Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 02, 1859, Image 3

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Ditixk Service. By Divine permission,
the Rev. Lloyd Knight of Ilollidaysbnrg, will
administer the Lords Supper, on the second
Sabbath in March, in the Lutheran Church in
Clearfield. Services to commence on Friday
evenirg, the 11th, at early candle lighting.
The 22d February ix Bradt. The anniver
sary ol Washington's Birth-day was celebrated
by a large number of the citizens of Brady
tcwnship,'who met at the Xew Salem School
home on the evening of the 22d. J. L. Mor
gan acted as President; J. C. Barrett, Lieut.
G. TV. Long and Daniel Heigcs, Vice Presi
dents, and G. L. Morgan and John TV. Paul
ley, See's. Appropriate resolutions were a
tlopted and the meeting was addressed by J.
TV. Potter, J. C. Barrett, Rev. J. P. Dale, D.
Seems and others. W e received the proceed
ings at too late au hour to giv them in detail.
A Dwarf in Clearfield Coixtv. On last
Saturday we had an opportunity of seeing a
young man, named William Lee, a son ot Mr.
Isaac Lee, of Burnside township, who is but
S inches high, measures 37 inches around the
lody, weighs 07 lbs., and is nineteen years of
age. He appears to be perfect in body and
limb, moves around with ease considering his
corpulency, has a good eye, and scrutinizes
closely the countenances of those who go to
ace him. We did not hear him sary anything,
but were told that he speaks when no strangers
re present, Ilcesliibits the languor that man
ifests itself in a!l dwarfs, but his erect carrijgc
and comparatively huge proportions, give him
a dignified appearance, such as is supposed to
belong to aldennanic gentlemen who live well,
i'pon the whole, this boy is a curiosity that
will nearly compare with the world-renowned
Gen. Tom Thumb.
A Little Ahead. Last week we published
an item about a 1 rge stick of timber in the
upper end of the county. The following note
makes mention of a larger one :
Pexssville, Feb. 24th, IS'tO.
S. B. Row, Esq. : Captain James Dowler,
near .New Washington, who, wo are informed
through the Journal, hauled a stick of viuarc
timber not long since, containing 323 feet cu
bic, may haul down his flag when he gets to
Lumber City, (or we have a stick of timber
now on the river, at that plact-f measuring S7'.
feet cubic, being 2-" by 2G inches and 81 feet
in length. This beats Capt. Howler's 51 feet.
This is a part ol a raft (now hauled) which,
wheu rafted, will measure GOO feet in length
and contain 12,522 It. cubic, as measured in
ihe woods with an inch and a quarter hook.
There will be four platforms, as follows: one
f,4 ft., one 74 It., and two 81 feet. If any body
can beat this we should like to hear ol it.
i Yours, Ki'ssell, Kirk & Co.
The Journal, printed at Middletown, Dau
phin county, Pa., in its issue of February 24th,
my : "The river has been in good rafting or
der for the last couple days, and we should not
be surprised to see a considerable quantity ol
lumber arrive in a short time. The season is
rather early for rafting, but if the hardy lum
bermen venture the perils of descending the
river, they will meet with ready sales. There
is, probably, less lumber at this point, just
tjo-.v, than there has been for a long time."
Our Middletown cotempora'ry is about right
in s.ij ing "the season is rather early for raft
ing," and the weather is so changeable that it
lo,t risky to start, tho' a few rafts did pass
!imn one day last weeK, but it is not probable
. hui they would go very far. On Thursday
;:gli a few indies of snow fell, but the weath
er moderated on Saturday and Sunday, and
incited most of it away. Some "rafting-iu"
v.as done yesterday, but the river is not high
.enough at this place for running.
Sc.iKCiTY of Hocsks. Our attention has re
cently Wen called to ti:e fact of there being a
scarcity of tenant houses in our town, and that
the demand for property of this kind cannot
be supplied the coming spring. This is a sig
nificant matter, which should receive the at
tention of lot-holders and capitalists, and in
duce them to erect more buildings. The ad
vancement of their own private interests, with
out taking into consideration the public bene
fit that would necessarily follow, should, we
think, be a sufficient incentive to move them
to sneedv action. We have heard, it is true.
the objection that it "won't pay" the owner to
jmt up houses and rent them. This we con
sider not only a mistake, but the argnment is
reallv an advocacy of a monied aristocracy,
and if carried into effect would drive out of
the town every individual who is not rich
enoueh to bur a house and lot at the exorbi
tant prices at which they are held here. Just
in nrouortion as you increase the size or towns,
In the same ratio du you enhance the value of
property, and stimulate and expand business ;
and the expansion -ot trade will, in turn, make
the location a desirable one, and be an induce
ment to renters to pay remunerative prices to
owners ol bouses, shops and oflices. If ev
rv branch of business that is carried on in
Clearfield Borough could be doubled, those
who have to rent would not mind an advance
in this resncct, suflicient to make it "pay" the
property holder, because the increase in their
business operations would be sucu as lojusu-
fr them in so doine. Build up the town, and
yon bund up everything with it. Density of
population creates demand, and demand cre
ates trade and regulates prices. Give us as
many thoasinds of a population as we have
hundreds now, and you will create a demand
lor all manner of industrial products, that will
be of almost incalculable benefit to tradesmen
of all kinds and to property holders, as well as
to the farming community. We hope, there
lore, that the matter will receive some atten
tion from our capitalists and arouse them to
speedy action, lor wc think they need have no
fears that their investment will "not pay"
Mabcii came in "like a lamb" mild and
beautiful whether it will '-go out like a lion"
fierce and blustery remains to be seen.
no hope, however, it will behave itself re
spectably, and bring ns an early spring.
