Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 23, 1859, Image 4

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    u u
A Lokdox Fog. The London Star of Janu
ary 15th, tbns describes one of the fogs for
which the English metropolis is famous : "We
had another dense fog in the metropolis yes
terday morning, necessitating the use of gas
in the shops and all places of business, and
impeding traffic in every direction. About
ten o'clock a remarkable phenomenon was wit
nessed with great interest by thousands ot per
sons. To the westward of London the fog ap
peared to open, showing in the gap, which
stretched across the hemisphere, a beautiful
violet sky, from which fell a broad, bright belt
of light. It was altogether a remarkable sight,
and, as seen from Waterloo bridge, its efiect
was most striking. The light spread across
the Thames, over Hungerford bridge, and the
tide being almost at the flow, the water was il
laminated as by an electric reflector. All a
round and below the bridge was darkness ; but
borerthe ontline of the riTer, with its float
ing craft was rendered sharply clear by the
rays streaming from the sky- The phenome
non was only of brief duration ; the fog grad
nally closed up on each side, shutting out the
sky in the Christmas piece. As the morning
advanced, the fog descended, and it was only
by the exercise of great caution that the traffic
of the street could be carried on ; indeed, in
some parts of the city and the East-end it was
for a time suspended, whilst the steamboats on
the river were compelled to cease rnnning.
At noon, the fog cleared off, and the weather
became fine and seasonable.
The whip is cracking loud over the shoul
ders of the Pennsylvania Democrats. The
slave-drivers at Washington, speaking through
their agent, the editor of The State, gives
the Keystone brethren to understand that
their natural craving for a Tariff will be lashed
right out of them. That paper says :
"Our associates in the Keystone State Lave
already been indulged to the utmost limit of
forbearance. They have been tolerated for
years in the open profession of heresy. We
permitted them to sacrifice Dallas for his in
trepid fidelity to the principles of the party,
and we allowed them to promote Buchanan
because of his non-conformity to a cardinal
point of Democratic doctrine. These things
have been done for the protectionist Democ
racy of Pennsylvania, and yet they have the
audacity to exact a still further compromise
of principle. The demand is insufferable.
Protection it another form of -Ibolitiouiim, and,
rather than be responsible for its imposition,
the representatives of the slave-holdir.g States
would surrender the control ot the Govern
ment." The Cuban egg is to be batched in 1800, and
in this wise, according to the Washington cor
respondent of the Journal of Commerce :
"The State Rights men of the South will, it
Is said, generally oppose the Thirty Millions
Cuban bill, and go for Mr. Taylor's project of
a bill authorizing the President to buy Cnba,
if he can do so at the sum of $130,000,000,
and consummate the purchase by the annexa
tion of Cuba, and allowing it four Representa
tives in Congress. The scheme may, perhaps,
be adopted by the President in preference to
his own, if it can be carried through Congress.
Whether Congress will go far with the matter,
is not certain; but it is understood that, if
they do, they will give the Democracy a fresh
impulse, and, perhaps, cement it together by
a new and strong bond. The Democracy will
rally for a President at the next election who
will be most likely to act on the power thus
invested in bim, and bay Cnla. No one sap
poses that he can buy it ; but the man who
will promise to buy it, will carry with him the
majority of numbers."
At Hall, Mass., a Mr. Morse, while upon the
shore near Green Hill, a few days since, ob
served something projecting above the sand
which proved to be three plates and a plattcf.
lie carried them home, supposing them to be
pewter, but afterwards ascertained that they
were solid silver, worth $300.
The New York Exprett says that there are
nineteen ocean steamers lying idle at the
wharves in that city and this while the steam
ers of Great Britain are plowing the waters of
every sea, having apparently as much lreigbt
business as they can desire.
When Anacbarsis, the Scythian, was travel
ling in Greece, he was reproached by an Athe
nian with the barbarity of bis native land.
"It is true," replied Anacharsis, "that my
country is a disgrace to me, but you are a
disgrace to your country."
A school-boy, on being asked by the teacher
how he should flog Lim, replied : "If yon
please, Sir, I should like to have it done upon
the Italians system of writing the heavy
strokes upwards, and the down ones light."
There is much sound argument in the reply
of a country lad, to an idler, who boasts of his
"ancient family." "So much the worse for
joo," said the peasant, "as we plowmen say,
the older the seed, the worse the crop."
"I wish," said a beautiful wife to her studi
ous husband, "I wish I was a book." "I wish
you was an jSlmanae," replied her loving
lord, "and then 1 would get a new one every
year." Just then the silks rustled.
Some wag says that it Is not always a mark
of kindness to have an open conntenance. An
alligator is a deceitful creature, and yet he
presents an "open countenance," when in the
very act ot taking yon. in.
IT we look through all the heroic fortunes
of mankind, we shall find an entanglement of
something mean and trivial with whatevpr u
noblest in joy or sorrow. Life ii made np of
marble and mud.
In a band of gypsies, now encamnml t,,v
Indianapolis, is a beautiful girl of eighteen,
whose father, the chief of the tribe, offers her
band and $10,000 to any respectable man who
will marry her.
The Raftsmas's Jot rsal is published on Wed
nesday at 51.&0 per innain in advance. If not
paid at the beginning of the year, $2.00 will be
Aiivbrtiskwexts will be inverted at $1,00 per
eqnare of 12 line for three or lew insertions, For
every additional insertion 23 cents will be charg
ed. A deduction will be made to Tear It adver
tisers. 3
No subscription taken for a shorter time than
six monrha mnA a nor... ii -i : j
j-j.. watt Mjm; UtawUllUUCI
til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of
Prcs't Judge Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte.Pa.
As te Judge Hon. Wm. L. Moore, Clearfield.
Hon. Benj'fl. Bonsall, Lathersburg.
