Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 13, 1858, Image 3

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. ".CLEARFIELD, FA., OCT. 13, 18o8.
CaiRCii ; Dedication . By Divine permis
sion, the new Baptist church in the Borough
of Clearfield wili bo dedicated on Sabbath,
lho 24th October, and Re. J. II. Peters, of
-Philadelphia, and other ministers frcm a dis
tance, are expected to be in attendance.
Services to commence at 11 o'clock A.M.
The public are cordially invited to attend.
' Clari3ll County Elestion, Oct. 1?, 1318,
rs 3 K o ! . ts s- ir1 S
e n " i
- 3 -' r I ? I F 5
CbaarfiU. C2 63 57 62 77 37 33 4S 69 63
LawrenceGO 153 61 143 93 63 12' 113 63 113
Bradford 43 73 63 72 13 65 TO 60 ei
Jordan, 32 30 32 53 3.V 65 21 60
Goshen, S S3 8 ?.2 21 14 1 22 17
Union, 16 1.1 10 15 19 13 6 17 19 13
Pike. -.-v- Cj-73" 63 75 65 73 79 60 S2
A"uw'v3u 3 29 25 41 1 23 21' 22 33
IsiiiiiAXiTr and Death. Under this bend
ing we find the following item oing the
rounds cf the papers :
"Some d. its ago, a stranger named Shcplir,
was found lying in a church four miles from
X. Washington in Clcartield county, in a dy
ing condition. The persons vh. found him
were going to a pr.iycr meeting, and it sterns
they had not time to act the god Snmrritan,
but left the" stranger hungry and sick. The
iiiext day he escaped froi.i the church by
- crawling ont'through the window, (the door
having been "locked,) and nude bis w.:y to
' near Xcw Washington, and stopping at a i'.iriu
hotue, the first thing he did nai to drink a
-very large quantity of water, and afterwards
-cat a small piece of bread and biutcr. He
, staid all night at this house and cat some
broakfast, ' when lie passed on through the
village a-short distance beyond which ho was
een to stagger and fall into a fence corner,
evidently in a fit. The people gathered but
all refused-to care for him any further than
- to ay him in a wagon maker's shop, on a be.-i
td shavings, where ho refused to take any
nourishment, but lingered out a miserable
existence until Sunday evening when he died.
He said he had some friends in Johnstown,
and relatives in Harrisburg. Ho also assorted
'. that he was from Cincinnati."
We were at Xcw Washington a few days
since and made speciil inquiry about the
matter, and find there is not a word of trnth
in it- Nothing of the kind occurred there,
-and no one. can conceive how inch a ridicu
lous story gained currency.
Shooting Afeaik. Sir. Jacob Dai r of Ben
nett's branch was 'brought to town on Mon
!ay last charged with attempting to shoot
PWHip Chambers." Vve haro not been able to
obtain full pnicul.irs, but tha story runs a
lout thus : A misunderstanding existed be
tweeu tha parties, and Chambers went to or
near Bait's house and talked something about
shooting, -having at the satno time, a revolver
or something of the kind in his hand; upon
which J3arr wont into the hocso and brought
-out his trusty 'rifle and told bis assailant that
'? any shooting was to be done he wuld have
-A share. What then followed wo know not,
tutt-no. lives seem to have been lost, and no
powder wasted. "Both parties however made
information, and Mr. B"s share of that perfor
mance icchjs to have been h'ts trip to the coun
1y boarding house, unless lie can procure bail.
This comes of making an unlawful use of
those weapons which shonld never be turned
by man against Ids fellow except in legitimate
varlsre. Republican, Oct. i:h.
Fine IIovse. It is a noteworthj- fact that
cf late the citizens of this county are paying
more attention to tha erection of good buildings.-
In passing through Iiurnsi Je township,
ajew days since, we noticed that cur friend
James McMurray h.is nearly completed one
f the'isrgcxt and lirie.it brL-k houses in the
County. There is much taste displayed in
its location and style of architecture, and Mr.
McMurny is certainly deserving of praise
f.r the spirit an.l rnterprize displayed in this
i'Hproveitietit. His property ia within the
limits of the proposed county of Pine, and
many are in favor of locating the county s-at
there, in the event of its formation. The situ
ation is a beautiful one, and possessed of some
advantages that should not be overlooked.
We trust others, when about erecting new
dwelling?, will follow the example set by Mr.
Mc.Murray and put up neat, substantial and
commodious buildings.
Goon PaorERTr roit Sale. Any person
desirous of purchasing a email farm, well sit
uated, is directed to consult the advertisement
.of Win. M. JlcCullough, Sr.
A valuable sawmill property located in Pike
and Knox townships, is offered for sale, as
will be learned by referring to an advertise
ment in another column.
rrnsECi'Tios or 1'kotestasts. The pcrsi
cution of the Maubeuge Protestants commer
ces to awaken as much indignation ai excite
nent among their co-religionists throughout
Trance. Meetings are talked of,- in order to
get up a general petition to the Emperor, pray
ing Jor themselves, and the punishment of tbo
'fanatic sub-prefect of Maubenge; for, as the
Protestants justly remark, if the example of
the scb-prcfcct be followed, or a bar not rais
ed to religious persecution by the -all-potent
chief of the State, the cry of "Death to the
Huguenots!" may again resound, and the
facts, if not the form, ol the edict of Nattes,
bo re-enacted.
Many cases of Dysentery, in its most sjvero
formave beca cared by tho administration
jf Du Vall's Galvanic Oil.' Cholera Morbus
and all diseases of the bowels are relieved in
a short time by a few drops of Galvaxic Oil.
.Sec advertisement.
Dmot Deiupsey, the wealthiest man in
Macon, Georgia, died a few days ago, having
inadeils will, in which he bequeathed $2,500
to each of his two 'children, and $493,000 to
the Roman Catholic ehurch In that city.
