THE JOUKML. CLEARFIELD, PA., MAY 4, 1859. PTJBLIC MEETING. In accordance with the call ol the People's Stata Committee, the opponents of the Na tional Administration, in Clearfield county, re requested to hold a meeting at the Court House in Clearfield, on Monday evening of Conrt week, May the 16th, 1859, to elect dele gates to represent them in the Harrisburg con vention, which is to meet on the 8th June. An important Telegraphic Despatch from Ireland will be found in our advertising col umns to-day. Dr. A. M. II ills requests ns to say that he will be absent from his office during this and the succeeding week. One or two young men, to hire by tho month, are wanted by '.Vm. Irvin, Esq., Cur wensville. See advertisement. A fine horse, buggy and harness were stolen from the stable of Jos. D. Harris & Co., of Bellefontc, on last Sunday night. Broke Jail. Owen McGovern, who was committed to the jail in this place a few weeks since on a charge of robbing the store of John P. Rider, broke out last night and made his escape. Persons wanting to purchase Spring Goods f.?.a find out who keeps the best, the cheapest, and the most fashionable, by consulting our advertising columns. Dealers who 'advertise liberally always sell at liberal prices. This is a fact worth remembering. Distcbbanc c. We nudei stand that Rice, the "seven-day," raised a disturbance on last Sunday in the sabbath school at Centre church, half way between Curwensvillc and this place, which resulted in the ejection of "seven-day," and a young man, who approached too close ly after he was outside of the house, getting two or three smart raps from Rice's cane. We are pleased to see that Mr. George W. Kheem lias connected a literary branch with his Drug Store, on Market street, Clearfield. He will keep constantly on hand. Harper's, Godey ' s, Peterson's, Bailou's and other Month lies ; also the Eastern literary Weeklies, such us the American Union, X. V. Ledger, Flag of our Union, &c. Wo trust he will be liber ally patronized. Our friend Tommy Robins, we see, is ma king preparations tor putting up immediately a store house on Market street, nearly oppo site our oEce. We also observe that Dr. M. Woods has stone hauled for the foundation of a brick dwelling, which he contemplates erect ing on Second street. Other evidences of a growing spirit of improvement are manifest ing themselves in different parts ol our town. Fr. about a week, we have had most beau tiful weather in Clearfield, and vegetation is t. ringing up rapidly. Those who have gar dens to make, are busy in them ; and our far mers are carrying on their operations briskly. The crops look well and give promise an abundant harvest. We are not prepared io siy what the prospects are in regard to fruit ia this county, but tear that the recent snap ot dd weather did some injury. Drowxed. We regret to state that a little con of Dr. Frazy, of Shawsville, this county, sged about 2 years,was drou tied iii Trout Run on Monday forenoon. His mother was at the lime washing some clothes at the Run, when the Child, who was playing along tiie bank, fell in, but was not missed for some minutes after. Ja looking for it, no traces could be found ; a search was then made and the body of the J'.ttle unfortunate found in the stream, a few rods below the place where it is supposed he fell in. Iii remains were yesterday brought to this J sr. I interred in the burying ground on the hill. There is truth in tiie remark that Edward Everett is not a newspaper writer, aud never will be. Vf.i'.h all his immense talents, he cuiild not make a daily paper live six months, unless said paper was sustained outside of its legitimate income. The same remark will ap ply to Washington Irving, Longfellow, and all the other well known literary gentleman in this country. The list readable paper in this country is the one published by Saxe, the wit tiest poet in Vermont. S axe is a wit, a schol ar, and a man of geuius ; and yet he could no rr.oro make a readable newspaper than he could overturn the pyramids. Tiie Si iciie -Dodge." A man calling him self Lamartine, is wandering through the West and raising funds, by pretending to commit suicide. He takes laudanum aud sends for a doctor and clergyman. They come to him and find a letter iu his room in the most pa thetic style of suicide literature. He states that his poverty is the cause of the rash act. He is restored with difficulty, and sympathet ic people raise a purse for him, and he de parts. He raised S25 in this way last week at Dayton and $40 at Sandusky, and departed with a "free pass" on the railroad, to commit suicide at some other place. TheVicksburg True Southern, of April 15tb, has the following account of a dreadful trage day in Mississippi : "A gentleman from ash ington county has just iuformed us of one of the most shocking affairs, iucluding fratricide and suicide, that has ever come to our knowl edge. It appears that two brothers, named "William and Robert Buford, have been resid ing near Bogiie Phaliah, in Washington coun ty for somo time past. William F-uford had a Tery pretty wife with whom the younger broth er, Robert, became madly infatuated. A crim inal intercourse between the two had been car ried on for some time, but growing weary of the restraints imposed by the presence of the injured husband, the younger brother deter mined to add to his other crime the damning one cf fratricide. On Wednesday evening last a-week the outraged husband and brother was murdered, and on the Sunday following, the murderer committed suicide by taking stryeb r;'ae. The