Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 27, 1859, Image 3

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Id accordance with tbe call of the People's
State Committee, the opponents of the Na
tional Administration, in Clearfield county,
re requested to hold a meeting at the Court
II ouso in Clearfield, on Monday evening of
Court week, May the lGth, 1839, to elect dele
gates to represent them in the IJarrisburg con
vention, which is to meet on the 8th June'.
Several additional writs will be f onnd in the
Sheriff's Sales (his week.
The attention of Dealers in Feed and Flonr
is invited to the advertisement of Mr.J. B. Si
mons, of Spruce Creek.
TVe last week mentioned the receipt of a
fine stock of Seasonable Goods by Wm. F. Ir
win. His advertisement appears in another
teolumn of to-day's paper.
If you want to know where to buy flour,' ba
ton, groceries, dry goods of every descrip
tion, hardware, &c., consult the advertisement
of Richard Mossop, in another column.
We direct attention to the advertisement of
M essrs. Radebuugh & Flanigan, who have re
ceived a fresh supply of articles at their Eat
ing Houo in the basement cf Merrell & Car
ter's building, Second St., Clearfield.
On Monday afternoon. Rice, the "old seven
day," was put to prison for haranguing about
the streets in a boisterous and abusive man
ner, but was set at liberty again on Tuesday
morning. The individuals who had been in
dulging in strychnine, and were howling in
the streets on Monday night, should have 'been
treated in a similar manner.
Sxow Stohm. On last Saturday, 23d April,
we hud a regular old-fashioned snow-storm in
this county. At some places the snow attain
ed a depth of 10 to lCJnches at others, from
4 to C inches and drifted so much in several
localities as to obstruct the passage of wheeled
vehicles. More snow fell on that day than on
any one during the past winter.
Divine Services. By divine permission the
Rev. T. R. Focht, of York connty, will preach
in the Lutheran church in Clearfield Town, on
the first day of May next at half past 10 o'
clock in the morning, and at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon in the Baptist Church in Curvns
ville ; on Monday evening, M ay 2d, at early
candle lightj in Luthersburg, and on Tuesday
the Sd, in the evening, in New Millport.
We will nest week commence tho publica
tion of a Sketch of Clearfield County, in which
will Tie - introduced its early settlement, de
scriptions of some of the settlers, and an ac
count of some of their adventures. The
sketch will occupy several weeks in publish
ing, and as it may contain matters for future
reference, those who are thinking ot subscri
bing to our paper, had better do so at once.
Tho things related will be authentic.
An Improvement. We are pleased to see
that the school-room in the Academy building
lias been neatly papered, new seats procured,
and other improvements made, under the di
rection of Rev. Mr. Galloway, who has under
taken the general supervision of the school.
A substantial lence, to enclose the ground be
longing to tbe Academy, and keep cattle and
hogs off of the samo, lias also biren put up.
The school will bo opened next Tuesday.
I.ntBER. The rapid inviting of tho snow of
last Saturday li.is produced a fine rafting
freshet in the West Branch and its tributaries,
and during the past two days quite a number
of raits have passed down the River. The
price of lumber Leing good this spring, and
the supply falling short of the demand, has had
the cflect of infusing new lia'e into tho busi
ness, and it is estimated that about luO ratts
have been constructed and will be run to mar
ket on the present risj.
On Monday afternoon, John Johnston, an
eld "culled passon" of our town, drove the
horse and Luggy of Judge Barrett uito the
river, above the bridge, where a raft was ly
ing, for the purpose of washing the buggy.
As soon as they passed the end of the raft, the
horse and vehicle wero being carried away by
the current, but were fortunately stopped by
some men on the raft, the harness cut loose,
the horse led out of the water and the buggy
pulled up on the raft. John got off with a
good ducking and a bad fright.
Feom Utah. -The New York papers con
tain a mass of correspondence from Utah,
from which we learn that the Mormon system
Is breaking up. The approaching dispersion
of the saints is confidently predicted some
time next month, aud Brigham Young's dom
ination is said already to be at an end. J udge
Cradlebaugh had delivered a highly interest
ing charge concerning tbe enforcement of the
Jaw, and its vindication throughout the Ter
ritory. Sharp Practice. A New York broker,
undertaking to turn a dishonest penny, last
week, was "hoist by his own petard." A man
offered him $5,000 in gold dust which he said
had been stolen, lor half its value. Tho
Lroker seized the opportunity, weighed the
lust, found it all right, and paid over the
money. Almost immediately a professed
policeman came in, said he bad ascertained
that be was in possession of a certain parcel
of gold dust, and most arrest him and seize
the dust. The broker was much alarmed, and
finally ofiered tha officer eight hundred dol
lars in bills to release him and keep mum.
The ofler was accepted and the money paid.
The broker then concluded it was best to get
rid of tha gold as soon as possible, but on at
tempting to sell It, fonni it was only coppor
filings. The policemen was also bogus, and
lbs broker finds himself minus $3,200, which
should be aeration to him not to deal hereaf
ter In stolen goods.
CIn demand butter and eggs.
E7Oa a swell the Susquehanna.
C"Ditto some b'hoys on Monday night.
CC?Most popular belle is the dinner bell.
GyLooks neat M'Enally's new house.
