THE ; ;TJ1E JOURNAL; CLEARFIELD, PA., JAN. 5, 1859. PotrtESEss". Politeness is certainly one of the Tirtnea that is calculated to make neigh bors social, and to hold each other in high es timation. While, on the other hand,' impo liteness will most assuredly, create a coldness and a dislike for each other. One of the most impolite practices indulged ia by many young persons, ia the habit of talking in church ; of which fact, we have recently been reminded, by hearing several persons talk in a loud voice dating prayers and singing, in one of our churches. : Persons had much better stay away from the house of God, than to engage in con versation that is calculated to annoy, and give rise to unpleasant feelings in others. It is certainly not genteel. Always "judge a tree by its fruits." 2iEXf Year. The first of January passed oil without bringing forth any extraordinary events. ' Some of the b'hoys were ae-ing littlo end tried to enjoy themselves, nnder the circumstances, as totbeiu seemed best; while others went sleighing, or enjoyed a sociable chat with their neighbors. In the evening, however, the jtivcnilo portion of our popula tion turned out en masse in sleds and frlcigbs ; and mingling their cheerful voices and merry jangh with the jingling of the bells, made ouf streets resound with music that made tbc .hearts of many of the older ones feel glad. Attempt at Highway Robbert. A few days since, Mr. Peter M'Alear was attacked by a black fellow, on the road leading from the JSteam Mills to Tipton, about 2 miles from Glen Hope. The fellow presented a pistol -;ind demanded that Mr. M. should give up Lis money. The latter answered him as though he did not understand what was said, until he was able to get hold of a few stones, when he fortunately succeeded in beating hini oil and making his own escape. Mr. M'Alear had be tween one and two hundred dollars about him at the time he was attacked. "A Smash Ur. While on his way to New "Washington, on Thursday the 30th nit., n. B ivoopc, Esq., of this place, had the misfor tune, when within a few miles of his destina tion, to upset his sleigh. : The horse getting loose, made 08 on a double quick step with the 'weehicklc " and 'scattcrloflsticated" it parmiscusly" along the road. The wreck was so complete, that a friend who saw it could only give a description by saying, "It was a little too coarse for kindling, and a little too line for fire-wood. . Arm Broke. We have been informed, by a friend, that Mr. Henry Straw, of Ferguson township, had his arm broken w hilst engaged in felling timber, on the 28th December. The tree ho had cut, in falling struck another that was dead and caused it to break oil' and fall towards him. Mr. S. seeing the dead tree coming, tried to make his escape by running, ;tnd in doing so, he threw up his arm, which tho dead tree s'ruck and broke, narrowly es caping with his life. Ft.NGERS cut off. A little son of Mr. Jacob ;iic!irh. of Lawrence township, met with a :.-?;td accident on Tuesday the 2'Jth ult. An older boy had left a small axe stand on tho porch, which the little fellow picked up and Marled to the wood pile to cut wood. On his way he slipped and fell, and in falling the axe struck bis left hand and cut three of his tin gers entirely off. Isjvred. On the SUst December, Mr. David 3Fox, of Ferguson township, met with a seri .ous injury whilst engaged in hauling saw-logs to his lie .was dragging the logs with .grabs, and oim imcaoiing unloosed, flew round, -struck hi in o.n Jbe koe, .ud hurt him so se s erely that, in all .probability, tie will bo disa Med from working the balance of the winter. JUir BnxsiiES. To wash hair-brushes, nev ,cr nstf soap. Take a piece of soda, dissolve it in warm water, stand the brush in it, taking ,care that the water covers only the bristles. It will almost instantly become white and .clean. Place it in the air to dry, with the t..:tii., ni.- .rfl ami it will Im as firm as a L311V uuhihiij - ' " ' " I liew brush Temperance Meeting. 1 he Waslungtonian Tcmticrance Society w ill hold their quarterly iwoeting on Monday evening, January 17th, at early candle lighting, in the Court House. .Svi-ral addresses will he delivered. The liublic are kindlv invited to attend. G. Phillip Gielicii, Prest. Accident. On tho 2-3tli December, a man at work on Coulter's log job, near Spruce Island, on Clearfield Creek, had his cheek bone fractured, and received some other inju ries, by a descending limb which was knocked ff another tree by the one he was felling. JTotics to Tkachers. A meeting rf Hie Union District Teachers' Association will bo lield at Curwensville on Saturday the 8th ot Ton Tnnehers and the friends of education are invited to attend. By order of the Ex.Cotu J. G. Hall, Sec a .:.1 ",r mira informs us that on last J 1. 11 v - Wednesday morning, the eight o'clock pas cngcr train of cars on the Pennsylvania road was distinctly heard within 2 miles of Glen Hope, a distance of not less than fifteen miles in a straight line. - ' AproisTMEKTS. The County Commission- crs. on Mondav last, made the following ap pointments for the ensuing; year : Wm. A. Wallace, Counsel ; Wm. S. Bradley, Clerk and Geo. W. Long, Mercantile Appraiser. On the 25th ult.. Mr. fieo. (Jailor. Sr., of Knox township, was' severely hurt whilst e caired at mittinc a saddle on a horse for bis 00 w wife to ride. The Louisville Journal saya one million and seventy-five thousand hogs were killed at that place the present season, and adds that many CLIPPINGS ANOSCfMBBLINGS.I 1 ; GTOver the Ilollidays ' GUI of it. : L"Mef the Legislature, on Tuesday, "( , ' L"p"Rather clever fellow out new jour.' . " : tirGone east tho editor of the -Journal .'