TttfrftAFTSGMMi' TIIE ONE MAN CIRCUS. MOST BEVARKABLE PERFORMANCE. "When the hour for the performance arrived, the audience fastened their eyes upon the opening through, -which the Ring-master ac companied by Mr. Merryman, ia wont to make Lis entrance previous to the Grand Entree with which all well regulated circuses com mence. Imagine their surprise when, instead of the Master and Clown, there appeared be fore them a mid-lie aged gentleman, dressed in a f nil suit of black broad-cloth, slightly bald on the top of the head and wearing gold , spectacles. This preacher-like person advanced to the centre of the circle, and exclaimed in a loud tut respectful voice : - "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm a man by the name of Robert Ridgely, formerly of a place called Richmond X Roads. JThia here circus topped at Richmond X Roads, and the bad whiskey there made the circus men, wcmcn, and children sick excepting myself. They held up pretty well until they got here, when they all broke down, and I'm obliged to play the whole circus myself, and I'm going to do it." : "Without another word, Mr. Ridgely made a bow and disappeared. In less than two min utes he returned leading the Grand Entree, consisting of eight homes and one rider. So admirably trained were the horses, and so ac customed to the performance, that with the assistance of a few oaths and gestures from Mr. Ridgely they performed all the various and difficult evolutions without a single blun der, exciting great surprise and pleasure in the audience. Scarcely had the last horse disappeared be hind the curtain ere Mr. Ridgely returned in the costume of the clown, and cracked the reg ular role of circus jokes with an imaginary ringmaster. Retiring for a moment, he soon came forth as a sailor, ana went through with the whole performance admirably well, not for getting to stop occasionally and jump down from his horse and take np the clown and ring master's parts where he had left off. Next he played the Two II or so act, and played it well Ktxtthe Indian admirablv done. When he alighted from the horse, and pretending to re ceive a severe cut on the b b breast from the imaginary ring-master, clapped the palm of his hand to the wounded part, the eflect Was electrical the whole house roared. So be went on with the four horse act, the bare back act, the India-rubber man, the canon ball man, the tight rope performance, the ground and lofty tumbling, and indeed every part belonging to the regular circus role ; all the time keeping up a running fire of jokes with the invisible ring master, and eliciting a continuously increasing amount of applause lie also sng two comic songs, both of which were rapturously encored. lie also danced the Highland fling and a Virginia break down. It was taken for granted that the part of M'lle. Engeine Duprez, the great Parisian E questrienne, would not be attempted. Rut the versatile and daring Ridgely, like the coun- trvnmn with flin bill nf faro u-rio iIkIumth'ihiiI to eat or rather to play through the entire bill. When he c:me out in "low neck and short sleeves," very brief petticoat, and flesh color ed stockinet, and commenced smiling and kiss ing his hand to the audience, as be rode round the ring, the excitement was beyond anything in the history of circuses. Four filths of the audience went into such convulsions oi l.ingh ter that many o( them rolled off the benches to the ground and struggled there in uucon trolable writhings of amusement. M'lle. Du prez Ridgely's legs, we are bound to say, were very creditable legs, and displayed themselves xery freely. This was decidedly the great hit of the evening. Mr. Ridgely's performances concluded with the exhibition of bis pet elephants, named res pectively Gizzard and Charles Jeerus. Bring ing these in under his arms he placed them on the ground, and then made them stand on their heads, tnrn summersaults, dancj jigs, and pick his pocket. At the end of the entertainment. Mr. Ridge ly thanked the crowd for their patronage, and invited them to come again to-uiorrow even ing, and to come early, as be was in the habit of doing when he was a voting man. He beg ged them to make allowance for the fact that it was a new business to him, but he declared with emphasis that he meant to keep a pitchin' in till he got the hang of the thing. He was in the ring and meant to keep the ring. Pirates still swarm in the waters of the Chi na Seas. The schooner Heather Bell, on her way from Macao to Hong Kong, was attacked by three pirate joaks off Castlepeak, and the master and crew murdered. One Chinese es caped and brought the news to Hong Kong. A British gunboat was sent in search, and suc ceeded in capturing seven juaks. One hun dred pirates made their escape, eighty were drowned, and seventy captured. "Childi en and fools," says an old adage "always tell tho truth." "Mother sent me?" said a little girl to a neighbor, "to come and ask you to take tea with her this evening." "Did she say at what time, my dear 1" "No, ma'am ; she only said she would ask you, and then the thing would be off her mind ; that's all she said." A. wag tells of a boarding bouse keeper whose tea was so weak that it couldn't get up the spout of the tea pot. Many workmen ouTwest are in a starving condition. They cannot get work at even the lowest wages. . The mother who saw' a baby prettier than herowa, has been sent to a lunatic estabih- A kiss, says a French lady, costs less and gratifies -jwt. TERMS OF TIIE JOURNAL. , ine hafts as 8 Journal is published on Wed nesday at $1. 