Ad Irishman making love to a lady of great
f ortune, told her J;$-couId no! sleep fordream
ing of her.'
liTRising the price of flour.
- - i-S""''Nuisane dead cat", in the streets.
OToinfortsble a little fire thce days'.
ITtTIigh apples, at one dollar a bushel.
2F"Couip!ctel ibe Baptist mectiug-hou.
$"Fel! some snow, on Friday the StU in-t.
OXeat the new sign of the CloarScld House
""s?Firtof the soasaa ieo, on Sunday morning.
l3FIa fashion over-coals and blanket shawls.
fcS""CredItaMe Improvement Leitzinger's new
i'Fiiilod our wood-pile. WLoTl bring the
next load t
LsLong coining the Turkey's, we hal the
enr thauk-s Thomas Mills, for sjrue
fine grapes.
SCanght a "weod chuck"' smart P.obert, on
Sunday last.
r?Everybody in haw'i new row.adverlUts in
tbo Jouniat.
ETOnt some pigs. Take care : the 'police' are
en th qui vive.
JiJron') ca?t several of our merchants. Wat"h
for the new guodi.
IyjJoic; a" good bu.'iucss the Ilorough Consta
b'a. in t'ue liog line.
iT3Wntid 'umf bnukwheat aud rye, iu pay
meii: of subsciiption.
I''l-p the frarn- cf 'L. C. M'CiilIongh new
Louso, on second slrct
t5T0vpr the agony. Will soon know who's
elected to slay "tu hum." .
t-crThe interest, is., nnnnsliy of the publie
debt of Great Briiian is 1 l7.Si3.U00.
ZLv' Tr.U the chesnnt trees in the 'grern woodi.'
Have to cnt 'em down to got the nut.s ou.
I"jp"Lig i:!T;;:r the tail of tho comet. May bo
this is the one that is to give us a brush.
"tr"i5ood job tha filling in tho street, in front
of Mr. V,"rij;ley'3 property. Who's next.
fj5"Exc!leat the psean-nutcrop of Texas, this
year. The export will amount to about ?200,0u0.
JHiA great speller the man who spelU crock
ery, thes: i Kreaugbkcurreighev." l'honetic sys
tem, eh ?
ryKecoivcd in Xew Orleans, seven thousand
three buudred aud forty-two bales .f eoiton, on
tha loth of iScptemocr.
yit U stated in the German journals that the
ladii-s of tho Curt of Wurteinburg have rosolred
no longer to war eriuoiinj.
j?"I'eseribir.g a late duel, an Irish paper says :
':Ono cf the cowbattaiiM was shot through the
fifsliy part of the t'tigli ho:ic.''
l"v"lark prospect iiiustrated a black woman
looking down a black ailey, of a dark night, for a
black Laby hi'l under a slack of black cat..
i ".Several papcrj have published an article
headed ' Professor Mitehcl on the Comet."' Wc
should lik; to be informed how he got u there.
C17 Stated that fourteen tribes or band of 1 u
dians have declared war against Texas Wonder
if 5o;ue iuc.erd ain't only Jismij for a fat army
VTA ,:Tat and Lean liase Cluft"' has been or
ganized in Buffalo. Xinc of tho members are
pusy a3 I'alstaXT the other niue are as spare as
John of Gaunt.
lv- writer in tho Troy Bafc: say3 one dol
lar's worth of si'.lphuMbroiTn nr.on tho tire in tho
foreeasMo, would have saved the Austria and her
living, precious freight.
t"'ome of the f.-.riucrs in Maine have raise 1
sneh iuuner.se qaar.tities of Cabbages and ."quash
es this summer, that they have to rent neighbor
ing l.in-f? to store them on.
rf" -ippears the fjliowiag. in a western paper :
'An inquest was held on 7irl of a human It jilu.
consisting of n skull, ono arm, tbo thijU bone,
and Do lasts!" W-h-e-w !
rr'-iCuffcy, why don't you kick t!iat dog?"
What cm de use of kicking every cur what snarls
at you ' Uon't you know tlat nm de way he wants
you to bring him irrto cotico ?"
I'p'Thcrc is said to bo a boy at Worcester who
a prodigy in chess playing. A year since he didn't
know the moves, but only lately he plays three
games at the sama time while blindfolded.
r5rDcci:led:y ' f.ist" the ladies of Iowa. On
the ISth nit , ara'fl between ladies, on foot, caino
off at Iowa City, for tho prize of s lvero.ikc bas
ket. The prize was won by a Miss Handy.
!1Thern M a printing office at Zablagen, in
Muicmburg. in which all theeompositors and press
men, amounting to ouo hundred and sixty, are deaf
and dumb. There is no talking politics, lovo, or
religion, there.
ITTThe Frenoh have jucssfully tried the ex
periment of slicing and dryijig potatoes for future
us'j. If isd'ine by machinery. If this shall pi ovo
'generally ueccsifu! 1 c-oi.oraieal. it V7i!l be h
valuable d::o'."ery.
i-V-V pate; t was last week awarded to Dr.ChiM.
V. l'age, ut' i"::saiii-;f'Ji). i). C. tor a pillow or rest
foT thy h ' 1 1 , wLxh eiiab'cj travelers in rai!.o:i l
crsrs to slee p eoniiortably. 'J his improvement is
attached to an umbrella.
i"5cuie of tli3 Southern papers grnma'o bc-c-iu.-e
it will eost ear nverT.meiit :-a:ne SPmi caea.
to 5'Mid the ICcho iictk-js b.-.ck to Africa. Thar is
just uao per ocTit. of the ect of sending a JSouth-ci-o
negro hack from B i: n.
''i'be tlovci'nor of Xcvr ilairpsitro bas a:.
f -ousted '1 liuri'day, Xuvctnlr 23th. as a d:iy of
Thaiiksgiviag. It is the first ?ppointnicnt male
ti:ij jc'ir, and the day selected nill doubtless bs
grncraiiy chose:; by otln r Governors.
