Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 02, 1859, Image 4

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    u u
, It wa daring the second term of General
Jaekson that be stopped at a public house,
while on bis way from Nashville to Florence,
Alabama and "thereby bangs a tale." He was
tbe gnest oi Mr. Samuel Wonnley, as fine a
specimen of an old Virginian as you will And
between the rising and the setting Bun. A.
large company was present, and many were
introduced. The host presented two of bis
sons-in-law in tbe following manner : "Gen
era I, allow me to introduce my son-in-law Sam
uel F. Walker, who is a nephew of James K.
Polk. General allow me to introduce another
eon-in-law, Adley O. Harris, once a brother-in-law
or James K. Polk." In tbe corner of
tbe room sat a wag, who bad either eaten too
much or drunk too much; rising from the
seat, be said : "General allow me to tatroduce
myself, Michael B. Moore. I married Kate,
the daughter-of old Jobo Miller; give me
your corn-stealer." Well, there was a laugh
long and loud, in which tbe General heartily
joined while extending bis "corn-stealer."
A gentleman in Washington city was recent
ly relemnz in presence of Tbaddeas Stevens,
to tbe possibility of Mr. Buchanan's turning
against the Sonth for the purpose of retrieving
bis lost fortune iu Pennsylvania, and asked
Mr. Stevens what be thought won Id be tbe re
sult. . Mr. Stevens replied that there would be
no trouble about that, as tbe South could re
claim him any time under the Fugitive Stave
law I The inquirer seemed perfectly satisfied.
Lincoln, of Illinois, got off a good one, on
tbe day of the Senatorial election. As soon
as the ballot was announced a prominent Re
publican approached bim in the law library,
and asked bim "bow be felt '." "Well," said
Abe, "I feel a good deal like tbe boy did
when he stubbed his toe against a root. Grab
bing bis foot in both hands he exclaimed :
"I'm too much of a man to cry, and I'm too
d-d badly hurt to langh!"
"We must be unanimous," observed John
Hancock, on the occasion of signing the Amer
ican Declaration of Independence ; there must
be no polling different ways we must all bang
together." "Yes," added Franklin, "we must
all hang together, or most assuredly we shall
all bang separately."
The wife of Thomas Redley, of Lockport,
New York, put her little child in tbe wood
box, near the stove, for safe keeping while
she went down street ; the stove became too
bot and set tbe wood-box on fire, and before
assistance could be rendered tbe child was
burned to death.
Henry Jackson, a shoemaker, and bis wife,
got beastly intoxicated in New York city, on
Wednesday night, and in that condition retir
ed. They were found dead next morning.
Drunk together in life, in death not divided.
A Juror in Northampton county, Pa., was
recently let off from an absence tine on the
plea that be bad "been in town all the week,
and was bunting for the jury but couldn't find
Poor Mexico now has five Presidonts, or at
least five men backed by military power, each
of whom thinks he alone can rescue her from
the gulf of ruin to which she is hastening.
- There are now employed, in the service of
the Executive Department and Bureaus of the
Government in Washington, thirteen hundred
and twenty persons.
Answer to Enigma
Raftsman' Journal.
of last week The
C ACTION. All persons ars notified not to
meddle with the following property now in
possesion of George W. Curry in Pike township,
as the same belongs to ma and aubjeet to my order,
to wit: Cine Bed and 'White Cow.
Sew Millport, Jan. 15, lB59-jan 19.
STRAY. Came to the premises of the subscri
ber in Burnside township, in September last,
one black Moily Bull supposed to bo about 3 years
Id. The owner is r guested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges, and take him away,
otherwise he will be disposed of according to law.
Burnside tp., Jannary 19. 2S59-3tp.
valuable farm, of the undersigned, former
ly the property of John Antes f?ea"d, containing
t'eventy-five acres, Fifty of which are cleared, is
onered for sale upon reasonable terms. 1 bis farm
is beautifully situated, two and a half miles from
Clearfield bcro, and one-fourth of a mile from the
Pike leading from Clearfield to Curwensville. It
has upon it a good house, a large spring-house
with fresh water constantly flowing through it. It
aisj, nas erected tneron, a good log stable, an ont
oven, and other out houses, necessary for a coun
try residence. There is upon said farm, a bank
containing the best quality of bituminous coal.
aiso an orchard ct choice iruit, consisting of ap
pies, peacnei, pears, pinms. it., and other rcqui-
mitam ,J I. . .
mio ivi j'wi uviua, iuu luuiciuus io mention.
Now is your chance to purchase a home, for you
and jour children, that in your declining years,
yon may sit down by your own peaceful fire-side,
and enjoy all the comforts of old age.
Oct. 6, 1853. WM. M. M'CULLOt'GH, Sr
SPLENDID GIFTS !!! ! ! At 439 Chesl
nut Street. Th only Original Gift Boot Store.
O. G. EVANS weuld inform his friends and the
public that bis Star Gift Book Store and Publish
ing House is permanently established in Brown's
splendid Iron Building, 439 Chestnut Street, two
doors below Fith, where the purchaser of each
book, at the regular retail price, will receive one
f the following gifts, valued at from 25 cents to
One Jfnmdred Dollars. WORTH EACH
i3 Patent English Lever Gold Watches, $100 00
559 Patent Anchor 50 00
40fl Ladies Gold Watches. 18k. eases, 35 00
f,w Hunting Watches, warranted, 15 00
500 Parlor Timepieces. 10 00
500 Cameo Sets. Ear Drop, nd p j. ,
"d,.e? v 0l.4 BrJale,et8- 5 00 to 1 2 00
500 Gents' est end Fob Chains 10 00
lU o!d P"0'8' lar8 sue double ease,) 10 00
2000 Gold Lockets, (small size.) ' 3 00
1000 Gold Pencil Cases, with Gold Pens 5 00
152 l.th. ? d holders, 8 50
iuu uoiu reociis, (Ljmaies ,J
2500 Gold Pens, with Silver Pencils,
6500 Gold Rings, (Ladies',)
2000 GenU' Gold Rings,
2500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins,
3500 Misses' Gold Breastpins,
2500 LadiesGold Pens, with cases and holders
3000 Pocket Knives,
2000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs,
2000 Sets Gents' Sleeve Buttons,
2000 Pairs of Ladies' Ear Drops,
2 00
2 5(1
1 00
2 59
2 50
1 50
1 50
1 00
2 50
2 50
5 en
cwuv iaaie rearl uard uasea.