Look Oct ! Wc will next week publish a
portion of an excellent story, entitled '-The
Gunmaker of Moscow." It is an advertise
ment for which we will receive the cash, an
article that we have received very little of for
some time from our patrons, and hence can
not afford to reject any of the tempting crumbs
that may thus be thrown to us.
An Interesting Pictcbe A few days since
we were shown by our friend Maj. Ben. Harts
horn, of Cnrwensville, a picture of "Tho Uni
ted States Senate in 1850," which contains a
likeness of each member at that time, with
Henry Clay in the loreground addressing the
Senate on the Compromise Measures. The
likenesses, so far as we are able to judge, are
good, and the picture reminds the beholder of
one of the most exciting epochs in the politi
cal history of our country.
On last Sunday, Feb. 27th, Washington
City was thrown into an uuusual state of ex
citement by the shooting of Phillip Barton
Key, L". S. Attorney for the District of Co
lumbia, by Daniel E. Sickles , Member of Con
gress from the 3d district of New York. Mr.
Sickles, it appears, obtained indubitable evi
dence of improper intimacy between his wife
and Mr. Key, and meeting the latter on the
street, he shot him with a revolver three
times, causing death in a few moments. Mr?.
Sickles confessed her criminality, and that
Mr. Key had rented a house from a . negro,
where she was in the habit of meeting him.
Mr. Sickles loved his wife with great devotion,
and lavished all his means upon her. They
lived in elegant style there,occupying a house
of 3,000 rent. Mrs. Sickles rode in a splen
did carriage with outriders; wore jewels to the
value of $5,000, and seemed to want nothing
that she did not have.
Washington, Feb. 27, 1S59.
Mr. Slidell has withdrawn tho Cuba bill.
This is the most humiliating defeat that any
Administration ever met with.
K7Rough the roads.
C7Ditlo to be brushed with a broom.
KF"Contagions weddings and tattling.
CF"Xumerous petty thefts, about town.
KPSin!rinir merrilv several blue-birds, on
Sunday last.
IT7"Considerablc the emigration from Tex
as to tlie Gila gold mines.
CFHon. Wm. L. Gnggin, is the opposition
mdidate for Governor of Virginia.
C!P"Grand the change, from a perpendicu
lar to a horizontal, in a mud-puddle.
!T7The Senate of Missouri have annronia-
ted $2,000 to the Mount Vernon Fund.
if iitriidfipd A bill, liito fli Vnnrnnvor
assembly to legalize the decimal currency.
IT7"A man out west advertises a saw mill for
sale, driven by tlie force of circumstances.
LTThe flesh of the hippopotamus is the last
novelty in the way of Parisian gonrmanderit.
tl?"lncreasing the "yellow fever" in this
county. Pike's PeaK news is a good specific.
CC7A miserly old fellow has hit upon an ex
periment to save caudles. He uses the light
of other days.
P7.Tint t:ik-n n ron-dK of Detroit rif - Tf
lias a population of 82,450 now, while in 1850
it had only 21,057.
C?"lt is said that Senator Douglas of Illi
nois, expended over $100,000 to secure his re
election to the Senate.
"""f'Twentv-one prisoners pscaneil from the
jail at New Castle, Delaware, last week. Six
ot tiiem were rccapiurea.
C7"The Washington Union thinks no change
will be made in the tariff; but recommends a
revival of the tariff of 1840.
C7"The annual expenses of Ihc Philadelphia
High School aie S2l',000. The taxpayers con
sider the investment.! good one.
!T"7"A man u.imnd Skillinffs. died in X.York
on Saturday a-week, whsse weight was six
uunarea ana sevenry-eigni pounus.
E-Pleasant that oyster party wc happen
ed to l,drap" into at the Susquehanna House
in Curwensville, on Saturday evening.
CSP-Zadoc Pratt of Greene county, N.York,
in 1858 kept 50 cows, which yielded 0,500
pounds of butter realizing ove $1,500.
C"7"In town tho chap who knows what's
what. He will be exhibited in a cow yard. Ad
mittance nothin'. Children half price.
C7"('ontradicted the death of Snt Lnven
good. He only contemplates tlie establishment
of a "Democratic" paper at Knoxville. His
death will ensue.
C7Our Southern tdends arc under the im
pression that should a genuine Yankee, meet
"death on a pale horse," he would banter him
to "swap horses."
CI say, why don't you go to school?
fc-Cause daddy ofecrd that if I lam every
thing now, I shan't have nothin' to larn when
I goes to the cademy."
r7"Thc ugliest and most mischievous Miss
we ever knew was Miss Government. We
know a worser .Miss Fortune. And she is
said to "never come single."
E7"Thc best five acres of corn presented to
the Indiana State Agricultural Society for a
premium produced 857J bushels of shelled
corn, or 171J bushels to the acre.
lX7Rumorcd that Dan Rice has offered to
contribute about $20,000 to the Mount Vernon
Fund, provided the Hon. Edward Everett con
sents to travel with his circus for a single sea
son in the capacity ot a clown.
X7"The Bachelors of Delaware met in State
Convention at Smyrna, on Tuasday a-week.
Ninety-nine out of a hundred of these old lo
gics had more or less buttons minus on their
trousers. Who inspected them f
T7"A brace of worthies,who represent them
selves as having a farm, near the Gap in Lan
caster county, are going about selling lottery
tickets, the farm being set down as a prize.
