the JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., NOV. 17, 1858. THANKSGIVING DAT. "We, the uudersigned, feel it to be our duty to commend a general and fitting observance of the day set apart by the Chief Magistrate of our Commonwealth as a day of public thanksgiving. We pletd the cause of a benefi cent Providence and entreat the churches and the citizens generally to acknowledge the goodness of Cod, and show their respect to the recommendation of their Chief Magistrate, by closing their stores, and shops and ofllces, and uniting in the public worship offered to the God of all our mercies. Thos. Barmiabt, J . M. Galloway. Cloarfiold, Xov. 15. Alex'r McLeod, COURT PROCEEDINGS. The adjourned court last week was rather slimly attended. Tho following cases were disposed of : Henry j- Catharine Pennington rs. Jo An Rick tts. Feigned issue. Settled. Swoope for Plff. McEnally & Cuttle for Deft. Cath. Pennington rs. Samuel Veddtr and John Rickets. Feigned issue. Both cases settled. Attornies as above. John Patchin rs. Josiah Lambnrn. Eject ment. Verdict for Plff. on payment of $204 before issuing writ to take possession. W. A. fc 11. J. Wallace for PllL; Cuttle and Crans lor defendant. John McFartin rs. Joseph Best. Replevin. Settled. Swoope for Pill., McEnally and II. J. Wallace for Deft. . John Draucker rs. Benj. Hartshorn. Action t recover on an alleged spurious note of the -denomination of $50. Verdict for Deft. Crans lor rift"., Swoope & McCullough for Deft. Isaac McKee rs. Wm. T. Bloom. Certiorari and appeal Irom award. Verdict for Deft. VT. A. & II. J.Wallace for Plff., Crans for Deft. Joseph Best, Jr. ts. John McFarliu. Sum mons in debt. Settled. IS. J. Wallace fcr 2laintill, Swoope for defendant. Edward Coinoford rs. James M. Pfontz. Foreign attachment. Verdict for Plff. for $174.25. Motion made by Deft, for new trial, and entertained. Wallace for plaintiff, Mc Enally for defendant. Jonathan Piddle ts. Henry Swan. Appeal. Verdict for defendant. Crans for plaintiff, Vf. A. 5e 12. J. Wallace for defendant. John Sechler vs. Wm. Roikey. Summons in Ejectment. Verdict for plaintiff. Wallace for plaintiff, Swoope for defendant. John Patchin rs. Isaac Keirns. Summons in Ejectment. Verdict for defendant. Wallace for plaintiff", Swoope for defendant. Ifni. L. Mcrrell vs. Chas. fr Phill.p Blanch ard. Summons trespass. Verdict for Pill, for $300. Swoope for plff., Wallace for deft. Clark Wilson vs. Geo. If". Long. Action to mcoTer price of a horse injured by breaking away from hostler of deft., who is an innkecp er. Verdict for defendant. Crans for plain tiff", W. A. & K. J. Wallace for defendant. James Gilliiand, adtti'r of Phillip Bet.ner rs. J. 4" H. McGhee et al. Scire facias. Verdict of revival. Wallace for plIT., Crans for deft. f John Pai'on rs. Jacob Bilger, urfm'r of Garl Jc.nd Irwin. Scire facias. Verdict for deft. Crans for plaintiff, Wallace for defendant. Thomas Crartn rt. Isaac Bloom, jr. Trover and conversion. Verdict for deft. Swoope ;for plaintiff, Wallace for defendant.- Last week, MaJ. Jacob Wilhclni retired from rtbe Commissioners' office, and the newly elect ed member of the Board, Wm. 3IcCracken, cntwrcd upon his duties. This week Sheriff Reed retires from his office, and Frederick G. Miller assumes the duties ; Thos. J. McCuI lougb. also retires from the office of District Attorney and H. J. Wallace takes his station. Wc have no doubt that the new officers will discharge the duties of their respective posi tions with the same commendable efficiency .and ability as did their predecessors. Tenons desirous of procuring Liquors of ,all kinds, Flour, Bacon, Oysters by the can, ,&c, will find in J. II. Galer & Co., of Tyrone .City, a clever and accommodating firm, who -will supply them at the lowest rates. The top glass of a splendid show case be longing to 11. F. Xauglc, a Jeweler iu this place, was broken last week in bringing it here, involving a loss of perhaps $3j or $40. Bic Ears of Corn. Samuel T. Hoover rais ed on the Buena Vista farm in Bell township one ear of corn that yielded 1222 grains and another that had 1044. The Bellcfontaine, Ohio, Republican tells that a man named Sparks, who was sent to jail for sheep stealing, escaped during the summer, fcnt managed to live but a few miles oft without being detected. He lived with a Mr. (.'Irak, and a few days since stole from Mr. C.'i lot 41 sheep, drove them a few miles and got the privilege-of turning them into a Mr. Bcvards pasture for the night. In the night lie stole 20 of Mr. Bevard's sheep, put them in with the 41, and in the morning sold the w hole flock to Mr. Bevard. Minister Shot. The Rev. P. E. Green, Methodist preacher jn charge of the Warren .Circuit, Mississippi, ivas shot at Mentalbon, a , few days since, by a. ni30 pamed Fisher. The wound is supposed to be mortal. The cause of the shooting was that Fisher's wife had joined the church lately and Fisher meeting Mr- Green, abused him terribly, and finally pulled out a pistol and shot him. The culprit lias fled. Ho ra Griitows! Wc have news from Jamaica that II-B. M. steamship Leopard, and the celebrated war stcapicr Devastation, bear ing the broad pennant of Com. Kcllet. were about to leave Port Royal for Grcytown-r ThcBO vessels, with the Valorous, with Sir 4jore Onsely on board, are probably near their Jetinatjon by this time. Can anybody tell wbat is really in the wind CLIPPINGS AND SCRIB3LINGS. ' '" C?"Here winter, in all iti glory. tIn session our regular court. . E2r'Comfortable overcoats. Just sow. CPRough the roads, in this section. C?"Hard the freezing, for several day. ISfFell several inches of show, on Monday. tlF"Thanksgiving day to-morrow, (Thursday.) 