u u the mmmm 4QUH Ml For the Bailsman's Journal. OCR FAIRY. ST CLARK. Little Effie, darlisg one. Little spright, so fall of fan, Whither goest.with thy curls, Sporting in the wind's gay whirls J Dost thou seek the mountain'! side, Where the leaflets gently ride Down the bright, coquettish streams, Dancing in the son's warm beams J Or, pertsps, with eyes so blae, Thou dost seek their kindred hue 'Mong the violet, little one, Little epright so lull ot.fua ; Or, perhaps, where fairies bide, Thy young form were seen to glide : This be it, where fairies are Thon are fairest love Ly fir. Tie Administration authorized one of its agents to bay fonr males for three thousand collars, the avowed object beinz to improve the breed of males. The people might like to know how much it paid for the purchase of English, Foley, Cox and Jones, to improve the breed of traitors. Lou. J jilt. 4 NSONVILLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. ti. The property formerly occupied by James Smith. being 3 adjoining lot, having a two story plank boose. 31 by is feet, and a piank shop. - by 15 feet, thereon erected, is forsa!e; or rent, on accommodating terms. Apply to March 24. L. J. CKANS. Clearfield. Oh ! that is a sweet song, Miss, a very sweet song ; aad now 'Meet me by moonlight, alone, if yon please.1 "Indeed, sir, I shall do no such thing." That's right, Miss, don't you encourage snch improprieties as meeting chaps ty moonlight. John Reeve was once accosted ly a man with a bottle of gin in his hand : "Pray, sir, is this the way to the poor-honse J" John gave him a look of clerical dignity, and point ing to the bottle, very gravely said, "Xo, sir, but that is." If a boy 10 years old should attempt to count the mosquitoes now in Cairo, he would reach three score and ten years before he had enu merated a quarter of them. Wonder how that chap knows, did he count them ? The Canadian Press express apprehension that the discovery of the metalic richness of the Frazer RiTer country will endanger Brit ish Supremacy in that quarter. We shouldn't be much surprised if it did. An old fellow being visited by his pastor, the latter assured him he could net be a good christian unless he took up his daily cross ; whereat he caught r.p his wife ana began lug ging her round the room. An Irishman was about to marry a Southern girl for her property. "Will you take this woman for your wedded wife ?" asked the minister. "Yis, yoar rivcrence, and the na gurs too !" An old lady, readirg an account of a dis tinguished old lawyer, who was said to be the father of the X. York bar, exclaimed : "Poor man ! he had a dreadful bad set of children." That was a very singular mistake made by Digg, at the wedding, who when introduced to the bride, wished that she might enjoy many returns of the present happy occasion. In the new county of Clay, in Virginia, it is said, there is but one man who is not running for office. Won't have many votes, a-piece, if they all stick to their ticket. An Indian seeing a belle dressed oct in full crinoline breadth of fashion pass him in .Jhe street, was beard exclaim, "Much heap of wig wam, ugh !" There are thirty pounds of Llood in the hu man frame, and to hundred and forty-eight bones. This Litter does'nt include whalebones. "I have very little respect for the ties of this world," as the chap said when the rope was pet around his neck. Some people's hearts are shrunk in them like dried nct3. You can hear 'em rattle as they walk. Where is Bridget?" "Indade, ma'am, she's fast asleep, lookin, at the bread bakiaV TERMS OF THE JOURNAL The Rattshas's Joihsal is published on Wed nesday at SI. 50 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, S2.CD will be charged. Advertisements will be inserted at 51,C0 per square of 12 lines for three or less insertions, "or every additional insertion 25 cents will be charg ed. A deduction will be made to yearly adver tisers. Xo subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no i.arer will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at tho option of ue puDusner. fc. u. jtuw. COIXTY DIRECTORY. Pres't Judge Hon. James Eurnside. Eellefonte.Pa. As teJudges lion. Wm. L.Moore. Clearfield. Hnn.Renj n. Eonsall. Lutbersburg. Sheriff. . . . Josiah K. Reed. . . Clearfield Prothonotary, George Walters . . Keg. 4 Rec. . James Wriglev,' '. '. Treasurer. . . John McPherson, . Co. Surveyor, John L. Cuttle, . . Commiss'n'rs. Jacob Wilhelm, . '. Grahamton John Irwin. Sr. . .Clearfield. George Earhard, . . NewMillport. Auditors. . . Francis Pearce, . . Woodland. Peter Hoover, . . Curwensville. Aaron C. Tate, . . Clearfield. Anival and Departure of Mails at Clearfield. ARRIVES. Eastern, daily, Sundavs excepted, at 7 P.M. Western, g p.m. Smith's Mills, Saturdays, 5 P.M. Sinnamahoning.Wednesd. & Saturd. 8 P.M. Karthaus, Saturdays, 6 P.M. Kylertown, Mondays & Thursdays, 12 M. IiEPAET. Eastern, daily, Sundays excepted, at 4 A.M. Western, t 4 Smith's Mills, Fridavs, 7 A.'