15000 Ladies' Cameo. Jet. or Mosaic Pins,
2500 Ladies' Shawl and Ribbon Pins,
1 so
5000 Articles of Gold Jewel r v. Gift Rook. e . not
numerated in the above, worth from 25 ets to S25.
Evans' new Catalogue, which is sent free to all
parts of the country, contains all the most popular
toooks of tbe day. and the newest publications, all
f nJJi S0,d low they canbe'ob
tained at other stores.
iarsTyngasar PrtiB-
bo?k5lf:imTlT ln"ted in publishing
books, and buying from other publiabera in im
mense ouanUtie., f0, cash, I am enabled Tto make
larger discnU to Country Agent and Book Deal
era thjaean be had at any other house in the eoun
try. lABybcokpublwhed in tbeUnited States
the retail pnoe of which is one dollar or upwards!
will be promptly sent, Gift included, on receipt of
publisher s price. vAn extra 51 Book and Gift
given to any person ordering tea books to be sent
to one eddrees. Send for a Celalesru.
AJdres, G5- ETAJS; publisher, .
Aor. 36. 18S -3m. tMOssitmitPf nil-. .
The Rattsmax's Jocbxal is published on Wed
nesday at $1,50 per annum in advance. If not
Pd at the beginning of the year, 52,00 will be
ADVERnsBWBXTS will be inserted at 51,00 per
square 01 iz lines ior three or less insertions. For
every additional insertion 25 cents will be charg
ed. A deduction will be made to yearly adver
tisers. '
No subscription taken for a shorter time than
six months, and no naner will be discontinued un
til all arrearages are paid, ezeept at the option of
mo puuiuner. - ... b. it. ItUW.
Pres t Judge Hon. James Burnside, Belief onte.Pa.
as te .judges Hon. Wm. u. Moore. Clearfield.
Hon. Benj'n. Bonsall, Luthersbnrg.
cnenn. ... t rea k u. aimer, . mcarncia
Prothonotary, George Walters, . .4
Reg. Rec . James Wrigley, . . " .'
Treasurer. . . John McPherson, . . . "
Co. Surveyor, John L. Cuttle, ... "
Commiss'n'rs, John Irwin. Sr. . . Clearfield.
George Earhard, . . NewMillport.
William McCracken, Lumber City.
Auauors. . . reier iioover, - . . curwensville
Aaron C. Tate, . . Clearfield.
. .- Issao W.Graham, .
Coroner. . . . George Richards, . . . Clearfield.
"pR- B. F. AKELT, Grahamton, Clearfield eonn-
XJ ty, Penn a. April 1.
-pv O. CROUCH, Phtsiciah, Curwensville, Clear-
j . nem eounty, i'enn a. May 14.
T J. CRANS, Attorney at Law and Real Estate
1J. Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Office adjoining his
resilience, on ceconu street. Alay 16.
EORGE SCHLLTZE, Boot and Sooo Maker,!
VJI opposite tbe Jail, Market street, Clearfield,
J a. xie sens low ior cash. 2iow.lv.
-1T7ILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law.
Clearfield, Pa. Office, one door north of the
Post Office, on Second street.
Sept. 1.
JOSEPH GOON, Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes,
Shaw's new row, Market street, Clearfield, Pa.
jiaue up work always on band. . Aug. 14.
T OBERT J. WALLACE, Attorney at Law, (and
11 district Attorney,) viearfield, fa. Office in
thaw s new row, Market street. May 26.
BCCHER SWOOPE, Attornev at Law. Clear
field, Pa. OEct in Graham's Row. one door
east of the 'Kaftsinan s Journal' office. Nov 10.
W. BARRETT. Justice of the Peace. Luther.
burg, Clearfield co.. Pa., will attend Dromnt-
1 . 1. 1 . . .. L r
iy 10 an ousincss entrusted to mm. marzs-tf
TITILLIAM F. IRW IN, Market street, Clearfield,
V T 1 a., ueaier in foreign ana domestic Mer
chandise, Hardware, Quecnsware, Groceries, and
lamiiy articles generally. .Nov. 10.
MEURELL A CARTER. Dealers in Stoves, Tin,
Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware, second street.
Clearfield, Pa. House-spouting and Roofing done
to order, on eliort notice Hor. 1.
GUELICH i BEXXER, Manufacturers of all
kinds of Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clear-
neiu, n. iney also make to order Coffins, and
attend lunerals with a hearse. Kov. 10.
Cabinet Maker. Market
rcct. Clearfield. Pa. He will also attend fu
nerals with a hearse, when called on ; and make
com 11s to order, on short notice. Xov. 10.
HF. XAUGLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, 4c. Room in
Maw a new row, Market street, opposite the Rafts
man s journal emcc, Ulearneld, l'a. Kov. 10.
iLACKSMITHIXO lenliS,iit,lr-;i -v.
J3 ful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a
continuance of a share of public patronage in his
linn . F Knu.nA rj-1 - i . . -
uw v. VHjuwsa. UUVJI VU lllirU BL. lQT. 1U.
B M EN ALLY, Attornev at Law. Clearfield.
Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office in new brick addition, adioininc
iue resiuence 01 James is. u ran am. or. 10.
T ARRIMER i TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear-
iifi'i. ra. wui attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to thsir care in Clear-
neld and adjoining counties. August 6, 1856.
rilUUMAS J. M'CLLLOUGII, Attorney at Law,
L Clearfield, Pa., may be found at his office on
Market street, one door west of Richard Mo&wivi
store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar-
cu who prompibefs ana accuracy. leo. 13.
