Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 22, 1858, Image 3

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Simon Fulton, of Burnsfdo township, was
last evening lodged in jail for breach of the
loace against part of Lis own family and John
Patchin. ; : -
Philip Montgomery, was lodged in jail, yeild
terday evening, "1st inst., on a charge of
shooting several hogs in Knox township near
Anson vi lie. .
James and Jack JInry. formerly of Centre
county, were arrested and lodged in jail yesterday
by .Sheriff Heed, charged with cutting timber on
ot . L. Reed, Esq.. in Pena township.
Labqe Tomatoe. Gen. A. M. Hills, of oar town,
presented cs a few days since with the largest to
raatoe wo have ever socn. It weighed three and
a half pounds. We think it would be hard to
beat. -
We direct attention to the card of the Commer
cial Hotel, No. 20. South Sixth Street. Philadel
phia, which wilt be found in our advertising col
. uiuna. . The house ia conveniently locatod, and we
Lave no doubt that guests will rereivc satisfactory
The Mocnt Vr.nsos Hotel. Philadelphia, has
been taken and opened 6y Mr. A. M. Hopkins,
who will use every effort to render satisfaction to
-all who favor him with their custom. The house
is well known to many in this section, who will
doubtless be pleased to stop thero when visiting
the city.
A Goon Chasce. We cull attention to the ad
vertisement in another column, offering the prop
erty of Geo. J. Kyler forrent. This is one of the
best farms and tavern stands in the county, lying
as it does, at the junction of four oc five public
toads, all of which are extensively traveled. The
buildings are good, and there is a large orchard
of choice fruit. This is an excellent opportunity
fur any one desiring to go into a profitable busi
ness. It is necessary to apply soon, as a contract
must be closed with some person capable of taking
ehargo of the property, in a very short time.
To Make Tohatoe Catsi-p Take one half
bushel of ripe tomatoes, tiro quarts of onions, ono
half dozen common size red peppers, (if not quite
ripe no matter). Cut yonr onions and peppers fine
and place them over a good fire to stew, in a pint
of water. Wash your tomatoes, cutting up tho
large ones, and pat them all in another kettle with
one gallon of water over a slow fire, and boil till
soft, stirring often to keep from burning to tho
kettle When soft remove from the fire and strain
them through a wiro solve, rubbing them with the
bottom of a tin cup or dipper until all but tho
ecd.aud skins are pressed through. These you
will place in a cloth strainer and express the juice
nLanda-ll it to that which you have pressed
through the seive. Add tho onions and peppers,
and again place the whole over a slow fire, boil
down one half, add salt to plca.se the taste, and
let it boil a few minutes, and remove from the
.tire. Then add, tiro quarts of good vinegar, and
. bottle while warm ; cork tight, anil lay the bottles
on the side in a cool place This catsup improves
n ith age. and will keep any length of time with
out souring.
We are indebted, to Gen. A. M. Hills for the
.'above recipe. '
The Hod. Robert J. Walker, when he was in the
United States Senate, was the lender of the Dc-J
ajoerney of that body. From the Senate he went
into Mr. Polk's Cabinet as Secretary of the Treas
ury, and. in that capacity, made himself the idol
of the Democracy every where. When the 15u
rhnnan Administration appointed him Governor
of Kansas, the whole Democratic party hailed his
selection as the best that could possibly have been
made from the entire Union, and he was greeted
with ten thousand enthusiastic expressions of
Democratic gratitude for the devotion manifested
by him to the interests of the Democratic party in
.condescending to accept an office that might not
the deemed full y worthy of his transcendant abili
ty. And now the Washington Union, the mouth
piece of the Administration, denounces Robert J.
Walker as " traitor and a siriuiler.'' Well, if
traitors and swindlers are thus honored and trust
ed and lauded and idolized by the Democracy of
the nation, what is Democratic honor or trust or
landation or idolatry worth '.
Senator Bifii.rn. in his speech at Clarion, on
: the 7th inst., predicted that Kansas would be ad
roitfd into the Union under the first constitution
the mny form, by an almost unanimous Northern
.and Southern Democratic vote. If so. why was
the numerical condition of admission engrafted
.upon the English bill? AVbat was the putposo of
it? Was it a menace to compel the adoption of
the Lccomptan constitution, but which the Admin
istration never seriously intended to execute, if
I.ec mpton, was (as it has been) rejectod by the
people of Kansas? Or has the Administration
been compelled to come down a peg. incompli
ance with popular sentiment, that it may secure
the re-election of some of its Northern adherents
to the House ? Ict the Senator explain
We are lorry to say it we do not wish to say it
but must as faithful chroniclers, say it, namely:
Victoria's daughter, Mrs.' Princess of Prussia,
quarrels with hor husband; or, Mr. Princo of
Prussia quarrels with Mrs. Princess that is, they
do not think exactly alike, and Mrs. Victoria is
with the ' happy pair,"' trying to tio the "true
lovers' knot" a little tighter. The story that the
young princess actually ejected tho princo from
.the nuptial eouch by placing her royal little feet
against bis royal highness' s ribs, and then sud-
denly extending her royal curved organs of loco--raotion
into a positive bco line, is. doubted by
Prussian-engineers.' " -
Col. Forney says Buchanan's administration has
been Tylcrized ! The editor of tho Press has said
many severe things concerning his old friend, but
bts U the "unkindest cut of all " Buck has cer
tainly sunk low enough, but let us in common
."Jionesty and fairness guard him from such vindic
tive aspersions and "odorous' comparisons as this.
There was but one Lucifer, there was but one Ju-
dae, and there can ba but one John Tyler.
