Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 03, 1858, Image 1

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VOL. 5.-N0. 10.
' For the Raftsman's Journal.
' 'O, FORGET .ME !
"Clo, forget irte I" while I languUh
For a word a smile from thee,
While I hide the bitter anguish.
That the world may never sec!
While with grief my heart is breaking
While I feel the bitter smart
'Of' a false one thus forsaking
Thii too fond and faithful heart '.
' Go, forget me !" Still my blessing
Shall forever follow thee .'
Mein"ries of thy fond caressing,
Still shall soothe and comfort me !
Mrs. Benoni Benson was fat, fair, and forty
Jour, when her husband, a soap-boiler in very
good circumstances, was called from his life
task of contributing to the general purification
of mankind. Mrs. Benson took refuge from
her grief in a pretty cottage situated ou the
principal street in the town of G.
At first she was inconsolable ; and she used
to say, with solemn emphasis which carried
conviction to the hearts of her hearers, that
nothing but the thoughts of Florence would
have prevented her from terminating her ex
istence by the intervention of poison.
Mrs. Benson was in no small degree indebt
ed to her daughter since in less than three
months she threw aside her mourning, and be
came as lively as ever.
Touching Florence, she had now reached
the mature ago of nineteen, and began to
think herself marriageable. She was quite
pretty, and tolerably well accomplished, so
that her wishes in that respect were very
likely to bo fulfilled.
Just over the way lived Squire Markham,
the village lawyer, just verging upon fifty, with
his son Charles, who was about half his age.
Being a young man of agreeable exterior, the
latter was quite a favorite with the young
ladies in the neighborhood, and considered,
in common parlance, quite a ''catch."
As yet, however, his affections had never
been seriously entangled, and might hare re
mained so, had it not been for the sudden ap
parition, one morning, of Florence Benson,
riding on horse-back.
It struck him at once that she was remarka
bly graceful, and really quite pretty. There
upon he cultivated her acquaintance w ith in
creased assiduity, and after ix while asked the
fatal question.
Florence answered in the affirmative, and,
instead l referring him dutifully to her
mother, hinted (lcing a romantic young lady)
how charming it would be to steal away to the
next town and get marriwd, without anybody
being the wiser.
Charles Markham caught at this hint, which
chimed with his own temperament, and ho re
solved to adopt it.
In order that it might be carried out with
perfect success, it was resolved to seem indif
ferent to each other until the day fixed, in or
der to ward off.' any suspicion which otherwise
might be aroused.
So well were these arrangements carried
out, that Mrs. Benson had no suspicion of
what was going on.
Not so with Squire Markham. He had ob
tained a clue to the aflair in some manner, so
that he not only discovered the fact of the
elopement, but even the very day on which
it was to occur.
"Sly dog, that Charles," thought ho to him
self, as he sat down before the lire in his dres-MUg-gown
and smoking-cnp, leisurely puffing
away at a choice Havana. "But 1 don't won
der at it ; he only takes after me. Still, I owe
him something for keeping it so secretly from
me. It would be a good joke, if I were a little
younger, to cut him out and marry her in
spite of him."
Squire Markham, who was one of those
jovial widowers who take liTo as it comes,
mused more and more on this idea, stuck out
by chance, as it were, until he really began
to think it worth something.
"Afler all,"' shouted he "I om not so old,
cither, or at least the ladies say so, and they
ought to be good judges in such matter. s I
have been a bachelor a good while, and ought
to have found out beforo this how much more
comfortable it would be to have a pretty wife
to welcome me home, and do the honors of
my table, and to help me keep that rascal
Charles in order. Egad! I've half a ruind to
do it."
Squire Markham took two more whiffs, and
exclaimed :
"I vow I'll do it."
What this mysterious it was, w e will leave
the reader to iufer from his very next move
ment. Kinging the b-ll, he inquired ol the
"Is Charles at home?"
"No, sir." was the reply, "he went out this
morning, and will be gone all day."
' "Humph! that'll do. So much the better
for my purposes," thought he, when alone.
"Now I shall have the ground lelt to myself.
Letmeseo: the rascal intends running away
next Thursday evening' and to-day is Monday.
Nothing like' striking when the iron is hot.