50 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, $2,00 will be charged. Advertisements will be inserted at 51.00 per square of 1 2 lines for three or less insertions. For every additional insertion 25 cents will be charg ed. A deduction will be made to yearly adver tisers. No subscription taken For a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. -e. ts. ixJ . COUNTY DIRECTORY. Pres't Judge Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte.Pa. As'te.Judges Hon. Wn. L.Moore. Clearfield ilon.lsenj n. isonsail, LiUtnersDurg. Sheriff. . . . Josiah K. Reed, . . Clearfield Prothonotary, George Walters, . . ' Reg. t Rec. . James Wrigley, . . Treasurer. . . John McPherson, ... ' Co. Surveyor, John L. Cuttle, . . " Commiss'n'rs, Jacob Wilhelm, . . Grab am ton. John Irwin. Sr. . . Clearfield. George Earhard, . . NewMillport. Auditors. . . Francis Pearce, . . Woodland. Peter Hoover, . . Curwensville. Aaron C. Tate, . . Clearfield. . Arrival and Departure of Hails at Clearfield. ARRIVES. Eastern, daily, Suudays excepted, at 7 P.M. Western, " 8 P.M. Smith's Mills, Saturdays, 5 P.M. Sinnamahoning,Wednesd. & Saturd. 8 P.M. Karthaus,, Saturdays, 6 P.M. Kylertown, Mondays & Thursdays, 12 M. DEPART. Eastern, daily, Sundays excepted, at 4 A.M. Western, " " " 4 A.M.' Smith's Mills, Fridays, 7 A.M. Sinnamahoning, Tnesdays& Fridays, 6 A.M. Karthaus, Thursdays, 8 A.M. Kylertown, Mondays & Thursdays 1 P.M. The Mails will close at 9 o'clock, P. M. N. B. Business men, of town and vicinity, will please preserve this for future reference. C. D.. Watsox, Post Master.. Mail arrives at Curwensville from Indiana, via Newman's Mills, Burnside, New Washington, Chest, Bower and Grampianllills, Tuesday and Fridays at 11-J A. M., and de parts same days at 1 P. M. Mail leave Curwensville for Marron, via New Millport and Lumber City, every Satur day at 6 A. M., and returns same day at 8 p.m, WAGON - MAKING. THE undersingned would announce that they manufacture Waggons of all descriptions, Buggies, bleds, Ac, al their shop in New Salem. Brady township, Clear field county, which they offer for sale at as reasona ble rates as can be purchased elsewhere. They res pectfully solicit a share of patronage. CAMBRIDGE JOHNSTON. Octl-'56-tf WILLIAM LEWIS. ""DISSOLUTION. The partnership hereto- Mr tore existing between A. Montgomery and E. A. Hippie, in the Mercantile business in Cur wensville, Pa., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. A. Montgomsry has purchased said Hip pie's interest in the firm of Montgomery AT Hip pie ana will pay all legal debts contracted by them and receive all debts due. MONTGOMERY A HIPPLE. Cuiwensviile. June 12, 1853-je23-0t. BOOT AN!) SHOE MAKING. JOHN S. A A. G. IiOYT, Having entered into partnership in the above bu siness, at the end of the new bridge, 11 miles a bove Clearfield borough, are prepared to do all kinds of work in their line on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. JOHN iS. HOYT, A. G. HOYT. N. B. All kinds of country produce and bides taken in exchange for work. June ii, looo. MARBLE Y A R TYRONE CITY, PA. ISAAC BERLIN, would inform the citizens of Clearfield, that he is prepar ed to furnish MARBLE WORK of all kinds, such as Monuments. Box-tombs, Tomb-tables. Head Stones, and all kinds of Grave Yard work, on the shortest notice, neatest styles, and cheapest rates. ALSO, building work, such as Marble Lintels and Door Steps. Brown stone Platforms, Base Courses. Window Sills and Caps, door steps. Ac. Head stones of all kinds and patterns. Work dolivered to all parts of the county. ISAAC BERLIN. Tyrone City, Dee. 23, 1857. REMOVAL JOSHUA S. JOTINSON, CABINET MAKFR, has removed his shop to the new building of John Troutman, on Market street, where he wilt keep on hand or manufacture to order, (of superior finish,) every variety of Household and Kitchen FTJKN ITU RE, such as Tables, Bureaus, Safes, Stands Cupboards, Sofas. Bedsteads, Ac. of every style and variety, which he will dispose of at cheap rates as any o ther establishment of the kind in the county. Call and examine his furniture, and judge for yourselves of its quality and finish. CHAIRS of all kinds on hand or made to order. lie is also propared to make COFFINS to order, on the shortest notice, and will attend funerals wilh a hearse, when called upon. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON. Clearfield, Pa., December 17, 1356. HOUSEHOLD WORDS, CONDUCTED BY CHARLES DICKENS, Author of Pickwick Pajters,'" "Nicholas Nic kleby." 