Kcssia The Emperor of Russia has cnianci
pntcd the two hundred thousand serfs belonging
to the national domain. A powder magazine,
containing two hundred thousand pounds of pow
der, exploded at A strakan, on the Caspian sea,
destroying half the town and killing half of tho
A new and dangerous counterfeit on the Mo
chanics Hank, Philadelphia, ha been pnt io cir
culation. It is of the denomination of io vi--cette,
female in reclining position, stick in
ne hfifid and. liberty eap on ber .head.
r?l)iic our thanks, to Thomas Mills, for some
rnost excellent grapes.
. UtT" Becoming bold Jack Frost. He now lin
gers about the hills until after sunrise.
I3r Up to September 5th. the deaths in New
Orleans, by yellow fever, were 1,712, this season .
IT?" At St. Panl's a f.-w days ago. one James
Ltiehar.nn was badly whipped but not the ridit
I""? The man who put np a stove-pipe without
an oath, expressed or impliod, is soon to be exhib
ited. "Witis brush wood, judgment is timber.
The first makes the brighter Uuue, but the other
gives the most lasting heat.
Csr By the last accounts from Fraser river, pro
visions were very scarce and dear. Dog meat was
selling at fifty ceuts per pound.
Foote expressed the belief that a certain
miser would take the Uam out of his own eye if
he knew he could sell the timber
" r"" Some writer says that tho word would, in
Rut'us Choatc's hand writing, resembles a small
gridiron struck by lightning.
Or"" It is understood at Washington, that Gen.
Denver has resigned the governorship of Kansas,
to take place in the course of a few weeks.
YV Mr. and Mrs. Brewer, of Wayne county.
Kentucky, have twenty-two children. Theirs is
perhaps the most extensive Brewery in tho West.
rJiKecpdoing. always doing. Wishing, dream
ing, intending, luurmcring, talking, sighing, and
repining, are all idle and profitless employments.
IHT Ore-tenth of the New York Tribune was
sold last week, for thirty-three thousand dollars.
At this rato the whole establishment is worth
OrA lady inPhiladelphia.it is said, makes
her pies so light that her lodgers can see to go to
bed without a candle, after eating a moderate
sized piece.'
r?An auctioneer's clerk being directed by his
employer to insert in an advertisement a copy of
a fresco, by Raphael, wroto thus : "A Fresh Cow
by Unfile."
" A fellow, named Merrill, last week married
twogirls. in Ohio, within the short space of twenty-
lour hours, and, when found out, eloped for
parts unknjwn.
lif' The Paris Academy of Science has again
advertised its prizes, amounting to about4S 20.000,
for the discovery of tho cause and the effectual
cure of cholera.
Mr. Orr. of South Carolina, professes a sin
cere desire to unite the North and tho South. Orr
is more likely to disjoin thuiu. Or is
ive conjunction.'"
a uisjuuet-
i?The latest freak of spiritualism has been an
attempt on the part of some believers in that doc
trine, in Orleans county, New York, to restore a
dead body to lite.
According to official returns 24.274 prosti
tutes were proceeded against in London and
Wales in the year of IsjT, and 233.75'J persons
were convicted of crime.
lThe Albiny Kuirk'rUtekrr, says if an
American wishes to know how an Englbh oyster
tastes, all he has to do is to put a little pepper
sauce on a cent and swallow it.
LIT A new st. vc has been invented for the com
fort of travelers ; to be put under the feet, with a
mustard piaster on the head, which draws the
heat through the whole system.
Vsr" A skilful worker in wood, whose name we
have mislaid, has sent us tho figures of two little
children leautifully carved. Me thank him for
these bahet in the ir-ood. Lun. Jour.
L.B'-If a dogge's tail is kut awf entirely, will
it not interfere with his lowcowmowshun V
Not eggzactly, it might not effect bis carriage,
but it would entirely stop his waggin."
The Shelby county (Ohio) Democrat, says
the Ohio corn crop will be an abundant one and
thinks that the fanners who anticipate a contrary
result were more scare i than hurt.
I iT John Wilson, a school teacher at Talladega.
Ala., his negro woman, and a Mrs. LawloV. all died
a few days since, from taking large Uoset of mor
phine which a-stupid druggist put up for quinine.
The ma..t this season, is said to be unusual
ly abundant in Western Virginia. The forests
are full of chesnuts, acorns, and other nuts, which
will indemnify the farmers to some extent, for
their short crops of corn, oats, Ac.
I if Plensaut To have a Biddy deliberately
shower yo.u with a pail of dirty water as you pass
beneath a window, and thon apologise by saying,
'by me sow!, mi.nhcr, I was not afthcr knowing
that the like of ye was thar."'
VJB Found A pair of Gold Spectacles, between
Curwensville and Clearfield towo. on Saturday
last, which the owner can have by proving prop
erty, paying the printer, and leaving a bottle of
Urandy for tho finder Miraculous.
. lV All honor to Maine! The gallant Repub
licans of that State have nobly sustained them
selves carrying their Governor by IU,O0U uiaj-.
all six members of Congress, and both branches
of tho legislature. It is a sweeping victory.
1T Queen Victoria, at the Palaco of TorsJam.
was conducted by her daughter to the rooms for
merly occupied by Frederick the Great, and in
which no alteration hits been permitted to bo
made since the death of that celebrated monarch.