I'll wiite to her in bis name, telling her that
I have altered my mind, and will go just at
dark to-morrow night. She won't suspect
anything until the knot is tied, and then what
a laugh we shall have !"
Squiro Markham did not consider that it
might make a little difference i ith the bride
expectant. Ho considered it a capital joKe
n his son, but looked no further. He accord
ingly drew his writing materials towards him,
and indited the following epistle :
"Dearest Florence : I find the day fixed
for our elopement on some account objection
able, and would like, with your permission, to
substitute to morrow evening. If I hear noth
ing from you, I shall infer that you assent to
this arrangement. I shall have a carriage in
readiness under the old oak tree at half-past
eight o'clock. You can walk there without
attracting suspicion, and as there will bo no
moon, we shall be able to carry out our plans
without fear of diseovery. I am happy to say
that the governor doesn't suspect in the least
that a daughter-in law is in store for him.
Won't he be ashamed T
"Your devoted, CuaRLEt."
"Egad!" said Squire Markham, laughing,
"that isn't bad. especially about humbugging
me. Charley couldn't have done any better
So saying, be sealed it up and sent it over
by a little Irish boy in his employment, having
first marked "private" in too corner.
"Be careful, Mile, to give it to Miss Benson,
and don't let any one else see it," was the part
ing injunction.
Mrs. Benson was sitting in her quiet parlor,
casting her eyes over a late number of a mag
azine. Florence being absent on a shopping
excursion, she was left alone. The ringing of
the bell brought her to the door. With sur
prise she saw that the person who rung the
bell was Mike, Squire Markbam's boy of all
"Please, ma'am," said he holding out the
missive, "a letter for Miss Benson, an' it's
very particular that nobody else should see it."
The air of mystery conveyed in this charac
teristic address, aroused Mrs. Benson's cu
riosity, especially when she observed that it
was addressed to her daughter and not herself,
as she supposed. She returned to the parlor
not to read the magazine, that bad lost its
"What in the world can it be," she thought,
-fhat they should be so secret about it 1 Can
Florence be carrying on a clandestine corres
pondence ? It may be something that I ought
to know."
Stimulated by her feminine curiosity, Mrs.
Benson speedily conclnded that she would be
false to the responsibilities of a parent if she
did not unravel the mystery.
"Here's pretty doings !" she exclaimed, as
soon as she could recover breath. "So Flor
ence was going to run away and get married
to that Charles Markham, without so much as
hinting a word to me."
She leaned her head upon her hand and be
gan to consider. She was naturally led to
think of her own marriage with the late Mr.
Benson, and the happiness of her wedded life,
and she could not help heaving a sigh at the
"Am I always to remain thus solitary ?" .she
thought. "I have half a mind not to show this
letter to Florence, but to run away with Charles
to-morrow night on my own account. It's odd
if I cau't persuade him that tin mother is as
good as the daughter," and she glanced com
placently at the still attractive Iucj and foim
reflected from the mirror.
Just then she heard the door open, and
Florence entered. She quickly crumpled up
the letter and thrust it in her pocket. Flor
ence and Charles did not meet during the suc
ceeding day, chiefly in pursuance ot the plan
they had agreed to,in order to avoid suspicion.
Squire Markham acted in an exceedingly
strange manner, to his son's thinking. Occa
sionally he would burst into a hearty laugh,
which he would endeavor to suppress, and pace
up and down the room, as if to walk off some
of his superabundant hilarity.
"What's in the wind ?" thought Charles to
himself. "It can't be that the governor's get
ting crazy." Something was the matter, be
yond a doubt. But what it really was. he had
not the faintest conjecture.
At the hour specified, the Squire had his
carriage drawn up at the appointed rendezvous.
He began to peer anxiously into the dark for
Florence. At length a female form, well muf
fled up. made its appearance. Thanking her,
in a very low whisper, lest it might be suspect
ed that he was the wrong person, he helped
her into the carriage and drove off.
During the first part of the journey nothing
was said. Both parties were desirous of con
cealing their identity. At lengtliSqtiire Mark
ham, considering that, after all, he could not
marry the lady without her consent, and that
the discovery must be made before the mar
riage, decided to reveal himself, and then urge
his own suit as we!) as he might.
"My dear Miss Florence," he said, in his
natural voice. '
"Why!" shrieked the lady, "I thought it
was Charles."