. ; l3r""Pretty good the sleighing, for several days past." ' !.. - i ' fIt is stated that Mr. Dickens gains by his readings .10,000. Of A proposal for a new Constitution of Indi ana is being agitated by papers in that State. . tJeP"Sotnebody left a fat Shanghai in the kitchen of the publisher of the Tyrone Star. A fowl trick; that.- : ' OAn extensive project is on foot in New York for tending a largo number of emigrants to Ari- suna. LEnjoyed the sledding the small fry on Sat urday evening. That's right, friend A, the young uns must have Tun. . LTho Sons of Malta, of Cincinnati, distribu ted five thousand loaves of bread among tha poor of that city on Christmas day. JTTSaron Von Ilumbolt is said to be exceeding ly ill. It will bo remembered that he predicted Lis death during the year 1859. raTact if you see a wifa footing her hus band's stocking, you may conclude that he will not find it difficult to foot her bills-: C3Judee Samuel Black of Pennsylvania's spo ken of as likely to receive the appointment of Gov ernor of Nebraska, from the President. fSA locofoco editor says that his party Is on the verge of ajprccipice, but calls loudly upon it to inarch steadily ahead, lie is a baa leader. kifTbe town ascent of Hartford. Connecticut, sold 3.338 gallons of liquor last year to citizens, under a law which forbids all sales except to the sick. RJA neero in Columbia. Mo., pursuing a hog the other day with an open krifo in his hand, fell and tho bla le entered his heart,' causing instant death. - ' . I"3The total damages and military expenses consequent on the burning ol the vuarantine ouii dings on Statcn Island, X. Y-, will not fall short o " 408,500. fr'"BattleCrcek, Michigan, is about petitioning the Micigan Legislature for a city charter, nnder the name of the City of Napokisko.. . : Phoebus what a name. . ' ; J'Vudgc Read, of the Supreme Court of this State, decided on the 27th nit., that the terra or phan applies to a child bereft of one parent as well as to one who has lost two. Vrit U understood that a bill for the suppres sion of polygamy in Utah and all the other terri tories will be introduced at an cany aay ia con gress and vigorously pressed. t"?Scveral ladies in Ravenna. O., are suffering soverely from poisoued hauds, caused by tho usj of Indigo iu washing. Most of the Indigo prepa rations contain Prussia acid. Ladies should take the hint. fiJOn Sundav a-weck. twenty-two sailors made a public protcssion ol religion, aim puriowa ui the Lord's Supper, on board the Lnited Mates receiving ship .North Carolina, at the Navy lard, Brooklyn. I"s?"A simultaneous effort seems to have been made in nearly all the towns iu tho eastern part of Pennsylvania to circulate the spurious 1 J bins on the Western Bank of Philadelphia Keep a sharp look-out for them. fAn Indian chief, called Okemos. died lately near Lansing. Michigan. He was supposed to be over one hundred years old. He was in the wars of 1712, both for and against May no and at. Clair at different times. f ?"A letter from Forrest City, Minnesota, states that the mercury in the thermometer there stood at thirty-two degrees below xcro at i o docs. a. in. on December 8th, and at thirty-fivedegrocs below xero at the same hour on the Uth. r?"The eompany owning the North Branch Ca nal from Wilkesbarre to Northumberland, propose to imnrove it during the winter, nnd give it a depth of five feet, with a view of gradually intro ducing steam navigation upon it. tAn Ohio editor says: ' What can bo more cantivatinz than to see a bcantitul woman, say a- bout four teet eleven inches high, ana eleven leei four inches in circumference, passing aloug tne ale, just as divine worship commences." 5TA lad named Sharp, thirteen years of a'C recently stolo two or three horses in New Jersey ami is now in the Buckscounty prison in this State on a similar charge, from ms cany ueguiumg he has a brilliant future in crime before him. I'Somo of the farmers in Northern Ohio an 1 nn the h inters of Indiana have commenced the breeding and raising of deer, the same as they do sheen, nnd thev bring them to the inarKct in the same manner; nence ine aounuanco vi tu"uu f" John Kiliuing, of Lebanon, Warren county. ().. died recently, worth oO.OIIII. JSy will he ai rects this property to be deposited in somo trust worthy bank the principal never to be touched. and the interest to be devoted to the education of Protestant Germans in Ohio. I"3The Litchfield Ennurer "takes on airs"' be cause llenrv Ward Beeehcr, and some other Di vices, first saw the light there, ai ciayns mai as a ventral thinsr. men of eminent piety have to thereto be born. This explains satisfactorily why thev have to bo "born again. i J-A German boy living in Laporte, Indiana, not long since, procured liquor nu owaiire iiu tnllv drunk. He was heard moaning irf a fence corner, and a passer-by, looking for the cause, was horrilicd to huu Hie uoy a uog incranjr cutniu. him to pieces. The lud was fatally mjurcd. Il?"lhe Charlotte (Mich.) llrpuMtcan states that a few days since, in Berry county, a singing mas ter had a difficulty in his school with some row dies, and dismissed the school. As tne master was going out. one of tho rowdies stabocd nun uena on the spot. A young man caught up a stick, and I striking the ssassin a oiow. kiiiuu uuu iiuwuuj MARRIED : On the 30th Dec. lv the llev. Thos. Barn- hart.Mr. Noah M. Fabwell and Miss Harriet Adplemax, both of Pike tp. On the 30th Dec., at the residence of the bride's Father, by the Kev. t. w.ft-iroy, Mr. CioBfiE D. Hess to Miss O. Axaxda DaI'Gu lrtt, both of Morris tp. DIED Knar Wooster. Ohio, on Christmas morning, th 25th Dec. 18-38, Daniel Radebaiqu, 5sn., !,r,.,l 71 vears. f Mr. Kadebaugh was an old citizen 01 uns Countv. He moved to Clearheld mtnoyear 182S. where he continued to reside ior many years. Lmring a large poriiuii 1.1. corvo.l as a. Justice of the Peace, and cn- . . - . . 