Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 27, 1859, Image 1

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    BY S. B. ROW.
VOL 5.-M. 35.
Lika a toaiden lightly laden.
iikeo Summer aweet and fair,
With tho flower wreathed by hoar
In ber flowing golden hair,
"?M in shadows o'er the meadows
Strewing sunshine everywhere.
Winds are blowing bland, and sowing
LIfa and fragrance on the breeze,
Or a-Maying. blithely playing
Hide and seek ma through the tree.
Or are skipping light and tripping
'Winsome dances o'er the seas.
Father, mother, sister, brother,
loathful, aged, rich and poor,
JKerrily wearing songs, are tearing
liloomy room and dusky door.
For the fountains in the mountains
With their gladness running e'er.
What a feeling must be stealing
Through the city's panting clay,
At the singing birds are flinging
Hints about the fields away,
Where the showers clothe the flowers
In the velvet robe and gay.
Iay resuming life is pluming
Uiant pinions in the sky,
So that slumber shall nut cumber
Life and action till it die ;
Waking eTery great endeavor
.To the deed sublimo and high.
Day reclining is resigning
Life and action to the niglit.
While the paling moon is falling
O'er the ralleys sweet anil light,
o the spirit cannot bear it.
But in dreamland takes a flight.
Livid moonlight, pallid moonlight,
spreads a sheet upon the plain,
While th cleaving brooks are wearing
Threads of silver with a strain
Of rich laughter babbling after
Lovers happy in their pain.
Among the heroes of border warfare, Lewis
Wetzel held no inferior station. Inured to
hardships while yet in boyhood ; and educated
' In all tho various arts of woodcraft, from that
of hunting the bearer and bear, to that ol the
wily Indian, he became in manhood one ol the
most celebrated marksmen of the day. His
form was erect, and of that height best adapted
to activity, being very muscular and possessed
ut great bodily strength. His Ira mo was
warmed by a heart that never palpitated with
fear, and animated by a spirit that quailed not,
tor became coDfused in the midst of danger
and death. Fiom constant practice, bo could
bear prolonged and violent exercises, especial
ly that of running and walking without fa
tlguo, and had also acquired the art of load
ing his rifle when moving at full speed through
the forest, and wheeling on the instant, could
discharge a bullet with unerring aim the dis
tance ot eighty or ono hundred yards, into a
mark not larger than a shilling. This art he
hs been known more than once to practice
with success on Lis savage foes. A celebrated
marksman in those days, was estimated by the
Borderers in the same way that a Knight Temp
lar or a Knight ot the Cross was valued by bis
: cotemporaries, who excelled in tho Tourna
ment or the charge in the days of Chivalry.
Challenges of skill otten took place, and marks
men frequently met by appointment, who lived
at the distance of tifty miles or more from each
otbr, to try the accuracy of their aim, on bets
wt considerable amount. Wetzel's fame had
spread far and wide through the adjacent set
tlements, as the most expert rifleman of the
day. In the spring ot the year, A. D. 17S4,
It chanced that a young man, a few years
younger than Wetzel, who lived on the waters
ot Dunkard"sCreek,a tributary of the Monon
gahcla river, had heard of his lame, and as he
was also an expert woodsman, and a first rate
shot, the best in the settlement, he became
very desirous of an opportunity for a trial of
kill. So great was his anxiety, that he very
early one morning shouldered his rifle, and
whistling his faithful dog to his siife, started
for th neighborhood of v etzel, who lived
near t;.efork of Wheeling Creek, a distance of
15 or 20 miles, although tho two streams rise
in the vicinity of each other. When about
fcalf way oa his journey a line buck just start
ed up before him. He leveled his rifle with
hia usual accuracy, but the deer did not fall
dead in his tracks", although mortally wounded.