.M." Sinnamahoning, Tuesdays& Fridays, C A.M. Karthaus, Thursdays, 8 A.M. Kylertown, Mondays & Thnrsdays 1 P.m! The Mails will close at 9 o'clock, P. M. X.B. Business men, of town and vicinity, vnll please preserve this for future reference. ., . C- D- Watsos, Post Master. Mail arrives at Curwensville from Indiana via Newman's Mills, Burnside, New Washington, Chest, Bower and Grarnpianllills Tuesday and Fridays at 11 J A.M., and de parts same days at I P. M. Mail leaves Carwensville for Marron, via Xew Millport and Lumber City, every Satur day at 6 A. M., and returns same day at 8 p.m. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is here by given, that the following accounts have been examined and passed by me. and remain filed of record in this ofHee for the inspection of heirj. legatecs. creditors, and all others in any other way interested, and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court of Clearfield County, to be heM at the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield, commencing on the third Monday of AUGUST, l5-. for confirmation and allowance: The final account of Jane Clarke, Administra trix of the estate of William Clarke, late of Penn township, Clearfield county, deceased. The final account of A. Nelson Young and Elan Johnston. Administrators of the estate of Samuel l'oung. late cf Bell township, deceased. JAMES WR1GLEY. Clearfield. Pa., July 14, I; j?J. Register. COURT PROCLAMATION". WHEREAS, the Honorable JAMES Bl'KNSIDE, E'ouire. President Jod e of the Curt of Common Pleas of the twenty-fiftn Judicial District, composed of the counties of Clearfield. Centre and Clinton and the Honorable William L. Moore and Benjamin Eon ssll. Associate Judges of Clearfield county, have iaed their precept, to tr.e directed, for the hold ing of a Court of Common Pleas. Orphan's Court. Court of Quarter Sessions. Conrt of Oyer 4 Termi ner. and Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clear field, in and for Clearfield Co.. on the Third Mon dav. the lth day of AUGUST next. NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to the Cor oner. Justices of the Peace, and Consiabk-s. in and for said county of Clearfield, to appearin theirown proper persons wi:h their Rolls. UecorUs, Inquisi tions. Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those thiegs which to their cfiice". an 1 in their behalf, pertain to be done, and Jurors and Witnes ses are requested to be then and there attending, and tot to depart withont leaf e. at their peril. GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this "0th day of June, in the year cf onr Lord one thousand eiht hundred and fifty-tight, and the eighty first year of American Independence. JUIAiI R. REED. Sheriff. "jVOTICE, The undersigned having been ap J. 1 pointed committee of Benjamin Johnson, 'formerly of Pike township, Clearfield county.) a lunatic, notifies all persons having claims to pre sent them or being indebted to pay to his Attorney L. J. Cisns. Esq., Clearfield, or June 30. . CALEB GUTETt, Tyrone. Pa. LIST OF JURORS, for August Term. 1S5S. comxneccirg on 3d Monday, the 16th day. (.SAXD JCBOfcS. GR A II A M TON AHEAD!! Xow is trie. Tito for B it sat u Xoitr is the Tune for B ir 2 ains The undersigned has Just received from the East and opened at his store in Grahamton. Clearfield eountr. an extensive and well selected stock of SPRIXG AXD S VMM Ell GOOD., embracing every variety of Iry Goods, Hardware, Queensware. Groceries, etc.. etc. These goods have been selected with an especial view to supply tfce wants of this community, and will be sold on the most reasonable terms. They will POSITIVELY" be svld as cheap as the cheap est in the country, for CASH. Particular attention has been paid to the selec tion of LAlIEa: DRESS GOuLS. among which are Plain and Fancy Silks. Plain Daregea. Challes. Larege I'etaine, Holes, Embroidered collars and sleeves. Kid Gloves ; Shawls, a great variety ; Man tilias; Trimmings;. Silk and Linen Fringes; Bon nets of the latent styles; Bonnet Uibbons and trim mings, ire. Also. Farasols. Hosiery, Gloves. Mits. Eisop and India Mai's. JackoneU, Ioinestie and French Ginghams. Lawns. Calicoes. Barred and deck Musiin. I'iapcr.. Crash. Napkins. Ladies' Gaiters, children's shoes.ic. and there is no doubt that all can be well suited. ALSO, French cloths and cassimeres. American eloths and cassimeres, Marseilles vestings. Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, and a general assortment of mens' and bovs" Summer wear. He has also" a stock of F. E Alt Y-MADE CLOTH ING, which he will sell low. The undersigned is determined to sell his goods at the lowest prioes for CASH. This is not mere prttcnee and vain boast he in!l do it. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Grahamton. May 2-5, 1S53. VUGUST APPOINTMENT S. IR. JACKSON Indian Phvticiav, (late of St.-Louis.) of Erie City, Pa., may be consulted as fallows : Clearfield, Pa., ''Weaver's Hotel." on Tuesday and Wednesday. August 17th and 13th. Tyrone. Pa.. '-City Hotel," on Saturday and Sunday. August 14th and loth. Beliefonte, Pa., -Conrad House.", on Wednesday and Thursday, August 11th and 12th. Lock Haven. Pa.. -Fallen House," on Sunday and Monday. August 6th and Kth. Jersey Shore. Pa., -Franklin House," on Fri day August 6th. Williainsport. Pa.. "United States Hotel." on Tuesday and Wednesday, August ''A and 4th. INDIAN BOTANIC REMEDIES! In treatment of diseases of the Lungs and Chest. Liver. Stomach. Bowels. Heart. Nerves. Skin. Scrof ula. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, or any and all disea se? arising from impure blood. Female Weakness and Female diseases of all kinds: also all forms of Cbronic or long standing diseases, have given Dr. Jackson a IVorld-iriJe reputation. REGULAR VISITS! Dr. Jackson will make regular visits to a large number of the principal Towns in Ohio, Pennsyl vania and New York. Patients can thus have the privilege of consulting regularly, once in from one t- three months a matter in very many eases in-di.-pensible in performing a cure. It is difficult for any Physician to prescribe a course of medi cine by only once seeing the patient, to affect a permanent and. lasting cure. INVALIDS SHOULD MARK WELL THE TIME! And call as early as possible. The time is limi ted and the appointments will be jtnrttallti L'jtt as above. If sick with any Chronic diseases. la not dtlay. as time only tends to confirm and ren der a cftre more protracted and difficult. Dr. Jackson will make examinations of the Lungs and Chest, by the use of the Stethoscope. free of Ckarpe. I'r. Jackson, although paying tptrlnl attention to Lung. Throat. Heart and Femie diseases, also invites to consultations in all Chronic diseases in cident to the human system. Seeing many thou sand cases every year, he is well prepared to give an opinion as to the curabilitv of anv case. A. C. JACKSON. July 21. 1S53. Indian Physician. HO l' S E H O L D WOK T S , CONDUCTED BY CHARLES DICKENS. A'lthor of "Piei-rciri iprr.f," "NYcnoa. JYi irfrtf." uDom.'y ir Son." nr.. etc. Re-published Monthly by the Subscriber, from advance sheets, under sanction of the London publishers, and bv special arrangement with them. Each, monthly number contains Ta-'r. tytorirs and Articht, by Charles Dieien. William Ifotritt, Leizh limit, Barry Cornwall, Willie Collins, and almost eve ry conspicuous English writer, thus rendering it by far the most interesting, varied, and decidly the'best Ltterary Periodical in the English lan guage. No work of the kind contributes so suc cessfully and so much to the floating literature of the day ; its sharp, crisp, genial articles, and its admirable stories are more extensively copied by cotemporary publications than thoe of any other work whatsoever. TERMS, 25 cents per number, S3 per annum. A prompt remittance of 3, will secure a reg ular delivery, post-paul. TERMS TO CLUBS. Two copies for one year ?5 : Five copies. 1 year S10; Eleven copies. 1 y. S20. tlergymen and Teachers supplied at S2 a year. The volumes of Household Words commence with the September and March numbers, but sub scriptions may begin with any number desired. Sets of Household Words, 15 Volumes, can now be had. bound in cloth, at l.7o per volume. Sent free by Express or Mail, on receipt of price CLTTBBINtS WITH OTHER MAGAZINES We will send HouiAold Word and cither one of the following Magazines for one year for $5 : Godey's Lady's Book, Frank Leslie'sMagazine Blackwood's Magazine, London Quarterlv. 'Knickerbocker." North British Review, Emerson A Putnam's, flinburgn Keview, Graham's Magazine, AVestminster Keview, Harpers' New Monthly, Atlantic Mcntnly. We will send Household W ordfl with anv tA rf the above Magazines or Reviews, for one year for $7.50. Back Numbersof "Household Words 'can be furnished at the Office of Publication, price 25 e ac. npAU persons subscribing to House aold words through any Association or Bookseller. tt"V to them for ,heir snFP'y f the rk- JA.X."V I'll ;o. 113 Nassau St.. N. Y June 23. John W. Irvin. Isaac Eothroch, J osi ah Evans, Austin Kiice. Ber.jamin F. Pale, A. Curry, Oliver Westr.ver, William Tucker. Teter Laborde. Jobn W. Hollopeter, Alexander Reed. Henry Anghinbangh, Jackson Patch in. Josiah Spencer, S. B. Row, Henry Whiteside, Jr.hn WoolJridge, John H. Gearhart. Joseph Thompson, James Parsons, John P. Hoyt. Luther Barret. Joseph McCully, George Ellirger, Morris township. Bogg? township. Curwensville boro'. Woodward township Pike township. Chest township. Urrton tewnship. Lawrence township. Burnside township. Tenn township. Clearfield borough. Beecaria township. Bradford township. Graham township. Decatur township. Ferguson township. Jordan township. B ady township. TRAVEESE JtT.nES. William Albert, Bradford township. t rancis wranaia, jr. William Bridgens, Hugh McGonizal. Kobi. Patterson, jr. John Carlisle, Jeremiah Kriner, Peter ShaSer. John H. Syler, John J. Weaver, Vincent Tonkin, Abraham Y'ingling. John McCullough, Sr. George Ateheson, William Wall, Moses Owens, William S. Spencer, John S. Eni.k, Isaac Crowe!!, John Shaw. Geo. W Shimmel, cf H-, Peter Gearhart, Ira Sabios, Moses Miller. Thomas A. M.Ghec, Warren W. Bell, John Henry. Thomas H. Forcee, James E. Watson, Samuel Spitler. Alexander Murray, Alexander Irwin, Miles Davis, C. Bikeluian, Andrew S. Tozcr, Wm. Ten Eyck, John Irvin, James 15. Caldwell, jr. David Miller, Simon Thompson, George Ross. Miles Pelton, David F. Etzwciler, "George Thorn, Ellis Irwin, Alfred M. Smith, Zaoh Ogden. Conrad G inter. Karthaus township, Jordan township. Brady township. Bumslde township. Penn township. . - Decatur township. (. c, Boggs township. Bell township. 