V THE JOUENAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., DEC. 29,1858. Accident. On Saturday the 18th Decem ber, we learn, that a son of Jacob Smith, who reside in Bell township near JacobCampbelt's, aged about 12 years, loll from a straw stack and bad his thigh broken. The "Pennsville Lyceum," a literary asso 'ciation recently established for the improve ment of the young of that place, is progress ing finely. The "Herald," a monthly paper read before the association, Is improving. The lady friend who sent us a delicious mince pie on Christmas day, will please accept our thanks. Snch a pi-ons act as that is highly praiseworthy, and if any others should follow the example thus set, we shall take great plea " sure in recording the fact. CLIPPINGS AND SCRI8BLINGS. 'Lost is tuc Woods. Last week, Nathaniel J Cabins, Sr., of Burnside township, we are in- j lonticd, was lost in the woods for a period of over two days. He is an old hunter, and went up Bear liun to visit some bear-pens, which ho has in the wilderness near the Jefferson -county line. He lost his gnu, shot-pouch, Jtc. and was without food during the whole of that time, and had become almost insane from ex posure, fatigue and hunger. A Metkoe. A friend, under date of Decem ber 22d, writes us as follows : "This evening . as I was riding near New Washington, I was startled by a glaring light behind me, which illuminated the road and surrounding objects, and got turned around just in time to see a biiliiant meteor burst and fill in a shower of parks, like an exploded rocket. It was lie fore the moon arose. Several other persons dn the vicinity saw it also." Boundaries of Pixk. There is a wrong im pression prevalent as to a portion of the boun daries ol the proposed county of Pine. Some think that they include a part of Brady and Penn townships. Tho line does not include jmr portion of these townships, and does not ven take all of Bell, but leaves quite a large vomer adjoining Ponn. Some of the peti tions, we believe, read, "to the mwA-west -corner of Brady," instead of tho svuA-west comer, and it was this mis-print that evidont lr gave rise to the misapprehension of tho boundary on that side of the proposed county. Treatment or Fkosted Feet. To cure the intolerable itching that follows frost-bitten toes, it is necessary to totally exclude the air from the atfected part. If it is not accompa nied with swelling, gnm shellac dissolved in -alcohol applied so as to form a complete coat, is the easiest remedy that we know of. It -tiries soon, and does not adhere to the stock ings, and generally lasts until the feet are well. If the flesh becomes swollen and painful, plas ter of good hticking salve are of great ser vice, but if highly inflamed any mild poultice that will exclude the oxygen of tha air from the diseased part, ami keep it moist, allowing tha recuperative powerof nature to do the rest. Colds and How to Prevent Them. This is the season when colds are most prevalent, and a great many persons in our town arc now sore .ly afflicted in this way. A fact well worth re ineiubcriug in this weather, is that when the . first premonitions of a cold are felt, the best wy to iroveiit it is to exercise vigorously un til perspiration is induced, when the sufferer should keep up the warmth by 'full clothing or by going to bed. Xo whiskey punches or -warm baths, or hot water and mnstard for the feel, can be compared to the glow which a general stretching of tile mnscles induces. If fairly caught, the cold must be endured, but it in always modified by avoiding excesses of all kinds. Oi'tracui on American 'Citizens. The New York Herald publishes a letter from an American citizen named Alexander Robinson, wha writes to lis from a prison in Callao, in ' which he Las been immuted as he himself say a without cause and where he has been treated with the greatest inhumanity. It ap pears that he and two of the inmates of the same house were dragged out of their beds at night by the police, thrown into a dungeon and subjected to the most cruel tortures to force them to say 1 hey were thieves. This is the second case of imprisonment of Ameri cans which has been brought to our notice. The other was that of Captain Jefferson, who lias been imprisoned for years in the same place, and who, we believe, is still in confine -iiicnt. We trust onr government will have these cases investigated, and if the statements which have been made are true, that they will call the Peruvian government to strict account for the outrages alleged to have been com mitted on American citizens. Mississippi Ream tor War. Our readers . will doubtless remember that Jeff. Davis re cently threatened, if a Republican President was elected, to uissolvo the Union and smash np things promiscuously, and counseled tho Sovereign State of Mississippi to prepare for the emergency. Accordingly, an examination -has been made, and the Vicksburg Whig gives the following inventory of the "circumstance of war," discovered to be on hand : 4 flint lock muskets all rusty, and bo breeches to at least two. I cannon. 7 bavonets rusty, with no points. ,A pile of belts and scabbards, bnt no swords. 50 cartridge boxes. The Whig adds:" We now have 5 Major Generals, 10 Brigadier Generals, and CO Colo nels, 60 Lieutenant Colonels, GO Majors, and w ill soon have 600 Captains, 1200 Lieutenants, 1800 Sergeants and 4800 Corporals. We are happy to inform them, however, that we have no privates the Legislature having dispensed with that useless portion of tho anny." We think Jeff, himself should bo selected us Generalissimo of these forces, so that they will .be well trained and able to "pitch in" jroperly when the command is given to "prc trr.s and '.