Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 13, 1859, Image 3

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John Guelich advertises for a Journeyman
Cabinet-maker." .
The growing grain in our ce-unty, so far as
we can learn, presents a fine appearance.
II you want to purchase cheap and good ar
tides of any description whatever, consult the
advertising columns of a newspaper and you
can there ascertain who keeps them.
The County Register gives notice that a
number of accounts are on file in his office
and will be presented to the next Orphans'
Court for confirmation and allowance.
Our townsman, Daniel Benner, in order to
keep np with the spirit of the age, has pro
cured a snug little engine to drive his lathe,
and will soon bo turning out w ork as fast as
steam can make it. - . .
On Monday night, a storm of rain and hail
passed over a part of this county, blowing
down . trees and scattering fences. We have
not heard of any serious damage having been
done to buildings.
Persons wanting to purchase Cabinet Ware,
are directed to the advertisement of Mr. John
Guelich, who keeps on band, or will make to
order, any articles in his line of business, at
the most reasonable prices.
The River, in consequence of the heavy
rains of Sunday and Monday nights, rose yes
terday to a good rafting stage, thus giving our
lumbermen an opportunity of running what
few rafts did not get down on the last rise, to
market. Several tatts passed down yesterday
and to-day.
A Banki.vo House is Clearfield. By re
ferring to our advertising columns, it will be
seen that a Banking and Collection Office has
been opened in our town by Messrs. Leonard,
Finney Sc Co. This w ill doubtless be a great
convenience to the community at large, as
well as to the business men of this region.
Such as wish to have notes and drafts dis
counted will not be compelled, as heretofore,
to go elsewhere, at considerable expense, and
merchants and others dealing in the cities, can
deposit their money here, procure bills of ex
change, and make their pnper payable at home.
A couple members of the firm are well known
in our county as reliable and responsible men,
and the others have the reputation of being
men of large capital and good credit. They
will no doubt secure the confidence of the en
tire community, and soon have a large amount
of business to transact.
- At a meeting of the Executive Committee,
beld in the Borough of Clearfield, on Tuesday
the 12th day of April, 1859, the following res
olutions were adopted, to wit :
Resolved, That the Clearfield Agricultural
Society writ hold a Fair in the month of Octo
ber next, efther in Clearfield or Curwensville.
Resolved, That the Executive committee will
receive proposals for the location of the Fair
from the inhabitants of each Borough and vi
cinity until the Monday of the June Court;
and that on said day the committee will meet,
and will award the Fair to whichever Borough,
that will furnish the most suitable ground free
of expense; obtain the largest number of
members, and subscribe tlte largest amount of
money towards the contingent expenses of
the Fair.
Resolved, That a special meeting of the So
ciety be held at Curwensville on Saturday eve
uing next, the 10th inst., and that another be
held on Saturday evening, the 23d inst., in the
Court House at Clearfield.
Resetted, That the Committee adjonrn to
meet again on Monday of the June Court.
Hicuakd Shaw, Josiau K. Reed,
Jo.va. Boyntos, George Thobs,
John- Pattox, Ex. Committee.
Clearfield, April 12, 1859.
Petersons' Cueap Edition or Waterly
Xovlls. We have this day received Rob
Roy, by Sir Walter Scott, being the third vol
ume of T. B. Peterson & Brothels' new and
c2:er.p weekly issue of the Wavcrley .Novels,
by Sir Walter Seott. Giving truthful deline
ations of people, character and manners ever
upholding the cause of religion, morality and
virtue, they should be welcome at every fire
side where these precepts are taught. The
great barrier, heretofore, to the introduction
of these works, has been the high price at
which they have been held, but this objection
is being now overcome, by the publication of
these works of Scott in such a form and at
such a low price as to bring them within the
means of all persons whatever. To Messrs.
T. B. Peterson & Brothers, of Philadelphia,
more than all other publishers are we indebt
ed for this new feature in American literature.
The works of Charles Dickens, Charles Lever,
Mrs. Southworth, and many other popular
writers, havobeen Issued from their press in a
cheap form, and their last enterprise is giving
to the public, the works of Sir Walter Scott,
aoraplete and unabridged, at the very low
price of 25 cents for each work, or the whole
series for Five Dollars. The edition embraces
the whole of the author's works, and will be
contained ia 25 volumes, one of which will
be issued on each succeeding Saturday, until
complete. A full set will be forwarded, ree
of Postage, by Mail, to any part of the United
States, to any one, by the publishers, on send
ing a remittance of fiive dollars to them, for
the twenty-six volumes. At this low price,
all persons should possess themselves of a
sett, and we would take this occacion to ad
rise all of our readers to make a remittance
of Five Dollars at once, per first mail, to T. B.
Peferson & Brothers, Philadelphia, for the
entire sett, who will send them complete to
any one, frit of postage, on receipt of that
A few days since, Mrs. Brickley, of Read
ing, was terribly, and it is feared fatally, burn
ed by tho explosion of a fluid lamp.
CEP-Poor look Out a jail window.
E7Adjoums the Legislature, on Thursday
fX"Fizzled the Rappahannock Bank, Ya.
. C"Progressing-the Sickles trial at Wash
ington. Q-Excceded $2,500-the Patent office fees
last week. , . .
HP-Family ties a marriage certificate and
eight children.
CP-Will go Into
ville Bank, shortly.
operation the Phoenix-
CT-Near Brattleboro', Vt., the snow was 18
inches in depth, last week.