Ilia stout dog seized him and brought htm to
the ground but while iu tho act of so doing,
another dog sprang from the forest upon the
tame deer, and his master made his apiearance
at the same time from behind a tree, and with
a loud voice claimed the deer as his property,
having as he said, been brought down by his
hot, and seized by his dog. It so happened
that they had both fired at the same time, and
t the same deer, a fact w hich may very well
happen where two active men are hunting on
the same ground although one of them may
Are at fifty yards, and the other at doublo that
The dogs, feeling a similar spirit to that of
their masters, soon quit the deer, which was
already dead, and fell to worrying and tearing
each other. In separating tho dogs, tho
stranger hunter happened to strike that of the
vonng man. Tho old adage, "strike my dog
strike me," arose in all force, and with hasty
oaths he fell upon the strange hunter and
hurled him to the ground. This was no soon
er done, than ho found himself turned, and
under his stronger and more powerful antago
nist. Fercciviug that he was no match at this
plar, he appealed to the trial by rifle, saying
It was too roucli like dogs for men and hunters
to fight in this manner. The stranger assent
ed to the trial, but iold the young man that be
fore he proceeded to put it to test, he had bet
ter witness what be was able to do with that
weapon, aaving that he was as much superior
in the use of the rifle, as he was m bodily
trengtb. Id proof he bid him place a mark
tbe size of a dollar on the side ol a huge pop
lar that stood beside them, from which ho
would start with his rifle unloaded, and run
ning a hundred yards at full speed, he would
load it as he ran, and wheeling, discharge it
instantly to the center of the mark. The teat
was no sooner proposed than performed, the
Val! striking the center of the diminutive tar
get. Astonished at his skill, his antagonist
dow enquired his name.
'Lewis Wetzel, at your service."
Torgetting his animosity, tbe young hunter
seized hira by the baud with all the ardor of
youthful admiration ,and at once acknowledged
hia own Inferiority. So charmed was he with
Wetiel's frankness, skill and fine personal ap
pearanco, that he insisted on his returning
with him to the Dunkard's settlement, that he
might exhibit bis dexterity to Lis own family,
and to the hardy backwoodsmen hia neigh
bors. Nothing loth to such an exhibition,
1 and pleased with the energy of his new ac
qnalntance, Wetzel agreed to accompany him
shortening their way with their mutual tales
oi hunting excursions, and hazardous contests
with tho common enemies of the country
Amongst other things, Wetzel stated his man
ner of distinguishing the footsteps of a white
man irom those ol an Indian although cover
ed with moccasins, and intermixed with the
tracks ot tbe savages. He had acquired this
tact irom closely exammin the manner of
placing the feet ; the Iudian stepping in paral
lei lines, and first brinsino- ti, too to tht
ground, while the white man almost invariably
first touches his heel to the earth, and places
Ms icci m an angio wita the line of march.
An opportunity they little expected, soon
gave him a chance of putting his skill to the
inai. un reaching the young man's house,
which they did late in tho afternoon, they
found tho dwelling a smoking ruin, and all the
family murdered and scalped, except a young
woman, who had been brought up by his pa-
icihs, nnu to wnom tno young man was tender
ly attached. Sho had been taken away alive.
as was ascertained by examining the trail of
tho savages. Wetzel soon rii,ir.v.rml. hv
close inspection of the foot marks, that the
party consisted of three Indians and a rena
gade white man, an occurrence not uncommon
in inose tiays, when for crime or tho baser
purpose of revenge, the white outlaw fled to
tho savages, and was adopted on trial into their
iriuc. .As it was late in the day, the nearest
tin . . ...
icq. ami at some considerable distance, and
as there were only four to contend with they
ui-tiucu un lmmemate pursuit. And more
over, as the deed had very recently been done,
they hoped to overtake them in "their camp
that i.ight, or pcrhnps beforo thev could cross
the Ohio river, to which the Indians always re
treated alter aCecting a successful foray ; con
quering inemsuives, In a manner, sale from
pursuit when they had crossed to its riht
bank, at that time wholly occupied hv the In
aian tribes. Ardent and unwearied was the
... . - -r j
pursuit the one to recover his lost love, and
tno oilier to assist his new friend, and take re
venge for the slaughter of his countrymen;
slaughter and revenue beinsr at that period the
daily business of the borderers.
V etzel followed tho trail of the retreating
savages with the unerring sagacity of a blood
hound, and just at dusk, traced them to the
Ohio, some miles below Wheeling, nearly op
posite the mouth of Captina creek. Much to
their disappointment they soon found that the
Indians had crossed the river, by construct
ing a raft of logs and brush their usual man
ner of passing a stream when nt a distance
from their villages. By carefully examining
"the signs" on the opposite shore, Wetzel di
rectly discovered the fire of the Indian camp,
in a hollow way, a few rods from tho river.