TOHN RVS5EL CO.. Tanners and Curriers,
O rennville, Clearfield Co , Pa. Keep constantly
on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which
they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. " Hides
or all kinds taken in exchange Julyl5-54.
I USSfcl'li PETERS. Justice of tbe Peace. Cur
J wonsrille. Clearfield county, Pa., one door east
vi diomeiius a ien r.jcfc s fctore. All business
entrusted to bim will be promptly attended to, and
an iBsimmcou 01 writing done on snort notice.
4 MBKOT1 PES. P. C. PURVIAXCE. Professor
JT. 01 i-notograpbie Cbemistry. Gallery at' his
residence on econd Street, one door South of I
Jierreu carter s 1 in-ware establishment, Clcar-
neia, 1 a. tsrlJays of operation : Friday and
oararaay t each week. junel8'56
JA3lfcfc I. GRAHAM. Dealer in Sawed Lumber,
Squared Timber, Shingles, Boards, Ae., Gra
hamton. Clearfield county, Pa., is prepared to fill,
on tbe shortest notice, all orders for articles in his
line of business, on as reasonable terms as theyean
u" piwurcu in me con my. JanZ3- 56-tf.
TR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi-
17 ees to tne citizens ot Uiearneld and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite the office of
1. vrans, r-sq. umce. tbe same that wu nwrnt.
iy occupied oy iion. u 14 Barrett, where be can
oe louna unless absent on professional business.
TEXTAL CARD. A. M. SMITH, offers hi. nr.
1 f fessional services to the Ladies and (inntlmor.
of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the
teeth executed with neatness and Hnmiitli Tu;n
familiar with all tbe late improvement h nr..
fau tuujaBQ uiuciu iccia in me oest manner.
Office in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15.
"yOUR TEETH !-DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to
I announce to his friends and natrons. tht ha
is now devoting all of his time to operations inDen
tistry. Those desiring his services will find him at
nis orace, aojoining his residence, at cearli- all
times, an always on Fridays and Saturdays, un
less notified otherwise in the town papers the week
uciore. au woric warranted to be satisfactory.
TXTAGON - MAKING. Tho undereinirned an-
.1 nounce to the nublie that they manufacture
waggons of all descriptions, Buggies. Sleds, Ac., at
their .hop in New Salem, Brady township, Clear-
r, "iy, wnicn they oner lor sale at as reasona
ItnV 1 C,.b!P"reh"ed !"wW Tbey res-
. a au&rc 01 patronage.
Octl- 56-tf WILLIAM LEWIS.
"nOOTASHOEMAVivn 1.. . .
I" i ..,j i:7 x ne undersigned hav
?JL Vr? JDt2 PMtner8hiP in the above bu-
. 1 me new bridzo li mi!
bove Clearfield boroegh, are prepared to d ?a! !
kinds of work in their line on the shortest notice !
uu umi iniuuiituig terms. JUJtJj S IIOYT
A. G. IIOYT. '
- - All Kinds 01 oonntry produce and hides
n exenange ior worK. June Z3, 1858.
-a-v unoersiirned taxes this method to announce
to the citizens of Clearfield and the surrounding
country, that he has opened a Barber Shop, on
warsei eireet, in cnaw s new row.where he is pre
pared to accommodate all who mar s-iva him a
a' D P 'cstre a liberal patronage.
wm. o, two. JAtltitlAU AUKKJX'
yA.TEST STYLE -of Fall and Winter Bonrets, at
- ma corner etore or WM. IRVIN. '
I s .Vs rT-RE " set cf French Sables, at 1
TJLOUR. Just received 30 barrels Extra Fam- i
-M. . ily t lour, which will be sold low tor cash by
vecemoer z, 1 u it A it u MUiUP.
IARPETS, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, c., can
v do procured at tne store or
Mayl2. JOHN PATTOX, Curwensville
T ADIES' MANTILLAS, Shawls, Bonnets, Skel-
jls eton tKirts, and Ladles' dress gooJs of all
kinds lor sale low by JUUJi PATTOX
Curwensville, May 12, 1853.
pOLE S PATENT SAW-GUMMER, for sale, of
MJ saws gummed to order, by
CTearfield, June a. MERRELL & CARTER.
T70R SALE CHEAP A first-rate GOLD
JL' - WATCH is offered unusually low. as the own
er is in want of money
at the "Journal" office,
accurate time.
For particulars enauire
N.B. Warranted to keep
January 9, 1&9.
IIAUTIOJV. All persons are notified not to
possession of Luther Barrett, aithe same belongs
v unuin iui iu luiiowine vropenT sov in
to me and subject to my order: 2 Horses, ! Cow.
lHeiner. 1 Calf. 2 Hoes. I cair Timber Sleda. 1
Kaft of timber. JOHN PATTON.
Curwensville. December 22, 1853.
"CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
W against purchasing or in any way meddling
with the following property, to wit: Ona voke of
rea vxen ana 1 oiaca Mare, as the same belongs
to me, and is only left with Wm. M. Bloom on loan
, n , . , ; . . . - .. I .
and is subject to my order alone.
Jan. 5. 1809. LEWIS I. BLOOM.
The property formerly occupied by James
cmiiu, ocing j adjoining lots, naving a two story
pianic nouse, by 13 leet, and a plank shop, 21
by 15 feet, thereon erected, is for sale, or rent, on
accummouaung terms. .Apply 10
March 24. L. J. CRANS, Clearfield.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or meddling with the fol
lowing property, to wit : One yoke of black Oxen,
both with white faces; -1 two-horse wagon, 1 red
and white spotted Moily Cow, 1 red Cow, 1 two
year old Heiffer, 5 head of Hogs, now in posses
sion of Abraham Shallenberger, of Union town
ship, as the same belongs to me, and is subject to
my oracr alone. H. t. JitlLUAKER
December 24th, 1858-dec29-3m.
