Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 10, 1858, Image 2

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    If -
TBI Hif Til Wl if tiElM
! i
One of the most sensible and practical
speeches made in the United States Senate,
daring its last session, in favor of Protection
to American Industry, was delivered by Hon
Srxox Gaxesox, of this State, on the occasion
of presenting a petition from a large number
of laborers, asking for a higher tana than the
prevailing one. In that speech he uttered a
great troth, and that was that this whole ques
tion was in the bands of the laboring men
themselves that if they really desired Tro
tection, they mnst elect men as Presidents,
Senators and Congressmen who were t favor
of this great measure. lie said :
The laboring men of this country are pow
erful for good always. They do control when
they think proper, and I think the time is
coming when they will control the politics of
this country. I tell them that before they can
get common protection they must change the
majority in the Senate they roust change the
majority in the other house of Congress ; and
above all they must change the occupant of
the White House, who is the dispenser of the
power which controls the legislation of this
countrv. . - .
I think the laboring men of Pennsylvania,
at least, are now beginning to put their own
shoulders to the wheel, and I believe they will
make snch a noise in the next Oct. contest, as
will alarm the gentlemen all over the country
who laugh at them."
The last paragraph contains a prediction
which has been fulfilled. The laboring men
of Pennsylvania did "make a noise" that has
alarmed the "tree traders," all over the coun
try, and has doubtless bad a great influence
in carrving the election In other States in the
right direction.
Quite a number of papers have within a
short time been declaring their preference lor
Gen. Cameron as the next candidate of the op
position for President. Not only is this the
case in our own State, but several prominent
and influential opposition journals in New
York and Massachusetts have indicated their
preference for him. Mr. Cameron certainly
occupies, just now, a Tcry commanding posi
tion as a leading Statesman, and as Represen
tative of Pennsylvania's interests and the sen
timents of her people in the councils of the
nation ; and it is gratifying to see that his
talents and public services are appreciated by
observing citizens of other States.
The Clearfield Republican is a wonderful in
stitution. It is a bright and shining light of
the latest style of Sham Democracy, and is
doubtless well calculated, if hung up o' nights,
to illumine as well the dark pathway of slave
ry propagandism as the mental gloom of many
of the followers of its own peculiar course.
Its supernal brilliancy has recently been
"spreading" itself, and by the light of its own
rays, it has made a discovery a discovery
which has excited in it the most soul-stirring
solicitude and philanthropic disinterestedness.
It has found out that not only Senator Douglas
Is not much of a favorite of the Republicans,
that th latter are saying very naughty things
about the "little giant," bnt the editor is
icarful that tts Anti-Lecompton Democrats
are not getting fair play and as much credit
for the part they took in defeating his party,
s they deserve? Now Isn't it kind and mag
mnimous and .praiseworthy in our neighbor to
hunt out and watch .over these matters f We
always had an idea 'that there was a big strata
of liberality running through that same Clear
Jield Republican ; but really it infinitely sur
passes our most exalted surmises. We can
scarcely realize it in all its magnitude. Yet
so it is there is no mistake we have its own
voluntary acknowledgments to substantiate the
fact. Still it is astonishing surprising al
most inconceivable, that iV the Republican
the Clearfield Republican which advocated the
election of Jeemes Buchanan, endorses and
supports bis Administration, bis Lecompton
isni, his every act and deed, even to tho war
on those who saw fit to differ with him in re
gard to bis Kansas policy that it should take
into special care and keeping the interests of
Judge Douglas and the Anti-Lecompton "her
etics" generally 1 Is it not marvellous ? Its
account of these things is intensely interest
ing ; and as we read the articles in which the
frightful conjectures which haunt the imagina
tion and disturb the repose of our neighbor,
are so vividly depicted, we felt an irresistible
desire to place the thumb to the point of our
nose, extend the fingers, and, like a quondam
friend of ours whom one of your cute chaps
stricd to bamboozle, exclaim "Yer can't come
It, old boss !"
Assistant Clkek of the IIocbe. We see
the name of L. Rogers, Esq., of the McKean
Citizen, mentioned in connection with the as
sistant clerkship of the Ilouse of Representa
tives of Pennsylvania the coming session.
.Mr. Rogers, was one of the transcribers in tho
Senate two years age, has every qualification
for the .position for which he is named, and
would uoubtless make a popular and efficient
officer, if elected.
"Whaxgdoodles." Some interest seems to
be manifested as to the origin of the term
"whangdoodlei," -which has so suddenly be
come a favorite of the editor of the Republican.
Jt is a billingsgate expression, selected by our
astute neighbor from the peculiar phraseology
of the Hollidaysburg Standard.
