Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 01, 1858, Image 3

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    THE &&FTS!9!AK8 IBlMu
See advertisement of "Black-smith wanted"
also Election Proclamation.
A Fall. On last Saturday afternoon, a lit
tle son of II. II. Morrow, of the Clearfield
House, fell down the steps into the cellar,
Manning him, and bruising him considerably.
Fire ! Mr. Patrick Mulvaney having leased
the bank of Judge Moore, is prepared to sup
ply otir citizens with coal at reduced rates.
We direct attention to his advertisement in
another column of this paper.
i Accipest. On Monday, Mr. John Guelich,
tf this borough, was engaged in the woods at
cutting a log, the end of which was lying on
Hie stump, when the log broke off suddenly,
and falling across it, he struck his side on a
knot with such force that several of his ribs
Verc broken.
Tub "Weather. During the last eight or
ten days we have had nnusually cool weather,
the atmosphere feeling more like that of No
vember than of August. "Jack Frost" has
lccn loitering about the buckwheat and corn
lields, and we understand that in some places
lie has dono considerable injury to those crops,
especially to the buckwheat.
Keoclate tour Time. By referring to our
advertising columns it will be seen that MY.
II. F. Xaugle, recently from dilislc, has com
menced the Clock and Watch-making business
In this place. He comes well recommended
as a good workman, and we have no doubt
that he will render entire satisfaction to all
who rnav favor hiin with their custom.
Is the Penitentiary. Sheriff" Heed and
Constable Denmark in the latter part of the
past week conveyed Thomas Zelitzski, who
was convicted of robbing Kratzer's store, to
"the Western Penitentiary in Allegheny City.
Warden, who was sent there some moiiths ago
for horse-stealing, is said to be a good shoe
maker, and Ullman, another Representative
from this county, we understand, has been
promoted to the position of instructor of cord
wainers. A Xew Foick.' We publish the following
-epistle, verbatim et literatim, as a sample of
some of the literary curiosities which editors
frequently receive :
Aug 28th A D 1S58
Mr Row sir I will write A flew verses for
jour paper if you will except of it And if you
will put this in your paper I will send you
som nioro
Written for the rafmanes Jernal
Sonnd the stage home Blast
The trum pet that the Wailing
World may know publish it
Throughout our Borders
Eeven unto uicxico
Seize your pen o dreaming poot
a And in numbers smooth as in a by
jspred afar the joy tul tidings
Betsys got Another Baby
Boggs tp ClcarQeld co pa
We presume the interesting event alluded to
in the "pome" was enough to elate the author
and prompt him to give vent to his ecstatic
"pheelinks" in a poetic strain, and as he ap
pears anxious to have it in print, we give it a
place inonr columns, especially as ho promi
hcs to send "som more."
Iron Citt Commercial College, Pittsburg,
Pa. Xumli-r of students attending this Insti
tution is now 300 more than treble at any
similar school in the county. It is a model,
well furnished counting house of four large
lialls, 20x40, 23x80, 22x70, 44x80 feet, and is
conducted by a Faculty of fourteen experi
enced teachers and practical business men.
'flic course of study being the most thorough
and practical Teachers of writing always ob
taining the medals here, also in eastern and
western cities Low prices of board and tui
tion Healthiest city in the Union Success
o!' its graduates Best location for gaining sit
uations cause this to be the largest Commer
cial School in the Union, making it the most
desirable College for bnsiness men in any pait
of the country. For Circular ami Specimens
of Writing, address F. W. Jexkixs, Pitts
burgh, Pa. Pittsburgh Gazelle.
Opening of the English State Pater Of
jtok. Hitherto the history of the American
colonies has been lacking in some vital parts,
owing to the restrictions placed upon access to
r use of the records preserved in the State
Paper Office in London. The policy of the
"English government has undergone a change.
It is now considered that nothing can be lost
by an exposure of the secrets which np to a
Tecent date have been so rigidly guarded ; and
nt the present moment it is not more difficult
to obtain access to any of the records of the
State Paper Ofhco during the period of the
cononial history of the United States, than to
.the books of a well-regulated library. For
two or three years Sir John Homily has been
occupied in having them duly calendered and
indexed. The records of the office will add
much valuable matter to the history of the
original thirteen States, and to rone more
than that of New Vork. A correspondent of
the Richmond Enquirer sends that paper some
locuments which show the records arc likely
also to throw side lights upon the history of
many men of the era.
The fact is, perhaps, not generally known,
that when in Oliver Cromwell's time, the Wal
xlenses were so cruelly persecuted by the
Church of Rome, he called for collections to
relieve their necessities in all the churches of
the Puritans and Covenanters in Great Britain.
So heartily was this responded to, that a con
siderable surplus was left after their wants
were supplied, which remained in the British
Treasury; and this fact coming to the knowl
edge of" the Government, it was agreed that
the funds should be set apart for the support
of the Vaudois pastors. Accordingly, each of
them, sixteen in number, receives annually
JC40 from the Bank of England. The source
of another Tact of their support is even more
singular. When Napoleon conquered Italy
lie confiscated certain properties belonging to
the church of Rome and made them over to
the Yaudois. By the treaty of Vienna, after
Napoleon's overthrow, this arrangement was
"permitted to leruain undisturbed, and in con
sequence of it, each of the Vaudois pastors re
ceives 20 sterling a year. Taking into view
the simplicity of their manners, and the cir
cumstances of the country, the 60, or $300
thus provided for them, atFord an ample sup
port. It is certainly a remarkable fact in his
tory, to find Cromwell and Bonaparte united
in prfiducing such a result Banner of the
tjfTue ocr thanks to Jacob Irwin, Esq., for a
oasKci ol early apples.