-frnrge the enemy." tjSnow is falling rapidly as we go to press. Id?"Tbe State Legislature meets next Tuesday. DWe wish all our patrons a happy Xew Year. MPThc infirmities of great men are the conso lation of dunces. "Mackerel have recently Appeared in largo numbers on the Massachusetts coast. I V"Some "sucker the chap who drank thirty nine glasses of ale on Christmas day. E-Fine affair the Sunday School "treat"' at tho Methodist Church, on Christmas evening. C"ir""The Syracuse Journal gives ns an infallible remedy for the gout Boarding with a printer. ITi7The salary of the Chief Engineer of the X. York fire department is fixed at S3,00l per year. t iTTho aggregate value of the salmon fisheries of Ireland is said to exceed 51,500,000 per year. CP'Senator Douglas has gone to Havana, where he will stay a short time before returning to Wash ington. ITSTor one who deplores his own follies, you will Cud a hundred who prefer to deplore their neighbor's. . ' . fi?John Xowlan. a printer, committed suicide in Richmond, lately, by taking strychnine. A tad tale, that, for John. )?Mr Jacob Cole, of Lawrence tp., makes a good article of writing ink. We have tried it and -know whereof wo affirm. " t"p"Ish a strong feller, dat strichnine; I was tryin' to whip him for two days; but I couldn't fetch him he shoot me in mine neck. fKansns gold is worth $20 an ounce the fi nest gold found in America, which has been sub jected to the test at the X. York Assay office. Ll?"Our age is remarkable for having produced this great thought; "No one has a right to luxu ries, until every one is provided with necessaries.' t ifIn a divorce ca.e in California, it was charg ed that the defendant was intemperate, and one witness testified that he drank seventy times a day. Verdict for the defendant. t v' A boozy fellow was observed the other day driving a "porker.'' holding on to his tail, and when asked what he was doing, replied that he -was studying ge-hog-raphy."' "Recruiting for the army of the U. States has been so brisk this fall that it has been decided to discontinue enlisting at Buffalo. Xew Haven, aud several other important stations. I tfThc Common School Trustees of a town in Indiana say, in a recent report "Xo common schools all ii n rum mo ii. Branches taught, euchre, 2'virr, old sltitgr., vulgarity, and profanity." t iT1 Seven vessels were totally lost, in the harbor of Port an Piatt. St. Domingo, during the gale of 2oth October, and so high was the water driven by the n ind that houses were washed down in the towu. t"i?"l.erret Smith figure that, taking in the ex pense of travelling, establishing newspapers, feed ing pauper followers, Ac, his votes for Governor at the late election cost him just fourdollars each Ix?"The School lJirectors of Marietta township, Marshall county. Iowa, have directed that no x'lrl attending any of th public school of the District shall wear hoops. The old curmudgeons are be hind the times. MP A lady in Portland. Me., has just returned a few beets she borrowed fifty years ago, of a neigh bor, promising to return them in a few days. Such an instance of punctuality is most remarkable, and cannot be beat. l"7New York is certainly a great city. They hare now a '-Dog Boarding-House.'' and one is ad vertised at thecornerof liroadway and Forty-fifth Btrccta Tho keeper will board dogs at SI per week, and train for SI. 50.' tt?A Member of tho Legislature, now in ses sion at Indianapolis. w ho had boon "coughed down' on several occasions, offered a resolution instruct ing the door-keeper to buy several bottles of cough medicine for the use of the members. f"P"Thc London Tiaies continues editorially to hold up the corruption which prevails amongst of ficials in the United States, as a warning against the adoption of universal suffrage. It likewiso draws a similar lesson from tho Canada system. ITt"It is stated that Col. Lockhridgo is -prcs-ent on a visit to Xatches. Miss., directing attention to Northern Mexico, with a view to the peaceful emigration thither of those who would take an in terest in its future political and social welfare ! tTTlie total value of steamers afloat on tho Mis sissippi and its tributaties is more than $50,03;). 000. and numbers as many as fifteen hnndrcd more than twice the stoambo.it tonnage of England, and equal to that of all other parts of the world. "S"Two children were burned in a house in Da venport. Iowa on the 14th The mother had gone out and locked them in. and while out, they set fire to the house. They might have been saved by a neighbor had he broken the door in, but finding it locked, he ran after tho mother fr the key ! aud before he returned the children were dead. s II AWLS AND BONNETS, a full assortment at December 1. KRATZERS. . MARRIED : At the residence of the bride's mother, in Lawrence tp., on Thursday the ICth inst., by the Kev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. IIe.nut Kf.k.ns, of CurwetiM-ille, to Miss Mary Asm II. Welsh. On the 2od iust., by Rev. 1. J. Stine, Mr. Eli Harm w, and Miss Mart R. Kisiiel, both of Brady township. DIED: On the 18th Dec, in Boggs township, Cen tre county, iS. Camf.ros sou of James aud Nancy Antes, aged 2 years and 3 months. Onthe lSth Dec, at the residence of Jacob Peters, in Unionville, of sc arlet fever, Martha eldest daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Id dings, in the 10th year of her age. It Speaks Ao us. Weeks upon weeks ago, the Atlantic Telegraph made what was sup posed to be its last sign, made its signal. There is a report that its animation was sus pended, not destroyed, that some very good currents were received at Newfoundland on Saturday, and that, about tho time when Mr. Henley "was expected to commence operating with his apparatus, at Valentia, the word "Henley," was received at Trinity Ray by the cable. CAUTION. All persons are notified not to meddle with the following property now in possession of Luther Barrett, as tho same belongs to me and subject to my order: 2 Horses. 