1 . 1 1 1 1 mil im-eil the reputation of an upright, impartial officer. He lelt tne residence 01 ins ujufmu in Clarion county, last summer, to visit his umLuri nnd sisters in Ohio, where, altera Ion" life, he has closed his eyes in death. th 28th Dec. in Glen nope, miss . . ww r 1 in ine -cui klv,., M aises. aired about 16 years. f or th llist six months she has been rapidly sink- in" with consumption. Some two month since she csperienced a change of heart, and since ht limn she has enioved an unshaken confi dence in her Redeemer, and died in peace. RiatB invention of locomotive engineers hold at Chicago. Illinois, on the 14th and loth of December, at which eleven loads were represented. i lie report 01 u cm was for the purpose of memorializing the lo- gislature for the enactment of general law lor .u. rrnioittnn of Railroad Engineers, thereby securing to the public a competent set r onirinpiirs. wno snail nave pasu on.i rpe.eived a certificate as the marina I IUII engineers now do. i.i manv medicines offered to the nublic, Duvall's Galvanic Oil is surpassing all in amount of sales. A greater number of doz ens of this medicine have been soia " other nreparatiou uvi m-j - "- It f. ? eoodParticl- and is in demand. The lit PIKE COinJTY MEETIJ G..7 t ; . ' i A large number of citizens favorable tt tb erection of Pine County, assembled at the meeting house in New Washington, on Thurs day, the 30th of December, 1858, at 2 P. M ; and organized by appointing John Mehaffey President, and the following named persons at Vice-Presidents : II. D. Rose, Jonathan West- over, Samuel Set-ring, John King, Joseph M'- Murray, John Young, A. S. Tozer, Esq., Se bastian Snyder and Russell M'Murray.' -' 7 Secretaries, James Dowlerand F. U. Miller. On motion, the President appointed a commit tee of seven, to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. The following named persons were appointed : David R. Kin ports, Jas. Gallahcr, John M. Cummings, John Eason, Col. C. S.' Worrell, James M'Murray and Robert Mahaffey. After the committee had withdrawn, the meeting was addressed by John F. Weaver, Daniel W. Mooro and II. B. Swoope, Esqs. -v. The Committee then reported the following Resolutions which were adopted : H7i-as, The citizens of the connties of Clearfield, Indiana, Cambria and Jefferson, have been petitioning the Legislature lor a number of vears. for the erection of a new county out of parts of the above named coun- ... - . : 1 : .. : ties, ana tne same necessities sun eAianii for the request of the petitioners, Resolced. That we are now determined to redouble our efforts to accomplish that object. Metolctd, That a great number of the inhab itants of the above named counties, have ta go upwards of thirty, and some of them nearly forty miles, to attend their Courts of Justice, over roads almost impassable. Resolcerl. That we have sutlicient territory to erect a new county, and still leave the above named counties larger than the average size of counties in the State ; some of them having an area of over a square miles rc- niaininir. Resolved. That we do not approach any of the adjoining county-seats with our proposed boundaries, within from fourteen to twenty miles. Resolved, That we embrace within our pro- nosed countv. above 400 square miles ot territory, nearly all of which is susceptible of cultivation, and a population of eight tliousana, who would be benefited by the erection 01 tue new county. Retolret. That we only ask simple justice in our netitioiis: mat tne increase 01 ouaiue and population demands that we should not be longer subject to tho expenses ana incon veniences we aie under in attending our courts. Revolted, That we have all the elements ol a uroMierons county ; good farm lands; plen ty of timber; good water-power; and abun dance of coal and other minerals ; and that a new county would tend to develop these r- souices, ana mane us 111 a snori nine equal, if not the superior of any of our neighboring connties. Resolced, That we ask the aid and assistance of the citizens of the above named counties in our cnterprize. After the adoption of the resolutions the meeting was addressed by M. A. Frank, Esq., Rev. C. Cleaver and others. On motion, a committee of five were ap pointed, to confer with the same number from Cherrv Tree, at the meeting there to-morrow. ( Dec. 31st. to make the necessary arrange nients lor procuring tue passage 01 a iaw creatine the county. John M Cumniings, James Dowler, James i 'Murray. Samuel Sebring and Jackson I'atchin.'were appointed that Committee. Resolved. That the above proceedings be puti- lislie.l in the R iflsmaii's Journal and Clearfield Republican. On motion, anjourtiea. J OH. jttAUAFFET, 1 TCS1. James Dowler, J Fred.G. Miller, Sec'y. CAUTION. All persons are notified not to meddle with the following property now in possession of Luther Barrett, as the same belongs t ami aunicot to mv orucr : norsca. -u 1 Hciffer. 