"And I," said Squire Markham, recognizing
Mrs. Benson's voice with astonishment, "tho't
it was Floreuco."
"Was it you, sir, who was arranging to elope
with my daughter ?"
"Nobut 1 conclude it was you, ma'am, who
was meaning to elope with my son."
Indeed, Squire Markham, you are wrong.
The atl'air coining incidentally to my knowl
edge, I concluded to take her place secretly,
in order to frustrate her plans."
"Egad ! the very idea I had myself," said
the Squire, laughing ; "but the tact is, ma'am,
we've both of us been confoundedly sold, and
the mischief of it is, I have left a letter for
Charles, letting him know it; so undoubtedly
he will take the opportunity to run off with
Florence during our absence, and plume him
self, the rascal, on the way in which I was
taken in."
"I confess that I left a note for Florence to
the same purport. How she will laugh at me.
What an embarrassment !"
"I tell you what," said the Squire, after a
moment's pause, "we can carry out our plans,
after all. We each came out with the inten
tion of getting married. Why uot marry each
other, and then you know we can make them
believe we had it in view all along, and only
intended to frighten them."
Mrs. Benson assented with a little urging,
and in the course of an hour the twain were
made one. They immediately returned, but
fonnd, as they had anticipated, that Florence
and Charles discovering their departure, had
themselves stepped off in a different direction
with a similar intent.
They made their appearance the next morn
ing, prepared to laugh heartily at the frustra
ted plans of their parents, but learned, with
no little astonishment, that tbey had struck up
a bargain for themselves. Squire Markham
and his new wife had the address to convince
them that it was all a premeditated plan, and
to this day the young pair are ignorant of the
plot and counter-plot which led to this double
union of the two households.
Tub Female Swindler. The police are
making efforts to arrest a noted female swind
ler, known throughout the land. Rev. Mr.
Ilutter. of Philadelphia is among her victims.
Judge Johnston, of Texas, suffered a depletion
of $3,550 at the hands of the adroit woman.
Forged drafts, forged title-deeds, and a smooth
tongue effected the pecuniary drain upon the
plethoric pockets of the nsnally sharp Judge.
From Texas she went to California,aud prac
ticed several successful swindles in the god-cn-gated
city. Wm. Franklin, one of the
heaviest lumber dealers in San Francisco, is
her heaviest victim, he having been induced
to part with $5,00) in gold in exchange for
worthless drafts. Several Baltimoreana have
also been swindled by her.
Jefferson Davis and Caleb Cushing aro put
ting thoir heads together to restoro the Pierce
regime tinder a new man to be engineered
through the CLarle&toa Convention.
The Southern Literary Messenger tor the cur
rent month has a very able and interesting ar
ticle on Aaron Burr. ,The paper bears inter
nal evidence of being the work of Henry T.
Tuckerman. The following anecdotes from
the essay are new, and are commended to the
readers attention:
One of the most distinctly remembered jour
neys of our boyhood was to the British prov
inces, returning via Maine. One summer day,
at the hotel in Portland, with the urbanity
which distinguishes old-school landlords, the
host came into the parlor, exclaiming :
"Come here, my lad. I've something to show
you." Accompanying him to the porch, he
pointed out the erect and somewhat diminu
tive figure of a man, whose round, low hat,
plainly-cut, mulberry-colored frock-coat and
immovable aspect, suggested, at the first
glance, the idea ot a Quaker; hair of snowy
whiteness, a good profile and keen eye, were
next obvious ; he stood at an anglo of the
street, and people continually passed him ; he
looked straightforward, whether in reverie or
expectancy did not appear. "Mark him well,"
siid Bonilace, "you will hear of him when you
are older; that is Aaron Burr, who shot Gen
eral Hamilton." . .
From that moment, an ardent curiosity to
know the details of the event, and a perma
nent association therewith of the staid, ven
erable atd solitary figure, of which we had
caught this vivid glimpse, gave a "local habi
tation" in our memory to the name of the
second Vice President of the United States.