7"Fnnny going into the river head first.
0"Good rur-ping paper tho Spiritual Tel
egraph. tX7Look seedy farmers and gardners, now,
that spring is here.
C?Iron pavements are undergoing a trial
in some of the streets of St. Louis.
I7"The wealth ofWm. B. Astor, of New
York, is estimated at sixty millions of dollars.
CF"Charged--often politicians with "pipe
laying." Which kind G'as-pipo or bloxc
pipe. CAmusing to sec a milkman looking o
ver the "prices current," to find out if chalk
is lower.
CBaptised sixteen Adventisfs, on Sun
day a-week, in the river near Newark, N. J.
Eight were females.
CJaincs Buchanan, alias "J. B.," Presi
dent of the United States, was sixty-eight years
old on the 23d April.
K7A woman left Bangor recently, for Ore
gon, to marry a person there whom she had
not seen for eighteen years.
C7"Mr. O. Cube, of Indiana, lately had six
teeth drawn at one sitting. This, we suppose,
was extracting tho cube roots.
0"ln Spain the women perfume" their hair
with sulphur, and soak their black curls in a
strong ley to make them red.
EP""Jemmy Maher, welt known as the public
gardener, appointed by Jackson, died at Wash
ington, April 15th, aged sixty-seven.
CF"To be leased at public auction the O
hio Canals, on the 15th ot August next, to the
highest bidder, for a term of live years.
C"Mr. Jessie Trammel, who is one hundred
years old. served the whole of last week as a
juryman in the Court at Greenville, S. C.
CT7Faet roast beef, serenity of mind, a
pretty wife, and cold water baths, will make
most any man "healthy, wealthy and wise."
tx7"Juhn Campbell, convicted in Philadel
phia of robbing an unknown man of nine cents,
has been sent to the penitentiary for 3 years.
EP""A Mahogany tree was cut week before
last, on the farm of J. Hull, in Adams co., la,
which measured 2 feet 4 inches across tbe
7The tunnel built by Mr. llaupt, on the
summit of the Pennsylvania Railroad, was a
more diflieult work than the tunnel under the
EF"Within the last year, card playing a
mong steamboat travellers in the West has di
minished fully one half, and chess has taken
its place.
tX7"Onc passenger by tha California steam
er, at New York, a Cornish minor, has one
hundred and fiity pounds of gold dust, valued
at SCO ,000.
Ct7"ln the Supreme Court at Rhode Island,
on Saturday a-week, thirty-two wives were di
vorced from their husbands, and seven hus
bands from their wives.
DLsPassed an act the California Legisla
ture at the instance of Gov.Weller, appropri
ating $1,000 annually to the Washington Mon
ument at Washington city.
fXFanny Fern says: "I immediately love
the man who blushes." She must love her
husband then quite often, if he reads Fanny's
contributions to the papers.
C-7"The National Road, over the Cumber
land mountains, built by the L'nited States En
gineer Corps, is more extensive and durable
by far than the Appian ft ay.
fX"Both branches of the Ohio Legislature
have passed a bill to prevent persons, in whole
or in part, ot negro descent, from voting at
State, county, or city elections.
CC7In Wheeling, Vi., an old man named
McElroy, who has long been supported at the
public expense, has been discovered to have
about $11,000 at interest iu Ohio.
KFThe Illinois Central Railroad, built by
Col. Mason, is the longest line ever construct
ed by one company, and in point of workman
ship is equal to any European road.
OCT A company of colored people, under tbe
lead of a barber named Draper, are to leave
Cleveland for Liberi. They propose to go to
farming in the interior of the country.
CP'Stated that there 13 a chap in tins re
gion with feet so large that, when it ruins, lie
lies down on his back and holds up one foot.
It fully answers the purpose of an umbrella.
H7"A party of men recently g ivc a respec
table citizen of St. Ames des Plains, iti Cana
li, a charivari serenade, and conducted them
selves so violently that the mau's wife died
of fright.
E5There is nompdic'nc now olTered to the
public that meets with so great success in re
lieving pain and soreness, as DuVali's Galva
nic Oil. It relieves all pain in from ten to
thirty minutes.
!r?The largest comb factory in the world is
at Aberdeen, Scotland, where nino million
combs of horn and shell, are produced amu
ally. Tho quantity or ox and buffalo horns
worked up is immense.
EP'Bnilt a steamer at Pittsburg, intended
to navigate the Kansas river to within 150
miles of Pike's Penk. She has ample accom
modations for passengers, aud is fitted up with
much taste and elegance.
ITT-The lion. Geo. M. Bibb died on Thurs
day in Georgetown, D. C Mr. Bibb was for
rr.any yeais U. S. Senator from Kentucky,and
during the Administration ot President Tyler
was Secretary of the Treasury.
ETThc recent destructive fire In the sugar
plantations in Cuba, it is said, burned over a
district extending several miles, including
standing cane, the sugar houses, machinery,
auimals, and in some cases, negroes.
Cyjudgo Thomas G. Smith, residing in the
vicinity of Lexington, Mo., was the successful
competitor for the heaviest yield of corn, of
fered by the Lafayette Agricultural Society.
His crop yielded one hundred and live bushels
and three gallons to the acre.