1 Calf, 2 Hogs. I pair Timber Sleds, Raft of timber. JOHN PATTON. Curwensville. December 22, ISoS. C1AUTION'. All persons are hereby cautioned J against purchasing or meddling with the fol lowing property, vis : One Gray Horse, One Gray Mare, tine Brindle Cow. One Red Cow. The above ..r.irw.rtv m-A nnrrhased liv me at Sheriff's Sale. ,n l loft with Isaac Dunlan. on loan only, and subject to mv order. JOHN PATTON Curwensville, .ov. o, laoo-ucci-i. t MBROTYPES FOR SO CENTS! L The umlersigned wflald respectfully inform the Ladies nnd (icntlemen ot Ulearncid una vicin ity, that he has fitted up rooms iu the nem roir o. IHt, S,,.,r. onoositc the "KafLsman s Journal office, where he will remain for a few days only. - - - -1 - 7 r i . . prepared to present pictures to all who may favor him with a call which will exceed the expectations of the most fastidious. 1'hotographs of every des cription taken when called for. becure the shad ow ere the substance tadc. a. m. u.l.u Clearfield. September 29, 18)8 FN the matter of the Estate of Samuel Fy, late X of township. Clearfield county, deceased. At an Orphans' Court held at Clearfield on the 2d Monday of November last past, tho undersign ed was appointed Auditor to distribute moneys in the tiandd or ill ty, Administrator 01 tne sam Samuel Fy. By the Court. All persons interested will picase laae nonce, that I will attend to the duties of the above ap pointment, at my office in Clearfield borough, on Saturday tho 8th day of January, 185'J, at 10 o' clock of said day, when and where you can attend if vonsce proper. lll'JS. J,M. v,iluji uii, .December il, lSo. auuiior. LICENSE AUiitrJ. The loiiowing nameu persons have filed in the Office of the Clerk cf the Court of Quarter Sessions of Clearlield County. their Petitions for License at the jAiAt4i Session nest, agreeably to Act ot Assemuiy 01 March 2S, 1856, entitled '"An Act to regulate tne Sale of Intoxicating Liquors," 4o. W. W. Anderson, 1'enu township, lavern. 11. Haya Morrow, Clearfield Borough, Tavern. Augustus Mulson, Covington township, tavern. Samuel Robison, Boggs township, tavern. John Aliller. jr.. Boggs township, Tavern. Lyonel W. Weld. Lawrence township, tavern. A. L Ogden, Lawrence township, Tavern. James Bloom, Sr., Pike township. Tavern. .' lec22-'58 GEO. WALTERS, Clerk. COURT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, -the Honorable JAMES BL'KNSIllE, Esquire. President Judg of the Court of Common Picas of the tweiUy-fth Judicial District, composed of tho counties of Clearfield. Centre and Clinton and the Honorable William L. Moore and Benjamin Ron sall. Associate Judges of Clearfield county, have treued their precept, to me directed, for the hold ing of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court, Court of Quarter Sessions. Court of Oyer 4 leruat ""a d ;urt of tteDai Jai, Delivery, at Clear "J Co., on tbo jW jtfo rfav the ,7lh diy of jaNUARV next. i iiTifiu n iy,...rnro t,rr-hv riven, to the Cor oner jnstjcca Gr the Peace, and Constables. In and for said oountyof Clearfield, to appcann tneirown proper persons with their Rolls, Records, Inquisi tions. Examinations, and other Bemembrancea, to do those things which to their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to be done, and Jurors and W itnes aes are requested to be then and there attending, and pot tu depart without leave, at their peril. GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this 22d day of Dec , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and the eighty first year of American Independence. J FREDERICK G. MILLER, Sheriff. FOR SALE by Merrell Carter, Cora Shel i lers and meat cutters, the latest and best in market. Also, a large lot of goods,, in their line, just received .and for sate, cheap for easu or pro- uce. Also. . S. Uaupt s Clover unuer. advertisement in another column. Dee. .: FOR SALE, THE FARM occupied by Jobs F.Wiley in Ferguson township, containing lliti acres, 30 acres cleared ; house, Darn ana uiucr buildings thereon erected. ALSO, 50 acres of laud or the timocr taereon. situate in Pike . township within one and a naif miles of the river on a good road to haul. ior further description and terms apply to .f f L. J. CKAXS, i May 20. 1S57. :'-,- Clearfield. PARD. MISS CONSTANT, late from the East, lv resnectfullv announces herself to the citi- xeoftof Clearfield, and the County generally, that he is prepared to give instruction in -Music 1 1 ino. Melodeon and G uitar and also in the French language it being ber native tongue Sbe refers 11 who may be interested in tne above to tne nev. Dr. and Mrs. McLeod. Terms, 58 in advance, or 510 if not in advance. Dec. 8, 1858. 17XCELSIOR MARBLE YARD. ' The undersigned hereby announ ces to the citizens of Clearfield county. that he is still engaged, at his old stand itd in TYRONE CITY, in erecting MOXUMENTS and BOX TOMBS. Also Hea.1 and Foot Stone of the latest and most approved styles, and on the most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN, Aug. 23, 1 858.-dec23-'57. Tyrone City. COA L ! COAJL ! ! The subscriber respectful ly informs the citisensof the borough of Clear field and vicinity that he has taken a lease ot udge Moore s Coal Bank, adjoining tne town, where he will keep constantly on hand a full sup ply of the article, either lump or mixed, to suit purchasers. ; .Persons in town can be supplied wun it at their homes at six cents per bushel, or at the bank lower than ever A ?hare of publio patron age is solicited. PATRICK MULVANEi. Clearfield, Sept. 1, X8o3. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. The un dersicned respectfully informs his custo mers and the nublic ircnerallv that he has just re ceived from the East, and opened at his establish ment in Shaw 8 Row, Clearfield, ra., a tine stoeK of Watches. of different qualities, and Jewelry of e-ery variety, from a full set to a single piece. which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for Cash. All kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jew elry carefully repaired and warranted. A con- inuanceof patronage is solicited. November 10, 18i8. il. I. iXAtni-r.. FIRST IN, FIRST SERVED. Boots & Shoes always on Hand, (of our own male.) JUSLl'll liUUJ, thauKiui ior past favors, and grateful for future prospects, de sires to inform the citizens of this vicinity and his old friends and patrons in particular, that he has inmf to the FIRST ROOM iu the EAST HMD of SHAW'S XEIV ROW. the first floor irrt of the Mansion House, where he has on hand constantly, a large assortment of every variety in the BOOT ANU SIIOE line. Custom worn attend ed to with dispatch. The very best of stock will he used and no pains spared to make neat fits and durable work. All of which can be obtained of said J. Goon, very low for the Ready Rhino. Clearfield. August 11. lHoH. YER'S S AUS AP A RILL A, a compound rcinedv. in which we have labored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla. so combined with other substances of still greater al- teratiTe nower as to afford an effective antidote for the diiseaKes arsanarilla is renutea 10 cure. 11 is kai (l. .1 a,,-!, . r.mpil v i wanted bv those V. 1 (CIVU . 11 U . ... J . who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class 01 our araiciea fellow citizens. How completely thiscompound will do it has been proren by experiment on many of the wor?t cases to be found of thefollowingcomplaiuts: Scrofula and Scrofulous complaints, truptious and Eruptive Diseases. -I'lcers, Pimples. Blotches, 1 . . ..... . , II , . - ! - I - J Tumors, alt nneum, r-caia iieau, s?jpuiiia ou Syphilitic affections. Mercurial Disease, llropsy, Neuralgia or Tic Douloureux, Debility, Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Erysipelas, nose or St. Antho ny's Fire, and indeed the whole class of com plaints arising from Impurity of the Blood. This compound will be found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which foster in the blood at that sea son of the vear. By the timely expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud .uuiuiuues can, ov me 1111 111 mis riuicu,tpio themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitia ted blood whenever you nnu us impurities uurst ing through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is obsti ucted and slug fish in the veins: cleanse it whenever it is foul, and yourfeclings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better bcaltb. and live longer, ior cleansing 100 uioou. Keen the bodv healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must eo wronir. and the ercat machinery of life is disordered or altogether overthrown. SarsaDarilla has. and deserves much, tho rcpu tation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been cgrcgiously deceived by prepara tions of it. partly because tho drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to he concentrrtcd extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the publis have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Ex tract of Sarsaparilla fur one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla. but often no cu rative properties wnatevcr. nence.umcrauu paiu fut disappointment has followed the use of the va rious extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the mar ket, until the name itself is justly despised, and hasbecomesynonymous with imposition andcheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have good ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistable by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to cure. In order to securo their complete eradica tion from the system, the remedy should be judi ciously taken according to directions on the bottle. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ager 4- Co., Lowell, Mass. Price SI per Bottle ; Six Bottles for S5. A YER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, has won for it self such a renown for the cure of every varie ty of Throat and Lung complaint, that it is en tirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it has long been inconstant use throughout thia section, we need not do more than assure the people that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has oeen.aua in itmj oereueuuu iu uu for their relief all it has ever been found to do. A YER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, for the enre of Costiveness. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas. Headache, Piles. Rheumatism. Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complalpt. Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors ami Salt Khcuni, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar- coated, so that tho most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and tbey arc the best aperient in tho world for all the purposes of a lamily physic. - Price 25 cents per Box ; Five Boxes tor 1 .0(1. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages. have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these rem edies, hut our space here will not permit the in sertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our American Atmnnae in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be lot lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by un nrinei nled dealers with other DreDarations thev make more piofit on. Demand Avea's and .take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by C D Watson and M. A. Frank, Clearfield ; E. F. Brenner, Mor risdale : C.R.Foster. Philipsburz: John Blag Unionville: Wm. Irvin. Curwensville: Samuel Arnold, Luthersburg ; and by all Druggists, thro out the country. . . December 29. 