ViT" Last week an old lady by the name of Ross,
who is now eighty-two years old, walked from tho
Chester county poor house to bur son's, in Chand
lcrvillc, a distance of fourteen miles, in four and
a half hours, staid over night, and walked back
the next day.
t sf A vender of cement describing its action,
said it was particularly useful in mending jars
A witty purchaser asked him if it would mend the
jar of a door. T here is no occasiou for its nsc in
that ease," said the podler, "for it is generally
sound enough."
t " In tho Lehigh Valley one-half of the furna
ces arc lying icl'c. and the coal trade is languish
ing. Miners and furnace men, at some points, are
receiving from 6j to 80 cents per day. What a
sad commentary upon the "freo trade" policy of
our government.
i3fm In Bucks, Chester, and Montgomery coun
ties. Pa , and Mercer county, N. J., immense flocks
of plover have appeared and commenced destroy
ing the grasshoppers. In Bucks, also, the grass
hoppers have risen into the air in great swarms,
and migrated southward.
IjS" Millvilie. is the name of a new borough
just erected in the vicinity of Johnstown, com
posed of the Rolling Mill and Flat, Minersville,
Rhey's Furnace, the Pennsylvania Railroad Sta
tion, etc. Tho Concmaugh river is the Southern
boundary. It is expected that the first election
for borough officers will take place on the second
Tuesday of October.
Isif' When Dn Vail" Galvanic Oil was first in
troduced into the market, it never was thought of
being applied, by the proprietor, to Lung Diseas
es, but its being applicable to almost every other
disease, the afflicted have used this preparation in
Consumption, and, although it has never cured a
purely consumptive patient, yet it has saved many
who have been prone to the disease, from an early
grave See advertisement.
I f Tho Uritntifie American snysthat on ac
count of the enperior lightness, durability and
elasticity of steel over iron, ships of steel are now
being constructed ; many are in course of con
struction in England. The first steel vessel ever
built was the small steamer launch for Living
ston's Kxpedition up the Zutnbee river, in Africa.
The Rainbow has just been built, a vessel of one
hundred and sixty tons, for the river Niger.
A Democratic paper in Virgiuia charges that
'-Mr. Buchai.au has played his game badly." He
has had to make uso of a very miserable set of
creatures in playing it. Not even an old blackleg
could play will such a pxtt.
On the lGth, by P. W. Barrett, Esq.. Mr.
William Wkaver to Miss Charlotte Hcm
mill, all of Brady township.
On the 15th Aug.by (i. B. Goodlandcr, Esq.,
Mr. Thomas Booth, to Miss Caroline Cab son,
danghter of Thomas Carson.
On the 19th of Sept- ly the same, Mr. James
Adams Dixon, toMissErE Heberling, daugh
ter of David IIherling Esq., ali of Brady
township. . .
i- Vrnfrxxor IT. J)n IV, after twenty-five
years labor in experimenting upon the whole cat
nlognruf medicines, has discovered ELECTRl
U1TI in a positive form, ami that agent is put
lorth to tho world in his GALVAXIC OIL. and
is now the only medical preparation that will pos
itively cure all Sore and Painful Dieaxt This
Oil is rendered electrically positive, nnd acts on
the system by imparting to it electricity in the
Ualvanio fonn. It is expressly recommended for
all aore and pninful diseases.' as the following:
Neuralgia in all its forms, gives relief in a few
m inutes. Pain in the Bark. Breast or ii,le. lihen
intrtiiM and all pain ful ffiear of the. StomarU
and Boirrl.1. In short it will relieve pnin wherev
er located All that is asked, is. try the Galvanic
Oil for the cure of any disease of the aboe class.
Lewistown. Pa., Proprietorto whom nil orders
must be addressed.
For sale by Moore .t Etzwoilcr. and Reed
Weaver. Bowiuan A Perks, J. B. Graham. E. Wil
liams, C. Kratzer, Irwin A Son. A. B Shaw, James
Forrest. A. Montgomery, Wright A Hagerty, and
by country merchants generally.
Lewistown, August 23, 135S-y.'
will bo held as follows, to wit :
For Bccearia. Jordan and Woodward, at Glen
Hope on Sept. 23d, 24th and 25th.
For Clearfield. Lawrence and Goshen, at Clear
field on Sept. 27ih, 25th and 2'Jtb. .
For Ferguson, Knox and Tcnn. at Lumber City
on Sept. JUith, and Oct. 1st nnd 2d.
For Bradford. Boggs and Graham, at Grahaiu
ton on October 4th, 6th and Gth.
For Morris and Decatur, at Morrisdalc on Oc
tober 7lh. th and 9th.
For Girard, Covington and Karthaus, at Bald
Hills on Oct. 11th. 12th and 1.1th.
For Huston nnd Fox. at Hickory Kingdom on
October 2'lth and 21st.
Tho institutes will be opened the first day at 11
o'clock, a. M. Addresses will be delivered ou the
subject of education in the evenings The public
are invited to attend the Institute. Examina
tions at each place on the last day. Teachers neg
lecting to attend the public examinations will not
bo entitled to a private examination; see School
Laws for 1857. page 51. ection 13.
Aug. 25. L. L. STILL, Co! Snpt'd.
ARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 miles from Phil
adelphia by Railroad in the State of New
Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural pur
poses, being a good loam soil, with a clay bottom.
The land is a largo tract, divided into small farms,
ami hundreds from all parts of tho country are
now settling and building. The crops can be seen
growing. Terras from I5 to 5-2 per acre, paya
ble within four years by instalments. To visit the
place Leave Vine St. Wharf at Philadelphia, at
71 A. M.. by Railroad for ll.tnimonton. or address
R. J. Byrnes, by letter. Sec full advertisement in
another column. Sept. 8, 1K5S.
FARM LANDS FOR RALE 25 miles from Phil
adelphia by Railroad in the State of New Jersey.
Soil among the best for Agricultural purposes, be
ing a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The
land is a large tract, divided into small farms, and
hundreds from nil parts of the country are now
settling and building. Thccropgcan be seen grow
ing. Terms from 515 to 520 per acre, payable with
in four vcars bv instalments. To visit the place
Leave Vine St. "Wharf at Philadelphia at 71 A M.
by Railroad for Hammonton. or address R. J.