L17A sour fellow says ho always looks under tbc
marriage head for the noose of the vtat:
OT"Gcneral Harney has been designated to tako
command ot tbe troops in Oregon territorv.
Ik" A political paper in Minnesota savs the re
tail price of a Minnesota Legislator is ?j00.
Li?" A poor lawyer hung himself in Milwaukie
last week. Having no cause, he left no effects.
EJBThe latest novelty in female dress is a new
style ot skirt, called the "Leviathan Crinoline."
Lr An Irish society announced that its usual
July meeting, this year, would be held in August.
tyA colony of whit people has just been set
tled in Florida, on the ground deserted by Billy
f?"" London has been a city for nearly two thou
sand years, nnd contains a population ot two and
a half millions
ITFCompIaint is made in some parts of Alaba
ma ana Oeorgia that the red rust is seriously in
juring the cotton.
IjThrce things that never agree two cats o-
ver one mouse, two wives m one house, or two lov
ers after one maiden.
ljfThe Mormons at Fait Lake city are still dis
satisfied and unruly. Tbcy insult the gentiles
Whenever an opportunity occurs.
CBishop M'Gill. of Hiehmond. Yn., has re
ceived from Arcbbishep Hughes, of N.Y., a present
of a magnificent pair of carriage horses.
4 js "According to the LouisvillcC'oanVr. tbe pres
ent crop of com throughout Kentucky, Indiana,
Illinois, and Tennessee, will bo the heaviest ever
Gr"An incorrigible wag, who had lent a minis
ter a horse, which ran away and throw its rider,
thought he should havo some aid ill -spreading''
the gospel.
I' Military encampments have been ordered in
WilliamsportScpt.Tth. Bellefonte 20th. llollidays
burg 27th. and others in Snyder county. Alleghe
ny and Dauphin counties.
SLcfOf the forty-eight Senators who took their
seats in the Kigbteenth Congress in 132-1, only two
survive. Martin Van Burcn of New Vork, and John
ISranch of North Curulina.
l"i?"Soniclody thinks that because a woman sent
the first word over the Ocean Telegraph, it will be
talking all the time. Wo wish it would, and talk
a little faster than it does cow.
V F'A slavo case was tried in Madison co., Ky.,
onthellth and 12th of August. A white woman
who had been held in bondage from infancy. more
than twenty years, was declared free.
fj?Tbe papers arc quarreling with Queen Vic
because she addressed the President as '-The Hon
orable," instead of '-His Excellency." Titles a
inoug a Democratic people! Fudge !
I"?A Berks county farmer spcaksin high terms
of the crimson clover a new species of clover ob
tained through tbe Patent Office. The seeds were
sown on the 1 7th of April, and ripened on tlio 20th
of July.
f"XrIt is stated that Gov. Wise, of Ya . contem
plates purchasing land and removing to Tazewell
county. This is in the extreme west of the State,
ami it looks as if the Uovcrnor was going in for
-free labor."
E7P"A slave woman in Florence Ky, bent out tlio
brains of her new born babe, on the night of the
loth August, alleging as a reason, when arrested,
"that she would not raise up children to work for
others all their lives !'
txThere is an ordinance in the city of London
requiring a five-eighths inch tube to be inserted
near the coiling in every room, fur the purpose of
letting off the gas in caso of accident or careless
ness. A good precaution.
ITiPOn the 9th August, at Cincinnati, a man was
blowing in bis gun to see if it was loaded, when a
dog bounded playfully towards him, struck the
trigger with his paw and blowcd the man's brains
out, killing bim instantly.
C?"Mr. Forsyth, our Minister to Mexico, and
Mr. Henry, who was bearer of dispatches, will re
turn home on the sloop of war Plymouth. Orders
were sent, not long since, for that vessel to sail for
Vera Cruz on that mission.
Flfln England, there is at present a great de
pression of trade the natural result of the late
panic. Great Britain has felt that unfortunate re
vulsion as severely as ourselves. Like us, it is now
dull and spiritless in business.
ft?1 A distinguished Berlin professor has lately
produced a paper in regard to the world's popula
tion, in which ho arrives at the conclusion that the
globe is at present inhabited by twelve hundred
and eighty-three millions of people.
fUnparalcllcd horror and tremendous excite
ment resulted in St. Louis from tbc finding of the
dead bodies of two fine looking children in a box.
A Coroner was called, and a jury scraped together
when the children were found to be wax !
I sTJlr. Bell. editor of the Tyrone Star, has pros
ecuted Mr. Traugh, editor of the llollidaysburg
Standard, for libel, and the latter has been bound
over in tbe sum of $600. to answer at the next sit
ting of the Quarter Sessions of Blair county.
"sTMIcrse Kadish, bruised and applied to the
wrist as a kind of poultice, is said to give imme
diate relief in .cases of toothache or neuralgia.
It should be applied to the wrist on that side of the
body which is affected by the disease or pain.
tjeA lady was taken by surprise in Mississippi,
the other day. At least we judge so from the fact
that John 15. Surprise was married to Sallio A.
Stocks '-fancy stocks." we presume. They will
probably have little -surprises'' occosionally.
lSA female correspondent of a St. Louis paper
speaks of a sight she saw lately, that made her
smack her lips. Itscems a pity tiiat the ladies in
that city have to smack their own lips. In this
latitude the men are always ready to save them
that trouble.
t jLA little boy 10 years old was recently missed
by his parents and was found after soruo days in a
spring-lock trunk. '-It closed with a spring and
his cheeks young bloom, was blanched in the damp
of a living tomb." Who does not remember the
sadly sweet song of the "Mistletoe bough."
VtTIt is stated that the father of a lady in the
vicinity of New Bedford. Mass., recently presented
her with a check "good as wheat' for 30,000. in
view of her matrimonial alliance. Truly such a
checZ-cred life as that wouldn't be hard to lead.