In an trticle on the "rejoicings of the oppo
sition" in the last Republican, we find the fol
lowing remark : ;
"Mr. Swoope, in his speech on the cveninz
of their celebration here, was candid enough,
we have been informed, to admit that it would
require the greatest wisdom and circumspec
tion in the leaders of their party to keep its
irregular iragments in any thing UKe order un
til me campaign of loGO."
That is exactly what Mr. S. did not admit.
lie said that under ordinary circumstances it
might have "required the greatest wisdom and
circumspection" to harmonize and hold to
gether the various elements of opposition, but
that this necessity had been obviated by Mr.
Buchanan himself that the suicidal and higb
banded course he had pursued before, and was
continuing to pursue since the election, was
forcing them together, harmonizing and uni
ting them in one solid organization. It was
not only Mr. Buchanan's desertion of the prin
ciple upon which he was elected not only his
violation of the pledges made for him to the
friends of "Free Kansas" not only his at
tempt to force an obnoxious constitution upon
a protesting people not only his miserable fi
nancial policy which was involving the coun
try millions upon millions in debt not only
the disastrous results of the "progressive free
trade" doctrines of his party, which had pros
trated almost every branch of American In
dustry and thrown thousands of mechanics and
laborers out of employment that combined
to bring about this result; but his persistence
in making fidelity to Lecompton a test of par
ty orthodoxy, his ostracism of those who saw
fit to differ with him on this point, his removal
from office of all who were in the least tainted
with the Douglas "heresy," his contempt of
the popular will as manifested in the appoint
ment of J. Glancy Jones after being repudia
ted by his own party in Berks county, and nu
merous other acts and circumstances, had the
effect of not only cementing the "irregular
fragments" of the opposition, but was driving
hundreds of honest thinking men, who were
heretofore willing to stand by him, from his
support. It was in this way that the necessity
of exercising "the greatest wisdom and cir
cumspection" had been removed, and tho en
tire opposition was beginning to pull together,
as Gen. Jackson said, like "a unit." This
was the tenor of Mr. Swoope's remarks just
the reverse of what the Republican was "in
formed" he had "admitted."
Our neighbor of the Clearfield Republican
seems to bo just now in a similar predicament
to the illustrious William Patterson, Esq., who
was in a great pucker to know "who struck
him." He went into tho late political contest
with bright visions of success flitting through
his mind. He "pitched in" at a fine rate ; but
all of a sudden he found that the Lecompton
Democracy were a badly "licked community."
He knows that the trotters have been knocked
from under him, and like his famous prototype
William, inquires ill serious, sober earnest
"Whose is the Victory ?" Who struck Billy
Patterson?" He admits that his party is de
feated he is sure of that ; but for the soul
of him he can't find out who did it : whether
it was the Americans, the Republicans, or Anti-Lecompton
Democrats. Poor fellow! His
case is a bad one. Wo sincerely sympathize
with him, and trust that bis friends will select
a committee of "distinguished democrats" to
help him solve the weighty problem "Whose
is the Victory V "Who struck Billy Patter
son ?"
X. B. We wonder whether ho has heard
from New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts,
Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois ! It he has,
we would humbly suggest that he have the
sums aggregated, and decide them all at once.
FmGHrrcL. There has been quite a tragedy
mania prevailing in different sections of the
country, during the past few weeks. An ac
count of the Gouldy tragedy in New York has
already been published. On the 30th Oct., a
young man named Seiter got into a quarrel
with a courtezan in Cincinnati, and after beat
ing and choking her in a brutal manner, throw
ing her on the floor and kicking her, he
plunged a knife into her side and killed her
almost instantly. On the 1st inst., Richard
Dillon went to a house in Philadelphia where
he kept a mistress, with whom ho had quarrel
ed, and not being able to get into her room, he
attempted to effect an entrance by going down
the chimney, but stuck fast, and before he
could be dug out "was suffocated. On the 23th
Oct., Warren Culver, an overseer of work on
the Sunbury & Erie Railroad in Warren coun
ty, was struck on the head with a pick by an
Irishman, and instantly killed. In Erie coun
ty, George Reidcl, a few days since, deliber
ately shot an Italian named Bottnelli. Natb.
Hughes, of the town of SouthfieM, Michigan,
shot his neighbor Wm. Baily. Over one hun
dred shot were found in the . corpse. On the
oth inst., Henry Campbell was found guilty in
Baltimore of the murder of police officer Ben
ton abont a month ago. Police officer Rigdon
was a principal witness against him, and on
the night after the trial was murdered by a
man named Corre, who belonged to the same
gang of rowdies with Campbell. Mr. Rigdon
was murdered in his own bouse, in presence of
his wife and children. These are a few of tho
tragedies with accounts of which the papers
are at present teeming.