Byrnes, by letter. Sec full advertisement in an
other column. Sept. 8, 1858-om.
And br C o M r f nerd
The great Revival has (tone immense good in al
most every State, county, and town in the Union,
outside of Clearfield. Therefore, in consideration
of the above rumor. Frank Short has taken the
responsibility upon himself to revive the Boot and
Shoe business in Clearfield, and set a good exam
ple to his fellow irten. He has to announce to his
old customers, ami as many new ones as may favor
him with a call, that ho has on hand a large as
sortment of fine work and any amount of coarse.
Also, tients' gaiters made to order, and of any
style to suit customers. Morocco. French Calf, and
PattentCalf gaiters constantly on hand. Findings
for sale, kit excepted. All work leaving his es
tablishment warranted not to rip. Customers
coming to town will fin4 him at the shop formerly
occupied by K. R. Welch, dee'd., as a watch and
clock establishment, nearly opposite Reed & Wea
ver's Store. Roll in boys and get new soles or
your old ones repaired, as some of them stand in
great need of it. FRANK SHORT.
Clearfield, Juue .10. lS58-.1m.
i'w. Pruny'r iuia f-Unte Asrrirulturat Soriri.
?rpt. 2SfA. 2.14 ami 30A. and Oct. l t, 1S53. Fair
(fromi. JViuth Ward. Pillnhnrgh . Annual ad
dresses Friday at 2 o'clock. P.M Awards of Com
mittee announced immediately afterwards. Arti
cles for exhibition addressed to A. O. Hkistkr,
Secretary, Monongahela House, Pittsburgh. All
articles and stock intended for exhibition trans
ported free of charge. Oflice, No. US Fifth street,
whoro entries will be recejved and exhibitors'
tickets furnished. Books of entry closed on Tues
day noon. Premium Lists and list of Judges fur
nished on application. "Members" Tickets. SI.
Single admission 25 eents. 'e'l-Jxhibitors must
become members. A. O. JIEISTKB.
Secretary State Agricultural Society.
I A. Tac:.;art. President Sept.8-'.".S-2t
J.. climate, good soil, and fine market, see ad
vertisement of Hammonton Lands.
. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate,
good soil, and fine market,. sec advertisement of
Hammonton Lands. Sept S, 1858.
ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate,
good soil, nnd fine market, see advertisement of
Hammonton Lands. Sept. 8, 1858.
ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate,
good soil, and fine market, sec advertisement of
Hammonton Lands. Sept. 8, 1858.
ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate,
good soil, and fine market, sec advertisement of
Hammonton Lands. Sept. 8, 1S58.
ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate,
good oil, and fine market, see advertisement of
Hammonton Lands. Scpt.8-'5S-3m
EooU & Shoes always on Hand,
(of our otcn male.) JOSEPH GOON, thankful for
past favors, anil grateful for future prospects, de
sires to inform the citizens of this vicinity and his
old friends and patron in partienlnr. that he has
rrmnrrd to the FIRST RO(tM in the EAST
END of SIIAIV S iVEW ROW. thr frft door
crxt o f the Mansion Ilonse. where he has on hand
constantly, a large assortment of every variety in
tho BOOT AND SHOE lino. Custom work attend
ed to with dispatch. The very best of stock will
be nsed and no pains spared to make neat fits and
durable work. All of which can be obtained of
said J. Goon, very low for the Ready Rhino.
Clearfield. August U. 1358.
T. A. M'GHEE A CO. ) Plaintiff, by his Attorneys;
Larrimer A Test, in the above case, ask an order
on the Sheriff, to bring the proceeds of the salo of
T. A. M'Ghee into Court and the appointment of
an Auditor to distribute them among the judgment
creditors. Order granted and Robert J. Wallace.
Esq., appointed Auditor. Per Curiam.
All persons interested in tho above distribution,
will take notice that the undersigned will attend
to the duties of the above appointment at his office
in Clearfield, on the 'Jth Oct. ISoS. where and when
they can attend. R.J.WALLACE,
September la, 1358-4t. Auditor.
CAVTION. All persons are hereby eaution
J ed against purchasing or meddling with the
following property, to wit. 1 dark bay mare, 1
mare colt 2 years old, 1 red heiffer 2 years old, 1
red steer 2 years old, 1 black heiffer 2 years old,
2 red heiffers 1 year old. 40 dozen rye in the barn,
30 dozen oats in tho barn, 1 red cow.
The above named property is now in tho possess
ion cf Wm. Stewart of Bocaria tp.. and has only
been left with hira on loan, and subject to my or
Smith's Mills, Aug. SI, lt)58-sep8-:tt-
DENTAL CARD. A. M. SMITH, offers his
professional services to tho Ladies and
Gentlemen of Clearfield and vicinity. All opera
tions upon the teeth executed with neatness and
despatch. Being familiar with all the late im
provements he is prepared to make artificial teeth
in the best manner. Office in bbaw's New Eow.
Clearfield. Ta., September I5: 1SJ.
ASSEMBLY. I offer myself to the Voters of
. i r 1 , . l r T r Vl.
luia jjiffiriei, com pot eo ui jt'iicinuii. j..,
M Kean nnd Clearfield counties, as a candidate for
the legislature, and promise, if elected, to faith
fully represent my constituents.
Clearfield. September 8. 1853-te.
JHERIFF To the Independent Voter of
J Clearfield County: Fellow Citizens : Hav
ing always thought that a candidate for Sheriff
ought to run independent of all party nomina
tions, therefore, I t'fter myself as a candidate. with
a promise, if elected, to discharge the dnties with
fidelity. JAMES IRWIN, Sr.
