JY .
jo (3O)S3Aisa0xe ut pouodo )snfgq sj3a A"Jiqi
aoj ssoui:.-nq ooq oqi ut peScSuo uooq raq oqja.
pue 'Jaifcmaoqg psajjsejd st oqAi 'jsquosqnj
I860. ''It is the duty of every citizen of this
Great Republic to foster and entourage native
geniusaud American enterprise." Dax. Webster.'
A Magazane davoted entirely to the elevation of
American authorship, who'ly national, in no wise
sectional or sectarian ; having for its motto the
words of the great statesman :
"Ao North, No Suiilh, No East. No West;"
having nothing to do with politics. aiming only it
the highestin Art. Literature and Science, and em
ploying the best writers in every branch, is again
before the American public, seeking their support.
This Magaziue is now finishing the first year,
and drawing near the close of the Second Volufte,
and has met with unparalleled euccess
' The Third Volume, will commence With tho num
ber for January. 1850. which will be issued early
in December, 1859. Every number will be splen
didly illustrated in the highest style of art. A
mong the numerous contributors engaged for the
coming year are the following well known distin
guished authors: Fitr Green llalleck, Orestes A.-
Brownson. Scha Smith (Jack Downing), George P,
Morris. J. T. Headley, Geo. D. Prentice, Wm. Gill
more Siinnls. Alice Carey, Park Benjamin, John
G. Saxe. Calhoun McKenzie, M. F.Maury, Hannah.
F. Gould, Mrs. Kirkland, Mrs. Oases Smith, Mrs.
Ellet, Phebe Carey, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac
In the January number will be commenced the
most strikingly original novel of the day, entitled
The Prophet ; or. Scenes o f Border Li fe, By Elis
abeth Oakes Smith. There will also be commenc
ed in an early number of the coming volume a
most startling and intensely interesting original
novel, entitled The Slaver of the Ccatt ; or, The
African: Trader, By Calhoun McKcnzie.-
Tho "Great Republic Monthly"' is the largest
Magazine published in thiscountry. OverSiO,-.
000 has already been expended to bring it to its
r resent high degree of merit. The publishers are
determined to give it the largest circulation in thi
world. With this view they make the following
magnificent offers. And they refer to every sub
scriber now on their books as to the fidelity with
which they fulfil their obligations. v
TERMS : Single copies. 25 cents ;. Subscription
per year, S3 00 ; Clubs, of three or more, each 2.
Any one sending a club of five subscribers. with
the money, shall receive, by mail, h s choice of
either of the following magnificent Steel Engrav
ings, viz : The Last Supper; size of plate, 25 by
40 inches ; value. $5. IheCititof the Great King;
size of phite, 25 by 39 inches,; value. S5. The Pal
ace of Westminster ; size of plate. 25 by 39 inches;
value, S5. .Sir Walter Scott's Monument ; size of
plato, 25 by 34 inches ; valoe, 51, l-We Praise
Thee, O, Lord" ; me of plate, 21 by 25 inches ;
value, S3. Robert Burns J eile of plate, 21 by 25
inches; value, S3. .
Any person sending a club of Ten snbecribsrs
shall receive his choice of any two of above engra
vings. Any one sending a club of Fifteen subscri
bers shall receive his choice of any four of abovo
engravings. Any sending a club of Twenty sab
scribers shall receive all of the above engiavings,
and a copy of the magazine for ono year, gratis.
This splendid offer will enable every one, by a
trifling exertion, in getting subscribers, to obtain
as fine a collection of rare works of Art to adorn
ois parlor, as can be obtained anywhere for tiaen-ty-Jive
dollars, cash. Young gentlemen and young,
ladies, all over the country, are invited to get up
clubs upon above terms. . Postmasters, and other
respectable persons who may desire to act as A
gents. and to receive a cash commission instead of
the above liberal offer, are authorized toXorward
us subscribers at the prices before named, deduct'
ing twenty per cent, for their trouble. The engra
vings will be sent in rotation, in the order in which
the clubs are sent in. First come first served.
In addition to to the above unparalleled offer
we now announce that where parties do not form
clubs and where their names are not sent in clubs,
that single subscribers sending the avutunt Set op
posite to each of the above engravings, shall re
ceive the engraving chosen and one copy of the
magazine for one year. Some of these engravings
are of th ree times the value of those offered by thn
Old Arf Union, and all of them are better and of
more intrinsic worth than any engravings ever of
fered by any -Gift Enterprise' or -Art Association.
"The Last Supper," aud "The City of the Great
King,"' should adorn the walls of every Clergy
man and Scholar in the country. .
No such offers as these were ever made before
there is no 4 chanoe" in the matter, no "lottery,"
no gift enterprise, no humbug. We call upon
Clergymen, Postmasters, travelers, scholars, and
all who are interested in the success of Amrrican
Literature and Art. to avail themselves of thee
generously liberal offers. In addition to all of the
above, any one sending. one dollar and a half ex
tra. (l 50,) shall receive the twelve back numbers
of the magazine from January, 1853, farming a
perfect set of ihe ' Great Republic" Monthly from
it commencement. .
All subscriptions invariably in advance, and no
deviation from above terms No further. instruc
tions necessary to these forming clubs or4o Agents:
Give name and Post-office address in-fall AH
sums over three dollars should be sect ut .draft if
convenient. Money by .mail, properly authentica
ted, at our risk. Postsge stamps and current bills
received at par. The magazino isferle by all
news dealers in the United States and Canada -The
trade supplied at publisher' prices, bv Rosa
A Tousey II Dexter A Co. K. M. Dewitt, Hen
drickson, Blako & Long, in Xew Torks and bv all
the large dealers in th principal cities.
Send in your clubs! Send,in your clubs! 'Spe
cimen copies sent upon tbe reoApt of 2 cent.'
Tuo engravings will be sent on rollers, prepaid, cr
by exprcts. OAKSMITH A Co, Publisher.
Crt-V 112 Hi WiUians nrc. "New-York
-. - '
i t
i r