TERMS OF TI1K JOURNAL. . Tha RarrswAVs Jor wl is published on ATcd eeaday at SI. 64 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year. 52-00 will be charged. Asjvektisejiexts will be inserted at 1:00 per square of 12 lines for three or less insertions. For very additional insertion 25 cents will be charg- i- a aeauctiou win be made to yearly advertisers.-- - . No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and do paper will be discontinued un til ail arrearages are paid, except tt the option of the publisher. . . . , 1 B. ROW. ;- COl'XTy DIRECTORY. Frest Judge Hon. James Eurnsidc.Bellcfoure.Pa Aa'te.Judgcs Hon. Win. L. Moore. Clearfield Hon. Benjn. Ror.sall. J.utUersburg. -heriflf. -. - . Josiali 11. Reed, . . Clearfield . Prothonotary, George Waltess, . . . -: Reg. A Koe. -. James W'rigley, . . Trca.urer. . . John McPher.-on, . . ; . Co. Surveyor, John L. Cuttle, . . .. " . Cotaini&a'u'rs. Jaeol Wilhelm, .' . Grahaiuton. , ,i. John Irwin. Sr. . ', . Clearfield. George Brbar-I, . . NewMillport. Auditors. . . Francis Pearee, . . Woodland. ... Peter Hoover, -. . Curwensville. Aaron C-Tate, . . Clearfield. Su s q r r. n a n n a norsE, CnrrVHAcilte, Cettrfirld Count. PcmCa. The subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Hotel. Philipsburg, having taken the above house, situate in the ea?t end ol the Borough, ol Curwensville. on the bank of the Susquehanna K iver, would res peetfnlly announce to the travelling public, that he is fully prepared to accommodate strangers and all often who may f.ivor hiin with a call. The lionse is new, well furnished, large and com modious, and traveller? Trill find every convetience necessary to their eorofori. Ami le wtahlinff is at tached to the premie DAVID JOHNSTON. Curwensville. February 1". 1K.V?. MT. VERNON IIOI'SE, U Mr.K.R CITY, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. Theund. r igned notifies th public that he has opened out the above named house, and that he is well pre pared to accommodate all who may favor him with a eall. The honse is three stories high, i commodious and weli famished, and no pains will be spared to render satisfaction to guests. His Bar is always supplied vt ith ehoiee lienors of oil kinds. Tlrere is plenty of st.iMing connected with the house. He solicits a shnre of public patron age. L. W. TEN EYCK. Lumber City. April 21. 1.-58-3m-pd. TO ALL WANTING FARMS, sec advertisement of Ilatnninnton Lands. Sept. 8. 1858, TO ALL WANTING FA KM., see advertisement of Hainmonton Land. Sept. 8 1858. TO ALL WANTING FARMS, see advertisement of Hammonton Land.'. Sept 8. 1858. TO ALL WANTING FARMS, see advertisement of Hammonton Land. Sept. S. 1858. TO ALL WANTING FARMS, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Sept. f. 1836. TO ALL WANTING FARMS, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Sept.8-"5S-;tm 4 II. C. BROCKE.N. Hi'lifTSt .Xen-Ynrl- 2 jfjksrFA'.Ti her op CLASS SYRINGES. HOMOEOPATHIC VIALS. GRADUATE! MEAS URES. NUKSING BOTTLES, ETC Glass Ware for Chemists. Orudis?. Perfumers. Photograph ers, etc. Green lilws Wrc by the package. A liberal "discount made to the trade. Orders from tVwntry Druggists and liealers solicited. Price Lists sent on application Aug. 4. 18."8-Sia. 1 ACRES OF LAA'D, on the Erie Tiirn .liwv pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville, and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same will f sold on accommodating terms. The land lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is well covered with choice pine timber suitable for shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill near by. Apply to L. J. CRANS. mr- Clearfield. JOHN RUSSELL CO., TAXXERSAXD cci:riers, renuruu. cu-irfieid cv. pa. Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortnien of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowca cash prices. Hides taken in exchange. July 15. 1854. HAMMONTON LANDS. ;W England Settlement. Rare i)pportunity. To all tcauttHg Farm in a healthy place, limuif-fict nilt froiu Philadelphia, ou the Camden and At lantic Railroad, New Jersey. An obi estate has recently been opened for sale, and the first divi sion of 10.01'it acres divided up into firms of 20 a cres and upward 1 he soil is of tUt brut quality for the production of fruits, grains. Ac. The price is 515 to 520 per acre, payable in ca?y quarter yearly instalments, within a term of four years, ith interest. The terms are made easy, in'ordcr to insure the rapid improvement of the land, bv enabling tivrj nolustriunt uitm to buy a farm. It is now bcin extensively improve! by good roads, and some '" the bt citizens from New England and the Middle States are erecting large improve ments. It is a scene of the greatest improvement Ut of Philadelphia Seventy-five houses have been built in 4 months. Practical farmers and bu siness men from the length and breadth of the U nicii are settling there. It is an important busi ness place, on account of its being iu the midst of a great market. Every article raised on this land finds an immediate sale. The water is excellent, and no such thing as fever is known. The soil is a, sandy or clay luam. with a city bottom and rr sentirr of manures. It is free of stones and easily worked. It abounds largely in the phosphates, and such is its fertility that from the crops pro duced both upon this "land and the area adjoin ing under culiiratlon. it will be found not Jo be excelled anwhere in the production of crops most adapted to its market. The reader may be well aware that the earliest and the best fruits and veg etables come from New Jersey, which are annual ly exported to the amount of millions of dollars. The land, besides being accessible in every way for fertilizers, has an abundant supply of the best quality of muck manure. Lumber and building materials can be Lad on the spot at a cheap price, from