Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 30, 1859, Image 3

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We direct attention to the advertisement of
Carr, Giese & Co., Lumber, Flour, Grain and
Seed Commission Merchants and Dealers in
Salt, Plaster, Cement, &c, Baltimore, Md.
A Ciiange. Capt. Daniel M. TYeaver has
left the Mansion Ilouse in this town, and his
place is to be taken by Mr. McMonigal, for
merly of the Exchange Hotel, Tyrone, Pa.
The Ro.vds in Clearfield county have been
In a most miserable condition this spring, so
ranch so that they are almost impassable. A
little attention and repairing at the proper
time, would do much toward keeping themjn
fcood order.
"Flittis" Df.r. Day alter to-morrow is the
1st of April, and is in this country general
'flittin" or moving time. Such of our sub
scribers as change their place of residence,
will please notify us, so that we can send their
papers to the proper place.
The attention of the river-men is directed
to the card of Mr. L. R. Deeg, who has taken
the Washington Ilouse, in Middletown, Dau
phin county, formerly kept so well by Mrs.
Grifiee. Mr. Dceg is said to be a very clover
and accommodating landlord, and has the rep
utation of keeping a first rate house.
Fardoxed. We loam that Gov. Packer has
pardoned Francis Peters, who was convicted
at the last November Term of the Quarter
Sessions of Clearfield county, of stealing a
horse of Benjamin Davenport, of Fox town
ship, facts having sinco come to light showing
thtt he was not guilty of the charge upon
which he was convicted.
A Mistake. A few days siuce, having a
slight cold, we were just thinking what to take,
lor it, when who should drop into our office
but our townsman Dr. A. M. Hills, and handed
us a bottle labeled "Loudon's Indian Expec
torant." Pouring out a pretty large doze, we
swallowed it, and smacked our lips, when to
our surprise we disco vt red it to be pure grape
juice, which some people, from force of habit,
we presume, will periist in calling "wine."
Whether it cured our cold or not, we leave to
be inferred, but have no hesitating in saying
that the 'Expectorant" wasn't "hard to take."
The Dr. will please accept our thanks.
Look Oct! We were shown a few days
since what purports to be a $2 bill on the Mys
tic Bank, Connecticut. Vignette man and
woman at well; a 2 at each upper corner, the
impression of two silver dollars at the lower
left corner, and a female figure at the lower
right corner. The engraving appears to be
that of a genuine plate, with the exception of
the words "Mystic" in the name of the hank,
and "Connecticut" at the top of the bill, the
shading of which is imperfect, and the words
are in crooked. No doubt the same plate will
lo filled up with the names of other banks.
Persons had better examine all two dollar bills
closely before taking them.
Gettixo Back. We observe that some of
our raftsmen are getting home again, but the
bnlk of them are yet "down the river." We
arc glad to learn that comparatively little loss
will result from the breaking loose of rafts at
Lock Haven and other points, during the
btorm of Friday night a-week. We are also
pleased to hear that the prices of lumber are
.good, and that we are in a fair way of once
more having some money in circulation in our
county. A friend, writing to us from Middle
town, says ho has "no doubt but that there
will be more mojiey taken back from what
lumber has been taken down, than if it had all
been hauled and run to market." And really
it is high time, fr during the past three years
the "spondulix" have been as scarce as "hen's
teeth," and another year of money famine
would have caused
"shut up shop."
many a poor
wight to
Who is He ? We find in the Harrisburg
Telegraph, of the 2Gth March, the following:
"Seeing the Sights." A jolly waterman
from Clearfled county, who visited the Capital
for tho first time yesterday, in strolling about
town this afternoon, dropped into our sanctum
in search of aClearfied paper. Being social
and communicative, we engaged him in con
versation, in the course of which he informed
us that last evening he fell in with an individ
"tial who represented himself to be from the
North Branch, and the owner of two or three
rafts. Rather prepossessed in the strangei's
favor, and being anxious to "see tne signts,
lie willingly accepted an invitation to accom
pany him around town on a tour of observa
tion. They visited various institutions, and
imbibed freely, until our Clearfield visitor
Accumulated more "bricks in his hat" than he
was able to carry, becoming "obfuscated" to
uch a degree as to render hitn a perfect
"Know Nothing." On coming to his senses
towards morning, he found himself occupy
ing a somewhat humiliating position on the
loor step of the tavern where he stopped.
ilis"friend."bowever,wasamongthe missing,
and upon examination ho discovered that bis
pocket book had vanished also. Having ob
tained no clue to either durtnjr the day, he
concluded that he had been victimized by his
companion of the night previous "tho owner
f two or three rafts." We concurred in that
r;nirtn. and advised him, in his future visits
n iTarrishiirir. not to form acquaintance too
lmtily with strangers. He said one night's
experience satisfied him, and "ho rather
thought his first trip down tho river should
be his last." Being well known among the
wf R-onMi lumbermen, he readily obtained
.r.. r.r- m. wav home, and will leave to-
night in the Northern Central train for Wil-
A very fishy story is that told of J ohn Frank
lin, of Litchfield, Conn., that when his father,
on returning home from church, threatened to
thrash John because bo had gazed np at the
rafters of the frame church (not ceiled or
plastered) the young scamp, after asking his
father if be could repeat the sermon, and de
cidedly cornering tho old gentleman, not only
himself named the text and went through all
the beads of discourse, accurately, but added
"and now father, I can tell you just how many
beams and rafter are Jn the meeting house."
lUp-Increasing the heat of the sun.