T V The attention of farmers and land owners
generally, throughout th 1 country is caUed to tbe
valuable and powerful machine for the extracting
of stumps, pullinz down trees, removal of rocks.
buildings, ic. A company ot gentlemen of this
city have secured from tbe Inventor, the Patent
itigut lor the Mate of Pennsylvania, and are now
prepared to sell county rights, machines, Ac. on
accommodating terms. Application can be made
to Aaron Clement, Agent, at the office of the Com
pany, No. 230 North Third street, back room, Phil
adelphia. N.B. Pamphlets with illustrations and
testimonials, can be had at the office. Dec22-j5-6t
X and the public, that Gros X Kunkel. whole.
sale Grocers, Canal Street Wharf, Harrisburc
nave on uauu a large 101 01 Liquors at reduced
-1. - - . r --
vy ma unrrci or oiuerwie. to miit mir.
buusiswug ui lae louowini ;
r 1 . . t . . .
Pure Brandies,
New England Rum,
Lisbon Wine,
Pure Holland Gin.
Old Rye Whiskey,
Domestic Brandies,
Monongahela Whiskey
Blackberry Brandy,
Peach Brandy,
Lavender Brandy,
Cherry Brandy,
Rectified Pitts.Whitkey
Ti . n-r
fun ine,
Maderia Wine,
Pure Holland Gin,
Domestic Gin,
Scotch Whiskey,
And other Liquors.
r-TVr.) ...... .y . 9 ' 'u-
tieftler Cum f J...
i j) viuers promptly attended to.
Wholesale 1
uanai Mrect V barf, between Walnut and State
streets, mmsburg, Pa. Marl0-'58-ly.
Hcreofter everv rjurch&ser before nnr.
chasing his books has his own
Great American Gift Bool House.
J"o. 293 Broasrrrvzu. Mi V",-
wbere tbe gifts, consisting of Jewel. A-c. nnA
VarvitliT iL vnlil frnm. 7 ri j.t. t,. T IT. ...J I
aoriars, are always on exhibition, in ample Show
j J - w , v... iV A ft V Jlfl'IBW
vases, uur jsew iescriptive t-ataloguc, contain
ing a large variety ot Jooks in everv denartment
ot science and literature, (all of which are sold
at regular publisher's prices.) and ext.lainiii - Ol'lt
ry purcuaser ms oirn eiio tee of gJts, and setting
forth unequalled inducements to Asrtttts. will be
sent, post paid, to any individual on application.
Address. A. RANEY, Agent,
July 7, 1853-Pm. No. 2')3 Broadway, N Y.
J would inform the citizens of town mnA
rounding country, that they continue to manufae.
ture to order, and Keep constantly ou hand, everv
-variety of CAB INE T-1 VA KIT. mt;n. r
xining reaKiast, ana Centre Tables; Sewing,
Writing, and Wash Stands, Mahogony and Com-
r- f". . . . . .T v
iuvu iKusicKu, juanogony and cane-bottomed
t-nairs. Mahogony and Common Bureaus ; Sofas
Lounges, Ao Tbev will also renairfnrnitnr mnA
chairs, in good style, cheap for cash. House Pain
ting done on short notice and easy terms. Shop
and Ware-rooms, on Market street, (same as for
merly OCCUPied DV John Uuelich.) nenrlv Annneito
the '-Old Jew Store." where tbev are at a.11 Hn..
reaay 10 accommodate those who may favor them
wiui meir custom, as tne times are rather pres
sing, they have determined to dispose of articles
iu meir ousiness, at tne very lowest cash rates.
ctep in and examine their ware, and inH,r rnr
yourselves JOHN GUELICH,
September 1, 1858. DANIEL BENXER.
N. B. Coffins made to order on short nnl.ii mj
funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro
f"" tioumpimy menta, wuen aesired. Ki.& li.
JLW Itobins havinf removed hm Tinnk
irug More to the btore Room formerly occupied
by Kianard bhaw A Son, one door West of the
mansion nouse," where he is prepared to accom
modate his former customers and the public gen
e rally, with evervihinir in his line. Ilivino lata.
Iy added a general assortment of Groceries to his
xormar stock, be is now prepared to accommodate
an wno may lavor him with a call, with
Tobacco and Cigars,
Chemicals, o-c. &-e.. &-e.
Among his stock will be found Histories, Biogra
phies, Sketches, School Books, Poetical, Scientie,
Mechanical, Medical and Law works ; the latest
paoiioauons always on candor procured to order;
all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish
ers prices ; fancy and common letter nanrr - nUln
. a - . I f I 1
!?iaper: Pejorated paper; note pa-
pen-holders, pencils, Ao. Ac. Ac. which he will sell I
at the most reasonable prices.
His stock of Drugs, Medicines, Dve-stuffs. Paints.
AO.. IS lartre and wall nrltmtaA iiniinl,L.I, .
V - " CIO I
Calomel Kin Ma a ii i.- . n I
cipiUte ; Rhubarb, root and pulverized; Rochelle
and Epsom ats; Cream of Tartar. Sulohur. Son. I
na, Pink Root, Sup. Carbonate Soda, Tartaric A
cid, buiphateet Zinc; Liquoriee, Colombo and
umumirTOi; L.ogwooa,uu Vitriol, Bin 9 Vitriol
Coperas, Alum, Red Lead, Prussian Blue, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra de Sienna.
and tn fact a general assortment. -
He has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast
EnH. "y?"- Finger Rings, Ae. Also, Watch
R?il. S ky?' pnknives. Hair oils; Hair,
Heading. I ine and Pk.tn,k. T .u :'.. u.'
j -vauo uu i vnumtrv a ....
Soaps and Perfumery a great variitr.
Also, Prunes. Fiirs. Rai.i.,. ai jl t t.
..y - , v.inii . general assortment ; Cin
t Med'
at the
auu cjniui vuou , me most popular Paten
icines of tbe day : all of which will be m
.J o t 1--.. - -v . r-.