Sheriff. . . . Fredk G. Miller, . Clearfield
Protbonoiary, George Walters, . . -
Reg. & Rec". James Wrigley, . . "
Treasurer. . . John MePherson, . . "
Co. Surveyor, John L. Cattle, . . "
Commiss'n'rs, Jobn Irwin. Sr. . . Clearfield.
George Earbard. . . NewMHIport.
William McCraeken, Lumber City.
Auditors. . . Peter Hoover, . .Curwensville.
Aaron C. Tate. . . Clearfield.
Isaac W. Graham, .
Coroner. . . . George Richards, . . Clearfield.
R. B. F. AKELY, Grahamton, Clearfield coun
ty, renn a. April 1.
O. CROUCH. PHTSiriA.-, Curwensville, Clear
. field county, Penn a. May 14.
I J. CRANS. Attorney at Law and Real Estate
J. Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Office adjoining his
residence, on Second street. May 16.
EORGE SCHULTZE. Boot and Sooe Maker,
opposite the JaiL Market street, Clearfield,
Pa. He sells low for cash. Nov. 10.
"IVMLLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law.
V Clearfield, Pa. Office, one door no(!h of the
Pot Office, on Second street. Sept. 1.
JOSEPH GOON, Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes,
thaw s new row, Market street, Clearfield, Pa.
Made up work always on hand. Aug. 11.
OBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. (and
District Attorney,) Clearfield, Pa. Office in
thaw'j new row, Market street May 2a.
HBCCnER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Clcar
. field. Pa. OCe in Graham's Row. one door
east of the 'Raftsman's Journal' office. Nor 10.
I) W. BARRETT. Jastiee of the Peace. Lutbers
. . bur;. Clearfield eo.. Pa., will attend prompt
ly to all business entrusted to him. mar25-tf
"1TTILLIAM F. IRW IX. Market sweet, Clearfield.
I Pa.. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise. Hardware. Queens ware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. Nov. 10.
MEREEI.L A CARTER. Dealers in Stoves. Tin.
Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware, second street,
Clearfield. Pa. Housc-spouting and Roofing done
to order, on short notice Nov. 1.
GU'ELICH A EENNER, Manufacturers of all
JT kinds of Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clear
field. Pa. They also make to order CoEns. and
attend funerals with a hearse. Nov. '10.
JOSHUA S. JOHNSON. Cabinet Maker. Market
street. Clearfield, Pa. He will also attend fu
nerals with a hearse, chpn mIU nn-
coffins to order, on short notice. ' Nor. 10.
HE. NAl'GLE. Wat-h and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in
Shaw's new row, Market street, opposite the Rafts
man's Journal office, Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 10.
BLACKSMITH ING.-JaeobShunkweiler. thank
ful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a
continuance of a share of public patronage in hU
line of business. Shop on Third st. Nor. 10.
JB MENALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield,
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
eouatics. OEie in tew brick addition, adjoining
the residence ot James B. Graham. Nor. 10.
LARRLMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear
field, Pa. Will attend prompt! t to all leeal
and other busicess entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1856.
THOMAS J. MCULLOUGH, Attorney at Law,
Clearfield, Pa., may be found at big office on
Market street, one door west of Richard Mossop's
store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar-
c tm pruujj;iut:ea &nu accuracy. reo. !.
JOHN RVSSEL A CO.. Tanners and Curriers,
Pennville. Clearfield Co , Pa. Keep constantly
on band an excellent assortment of leather, which
they offer for !;tle at the lowest cash prices. Hides
JOSEPH PETERS. Justice of the Peace. Cur-
' r wensvme, nearneld county, Pa., one door east
of Monteliue A Ten Eyck's Store. All business
cmrusieu 10 mm win oe promptly attended to. and
all instruments of writing done on short notice.
J. of Photographic Chemistry. Gallerv at his
residence on Second Street, one door South of
Alerrell & Carter a Tin-ware establishment, Clear
field. Pa. CF"Day of operation: Fridav and
Saturday of each week. junefs"56
JAMES B. GRAHAM. Dealer in Sawed Lumber,
Squared Timber, Shingles, Boards, Ac.. Gra
hamton, Clearfield connty. Pa., is prepared to fill,
on the shortest notice, all orders for articles in his
line of business, on as reasonable terms as they eao
be procured in the county. Jan23-'56-tf.
DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi
ces to the citizens of Clearfield and ricinitv
Residence on Second street, opposite the office of
It. J. trans, uj. Office, the same that was recent
ly occupied by Hon. G R Barrett, where he can
be found unless absent on professional business.
DENTAL CARD A. M. SMITH, offers big pro
fessional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen
of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the
teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being
familiar with all the late improvements he is pre
pared to make artificial teeth in the best manner.
Office in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 13.
-rOUR TEETH ! DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to
JL announce to his friends and patrons, that he
is now devoting all of his time to operations in Den
tistry. Those desiring hisservices will find him at
his office, adjoining his residence, at nearly all
times, and always on Fridavs and Satnrdara. nn.
less notified otherwise in the town papers the week
oeiore. au worx, warranted to be satisfactory.
"ITTAGON - MAKING. The nndersingned an
il nounee to the public that thev manufacture
Waggons of all descriptions, Buggies. Sleds, Ac., at
their shon in Vm Sulnm ltr,i. u; pi....
field county, which they offer for sale at aa reasona
ble rates as can be purchased elsewhere. They res
pectfully solicit a share of patronage.
Octl- ag-tf WILLIAM LEWIS.
BOOT A SHOE MAKING -The undersigned h.v
g '.Ii?11 int2 rartnership in the above bu
eineis, at the end of the new bridge 11 miles a
bove Clearfield borough, are prepared to do a!l
kinds of work in their line on the shortest notice
and most reasonable terms. JOHN S HOYT
A. g". HOYT. '
Tt ATI Ir I n 7 if .fMitit r-xr . T , ...