the mills Other mills are now beiug opened, and brickyards being sKarted on the ground. A person can put up a frame tenement for present convenience for one hundred dollars. On account of the extensive em igration, this is the best course to pursue in order to get a place to live in at first. Carpentersand buil ders are on hand to put up houses on the best terms. xu seiii.ng ncre tne einizrant has raanv advan settled country, wh Te every improvemect and comfort of civilization is at hand ; he is in a heal thy place, and is not subject to the certainty of losing the greater part of his family and his own health by those malignant fevers which make the graves of so many millions of the young and har dy in far off regions away from home and friends. Besides, he has a mild climate and an opeu winter. There are three trains daily to Philadelphia and to all those who improve the railroad compa ny civet a free ticket. The reader will at once be struck with the ad vantages here prevented, and ask himself why the property nas not been lateen np bctore. Ibe rea son is, it was never thrown in the market : and un less these statements were correct no one would be invited to examine the land before purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see the land under cultivation ; they will meet persons, no uuuoi, irom weir own neighborhood ; tney will witness the improvements, and can judge of the character of the population. Persons should come prepared to purchase, as manv are locating, and locations are tut held on refusal. -J5 i U"mmo"tn Farmer, a monthly literary and Agricultural sheet, containing full informatioa k?" B; W,1I-be scnt 1,1 each inquirer, and C? e CJ'1 2 cent, pe, annnm. liJ 1a.u,rnUWe- Warrantee deeds given, S.?d Ri,,U!?b?nC,e' Then money U paid. Koote to the land :-Lcave Vine .,. l,.rf ;L i Y M 1 "hcn tbere iDfloi for Mr Byraea. Bearding convenience, will be found .Letters and applications can be addressed to S, r" S??ilH?' 2l Uth liTth Strcet Philadelphia. Maps and information cheerfully furnished. - Sept. 8. lSjS-.W. A Lot of good Grindstones, with fixtures, for sale T JOHN P ATT ON. Curwensrille. JAILS An assortment just received at the store k . . Kot2IV1 ; WM F. IRWIN. tages. Jte is witnin a Tew hours ride of thegreat cities in the Middle States and New England ; ho is near his old friends and a..iiir;,.r.a l, IOR SALE, THE FARM occupied by jWhn F. Wiley iu Ferguson township, containing 106 acres, 30 acres cleared ; house, barn and other buildings thereon erected. . ; r ' .; f -. ALSO, 50 acres of land or the timber thereon; situate in Pike township within one and a half miles of the river on a good road to haul. For farther description and terms apply to L. J. CRANS." - - 7 May 20. 1557. Clearfield CAUTION. All persons are hereby cantion- ed against buying or in any way cicidlir.g with the following property, to wit ; 1 timber sled. I two-hor?e waggon, 1 yoke of oxen. 1 raft timber of 34uO feet in the woods, 4 hogs. The above pro perty, now in possession of John Robison. of Chest township, has only been left in his eare, and is subject to my ord-.T. July 21. lc-.d-3m.. JI T. PATTOX. CONOR ESS. G Wge Mbass. Esq., is an In dependent Anti-Lccompton. Protective Tariff candidate for Congress, in the 23d Congressional District. Subject only to the decision of the peo ple at the ballot-box. Curlsville. July gth, 1S5S; augllte GENE UAL ELECTION PROCLAMA TION. Whereas, by an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An net to regulate the Genera! Election within this Caminonwcalth,"' it is enjoined on the Sheriffs of the several counties to give public no tice of such election, the places where to be held, and the oflicers to be elected ; Thekefore, I, JOSI A II II. REED. High Sheriff of Clearfield county. do hereby are puUic notice to the Electors of the county of Clearfield, that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held on the fiiri-oud Taeiufntt vf Octolutr urj-i. (being the TWELFTH day or the month.) at the several, election districts in said county, at which time and place the qualified voters in ill vole For One person for Supreme Judge of the Com monwealth ; For One person for Canal Commissioner of the Com monwealth ; For tine person to represent the counties of Clear field. Clarion, Elk, Forest, Jefferson. McKean. Venango, and Warren in the Houfe of Repre sentatives of the United States; For Two persons to represent the counticsof Clear field. Jefferson. Elk and McKean in the House of Representatives of this Commonwealth ; For One person for the office of District Attorney of Clearfield county : For One person for the ofiice of Sheriff of Clear field county ; For Ore person for the ofiice of Commissioner of t Iearfield countv : For One person for the effioe of Coroner of Clear field county ; For One person for the office of Auditor of Clear nela county The electors of the countv of Clearfield will take notice that the said General Election will be held at the following places : At tbe Court House in the Corouz-h of Clearfield for Lawrence township At the house of William Hoover for the town ship of Bradford. At the house of John Goss for the townshin of Decatur. At the house of Samuel M. Smith for the town ship of L'eccaria. At the house of Isaac Bloom, jr , in the Boro' of Curwcnsvilre, for Pike township. At the house of Jacob Maurcr for the township of Covingten At the iionsc formerly occupied by Wm. C. Fo ley, for Brady township. At the house of Samuel Smith for the township of Penn. At the school house near Simon Rorabaugh!, for the township of Chest At Congress Hill school house for the township of Girard. At the honse formerly occupied by Tho3. Kyler, for Morris township. At the house of John Young for the township of Burnside. At the house of Aseph Ellis, for the township of Bell. 1 At tho school honse in