"Ku anf Sffi the stk and r
feives. ic-epwoi - xa'JpLAS KOBrVS.
A -GOOD ASSORTMENT ef Ladies' DrefS Goods.
XjL comprising English and French Merinos, Co
bures. fieured and nlain Delaines. Delaine Robes.
Saxony Plaids, Lama Cloth, Poil de Chevro, Silks,
s.c, sc., ior sale cheap at the corner, by
October 6, 1858. WM. IRVIX.
JL . printed and for sale at the Raftsman's
journal omce, a lot ot superior blanas, to wit:
Blank Subpoenas, , Blank Executions,
Blank Summons', Blank Marriage certificates
judgment otes. with and without waiver.
1 Chf ACRES OF LAND, on the Erie Turn-
X&Aj pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville,
and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same
will be sold on accommodating terms. The land
lies well, is all susceptible of eultivation, and is
well covered with choice pine timber suitable for
shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill
near by. Apply to L. J. CRANS.
mar2j Clearfield.
-ntm tm n--t y-, . r. . . . - ..
h u. 1! T.l a C-'
7Tk;m, ..r" .ZZZ.TrS
Iy, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of
fice of James Wrielev. Resister and Recorder at
Clearfield. The books are of various sizes and a
dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun
day schools at very cheap rates. cry substan
tial oioies canoe naa as low as zo cents apiece,
ana lesiamenis as low as 01 cents apiece.
The people of the eounty generally are also in
vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the i
Society. Signed by order of the Executive Com
mittee. A L.KX. McLEOD, President.
a-ja. ine unuermgned would respectiully an
nounce to his friends and the public eenerallv'
that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es
tablishment in "New Salem City," Brady town
ship, where he will at all times be prepared to i
manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds of
Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows Ac. Tho best ma
terial that can be procured will be used, and his
work will be made in the most substantial and du
rable manner, such as will bcar-the test of strict
examination. By a close observance of his busi
ness engagements, and by disposing of his work
on tbe most reasonable terms, which he will do
for either cash or approved eountry produce, he
hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub
lic custom UEJ. 1USUEL.
New Salem City. Jan. 16, 1856.
N'ote is the Time for liars-ains
Iow is the lirn tor iiar&ania !:'
Tho undersigned has just received from the East
and opened at his store in Grahamton, Clearfield
county, an extensive and well selected stock of
embracing every variety of DryGood3, Hardware,
Quecnsware, Groceries, etc.. etc.
These goods have been selected with an especial
view to supply tbe wants of this community, and
will be sold on the most reasonable terms. They
will POSITIVELY be sold as chean as the cheap
est in the country, for CASH.
1 articular attention has been paid to the selec
tion of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, among which
are Plain and Fancy Silks. Plain Baregos, Challes.
Barege Delaine, Robes. Embroidered collars and
sleeves. Kid Gloves ; Shawls, a great variety ; Man
tillas; Trimmings; Silk and Linen Fringes; Bon
nets of the latest styles ; Bonnet Ribbons and trim
mings, A-c. Also, Parasols. Hosicrv. Gloves. Mits.
Bisop and India Mulls, Jackoncts, Domestic and
French Ginghams, Lawns, Calicoes. Barred and
deck Musliti, Diapers, Crash, Napkins, Ladies'
Gaiters, children's shoes.tVc, and there is no doubt
that all can be well suited.
ALSO, French cloths and cassimcres. American
cloths and cassimcres. Marseilles vestings. Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, and a general assortment of
mens' and boys' Summer wear.
He has also a stock of READY-MADE CLOTH.
INO, which be will sell low.
The undersigned is determined to sell his roods
at the lowest prioes for CASH. This is not mere
pretence and vain boast he toll do it.
Grahamton, May 26, 1853.
LY. To the Public, the Bool- and P,rin,I.
ical Trade, and th Press. We have tho honor to
announce that we shall issue on or about the 1st of
December, JSjo. so as to be in season to command
tbe early attention of the public and periodical
trade, the first number oi a new Illnxtra.teA Mo-r-
azine. to bo called The 'Great RepttUie' Monthly.
nuiuicuutu 10 niaae mis magazine superior
m every respect to anything ever before issued in
this country. The ceneral acone nf it. rliirontxr
can best be understood by its name. It will be thor
oughly national in no wise sectarian, and wholly
iiiiicisuimi. i wm oner to tne writers and think
ers of this Union coiaraan field, where tliev nun
meet on tho highest ground of cotemporary liicr-
11 in uiiu u gainer aoout 11 everv varie
ty 01 intellect. I be ranR nf rtir.ia -;ti i, -
wiue one. coverinar. amonr other rrnnta 1.'-....
Sketches, Humerons Tales. Stories 11 ;.:.-.r?r.Vi i"
cidents, Fieviews, Critiques. Biographies. Seientiue
ri.jies. iravets. iarle Jn!k. Jrnmas. Tolitics,
Poems, Ballads. Stanzas. Sonnets. M
pondence, Gossip, etc.. etc. The Magazine will bo
profusely illustrated in the highest style of wood
engraving. The Literary department will present
greater variety, combined with more thorough ex-
eellence, it is believed, than ever before offered in
tne American public in a sinslo periodical E.L..H
number will contain an original piece of music,
composed expressly for this wor't. Of the superior
excellence of the Magazine in every respect, and
of the certainty of its permanent aneeeira
uiuiv uveu ub huiu. laa 1 ernnx ann v.nAr.l
3 T - . m J
conditions of the magazine will bn fnllni-
Volumes There will be two volumes a year, of
iuu rural octavo pairoa eiun. nnmmenninir ;n
January and July, and ending in June and De
cember, respectively, making six numbers to each
volumo, and twelve numbers to each year. Sub
scriptions may eommence at anv timo.
Single copies, 25 cents ; 1 copy for one year, sent
"j man. co vm. luosi copies, I year, 55 ; 3 co-
pie, 1 year, s- ; 4 copies. I year. 59 : 5 conies. 1
year, 3m. And all additional copies, over five,
copy. 11 sent totne same club.