... .... - v. v-UUj j.'iiruuu ana niaes
taken in exchange for work. June 23, 1853.
nndersigDed takes this method to announce
to the citixen of Clearfield and the surround inr
country, that he has opened a Barber Shop, on
jiaraec street, in fnaw s new row.wnere he is pre
pared to accommodate all who may give him a
call, and hopes to receive a liberal patronage.
vet. o, laaa. 4 Jli AU .UBK13.
LATEST STYLE of Fall and Winter Bonrett. at
the corner store of WM. IRVIN. -
LADIES' FURS, a few set of French Sables, at
theetoreof WM. IBVIX.
.JL IXbAKi Outaf I OK A. 1). ledS,
Jornt MTPbxrso. Esq., Treasurer cf Clearfield
Connty in account with said County, from the &th
day of January, isM. to the atn of January, lro9
To amount received from Collectors for 1S53 and
previous years, 5ti01 23
To amount received from Unseated lands
for IS06 and 1S57.
To amount received from other sources as
per Commissioners book,
52S3 67
2S5 S3
By balance due Treasurer at last settle
ment, "
By Jurors Expenses,
By Road iews.
By Fox, Wild Cats. Ac.
By Election expenses,
By Assessors wages, -By
Constables wages,
By Commissioners counsel,
By Improvements, Ac.,
By Rent for Treasurer's office 3
By Penitentiary expenses,
By Sheriff fees, '.
By Transcribing Land Book,
By Prothonotary. ore..
By Books. Dockets, Ac,
By Jail fees,
By Tipstaffs and court Crier,
Ky Auditors feea.
By Auditors clerk,
By Connty printing,
By Fnel,
By Commissioners clerk.
By Recording Assessments,
By Commissioners wages,
By Justices fees.
By District Attorney,
By Repairs, Public buildings,
By Commonwealth costs,
By Exonerations to collectors,
By Percentage to collectors,
Bv Treasurers Der et on receivi
$106 91
224 69
232 00
SO; 70
9-13 86
651 76
157 22
50 00
102 45
ys. 37 50
143 31
- 190 00
15 00
243 72
lyo 23
112 85
17 50
45 00
25 00
151 00
SO 50
132 50
21 00
376 50
27 43
431 00
372 16
S30 56
34 02
307 34
ng. 147 At
:. 135 13
Ey Treasurers per ct. on paying
' SI 0463 7 A
Balance dae Treasurer, 299 99
$10463 78
Amount of Outstanding Taxes, due from Collec
tors tor the year Ibos, and previous years
For the vear 147.
Districts. Collectors names. County. State. Militia
Jordan, JamcsKea-jr. 20 o 51 92 14
For 1S43.
Bell. R. Wetrell. 00 00 00 00 C 00
Jordan, Henry Swan. 00 00 00 00 4 10
Penn, A. Spencer, 00 00 00 00 17 50
For 1W9.
Covington, D Huegeney. 00 00 1 62 33 00
Jordan, U m. Wiley, 00 00 00 00 25 00
Penn, Thomas Fenton. 00 00 00 CO 32 50
For 1850.
Bell. J Sunderland, 00 00 00 00 6 00
Karthaus, L. Hartbue. 00 00 00 00 20 50
Morris, Joseph Rothrook, 00 00 00 00 13 12
Penn, Joseph Davis. 00 00 00 00 30
For 1551.
Eurnside, John Young, 30 01 16 23
Jordan, D. Williams, 3 15 S 2 7 00
For 1S52.
Fox, John J. Eucdy, 1 00
curwensv. Jonn AsKev, Z3 a.J I j n lj Zo
For 1553.
Decatur, D. Kephart. 15 17 19 50
Pike, Jos. A Caldwell. 4 74 7 54
For 1554.
Chest, S. J Tozer. 45 So 52 20 15 50
Jordan, Joseph Patterson, 12 13 9 29 9 S3
Lawrence, B. Spackman, 22 84 21 57
Pike. T. R 31 Cune. 2 62 17 S5
For 1S55.
Covington, J. B. Barmoy. 15 91 19 05
Clearfield, T. J. M'Cullough, 77 61 2 00
Penn, Jos. Collingworth, 44 00
Woodward. Abram Byers. 10 57
For 1356.
Bradford, John Holt, 1 00 23 03
Brady, Jacob Kunti, 1S2 42 151 43 57 50
Chest. Jonathan Fry, 10 17 10 15
Covington. D. Kolley, 46 36 50
Curwensv. J.D.Thompson, 1 00 12 42
Decatur, Geo. Kephart, 63 89 111 59 20 C2
Jordan, it. il. Johnson, 3 35 7 25 j 60
Huston, Asa loo ng, 6 80
Morris, John Hoover, 36 91 89 47 22 18
Penn. James Arthurs, 15 23
Pike. Lewis I. Bloom, 1101 4 10 15 C5
Woodward,L. Hcgarty, 45 9 53
For 1557.
Bcecaria, John Weld, 86 93 93 9 15 45
1-oggs, Daniel Smcal, 70 09 11 63 33 00
Bradford, John Shirey. jr., 19 50 10 34
P.rady. G.B.Goodlander, 191 93 51 40
Burnside, James Smith, 69 bO 30 21 2 74
Covington, J. W. Kider, 17 10 25 41 7 95
Clearfield, Isaac Johnson, 27 95 12 07 21 43
Curwensv. Z. McNanl, 49 45 37 71 14 33
Ferguson, Jos. Straw. 63 00 43 91 22 50
Fox. J. B. Heath, 4 31 5 no
Itoshen, Ellis Livergood. 14 67 33 63 23 00
Graham, Sam I Lansburv, 25 85 14 61
Jordan. Wm. Williams, 25 00 53 43 20 00
Karthaus, Wm. H. Michaels, 4 21 25 21 15 60
Knox, John Fox, 1 20 60 11 0.3
Lawrence, J J. Tate, 167 00 122 87 50 50
Morris, Daniel Beams, 15 18 2(5 61 17 52
Penn. Isaac Kirk. 27 89 23 06 10 04
Pike. J. B. Garrison, 112 84 129 65 37 00
AYoodwardS. P. ShofF. 101 94 44 45 30 50
For 1S53.