KF-Mr. Conkliu's little daughter, while go
ing up the stairs of her father's house, lately,
in Warwick, New York, with a sugar bowl,
stumbled, spilled the sugar, broke the bowl,
and with one of the fragments cut her jugular
vein and bled to death in a low moments.
K?"One of the engineers on board the stea
mer Maryland, used for the convej-ance of
passengers across the Susquehanna, at Havre
de Grace, committed snicide by drowning him
self, on Saturday morning last. Tbe cause of
the snd occurrence is traced to tho supposed
infidelity of his wife.
rXT-Tho old Stnyvesant pear-tree, in New
Yok is beginning to blossom and bud for the
two hundredth time. Its branches have most
ly fallen, and its trunk is rotten to the center,
but the mysterious principle of vegetable life
stilt remains, and every spring the oldest in
habitant of the city is crowned with verdure.
On Thursday the 21st, Artemcs Johnston,
of Morris township, aged 3'J years.
"Cost.ir's" Exterminators are Invaluable re
medies for clearing houses of all sorts of ver
min. With all confidence we recommend
them 2v". Y. Daily State Register.
'Costar's" remedies for all domestic pests,
such as Rats, Roaches, Bed-Bugs. Ants, Fleas,
&c, are invaluable ; we can speak lrom actual
knowledge of their merits. Druggists and
Dealers should send their orders early if they
would secure a trade in them. N.Y.Jouraal.
"I shall write something about your Exter
minators, as I can do so with propriety.
They are selling rapidly here and destroying
all vermin. Ed. "Banner," Fayette, Mo. "
As Spring approaches, Ants and Roaches,
From their holes come out,
And Mice and Rats, in spite of Cats,
Gaily skip about.
Bed-Bugs bite you, in the night,.
As on the bed you slumber,
While Insects crawl thro' chamber and hall,
In squads without number.
It is truly wonderful with what certainty,
Rats,Roaches, Mice, Molcs.Ground Mice, Bed
bugs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Insects
on Animals, in short every species of Vermin,
are utterly flestroyed and exterminated by
"Costar's" Rat, Roach, Ike. Exterminator,
"Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator,
'Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects.
Supplied direct, by mail, to any address in
the United States, as follows : On receipt of
$1.00, a box of the Rut, Roach, &c. Ext. ; On
recipt of $2.00, a box each of the Rat, Roach,
&c. Ext., and Electric Powder, - (sent postage j
paid,) sullicient to destroy the vermin on auy
premises. Sold by Druggists and Dealers ev
ery where. 'Costars" Principal Depot, 420
Broadway, N. Y. P. S. Circulars, terms,
&c, sent by mail on application.
2-Wholesalo Agents fcr Pennsylvania :
Costar's Branch Depot, Northeast corner Fifth
and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, and Whole
sale Dealers generally. March 23, '59-6t.
NEW tiOODS. Just recetved. a general as
sortment of new Spring Goods, including
l'lain and Figured Delaines. Cnallics, Lawns, nnii
One hundred (100) pieces of Calico, latest styles,
all of which will be sold cheap at the corner store
Curwensville.. AprlS'o'JJ WM. IRVIN.
WANTED. A Journeyman Cabinet-mnker,
of industrious and sober habits, and a good
workman, can have constant employment by ap
plying soon to the undersigned, Good wa?cs will
be given. JOHN GUEL1CII.
Clearfield. Pa., April 13, 1859.
ll KIKTY STORE. Tho undersigned would
inform tl)3 citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that
ho bns opened a new Store, in the room formerly
occupied by Drs. Lorain A Ilartswick, nearly op
posite the jail, where he intends keeping a full
assortment of Drugs, Stationary, Perfumery. Oils,
Paints, Tobacco, Scgars, and Fancy Goods of every
description, which he will sell very low for cash.
CalaUuid try tbe new store of
April CO, 1S59 GEO. W. RIIEEM.
Bills of Exchange. Notes and Drafts Discounted
Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds
promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con
stantly n hand. Office, on Market St., opposite
the rc'idenceof Jaa. B.Graham, Esq. Aprl3.
javes t. lkosakd. : : : : : : : : : d. a. tinnev.
ww a. Wallace. :::::::::: a. c. kisnev.
The undersigned adopts this method of in
forming the public and the patrons of the late
firm of S. A. Gibson fc Co.. that ho designs car
rying on tho MARBLE BUSINESS in Bclle
ftante, in all its various branches, and will bold
himself always in readiness to furnish those who
call upon him. with alt kinds of Cemetery Wort,
of the latest claissical designs, and superior work
manship, such as M-nnmrulT. Jinx Tnmi, Cra
Hle T omits. Firire. Obeli si-. Grecian Tombs. Ta
ble. Tomb, Head fftone. (farvet. Sculptured or
Plain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be
had at any other establishment in tho country.
Thankful for past favors, tbe undersigned solicits
an increase of patronage WM. GAHAGAN.
iicllefonte. Pa., March 23. 1850-ff.
Shaw's Row. t'learfield. Pa., a fine assortment of
WATCHES JEWELRY. Ac, As., to which we in
vite attention.
Fine and cheap Jewelry, of every style and
quality, in sets or bv the piece as wanted, to be
had cheap at " NAUGLE S.