Lest the noise of constructing a raft should a
larm the Indians and give notice of tho put
suit, the two hardy adventurers determined to
swim the stream a few rods below. This they
easily accomplished, both being excellent
swimmers. Fastening their clothes in a
bundle on the tops of their heads, with their
rifles and amunition alove, they reached the
opposite shore in safety. After carefully in
specting their arms, and putting every article
of defence in its proper place, they crawled
very cautiously to a position which gave them
a full view of their enemies, who believing
themselves safe from pursuit, were carelessly
reposing around the fire, thoughtless of the
fate which awaited them. They soon discov
ered the young woman alive and seated by the
Are, but making much moaning and complaint,
whi!e the white man, whose voice they could
distinctly bear from their position, was trying
to console her with the promise of kind usage,
and an adoption into the tribe.
The young man could hardly restrain his
rage, but was for tiring and rushing instantly
upon the foe. Wetzel more cautious, told
him to wait until daylight appeared, when they
could make the attack with a better chance of
success, and of also killing the whole party ;
while if they attacked in the dark a part of
them would ceitainly escape. With the ear
liest dawn the Indians arose, and prepared to
depart. The young man selected the white
renegade, and Wetzel one of the stoutest In
dians ; they both fired at the same instant,
each killing his man. His companion rushed
forward knife in hand, to release the young
woman, while Wetzel reloaded his piece and
pushed in pursuit of the two Indians, who
had taken to tho woods until they could dis
cover the number of their enemies. When
he found he was seen by the savages, Wetzel
discharged his rifle at random, in order to
draw them from their cover. Directly they
heard tho report and found themselves unhurt,
they rushed upon him beforo he could again
reload, thinkiug on an easy conquest. Ta
king to his heels, he loaded his gun as ho ran,
unnoticed by his pursuers, then suddenly
wheeling about, discharged its contents thro'
the body of Lis nearest and unsuspecting en
emy. The remaining Indian seeing the fall
of his companion, and that his antagonist's
gun was now certainly empty, rushed forward
with nil energy the prospect of revenge fair
ly before him.
Wetzel led him on. dodging from tree to
tree, until his rifle was again ready, when sud
denly facing about, he shot the remaining en
emy dead at his feet. After taking their
scalps and recovering the lost plunder, Wetzel
and his friend returned with their rescued cap
tive unharmed to the settlement.
Like honest Joshua Fleehart, after the
peace of 17U5, the country becoming filled
with new settlers, Wetzel pushed for the dis
tant frontiers on the Mississippi, where he
could trap the beaver, hunt the buffalo and the
deer, and occasionallVfchoot an Indian whom
he mortally hated. He died as he had always
lived, "a free man of the forest."
How tub Beam Climbs the Pole. Profes
sor Brewer, of Washington College, Pa., com
municates to The American Journal of Science
and .Ms the result of some experiments mado
by him on climbing vines the hop, the Lima
bean, and the morning glory. Ho finds that j
tbey will climb around a transparent glass pipe
iust as well as anything else, and that they j
arc most ardent in their embraces when the
nolo Is warmer than the surrounding air. Du
ring the day the vine is attracted towards the
light, but at night, and especially on cool
nights, it turns to tbe pole. Ho learned, also,
that the color ot the pole makes no diHerence;
the caressing instinct of tho vine has no pre
judice azainst any shade. The element of
constancy I Very largely developed, the Tine
aTer it has reached its polo, showing a much
stronger tendency to wind around it than it
did before to reach it.