Lnwrenee tp., September 7, 1858-te.
CHANGE The subscriber having taken
the above well known stand. in.Curwensville, Pa.,
is ready to accommodate all who may favor him
with their patronage. His table will always be
supplied with the best the market can afford, and
bis Bar with the choicest liquors. His stable will
be under the care of attentive hostlers.
, - DAVID SMlTn.
Curwensville, April 8, 1358.
H. F. NAUGLE respectfully announces
that be has commenced the above business in
SIIAWS NEW ROW. Clearfield. Pa., opposite
the Journal Office. All kinds of Clocks. Watches.
Jewelry, Ac., entrusted to him will bo neatly re
paired aiid warranted, according to quality. By
close attention to business, and doing his work in
a superior manner, he hopes to secure a liberal
share of public patronage. Sept. 1.1858.
BIBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield co.,
hereby gives notice that their books, name
ly. Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of
fice of James Wrigley, Register and Recorder at
Clearfield. The books nre of various sizes and a
dapted to supply cither private individuals or Sun
day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan
tial bibles can be had as low as 25 cents apiece,
and testaments as low as fii cents apiece.
The people of the county generally are also in
vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the
Society. Signed by order of tho Executive Com
mittee. "ALEX. McLEOD, President.
The undersigned would respectfully an
nounce to bis friends and the public generally'
that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es
tablishment in "New Salem City." Brady town
ship, where he will at all times be prepared to
manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds of
Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows Ac. The best ma
terial that can be procured will be nsed. and his
work will be made in the most substantial and du
rable manner, such as will bear the test of strict
examination. By a close observance of his busi
ness engagements, end by disposing of his work
on the most reasonable terms, which he will do
for either cash or approved country produce, he
hopes to merit nnd receive a liberal share of pub
lic custom BENJ. RISUEL.
New Salem City. Jan. 16, 195fi.
subscriber takes this method of informing the
citizens of Clearfield and vichiitv, that he has
LOCATED himself on MAIN" STREET op
poxiee the Jail, nnd is now prepared to wait upon
and render general satisfaction to all who may fa
vor him with their patronage. He feels confident
in saying that never before has there been offered
to the public of this soction. such inducement-' ns
he offers. AH articles purchased at this establish
ment will be warranted, and if proven not to be
as represented, will be uiado good without extra
charge. His work cannot be surpassed, as he is
determined to use only tho very best materials in
their manufacture. The "world and tho rest of
mankind" are requested to call and satisfy them
selves of the fact, that his articles are of the best
and most durable materials.
Clearfield. March 17. 1S58.
devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also
setting forth full accounts of the new settlement of
Hammonton. in New Jersey, can be subscrib-.d for
at only 25 cts per annum. Inclose postage stamps
for the amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer,
Hammonton, Atlantic county. New Jersey. Those
wishing cheap land, of the best quality, in one of
the healthiest and most delightful climates in
the Union, see advertisement of Hammonton
Lands. Sept. 8. J85S.
The Hammonton FAnwrn, a newspaper devoted
to Literature and Agriculture, also setting forth
full accounts of the new settlement of Hammonton,
in New Jersey, can be subscribed for at only 25
cents per annum. Inclose postage stamps for the
amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer. Ham
monton, Atlantic county, New Jersey. Those
wishing cheap land, of the best quality, in one
of the healthiest ami most delightful climates in
the Union, sec advertisement of Hammonton
Lands. ' Sept. 8. 1858.-3m.
Eating House! Eating House .' and Bilrry!
Eating House! Ealing House ! and Jittery?
Eating House! Eating House ! and Bakery!
The nndcrsigned takes this method of informing
the citizens of Clearfield and the public in gener
al, that he has opened an EATING HOUSE and
BAKERY in the room on Market street, known as
the "Old Jew Store.'" where he will keep on band
a genera assortment of Coufcctionaries, such as
Candies of all kinds, Nuts in great variety. Figs.
Raiscns, Prunes. Ac.. Ac. lie will also keep Ale
aud Lager Beer at all times, which, he docs not
hesitate to say. is a superior article, and from tho
best breweries in the west. ALSO, a large assort
ment of Tobacco and Cigars, always on hand.
As he is a Baker bv trade, he will always keep
a supply of FRESH BREAD and CAKES, as well
as PIES of every description that tho season will
afford. He will also bake to order, on short no
tice, anything of the kind that maybe wanted
by the citizens of Clearfield.
The public are respectfully inv'tcd to call and
see his stock, which he thinks cannot fail to meet
the wants and wishes of persons who desire any
of the articles in his line of business. He solicits,
and hopes to receive, a liberal share of patronage,
as it will be his constant aim to accommodate ami
please all who may favor him with their custom.
Call and judge for yourselves. Remember the
place, the - OLD JEW STORE." on Market street
Clearfield I a P241 WEXDLIN ENTKES.
Dr. frustar Uunard's Taste Rrstoratire, Troches,
the Great Snlntitute for Tubaceo. H is a well
known and incontrovertablc fact that the use of
Tobacco is the promoting cause of many of the
most severe MENTAL AND PHYSICAL disorders
to which the race of man is subject, ascureful an
alasisand long and painful experience have clear
ly proven that it contninscertain narcotic and poi
sonous properties most dangerous in their effocts.
which by entering into the blood derange the
functions and operations of the Heart causing ma
ny to supposo that organ to be seriously diseased.