The editor of the Republican, in his last pa
per, backs very nicely out of his allegation that
the Journal for some time has been uttering
'malignant slanders upon the private charac
ter of some distinguished democrat," by "pre
ferring to let the community decide for them
selves." IFie certainly have no objection to
leave the decision to such an umpire ; but if,
as ho says, there is "scarcely a number" of
our paper "for the last two months that does
not contain" what he boldly and unqualifiedly
asserts it does, it would be a very easy matter
fer him to mention the date and article, and
thus at least save "the community". cme
trouble iij hunting up "the documents." .
The elections held on the 2d inst., resulted
in a succession of disasters to the Lecomp
ton Democracy. The. reverberations of the
Northern "thunder," which have been falling
upon the ears of tho Administration, , have
caused it to 'wince' terribly and grow extreme
ly "weak at the knees," so much so, indeed,
that it is feared they will give way entirely.
In New York, Morgan, Republican, is elect
ed Governor by about 15,000 majority. Of
the 33 Congressmen, only 4 are Lecomptonites
of tho remainder, the People's party have
26, and the Anti-Lecompton Democrats S,
The election of John B. Haskin is, however,
in doubt. The Assembly stands, 29 Buchanan
Democrats, 99 Opposition. The result in New
York is the more gratifying when it is consid
ered that the Americans and Republicans were
somewhat split up.
In New Jersey, the Administration is badly
whipped, the opposition electing all five of
the Congressmen.
In Massachusetts, the Republicans have e
lected Banks Governor ; the American-Republicans
the 11 Congressmen, and a large major
ity of tho Legislature.
In Michigan, the People's party have elect
ed their whole State ticket by 6,000 to 10,000,
all the Congressmen but one, and a large ma
jority of the Legislature.
Wisconsin has also gone against the Admin
istration, though one or two districts are yet
in doubt.
In Illinois, the Administration made no show
at all. The Republican State ticket is elected
by about 5,000 majority; the Congressional
delegation stands, 4 Republicans, 5 Douglas
Democrats. In the Legislature there is a ma
jority of 8 Douglas men on joint ballot, which
secures the re-election of Mr. Douglas to the
IT. S. Senate. Lincoln has, however, a ma
jority of atKsast 5,000 on the popular vote.
RED Justice. The Clayton (Ala.) Banner has
a remarkable criminal trial, just concluded in
Henry county Alabama. More than fourteen
years ago, in February, 1844, in Barbour coun
ty, John, a slave of Dr. Alexander P. Craw
tord, was most brutally whipped to death.
The prisouer, who was then Dr. Crawford's
overseer, being immediately after the whip
ping, and while John was yet alive, charged
with it and threatened with a prosecution, tied
from the neighborhood. Two years after he
was arrested by Mr. Thomas Cargilo in the
city of Montgomery, passing under the name
of Boyd ; and, being brought back to Barbour
county, the grand Jury at the Spring term,
1846, found a true bill against him for mur
der. The venue was soon changed to Henry
county, where the prisoner had formerly liv
ed, and where he had some relatives and many
friends ; and a trial being had at the Spring
Term, 1849, betore the Hon. Samuel Chap
man, he was found guilty of murder and sen
tenced to the Penitentiary for ten years the
jury, however, omitting in their verdict to as
certain the degree of murder. On account of
this omission the judgment was reversed by
the Supreme Court, and the prisoner remanded
for another trial. Various continuances were
had, sometimes at tho instance of the State,
and sometimes at that of the prisoner.' In
the meantime the defendant, having obtained
bail, married in a respectable family ,-and had
several children. The protracted ordeal
through which he had passed, the interest felt
in the family' to whose fate he had singularly
linked his own, and the influence of a prudent
and correct deportment on his part, excited
a sympathy in bis behalf so strong as appa
rently to set at defiance, and, in tho opinion
of everybody, to put a conviction out of the
question. The inevitable hour at length how
ever, rolled around, and on Tuesday morning,
in the presence of an immence crowd the
trial commenced. The jury, abont 4 o'clock
on Saturday evening, retired, and having de
liberated about 3J hours, returned a verdict of
manslaughter in the first degree, with an unan
imous lecommeudation of the prisoner to
Illegal Voti.no in Camrria. Wc learn
that proceedings have been commenced in
Cambria county to prove that illegal voting
and false returns were mads at tho late elec
tion in Washington township. This township
gave Mr. Pershing (Democratic candidate for
Congress) 336 majority the entire jxill being
over 400 votes. Persons who claim to know,
say that the township cannot give over 180, all
told ! The fight, it seems, is altogether con
fined to the Democrats of the county. P.