If j-ou wish to purchaso the "American Lever
V alert." call at ."N AtULE H.
Old Gold and Silver will bo tnken in exchange
for Roods at JVALGI.L fc.
All Roods warranted as represented, or the mo
ney refunded, at NAl'GLE'S.
All persons who want bargains arc- invited to
call at AAltiLKS.
If you wish your watches put in pood repair
and warranted, take them to NAUGLE"S.
TT f CENSE NOTICE. The following named
persons have filed in tho Offieo of the Clerk of
the Court of yutirter Sessions of t learneM County,
their Petitions for License at tho MAY Session
next." agreeably to Act of Assembly of March 23,
IK.ifi, entitled "An Act to rculato the Sale of
Intoxicating Liquors," Ac.
A. Lanson Root. Heeearia township. Tavern.
Edward Albert. I'ogjrs township, Tavern.
Howard Mcrrell. Bradford township. Tavern.
George I). Lanich. Cleareld borough . Tavern.
John M'Mnr.igil, Clearfield borough, Tavern.
Denjaiain Snider, Covington tow nship. Tavern.
Lawrence Flood, Covington township. Tavern.
Valentine Hoffman. Covington township.Tavorn.
Nicholas Ycrhock, Covington township, Tavern.
Isaac Bloom, Curwensvillo borough, Tavern.
David Smith. Curwensvillo borough. Tavern.
Lewis W. Tea Eyck, Lumber City, Tavern.
Joseph II. Jones. Morris township, Tavern.
P. A. Gaulin. Covington tp.. Liquor with Merch.
It. Wilson Moore, Luthersburg, Tavern.
Henry Goodlander, Brady township, Tavern.
Thomas C. Davis, Lumber City, Tavern.
Henry Post, Decatur township, Tavern.
David Johnston, Curwcasville Boro'. Tavern.
Wm. A. Mason, Curwensville Borough, Tavern.
George W. Long. Brady township, Tavern.
James Haines, iioccaria township, Tavern.
Thos. Robins, Clearfield bor. Liquor with Merch.
Adam Kcara, Brady township, Tavern.
Prot'ys Office, Clearfield, April 20, 1559.
REGISTER'S NOTICE Notice is here
by given, that tho following accounts havo
been examined and passed by uie, and remain filed
of record in this office for tho inspection of heirs,
legatees, creditors, and B others in any other way
interested, and wilt be presented to tho next Or
phans' Court of Clearfield Connty, to ba held ot
tho Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield,
commencing on tho third Monday of MAY, 13o9,
for confirmation and allowance:
Tho Administration account of John Wilson, Ad
ministrator of the Estate of Jano Kline, late of
Bradford township, Clearfield county, dee'd.
Tho account of R, M- Smiley, Administrator of
the Estato of Ralph E. Smiley, lato of Brady
township, Clearfield county, deceased
The account of Jacob Flegal. Administrator of
the Estate of Joseph Leonard, late of Beccaria
township, Clearfield county, deceased.
Tha Partial account of Wm. Rex and John S.
Curry, Adm'rsof tbe Estate of Richard Curry,
lato of Piko township, Clearfield co.. doe'd.
The Administration account of John A. L. Fle
jral, Adm'r of tho Estate of James L. Flogal, late
of Goshen township. Clearfield co., dee'd.
Clearfield, Pa., April 13, 18o9. Register.
SALT. A Inrgo qoontity of SALT just reeeiv
cd. and which wilt bo sold vsry cheap for
cash, by the sack, at WM. F. IRWIN'S.
LOVER SEED. 50 bushals t.f Clover Seed
tho store of WM- IRVJN.
Curwensvillo, March 23d, IS58.
3 The farm or real estato of John Showalter,
late of Decatur township, Clearfield county, de-
ceagfa, is now lor sie on reasonuDie icraiao.
rly to the subscriber at his residence in said town
I'ecatnr township, February 16. 1859-6m.
"I f)r ACRES OF LAND, on tho Erie Turn
J rJ piko, about 7 miles west of Curwensville,
and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same
will be sold on accommodating terms. The land
lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is
well covered with choice pine timber suitable for
shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill
near by. Appiy to " L. J. CRANS,
mar25 Clearfield.
of Administration on tho estato of Samuel
Jordan, late of Jordan township, Clearfield coun
ty. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them dulv authentica
ted for settlement. HENRY SWAN,
Fcbrnnry 23, 1359. Administrators.
XECl'TORS' NOTICE Letters Testa-
incutary on the Estate of Isaiah II. Warrick,
late of Beccaria township. Clearfield county, Pa.,
dee'd., having Vcn granted to tho undersigned;
all persons indebted to said estato ore requested to
inako immediate payment, and those having claims
against tbe same will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement. WM. M. SMILEY.
Beccaria tp , March 23, 1S"9. Executors.
I7XECUTOK'S NOTICE. Letters testa--i
mcutary, on the Estate of George Sinale, late
of Piko town&hip, Clearfield co.. Pa, dee'd, having
been granted to the undersigned, residing in -said
lown.-iiip; all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them properly authen
ticateu to our Attorney L. J Crans. Esq., Clear
field, or to us.
April 13, 13:9-Stp.