CCT-Have a time of it the Lecomptonites,
keeping their men in the traces.
KJ""At Paris the brother of the King of
Abyssinia, no is perfectly black.
fF-Said to have been landed another car
go of GOO negroes, on the coast of Florida.
D"A 'whopper' the hog, killed byF.Bueh
ler of Williamsport, lately. Weight, 711 lbs.
KF"Increased 43,398 the Methodist Church
South, during the past year. Total member
ship now, 6995175i
C"Joe Eirchfiehl says If the person who
carried off his mallet don't bring it back, he
will catch "particular fits "
E7"Why are Adam and Eve to be regarded
as the oldest sugar-planters? Because they
were the first to raise Cain.
TT-Every family should keep a kitten toa
muse the children. They should also keep
children to amuse the kitten.
Qp-The man who went into a Quaker meet
ing with a hammer to break the silence, was
bound over to keep the piece.
fXF-It is said that $50,000 worth of the mar
ble taken to Washington City for the Capitol
extension, is a condemned article.
C7"A little girl in Cincinnati, playing hide
and seek, hid in a trunk 'he lid fastening with
a spring. She was nearly dead when found.
tE7""The Post-Master General has lately dis
missed thirty-one special post-office agents,
thus effecting a saving t the department of
$36,000. ' l.
OCT" A Canadian editor savs thy bad a terri
ble winter there; but with three tous of coal
and a pretty wife had got Urough it very com
fortably. XT" A drnnken couple in. Norristown, two
weeks since, forced nearly a tnmbler of whis
key down the throat of their clnld. It died
the next morning.
CA foreign paper tells about anew inven
tion called the improved "self-adjusting vice."
We thought "vice" sufficiently prattical with
out any assistance.
E7"A man by the name of Jacob Karsletter,
from Sugar Valley, Clinton co., was robbed of
$2,000 at a bouse of ill fiue in Philadelphia,
one night last week. ,
K7 Advertises a martin Litchfield county,
Conn., what he calls a '-mall but comfortable
home-stead." He says fthere is a barn, but
no house on the place." j
C-Prof. A. Bonnaffbn a well known danc
ing master of Pittsburgh died suddenly at
Washington, Pa., on Saurday a-week, where
he was teaching a class. :
CCp-Fell into a well achild seven years old,
at Kutztown, Berks co. ! Mr. I Sander fortu
nately seen and rescircdher as she was sink
ing. The well was 14 fat deep.
KFRnmored that thtPrcsident has infor
mation that war has act ally commenced in
Europe. It must have cone with the Queen's
message over the AtlanticCable.
Tp-Sevcral small childcn were playing a
bout an open door at Lafajette, Indiana, when
one, a child named Bakerhrust his tongue in
the crevice, when anotheishut the door, ar.d
it was completely severed,
CT7Somebody advertHs for agents to sell a
work entitled "Ilynieniallnstructor." A con
temporary adds, -The bet instructor we know
of is a young widow. Vhat he don't know
there is no use in learnin."
K"A Western Paper, Iter noticing a mel
ancholy instance of mtolcation a man try
ing to cross a street life a bull-frog says :
"We left him ruminatin upon the principle
of horizontal propulsion.wiih corn-juice' as
a motor."
CCThe shipments of pld from San Fran
ciseo for the month of Foruary amounted to
$2,012,868 10; adding Janary makes $3,737,
512 50 ; total for 1859, $G;S0,410. Samo pe
riod in 1859,. itamountedo $7.951,410 09
showing a decrease of $ly0,il0 43.
K7"A "dug out" canoeith a freight of o
ver six thousand pounds, rrived at Charles
ton, S. C, a few days ago. t was fifty -six feet
Ion?, and was made from k; solid trunk of a
yellow poplar tree. Not a agle knot or imper
fection could ba discoveretabout tho craft.
Ep-A Kansas City correiondent of the S"t.
Louis 'Democrat' says tha 1,797 emigrants
had arrived there in 48 hoit, ly Missouri riv
er boats, about one-half of-hom were for the
gold mines. ThH is an indiition of the rate at
which emigration is going up that stream.
Another Mtsteey Mir Walsh axd the
Sickles Mcrdeb. The Ne York Times says
the idea of Mifee Walsh haMg been murder
ed, to prevent his giving istimony against
Sickles, was quite freely massed, in some
quarters, at an early hourW the day. In
others it was rumored that ie late Mr. Key,
who was killed by Sickles, pssessed knowl
edge which placed Mr. Sicl-s and his wife
and some eminent parties enrely within his
(Key's) power, and that Mr.Valsh was pos
sessed of similiar information .with still fur- !
therlaets. Be this as it may Jr. Walsh has,
it is stated, been heard recent, in remarking
apon the Sickles case, to combnt upon it in
an nnfriendlv manner to Sicks, and so as to
convey the impression that p coum maKo
revelations useful to the prosatior.
Du ValFs Galvanic Oil willemovo all pain
from Burns and Scalds in fro ten to twenty
minutes, by making a free ajlication to the
parts affected. Painful Sorrand Swellings
will be relieved in a short tit by the use of
this oil.
Anival and Departure of Mai at Clearfield.
Eastern, daily, Sundays exceed, at 7 P.M.
Western, " " ' ? '
Smith's Mills, Saturdays, ! 5 I.M.
Sinnamahoning,Wednesd. & ,turd. 8 f .31.
Karthaus, Saturdays, 6 P.M.