The Ilarrisbuag Telegraph sa.. a they are swin
dlers. G-Offered a reward of $5,000, for the dis
covery and arrest or the murderer of George
Millet, clerk of the Union Bank at Jackson,
Tennessee. The amount stolen by the mur
derer is now ascertained to be something over
07The order of Freemasons in the world is
governed by some Go Grand Lodges, of which
38 are on the continent or Europe, and 36 in
the United States. The whole number of Ma
sons in teis Uniou is nearly 200,000, divided
into 4,000 lodges.
C-A. South Carolinian, who thinks it best
to let Cuba alone, proposes to cut a ship canal
through the peninsula of Florida, and thus by
makinc a great island for ourselves, create a
second Cuba, which shall hereafter command
the Gulf of Mexico.
rrylt is rumored that Chief Justice Taney
and Judge McLean intend resigning their seats
on the bench of the Supreme Court Both
aro very aged, and in infirm health, the Chief
Justieo being over eighty years of age, and
Judgo McLean seventy-six.
fTT-Keported that the copper lands in Min
nesota bordering on the North shore of Lake
Superior, will be sold to the highest bidder
during the present year. These lands are not
considered adapted lor agricultural pursuits,
and contain rich copper mines.
t , Thi t. nitron Times
Cp-How it noiKj:- ' ------ ..
savf that since the broaching ol the thirty
says mat . s.nili Government
SsliS"' to eight j
fo, r thTu-nd men. with the .apparent view
of throwing an offensive force into Cuba.
2-Tho report of the State engineer shows
thatthere are in the State of New 1 ork two
mat t"i,0. :,,.,,- romorations. The
hundrea auu unj ---; -r - .
amount of capital stock is over 591,000,000
There were only iwciuy vw&- ,
all the road during the past year, and one
hundred and forty-two wounded.
A very severe case of sore eyes, of 5 venrs
standing, was cured by the use of Du Vall's
Galvanic Oil. It is one of the most soothing
and pain quieting agents that can be had. In
Erysipelas of the face, it will often remove
the pu in in ten minutes.
TO TIMBEU MAKERS! A lot of Mann s
Cebhrajed Double-bitted Axes, at tho Low
Price of TWO DOLLARS, for sale by
ClearGcld. fa., Sept. 29.1S53.
The larm or real estate of John Showalter,
late of Decatur township, Clearfield county, de
censed, is now for sale on reasonable term?. Ap
ply to the subscriber at 1ns residence in said town
Decatur township, February 18. 185i-6m.
On the 23d Feb., in Carlisle, by Rev. Mr.
Wing, Mr. II. F. Naucle, of Clearfield Boro
to Miss Jane Moor head, ot" the former place.
In Lnthersburg, on the 24th of February, by
G. B. Goodlander, Esq., Mr. John Jamison of
Jefferson county, to Miss Harriet, daughter
of Roswell Luther, Esq.
Alter a short illness at the residence of his
fuller Jacob Walter, in Bell township,on Tues
day the 22d nit., Mr. Ciiarlls Walters, aged
20 years and 11 mouths.
In Lnthersburg, on the 27th Febrnary last,
Jamks M. Stlbbins, aged 20 years, 7 months
and 3 davs.
E AI ! READ !! A full supply or Loudens
Medicines just received and fir sale by
ITILOl'II. Ju.-t received o0 barrels Extra Fam
ily Elonr. which will be obl low lor cash by
Decern her 2. KICIIARU MOSSOP.-
(CONSTABLES can be Fnpplied with Blank
J t-ales, by calling at th JiaJ'timau's Jour
nal office. Clearfield.
SCHOOL DIRECTORS are informal that
they can be supplied, at tho Karitmw's
J our tii I oHicc, with lilank Articles r Agreement
with teachers, and School Orders.
Crrj PER CENT SAVED by buying coal oil
KtVf and lamps from Merrell & Carter, who keep
a good supply on hand all the time. Other lamps
altered to burn coal oil. Feb. 2'A, ISi'J.
STRAY. Came to the preuiic-cs of tho sub
s;r'ber, in Knox township, on tho 14th inst., a
Bay Horse supposed to be about fifteen years old ;
the owner is requested to come forward, prove
property, pay charges nnd take him away, other
wise he will be disposed of according to law.
February 2.1, lrii'J. THOS. CATUCA11T.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or meddling with the fol
lowing property, viz : One tiray Ilorsc. "noftray
Marc, One Lrindle Cow, One Hed Cow. Tho above
property was purchased y me at Sheriff's Sale,
and left with Tsajic Duulap, on loan only, and
subject to my order. J0IIX PATTON.
Curwensville, Nor. 6. 1S.i3-dcc22.
1 OH A( Krs ot' LAND, on the Erie Turn
XU pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville,
and X'.'j ACKE.S OF LAND, adjoining the same
will be sold on accommodating terms. The land
lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is
well covered with choice pine timber suitable for
shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill
near by. Apply to . L. J. CRAXS.
uiar2.t Clearfield.
A. dersigncd offers for sale or rent his farm of
5(1 acres of land ; 2j acres of which is cleared and
the balanco well timbered with whiti oak. niaplo
and hemlock; there is a good house and barn
thereon. The property is situated 11 miles from
Clearfield town on tbe l'lko leading to Luthers-burg.-
Those desirous of buying or renting, will
please npply soon, as I am bound to pitch my
'wig-wani'-in the TVct, soon. Possession will be
civen at any time. Apply to
Lawrenco tp.. Clearfield co.. Pa.. Jan. 2t. '59-:!m
or Administration on the estate of Samuel
Jonhm, late or Jordan township, Clearfield coun
ty. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate arc
requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them duly authentica
ted for settlement. HEXRY SWAX.