3Tbe official returns of the late election in Ohio, show an average majority for the Republican ticket of 20.S)Gti. LV0ught to be kicked out halt the potty cases brought before our Courts, and the parties "bring ing them fined. IdS'To get rid of Spanish quarters at their full value, drop them into the contribution box on Sun day, as it passes. l3?"Tbe last rain showed one ludicrous sight an attempt to crowd two fashionably dressed la dies under one umbrella! CyThe inquiry has been made of us as to the amount of (he President's salary. It is S25,000 a year, or $100,U00, for the term. i .eA Yankee physician named Bates, from Ash Geld, Mass., has established himself and is doing a good business in llakodadi, Japan. lffThe Kansas Herald says that an immense a mount of molasses will be manufactured from the Chinese cane, in that territory, this Season. tTFact he Atlantic Telegraph is at present perfectly neutral.' As our friend Pat would say, -it's divil a word it has to say ayther side." LsBeware of notes of the New England Bank of Fairmount, Maine. They are a fraud, and are said to have been largely circulated east and west. i. sf Among the vows that a man has to make in Japan when be is married, is one that he will find plenty of tea and riee for his wife during her Life. iTcfMi. Hawthorne. the writer, has gone to Rome. A book is expected from him next March or April. Hawthorns generally put forth blossoms in the spring IjrTho Pittsburghers are about to celebrate their ouo hundredth birth-day, on tho 2.tb of No vember, in a manner befitting the fame of their Smoke-stained city. ""Andrew Shannon, a well known and highly respected citizen of Warren, Jefferson county,)., died on Tuesday a-wock. from the bite of a rat, which he received a few days beturo. I"! t is said that th e cost of the Sepoy war is beginning to excite alarm in England. It will pro bably add forty millions sterling to the national debt, and create an annual deficit of six millions. 1'tfThc I ndians in the vicinity of Laredo, Tex as, are again becoming quite troublesome. Some thirty persons, it is stated, have been killed within a few months, together with numbers of cattle, horses. Sic. I "A young man in Cincinnati,' named Tike, having'grown rich in the whiskey trade, has just erected a magnificent opera house, the finest iu all the West. A wag wants him to call it "Pike's Alco-Hall." I"5""In Boston, lately, a hasty pudding, which had been set out to cool, was taken to the watch house on a charge of smoking in the street. An efficient officer, uo doubt, the policeman who ar rested that smoker. tyThe notes of a bogus concern, styled "The liauk of the District of Columbia," dated Novem ber 1st, IKjS. and signed A. C. liasey. cashier, and Charles K. Kuss. president, have made their ap pearance iu the East. !.BTho people of Dacotah have at last effected an independent temporary organization of their Territory. State officers have been appointed, a Legislature convened, laws passed, and the .Min nesota code of 1S57 adopted. L.S -the people at the late Wisconsin State Fair were much amused by an entry of '-Darned old Stockings." The truth of the exhibition was prov ed to correspond with the entry, and the -darned old stockings' bore off the prize. tlsf The Pennsulcanian records the death of a physician. who-was an ardent admirer of Mr. Bu chanan, and approved of his entire Kansas poli cy. " Such approval has been the death of many of Mr Buchanan's friends recently ITS'"Wc tender our thanks to our friend Ben. Hartshorn for that apple '-cordial"' he sent us the other dny. Wc hope his shadow may never grow less, and that he may always hava a little cordial comfort for his friends as well as himself. "p"Two boys at Carbondale, a few days Tinea, purchased a quantity of whiskey, drank it and were shortly after found by their father in an in sensible state. One of them died the next day. This should be a naming to poison;driuker. l"SrThe Washington Union of Saturday, has a leader on '-The distracting question of ISIS re vived in the Democratic party in 1S5S," and fore shadowing the exclusion of Douglas and ail his adherents, from the Charleston Convention of IStiO. VtrSltf Plaindealer announces an eating match in Cleveland, for tho championship of America. The two contostants are to go beyond tho city lim its and eat mush and milk till on of them bursts the one who docs not burst to be declared the victor! rsThecity of Jed do is said to be wiibout ex ception the largest city in the world, it contains 1.500.000 dwellings, and the uuparallcled number of 5.O0O.0U0 of people. Souic of the streets are 19 Japnncsori's in length, which is equal to thirty- two LMiglish miles. it ""Prentice, noticing the exhibition, by a horso trainer, of an anti-kicking bridle, says, "the in ventor has sold out his patent to tho President, who intends to use it on Douglas, Wise. Fornev, and others, who show a disposition to kick out of the party traces. IT?"lt is estimated that the expenditures of the United States Post Office Department for is.i8.will exceed the receipts some three millions ot dollars There is already an excess of expenditure in eve ry State and Territory exeopt Rhode Island, Con necticut, California, and L tali. UOno of our Locofoco exchanges remarks that "truth, though often hid for a time, always ts sure to burst forth at last in all itssplondor." M c need no better proof of the correctness of this than is . . . , - . .,. given in the result of the recent elections, Arum is bursting forth in all its splendor. UTThe Wabash and Western Railroad safe at rortVtayne was opened with false keys, on No vcniber i 1th. and twenty thousand dollars stolon Fivo thousand new bills on the Frontier Bank of Illinois, and balance on other Banks in Illinois and Wisconsin. No clue to the robbers yet. IpTerrible catastrophe. We regret to learn that the princely mansion of James Learner, in Burnside township, with all its costly furniture was destroyed by fire on Tuesday the 2d inst We are sorrv to hear that some thousands of lives wero lost on the occasion, as only a few bed bugs were able to make their escape. mThe Washington Union calls upon the army of Buchanan officeholders to '-charge !"' This ad vice is unnecessary for -they den't seem to take the trouble to charge at all they just grab the money without ceremony. They don't troublo themselves about any mysteries of single or dou ble entry, except entry into the money boxes.