1 Ferguson township. 4. 44 Graham township. 44 44 Girard township. Eeeearia township. Covington township. Chest township. Curwensville boro". Tike township. Morris township. Clearfield boro". .4 ,4 Goshen township. Lawrence township. Woodward township. TRIAL LIST, FOU AUGUST TERM. 135, Cfmmencicg on 3-1 Mondav. the 10th dav. Leonard i il jore. vs Patchin, vs Bloom. vs Gallaher, vs MTarlin, vs Hinds. vs I.'raucker. . vs Feltwell V wife, vs Wilson's Ex'rs, vs Pchnell's heirs, vs Cadbury 4 wife, - vs S. Crow, et al. vs Abbess. vs Mitchell. vs Patton. to use vs Coal 4 Lumber Co. vs Sabin, V3 Pasniore. vs Irvin's heirs, vs Cooper, vs Bloom, vs Gcd les A Marsh, vs Same vs M'Kee, vs Best, vs Houtx. v? Cocicford, vs Jones, et al, vs Riddle, vs Askcy, vs Curtin, vs Carson, vs Tsggart. vs Draucker, vs Carlisle, vs Karthaus, vs Unrxthal, vs Irvin, v A Ferguson. vs Spalding t Fulton, vs Hall k Co., ' vs Lorg, vs Secbler, vs Patchen, vs Patchen, vs Morgan, vs Morgan. vs Keriins, vs Clark, vs Lloyd. vs Merrell, vs Kile. vs Wilson, vs Patchin, vs Long. vs Mcliride. vs Gilleland, vs Patton, vs Hoover, vs Taylor, vs Hollopeter. vs Jas. Irvin i Co. vs Craven, vs Sonkin, vs Crans, vg Spencer, vs Leonard. vs Brubaker, vs S.;me, vg Mulson, vs Wise. vs Leonr.r.l, vs Snydir, vs Langdon, vs Logan, vs Thompson, vs Thompson, vs McKee, vs Groe, vs Hegarty 4 McCulIy vs Galer. vs Dunlap, vs Lutz, vs FLscus. vs Bush, vs Kline, vs Stott. vs Cathcart, vs Cathcart, vs Chase, . vs Stirk, vs P.ex, vs Beems, vs Bowles, vs Henderson. vs Potter, et al, vs Eloom, vs Irvin, vs Barmoy. vs M'CrackiniPaulbamsvs Wood. Bacon fc Co, vs June 30. Alice Dale, Lam born, Bloom. Mehaficv, Best, ' Mason, Hartshorn, Mehaffey, et al, Mehaff?y! et alj Julian Dease, Adams, et al. John Overdorf, Caldwell. Pennington, Ellis, et al. Pennington, MeGhee, Bloom. McMaster3, Kelly-. Mc'ihees, Pennington, Same, Bloom. MeFarlin. Irish 4 Hinds, Pfoutz, Bartle-s. et al, Swan, Stevenson, Karthaus, Hurd, Michaels & Worrell. Sevier, Kretner. Lutz. Karthaus. Flesrming, MKarlin. ArmtronglGamble Jerry Gaines, Knarr, Kodkey, Carson, Knarr, Smith 4 BTers. Shoff, et al, McGarvey, French, Bowland, Blanchard, Cunningham, Long, King, I', earns Michaels 4 Worrell, McGhees, Bilger. French, Flinn, Patton. D. F. Smith, Bloom. Langdon, Cardon, Owens, et al. Ardrey 4 Potter, Coder, Same, Price. Feltwell 4 Ames, Welsh. Peirce's adm'rs, Soukin. Goodfellow, Leonard, Mays, Beyers, et al, King, Beyer 4 Green, Dickinson, Beyers, Barrett, Beyers, et al, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same. Same, Same, Wise, Leonard, Beyers, et al, Same. -Lorain, et al, Bloom, Gibbon, Hugnott, Gibbon. Monrelius. 4 Co. GEO. WALTERS, Prot y. LOTHING. A ceneral " made clothinz just receive,! an.) November 25. WM. F. IRWIN'S. LIQUORS. A lot of choice and common lT quors on hand and for sale cheap for cash bv Clearfield. Pa. THOS. ROBINS. UGAR. White and Brown suear to be had at November 25. WM. F. IRWIN'S o R AIL ROAD HOI' S K, CORNER. OF Main and White Streets, BROOKYILLE, Ta Feb24. R. It. MEANS. Proprietor. 1 Ofl ACRES OF LAND, on the Erie Turn 1 pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville. and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the S3me. will be sold on accommodating terms. The land lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is well eovered with choice pine timber suitable for ehinzles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill near by. Apply to L. J. CRANS. mar 25 Clearfield. F OR SALE, THE FARM ocenpied by John F.Wiley in tergason township, eoctatntng 105 acre?, 30 acres cleared ; house, barn end other buildings thereon erected. ALSO, ort acres of land or the timber thereon, situate in Pike township within one and a half miles of the river on a good road to haul. For farther description and terms applr to L. J. CRANS. May 20.1957. Clearfield. GFLICn & IJENNER, would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and public generally that they hare entered into co-partnership in the CABIXET MAKiyG BUSTXESF. and keep constantly on hands, and mancfaeture to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of farnitore. eonsiting of Dinine, Brtakfatt, cud Centre Tahiti, Seirisr, IUrit"ng, and Wash-Stands, Mahogany, and Common Lei-sUads ; Mahogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs, Bureaus. Sofas. Lounges, ic, le. Coffins uaie and funerals attended on the short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate aecompanymcnis. House Painting done on the shortest notice. Shop and V," are-rooms, same as formerly occupi el bv JohnGulich, mearly or posite the - Jew Store,' ' j. 1 T,- li .IIV ! IT Tf'IT Clearfield. Pa May 22. 'ij.