Febrnary 23, 183J. Administrators.
SALE. The undersigned offer for sale their
Steam Saw-mill and appnrtennnccs. in Hare"s Val
ley, consisting of a .'50 horse power engine, to which
is attached a gang of 8 Saws, and one of Pace's
circular saw-mills, with two additional circular
saws for lath, Ac, all nearly new, having been in
uso but one year. They will sell tho same on rea
sonable terms, as their timber has bcecme scarce.
They also offer for sale seven mules. For terms
and particulars address Peter M. Bare, r. m., Ma
pleton, or Thomas E. Orbison. Orbisonia. Hunting
don co.. Pa. ORBISON & RAKE.
February 16. 18Q9.-3t. '
BIBLES. The Bible Socioty of Clearfield eo.
hereby gives notice that their books, name
ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in tho of
fice or James Wriglcy, Register and Recorder at
Clearfield. Tho books are or varions sizes and a
daptcd to supply cither private individuals or Sun
day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan
tial bibles can be had as low as 25 cents apiece,
and testaments as low as 6 cents apiece.
The people or the county generally are also in
vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the
Society. Signed by order of the Executive Com
mittee. ALEX. McLEOD, President.
ItEXTS. The "Practical Orthographic Chart,
designed to exhibit the Natural and Organic Ar
rangement of the sounds heard inThe English Lan
guage," and tho liKey" to the same. '-Containing
Definitions and Forms for Orthographic Analysis,
are now published, and will be sent by mail, post
paid, on receipt of the prices, being as follows :
One Chart and Key. 50 cents ; Ono Chart in colors,
and Key, 00 cents; Two Charts and three Keys,
SI ; Four Charts and eight Keys, 52 ; Ten Charts
and eighteen Keys, $5. Keys, p.-rcopy, 18 cents;
Keys, per dozen, SI 50. Copies ot" the Key ror ex
amination, sent on receipt of 12ccnts. Directors
desiring to supply their districts, will be allowed
a reasonablo discount on the above prices Less
than ono dollar may be remitted in postage
stamps. Address, JOHN W FOLLkS.
Jan. 23. '59. Indiana, Idanaco, la
CtTTION. All persons ara notified not to
' nieddle'with the following pr?Tcry now in
possession of George W. Curry in Pike township,
as the same belongs to me and subject to my order,
to wit: One Red and TVhiteCow.
New Millport, Jan. 15, 1859-jan 19.
II AWLS AND BO-NNETS, a full assortment at
December I nn.nii.n''
TT dcrsigued respectfully informs his custo
mers and tho public generally that he has just re
ceived from the East, and opened at his establish
ment in Shaw's Row, Clearfield, Pa., a fine stock
of Watches, of different qualities, and Jewelry of
every variety, from a full sot to a tinglo pieco,
which he will sell at the most reasonablo prices
ror Cash. All kinds or Clocks, Watches and Jew
elry carefully repaired and warranted. A con
tinuance of patronage is solicited.
November 10,1858. 11. F. NAUflLE.
dersigned take this method or informing the
public generally that they have entered into co
partnership in tho Blacksmithing business, and
can be found at the shop formerly occupied by Ja
cob Shunkweiler, on Third street, in the borough
of Clearfield, where they will be pleased to see
their old customers, and as many new ones as can
make it convenient, to give them a call.
Bring on your hoes, your spades, and picks,
Your log chains and your pulling sticks.
Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse and marc,
No three-year old, shall then go bare.
Your spears we'll work np then just right,
To pruning hooks for every hight,
Your swords too. shall then be wrought
To plough-shares such as Cain ne'er bought.
Dec. 6. 1358. G EORCi E W . ORR.
having fitted up a shop a few doors east of
the '-Old Jew Store," on Market street, desires to
inform the community at large, that he keeps on
hand a variety of CAJUXIZT WORK, at his
shop, and that he manufactures to order, (or su
perior finish.) every description or Housenoia and
Kitchen rurniturc, among which are Centre, and
Dining Tables : Mahogony and Common Bureaus;
Common and Fancy Bedsteads, Stands, Safes, Cup
boards. Sofas, Loungrs. Ac, which ho is determin
ed to dispose of at as cheap rates, for cash, as they
can be purchasedat any other establishment or
the sort in the county. Persons wishing to buy
furniture are invited to come to his shop and ex
amine his articles, and jmlgc for themselves of its
quality and finish, berore purchasing elsewhere,
as he feels confident that he can suit tbem in price
and quality. Country proilur will be taken in
payment for furniture. November 10. 185.
X- B. He is also prepared to make COFFINS to
order on the shortest notice, and attend funerals
with a hearse, when called upon. J. S. J.
announces to the citizens of Ansonville and the
surrounding country, that he has just returned
rroru tho East and is now opening at his store nn
extensive stock or choice and serviceable Fall and
Winter Goods, consisting of a general assortment of
and a great variety of ufeful fancy goods, among
which maybe found the latest styles of Ladies'
The undersigned would direct particular atten
tion to his extensive selection ot rarlor and Loai
Stovrs. Cock Stoves and fixtures. Stove pipe. Ac.
ALSO, a lartre auantitv of Salt. Persons desirous
of purchasing anv of the articles in my line of
business, are invited to call and examine my stock
before buying elsewhero, os I feel persuaded that
T pan sunnlv them on as reasonable terms for cash
as any other store in the county. Lumber or ev
cry description, and approved country produce
taK en in exchange for goods. H. SWAX.