Accordingly, no opportunity was lost for gain
ing anecdotes of one of the few historical per
sonages visible to jnvenile eyes. These were
singularly at variance with each other, yet all
A medical cotcmporary of the old man told
us how startled be was, when administering to
a dying patient on a wintry night, to have his
vigil disturbed by the entrance of a gentleman,
whose costume and greeting were thoroughly
courticr-like ; he was followed by a negro,
bearing a tray with wine and soup, covered
with a napkin ; the roar of the tempest out
side, the lateness of the hour, the contrast be
tween this etiquette and the abject misery of
the apartment and wretched end of tl.e patient
who, though highly connected, was an out
cast, because of a long career of improvidence
and dissipation struck the good doctor as
highly dramatic ; and this impression was en
hanced, when the unexpected visiter an
nounced himself as Colonel Burr, well known
to have been the boon companion of the dying
man when he lived by his wits abroad, and in
dulged in a "laik" at home.
"Poor Bill !" said the courteous comrade ;
"can nothing be done far him 1"
He received a negative reply with perfect
composure, regarded the sufferer a while, and
then went through an elaborate farewell to the
physician, leaving on that worthy's mind a be
wiidering impression of charitable intentions
and heartless cruelty.
In direct contrast with this amiable phase of
character was the next personal reminiscence
we heard. Among the many funeral sermons
elicited by Hamilton's death, one delivered
by a Philadelphia clergyman was remarkable
for the severe anathemas pronounced upon his
antagonist. As a specimen of rhetorical invec
tive, the discourse became famous, and was
largely quoted in the journals and disseminated
through the country. Many years after, its
author received a letter appealing to him, ns
the almoner of many wealthy denizens in the
city of brotherly love, to furnish pecuniary
aid in a case where the previous high standing
and prosperity of the individual (rep'esented
as an accomplished lady) made a more public
application offensive both to pride and deli
cacy. The clergyman promptly called at the
house, had an interview with the unfortunate,
and promised, if possible, to obtain the requi
site sum to relieve her immediate wants, from
some rich and liberal members of church.
Her apparently comfortable situation was ex
plained as the result of temporary kindness ;
and the melancholy of the fair petitioner, ns
well as her evident accomplishments, stimu
lated the good pastor to exertion, and, in a
week, he wrote her that the money was at her
disposal ; she declined coming for it, and beg
ged her benefactor to visit her at a certain
hour next day, and deliver the gift intrusted
to him, as well as give her the benefit of his
advice in a plan she had formed for her own
future and honorable susistence.
At the appointed time the clergyman enter
ed th drawing-room, and, hhile awaiting the
lady, took up a beautiful volume of Horace,
bis favorite classic, from the centre-table; sur
prized to find marginal notes, indicative of the
most tasteful erudition, in a female hand, his
wonder increased when the object of his
kind efforts appearing, confessed herself the
author; an animated conversation ensued, and
so interested was the visiter in the novel ex
periment of a learned discussion with one of
the gentler sex, that be was not at first aware
that she had gradually drawn nearer and near
er to him and her manner exhibited a sudden
impressement ; raising his eyes in perturbation,
as the idea occurred to him, he caught sight
in the mirror of a face peering through the
slightly open door, at his back, which, at bis
quick movement, was instantly withdrawn.
Though naturally of an unsuspicious temper,
he felt a glow of indignation at the mere idea
of having had bis confidence and the benev
olence of his friends abused, and laying down
the money, took a formal and somewhat ab
rupt leave. It so happened that his next en
gagement was at the studio of a fashionable
artist, to whom he was sitting for his picture.
While arranging his colors, the painter rallied
his subject on the absent mood he was in,
whereupon the clergyman described the scene
he bad just passed through, and the unpleas
ant doubts i t had excited in his mind
The artist grew serious in a moment, and
asked for a particular description of the lady ;
! bo then begged his auditor not to speak of the
matter until be heard from him. as a clue to
the mystery had suggested itself. The artist
was not deceived. The "indigent lady" was
one of Burr's creatures; she confessed to
having, at his Instigation, planned to entrap
' the clergyman, and compromise nis pjsiuou,
' in order to revenge the bitter homily launched
I years before at the destroyer of Hamilton.