Noon, Esq.. has been appointed by the County
Commissioners to hear the testimony. There
is no doubt in tho minds of many persons but
what the entire poll of Washington township
will be thrown out ; and if so, the People's
party will gain another member of the Legis
lature, but will lose a County Commissioner.
The President has issued a Proclamation
against Walker's new projected Nicaraguan
Expedition, and filibusterism in general. He
says that although the scheme is ostensibly
an Emigration movement, its hostile design
is maoitest; and that the landing of any body
of men in Nicaragua without proper passport
from competant authority, will be rejected,
and can only be accomplished by an overpow
ering force. Tho President warns any Amer
ican citizens who may have been deluded into
he belief that they are about to proceed to
Nicaragua as peaceful emigrants of the disas
trous consequences to which they will be ex
posed, and enjoins upon all officers of the
Government civil and military, to be vigilant,
active and faithful in the suppression of all
such illegal enterprises.
. "As long as the 'dear people' could be bam
boozled thereby, the Republicans did not hes
itate to adopt as text, all the sayings of Judge
Douglas in support of his Asti-Lecompton
Herest." Clearfield Republican, Nov. 4. ,
Just stick a pin there, if you please, and see
if the organs of nigger-driving Scotch-water-pipe
Democracy don't cave in to Judge Doug
las and his "Anti-Lecompton heresy" befoie
the end of the year 1860 !
Correction. In giving the official returns
of the election in our Congressional district,
it seems we got the vote of Forrest county
changed so as to give Gillis a majority of 88,
instead of 38 for nail, as it should be. - This
change makes Hall's majority 832, instead of
756, as heretofore published m our paper.
"I never complained of my condition," said
tho Persian poet, Sadi, "but once, when my
feet were bare, and I had no money to buy
shoes ; but I met a man without feet, and be
came content with my lot."
. Delaware. The Administration have elec
ted tbo three Congressmen in little Delaware.
.She stands solitary ud alone.
Erie Cocstt. A shocking murder was per
petrated Saturday evening, Oct. 30th, on the
Ridge Road, near .Willis' old tavern stand,
about four miles lrom Erie. For some time a
feud has existed between George Rcidel, a
German, and Joseph Bottnelli, an Italian. On
Saturday these parties had two or three alter
cations,but were parted by their wives. About
half an hour betore sundown Reidel took his
gun and went over near Bottnelli's, and leav
ing his gun in a fence corner, approached
Bottnelli and abused him by calling him a thief,
liar, and sundry other hard names. Bottnelli
took a club and made at Reidel, when the lat
ter ran to his gun and threatened to shoot if
the other came nigh him. Bottnelli in return
retired to his house and in a short time return
ed with - his gun. The wives of tho parties
again interfered, and Bottnelli finally fired his
gun in the air. No sooner had this been done
than Reidel took deliberate aim and shot him.
Some twenty buckshot took effect upon Bott
nelli, and be was killed almost instantly
Perry Jackson, the colored individual, is still
kicking up quite a breeze in Harborcreek,
without much effort being made for his cap
ture. Letters Ifave been sent to various par
ties threatening their lives and warning them
to be on the look out. .... A regular gang of
horse thieves is operating in Erie and Craw
ford counties. Horses and carriages are run
off" almost daily. .... An eight inch shell,
unexploded, was found near the old Erie fort,
last week. It is a relic of the war of 1812
Last week, a little son of Graham Benson, of
Waterford township, was accidentally kicked
by a horse, from the effect of which his under
jaw was broken into several pieces, cutting his
chin, face and tongue in the most horrible
manner. ,
Ixdivxa Couxrr. Thoniss Craig of White
township, some time ago, became a little un
ruly in his family, and his wife thinking she
could dispense with his society, made infor
mation charging him with some minor offence
and had him lodged in jail where he remained
until the 26th Oct., when he was discharged by
Judge Watt, on a hebeas corpus, by giving
bail lor his appearance at court, and in the
mean time keep the peace towards his affec
tionate TifO; Eliz. beth Craig. .... The barn
of Mr. John Walker, . in Rayne township, was
entirely consumed by fire on the 2Cth Oct,
Mr. W. had his entire crop and his wagon and
farming utensils in his barn. ' They werj all
destroyed. The barn was new built last
Spring. The loss falls heavily on Mr. Walker.
. . . . We are informed that on Thursday night,
the prisoners in the county jail, again attempt
ed an escape, but were fortunately discovered
in time to prevent the accomplishment of their
schemes. They got beneath the floor and had
almost dug througli the wall of the cellar,
when discovered. .... A bell, weighing 800
pounds, has been placed in the spire of the
new Presbyterian church, in Indiana. This,
we believe, completes that splendid edifice.