Ansonville. November 10, 1Sj3.
PLASTERINCJ. The subscriber having lo,
cated himself in tho Borough" of Crearficld-
wonld inform the public that he is prepared to do
work in the above line, from plain to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also
wn itewastiing and repairing dona in a noat man
ner, and on reasonablo tern.
April 7, I85H. EDWIX COOPER-
ees to the citizens of Clearfield coantv.
that he is still engaged, at his old stands
in TYRONE CITY, in erectin M O N I J MIS N TVS
tmd VOX TOMBS, AUo Head a.,id Foot Stcnirs
or the latest and tnot approved Myles. and on the
most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at
tended to. Address. ISAAC BERLIN.
Aug. 25, !S53.-dec23- o7. Tyrone I ity.
PiTTsr.rnr.ii, Pa. : : : : Cuaktekeu. 1S55.
300 Students atlrndiiig Jiiiiuuri. 185S. Xow tbc
largest and most thorough Commercial School or
the United States. Young men prepared for ac
tual duties or the Counting Room.
J. C. Smith, A M., Professor of Book-keeping
and Science or Accounts.
A. T. DoVTtir.TT. Teacher or Arithmetic and
Commercial calculation.
J. A. HnvimiCK and T. C. JnxKivs, Teachers or
A Cowf.F.Y nnd TV. A. Mu.LT.it, Professors of
as used in every department of business.
BKsrosnr.xcK-coMMEitciAT.LAW-are taught, and all
other subjects necessary for the success and thor
ough education of a practical businessman.
12 PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premiums in
Pittsburgh for the past tbrco years, also in East
ern and Western Cities, for best Writing, X0T
at any time Xo vacation Time unlimited Re
view at pleasure Graduates assisted in obtaining
situations Tuition for Full Commercial Course,
S.'Ia.OO Average time 8 to 12 weeks Board. 52.50
per week Stationary, 56.00 Entire cost. 00. 00 to
570.00, '"Ministers' sons received at half price.
For Card Circular Specimeus of Business and
Ornamental Writing incloso two stamps, and ad
dress F. TV. JENKINS.
September 1, 133S. Pittsburgh. Ta.
zine for Ladies and Gentlemen W hich will
embraco all the popular features of the late Gra
ham's Magazine This New Magar.ino will com
bine all the most popular literary features of the
best periodicals, while as regards pictorial cmbel
ishiocnt it will far exceed any other periodical
now published rren n unifier containing one of a
series of splendid Steel Engravings engraved by
the best artists, from the most popular designs;
also Colored Steel 7't-('o-. engraved in the very
best style of art. '-expressly for this Magazine,1'
from actual articles of costume. The literary de
partment will embrace ft judicious and unrivalled
selection of Historical Sketches. Talcs of Soeicty.
Sketches of Travel. Translations, Fairy Talcs,
Gems of Poetry. a Page of Comic Illustrations !
Tales cr the Wonderful, Useful Sketches, Fashion
Gossip, interesting Extracts from new works, curi
osities, Fashionable Xovolettos, Hinb'for Ornamen
tal Gardening. Items ror the Ladies, Recipes for
Household, Ae. Xo pains or expense will be spar
ed to render this Magazine the best and most suc
cessful ever published in New. York. The Fashion
and Homo Department will be under the supervi
sion of a Lady of acknowledged taste and ability,
who will give her attention to the purchase of any
article. described in these pages. The very latest
and best engravings, with full and plain descrip
tions, will be given every month, of the most ser
viceable an-i attractive costumes for Ladies and
Children; also. Handsome Patterns for Crochet
and Needlework, that in a store would alone cost
nearly the price or subscription.
The best writers will contribute monthly toils
pages their very best productions, and the Editor's
ISaxtf-TaJX: a department rendered so popular in
"Graham's Magazine," will b6 continued in this
its successor, Iho "American Monthly." It is oar
intention to make this Magazine speak for itseir,
and without further parade in the way of promi
ses, we extend an invitation to all to .-'send for a
specimen number" and judge ror themselves.
at the Terms .' 1 copy. 1 year, 52. 2 cop
ies. 1 year, 53. 4 copies. I year, 5(J. T Speci
mens fur ished to all who wish to subscribe, or
make up Clubs. All Postmasters constituted A
gents. but any person may get u a club. Try
this Magazine for One Year and compare it with
all others. .Its superiority will he apparent at
once Address. post-paid, HEXRY WHITE.
Xo. 7 lieekinan street. New.-York.
The January No. will contain Two Fine Steel
riates oncentitled --Papa's Xew Year's Present."
(which is beautifully colored.) and the other, Sat
urday Night," a fine work of art. I'ee. 1.
CLEAKFI E LI liooi aaji -mi
subscriber takes this method of informing the
citizens of Clearfield and vicimiy. mai no nw
LOCATED himself oil MAIJ S 1 Rl'.h J. op-
posise the Jail, and is now prepared to wait upon
and render general satisfaction to all who may fa
vor him with their patronage. He feels confident
in saying that never berore has there been offered
to th public of this section, such inducement as
he offers. All articles purchased at this establish
ment will be warranted, and if proven not to be
as represented, will bo made good without extra
charge. His work cannot be surpassed, as he is
determined to ue only tno very test materials in
their manufacture. f ho "world aud the rest of
mankind" are requested to call and satisfy them
selves of the fact, that bis articles aro of the beat
and most durable materials.