- t:S"Several dozen of 'Democratic' editors, who, before the result of the Illinois strugglo wasknown, were non-committal, as between the Administra tion and Douglas, have made haste to nominate the Little tiiant for the next Presidency. Of course, now that Douelas has carried his own State, these half-way fellows think he's a big -toad' in the Presidential -puddle,' ana accoruiugiy jump in. MARRIED: In Jersey Shore, on the evening of the 10th in stant, by Iter. J. It. Urier, Mr. Uhakikb stock hax. of Camden. X. J., and Mr. Marv 11. M'Mirn rat, daughter of Gen. George Tomb, of Jersey Shore, Pa. - DIED: In Lawrence township, on Wednesday, Novcm- ber 10th. Chester i. w ., son oi ircacnt uu i rinniinh -r1 S veiM and 11 davs On Friday the 12th November, M tnr C, infant daughter of the above named parents, aged 1 year, montns ana a unj. -They died in beauty, like the rose D-oppcd from some parent stem : They died in beauty, like the pearl Dropped from somo diadem. We oannot toll who next may fall, Beneath thy ohastoning rod ; One must be first, but let us all Prepare to taeet our God. PLASTERIX;. The vuhseriber having lo- Cted himself in the Borough of Clearfield, I .... 1 1 - . i i - . , .i . . . i wuiv iiiivi ui iue puone mat no is prepareu to ao work in the above line, from Plain to ornamental of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man ner, ana on reasonable terms. April 7. lSf.8. EDWiy COOPER. pXCELSIOR MARBLE YARD. . The undersigned herebynnoun- ces to the citizens of Clearfield county. limine is sun engaged, at nts Old stand k in TVRONK CITi. in erecting MONUMENTS and BOX TOMBS. Also Head and Foot Stones of the latest and most approved styles, and on the most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at tended to. Address. ISAAC BKKLf N. Aug. 23. 1853.-dce2.Vo7. Tyrone City. COAL! COAL!! The subscriber respectful ly informs the citizensof the borough of Clear field and vicinity that he has takon a lease ot Judge Moore's Coal Rank, adjoining the town, wnere ne win Keep constantly on hand a full sup ply of the article, either lump or mixed, to suit purchasers. Persons in town can besnpplied with it at their homes at six cents per bushel, or at the bank lower than ever A share of public patron age is solicited. PATRICK MULVANEY. Clearfield, Sept. 1, lSiS.f IATCnES AND JEWELRY. The un T T dcrsiirned respectfully informs his custo mers and the public generally that be has just re ceived from the Kast, and opened at his establish ment in friiaw a itow, Clearfield, Pa., a line stock of Watches, of different qualities, and Jewelry of every variety, from a full set to a single piece, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for Cash. AH kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jew elry carefully repaired and warranted. A con tinuance of patronage is solicited. November 10, 18j. il. t . iAt (ILK. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, CABINET MAKER, having fitted up a shop a few doors cast of the '-Old Jew Store," on Matkct street, desires to inform the community at larse. that he keeps on hand a variety of CABINET WORK, at his shop, and that he manufactures to order, (of su perior finish.) every description of Household and Kitchen furniture, among which are Centre, and Dining Tables : Mahoxony aud Common Bureaus; Common and Fancy Bedsteads. Stands, Safes, Cup boards, colas. J.ouuires. Sc, which be is determin ed to dispose of at as cheap rates, for cash, as' they can be purchased at any other establishment of tne sort in the county. Persons wishing to buy furniture are invited to come to his shop and ex amine his articles, and judge for themselves of its quality and hnish, before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident that he can suit them in price aud quality. Chairs of every description on hand, or made to order. November 10, ISiS. N- B. He is also prepared to make COFFIN'S to order on tho shortest notice, and attend funerals with a hearse, when called upon. J. S. J. A N'SO.NVILLE IN THE RING ! NEW -r FALL AND WINTER OOODS ! II. SWAN announces to the citizens of Ansonville and the surrounding country, that he has just returned from the East and is now opening at his store an extensive stock of choice and serviceable Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of a general assortment of DRY" GOODS. GROCEUIES. HARDWARE, QL'EENSW ARE, HATS Jt CAPS, BOOTSiSuoES, and a great variety of useful fancy goods, among wnien may ie found the latest styles of Ladies DKESS OouDS. SHAWLS. BONNETS, RIBBONS. LACES, FLOWEUS. The undersigned would direct particular atten tion to his extensive selection of Parlor and Coal Stoves, Cook Stoves and fixtures. Stovo pipe, Ac. ALSO, a large quantity of Salt. Persons desirous of purchasing any of the articles in my line of business, are invited to call and examine ray stock before buying elsewhcro, as I feel persuaded that 1 can supply them on as reasonable terms for cash as any other store in the county. Lumber of ev ery description, and approved country produce luKen in exchange lor goods. 