KF""Low -the chap, that fell in the ditch.
E7"TIigh the Wind, for several days past.
H7"Scarce little "ingins," about our town.
CyA beatify the fellow that wears the
bushy whiskers.
C7Funny things hoops, In windy weather.
They want to be up.
KT-New term "strychBine palsy." Not a
bad definition, that, for old "seven-day."
KP-Mrs. Partington haS bofight a horse, "so
spirituous that It has gone ofl In a decanter."
Dylncreasing the fishing business. Saw
several boys coming to town, on Sunday, with
a string of fine pike.
CSAbsconded Rev. Jacob S. Harden, of
Warren county, N. J. Ho is accused of hav
ing killed his wife by poison.
KTThe Friends meeting house in Burling
ton county, N. J., was destroyed by lire on
Sunday. It was built in 1800."
KF"That's so. Many politicians boast that
"they can't be bought" when they are really
so worthless that they can't be sold !
CC7A riot took place in the State prison at
Auburn, New York, on Saturday a-week, dur
ing which the warden shot three men.
C3Can tell a phrenologist in London, the
contents of a barrel by examining its head.
He makes his examination with a gimlet.
C7"A barrel containing the partially dissect
ed bodies of a man and woman, was discover
ed floating in the river near Louisvillo$last
CEv-Bnrned five children of Mr. Ellis Wal
drip, of Forsyth co., Ga., on the 11th. The
dwcllingcaught fire during the absence of the
ttp-A man named Lloyd, in New Orleans,
was arrested a tew days since for stealing a
negro. He pleaded not guilty, alleging that
he won the "hoy" in a raffle.
Cp-The latest discovery at Pike's Peak is
a lead mine, where they pick out lumps worth
$10 to $15 apiece. Six hundred meu were at
work in it and others flocking in.
C7"Discovered by a genius "down east," a
method ef manufacturing from one dandy, a
monkey, an ape and three baboons, so as to
have enough left for a small yaller dog.'
CF"Got convuNioni three men at Bennets
ville, South Carolina, from drinking whiskey.
All died the same day. The verdict of the
coroner's jury was "Death from strychnine."
CMcssrs. Toombs and Mason, democratic
members of Congress, are charged with k. 1 11-
ng the Post Olheo bill by talking it to death.
Toombs spoke against it until the hour of ad
C-Progrcssing the chess match between
Morphy and Mongredien, President of the Lon
don Club. Four games were played, Morphy
winning all. The winner of the first seven
games is to be the victor.
EDuring January last, only ten barrels of
flour were exported from the United States to
Great Untain; and at present prices in the two
countries, it will pay to import (lour Irani
Liverpool to America.
C7""Soiithern papers concur in the state
ment that vegetation in that latitude is at least
one month m advance of ordinary years. 1 ru
trees are in blossom, and flowers ot various
kinds are in full bloom.
rr7Fact now is the time to advertise. The
spring business will soon be commenced peo
ple are beginning to stir about and everybody
is looking into the columns ot tne newspaper
to see u-no are in and out of business.
rr7Rei)ortttd that tho Governor of Missou
ri, (who was recently whipped in a rough and
tumble hgtit,) wound up a grand spree tne om
er day by riding his horse into his own parlor,
and trying his fore feet on the keys of a piano
T7It has been decided by the Supreme
Court of our State, that the State Superinten
dent of our Fublic Schools has the right to
remove a County Superiiften.ient, if guilty of
neglect of duty, incompetency, or immorality.
rr?"now to protect himself. The editor of
a pestilent Buchanan sheet s:ys that "a terri
ble political thunder storm is rising." w ell,
feathers are said to be a protection against
lightning; can't he get himself tarred and
C7The excitement in relation to Pike
I eak has increased to an alain.inz degree in
the West. Whole families are leaving for the
diggings. Better stav at home and eat rye
bread, if wheat cannot be had. A number ol
young ladies have left Pittsburg for the Peak.
E7The United States, in proportion to its
number ot inhabitants, noma more oi me pre
cious metals than any other country in the
world. In the year 1839 we had but StfU-lKiu,
000. and now we have $300,000,000, averaging
to each inhabitant ol the L nion,siaves lncuia-
ed, twelve dollars.
rr-Declared John M. Botts, in a speech
before the Virginia Opposition State Conven
tion, that the Democracy has caused "every
calamity, every ill that has belallen the coun
trv durinc the last thirty years, with tho ex
ception, perhaps, of the suiall-pox, the chole
ra and the yellow fever."
rrpPlant trees! Vcs! plant trees and
nlaiit omn. Novr's the time, it is not too
r - . . . .. . . ,-
late: neither is it a ti ay too eany. i wui-
plant and keep planting, lou ii never rc
eret it. Who ever saw a man lamenting that
o - J..-
he had planted a tree I lto not, uear re.iuci,
let another season slip without planting.
rr5-James Hamilton, a meat seller, in St
Louis, on Wednesday last, in a paroxysm of
jealousy, shot his wife, a young girl of eighteen
tn nliojn he had been marrieu oui u
months, and afterwards discharged a pistol in
to his own bodv, inflicting a wounu ir.nu
hardlv recover. Mrs. Hamil
ton's recovery is deemed probable.