misguided wire of the rnrnrdercd man, with two children, arc left the sola me morials of this chapter of hrrori." CLIPPINGS AND SCRI3BL1NGS. CDricd up onr streets. ' tU"Good Judge Barrett's new pavement. The Democracy of Georgia are rent in to factions as efsewhere. ' CL?"In Philadelphia, on Sunday a-week,there were fonr cases ot stabbing and five ol riot. DSOver 8,000 the majority f the Repub lican candidate for Su pre pie Judge iu Wis consin. CCT-Increases the population of the United States, nearly one million a year, or two thou sand every day. tTFAn Indian chief in Oregon Is called "looking-glass." He is said to be much giv en to reflection. C"Fact a man can "get along" without advertising, and so can a wagon-wheel with out greasing, but it goes hard. C5"Signed by the Governor the act au thorizing the Courts of Common Pleas to change the names of persons. KFTrozo to death on a raft two brothers named Bush, near Parkersburg, in western Virginia, on Friday night a-week. CyCompIeted the Sunbury and Erie Rail road track, for a distance of three miles above Williamsport, so that cars can pass over it. IE?"The latest political party is the "horse-' tail-party," which triumphed in the town e lection tn Orange, N.J., on Monday a-week. CSDied a lew days ago, B. II. Mosser, Esq., one of the best citizens of York county. He is well known to some of our lumbermen. C-Samuel Balliet, Esq., a member of the late House of Representatives, from Carbon co., died in Harrisburg on Thursday a-week. K7Arrested a teller in the Southern Bank of St. Louis, named Atherton, charged with embezzling funds of the bank to the amount of seo,ooo. CGavc a ball Mires, the Paris Banker, lately, which cost 525,000. lie commenced life by scllingold stoves then, as now,a grate financier. rT7"Tn Cincinnati, a few days since, a little girl nine years old, was thrown into convul sions and came very near dying, from eating orange peel. C7A note from Paris, dated April 4. states that Senator Sumner has left Montpelier for Rome. He was at last accounts, in a very bad condition of health. CSister Mary Teresa (Green,) who has been forty three years a sister of charity, died at St. Joseph's House, Emmittsburg, on April 12th. aged seventy-two years. C"Tbe average income, of the Mexican Church is twenty-five millions a year, while the revenue of the national government of the republic is only fifteen millions. E"A law recently passed in Maine, estab lishes ttie annual salary of the members of the Legislature at S150. They can sit 12 months if they please, for this princely sum. CFMr. James Porter, reputed the tallest man in the world, died in Louisville on the 24tli April. He was seven fee! nine inches in hight, and in good health weiged near COO lbs. XFAn Italian woman in Chicago, who re cently gave birth to twins, in a fit of insanity seized one of the little ones, and so tore and mangled it with her teeth that it died instantly. C7"Thc Marietta Bucket Factory received recently a raft of timber from the Allegheny and tributaries, containing 77,000 cubic feet. What a raft ot tubs and buckets this timber will make. CTThe Charleston (S. C) Mercury says of the next Presidential Convention, '-unless it is limited exclusively to delegates from the South, it will be no Convention of the Demo cratic party.-' CFThe remains of the Christian hero.IIav elock, lie in a dirty kitchen garden, at Luck now, India, the only mark to designate the spot being his name rudely cut in the bark of a neighboring tree. fU"Tlio latest style of hoop-skirt, is the self-adjusting, double-back-action bustle, e truscan lace expansion, Piccolomini attach ment gossamer indestructable. It is said to bo a very sweet thing. 2C7"A letter from Constantinople states that the first thing Xourry Pasha did, after he was married to the Sultan's daughter, was to bor row S200,COO from his father-in-law's banker. A hopeful son-in-law, that. Ep-A Nebraska paper says that Slavery is already est a Ui shed in the Pike's Peak region that the Mexicans are there with peons, and that Southerners are on their way there with slaves, from every Southern State. CSTn Buffalo, a few d.iys ago, a man during a quarrel with his wife, threw a stick of fire wood at her, which instead ot injuring her, hit an infant ten months old, on the head, which was in her arras, killing it instantly.. CC7There is a man in Philadelphia who owns two good houses and a feed store, and has "54,000 invested in stocks; all of which he has accumulated solely by the business of catch ing rats, which he sells to proprietors of "rat pits." 7Witli the exception ot Virginia, which will hold its election on the 20th May, there wiil be no State elections held until August, when the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Ken tucky, Missouri, N orth Carolina, and Texas will elect. G3""Tho brother of Governor Zamora, of Vera Cruz, had committed suicide on account of supposed financial difficulties ; but after his death it was ascertained that he had made a mistake of 100,000 against himself in mak ing up his balance sheet ! fp"A call for a Southern Convention, at Vicksburg, on May 9th, has been issued to the people of tho slaveholding States. The object of tiie Convention is announced to be the dis cussion of subjecls relating to the union, secu rity and repose of tho south. C3"A girl of 19, dressed in men's clothes, was arrested at Detroit on Saturday a-week. She was from Oanada, had stolen money from her father, and was on her way to Pike's Peak, which she supposed to lie somewhere nearChi cago. She was taken home to her parents. 