Clearfield, March 17. 1S5S.
printed and for sain at tbe Kafuman's
Journal office, a lot of mperior blanks, to wit:
Blank Subpoenas. Blank Executions, - -
Blank Summons, Blank Marriage ccrttflcatea
Judgment Notes, with and without waivw.. -
ITOR SALE, by Merrell A Carter, Corn fehel
. lers and meat cutters. th latest and best In
market. : Also, a large l"t or goodd, ia tbeir line
just received and for salo. cLeap for carh or pro
duce Also, S. A S. Haupt Clover llnller. Scs
adveriisement in another column. . Dee. 8. '
CAUTION. AM perons are notified tot to
medekle with tbc following, yroperty sow ia
pojscssion of James M. Leonard, as the amo be
longs to me and subject to jay order only, to -ait :
One Roan Colt and a lot of Hay m tb ham.
15 D. SCU00X0VER.
Morris township, Jan. 22. Ia5? jaa2G-3tp.
RENT. The undersigned committee t'f
George J. Kyler. offers fvr rent the large farm 10
Bradford township, at the intersection of the roads
from Grabaintnn. Kylcrtown. Morrisdalct Phillips .
burg, and Clearfield, cousining of 200 acres, over
100 acres cleared with a larga and eommodiou
House, a large barn and other buildings thereon.
Aslo a largo orchard of choioo fruit trees Any
information can be obtained by applying to II. h
Swoopc. Esq., Clearfield. Pa. or to the undersigned .
jVou it the Time for B.tnsuins
Xoic is the Tiin-e for harsa-ins .'.'.
The undersigned has just rcceirod from the East
and ooencd at his store in Grahamton. Clearfield
county, an extensive and well selected stock of
SriilJkU AAJJ U-Ujtlkli tilJ'JJJ.
embracing every variety of Dry Goods, Hardware,
Quecnsware, Groceries, etc.. etc.
These goods have been selected with an especial
view to Eupply tbe wants of this community, and
will be sold on the most reasonable terms. They
will POSITIVELY be sold as cheap as the cheap
est in the country, for CASH.
Particular attention has been paid to tho selec
tion of LADIES' DRESS HOODS, among which
are Plain and Fancy Silks. Plain Bareges. Challes.
Barege Delaine. Robes. Embroidered collars and
slecves.Kid Gloves; Shawls, a great variety ; Man
tillas: Trimmings; Silk and Linen Fringes; Bon
nets of the latest styles ; Bonnet Ribbons and trim- ,
mings. oc. Also, Parasols, Hosiery, (5 loves. Mils. !
Bisop and India Mulls, Jackonets, Domestic and ,
French Ginghams. Lawns. Calicoes. Barred and
deck Muslin, Diapers, Crash, Xapkius, Ladies'
Gaiters, children's shoes. Vc, and there is no doubt
that all can be well suited.
ALSO, French cloths and cassimcre, American
cloths and cassimcrcs. Marseilles vesting. Boots.
Shoes, Hats, Cap.-, and a general assortment of
mens" and boys' Summer wear.
He has also a stock of READY-MADE CLOTH
ING, which he will sell low. .
The nudcrsigned is determined to sell bis goods
at the lowest prioos for CASJJ. This is not mere
pretence and vain boast he icdl do it.
Grahamton. May 2-. 1S5H.
remedy, in which wc have labored to produce
the most effectual alterative that can be made. It
is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla. eo
combined with other substances of still greater al
terative power as to afford an effective antidote for
the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is
believed that such a remedy is wanted by those
who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one
which will accomplish their cure roust prove or
immense service to this large class or our afflicted
fellow citizens. How completely thiscompound will
do it has been pro7en by experiment on many of the
worst cases to be found of the followingcomplaints :
Scrofula and Scrofulous complaints. Eruptions
and Eruptive Diseases, Ulcers. Pimples, Blotches.
Tumors. Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Syphilis and
Syphilitic affections. Mercurial Disease. Dropsy,
Neuralgia or lie j ouiourcux, j'cuuiiy, i'yspcpsia
and Indigestion. Erysipelas, Kosc or St. Antho
ny's Fire, anil indeed th wholo olas of com
plaints arising from Impurity of the Blood.
Thiscompound will bo found a great" promoter
of htalth, when taken in the spring, to expel the
foul humors which foster in the blood at that sea
son of the year. By the timely expulsion of them
many rankling disorders arc nipped in the bud
Multitudes can. b tbe aid of this remedy, spare
themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions
and ulcerous sores, through which the system will
strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to
do this through the natural channels or tho body
by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitia
ted blood whenever you find its impurities burst
ing through the skin in pimples, eruptions. or sores;
cleanse it when you Gnd it is obstructed and slug
gish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul,
and vourfcolines will tell vou when. Even where
no particular dfsorder is felt, people enjoy better
health, and live longer, lor cleansing mo uioou.
Keep the body healthy, nnd all is well ; bnt with
this pabulum of life disordered, there can be
no lasting health. Sooner or later something
must go wrong, ami the great machinery of
life is disordered or altoetner overthrown.
Sarsaparilla has. and deserves much, the repn
tation. of accomplishing these cuds. But the
world has been cgrcgiously deceived by prepara
tions of it, partly because the drug al..ne has
not all the virtue that is claimed for it. but more
because many preparations, pretending to be
conccntrrted extracts of it, contain but little of
the virtue of Sarsaparilla. or any thing else.
During late years the public have been misled
by large bottles, pretendiug to give a quart of Ex
tract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these
have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only
contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla. but often no cu
rative properties whatever, ilence.bittcrand pain
ful disappointment has followed tho use of the va
rious extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the mar
ket, nntil the name itself is justly despised, and
has become synonymous with imposition andchcaf.
Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and
intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue
the name from the load of obloquy which rests
upon it. And we think we have good ground for
believing it has virtues which are irresistable by
the ordinarv run of the diseases it is intended to
cure. In order to secure their complete cradica-
tion Trom the system, the remedy should be judi
ciously taken according to directions on the bottle.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycrb Co., Lowell, .Mass.
Price 51 rer Bottle ; Six Bottles for 55.
AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, has won for jt
seir siiL-h a renown for tho cure of every varie
ty of Throat and Lung complaint, that it is en
tirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence
of its virtues, wherever it has been employed.
As it has long been in.constant use throughout
this section, wc need not do more than assure
the people that its quality is kept up to the best
it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do
for their relief all it has ever been found to do.
AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, for the cure of
Costiveness. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Dysentery, Foul Stomach. Erysipelas, Headache,
Piles. Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases.
Liver Complaint. Dropsy. Tetter, Tumors and Salt
Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill,
and for Purifying the Blood. Tbey are sugar
coated, so that tbe most sensitive can take them
pleasantly, and thoy are tho best apenent in the
world for all the purposes of a family physic.
Price 25 ce.nts per Box ; Five Boxes for 51.00.
Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians. States
men. and eminent personages, have lent their names
to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these rem
edies, bnt our space here will not permit tbe in
sertion of them. The Agents below named furnish
gratis our American Almniinc in which they are
given; with also full descriptions of the above
complaints, and the treatment that should be fol
lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by un
principled dealers with other preparations tbey
make more pro6t on. Demand Aver s and take
no others. The eicV want the best aid there is
for them, and they should have rt
All our Remedies are for sale by C D. Watson
and M.-A. Frank, Clearfield ; E. F. Brenner, Mor
risdaleV C. K. Foster, Philipsburg ;. John Bing.
Unionville: Win. Irvin, Curwensville; Samuel
Arnold, Lnthersburg ; and by all Druggists, thro'
oat the country. December 29, 1858.
SUGAR Waif and Brown sugar to be had at
November 5. WM F. IP.niX3
of Land. 65 of which arc clearud aud uuder cnlti-.
valion. situate on Clearfield Creek, on tbe main
road leading from Clearfield town to Clearfield
Bridge, in Clearfield county, Pa and three mile
rrom the former place. The house is large, now.
well calculated for a Tavern, and wiil command,
nearly all the custom of the watermen during tli
frcslicls. which usually last from four to six weeks.
There are also a good Barn. Wood Shed, Wash and
Bake House, and various oilier buildings necessa
ry for convenience and comfort. Tho terms of sale
will be made easy say four annual payments.
For farther information inquiroof L. J. Crnrs.
Esq.. Dr. A.T. Schryvtr. James H. Lariruer, Eq.,
Clearfield, or L. W. Meld. Glen Hope. Clearfield
county, Pa. Possession can b- given so that the
buyer or renter can have the benefit of tbe spring
business, which alone will amount to more than
double the rent A. T. SCHRYVEI'..
Clearfield. Pa . January ... fi.'i9-tf.
.4 VWD.r!iilai'thi, T. Tbc underafen-
JTm. ed, the Founder and Publisher of l'j Court's
Counterfeit Drtertor. desirous of retiring from this
branch of business, has merged that old establish
ed work in the popular "Bank Nolo Reporter" of
I Da lay .t Bicknell. Having published Van Court's
Detector since IX"9. the uudcr.-igned reluctantly
parts with his old friends and subscribers; but
this reluctance is lessened by the conviction, that
in -Imlay t Bickncll's Bank Note Reporter" they
w ill receive a work that matches the times.
Phil'a. Dee. 20, 1S5S. J. VAN COURT.
NOTICE. All Subscriptions to lattery &r Kiel
iiUl's li'iui- .ote llrjtnitcr are Payable scrupu
lously in Advance. This is the olde.it Bank Nolo
Publication in tho world. For thirty long years
it has maintained an unsullied reputation, aud
continues to be the necessary companion of all bu
siness people over the whole continent of America .
The Coin of the World .' now in press by I in In y
Si Bicknell. will be given gratuitously to all old
and new subscribers. All Coin Charts. Guides
and MannaJs. as compared to this, may be eon-rM-cd
wa-le paper. TERMS Tj the Sctni-Montkly,
SI. 50 per annum ; Monthly. ; Single copies, at
the Connter, 10 cents : Single copies, mailed. I Jets.
Jacl2-:m. Box 1 150. Post Office. Phil a.Ta.
The following are tbe rates of discount at which
the notes of the banks given were purchased Iat
week by the brokers of I'Uiladelpfcia :
MAINE. disc.
Mousom River Bank. 60
Rockland Bk. H ki d i
Canton Bank, China,
Ellsworth Bank, 75
Exchange Bk. Bangor f'
Grocers' Bank.'
Marutiiuc Bk. C.ingor 10
Sanford BK,Rckland
Hancock Bk. Eil.-w th
Bans of Hal low ell, 75
Solvent banks. i
Danby Bank', Dauby,
HanK of Uoyalion.
Bk of South Royalton.
Stark Bk. Bcnningron i
St.AlbansBK.St.AIb i
MissisquoiBK,Shcldn i
Woodstock Bank. i
Solvent banki, i
Farmers' Bk. Wick ford
Can k of South Coun
ty, Wakefield, 20
Tiverton Bk, Tiverton,
Warw ick Bs'.Warwick 5
Rhode Island Exchange
Bk. E. Grecnn ich, i
Mt. Vernon Bank,
llopkintou Bank,
AU solvent banks.
cosji'tnr it.