Kylertown, Mondays & Thursys, 12 M.
Eastern, daily, Sundays exceed, at 4 A.M.
Western, " " ! A-M
Smith's Mills, Fridays, J A. -M.
Sinnamaboning, Tuesdays& Flays, 6 A.M.
Karthaus, Thursdays, I 8 A.M.
Kylertown, Mondays & Thurlys 1 P.M.
The Mails will close at 9 o'oik, P. M.
N. B. Business men, of to; and vicinity,
will pleaso preserve this for fere reference.
C. D. WATsosost Master.
Mail arrives at Curwensvillfrom Indiana,
via Newman's Mills, irnside, New
Washington.Chcst, Bower ancrampianllills,
Tuesday and Fridays atllJ.M., and de-
MrTeaveY urwesviilej Marron, via
Nfw Millport and Lumber C, every S atur
day at 6 A. and returna sai day at 8 p.m.
"CostnrV Exterminators are inralnahln re
medies for clearing houses of all sorts ot ver
min. With all COnfidl'nr.n wo ruonrrimoml
mem a. y. Daily Stale Register.
'Costar's" remedies for all domestic pests,
such as Rats, Roaches, Bed-Bugs, Ants, Fleas,
&c, are invaluable ; we can speak from actual
knowledge of their merits. Druggists and
Dealers should send their orders early it they
would secure a trade in them AM'. Journal.
"I shall write something abont your Exter
minators, as I cab do so with propriety.
They are sebing rapidly here and destroying
all vermin. Ed. "Manner," Faytlle, Mo.
"DEATH to all vermis."
As Spring approaches, Ants and Roaches,
From their holes come out,
And Mice and Rats, in spite of Cats,
vaiiy snip about.
Bed-BHgs bite you, in the night,
As on the bed you slumber,
While Insects crawl thro' chamber and hall,
In squads without number.
It is truly wonderful with what certainty,
Rats,Roaches, Mice, Moles.Ground Mice, Bed
bugs, Auts, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Insects
on Animals, in short every species of Vermin,
are utterly destroyed and exterminated by
"Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator,
"Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator, :
"Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects.
Supplied direcf.lty mail, to anv address in
the United States, as follows: On receipt of
$1.00, a box of the Rat, Roach, &c. Ext. ; On
recipt of $2.00, a box each of the Rat, Roach,
&c. Ext., and Electric Powder, (sent postage
paidj) sufficient to destroy the vermin on any
premises. Sold by Druggists and Dealers c- :
ery where. "Costars" Principal Depot, 420
.Broadway, N. 1. P. S. Circulars, terms,
ifcc.j sent by mail on application.
!EFVholesaIe Agents tcr Pennsylvania :
costars branch Depot. .Northeast corner Fifth
and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, and Whole
sale Dealers generally. March 23, '59-Ct.
CLOVER SEED. 50 busbols of Clover Seed
for sale at the store of
Curwensville, March 23d, 1858.
1 ily FI
ust received 30 barrels Extra Fam-
onr, which will be sold low for cash by
December 2,
trrj PER CENT SAVED by buying coal oil
tv ana lamps irom iucrren uarier. who Keep
a good supply on band all the time. Other lamps
aucrea to uurn coal on. r co. z.i, isj'.l.
rrto justices
JL printed and
for sale at the Raftsman1
Journal ofhee, a lot of superior blanks, to wit:
JIank subpoenas. Ill.mk Executions,
Illank Summons', Blank Marriage certificates
Judgment rotes. with and without waiver.
TTOK. SALE, by Merrell fe Carter, Corn Shel-
Ja. lers and meat cutters, the latest and best in
market. Also, a large lot of goods, in their line.
just received and for sale, cheap for ensh or pro
duce Also, S. t S. Haunt's Clover Duller. See
adverii.-ement in another column.
Dee. 8.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or meddling with a span
of horses one bay and one sorrel mare a two
horse wagon and harness, and two tons of hay,
now in the possession of Henry Schull in Union
township, as tho same belongs to me. and is subject
to my order. LfcUJAKU UILE.
Union tp., March 2, lS-St-p.
JL The undersigned adopts this method of in
forming the public and the patrons of the late
firm of S. A. (Jibson A Co., that he designs car
rying on the MARBLE BUSINESS in Dclle
fonte, in all its various branches, and will hold
himself always in readiness to furnish those who
call upon him. with all kinds of CtmfUry Work.
..r .1. i... . i j - i - -7 . 1
ujo ivk viiissicai uesigus, anu superior work
manship, such as M'tunmrnl. Box Tombs. Crti-
lomis, t-mrrx, Olteltxtx. Grecian Tomb. T,i.
bit Tombs, Head Stone, Carved. Smfptitriid or
Via in, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they cm be
nan at any other establishment in the country.
Thankful for past favors, the undersigned solicits
an increase oi patronage. vt M. UAllAUAJN.
Jiellcfonte. Pa., March 23. 1809-tf.
Miaw g How, Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment of
WATCHES JEM ELKV, Ac, Ac, to which we in
vite attention.
ime and cheap Jewelry, of every style and
quality, in sets or by the picte as wanted, to be
had cheap at JfAUGLE'S.
If you wiu to purchase the "American Lever
Match, call at A A UILE S.
Old Hold and Silver will be taken in exchange
for goods at XAUULE'S.
All goods warranted as represented, or the mo
ney refunded, at XAUGLE'S.