'Domiey lr Son," etc.. etc. Re-published Monthly by the Subscriber, from advance sheets, under sanction of the London publishers, and by special arrangement with them. Each monthly number contains Tides, Stories and Articles, by Charles Dickens, William Ho wilt, leigh Hunt, Barry Cornwall, Willie Collins, and almost eve ry conspicuous English writer, thus rendering it by far the most interesting, varied, and decidly the'best Literary Periodical in the English, lan guage. No work of the kind contributes so suc cessfully and so much to the floating literature of the day ; its sharp, crisp, genial articles, and its admirable stories are more extensively copied by cotemporary publications than those of any other work whatsoever. TERMS, 25 cents per number, $3 per annum. . A prompt remittance of S3, will secure a reg ular delivery, post-paid. TERMS TO CLCBS. Two copies for one year 55; Five copies, 1 year 10; Eleven copies. 1 y. S20. Clergymen and Teachers supplied at 2 a year. The vol umes of Household Word? commence with the September and March numbers, but sub scriptions may begin with any number desired. Sets of Household Words. 16 Volumes, can now be had, bound in cloth, at SI. 75 per volume. Sent free hy Express or Mail, on receipt of price. CLUBBING WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. We will send Household Words and either one oi me ioiiowing .Magazines for ohe year for S3 """V "jr hwk, rranic Leslie s Magazine x...uuu s .uuguzine, jiouaon (Quarterly "Knickerbocker," Graham's Masrazine. Aorth British Review, Westminster Review. Lmerson A Putnam's, Harpers' New Monthly, Edinburgh Review, Atlantic Monthly. He will send Household Words with any two of the above Magazines or Reviews, for one year for $7,50. Back Numbers of -'Household Words'' can be furnished at the Office of Publication, oriee 25 cents each. tjsr All persons subscribing to House- oom woras tnrougn any Association or Bookseller, must look to them for their supply of the work. Address, JANSEN A CO., June 23. No 1 Id Nassau St., N. Y CLOTHING. A general assortment of ready made clothing just received and opened at November 25. WM. F. IRWIN'S. 1 IQUORS A lot of choice and common li-A-4 quors on hand and for sale cheap for cash by Clearfield, Pa. THOS. ROBINS. ANEW LOT of Mackerel and Herring received at the store of yM IRVIN Curwensville, June 30, 1853. CUGAR. White and" Brown sugar to be had at November 25. W.M P. IRWIN'S Lot of good Grindstones, with fixtures, for sale - by . . JOHN PATION, Curwensville. NOTICE, The undersigned having been ap pointed committee of Benjamin Johnson. (formerly of Pike township, Clearfield county.) a lunatic, notmes an persons navmg claims to pre sent them or being indebted to pay to his Attorney L. J. Cians, Esq., Clearfield, or June 30. "68. CALEB OUTER, Tytone. Pa. CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution ed against buying or in any way meddling with a note of hand calling for Fifteen dollars and Fifty-five cents, in favor of John W. Reynolds, for which I never received value, and which note I will not pay until compelled bv law. JOSHUA FELTWELL. - Knox township, June 20. 1853-je30-3t. LIST OF JURORS, for August Term, 1858, commencing on 3d Monday, the 16th day. GBA5D JCROBS JohnW.Irvin, Morris township. Isaac Rothroch, Boggs township. Josiah Evans, Curwensville boro'. Austin Kline, Woodward township 'Benjamin F. Dale, Pike township. A. Curry, Chest township. Oliver Westover, " William Tucker, " M - Peter Laborde, ' Union tewnship. John W. Hollopeter, Alexander Reed, Lawrence township. Henry Aughinbaugh, Jackson Patch in, Burnside township. Josiah Spencer, Pcnn township. S. B. Row, Clearfield borough. ' Henry Whiteside, Beccaria township. . John Wooldridge, Bradford township. John H. Gearhart, " " Joseph Thompson, Graham township. James Parsons, Decatur township. John P. Hoy t, Ferguson township. Luther Barret, ' Joseph McCully, Jordan township. George Ellingcr, B ady township. TRAVERSE JCKOBS. William Albert, Bradford township. Francis Graham, jr. " " William Bridgens, Karthaus township, Hugh McGonigal, " " Robt. Patterson, jr. Jordan township. John Carlisle, Brady township. .Jeremiah Krincr, " " . - '" Peter Shaffer, " " John II. Syler, " John J. Weaver, ' " Vincent Tonkin, Burnside township. Abraham Yingling, . ' " John McCuIlough, Sr. " " Georgo Atcbeson, " " William Wall, . . Penn township. Moses Owens. " ' William S. Spencer, " John S. Runk, Decatur township. Isaac Crowell, " ' John Shaw, " " Geo. W Shimmel, of H., Boggs township. Peter Gearhart, . Ira Sabins, Bell township. Moses Miller, " Thomas A. McGhee, " ' " Warren W. Bell, Ferguson township. John Henry, ' " Thomas If. Forcee, Graham township. James E. Watson " " Samuel Spitler. " " Alexander Murray, Girard township. Alexander Irwin, " " Miles Davis, Beccaria township. C Bikelman, Covington township. Andrew S. Tozer, Chest township. Wm. Ten Eyck, Curwensville boro'. John Irvin, , " " . . James B Caldwell, jr. Pike township. David Miller, " ' Simon Thompson, " " George Ross, " " Miles