-ly JOHN Gl'LICH. DANIEL BENNER. E EMOVAL OF HOBIItl LITERARY DEPOT. Thom3 Robins' having removed his Book and Drug Store to the Store Room formerly occupied by Kiohard Sbaw 4 Son. one door West of the 'Mansion House," where he is prepared to accom modate his former customers and the public gen erally, with everyihicg in bis line. Having late ly added a general assortment of Groceries to his former stock, he is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him wi:h a ei.ll. with COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, MOLASSES, 4,4c. A!o. fritli BOOKS OF ALL 'KINDS AND STYLES, S '.7 rifj Hi rtf. FANCY ARTICLES AND CONFECTICNAltlES, Tobacco and Cigars. DRUGS, MEDICINES. DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, Ch'miriJ. ire irr. Among his stock wiil be fiund Histories. Biogra phies. Sketches, School Books, Poetical. Sciettic, Mechanical, Medical and Law works ; the latest publications always on hand or procured to ori r: all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish ers prices; fancy and common letter paper; plain and ruled cap paper; perforated paper; cote pa per; fancy and common envelopes; blank Dec-.is; a great variety of Steel Pens; common and fancy pen-holders, pencils. tc. 4c. 4c, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices. His stock of Drugs. Medicines. Dye-stuffs. Paints, 4c, is large and well selected; among which are Calomel. Blue Mass, Quinine. Morphia, Red Pre cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pnlverizel ; Roeheile and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar. Sulphur. Sen n. Pink Root. Sup. Carbonate Soda. Tartaric A eid. Sulphate of Zisc ; Liquorice, Colombo and Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Bue Vitriol, Coperas. Alum. Red Lead. Prussian Blue, Cfcrotue Green and Y'el'ow. Vermillion. Terra de Sienna, and in fact a general assortment. He has also a fine lot cf Lalies' Gold Prea?t Pins. EarLrop, Finger Rings. 4c. Also, Watch Guards and Keys. Penknives. Hair oils; Hair. Reading. Fine and Pocket cc-ml.s, Tooth-picks, Ra zors and Strops, Sadlers" Siik, Pearl powder, Fan cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variety. Also. Prunes. Figs, UaUius, Almonds, Tea-nuts and Filberts ; Can-lies a general assortment ; Cin amon. Cloves. Pepper, and other spices; Blacking, and i-pnol Cotton ; the most popular Patent Med icines of the day ; all of which will be sold at the very cheapest rates. Call and examine the stock and jul-e for your selves. Septi-M T110MAS""R0BINS. HO! YE IU NHRY AND THIRSTY! The appeasing of hunger and the quench ing of thirst, is a matter that has attracted the at tention of many wise heads in various ages ot the world. What conclusions they have arrived at, and what theories they have propagated, it is need less to mention here. In these latter days men have conceived the idea that the '-inner man" can be at least b-inntifully supplied by means of res taurants. With this laudable purpr.se in vi;w. and a desire to gain a livelihood, the or.Jersigr.eI has fitted up an elegant saloon in the basement of Merrell 4 Carter's new building on Second Ssrect Clearfield, Pa. One of the rooms is neatlv fam ished with carpets, stands. 4e., and isdesig'ned for the accommodation of ladies. He has had consid erable experience in the business, and therefore Catters himself able to render satisfaction. During thesummerhe will constantly keepon band tbebest ?uality of Ice Cream and Cakes of various kinds, le will also keep a large stock of Candies. Nuts. Oranees. Lemons Figs.' Dates. Prunes. Raisens! and fruits of all kinds generally kept in such an establishment. Sardines. Spiced Oysters. Bolognc Sausage. Crackers. Boiled eggs, 4er. can be had at all limes. Also. Ale and Lager Beer. Cider. Lera onade.and all kinds of Summer drinks ; together with a large assortment of Cigars and Tobacco. The public are respectfully solicited to extend a libera patronage, and to call in and trv the arti cles on hand. (June21 R. B. TAY LOR CHOICE OF GIFTS! Hereafter every purchaser before pur chasing his books has his own CHOICE OF GIFTS AT EAWE1S CHOICE OF GIFTS AT RAXXEVF CHOICE OF GIFTS AT HAXXEY S CHOICE OF GIFTS AT RAXXErS CHOICE OF GIFTS A T IIA XXES CHOICE OF GIFTS AT. 11AXXKYS CHOICE OF GIFTS AT RAXXEm Great American Gift B00L Hans, Xo. 203 Broadway. Xetr Tori. where the gifts, consisting of Jeicrlry. A-c a,U r -trying in value front. 10 cents to Tmo Hnndrul dohars. are always on exhibition, in ample Show Cases. Our New Descriptive Catalogue, contain ing a large variety of Books in everv department of Science and Literature, all of which are sold at regular publisher's prices.) and explaining OUR NEW AND ORIGINAL SYSTEM of allowing eve ry purchaser his oirn choice of gifts, and setting forth unequalled inducements in' Agents, will be sent, ppst paid, to anv individual on application. Audress. A. KANNEY". Agent, Jo4y 7. lS58-Gin. No. 2v3 Lroadwav. N Y. rpO JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.