Sprained Ankles and Wrists can be relieved
of all swelling and pain in from five to thirty
miniiTfXi hv the free use of Du Vall'a Galvan
ic on. Tt acts bv imnartine electricity to the
,,nri- am-ftfA. starts iiD a new-action in that
part, and a cure is at once obtained.
Arrival and Departure of Mails at Clearfield.
Eastern, dailv, Sundays excepted, at 7 P.M.
Western, " " 8 P.M.
Smith's Mills, Saturdays, o I .M.
Sinnamahoning,Wcdnesd. & Saturd. 8 l.M.
Kurt nans, Saturdays, 6 P.M.
Kylertown, Mondays & Thursdays, 12 M.
Eastern, daily, Sundays excepted, at 4 A.M.
Western, " " " 2 A
Smith's Mills, Fridays, A.M.
Sinnamahoning, Tnesdaysfc Fridays, 0 A.M.
Karthaus, Thursdays, 8 A.M.
Kvlertown, Mondays & Thursdays 1 1 .M.
The Mails will close at 9 o'clock, P. M.
jr. B. Business men, of town and vicinity
will please preserve this for future reierence.
C. D. Watson, Post Master.
Mii arrives at Curwensvillo from Indiana,
..' w-aman' Mills. Burnside, New
Washington, Chest, Bower and Grampianllills
and Fridays at Hi A. ji., anu ae
...I. c-imd dnVS at 1 A . -1-
Mail leaves Curwensville for Marron, via
New Millport and Lumber iiiy, eve oaiur
day at 6 A. M., ana returns name uj -i
"Costar's" Exterminators are invaluable re
medies for clearing houses ot all sorts ot ver
min. it h all confidence wo recommend
hem A". Y. Daily Sac Register.
"Co&tar's" remedies for all domestic pests,
such as Rats, Roaches, Bed-Bugs, Ants, Fleas,
&c, are invaluable ; we can speak from actual
knowledge of their merits. Druggists aud
Dealers should send I heir orders early it they
would secure a trade in them. N.Y. Journal.
"I shall write something about your Exter-'
minators, as I can do so with propriety.
They are selling rapidly tiere and destroying
all vermin. Ed. "Banuer," Fayette, Mo.
As Spring approaches, Ants and Roaches,
From their holes come out,
And Mice and Rats, in spite of Cats,
Gaily skip about. .
Bed-Bugs bite yon, in the night,
As on the bed you slumber,
While Insects crawl thro' chamber and hall,
In 6puads without nnniber.
It is truly wonderful with what certainty,
Rats,Roaches, Mice, Moles,Ground Mice, Bed
bugs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Insects
on Animals, in short every species of Vermin,
are utterly destroyed and exterminated by
"Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator,
"Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator,
"Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects.
Supplied direct, by mail, to any address in
the United States, as follows : On receipt of
SI. CO, a box of the Rat, Roach, &c. Ext. ; On
recipt of $2.00, a box each of the Rat, Roach,
&c. Ext., and Electric Powder, (sent postage
paid,) sufficient to destroy the vermin on any
premises. Sold by Druggists and Dealers e
ery where. "Costars" Principal Depot, 420
Broadway, N. V. P. S. Circulars, terms,
Ike; sent by mail on application.
x7Wholesale Agents tcr Pennsylvania -
Costar's Branch Depot, Northeast corner Fifth
and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, and Whole
sale Dealers generally. March 23, o9-0t.
LOVER SEED. 50 bushols of Clovrr Seed
for sale at tho store of wM. IRV IN.
Curwensvillo, March 2MI, 1S53.
I71LOUR. Just received 30 barrels Extra Fam
ily Flour, which will be fold low for cash by
December 2,
rZ( VFAl CENT SAVED by buying coal oil
OU and lamps from Merrcll & Carter, who keep
a good supply on hand all the time. Other lamps
altered to burn coal oil. teo. j, io-j.
no jtstices
for sale at the Raftsman's
X . printed and
Journal office, a lot of superior blanks, to wit:
lilank Subpoenas. IMauk Kxecutions,
lilunk Summons', Black Marriageccrtificatcs
Judgment Jiotes. with and without waiver.
I7SOR SALE, by Merrcll A Carter, Corn fchcl
lcrs and meat cutters, the latest and best in
market. Also, a large lot of goo Is, in their lice,
just received and for sale, cheap for cash or pro
duce Also. is. A . llaupt s Clover iiullor. r-ce
adveriiscment in another column. lice. 8.
AUTIO.N. All rersonsare hereby cautioned
V against purchasing or meddling with a ypan
of horses one bay and one sorrel mare a two-
horse wagon and harness, and two tons of hay,
now in the possession of Henry SehuII in u nion
township, as the same belongs to mo. and is subject
to my order. l.fcU-NAUJJ Ulbt.
Linon tp.. March 2. lS;9-3t-p.
The undersigned adopts this method of in
forming tho public and the patrons ot the late
Grin of S. A.Cibson Ac 'n.. that he designs car
rvingonthe MARBLE Ul'SlSESS in Ucllc
fonte, in all its various branches, and will hold
himself always in readiness to lurnish tuos who
call upon him. with all kinds of Cemftrry Work,
of the latest classical designs, and superior work
manship. such as jMttnriits liox lomb, ira
tile Tombs. im'rr.t. OMixl. Orenan fonib. la-
Mr Tomb. Jleatl Stone. Carved. Sculptured or
Plain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be
had at any other establishment in tho country.