I Our limits do not allow ns to make, so cx
' tenned extracts from this article as we would
wish. We have only , room for the closing
passage :
. When he lay in hia cradle, his mother wrote:
"Aaron is very sly and resolute and eighty
yeara after, when be was passing away, he
spoke politely of dying "gam" herein we.
have the clue to the whole labyrinth of his
existence ; pluck, duplicity, and engaging
manners were his armor, creed, instincts, re
liance ; not without efficiency at crimes and
for temporary ends, admirable means of suc
cess in war and intrigue, but the most undesir
able combination for permanent and satisfacto
ry triumphs alien to the manly trust, to the
frank enjoyments, and to the moral security
wherein true fame and genuine love are always
entrenched- Tbey account for all that Burr
did and failed to do ; for bis repute as a young
soldier ; bis success in gallantry ; bis attain
ment of the second office in the gift of the
people, after only four years' political proba
tion ; and the total loss of the confidence of
his party in almost the same brief period of
time; for his ill-started Mexican expedition,
for his generosity as a donor and his unrelia
bility as a debtor, for the suspicion he excited
in men, and the favor he won from women, lor
the cool premedition of bis duel, and his in
difference to consequences moral, social, and
physical; for his derogation of Washington,
and his admiration of French philosophers,
for his frivolous talk and his studied manueis,
for his fortitude and his skepticism, for his
legal shrewdness and social plausibility, for
bis agreeability in the salon and his lonely old
age, for his self-reliance and irreverent spirit,
his fascination and his fate.
The Overland Route.
The new overland route from California,
which has just been opened, will no doubt be
come a permanent thoroughfare for emigrants
and passengers. Those who have an aversion
to "going down into the sea in ships," a feel
ing likely to bo increased by recent marine
disasters will have an opportunity of ex
changing the perils incident to salt water ex
cursions, for those of the forests and plains of
the wilds of America, where the not always
friendly red man holds undisputed sway. That
class of people who have a dash of romance in
their disposition who would not give a fig for
a journey if it was not garnished with hair
breadth escapes and exciting adventures will
also be attracted to this ncwfliode of reaching
onr dominions on the Pacific. The prospect
of lunching on the banks of a far-off river of
sharing the floor with a hardy pioneer in his
lonely ranche of dining in an old Spanish
for: of riding for whole days under the es
cort of a guard armed to the teeth w ith Sharp's
rifles and Colt's revolvers, to the disappoint
ment of scattered groups of painted savages
skulking in their sylvan hiding places gives
a heroic aspect to the trip. The journey has
also many fascinations for the lovers of mag
nificent scenery of gigantic mountains of
grand old riversjand boundless prairies, which
glide past the wondering beholder in splendid
succession. The St. Louis Republican, in a
late issue, publishes the "log" of a solitary
passenger by this new route, who made the
journey from that city to San Francisco in the
course of some four weeks. The account is
highly interesting, and reminds us of the ad
ventures of the pioneer voyagers of the olden
time rather than a modern business journey.
The postal arrangements for this line contem
plates a letter postage of three cents, but ex
cludes newspapers from the mail.
Horrid Massacre.
A horrid aflair took place on the night of
Oct. 27th, in West Thirtieth street, New York
city. Two persons were killed, and five, it is
supposed, mortally wounded. The victims are
the family of Fraucis Goulding, Esq., Lumber
Merchant, consisting of himself, his wife, two
sons, two daughters, and a servant girl. The
murderer was the eldest son of Mr. Goulding.
He returned home about 11 o'clock, laboring
under delirium tremens. Proceeding to the
cellar, he got an axe, then went to his father's
chamber and attacked him, beating in his
skull by several blows from the axe. The
father cannot live. Mrs. Goulding, bearing
the cries of her husband, rushed from another
room to his assistance, but was in turn attack
ed by the infuriated son and very badly wonnd
ed. His two brothers, one three years old and
the other fourteen, were next attacked, receiv
ing several blows from the axe. The eldest
will not live. His married sister, with a baby
in her arms, was the next victim, but she man
aged to escape without being seriously injured.
Two servant girls who had rushed into the ball,
vere next attacked and so horribly butchered
that it is feared neither will live. The assassin
finally went to his own chamber, where, after
locking himself in, he blew out his brains with
a pistol. The Goulding family have held a
highly respectable position in the community.
Mr. G. is an officer of the Thirtieth St. Metho
dist Church and is well known.
Who the Deuce was it!