IlsTTBeru are rnsny eLiis-.iacs who like, about
r.p.v-'i in twelve mon'tis. to luic a good revivr.l in
their hearts. They think that, like tlic year, they
can rj.t;:e up for fieezii.g anJ snowing all winter,
Ly a period of intense heat ia summer.
E"jTMr. Kranson, of Brandyv.Sne manor, Chester
iiaty. has a pair .f oson. which are sail to be
the larsrest twr raised in the Union. They are
to be fed until February next. t v.hich time" it is
calculated they w ill weigh 3.-100 pounds.
SyAt a fire in Cincinnati, a short t!ms sineo,
the company vi the i'tearn Cre engice -Citizen "s
Jift"' hitched horses, ran two square-?, laid out 331)
feetrf hose, firing u, in tho meantime, and put
water on the fire in four minuses from the tap of
tho alarm bell.
rThe Srst section of the orer'aud stage route
to Caliiornia some 003 miles has been traversed
in more than one day less than the time called for
by the schedule. If the gain holds through at the
eao:o rate. San Francisco will be reaehel overland,
in twenty-two days' timo.
A honid mysicry h is been nosed out at Sy
racuse, X. Y- In the examination of an emp
ty house a skeleton was found. Tho premises
were formerly occupied by a milliner, who was
supposed to have left the city, t;3 nothing has
been seen of her for some timo past, and the
room has recently been unoccupied. A phy
hictan was called to examine the skeleton, and
without hesitation he pronounced it that of a
Mi'STEniEs of the IUssian Couut. An ex
traordinary statement is mad; in the St.
Petersbnrgh journals : In demolishing a wall
in the apartment of the Hereditary Grand
Duke, in what is called the Great Palace, in
that city, the skeleton of a woman was found,
still covered with fragmeuts of clothing, which
fell to dust npon being exposed to "the air.
There is not the slightest tradition, it is added,
to show who tho woman was, nor why she was
closed up in the wall.
ABor Peeacheu. A lad some sixteen years
of age, is creating quite a sensuion in Mon
mouth county, N. J., as a preacher. His
preaching is attended by great crowds, not at
tracted by his extreme youth alone, but by his
reputation for earnest eloiuonce.
I TIM) TIMIJLR MAKERS ! A lot of Mann a
I JL Ci.debrajed Double-bitted Axes, at the Low
i l'riee-c; TW'U DOLLARS, for sale bv
Clearfield. Pa., .Sept. 23. 1S3S. , -
PrvfrJtxor IT. Jltc Vail, after twenty-five
years labor iu experimenting upon the whole ent
alostie of medicines, has discovered KLECTiil
VITY in a positive form, and that nsrent is put
forth to tho world in bis GALVANIC UlL. and
is now tho only medical preparation that will pos
itively cure all Sure and Painful Diseases This
Oil is rendered electrically positive, and acts on
the pr!m by imparting to it electricity in the
Galvanie form. It is expressly recommended for
all sore and painful diseases, as the following:
Neuralgia in all its forms, pives relief iu a few
iniuutes. i'ain in the liacl. Breast or fiirlr.Ktei
Matittn ait all painful tli.icasrs.ef the Stomach
and Bowels. In short it will relieve pain wherev
er located All that ia asked, is. try tho Galvanic
Oil for the cure of any disease of the abo-e class.
Lewislown. Pa., Proprietor, to whom all orders
inuat bo addressed.
For salo by Siooro A Etzweiler. and Itoeil A
Weaver. Bowman i- Perks, J. B. Giuliani. K. Wil
liams, C. Kratzcr, Irwin A bon, A. B Khaw. James
Forrest, A. Montgomery, Wright & Hagorty, and
by country merchants generally.
Lewitown, August 25. l$5S-y.
ARM LANDS FOE. SALE 25 wiles from Thi!
nJolpbia by ltailroad in the S-tate of New
Jcr.'cy. Soil among the best for Agricultural pur
poses, being a good loam soil. with. a elay bottom,
i'he land is a large tract, divided into small farms,
and hundreds from a!i parts of the country arc
now sett'.ii) and building. 1 he crops can be seen
growing. Terms from S15 to S20 per acre, paya
ble witiiiu four years by instalments. To visit the
place Lave Viae St. Wharf at Philadelphia, at
7i A. M.. by Railroad for Ibtmmontoi!, cr address
P.. J. Byrnes, by letter. See full advertisement in
another column. Iept. 1358.
FARM LANDS FOR S.VLF 25 miles from Phil
adelphia by Railroad in the State of Xtif Jersey.
Soil among the best for Agricultural purposes, be
ing a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The
laud is a large tract, divided into small farms, and.
hundreds from all parts of the country are noiv
settling and building. Thccropscan be seen grow
ing. Terms from 15 to S20 per acre, payable with
in four ycais by instalments. To visit tbo place
Leave Vine .-t. Wharf at Philadelphia at 71 A M.
by Railroad for liammonton, or addrcts H. J.
Byrne, by letter. Sec full advertisement in ati
ohr column. S'pt. 8, i.-0S-ui.
JL and the public, tiiat Gros .t Kunkel. whole
sale Grocers, Canal Street Wharf. Ilarrisburg
have on hand a large lot of Liquors at reduced
prices, by the barrel or otherwise, to suit pur
chasers, consisting of tie following :
Pure Brandies.
New England Rem,
Old Rye Whiskey.
Domestic lirai.riies,
Mor.ongahela Whiskey
Blackberry Brandy,
Peach Brandy.
Lavender Brandy,
Cherry Brandy,
Scotch Wbiskcv.
Lisbon W ine.
Pure Ilollnnd Gin.
Rectified Pitts. Whiskey
Port Wine.
Maderia Wine,
Pure Holland Gin,
Domestic Gin.
And other Liquors.
Gcsler's Pure Champagne, 4c., tc, 4c
I i'"0rders promptlv attended to.