Clarion CorsTr. On the 5th ult., a son
of S. W. James, of Limestone township, was
thrown from a horse aud had his thigh fiae
tured. . . . On the Oth ult., a son of Henry
Groover, running with a scythe fell and cut
the knee pan in two and cut the joint about
one-third making a fearful wound. ... The
Mill Creek bridge fell one day last week,while
Messrs. Wilson & McKiin's team was upon it.
The driver escaped unhurt some of the hor
ses were injured. . . . On Saturday night 30th
inst., a sou of James A. Wilkins, of Shippen
ville, was instantly killed under the following
circumstances : A number of boys of various
ages had went together for the purpose of en
joying the sports of "Hallow-Eve" and to
make t'.ie time as lively as possible began to
to tear down an old house standing opposite
the Hotel of Mr. Wilkins ; in falling, a heavy
piece of timber struck young Wilkins, on the
head, completely breaking the skull, so that
the brains oozed out, and causing his almost
instant death.
Vesasgo Coustt. A jail bird which Sher
iff McKissick had boarding with bim, being
somewhat tired of his lodgings, we presume,
left rather unceremoniously, on Friday night
the 29th Oct. It is supposed h-i had some
friends on the outside, who assisted him. It
appears he got weary about the time he arriv
ed at Waterloo, and consequently took a horse
belonging to David Adams, by which means
he was enabled to pursue his journey . It is
supossed that he went towards Mercer. ... A
young man named James Karn, of Rockland
township, met with a very serious accident, a
few days days ago, by falling iuto a threshing
machine. Fortunately for him the sole ol
his boot was a heavy one, which threw the
machine out of gear, alter it had gone so
far as to take all the flesh from the legs be
low the knee. The young man bears the name
of being rash in his conduct and bitter and
unguarded in his expressions. lie has been
made to repent his folly.
Warren Cocntt. A lamb and a pig were
stolen from the butcher shop of Mr. Stahel.
in Warren, on the 28th ult. The window was
partially open where the thief went in and the
meat went out On Monday morning, the
25th Oct., tho dogs ran two deers into the river
above the town of Warren, one old one and
one young one. About a dozen gunners were
out and the result of several shots was, the
dogs catched one and Kelly Weaver the other,
both innocsnt of a bullet mark. Who will say
that the sharp shooters don't live in Warren.
. . . . Warren Culver, an overseer on the work
of the Sucbury & Erie Railroad, near Boaver
dara, was brutally murdered on Monday morn
ing, tho 25th Oct., by an Irish workman. It
appears that the Irishman had some difficulty
with another overseer and for some reason he
vented his spite on Culver by striking him on
the head with a pick-axo while he was wiping
nis iacc ai me wasusiauu, wnoiiy unconscious
of harm.
Centre Cocntt. On Wednesday evening
the 3d inst., a lady guest at the Conrad House,
made a very narrow escape. She was passing
from the house into the yard, when she acci
dently fell down the stairway leading to the
cellar, bruising herself severely. ... A son of
John II. Brackbill was dreadfully injured on
Saturday the 30th Oct. He was in the street,
when a horse and buggy run over him. Al
though injured severely, bis escape from
death is a miracle. ... On Saturday morning
the 30th, Fury, a son of J. G. Larimer, Pleas
ant Gap, made a very narrow cscaiie while en
gaged in currying a horse. He was working
at the legs of the animal, when it kicked him
in the face, throwing him several feet. For
tuuately the lad was in a position which broke
the kick of the horse, or the injury might
have resulted fatally. As it was, be was only
slightly bruised on the right cheek and nose.
Cambria County. Three- prisoners confined
in one of the lower rooms of the Cambria
jail, very nearly succeeded in effecting their
escape, oy cutting wj ma pianK lining near
the window, and shoving out the brick. The
smallest of the three succeeded in gettin"
out, but being unwilling to leave without his
companions, who from their size were nnable
to get through, returned : again . to "duranco
vile." The jail is emphatically a nuisance,
and has been so returned by a late Grand
Jury. . . . Drs. Lewis -and - Lemmon, assisted
by Dr. St.Clair, of Indiana, cut Robert Thom
as, Jr.'s leg off above the knee, on Friday the
29th. This is the young man whom we no
ticed as having been - so singularly iujured last
week. He bore the painful operation with
great fortitude, and is uow rapidly improving.
Bccks Cocntt. The body of Thomas Dil
lon, a laboring man, which had been buried
in Doylesfown.on the 16th Oct., was exhumed
by the Coroner on the 18th, and a jury sum
moned, who alter a laborious Investigation,
returned a verdict that said Thomas Dillon had
been mortally wounded on the head with a
shovel in the hands of Roger McNamara, on
the 18th of Angust,and had languished from
the effects of sai l wound until the 11th ult.,
when he died. , McNamara has cleared out.