1 Cow. 1 Hciffer. 1 Calf, 2 Hugs. I pair Timber Sleds. 1 Kaft of timber. JOHXPATTOX. Curwensville. December 22, ISM." iX the matter of the Estate of Samuel Fy, late of township. Clcirfield county, deceased. At an Orphans' Court held at Clearfield on tho 2d Monday of Xovcnibcr last past, tho a-ndersign-ed was appointed Auditor to distribute name-ys in the hands of Eli Fy, Administrator of tho said Samuel Fy. By th Court. All persons interested will please take notice, that I will attend to the duties of the above ap pointment, at my oflieo in Clearfield borough, on Saturday the Sth day of January, Idj'J, at 10 o' clock of said day, when and where you can attend if you see proper. THUS. J, MCULLOUG II, JJeocuibcr 22, IS5S. Auditor. LICENSE NOTICE. The following named persons have filed iu the Office of the Clerk ef the Court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield County, their Petitions for License at tho JANUARY Session next, agreeably to Act of Assembly of March 2, 18.r6, entitlod "An Act to regulate the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors," Ac W. W. Anderson, Penn township, Tavern. H. Hays Morrow, Clearfield Borough, Tavern. Augustus Mulson, Covington township, tavern. Samuel Robison, Boggs township, tavern. Lyonel W. Weld, Lawrenco township, tavern. K L Ozdcn, Lawrenco township. Tavern. bec-'2 'j8 GEO. WALTERS, Clerk. c IJTION. All persons are hereby cautioned ........inr. or ineibllin? with the fnl- lowinc property, viz: One Gray Horse, One Gray owing prow.! j ' ' .Mare, une unuuic " -r property was purchased by me at Sheriff's Sale and left with Isaac Dunlap, on loan only, and subject to uiy order. ,JVS 1,ATr0N-- Curwe-!vi!!e,Xov. 6, lSjS-Uec?J. nnYKONE AND CLE AK FIELD RA1L- JL ROAD. Xolice is hereby given to tho Stock holders that an election for President and Direc tors of the Tyrone aod Clearfield Kailroad will be held onthe 2nd Monday of January. (Ittth day.) LSj'J, at the office of the Company, in Philipsburg. JAMES T HALE. President. Chas. R. Foster. Sec. Dee. 15. 1S5S. AMBROTYPES FOR 50 CENTS!! The undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies and Geutlemen of Clearfield and vicin ity, that he has fitted up rooms in toe tieic row of Judge i?htiw, opposite the "Raftsman's Journal" office, where be will remain for a few days only, Ereparcd to present pictures to all who may favor im with a call which will exceed the expectations of the most fastidious. Photographs of every des cription taken when called for. Secure the shad ow ere the substance fade. A. M. HALL. -Clearfield. September 29, IS.'iS. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Xotice is here by given, thnt the following accounts have been examined and passed by me, and remain filed of record in this office for the inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way iutercstcd, and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court of Clearfield County, to be held at the Court House, in the ISorough of Clearfield, commencing on the third Monday of JANUARY, 1S.VJ. for confirmation and allowance: The partial account of John L. Cuttle. Executor of the estate of Solomon Kline, late of Lawrcuce township, Clearfield county, deceased. The part kil account of Jesse Stone, Executor of the last will of Alexander Stone, late of loggs township, Clearfield county, deceased. JAMES W Kin LEY, Clearfield, Pa., Dec. Ii, ISiS. Register. CLOVER II ULLERS. The subscribers take this method of informing tho Farmers of Clearfield county, that they manufacture at their shop in Mill licim, Centre connty, Pa,, the cele brated llniiJieckrr'g Improved l'remiiim (Jlwcr Ilullvr. These IluIIcrs can be attached to any power for cither 2 or 4 horses, or water power in mills; are warranted to work well, and with good seed will clean from 25 to 30 bushels perday. Any person wishing to sec one of these machines, and learn more particularly of itsopcration.will please call with Air Wui. A. Reed, farmer, 3 miles east of Curwensville, who purchased and had one in use last tcason. Machines will be delivered at Curwensville. if desired. For further particulars inquire f Wui. A. Reed, Clearfield P. O., or the subscribers. S. & S. HAl'PT. Mill Heim, Centre co., P.i , Sept. 13.1rti.S-3m. X. II. All orders promptly attended to. LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE!'. The un dersigned take this method of informing the public generally that they have entered into co partnership in the Rlacksuiitbing business, aud can be found at the shop formerly occupied by Ja cob Shunkwcilcr, on Third street, in tho borough of Clearfield, where they will be pleased to see their old customers, and as many neW ones as caii make it convenient, to give them a call. Rring on your hoes, your spades, and picks, Your log chains and your pulling sticks. Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse and marc, Xo three-year old, shall then go bare. Your spears we'll work up then just right, To pruning hooks for every bight. Your swords too, shall then be wrought To plough-shares such as Cam ne'er bought. J. SIirXKAVEI LEK, Dec. 6. 