We wish somebody would endeavor to "check" our
career in that way.
0"A man in Allegheny county recently got
drunk and whipped his wife. She threatened to
leave him, and packed up her kit for that purpose
He became repentant and gave her a deed in her
own name Tor the house and lot in which they liv
ed, worth 51700. Thisat once ended thedispute O,
woman, thou art good at bringing men to terms.
I Everything must havo altered very much ia
a short time; only a few years since (Jen. Jackson,
being seated between two ladies, said he felt like
a thorn surrounded with roses. V. S. M. says, a
few days ago, while riding in an omnibus, and be
ing seated between two ladies, he felt like a stavo
in a hogshead of molasses, surrounded by hoops.
l"Thc St. Louis Republican (loco) states that a
census of the city is about to bo ordered by tho
"Black Republican" city autborites, and manifests
alarm on the subject. This movement is thought
to have something to do with an intended expo
sure of the fraud by which Blair was defeated.
The Republican wants it put off to a more conve
nient season.
SIsThe genius who perpetrated the following,
it is said, fainted after the effort, and was car
ried off on a shutter : ''
The Atlantic cable
Ain't a fable
Bring forth several bottles of Champagno and
place them on the table.
We intend to be slewed as Cain slew Ablo.
Till we can't stand, but must sit on our gable.
Robbery of the U. S. Mint. A bold at
tempt was made a few days ago, to rob the
Mint at Philadelphia. Three respectable look
ing men visited the Mint, and were shown
through the building. Taking advantage of
the momentary absence of their guide, they
opened the cabinet of rare coins, with false
kevs, and stolo several $20 gold coins, and
two $50 gold coins, and a bar of gold valued
at 540. Two of them have been arrested, who
gave their names as Charles Mcrvine and
Charles Morris.
Pennsylvania who intend to vote for Por
ter and Frost, at the October election, must
keep in mind that every vote cast for these
gentlemen will be regarded as an endorsement
of Buchanan, Glancy Jones, Lecompton,
Scotch water pipes, and Free trade.
In Bradford township, on ThursJ.iy, August
10th, Dobcas, wife of James M. Dicksn, aged
C8 years.
Professor II. I) it Vail, after twenty-five
years labor in experimenting upon the whole cat
alogue of medicines, has discovered ELECTRI
ClTl' in a positive form, nnd that agent is put
forth to the world in his OALVANIC OIL, and
is now the only medical preparation that will pos
itively cure all Sure and Painful Disease This
Oil is rendered electrically positive, and acts on
the system by imparting to it electricity in the
Galvanii form. It is expressly recommended for
all sore and painful diseases, as tbe following:
Neuralgia in all its forms, gives relief in a few
minutes. Pain in the Uxel, Breast or Side. Rheu
matism and all pain ful diseases of the. Stomach
and Botcels. In short it will relieve pain wherev
er located All that is asked, is. try the Galvanic
Oil for the cure of any disease of the nboc class.
Lewistown, Pa., Proprietor, to whom all orders
must be addressed.
For sale by Moore & Etiwcilcr, and Rccd A
Weaver, Clearfield, and country merchants gener
ally. Lewistown. August 25. lS.S-y.
Is the place where all the following articles can
be had at reduced prices: Bar Iron of all sizes by
the small or by the quantity; Cast Steel, of vari
ous sizes and best quality; a large assortment of
Stoves, among which will ho found the XEW
Eh rated Minnesota. ALSO, a large assortment
of Nine plates and Parlor Stoves, and Air Tights
of various patterns. ALSO, Plows of tho best
and latest patterns. ALSO, of thcirown man
ufacturing a large assortment of Tin-ware, Stovo
pipe. Sheet-iron pans of all sizes, and all articles
of the kind iu their lino kept always on hand.
House Spouting done to order, and Tin Roofing
done with di.-patch. ALSO, a large assortment
of all kinds of house keeping utensils constantly
on hand. COUNTK MERCHANTS are in
vited to call, as they can be accommodated nt
very low figures, with anything in our line. All
orders will bo thankfully received and promptly
attended to. O. B. MEBKELL,
' ' L. 11. CARTER.
N. B. Tbcy will also receive every variety of
articles on commission, at low rates. M. A C.
will bo held as follows, to wit:
For Curwcnsvillo and Pike, at Curwensvillo on
September 1 3th, 14th and 15th.
For J!rady and I nion. at Luthersburg on Sep
tember idiu. ntn ana ittn.
For Bell. Burnsido and Chest, at New Washing
ton on Sept. 2!)th. 21st and 22d.
For Beccaria. Jordan and Woodward, at Glen
Hope on Sept. 2.id, 21th and 2.th.
For Clearfield. Lawrence and Goshen, at Clear
field on Sept. 27th. 2Sth and 2!lth.
For Ferguson, Knox and Penn. at Lumber City
on rept. ;utn, and Oct. 1st and zd.
For Bradford. Boggs and Graham, at Graham
ton on October 4th. 5th and 6th.
For Morris and Decatur, at Morrisdale on Oc
tobcr 7th. 8th and 9th.
For Girard, Covington and Ivarthaus, at Bald
mils on Oct. 11th. 12ih and 13th.
For Huston and Fox, at Hickory Kingdom on
uctoocr zoth and Zlst.
The institutes will be opened tho first day at 11
o'clock, A. jr. Addresses will be delivered on the
subject of education in the evenings The public
arc invited to attend the Institutes, r.xamina
tions at each place on the last day. Teachers ncg
looting to attend tho public examinations will not
he entitled to a private examination; see School
Laws for 1S17, page 51, section l."!S.
Aug. 25. L. L. STILL, Co. Snpfd.
PLOri? Just received 30 barrels Extra Fam
ily Flour, which will be sold low for rash by
Colds. Coughs. Croup, Ac, sold at Joseph Goon's
cnoe cuop, llearneld. Pa. OctZS.