McKean CorsTT. Mr. Folsome Beckwith,
living near Smethport accidentally shot him
self, on Friday the 22nd ; the ball struck him
on the lower part of the chin and passed out
through his cheek, taking off one side of his
lower jaw, and mutilating his face in a shock
ing manner, lie was hunting at the time tho
accident happened, and in getting over a log
tho lock or his gun hit something, causing it
to discharge.
The Opposition in Tennessee are moving as
well a their brctbern in Kentucky. The
Nashville Patriot suggests that a Convention
be held at that place, on the 22d of February,
to which "the Americans and Whigs of Ten
nessee, and all others who are opposed to the
radical tendencies and impolitic measures of
tho Democracy," shall be Invited. Tho cur
rency question is becoir.inga prominent ele
ment in the local politics of that State. It is
probable that Senator Bell will be the Opposi
tion candidate for Governor with a good
chance of carrying the State.
There was an arrival at New York on Sat
urday, of a decidedly novel character. It
was a new bark called the Panielie Flood,
Capt. Adams, from Green Bay, Wisconsin,
via Quebec, with a cargo of spars, timber,
fish, etc. She is about three hundred tons
burthen, and is consigned to Benner & Deake.
She sailed from Green Bay on the 11th ult.,
and was fifteen days in making the passage
from Quebec. . She was built at Green Bay,
and hails from Howard, Wisconsin.
TnE Tariff. The Washington correspon
dents say that the Administration has not
definitely settled on any Tariff policy. Sec
retary Cobb resists the principle of protection,
but efiorts are making on a compromise to
this effect : '-Congress to pass a law author
izing the Secretary of the Treasury to raise
the duties on certain speciflfchedules as maj
be determined n, provided the tariff of '57
shall not afford sufficient revenue within two
At New Brifain,Conn., on Wednesday .Fred
crick Wcstover, ton of Amos Westover, was
playing with an old gun barrel, and alter touch
ing it off the third time with a slow match, ran
about twenty feet, when tho barrel burst, and
a small thin piece, about the weight of a cent,
struck him on the side, over tho heart, going
through his clothes and just breaking the ?kin.
The heart ceased its pulsations and tho boy
died in less than ten minutes.
New Taxniso Machine. It is stated in the
Maine Farmer that a premium was awarded at
the State Fair for a calfskin tanned by the
use of sweet fern. . If it is true that this hith
erto useless shrub, which so abounds in our
pastures, can thus be applied to a beneficial
purpose, a tremendous saving will be made by
the operation. The skins were tanned in one
week, and had all the appearance of the best
French calf skin.
The Indian War in New Mexico. The of
ficers and troops under Col. Miles, consisting,
in all, of about three hundred and thirty-five
men which lclt Fort Defiance, New Mexico,
on the 9th of September, in pursuit of the
hostile Indians, returned on the 1 1th, bring
ing with them 5,000 head of fine, Urge sheep
and six prisoners. Six Indians were killed
during the scout, also two soldiers. Several
others were slightly wounded.
Crinoline Dethroned in Paris. ThoTaris
correspondent of the Boston Traveller, writing
Oct. 14th, says "crinoline' is dethroned," aud
writes as follows of the new fashion of a train :
"1 almost like the new fashion, although I sus
pect it may prove no gentler enem- to a man's
purse than its predecessor. It is long and
draped and floating, like a Muse's costume, or
like the attire in which Milton robed tho 'pen
sive Nun, devout.' "
IIaskix's District. The New York Tribune
elects llaskin over Kemble in the Westchest
er District, in New York, by 21 majority ; the
Times makes it 50 majority. The afternoon,
New York, papers of Saturday say, however,
that the result is still in doubt, Kemble claim
ing his election by a majority of 19. The
real state of the matter will only be disclosed
by official canvass.
The Great Salt Lake, in Utah, although it
receives all the washings of tho mountains
and the various streams in the valley, is said
to be gradually drying up. A writer from
Utah says the natural deposits of salt from the
lake would snppVy the world for thousands of
years. The water is so strong that from four
gallons of water one gallon of pure salt mav
be obtained.
The Danville Republican tells of a ladv,
named Butler, in Caswell county, N. C,
whose child recently fell into a well sixtr
feet deep. She seized hold of the rope at
tached to the water bucket, went to the bot
tom cf the well, took the child in her arms,
and then ascended the rope, bringing the child
along with her an unparalleled feat.
A dispatch lrom Springfield, under date of
Nov. 6th. says 83 counties have sent in their
returns, and if the remaining counties voto as
in 185G, the Democratic State ticket will have
a small majority.