Beccaria. Samuel Shoff, 315 03 123 22 40 50
Bell, F. G. Miller, 21 75 134 93 20 50
Boggs, A. Baugbman. 110 63 40 92 25 00
Bradford, S. P. Wilson. 93 43 25 17 17 50
urady, Oodfrey Zilliox, 597 62 254 86 87 00
Burnside, John Riddle, 256 44 133 25 61 50
Chest, L. J. Hard, 240 79 101 63 22 00
Covington, J. M. Reiter. 129 64 54 31 39 00
Clearfield, K. J. Wallace, 244 82 121 73
Carweosv. nm.McBride, 146 50 103 03 11 50
Decatnr, And? Baughman, 202 23 84 86 26 50
Ferguson, Geo. Williams, 175 25 77 94 23 50
Fox. D.N. Heath, 21 87 6 35 11 00
Girard. Benj. Jurey, 80 07 26 53 21 50
Goshen, R. u. Shaw. 43 00 20 23 11 63
Graham, John W. Turner, 125 12 51 38 43 00
Huston, Elijah Burns, 84 03 44 31 11 50
Jordan, M m. Pusey. 120 71 51 45 20 50
Karthaus, James White, 47 14 40 01 13 00
Knox, JohnMcMurry. 113 11 13 61 15 50
Lawrence, Hugh Orr. 407 17 195 03 50 84
Morris, Fred. Nebel. 137 13 93 95 51 00
Penn, R. Denver. Sr., 242 31 107 0 9 4 4 00
Pike, Jos. M. Spencer, 382 40 147 11 36 50
Union, John Bru baker. Ill 87 43 44 14 00
Woodward.B. Stevens, 191 14 79 74 21 00
SS635 42
2700 00
902 41
Am't due from Unseated
Land, 1353.
Am tdue on Notes, Judg
ments, Ac,
S1027 83
Am't of outstanding orders, 1077 09
Balance due county. 59210 74
Jobn MePberson. Esquire. Treasurer of Clearfield
County, in account with the different Townships
for Road Fund for 1356 and 1357.
DR. To balance due Twps. last settlement, S97 87
To am't from Unseated Lands for 1S56
and 1857, 8264 22
CR. By am't paid Tps. Bal.dneTps.
Beccaria, S5S3 94 00 00
Bell, 525 3.3 00 00
Boggs, 173 06 4 78
Bradford, 107 22 6 60
Brady, 497 19 00 00
Burnside, 252 37 00 00
Chest, 290 71 00 00
Covington, 203 75 7 88
Clearfield, 8 31 1 74
Decatur, 303 46 00 00
Ferguson, 37 46 00 00
Fox, 239 46 44 50
Girard, 341 53 00 00
Goshen, 29 23 32 49
Graham, 114 00 7 52
Huston, 1257 92 00 00
Jordan, 103 24 00 00
Karthaus, . 243 13 23 16
Knox, 352 70 15 99
Lawrence, 194 43 00 00
Moms. 758 20 00 00
F'ni 171 03 00 on
. Pike, 122 25 45 76
Union. 337 22 8 82
Woodward, 620 51
Bal. due townships, 204 44 5201 41
5S3S2 09
5-6362 03
Jobn MePberson. Eeqnire, Treasurer of Clearfield
j 1 . , -rr . m i,
v uwun . iu wrouxib w 1111 iuo u lijcreiii x o wcfn ip
for School Fund for 1556 and 1357.
DR. To Bal. due Tps. at last settlement. 5465 57
xo amount received from Lnseated
Lands for 1856 and 1S57. 11305 05
R. By am't paid Tps. Bal.doeTpf.
Beccaria, 653 73 83 43
Bell. 466 1 5 113 66
Boggs. 229 49 45
- Bradford, 229 00 1 5 23
Brady. 523 97 00 CO
Burnside, 460 00 75 20
Chest, 519 90 25
Covington, 100 00 244 84 -
Clearfield, 13 40 00 00
Decatur, 443 57 00 00
Ferguson, 37 33 00 00
Fox. 00 00 150 50
Girard. 400 00 85 63
Gosben, 259 60 22 12
Grahart, 233 61 15 95
Huston, 1400 00 69 66
Jordan. 223 53 00 0
Kar:haus, 254 50 22 83
Knox. 651 47 00 00 .
Lawrence, 316 21- 00 00
Morris, 1700 00 277 21 -
Penn, 132 57 00 00
Pike. 209 77 00 00
Union, 433 60 12 42 .
AToodward, 447 34 111 31
Bal. due Tps. 1331 S7 .
SI 331 87
SU770 62
311770 62
We, the undersizned Commissioners of Clear'
field county, having examined the accounts of
John McPherton. Esq., Treasurer of said countv.
for the year 1558, do certify that we find them as
above stxtod. lbe amount of debts outstanding,
due the county, are Ten thousand two hundred
anp eighty-seven dollars sod eizbtv-tbreo cents.
and the amount of outstanding orders are one
iDousana ana seven dollars and nine cents.
Witness our hands this 22d January. A. D. 1359.
Attest. - JOHN IRWIN. T O
R. J. Wallace,
We. the undersigned Auditors of Clearfield
County, having examined the accounts of John
MePberson, Esq.. Treasurer of said county, for A.
D. 1558. do cerxify that the accounts are as above
stated ; that the amount due the Treasurer bv the
county is Two hundred and ninety-nine dollars
and ninety-nine cents ; the amount due the Road
Fund by the Treasurer is Two hundred and four
dollars and forty-four cents ; the amount due the
cnool 1 und is one thousand three hundred and
thirty .one dollars and eighty-seven cents : also the
amount due the county (join Collectors, Unseated
Lands, and other sources, is Ten thousand two hun
dred and eighty-seven collars and eizhtv-three
cents, and the amount of outstanding orders is
one mousana ana seven-seven dollars and nineets.
w ltness our hands this 22d Jan'y A. D. 1639.