The history of hair is Interesting, for next
to a man's head is his hair; and by the philan
thropic rule, "nihil alienum humanum," it is
at least worth talking about. It is remarkable
that fashion should be as capricious about
beards as bonnets. Excepting a few cases of
conscience, she eeems, from the time of Mo
ses until now, to have controlled the style of
beards with her usual despotism. The Jews
indeed wore their beards with religious care,
and considered it in the last degree humilia
ting to be shaven. It was the same in the ear
ly days of Christianity, and the Savior and all
the Apostles, save one, are represented as
wearing long beards, which we know to have
been the custom of their times. John alone
appears in the pictures without a beard, a de
privation which contributes a great deal to
that effeminate look which the painters have
always given him. With the Greeks and Ro
mans the fashion was changeable, as it was al
so with tbe Saxons. The Greeks usually wore
their beards, except when in mourning. The
Romans, on the contrary, let their beards grow
a3 a sign of sorrow. Cjesar (Augustus) is re
lated to hare trimmed his bead in a fashion of
his own, and once to have cut it all off. Alex
ander the Great reckoned his own beard an
ornament, but ordered his soldiers to bo sha
ven, because he said the beard "gave a han
dle" to the enctuv. who could thus the more
easily cut off their heads. The history of the
beard in England is notable, and shows as
many vicissitudes as there havu been political
mutations every imaginable style havlngbeen
in and out of vogue since the time of the Hep
tarchy. On the whole, however, beards of
some form have carried it against barbers. In
the reign of Henry I, the lull beard was in
fashion, though the clergy denounced it as
immoral." We have not sen their authori
ties ; but they were probably metaphysical,
and about as fine spun as the old ouestion of
the schoolni-.-n, "e lana caprina." In the
reign of Kichard Coeur de Lion, shaving was
again practiced by the great mass of English
men, but the custom changed before the dy
nasty, and beards were worn as before. In
King John's time, some wore beards, some
mustaches, and others shaved the whole face;
exactly the same diversity prevailing under
John's reign as under the rule of Victoria. A
similar license of custom prevailed in the
reign of Edward II, though old men and men
of high rank were, for the most part, unsha
ven. Edward III. was distinguished by a long
flowing beard, and of course shaving was
deemed in bad taste by all loyal subjects.
During the reign of Henry V, Englishmen gen
erally shaved their chins, but wore mustaches.
Henry VIII. wore his beard entire, and in his
usual despotic way commanded tho court to
lollow bis example "Bloody Mary" looked
upon beards with favor, and none were cut on"
during her reign except by decapitation. All
her favorites, dukes, cardinals and bishops,
have come down to us in .their portraits with
long beards. "Queen Bess" was equally par
tial to beards and mustaches, which took, du
ring her reign, the most varied and fantastic
forms. In the time of Charles I. beards began
to go out of fashion, but were restored with
the restoration of Charles II. Whiskers and
mustaches continued in vogue for a while, but
soon gave way to tlic r.izor; and presently u-
niversal shaving prevailed throughout the king
dom. It is observable that in the matter of
beards the Puritan has been as changeable as
the Cavalier. Cromwell and his psalm-singing
soldiers wore the fiercest kind ol mutaches ;
and John Knox thundered against pope and
cardinals through a beard of patriarchal exu
berance. The "Pilgrim f athers," too, were
fond of hair with a reasonable trimming, and
saw no ungodliness in wearing an appendage
which God had made. But the fashion changed
after a while, and for many years, until quite
lately, a clerzyman who should so much as
venture on a whisker, would have been deem
ed both profano and heretical, and would prob
ably have lost his clerical head for bis hair!
Such arc tho freaks of fashion in a matter of
more moment, one would think, than the cut
of a coat or the shape of a shoe, since Nature
is beyond art, and the work of God of more
certain worth than anv device of man. But
we do not propose a philisophical, much less
a theological dissertation on beards. We will
hazard tbe assertion, however, that what may
be called the "natural" and the physiological
arguments in their favor have not yet been an
swered. It may be added that the beard is a
distinguishing mark of manhood; and it has
been hinted that tho appropriate spheres of the
sexes are plainly indicated by this matter ot
beard, to the utter confusion of all "strong
minded women," from Mary Walstoncraft to
Lucy Stone. It is asserted, also, that only
those who have shaved many years, and thus
stimulated an unnatural growth of hair, find
their beards (when at last permitted to grow
one) coarse, harsh and inconvenient, ihis
s probably true ; but it may fairly be doubted,
n such cases, whether it be not better to keep
on shaving, in respect to appearance, wo
think nine men of every ten look considera
bly tho worse for their beards such as they
are. The exceptional man is sometimes tno
handsomer for his hair. On tho whole, we
are of opinion that the strength of the argu
ment lies on the hirsute side of the question.
Meanwhile we shall continue to patronize the
barber as heretolore.
Young men just starting for Pike's Peak
maybe interested in knowing the modus ope
randi cf obtaining the pure gold. An ex
change, whose editor has been "thar," gives
t as lollows. The method, however, Is con
fined exclusively to the Peak :
"A man takes a frame work of heavy tim
bers, built like a stone boat, the bottom ot
which Is composed of heavy iron rasps. This
framo work is hoisted up to the top of the
eak, and the man gets on and glides down
tho top of the mountain. As he goes swiftly
down, the rasps on the bottom of tho frame
work scrane off the eold in immense shaving',
which curl np ou the machine, and by the time
the man gets to tho bottom, nearly a ton of
gold is following bim. This is me conimou
manner of gathering it.