TV"OTICE. All persons having accounts with
J- George J. Kyler, are hereby notified that
the undersigned has been appointed by the Court
his committee, and that tbe said accounts must at
once be presented to him for settlement.
Clearfield. July 7. 1S03 Ct.
TJLASTEKINO The subscriber having lo-
-- ctcd himself in the Jiorough of Clearfield,
would inform the public that he is prepared to do
work in the above line, from plain to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also
whitewashing and repairing dono in a neat man
ner, and on reasonable terms.
CHANGE Tbc subscriber having taken
the above well known stand, in Curwensville, Pa.,
is ready to accommodate all who may favor him
with their patronage. His table will always be
supplied with the best the market can afford, and
his Bar with the choicest liquors. His stable will
be under the care of attentive hostlers.
Curwensville, April S. ISjS.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cantioned
agaiust purchasing or meddling with the
following property in the posscssiou of Henry
Peiitecoff. of Burnside township, to wit: 1 cooking
stove and pipe. 2 acres of buckwheat, i acre of po
tatoes, 2 shoats. 2 beds and bedding.- 1 rocking
chair. 1 tabic, 1 lot of dishes and tin-ware. 1 look
ing glass. 1 book case and desk, and I red cow; as
tbe same belong to mo. SAM'L SEBRING.
Burnside tp., August 13, ISiS-aulS-St.
Boots & Shoes always on Hand,
(of our otrn male.) JOSEPH GOON, thankful for
past favors, and grateful for future prospects, de
sires to inform the citizens of this vicinity and his
old friends and patrons in partieulur, that he has
removed to the FIRST ROOM in the EAST
E.XD of SHAW'S NEW ROW, the first door
vest o f the Mansion House, where he has on band
constantly, a large assortment of every variety in
the BOOT AND SHOE line. Custom work attend
ed to with dispatch. The very best of stock will
be used and no pains spared to make neat fits and
durable work. All of which can be obtained of
gaiil J. Goon, very low for the Ready Rhino.
Clearfield. August U, lS.r.8.
The undersigned has recently fitted up a room
ene door west of his old stand on Market Street,
Clearfield borough, where he has opened a new
assortment of seasonable and fashionable goods.
His stock consists of a general variety of the best
and all other articles usually kept in a country
store. Among which can be tound the following :
and all artie'es gencraly used by housekeepers.
My former customers, and the public at large.
are invited to call anil examine the goods and
judge for theinaclve of the quality and prices, as
it is my uesire to sell at rates to suit the times.
Remember that the newly fitted up store room
on Market Street, (opposite the Clearfield House
ana one aoor west ot his turmer location.) is the
place to buy goods low for CASH, as many of the
articles have been purchased at reduced prises.
1 Ins is the l'lacc to receive a lair equivalent lor
your money, these hard times.
Country produce taken in exchange for goods.
May 2i. WM. F. IRWIN.
SPLENDID G IFTS ! ! ! ! '.At 439 Chest
nut Street. The only Original Gift Root Store.
(r. (r. r. A.s would inform bis friends and the
public that his Star Gii't Book Store and Publishi
ng lli'iise is permanently established in Brown's
splendid Iron Building, 4.'W Chestnut Street, two
doors below Pith, where the purchaser of each
book, at tbo regular retail price, will receive one
of the following gifts, valued at from 2b cents to
One Hundred Dollars. WORTH EACn
550 Patent F:nglish Lever Gold Watches, $100 00
Z:0 Patent Anchor " " 00 00
400 Ladies Gold Watches, lSk. cases. 3a 00
GC0 Silver Hunting Watches, warranted, 15 00
500 Parlor Timepieces, JO 00
500 Cameo Sets. Ear Drops and Tins, 10 00
500 Ladies' Gold Bracelets. 5 00 to 12 00
f.00 Gents' Yost ond Fob Chains. 10 00
1000 Gold Lockets, (large size double case.) 10 0
2000 Gold Lockets, (small size.) 3 00
1000 Gold Pencil Cases, with Gold Tens. 5 00
1000 Extra Gold Pens, with cases and holders, .1 50
2500 Gold Pencils. (Ladies'.) 2 00
200 Gold Pens, with Silver Tcncils, 2 50
6500 Gold Rings, (Ladies',) 1 00
2000 Gents Gold Kings. 2 50
2500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins, 2 50
3500 Misses' Gold Breastpins, 1 50
2500 Ladies Gold Pens, with'cases and holders, I 50
3000 Pocket Knives. 100
2000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs, 2 50
2000 Sets Gents' Sleeve Buttons, 2 50
2000 Pairs of Ladies' Ear Drops, 2 50
8000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases. 5 00
15000 Ladies' Cameo, Jet. or Mosaic Tins, 5 00
2500 Ladies' Shawl and Ribbon Pins. 1 50
5000 Articles of Gold Jewelry, Gift Books, ic , not
enumerated in the above, worth from 25 cts to 25.
Evans' new Catalogue, which is sent free to all
parts of the country, contains all the most popular
books of the day. and the newest publications, all
of which will be sold as low as they can be ob
tained at other stores.
Agents wanted in every town in tho Union.
Those desiringaso to act, can obtain full particu
lars by addressing as above.
X. B. Being largely interested in publishing
books, and buying from other publishers' in im
mense quantities, for cash, I am enabled to make
larger discounts to Country Agents and Book Deal
erg than can be had at any other house in the coun
try. Jjp"Any book published in tbeUnited States,
the retail price of which is one dollar or upwards,
will bo promptly sent. Gift included, on receipt of
publisher s price. An extra $1 Book and Gift
given to any person ordering ten books to be sent
to ono address. Send for a Catalogue.