1CS. tiEORGE W. ORR. COl'UT PROCLAMATION .V." IIEUEAS, the Honorable JAMES 15LRNSIDE, Esquire. President Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas of the twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of the counties of Clearfield. Centre and Clinton and tho Honorable William L. Moore and lienjamin Ron sail, Assm-iatc Judges of Clearfield county, have issued their precept, to me directed, for tho hold ing of a Court of Common Picas, Orphan's Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer A Termi ner. and Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clear field, in and for Clearfield Co.. ou the Third Mun d.iy. tho 17th day of JANUARY next. NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to the Cor- nncr. Justices of the Peace, and Constables, in and for said eounty of Clearfield, to appear in their own proper persons w ith their Rolls. Records, Inquisi tions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those, things which to their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to be done, and Jurors and Witncs scs are requested to be then and there attending, and not to depart without leave, at their peril. GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this 22d day of Deo., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and the eighty first year of American Independence. FREDERICK G. MILLER. Sheriff. rriHK PHILADELPHIA EVENING BT7LLE A TIN, an Imlrptinlrut D iily AVirvwif-, de rated etpmaJly to the Interest of Pennsylvania. Containing ImportantTelegraphic News, Sixteen Hours in Advance of the Morning Papers. Origi nal Foreign and Ilniucstic correspondence. Edito rials on all Subjects, and Full Reports of all the News of the day, the Commercial and Financial Dopartmeutg are full, and are carefully attended to. As an Advertising Medium there is no better paper in the State, the circulation being next to the largest in the city, and among the most intel ligent and influential of the population. TERMS Six Ioi.i.ais per year, in advance. CUMMINGS t PEACOCK, Proprietors. Xo. 112 South 3d Street. Philadelphia. The PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY BULLETIN, a Handsome. AVell-Filled. Family Weekly News paper, is published by the Proprietors at the fol lowing unprccedentedly low rates: 1 copy. 1 year, SI 00 21 copies. 1 y . SI 5 00 6 copies, 1 year, 5 00 .'to copies, 1 year, 20 0( 13 copies, 1 year, 10 00 100 copies. 1 year. 50 00 I'liither Inducements! The Largest Club (over 100) will be sent for three years. The Xcxt Lar gest Club, (over 100) will be sent for two years. Address CUMMINGS A PEACOCK. Proprietors, Bulletin Knilding, No. 112 South 3d St.. Xovember 17. 1M53. Philadelphia. F URS AND BUFFALO ROBES, very cheap a December 1. KRATZERS'. rDMIE AMERICAN MONTHLY: A Maga JL zinc for Ladies and Gentlemen Which will embrace all the popular features of the late Gra ham's Magazine This New Magazine will com bine all the most popular literary features of the best periodicals, while as regards pictorial embcl ishment it will far 'exceed any other periodical now published every number containing one of a series of splendid Steel Engravings engraved by the best artists, from the most popular designs; also Colored Steel Fashions engraved in the very best style of art. "expressly for this Magazine. " from actnal articles of costume. The literary de partment wi.l embrace a judicious and unrivalled selection of Historical Sketches. Talcs of Society. Sketches of Travel. Translations, Fairy Tale, (terns of Poetry. a Page of Comic Illun4r.it ions !' Talcs ef the WondarfuJ,. Useful Sketches. Fashion Gossip, interesting Extracts from new works, curi osities, Fashionable Xovelettos, Hints for Ornamen tal Gardening, Items for the Ladies, Recipes for Household, Ac. Xo pains or expense will be spar ed to render this Magazine tho best and most suc cessful ever published in New York. The Fashion aud Home Department will be under the supervi sion of a Lady of acknowledged taste and ability, who. will give her attention to the pnrchaso of any arttelo described in these pages. The very latest and best engravings, with full and plain descrip tions, will be given every month, of tho most ser viceable an-1 attractive costumes for Ladies and Children; also. Handsome Patterns for Crochet and Needlework, that in a store would alone cost nearly the price of subscription. The best writers will contribute monthly to its pages their very best productions, and tho Editors IZasy-Tali-. a department rendered so popular in "Graham's Magazine," will be continued in this its successor, the "American Monthly." It is our intention to make this Magazine speak for itself, and without further parade in tho way of promi ses, we extend an invitation to all to "send for a specimen number" and judge for themselves. Loot at the. Terms .' 1 copy. 1 year, 2. 2 cop ies, 1 year, S3. 4 copies, 1 year. S6. i Speci mens furnished to all who wish to subscribe, or make up Clubs. All Postmasters constituted A gents. but any person may get u a club. Try this Magazine for One Y'car and compare it with all others. Its superiority will be apparent at onco Address. post-paid, HENRY WHITE, Xo. 7 Beck man street. New-York. The January Xo. will eontain Two Fino Steel riates oneentitled -Papa's New Year's Preaont," ( which is beautifully colored.) and tho other, "Sat urday Night a fine work of art. Peo. 1. OVER COATS, of all kinds and at all prices, at December 1. KRATZERS'. YE, CORN A BUCKWHEAT, will be taken a the highest cash price, at the store ot Clearfield. Dee. S. WM. F. IRWIN- R ITIOR SALE, by Mcrrcll A Carter, Corn Shed 1 tr ttnrl maoi fntfr th latest and best in market. Alwn lnrrrn IaI .kf trfwids. in their line. just received and for sale, cheap for cash or pro- aucc. Also, . v . Jiaupt s taovcr xiuuer. rce advertisement in another column. Deo. 8. . CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or meddling with a yoke of oxen one a red and the other a brown, both wjlh white taees and a brindle cow, in the pos session of Parker Gardner, ot Bradford township, as the same are aabject to my erdor alone. - Boggs tpA Dee. 1. '6S. HENRY WAPLE. CAUTIONS All persons are hereby cautioned against meddling with the following proper ty, to wit: - 1 black Horso,''known as the Hughes A Loyd horse, now in the possession of John Wag oner, of Barnside township, and has been left with hiinon loan an'Lji subject to mv order. Dec. 1. 