TOBACCO affects also she entire nervous system,
manifesting itself a3 all who have ever used tho
noxious weed will bear tcstimouy in Lassitude,
Nervous Irritability, Water Brash. Dyspepsia, and
many other disorders of a similar character. The
'Taste Restqrative Troches" are designed to coun
teract theso banefnl influences, and have proved
completely successful in a multitude of eases, and
wherever used. Being harmless in themselves
they exert a beneficial effect upon the entire sys
tem, restoring tho Taste which has become vitia
ted or destroyed by great indulgence, complete
ly removing the irritation and accompanying tick
ling sensation of the Throat which are always
consequent upon abstaining from the use of To
bacco, and by giving a healthy tone to the Stom
ach, invigorate the whole system.
Persons who are irretrievably undermining
their constitutions and shortening their lives,
should use these Troches immediately and throw
off the injurious and nnplcaiant habit of Tobacco
Theso Troches or Lozenges are put up in a con
venient and portable form at the low prioe of 50
cents per Box. A liberal discount to the Trade.
Prepared solely by tho undersigned to whom
all orders should be addressed.
JAMES E. BOWERS, Druggist.
Corner 2d aud Race streets. PhiladeJphia
April 14. 1 358-1 y.
A LARGE LOT OF NAILS, Glass. Paints. Oils,
Ac.forsaleoheapby JOHS PATTON.
Carwensville, May 12, lb j3.
Mjtin nA U'l,ii. M!I1,-VI11V T.
"'cb24. R. K. MEANS. Proprietor.
Colds. Coughs. Crnwp. Ac, sold st Jweph Goon's
Shoe Shop. Clearfield. Pa Oct 28.
PLASTERING The subscriber Laving lo
cated himself in the I!rough of Clearfield,
would inform the public that he i prepared to do
work in the above line, from plain to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also
whitewashing aud repairing done in a neat man
ner, and on reasonable terms.
April 7. 1S58. KPWIX COOPER.
COAL! COAL!! The subscriber respectful
ly ii. forms the citizens of the borough of Clear
field and vicinity that he has taken a lease ot
Judge Moore's Coal Bank, adjoining the town,
where he w ill keep constantly on hand a full sup
ply of the article, either lump or mixed, to suit
purchasers. Person in town can beupplied with
it at their homes at six cents per bushel, or at the
bank lower than ever A share of pnblio patron
age is solicited. -PAl'UICK ML LVANEY.
Clearfield, Sept. I, I SiS.
Tho undersigned hereby announ-22
ce to the citizens of Clearfield county,
that he is still engaged, at his old tnndSui
in TYRONE CITY, in erecting MOXdMENTS
and BOX TOMBS. Also Head and Foot Stones
of the latest and most approved styles, and on the
most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at
tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN.
Aug. 25. 185S.-dcc2:S-'57. Tvrone Citv.
RENT. The undersigned committee of
George J. Kyler. offers for rent the large larm in
Bradford township, at the intersection of the roads
from Grahamton. Kylertown. Morrisdale, Phillips
bnrg. and Clearfield, consisting of 2fi!) acrcj. over
DM) acres- cleared w ith a large and commodious
House, a large barn and other buildings thereon.
Aslo a large orchard of choice fruit trees Any
information can be obtained by applying to II. B.
Swoope. Esq., Clearfield. Pa. or to the undersigned.
July 7, 1858. ROBERT MITCHELL.
O R O F E S S O R D U V A L L'S,
Prepared Originally hy Prof. Dnvill. formerly of
the College o f SurgroH, Paris, is now offered to
the public for the cure of all those diseases in which
alteratives and resolvents are indicated. These
pills are rendered void of taste by which means
tho most delicate stomach can tike them as well
as the smallest child.
From three to five boxes will euro the worst
ease of Scrofula.
From two to four boxes will cure the worst case
of Salt Rheum.
From two to 0 boxes will euro the Ring Worm.
One box will cure Scaly Eruptions of the Skin.
From two to four boxes will cure all old Ulcers
and Running Sores.
One box will cure Humors in the Eyes.
From one to three boxes will cure the" m st in
veterate case of Nursing Sore Mouth.
From one to two boxes will ouro the severest
case of scabby head in children.
From three to six boxes will cure the (common
ly called) thick neck or Goitre.
From two to four boxes will cure the Dropsy.
From one to three boxes will cure Juandice.
From two to six pills will cure the Sick Head
Aehe when accompanied with Billious
One box will cure the Fever and Agne.
For all diseases arising from an impure stato of
the blood, and bilious habits, the Tastrlrsstial ean
ie Pills are the best pills over known in the annals
of medicine. 25 cents prr Box. Any agent on
receipt of $1 will send four boxes to any part of
the United States, free of postage.
J. 1. STONE ROAD, Proprietor,
aug25-'5S-y Lewistown, Pa.
For sale by Moore A Etzwcilcr, Clearfield, Pa.,
and by country merchants generally.
JL use itr vhk ak. is entitleo
It is devoted exclusively to the Instruction and
Entertainment of Freemasons, their Wives. Fn ni
nes, and Friends. Each number contains Por
traits of distinguished Freemasons, and other En
gravings, by the best Artists; and the articles hy
Dr. A. G. M;iriey, Rer. George Olirrr, Giles F.
Yates, Alliert Pike. Rob. Morris, Join Dore, J.
Thro. Holly, and others, comprise Masonic Law,
History. Jurisprudence, and Belles Lettres, from
the Pens of the leading Masonic Authors of the
present century. As a Masonic Monthly Magazine
it has no equal, either in beauty of Mechanical
execution, or Value of its articles, in tho World.