11. bWAM. Ansonville. November 10, 1S58. D AILY TELEGRAPH FOB THE SESSION 1'itll and Arturate Isi:'lative Report. The Daily Telegraph is now in the third year of its existence, and the success attending its publi cation, has placed it upon a firm aud permanent basis. Our circulation has continued steadily to increase, until it now reaches the most distant parts of the State, and is a welcome daily visitor in the counting-room, the workshop, and the fam ily circle. At a very heavy expense we now fur nish all the important Telegraphic News many hours in advance of the City Dailies. During the coming winter tne -Uailv lclegrapu will contain the I'alfst and most ticcurtttr rriwrts of t,'te Legis lative l'rneretfi ngx ever pndisied by any paper at the C a pi i til tit fnmtrr years lo enable ns to do this wc have S-Mjured the services ot first class Ste nographers, who have had largo experience in re porting the proceedings and debates of Congress. Telegraphic reports of the Proceedings of Con gress will also be given daily in our columns, in advance of the city papers. Persons throughout the State who desiro to havo a daily paper from the State Capital during the winter, containing full and reliable reports of tho doings of the Legislature. should subscribe forth 'Daily Telegraph.' It will bo mailed every evo ning in time to teach subscribers at all points on the line of Kailroad the next morning, many bears before anv other daily paper here or elsewhere. Terms for the session $1.00 ; for tho year. $4.00. The Weelhf and t?e mi-Weekly Telegraph isprin ted on a very large sheet, and will also furnish full reports of the doings of our Mate Legislature and Congress. Terms. Semi Weekly during the Session. $1,00; Weekly and Scmi-Wcokly for the year. OKO. DhKUAtK UO. Publishers -DailyTelcgraph.' Harrisburg. Pa. "aPTE A LS FRO M TRI-EN N I A L AS ajL SESS.MENT. Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of Clearfield county will bold their appeals from the tri-cnuial assessment at the following tunes and places, to wit . Goshen township at the school houso in said township, the usual place of holding elections, on Monday the Z2d day of November. A. D. 1833. Girard township at Congress Hill school houso, on luesdny. the 22d day of November. Covington township at the house of Jacob Mau- rcr. on ednesday, the 21th day of Nov. Karthaus township at the house of II. D. Hall & Co., on Thursday, the 23th day of Nov Huston township at the house of Jesse Wilson, on tatnrday the -ith day of November. Fox township at tho bouse of John J. Bundy, on Monday, the zUth day of November. Union township at tbe house of R. W. Moore, on Tuesday, the .10th day of November. Brady township at the houso of Geo. W. Long, on Wednesday, the 1st day of Ucecmber. Pike township and Curwensville borough on Thursday, tho 2d day of Jecemlor. Pcnn township nt the house of W. W. Anderson, from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.. on Friday, the 3d lcc. Lumber City borough came day at 4 P. M., at the public school house in said borough. Knox township at Turkey Hill school house, on eaturday, the 4th day of December. Ferguson township at the house of Thomas B. Davis, on rioniiav, the oth nay of December Bell tp at the house of Asaph Ellis, the place of holding elections, on iuesday, the fh of lcc. Burnside township at the houso of John Voung, on Wednesday, the bth day of December. Chest tp at the school house near Simon Rora- baugh s, on Ihursday, tho tu day or ico. Bccearia township at the house of Samuel ncg' garty, on Friday, the 10th day of December. Jordan township at the public school house in Ansonville, on Saturday, tho 11th day or Dec. Woodward township at the house of Wit. Mul len, on Monday, the 13th day of December. Decatur township at tho house of John Goss, on Tuesday, the 14th day of December. Boggs township at the house of Andrew Cross, on Wednesday, the 15th day of December. Morris township at the house of Jaoob Mock, on inursaay. tne totn nay oi umr. Graham township at the house of Jacob Hub ler tin Frit. th I7fh day of December. Bradford township at the house of Wm. Hoover, on Saturday, the 18th day of December. Clearfield borough and Lawrence township on Monday, the 20th day ot December, ai tne vom office, in Clearfield An appeal from tho valuation of unseated lands will be held at the Commissioners' office in Clear field, on Friday, tbe 31st day of December, 1858, at which time all persons interested eau attend. By order of the Board of Commissioners. ROBERT J. WALLACE, Clerk. Commissioners' office, October -9, 1855. DUVALL'S GALVANIC OIL. Professor II. Da Vail, after twenty-five years labor in experimenting upon the whole cat alogue or medicines, bas discovered ii.r.i i CITY in a positive form, and that agent is put forth to the world in his GALVANIC OIL, and is now the only medical preparation that will pos itively cure all Sore and Painful Disease This Oil is rendered electrically positive, and acts on the system by imparting to it electricity in the Galvanic form. It is expressly recommended for an sore and paintul diseases, as tne following: Neuralgia in all its forms, gives relief in few minutes. Pain in the Back, Breast or Siile. lihen- viatiim and all painful diseases of the S to auieh and Bowels. In short it will relieve pain wherev er located All that is asked, is. try the Galvanic Oil for the cure of any disease of the above class. J. D. MUifcllUAU. Lewistown, Pa., Proprietor, to whom all orders must be addressed. For sale by Moore tt Ettweiler. and Reed A Weaver. Bowman A Perks. J. B. Graham. E. Wil liams, C. Kratzcr, Irwin It Son, A. B Shaw, James Forrest, A. Montgomery, Wright A" Hagerty, and by country merchants generally. .Lewistown, August Zft, lsj-y. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The valuable farm, of the undersigned, former ly the property of John Antes, dee'd, containing Seventy-five acres, Fifty of which are cleared, is offered for sale upon reasonable terms. This farm is beautifully situated, two and a half miles from Clearfield boro', and one-fourth of mile from the Pike leading from Clearfield to Curwensville. It has upon it a good house, a large spring-house with fresh water constantly flowing through it. It als), has erected tberson, a good log stable, an out oven, and other out-houses, necessary fur a coun try residence. There is upon said farm, a bank containing the best quality of bituminous eoal. Also an orchard ot cnoicc iruit, consisting oi ap ples, peaches, pears, plums. Jto., and other requi sites for a good home, too numerous to mention. Now is your chance to purchase a home, for you and your children, that in your declining years, you may sit down by your own peaceful fire-side, and enjoy all the comforts of old age. Oct. 6. 1S.S. Vt M. M. J1LU1.UR ili,tr. THE HAMM0NTON FARMER, a newspaper devoted to Literature and Agriculturo, also setting forth full accounts of the new settlement of Hainiuonton. in New Jersey, can be subscribed for at only 25 cts per annum. Inclose postage stamps for tho amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer, llammonton, Atlar.tic county, New Jersey. I hose wishing cheap laud, cf tho best, quality, in ouo of tuc neaitiiiest and most deuguuui climates in the Union, see advertisement of Haiuinonton Lands. Sept. 8. 18iS. The Hamhonton Farmer, a newspaper devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also setting forth full accounts of the new settlement of Hammouton, n New Jersey, can be subscribed for at only 2j cents per annum. Inclose postage stamps for tbe amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer. Ham mouton, Atlantic county, New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best quality, in one of the healthiest and most delightful climates in the I'nion, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Sept. 8. 1858. -im. TAKE NOTICE ! TAVERN KEEPERS aud the public, that Gross & Kunkcl, whole sale Grocers, Canal Street Wharf, Harrisburg, have on hand a large lot of Liquors at reduced prices, by the barrel or otherwise, to suit pur chasers, consisting of the following : Pure Brandies. Old Bye Whiskey, Domestic Brandies, Monong.ibela Whiskey Blackberry Brandy, Peach Brandy, Lavender Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Scotch Whiskey, New England Rum, Lisbon Wine, Pure Holland Gin, Rectified Pitts.Whiskcy Port Wine. Madcria Wine, Pure Holland Gin, Domestic Gin, And other Liquors, ticsler's Pure Champagne, Ao., ic. Xe l"50rdors promptly attended to. GROSS A KUNKEL, Wholesale Grocer3. Canal Street Wharf, between Walnut and State Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. Marl0-'53-ly. CLOVER nULLERS, The subscribers tate this method of informing tbe Farmers of Clearfield county, that they manufacture at their shop in Mill Heiui, Centre county, Pa., the cele brated ILiinseeter s Improved I'reminm L,lovcr llnller. These Hullers can be attached to any power for either 2 or 4 horses, or water power iu mills: are warranted to work well, and with good seed will clean from 25 to SO bushels perd.iy. Any person wishing to see one of these machines, and learn more particularly of itsoperation.will please call with Mr Wm. A. Keed, farmer, 3 miles cast of Curwensville, who purchased and bad one in use last season. Machines will be delivered at Curwensville. if desired. For further particulars inquire of Wm. A. Reed, Clearfield P. O., or the subscribers. S. & S. HAUPT. Mill Ilcim, Contrcco., Pa , Sept. 15. lSid-3m. N. B. All orders promptly attended to. F CL E A R F I E LD ROOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY . A WORD TO ALL. Tbe subscriber takes this method of informing the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that be has LOCATED himself on MAIN STREET op posiee the Jail, and is now prepared to wait upon and render gem-rM satisfaction to all who may fa vor bim with their patronage. He feels confident in saying that never before bas there been offered to the publie of this section, such inducement as he offers. All articles purchased at this establish ment will be warranted, and if proven not to be as represented, will be made good without extra charge. His work cannot be surpassed, as he is determined to use only the very best materials in their manufacture.. The "world and the rest of mankind' are requested to eall and satisfy them selves of the fact, that bis articles are of the beet and most durable materials. GEORGE SHULTZ. Clearfield, March 17, ISjS. FARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 miles from Phil adelphia by Railroad in the State of New Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural pur poses, being a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The land is a large tract, divided into small farms, and hundreds from all parts of the country are now settling and building. Tbe crops can be teen growing. Terms from S15 to $20 per acre, paya ble within four years by instalments. To visit tbe place Leave Vine St. Wharf at Philadelphia, at 7j A. M., by Railroad for Hammonton, or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter. See full advertisement in another column. Sept. 8, 1808. FARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 miles from Phil adelphia by Railroad in the State of New Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural purposes, be ing a good loam soil, with a olay bottom. The land is a large tract, divided into, small farms, and hundreds from all parts of the country are now settling qnd huildjng. Tbe crops can be seen grow ing. Terms from $15 to $20 per acre, payable with in four years by instalments. To visit the place Leave ino St. Wharf at Philadelphia at 71 A M. by Railroad for Hammonton, or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter. See full advertisement in an other column. Sept. S, lS53-3m. J It O F E S S O II II U V A L L'S, 4 LL WANTING TO EMIGRATE to a mild J. climate, good soil, and fine market, seo ad vertisement of llaminonton Lands. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate. good soil, and fine market, see advertisement of Haiuinonton Lands. t-ept 8, Ir:S. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate good soil, and fine market, see advertisement of llaminonton Lands. ept. ts. 13J3. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, good soil, and fine market, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. pcpl. , ISjS. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, good soil, and tine market, sec advertisement of j Hammonton Lands. Sept. 8, 1858. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, good soil, and fine market, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Scpt.8-'5S-3m mO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser hav JL ing been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe Lung Affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge, with direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consumption, Atthiua, Bronchitis, Ac. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflict ed, and he hopes every sufferer will try his reme dy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing tho prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Sept.29,'5S-3m Williamsburgh, Long Island. IUST IN, FIRST SERVED. Boots & Shoes always on Hand, (of our own male.) JOSEPH GOON, thankful for past favors, and gratetul lor tuture prospects, de sires to inform tho citizens of this vicinity and his old friends and patrons in particular, that he has removed to the FIRST ROOM in the EAST END of SHAW'S NEW ROW. the first door vest of the Mansion House, where he has on hand constantly, a large assortment of every variety in tho BOOT AND SHOE line. Custom work attend ed to with dispatch. The very best of stock will be used and no pains spared to make neat fits and durablo work. All of which can be obtained of said J. Goon, very low for tho Ready Rhino. Clearfield, August 14, 1858. AMR RO TYPES FOR 50 CENTS!! The undersigned would respectfully inform tho Ladies and Gentlemen of Clearfield and vicin ity, that he has fitted up rooms in the new row of Judge Shatf, opposite the '-Raftsman's Journal" office, where he will remain for a few days only, prepared to present pictures to all who may favor him with a oall which will exceed the expectations of the most fastidious. Photographs of every des cription taken when called for. Secure the shad ow ere the substance fade. A. M. HALL. , Clearfield. September 29. 1853. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Tbe partnership heretofore existing be tween Dr. Lorain and Dr. Hartswick in the prac tice of medicine is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having accounts with them will please call and settle immediately, and if they can not pay give their notes. Their books will be left at their old office where Dr. Hartswick can be found at all times, either to settle, or attend to professional business. HENRY LORAIN, Oct. 18, 135S-203t. J. G. HARTSWICK. " L TASTELESS GALVANIC PILLS PiepnreA Originally by Prof. DuvaJl. formrrly of the College of Surgeons, Paris, is now offered to the public forthe cure of all those diseases in which alteratives and resolvents arp indicated. These pills are rendered void of taste by which means the most delicate stomach can take them as well as the smallest child. From three to five boxc3 will euro tho worst case of Scrofula. From two to four boxes will euro tho worst caso of Salt Rheum. From two to 3 boxes will cure the Ring Worm. One box will cure Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. From two to four boxes will cure all old Ulcers and Running Sores. One box will cure Humors in the Eyes. - From one to three boxes will cure the iurst in veterate case of Nursing Sore Mouth. Ffom one to two boxes will cure the severest case of scabby head in children. From three to six boxes will cure the common ly called) thick neek or Goitre. From two to four boxes will cure the Dropsy, From one to three boxes will cure Juandice. Frum two to six pills will cure the Sick Head Ache whon accompanied with Billious One box will cure the Fever and Ague. For all diseases ar 141112 from an impure state of the blood, and biliqus habits, tbe Tasteless Galvan ie Pills are tbe best pills ever known in the annals of medicine. 2o cents nrr liox Any agent on receipt of $1 wil send four boxes to any part of the UaRcJ States, free of postage. J. D. filU.xtRO.-lli, l'ropnetor, &ug25-'5S.y Lewistown, Pa. Fr gJe by Moore A Etzweiler, Clearfield, F., and by country merchants generally. F LOUR, Gate, Rye. e., for sale at the cheap stiranf .TOHS PATTON.CurwensyiMe. UGAR. White and Brown sugar to be had at GOODS!! GOODS!! GOODS'! GOODS!! GOODS! GOODS!! GOODS.! GOODS!!' Pall Sr Winter Goods Fall ir Winter Goods I Fall ic Winter Goods '. Fall A- Winter Goods ! The subscriber has received a large and well se lected stock of seasonable goods, at his store room on Market street, (nearly opposite tbe Clearfield House,) Clearfield. Pa., which be will sell cheap. His stoclt consists of a general assortment of good DRV GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QUEENS WARE, GLASSWARE, DRUGS A OILS, and a host of other articles that are frequently sought after; among which. can be found an ex tensive and varied selection of the latest and neat est styles, and