All persons who want bargains are invited to
call at NAUULE'sS.
II you wish your watches put in good repair
and warranted, take them to AAUULL is.
X KENIb.-The -Practical Orthographic Chart,
designed to exhibit the Natural and Organic Ar
rangement of the sounds heard in the English Lan
guage." and the "Key" to the same, '-Containing
inanitions ana forms lor urtnographic Analysis,'
are now published, and will be sent by mail, post
paid, on receipt of the prices, being as follows :
One Chart and Key. ot) cents : One Chart in colors,
and Key, 00 cents ; Two Charts and three Keys.
SI; Four Charts and eight Keys. S2; Ten Charts
and eighteen Keys, S5. Keys, prcopy, 18 cents;
Keys, per doicn, S I ou. Copies of the Key for ex
amination, sent on receipt of 12 cents. Directors
desiring to supply their districts, will be allowed
a reasonable discount on the above prices Less
than one dollar may be remitted in postage
SUmps. Address, JOH W. EOLLlvS.
Jan. 25, '59. Indiana, Indiana co.. Pa.
of Land. 65 of which are cleared and under culti
vation, situate on Clearfield Creek, on the main
road leading from Clearfield town to Clearfield
Bridge, in Clearfield county, Pa., and three miles
Irom the former place. Ihe house is large, new.
well calculated for a Tareru, and will command
nearly all the custom of the watermen during the
freshets, which usually last from four to six weeks.
There are also a good Barn, Wood Shed, Wash and
Bake House, and various other buildings necessa
ry for convenience and comfort. The terms of sale
will be made easy say four annual pav-mcnts.
For further information inquire of L. J. Crans,
j.sq., llr. A. 1. fchryver, James it. larimcr. r.sq.,
Clearfield, or L. W. Weld, Cilcn Hope, Clearfield
county, Pa. Possession can be given so that the
buyer or rentor can have the benefit of the spring
business, which alone will amount to more than
double the rent A. T. SCUKYVEK.
Clearfield, Pa., January 5, 1859-tf.
A CARD. ThUadtlphia, Pa. The undersign
ed, the Founder and Publisher of Van Court's
Counterfeit Drtertor, desirous of retiring from this
branch of business, has merged that old establish
ed work in the popular "Bank Note Reporter" of
Imlay Bicknell. Having published an court s
Ietector since lb.J9, the undersigned reluctantly
parts with his old friends and subscribers; but
this reluctance is lessened by the conviction, that
in "Imlay & Bicknell s Bank Note Kcporter ' they
will receive a work that matches tho times.
Phil'a. Dec. 20, 1858. J. VAN COURT.
NOTICE. All Subscriptions to Imlay if Biel-
nrlt's Bank Note Reporter are Payable scrupu
lously in Advance. This is the oldest Rank Note
Publication in the world. For thirty long years
it. hoi mninl.iinod nn unsullied reputation, and
continues to be the necessary companion of all bu
siness pcoplo over the whole continent of America.
The Coins of the World! now in press by Imlay
A Bicknell, will be given gratuitously to all old
and new subscribers. All Coin Charts. Guides
and Manuals, as compared to this, may be consid
ed waste paper. TEKMS To tho Semi-Monthly,
S1.50 per annum ; Monthly, $1 ; Single copies, at
the Counter, 10 cents; Single copies, mailed, 12cta.
Janl2-3m. BoxllSO, Poet Cffioe, Phil'a, Ta.
K7 ihe larm or real estate of 'ohn thowalter,
late of Decatur township, Clearfield county, do- j
ceased, is now for sale on reasonable terms. Ap-
ply to the subscriber at his residence in said town
Decatur township, February 16. 1859-6m.
CARD MISS CONSTANT, late from the East,
. respectfully announces herself to the citi
zens of Clearfield, and the County generally, that
she is prepared to give instruction in Music Pi
ano, Aicioueon ana Guitar ana also in the trench
language it being her native tongue She refers
all who may be interested in the altove to the Hev.
Dr. and Mrs. McLeod. Terms, 58 in advance, or
?iu it not in advance. Dec. 8. 1858.
1 Oil ACRES OF LAND, on the Erie Turn-
-"-vf pike, about 7 miles west ol Curwensville,
ana iMAtKts ui LASi), adjoining the same
will be wild on accommodating terms. The land
lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is j
won covered with choice pine timber suitable for
shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill
near by. Apply to L. J. CItANS.
mar25 Clearfield.
ja.i Jf n SALli UK Kiswi Ihe un-
i dersigned offers for sale or rent his farm of
50 acres of land ; 25 acres of which ia cleared and
the balance well timbered with whits oak, maple
ana ncniiocK; tncre is a good Ik use and barn
thereon. The property is situatod 1J miles from
Clearfield town on the Pike leading to Luthers
burg. Those desirous of buying or renting, will
please apply soon, as I am bound to pitch my
"wig-warn" in the West. soon. Possession will be
given at any time. Apply to
Lawrcnca tp., Clearfield co., Pa., Jan. 2(5, '59-3m
of Administration on the estate of Samuel
Jordan, late of Jordan township, Clearfield coun
i , i . .... 1
j. Ja., deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned ; all persons indebted to eaid estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and those
u.tuig ciauns win present tnem iuiy authentica
ted ior settlement. IlbKY SWAN,
February 23, 1859. Administrators.