Uubsmay be formed at different post offices. AH
subscriptions must be paid in ad
Subscriptions Entitling each subscriber to the
luagazme ior one year, and to their choice of ei
ineroi our two treat steel enm-T.onni ..i;n.j
' The Last bupper," and "The City of the Great
King, Four dollars. The encrravinirs will be sent
An rnll... I :, , , .. .
wiav.a Mjr Ulftll,
. prepaid. TU Agents and Can-
iberal and satisfactory arrange-
:ation stating the tcrritorv re-
vassers can makel
ments upon application
quired. All Postmasters and Clergymen are au
thorized to receive subscriptions, which they may
, " "iB''"3 umneana anuress ot subscri
ber, deducting 25 per cent for their tmn hl rrt,
ywouigo win not exceed throe cents each
nmnn.r j In. n ; ,1 1 1 . . . i .
. r . .. . ---
- , ru ii cases aitne omce whero
it is received. All communications, to bo entitlod
w answer, must eontain return stamps. Subscri
"era muse, in ail cases, write Kamcs, Town. Coun
ty and State in fulL as legibly as possible. There
is little risk in sendine- monev hw m.;i t o.
. cuuum nnnrnua nyaratt, lr possible, or
registered letter. OAKSMITH A CO..
ann.. U IJ I . . . .."'o"
publishers of the "Great Republio" Monthly
xx mm it imam 01., iew-i ork.
f3AR AND HOOP IRON, small round 5, r.
-ito the store of
OEADY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, a
AV full assortment, at the corno- - r '
Oetntr ft l.r.rt 't rnitKT
Hill. llVkl..
A wfE,bTOCK OF NEW GOODS, at the cor
"T . , ""i vul
October 6, 1858.
A yoke of good and large Oxen,
Uur . 11 . . '
A' by
Curwensville, September 22 1858.
1 .i it v r x
CFAMSH bole Leather, for sale at the corner
r-r s lore, uitiei laaen ai uie ni truest nrin
October 6.
"W "VTT I T (HIT Tl 1 L' T ' I "r" . , . . .
m a x i joAoa.ai.i3. a 101 on nana and or
w f sale by KovZa WM. F. IRWIN.
ed and for sale at
-A variety just receiv-
SI ALT A ,ajr qucntity of SALT just receiv-
and which will be sold very cheap for
c"b, by the sack, at WM. F. IRWIN'S.
T000, AS?, CIG.ARS T. J-t just
JL opened and for sale at tba itm nf
November;. WM. F. IRWIN.
Main and White Streets. BROOK VILLE. Pa.
Feh.24 R. R. MEANS, Proprietor.
VJT CHANGE Tbe subscriber having taken
the above well known stand, in Curwensville. Pa..
is ready to accommodate all who may favor him
with their patronage. His table will alwavs be
supplied with the best the market can afford, and
his Bar with the choicest liquors. His stable will
be Under the care of attentive hostlers.
April 8, 1358. ' DAVID SMITH.
MANSION HOUSE. Clearfield, Pa. The
undersigned respectfully announces to the
public that he has leased the above Hotel in Clear
field borough, and that he is prepared to accom
modate all who may favor him with their custom
His house is commodious and convenient, and his
table shall be supplied in the best manner possi
ble. No effort will be spared to render general
satisfaction. By strict attention to business, and
to the wants and comfort of hisguests.be expects
to secure a iioerai snare 01 patronage.
xeoii-a . JJAi. M. WKAVEIt.
signed notifies the public that he has opened out
tne aoove named nouse, and that be is well pre
pared to accommodate all who may favor him
with a call. The house is three stories hi?h. is
commodious and well furnished, and no pains will
oe spared to render satisfaction to guests, li is
Bar is always supplied with choice Honors of all
Aiiereis plenty 01 siaoung connected with
the house. He solicits a share of public patron
age. L. W. TEN EYCK.
ti . . . - . ... . .
Lumber City. April 21. l58-3m-pd.
Ciirtrrnsville, Clrarfield Coh
inutit? Peun'a.
The subscriber, formerly of the Exchanze Hotel
Philipsburg. having taken the above house, situate
in tbe east end ot the Borough ot Curwensville,
on the bank of the Susquehanna River, would res
pectfully announce to the travelling public, that
he is luiiy prepared to accommodate strangers
and all others who may favor him with a call.
The house is new, well furnished, large and com
modious, and travellers will find every convenience
necessary to their comfort. Amplo stabling ii at
tached to tBe prcmisas DAVID JOHNSTON.
curwensville, J-ebrnary IT. 1833.
Clearfield County, Pa. The subscriber begs leave
to inform his old customers and the public gene
rally that he has recently taken the above well
known stand, and that ho has entirely refitted and
refurnished it in a style adapted to the age. and
the wants of the entire travelling eommunitv.
HIS TABLE will always be provrded with every
luxury the markets and surroundiiic country will
afford. HIS BAR will be supplied with the choi
cest wines and liouors. HIS STABLES, which
are the best and most commodious on the road
within a day's travel, will alwavs be in char ire of
cnrciui ana attentive hostlers In short, everv
department of his establishment will be supplied
with all the comforts and conveniences tho weary
traveller could desire. WM. A. MASON.
Curwensville. June 2, 1858.
FIED, PA. The undersigned would respeatfully
inform bis friends and the travelling puOiic in
general, that he has taken the above bouse, (for
merly known as the Hemphill Hotel.) and that
the house has been recently refitted, improved
and newly furnished; that extensive stabling
has just been completed; and that he is pro
pared to accommodate all who may gye him
acall in the most pleasing and agreeable manner.
He is amply provided with evervthinir to render
his house a desirable stopping place, and will
endeavor to entertain his guests in a manner that
cannot fail to givo the fullest satisfaction. The
house is situated in a pleasant and quiet part of
the town, and no expense or attention will be spa
red to make it one of the best bouses in the county.