Brown tells us a Vermont story which, he
says, is as authentic as the best of The Post
anecdotes, aud, certainly, nothing more can
he required. A respectable gentleman in
Windsor county, many years ago, had an am
bition to represent his town in the State Leg
islature. Though a man of good character,
and every way able for the office lie sought,
he happened, as Aunt Peggy used to say, to
have "a great many winning ways to make
folks hate him," and was in fact the most un
popular man in town. Going to 'Squir X,
an influential man who happened to be friend
ly to him, he laid his case before him, and
asked his influence ; saying that he did not
expect belp without paying for it, and decla
ring that if he could get X.'s influence he was
sure of being elected. The 'Squire "put in
his best jumps" for bis man ; but when the
ballot-box was turned another man was de
clared elected. The disappointed candidate
called out to know how the votes stood, and
learned that be bad got just three votes!
"But I don't understand it," said he turning
to the 'Squire with a chop-fallen countenance.
"Nor I either," said the 'Squire, '! put in
my vote; you put in another; but who the
deuce put in the third is more than I can im
agine !" Boston Post.
Declared Unconstitctional. In the case
of the Commonwealth vs. the Editors of the
Woikingir.en's Advocate,' published we be
lieve, in Schuylkill county, the Court held
that the law of libel of 1856 is unconstitution
al inasmuch as "no law can contravene or tran
scend the Constitution of the State. The bill
of Rights, which is part ot the Constitution,
fixes the liberty of the press; and declares in
what cases the truth may be given in evidence,
thereby prohibiting it in all other cases. But
the law of 1856 goes further, and allows it to
be given in evidence in all cases. It is an al
teration of the Bill of Bights, and therefore
to that extent unconstitutional."
Everybody has a partiality for dinner, and
one of the most frequent expressions at a din
ner table is the one which forms our caption,
and in order that our readers may know some
thing ot the substance they are using, we will
tell tbem a few f acts about salt. Salt is a chem
ical compound of twenty-three parts by weight
of a silver white but soft metal, catled sodium,
discovered by Sir H. Davy in 1807, and thirty
five parts of a pungeant, yellowish green gas,
called chlerino, discovered by Schcele in 1774
these two combined form this, the most
widely diffused and useful of any one com
pound in the world. It is found in the sea, and
in the rocks, from which our principal supply
comes. The most wonderful deposits are in
Poland and Hungary where it is quarried like
a rock, one of the Polish mines having been
worked since 1251. These Polish salt mines
have heard the groan ef many a poor captive,
and have seen the last agonies of many a brave
man, for until lately, they were worked entire
ly by the state prisoners of Austria, Russia or
Poland, whichever happened to be in power at
the time; and once the offender, or fancied
hindrance to some other person's advancement,
was let down into this subterranean prison, be
never saw the light of day again. So salt has
its history as well as sciet.ee. Other large de
posits are found in Cheshire, England, where
the water is forced down by pipes into the salt,
and is again pumped up as brine, which is e
vaporated and the salt obtained. To such an
extent has this been carried that one town in
the "salt country," as it is called, has scarce
ly an upright house in it. all the foundations
having sunk with the ground, to fill up the
cavity left by the extracted salt.
In Virginia there are beds of salt, and the
Salmon Mountains, in Oregon, are capable of
affording large quantities of the same material.
The briiic springs of Salina and Syracuse are
well known, and from about forty gallons of
their brine, one bushel of salt is obtained.
There are also extensive salt springs in Ohio,
and in Western Pennsylvania salt water is pro
cured by boring to great depths into the earth.
The brine is pumped up from wells made in
the rock, and into which it flows and runs into
boilers. These boilers are large iron kettles
set in brickwork, and when fires arc lighted
under them, the brine is quickly evaporated.
The moment the brine begins to boil, it be
comes turbid, from the compounds of linw
that it contains, and which are boluablc in cold,
but not in hot water ; these first sediments are
taken out with ladles called "bittern ladles,"
and the salt being next deposited from the
brine is carried awav to drain and dry. The
remaining liquid contains a great quantity of
magnesia in various forms, and gives it the
name of "bittern" from the taste peculiar to
magnesia in every form.