BIBLES The Bible Society of Clearfield co.,
hereby gives notice that their books, name
ly, l.iUles and leftamcnts, are deposited in the of
hee of James Wrigley, Register and Recorder at
l.learfield. 1 he books are of various sizes and a
dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun
day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan
tial otoies can be had as low as 2a cents apiece,
and testaments ns low as 6 cents apiece.
The people of the county generally are also in-
nu io leave witn Mr. ivrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the
society, feigned by order of the Executive Coin-
P""ce. A LEa.. McLEOD, President.
a Kill' V A VPI'P -i0 -V IL OJ -i 1
2X. (three doors above Vine.) Philadelphia. THE
OLD HARDWARE STAND, (Established Twenty
Four Years Every description of Building, Me
clianicaJ, Farming and Household Hardware, is
now in Store, and will be offered at the lowest mar
ket prices to Cah and prompt Sir months buy
ers. -ans at .Manufacturers prices for Cash. Or
ders from new customers will receive strict and ac
curate attention, and all goods sent from this house
win do as represented. Country merchants, on
their next visit to our city to make their Spring
punuam arc eoruiany in v uea 10 can a:iu exam
ine tneir ciock and 1 rices betore Purchasing.
Philadelphia, Pa., March 9th, 1359-.;m.
M.M. I 10. JVettr Snrinfr (inn.lt
L. & n . IlLlZEXSTEIX. corner of Main and
Joy streets, opposite William Barker's "Mansion
me unaersigned would respectfully announce
to the citizens of Clearfield county, esneciallv
Lumbermen coming to Lock Haven, that they Lave
just received their spring goods, comprising a
tremendous siock ot fashionable and seasonable
which can t be found in anv town this side of the
city ; all of which, thev are determined to sell at
so slight an advance on city cost, and at such a
great reduction from the usual prices, as to aston
ish even the closest buyer. The goods are all new
anu iusuionnuie and have been selected with the
greatest care and will be warranted in point of
uurauiiny. ivcineuiDcr tn place :
Opposite Win. Barker's '-Mansion House."
Lock Haven, Pa., March Hi, 18o9-;im.
vt EBSlfcll, containing his most celebrated Ora
tions, a selection from the Eulogies delivered on
the occasion of his Death, and his Life and Timea
By SAMUEL M. SMUCKER. A.M. This snlen-
did work is just published, in one large volume of
ojil pages. It is printed on fine paper and bound
in beautiful style ; cor fains excellent tint illus
trations of his Birthplace and Mansion at Marsh
field ; and a full-length, life-like. Steel Portrait.
Ihe Publisher oilers it with confidence to the A-
mcrican public and is convinced that it will sup-
ply an important want iu American literature.
io work was to be obtained heretofore, which nrp-
sented, in a compact and convenient comnas. dm
chief events of the life of Daniel Webster. hi
most remarkable intellectual efforts, and the most
valuable and interesting eulogies which the ereat
men of the nation uttered in honor of his memo
ry. Vt e present all these treasures in this volume.
at a very moderate price, and in a very conve-
iiiciii lorm. .-uoscripiion price, in cloth, Sl.io:
handsomely embossed leather. $2.00 Persons de
sirous of becoming Agents for tbis valuable work,
win aaaress. loriun particulars.
niar2 3.1 South 3d street. Philadcl phia. Ta.
nut Street. The only Original Gift Book Store.
G. G. EVANS would Inform his friends and the
public that his Star Gift Book Store and Publish
ing House is permanently established in Brown's
splendid Iron Building, 439 Chestnut Street, two
doors below 1 all, where tho purchaser of each
book, at the regular retail price, will receive one
of the following gifts, valued at from 2i cents to
One Hundred Dollars. w orth each
550 Patent Enelish Lever Gold Watches, SI00 00
550 Patent Anchor -' " 50 00
400 Ladies Gold Watches, lSk. cases. 35 00
000 Silver Hunting Watches, warranted, 15 00
5t'0 Parlor Timepieces. 0 00
500 Cameo Sets. Ear Drops and Pins, 10 00
500 Ladies' Gold Bracelets, 5 00 to 12 00
500 Gents' Vest ond Fob Chains. 10 00
1000 Gold Lockets, (large size double case.) 10 00
2000 Gold Lockets, (small size.) 3 00
1000 Gold Pencil Cases, with Gold Pens, 5 00
1000 Extra Gold Pens, with cases and holders. 3 50
2.MI0 Gold Pencils, (Ladies'.)
2500 Gold Pens, with Silver Pencils,
2 00
2 50
fiaOO Gold Rings, (Ladies',)
2000 Gents' Gold Rings,
2500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins,
3500 Misses' Gold Breastpins,
200 LadiesGold Pens, with cases and holders.
3000 Pocket Knives,
1 00
2 5tf
2 50
1 50
1 60
1 00
2 50
2000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs,
2000 Sets Gents' Sleeve Buttons,
2000 Pairs of Ladies' Ear Drops,
2 50
2 50
5 00
5 00
1 50
isntiu prunes J'cari t,ara cases.
15000 Ladies' Cameo, Jet. or Mosaic Pins,
2500 Ladies' Shawl and Ribbon Pins,
5000 Articles of Gold Jewelry, Gift Books, Ac, not
enumerated in the above, worth from 25 cts to $25.
Evans' new Catalogue, which is sent free to all
parts of the country, contains all the most popular
books of tho day, and the newest publications, all
of which will be sold as low as they can be ob
tained at other stores.
A eront a wantrtil in A f . . :.. 1L. T- .