-Jnst J- printed and for sale at the Raftsman" Journal office, a lot of superior blanks, to wit: Blank Subpoenas. Blank Executions, Blank Summons', Blank Marriage certificates Judgment Notes, with and withont waiver. CJCIIOOL DIRECTORS are informed that f they can be supplied, at the Raftsmm Journal oSce, with Blank Articles of Agreement with teachers, and School Orders. DOLE S PATENT SAW-GUMMER, for sale, or saws gummed to order, bv Clearfield. June 9. MERRELL A CARTER GRAIN i CRADLES.-A few7,fe7eTsTrljfn cradles for sale by MERRELL 4 CARTER July 7. 1353. CIerfil,1 0LwrvFErWn,ISRf Y' BRANDY. GIN and 1-NE, for sale at the cheap cash store of aIira R. MOSSQP. fONSTABLES can be supplied with Elank not office. Clearfield. HP UBS AND BUCKETS.- II ed and for sale at -A variety just receiv W'M. F.IK WIN'S. ARDWARE. A larce assortment ?ut rc;t-. ed and nncnp.t smi nr, -, - i. November 25- ffu'p TKWTV LOT OF PRIME" k sale bv BACON- on W haud and for F. IRWIN. 1LLOW BASKETS. A lot on hand and or iale by !Nov25J WM. P. i&WLN. CLEARFIELD IIOl'SE, CORNER OF FIRST AND MARKET STREETS. CLEAR FiEP, PA. The mndersigned would respectfully inform bis friends and the travelling pnblic in general, that he has tafeen the abtrre house. -4fr-inerly known as the Hemphill Hvt'I.) and that the house has been recently refitted, improved and newly furnished ; that extensive stabling has just been compleSed ; and that he is pre pared t accommodate all who may give him a call in the most pleasing and agreeable manner. He is amply provided with everything to reader his house "a desirable stopping place, acd wiH endeavor to entertain his guests in a manner that cannot fail to give the fuiiest satisfaction. The house is situated in a pleasant and quiet part of the town, and no expense or attention will be spa red to make it one of the test houses in the county. A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. His fcar will be supplied with an assortment of chr-ice liquors. june2-'5 II. HAYS MORROW. FLEMING nOTEL. (FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE GWD INTENT,)CU:iWENS 1LLE. Clearfield County, Pa. The subscriber begs leave to inform Lis old customers and tho public gene rally that be has recently taken the above well known stand, and that he has entirely refitted and refurnished it in a gyle adapted to the age. and the wants of the entire travelling cominnnity. HIS TABLE will always be provrded with every luxury the markets and surrounding country will afford. HIS BAR wiil be supplied with the choi cest wines and liquors. HIS STABLES, which are the Lest and i&ost commodious on the road within a day's travel, will always be in charge of careful and attentive hostlers In short, every department of his establishment will be supplied with all the comforts and eonvcr.iences the weary traveller could desi.-e. WM. A. MASON. Curwensville. June ?. l-5. REMOVAL. JOSH FA S. JOHNSON, CABIXET 2-IAKril, bus removed his shop to the sew building of John Troutinan. on Market street, where he wiil ktfcp on hand or manufacture to order, (of superior finish.) every variety oStxIousehcld and Kitchen F TJ It X I T u it i;? such as Tables, Bureaus. Safes. Stands Cupboards, SofiS. Bedsteads. 4c.. of every style and variety, which he will dispose of at cheap rales as any ther estallishmett of the kind in tho county. Call sod examine his furni'.ure, anl ja-ige for yourselves of its quality and finish. CHAIRS of all kinds on hand or made to order. He is also prepared to make COFFINS to order, on the shortest notice, and will attend funerals with a bx-arsc, when called upon. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON. Clearfield. Pa.. December 17, 1S56. MANSION" nOUS E, Clearfield. Pi. The undersigned respectfully announces to the public that he has leased the above Hotel in Clear field borough, and that he is prepared to accom modate ail who may favor him with their custom. His hor.se is commodious r I convenient, and his tible shall be supplied in the best manner possi ble. No effort w!i be spared to render general satisfaction. By strict attention to business, and to the wants and comfort of his guests, he expects to secure a liberal rhare of patrona-e. febll- 57 DAN. M. WEAVETt. BOOT AND SHOE MAKI N G. JOHN S. 4 A. G. HOYT, Having entered into partnership in the above bu siness, at the end of the new bridge. 1 J miles a bovc Clearfield borough, are p repared to do all kinds of work in their line on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms JOHN S. HOYT. A. G. HOYT. N. B. ATI kinds of country produce and biles taken in exchange fjr work. Jaie 2-5. 1S5S. WAGOV . .MAKING. THE undersingned f T would announce that they manufacture Wasgons of ail des--rintions. Busries. Sleds. 4c. at their sh'ip in New Salem. Brady township-. Clear field county, which they offer fjr sale at as reasona ble rates as cafi be purchased elsewhere. They res pectfully solicit a chare of p-atronaze. CAMBRIDGE" JOHNSTON, Octl-'SS-tf WILLIAM LEWIS RE M O V A L . The undersigned notifies his old customers an! tfce public that he has removed his BLACKSMITH SHOP to bis new building a few doors south of the shop he former ly occupied, where he is prepared to do on the shortest notice any work in his line of business. April 15. Ia57. JACOB S 11 INK WEI LEU. TAMES B. GRAII I. Dealer in S VWED LUMBER. SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLE.S. BOARDS. 