Thankful for past favors, tho undoreigned solicits
an increase ot patronage 31. AlIAli AJi.
JJcllefonte. l'a., March 33, lS59-tf.
Shaw's Row. t'learfield, Pa., a fine assortment of
WATCHES JEWELRY, &c, 4c., to which we in
vite attention.
Fine and cheap Jewelry, of every style and
qualitv, in sets or by the pieeo as wanted, to be
had cheap at NA EG LE'S.
If you wioh to purchase the "American Lever
Watch." call at NAUGLE S.
Old Gold aud Silver will bo taken in exchange
for goods at NAUGLE'S.
All goods warranted as represented, or the mo
ney refunded, at NAUGLES.
All persons who want bargains are invited to
call at NAUGLE'S.
If you wish your watches put in good repair
and warranted, take them to NAUGLE'S.
rmn TPil'lIlltS. Il It KCTORS. AND PA-
JL KEN To. The -Practical Orthographic CharfTl
designed to exhibit the Natural and Organic Ar
rangement of tho sounds heard in tho English Lan
guage." and the '-Key" to the same, '-Containing
Definitions and Forms for Orthographic Analysis.'
are now published, and will he sent by mail, post
paid, on receipt of the prices, being as follows :
One Chart and Key. 50 cents ; One Chart in colors,
and Key, 00 cents ; Two Charts and three Keys,
$1 ; Four Charts and eight Keys, $2 ; Ten Charts
and eighteen Keys. 55. Kcy3, p?rcopy. IS cents;
Keys, per dozen, SI 50. Copies of the Key for ex
amination, sent on receipt of 12 cents. Directors
desiring to supply their districts, will be allowed
a reasonable discount on the above prices Less
than ono dollar may be remitted in postage
stamps. Addrcsi, JOHN W. FOULKS.
Jan. 28, '59. Indiana, Indiana co., Ta.
of Land. 65 of which are cleared and under culti
vation, situate on Clearfield Creek, on the main
road leading from Clearfield town to Clearfield
Uridge, in Clearfield county, Pa., and three miles
from tho former place. The house is largo, new.
well calculated for a Tavern, and will command
nearly all the custom of the watermen during tho
freshets, which usually last from four to six weeks.
There are also a good Barn. Wood Shod, Wash and
Bake House, and various other buildings necessa
ry for convenience and comfort. The terms of sale
will be niado easy say four annual payments.
For further information inquire of L. J. Crans,
Esq., Dr. A.T. Schryver, James 11. Larimer, Esq.,
Clearfield, or L. W. Weld, Glen Hope, Clearfield
county, Pa. Possession can be given so that the
buyer or rcntor can have the benefit of the spring
business, which alone will amount to more than
double the rent A. T. SCURYVEIt.
Clearfield, Pa., January 5, lS59-tf.
A CARD. riiiladclphia. Pa. The undersign
ed, the Founder and Publisher of Van Court's
Counterfeit Detector, desirous of retiring from this
branch of businegs. has merced that old establish
ed work in the popular "Bank Note Keporter" of
Imlay & Bicknell. Having published an Court s
Detector since 18M, the undersigned reluctantly
parts with his old friends and subscribers; but
this reluctance is lessened by the conviction, that
in "Imlay fc Bicknell s Bank Note Reporter" they
will receive a work that matches the times.
Phil'a, Dec. 20, 1853. J. VAN COURT.
NOTICE. All Subscriptions to Imlay lr Bid
lull's Bank Note Reporter are Payable scrupu
lously in Advance. This is the eldest Bank JNote
Publication in the world. For thirty long years
it has maintained an unsullied reputation, and
continues to be the necessary companion of all bu
siness people over tho whole continent of America.
The Coins of the World .' now in press by Imlay
& Bicknell, will bo given gratuitously to all old
and new subscribers. All Coin Charts, Guides
and Manuals, as compared to this, may be consid
ed waste paper. TERMS To the Semi-Monthly,
"M -50 per annum ; Monthly, SI ; Single copies, at
the Counter, 10 cents: Single eopies. mailed, 12cts.
Address 1MLA1 Biin.TniiU,
Bosll50, Tost Office, Phil'a, Pa.
The larm or real estate of John Showaltcr,
late of Decatur township, Clearfield county, de
ceased, is now for sale on reasonable terms, ap
ply to the subscriber at his residence m said town
Decatur township, iebruary 10. loa'J-oni-
CARD MISS CONSTANT, late from the hast,
respectfully announces herself to the citi
zens of ClearBefd. and the County generally, that
sho is prepared to give instruction in Music Pi
ano, iUcloileon and Viuitar and also in tne rrencn
language it being her native tongue the refers
all who may be interested in the above to-tho Rev.
Dr. and Mrs. McLeod. Teems, S3 in advance, or
510 if not i-n advance Dec. 8, 135rt.
I Qfk ACRES lF LAM), on the Erie Turn
pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville,
and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same
will be sold on accommodating terms. The land
lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is
well covered with choice pine timber suitable lor
shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill
near by. Apply to L. J. iuaaj.
maro llearheia.
dersigned offers for sale or rent hia farm of
50 acres of land ; 25 acres of which is cleared and
the balance well timbered with whits oak, maple
and hemlock; there is a good house and barn
thereon. The property is situatod 1J miles from
Clearfield town on the Pike leading to Luthcrs
burg. Those desirous of buying or renting, will
please apply soon, as I am bound to pitch my
wig-wauvin the VI est, soon, i'ossession will ue
given at any time. Apply to
V. It. AlACUMUr.K..
Lawrenca tp., Clearfield co., Pa., Jan. 20. '5-3m
of Administration on the estate of Samuel
Jordan, late of Jordan township, Clearfield coun
ty, l'a., deceased, having been granied to tne un
dersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and those
Having claims will present ttiem amy aumcniica
ted for settlement. HENRY SWAN.