Tho.-e desiringso to act, can obtain full particu-
lars by addressing asabove.
N. B. Being largely interested in publishing
books, and buying from other publishers in im
mense quantities, for cash, I am enabled to make
larger discounts to Country Agents and Book Deal
ers than can be had at any other house in the coun
try. U(TA ny book published in theUnited States,
the retail price ef which is one dollar or upwards,
will be promptly sent, Gift included, on receipt of
publisher s price. An extra $1 Book nd Gift
given to any person ordering ten books to be sen
to one address. Send for a Catalogue.
Address, G. G. EVANS, Publisher.
Aug. 25, 1858.:3m 433 Chestnut St, Phil a.
TJEACII VFRSERY. The undersigned, re-
siding tnrce miles above the town of Clcar-
nold, in Lawrence township, has about 1 wo l hoM
sand young and thrifty peach trees which he will
dispose of on reasonable terms. The peach trees
raving been mucb injured, and many entirely
killed, by the severe cold of the winter of lt5a-5t.
farmers should rep'enish their orchards, and, it
is conceived mat tbis is a highly tavorable oppor-
inniiy 01 so aomir. KUKEK T L.A v 11EA.V
Lawrence tp., March 1, lti59-3t.
the Iron City College, the largest, most exten
sively paironzeu ana oe$i organizea commercial
ecnooi in tho Lnited states.
337 Students attending daily, March, 1859.
I sual time to complete a full course, from 6 to 10
weeks. Everv student, unon sraduatintr. is guar
anteed to be competent to manage the Books of
any Lusiness. and qualilied to earn a salary of
irora s-juu to ti.uuu.
students enter at any time Xo Vacation Re
view at pleasure.
01 rreiniums for best J cnmanshin awarded in
1S58 t-cTMinister's Sons received at half nrice.
For Circular and trecimens of Writinsr. inclose
two letter stamps, and address
April 6, 1809. (scptl'58) rittburgh,l'.
rvuiii,.. Ihe undersigned being about to
J.1 dissolve their partnership, give notice to all
persons having dealings with them in any way
whatsoever, to call and settle without delnv. as in
a short time the books will be left in other haitds
for settlement ; but they would prefer that all who
can possibly do so. should square their accounts
before the dissolution is finally effected.
Clearfield. Pa., April 6th. 1S59.
. .... 1. .i , uu me i.rt.iic ui isamu 1 1 . it arrirK.
late of Bcccaria tow lick in. Clearfield count v. Pa..
dec"d., having heen granted to the undersigned ;
ati persons maeDled to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment and those having claims
Hgiiinai mo same win present tnein properly au
thenticated for settlement. WM. M. SMILEY,
ueccaria rp , itiarcn jsjSI. i-xecutors.
TVOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all delin
11 quent subscribers to the Bitbtist Church in the
Borough of Clearfield, that the same must be paid
on or before the May Court next, (nd save costs.)
as the workman must be paid. Joseph Peters,
Esq., of Curwensville. and Thos. Robin, or Clear
field, are authorized to receive subscriptions. V.v
order of the Building Committee.
Clearfield April 6. M. NICHOLS. JR.
NOTICE. The Third Session of the Clear field
County Xoruuil !rhooi 'will beheld in Cur
wensville. conimciM'ing on Tuesday the 3d of May
next, and will contiuue two months. N'o pains or
labor will be spired to render the Instructions as
thorough and practical as possible. Particular
attention given to the art of teaching. Person?
wishing to avail thensolve of its advantages are
requested to be present at its commencement. A
County Institute and Pnblie Examination will be
held the last week of the session.
April fi. ISiO. Cnnnty superintendent.
Boots & Shoes always on Hand,
(of one own male.) JOSEPH GOON, thatkful for
past favors, and grateful for future prospects, de
sires to inform the citizens of this vicinity and his
old friends and patrons in partioul: r, that he has
removed to the KOOM in tlte EAST
END of SHAW S NEW ROW, the first door
taest of the Mansion House, where he has on hand
constantly, a large assortment of every variety in
tl... I?i li ivn 1 1 1 I ? r i i i
"i wv'j l n i 7jn7jc line, vusiom wnra anena-
ed to with dispatch. The very best of stock will
be used and no pains snared to make neat fits and
durable work. All of which can be obtained of
said J. Goon, very low for the Ready Rhino.
Vyiearneia, August 14, isas.
dersigned take this method of inform in it the
public generally that they have entered into co
partnership in the Blacksmithinz business, and
can be found at the shop formerly occupied by Ja
cob Shunkweiler, on Third street, in the borough
of Clearfield, where tbey will be pleased to see
their old customers, and as many new ones as can
make it convenient, to give them a call.
Bring on your hoes, your spades, and picks,
Your log chains and your pulling sticks.
Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse and mare,
No three-year old, shall then go bare.
Your spears we'll work up then just right,
To pruning hooks for every hight,
Your swords too, shall then be wrought
To plough-shares such as Catn ne'er bouaht.
Dec. C. 1S5S. GEORGE W. ORR.