A Lawrence paper says that a clergyman in
that city, during services at his cnorcn on a
recent evening, fell into so aounu b.f
was found necessary lor one oi ma cuiigro-
gation to shake him in order to wake mm at
the close of the service.
nii branches of the Ohio Legislature have
passed a bill to preTent persona, in whole or
in part of negro descent, voting at State, coun
ty, or city elections.
Tho following account of a singular custom
among tbe monkeys in the East, is taken from
sketches of India, published in "Household
Words." We havo reason to believe the story
is true. '
About two miles from the bungalow to which
we were proceeding, we overtook a tribe of
large monkeys. I should say as many as four
hundred ; and each carried a stick of uniform
length and shape. They moved along in ranks
or companies, just, in short, as tho' they were
imitating a wing of a regiment of infantry
At the head of this tribe was an old and very
power I ii I monkey, who was no doubt the chief
It was a very odd sight, and I became greatly
interested in the movements of the creatures.
There could bo no question that they had
either some business or some pleasure on hand:
and the fact of each carrying a stick led us to
conclude that it was the former upon which
they were bent. Their destination was, like
ours, evidently Deobnnd, where there are
some hundreds of monkeys fed by a number
of Brahimns, who live near a Hindoo temple,
there, and perform religious ceremonies.
They (this monkey regiment) would not get
out of the foad on our account, nor disturb
themselves in any way j and my friend was
afraid to drive through their ranks, or over
any of them, for when assailed they are most
ferocious brutes, and armed as they were, and
in such numbers, they could have annihilated
us with the greatest ease. There was no help
for ns, therefore, but to let the mare proceed
at a walk in the rear of the tribe, the members
of which, now that we were ncaring Deobnnd,
began to chatter frightfully. Just before we
came to tho bungalow, they left the road, and
took the direction of the temple. Fain would
we have followed them, but to do so in tbe
boggy would havo been impossible, for they
crossed over some very rough ground and two
ditches. My friend therefore requested the
sowars to follow them, and report all they
might observe of their action?.
My friend mentioned to tbe Xhansaraah, a
very o!d but very active and intelligent man,
the sight we had seen on the road the regi
ment of monkeys.
"Ah !" exclaimed tho old man, "it Is about
the time."
"What time?"
"Well, sahib, about every five years that
tribe comes up the country to pay a visit to
this place ; and another tribe comes about the
same time from the up country the hills.
They meet in a jungle behind the old Hindoo
temple,and there embrace each other as though
they were human beings and old friends who
had been parted for a length of time. I have
seen in that jungle as many as lour or live
thousand. The Brahmins say that one large
tribe comes all the way from Ajmere, and an
other from the southern side of the country,
and from Nepal and Tirhoot. Thero were
hundreds of monkeys here this morning but
now I do not see one. I suppose they have
gone to welcome their friends."
The sowars who had been deputed to lollow
tho tribe now rode up, and reported that, in
the vicinity of the old temple, thero was an
army of apes an army of forty thousand !
Ono of the sowars, in tho true spirit of Ori
ental exaggeration, expressed himself to the
effect that it would be easier to count the
hairs of one's head than the number there as
"Let us go and look at them," I suggested,
"and by the time we return tho lady may be
'But wo will not goon foot,"said my friend;
"we will ride the sowars' horses. In the first
place, I havo an instinctive horror of apes,
and should like to have the means of getting
away from them speedily, if they became too
familiar or oll'ensive. In the second place I
do not wish to fatigue myself by taking no
long a walk in the heat of tho day."
We mounted "the horses, and wero soon at
the spot indicated by the sowars. There were
not so many as had been represented ; but 1
am speaking very far within bounds when I
state that t lib re could not have been fewer
than eight thousand, and some of them of an
enormous size. I could scarcely have be
lieved that there wero so many monkeys in
tho world if I had not visited Benares, and
heard of the tribes at Gibraltar. Their sticks,
which were thrown together in a heap, lornied
a verv large stack of wood.
"What is this 1" my friend said' to one of
the Brahmins ; for since his appointment he
had never heard of this gathering of apes.
"It is a festival of theirs, Sahib," was the
reply. "Just as Hindoos, at stated times, go
to Hurdwar, Hagipore, and other places, so do
these monkeys come to this holy place."