4e.. is prepared to fill, on the shortest notice, all orders frr articles in his line if busi ness, on as reasonable terms as they can be Pro cured in theeouLty. Grahampton. Clearfield Co.. Jan. 23. 155 THOMAS G. SNYDER, MERCHANT. Deal er in Sawed Lumber. Shingles, Square Tim ber, etcetera. KYLERTOWN, CiearStlJ Co.. Pa. July 1. 1?57. tf. SCilOOL BOOKS. Sanders' Readers; Mitchells Geography and Atlas and Primary Geogra phy: Websters' Dictionary, large and small ; Page on Teaching: Green's. Kirk ham's, and Bullion's Grammars; Davics'. Smith's. Emerson's and Pike's Arithmetics: Davies .Algebra; Sanders" and Sar geact's Spellers. 4e.. at the -Corner"' Store. Cnrwensvilie. may 2o. 1-G8. WM. IKVIN JADIES" DRESS GOODS. Gighacn. Chaliiea. -i Lawns. Lawn robes. Brilliants. Shawls and Mantillas, latest style, at the store of -May 21. WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. CAST STEEL MILL AND CROSS CUT SAWS, of the best qualities, made bv Ditn for sa'cky WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. Mav 2. 1S5.. LATEST style Bonnets, trimmed and nntrimujed and bonnet trimmings, artificial flowers. 4c. at the store of W.M. IKVIN. Curwensville. ENGLISH and country Blister. Shear. Sprin" and Cast Steel, at the ' corner." TD?i. WM. IRVIN, Curwensville. A WELL selected stock of Summer Clothing. just received and for sale bv may-'-'- WM. IRVIN.'Curwensville." 4 NEW LOT of Mackerel and Herring received -CM- at the store of WM. iilVIN'. Curwensviile. June SO, 155. TUIRTY'-honr. Eighty day. weight, spring and alarm cloeks, very cheap at the store of map2S. WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. COFFEE. Sugar and Molasses, bv the Eags and Barrel, for sale at the cheapest store of ma?-- WM. IRVIN". Curwensville. 4 LL of JaynesT Family Medicines. Hair Dve, It-, to be had at the corner. WM. IRVIN, Curwensville. May : COTTON and Woolen carpets, fiocrtl-clotli and table covers, at the store of may2,j. W.M. IRVIN, Curwensville. 4 FREH supply of Groceries, just received -. and selling cheap, wholesale and retail at the ' corner store. ' Curwensville. June 30. 4 NEW Two Horse Waggon, for -le at the cor- --- upr. v,urwensviiie. oy WM. IRVIN. M ACKERELand Herring nt the corner store of WM. IK WN. Curwensville. PLOCR. Bacon, Sa!L Rve. Corn and Oats, for le by WM. IKVIN, Curwensville. jV"AILS, Glass, Paints and Oils, at reduced price h7 WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. AR IRON, assorted, for sale at the 'corner' by may25. WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. " s M'JOTnrXG. Jack. Sash. Fore. Bead and Match t lanes for sale by WM. IRVIN. Curw lie. GRIND Stones and fixtures, and chain pumps for sale by WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. PANIS1I Sole Leather, for sale at the store of may WM. IRVIN, Curwensville. OUGLAS 4 SUERWOODS new expansion CKirt. at the "corner store, Cnrwensvilie. D F ROFLfSS I OS A L. O. CROVCn,rnYSICIAN. Cfi. Cor- wecsviUe. May I i. 1 s56-tf CALL at the store of WM. IRVIN, if you want to buy good and cheap summer Clothing. T. JACKSON CRANS". ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jm -. - . Cfarfeld. Pern a. Office adjoining iiis residence, on Second Street, Clearfield. : ' Argnt 1. 1 55 RJ. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cle.irHrU. Pa. Office for the present U the eastera end ef Connty Bulling. Clearfield. May 26. lS5?.-tf. ; JR. 3FLN ALLY, A TTORXEYA T LA JT( Clearfield. Pen'o. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining eon nties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining the resi dence of James B. Grahaai. Angnst 1. Ijai. T ARRIMER k, TEST. XJ A TTOnXEYS' AT LAVT Will attend promptly to all legal and tier bu siness entrusted to their care in Clearfield and ad :oinirg counties. Clearfield, Acg..!S56. JAS. H. LAftKtVE. I. fBT. DR. M. WOODS, tenders bis professional ser vices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicini ty. Residence on Second street, opposite the of fice of L. Jackson Crans. where be can be foana' nnless absent on professional bujsiue, Clearfield. May 14, l?.i5 ?,ig. ' ' THOS. J. M CFLLOF GH. ATTORNEY AT LAW and DISTRICT ATIollXEY. Clearfield,. Pa., may be foand at hi office in Shaw's Row, four doors west of the "-Mansion House." Deeds and other legal instruments prepared with prompv ne and accuracy. jFeb. 13 ly. DR. B. F. AKLEY, PHTSICIAX, Grahamton. Clearfie'd Conut. PV-. tenders h't professional services to the inhabitant of Grahamton and surrounding country bacaa ata'.I limes be found at his Ofaee. directly oppo site Mr. J. B. Graham's store, when Bot'profe. siona'ly engaged. l-Apl- 2$. X O V R T E E T II TAKE CARE OF THEM!! i-r.. a. .-.1. uilu1. desires to announce 10 tn friends and patrons, that he is now devoting all of his time to operations in Dentistry. Those desir irg his services will find him at his office, adjoining Lis residence, at nearly all times, and always oa Fridays and Saturdays, unless notified otherwise ic the town papers the week before. N B. All work warranted to be satisfactory. Clearfield. Pa.. July 21. 