1858. S HAWLS AND BONNETS, a full assortment at December 1. KBATSERS AT. SCHRYVER has resumed the practice of medicine, aad will attend promptly to all calls in his profession. ' by day or night. Resi dence opposite ths Methodist church in the Bor ough or Clearfield. " - May lztn, ia-J ; FON CITY COMMERCIAL - COLLEGE, PlTTSBi-ncn, Pa. : : : : Chartered, 1856. 300 Students attendtttg January. 1858. Now the largest and most thorough Commercial School of the United States. Young men prepared for ac tual duties of the Counting Room. J. C. Smith, A M., i'rofessor 01 liooa-aeepmg and Scienec of Accounts. . A. T. DoiTHETT, Teacher of Anthmstic and Commercial calculation. , - . . . . J. A. Uetdbick and T. C. Jeskiss, leacners 01 Book-keeping. - A Cowley and w. A. filler, 1 roiessors Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING, as used in every department of business. COMMERCIAL ARlTBMETIC-BAFin BtSIKESS B1TISG- PETECTINO COUNTERFEIT MOSET-MERC A.1TILE COR- rKSPosnF.xcE-coMMERCiAi.LAw-are taught, and all other subjects necessary for the success and thor ough education of a practical business man."' 12 rKEMUMS. Krawn. all tne premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three years, also in East ern and Western Cities, for best Writing, NOT ENGRAVED WORK. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Student? enter at any time No vacation Time unlimited Re view at pleasure Graduates assisted in obtaining situations Tuition for Fall Commercial Course, 535.00 Average time 8 to 12 weeks Board. S2.50 per week Stationary. S6.00 Entire cost, 0.00 to 70.00. CSMinisters' sons received at half prio. For Card Circular Specimens of Business and Ornamental Writing inclose two stamps, and ad dress F. W. JENKINS. - September 1. 185ft. Pittsburgh, Pa. RON' DEPOT, KEPT BV ME R HELL 3r CARTlill, ON SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD. PA Is the place where all the following articles can be had at reduced prices : liar iron 01 an sizes oj the small or bv the Quantity : Cast Steel, of vari ous sizes and best quality ; a large assortment of Stoves, among which will be found the A'7i IV WORLD COOK. OAK PREMIUM. UtiliA T REPUBLIC, BUCKS PATTEST, and the Eleratetl Minnesota. ALSO, a large assortment of Nine plates and Parlor Stoves, aud Air Tights of various patterns. Alv, riows 01 me oe.-i and latest patterns. ALSO, of theirown man ufacturing a large assortment of Tin-wre, Stove pine. Sheet-iron pans of all sizes, and all articles of the kind in their lino kept always on band. House Spouting done to order, and Tin Roofing done with dispatch. ALSO, a large assortment of all kinds of house keeping utensils consantly onhand. COCNTK V MERCHANTS are in vited to call, as they can be accommodated at very low figures, with anything in onr line. All orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. O. B. MERRELL, L. R. CARTER. N. B. Thev will also receive every variety of articles on commission, at low rates. M. A C. T A N IT A 11 Y APPOINTMENTS -I DR. JACKSON Indian Physician, (late of St. Louis.) of Erie City, Pa., may be consulted aa fnllnwx Free of Charge. Clearfield, Pa., ' Mansion House." on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. January 7th. 8th and 9th. Philipsburg. Pa., '-Stage House," Wednesday af ternoon and X nursuay iorenoon. J an jiu aiu. Luthersburg. Pa., -Stage House," Monday, Jan nun 10th. Brookville, Ta., "American nouse," Friday, Sntunlav an d Sundav. January Hth, loth Ifitn Ridgway, Pa., '-Stage House," January, 18th, 19th, 20th nnd .'1st. INDIAN BOTANIC REMEDIES! In treatment of diseases of the Lungs and Chest. Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Heart, Nerves, Miin, acrot ula. Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, or any and all disca- M arisiiifr from imnure blood. Female Weakness and Female diseases of all kinds; also all forms of Chronic or long standing diseases, have given Dr. Jackson a World-fide reputation. . Dr. Jackson, although paying special attention to Lung, Throat. Heart and Female diseases, also invites to consultations in all Chronic diseases in cident to the human system. Seeing many thou sand cases every year, he is well prepared to give an opinion as to the curability of any case. Con sultation Free. Mark well tho time. Erie, Pa . P. 0. Box 222. A C. JACKSON, July 21. ISiS. Indian Physician. N. B Dr. Jackson still continues to treat suc cessfully, all cases of Stuttering and Stammering. PROFESSOR DUVALL'S, TASTELESS GALVANIC PILLS. Prepared Originally htf Prof. Durall, formerly of the (Jofles of ttr?reons, fanx, is nw uucreu iu the publie forthe cure of all those diseases in which alteratives and resolvents are indicated. These pills are rendered void of taste by which means the roost delicate stomach can take them as well as the smallest child. From three to five boxes will cure the worst case of Scrofula. From two to four boxes will cure the worst case of Salt Rheum. From two to 3 boxes will cure the Ring Worm. One box will cure Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. From two to four boxes will cure all old Ulcers hn.l Hnnninp Sores. One box will cure iluinors in ine r-yes. From one to three boxes will cure the mst in veterate case of Nursing Sore Mouth. From one to two boxes will oure the severest case of scabby head in ohildren. From three to six boxes will cure tne icommon ly called) thick neck or Goitre. From two to four boxes will cure the Dropsy. From one to three boxes will cure Juandice. From two to six pills will cure the Sick Head Ache when accompanied with Billious One box wilt cure the Fever and Ague. For all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, and bilious habits, the Taxlelr Galvan ic Pills are the best pills ever known in the annals of medioine. 