1S.W-.UT . SAMUEL SEBRIXC. I PLASTERING The subscriber having In, cated himself in the ISorough of Clcarticld would inform the public that he is prepared to do work in the above line, from plain to ornamental of any description, In a workmanliko style. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man ner, and on reasonable terms. April 7. ISjS. EDWIX WER. ' ITIOR SALE, THE FARM occupied by John . F.Wiley in Ferguson township, containing 10( acres, 30 acres cleared ; house, barn and other buildings thereon erected. ALSO. 50 acres of land cr tho timber thereon, situate in I'ike township within one and a half miles of the river on a good road to haul. For further description and terms apply to L. J. CRANS. May 20. 1S07. Clearfield. TXCELSIOR MARBLE YARD. " The undersigned hereby annonn- ccs to the citizens of Clearfield county, that he is still engaged, at his old stand in TYRONE CITY, in erecting MOXVMKXTS and JiUX TO MISS. Ano Head and Foot Stones of the latest and most approved styles, and on the most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIK. Aug. 2a. lS33.-dcc23-'j7. . Tyrone City. COAL! COAL!! The subscriber respectful ly informs the citizensof the borough of Clear field and vicinity that bo has taken a lease ot Judge Moore's Coal Bank, adjoining the town, where he will keep constantly on hand a full sup ply of the article, cither lump or mixed, to suit purchasers. Persons in town can be supplied with it at their homes at six cents per bushel, or at the bank lower than ever A share of public patron age is solicited. PATRICK MULVAXEY. Clearfield, Sept. 1, 18.VS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. The un r dersigned respectfully informs his custo mer.'? and the public generally that he has just re ceived from the East, and opened at his establish ment in Shaw's Row, Clearfield. Pa., a fine stock of Watches. of different qualities, and Jewelry of every variety, from a full sot to a single piece, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for Cash. All kinds of Clocks, Watches . and Jew elry carefully repaired and warrantdd. A con tinuance of patronage is solicited. Xovember 10, 185S. II. F. XAL'GLE. FI R S T IS,. FIRST SERVE D. Boots & Shoes always on Hand, (of our otrti mi.e.) JOSEPH GOON, thankful for past favors, and grateful for future prospects, de sires to inform the citizens of this vicinity and his old friends and patrons in particular, that he has removed to the FIRST ROOM in the LAST EXD of SHAW S XEW ROW, the first door west of the di lution House, where be has on hand censtautlr. a large assortment of every variety in the BOOT AND SHOE line. Custom work attend ed to with dispatch. The very best of stock will be used and no pains spared to make neat fit and durable work. All of which can bo obtained of said J. Goon, very low for the Ready Khino. Clearfield, August 14, 185S. rriO CONSUMPTIVES The advertiser hav- JL ing been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe Lung Affection, aud that dread disease. Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge, with direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consumption, Athma, Bronchitis, Ac. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflict ed, and he hopes every sufferer will try his reme dy, as it will cost them nothing, and may provo a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON', Scpt.2'J,'5S-3m. Williamsburgh, Long Island. ALL WANTING TO EMIGRATE to a mild climate, good soil, and fine market, sec ad vertisement of llamiuontnn Lands. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, good soil, and fine market, see advertisement of Kammnnton Lands. Sept 8. 185S. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, good soil, and fino market, see advertisement of Haimnonton Lands. Sept. S, 1S5S. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, good soil, and fino UMtrket, see advertisement of Haiiiiaonton Lame. Sept. 8, 1S5S. ALL WANTING to-emigrate to a mild climate, good soil, anw fine- market, see advertisement of Haai:onto I.n-n.ls. Sept. 8. 1S5S. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, good soil,' and line market, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Sept.S-'5S-3m JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, CABINET MAKER, having fitted np a shop a few doors east of the "Old Jew Store," on Market stroet, desires to inform the communitv at large, that he keeps on hand a variety of CAISIXET WORK, at his shop, and that ho manufactures to order, (of su perior finish.) every description of Household and Kitchen furniture, among which arc Centre, and Dining Tables ; Mahogony and Common Bureaus; Common and Fancy Bedsteads. Stands. Safes, Cup boards. Sofas. Lounges. Ac, which he is determin ed to dispose of at as cheap rates, for cash, as they can be purchased at any other establishment of tho sort in the county. Persons wishing to buy furniture are invited to come to his shop and ex amine his articles, and judge for themselves of its quality and finish, before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident that he can sui' them in prico and quality. Chiinrry. jirofnce w ill be taken in payment for furniture. November 10, ISiS. X- B. He rs also prepared t make COFFINS to. order on the shortest notice, and attend funerals with a hearse, when called upon. J. S. J. ANSON VI LLE IN THE RI.N(J ! NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS '11. SWAN announces to tho citizens of Ansonville and the surrounding