"Anil how'long do they stay V
"Two or three days ; then, they go away to
their homes in different parts ot the country;
then attend to their, business for four or five
years ; then, come again and do festival, and
so on, to the end of all time, You see that
very tall monkey there, with two smaller ones
on each side of him ?"
Well, sir, that is a very old monkey. His
age is more than twenty years, I think. I
first saw him fifteen years ago. - He was then
fullgrown. His native place is Meerut. He
lives with, the Brahmins at the Soorj Khan,
near Meerut. The smaller ones are his sons,
sir. They have never been here before ; and
you see he is showing them all about the place,
like a very good father."
The consumption of gold leaf and plate in
the United States for the preservation and ren
ovation of teeth amounts to about two and
a quarter millions of dollars per annum.
Latterly the use of gold for the plating of ar
tificial teeth has been superseded in some
quarters by vulcanized rnbber, which is found
to combine lightness and a pleasant degree of
elasticity with cleanliness and durability!
Mrs. Partington says, "I haven't any desire
to lire longer than the breath remains in my
body, if it isn't more than eighty years I
wouldn't wish to be a centurion, and the idea
of surviving one's factories, always gives me
a disagreeable censoriousness. But whatever
is to be, will be, and there is no knowing a
thing will take place till it expires."
The Richmond Enquirer says that the "as
cendancy" of the Democratic party is serious
ly threatened, not only in Pennsylvania and
New York, but in the Federal Government in
all its departraets by prevailing dissensions.
To say that the "ascendancy" Is "threatened"
ia like tbe assertion of tbe man who said a
farmer "enticed" him over the gate with a
' pitch-fork.
The trial of Bushnell. charged, in connec
tion with thirty-six other citizens of Oberlin,
Ohio, with the rescue of a slave, has resulted
in a verdict of guilty. This is the first of the
trials under the writs of indictment found
against the parties implicated. ' nis sentence
has not yet been pronounced. The trials of
the other thirty-six will be proceeded with
immediately. As there is a wide-spread in
terest in this case, we subjoin a resume of the
facts out of which the trials have grown :
In January, 1856, as is alleged, John O. Ba
con, of Mason county, Kentucky, lost by flight
a slave man and a slave woman named John
and Dinah, ' and another farmer in the same
neighborhood lost a slave man named Frank.
During the last summer, one Anderson Jen
nings, a neighbor of John G. Bacon, visited
Oberlin (Ohio) for the now expressed purpose
of looking for still another slave, one who had J
fled from him as Administrator of a certain
estate. Whilst in Oberlin,earIy in September
or late in August of the year 1858, Jennings
wrote to Bacon that he had discovered the
slaves John and Frank in that village, and re
quested Bacon to send bim a witness and a
power of attorney, in order that he might vin
dicate the honor and dignity of Mason county,
and place a negro in the hands of Bacon and
a fee of fire hundred dollars in his own pock
et. Bacon executed the power of attorney
and sent it by one Mitchell, who states his
occupation that of "a speculator." LTpon
receiving this document, Jennings repaired to
Columbus, procured a warrant which the Dis
trict Attorney does not claim to have been
valid, placed it in the hands of United States
Marshall Lowe, of the Southern District of
Ohio, and the two proceeded fo Oberlin. Af
ter loitering about the village some two or
three days, during which time they kept their
mission almost a profound secret, Jennirgs
bribed a boy to decoy the alleged fugitive
slave into the con ntry,where Lowe and Mitch
ell, aided by a Kentncklan named David, by
force of arms seized and conveyed him to
Wellington, arriving there about noon, and
halting for the pnrpose of taking tbe cars
South at five o'clock ii the evening. When
five o'clock arrived and with it the cars the
parties preferred remaining in the attic room
where they had fortified themselves, to at
tempting to pass a large concourse of suppos
ed "felons" assembled in the vicinity. Soon
after this, the slave (so called-) became a free
man once more, and walked erect from that
attic room in company with sundry "felons."
Numerous "felons," (thirty-seven, as we have
stated,) were arrested and indicted for viola
ting the "Act of Corgress providing for the
capture and return of fugitives from service
or labor," and are now on trial.
A nr-Field Asecdotk. There is a good
story which may have been beard in more than
one hay field last summer. We heard it one
day while on a visit to the country. We went
out to show some men how to "pitch ;" we
had failed and wilted down under a havcock,
and lay flushed and fanning the glow and sweat
from onr features in a comfortable position,
when one of the jolly hay makers related the
anecdote of an old man who was always brag
ging how folks used to work in his young days,
and challenged bis two sons together to pitch
on a load of hay as fast as he could load it.