PEACH NURSERY Tho undersigned, re
siding three miles above the town of Clear
field, in Lawrence township, has about Tiro Thon
snml young and thrifty peach trees which ho will
dippote of on reasonable terms. Tho peach trees
having been much injured, and many entirely
killed, by the severe eold of the winter of 1S35-5S,
farmers should rep'enish their orchards, and, it
is conceived that this is a highly favorable oppor
tunity of so doing. ROiiERT LAWUEAD.
Lawrence tp., March 16, 1859-3L
JVOTICE. The Th;rd Session of the Clearfuid
L 1 County formal School will be held in Cur
wensville, commencing on Tuesday the 3d of May
next, and will continue two months. No pains or
tabor will be spared to render the Instructions as
thorough and practical as possible.' Particular
attention given to tho art of teaching. Persons
wishing to avail themselves of its advantages are
requested to be present at its commencement. A
County Institute and Public Examination will bo
held the last week of the session. '
April 6, 1S5D. . County Superintendent.
dersigned offers for sale or rent his farm of
50 acres of land ; 25 acres of which is cleared and
the balance well timbered with whit a oak, maple
and hemlock ; there is a good house and barn
thereon. The property is situatod miles from
Clearfield town ou tbe Pike leading to Luthers
burg. Those desirous of buying or renting, will
please apply soon, as I am bound to pitch my
'wig-wain" in the West, soon. Possession will bo
given at any time. Apply'to
Lawrenca tp., Clearfield co., Pa.. Jan. 20, 9-3m
BIBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield co.,
hereby gives notice that their books, name
ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of
fice of James Wrigley, Register and Recorder at
Clearfield. The books are of various sizes and a
dapted to supply cither private individuals or Sun
day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan
tial bibles can be had as low as 25 cents apiece,
and testaments as low as fil cents apiece.
The people of the county generally aro also in
vited lo leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in aid of tho funds of the
Society. Signed by order of tho Exccutivo Com
mittee. ALEX. McLEOD, President.
ABBEY St NEFF, No. 303 North 3d Street,
(three doors aboveYine.) Philadelphia. THE
OLD HARDWARE STAND. (Established Twenty
Four Years Every description of Building, JIe
ckanieal . Farming and Household llardvare, is
now in Store, and will be offered at the lowest mar
kct prices to Cash and prompt S'j: months butt
ers. Nails at Manufacturers prices for Cash. Or
ders from now customers will receive strict and ac
curate attention, and all goods sent from this house
will be as represented. Country merchants, on
their next visit to our city to make their Spring
purchases arc cordially invited to call and exam
ine their Stock and Tribes before Purchasing.
Philadelphia. Pa., March 9th, lS5it-3m.
Boots & Shoes alwavg on Hand,
(of our own mate.) JOSEPH GOON, thankful for
past favors, and grateful for fnture prospects, dc
xires to inform the citizens of this vicinity and his
old friends and patrons in particular, that he has
removed to the FltiST ROOM in the EAST
END of SHAW S SEW ROW. the first door
weit of tat Mansion House, where lae has on hand
constantly, a large assortment of cvory variety in
the BOOT AND SHOE lino Custom work attend
ed to with dispatch. Tho very best of stock will
be used and no pains spared to icako noat fits and
durable work. All of which can bo obtained of
said J. Goon, very low for tho Ready Rhino.
Clearfield, August 14, 1858.
TION. Ne.io Spring- Goods.
L. A. W. REIZENSTEIN, corner of Main and
Joy streets, opposite William Barker's '-Mansion
The undersigned would respectfully announce
to the citizens of Cleirficld county, especially
Lumbermen coining to Lock Haven, that they Lave
j'ist received their Spring goods, comprising a
tremendous stock of fashionable and seasonable
which can't be found in any town this side of tho
city ; nil of which, they aro determined to sell at
so slight an advance on city cost, and at such a
great reduction from tho usual prices, as to aston
ish even the closest buyer. The goods are all new
and fashionnblc and have been selected with the
groatest care and will be warranted in point of
durability. Remember the place !
Opposite Wm. Barker's '-Mansion Houso."
Lock II aven. Pa., March 16, lS5D-3m.
WEBSTER, containing his most celebrated Ora
tions, a selection from the Eulogies delivered on
tbe occasion of his Death, and his Life and Times.
By SAMUEL M. SMCCKER, A.M. This splen
did work is just published, in one large volume of
550 pages. It is priuted on fine paper and bound
in beautiful style ; co: tains excellent lint illus
trations of his Birthplace and Mansion at Marsh
field; and a full-length, life-like. Steel Portrait.
Tho Publisher offers it with confidence to tho A
merican public, and is convinced that it will sup
ply an important want in American literature.
No work was to bo obtained heretofore, which pre
sented, in a compact and convenient compass, the
chief events of tho lifo of Daniel Webster, his
most remarkablo intellectual efforts, and the most
valuable and interesting eulogies which tbe great
men of the nation uttered in honor of his memo
ry. We present all these treasures in this volume,
at a very moderate price, and in a very conve
nient form. Subscription price, in cloth,' S1.75 :
handsomely embossed leather, S2.00 Persons de
sirous of becoming Agents for this valuable work,
will address, for full particulars,
mar2 33 South 3d street. Philadelphia, Pa.
at tho Wzt'est ean rr. of
Clearfield, vie. WM.. F. IRWIN.
are the Best Calicoes vet offered to tbe Pub
lic for the money. Wholesale Agents, - ,
April 20, lS59-6m. New York.,
tho Iron City College, the largest, most exten
sively patronized and best organited Commercial
School in the United States.