Wholesale Grocers.
Canal Street Wharf, between Walnut and State
Strcots. Harrishurg. I'a. MarI0-'5S-ly.
CLOVHR II U LLC RS. The subscribers tak
this method of inforiing the Farmers of
Clearfield county, that they manufacture at their
shop in Mill fieim, Centre coenty. Pa., the cele
brated I't:iizcArr,!t Improve i i'rcniinni Clover
llnllcr. These" Hullers can be attached to any
power for cither '1 or 4 horses, or water power in
mills; are warranted to work well, and with good
seed will clean from 25 to o'J buslicls pcrday. Any
peison wishing to see one of these machines, and
loam more particularly of itsopcratiou.will please
call with Mr Win. A. Becd, farmer. 3 miles cast
of Curwensvillc, who purchased and had one in
uso last season. Machines will le delivered at
Curwensvillc. if desired- For further particulars
inquire of Win. A. lived. Clearfield P. ., or the
subscribers. S. S. 11ACPT.
Mill lleim. Ccntreco.. P , Sept. 15. 185S-;!m. -X.
B. All orders promptly attended to.
F.MIGRATK to a mild
XjL climate, stood soil, and line market, see ad-
vertisement of flauimontun Lands.
ALL WAMTXii to emigrate to a mild climate,
good soil, and fine market, sec advertisement of
liammonton Lands. Sept S. IHjrJ.
ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate,
pood soil, ai d fine market, sec advertisement of
liammonton Lands. - Sept. 8, 1S5S.
ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate,
gojd soil, and fine market, see advertisement of
llaiumantou Lands. Sept. S, TiotS.
ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate,
good soil. a;id lino market, see advertisement of
ilaiiiiijoi.ton Lands. Sept. 8. ltiaS.
ALL WANT lN;i to cmitrrato to a mild climate,
good soil, and Sine market, see advertisement of
ilammor.ion Lands. Sept S-'3S-.'!m
rg'.O COXSCMPTIVIIS. The advertiser hav
dC ing been restored to health in a lew weeks,
by a very siiuplo reme iy, after having suffered
s-'vcral years with a severe Lung Affection, and
that tlrcad disease. Consumption is anxious to
in-'i!:o known to his feilow suGVrcrs tbo means of
euro. To all w ho desiro it he will send a copy of
Ibc prescription used (freo of charge, with direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which they
v.i;l find a sure Cure for Consumption. An'ima.
15; o:k hitls, Au. The ouiy object of the nrlvertiscr
in sending tho prescription is to benefit the afflict
ed, and be hopes every cmTercr will try liis reme
dy, as it will cost them nothing, find may prove a
blessing. Parties wi-hinjr the j-resrriT.tion will
please addre?s REV. KDiVAUD A. WILS'LV,
Scpt.2'.," oi-Sm Williaiu3uurgh. Long Island.
Boits & heej alvavs on Hand.
jf our own i.i.i .: JOSKPIl G'0X. tbailkfttl for
p.i-iiittvoi an J. grateful for future prospects, de
sires to inform the citizens i,i this vicinity and his
old friends aud patrons in partieult-r, that bo has
rnxncfd t tl,r I'riST ROOM iu the JiAST
nxo of nirAirs xiziv jioir, thcfi.st,oor
ice it of the j.l i.ijiou Home, where he hits on hand
constantly, a largo assortment of every variety in
the BOOT AND SHOE line. Custom work attend
ed to with dispatch. The very best of stock will
bo use.l and no pains spared tu make neat fits and
durable work. All of which can bo obtained of
said -I. Goon, very low for the Ready Rhiuo.
Clearfield. August 14, 1S33.
AlTIO. All persons are hereby eaution-
ed against purchasing or meddling with the
following property, to wit. I dark bay mare. 1
mare colt 2 years obi, 1 red heiffcr 2 years old, I
red steer 2 years old. 1 black heiffcr 2 yoars old,
2 red heiffeis 1 year old. 40 dozen rye in the barn.
u0 dozen oats i.i the barn. 1 red cow.
The above named property is cow in the possess
ion cf Wm. Stewart of Beearia tp.. and has only
been left with him oa loan, and subject tvmv or
Smith's Mills. Aug. .".I. lK38-sopS-.1t.
ner store, Curweusvilio,
October 0, 1S38 WM. IUVIX.
FEE, and Molasses, by the Eag and Barrel
for sale at the store of
Oct.6,'33. WM. IKVIX, Curwensvillc.
AG OOP ASSORTMENT of Ladies' Dress Goods,
comprising English and French Merinos, Co
burgs, figured and plain Delaines, Delaine Robes,
Saxony IMaids, Lama Cloth. PoiVdo Chcvro, Silks,
Aa.. .5:0. . for sale cheap at the corner, by
October G. 1333. WM. IRVIX.
READY-MADE CLOTHING. Boots and Shoes, a
full assortment, at tuo corner store of
October 6. lS3o. WM. IRVTN.
CJPAXISH Solo Leather, for sale at the
0 store. Hi lea taken at the highest pri
the corner
C'ctober 0.
AR AND HOOP IRON, small round iron for
stovo rods, 4o-, feu sale at the store of
October a WM. Iit IN.
the store cf
a few se cf Frenoh Sables, at
ATKST STYLE of Fall and Winter Bonrcfs, at
the corner ("tore of
Jf WATCH MAKER, Cherrv street, (one door
cbt of the Methodist Church.) Clearfield. Fa., wiil
repair Clocks. Watches, 4c.. on Fhort notice and
reasonable terms. ' Sept. 2D. 1338.
CAl'TIOX All pcrsos are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or meddiing with One
Dark Drown Horse. 4 years o'd, past, in the pos
session of Thomas Dixon, of Los township, as
the name belongs to mc. JOHN M. CHASE.