A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. His
bar will be supplied with Q assortment of rhnipe
liquors. fjunc2-'58J H. HAYS MORROW.
Eating House! Eating House ! and Balery'.
Eating House'. Eating House ! and Balery'.
Eating House ! Eating House ' and Balm .'
The undersigned takes this method of informing
the citizens of Clearfield and the public in gener
al, that he has opened an EATING HOUSE snd
BAKERY in tho room on Market street, known a
the "Old Jete Store," where he will keep on hand
a general assortment of Confcctionaries. such as
Candies of all kinds, Nuts in great variety. Figs,
Raisens, Prunes. Ac., Ac. He will also keen Ale
and Lager Beer at all times, which, he does not
hesitate to say. is a superior article, and from the
best breweries in the west. ALSo, a Ja.e arscrt
inent of Tobacco and Cigars, Hi ways on hand.
As he is a linker by trade, he will alwavs keep
a supply of rilESn BREAD and CAKES. "as well
as PIES of eve-y description that tho season will
afford. He wilt also bake to order. Oli iliCir r 1-
tice. anything of the kind that may bo wante
by tbe citizens of Clearfield.
The public are respectfully inv'tcd to call and
oce uisDiocK. wnicn be thinks cannot fail to meet
lUe wants and wishes of persons who desire an
I ' the articles in his line of business. Ha s.iliri!
and hopes to receive, a liberal share of patronage
as it will be his constant ainr to accommodate and
piease an wno may lavor bim with their custom
lSll and judge for yourselves. Remember the
piaee. tne jew STUKK." on Market street
vienrneiu aps WtSULIS ENTRES
ry 11
The Golden Prize Tho Golden Prize
The Golden Prize. The (iolden Prize
The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize.
The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize
Illustrated every wcel. Illustrated every toeel.
junsiraiea every tceeJe. Illustrated every tcrrl
Illustratcd everv treel
Ill list rated every treel.
Illustrated every icrtl.
Illustrated every weel.
Sjiecimen conies sent free.
Plnstrated .' Illustrated .' lllMmi,A "t
The New York Weekly Golden Prize is one of
hc largest and best weekly papers of the day. An
Imperial Quarto containing eight pages, or forty
columns, of entertaining original matter: and ele
gantly illustrated every week
nm worm ou cents to faOO Ofl in Gold will
be presented to each Subscriber i
PAi.intnf tl,.Ml.. . J
f - uuuaui iuuuq nifner,
v-no uopy ior one year, zz 00, and 1 gift.
One copy for two years, 3 50. and 2 gifts.
Oue copy for three years, 5 00, and 3 gifts.
One copy for five rears, 8 00. and 5 gifts
Three copies one year, S5 00, and 3 gifts.
1 ive copies one year, 8 00, and 5 gifts.
Ten eopics one year, 15 00, and 10 gifuj.
Twenty-one copies 1 year, 30 00. and 21 irifta
The articles to be distributed r ....nnr, 1
r.. it..-: 1: .. . i""1"1 "
tuo iviiun alJg list .
i packages of Gold, containing $300 each
5 packages of Gold, containing 200 each.
10 packages of Gold, containing 100 each.
1 SHcr I,IutngCaso4 Watches, 100 each.
0M .atecs- " " " - 75 each.
60 Gold Watches. n -..k
100 Gold Watches. - . InlZ.il'
300 Ladies Gold Watches. 35 cacu '
?l!!!-!VCrrnnVneCa3C1AVtclies- - 30 each'.
?nrtfe,1rWaUibea' - - - - SI0to25each.
1000 gold guard, vest A fob chains. 10 to 30 each
Gold Lockets. Bracelet!. Krnnoh.. v.. t
BreastPins Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons' Ring,. Shirt
Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles, and
a variety of other articles, wnrth rvn, an
515 each.
Immediately on the receir.t nf 1. ni,vi:..
money, the subscriber's name will be entered 11 nftn
our subscription took opposite a number, and the
gitt corresponding with th at number will It. fnv.
u, witnin one week tn th.
mail or express, vast mid
m a 11 " r ..'
cuuimuuicauons should be addressed to
48 and 49 Moflat Building, 335 Broadway, N. York
1 specimen copies sent free. Agents wanted,
New York, March 17, 1 858-1 am ly.
HARDWARE. A large assortment just reoeir
ed and opened, aud now for sale by
Warehouse. No. 405 Commerce Street, Philadel
phia. CsTash buyers will find it for their inter
est to call. - : Jannary 6, 1 858-1 y.
CONRAD A WALTON, 255 Market Street Phil
adelphia; Importers and Dealers in Hard
ware, Iron, Nails. Ac., Ac. They respectfully in
vite the people of Clearfield, to continue their fa
vors. Aug. l,1355.-ly.
nOTEL. No. 20, South
V Sixth
street, between Market and Chesnat.
Philadelphia, has been recently opened for the
accommodation of the public. The house is in a
central location, and has undergone extensive re
pairs the charge per day is $1,25.
bept- 22. 1853. D. BLAIR.
119 2nd Street, above Ah, Philadelphia.Pa.
This Hotel h-s been refitted, and is now again
opened for tbe accommodation of the traveling'
public. It is located in a pleasant part of the eity,
and every effort will be made to make guests 00s -fortable.
Try the bouse. Boarding SI Jl5 per day
A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor.
September 22. 1858.
STORK, No. "2 North Second Street, (opjH
site the Mount Vernon House.) Pphiladclphia.
Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 13 K. cases.
Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine, do.; Quartier;
Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons,
Silver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and
Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do.: together
with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb
Guard and Foo Chains. All goods warranted U
be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair
ed in the best manner.
Also, Masonic Marks, Pins, Ac., made to order..
N. B. All orders sent by mail or othorwi.-e
will be punctually attended to.