"But how did this salt come into the rock J"
is the natural query, and the wonder seems
greater when we recollect that salt-beds are
found in nearly every one of the strata com
posing the earth's crust. This fact proves an
other, that as the majority of these salt-beds
have come from lakes left in the hollow of the
rocks by therecedence of the sea, the sea has
through all the geologic ages been as salt as it
is to-day. Let us take the Great Salt Lake as
an illustration, it being the greatest salt lake
in the world, but by no means the only one, as
such inland masses of saline water are found
over the whole earth, but as ours is the great
est in extent, it will form the best example.
It is situated at an elevation of 4,200 feet a
bove the sea, on the Kocky Mountains. and has
an area of 2,000 square miles; yet, high as it
is, "once upon a time," as the story-books of
our juvenility used to say, it was part of the
sea, which retired, by the upheaval of the
rocks, and that great basin took its salt water
up with it. Should this in time evaporate,
and its salt become covered with mud and
sand, and the land be again depressed ; then,
at some distant future age. the people would
be wondering bow the salt got there, little
thinking that theMormons had ever built a city
on its shores when it was a great salt lake.
There are also, however, salt rocks taking
their place in regular geologic series with oth
er rocks, interspersed between red sandstone,
magnesian aud carboniferous strata; these we
can only account for, as we do for other strati
fied rocks, viz., that they were deposited from
their solution in water or carried mechanical
ly to the spot where now found by that ever
mobile liquid. We fear we should be accused
ot an attempt to put our readers in pickle, so
will stay our pen, hoping they will remember
these bits of information when next they say,
"The salt, if you please."
The Court of Appeals, New York, has award
ed a trial to Cancemi, convicted ot murder,
because he was tried by eleven jurors only,
though the prisoner assented to this arrange
ment. The Court, however, holds that trials
for crimes must take place as the law pre
scribes, and the State has an interest in pre
serving the livcs-and liberties of its citizens,
and will not allow a surrender of them. If a
deficiency of one juror could be allowed, a
deficiency of eleven might also be permitted,
or the trial be committed to the Court alone,
an innovation which would destroy tho insti
tution of trial by jury. Cancemi has been
tried three times; twice be was convicted,
and the verdict set aside, and once the jury
disagreed. He now has another chance for
his life.
At a late "spiritual" meeting in Cincinnati,
the goddess of the occasion, whose name is
great in the ranks of "spiritualists," announ
ced that one portion of the mission of her
sect was the conversion of bis Satansc Majes
ty, which was now being prosecuted with grat
ifying indications of success. There is evi
dently a slight mistake in this report. It is
probably the spiritualists who are being con
verted by his Satanic Majesty.
Woman's Toncce. At the last term of the
Logan (Va.) county court, a Mr. Steele recov
ered a verdict for $10,000 against a Mr. Hul
ley, for abuse of his wife by H's wile. Steele
atterwards generously released the whole judg
ment, saving that it was his wife's character,
not money, for which he began the suit.
Kesti-ckt Politics. A convention of all
parties opposed to the present Administration
has been called to meet at Louisville, on the
22d of February, to nonitnate candidates for
Governor, Lieutenant Governor and other
State officers.
J. Glancy Jones leaves on bis mission to
Austria in November.
Another Governor Wanted.
Gov. Denver, of Kansas, having resigned,
issues a Farewell Address, which commences
by bidding the people not to despair because
be has resigned ; that though he found the ter
ritory in great confusion, and leaves it in per
fect order, that the preservation or that order
depends upon themselves ; urges every citizen
to vote to obey the laws, and see that all the
offenders against them are brought to justice.
He declares that during bis term of office he
had tried to do his duty faitbrully, and that he
has the approval of James Buchanan, and winds
up as follows : "In conclusion, pesmit me to
warn you against the tricks and machinations
of designing demagogues, who prefer turmoil
and strife to peace and prosperity, for it is on
ly at such times that they can bring themselves
into notice. In this Territory there has been
a mania for making State Constitutions, and
effort after effort has been made to organize a
State Government, before any of the necessa
ry preparations have been made to meet its re
sponsibilities ; without a dollar in the treasury,
with but littltt taxable property, without any
well regulated system for collecting revenue,
and a considerable Territorial debt, the organ
ization ot a State Government at this time
must prove an onerous burthen to the people."
Many an unwise parent works bard and lives
sparingly all bis life for the purpose of leav
ing enough to give bis children a start in the
world, as it is called. Setting a young man a
float with money left him by bis relatives i
like tying bladders under the arms of one who
cannot swim ; ten chances to one be will lose
the bladders and goto the bottom. Teach him
to swim, and he will not need the bladders.