Each mothly part contains as much reading mat
ter, not to speak of the costly engravings illustra
ting the same, as all the other monthly issues of
the .Masonic I'ress in America, rolled into one. It
is acknowledged to be the Monthly Magazine of
tne Age.
tMngle subscriptions, 1 year, postpaid, S3 00
" 2 years, " 5 00
Clubs of Two to Eight each 2 50
Clubs of any number above Eight, each 2 00
x he Cash in all eases mast accompany the or
ders. The su!scriptions for each year commence
with the first (January) number of that year, thus
supplying the subscriber with the Masonic Ro
mance series complete. But the work being ste
reotyped, any number or series of numbers will
be mailed, postpaid, on receipt of the price, 25
cents each. Address
J. F. BRENNAN, Editor and Publisher.
July 7, 1858. Louisvillo. Ky.
"A Casket of Gems of Wit and Wisdom."
Of Fart and Fancy, Wit and Humor,
Rhyme, Reason, and Romaure. EIUTRD ttr f. a.
Goodrich (prtkr PARLEY.) One rolume, large
Octavo, handsomrly bound ia red morocco, tnlA
gilt side and brct ; containing 750 pages, and Il
lustrated by SOO Beautiful Engravings. The de
sign of this book is to bring whole libraries into a
single volume to furnish a mental meal for every
day and every hour for every taste humor, age.
caprice a book for the grave and gay, the old and
young: we have, therefore. Science and Phyloso
phy. Rhyme and Reason. Wit and Wisdom Fact
and Fancy, which, put together as they come, pro
duce a sort of intellectual plum pudding, inas
much as the whole is peppered and spiced with
puus, conundrums, and drolleries, to say nothing
of a garnish of three hundred engravings.
In these pages are given the essences of thought
and sentiment from Goethe, Sydney Smith, Sam
Johnson, and many others : clerical anecdotes. Hi
bernian eccentricities. Western extravaganzes,
gathered from the four triad of the Press; out
lines of the tales of" Don Quixote and Gil Bias r of
the Fables of Flavian and Lafoninine; of the epic
poems of Jerusalem Delivered, Telcmacbns. Or
land Furioso, and others; of the Life and Sayings
of Mrs. Partington and the Widow Bedotf ; of the
Bunsby Papers and the Green Mountain Girls; of
tho Life of Sam Honton, Gerard the lion-killer
Cummins the elephant-destroyer, and Livingston
tho giraffe-chaser; of Stevens' Travels in Egypt
aud Palestine, Paul and Virginia. Alexander Du
mas the Swiss Family Robinson. Mr. Gliddon and
Sam Patch ; with spicy citations of prose and po
etry, from the master-spirits of the day Longfel
low, Bryant, Bayard Taylor, Dr. Kane, Commo
dore Perry, etc. It furnishes also, a fund of in
formation for the serions the Natural History of
the Bible, which is a subject of exhautlcss inter
est ; striking facts in Astronomy, Chemistry, and
Natural History; remarkable Biographies, inter
esting Travels, and Wonderful Discoveries in Art
and science. '
Peter Parley, the editor of this book, has a world
wide reputation, as an arthor his writings hav
ing become familiar as household words wherever
the English language is spoken. This is hi t last
trork, and we predict for it a popularity equal, if
not superior, to that acquired by any of bis form
er publications. OTh'S work will be sold er
ensive!y by sirbsrriptinu, at the low price of $3 50.
Agents wanted in all parts of he country to ob
tain pnbscribcrs for it Specimen copies will be
Rent by mail, prepaid, to any address on receipt
of the price. For full particulars address
Aug. 1 1 -"53. 119 Nassau St.. New-York.
TOBACCO AND CWARS. An assortment just
opened and for sale at the store of
November 25. .WM. If. IRWIN.
LOUR, Oat. Rye. Ac, formate at the cheap I
store of JOHN rATTOXyCurwenrWne ' i
AT. SCURVIER has resumed the practice
of medicine, and will attend promptly to all
calla ia his profession, by dey or night. Resi
dence opposite the Methodist enurdt in the Bor-'
oughof Clearfield. May 12t. 1858 - ;
PiTTSEt Kcn, Pa. : : : : CHABTratn. 155.
00 Students attending JoMnarn. 1558. Now tb
largest and most thorough Commercial School of
the United States. Young men prepared rr ac
tual antics of the Counting lloom.
J. C. Smivh. A M., Professor of Book-keeping
and Science of Acconnts.
A T. Doitbett. Teacher of Arithmetic and
Commerrial calculation.
J. A. HevoRirK and T. C. Jenkiss, Teachers of
A Cowlkv ana W. A. MtLLM, I'rofcssnrs of
as nsed in every department of business.
KF.s.roxfKrrF-roxvE!tr!Ai.Lw-aretanght. and all
other subjects necessary for the success and thor
ough education of a practical business man.
12 PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premiums lit
Pittsburgh for the past three years, also in East
ern and Western Cities, for" bcrt Writing, NOT
at any time N vacation Time unlimited Re
view at pleasure Graduates assisted in obtaining
situations Tuition for Full Commercial Course,
535.00 Average time 8 to 12 weeks Board. !2.ift
per week Stationary, SC.Oi) Entire cost. fn.00 to
STO.Ort. I"SMinisters" sons received at half price.
For Card Circular Specimens of Bus iocs aud
Ornamental Writing inrlo.'e two stamp, and ad
September 1 . 1 858. Pittsburgh, Ta.
M ER R E L I. CA li TER,
Is the place where all the following articles can
he had at reduced prices: Bar Iron of all sizes by
the small or by the quantity; Cast Steel, of vari
ous sizes and best quality ; a large assortment of
Stoves, among whu-h will be found the iVii'lf"
El'ratrd Minnesota. ALSO, a large assortment
of Nine plates and Parlor Stove, and Air 'l ights
of various patterns. ALSO, Plows nf the best
and latest patterns. ALSO, of theirown man
ufacturing a large assortment of Tin-ware, Stova
pipe. Sheet-iron pans of nil sizes, aud a.11 articles
of the kind in their line kept always on hand.