0"An Irish gentleman remarkable for his devotion to the fair sex, once remarked, "nev er be critical on tho ladies. Take it lor grant ed that they are all handsome and good. A true gentleman will never look on the faults of a pretty woman without shutting his eyes !" E-Serious Catholic Riots recently occur red in Galway, Ireland, on the occasion of a lecture by Signor Gavazzi. The lecturer had to flee before the mob of excited Catholics. A number of Piotestant clergymen and others received severe treatment at the mob's hands. C-Miss Fanny J. Yates, a daughter of Dr. Charles M. Yates, of Meadville, Pa., and the niece of President Buchanan, with whom she was a great favorite, almost an adopted daugh ter, died at a Water-Cure establishment in Cleveland,Ohio, of consumption, on Thursday a-week. 7" A fellow entered a house in Rochester, New York, on April 26th, and demanded of a lady present a vest and shirt. Frightened by his appearance, she gave them .. to hisa. He coolly proceeded to pull ofi hi dirty shirt, and pat on tho one he got from her, and then, after making ter ?ct him a meal of victuals bade her good dy. SHERIFF'S SALES. By- virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleasof Clearfield co.. and to nie directed, will be exposed to public salo. at the Court House in the borough of Clearfield, on MONDAY THE 16TH DAY OF MAY. 1&5S, the fol lowing described real estate, to wit: A certain tract of laud, situate in Decatur and Rush townships, in Clearfield and Centre coun ties: Beginning at a post near the Moshannon creek, thence south 51 deg. west 23 perches to hem lock, thence south 63 deg. w. 63 perches to pine, thence n. 15 deg. west 27 per. to white oak, thence n. 24 deg. w. 48 per. to hemlock, thence n. 8 deg east 63 per. to post, thence north 0 east 12 per. to Eine Plump, thenoe north 35 deg. west 50 per. to em lock, thence n. 26 deg. w. 56 per to hemlock, thenco n. 66j deg. w. 152 per. to post by hemlock, thence north 67 deg. w. 47 per. to post by hem lock, thence s. 46 d. w.64 per. to hemlock stump, thence s. 52 deg. east 14 per. to post, thence s. 69 deg. e. 30 per. to post, thence s. 60 deg. w. 22 per. to post, thence south 12 deg e. 29 per. to a post, thence s. SI i deg. w. 23 per. to post, thence n. 67 w. 58 per. to post, thence n. 12 deg. w. tf per to post, thence south 46 deg. w. 724 perches to post by white oak, thence s 63 deg. east 272 per. to a beech stump, thence north 60 deg. east 358 per. to atones, thence 33 east 214 perches to post, thence north 52 deg. south 194 per. to a laurel on left or western bank of Trout Run. thence down said stream to its juuetion with Moshannon creek and down east or right back of same by the courses and distances thereof to "southern line of John Harrison tract opposite the town of Oceola, thence 60 deg. east along said line to place of begin ning, containing seventeen hnndred and five acres aud allowance. .Also the defendants interest, it being one undivided fourth part of the town of Oceola. on Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad, includ ing within, town plot eighty acres and allowance. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of J. J. Lingle. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Pike township, Clearfield county, containing scveny a cres; bounded by lands of Samuel Long, Benjamin Johnston and others; about 30 acres cleared. Al so, a piece of land adjoining the above ; bounded by lauds of Curry's heirs, Samuel Bloom and oth ers, containing 75 acres, about 40 acres cleared ; small frame house and barn thereon. Seized, ta ken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John S. Curry. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Beeca ria township, containing 150 acres ; bounded south by Clearfield creek, west by Whitesides, north by Miles west by Joseph Stent, with 50 acres cleared, 2 dwelling houses and log barn thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George M'Cracken and Robert M' Cracken. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Jordan township. ClearGeld county, containing 63 acres ; (levied on defendants interest in said tract.) boun ded by lands of John Curry, John 4 Anson Swan and others, having a log house and barn and 40 a cres cleared thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James L.Curry. Also defendants interest in a certain tract of land, situate in Covington township, containing 100 acres, adjoining lands of M. B Conaway. Da vid Askey, Benjamin Snider and others, with a one story log bouse, log stable, and about 20 acres cleared thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Israel Conaway. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Burn side township, containing one hundred acre-!. with log house and barn thereon erected ; a thriving young orchard of about 60 trees, with about 30 a cres cleared ; bounded west by Iandsof Beaty and east by Mabior. Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of Jacob Yingling. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Glen Hope, being a lot in said place, with a frame house thereon, known as the Ilea tavern. Also, a lot bounded by David Ilcnsul. Also, 15 acres, more or less, purchased of Joshua Coinstoek. with 5 a cres cleared. Seized, taken in execution, and to sold as the property of S. C. Patchiu. Also a certain tract of laud, situate in Fergu son township, Clcarfiold county, Pa., containing a bout 100 acres, bounded by lauds of Win. Thurs tin, Straw and others; bouse and barn thereon o reeled, and about 74 acres cleared. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Cyrus Tburstin. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Pike township, Clearfield county, containing about 109 acres, more or less, bounded by Iandsof Wm. Dun lap. John Dunlap aud others, with an orchard, a log house and barn thereon. Seized, taken in ex ecution, and to be sold as the property of David T. Dunlap. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Brad ford township, Clearfield county, Pa , containing one hundred aud twelve acres ; 50 acres cleared, 3 dwelling houses, 1 blacksmith shop, 1 wagon shop, and an orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James Dickson. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Cov ington township, containing 50 acres, adjoining Iandsof Lamm, Pleebell, Hugnot and others. willi plank house and log barn, and about 20 acres clear ed thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Anthony Gtttu and John llugnot. Also a certain traet of land. J of nn acre, in Clearfield county. Pa., bounded by lands of Isaac Rickets. John Dillon, fronting on the .Mount Pleas ant roui. with a plank house aud stable thereon. Seized, taken in execution, aud to bo sold as the property of John Rickets. Also a certain house and lot, situate in Xcw burg, Chest township, bounded on Main street 60 feet. 200 feet back to alley, with tavern house and stable erected thereon. Seized, taken in execu tion, and to be sold as the propctry of Ezra Root. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Chest township, containing two acres with log house and blacksmith shop thereon; adjoining Iandsof Si mon Kor.ibangh. Seized; taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jonas Marklc. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Burnside township. Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at a Cherry and Indiana county line, thouce north 413 perches by tho same to hemlock, thenco south 65 wc.t 90 perches to white pine, thence by Ilopkin lands south 8 west 160 perches to hemlock, thence south 15 west 215 perches to cherry and bcglnuing, containing 101 acres and allowance ; being part of a larger survey, the game being unimproved land. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Alexander McCullough. Also all Thomas Craven's interest in a certain piece of land, situate in Bell township, Clearfield county, containing 83 acres, bounded by lands of 11. W. Mott, James Ilockenbcrry. E. L. Miller and others, with a sma llcabin house and stable and a bout 20 acres cleared thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of Tho mas Craven. Also all Richard Ellis' interest in a certain piece of land, situate in Bell township, Clearfield county, Pa., containing 83 acres, bounded by lands of II W. Mott, James Ilockenbcrry, E. L. Miller, and others, about 20 acres cleared and a small cab in house and barn thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Richard Ellis. Also a certain lot, situate in the Borough of Curwcnsville. Clearfield county. Pa., bounded end marked as follows: beginning at the north and corner of Lots of J. C. Kecd, on Thompsou street; then northward along said street 120 feet to alley, eastward along said alley to another alley, thence south by said alley 120 feet to lot of J. C. Kced, thence westward, by said lot, 190 feet to Thompson street and place of beiuning Seized, taken in execution, aud to be sold as the property oi Jacob Deitrick. Also all defendants Interest in 400 acres of land, in Chest township, Clearfield co., Pa., bound ed by lands of Thos. Wood, Thos, Tozer, Tuck er and others, with 10 acres cleared, and 3 small dwelling houses thereon. Seized, taken in execu tion, and to be sold as the property of Luther Bar rett and David Wood. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Chest township, Clearfield co., Pa., containing 53 acres, bounded by Iandsof A. 4 J. Peirce, Wm. Woods and others, with a two story plank house and barn and about 20 asres cleared thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Da vid Michaels. Also a certain tract of land, containing 53 a cres, bounded by Osbell and others, with 30 a cres cleared, log house and barn thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James Oshell. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Bell tp.. Clearfield county. Pa-, containing about 100 acres, with 25 acres cleared, adjoining lands of Geddes & Marsh, A. Miller and othors. Seised, taken in execution, and to be sold as tbe'property of Jesse Weaver. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Brad ford p..'Iiifi14 co . fa , bounded by Snow Shoe and Packerviile Turnpike, lands of Howard Mer rell, Robert Lounsberry and others, containing ' acres. bein- same premises bought of Howard Merroll, with a two story plack house and other improvements thereon. Seized, taken in execu tion, vad to bo sold as the property of William S. Wiggins . - Also by virtue of a writ of Levari ratias, tne following described Real Estate, to wit : A certain two story plank house, situate on the north side of the Glen Hope and Little Bald Ea gle Turnpike Road, in the town of Lumber City, 30 feet front, 16 feet deep, being erected on lot bounded on south by said Turnpike, east by James Arthurs, south by lands of Samuel Moore, and west by lot of . Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Christian Yea- fer, contractor, and Thomas Owens and Christian eager, owners, or reputed owners, or whoever may be owner. Also By virtue oi sundry writs of Fi'ri Fucias, the following real estate, to wit : A certain tract of land in name of Hugh Dobbs, containing 400 acres, mere or less, adjoining lands of Joel Cadburry and others, with a Grist Mill, one Saw Mill, one Stone house, 3 dwelling houses, and a blacksmith shop and other outbuildings thereon erected. Also, a tract of land surveyed in name of Benjamin Jordan, adjoining Clearfield creek and Iandsof Robert Elder, containing ISO a cres. Also, one tract of land containing about 4 acres, aud being the same piece obtained from Joel Cadburry; the above described being known as the Clearfield Bridge property. Also, one tract of land, situate in Boggs tp., containing 200 acres, more or less, being the south end of tract surveyed in name of Wm. Yard and Peter Brown, bounded by lands of David Adams, Joa'aBoynton aud oth ers. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Thomas RaUton. FREDERICK G. MILLER. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Clearfield, April 20. 1359. IT V TIIK WAMSPTTA PRINTS They are tho Best Calicoes yet offered to the Pub lic for the monev. Wholesale Agents, DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG t CO.. April 20, l59-6in. New York COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the Honorable JAMES BCKNSIDE, Esquire. President Judge of the Conrt of Commou Pleas of the twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of the counties of Clearfield. Centre and Clinton and the Honorable William L. Moore and Benjamin Bon sail. Associate Judges of Clearfield county, have issued their precept, to me directed, for the hold ing of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer A Termi ner. and Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clear field, in and for Clearfield Co., on tho Third Hloa day. the 17th day of MAY next. NOTICE IS, therefore, herebv given, to the Cor oner,. Justices of the Peace, and Constables, in and for said couutyof Clearfield, to appearin thcirown proper persons with their Rolls. Records, Inquisi tions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to be done, and Jurors and Witnes scs are requested to be then and there attending, and not to depart without leave, at their peril. GIVEN' under my hand at Clearfield, this 20th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand 'light hundred aud fifty-nine, and the eighty second year of American Independence. FREDERICK G. MILLER, Sheriff. TAKE NOTICE. .Turora who have been summoned, are notified that they need not attend tho coming Mav Court, as no Juries will be called at that timo. " F. G. MILLER. Sheriff. JCST RKCEIVED AM) OPENING AT NAUGLE'S CHEAP JEWELRY STORE, Shaw's Row, Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment of WATCHES JEWELRY, &c, 4c, to which we in vite attention. Fine and cheap Jewelry, of every style and quality, in sets or by the piete as wanted, to be had cheap at NAL'GLE'S. If you wish to purchase tho ''American Lever Watch." call at NAUGLE S. Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchango for goods at NAUGLE'S. All goods warranted as represented, or the mo nev refunded, at NAl'GLE'S. All persons who want bargains ore incited to call at pi AL'GLirj s. If you wish your watches put in good repair and warranted, take them to NAUGLE'S. BELLEFONTE MAURI, E WORKS ! The undersigned adopts this method of in forming the public and the patrons of the late firm of S. A.Gibson A Co.. that ho designs car rying on the MARBLE BUSINESS in Belle fontc, in all its various branches, and will hold himself always in readiness to lurnish those who call upon him. with all kinds of Cemetery Work, of the latest classical designs, and superior work manship, such as jSIonnment. Jinx Tomb. Cra dle Tooths, Spires, ObeJixis, Grecian Tombs, Ta ble Tombs, Head Stoites. Carved. Sculptured or Plain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than thoy can be had at any other establishment iu the country. Thankful for past favors, the undersigned solicits an increase of patronage. WM. (J A HAG AN. Bellefonte. Pa., March 2?., lS5'.l-tf. NEW RESTAURANT ! ! Kadbangh and Flanigan, Jiasemrnt of Merrell - Carter's Store, under Odd-Fcltotrs and Masonic lla'f. The undersigned would rosnectfully inform the public that they have recently opened the above named Restaurant, with an entire new stock of goods and fixtures, where they will be prepared to furnish: at the lowest rates, all the luxuries of the season. They keep constantly on hand, Confec tionary, Cakes, Pies, Oysters in every form, Ico Cream, Tripe, Sardines. Ale, Lager Beer, Oranges, Lemons. liaisons, and a variety of other articles "easy to tako." They respectfully invito the pa tronage of the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. WM. RADEBAUGH. Apr27, '50-lt ADAM C. FLANIGAN. BANKING AND COLLECTION 0PFICE or LEONARD, FINNEY & CO., CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. Bills of Exchange. Notes and Drafts Discounted. Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds promptly remitted. Exchango on the Cities con stantly on hand. Office, on Market St., opposite the residence of Jas. B. Graham, Esq. JAprl3. james t. lkosakd. ::::::::: n. a. fins e v. wi a. Wallace. :::::::::: A. c. fix.vev. FLOUR AND FEED. The subscriber has constrntly ou hand at the Hprure Creel Mills, Flour by the barrel ; Corn aud Oafs by the bushel, Chopped Feed of all kinds, and Ground Plaster; all of which is for sulo lower thau can be had elsewhere for Cash. The flour will be warranted a good article. AH orders promptly attended to. J. B. SIMONS, Spruce Creek, P.O., Huntingdon co.. Pa. Spruce Creek, Apr 27, 1859-Stp. ' THE STATE JOURNAL will be the Organ of the Amrrican-liepuhlirin, or, People's Party, in Pennsylvania. A large size, double abeet, Family Newspaper, Published every Satur day All interested are regucsted to Subscribe. Terms S-2 a year, or Four copies, $7 ; and Ten copies for SI5. Address. RUBEN G. ORWIG, Publisher. X. E. corner Ftfth and Chestnut Street, Pbil'a. An Agent wanted in every county. Apr20. Snfk REWARD, to any Wool Dealer that J0JvJ will excel the subscribers goods ! ! ! JOSEPH GWINXEIt has made his appearance in Clearfield county with a heavy stock of Domes tic Dry Goodi, consisting of Sattinets, Cassimeres, Plain and Barred Flannel, Blankets, Coverlets, Stocking Yarn, Ac, Ac., which he will exchange for Wool at prices to suit the times. All who want good bargain! should bo on the lookout for him. April 20. 1859. N.B. I will pay the market price in Cash for wool NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all delin quent subscribers to the Baptist Church in the Borough of Clearfield, that the same must bo paid on or before the May Court next, (and save costs,) as the workman must be paid. M. A. Frank, Esq., Clearfield, is authorized to receive subscrip tions. By order of tho Building Committee. Clearfield, April 20. A T SCHRYVER, M. NICHOLS, JR. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned from purchasing or intermeddling with one rokeof 4-year old Pteers. one cook stove, one cow, a lot of bogs, one wheat fan, harrow and plough, blacksmith's anvil and bllows,fo the possesion of Daniel Little, of Morris tp, as they belong to me and I re subject to my order. WILUAM HITE i Snow She, April 27,. !8:-3 3f. TVEW iOODS.--Just recetved, a general as il aortment of new Spring Goods, including Plain and Figured Delaines. Challie. Lawns, and One hundred (100) pieces of Calico, latest styles, ail of which will be sold cheap at the corner store, jarwensville. AprlS'5i WM. IKVIX. Q40.00 PAYS FOR A FULL COURSE in tjp the Iron City College, the !ar?e?t, most exten sively patronized and best organized Commercial School in the United States. 337 Students attending daily, March, 1859. Usual time to complete a full course, from 6 to 10 weeks. Every student, upon graduating, is guar anteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of from 5500 to 51.000. Students enter at any time-No Vacation Re view at pleasure. 51 Premiums for best Penmanship awarded in 1859 r"Ministers Sons received at half price. For Circular and Specimens of Writing, inclose two letter stamps, aud address F. Y. JENKINS. April 6, 1S59. (septl'SS) Pittburgh. Pa. VT E W A I BE A PTI F V J. A S- Xi . SORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS. S I 1 K S , BLACK AND COLORED. SHAWLS AND MAN TILLAS, BAREGE AND BARErtE ROBES, SILK r-OI'LI.IS, PCCALS, VALEXCllS. FOfl.AKD SILKS. chalies, delaines, prists, 4 every dascription of DR ESS GOODS, LrNL-N-FLAXXELS.surRTIXGStsiiEETijja and every kind of DOMESTIC GOODS. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES', GeSTLE- hkss", Misses, Boys' ano Childress' Boots. Shoes a ud Gai tcrs. A LSO, H ats. Caps a nd CLOTHING, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH, ALL Of WHICH WILL FK SOLO AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. April 20, 1359. C. KRATZER SONS. P.S. Groceries, Paints, Nails, Glass, 4c, by the quantity, will be sold at a small advance on cost and carriage. C. Kratzer & Sos. IS JEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE, Market St.. Clearfield, Having received a large and well selected assortment of Domestic, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, of almost every description, the public in general are invited to give me a call. Among the l accy goods may be found, such as DUCALS, PERSIAN CLOTH, BALZARINE, DEBE1GE, TANFER LUSTRE, BRILLIANTS, CHALLILS, SATIN JEAN, GINGHAMS, BAREGE, LAWNS, PRINTS. DELAINES, and a variety of other articles ot Dress Goods. Also, an extensive selection of the latest and ncat t.t styles, and best quality, of plain and fancy CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, SATTINETS, SATIN YES1ING, TWEEDS, YELYETS, AC. His stock also embraces an extensive assortment of Groceries. Hardwaro, Queensware. Drugs and Medicines; Oils, Paints and Glass ; Boots and Shoes ; Hats and Caps ; r-ocnets ; Ready Mado Clothing ; Stationary; Confection ry; Carpets; Tobacco v.e , ic . ic. Together with a great variety of Notions, and oth er necessary articles. Persons in want of any thing in the above line, are requested to examine tho stock of the subscriber before making their purchases, as they may bo enabled to buy to bet ter advantage at the '-cheap cah store," than at any other place in tho county. Produce of every description taken in exchange tor goods. April 27, ISs'J. WM. V. IRWIN. JF YOU WANT SUPERFINE GOTO IF you want good Extra Flour, go to 1 F you want Extra Family Flour, go to IF you want good smoked Hams, go to IF you want Sides or Shoulders, co to IF yon want excellent Dried Beef, goto I F you want good Brown Sugar, go to IF you want superiorWhiteSugar. go to IF you want the best Rio Coffee, go to IF you want Extract of Coffee, go to I F you want good Imperial Tea, goto IF you want good Black Tea, go to 1 F you want good Young Hyjon, go to IF you want coarse or fine Salt, go to IF you want excellent Rice, go to IF you want fresh ground Spices, go to IF you want superior Candies, go to IF you want Adamantine Candles, goto IF" you want good Tallow Candles, goto IF you want good fresh Mackerel, go to IF you want good fresh Herring, go