R J. ATalla"e, A. C. TATE.
A GOOD ASSORTMENT of Ladies' nrMir.a
jL comprising English and French Merinos. Co-
burgs, figured and plain Delaines. Delaine Robes
Saxony Plaids. Lama Cloth. Poil de Chevre, Silks!
etc.. c. ior saie cneap at me corner, bv
October 6. 1&58. WM.'lRVIN.
The undersigned would respectfully an-
"ucc i an iricnus ana me puo;ic generally
that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es
tablishment in -New Salem Citv " Bradv town.
chip, where he will at all times be prepared to
manuiaeture, on the shortest notice, all kinds of
Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows Ac. The best ma
terial that can be procured will be used, and his
riurs win oe maae in me most substantial ana du
raoie manner, such as will bear the test of strict
examination. By a close observance of his busi
ness engagements, and by disposing of his work
on the most reasonable terms, which he will do
for either cash or approved country produce, he
hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub-
I!. ..iiattm HCV'I I.'l IT r .
New Salem City. Jan. 16, 1S58.
i.v -r ,1.. n..i.i:. .1.. a. -1. .. ... j
iw7 TV.. ... 1 1. . r,. T4- 1 . 1. 1 .
" -..1-- a t t u i i iur nvuvr IU
announce that wo shall issue on or a boot the 1st of
1 1 1 ii--o . 1 -
KCTtmucr, jo jo. so as 10 oe in season to command
. j uuuu ui ixjc jfuuiic aim peno'iicai
trade, the first unmJirr of a eir Illustrated M t
azine. to be called The 'Grrit KeniiM.e' Mnil.l
... .3 .i..vu i.. w imb&c iui3 magazine superior
m every respect to anything ever "before issued in
thi Mnnlrr T h a ......I nr : . . i .
' It m int.mlAil ..-l- - ."L ' -
- g.nciai jm.ojc vi j cuaracicr
can best be understood by its name. It will be thor-
" "i 11 w wise sectarian, ana wnoiiy
impersonal. It will offer to the writers and think
ers of this Union a common field, where they can
meet on tue highest ground of eotcmporarv liter
ature. It m-in t.. ..... u .-. r
. .v uiui uvui 11 cMi t lane-
ty of intellect. The range of articles will be a
Wide One. COVerinc tinw.r rr ntliA. r.-,. .) L ..
fketenes. liumerons Tales, Stories, Historical In-
iiuunis, r.eviews, critiques. Biographies, Scientific
Articles. Travels, Table Talk. Dramas. Politics,
Poems, Ballads. Stanxas, Sonnets. Music, Corres
pondence. ( i r.-i 1 .f. at. Tl,. ir. : : 7 1 ,
" 1 v.v.nv. AUU IrtgdllUO Hill OC
profusely illustrated in the highest style of wood
enorarin Tin T ifAsr f a :i .
o --- aMvii 1 ucai;mcui win frccui
frAtar vriv Mnm k;na,i .-:u L 1
vviumiusu wiiu iuoiv iuoivuu ex
cellence, it u believed, than ever before offered in
"uicncau fjuuiic m n single periodical. .ach
Climber Will onnfain in r.ni; nol :
composed expressly for this wor. Of the superior
excellence of the Magazine in every respect, and
of- the eertainty of its permanent success, verv
- - - - - HM VliIUUI I ' I J C Ul 111 11 If"
conditions of the magazine will be as follows:
. auciv "iii uc iwg volumes a vear, 01
" . v I'agio cuuiuicucia ' in
January and July, and ending in June and De
cember. rMnMtii;.lv 1 . ,
ftbnni a fin mx". 1 wtA ...t. : .
1 .j,uAAug uuiuuris 10 cara
volume, and twelvn nnmkcri tn ok c.k
scnptiens may commence at any time. Price
i.uSi7tupiTO.jctDis i copyior one year, sent
by mail. S3 00. Chibtt copies, 1 year, 55 ; 3 co
pies. 1 year, ?7 ; 4 copies. 1 year. S9 ; 5 copies, 1
rear. Sin And II l.i;;..i : ' . '
" iiuui mjiirs. wver lire,
at the rate of S2 a copy, if sent tothe same club.
I 1 n Ka rn a 1 f 1 , - IT . .
"j mimru ii uincrent post offices. All
subscriptions must be paid in advance. Premium
iAm;;,Entitling each subscriber to the
magazine for one year, and to their choice of ei
thJ?roC onrtlro great steel enjravsmgs. entitled.
.r2.rt SnPP," and '-The City of the Great
Kin?.'' Four dollar- Tk. . .-n i .
' j - - " vun i 1119 "111 SCUL
on rollers by mail, prepaid. Agents and Can-
assers can make liberal and satisfactory arrange
ments upon application stating the territory re
quired. All Postmasters and Clergymen are au
thorized tO receive Sllbarrinrinna n-(,;K
forward to us, giving name and address of subscri
ber, ucauctmg zo per cent for their trouble. "The
rate of nnaiim will n .i i " .
- -- i & " luuxccnis eacn
number, to be paid in all cases at the office where
it 111 rMdivil I 1 1 . t . - .
to answer, must contain return stamps. Subscri
bers D1DIL in tt 1 1 o aoa V T ry
- .i wmuiuutciiuuD. ui DC r Tl 1 1 1 irn
-" .. i 11.1UCB. i un II. UU U-
tV And tnln in full 1; 1,1 . . !L1 mrrr.x
" .-i- icgiuij h puasiuie. t mere
is little risk in sending money by mail. Lare
sums should be remitted by draft, if possible, or
registered letter. OAKSMITII L CO..
i-ublishers of the "Great Republic" Monthly,
No. 112 and 114 William St.. New-York.
AR AND HOOP IRON, small round iron for
Stove rods. Jktt- far al at ih nn r
j - iv VI
October 6 WM. IRVIN.
READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, a
full assortment, at tka enrnr ilnr. '
October 6.1358. AVM. IRVIN.
ner store. Curwensville.
October 6. 1S5. TTJI. IRVIN.
FOR SALE. A yoke of good and large Oxen
Curwensville, September 22 1S58.
SPANISH Sole Leather, for sale at the corner
store. Hides taken at the hiu-hMt t,;
October 6. WM. IRVTN
ILLOW BASKETS. A lot on hand and or
sale by Not25 WM. F. IRWIN.
TUB3 AND BUCKETS. A variety just receiv
ed and for sale at WM. F. IRWIN'S
SALT. A large qoontity of SALT just recciv
ed. and which will be sold verv chean f..r
eaA. by the sack, at WM. F. IRWIN'S.
TOBACCO AND CIGARS. An assortment just
opened and for sale at the Mom of
Main and White Streets. BROOKVILLE, Pa.
Feb.24 R. R. MEANS, Proprietor.
CHANGE The subscriber having taken
the above well known stand, in Curwensville. Pa.,
is ready to accommodate all who may favor him
with their patronage. His table will always be
supplied with the best the market can afford, and
bis Bar wiib the choicest liquors. His stable will
be under the care of attentive hostlers.
April 8. ISiS. DAVID SMITn.
MANSION nOUSE. Clearfield, Fa The
undersigned respectfully announces to the
public that he baa leased the above Hotel in Clear
field borough, and that be is prepared to accom
modate all who may favor bim with their custom.
His house is commodious and convenient, and his
table shall be supplied in the best manner possi
ble. No effort will be spared to render general
satisfaction. By strict attention to business, and
to th wants and comfort of his guests, be expects
to secure a liberal share of patronage.
febll-'57 DAN. M. WEAVER.
signed notifies the public that he has opened out
the above named bouse, and that he is well pre
pared to accommodate all who may favor bim
with a call. The house is three stories high, is
commodious and well furnished, and, no pains will
be spared to render satisfaction to guests. His
Bar is always supplied with choice liquors of all
kinds. There is plenty of stabling connected with
the house. He solicits a share of public patron
age. - - L. W. TEN EYCK.
Lnraber City. April 21. lCi3-3m-pd.
SlT S Q U E II A N N A 11 OT S E,
Cnrtrmvilir, Clearfirld C'o ", Pcntt'a.
The subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Hotel.
Philinsburg. having taken the above bouse, sitnate
in the east end ot the Borough ot Curwcnvi!!e.
on the bank of the Susquehanna River, woull res
pectfully announce to the travelling public, that
he is fully prepared to accommodate strangers
and all others who may favor hiin with a call.
The house is new. well furnished, large and com
modious, and travellers will find every convenience
necessary to their comfort. Ample stabling is at
tached to the premises DAVID JOHNSTON.
Curwensville. February 17. 1S53.
Clearfield County. Pa. The subscriber begs leave
to inform his old customers and the public gene
rally that he has recently taken the above well
known stand, and that he has entirely refitted and
refurnished it in a style adapted to the age. and
the wants of the entire travelling community.
HIS TABLE will always be provided with every
luxury the markets and surrounding country will
afford. HIS BAR will be supplied with the'ehoi
cest wines and liquors. HIS STABLES, which
are the best and most commodious on the road
within a day's travel, will always be in charge of
careful and attentive hostlers In short, every
department of his establishment will be supplied
with all the comforts and conveniences the weary
traveller could desire. WM. A. MASON.
Curwensville. June 2. 1853.
FIED. PA. The undersigned would respectfully
inform hi frte-nA-i tkmi t h n Ir.r.Ilinrf nnki;.
- - - - - - .uv ..w.llBUg fUVl,l. MAM
general, that he has taken the above house, (for
merly known as the Hemphill Hotel.) and that
the house has been recently refitted, improved
and newly furni.-hed ; that extensive stabling
has just been completed; and that he is pre
pared to accommodate all who may give him
call in tlie most pleasine: and agreeable manner.
lie is amply provided with everything to render
his house a desirable stopping place, and w ill
endeavor to entertain his euesta in a manner that
cannot fail to give the fullest satisfaction. The
nouse is situated in a pleasant and quiet part ot
the town, and no expense or attention will be spa
red to make it one of the best houses in the county.
A liberal patronage is resnectfullv sulii-ited. II-
bar will be supplied with an assortment of choice
liquors. jnne2- 5:? H. HAYS MORROW.
Katimr Ilnuxc! Eating Hoitte .' end Uilery!
Kitiu Hnuatl Eating? Hon ? and H ilerq'.
li.itiiiiT House! Eitif HoHe '. and. H.item'
The undersigned takes this method of informing
the citizens of Clearfield and the public in gener
al, that he has opened an EATING HOUSE and
BAKERY in the room on Market street, known as
the "Old Jew Store.-' where lie will keep on hand
a general assortment of Coufcctionaries. such as
Candies of all kinds. Nuts in great variety. Figs.
Kaisens, Prunes. Ac.. Ac. ne will also keep Ale
aud Lager Beer at all times, which, he does not
hesitate to say. is a superior article, ami from the
best breweries in the west. ALSO, a lartre assort
ment of Tobacco and Cigars, alwavs on hand.
As he is a baker by trade, he will always keep
a supply of FRESH BREAD and CAKES. .-ll
as PIES of every description that the season will
afford. Ho will also bake to order, on short no
tice, anything of the kind that may be wanted
vj iuc citizens oi v.iearnciu.
ihe public are resnectfullv inv'ted to call n.I
see his stock, which he thinks cannot fail to meet
the wants and wishes of rersous who desire mr
ui iuc arucics in nis line oi Dusir.ess. He solicits.
and hopes to receive, a liberal share of patronage,
as it will be his constant aim to accommodate and
please all who may favor bim with their custom.
v.au ana judge tor yourselves. Kern ember the
place, the -OLD JEW STORE." on Market street
Clearfield lap2l WENDLIN ENTltF.S
THE Cittr.DEV Ir?T'ST'
The Golden Prize The Golden Prize.