Ansonvillo for the town ship of Jordan. At the house of Jesse Wilson for the township of Huston. At the house of Thomas B Davis, for the town ship of Ferguson. At tbe bouse of John I. Bundv f r the town ship of Fox. At the house of John Whiteside for the town ship of Woodward. At the public school house for the township of Goshen. At the honse of B. D. Hall k Co., for the town ship of Karthaus. At the house of R. W. Moore for the township of Union. At the house of Andrew Cross for the township of Boggs At the Turkey Hill school house for the town ship of Knox. At the house of Jacob Hubler for the township of Graham. .t thi house of Isaac Bloom, jr., for the Borough of Curwensville. At the public school house for the Borough of Lumber City. At the Court House for the Borough of Clear field. XOTrCE IS FURTHER HEREBY GIVEN. That all persons, except Justices of the Pea ?e. who shall hold any office or appointment of trust, under the government of the United States or of this State, or of any incorporated district, whether a com missioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the Le gislative, Executive or Judicial Departments of this State or of the United States, or any city or in corporated district, and a'so that every member of Congress and ol the State Legislature, or of the common or select council of any city, or commis sioner of any incorporated district, are by law in capable of holding or exercising, at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspec tor, or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth : and that no inspector, judge, or other officer of any such election, shall be eligible to any oftioe voted for. And the Return Judges of the respective dis tricts aforesaid are requested to meet at the Court House, in tho Borough of Clearfield, on the Firxt FriJasf next after the said Second Tuesday of Oc tober, then and there to do those things required tf them by law. . GIVEN under my hand and seal, at Clearfield .this First day of September in the rear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty eizht, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-second. J. R. REED. Sheriff. SCI EN TI FIC A M ERICA X . PR0SPEC TUS. Xuliiulf. Fotirtren begins Z?cptemrer 11. 1 53-3. MECHANICS, INVESTORS. MANU FACTURERS AND FARMERS. The Scientific American has now reached its FourUxnth Year, and will enter upon a New Volume on the 1 1th of Soptember. It is the only weekly publication of the kind now issued in this country, and it has a very extensive circulation in all the States of the Union. It is not, as some might suppose from its title, a dry, abstruse work on technical science ; on the contrary, it so deals with the great events go ing on in the scientific, mechanical and industrial i " k3,as to please and instruct every one. If the -Mechanic or Artizan wsshes to kuow the best ma chine iu use. or how to make any substance em ployed in his business if the House-wife wishes to get a recipe for making a good color. Ac if the Inventor w18hes to know what is going on in -; l Z.L ? 'nrroveents-if the Manufacti wihes to keep posted with the times, and to ploy the best facilities in hi K..;-a. ;r urer em- f 1 , , . . "Mo.uvca ii Lilt .11 ill of Leisure and Study wishes to keep himself fa miliar with the progress made in ihP,.h,m;oi i-u Man oratory.or in the construction of telegraphs. steam ships, railroads, reapers, mowers, and a thousand other machines and appliances, both of peace and war all these desulenaa can be found in the "Sci entific American," and not el.ttwhere. They are here presented in a reliable and interesting form, adapted to the comprehension of minds unlearned in the higher branches of science and art. TERMS One copy, one year. S2 ; One copy, six months, SI; Five copies, six months, S4; Ten cop ies, six months, Ten copies, twelvemonths, "A" Eiftecn copies, twelve months. S22; Twenty copies, twelve months, S2-L in advance. bpecimea copies sent gratuitously for inspec tion. Southern and Western money, or Postage J-tamps. taken for subscriptions l-fTLetters should be directed to MUNXACO., r-vr 128 Fu'ton-Street, New-York. uo- .Messrs. Munn i Co. are extensively engaged in procuring patents for new invention and will nor''.f withont charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. Aug! 18, 183. GrXICII & TJENXER, would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and public generally that they have entered into co-partntr-ship in the CABIXET MAKIXG BUSTXESS. and keep constantly on hands, and manufacture to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consisting of Dining, reiikast, and Centre Tables, Setciag, Writing, and Wash-Stands, Mahogany, and Common Bed-s!e.-ids ; Mahogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs, Bureaus, Sofas. Lounges. &tt.. Ac. CoEns made and funerals attended on the short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate accompanynients. House Painting done on the shortest notice. -Shop end Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi ed by JohnGulich, mearly opposite the vJewStore, Clearfield. Pa JOHNGULICH, May 22, 'io.-ly. DANIEL BENNER. CA CARD FROM DR. JAMES M. JAR KETT, OF THE NEW-YORK" LUXG IN FIRMARY, My connection for th past eight years with the above Institution, as Chief Physi cian, and a twelve years' courseof steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and its kindred UUeascs. together with my unrivalled op portunities and advantage of pathological research aided not a little by a perfect system of Medical Inhalation lias enabled me to arrive at a deci sive, direct, and successful course of treatment for the positive and radical cure of all diseases of tho Throat. Lung, andAit-passagtf. By Inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines are directly addressed tolhc diseased organsof the in tegument. I do not advise the use of Medical In halation of any kind, to the exclusion of general treatment ; and although I consider it a useful ad juvant in the proper management of those fearful and often filial discas;s. yet I deem it very neces sary that caeh paiient should have the benefit of both general and local treatment. The success of my treatment in the above diseases, and the high character of tho Institution over which I have so long had tbe honor to preside, are too well known to need any eulogy or comment from me. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the above charity has been long and liberally supported. and after due consideration. 1 have concluded to make such arrangements as will bring the benefits of my experience and treatment within the reach of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those on ly who entered the Infirmary,, or who were able to visit me at my office. Hoping therefore that the arrangement .will give entire satisfaction, both to my professional brethren and the public. T would respectfully annonncc in conclusion, that 1 can now be consulted jterxonally or ly letter, on all d:s cases as above, and that tbe medicines, the same as used in the Institution, prepared to suit each in dividual case. Inhaling Vnporx. Hindi eal Inha ler, ilrc. Ire . will bo forwarded by express to any part of the United States or the Cnnadas. Tf.isms My terms of treatment by letter arc ns follows, viz: 12 per month for each patient, which will include medicine sufficient for one month's use; also. Inhaling Vapor, and an Inhaling Apparatus. Payment as follows : $:? to be paid to Express A gent on receipt of the box of Medicine, and the balanco S(i at the expiration of the month, if the patient be cured or is entirely satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of theircase, and thcirsymptoicsin full, can be treat ed as well by letter as by personal examination. Patients availing themselves cf Dr. Jarrett's treat ment may rely upon immediate nr.d permanent relief, as he seldom has to treat a case over thirty days. Letters for advice promptly aLSwcrcd. For further particulars address JAMES M. JARRETT. M. D. No. 820 Broadway, corner Twcltth St..X. Y. P- S Physicians and others visiting Ibe city are respectfully invited to call at the Infirmary, wuero mauy interesting cases can be witnessed. and where our improred ayptrattts for the inha lation ot metiicatea vapor can be seen and in spectca. New-York, August 4, lSoS. Cm. rruiE c; HEAT EST X THE A OK. BIOGRAPHY OF NOW READY: THR 1,11' Ii yr 11UIMAS JKhtERSUX, ha Hen ry S. RnndaJl. LL. 1). In 3 volumes, oeiaca. This work contains upwards of 2.000 pages, is prin ted ou fiue paper, and handsomely bound in va rious styles. It is illustrated by several engrav ings on steel, and numerous far similes ; among the former are two fine portraits of Jefferson. The fuc similes embrace, among others, the original draft of the Declaration of independence, in Jcf fcrson jown hand-writing. This is, in every sense, an authorized irorl-: it was undertaken under the approbation of his fam ily, and with an unreserved access to all the pri vate papers of Jefferson in their possession ; and has received the benefit of their recollections and opinions at every step. The work contains the expressions of Jefferson on every great public question which arose, from his advent to public life to bis death a period of about sixty years, and embracing tbe whole form ing period of the Republic. It contains Jeffer son 9 heretofore unpublished family correspon dence; selections fioni his finest published letters, state papers, etc., etc , etc. t)PIXIOXS OF THE rilESS. "No other Lifo of Jefferson ever published probably none that ever will be published can bear any comparison to this in thorougncss. full ness of incidcat and conscientious fidelity. .... This biography has evidently been a labor of love Snd tho years of patient, assiduous toil it has cost have been given with ungrudging, untiring enthu siasm." S'rir. York Tribune. "At length the public have a Life of Thomas Jef ferson that is not only fascinating, and thercforo sure to be popular, bu" one that will stand the es sentia! historic test that of accuracy and truth fnlness. It is seen that the ground-work of the whole is authentic cotemporary material, a ad of tbe highest order. To gather it has been the work of years. We would not compare this volume with that inimitable and incomparable biography of Boswell. and yet so faithful is the portraiture that Jefferson is made to draw of himself, that his na ture, his very soul, is deliniated with a distinct ness not unlike that in which Johnson stands out iu the pages of Boswell.' Boston J?ot. "Imbued with that enthusiastic admiration of his subject, without which a biographer is rarely successful, Mr. Randall nevertheless docs not seek to hide whatever faults ho may find, either from himself or from the reader. He prints the picture as Cromwell insisted his should be painted, "warts and all." The picture gains by this in life-like coloring, without losing any of its majestic propor tions." Albany Eremng Journal. "Xo one who runs his eye, however casually, o vcr this work, will fail to be satisfied that Mr.Ran da.Il has added very largely to the stock of the world's information about Jefferson, that he has had access to sources hitherto unexplored, and that he has done more than was ever done by any one before him to illustrate the personality of that great statesman." X. Y. Evening Post. "We have read with delight Mr. Randall's cap tivating details of Mr. Jefferson's personal history, which he has seduously gathered, and admirably grouped together, from a great variety of authen tic sources, hitherto unexplored. Out of the tempt ing richness of his materials, the able and clear sighted author has constructed