25 tents per Box Any agent on receipt of $1 will send four boxes to any part of the Lnited States, free of postage. J. D. STONEROAD. Proprietor, niir55-58-T Lewistown, Pa. For sale by Moore A Etsweiler, Clearfield, Pa., and by country merchants generally. GOODS!! GOODS!! GOODS!! GOODS!! GOODS! GOODS!! GOODS!! GOODS!! Fall ir Winter Goods ! Fall Sr Winter Goods ! Fall & Winter Goods'. Fall if Winter Uooa The subscriber has received ala:ge and well se lected stock of seasonable goods, at his store room on Market street, (nearly opposite the Clearfield r.larnld. Pa., which he will sell cheap. His stock cousists of a general assortment of good DRY GOODS. GROCERIES.- HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSM'AKE, DRUGS A OILS, and a host of other articles that are frequently snno-ht after: anions which can bo found an ex tensive and varied selection of the latest and neat est styles, and best quality, of plain and fancy CASSIMERES. CLOTHS, SATTINETS, SATIN YES'lING, TWEEDS, HATS A CAPS, and an extensive variety of Boots and Shoes, for either Ladies', Gentlemen or Children; with al most every other article that may be wanted by the citizens of the town and surrounding vicinity. Partioular attention is especially, directed to his selection of Ladies' Dress Goods, among which are DUCALS, PERSIANCLOTH. DEBEIGE, COBURGS, CASHMERES. - DELAIN h i. ALPACAS, FRENCH MARINOS, PLAIDS and a full assortment of Bonnets for the .season. The pressure of the money market having had the effect of reducing the price of inany -rticlea of merchandise, the undersigned has been enabled to buy his stock at such rates that he can sell goods at prices to suit the times. And having hereto foro endeavored to please hi. customers, both in the quality of goods and the pnoes at which he sold them h hopes to receive a reasonable share of patronage. All iu want of goods, will please cail ia and examine his stock of cheapest goods. Country produoe taken in exebango for goods October 27, '57. . . . . - WM. P. IRWIN." XJYE. CORN A BUCKWHEAT, will betaken Xt at the highest cash prtco, at the store of Clearfield,-Dec, 8.. wm:. F. a LL WANTING- TO EMIGRATE to. a mild. J. climate, good soli, and fine market, see ad vertisement of Ilamrnonton Lands. - ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, rood soil, and fine market, see advertise ment OX Hammonton Lands. Sept 8,1853. ALL WANTING- to emigrate to a mild climate- Sood soil, and fine market, see advertisement T ammonton Lands. Sept. 8, W5S. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild c!imt good soil, and fine market, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. . Sept. 8, 1868.- ALL WANTING to emigrate ta a mild climate, good soil, and fine market, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. ' ' ' Sept. 8, 858.- ALL WANTING to emigrate to a iild climate, good soil, and fine market, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. - Sept.&-'SS-3w ) CLOVER nULLERS. The subscribers take this method of informing the Farmers f Clearfield county, that tbey manufacture at their shop in Mill Hcim, Centre county, Pa., thecele brated llnxeclers Improved Premium- (Hover Jluller. These Hullera attached to any power for either 2 or 4 horses, or water power in mills; are warranted to work well, and with good seed will clean from 25 to 30 bushels per day. Any ) person wishing to see one of these machines, and , learn more particularly of its operation. will please eall with Mr Wm. A. Reed, farmer, 3 mi lea east of Curwensville, who purchased and bad on ia -nsa last season. Machines will be delivered at . Curwensville. If desired. For further particulirs, inquire of Wm. A. Reed, Clearfield P.O., ox ta subscribers. f HAv'1 Mill Heira. Centre Co.. Pa , Sept. ia. iNis-aa, H. B. AH orders promptly attended to. CLEARFIE LD. BOOT ASU MlllE MAN UFACTOR Y. A WORD TO ALL. The subscriber takes this method of informing the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that be baa ; LOCATED hintsrlf on MAIM STUEt.1 op- poxiee the Jail, and is now prepared to wait upon : and render general satistaciion 10 ait wno may - vor him with their patronage. He feels, confident . in saying that never before has there been onerea to the publie of this section, such inducement as. he offers. All articles purchased at this, establish-! ment will be warranted, and if proven pot to be as represented, will be made goml without extra' charge. His work cannot be surpassed, as he is determined to use only tne very best materials in their manufacture. The "world and the rest of mankind'' are reouestcd to call and satisfy them selves of the fact, that his articles are of the best and most durable materials. GEORGE SHLLTZ. Clearfield, March 17, 135S- rpUE HAMMONTON FARMER, a newspaper; X devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also setting torth full accounts of the new settlement of Hammonton. in New Jersey, can be subscrib d for at only 25 cts per annum. Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer, Hammonton, Atlantic county, New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best, quality, in one of the healthiest and most delightful climates in the Union, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Sept. 8, lbix. The IIavmostos Farmer, a newspaper devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also, setting forth full accounts of the new settlement of Hammonton, in New Jersey, can be subscribed for at only 25 cents per annum. Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer, Ham monton, Atlantie county. New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best quality, in one of the healthiest and most delightful climates in the Union, see advertisement of Hammonton Lauds. SepL 8, lS5S.-3m. ; A NSOXVILEE IN THE RING ! NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! H. SWAT announces to the citizens of Ansonville and the surrounding country, that he has just returned from the East and is now opening at his store an extensive stock of choice and serviceable Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of a general assortment DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE,' QUEENSW ARE, HATS A CAPS, BOOTS Shoes,, and a great variety of useful fancy goods, among which may be found the latest styles of Ladies, . DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, FLOWERS. 4c, Ac. The undersigned would direct particular atten tion to his extensive selection of Tarlor and Coal Stoves, Cook Stoves and fixtuies, S:ove pipe, Ac. ALSO, a large quantity of Salt. Persons desirous of purchasing any of the articles in my line of business, are invited to call and examine ray stock before buying elsewhere, as I feel persuaded that I can supply them on as reasonable terms for cash as any other store in the county. Lumber of ev ery description, and approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. U. SWAN. Ansonville. November 10. 1S5S. ; t THE "PHILADELPHIA EVENIKQ BTTLLE TIN, an Independent Daily Sewspajtrr, de voted especially to the Interests of Pennsylvania. Containing Important Telegraphic News, Sixteen Hours in Advance of the Morning Papers. Origi nal Foreign and Domestic correspondence. Edito rials on all Subjects, and Full Reports of all the News of the day, the Commercial and Financial Departments arc full, and are carefully attended to. As an Advertising Medium there is no better paper in tho State,the circulation being next t the largest in the city, and among the most intel ligent and influential of the population. TERMS Six Dollars per year, in advance. CUMMINGS A PEACOCK, Proprietors. . No. 112 South 3d Street, mtladelphia. The PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY BULLETIN, a Handsome, Well-Filled, Family Weekly News-" paper, is published by the Proprietors at the fol lowing unpreccdenteaty low rates: 1 copv. 1 vear. St 0U 21 eopies. I y , SIS (0, 30 copies, 1 year, 26 tt, 6 copies, 1 year, 5 00 13 copies, 1 year, 10 00 100, copies. 1 year. 50 00. The Largest Club (over Further Inducements : inni will ha sent for three vears. The -Next Lar gest Club, (over 100) will be sent for two years. Bulletin Building, No. 112 South 3d St.. . November 17, 1S58. Philadelphia.! riIlE AMERICAN MONTHLY: AMaga JL ainc for Ladies and Gentlemen Which wilt embrace all tho popular features of the late Gra ham's Magazine This New Magasine will com bine all the most popular literary features of the best periodicals, while as regards pictorial embel ishment it will far exceed any other periodical now published -every number containing omc of a series of splendid Steel Engravings engraved by the best artists, from the most popular designs; also Colored Steel Fashions engraved in the very best style of art. "expressly for this Magazine." from actual articles of costume. The literary de partment will embrace a judicious and unrivalled selection of Historical Sketches. Tales of Society, Sketches of Travel. Translations, Fairy Tales, Gems of Poetry. a Page of Comic Illustrations ! Tales cf the Wonderful, Useful Sketches. Fashion Gossip, interesting Extracts from new works, cari osities, Fashionable Novelettos, Hints for Ornamen tal Gardening, Items for the Ladies, Recipes for Household, Ac. No pains or expense will be spar ed to render this Magasine the best and most suc cessful ever published in New York. Tho Fashion and Home Department will be under the supervi sion of a Lady of acknowledged taste and ability, who will give her attention to the Purchase of any article described in these pages. The very latest and best engravings, with full and plain descrip tions, will be given every month, of the must ter viceable an- attractive costumes for Ladies auit Children: also. Handsome Patterns for Crochet and Needlework, that in a store would alone cost nearly the price of subscription. 1 he best writers win cdduiuuw uiuuiui; naires their very best productions, and the Editor e- Eay-Tall. a department rendered so popular in 'Graham's Magazine," will be continued in thia its successor, the "American Monthly." It is eur intention to make this Magazine speak for itself, and without further parade in the way of promi ses, we extend an invitation to all to "send for specimen number" and judge for themselves. Look at the Terms t 1 copy. 1 year, 2. - J eop ies, 1 year, S3. 4 copiesj 1 year, S6. : 1 Speci mens furnished to all who wish, to subscribe.' er make up Clubs.. All Postmasters eoestitttivd A gents. but any person may get n a club.. Try this Magazine for One Year and compere, it wih all others. It superiority will be a p pare at at. onoo Address. post-paid, : HENRY WHITE, r No. 1 Beekmaa street, ew-York,r The January Ne. will contain Two Fine Steel Plates one entitled -Papaa N eai a Preseat," (which ia beautifully colored.) A the 05, "Sat urday Xight,V a fine work ef art. Deo V ' piore may be aaaea. sqtferer mil lwayi navo n.