The undersigned would resnsctfullv an
nounce to his friends and the nublic irenerallv'
. U . 1 1 1 . . . . . .
lui he ii.-is opened out a new a?on-JiaKinf K.
tahiishmcnt in "New Salem City." Brad v town
snip, where he will at all times bo prepared to
manuiacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds of
Wagons. Carts, Wheelbarrows Ac. The best ma
terial that can be procured will be used, and his
1. : 1 1 V- , : . i . , .. . , ,
"w' " " wiiuc iu iuu ui om substantial ani du
rable manner, such as will bear the test of strict
examination. By a close observance of his busi
ness engagements, ard by disposing of his work
on the most rcasonaole terms, which he will do
for either cash or approved country produce, he
hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub
lic custom BEN'J. RISILEL.
New Salem City. Jan. 16, 1356.
having fitted up a shop a few doors east of
the ,;01d Jew Store," on Market street, desires to
inform the community at large, that he keeps on
hand a variety of CABINET WORK, at his
shop, and that he manufiotures to order, lof su
perior finish.) every description of Household and
Kitchen furniture, among which are Centre, and
Dining Tables; Mahogony and Common Bureaus;
Common and Fancy Bedsteads. Stands, Safes, Cup
boards. Sofas. Lou nires. Ac., which h- i if.-m;-
ed to dispose of at as cheap rates, for cash, as they
can be purchased at any other establishment of
me sort in lue county. I'crsons wishing to buy
furniture are invited to come to his Khon and ex
amine his articles, and judge for themselves of its
quality and finish, before purchasing elsewhere,
nn leeis connuem mat no can suit them in nrice
.i ...... i . i f . . .... 1
uu uiiiny. orry proattrt win he taken in
payment for furniture. November 10, 1853.
N- B. He is also nrenarcd to make COFFINS fn
oraer on the shortest notioe, and attend funerals
- - - -.
witn a hearse, when called upon. J. S. J.
X beopenedonthe FIRST TL ESI) A Y OP f v
nmln, 4k. 1 - - . . '
" o Kcuciai ituuervision oi ine itev. .1 ,vi
Galloway, and the immediate care of a competent
teacher. TERMS per session of twenty-two weeks.
Orthography, Reading, Writing and Primary
A ; t v. ... . ; - .. . 1 ' 1 m - J
. 1. 11 nii.m. nun ucurujjuyjj.
Higher Arithmetic and Geography, English
01 mristianitv and Biblical Ant;,.
M, --u vau u t WW-
oral and Mental Phi losnrihv IthalnriA T .it;.
and Astronomy. S10. '
ne iatin and (ireelr Tjinirnooa si
Exercises in Composition andDeolamation will
he reqUlred of all the pupils, according to their
abilities. No deduction will be made when the
pupil enters within two weeks of the commence
ment of the Session, or for absence, unless occa
sioned by protracted sickness. N'o pupil received
for less than half a session. Tuition to be paid at
the cIofo of the first eleven weeks of the session.
Clearfield. March 8th. 185J.-4t.
CALT.-A large qoontity of SALT iust receiv
IO ed, and which will be sold very cheap for
cash, by the sack, at
RYE, CORN A BUCKWHEAT, will be taken
t the highest cash price, at thestore of
Clearfield, Dec.g. WM. F. IRWIN. ;
Aigeora.rnysioiosrv, Natural Phitnsnnliv rkm.
, Book Keeping. Botany, Geology, Evidences
CHANTS, for the sale of Flour, Grain, Seed,
Lumber. Ac., BALTIMORE, Md., keep constantly
on hand for sale. Salt, Plaster, Cedent, Oakum, Ao.
Warehouse 21 Spear's wharf.
Lumber Office West Falls avenue'.
Cah advances on consignments. (&ar30-3t
DISSOLUTION. The firm ofS.A. Gibson
Co., in Belief on te,was on the 4t!t day of March
dissolved by mutual consent The books, nota
and Accounts are in the hands of William Oa
hagan for collection, to whom payment must be
made. S. A GIBSON,
Mar. 23, 1359-3L WM. GAHAGAN.
PLASTERINC. The subscriber having lo,
cated himself in the Borough of Clearfield
would inform the public that he is prepared to do
work in the above line, from plain to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also
whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man
ner, and on reasonable terms.
April 7. 1858. EDWIN COOPER.
scribe for the '-Raftsman's Journal."
IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAPER, subscribe for
the "Raftsman's Journal."
IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAPER, subscribe for
the "Raftsman' Journal."
IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAPER, subscribe for
the "Raftsman's Journal."
IF YOU WANT A GiXlD PATER, subscribe for
the "Raftsman's Journal." "
TIia n i ntt;i tynil Vi rph v nnnn n.
ccs to the citizens of Clearfield county,j
that he is still engaged, at his old standi:
aU BOX TOMBS. Also Head and Foot Stone
of the latest and most approved styles, and on the
most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at
tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN.
Aug. 25. lS5S.-dec23-"57. Tyrone City.
tnetitary on tho Estate of Isaac Bloom. Sr. lata
of Pike township. Clearfield county. Pa. deceased,
having been granted to the undersigned ; all per
sons indebted to said estate are required to make
immediate payment, and those having claims i
gainst the same will present them duly authenti
cated to our Attorney, L.J. Crans. Esq.. Clearfield,
or to us. JOHN BIXK)M.
Pike tp., March 9. 185R-fit. Executor. :
vf dersigned respectfully informs hiscustc
in era and the public generally that he has iust re
ceived from the East, and opened at his establish
ment in Shaw a Row. Clearfield, Pa., a fine stock
of Watches, of different qualities, and Jewelry of
every variety, from a full sot to a single piece,
which he will sell at the most reasonable prices
for Cash. All kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jew
elry carefully repaired and warranted. A con
tinuance of patronage is solicited.