Address, G. G. EVAXS, Publisher.
Aug. 25, 1S53. 3m 439 Chestnut St., Phil'a.
LADIES'MAXTILLAS, Shawls, Bonnets, Skel
eton Skirts, and Ladies' dress goods of all
kinds for sale low by JOHN PATTON.
Curwensville, May 12. 1858.
LARGiriiT(HNATLS. Glass. Paints, Oils",
ia., for sale cheap by JQHN PATTOX.
Curwensville, May 12. 1858.
BIBLES The Bible Society of Clearfield co.,
hereby gives notice that their hooks, name
ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of
fice of James Wrigley, Register and Recorder at
Clearfield. The books aro of various sizes and a-
I dapted to supply cither private individuals or Sun-
nay schools at very cheap rates. Very substan
tial bibles can bo had as low as 25 cents apiece,
and testaments as low as fi cents apiece.
Tbe people of the county generally are also in
vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the
Society. Signed by order of the Executive Com
mittee. ALEX. McLEOD, President.
I X The undersigned would respectfully an
nounce to his friends and the public generally'
that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es
tablishment in "Xew Salem City," Brady town
ship, where he will at all times be prepared to
manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds of
Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows &s. The best ma
terial that can bo procured will be used, and his
work will be mado in the most substantial and du
rable manner, such as will bear the test of strict
examination. By a close observance of his busi
ness engagements, and by disposing of his work
on the most reasonable terms, which he will do
for cither cash or approved country produce, he
hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub
lic custom BENJ. KISUEL.
Xew Salem City. Jan. 16, 185(1.
subscriber takes this method of informing the
citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has
posite the Jail, and is now prepared to wait npon
and render general satisfaction to all who may fa
vor hiin with their patronage. Ho feels confident
in saying that never before has there been offered
to the public of this section, such inducement" as
he offers. All articles purchased at this establish
ment will be warranted, and if proven not to be
as represented, will be made good without extra
charge. His work cannot be surpassed, as he is
determined to use only tho very best materials in
their manufacture. Tho "world and the rest of
mankind'' are requested to call and satisfy them
selves of the fact, that his articles aro of the beet
and most durable materials.
Clearfield, March 17, 1S58.
Eating House! Eating House ! and littery!
Eating House! Eating House ! and Rntery!
Eating House! Eating House! and Bitrru!
The undersigned takes this method of informing
the citizens of Clearfield and tho public in gener
al, that he has opened an EATING HOUSE and
BAKER V in the room on Market street, known as
the ''Old Jew Store, where he will keep on hand
a general assortment of Confectionaries, such as
Canines of all kinds, .Nuts in great variety, rigs.
Baisens, Prunes. tc. &e. lie will also keep Ale
and Lager Beer at all times, which, he does not
hesitate to say. is a superior article, and from tho
best breweries in the west. ALSO, a large assort
ment of Tobacco and Cigars, always on hand.
As he is a Baker by trade, he will always keep
a snpply of FRESH BREAD and CAKES, as well
as PIES of every description that tho season will
afford. He will also bake to order, on short no
tice, anything of the kind that maybe wanted
by the citizens of Clearfield.
The public arc respectfully inv tcd to call and
see his stock, which he thinks cannot fail to meet
the wants and wishes of persons who desire any
ot the articles in his lino of business. He solicits,
and hopes to receive, a liberal share of patronage,
as it will be his constant aim to accommodate and
please all who may favor him with their custom.
Call and judge for yourselves. Remember the
place, tho -OLD JEW STOKE." on Market street
Clearfield ap23 WENDLIN ENTRES.
Dr. Gustar Limmrd's Taste Restorative. Troches,
the Great Sirhytitntc for Tobacco. It is a well
known and incontrovcrtable fact that tho use of
Tobacco is the promoting causo of many of the
most severe MENTAL AND PHYSICAL disorders
to which the raco of man is subject, ascurcful an
alasis and long and painful experience have clear
ly proven that it containsccrtain narcotic and poi
sonous properties most dangerous in their effects,
which by entering into the blood derange tho
functions and operations of the Heart, causing ma
ny to suppose that organ to be seriously diseased.
TOBACCO affects also she entire nervous system,
manifesting itself as all who have ever used the
noxious weed will bear testimouy in Lassitude,
Nervous Irritability, Water Brash. Dyspepsia, and
many other disorders of a similar character. Tho
"Tasto Restorative Troches" arc designed to coun
teract these baneful influences, and have proved
completely successful in a multitude of cases, and
wherever used. lieing harmless in themselves
they exert a beneficial effect upon the entire sys
tem, restoring the Taste which has becomo vitia
ted or destroyed by great indulgence, complete
ly removinr the irritation and accoinnanvin-r tick-
' ' j o
ling sensation of tho Throat which are always
consequent upon abstaining from the use of To
bacco, and by giving a healthy tone to the Stom
ach, invigorate the whole system.
Persons who aro irretrievably underminimr
their constitutions and shortening their lives.
should uso theso Troches immediately and throw
off tho injurious and unpleasant habit of Tobacco
These Troches or Lozenges are nut un in a con
venient and portable form at the low price of 50
cents per Box. A liberal discount to the Trade.
1 rcpared solely bv the undersigned to whom
all orders should be addressed.
JAMES E. BOWERS. Druggist,
Corner 2d and Race streets, Philadelphia
April 14, 185S-ly.
. Main and White Streets. BROOKVILLE, Pa
Fefr24. R. R. MEANS. Proprietor.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or meddling with one
Iron Grey Colt, now in possession of Thomas E
vans, of Chest township, n3 the same belong tome.