His motto is: "Small Profits and Qu'uk Sales
Philadelphia, April 25. 1855.-
Dr. Gustav Linnard's Taste Restorative Troches,
the Great Subytitiite for Tobacco. It is a Well'
known and iocontrovertable fact that tbe use of
Tobacco is the promoting cause of many of the
most severe MENTAL AND PHYSICAL disorders
to which the race of man is subject, as careful an
al asis and long and painful experience have clear
ly proven that it contaiaseertain nareotie and poi
sonous properties most dangerous in their effocta,
which by entering into tho blood derange the'
functions and operationsof the Heart. causing ma
ny to suppose that organ to be seriously diseased.
TOBACCO affects also she entire nervous system,
manifesting itself as all who have ever used the'
noxious weed will bear testimony in Lassitude
Nervous Irritability, Water Brash. Dyspepsia, aud'
many othor disorders of a similar character. Tho
'Taste Restorative Troches" are designed to coun
teract these baneful influences, and have proved
completely successful in a multitude of cases, and
wherever used. Being harmless in themselves
they exert a beneficial effect upon the entire svs
tem, restoring tbe Taste which has become vitia
ted or destroyed by great indulgence, complete
ly removing the irritation and accompanying tick
ling sensation of the Throat which are alwavs
consequent upon abstaining from the use of Te-
Daeco, and by giving a healthy tone to the Stom
ach, invigorate tbe whoio system.
Persons who are irretrievably underminine
their constitutions and shortening their
should use these Troches immediately and throw
vu us injurious ana unpleasant habit of Tebaooe
These Troches orl.ozcnircs are nut nn in a eon-
venient and portable form at tho I tiw nrica nf
cents per Box. A liberal discount to the Trade.
Prepared solely by the undersigned te whom
all orders should be addressed.
JAMES E. ROWERS. Drugsist,
Corner 2d and Race streets, Philadelphia.
April 14. 1858-ly.
Settlement. Rare Opportunity. To ail
wanting Farms in a health v Tilace.
miles from Philadelphia, on the Camden and At
lantic Railroad, New Jersey. An old estate has
recently been opened for sale, and the first divi
sion of 1 0,000 acres divided uo into farm, of 2e
crcs and upwards. T he soil is of the best quality
ior tne production of fruits, grains, Ae. The price
isSI5to S-'O per acre, parable in easv nnart-r
yearly instalments, within a term of four ear.
with interest. The terms are made easy, in order
to insure the rapid improvement of the land W
enabling every industrious man to buy a farm, ft
" " cAieuaiveiy improved iv good roads,
and nne of the best citizens from New England
and the Middle Stales are ereciinir larca Improve
ments. It is a sc-enc of tbe ?reaiest imnr.ivomanr
out of Philadelphia Seventy-five houses have
Leen built i:i 4 m jnths. Practical farners aud bu
tjnesi wen from the length and breadth of the U-
i..on are seining tnere. It is an important buii
ness place, on account of its being in the midst of
a great market. Every article raised on this lani
finds aa immediate sale. The wafer is -xeli:
aud no sneh thing as fever is known. Tho soil is
a sandy or clay loam, with a cla bottom and re
tentive ot manures. It is free of stoaes aud easily
worked. It abonnds largely in the phosphate,
and such is its fertility that from the crops pro
duced both npon this land and the area adjoin
ing under cultivation, it will be found not 10 be
excellod anwhereiu the production of crops most
adapted to its market. The reader may be wcH
aware that the earliest and the best fruits" and veg
etables come from New Jersey, which are annual
ly exported to the amount of millions of dollar
1 he land, besides being accessible in every way
for fertilizers, has an abundant supply of the best
quality of muck manure.
Lumber and building materials ean be had en
the spot at a cheap price, from the mills Other
S.wJT ".7. Ioed' d brickyards being
started on the ground. A person ean put an a
hZ1 "!fT,ent forPr"'t convenience for one
Lr! f"4;, ? ccontfthe extensive em
igration this is the best course to pursue in order
tages, lie is aithln a few hnnr.' XA. -. '.i
cities in tho Middle States and New England be
is near his old friends and associations ; he is in a
settled eountry, whvre every improvement and.
comfort of civilization is at hand : he is in a heal
thy place, and is not subject to tbe certainty of
losing the greater part of his family and his own
health by those maha-nant fevers whiVK .w.
graves of so many millions of tbe young and har
dy in far off regions away from home and friends '
Besides, he has a mild climate and an onen aint.r
i here are three trains dailv iAPdii.j.1.1.!.'
and to all those who improve the railroad campa'
Ttt A Haoilaa 2 1 1 a - a
- " in i once oe struck with the ad-
tntages here presented, and ask hi.n-.ir 1,.
property has not been taken up before. The rea
son is it was never thrown in tbe market ; and un
less these statements were enrr n nn- -nni.i v.-
invited to examine the land before purchasing.
This all are expected to do. They will see the land"
under cultivation ; they will meet persons, co
doubt, from their own neighborhood ; they will
witness the improvements, and oan judge of the
ch aracter of the ponulat ion. Persons shonld enm
prepared to purchase, as many are locating, and
locations are not held on refusal. '
1 he Hammonton Farmer, a monthly literary
and Agricultural sheet, containing full ;.....- -
of Hammonton. will be sent to each innnir..
can b obtained at 25 cents per annum. ' ' .
Title indisputable. Warrantee deeds given
clear of all incumbrance, when purchase monev ii
K'-f to,thland Vine street wharf
Philadelphia, for Hammonton by railroad at 74
A.M. and 91 P. M. ; when theren 'forVir'
Lyrncs. Boarding convenient.. . .r:
Betters and applications ean be addMased t
COUGH LIN, 202 South Fifth St.i nti w ? B
rhiladelphia. Map, i
pa lntormation eheerfullv
T. ts itOH-ora.
1 H ftsrj-hfa
MAC.lESEi?t:7.JDJ'"E-n. fisb, Ac., lor
JOHN PATTON. Curwensville.
TT l f f 11
...,..r,clullmDKDriL Carpenters and buil
ders are ou hand to put up houses on the best terms
In scttlinz here the
1 auMv advan
il oT - nt urt at the stp ;