Give your children a sound education. See
to it that bis morals are pure, bis mind culti
vated, his w hole nature made subservient to
the laws which govern man, and you have giv
en what will be ot more value than the wealth
of tbo Indies. You have given fcim a start
which no misfortune can deprive htm of. The
earlier you teach him to depend upon his own
resources and the blessing of God tue better.
Fall or Spring Planting or Trees. Mr.
Loughrey, who is one of the oldest and most
intelligent fruit growers in southern Ohio,
does uot approve of fall planting as a general
rule ; because in very severe winters trees are
more liable to suffer injury after recent remo
val, but be prefers to procure bis trees in the
fall, especially if they are to come from a dis
tance, and heel them in deeply in dry mellow
soil, where they will remain safely until
spring, and be ready for planting whenever the
ground is in right condition. He also prepares
his land in the fall, plowing deep as possible,
then digging the holes wide and deep, leaving
them open through the winter for the frost and
rain to mellow and fertilize the soil. This is
especially advantageous where the subsoil ia
ot" a clayey or compact nature, as is the case
in most parts of Ohio. Cultiralor,
The Florida War. it is stated that near
ly a million of dollars will be required to pay
the volunteers alone engaged in service against
the Florida Indians during the late troubles
previous to their removal, and for losses by
depredations. Each Indian will have subject
ed the Government to a cost something near
one hundred thousand dollars. Of the above
sura, about $500,000 will be required to pay
the volunteers called into the service by tho
General Government, and say $400,000 for
those called out by the State, under her mili
tia laws, whose payment the General Govern
ment assumed. The remainder will be con
sumed in indemnifications for losses by depre
dations. Washington L'uion.
Arkansas Jails. Tho Fowhattan, Arkan
sas, Advertiser, noticing the escape of a pris
oner from the Green county jail, says that the
building has an inner and outer door; the in
ner was very indifferently secured, and the
outer was kept firmly fastened by means of a
fence rail propped against it with a board driv
en in the ground at the foct. The prisoner
for several days had offered a reward of five
dollars to any person who would shell an ear
of corn at the foot of the rail and leave tho
rest to the bogs, declaring at the same time
that he could manage the inner door.
That is a beautiful superstition which pre
vails among the Seneca tribe of Indiana.
When an Indian maiden dies they imprisoa a
young bird until it first begins to try its power
of song, and then loading it with kisses and
caresses loose its bonds over her grave, in the
belief that it will not fold its wings norcloso
its eyes until it has flown to the spirit-land,
and delivered its precious burden of affection
to the loved and lost. It is not unfrequent
to see twenty and thirty birds let loose over a
single grave.
Tho disgraceful prize fight between Mor
rissey and Heenan came off at Long Point,
Canada, on the 20th, for $2,500 a side. It
lasted 27 minutes and Morrissey was declared
the winner on the llt'a round. Heenan had
been sick several days, besides breaking bis
fist on the first rouud by bitting a post, to
which Morrissey owes his victory. Heenan'a
friends now offer to back him against any man
in the world lor five or twenty thousand dol-
lars. Both bad better take a round with the
Diggs saw a note lying on the ground but
knew that it was a counterseit, and walked on
without picking it up. He told Smithers the
story, when the latter said :
"Do you know, Diggs, you have committed
a very grave offence ?"
"VVhy, what have I done T"
"You have passed a counterfeit bill, know-
ing it to be such," said Smithers with a smile, -and
Glut or Silver Cots. At New Tork great
dissatisfaction is expressed at the accumula
tion at all retail establishments of quantities'
of silver coin. , The banks will not take it on
deposit, and it cannot be sold in large quanti- -ties,
except at a heavy discount. The war
with China, which has stopped the export'
thither, and, to some extent the depreciation
of the coin here, have led to thia Stat a of
Severe Drought The Norfolk Day Book. .
states that so severe is the drought in that sec -lion
of Virginia, that the citizens of Suffolk
are forced to send three miles to the i-asal for
water to drink an event that was never be
fore known by the oldest inhabitants. . At Nor- .
folk, also, the cisterns tare become exhausted.