to IF you want superior White Fi?k, go to IF you want MoIas.cs. all kinds, go to IF you want fine Dried Peaches, go to IF you want fine Dried Apples, go to IF you want Oranges and Lemons, go to IF you want Nails and Spikes, go to IF you want Hardware of all kind". go to IF you want a good Grass Scythe, go to IF you want a good Hay Fork, go to I F yon want a good Manure Fork, go to IF you wsnt good Garden Spades, go to IF you want Willow Baskets, go to IF you want a good Buggy Whip, go to IF you want Tobacco and Cigars, go to IF you want Fancy Wall Paper, go to It you want -Manillas hempcords.go to IF vou want Palm or Fancy Soap, co to I F you want Shoe Lasts and Pegs, go to IF you want good Saw-mill Saws, go to IF you want Powder, Lead A Shot. go to IF you want good Shoe Blacking, go to IF you want good Stove Blacking, go to IF you want superior Black Ink, go to IF you want a Smoothing Iron, go to IF you want good brown Muslin, go to IF you want good White Muslin, go to IF you want good colored Muslins. go to IF you want silk Handkerchiefs, go to IF you want cotton Handkerchiefs. go to IF you want Linen Table cloths, go to IF you want cotton Table cloths, go to IF you want UmbrellasA Parasols, go to IF you want a superior Clock, go to IF you want Fancy Carpet Sacks, go to IF you want Table Oil Cloths, go to IF you want good Floor Oil CI jth, go to IF you want new School Books, go to IFyouwanta good Undershirt, go to IF you want fashionablo Coats, go to IF you want fashionable Pants, go to IF you want fashionable Neck ties.goto It you want lashionable Vests, go to IF you want fashionable Hats, go to IF you want fashionable Hand ks. goto IF you want fashionable Boots, go to IF you want fashionable Shoes, go to IF you want Boys' Coats A Pants, go to IF you want Children's Shoes, go to IF you want fashionable Bonnets, go to IF you want Calicoes, new styles, go to IF you want new fancy DeLaines, go to IF you want good French Chintz,' go to IF you want French Ginghams, go to IF you want Domestic Ginghams, go to IF you want first rate Alpacas, go to IF you want old Monongahela, go to IF you want Port Wine, superior, go to It yon want ' for Medical use, go to IF you want J' " Sacranjental use.go to IF you want good ChcrryDrandy goto IF you want good Sweet Wine, go to IF you waat Fancy Cassimeres, go to IF you want Black Cassimeres. go to IF you want ptain A fancy Tweeds, goto IF you want iuperior Cabinets, go to IF yen waat superior Sattinets, go to IF you want ground White Load, go to IF you want fine ground Zinc, go to IF you want Pure flax-seed Oil, go to IF you want any otDCT- article, go to IF tou want toeuvctpforeh. gtc ClesrfceM, Pa . Apul :r: !S50 FLOUR Mossop'e. Mossor's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop'k. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's, Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossor's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossor's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's, Mossop's. Mossop's Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mosscp'a. Mossop's. Mossop's. Mossop's. 2!?: ser's CJ HO WALTER ESTATE FOR SALE. 5 The farm or real estate of John Showaltr, late of Decatur township, Clearfield county, de ceased, is now for sale on reasonable terms. Ap ply to the subscriber at his residence in said town ship. -RUSSELL D. SHOWALTER. Decatur township, February 16. 19-tmv. PLASTERING. The subscriber having lt csted himself in the .Borough of Clearfield would inform the public that he is prepared to do -,rlr in tl, aKavb ) fmm rliTt tA ArnaTAcnttr ' ' v. " " - . .".. - - " of any description, in a workmanlike style. , Also wnuewasamg nun repairing aono in m neat uu ner. and on reasonable term. ' ' ' April 7, 1S58. EDWIN COOPER. ACRES OF LAND,, on the Erie Tnrn pike, about 7 miles wet of Cnrwensville and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same wiil be sold on accommodating terms.- The land lies well, is all susceptible of Cultivation, and is' well covered with choice pine timber suitable for shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill near by. Apply to L. J. CRANS, mar25 Clearfield. I EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letter Testa -A mentarv on the Estate of Isaiah II. Warrick. late of Bcccaria township. Clearfield county. Pa., deed., having 'ftn granted to the undersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims acainst the same will present them properlv au thenticated for settlement. WM. M. t.MILLY. S A RAH W AliRICK, Bcccaria tp . March 2", 1359. Executors. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters teta mentary, on the Estate of George Sinale, late (,,-, . , t f , , T J 1 ' oi i 1KB lownsaip. viearueiu co., r a. uec u. navies been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township ; all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those bavingclaims will present them properly authen ticated to our Attorney L.J Crans, Esq.. Clear field, or to us. E. BUTLI.R SMALE, April 13, lS59-Stp. M. L. C. EVANS. Executors. E M 1 XCELSIOR MARBLE YARD. The undersigned hereby announ ces to the citizens of Clearfield countT, that he is still encazed, at his old stand. in TYRONK cm . in erecting MOSUMESTS nd BOX TOMBS. Also lleadand Foot Sttttej of tho latest and most approved styles, and oa the mort reasonable terms. All orders promptly at tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN. Aug. 25, 135S.-dec23-'i7. Tyrone City. r .EXECUTORS NOTICE. Letters Tesla--J mentary oa the Estate of Isaac Bloom, Sr. at of Pike townhip, Clearfield county, l'a. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned ; all per sons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims s gainst the same will present them duly authenti cated to our Attorncv, L. J. Crans. Esq.. Clearfield, or to us. JOHN BLOOM. JAS. A. BLOOM, Tike tp., March 3. lS5S-f.t. Executors VrATCHES AND JEWELRY The uo M Uersigned respectfully informs bis custo mers and the public generally that he has just re ceived from the East, and opened at his establish ment in Shaw's Row, Clearfield, Pa., a fine stock of Watches, of different qualities, and JeweUy of every rariety. from a full set to a single piece, which he will sell atihe most reasonable prices for Cash. All kinds of Clocks, Watches aud Jew elry carefully repaired and warranted. A con tinuance of patronage is solicited. November 10, 185s. II. F. NAUGLE. IAR.M FOR SALE OR RENT. Tho un dersigned offers for sale or rent his farm of 50 acres of land ; 25 acres of which is cleared and the balance well timbered with white oak, maple aud hemlock; there is a good bouse and barn thereon. The property is situated li miles from Clearfield town on tho Pike leading to Lutheri burg. Those drsirous of buying or renting, will please apply soon, as I am bound to pitch my -wig-warn" in the West, soon. Posseadoa will be given at any time. Apply to c. r. maccmbek: Lawrencatp., Clearfield co., Pa.. Jan. 2S. '59-3ia' A IIBL'YS NEFF, No. .103 North 3d StreM. I (three doors above Vine.) Philadelphia THE OLD HARDWARE STAND. (Established Twentv Four Ycars Every description of B'ttldTiig-, te cianiral. Farming iW liousekold llardtcart, is now in Store, and will he offered at the lowest mar ket prices to Cash and prompt Six months buy ers. Nails at Manufacturers prices for Cash. Or ders from new customers will receive strict and ac curate attention, and all goods sent from this house will be as reprcented. Country merchants, on their next visit to our city to make their Spring purchases aro cordially invited to call and exam- " ine their Stock and Prices before Purchasing. Philadelphia, Pa., March 9th, l:.9-3ra. glopgk p. ABrr.v. ion's a. xrxrT 1711 RST IN, FIRST SERVED. M- Boots & Shoes always on Hand, (of out oicn mate.) JOSEPH GOON, thankful for jast favors, end grateful for future prospects, de sires to inform the citizen" of this vicinity and his old friends and patrort in particular, that be has remnrcd to the FIRST KttOM in the EAST EXD ofSHAWS JVEV KO W, thtjint daor tcest o f tiie Mjhsioii House, where he has on hand conslantlv. a largo assortment of ever v variety in the BOOT AND irJH'E line Custom work attend ed to with dispatch. The very best of nock will be used and no pains spared to make seat fits and durable work. All of which can be obtained of said J. Goon, very low for the Readv Rhiuo-. Clearfield, August 14, H53. ANSONVILLE IN THE RING ! NEW -f FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 U. SWAJf announces to the citizens of Ansonville ad tb suscounding country, that he has just returned from the Last and is now opening at his store an extensive stock of choice and serviceable Fall and W inter Goods-, consisting of a gcueral assortment of PRYG410DS. GROCERIES. HARDWAR.F, QUEENSWARE, HATS A CAPS, BOOTS.SH0r, and a great variety of nseful fancy goods, among which maybe found the latest styles of Ladies' DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS. llOX.f EI S, RIBBONS, LACES, FLOWERS. Ae..Ac. The undersigned would direct particular atten tion to bis extensive selection of Parlor and Coal Stoves, Cook Stoves and fixtures. Stove pipe. Ac. ALSO, a large quantity of Salt. Person desireu of purchasing any of the articles in my line of business, are invited to call and examine my stock before buying elsewhere, as t feel persuaded that I can supply them on as reasonable terms for ei as any other store in the county. Lumber of er ery description, and approved" country prodac- taken in exchange for goods. U' SWAN. Ansonville. November 10, 185fe. PROFESSOR I U V A L L 'S. TASTELESS GALVANIC PILLS. Prewired Originally Ly Prof. Duval I, formerly of die College of Surgeons, Pari, is now offered to the public for the cure of all th'ise disease in which alteratives and resolvent?" are indicated. Those pills are rendered void of taste by which means the most delicate stomach can take t hem as well as the smallest child. From three to five boxes will cure the worst caw of Scrofula. From two to four boxes will cure the worst ca of Salt Rheum. From two to 3' boxes will cure the Ring Worm One box will cure Scaly Eruptions cf the Skin. From two to four boxes will cure all old Ulcers and Running Sores. Ono box will cure Humors in the Eyes. From one to three boxes will cure the xnrat in veterate case of Nursing Sore Mouth. " From one to two boxes will oure the severest ease of scabby head in children. From three to six boxes will cure the (common ly called) thick 'neck or Goitre. From two to four boxes will cure the Drnpi-r. From one to three boxes will cure Juandiee" From two to six pills will cure the Sick Hei 1 Ache when accompanied with Billious One box will cure the Fever and Ague. For all diseases ariwog from an impure ta;eef the blood, and bilious habits, the Tx'steJ Galrat. ic nils are the best pills ever known in' the of medicine. 25 eenrs per jr., Any g' 0-1 receipt of $t will end four boxei to st Pn ot the I nited States, "free of tjestage. " " ' ' - ' J D. SfONLPOAD. Tro?r1iT. . aug2i-'uS-j '" ' " lwi'toa- For oale by Moore A Etiwcitei. C!rfW. Tt acd by oujiiry mt rcctts jne"'riy