a book, at once most entertaining and instructive one that should be studied by every patriot of the land." Rich mond, Va., Eii'fitirer. "There can be only one opinion as to the abili ty, general impartiality and industry which Mr. Randall has brought into combination in the com position of this biography He has worthily executed a much wanted book." Fhil tuleJphia Press. . "It will take place among the choicest classics of American literature, and be consulted by eve ry future historian of this country." Philadel phia Ereuing- Bulletin. "We like it because it neither conceals, palliates, exaggerates, nor distorts, but approaches, in everv instance, ar.d in every particular, tbe career of tbe noble character whoso opinions have done so much to shape the domestic and foreign policy of the notion he contributed so greatly to call "into existence." .V. O. True. Djta. rvT,1nmWillbe S0LD EXCLUSIVELY ? 5 iR" "V-' atthe low price of S7 50 handsomely oound in cloth. Experienced Canvassing Agents wanted, in all parts of the country, to obtain subscribers for this work. Applicants should state w hat counties they would like to canvass. Specimen copies will be sent by mail, pre-paid to any address, on receipt of tho price. ' For full particulars address ; DERBY A JACKSON, Publishers, A. 119 A x?jiiN Street JStw 1 9tk NSONVILLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. J. The property formerly occupied by James Smith, being .'5 adjoining lots, having a two story Clunk house. 31 by IS feet, and a pluLk shop, 21 y li feet, thereon erected, is for sale, or rent, on accommodating terms. t Apply to March 21. L. J. CRANS. Clearfield. GR A II A M T ON AHEAD!! Xoic is the Time for Harguht Xoir is the Time, for H.xrg-iins'.'.' ' The undersigned" has just received from the East and opened at his store tn Graham toa. Clearfield county, an extensive ard well selected stock of S'PUIXO AXP SUMMER GOODS. embracing every vaiicty of Dry Uood3, Hardware, yueensware. Groceries, etc.. etc. These goods have been selected with an especial view to supply tbe wants of this community, and will be sold on the most reasonable terms. " They will POSITIVELY bo sold as cheap as the cheap est in the country, for CASH. Particular attention has been paid to the selec tion of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, among which are Plain and Fancy Silks. Plain Bareges. Challes. Barege Delaine, Robes, Embroidered collap and sleeves. Kid Gloves ; Shawls, a great variety ; Man tillas ; Trimmings; Silk and Linen Fringes; Bon nets of the latest styles; Bonnet Ribbons and trim mings. Vc. Also, Parasols, Hosiery. Gloves. Mils. Bisop ami India Mulls, Jackonets, Domestic and French Ginghams, Lawns, Calicoes, Barred nnd Check Muslin, Diapers, Crash, Napkins, Ladies' Gaiters, children's shocs.tVc, and there is no doubt that all can be well suited. ALSO, French cloths and cassimeres. American cloths and cassimeres. Marseilles vestings. Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps and a general assortment of mens and hoys' Summer wear. He has also a stock of READY-MADE CLOTH ING, which he will sell low. The undersigned is determined to sell his goods at the lowest prioes for CASH. This is not mere pretence and vain boast he fill do it. JAMES B. GRAHAM. . Grabamton. May 2d. 1838. EMOVAL OP ROBINS' LITERARY DEPOT. Thomas Robins1 having removed his Book and Drug Store to the Store Room formerly occupied by Rishard Shaw k Son. one door West of the "Mansion House," where he is prepared to accom modate his former customers and the public gen erally, with everyihing in his line. Having late ly added a general assortment of Groceries to his formar stock, he is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call, with COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, MOLASSES, Ac , Ac. Also, frith BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AXD STYLES, Stntionaru. FAXCY ARTICLES AXD COXFECTIOXARIES, Tobacco ami Cigars, DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, Chcntic'jjs. A-c., &-c. A-c. Among his stock will be found Histories, Biogra phies, Sketches, School Books. Poetical, Scientie, Mechanical, Medical and Law works; the latest publications always on hand or procured to order ; all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish ers prices ; fancy ar.d common letter paper ; plain and ruled cap paper ; perforated paper ; note pa per ; fiincy and common envelopes; blank Deeds; a great variety of Steel Pens; common and fancy pen-holders, pencils. Ac. Ac. Ac, which he wiU sell at the most reasonable prjecs. His stock of Drugs. Medicines. Dye-stuffs. Painta, Ac, is large and well selected ; among which nre Calomel, Blue Mass. Quinine. Morphia. Red Pre cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pnlverized ; Rochclle and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar. Sulphur, Senr na. Pink Root, Sup. Car nato Soda. Tartaric A cid, Sulphite of Zinc ; Liquorice, Co'umlo and Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Btje Vitriol, Coperas, Alum. Red Lead. Prussian Blue, Chrome Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra de Sienna, and in fact a general assortment. He has also a fine lot of Ladies Gold Breast Pins, Ear Drops, Finger Rings. Ac. Also, Watch Guards and Keys. Penknives, Hair oils; Hair, Reading, Fine ar.d Pocket combs, Tooth-picks, Ra zors and Strops. Sadlers' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variety. Also. Prunes. Figs, Kairius, Almonds. Pea-nuts and Filberts ; Candies a general assortment ; Cin amon. Cloves. Pepper, and other spices; Blacking, and Spool Cotton ; the most popular Patent Med icines of tbe day ; all of which will be sold at the very cheapest rates. Call and examine the stock and judgo for vour selvcs. - tcpt2:!J THOMAS ROBIXS. HO ! YE HUNGRY AND THIRSTY i The appeasing of