The challenge was accepted, and the hay
wagon driven around, ami the trial commenc
ed. For some time the old man held his own
very creditably, calling out tauntingly,
"More hay I more hay !"
Thicker and faster it came, whole cocks at
a time, cloud alter cloud overwhelming him.
The old man was nearly covered ; still he kept
crying, "more hay I more hay I" until strug
gling to keep on top of the disordered and
ill-arranged heap, it began first to roll, then
to slide, at last then it went from the wagon
and the old man wiih it.
"What are you down hero for J" cried tho
"I came down after hay," answered tho old
man stoutly.
Which was a literal fact ; he had come down
after the wagon-load, which had to be pitched
on again rather more deliberately.
Foca Brothers Convicted. Last week, in
the Crawford (Indiana) Circuit Court, at Leav
enworth, Jackey Prather, Rensselaer Prafher,
Pleasant Prather, and William Prather, four
brothers, were convicted and sentenced to tbe
Penitentiary for two years each for horse
stealing. One other brother,Tbomas, who was
also indicted, died some time ago at the jail
in Leavenworth. Jonathan, another brother,
was also indicted, but has not been arrested.
The father and still another son are under in
dictment in tho Perry Circnit Court for the
same offence the father being, now in jail at
Rome awaiting his trial. This family, consist
ing of father and seven sons, ' have but few
equals. They have resided for a long time in
the upper part of Perry county, in a secluded
spot, and have been suspected of dishonest
practices; but from their number and the ma
liciousness of their character, tho citizens of
that portion of the country were deterred from
instituting legal inquiries.
Now is the Time. Every one who has a
plot of ground, however small, attached to bis
dwelling, should beautify it by means of flow
ers. Even those whose yards are wholly cov
ered with bricks may surround themselves
with picturesqueness. A climbing rose whose
roots may be accommodated by removing but
a single brick, may be so trained in two sea
sons as to cover a large fence beneath a
blanket of blossoms that will gladden the eye
for weeks together. Many an unsightly shed
or fence might with a little pains bo covered
with beautiful flowers. Flower seeds may bo
procured for a mere trifle, and therefore every
garden should present a mass of blossoms,
and every spare foot of ground attached to
each dwelling be converted into a bed of
Anew controversy with Great Britain is
growing up in the North West. It seems that
when Mr. Polk and Sir. Buchanan gave up the
right of the United States to all the territory
on the Pacific, as far as 54 deg. 40 min. North
latitude, they laid down the new boundary,
which they adopted, in such an ignorant and
careless manner, that it is now uncertain
whether certain waters and islands belong to
Great Britain or Washington Territory. The
recent gold discoveries in Frazer River, and
the consequent influx of settlers, have render
ed these doubtful islands valuable; and ac
cording to onr correspondent at San Francis
co, difficulty on the subject is at band.
-I am a practical advocate of deep plowing',
having been engaged for several years paat in
detptning my farm, and having found it more
profitable to add to my land iu this way than
by buying more acres. My deed runs down
to the centre of tbe earth, and I mean to ttake
the most of it, and I have found that this also
gives me another advantage, for the deeper I
get my farm, the higher uiy grain gtowa, so I
gain in both directions, and by this means I
reckon I've got at least thirty per cent, more
available space than formerly ; at any rate my
seventy dollars per acre land would sow bring
me ninety dollars but I haven't got to the
bottom nor top of it yet, and I mean to stick
to it. I have found by experiment that it ia
best to run the plow deeper when raising oats
and winter grain, rather than when breaking
up for corn. Corn is an aristocratic plant, as
you might know by ita tasseled head, silk
gloves, and lone; ear, and like such gentry it
must have good nursing in the beginning, and
the best living tho land will aflord. It sends
its roots about near the top, where it can find
plenty of food, and where they can grow com
fortably near the warm surface. If yon plow
deep enough to turn up the cold and hard sub
soil, tbe seed planted at the usual depth will
germinate where tbey meet with a cold recep
tion, especially it the season bo wet. Scarce
any crop seems to be more benefitted by an"
'early start, or to bo more injured by a alow
painful growth in the commencement. Tha
young plants seem to be discouraged, and not
having force enough to dig down to find a good '
living, tbey are apt to grow up sickly. In cul
tivating this crop I have therefore practiced
turning up all the sotV, gaging ray plow to run'
just on the subsoil, and let the corn have tha
full benefit of the manure and clover which
were plowed under. The corn crop is fol
lowed with oats, which can stsnd a wet and
cold soil better. Then I drive the plow deep
er, about an inch, as you recommended ia
your last number. Tbe soil, mellowed by the
previous hoed crops, gives the oats a good
chance, and tbey bear the subsoil mixture oa '
the top quite well. Tbe following crop with
mo is rye, and seeded down with clover and
timothy, especially the former. Now 1 giv
the gage another turn, and bring up say anoth
er inch of subsoil, and the rye and clover dig
for their living and mine most admirably.