1557. PAY. BARRET T. JUSTICE OF TITS PEACE. Luthersburg. Clearfield eoanty. Pa,., will attend promptly to all business entrusted t bjm. mar2j-tf .4 M BKOTY PES. P. C. PURVIANCE. Pr--C jL fessof of Photographic Chemistry. Gallery at his residence on 2J Street- one door South of Merrell 4 Carter's Tin-ware establishment. Clear field. Pa. tDays of operation : Friday and Saturday of each week. junelS'6 JOSEPH PETERS, JUSTICE OF TH3 PEACE. CURWENSVILLE. Clearfield Coun ty. Pa., One Door East of Monte U us Ten End t iore. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. and all instruments of writ ir? done on hnrt notice. Anril 7. ISio. Habtlpia oltefofmrnte. TV s- LAWRENCE'S NEW PAPER, 11. PRINTERS' CARD AND ENVELOPE Warehouse No. 405 Commerce Street, Philadelphia- rSCasIi buyers will find it for their inter est tj call. January 6. lSi;-ly. CONRAD 4 WALTON. 235 Market Street PhU adelphia; Importers and Dealers in Hard ware. Iron. .Nails. 4e.. 4c. They respectfully in vite the people of Clearfield, to continue their fax. vors. Aug. 1. 155 -ly. 4. VISE'S CHEAP WATCn AND JEWELRY STORE, No. 72 North Seconb Street, (off, sit' the Mount Vernon Honse.) Pphi'adelnhia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled. IS K. cases. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine. do.; Quartier; Gold Spectacles, Silver do.: Silver Table Spoons, Silver Desert do.: Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pecs and Gold Cases; Gold Pens aad Silver do.: together wi:h a variety of fine Gold Jewelry. Gold Curb; Guard and Foo Chains. All goods warranted la be as represented. Watchts and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Als'i. Masonic Marks. Pins, 4c. made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended to. His motto is: -SmaU Profits and Quick Sales,' Lila Jelphia. April 25, 1S55. JEW AND CHEAP GOODS The under signed has just received and is now opecinj ; "Corner Store," Ck rwensvi!!e. a freh (sp at the ply of Summer Goods, among which may be f jun l a great variety of Ginghams. ChinU. Lawns. Bril liants. Organtius Chalaes. Summer wool-Deiaiuea and ladiss dress goods of all descriptiens. Also, a choice assortment of Mens" wear. Linen. Cfcecka, Tweeds, Cassimeres. 4c. WM. IRWIN. Cnrwensvilie. June CO. 155?. TAKE NOTICE ! TAVERN KEEPERS and the public, that Gros & Konkel. whola sale Grocers. Canal Street Wharf, Uarrisburg. have on hand a large li of Liqoors at reJn:ed prices, oy me irarrc! or tcerwise. to suit chasers, consisting vf the following : par- Pure Erandies. Old Rye Whiskey, ltosuestie Brarites. M-tnnngahcla Whiskey Blackberry Brandy, Peach Brandy, L-yyender Brandy, Cherry Brandy." Scotch Whiskey. New England F.ua. Lisbon W'ine. Pure Holland Gin. Rectified Pitts.WLi.key Port Wine. Madcria Wine. ' Pure Holland Gin, 1 Domestic Gin. And other Lisnora Gesler's Pure Ch EP"Xrlers promptlv attended to. ' GROSS 4 KUNKEL. Wholesale Grocers, Canal Street Wharf, between Walnut and StaW Struts. Harrisbnrg. Pa. Mrl0-"5-lv "T A R B L E Y A R D, 'r9 -i.'- llt'.'.t tlil. B ISAAC BERLIN, would inform th'e 4t ririvAre r-f .4. . 4. : vL.iuvia. m.i uc 19 ITVpar- ed to furnish MARBLE WORK of a!I kinds, such as Monuments. Box-tombs. Tomb-tablei Head Stones, and all kinds of Grave Y'ard work, on the shortest notice, neatest styles, and cheapest rates ' ALSO, building work, such as Marbfe Lintels and Door :teps. Brown stone Platforms, Base Course. W indow Sills and Caps, door steps. 4e. Head stones of all kinds and patterns. Work delivered to all parts of the county. ISAAC BERLIN. ' - Ty rone City. Dee. 23. 1S57. Q IT E II A X N A HOUSE. Cnrurrnsrille, Clearfield County, Penn a. The subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Hotal. Phi.ipsburg. having taken the aoove house, situate m the east end of the Borough of Curwensville. on the bank of the Susqnehanna River, would res pectfully announce to the travelling public, that he is fully prepared to accommodate stranger and all others who may favor hiua with a call. The house is new. well famished, large and com-" modions, and travellers will find every convenience necessary to their comfort. Ample stabling is at tached to tb4prcrnises DAVID JOHNSTON. Curwensville, February 17. 1S5S. MT. VERX05 nOF.SE, LUMBER CITY CLEARFIELD COUNTY. PA. The under signed notifies the public that he has opened out the above named bouse, and that he is well pre pared to accommodate all who may favor nini with a call. The house is three stories high is commodious and well furnished, and no pains will be spared to render satisfaction to guests His P.'," "y fPPld with ehoiee liquors of all kinds. Tnere is plenty of stabling connected with the house. He solicits a share of pnblie natron "5ie y. r- . L" W- TE EYCK. JCff L.P C- TAXXERS AXD J CURRIERS, PennrilU, Clearfield Co.. Pa. Keep constantly on hand an excellent aasortmen Of leather, wkiok ti, - . iw caie at iae towes cash prices. lUdea Uken in txthange.