country, that be has just returned from the East and is now opening at his store an extensive stock of choieo and serviceable Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of a general assortment of DRY GOODS.' GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENSW ARE, HATS A CAPS, BfXJTSiSnoiss, and a great variety of useful fancy goods, among which may bo found the latest styles of Ladies' DRESS tiOODS. SHAWLS. BONNET S, RIBBONS, LACES, FLOWERS. Ac.Ao. The undersigned would direct particular atten tion to his extensive selection of Parlor and Coal Stoves, Cook Stoves and fixtures. Stove pipe. Ac, ALSO, a large quantity of Salt. Persons desircus of purchasing any of the articles in my line of business, are invited to call and examine my stock before buying elsowhera, as I feel persuaded that I ean supply them on as reasonable terms for cash aa any other store in the county. Lumber of ev ery description, and appravod ccuntrv produce taken tn exchange fpr goods. 'II." SWAN. Ansonville. November 10. 1S58. A BLACKS.MITXI desirous of doing ngool 1 husiqp&s, can secure a shop with a large custom, by applying immediately to, WILLIAM IRVIX;, f ptensbcr L 135S. Cnrenivll!e. CARD. MISS COXSTAXT, lato from the East, respectfully announces herself to the citi zens of Clearfield, and the County generally, that she is prepared to give instruction in Music Pi ano, Mvlodcon and Guitar and also in the French language it being her native tonguo She refers all who may be interested in the above to the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. McLeod. Tubus, $3 in advance, or S10 if not iu advance. Dec. S, ISM. CLEARFIELD BOOT AND SHOE MAN t FACTORY. A WORD TO ALL. The subscriber takes this method of informing the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he baa LOCATED himself ou JUAIX STREET op posiec the Jail, .and is now prepared to wait upon and render general satisfaction to all who may fa vor him with their patronage. He feels confident in saying that never before has there been offered to tho public of this section, such inducement as he offers. All articles purchased at this establish ment will be warranted, and if proven not to be as represented, will be mado good without extra charge. His work cannot be surpassed, as he is .determined to use onlv the very best materials in thir manufacture. The "world and tho rest of mankind" are reauested to call and satisfy them selves of the fact, that his articles arc of the best and most durable materials. GEORGE SUULTZ. Clearfield, March 17, ISiS. rpilE HAMMONTOX FARMER, a newspaper JL devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also setting forth full accounts of the newsettlcmcnt f Hammonton, in New Jersey, can be subscrib d for at only 2j cts per annum. Inclose postage stamps for tho amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer, Hammonton, Atlar.tio county. New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best, quality, in one of the healthiest aud most delightful climates in the Union, sec advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Sept. S. 1S5S. The II.montoX Faiser, a newspaper devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also setting forth full accounts of the new settlement of Hammonton, in New Jersey, can be subscribed for at only 25 cents per annum. Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer, Ham monton, Atlantic county. New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the brst quality, in one of the healthiest and most delightful climates in the Union, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Sept. 8, lS5S.-3m. F ARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 miles from Phil adelnhia by Railroad in the State of New Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural pur poses, being a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The land is a large tract, divided into small farms, and hundreds from all parts of tho country arc now settling and building. The crops can be seen growing. Terms from $15 to 520 per acre, paya ble within four years by instalments. To visit the place Leave Vino St. Wharf at Philadelphia, at 7J A. M.. by Railroad for Hammonton. or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter. See full advertisement in another column. Sept. 8. 185S. FARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 miles from Phil adelphia by Railroad in tho State of New Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural purposes, be ing a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The land is a large tract, divided into small farms, and hundreds from all parts of the country are now settling and building. Thecropscan be seen grow ing. Terms from 51a to 520 per acre, payable with in four years by instalments. To visit the place Leave Vine St. Wharf at Philadelphia at 7i A M. by Railroad for Hammonton. or address R.J. Byrnes, by letter. Soo full advertisement in an other column. Sept. 8, !S5S-3m. JA N IT A Y Al'POl N T M E X T S. DR. JACKSON Indian Vhvsi-ian, (late of St. Louis.) of Erie City. Pa., may be consulted as follows Free of Charge. Clearfield, Pa., '-Mansion House." on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. January Ttb.Kth and 9th. J'hilipsburg. Pa.. '-Stage House," Wednesday af ternoon and Thursday forenoon. Jan 5th A 6th. Luthcrsburg; Pa.. -Stage House." Monday, Jan uary loth. Brookville. Pa., "American House." Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 14th. 15th A 16th. Ridgway. Pa.. "-Stage House," January. 13th, 19th, 20th and 21st. INDIAN BOTANIC REMEDIES ! In treatment of diseases of tha Lungs and Chest. Liver. Stomach, Bowels, Heart, Nerves, Skin, Scrof ula. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, or any and all disea ses arising from impure blood, Female Weakness and Female diseases of all kinds; also all forms of Chronic or long standing diseases, have given Dr. Jackson a World-wide, reputation . Dr. Jackson, although paying special attention to Lung, Throat. Heart and FemHe diseases, also invites to consultations in all Chronic diseases in cident to the human system. Seeing many thou sand eases every year, he is well prepared to give an opinion as to the curability of any case. Con sultation Free. Mark well the time. Erie. Pa.. P. O. Box 222. A C. JACKSON. July 21. 1S.5S. Indian Physician. X. B Dr. Jackson still continues to treat suc cessfully, all cases of Stuttering and Stammering. PROFESSOR I WALL'S, TASTELESS GALVANIC PILLS. Prepared Originaly by Prof. Ducal I, formerly of the (Jollrzc of '., 'arm, u now otferea to the public fortbecureof all those diseases ia which alteratives and resolvents are- indicated. These pills are rendered void of tate by which means the most delicate-stomach ean take them as well as the smallest child.. From three to fire bojeswill cure the worst case of Scrofula. From two to four boxes wiH cartho worst case of Salt Rheum. lom two to 3 boxes will cure the Ring Worm. One box will-ure Soaly Eruptions of the Skin. From tw to four boxes will cure all old Ulcers and Running Sores. One box will cure Humors in tho Eyes. From one to three boxes will cure tho m st in veterate case of Xursing Sore Mouth. From, one to two boxes will oure the severest case of scabby head in children. From three to six boxes will cure the (common ly called) thick.neck or Goitre. From two to four boxes will euro the Dropsy. From one to thrco boxes will cure Jnandice. From two to six, pills will cure tho Sick Head Ache when accompanicd.wijh B.ilHons One box will cure the Fcvcr.and Ague. For all diseases arising from, an impure state of the blood, and bilious habits, the TatelejusOalvjitt ic Pills are the best pills ever known in the annals of medicine. 2i cents per llox Any agent on receipt of. S.l will seiyi Sous boxes to any part of the United States, free o postage. J.D. STOXKROAD, Proprietor. ang2j-'5S-y Lcwistown, Ta. For sale by Moore A Etzweiler, Clearfield, Pa., and by country merchants generally. Goons v. uoonsi! goods ii c;ood.sii GOODS! GOODS'.. GOODS !! GOODS!.' Fall lr WitUer Coods ! Full & Winter Goods .' Fall iV Winter Gooli! Fall Jf Winter Goods.! The subscriber has Teceived a large and well se lected stock of seasonable goods, at his store room on Market street, (nearly opposite the Clearfield House.) Clearfield. Pa., which he will sell cheap. His stock consists of a general assortment of good DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, GLASSWARE, DRUGS A OILS, and a host of other articles that are frequently sought after; among which can bo found an ex tensive and varied selection of the latest and neat est styles, and best quality, of plain and fancy CASSIMERES. CLOTHS, S ATT I NETS SATIN VESTING, TWEEDS, II ATS A CAPS, and an extensive variety of Boots and Shoes, for either Ladies', Gentlemen orChJldren; with al most every other article that may be wantod by the citizens of the town and surrounding vicinity. Particular attention is especially directed to his selection of Ladies' Dress Goods, among which are nUCALS, TERSI AX CLOTH. DEBEIGE, CORURGS, CASHMERES. DELAINES. ALPACAS, FRENCH MARINOS, P L A I D a and a full assortment of Bonnets for tho season. The pressure of the money market having had the effect of reducing the prico of many articles of merchandise, the undersigned has been enabled U buv his stock at snch rates that he can sell irood at prices to suit the times. And having hereto fore endeavored to please his customers, both in the quality of goods and the prices at which he sold them, he hopes to receive a reasonable share of patronage. All in want of goods, will please call in and examina his stock nf h,ir.t .i. L Country produce Ukun in exchange for goods" October tt, '57. .'...- W.M !'. IKVftx: AT. KCIIRYVER ha isuji fbirractic of medicine, aad will attend promptly to all calls in his profession, by day or eight. Resi i)MnnTuiiii th Methodist church in the Bor ough of Clearfield- May 12th, 165S C5? ' IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, riTTSiH'BGn, Pa. : : - : Cuartfrxd. 300 Students attending Jnanary, 1S58. Now th largest and most thorough Commercial School of the United States. Young men prepared for ac tual duties of the Counting Room. J. C. Swim. A M., Professor cf Book-keeping and Science of Acconnts. - A. T. Doi-tuett, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial calculation. J. A. Hf.vdrkk and T. C. JeskisS, Teachers of Book-keeping. A Cow i.f.v and W. A. MiLLr.B. Professors of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING", as used in every department of business. . COMMERCI AL ARITHMKT1C-R Ann Bl'SIXESS WRIT1S6 DETECT1XG COCSTERFKIT MOXF.V-XERCAXVII.E ro- RESFOxnENCF.-coMMF.KrtALi.AW-arctanght, and all other subjects necessary for the success and thor ough education of a practical business man. - 12 PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three years, also in East ern and Western Cities, for best Writing. NOT ENGRAVED WORK. IM PORTANT IN FORMATION. Students ent r at any time No vacation Time unlimited Re view at pleasure Gradnate assisted in obtaining situations Tuition for Full Commercial Course-, Average time Sto 12 Weeks Board. $2.50 per week Stationary. 