--Correspondent of the America Agriculturist
A Mad Poet's Wrr. Everybody remera-
bers M "Donald Clarke, who was so well known '
iu New York, a few years since, as the "Mad
poet." During the last year of bis life,
Clarke was made free of the Astor House- tablet
and oftentimes this errant man of genius could '
be seen accepting its hospitalities when other
doors were closed on his fallen fortunes. Ev
ery one knew Clarke by sight; and one day
while quietly taking his dinner, two South
erners seating themselves opposite to him,'
commenced conversation intended for the ears
of Clarke. One said :
"Well! I have now been in New York two
months, and have seen all I wish to see with
one exception."
"Ah !" said the other, "what is tfcatT".
"M'DonaldClarke, the great poet,'' respond
ed No. 1, with great emphasis.
Clarke raised his eyes slowly from bis plate,
and seeing tbe attention of the table was on
him, stood up, placing his band upon his hears
and bowing with great gravity to the Southern .
gentlemen said :
"I am M'Donald Clarke, the great poet."
Tho Southerner started in mock surprise,
gazed at him in silence for a few moments,
and then, amidst an audible titter of the com
pany drew from his pocket a quarter dollar,
and laying it before Clarke, still looked at .
hira without a smile. Clarke raised tbe quar
ter in silence and dignity, bestowed it in bis
pocket, drew thence a shilling, which he de
posited before the Southerner, with these
words :
Children half price."
The titter changed to a roar, and the South--erners
were missing instanter.
Gov. Wise and the Admixistratiok. '
There ifas just been published from Governor -Wise
a characterisic letter to Hon. David
Hnbbard, of Alabama in the course of which,,
he says : "The President bids high. To fili .
busters he offers Cuba and Isthmus and North
Mexico to the West, Pacific Railroad to the
North.protection to iron aud coarse woolens -and
to the great commercial countries, tb
power of centralization by obvious uses and
abuses of a bankrupt act to apply to State
banks. Yesterday Biddle was a monster, and ;
to-day a few Wall street" bankers can expand,
and contract upon us more like a vice than ha
did and what wocld they not do if thy coald :
force the poor provinces when they plase io--to
bankruptcy I have written this right on
and you may do what you please with it."
Scarcity of Food is Isdiasa. The Evans--vile
(Ind.) Enquirer says there is quite scar
city of grain and provisions in several coun
ties of that tate- norses, cattle, sheep and
bogs are lying dead in the fence corners r
almost every farm, and are daily dying of"
famine. The people, also, are suffering, es
pecially in Clay connty, where many people
are glad to furnish cordwood cut and pi la it
for forty cents a cord, and take pay in pro--visions
or grain, to enable them to live until
next session. - . - -
The name of the Washington Union has j
been changed to the Constitution. The editor
says that hereafter it will be a "Aeicpaper,'
and in execution of his plan writes a leader
in favor of tbe war with Mexic not the next
war, but the last one.- His second effort will
probably be in support of tbe American Rev
olution. Fast men, those Government dl
tors. The divorced wife of Washington Smith,
who played such a prominent part in the trag
edy which resulted in the shooting of Richard"
Carter, by Smith, in Philadelphia last fall,
was married about three months since to tb -editor
of a Susquehanna county paper.
Greek Peas. At ae of our hotels, tho
other day .reported to have green peas, a boar-
der constantly called for them. A waiter ?
threw himtelf into an attitude, Patrick, Henry ,
fashion, and said: "Gemmen say Peas, Peas, ,
when there is no Peas !" "
. There is a cheap omnibus line ip Nw York .,
city, which always runs so fall that there U
not room fcr another bug I