337 Students attending daily, March, 1859.
Usual time to complete a full course, from 6 to 10
weeks. Every student, upon graduating, is guar
anteed to be competent to manage tho Books of
any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of
from 5500 to $1,000.
Students enter at any timo No Vacation Re
view at pleasure.
51 Premiums for best Penmanship awarded in
1S58 STiPMinister's Sons received at half price.
Uir Circular and Specimens of Writing, inclose
two letter stamps, and address
April 6,1S53. (septl'OS) Pittburgh, Pa.
silk ron.iss, rrcALS, valescias, rot larh silks,
cualies, delaines, prints, every description of
F L A N N E Lt" , i r r T T T v-r-5
and every kind of"
mkss', Misses, Bots'axd Cuilprexs Boots. Shoes
and Gaiters. ALSO, Hats, Caps and
April 20, 1359. C. KRATZER SONS.
P. S. Groceries, Taints, Nails. Glass. Ac, bv the
quantity, will be sold at a small advance on cost
and carriage.
C. Kratzer Sons.
the Honorable JAMES BL RNSIDE. Esouire.
President Judge of tbe Court of Common Pleas of
the twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of the
counties of Clearfield. Centre and Clinton and tho
Honorable W illiam L. Moore and Benjamin Bon-
sall, Assciciate Judges of Clearfield county, have
issued their precept, to inc directed, for the hold
ing of a Court of Common Picas. Orrihan"s Court.
Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer Teriui -
ner. and Court ot Ueneral Jail Delivery, at Clear
field, in and for Clearfield Co., on tho Third Mon
day, the 17th dy of MAY next.
NOIICE Is, therefore, hereby given, to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, in and
for said county of Clearfield, to appear iu their own
proper persons with their Rolls, Records. Inqnisi-
lious, jjAauiiuiiiiuns, ma otucr jvemexuorances, 10
do those things which to their oflices, and in their
behalf, pcrtaiu to be done, and Jurors and Witnes
ses are requested to be then and thero attending,
and not to depart without leave, at their peril.
GIVEN nnder my band at Clearfield, this 20th day
of April, in tho year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred aiad fifty-nino, and tbe eighty
second year of American Independence.
TAKE NOTICE. Jurors who have been
summoned, are notified that they need not attend
the coming May Court, as no Juries will be called
at that tim. F. G. MILLER, Sheriff.
Prepared Originally by Prof. J) avail, formerly of
the College of Surgeon, Paris, is now offered to
the public for the euro of all those diseases in which
alteratives and resolvents are indicated. These
pills are rendered void of taste by which means
the most delicate stomach can tako them as well
as the smallest child.
From three to five boxes will cure tho worst
cajo of Scrofula.
From two to four boxes will cure the worst case
of Salt Rheum.
F'rom two to 3 boxes will euro tho Ring Worm.
One box will cure Scaly Eruptions of the Skin.
From two to four boxes will euro all old Ulcers
and Running Soros.
One box will cure Humors iu the Eyes.
From one to three boxes will cure the most in
veterate case of Nursing Sore Mouth.
From one to two boxes will ourc tho severest
case of scabby head in children.
From three to six boxes wilt euro tho (common
ly called) thick neck or Goitre.
From two to four boxes will cure the Dropsy.
From one to three boxes will cure Juand ice".
From two to six pills will cure tho Sick Head
Ache when accompanied with Biilious.
Ono box will euro the Fever and Affue.
For all diseases arising from an impure state of
iqc oioou.anu onions uaous, me J. astelcss Ira van-
ic Pills are tho best pills ever known in the annals
ot medicine. -J." cents per Uox Any agent on
receipt of l will tend four boxes to any part of
tho United Stales, five of postage.
J. D. STONEROAD, Proprietor.
aug2j-iS-y - Lewistown. '.
tor salo by Moore A Etzweiler, Clearfield, Pa.,
and by country merchants generally.
. ST 0,000 K EWARD ! The above sum was ac
tually given tomy Patrons in the year 1S5S!
NOTICE. Dunne Itnlison. Proprietor of the
Great Gift Book House, No. 33 South Third Street,
Philadelphia, couiinucs the salo of Books as usu
al. A Gift worth from 2o cents te 510(1 sent with
every hook. $300 WORTH OF GIFTS ! consisting
of Gold and Silver Watches, Fine Jewelry, c,
will be Dh-tributed with every 1000 Pooks!
The attention of t'ae public'is respectfully soli
cited to the extensive assortment of vaiunble
Standard and Misjellnneous Hooks, which are of
fered for sale at the lowest priced.