Chest tp., Aug. 13-'5s-at. LOUIS J. 1IURD.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cantioned
against purchasing or middling with the
following property in tho possession of John Rian,
of Burnside tp., to wit : 1 brown horse, 1 orrel
mare, 1 two-horse wagon. 1 threshirg machine,
and 1 red cow ; as the same belong to mo. :
Burnside tp., August 13, lS5S-aulS-3t.
C CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
J against meddling with the following proper
ty in the possession of Jacob Rowland, in Burn
sido township, tho same having been purchased by
me at Sheriffs sale, and is only subject to my or
der, to wit : One windmill, one wagon, three hogs,
a lot of hay in the barn, corn in the field, buck
wheat in tho field, two rows, one hciffer. and one
Chest township. Aug. 4. 1S5S. aug25
Tho undersigned hereby announ
ces to the citizens of Clearfield connty,
that he is still engaged, at his old stand m
and BOX TOM US. Also llea.1 and Foot Stones
of the latest and most approved styles, and on the
most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at
tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN.
Aug. 25, lS53.-dec2.V57. Tyrone City.
RENT. The undersigned committee of
George J. Kyler. offers for rent the large farm in
Bradford township, at the intersection of the roads
from Graham ton. Kylertown. Morrisdale, Phillips
burg, and Clearfield, consisting of 2'JO acres, over
100 acres cleared with a large and commodious
House, a large barn and other buildings thereon.
Ailo a large orchard of choice fruit trees Any
information can be obtained by applying to II. B.
Swoope. Esq., Clearfield. Pa, or to the undersigned.
Prepared Originally hy Prof. D avail, for merit of
the College of Surgeons, Paris, is now offered to
the public for the cure of all those diseases in which
alteratives and resolvents are indicated. These
pills are rendered void of taste by which means
the most delicate stomach can take them as well
as the smallest child.
From three to five boxes will euro tho worst
caso of Scrofula.
From two to four boxes will cure the worst case
of Salt Rheum.
From two to 3 boxes will cure the Ring Worm.
One box will cure Scaly Eruptions of the Skin.
From two to four boxes will cure all old Ulcers
and Running Sores.
One box will cure Humors in tho Eyes.
From one to three boxes will cure the" in jst in
veterate case of Nursing Sore Mouth.
From one to two boxes will ouro the severest
case of scabby head in children.
From three to six boxes will cure the (common
ly called) thick neck or Goitre.
From two to four boxes will cure the Dropsy.
F'rom one to three boxes will euro Juandice.
From two to six pills will cure the Sick Head
Ache when accompanied with Billious
One box will cure the rever and Ague
For all diseases arising from an impure state of
the blood, and bilious habits, the 1 tint el es Gal rou
te Pills are the best pills ever known in the annals
of medicine. 25 cents iter Box Any agent on
receipt of S 1 will send four boxes to any part of
iuu jiueu stales, tree ot postage.
J. D. STONEROAD. Proprietor.
aug25-'5S-y Lewistown, Pa.
For sale by Moore fc Etzweiler, Clearfield, Pa.,
and by country merchants genorally.
It is devoted exclusively to the Instruction and
Entertainment of Freemasons, their Wives. Fam-
iies. and Friends. Each number contains Por
traits of distinguished Freemasons, and other En
gravings, by the best Artists; and the articles by
Dr. A. G. M.telei, Rev. George Oliver, Giles
rates, Albert Pike. Rob. Morris. Jnltn Dove. J.
Thro. Hull u. and others, comprise Masonic Law.
History, Jurisprudence, and Belles Lettres. from
the Pens of the leading Masonic Authors of tbe
present century. As a Masonic Monthly Magazine
it has no equal, either in beauty of Mechanical
execution, or Value of its articles, in the World.
Each niothly part contains as much reading mat
ter, not to speak of the costly engravings illustra
ting the same, as all tho other monthly issues of
the Masonic Press in America, rolled into one. It
is acknowledged to be tho Monthly Magazine of
the Age.
Single subscriptions, 1 year. jostpaid, ' S3 00
' " 2 years, " 5 00
Clubs of Two to Eight, each 2 50
Clubs of any number above Eight, each 2 00
The Cash in all cases must accomnanv the or
ders. The subscriptions for each year commence
wun tue nrst (January) nuinner ot mat year, thus
supplying the subscriber with the Masonic Ro
mance series complete. But the work being ste
reotyped, any number or series of numbers will
be mailed, postpaid, on receipt of the price, 25
cents each. Address
J. l BRENXAX, Editor and Publisher.
July 7, 1658. Louisville, Ky.
:.4 Caslet of Gems of Wit and Wisdom."
-"a- Of Fact and Fancy, Wit and Humor,
liltymc. Reason, and Romance, epiteo bv 8. a.
goo.'ikicii (iT.TF.il r-ARLEY.) One volume, large
Octavo, handsomely bound in red morocco, with
gilt side and bact ; containing 750 pages, and Il
lustrated by 300 Beautiful Engraringx. The de
sign of this book is to bring wholo libraries into a
single volume to furnish a mental meal for every
day and every hour for every tasto humor, age.
caprice a book for the grave and gay, the old and
young; we have, therefore, Science and Phyloso
phy, Rhyme and Reason. Wit ond Wisdom, Fact
and Fancy, which, put together as they come, pro
duce a sort of intellectual plum pudding, inas
much as the whole is peppered and spiced with
puns, conundrums, and drolleries, to say nothing
of a garnish of three hundred engravings.