Woodward, .Sept. 3. 1S53 sept22
3 undersigned takes this method to announce
to the citizens of Clearfield and tho surrounding
country, that he has opened a Barber Shop, ou
Market street, in Shaw's new row.whcro he is pre
pared to accommodate all who may give him a
call, and hopes ta receive a liberal patronage.
CHANGE Tho subscriber having taken
the above well known stand, in Curwenaville. Pa
is ready to accommodate atl who may favor him
with their pr.tronajrc. His table vitUsa! way be
supplied with the best tho market can' afford. and4
bis Bar vntu the choicest liquors. -His stable will
be under the care of attentive hostlers.
Curwensvillc, April 8, 1S3S.
J. Willis Westlake, A. B.
R."T. ColtXW EI.L.
The first session of this Institution will commeuce
on Monday, November 1st, 1S0B, and continue 22
weeks. X. B. Special attention will be given to
the training of Teachers. For particulars, send
for a circular. Address either of the Principals,
Indiana, Indiana co., Ta. Oct0-'5S-4tp.
Tho undersigned would respectfully inform
the Ladies and Gentlemen of Clearfield and vicin
ity, that he has fitted up rooms iu tho : row of j
J iiftg-e iUaic. opposite tho "Uattsmau s Journal
ofii.-e. where he will remain for aftwdays only,
prepared to present pictures to all who may favor
him with a call which will exceed the expectations
cf the most fastidious. Photograph of every des
cription taken when called for. Secure the shad
ow cre the substance fade. A. M. HALL.
ClearEcld. September 23. 1838.
BIBLES. Th Bible Society of Clearfield co.;
hereby gives notice that their books, nuino
ly, Bibles and Testaments, arc deposited in the of
Cco cf James Wrigley, Register and Recorder at
Clearfield. The book3 are of various sizes and a
dapted to supply ei ther private individuals or buu
day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan
tial bibles can be had as low as 25 cents apiece,
and testaments as low as fi cents npicce.
The people of the county generally arc also in
vited to leave w ith Mr. Wrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in aid" of the funds of the
Society. Signed by order of the Executive Com
mittee. ALEX. McLEOD. President.
The cndersijrnod would respectfully an
nounce to his friends and the public generally'
that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es
tablishment in '-New Salem City," Brady town
ship, where he will at all times bo prepared to
manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds of
Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows. Ac. The best ma
terial that can be procured will be used, and his
work will be made in the most substantial and du
rablo manner, such as will bear the test of strict
examination. By a close observance of his busi
ness engagements, ami by disposing of his work
on the most reasonable terms, which be will do
for either cah or approved country produce, be
hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub
lic custom BENJ. RISHEL.
New Salem City. Jan. 16, lS5d.
subscriber takes this method of inlorming tbo
citizens of CJesrfield and vicinitr. that ho bos
LOCATKl) himself o MAIX'STUEIZT op
yosicr, the Jail, aud is cow prepared to wait upon
and render general satisfaction to ajl who may fa
vor him with their patronage. Ho feels confident
iu saying that never before has there been offered
to tho public of this section, such inducement" as
he offers. All articles purchased at this establish
ment will be warranted, and if proven not to be
as represented, will be made good without extra
charge. His work cannot bo surpassed, as he is
determined to use only the very best materials in
their manufacture. The "world and tho rest of
maukind"' are requested to call and satisty them
selves of the fact, that his articles are of the best
and most durable materials.
Clearfield. March 17. 1S3H.
rVIE I.'AMMOXTOX FARMER, a newspaper
JL devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also
setting furth fall accounts of the no vv settlement of
liammonton. in New Jersey, can be subserib-.d for
.t only 2cts per annum. Inclose postage stamps
f.ir the amount. Address to Editor of the Fanner,
liammonton. Atlantic county," New Jersey. Those
wishing cheap land, of the best, quality, in one of
the healthiest and most delightful climates in
the Union, see a Ivcrtisemeut of liammonton
Lnnd3. Sept. S. 1S5S.
'Tit. II.v'.t'tuxTox P.ns!r.R, a newspaper devoted
to Literature and Agriculture, also Tjtting forth
full aeeour.is cf tha new sjttlemeut of lTammonton,
in New Jersey, c-".u bo subscribed for at only 23
cents per annum. I eel ess postage stamps for the
amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer, liam
monton, Ar.'aatio connty. New Jersey. Those
w ishing cheap land, of the best quality, in one
of the healthiest and most delightful eliiuates in
tho Uriion, sec advertisement of liammonton
Lati ls. Sept. 8, ISi.-Stn.
T valuable farm, of the undersigned, former
ly (be property of John Antes, dee'd. containing
Seventy-five aires, Fifty of which are cleared, is
oifered for sale upon reasonable terms. This farm
is beautifully situated, two and a half miles from
Cleariie'.d boro and one-fourth of a mile from tbe
l'ike leading from Clearfield to Curwcnsviile. It
has upon it a good house, a large spring-house
with iresh water constantly flowing through it. It
als, has erected therioh, a good log stable, an out
oven, and other out-houses, necessary for a coun
try residence There is upon said farm, a bank
containing the best qnality of bituminous coal.
Also an orchard of choice fruit, consisting of ap
ples, pcuchci pears, plums, Ac., and other requi
sites for a good home, too numerous to mention.
Now js your chance to purchase a home, for you
and your children, that in your declining years,
you may sit down by your own peaceful lire-side,
and enjoy all the comforts of old ege.
Oct. ", 1353. WM. M. M'CULLOUGILSr.
heautif.illu Ulnitratc4 Monthly shrtt. and a Pu
ivr that t- a Paprr. A budget of Wit, Humor,
. . . 3 ' j...r . i : . r r
i'aeis. jiiu ..tjiivs u i ,1 , m aii.ui ine ier io'i arc,
riqht c tea if, right airny. road tea if , Jiroastwni,
rihtttp!'' Only Fifty Cents jump in and take
a rido Once seated in our ''Omnibus," wo will
endeavor to both amuse and instruct you. and give
you. in the course of the year, at least fifty cents
worth of Pun and useful information. We will
show you up Broadway, d. wn the old Bowery,
through Chatham and the other principal streets,
giving you ample time to see the-Elephant and
get a good pcepatttho Peter Funks, Confidence
operators. 4c. We will show yon tho city by day
light, by gas light, by moon light, by candle light,
by star light, and will drive the Omnibus"' ta
some parts of tho city where thero is no light!