Pelton, Morris township. David F. Etzweiler, Clearfield boro'. George Thorn, ' " Ellis Irwin, Goshen township. Alfred M. Smith, Lawrence township. Zach Ogden. " " Conrad G inter, Woodward township. riMHAL LIST, FOR AUGUST TERM, 1858, JL commencing on 3d Monday, the 16th day. Leonard A Moore, vs Alice Dale, Patchin, vs Lamborn, Bloom, vs Bloom. Uallaher, vs Mehaffey, M'Farlin, vs Best, Hinds. vs Mason, Draucker, vs Hartshorn, Feltwell A wife, vs Mehaffey, ct al, Wilson's Ex'rs, vs Mehaffey. et al, Svhnell's heirs, vs Julian Bcase, Cadbury A wife, vs Adams, et al, S. Crow, et al. vs John Ovcrdorf, Abbess, vs Caldwell. Mitchell. vs Pennington, Patton, to use vs Ellis, et al, Coal t Lumber Co. vs Pennington, Sabin, vs McGhee, Pasmore, vs Bloom, Irvin's heirs, vs Mc Masters, Cooper, vs Kelly, Bloom. vs McGhees, Geddes A Marsh, vs Pennington, Same vs Same, M"Kee, vs Bloom, Best, vs McFarlin. Houtz, vs Irish A Hinds, Comeford, vs Pfoutz, Jones, et al, vs Bsirtles, et al, Riddle, vs Swan, Askey, vs Stevenson, Curtin, vs Karthaus, Carson, vs Hurd, Taggart, vs Michaels A Worrell, Draucker, vs Seyler, Carlisle, vs Kremer, Karthaus, vs Lutz. Hurxthal, vs Karthaus, Irvin, vg Flemming, A Ferguson, vs McFarlin, Spalding A Fulton, vs Aruistrong&Ganible Hall A Co., vs Jerry Gaines, Long, vs Knarr, Sechler, vs Rodkey, Patcben, vs Carson, Patchen, v Knarr, Morgan, vs Smith A Byers, Morgan. vs Shoff, et al, Kerlins, vs McGarvey, Clark, vs French, Lloyd. vs Rowland, Merrell, vs Blauchard, . Hile, vs Cunningham, Wilson, vs Long, Patchin, vs King, Long. vs Reams McBride. vs Michaels A Worrell, Gilleland, vs McGhees, Patton, vs Bilger, Hoover, vs French, Taylor, ts Flinn, Hollopeter, vs Patton, Jas. Irvrn A Co. vs D. F. Smith, Craven, ts Bloom, Sonkin, vs Langdon, Crans, vg Cardon, Spencer, vs Owens, et al, Leonard, vs Ardrey A Potter, Bru baker, vg Coder, Same, vs Same, Mulson, vs Price, Wise, vs Feltwell A Ames, Leonard, vs AV'elsb,- Snyder, vs Peirce's adm'rs, Langdon, vs Soukin, Logan, vs Goodfellow, - Thompson, vs Leonard, Thompson, vs Mays, McKee, vs Beyers, et al, Groe, vs King, Ilegarty A McCully vs Beyer A Green, . Galer, vs Dickinson, Dunlap, vs . Beyers, Lutz, vs Barrett, Fiscus, vs Beyers, et al, Bush, ' vs Same, Kline, - - vs Same, Stott. . vs . Same, Cathcart, vs Same, Catbcart, vs Same. Chase, vs Same, Stirk, . , vs Same, . Rex, vs Wise, Beems, vs Leonard, Bowles, , vs Beyers, et al, Henderson, vs Same. Potter, ct al, vs Lorain, et al. Bloom, vs Bloom, Irvin, vs Gibbon, Barrooy, . vs Uugnott, M'Crackin&PauIhamsvs Gibbon. Wood. Bacon A Co, vs Montelins, A Co. June 30. GEO. WALTERS, Prot'y. AIL ROAD HOUSE, CORNER OF Main and White Streets. BRoOKVILLE, Pa. Feb24. R. R. MEANS, Proprietor. "I Qr ACRES OF LAND, on the Erie Turn J em3 pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville. and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same, will be sold on accommodating terms. The land lie's well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is well covered with choice pine timber suitable for shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill near by. Apply to L. J. CRANS. mar25 Clearfield. ' FOR SALE, TIIE FARM occupied by John F.Wiley in Ferguson township, containing 106 acres, 30 acres cleared ; house, barn and other buildings thereon erected. ALSO. 50 acres of land or the timber thereon, situate in Pike township within one and a half miles of the river on a good road td haul. For further description and? terms applv to - L. J. CRANS. May 20. 1357. v Clearfield. GULICII & BENNER, would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and publie generally that they have entered into co-partnership in the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, and keep constantly on hands, and manufacture to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consisting of Dining, Breakfast, aud Centre Tables, Sewing, Writing, and Wash-Stands, Mahogany, and Common Bedsteads ; Mahogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs, Bureaus, Sofas. Lounges, Ac, Ao. . Coffins made and funerals attended on the short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate accompanyments. House Painting done on the shortest notice. Shop and Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi ed by John Gulich, mearly opposite the Jew Store,' Clearfield. Pa JOHN GULICH, May 22, '55.