The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize
The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize.
The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize.
TTTty M",rTMT?-7 it J i 'T
77u..i.j . hi ...
.. . . ..... i..r. ccrrry trrr a . J ff (rircl every ittrX
IUiistrated every weel. Illustrated every treri.
Illustrated every tceel. Illustrated evrif tveet.
Illustrated rrery tceet. Ill nitrated erertf trrtl
IT.l.TlSTti A'rrrn wj?tv irpfi-
iyjirci men comes sent free. Sneeimru envies sent free
' " - - iiiriAtniicq
Ihn Virlr U'aaVl. 1 1 . . 1
irwfrryiM frruiiMiw rr i : i . . . t . - www
. . ii.t is one OI
Till 1 arrrnat om.1 k.at 1. 1 ... . 1
- - mm-m i j j.'4(jtijui measj. .An
Imperial Quarto containing etrht pacres, or fort t
eolutnnil. (if nfprtllinir nri,inal . J - i "
... . "o," - "uu ele
gantly illustrated every week.
a t ' :r . i . a . .
, "una ou cents 10 JWI) Oil in Gold will
De Presented tnpwh Knlunrihu.
. . i iiuuicutiiieir on
receipt of the subscription money.
woe copy jor one year, 52 ul, and I "ift
One copy for two years, 3 50, and 2 rifts
One copy for three years, 5 00. and 3 gifts'.
One copy for five vear, 8 00, and 5 gifts
Three copies one year, S5 00, and 3 gifts,
live copies one year, 8 00, and 5 gifts.
Ten copies one year, 15 00, and 10 gifta.
1 wenty-one copies 1 year, 30 00. and 21 gift
The articles to ha rlidrriv.nt.wi ... - t -
the following list :
1 packages of Gold, containing $500 each
5 packages of Gold, containing 200 each
10 packages of Gold, containing 100 each."
IS r m Hunt,nS Cased Watches, 10) each.
20 Gold W atches. 75 .
50GoldWateh . . . iXeac?'
100 Gold Watches'. - lal.h
300 Ladies Gol.I r.h.. eac.n"
SS E!!V!r U.nt,!DS C-3eJ ' 30 eh.
wu..u,ci ii au-uea. - - . Sin ,i 9; ...k
1000 gold guard, Tt A fob chains 10 to 30 each'
Studs, V ateh keys, Gold and (Silver Thimbles, and
$15 each. LU ni ou conts to
Immediately on the receipt of the subscription
money the subscriber's name will be entered Spon
our subscription book opposite a number, and the
gift correspond inir vilk - i ... . .
- j ". . . ' iimuuei will Dtlup
warded, with.n one week, to the subscriber, 6,
VU1U or ernrrct . ' J
T All COuimnninarmna )...l v. .u . .
. i ii mtm3 BUUlTWa 10
Tit? I T .. . .
45 and 49 Moflat Building, 335 Broadway, N. York.
x- L -v- . .. f . "c"irwj. Agents wanted.
j5l ork, March 17, l&jp-lamly.
ARDWARE. A large assortment just receiv-
CAUTION All persons are notified not to
meddle with the following property now ia
possession of Luther Barrett, as the same belong f
to me and subject to my order: 2 Horsea. 1 Cow.
1 Heiffer. 1 Calf, 2 Hegt. I pair Timber Sleda, I
Raft of timber. JOHN PAITUN.
Curwensville. December 22. 153.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby caatio&ed
against purchasing or in any way meddiiBr
with the following property, to wit: Una yoke cj
red Oxen and 1 black Mare', as the same belongs
to me. and is only left with Wm. M. Bloom oa leas
and is subject to my order alone.
Jan 5. 159. LKWIrf I. BLOOM.
ajL The property formerly occupied by Jauits
Smith, being 3 adjoining lots, having a two nor
plank house. 34 by IS feet, and a plank shop, Vt
by 15 feet, thereon erected, is for sale, or rent, ca
accommodating terms. Applv to
March 2. L. J. CKANS. Clearfield. .
Sixth street, between Market and Che out.
Philadelphia, has been recently opened Tor the
accommodation of the . cbl:c. The house i !
central location, and hat undergone extensive re-"
pairs the charge per day is $1.25.
Sept- 22. 15- 1. BLAIR. Aft.
119 2nd Street, above Arch. PbiUdelphia.Pa.
This Hotel hs been refitted, and if now arttia
opened for the accummodation of the trTliog
public. It is located in a pleasant part of the city,
and every effort will be made to make guest com
fortable. Try the boose. Boarding 31.25 perday:
A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor.
September 22. 1S5S.
C'AUTION. All persons are hereby eactioned
against purchasing or meddling w'ith the fwi
lowing property, to wit : One yoke of black Oxen,
both with white faces: 1 two-horse wagon, 1 TJ,
and white spotted Moily Cow, 1 red Cow. 1 two
year old Heiffer, 5 head' of Hogs, now ia poatw
sjon of Abraham Shallenberger, of Union town
ship, as the same belongs to me. and Is suMect te
my order alone. D. E. BRUBAkEK
December 24th. 135--de29-2m.
IOR SALE, THE FARM occupied by Jobn
F.Wiley in Ferguson township, eonlainiag
IOC acres, 30 acres cleared ; house, barn ani other
buildings thereon erected.
ALSO. 50 acres of land or the timber therein.'
situate in Pike township within one ard a half
miles of the river on a good road to haul.
For further description and terms ariplr to
L. J. CK'A.Vd.
May 20. 1S37. Clearfield.