hunger and the quench ing of thirst, is a matter that has attracted the at tention of many wise heads in various ages of the world. What conclusions they have arrived at. and what theories they have propagated, it is need less to mention here. In these latter davs men have conceived the idea that the "inner man"" can be at least bountifully supplied by means of res taurants. With this laudable purpose in view, and a desire to gain a livelihood, the undersigned has fitted up an elegant saloon in the basement of Mcrrell A Carter's new building on Second Street. Clearfield, Pa. One tf the rooms is neatly furn ished with carpets, stands, Ac, and is designed for the accommodation of ladies. He has had consid erable experience in the business, and tlMfVefore flatters himself able to render satisfaction. During the .summer he will constantly keep on hand thebest quality of tec Cream and Cakes of various kiuds. He will also keep a large stock of Candies, Xuts, Oranges. Lemons Figs, Dates. Prunes. Raiscns. and fruits of all kinds generally kept in such an establishment. Sardines, Spiced Oysters, Bologne Sausage, Crackers. Boiled eggs. Ac. can be had at all times. Also. Ale and Lager Beer, Cider. Lem orriJe.and all kinds of Summer drinks; together with a large assortment of Cijrara and Tobacco. Die public are respectfully solicited to extend a liberal patronage, and to eall in and try the arti cles on hand. june2 It. 11. TAYLOR . CHOICE OF G I F T S ! Hereafter every purchaser before pur chasing his books has his own CHOICE OF (fIFTS A T ' RAXXEYS CHOICE OF GIFTS A T HAXXEYS CHOICE OF GIFTS . A T RAXXEY S CHOICE OF (Hl'TS AT HAXXEYS CHOICE OF GIFTS AT RAXXEYS CHOICE OF GIFTS A I RAXXEVS CHOICE OF GIFTS AT liAXXE YS Great Amman Gift Book Hmtse. X'o. 2?:i Broadway, Xew Yorl; where the gifts, consisting of Jeu-rJrt, & r.. and varying in value from 75 cents to Tu-o Hundred dollars, are always on exhibition, in ample Show Cases. Our Xcw Descriptive Catalogue, contain ing a large variety of Books in every department of science and Literature, (all of which are sold tVf.1?"-,pllb.i !;"her s l-riees.) and explaining OUR NEW AND ORIGINAL SYSTEM of allowing eve ry purchaser his own choice of gifts, and settin forth unequalled inducements to Agents, will be sent, post paid, to any individual on application. Address. A. RAXNEY. Agent, July 7, 1838-fim. - Xo. 2.1 Broadway, JJ Y. rpO JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.-Just printed and for sale atthe Raflsnini's Z?", offie'' Iot F superior blanks, to wit: H ank Snbpuenas, Blank Executions, Blank Summons', Blank Marriageccrtificatcs Judgment Notes, with and without waiver. CCIIOOL DIRECTOR S a re informed that r they can be supplied, atthe Raftsman's Journal office, w.th Blank Articles of Agreement with teachers, and School Orders. - OLE'S PATENT SAW-GUMMER, for sale, or saws gummed to order, by ' Clearfield. June 9. MERRELL A CARTER " cradles for sale by MERRELL A CARTER July 7, 1868. : Clearfield. OLD RYE WHISKEY. BRANDY, GlXnd WINES, for sale at the cheap cash store of pr3 R. MOSSOP. (CONSTABLES can be supplied with Blank J Sales, by calling at the Raftsman's Jonr uaJ office. Clearfield. rilCBS AND BUCKETS. A variety just receiv X ed and for sale at WM. F. IKWIX'S.. HARDWARE. A large assortment just receiv ed and opened, and now for sale by November 25- WM F. IRWIN. -LOT OF PRIME BACON, on hand and for y - W.F.IRWIN.. w ILLOW BASKETS: A lot on hand" and or eale by (Nor'S ; WM. F. IRWIN. CLEARriELD nO USE, CORNER OF FIRST AND MARKET STREETS. CLEAR FIED, PA. The undersigned would respectfully inform his friends aud the travelling public in general, that he has taken the above hous5. (for merly known as the" Hemphill Hotel.) and that the house has been recently rcfittcf, improved and newly furnished; that extensive stabling has jut been completed; and that hc is pre pared to accommodate all who may give hint a call in the most pleasing and agreeable manner. He is amply provided with everything to render his house a desirable stopping place, and will endeavor to entertain his guests iu a manner that cannot f.iil to give the fullest satisfaction. The house is situated in a pleasant and quiet part ol the town, and no expense or attention will be spa red to make it one of the best bouses in the county. A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. ' His bar will be supplied with an assortment of choice liquors. junc2-'5SJ 11. HAYS MORROW. F LEMING HOTEL, (FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE GOOD IXTKNT.)CURWENS 1LLE, Clearfield County, Pa. The subscriber begs leave to inform Iiisola customers and the public gene rally that he has recently taken the above well known stand, and that he has entirely refitted and refurbished it in a style adapted tv tbe age. and the wants of the entire travelling community. HIS TAliLE will always be provrded with every luxury tbe markets and surrounding country will afford. HIS BAR will be supplied with the choi cest wines and liquors. HIS STABLES, which are the best and most commodious on the road within a day's travel, will always be in charge of careful and attentive hostlers In short, every department of his establishment will be supplied with all tbe comforts aud conveniences the weary traveller oould desire. WM. A. MASON. Curwensville. June 2. 