We will endeavor to post you on all the tricks and
traps of tbe great metropolis, and also nmuse
many an hour with interesting reading matter.
'Throw physic to the dogs." If you have the
Blues, the Dyspepsia, Gout. Rheumatism, or are
unfortunately troubled with a scolding wife, we
will guarantee to make you forget your troubles,
laugh almost against your will, and grow fat. Ev
erybody should subscribe to the "Omnibus"' at
once. The "Broad way Omnibus" will make its
appearance on the first of each month, filled with
amusement and instruction for all. Price. Fifty
Cents a year in advance three copies to ono ad
dress. One Dollar; the chcapot pper in the States!
Who will pet us two subscribers and receive one
copy free? All communications should be ad
dressed to CIIAS. P. BltlTTOS,
Editor "Broadway Omnibn."
fpt. 29, 135S 0t. 29? Ferl street, '. Y
Main and White Streets. BUOOKVILLE. P.
Feb2f. B. R. MEANS'. Proprietor.
Colds. Coughs. Cionp, Ac., sold at Joseph Goon s
Shoe Shop. Clearfield. Pa Oct 2.
PLASTERIXG. The subscriber having lo
cated himself in thu Dorough of Clearfield,
would inform the public that he ia prepared to do
work iu the above line, from plain to ornamental
of any description, iu a workmanlike style. Aleo
whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man
ner, and on reasonable terms.
April 7, I.h.oS. F.DWIX COnrFR.
COAL ! COAL ! ! The subscriber respectful
ly informs the citizens of the boroujjh of Clear
field and vicinity that he has taken a lease of
Judge M core's Coal Back, adjoining the town,
where ho will keep constantly on hand a full sup
ply ol tec article, either lump or mixed, to suit
purchasers. Persons in town can besupplied with
it at their homes at six cents per bushel, or at the
bank lower than ever A share of public patron
age is solicited. PAlRICK Ml'LYANEY.
Clearfield. Sept. I, lso-.
j JL1J
ccs to the citizens of Clearfield county, jJL-
that he is sti II engared. at his old stand "Tii.-V-i
in TYRONE CITY, in erecting JlOXl MKXTS
and BOX TOMBS. A.'so Ile.vl and Poot Stones
of the latest and most approved styles, and cn the
most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at
tended to. Ad lrc.-s, ISAAC BERLIN.
Aug. 23. IS3S.-dcc2.V67. Tyrone City.
RENT. The undersigned committee of
George J. Kyler, offers for rent tho large turiu iu
Bradford town-hip, at the intersection of the roads
from Grahamton. Kylertown. Morrisdalo, Phillips
burg, and Clearfield, consisting of 2ot) acre, over
100 acres cleared with a large and commodious
House, a large barn and other buildings thereon.
Aslo a large orchard of choice fruit trees Any
information ean bo obtained by applying to II. B.
Swoopc. Esq., Clearfield. Pa. or to the uudersined.
Pscpirrd Originti 'ly by Prof. urall . formcrl i; nf
the Cullt.ae of Snnrron. Pari., is now offered to
the public forthe cure of all those diseases in which
alteratives and resolvents arc indicated. Tlicc
pilis arc rendered void of taste by which means
the most delicate stomach can take them as well
as the smallest child.
From three to five boxes will cure the worst
case of Scrofula.
From two to four boxes wiH cure the worst case
of Salt Rheum.
From two to 3 boxes will cure Ihe Ring Worm.
One box will cure Scaly Eruptions of the Skin.
From two to four boxes will cure all ol 1 Ulcers
and Running Sores.
One box will cure Humors in the Eyes.
From one to three boxes will cure the m st in
veterate ease of Nursing Sore Mouth.
From ono to two boxes will oure the eeverest
ense of scabby head in children.
From three to six boxes will cure the (common
ly called) thick neck or Goitre. '
From two to four boxes will cure the Dropsy.
From one to three boxes will enre Juandiee.
From two to six pills will cure tho Sick Head
Ache when accompanied with Billious
One box will cure tho Fever and Ague.
For all diseases arising from an impure state of
the blood, and bilious habits, the TasteltssGn'van
ic PHIaxk the best pills ever known in tbe annals
of medicine. 25 cents pr Dor. Any agent on
receipt of 41 will send four boxes to "any part of
the United States, free of postage.
J. D. STOXEROAD, Proprietor.
aug25-'5S-y Lewistown, Pa.
For sale by Moore 4 Elzweiler, Clearfield, Pa.,
and by country merchants generally.
zine or the a;e. ts f.vtitled
It is devoted exclusively to the Instruction aud
Entertainment of Freemasons, their Wives, Fam
iies, and Friends. Each number contains Por
traits of distinguished Freemasons, ami other En
gravings, by the best Artists; and tho articles bv
Or. A. Cr. Miriru, Ren. Grnrgr. Oli ver, Giles p.
Vntet, Albert Pile. Rob. 2-Iorris. John Dove. J.
Thro. IPilly. and others, comprise Masonic Law,
History, Jurisprudence, and Belle? Lettrcs. from
the Pens of tho leading Masonic Authors of the
present century. Asa Masonic Monthly Magazine
it Las no equal, either in beauty of Mechanical
execution, or Value of its articles, in the World.
Erch niothly part contains as much reading mat
ter, not to speak cf tho costly engravings illustra
ting the same, us all the other monthly issues of
the Masonic Press in America, rolled into one. It
is acknowledged to be the Monthly Magazine of
the Age.