best quality, of plain and fancy OSSIMERES. CLOTHS, SATTINETS. SATIN VLSI ING, TWEEDS, HAT.S & CAPS, and an extensive variety of Boats and Shoes, for either Ladies1, Gentlemen or Children; withal most every other article that may be wantrd by the citizens of the town and surrounding vicinity. Particular attention is especially directed to his selection of Ladies' Ore. Goods, among which are DUC ALS, rERSI AX CLOTH, DKREIGE. COBUROS, CASHMERES. DELAINES. ALPACAS, FRENCH MARINOS, PLAID S and a full assortment of Bonnets for tho season. The pressure of the money market having had the effect of reducing the price of many articles of merchandise, the undersigned has been enabled to buy his stock at such rates that he can sell goods at prices to suit the times. And having hereto fore endeavored to please his customers, both in the Quality of coods and the D rices at which be sold them, he hopes to receive a reasonable share of patronage. All in want of goods, will please call in aud examine his stock of cheapest goods. Country produce taken in exchange for goods October 27, '57. WM. F. IRWIN. GIFTS! GIFTS!! GIFTS!!! GIFTS!! SPLENDID GIFTS!!!!! At 43U Chess, nut Street. The only Original Gift Bool Store. ti. G. EVANS would inform his friends and the public that his Star Gift Book Store and Publish ing House is permanently established in Brown's splendid Iron Building, 439 Chestnut Street, two doors below Fith, where the purchaser of each book, at the regular retail price, will receive one of the following gifts, valued at from 25 cents to One Hundred Dollars. worth bach 550 Patent English Lever Gold Watches, $100 00 550 Patent Anchor " " 50 00 400 Ladies Gold Watches, 18k. eases, 35 00 600 Silver Hunting Watches, warranted, 15 00 500 Parlor Timepieces. 10 00 500 Cameo Sets. Ear Drops and Pins, 10 00 500 Ladies' Gold Bracelets. 5 00 to 12 00 500 Gents' Vest ond Fob Chains, 10 09 1000 Gold Lockets, (largo size double case.) 10 00 2000 Gold Lockets, (small size.) 3 00 1000 Gold Pencil Cases, with Gold Pens. 5 00 1000 Extra Gold Pens, with eases and holders, 3 50 2i00 Gold Pencils. (Ladies'.) 2 00 2500 Gold Pens, with Silver Pencils, 2 50 6500 Gold Rings, (Ladies',) 1 CO 2000 Gents' Gold Rings, 2 5 2."00 Ladies' Gold Breastpins, 2 5 3500 Misses' Gold Breastpins, 1 5.0. 2500 LadicsGoId Pens, withcases and holders, 1 50 3000 Pocket Knives. 1 08 2000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs, 2 50 2000 Sets Gents" Sleeve Buttons, ? 50 2000 Pairs of Ladies' Ear Drops, 2 50 8000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases. 5 00 15000 Ladies' Cameo. Jet. or Mosaic Pins, 5 00 2500 Ladies' Shawl and Ribbon Pins, I 50 5000 Articles of Gold Jewelry, Gift Books. 4c., not enumerated in the above, worth from 2j ets to 52j. Evans: new Catalogue which is sent free to all parts of the country, contains all the most popular books of the day. and the newest publications, al oi wnica win oe soiu as low as they casM- lainea at otner stores. Agents wanted iu every town in tbe Union. Those desiring4so to act, can obtain full particu lars by addressing as above. N. B. Being largely interested in publishing books, and buying from other publishers in im mense quantities, for cash, I am enabled to. wake larger discounts to Country Agents and Bok Deal ers than can be had at any other house in the coun try. CP"Any book published in theUnited States, the retail price of which is one dollar or upwards, will be promptly sent. Gift included, on receipt of publisher s price. An extra SI Book and Gift given to any person ordering ten books to be sent to one address. Send for a Catalogue. Address, G. G. EVANS. Publisher. Aug. 25, 1858. 3m 439 Chestnut St., Phil'm. C ONSTARLES can be supplied with? Blank Sales, by calling at the RaftssaaJt's Joy.r ual office. Clearfield. . OLE S PATENT SAW-GLMMtR, for sale, of saws gummed to orde, by Clearfield, Jaao 9. MIRRELL.4 CARTER. AT. SCfiarVER has resumed the pracllo e of medicine, aud will attend promptly to all calls in his profession, by day or night. Resi dence opposite the Methodist church in the Bor ough of Clearfield. May 12th, 1S58 rO.N CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Pittsburgh, Pa. : : : ; CaARTraED. 1S55. . 300 Students attending January, 185S. Now the largest and most thorough Commercial School of the United States,. Young men prepared for ac tual duties of the Counting Room.. J. C. Smith. A Professor of Book-keeping And Science of Accounts. ' A. T. Docthett, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial calculation. J. A. Hetdrick and T, C. JcsKtsa, Teachers of Book-keopips- A Cow lie r and W. A. Miller, Professors ot Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING, as used in every department of business. COHHEBCIAL ABITHUKTIC-RAriD WSISESS WBITIHe DETBCTISe OOCKTERFEIT H09EV-IIERCA.1T1LR COR- BEsrosiJENCE-coiiJiKjiciALLAW-are taught, and all other subjects necessary for the success and thor ouga education of a practical business man. 12 PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premiums ia Pittsburgh for the past three years, also a East ern and-Western Cities, for fcest Writing, NOT ENGRAVED WORK. ' IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Stydents enter at any time No vacation Time unlimited Re view at pleasure Graduates assisted ia obtaining lituatiens Tuition for Full Commercial Coarse. ?."T5.00-Average time Sto 12 weeks Board. S2.50 per week Stationary, S6.00 Entire cost. SftO.OO to 70.00. irtMinisters' sops received at half price. For Card Circular Specimens of Business and Ornamental Writing inclose two stamps, 'and ad dress F. fo JENKI-VS. September 1, 1SSS. ' Pittsburgh, Pm. IK O X REPOT, KEPT BY MERKELL A- CARTER, OX SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD. PA., Is