February 23, 1359. Administrators.
SALE. The undersigned offer for sale their
Steam Saw-mill and appurtenances, in Hare's Val
ley, consisting of a M horse power engine, to wnicn
is attached a gang of 8 Saws, and one of Page's
circular saw-mills, with two additional circular
saws for lath, Ac, all nearly new, having been in
use but one year. Ihey will sell tne same on rea
sonable terms, as their timber has beccme scarce.
They also offer for sale seven mules. For terms
and particulars address l'eter 31. Hare, P.M., iUa
pleton. or Thomas E. Orbison. Orbisonia, Hunting
don co.. Pa. ORBISON 4 BAKE.
Fehruary 15, 1359.-3t.
BIBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield co..
hereby gives notice that their books, name
ly, Bibles and Testaments, arc deposited in the of
fice of J.imes Wrigloy, Kcgistcr and Kecordcr at
Clearfield. The books are of various sizes and a
daptcd to snpply either private individuals or Sun
day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan
tial bibles can be had as low as 25 cents apiece,
and testaments as low as 61 cents apiece.
The people of the county generally are also in
vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the
society, fcigned by ontcr ol the txecutivo com
mittee. ALEX. McLEOD, President.
4 BHEY&NEFF, No. 303 North .Id Street,
3l (three doors above Vine.) Philadelphia. THE
OLD HARDWARE STAND, (Established Twenty-
lour Years Every description ot lStiildiiirc,
ciaiic.-il. Farming and llousehold Hardware, is
now in Store, and will be offered M the lowest mar
ket urices to C.is.'t and prompt Six montlis buy
era. Nails at Manufacturers prices for Cash. Or
ders from new customers will receive strict and ac
curate attention, and all goods sent from this house
will be as represented. l Country merchants, on
their next visit to our city to make their Spring
purchases are cordially invited to call and exam'
ino their Stock and Prices before Purchasing.
Philadelphia, Pa., March Oth, ISaO-Sm.
J-JL TIO.V-.Vukp Spriusr floods.
L. & W. REtZENSTEIN, comer of Main and
Joy streets, opposite William Barker?s "Mansion
The undersigned would respectfully announce
to the citizens of Clearfield county, especially
Lumbermen coniiug to Lock Haven, that they have
just received their Spring goods, comprising a
tremendous stock of f.ishionabla and seasonable
which can't be found in any town this side of th
city ; nil of which, they are determined to sell at
so slight an advance on city cost, and at such a
great reduction from the usual prices, as to aston
ish even the closest buyer. The goods are all new
and fashionnble and have been selected with tho
greatest care and will bo warranted in point of
durability. Remember tho place !
Opposite Wm. Barker's "Mansion House."
Lock Haven, Pa.. March 16, ISj'J-.'im.
WEBSTER, containing his most celebrated Ora
tions, a selection from tho Eulogies delivered on
the occasion of his Death, and his Life and Times.
By SAMUEL M. SMUCKEK, A. M. This splen
did work is just published, in one large volume of
550 pages. Jt is printed on fine paper and bound
in beautiful style ; contains excellent tint illus
trations of his Birthplace and Mansion at Marsh
field ; and a full-length, life-like. Steel Portrait.
The Publisher offers it with confidence to the A
mcrican public, and is convinced that it will sup
ply an important want in American literature.
No work was to bo obtained heretofore, which pre
sented, in a compact and convenient compass, the
chief events of the lifu of Daniel Webster, his
most remarkable intellectual efforts, and the most
valuable and interesting eulogies which the great
men of tho nation uttered iu honor of his memo
ry. We present all these treasures in this volume,
at a very moderate price, and iu a very conve
nient form. Subscription price, in cloth, SI. 75:
handsomely embossed leather, S2.00 Persons de
sirous of becoming Agents for this valuable work,
will address, for full particulars.
niar2 33 South 3d street, Philadelphia. Pa.
goods!! goods!! goods!! goods!!
goods! goods:: goods :: goods::
Fall Sf Winter Goods ! Fall V Winter Goods .'
Fall 4- Winter Goods .' Fail t-V Winter Good !
Tho subscriber has received a large and well se
lected stock of seasonable goods, at his store room
on Market street, (nearly opposite the Clearfield
House.) Clearfield. Pa., which ho will sell cheap.
His stock consists of a general assortment of good
and a host of other articles that are frequently
sought after; among which can be found an ex
tensive and varied selection of the latest and neat
est styles, and best quality, of plain and fancy
and an extensive variety of Boots and Shoes, for
either Ladies', Gentlemen or Children; with al
most every other article that may be wanted by
the citizens of the town and surrounding vicinity.
Particular attention is especially directed to his
selection of Ladies' Dress Goods, among which are
and a full assortment of Bonnets for tho season.