Single subscriptions, I year, poxtpau!,
.. .. j years,
Clubs of Two to Eicht. each
.1 00
r. oo
2 30
2 00
Clubs of any number above Eight, each
The Cash in all cases must aecomnatn- the or
ders. The subscriptions for each year commence
with the first (January) number of tht year, thus
supplying the subscriber with the lasonie Ro
mance series complotc. But the work being ste
reotyped, any number or series of nnmbers will
bo mailed, postpaid, on recoipt of tbe price, 23
cents each. Address
J. F. BREXXAX, Editor and Publisher,
July 7, loaf1 Louisville. Ky.
A Ciilet of Gems of IVir and IVivlom.''
Of pact and Fanni. IV'it and HiiMor.
Rhyme, Rxason, an-d Ronitnc. r.niTsn cr s. o.
Uctuvn. handsotnt'y Lo'tn l in red morocco, with
gilt side and baei- ; containing 750 pages, mid Il
lustrated fry "00 li'nnti f'ttl Engravi iigs. Tho de
sign of this book is to bring whole libraries into a
single voiumo to furnish a mental meal for every
day and every hour for every taste humor, age.
caprice a book for the grave and gay. the oh! and
young: we have, therefore. Science and Phyloso
phy. Rhyme and Reason. Wit and Wisdom," Fact
and Fancy, which, put together as they come, pro
duce a sort of intellectual plum pudding, inas
much as the whole is peppered and spiced with
puns, conundrums, and drolleries, to say nothing
of a garnish of three hundred engravings.
Iu these pages are given the essences of thought
and sentiment from Goe4he. Svdnev Smith. Sam
Johnson, and many others ; clerical anecdotes, Hi
bernian eccentricities, Western extravaganzes,
gathered from the four tcinds of tlie Press; out
lines of the talcs of Don Quixote and Oil Bias; of
the Fables of Flavian and Lafontaine; of tbe epic
poems of Jerusalem Delivered, Telcmacbus. Or
land Furioso. and others; of Ihe Life and Savings
of Mr?. Partington and tho Widow Bedott; of the
Bonsby Papers and the Green Mountain Girls; of
the Life of Sam Houston, Gerard tbe lion-killer,
Cummins thff ifnhant-destrover, and Livingston
the giraffe-chascY ; of Stevens' Travels in Egvpt
and Palestine Paul and Virginia. Alexander Du-
acuity xwuiusou, .Hr. UllJUOn ftSU
Sam Patch ; with spicy citations of prose and po
etry, from the niaster-c-pirits of the dav Lonf.l.
low, Bryant, Bayard Taylor, Dr. Kane, Commo
aoro t erry, et3. it lurmsnes also, a fund of in
formation for the serious the Natural History of
the Bible, which is a subject of cxbautless .inter
est ; striking facts in Astronomy, Chemistry, and
Natural History; remarkable Liographies. inter
esting Travels, and Wonderful Discoveries in Art
and Science.
Peter Parley, the editor of this book, has a world
wide reputation, as an arthor his writings hav
ing become familiar as household words wherever
the English language is spoken. This is his last
work, and we predict for it a popularity equal, if
not superior, to that acquired by any of his form
er publications. CThis Toik will be sold ex
elttsivly by subscription, at the low price cf S3 50.
Agents wanted in all parts of the country to ob
tain subscribers for it Specimen copies will be
sent by mail, prepaid, to any address on receipt
of the prLio. For full particulars addres
DER1IY A JACKSON. Publishers
Ang 11 -'33. 1!9 Nassau St . New-York.
rf! JBACC'i AND CIGARS. An assortment just t
jl opone i ana lor sate at t"ia store of . i
November ia.
FLOUR, Oats, "Rye". c., tor sale at the cheap i
i-wof JOHN f ATIQN.Carwennillo. '
AT. SCI1RY VEK has resumed the r.raOe
of medicine, and will attend promptly to til
calls in his profession, by day or sbt. Resi
dence opposite the Methodist church in the Bor
Aiih nf Clearfield. May 12th. Ibo
A Pittsucroh, Pa.
Chaktibid. lfeSa-
Sod St.iuienu AiLniiiii& Jannnrv. 163$. Now th
largest and most thorough Commercial School of
the United States. Young men prepared for ac
tual duties of tho Counting Room.
J 0. Smith, A M.. Profisor of Book-keeping
and Science of Accounts.
A T. Dovthett. Teacher cf Arithmetic- end
Commercial calculation.
J. A. Hetdbick and T C. oKtvs. Teachers cf .
Book-keeping. '
A Cow icy and W. A. Miller, Pxofcsson of
as need in every department of busiueas.
cov.vkkcial ARirnvETio-isArm i.ceifc&s wkitisc-
w-are taught, ud all
other subjects nece?5ary for the success and tbor
otigh education of a practical business mu.
12 PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premiums in
j Pittsburgh for the past three years. nlo in East
i ern and Western Cities, for" best Wri ting, NOT
at any lime Xo vacation Time unlimited Re
view at pleasure Graduates assisted in obtaiuing
situations Tuition for Full Commercial Courso.
S33.00 Average time 8 to 12 weeks Board. S2.M1
per week Stationary. S6.ll0 Entirecosl, 530.00 to
570.00. L"t?Miiiister' sons roocived at half price.
For Card Circular Specimens of Business and
OrnaineutaLWriting ir.close two stamp?, aud ad-
September 1. ljS.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
n r
Is the place where all luc folioving articles can
be had at reduced prices : Bar 1 ron of all sixes by
the small or by the quantity; Cost Stce!, of ran
ous sizes and best quality ; a large assortment of
Stoves, anion? which will be found the NEW
Eli i-ited Minnesota. ALSO, a largo assortment
of Nine plates and Parlor Stoves, and Air Tights
of various patterns. ALSO, Plows of the brat
and latest patterns. ALSO, of their own mao
ufaeturin? a large assortment of Tin-ware, Stor
pipe. Sheet-iron pans of all sizes, and all articles
of the kind in their line kept always on hand.