the place where all the following' articles cam be bad at reduced prices: Bar Ironcf all sices by the small or by the quantity; Cast Steel, of vari ous sizes and best quality ; a large assortment of Stoves, among which will be found" the NEW WOULD COOK. OAK PREMIUM. GREAT REPUBLIC, BUCKS PAfTENT. th El crated Minnesota. ALSO, a large assortment of Nino plates and Parlor Stoves, and Air Tights of vrioqs patterns. ALSQ, Plows of th? best and latest patterns. ALSO, of tbeirqwn man ufacturing a large assortment of 'Tin-ware, Stove pipe. Sheet-iron pans of all sizes, and all articles of the kind in their line kept always on b,and. House Spouting done to order, and Tin Roofing done with dispatch. ALSO, a large assortment of all kinds of house keeping utensils constantly -on hand. COIWTK V MERCHANTS are in vited to call, as they can be accommodated at very low figures, with anything in our line. AH orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. 0. B. MERRELL, ' L. R.CARTER. N. B. They will also receive every variety of articles on commission, at low rates. M. it C. BANK NOTE LIST. The following arc the rates of discount at which the notes of the banks given we're' purchased last week by the brokers of l'iiladclphia: mmne. disc. Mousom River Bank. 60 Rockland Bk, R il d i Canton Bank. China, Ellsworth Bank.' ' ' 75 Exchange Bk. Bangor 60 Grocors' Bank,. Maratime Bk. Bangor 10 SantVird Bk. Rockland Hancock Bk. Ellsw'th BanK of Hallowcll, 75 NKW II IMI-SIURK. Solvent banks, i VERMONT. Danby I!udk. Danby, BanK of Royalton, i Bk of South Royalton, Stark Bk. Benningron St.AlbansBK.St.Alb Missisquoi llK.Sheldn Woodstock Bank. M ASSAI Ul SETTS. Solvent banks. BliOHK ISLATI. Farmers" BK.Wickford BanKof South Couu ty. Wakefield. Tiverton P.k. liv Warwick 15K.Varw"k 5 Rhode Island Exchange Bk. E.Greenwich, i Mt. ernon Bank, Hopkiuton Bank, All solvent banks, CoVSECTICfT. Merch.Ex.Bk. Bridgp Bridgeport City Bit, i Colchester Bank, Bk of Hartford Co. t Hatters' Bk. Bethel, Exch. Bk. Hartford, Charter Oak Its, -Mercantile Bank u l ucas Bk, Norwich, Cuiuebaug Bk, Woostcr Bk. Danbury Woodbury Bank, Pawcatuck Bank, Bk of N.Am. Seymour 5 PabquioqueBK.Danb i Granite Bk, Volunt'n Pequonuoek Bank. AViudham County Bk, i XEWTORK. Agricultural BK.Herk 5 Addison Bk, Addison i Bk of Orleans, Albion, 5j Central Bank of New York, Utica. Chemung County Bk 15 Dairymeu'sBank, 5 r.lmira Bank. Klmira 5 20 i 20 i VIRGINIA. dlSC. Bank of Kanawha, Ka- nowha Sadjncs Solvent banks, 1 rr-iNSVLVAxiA. Bk of PennV Phil'a 70 Phil'a bauks,' par Allentown Baik, par Anthracite bank, par Bk of Chester co.. par Bk of Delaware co, par Bk of Gernisntown, par Bk of Mon,g'y co., par Bk of Pottstown. par Bk of Catasauqna, pa CoIuinbiaJlauk, par Doylesto'wn Bk, par Easton Bank. par Fr.AMech.bK Easton par Far.RKof Bucks co. par Far.BK. Lancaster, par Far.BK. Reading, par Lanc-rsterCo. Bank, par Lebanon Bank. par MauchU'hnnk Bk, par Miners' Bk Pottsv'e, par Stroudsburg bank, par Wyoming' BanK, par Harrisburg Bank. par Bk of Chnmbersburg.par P.K of MidJlctown, par York Bank. ' par Bk of Gettysburg, par i i i i 50 i Bk of Pittsburg, Citizens' BK.Pittsb. Exchange Bk. Pittsb. i Iron City BK.Vittsb. 1 Mechanics' BK.Vittsb i Mononga'la b. Browns t Frankl.bK.Wash-ingt. t i j Faralro.bK,AVaypeb t i I Bk of Nortbnmbcrl. par Bs of I'autille. ' par West Branch Bank, par Lock Haven Bank, par Lewisburg Bank. ' Far.BKScbuylkRleo..a'c Allegheny BkAHgU'jr Bk of La wrence co., 1 HonesdalelBank par MerAliaik,PitUb. t Erie Bank. . 5 Erie CityTJani, McKean County Ek, Tivga Coanty Bank, 10 SEW JERSF.T. Bk.o? N.J. N.Brunsw 1 Btrgcn County Bans: 1 " at Hackensack.- ' . Vt Morris County Bank i TESSESSEE. Agric-1 Bk. Brownsv. - llollistcr 1!k. Knffalo, 5j Western Bk, Memphis Hamilton Ex. Rank. 25 Bank of Nashville, ' 20 HuguenntBK.N-Paltx i Exc.BKlurfruesboro' 2 Medina Bk. Medina, i Niagara Rivor Bank, i Ontario Bk. Utica, 50 OntarioCo.BK, Phelps 5 Pratt liank. Buffalo 20 Oliver LeeiCo's Bk " I Reciprocity Bk, 30 Sackett's Harbor " 30 Western Bk. Lockport 10 Yates Co. Bk, Pen Yan MARYLAND.' Mineral Bk. Cumb. Cumb'Pd Savings Bk, 3 Solvent bacs. 1 KUSTCCKJ-. Bk of Ashland, 1 Solvent Banks, 1 umo. City Bank. Cincinnati 50 O. LifeATrut.tCo..Cin Scnaca Co. Bk, Ti2in, 20 Bk of Macomb County Dayton Bank. Dayton 5 Miami Val.BK, - 10 State Bans, - 1 WISCOXS1X. Book River BK.Beloit 2 Farmers' Bk, Hudson, 2 Fcx River IJK.Gjr.Bay 2, Badger State Bk, . 2 Solvent B.uiKS, 2 MU-IUCA.X. PeninnlarRir.Dotroit Farmers' it Meoh..BK, 2 ' ALABAMA. Bk cf Montgomery, Central Bans, & Northern BanK, - 3 Shclbvviilo Bank. lAwreneeburg bank, ' 24 Rank of Trenton. ' 45 Bank cf.Claiborne, 45 Rank of Jefferson. 45 Bank of Knoxvillc. 45 Ram; of Paris. Paris, 3 Bans of Tazewell, 45 RanK of the Union. 3r Buck's BKl'Minnv'e i City BanK. Nashville 3 'Northern lhc.Clarksv. 3 Traders' Be, Nasbr. 3 Bk of Commerce, - 3r OcocccBk Cleveland. 59 BanK of Middle Tenn. Si Dandridge banK, ' 50 BanK of Tennessee. 3 PlantersAUuion Bk, 3 ixniASA'. BanK of tbe Capitol, Traders' ban., Tippecanoe bapK, Central banK Banic of the State, Free banks, ' Illinois. -: - "' BanK of Elgin, - . 2 Rook Island bans. 2 Peoples" bans, Carmi 55 Hamilton County Be. 2 Bk of tbe Common w'h 2 Huntsvllle RanK, ' ' 5: Rusbville BanK'. 20 Stocs: Security Bk, 25 Corn Exehange, ' ' 2 Bk of Chester, ' 2 Bk of Belleville, .' . ' 2 Solvent Bauks,. Z 59 11 tt LADIES' MANTILLAS. Shawls, Bonnets, Skel eton Skirts, and Ladies' dress goods of all kinds for sale low by JOHN PATTON. "' . Curwensville, May 12, 1853. ' ' FLOUR. Just received 30 barrels Extra Fam ily Flour, which will be sold low for easb by. Deoember 2. " " RICHARD MOSSOP. CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Ac.cait be procured at tbe store of