-ly. DANIEL BENNER. E EMOVAL OP ROBINS' LITEIIAHY DEPOT. Thomas Robins' having removed his Book and Dru; Store to the Store Room formerly occupied by Richard Shaw A Son, one door West of the "Mansion House," where he is prepared to accom modate his former customers and the publie gen erally, with everyihing in his line. Having late ly added a general assortment of Groceries to bis formar stock, ho is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call, with COFFEE SUGAR, TEA, MOLASSES, 4c , Ac. Also, with BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES, Stationary. FANCY ARTICLES AND CONFECTIONARIES, Tobacco and Cigars. DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, TAINTS, Chemicals, ire., tyc, ire. Among his stock will be found Histories, Biogra phies. Sketches. School Books, Poetical, Seicutic, Mechanical, Medical and Law works; the latest publications always oa hand or procured to order; all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish ers prices ; fancy and common letter paper ; plain and ruled cap paper ; perforated paper; note pa per ; fancy and common envelopes; blank Deeds; a great variety of Steel Pens ; common and fancy pcn-holdcrs, pencils. tc. tc. Ac, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices. His stock of Drugs, Medicines, Dye-stuffs. Paints, Ac, is large and well selected; among which are Calomel, Blue Mass, Quinine, Morphia. Red Pre cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pnlvenzcd ; Rochelle and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar. Sulphur, Sen na, Pink Root, Sup. Carbonate Soda. Tartaric A cid, Sulphate of Zinc ; Liquorice, CoJuinbo and Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Bue Vitriol, Coperas, Alum, lied Lead. Prussian Blue, Chrome Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra de Sienna, and in fact a general assortment. He has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast Pins, Ear Drops, Finger Rings, A-c. Also, AVatch Guards and Keys, Penknives. Hair oils; Hair. Reading. Fine aud Pocket combs, Tooth-picks. Ra zors and Strops. Sadlers' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variory. Also, Prunes. Figs, Raisins, Almonds, Pea-nuts and Filberts; Candies a general assortment; Cin amon, Cloves. Pepper, and other spices; Blacking, and Spool Cotton ; the most popular Patent Med icines of the day ; all of which will be sold at the very cheapest rates. Call and examine the stock and judge for vour sclves. SeptS! THOMAS "ROBINS. TIIE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GULDEN PRIZE. The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize. Tho Golden Prize. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED! illvstrateo! ILLUSTRATED ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. Ill nst rated every teetl. Illustrated every week. Illustrated every werk. Illustrated every werl. Illustrated every week. Illustrated every -. Illustrated every werl-. Illustrated every wetl. ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK Specimen copies sent free Specimen cmes sent free. THE GOLDEN PRIZE Illustrated .' Illustrated Illustrated The New York Weekly Goldex Prize is one of tho largest and best weekly papers of the day An Imperial Quarto containing eight pages, or forty columns, of entertaining original matter: and ele gantly illustrated every week. A Gift worth 50 cents to $500 00 in Gold will be presented to each Subscriber immediately on receipt of the subscription money. One copy for one year, $2 00, and 1 gift. One copy for two years, 3 50, and 2 gifts. One copy for three years, 5 00, and 3 gifts. One copy for five vears, 8 00, and 5 cifts. AND TO CLUBS Three copies one year, $5 00, and 3 gifts. Five copies ono year, 8 00, and 5 gifts. Ten copies one year, 15 00, and 10 gifts. Twenty-one copies 1 year, 30 00, and 21 gifts. The articles to be distributed are comprised in the following list : 2 packages of Gold, containing 500 each. 5 packages of Gold, containing 200 each. 10 packages of Gold, containing 100 each. 10 Pt. Lever Hunting Cased Watches, 100 each. 20 Gold Watches, - . 75 each. 50 Gold Watches, - .- ....60 each. 100 Gold Watches, 50 each 300 Ladies Gold Watches 3" each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches. - 30 each. 500 Silver Watches, --.'- SIO to 25 each. 1000 gold guard, vest A fobchains. 10 to 30 each. Gold Lockets. Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons. Rings. Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents. to SISeach. Immediately on the receipt of the subscription money, the subscriber's name will be entered upon our subscription book opposite a number, and the gift corresponding wilh that numbej will be for warded, within one week, to the subscriber, by mail or express, pojf paid. TTA1I communications should be addressed to BECKET A CO., 48 and 49 Moffat Building, 335 Broadway, N. York. Specimen copies sent free. Agents wanted. New York, March 17, 1853-lamly. TO JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Just printed and for sale at the Raftsm-an's Journal office, a lot of superior blanks, to wit: Blank Subpoenas. Blank Executions, Blank Summons', Blank Marriage certificates Judgment Notes, with and without waiver. SCItOOL DIRECTORS are informed that they can be supplied, at the,t Journal office, with Blank Articles of Agreement with teachers, and School Orders. C CONSTABLES can be supplied with Blank J Sales, by calling at the Rajtsman't Jour iiaJ office. Clearfield. CBS AND BUCKETS. A variety just receiv ed and for sale at WM. F. IRWIN'S. HARDWARE. A large assortment just receiv ed and opened, and now for sale by November 25- p IRWIN TOBACCO AND CIGARS.An assortment just opened and for sale at the store of Jovember 25. WM. F. IRWIN. LOT OF PRIME BACON on hand and for 1 J W. F. IRWIN. WILLOW BASKETS. A lot on hand and or sale bv INov251 WM. F. fRWIV R THOMAS G. SNYDER. MERCHANT, Deal er in Sawed Lumber. Shingles. Square Tim ber, et cetera. KYLERTOWN, Clearfield Co.. Pa. July 1. 