The pressure of tho money market having had
the effect of reducing the price of many articles
of merchandise, the undersigned has been enabled
to buy his stock at such rates that he can sell goods
at prices to suit the times. And having hereto
fore endeavored to please his customers, both in
the quality of goods and the prices at which he
gold them, he hopes to receive a reasonable share
of patronage. All in want of goods, will please
call in and examine his stock of cheapest goods.
Country produce taken in exchange for goods
October 27, '57. WM. F. IRWIN.
X-AZOTES' MANTILLAS, Shawls, Bonnets, Skel-
JLi eton Skirts, and Ladies' dress goods of all
kinds for sale low by
Curwensville, May 12,
PEACH NrilSERV, The Bixlersigned. re
siding three miles above (ho town of Clear
field, in Lawrence township, has about Tiro Thou
sand young and thrifty peach tree? which he will
dispose of on reasonable tenns. The peach trees
having been much injured, and many enumj
killed, bv the severe cold of the winter of 1255-56.
farmers should ren'enish their orchards, and, it
is conceived that this is a highly favorable oppor
tunity of so doing. K0I5EKT LAWHEAD.
Lawrence tp.. 3larcn lb, l&jH-ot.
T T dersignc
ed respectfully informs Ills custo
mers and the public generally that he has just re
ceived from the East, and opened at his establish
ment m Shaw a ltow, Clearfield, a fine stocK
of Watches, of different oualities, and Jewelry ol
every variety, from a full set to a single piece.
which he will sell at toe niosi rcasuuauiu prices
for Cash. All kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jew
elry carefully repaired and warranted. A con
tinuance of patronage is solicited. irtiT v
November 10, 1 -
Rnnta Ar Shnpa alwaVS Oil Hand,
ofoitr own mif !.)-JOSEPH GOON, thankful Tor
past favors, and grateful for future prospect, do
ires to inform the citiicns of this vicinity and nis
old friends and patrons in particular, that he has
removed to the FIRST ROOM in the EAST
FXD of SIfAMnS NEW ROW. tli first door
fcrst of the Manxion. House, where he has on hand
constantlv, a large assortment of every variety in
the BOOT AND SHOE lino. Custom work attend
ed to with dispatch. The very best of stock will
be used and no pains spared to make neat fits and
durable work. All of which can be obtained of
said J. Goon, very low for the Ready Khino.
Clearfield, August 14, 1S5S.
dersigned take this method of informing the
public generally that they have entered into co
nartnershin iu the lilacksinithing business, anil
can be found at the shop formerly occupied by Ja
cob Shunkweilor, on Third street, in the borough
of Clearfield, where they will be pleased to see
their old customers, and as many new ones as can
make it convenient, to give them a call.
Bring on your hoes, your spades, and picks,
Your log chains and your pulling sticks.
Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse and mare,
No three-year old, shall then go bare. x
Your spears we'll work up then just right,
To pruning hooks for every hijjht,
Your swords too, shall then bo wrought
To plough-shares such as Cam ne'er bought.
Dec. 6,1353. - GEORGE W. OUR.
The uudersigned would respectfully an
nounce to nis inenis ana me ouoirc ijcueriiii v
that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es
tablishment in "New Salem City," Brady town
ship, where he will at all times be prepared to
manufacture, on tne snortesi nonce, an sinus i
Warning. Carts. Wheelbarrows Ac. 1 he best ma
terial that can be procured will be used, and his
.... , ! . i i . i i .i ..
wont will De maao in ino mosi suugiauuai mu uu
rable manner, such as will bear the test of strict
examination. By a close observance of his busi
ness engagements, and by disposing of his work
on the most reasonable terms, which he will do
for either cash or approved country produce, he
hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub-
lie custom luciiu.
New Salem City. Jan. 16, 1350.
I having fitted up a shop a few doors east of
the "Old Jew Store," on Market street, desires to
inform the community at larec, that he keeps on
hand a variety of CABINET WORK, at his
shop, and that he manufactures to order, (of su
perior finish.) every description of Household and
Kitchen furniture, among which are Centre, and
Dining Tables ; Mahogony and Common Bureaus;
Common and Fancy Bedsteads, Stands. Safes, Cup
boards. Sofas. Lounges. Sc, which he is determin
ed to dispose of at as cheap rates, for cash, as they
can be purchased at any other establishment of
the sort in the county. Persons wishing to buy
furniture arc invited to come to his shop and ex
amine his articles, and judge for themselves of its
quality and finish, before purchasing elsewhere,
as he feels confident that he can suit them in price
and oualitv. Cuuntru product will be taken in
payment for furniture. November 10, ISoS.
N- B. He is also prepared to mako COFFINS to
order on the shortest notice, and attend funerals
with a hearse, when called upon. J. S. J.
X be opened on the FIRST TUESDAY OF MAY,
under the general supervision of the Rev. J. M.J
Galloway, and the immediate care oi a competent
teacher. TKKJ1S per session ot twenty-two weeKi.
Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary
Arithmetic and Geography, S5.
Higher Arithmetic and Geography, Englinh
Grammar and History, SO.
Algebra. Physiology. Natural Philosophy, Chem
istry, Book Keeping. Botany, Geology, Evidences
of Christianity and Biblical Antiquities. S3.
Moral and Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric, Logic
and Astronomy, S10.
The Latin and Greek Languages. S12.
Exercises in Composition and Declamation will
bo required of all the pupils, according to their
abilities. No deduction will be made when the
pupil enters within two weeks of the commence
ment of tho Session, or tor absence, unless occa
sioned by protracted sickness. No pupil received
fur less than half a session. Tuition to be paid at
the close of the first eleven weeks of the session.