In these pages are given the essences of thought
and sentiment from Goethe, Sydney Smith, Sam
Johnson, and many others; clerical anecdotes. Hi
bernian eccentricities, Western extravaganzes,
gathered from the four minds of the Press; out
lines of the talcs of Don Quixote and Gil Bias; of
the Fables of Flavian and Lafontainc; of the epic
poems of Jerusalem Delivered, Tclcmacbus. Or
land F'urioso, and others; of the Lifo and Sayings
of Mrs. Partington and the Widow Bedott; of tho
Bunsby Papers and the Green Mountain Girls; of
the Lifo of Sam Houston, Gerard the lion-killer,
Cummins the elephant-destroyer, and Livingston
tho giraffe-chaser; of Stevens' Travels in Egypt
and Palestine, Paul and Virginia. Alexander Du
mas the Swiss Family Robinson, Mr. Gliddon and
Sam Patch ; with spicy citations of prose and po
etry, from tho master-spirits of the day Longfel
low, Bryant, Bayard Taylor, Dr. Kane, Commo
dore Perry, etc. It furnishes also, a fund of in
formation for the serious the Natural History of
the Bible, which is a subject of exhautless inter
est ; striking facts in Astronomy, Chemistry, and
Natural History; remarkable Biographies, "inter
esting Travels, and Wonderful Discoveries in Art
and Science.
Peter Parley, the editor of this book, has a world
wide reputation, as an arthor his writings hav
ing become familiar as household words wherever
the English language is spoken. This is his last
wort, and we predict for it a popularity equal, if
not superior, to that acquired by any of his form
er publications. rThi work will be sold ex
clusively by subscription, at tho low price of S3 50.
Agents wanted in all parts ot fne country to od
tain subscribers for it. Specimen eopies will be
sent by mail, prepaid, to any address on receipt
of the price. For full particulars add res
1 ...... . y .'i'wiv !.. . i : .1
Au". ll-58. 119 Xassao St., Xew-ork.
TOBACCO AND CIGARS. An assortment just
opened and for sale at the store of
Xovcmber 25. WM. F. IRWIN.
IT1L0UR, Oats, Rye. ie., for sale at the cheap
1 store of-- JOHN PATTON,CurwcnsH.
AT. SCHRYVER has resamed the practice
of medicine, and will attend promptly to all
calls in his profession, by day or night. Resi
dence opposite the Methodist church in the Bor
Ongh of Clearfield. May 12th. 1353
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cantion
. ed against buying or in any way meddling
with the following property, to wit ; 1 timber sled.
1 twe-horse waggon. 1 yoke of oxen. 1 raft timber
of 3100 feet in tbe woods, 4 hogs. The above pro
perty, iiow in possession of John Robison, of
Chest totVnfliip, has only been left in his care,
and is subject to my order.
July 21. Ift58-3fn. II. P. PATTON.
And be C a n v c J
The great Revival has done immense good in al
most every State, county, and town in the Union,
outside of Clearfield. Therefore, in consideration
of the above rumor, Frank Short has taken the
responsibility upnn himself td revive the Boot and
Shoe business in Clearfield, and set a good exam
ple to his fellow men. He has to announce to hi
old customers, and asmanv new ones as may favor
him with a call, that he has on hand a large as
sortment of fine work and any amount of coarse.
Also, Gents' gaiters made to order, and of any
style to suit customers. Morocco, Frencli Calf, and
PattcntCnlf gaiters constantly on hand. Findings
for sale, kit excepted. All work leaving his es
tablishment warranted not to rip. Customers'
coming to town will find him at the shop formerly
occupied by R. R. Welch, dee'd.. as a watch and
clock establishment, nearly opposite Reed A Wea
ver's Store. Roll in boys and get new soles or
your old ones repaired, as somo of them stand in
great need of it. FRANK SHORT.-
Clearfield. June 30. lS5S-"m.
TUS. Volume Fourteen Itcgins Scttemier
American has now reaehed its Fourteenth Vear
and will enter upon a New Volume on the 11th of
Soptomher. It is the only weekly publication of
the kind now issued in this eountry, and it has
very extensive circulation in ail the States of tho
1. nion. It is not. as some might suppose froui its'
title, a dry, abstruse work on technical science ; on
the contrary, it so deals with tho great events go
ing on in tho scientific, mechanical and industrial
worlds, as to please and instruct every one. If the
Mechanic or Artizan wsshes to know the best ma
chine iu use. or how to make any substance em
ployed in his business if the lluuse-wife wishes
to get a reeipe for making a good color. Ac. if
the Inventor wishes to know what is going on in
tho way of improvements if tho Manufacturer
wishes to keep posted with the times, and to cm
ploy the best facilities in his business if the Man
of Leisure and Study wishes to keep himself fa
miliar with the progress made in thechemical lab
oratory, or in the construction of telegraphs, steam
ships, railroads, reapers, mowers, and a thousand
other machines and appliances, both of peace and
war ail these desiderata can be found in the "Sew
entifie American." and not clsrirhcre. They aro
here presented in a reliable and interesting form,
adapted to the comprehension of minds unlearned
in the higher branches of science and art.
TERMS One copy, one year, S2 ; One copy, six
mouths, 81; 1'ive copies, six months, St ; Ten cop
ies, six months, SS; Ten copies, twelvemonth,
S15 ; 1'iftecn copies, twelve months. 522; Twenty
coydes, twelve months. S23, in advance.
Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inspec
tion. Southern and Western money, or Postage
Stamps, taken for subscriptions. ""Letters should
be directed to MI NX A CO..
12S Fulton-Street. New-York.
USMessrs. Munn & Co. are extensively entraired
in procuring patents for new inventions, and will
advise inventors without charge, in regard to tho:
novelty of their improvements. Aug. IS, 185S.
The following are the rates of discount at which
the notes of the banks given were purchased last
weeK oy tne nroaers ot Philadelphia:
maims. disc.
Monsom River Bank. 60
Rockland Bk, R'kl'd 1
Canton Bank, China,
Ellsworth Bank. 75
Exchange Bk. Bangor 60
Grocors" Bank.