-November 10, ISoh. II. F. NAUOLE.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of
the Estate of Alexander Stone, late of Boggs
township. Clearfield county, deceased. THU lTx.
dersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's
Court of Clearfield county, to examine and report
upon the partial account of Jes-e Stone. Executor
of Alexander Stone the above named decedent.
hereby gives notice that he will attend to the rin.
ties of said appointment on Satnrday, the 16th day
vi n'in uciu m me ouicc oi Larimer Test, in
the borough of Clearfield, at 10 o'clock. A.M.
when and where all persons interested can attend
it tney Fee proper. JAS. II. LARIMER,
March 2-. iS.)9. Auditor.
announces to the citizens of Ansonville and thm
surrounding country, that he has just returned
from the Eat and is now opening at his store an
extensive stock of choice and serviceable Fall and
i luicruouus, consisting oi a general assortment of
and a great variety of useful fancy goods, among
which may be found the latest mvlea of IHW
Ihe undersigned would direct particular attan.
tion to his extensive selection of Parlor and Coxi
Stoves, Cook Stoves and fixtures, Stove pipe, Ac.
ALSO, a large quantity of Salt- Persons desirous
of purchasing any of the articles in my line of
business, are invited to call and examine my stock
before buying elsewhere, as I feel persuaded that
I can supply Uicin on as reasonable terms for easn
as any other store in the county. Lumber of era
ery description, and approved country produce
taken in exchange for goods. 11. SWAN.
Ansonville. .November 10, 1S58.
LY. To the Public, the Bool and PrrinJ.
ical Trade, and the Pre.os. Wc have the honor t
announce that we shall issue on or about the 1st of
December, 1353. so as to be in season to command
the early attention of the public and periodical
trade, the first num'tr of a new Illustrated Jfj-f
azine. to be called The 'Great Repuitie' Monthly.
It is intended to make this magazine superior
in every respect to anything ever before issued in
this country. The general scope of its character
can best be understood by its name. It will be thor
oughly national in no wise sectarian, and wholly
impersonal. It will offer tc the writers and think
ers of this Union a common field, where they can
meet on the highest ground of cotemporary liter
ature. It will aim to gather about it every varie
ty of intellect. The range of articles will be a.
wide one, covering, among other grounds, Essays
Sketches. Humerons Tales. Stories, iruini-w.o'i -!
cidents. Reviews, Critiques! Biographies, ScrentiSa
nrucics, .iraveis. xaoie Jam, Dramas, Fo!itis
Poems, Ballads. Stanzas. Sonnets. Musi.. CcrLZ.
pondence. Gossip, etc.. etc. The Magatine will be
profusely illustrated in tho highest style of wool
engraving. The Literary department will present
greater variety.combined with more thorough ex
cellence, it is believed, than ever before offered ia
the American public in a single periodical. Each
number will contain an original niece of mn.;
composed expressly for this wor't. Of the superior
exeei.ence of the Magazine in every respect, and
of the certainty of its permanent success, very
little more need be eaid. The Terms and 1
conditions of the magazine will be as follows:
or urn Ihere will be two volumes a vear, of
about 700 royal octavo pages each, commencing in
January and July, and endfnr in Jnnn snrl
ccmber, respectively, making six numbers toc'aoh
uiuino, anu twelve numcers to each year. Sub
scriptions may commence at any time. Prices
Single copies, 25 cents ; 1 copy for one year, sent
by mail. g3 00. Clubs 2 copies, 1 year, $5 ; 3 co
pies, 1 year, 7 ; A copies. I year. S9 ; 5 copies I
year, S10. And all additional copies, over five
at the rate of S2 a copy, if sent tothe same club
Clubsmay be formed at different post offices. All
subscriptions must be paid in advance. Premium
Subscr,,ions Entitling each subscriber to tha
magazine for one year, and to their choice of ei
-e,Tofr oarJwo great steel engravings, entitled.
T-- ,!'iSt fcnPPer." nd -The City of the Great
lung. Four dollars. The engravings will b sent
on rollers by mail, prepaid. i Agents and Can
vassers can make liberal and satisfactory arrange
ments upon application stating the territory re
quired. All Postmasters and Clergymen are au
thorised to receive subscriptions, which they mar
forward to us. giving name and address of subscri
ber, deducting 25 per eent for theirtronble. Thej
rate of postage will not exceed three cents each
number, to be paid in all cases at the office where
it is received. All communications, to be entitled
to answer, must contain return stamps. Subscri
bers must in all cases, write Names, Town, Coun
ty and State in full, as Iezibly as noasihlA m
is little risk in sendincr inonev nil 1...-.
sums should be remitted by draft, if possible or
registered fetter. OAKJSMITH A CO ' -
i mo "treat itepuDIio" Monthly
No. 112 and 114 William St.. New-York.7
A ASSORTMENT of Ladies' Dress Goola
jtX. comprising English and French Merinos, Co
burgs, figured and plain Delaines, Delaine Reees,
Saxony Plaids Lama Cloth, Foil do Chevre, Silks
Ac., Ac for sale cheap at the corner, by ' '
CJL'GAR. White and Brown sugar to be bad at
November 25. . uv I R WINS' .
AL-t of good Grindstones, with fixtures, for sal.
y JOHN PATTON, Curwensville. "
LADIES FTRg, a few set of French ablea at
the etere ef . WM IRVIN.- ;
; ft
Vrn t