Gen. Wm. Walker, of Nicaragua, is now in
Washington City. What his business is there
we are not informed of as yet.
See advertisement of Duvall's Galvanic Oil.
See advertisement of Duvall's Tasteless Pills.
The undersigned faerebv annonn.
ces to the citizens of Clearfield county
ia TYROXE rixv .-it:.. WTOlti-!3E
of the latest and most approved styles, and on the
most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at!
tended to. Addrcs, ISAAC EEKLIxf '
Aug. 2o. 18a3.-dec3.V57. Tyrone CUt.
FAUi!fx rD tkAV15R STAND fOR
:.r r .i ne ""dwgned committee of
3 iKy,Cf'. ffera for rent tIle 'arse tarm in
?rrrdi.t0,r!,8l,,E- V ,he intertion of the roads
from Grahnmton Kylertown. Morrisdale. Phillips
hvrg. and Clearfield, consisting of 260 aeres over
flf Ic,ear-Withi Urge and commodious
A.ii ' , Uree b?rn nd other buildin-s thereon.
A.lo a large orchard of choice fruit trcos Anv
information can be obtained by applying to II. B
Swoope Esq... Clearfield. Pa, or to the undersigned.
rjO.NSTABLES can be supplied with Elank
, . Pales, by calling at the Raftsman's Jour
Mi office. Clearfield.
saws gummed to ordc, by
CJcarSs'J. Juno 9. MEIUtFLT. OAP.Tw.
BRIDGE ELECTION The Stockbol dtr
., of the Curwensvil'.e Bridge Com pny
take notice that an election will be held at the of
fice of Josiah Evanf, Esq , in tho Borough ct Cur
wens ville, on Friday the 2d day of December next,
between the hours of 2 and a o'clock. P. M., tw
electa Presided and Sir Managars for the cusn
ing year. By order of the Board,
Soy. 10, 1859. B. HARTSHORN', President.
V T deraigned respectfully informs bid custo
mers and the public generally that he has jn.t re
ceived from the East, and opened at his establish
merit in Shaw's Row, Clearfield, Pa., a tins stock
of Watebes, of different qualities, and Jewe'.ry of
every variety, from a full sot to a single v piece,
which he will sell at the most reasonable price
for Cash. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and J--elry
carefully repaired and warranted. A eoa'
tinuaDce cf patronage is solicited.
November 10,1358. 11. F. XAUQLK.
having fitted up a shop a few doors r-iti. .;
the '-Old Jew Store,1' on Market street, desires t.v
tnform the community at large, that he keeps on
band a variety of CABINET WORK, at hi
shop, aud that he manufactures to order, (of su
perior finish,) every description of Household and
Kitchen furuiture, amccg which arc Centre, and
Dining Tables; Mabogony and Common liureac;
Common and Fancy Bedsteads. Stands. Safes, Cup
boards. Sofas. Lounges. Ac, which bo is determin
ed to dispose of at as cheap rates, for cath, as they
can be purchased at any other establishment of
the fort in the county. Persons wishing to buy
furniture are invited to come to his shop and ex
amine his articles, and judge for tberaclvc.: of its
quality and finish, before purchasing elsewhere,
us he feels confident that he can suit them in pricv
and quality. Chairs of every description on hand,
or made to order. November 10, lSifi?-
X- B. He is also prepared to make C0F?TXS to
order on the shortc.-t notice, and attend funeral
with a hearse, when called upon. J. S. J.
announces to tho citizens of Ansonville and the
surrounding country, that be has just returned
from tho Kait and is now opening at his store an
extensive stock of ehoice and serviceable Fall and
Winter Caoods, consisting of a general assortment of
and a great variety of useful fancy goods, among
which may he found the littest styles of Ladies'
Tho undersigned would direct particular atten
tion to his extensive selection of Parlor and Coal
Stoves, Cook Stoves and fixtures. Stove pipe, Ao.
ALSO, a large quantity of Salt. Persons desirous
of purchasing any of the articles in my line of
business, are invited to call and examine my stock
before buying elsewhere, as I feel persuaded that
I can supply them on as reasonable torms for cash
as any other store in the county. Lumber of ev
ery description, and approved country produce
taken in exchange for goods. 11. SWAN.
Ansonville. November 10, 185S.
b'u'l tin I Acturate lAgislativr Rrporlt.