The attention of fanners and land owners
generally, throughout th -. country is called to tl
valuable and powerful machine for the extra:tir.g
of stumps, pulling down trees, removal of rocks,
buildings. Ac. A company ot gentlem-n nf this
city have secured from the Inventor, the Patect
Kigutfor the State of Pennsylvania, and are row
prepared to sell county rights, machine Ac, oa
accommodating terms. Application can be made
to Aaron Clement. Agent, at the oCee of tUe tym
pany. No. 220 North Third street. ba-k room, rti!
adi'Iphia. N. B. Pamphlets with i! lustrations and
testimonials, can be had t the office. Iec22 j."-oi
2. STUKE, No. 72 North Secoxo Su-eet. iptn
xite the Mount Vernon IIohm.) Pphiladeix-hia
tJold Lever Watches, full jewelled. 15 iC. e
Silver Ivcr do.. d.; Silver lupine, do.; 'ar::t:
Gold Spectacles. Silver do.; Silver Table
Silver Desert do.; Silver Tea do.; Gold Pec : .;
Gold Cases: Gold Pens and Silver do.: togribcr
with a varioty of fine Gold Jewelry. Gold 'Jura
Guard and Foo Chains. All goods warranted u
be ns represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair
ed in the best manner.
Also, Masonic Marks. Tins, Ao.. made to order.
N. B. All orders sent by mail er otherwise
will be punctually attended to.
His motto is: - Small Profits and Quick Salea,-
Pbiladclphia. April 25. IS55.
and the public, tbat Gross A Kunkel, whole
sale Grocers. Canal Street Wharf, llarrisburg,
have on hand a large lot of Liquors at reduced'
prices, by the barrel or otherwise, te suit pnt-
. .j;ij-tit. couMMib m ne loiiowinf
n ii ... n
j uro e ran dies.
Oid Rye Wlmkey,
Iometio Brandies.
New England Rum,
Lisbon Wine.
Pure Holland Gin.
Rectified Pitta.Whiikay
Port Wine.
Madcria Wine.
Pure Holland Gin,
Domestic Gin.
Monongahcla Whiskey
i.iacKDerry liracdy,
Teach Brandy,
Livender Brandy,
Cherry Brandy."
Scutth Vhi?kev.
And other Liquor.
Gesler's Pnre Champagne, Ac,
n?Ord:rs promptly attended to.
A., Ae
Wholesale Grocers.
Canal Street Wharf, between Walnut and Ste
Streets, Harrisbnrg. Pa. MarlO-'5S-ly.
would inform the citizens of town and sur
rounding country, that they continue to manufaj
ture to order, aud keep constantly on hand, everr
n . i A t ..e ii I M r -'r ii. . n
-""j i o-iuuwii-H.iftii. eocsistm? t,z
.uairs. .uauogony and Lominon Bureaus: Sofa
Lounges. Ac They will also repair furniture and
-chairs, in good style, cheap fur cash. Hons Tain
ting done on short notice, and easy terms bop
and Ware-rooms, on Market street, (same as for
merly occupied by John Guelich.) nrarlv cpposi:
the ' Old Jew Store." where tber are at all timee
ready to accommodate those who inav lav.-.r them
with their custom. As the time are' rather pres
sing, they have determined to dispose of article
in their business, at (he very lowest cash rate.
Step in and examine their ware, and judge fer
yourselves JOHN GCELICH
September 1,1 S58. DANIEL BENNER.
NB. Coffins made to order on short notice, aad
funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro.
pnate accompanyments, when desired. G.A B.
Robins having removed his Book and
Drugstore to the Store Room former! t oecupied
by Riohard thaw A Son. one door West of the
-Mansion House," where he is prepared to accom
modate his former customers and the pub'ic gen
erally with everyihing in his line. larinr late
ly added a general assortment of Groceries to hie
former stock, he is now prepared to accoxaioda'e
all who may favor him with a call, with
Tobacco ami Cigars. '
Chemicals, &-r., fre., rr.
Among his stock will be found Histories, Biogra
phies, tketches. School Books, Poetical, ScietTti-j,
Mecbamcal, Medical and Law works; the lateet
ffi Vil-"SOM 1WBrri on.hn1 or procured to order;
all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish
ers pnees; fancy and common letter paper; plain
and ruled cap paper; perforated paper ; note pa
per; fancy and common envelopes; blank Dee-it;
a great variety of Steel Pens ; common and faaey
pen-holders, pencils. Ac. Ac. Ac., which he will eeil
at the most reasonable prices.
His stockof Drugs. Medicines, Dye-stuffs. FainU. .
AC, is larsre ami wll cui...n . k:.v. .7?
Calomel, Blue Mass. Quinine. Morphia, Red Prw
cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pnlverized ; RoebUe
and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar. Sulphur, Sen
na. Pink Rvn C... M I . - J - f ' . .
- - "j i.ic xartarie A -
eil, bulphate of Ziae; liquorice, Colombo and
Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, BIqh Vitriol
i , ... . v v. iuammu umt, v nmme
Ureen and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra de Sienna,
and in faet a general assortment.
Ha ria ali w,m 11 '.e T .j: .
'"l". tc. Also, Watch
guards and Keys Penknives, Hair oil,; liair.
IvOH. I I n IT Imn(l Putk. 1. m. .
' - - wuuj, xootn-Dicks
lltri and Ktrnnl Smllnra' T . r. -
CT Soans andPerfnrr..,. . ' "I, P?Waer 1
Vv -,KPr?ne!;Fif' Kaisina. Almond'Paa-nuU
and 1 ilberu ; Candies a general aasortntent r
amon. Cloves. Pepper, and othsatSIi?S?!:
and fpool Cotton ; the moat popular Patent Me
:ij cueapest rates.
Call ft&d lIBtn ansa V. 1 .
.oives. ir;,;;,"' . 112
Dining Breakfast, and Centre Tables; Sewing
" ritirg. and Wash Stands, Mahogony and Cent
mon Bedsteads: Maho?onv at..l i'..Kf.n...i
November WM. F. IRWIN.
-.. t'vuv iuu now ior saie Dsr
November 2 WM F. IRWIN.
J A I Lv?. Jin aormfnt in.i i -..i