Book purchased at O.e Dollar or more, the Par
chaser will be entitled to' receive one of the follow
ing articles: Gold and Silver Watches. Gold Lock
et, Ladies' and Gents' Gold Guard Chains. Gold
Rins, Cameo Sets, Gold Bracelets with Cameo and
Florentine Settings, Ladies' Cameo Breast Pins,
Ladies' Florentine Sets, Ladies' Florentine Pins,
Ladies' Cameo Ear Drops. Ladies' Gold Breast
Pins, Gold Bosom Studs, Ladies' and Gents' Gold
Sleeve Buttons. Gold Commercial Pens in Silver
eases, Ladies' Gold Pons with Holders, Extra Gold
Tens with Cases and Holders, Gents' Cluster Bo
som Pins. Gold Tooth l'ioks. Ladies' and Gents'
Gold Pencils. Ladies' Gold Ear Drops, Eight-Day
Parlor Timo Pieces. Pocket Knives. Sewing Ma
chines, and Silver Ware, including Spoons, Butter
Knives, Forks, Cake Baskets, Ac. Also, Miscella
neous Gifts of Gold Jewelry, Gift Books, e.. c
worth from 35 cents to S25.
Our new Catalogue fcr 1S59 is sent free to all,
upon application. The inducernentsoffered Agents
aro more liberal than those of any other house in
the business. Having been in the Publishing and
Book Selling business for the last eight vears my
experience enables me to conduct the G'ifi Enter
prize with satisfaction to a'l. Agents aro wanted
in every town and county, to whom commissions
will bo given in Books, or aper centage in money.
For a Club of 10 Books, 1 extra Book and a Gift
given ; on larger orders, commissions arc more lib
eral. For full particulars address ; -DUANE
RULISON, Quaker City Pub
lishing House. 33 South 3d Street. l'hiFa,Pa.
P. 8. Just issued. "The Life. Speeches, and Me
morials of Daniel Webster," by Samuel W. Smuck
er, A. M.. a splendidly Illustrated volume of 550
pages. Price 52. Agents wanted. Apr20.
NOTICE. The undersigned being about to
dissolve their partnership, give notice to all
persons having dealings with them in any way
whatsoever, to call and settle without delar. as in
a short time tho books win be left in other lands
for settlement; bat they would nreforthat a vhn
can possibly do so, should snuare their accounts
neiore tne aiesoiuoon is finally effected
ClewStll, Fa., April eta, IS 5 J.
CHANTS, for the Ue of Flour, Grain, Seed.
Lumber. o., BALTIMORE. Mi keep constantly
on hand for sale, Salt, Fliwtcr, Cement, Oakut,
.Warehouse 21 Spear's wharf. .
Lumber Office West FalTs avenue. ' '
Cash advances on consignment. (marSO-to
DISSOLUTION. The firm of S'X. Gibson
Co., in Bcllefonte,was on theith day ofMareb
dissolved by mutual consent - Tha books, notes
and accounts are in the' hand of William-Ga-hagau
for collection, to whom payment must b
niado. S. A GIBSON,"
Mar. 23, !Sj9-3t. : WM. GAHAOAX.
PLASTERING. The subscriber having lo.
cated himself in the Borough of ClearfieW
would inform the public that ho is prepared t do
work in the above line, from plain to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style. AU
whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man
ner, and on reasonable terms.
April 7, lisaS. EDWIN COOPER.
scribc for the '-Raftsman's Journal." -IF
YOU WANT A GOOD PAPER, subscribe fVr
the "Raftsman's Journal."
IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAPER, subscribe for
the "Raftsman'- Journal."
IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAPER, eubeoriba tot
the '-Rafisman's Journal."
IF YOU WANT A GOOD TAPER, subscribe fcr
the '-Raftsman's Journal."
- The undersigned hereby annouc-.
ccs to tho citizens of Clearfield county.
in TYRONE CIT1?. Tn erecting MONUMENTS
and BOX TOM BS. Also Head and Foot Stone
of the latest and most approved Ktyles, and on the
moil reasonable terms. AH orders promptly at
tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN. .
Aug 25. lS5S.-dec-'.'5-'57. Tyrone City. "
riXECl'TORS NOTICE. Letters - Testa
mentary on the Estate of Isaac Bloom, Sr. late
of Pike township. Clearfield county. Pa, deceased,
having been granted to the undersigned ; ail per
sons indebted to said estate are required to make
immediate payment, and those having claims a
gainst the same will present them duly authenti
cated to our Attornev, L.J. Crans. Esq.. Clearfield,
or to us. JOHN BLOOM.
Tike tp., March 9. lS55-6t. Executors.
l! dersigned respectfully informs his custo
mers and the public generally that he has just re
ceived from the East, and opened at his establish
ment in chaw s Kow, Llearneld, la, a fine stock
of Watches, of different qualities, and Jewelry of
every variety, from a full set to a single piece.
w hich no will sell at tbe most reasonable pnoea
for Cash. All kinds of Clocks, Watches ana Jew
elry carefully repaired and warranted. A con-"
tinuanceof patronage is solicited.