56.00 Entire cost. 6ft.0rt in 5-7H.O0. t Ministers" sons received at half price. For Card Circular Specimens of Business aud Ornamental Writing inclose two stamps, and ad dress F. W. JENKINS. September 1, 185S. Pittsburgh. Pa. IRON DEPOT. KEPT Br M FUR ELL CARTER, OX SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD. FA., Is the place where all the following articles can be had at reduced prices : Bar I ron of all sizes by the small or by the quantity; Cast Steel, of vari ous sizes and best quality; a large assortment of Stoves, among which will he found the NF.IV WORLD CUOK. OAK PREMIUM. GREAT REPUllLTC, HUCKS PATTEXT, and th Elrrtted Minnesota. ALSO, a large assortment of Xine plates and Parlor Stoves, and Air Tights of various patterns. AI.SO, Plows of the best and latest patterns. ALSO, of theirown man ufacturing a large assortment of Tin-ware, Stove pipe, Sheet-iron pans of all sizes, aud all articles of the kind in their line kept always on hand. House Spouting done to order, and Tin Roofing done with dispatch. ALSO, a large assortment of all kinds of hous keeping utensils constantly on hand. COCNTR Y M ERCII ANTS are in vited to call, as they can be accommodated ct very low figures, with anything in ocr line. AH orders will be thankfully received'and promptly attended to. O. It. MERKKLL, L. 11. CARTER. X. B. They will also receive every variety of articles on commission, at lrw rates: M. AC. BANK NOTE LIST. The following are the rates of discount at which the notes of the banks given were purchased last week cy tnc nroaers ot rnuaaeipma MAINE. dlSC. Mousom River Bank. 60 Rockland Bk, R"kl d 1 Canton Bank, China, Ellsworth I!auk. 75 Exchange Bk. Bangor 60 Orocors! Bank. Maratimn Bk, Bangor 10 Sanford BK,Rorkland Hancock Bk. Ellsw th BanK of Hallowell, 75 SW UAHPSULBE. Solvent banks. s VEUVONT. Danby BanK. Banby, Banw uf Royalton, i Bk of South Royalton, Stark BK.Bcnnlngron i St.AlbansBK,St.Alb i Missisquoi BK,Sheldn J Woodstock Bank, i M ASSAllllSF.TTS. Solvent banks, f rhokk tsLAn. Farmers'BK.Wickford Ban K of South Coun ty, Wakefield. 20 Tiverton Bk. Th Warwick Bk.Warw'k 5 Rhode Island Exchange Bk. E. Greenwich, J Mt. Vernon Baok, J HopkintoBBank, 2o All solvent banks, i OONNKCTtClT. Merch Ex.Bk,Bridgp i Bridgeport City Bit, CoIeDestcr liank. Bk of Hartford Co. Hatters' Ek. Bethel, Exch.BK. Hartford, f Charter Oak Bk, " Mercantile Bank Uncas Bk, Norwich. QuincbaugBK. i Woostcr Bk. I'anbury I Woodbury Bauk, 50 Pawcatuck Bauk, i Bk of N.Am. Seymour 5 Pahquioque I'.K.Danb i Granite Bk, Volunt'n Pequounoek Bank. i Wiudham County Be, i xr.w VORK. Agricultural BK.Herk 5 Addison Bk, Addison i Bk of Orleans. Albion. 5J Contral Bank of New York. Utica. Chemung County Bk 15 Dairymen's Rank, 5 Elmira Bank, Eliuira i Hollistcr Bk. Buffalo, 5 VIRGINIA. disc. Bank of Kanawha. Ka- nowha Salines Solvent banks, 1 I'EISSVLVAMU. Bk of Penn'a, FhiFa 70 Phil's banks, par Allcntown Bank, par Anthracite bank, par Bk of Chester co.. par Bk of Delaware co, par Bk of Germantown, par Bk of Montg'y co., par Bk of Pot is tow n, par Bk ef Catasauqaa, par Columbia Bank, par I'oylcstown Ck, par Easton Bank, par Fr.AMcch.b Easton par Far.IiKof Bucksco. par Far.BK. Lancaster, par Far.BK. Reading. par LancasterCo. Bank, par Ibanon Rank, par Maneh Chunk Bar, par Miners' Bk Pottsv'e, par Stroudsbnrg bank, par Wyoming Back. par Harrisburg Bank, par Bk of Chambershnrg.par ! Bk of Middletown, par 7. ., i iorK nails, par Bk of tiottvsbnrg, par Bk of Pittsburg. i Citizens' Bk, Fitteb. t Exchange Bk. Pittsb. t I ron City Bk. Tittsb. i Mechanics' Bk. Pittsb i Mononga'la b. Browns i Frankl.bK.Washingt. i FarA Dro.bK.Waynesh t Bk of Northumbcrl. par ItK of Danville. par West Branch Bank, par Lock Haven Bank, par Icwisburi Bank, par Far.ltKSch uvlkillco.par Allegheny BK.Allsh'y t Bk of Lawrence co., . I Honesdale Bank par MerA.Man Bk.Pittb. t Erie Bank. ' & Erie City Bank, 1 McKcan County Be, Tioga County Bank, 19 XEW JKRSEV,. Bk of N.J. N.Brunsw 1 B rgen Cnunty Kane at Hackensack. 24 Morris County Bank t TFXFSSEF. Agric l Bk. Brownsv. Western Bk. Memphis Hamilton Ex. Bank. 2j Bank of Nashville, 2J iiuguennt isk. .N.i'aitz 3 r.xc.tiK..Mnrireeooro s Miclbyville Bank, Lawrencehurg bank, 2-1 Bank of Trenton, 45 Rank of Claiborne, 45 Bank of Jefferson. 45 Back of Knoxvillc. 45 BanK ot Paris. Paris, -i Bans of Taiewell, 45 BanK of the Union. Si Back's BKl'Mir.nr'e 3 City BanK. Nashville 3 Northern BK.Clarksv. S Traders' BK.Xashv. S Bk of Commerce. -OcoceeBK Cleveland, ttl BanK of Middle Tenn . 3i in S 3 Medina Bk. Medina. i Xiagara River Bank, Ontario Bk. Utica. 50 OntarioCo.BK. Phelps 5 Pratt Bank. Buffalo 20 Oliver LeeA Co s Bk. -. i Reciprocity Bk, " 30 Saekett s Harbor " 30 Western Bk. Ixickport 10 Yates Co. Bk, PenYan VARVL.VNn. Mineral Bk, Cunib. Ciimb I'd Savings Bk, 3 Solvent banks, 1 VtSTlTKV. Bk of Ashland, 1 Solvent Banks, 1 01110. City Bank, Cincinnati 5"0 O. LifcATrustCo..Cin Scnaca Co. Bk. Tiffin, Sandusky City Bk CI 20 Bk of Macomb County Dayton Bark, Dayton 5 Miami Val.BK, " 10 State BanK, wiscnxsix. Rock River Bk. Belolt 2 Farmers' Bk, Hudson, 2 Fox River BK.Gr.Bay 2 Badger State Bk, 2 Solvent Banns, 2 MICHKJAX. PeninsularBK,Detroit Farmers' A Mech.BK, 2 AL ASA II A. Bk tf Montgomery, Central BauK, 5 Xorthern BanK, 3 50 11 Dandridgc bantc, RauK of 1 ennessc. Planters' A Union Bk, iXMANA. BanK of tho Capitol, Traders' hanK, Tippecanoe bans, Central banK BanK of the Stato, Free banks. II.MMiH. BanK cf Elgin, : 2 Rock Island barK," 1 2 Peoples' bans, Carnii 2 Hamilton County Bk 2 Bk of the Common w'h 2, Huntsvillc BatK, 50 Rushville BanK. 2 Stocs Security Bk, 25 Corn Exchange, 2 Bk of Chester, 2 Bk of Eelleiilio, 2 Sol rent Banks. 2 LADIES' MANTILLAS, Shawls, Bonnets, Skel ctun Skirts, aad Ladies' dress gods of ali kinds for sale low by JOUX PATTON. Curwensville, May 12. 1S58. F LOU It. Just received 30 barrels Extra Fam ily Flour, which will be sold low tor cash by December 2, RICHARD MOSSQP. ; CARPET sTbiTciotis, Window shades, Ae., ean . be procured, at tha storo of ; Mayl2 J?nXTT0K.CarwE:?iIl