1S6S. REMOVAL. JOSHUA S. JOn.VSON, CABIXET MAKER. has removed his shop to the new building of John Troutmxu, on Market street, where he will keep on hand or manufacture to order, (of superior finish,) every variety of Household and Kitchcu IT XJ R X I T U Ii E, such as Tables, Bureaus, Safes, Stands Cupbuards, Sofas. Bedsteads. Ac. of every style and variety, which be will dispose of at cheap rates as any o ther establishment of the kind in the county. Call and examine his furniture, and judge for yourselves of its Quality and finish. CHAIRS of all kinds on hand or made to order. He is also prepared to make COFFINS to order, on the shortest notice, and will attend funerals with a hearse, when called npon. JOSH l." A S. JOHXSON. Clearfield, Pa., December 17, 1S5S. MANSION HOUSE, Clearfield. Pa. The undersigned respectfully announces to the public that he has leased the above Hotel in Clear field borough, and that he is prepared to accom modate all who may favor him with their custom. His house is commodious and convenient, and his table shall be supplied in the best manner possi ble. Xo effort will be spared to render general satisfaction. By strict attention to business, and to the wants and comfort of his guests, he expects to secure a liberal share of patronage. fcbll-'07 DAN. M. WEAVER. BOOT AND SHOE MAKIS G. JOHN S. A A. G. HOYT, Having entered into partnership in the above bu siness, at the end of the new bridge. 1 miles a liove Clearfield borough, are prepared to do all kinds of work in their line on the shortest-notice and most reasonable terms. JOHN S. HOYT, A. G. HOVT. N. B. All kinds of coontry produce and hides taken in exchange for work. June 23, 1S5S. WAGON - MAKING THE undersingned T would announce that they manufacture Waggons of all descriptions. Buggies. Sleds, Ac. at their shop in New Salem. Brady township. Clear field county, which they offer for sale at as reasona ble rates as can be purchased elsewhere. They res pectfully solicit a share of patronage. CAMBRIDGE JOHNSTON, I5! 1 1VI AM LEWIS. RE M O V A L . The undersigned notifies his old customers and the public that he has removed his BLACKSMITH SHOP to his new building a few doors south of the shop he former ly occupied, where he is prepared to do on the shortest notice any work in bis line of business. April 15. 18.-7. JACOB SHUXKWEILER. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Dealer in SAWED LUMBER. SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLES. BOARDS. Ac. is prepared to fill, on the shortest notice, all orders for articles in his line of busi ness, on as reasonable terms as they can bo Pro cured in the county. Orahampton. Clearfield Co.. Jan. 23, 1850 milOMAS G. SNYDER,MERCHAXT,eal. X er in Sawed Lumber. Slringles. Square Tim ber, et cetera. KYLERTOWX, Clearfield Co . Pa. July I. 1S57. tf. SCHOOL' BOOKS. Sanders' Readers; Mitchells' Geography and Atlas and Primary Geogra phy ; Wcbsters' Dictionary, large and small ; Page on Toachiug; Green's, Kirkh.nn's, and Bullion s Grammar ; Davics', Smith . Emerson's and Pike's Arithmetics; Davies Algebra ; Sander? and Sar geant's Spellers, Ac, at the -Corner" Store, urwcnsville, may 2, 1 8 58 . WM. IRVIN ADIES' DRKSS Iffinns! :;,,..... r-i.-n:... -J Lawns. Lawn robes Rrilliimta )i.tri. Mantillas, latest styles, at the store of May 2t. WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. CAST STEEL MILL AND CROSS CUT SAWS, of the best qualities, made by Disston. for sale by v WM. IRVIN. Curwensville, May 23. 1803. LATEST style Bonnets, trimmed and untriinmed and bonnet trimmiugs. artificial llowcrs. Ac. at the store'of WM. 1RV1X. Curwensville. ENGLISH and country Blister, Shear. Sprin" and Cast Steel, at the "corner."' ni"y2-i. WM. IRVIN, Curwensville. A WELL selected stock of Summer Clothin". just received and for sale by may26. WM. IRVIN.'Curwensville. A NEW LOT of Mackerel and Herring received -X at the store of WM. IRVIN Curwensville, June 30. 1S53. rTnillRTY-houn Eighty day, weight, spring and X alarm clocks, very cheap nt the store of mpl6. WM. JHy2Nurwcjisvjnj COFFEE, Sugar and Molasses, by The Bags and Barrel, for sale at the chcape'st store of niay2';- WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. 4 LL of Jin nes' Family Medicines, Hair Dye, J- X Ac. to be Imd at lh. May 26. WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. COTTON and Woolen carpets, floor oil-cloth and tablo covers, at the store of ma-T2S- WM. IUVix, Curwensville. AFRESH supply of Groceries, just received and selling cheap, wholesale and retail at the "corner store." Curwensrille. june 30. ANEW Two Horse Waggon, for sale at the cor- nerCurwcnsville, by WM. IRVIN. M ACKEREL and Herring at the corner store of ' -M- in i., Curwensville. ILOUR, Bacon, Salt. Rye. Corn and Oats, for WM. IRVIN, Curwensville. IV AILS, Glass, Paints and Oils, at 11 fey WM. IRVIN. Curwensv !l . BAR IRON, assorted, for sale at the 'corner by j . . im i;, vHrwensruie, JMOOTIIING, Jack, Sash, Fore. Bead and Match J t llrw. 1 1 ... . . ........ "Jle "7 .!. in. 1A, Uurw lie. RIND Stones and fixtures, and chain pumps PANISII Sole Leather, for salo atthe store of " Tin 1 wr Or t T " T x ... - J- m. a.x, urwensviue. D (OUGLAS A SUERWOODS' new expansion Skirt, at the "corner toro," Curwensville. fJALL ,t the store of WM. IRVIN. if you want to buy good and cheap summer Clothing. PRt)FESsi6NALl O. CROUCH; PHYSICIAN. Office in Cur- wensvitie. - - iay i. i(vt-u T JACKSON CRAN'S, ATTORNEY AT LAW , J. Clearfield. Fttn'a. Office adjoining his residence, on Second Street, Clearfield. - August 1. laJj. RJ. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearjirtd. Pa. Office for the prt?c; I:i the eastern end ef County Buildings. Clearfield, May 2G, 1808.-tf. - ' - JB. M'EN ALLY, A TTORXEYA T LA V Clwrjirld, PenH'a. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining ountica. Office in new brick addition, adjoining the ret dence of James B. Graham. August 1. 18i. LAR RIMER ft TEST. A TTORXEYS A T LA W, Will attend promptly to all legal and other bu siness entrusted to their care in Clearfield and a :oining counties. Clearfield, Aug .6.1 8w6. ; J AS. ft. I.ABRIMKR. . TKST. DR. M. AVOODS, tenders hia professional af-' vices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicini ty. Residence on Second street, opposite the ef.' fice of L. Jackson Craos. where be can be foua unless absent on professional business. Clearfield, May 14. 