November 10, 16i8. H. F. NAUGLB:
AVDITOR'S NOTICE In the matter of
the Estate of Alexander Stone, late of Bogra
township. Clearfield county, deceased. TUB UN
deteigoed Auditor, appointed by tho Orphan's
Court f Clearfield county, to examine and report
upon the partial account of Jes.-e Slone, Executor
of Alexander Stono the above named decedent,
hereby gives notice that he will attend to the da
tics of said appointment ou Saiuiday. the 16th day.
of April nxt, at the office of Larimer Test, in
the borough of Clearfield, at 10 o'clock, A. M .
when and where all persons interested can atteal
if they see proper. JAS. 11. LARIMER,
March 23. 18j9. And iter.
annoences to the citizens of Ansonvillo and tbe
surrounding country, that he has just returned
from the East and is now openiug at his store aa
extensive stock of choice and serviceable Fall and '
Winter Goods, consisting of a general assortment of
and a great variety of useful fancy goods, among
which maybe found the latest styles of Ladiea
The undersigned would direct particular atten
tion to his extensive selection of Parlor and Cat:
Stoves, Cook Stoves and fixtures, Stove pipe, .
ALSO, a large quantity of Salt. Persons desiroM
of purchasing any of the articles in my Una of
busings, are inritd to call and examine my stock
before buying elsewhere, as 1 fed persuaded thai
I can supply them on as reasonable terms for eaah
as any other store in the connty. Lumber of tn'
cry description, and approved country nrodaoe
taken in exchange for goods. li. SWAX,
Ansonville. November 10. ISjSJ.
LY. To the Pal-lie, ihs Boot and Period
ical Trade, ait I the Press. We have the honor to1
announce that we shall issue on or about tho 1st of
December, ISiS. so as to be in seasoa to command'
the early attention of the public and periodioal
trade, the first aumbrr of a w Illustrated ATif
asiue. to be called The 'Great Hipuitic' Monthly.
It is intended to make this magazine snperiur
in every respect to anything ever before issued iu
this country. The general scope of its character '
can best be understou J by its name. It will bather-
oughly ualtonal iu no wise sectarian, and wholly
impersinal. J t wi'l offer to the writers and think
ers of this Union a common field, where the oaa
meet on the highest ground of cotcmporary 'liter- '
ature. It will aim to gather about it every varia- '
ty of intellect. The range of articles will be a
wide ono, covering, among other grounds, Fsssts.
Sketches. Humerons Talcs, Storks, Historical tn-'
cidents. Reviews. Criiiijue. Biographies, Scientific
Articles, Travels. Table Talk. Dramas, Folitios. "
Poems. Ba'lads, Stanzas. Sonnets, Music, Corres
pondence. Gossip. etc.,cto. The Magazine will b
profusely illustrated in the highest style of wood',
engraving. The Literary department will present
greater variety, combine"! with more thorough ex
cell ence, it is believed, than ever before offered in
the American public in a singl periodical. Each
number will contain an original piece of nrusia. '
composed expressly for this wor'-c. Of the superior'
excellence of the Magazine in every respect, tad
of tho certainty of its permanent succees, very
little more need be said. The Terms and general
conditions of the magazine will be as follows:
Volumes There will be two volumes a year, of
about 700 royal octavo pages each, commencing in
January and July, aud ending in June and De
cember, respectively, making six numbers to eaoh
volume, and twelve numbers to each year. Sub
scriptions may commence at any time.. ir
Single copies, 25 cents ; 1 copy for one year, sent
by mail. S3 00. Clubs 2 copies, 1 year, 55 ; 3 co
pies. 1 year, 57 ; 4 copies, 1 year. 59 ; 5 copies. I
year, S10. And all additional copies, over Are.
at tho rate of 52 a copy, if sent tothe samo elnb"
Clubsmay be formed at different post offices. All
subscriptions must be paid in advance P.-eniff
Subscriptions Entitling each subscriber to' the,
magazine for one year, and to their choice of ei
therof our two great steel engravgngs. entitled,
"Tho Last Supper,1 and "The City of the Great
King," Four dollars. Tbe engravings will be sent
on rollers by mail, prepaid. 2 Agents and Can- .
vassers can make liberal and satisfactory arrange
ments upon application stating the territory re- -quired.
All Postmasters and Clergymen are an- '
thorized to reocive subscriptions, which they mar
forward to us. giving name and address of subsrri-.
ber. deducting 25 per cent for their trouble. jThe
rate of postage will not exceed three cents each
number, to be paid in all rases at the office wher
it is received. AH communications, to be entitled
to answer, must contain return stamps. Subscri
bers must, in all cases,' write Names. Town. Coun
ty and State in full, as legibly as possible. " Thtra
islittlo risk in sending money by mail 'Laria "
sums should be remitted bv draft, if tkl. !L ;
registered letter.
jistered letter. OAKTSMITTI CO
Publishers of the ''Great Republic'' Mo
No. 112 and 111 William St.. Xew-Y
enthlr.' ;
k GOOD ASSORTMENT of Ladle Dm Good
- comprint ii2 Enziishjinii Franxk r -
burgs, figured and plain Delaines, Delaine-RoUr
Saxony Plaids. Lama Cloth, Poil de Chew, SiUra. T
Ac., o.. for sale cheap at tha corner, by - - -
-White and ftmwn
i sagar Ub -dm mi '
WiT F. IRWI5t4s , -
xtoveniber 2. ,
, Let of good Grindstones, with fixtures, for salt
k- by . JOHN PATTON. OnrwanarWe.
ADKT rCRfi, a tV set !Wh UarVB
4 tb tttrt f WM. IRYDf.