1857. tf. ANSON VILLE PROPERTY FORSALE. The property formerly occupied by James Smith, being 3 adjoining lots, having a two story tila.V km... I 1... W font and .1 1 v. ,1 If fill n 01 y lit feet, thereon erected, is for sale, or rent, on accommodating terms. Apply to March 24. L. J. CRANI. Clearfield. FREDERICK SCIIMELL, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, would respectfully an nounce to the public that his shop is located one door east of the Methodist Church, Clearfield. Pa., where be is prepared to repair Clocks, Watches. Ac, on short notice and reasonable terms. Give him a call. All work warranted to give satisfac tion. Clearfield, January 6, 1353. BACK AGAIN IN THE OLD SHOP, ON THIRD STREET. The subscriber informs his old friends and the public generally, that he is now re-established in the OLD SHOP, on third street. lately occupied hy Jacob Shuukweiler, where he hopes hy strict at tention and keeping a good stock of assorted iron, to merit the favor of the public. Country produce and cash never refused. An apprentice, from 16 to 18 years of age, will meet with a good situation if application bo made soon. Clearfield, May 13, 1857. O. W. ORR. MANSION HOUSE, Clearfield. Pa. The undersigned respectfully announces to the public that he has leased the above Hotel in Clear field borough, and that he is prepared to accom modate all who may favor him with their custom. His house is commodious and convenient, and his table shall be supplied in the best manner possi ble. No effort will be spared to render general satisfaction. By strict attention to business, and to tliA wants and comfort of his guests, he expects to secure a liberal share of patronage. febll-'57 DAN. M. WEAVER. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED, AND has been in thousands of in "lances, by Dr. S. H. Burns, of New York. Doctor Stephen H. Burns, 'the celebrated Indian Physician) hav ing arrived to an advanced old age, desires to spend the remnant of his days in sending to the afflicted throughout the land tho Medicine which has proved so successful in the Curo of Consump tion, Bronchitis, Asthma, Liver complaint. Coughs, Dyspepsia, Ac, fret of charge.. The old Doctor has brought his Remedy to great perfecjion in his practice of the last fifty years, and feels confident that it will cure cases out of 10 of confirmed Con sumption. As his ulEuent circumstances enable him. he will send each applicant who furnishes a description of his symptoms a small quantity of his mcdccinc, with minute and explicit directions for preparing it themselves, when they shall have tried it, and learned its beneficial effects in their cases. Each applicant will send 3 stamps. (9 oents) to pay the return letter, and to assist in the pay ment of this advertisement Address jufcl6. Pit. S. II. BURNS, New York. ANEW Two Horse Waggon, for sale at the cor ner, Curwensville, by WM. IRVIN. ACKEREL and Herring at the corner store o W Jl. iw IA. Curwensville. F LOUR, Bacon, Salt. Rye. Corn and Oats, for Baieuy mm. mvis, Curwensville. J"AILS, Glass, Paints and Oils, at reduced prices v Ji. ml., Curwensville. B AR IRON, assorted ted, for sale at the -corner" by WM. IRVIN, Curwensville. may2i). SMOOTHING, Jack. Sash. Fore. Bead and Match Planes for sale by WM. IRVIN. Curw l Ic. GRIND Stones and fixtures, and chain pumps for sale by WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. s PANISII Solo Leather, for sale at the store of may'u. M. IR IN. Curwensville rlUIRT"-hour. Eighty day, weight, spring and JL alarm clocks, very cheap at the store of mp2t. WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. COFFEE. Sugar and Molasses, by the Bags and Barrel, for sale at the cheapest store of may2!. WM. IRVIN, Curwensville. A LL of Jayncs' Family Medicines, Hair Dye, -XL Ac, to be had at the corner. Slay 2i3. WM. IRVIN, Ccrwcnsvillc. COTTON and Woolen carpets, floor oil-cloth and table covers, at the store inf way 26. WM IRVIN, Curwensville. LATEST style Bonnets, trimmed and un trimmed and bonnet trimmings, artificial flowers. Ac. at the store of WM. lllVIX. Curwensville. ENGLISH and country Blister, Shear, Spring and Cast Steel, at the ' corner." f "y2S. WM. IRVIN, Curwensville. A WELL selected stock of Summer Clothing, just received and for sale by may26. WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. f" ADIES' DRESS GOODS. Gighams. Challiea. d Lawns, Lawn robes. Brilliants. Shawls anil Mantillas, latest styles, at the store of May 21. WM. IRVIN, Curwensville. CAST STEEL MILL AND CROSS CUT SAWS, of the best qualities, made by Disston. for a'chy WM. IRVIN. Curwensville, May 2S. 1858. SCHOOL BOOKS. Sanders' Readers; Mitchells' Geography and Atl as and Primary Geogra phy ; Wcbsters' Dictionary. large and small ; Page on Teaching; Green's. Kirkham's, and Bullion's Grammars; Davics', Smith's, Emerson's and Pike's Arithmetics: Davics Algebra; Sanders' and Sar geant's Spellers, Ac. at the "Corner" Store. Curwensville. may 26, 1853. WM. IRVIN. r9 EMOVAL. The undersigned notifies his old customers and the public that he has removed his BLACKSMITH SHOP to his new building a few doors south of the shop he former ly occupied, where he is prepared to do on the shortest notice any work in his line of business. April 15, 1857. J; COB SHUNKWEILER. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Dealer in SAWED LUMBER. SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLES, BOARDS. Ac, is prepared to fill, on the shortest notice, all orders for articles m his line of busi ness, on as reasonable terms as they can be nro cured in the county. Grahampton. Clearfield Co., Jan. 23, 1856 CLEARFIELD HOUSE, CORNER OF FIRST AND MARKET STREETS. CLEAR FIED, PA. The undersigned would respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public in general, that he has taken the above house, (for merly known as the Hemphill Hotel.) and that the house has been recently refitted, improved and newly furnished; that extensive stabling has just been completed; and that he is pre pared to accommodate all who may give him aeall in the most pleasing and agreeable manner. He is amply provided with everything to render his house a desirable stopping place, and will endeavor to entertain his guests in a niner that cannot fail to give the fullest satisfaction. The bouse is situated in a pleasant and quiet part of the town, and no expense or attention will be spa red to make it one of the best bouses in the county A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. His bar will be supplied with an assortment of choice liquors. june2-'5S H. HAYS MORROW. FLEMING HOTEL, (FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE GOOD INTENT.) CUR WENS 1LLE, Clearfield Comity, Pa. The subscriber begs leave to inform bis old customers and the public gene rally that he has recently taken the above well known stand, and that be has"entircly refitted and refurnished it in a style adapted to the age. and the wants of the entire travelling community. HIS TABLE will always bo provrded with every luxury the markets and surrounding country will afford. HIS BAR will be supplied with the choi cest wines and liquors. HIS STABLES, which are the best and most eommodiuug on the road within a day's travel, will always be in charge of careful and attentive hostlers In short, every department of his establishment will be supplied with all the comforts and conveniences the weary traveller eould desire. WM. A. MASON. Curwensville, June 2, 1853. PROFESSIONAL., D O. CROUCn, PHYSICIAN. Office in Cur- wensville. May 14, 1856-tf r JACKSON CRANS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, -Jm ClMrfifld.Pcnn'a. . Office adjoining his residence, on Second Street, Olearfield-. August 1.1855. RJ. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Clearfield. Pa. Office for the present ia the eastern end ef County Buildings. ; ; Clearfield, May 26. 1353.-tf. . JB. M'ENALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Clearfield, Penna. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties.' Office in new brick addition, adjoining the resi dence of James B. Graham. August 1, 1855. LARRIMER & TEST, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will attend promptly to all legal and other bu siness entrusted to their care in Clearfield and ad -oining counties. Clearfield, Aug. 6, 1656. JAS. H. LARRIMER. 1. TEST. DR. M. "WOODS, tenders hla professional aef" vices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicini- ty. Kesidence on Second street, opposite the. of- j fice of L. Jackson Crans, where he .can be found unless absent on professional business. Clearfield, May 14, 1856 3m. - THOS. J. MrCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT " LAW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Clearfield. -Pa., may be found at bin office in Shaw's Row, four doors west of the "Mansion House." Deeds-' and other legal instruments prepared with prompt- ' ness and accuracy. J Feb. 13 ly. DR. B. F. AKLEY, PHYSICIAN, Graliamton-, Clearfield County. Pa., tenders his professional services to the inhabitants of Grahamton and surrounding country he can at all times be found at his Office, directly oppo site Mr. J. B. Graham's store, when not profoi. sionally engaged. Apl. 25. YOUR TEETH TAKE CARE OF THEM ! DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to announce to hi friends and patrons, that be is now devoting all of his time to operations in Dentistry. Those desir ing hisscrvices will find him at his office, adjoining his residence, at nearly all times, and always on Fridays and Saturdays, unless notified otherwise in the town papers the week before. N B. All woik warranted to be satisfactory. Clearfield, Pa., July 22, 1857. O W. BARRETT, JUSTICE OF THE JL PEA!;K. Luthersburg. Clearfield county, Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted te him. mar25-tf MBUOTYPES. P. C. PURVIANCE. Pro fessor of Photographic Chemistry. Gallery at his residence on 2d Street. u.e door South of Merrell A Carter's Tin-ware csMOlishnient. Clear field. Pa. f5"Days of operation : Friday and Saturday of each week jur;elrf'56 JOSEPIT PETERS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. CURWENSVILLE. Clearfield Coun ty. Pa., One Door East of Mouteliutb Ten Eyei't Store. All business entrusted to him will b promptly attended to. and all instruments of wrifc ins Hone on ohort noriee. Anri 7 1856. pjjtlabelpljia Storformfnte. TVT S. LAWRENCE'S NEW PAPER, 11 PRINTERS' CARD AND ENVELOPE Warehouse. No. 405 Commerce Street Philadel phia. tTsCash buyers will find it for their inter est to call. January 6. 1 853-1 y. CONRAD A WALTON, 255 Market Street Phil adeiphia; Importers and Dealers in Hard ware. Iron, Nails. Ac, Ac. They respectfully in vite the people of Clearfield, to continue their f vors. Aug. 1, 1855.-ly. A VISE'S CHEAP WATCn AND JEWELRY STOKE, No. 72 North Second Street, (oppo site, the Mount Vernon House.) Pphiladclphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 K. eases. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine, do.; Quartier; Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table SpootiS, Silver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do.: tr.gethet with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb. Guard and Foo Chains. All goods warranted ta be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Also, Masonic Marks, Pics. Ac, made to order, N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended to. His motto is: -Small Profits and Quick SjJoj Philadelphia, April 25, 1355. ' TOTEW AND CHEAP GOODS The under-. 11 signed has just received and ia now opening: at the --Corner Store." Curwensville. a fresh sup ply of Summer Goods, among which may be found a great variety of Ginghams, Chintz: Lawns. Bril liants. Organdos Chaliies. Summer wool-Delaines and ladies' dress goods of all descriptieus. Also, a choice assortment of Mens' wear. Linens. Cheeks, Tweeds, Cassiincrcs. Ac. WM. IRWIN. Curwensville June 30. 1S5S. TA K E NOTIC E ! T A VERN KEEPER aud the public, that Gros A Kunkel. whole sale Grocers, Canal Street Wharf, llarrisburjc, have on hand a large lot of Liquors at reduced prices, by the barrel or otherwise, to suit pur- . . 1. .. : i- . I c ii - . Pure Brandies. .. . New England Rum, Old Eye Whiskey, Domestic Brandies, Monongahcla Whiskey Blackberry Brandy, Peach Brandy, Livender Brandy, Cherrv Brandv. Lisbon Vt ine. Pure Holland Gin, Rectified PitU.WLUksy Port Wino. Maderia Wine, Pure Holland Gin, Domestic Gin, Scotch Whiskey, And other Liquors. (ieller8 PnM f'llimn.irn. I-A . - LiTOrders promptly attended to. GROSS A KUNKEL, Wholesale Grocers. Canal Street Wharf, between AY a) nut and State Streets. Harrisburg. Pa. MarlO-'5S-ly. " HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The un dersigned offers to sell at private sale a two story plank frame house IS by 2i feet in dimen sions and the lot en which it stands, situate in the village of Cloomingville, Clearfield county. There is also a good stablo and other outbuilding on the lot. with a good well of water near the door. Terms, which will bo reasonable, can b ascertained by calling on the undersigned, resid ing on the premises. WM. U. REX December 16, l857-3m. N. B. This would bo a good situation for a me chanic especially a shoemaker, as there is ouo much wanted in Ibe place. W. II. R SU S Q IT E II A N N A HOUSE. ( urimtsville. Clearfield County, Peun'a. -The subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Hotol, Philipsburg. having taken tbe aoove house, situate in the east end of the Borough ot Curwensville. on the bank of the Susquehanna River, would res pectfully announce to the travelling public that he is fully prepared to accommodate strangers and all others who may favor bin with a call. Tbe house is new. well furnished, large and com modious, and travellers will find every convenience necessary to their comfort. Ample stabling is at tached to the premises DAVID JOHNSTON. Curwensville, February 17- 1S53. T. VERNON HOUSE. LUMBER CITY.: CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. The under signed notifies the publie that he has opened out lhahve named honse. at:. fl.-. li , --. wo is kvii pro pared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. The house is three stories high, ia commodious and well furnished, and no pains will be spared to render satisfaction to guests Hit Bar is always supplied with choice liquors of all kinds. There is plenty of stablinij connected with tbe house He solicit a share of public patron- "KrC' v . . . L- W- TEN EYCK. Lumber City. April 21. 1 ftj.S-3m-p J . 3F m 5E?S1:LJ- CO- TAMERS AND af CURRH.HS, feunvlU, Clearfield Co.,Pa. Keep constantly on hand an excellent aor'xen of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowes cash prices. Hides taken is exchange. July 15,1854. .