1803 3w: THOS. J. McCULLOUGII, ATTORNEY AT LW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Clearfleld; Pa., tnsy be found at hi office in Shaw's Row. four doors west of the ".Mansion House." Deod and other legal instruments prepared with prompt-' ncss and accuracy. Feb. 13 ly. DR. B. F. AKLEY, PHYSIC I AX, Grahamton, Clearfield County. Fa., tenders his professional services to tbe inhabitant of Grahamton and surrounding country he can' at all times be found at his Office, directly oppo site Mr. J. B. Graham' store, when not prof. sionally engaged. Apl. 23. Y OUR TEETH TAKE CARE OF THEM !! DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to announea t hia friends and patrons, that he is now devoting all of his time to operations in Dentistry. Those do.ir ing disservices will find him at his office, adjoinic -bis residence, at nearly all times, and always on Fridays and Saturdays, unless notified otherwiso in the town papers the week before. X B. All work warranted to be satisfactory Clearfield. Pa., July 22. 1857. P AT. BARRETT, JUSTICE OF THE -a. rr.ALi,i.uihersOurg. Clearfield county Pa v,ll n . . . 1 . 1 t . , . u .hcuu iruiuptij to au Dusiness entrusted to him mar25-tf AMBROTYPES P. C. PURVIANCE. Pre fessorof Photographic Chemistry. Gallery at his residence on 2d Street, one door South of Mcrrell A Carter's Tin-ware establishment, Clear field. Pa. E"Day of operation : Friday and Saturday of each week. june IS' JOSEPH PETERS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. CURWENSVILLE. Clearfield Coun ty. Pa., One Door East of Moutelius lr Ttn Eyti's Store. All business entrusted to him will b promptly attended to. and all instruments of wrii mg don? on short notice. April 7. 1S56. pilhbrlpia "burrtterramtB. Y S. LAWRENCE'S NEW PAPElT, 11. PRINTERS' CARD AXD ENVELOPE V arehon-'e. Xo. 405 Commerce Street. Philadel phia. !!?"Cash buyer will find it for their inter- " est to call. January 6. 1858-1 y , CONRAD A WALTON. 2i' Market Street PLU ade'.phia; Importers and Dealer in Hard ware. Iron, Nails, Ac. Ao. They respectfully in vite the people of Clearfield, to eontiuue their fa. vur8- Aug. 1. 1855.-ly. A VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELkY STORE, Xo. 72 North Secoxn Street. (. site the Mount Vernon House.) Fphiladelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled. IS K. cases, filver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine. do.; Quarlior" Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoona, .'ilver Desert do.; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pen aud Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do.: together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, GoIdCurb Guard and Foo Chain. All goods warranted U be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair cd in the best manner. Also. Masonic Marks, Ping, Ac. made to order.. N- R- All orders ent by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended to. Hi motto is: -Small Profits and Quick Sale, Philadelphia, April 25, 1S55. TV E W A N 1) CHEAP GOODS The under i. signed has just received and is now opening at the - Corner Store,'-' Curwensville. a fresh u Tly of tinnier Goods, among which may be found a great variety of Ginghams. Chintz. Lawn Bril liants, OrgandusChaliies. Summer wool-Dolainc and ladies dress goods of all descriptien. Also a choice assortment of Mens' wear. Linen. Check Tweeds, Cssiucre. Ac WM IRWIN Curwensville. June 30. 1S5S. " " rBi mi xi GOLDEN P X THE Gtn.liv v Pi?i7 k 1 Z E . The Golden Prito The ilolden Prixa. - The Gulden Prize. The Golden Pri 1 ho Golden Prize. Th Golden Prize. Ibe Golden Prize. " The Golden Priie THE GOLDEX PRIZE -ILLl f-TR ATED ! i'-m stratet. ILLl'STR TE1 ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK Illustrated every tccel. Ilntr,Jed every Bl'istrateJ every tct. Illustrated tvrl y mti. Illustrated every ,reek. Illustrated etrcl west Illustrated every treel. Illustrated every ,e,i 1LLVSTRA TED EVERV WEiIk Sjirci men Pr'tfree. Sped men cnV, , fr0t THE GOLDEX PRIZE J Illustrated' Illustrated:! Illustrated!!! The New ork Weekly Goi.nr.N PRUE u0ne of the largest and best weekly paptrsof the day n Imperial guarto containing eight pages, or forty r.n,?i, ?ntfrV"nins oriSin matter: and ele gantly illustrated every week. A Gift worth .60 cents to S500 00 in Gold will be presented to each Subscriber immediately on receipt of the subscription money. ""alnQ,J on One copy for one year, f2 00. and I cift Ono copy for two years, 3 40, and 2 gift One copy for three years, 5 oo, and 3 rift" One copy for five years. 8 00, and 5 "ifu" AND TO CLUBS Three copies one year, Si 00. and S -rift live copies one year, . 8 00, and 5 iifu! Ten copies one year, 15 mj, and 10 gift. Twenty-one eopies 1 year, 30 00, and 21 gift thJfollowVng P-.d 1. 2 packages of Gold, containing $500 each. 5 packages of Gold, containing 200 each 10 packages of Gold, containing 100 each. io , - r e? "untinS Cased Watche, lm) each. 20 Gold W atches, 75 each 50 Gold M atches. fi lh 100 Gold Watches, iOeab o!m "GolVatche 35 e "on ! V" ,V-UnVnS Cased atche. - 30 each. ?X2Sl,7,rMatchM- - - - 510 to 25 each. vuU Kom guaru, vest A fobchain. 10 to 30 eaek GolJ Ili-l.t. 1! 1-.. 1. L - ."Cn- -tuus, m aicnneys, uoia aim Mlver Thimbles an.P a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cent to Slo each. , Immediately on the receipt of the fubitcription money, tbe subscriber name will K. All r subscription book opposite a number n.l .i!i! ft corresponding with that r.'.,.ndJh". gift corresponding with that numb will ? warded, withiu one wefc t Tm. r.r" , express, post paid ' " 1 AU communications should bo addressed to 48 and 49 MoflatBuildinrr -miSLTE' -Specimen copies nf freL Br?t York. ." New Yorkreh VXi OSHrof, - JOHN; PATTOX', Curwenstilfe.