Merch Ex.Ek. Bridg
vikuim. disc.
Bank of Kanawha, K.-
nowba Saline
Solvent banks. 1
Bk of Pcnn'a, PhiUa 70
BriJseport Citv Bk,
Colchester Bank,
Bk of Hartford Co.
Hatters' Bk. Bethel,
Exch. Bk. Hartford,
Charter Oak Bk,
Mercantile Bank '
Eneas Bk, Norwich,
Quinubaug Bk,
Wooster BK.Danburv
Woodbury Bank,
Pawcatuck Bank,
Bk of N.Am. Sevmoar
Pahqiiioquc Bk. Danb I
Granite Bk, Volunt n
Phil'a banks,
Allen town Bank,
Anthracite bank,
Bk of Chester co..
Bk of I 'claw aro co.
Bk of Gcrmantown, par
15k of Montg y co., par
Bk ol" Pottstow.n,.. par
Bk of Catasauoua, par
Columbia Bank,
Poylestown Bk,
Kaatoii liar, It.
Fr..t Meuh Xk Easton par
l ar.l'K of uueksco. par
Ear. Hk. Lanca&ter, par
Far.Bs. Reading. par
Lancaster Co. Bank, par
Lebanon Bank, par
Mauch Chunk Bk. par
Miners Bk Pottsv'e, par
Stroudsbur bank, par
Wyoming Bank., par
Harrisburg Bank, par
Bk of Chambersburg par
Bk of Middletow n, par
York Bauk, par
Rk of Gettysburg, par
1 I
I'eouonnock Bank.
Windham County Bk, i
ew vork.
Agricultural BK.Hcrk 5
Addison Bk, Addison 1
Bk of Orleans, Albion. 5J
Central Bank of Xew
York. Utica.
Chemung County Bk 15
Dairymen's Bank. 5
Elmfra Bauk. Elmira i
HollistcrBK. Buffalo, 5
Hamilton Ex. Bank.
Bk of Pittsburg..
Citizens" Bk. 1'itlsb.
Exchange Bk. Pittsh.
IronCii vBK. Tittsb.
Mechanics' Bk. Pittsb
Mononga'la b,Browni
i Fnrl 1'ro bK.Waycesb i
tin ot Aortnumbcrl. psr
Bk of Damille. psr
Wc.--t Branch Bank, par
Lock Haven Bank, par
Lcwi?burgBanK. par
Far I'.KSclmylkilleo par
Allegheny IK. Allghy i
Bk of Lawrence co.,
Hnucsdarc Rank par
Mer.tMaji Bk PitUb. t
Eric Bank. tt
Eric Cify Bank. 1
McKran County Bk. . -Tioga
County Bank, 10
sr.w JFRSEV.
Bk of X J. X.Brnosw i
Btrgcn Vuunty BsnK
at Ha:kenack. 2
1 Morris County Bank
Agric-1 IKl-"Ownsr.
' Wetrr.EK, Memphis
j lfanitor Nashville,.
Huiuenot Bk.N Palti i Exc.UK.Murfreesboro'
Medina Bk. Medina, i j helbyviUe, Bank,
Niagara River Bank, i
Ontario Bk. Utica, 50
OntarioCo.l'K. Phelps 5
Pratt Bank. Buffalo 20
Oliver LceACo's Bk i
Reciprocity Bk, " SO
Sackett i llarbor " 30
Western BK.Iickport 10
Yates Co. Bk. Pen Van
Mineral Bk. Comb.
CumbTd Sayings Bk, 3
Solvent banks, 1
T.K of Ashland, 1
Solvent Banks, 1
Citv Bank. Cincinnati 50
O. LileATrnstCo.. Cin
Senaca Co. Bk. Tiffin,
Sandusky City Bk. CI 20
Bk of Macomb County
Davton Bank. Dayton 5
Miami Val.IiK, " 10
State lianx, 1
Rock River Bk. Beloit 2
Farmers' Bk, Hudson, 2
Fox River Ek.Gt. Bay 2
Badger State BK", 2
Solvent BanKs, 2
PcninsnlarBK. Detroit
Farmers' A Mech.BK, 2
Bk of Montgomery,
Central BarK, " . 5
Northern Ban. 3
l.awrenJ'fjhnrg bank,
a nK ot lrcnton. . -
Bank vi i iaiborne, 4 T
Bank ofJefferson. 4
Rank of Knoxville.
CanK of Paris. Paris, 3
Bans of TarewcII. 4
BanK of the Union. J
Buck's BK.M'Minnv'
City BanK. Nashville
Northern BK.Clarksv.
Traders' Bk, Xaahv.
Bk of Commerce. -OcocneBK
BanK of Middle Teen
Dandridge banK,
BanK of Tennessee,
riantcri'.t Union Bit,
BanK of the Capitol,
Traders banK.
Tippecanoe banc.
Central banK
Banc of the State,
Free bank.
it-UVUI". -
BinK of Elgin. 2
Rook Island ban. 2
Peoples' banK, Car mi 2
Hamilton County Ba 2
Bk of the Common w'h 2
Huntsville BanK., J-0
Rashvillel'.-inK. ' 3
StocK Security Ba ; V
Corn Exchange, t. r .2
Bk of Chester.' - '2
Ra-ef Br Hevill. ! I'.lTl
Solvent banks, 2
. 3
TTILOrB, ate. Rye c for sa! at Use coup
1 V store of - JOHN FAIIOK.CnrwtasviUa.
4 t