The Daily Telegraph is now in tho third year T
its existence, and the suseess attending its publi
cation, has placed it upon a firm and permnnont
basis. Our circulation has continued steadily to
incrcasj. until it now reaches the most distant
parts of the State, and is a welcome daily vi.-itor
in the counting-room, the workshop, and the fam
ily circle. At a very heavy expense' we no' fur
nish all the important Telegraphic News many
hours in advance of the City Dailies. Drtrir. th
coniiii wiuter the 'Daily Teloqtraph' wi!! eouuitii
the futltst and matt nedtratr reports of the l-;is-littivr
ProrcJiiis ever pnhliheit ly any p-'lfr ct
tie Cnpit t! in. former yeurt To enable us to do
this we have secured the services ot first cl ' tss Ste
nographers, who have had large experieneo iu re
porting the proceedings end debates of Cocgrcss.
Telegraphic reports of the Proceedings of Con
gress will also be given daily in oar columns, iu
advance of the city papers.
Persona throughout the State who desire to have
a daily paper from tho State Cupital during the
winter, containing full and reliable reports of the
doings of the Legislature. should subscribe forth
Daily Tele jraph.' It will be mailed every eve
ning in time to teach subscribers at all points on
tho line of Hailroad the next morning, tnauy heurs
before any oibcr daily paper here or elsenbore.
Term fur the session SI 00 ; for the year. S4.00
The Wectrtyand Semi-IVeek'if Telegraph is prin
ted on a very large sheet, and will also furnisV
full reports of the doings of our State LegUlaturo
and Congress. Terms. Semi Weekly during tho
Session. 51. 0:j ; Weekly and Semi-Weekly for thu
year. S2.00. GEO. EERGNER A CO.
Publi.shers DailyTelcgraph,' liarrisburg. Pa-
SESSMENT. Notice is hereby given thnt
the Commissioners of Clearfield county will hold
their appeals from the tri-eunial assessment at the
following times and places, to "wit
Goshou township ut the school house in sail
township, the usual placo of holding elections, ou
Monday the 224 day of November. AD. lSi8.
Girnrd township at Congress Hill school" hvuc,
on Tuesday, the 22d day of November.
Covington township at the bouse of Jacob taur
rcr. on Wednesday, the 2tth day of Nov. .
Karthaus township at the house of R. DIiai
& Co., on Thursday, the 2ith day of No
Huston township at the house of Jesse Wilson.,
on Saturday the 27th day of November.
Fox towns-hip at the bouse of John J. Bund y,
on Monday, the 2uth day of November.
Union township at tfce house of R. W. Moore,,
on Tuesday, the SOth day of November.
Brndy township at the house of Geo. W. Long,
on Wednesday, the 1st day of December.
Pike township and Curwensville borough orv
Thursday, the 2d day of Deccmbor.
Penn tow nship at the house of W. W. Anderson
from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M., on Friday, the 3d Doe.
Lumber City borough, same day at 4 P. M., at
the public school house in said borough
Knox township at Turkey Hill school house,
on Saturday, the 4th day of December.
Ferguson township at the house of Thomas It
Davis, on Monday, the 6th day of December
Bell tp at the house of Asaph Ellis, the place of
holding elections, on Tuesday, the 7th or Dee.
Burnside township at the house of Jcbn Youn'
on M ednesday, the 8th day of December.
Chest tp at the school house near Simon Rora
bangh s. on Thursday, the 9th day of Dee.
Beecaria township at the house of Samnel Ile--garty.
on Friday, the 10th day of December.
Jordan township at the public school house in
Ansonville, on Saturday, the 11th day of Dec.
Woodward township at the house of Wrc Mul
ten, on Monday, the 13th day of December
lecatur towuship at the house or John Gos
on Tuesday, the 14th day of December
Boggs township at the house of Andrew Cross,
on ednesday. the loth day or December
Morris township at the house of Jacob Mock'
on Thursday, the 16th day or December.
Graham township at the house or Jacob Hub
ler. on Friday, the 17th day or December.
l.radford township at the house of Wm. Hoover,
on Saturday, the ISth day of December.
Clearfield borough and Lawrence township on,
Monday, the 20th dav of December, at tho Com
missioner's office, in Cievrfield
.An "rpeal from the valuation or unseated lands
will be held at the Commissioners' office in Clear
field, on Friday, the 31st day or Dcoember, 1853,
at which time all persons interested can attend. -
By order of the Bonrd of Commissioner
Commissioners' office, October 20, 135S.
TOR SALE, THE FARM occupied br John
rn F vi,!ey iD V.erSa township, eontainin
lOo acres, M acres cleared ; house, barn and other
buildings thereon erected.
ALSO 50 acres or land or the timber thereon
s.tu.te in Pike township within one.nj l T.?f
miles oT the river on a good road to haul
lor rurther description and terms apply t,
work innthbhe ?Ub,ic that h J rreparedt do
oV nyVerintio1,ne' fro ornamental
whitewash? J D .w,ork'nlifc style. Also!
Apr:? 7, 1H-B. EDWIN COOP??,.
in r