Clearfield. March Sth. 1859.-tt.
announces to the citizens of Ansonvillo ami the
surrounding country, that he has just returned
from the East and is now opening at his store an
extensive stock of choica and serviceable Fall and
Winter Goods, consisting of a general assortment of
and a great variety of useful fancy goods, anions
which maybe found the latest styles of Ladies
The undersigned would direct particular atten
tion to his extensive selcctiou of Parlor and Coal
Stoves, Cook Stoves and fixtures, Stove pipe, Ac.
ALSO, a large quantity of Salt. Persons desirous
of purchasing any of the articles in my line of
business, are invited to call and examine my stock
before buying elsewhere, as I feel persuaded that
I can supply them on as reasonable terms for cash
as any other store in the county. Lumber of ev
cry description, and approved country produce
taken in exchange for goods. U. SWAN.
Ansonville. November 10, 1S53.
Prepared Originally by Fro. D avail, formerly of
the College of Surgeons, Paris, is now offered to
the public forthecureof all those diseases in which
alteratives and resolvents are indicated. These
pills are rendered void of taste by which means
the most delicate stomach can take them as well
as the smallest child.
From three to five boxes will cure the wnrst
case of Scrofula.
From two to four boxes will cure tho worst ease
of Salt Rheum.
From two to 3 boxes will cure the Ring Worm.
One box will euro Scaly Eruptions of the Skin.
From two to four boxes will cure all old Ulcers
and Running Sores.
One box will cure Humors in the Eyes.
From one to three boxes will cure the most in
veterate case of Nursing Soro Mouth.
From one to two boxes will oure the severest
ease of scabby head in children.
From three to six boxes will cure the (common
ly called) thick neck or Goitre.
From two to four boxes will care the Dropsy.
From one to three boxes will cure Jnandice.
From two to six pills will cure the Sick Head
Ache when accompanied with Billious.
One box will cure the Fever and Ague.
For all diseases arising trom an impure state of
the blood, and bilious habits, the lasMest(raJva?i
ic Pills are the best pills ever known in the annals
of medicine. 25 cents per Box Any agent on
receipt of ?l will send four boxes to any part of
the United States, lree of postage.
J. D. STONEROAD, Proprietor,
aug25-'5S-y Lewistown, Pa.
For sale by Moore A Etzweiler, Clearfield, Pa.,
and by country merchants generally.
CJUGAR. TYhire and Drown sugar to be had t
K7 November 25.
PLASTERING The subscriber; having Io,
cated himself in the Boroagh of .Cbrlield
would inform the publio that he is prepared to do
work in the above line, from plain to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style, aiso
whitewashing and repairing acme in m n.
ner, and on reasonable terms.-- - -
April 7,1-553. EDWIN UUtU'fcU.
scribe for the "Raftsman's Journal." . :
IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAPER, subscribe lor
the "Raftsman's Journal."
IF YOU WAM A GOOD PArtH, subscribe tor
the "Raftsman'r Journal."
IF YOU W ANT A GOOD l ArEK, eub.cnbe lor
the "Raftsman's Journal. ' . .
IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAl'tK, subscribe lor
the "Raftsman's Journal."
The undersigned hereby n n n mi " ,-
ccs to the citizens of Clearfield eonntj.SUi
that he is still engaged, at his old stand frm.U
and BOX TOMBS. Also Jleai and toot Stone
of the latest and mcst approved irtyles, and on th
most reasonable terms. AH orders prompny at
tended to. AddresB, ISAAC BERLIN. .
Au. 25. lS59.-iec'j:J- ol. Tyrone cit.
IJUCLIC HOUSE. he nndcrsignea res
pectfully announces to the traveling publio
in general that he now occupies the Tavern houso
i mile cast of S. Bauder's old stand, in Covington
township, where he is prepared to accommodate
all who may favor him with their custom. His
house is commodious and well adapted to the en
tertainment of travelers, and his table will always
be provided with the best that the market can af
ford. His stable is also convenient nua goo.
March 9, 1S59. BENJAMIN SNIDr.U.
f The attention of farmers and land owners
generally, throughout th i country is called to tha
valuable and powerlul machine tor me extracting
of stumps, pulling down trees, removal of rocks,
buildings. Ac. A company ot gentlemen of thia
city have secured from the Inventor, the Patent
Kight for the btate ol cnneylvania, ana arc now
prepared to sell county rights, machines, Ae., on
accommodating terms. Application can ce niaaa
to Aaron Clement, Agent, at the office of the Com
pany. No. 2."0 North T hird street, baek room, Phil
adelphia. N. B. Pamphlets with illustrations and
testimonials, can be had at tho office. Iec22-ji-Pt
LOVER II I'LLERS. The subscribers take
this method of informing the Farmers of
Clearfield county, that they manufacture at their
shop in Mill Heim. Centre county, Pa., tho cele
brated llmixcrler's Improved Premium Clover
Huller. These Hullers can bo attached to any
power for cither 2 or 4 horses, or water power in
mills; are warranted to work well, and with good
seed will clean from 25 to 30 bushels perday. Any
person wishing to see one of these machines, and
learn more particularly of Reoperation will please
call with Mr Wm. A. Reed, fanner, 3 miles east
of Curwensville, who purchased and had ono in
use last season. Machines will be delivered at
Curwensville. if desired. For further particulars
inquire of Wm. A. Reed, Clearfield P. O.. or the
subscribers. S. A S. HAUPT.