House Spouting done to order, and Tin Roofing
done with dispatch. ALSO, a large assortment
of all kinds of lmuso keeping utensils constantly
on hand. COUXTit V MERCHANTS are in
vited to call, as they can be accommodated at
very low figures, with anytbicg in our lino. All
orders will be thaiikfuMr received and promptly
attended to. O. IS. MLR REEL,
L. K. CAltTi.K.
N. B. They will also receive every variety!
tides on commission, nt low rates. M. A 0.
The undersigned bus recently fitted up a room
enc door west of his old stand "on Market Street.
Clearfield borough, where he bas opened a new
asortmeut of seasonable arid fashionable goods.
His stock consists of a general variety of the best
and all other articles usually kept in a country
store. Among which can bcYouml the following :
and nil artie'es gcneraly u?ed by housekeeper.
My former customers, and the public at large,
are invited to call and exarsine the goods and
judge for themselves of the quality and prices, as
it is my desire to soil at rales to suit the times.
Remember that the newly fitted up store room
on Market Street, (opposite the Clearfield House
and one door west of his former location.) is the
place to bny goods low for CASH, as many of tho
articles have been purchased at reduced prittes.
This is the place to receive a fair equivalent for
your money, these hard times.
Country produce taken in exchange for goods
.May 2ti. WM. F. IRWIX.
SPLENDID GIFTS ! : ! ! ! At 4"9 Chest,
nut SOtet The only Original Gift Boot Stor.
G. G. EVANS would inform his friend and tho
public that his Star Gilt Rook Store and Publish
ing House is permanently established in Brown'a
splendid Iron Ruildipg. 43'J Chestnut Street, two
doors below Fith. where the purchaser of each
book, at the regular retail price, will receive one
of the follow iDg gifts, valued at from -3 cents to
One Hundred Dollars. WORTH EACfl
330 Patent EnglLh Lever Gold Watches, 5100 00
3;-0 Patent Anchor ' 50 00
400 Ladies Gold Watches. lSk. cases. .la 00
600 Silver Hunting Watches, warranted, 15 00
3!0 Parlor Timepiece". 10 00
300 Cameo Sets. Ear Drops and Tics. 10 00
5011 Ladies'GoId Drae lets, 5 00 lo 12 00
300 Gents' Vest ond Fob Chains. 10 Ol)
1000 Gold Lockets, (large size double case,) 10 00
2U00 Gold Lockets, (small size.) 3 00
1000 Gold Pencil Cases, w ith Gold Pens, 5 OU
lflOrt Extra Gobi Tens, with cases and holders. 3 5j
'.'jOQ Gold Pencils. (Ladies'.)
23t0 Gold Pens, with SiD-cr Pencils.
6300 Gold Rings. (Ladies,)
2n00 Gents" Gold Rings,
2300 LndicV Gold Breastpin-,
23011 Mrt.na' lin'.A n..,.t..;o
2 00
2 30
1 CO
3 39
1 5;i
1 to
1 09
2 5
2 30
2 30
5 00
5 00
1 50
23(,'0 LadicsGoid Pcns.wilhc:
teases and hulJcri.
.' I'ocfeet lvcirts.
2000 Seti Gents' Gold Eoom Stud,
i'100 Sets Gents' Sleee Buttons.
2000 Pairs of Ladie" Ear Drops.
it 00 Ladies" Pearl Card Cases.
13O00 Ladies Cameo. Jet. or Mosaic Tics.
2300 Ladies" Shswl tnd Ribbon Pins.
5000 Articles of Gold Jewelrv. Gift Rooks. 4
enumerated ir the above, worth from 25cts tofj
Lvaus' new Catalogue, whith is sent free to all
parts of the country, contains all the most popular
books of the day. and the newest publications, all
of which will be sold a.3 low as they can be ob
tained at other stores. " -
Agents wanted in every town in tin; Union.
Those desiringso to act, ean obtain full particu
lars by addressing as above.
N. B. Being largely interested in publishing
I ;.oks. and buying lroui other publishers iu im
mense quantities, for caih, I am enabled lo make
larger discounts to Country Ageut and Book Deal
ers than can be had at any other house in the coun
try. OTAny book published ia thel'nitcd States,
the retail price of which, is one dollar or upward,
will be promptly senf. Gift included, on receipt of
publisher 8 price. tAl extra SI Rook and Gift
given lo an person ordering ten books to bo sent
to ono address. Send for a Catalogue.'
Address, G. G. EVANS. Publisher.
Aug. 23,D53. 3m 4;i9 Chestnut St., PhiTjiJ .
HO! FOR CP R W E N S V 1 L I. BI ' ? '
JOSHUA E. BAKER informs hU old eus-""- :
tomers and tho public generally. tbatTic hag ta- T
ken entire control of the CAB IXET MAKING
iHOP formerly occupied by Baker & Rex, where
he is prepared to furnish Biireans. Tables Bad.
stead. Ire., at all times. ALSO. COFFINS mads'
to order, and burials attended with Hears - ,
Country produce of all kinds taken in excoaoV
for work. Shep on Walnut street, opposiie titles'
Blacksmith-shop. Corwensville. ' AngA-'53-3t
4 BLACKSMITH desirous of doing a
-fi business, can secure a shop with a 1
custom, by applying immediate! r tu
good .
September 1. 1S5S.
1 M AXTILTAS.Vhawla, Bonnets. SkeN
--J eton Skirta. and Ladies ilrm roods of all
kinds for sale low by JOHN PATTON
Curwensvillc May 12. 1333
11 . 1 'f Jb' received 30 burrels Extra Fanv
- uj riosr,
which will be sold low for each by
December 2.
""1ARPET.3, Oil Cloths. Window Shades, Ae , ctn
v ue prnrea at tne store ot