House Spouting done to order, nnd Tin Roofing
done with dispatch. ALSO, a large a.-vortuiem
of all kinds of house keeping utensils constantly
onband. COUNTRY MERCHANTS are in
vited to call, as they can be accommodated at
very low figures, with anything in our line. All
orders will be thankfully received nnd promptly
attended to. . It. MKKKELL, "
X. B. They will also receive every variety cf
articles on commission, at low rate. " M. A C.
Tho undersigned has recently fitted up a room
enc door west of his old stand on Market Street,
Clearfield borough, where he has opened a new
assortment of seasonable and fashionable goods,
llis stock consists of a general variety of tho best
and all other articles usually kept in a eonntry
store. Among w hich can be'fouud the following :
and all artie'es generaly used by housekeepers.
My former customers, aud the pnblie at large,
are invited to call and examine the'goods and
judge for themselves of the quality and prices, as
it is my desire to sell at rates to sui't the times.
Remember that the newly fitted up store room
on Market Street, (opposite the Clearfield Houso
and one door west of his former location.) is the
place to buy goods low for C.LS77, as many of the
artieles have been purchased at reduced prices.
This is the place to rcceivo a fair equivalent for
your money, these hard times.
Country produce taken iu exchange for goods
May 2d. WM. F. IRWIN.
nut Street. The onljf Original Gift Book Ston.
G. G. EVANS would inform his friends and the
public that his Star Gift Book Store and Publish
ing House is permanently established in Brown's
splendid Iron Building. 4-1f Chestnut Street, two
doors below Fith. where the purchaser e-f each
book, at the regular retail price, will receive ono
of the following gifts, valued at from 25 cents to
One Hundred Dollars. WORTH each
050 Patent English Lever Gold Watches, SHfl 00
550 Patent Anchor " " 50 00
400 Ladies Gobi Watches. 18k. cases. 35 00
600 Silver Hunting Watches, warranted, 15 00
500' Parlor Timepieces. 10 CO
500 Cameo Set. Ear Drops and Pins, 10 CO
500 Ladies" Gold Bracelets. J f)0 to 12 00
500 Gents' Vest ond Fob Chains. -10 00
1000 Gold Lockets, (large size douV.e ease,) 10 00
2000 Gold Lockets, (small size.) 3 00
1000 Gold Pencil Cases, with Gold Pens. i 00
1000 Extra Gold Pens, with cases and holders, 3 50
200 Gold Pencils. (Ladies'.) 2 00
2 00 Gold Pens, with Silver Pencils, 2 50
6500 Gold Rings, (Ladies'.) 1(0
2000 Gents' Gold Kings. ' J 5i
2500 Ladies' Gold Breastpin, 2 50
3500 Misses' Gold Breastpins. 150
2500 LadiesGoId Pens, witheases and holders, 1 50
3000 Pocket Knives. ' 1 00
2000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom StoJs, 2 50
2000 Set Gents' Sleeve Buttons, 2 50
2000 Pairs of Ladies Ear Drops, 2 50
8000 Ladies' Pearl Card Case. - 5 00
15000 Ladies' Cameo. Jet. or Mosaic rins, 5 00
2500 Ladies' Shawl and Ribbon Pins. 1 50
5000 Articles of Gold Jewelry. Gift Books. Ae.. not
enumerated in the above, worth from 25 cts toS25.
Evans' new Catalogue, which "is sent free to all
parts of the country. cofrtsMns all The most popclar
books of the day. and tie "newest publications, all
of which will be Sold as low as they can be ob
tained at other stores.
Agents wanted in every town in the Union.
Those desiringso to art. can obtain full particu
lars by addressing as above.
N. B. Being largely interested in publishing
book, and buying from other publishers in im
mense quantities, for cash, I am enabled to make
larger discounts to Country Agent and Book Deal
ers than can be had at any other house ia the eonn
try. I j?Any book published in tbel'nited States,
the retail price of which is one dollar or upwards,
will be promptly sent. Gift included, on receipt of
publisher s price. An extra SI Book and Gift
given to any pcrsou ordering ten hwoks to be sent
to one address. Send for a Catalognc.
Address, G. . EVANS. Publisher.
Aug. 25, 1S58. .ttn 4.19 Chestnut St., PhiFa.
JOSHUA E. BAKER informslLs old cus
tomers and the nublic ?enerlr. that ha . . . -
ken entire control of the CAlif.XEX MAKING
SHOP formerly occupied by Baker A Rex, whero
be i nrcnared to furnish TSnrmum Tkl.. r.j
steals. Ire., at all times. ALSO. COFFINS 'made
to oracr, ana Durtals attended with Hearsr.
Country produce of all kinds tnVn :
- . - M CAtUAUEV
for work. Mion nn V,1nnt . .
Blacksmith.shop,Cqrwensville. Anl-'5S-3t
A BLACKSMITH desirous of doing a rood
X. business, can secure a shop with a large,
custom, by applyicg inunediatelv to '
"ILLIA.M IRVIN. -September
1. 1SSS. CurwNiviIIe.
LADIES' MANTILLAS, Shawls, Bonnets. Sfcel
Cn Skirts, and Ladir-s' ilnxa rond of mJl
kinds for sale low by JOHN PATTOX. .
Curwensville. May l 1S.Y. - :
FLOCR. Just ree'vd 30 barrels Kxtm Fam
ily Floor, which will bo sold krw Tor cash by
TPk . yi l a r i-v s . r .
CARPETF, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Ac.eao.
be procured at the store of - -Myi