MaratimeliK. Bangor 10
Sanford Bk, Rockland
Hancock Bk. Ellsw'th
Bank of Hallowell, 75
Solvent banks. i
Danby Bank. Danby,
Bank of Royal ton, i
Bk of South Roy alton,
Stark BK.Benningron 4
St. Albans Bk. St. Alb
Missisquoi BK,Shcldn
Woodstock Bank.
Solvent banks.
Bank of South Coun
ty, Wakefield. 20
TivertonBK, Ti vc
Warwick BK.Warw'k 5
Rhode l.-land Exchange
Bk, E. Greenwich, i
Mt. Vernon Bank, i
Hopkinton Bank, 20
All solvent banks, i
Merck. Ex. Bk.Bridgp
Bridgeport City Bit, i
lolcbeter JSank,
Bk of Hartford Co.
Hatters' Bk. Bethel,
Exch. Bk. Hartford,
Charter Oak Bk. "
Mercantile Back u
I ncas Bk, Norwich,
QuiDebaugBK, "
Woostrr Bk, Danbury
oodhury l.ank,
virgima. disc.
Bank of Kanawha, Ka-
nowha Salines
Solvent banks, 1
Bk of Penn'a, Phil'a 70
Phil'a banks, par
Allentown Bank, par
Anthracite bank,
Bk of Chester Co.. par
Bk of Delaware co, par
Bk of Gcrmantown, par
Bk of Montg'y co., par
Bk of Pottstown, par
Bk of Catasauqua, par
Columbia Bank, par
Doylestown Bk, par
Easton Bank, par
Fr.AMech.bK Easton par
Far.BK of Buckseo. par
Far.r.K. I.ancatcr, par
Far.BK. Reading, par
Lancaster Co. Bank, par
Pawcatuek Bank, i
Bk of N.Am. Seymour 5
Pahquioquc Bk, Danb i
Granite Bk. Yolnnt'n
Pequonnock Bank
Wiudhain County Bk,
Agricultural BK.lIerk
Addison Bk. Addison
Bk of Orleans, Albion, 50
Central Bank of New
York. Utica.
Chemung County Es 15
Dairymen's Bank, 5
Elmira Bank. Ehnira i
HolIisterBk. Buffalo, 5
Hamilton Ex. Bank. 25
HugucnotBK.N.Paltx i i
Medina B:c, Medina, I
Niagara River Bank, 1
Ontario Bk. Utie. 50
Ontario Co.Bk, Phelps 5
Pratt Bank, Buffalo 20
Oliver Lee A Co's Bk " J
Reciprocity Bk, " 30
Sackctt's Harbor " 30
Western Bk, Lockport 10
Yates Co. Bk, Pen Van
Mineral Bk. Cnmb.
Cumb'l'd Savings Bk, 3
Solvent banks, 1
Bk of Ashland, 1
Solvent Banks, 1
City Bank. Cincinnati 50
O. LircATrustCo..Cin
Scnaca Co. Bk. Tiffin,
Sandusky City Bk. CI 20
Bk of Maoora b Cou nty
Davton Bank, Dayton 5
Miami Val.Bc, ' 10
State Bank, 1
Rock River Bk. Beloit
Farmers' Bk, Hudson,
Fox River BK.tir. Bay
Badger State Bk,
Solvent Banks,
Peninsularl'.K, Detroit
Fanners' A Mech. Bk,' 2
Bk o Montgomery,
Central Bank, ' 5
Northern Bank. 3
Lcbauon Bar.k.
Mauch Chunk Bk,
Miners" Bk Pottev'e,
Stroudshnrg bank,
Wyoming Bank, .
Harriburg Bank.
Bk of Chambersburg.
Bk of Midiletown,
York Bank,
Bk of Gettysburg,
Bk of Pitts"burg.
Citizens' Bk, Pittsb.
Exchange Bk. Pittsb.
Iron City Bk. Pittsb.
Mechanics' Bk, Pittsb
Mononga'la b. Browns
i FarADro.bK.Waynesb i
liK ot Northumbcrl. t
Bk of Danville. par
West Branch Bank,
Lock Haven Bank, par
Lewisburg Bank. i
Far.BK Schuylkill co. i
Allegheny BK.Allgh'y
Bk of Lawrence eo., 1
Honcsdalc Bank 1
MerA .Man Bk JPittab.
Erie Back. &
Erie City Bank, 1
McKean County Bk,
Tioga County Bank,
Bk of N.J. N.Brunsw
Bergen County BaDK
at Haekensack,
Morris County Bank
Agric-1 Bk. Brownsv.
WesternBK, Memphis
Bank of Nashville, 20
Exc.BK.Murfrcesboro' 3
Shelbyville Bank.
Lawrenceburg bank,
Bank of Trenton.
Bank of Claiborne,
Bank of Jefferson.
Bank of Knoxville.
Bank of Paris. Paris,: 3r
Bank of Tazewell, 4i
Bank of the Union. Si
Buck's BKM"Minnv'e 3.
City Bank. Nashville 3
Northern BK.Clarksv. 3.
Traders' Bk, Nashv. 3
Bk of Commerce, " 3
OeooceBic Cleveland. 50
Bank of Middle Teno.3t
Dandridge bank, 50
BanK of Tennessee 3
Planters' A Union Bk, 3
BanK of tbe Capitol,
Traders' bank,.
Tippecanoe banK,
Central bank
Banc of the State,
Free banks,
BanK of Elgin,
Rock Island bans:.
Peoples bank, Carmi 25
Hamilton County Bk 2
Bk of the Common w'h 2
HuntSTille Bank, 5
Roshville Bank. 29
Stock Security Bk, 2S
Corn Exchange, 2
Bk of Chester, 2
Bk of Betleville, 2
Solvent Bauks. 2
C1AKPET.S, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Ac, can
J be procured at tbe store of -May
1 2. JOHN PATTON, Curwensville.
i l