Mill Heim, Ccntroco.. Pa , Sept. 15.1 S5S-3m.
N. B. All orders promxtly attended to.
Note is the Time for Bargains!!!
Note is the Time for Bargtins!!!
The undersigned has just received from the East
and opened at his store in Grahamton, Clearfield
countv, an extensive and well selected stock of
embracing every variety of Dry Goods, Hardware,
Queensware, Groceries, etc.. cto.
These goods have been selected with an especial
view to supply the wants of this community. aDd
will be sold on the most reasonable terms. They
will POSITIVELY be sold as cheap as the cheap
est in the country. fr CASH.
Particular attention has been paid to the selec
tion of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, amoug which
are Plain and Fancy Silks. Plain Bareges, Challes,
Barege Delaine, Robes, Embroidered collars and
sleeves. Kid Gloves ; Shawls, a great variety ; Man
tillas; Trimmings; Silk and Linen Fringes; Bon
nets of the latest styles; Bonnet Ribbons and trim
mings, ire. Also. Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves. MiU.
Bisop and India Mulls, Jackonet-, Domestic and
French Ginghams, Lawns, Calicoes. Barred and
Cietk Muslin. Diapers, Crash, Napkins. Ladies'
Gaiters, children's shoes..Vc., and there is no doubt
that all ran be well suited.
ALSO, French cloths and cassimeres, American
cloths and cassimeres. Marseilles vesting, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, and a general assortment of
mens' and bovs' Summer wear.
He has also" a stock of READY-MADE CLOTH
ING, which he will sell low.
The undersigned is determined to sell his goods,
at the lowest prioes for CASH. This is not mere
pretence and vain boast he trtll do it.
Grahamton. May 20, 1S53.
X LY. To the Public, the Book awl Period
ical Trjde. and the. Press. We have the honor to
announce that we shall issue on or about the 1st of
Decemher, 1S5S. so as to be in season to command
the early attention of the public and periodical
trade, the first number ot a nern Illustrated Mig
aziue. to bo called The Great IZspnlJic' Monthly.
It is intended to make this magazine superior
in every respect to anything ever before issued in
this country. The general scope of its character
can best be understood by its name. It wll be thor
oughly national in no wise sectarian, and wholly
impersonal. It will offer to the writers and'thlnk-
ers of this Union a common field, where they can
meet on the highest ground of cotcmporary liter
ature, it wm aim 10 gamcj aooui ii every varie
ty of intellect. The range of articles will be a
wide one, covering, among other grounds. Essays.
Sketches. Uumerons Tales, Stories. Historical In
cidents, Reviews, Critiques. Biographies, Scicntifio
Articles, Travels. lable Jalk, Dramas, Politics,
Poems, Ballads, Stanzas, Sonnets, Music, Corres
pondence. Gossip, etc., etc. The Magazine will be
profusely illustrated in the highest style of wood
engraving. The Literary dopartment will present
greater variety, combined with more thorough ex
cellence, it is believed, than ever before offered in
the American public in a single periodical. Each
number will contain an original piece of musia.
composed expressly for this wor'-t. Of the superior
excellence of the .Magazine in every rcspTTet, ana
of the certainty ot its permanent success, ver
little more need be said. The Terms and general
conditions-of the magazine will be as follows :
Volnnus Thero will bo two volumes a year, of
about 700 roval octavo iacs each. rmmpnrii in
January and July, and ending in June and
cember, respectively, making six numbers to each
volume, and twelve numbers to each year. Sub
scriptions may commence at any time. Prices
Single copies, 13 cents ; 1 copy for one year, sent
by mail. S3 00. Clubs 2 copies, 1 year.Sa ;'3 co
pies, 1 year, 67 : 4 copies, 1 year. S9 : 5 conies, f
year, S10. And all additional copies, over five.
at the rate of 32 a copy, if sent tothe same club.
Clubsmay be formed at different post offices. All
subscriptions must be paid in advance . Premium
Subscriptions Entitling each subscriber to th
magazine for one year, and to their choice of ei
therof our two great steel engravragi, entitled,
"The Last Supper," and "The City of the Great
Kfng." Four dollars. The engravings will be sent
on rollers by mail, prepaid, fit Agents and Can
vassers ean make liberal and satisfactory arrange
ments upon application stating the territory re
quired. All Postmasters and Clergymen are au
thorized to receive subscriptions, which they may
forward to us, giving name and address of subscri
ber, deducting 25 per cent for their trouble. TThe
rate of postage will not exceed three cents each
number, to be paid in all cases at the office where
it is received. All communications, to be entitled
to answer, must contain return stamps. Subscri
bers must, in all cases, write Names, Town. Coun
ty and State in full, as legibly as possible. There
is little risk in sending money by mail. Large
sums should be remitted by draft, if possible, or
registered letter. OAKSMITH i CO.,
Publishers cf the "Great Republic" Monthly,
'No!l12 8dn4 William St.; New-York.
SCHOOITDIRECTORS are inft.nned that
they can be supplied, at the Raftsman's
Journal office, with Blank Articles of Agreement
with teachers, and School Orders.
ClONSTAKLES can be supplied with Blank
J Sales, by calling at the Kofi
nal office. Clearfield.; - '. .
iV. ner store. Curwensville,
October 6, 1S53. w M. IR IN.