Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 23, 1858, Image 3

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t us RftFT mmm mmi
New Advertisements. A number of new
' advertisements will be found in our columns
to-day, to which we direct attention,
j ; John S. & A. G. Iloyt hare entered into
partnership in tbo.Boot and Shoemakmg Bu
siness, in Lawrence township.
;r? .William and John Koons offer some proper
ty for sale.
Montgomery and nipple, of Curwensville,
give notice that they have dissolved partner
ship.' - i :
The County Treasurer will have an aujonrn
ed sale of Unseated Lands on Saturday the
17th day of July.
lAn Administrator's Xotice of the Estate of
Chistian Pottarff, and several other advertiso
mcnts also appear. .
.. "Prepared fou. ise "rafisjiax's jocesjl."
' v Ixdiajsa Couxty. Ono night last week, a
' man who was attacked by the night-niare, set
".the goodly people of Indiana Borough into an
'uproar, by screaming fire and niurder, after
dashing out a window in -his sleeping apart
ment. The cause of alarm was soon discov
ered and the crowd left "instauter.V. . . . Oa
the night of the 9lh some of the "colored pop-
1. illation" raised a fuss with some young men,
: in front of the Indiana House, resulting in one
f the tonner running his head agaiust a poker,
which brought him to his proper level and put
liiui on his good behavior for the time being.
On Saturday evening, the 12th, a -man
named Wegniau, of Pino township, was lodged
" in the county jail, on a charge of stealing
: wheat from James Duncan. . . . . Oue day last
.week, an Irish pedlar, named Lot M'lreny,
fell in company with several teamsters some
iine miles from town, who were coming from
-''Mahoning for goods. He contracted with
' them to bring him and some rolls of oil-cloth
- to town, and on the way a difficulty arose be
. 1 ween thcra, leading to a muss. On arriving
here, the pedlar made information againtt the
teamsters for assault and battery, upon which
they were arrested and bound over. They,
n thoir part, alleged that the- pedlar had been
actuated by malice, and instituted proceeding
against him for perjury. He was put to jail,
' where he will probably bo kept until court,
v.hen the whole al!air will come np for jr.dicisl
- ' Daii-iii-v CorxTr. The firm of M'Crery &
v. Brother, are now sawing a bill' of timber for
Kussia, lo bo used for building government
; ships. Over 150,00'J lcot of timber has al
. ready been sawed in Middletown, lor that pur
pose. . ..The residence of Mr. Daniel Ilouck,
residing about three miles out the Linglestown
road, was eiitered by robbers on Tuesday even
ing week, and a valuable watch besides other
- property taken therefrom. The thieves have
?iot yet been discovered. .... Ex-dovenior
Porter on the loth, started his celebrated black
horse "Morgan'' to Texas, in i barge of persons
. from llarrisburg. The horse is designed as a
: present from Gov. Porter to Gen. Sam. Hous
ton, the hero of San Jacinto, and will, no
t doubt, be highly prized by the old hero...
Sciii'ylkill Cocxty. The miners at Jeanes
i ille, York Tow n and Audenreid collieries, are
'.all out on a strike. The men at the two last
collieries were perfectly willing to continue
...working, but a ganj: of ruffians, numbering
home 20O, came from Jeanesvillc to YorkTown,
and threatened the men with death if they con
tinued working. A miscreant by the name of
Tarhall, a man of notoriously bad character,
" has been making inflammatory speeches and
. fomenting the evil feeling amongst them.
This is the more to be deprecated, as most of
the men have but little, if anything, laid up.
The present state of the coal trade is inch,
that it is impossible for the operator to pay
high wages.
Mifflin Cor sty. Stealing is still progress
ing in Lwistown. Dr. Bedford lost a saddle
- sind bridle, Mr. Turner sundry hams, &c, anil
other articles of less value, and our cotcmpo
rary of the Gazette says a few ot his wool
tyM? are among the missing .... A little free
fighting is also carried on in that "ancient
iMirough." On Tuesday of last week, two dar
kies, Charley Williams and George Holland,
got into each other wool, and in addition to
pommeling each other, Williams bit a piece
out of Hollands car, a'id the latter cut his an
tagonist iver the head and in the side with a
razor. Xet morning both were '-able to be
in bed."
Lkbasox CorsTY. Mr. Thomas Mark, a na
tive of this county, but who has been a resi
dent of California since lol, returned to the
home of his father, Mr. Geo. Mark, in North
Lebanon ou Tuesday, with a pocket full of
rocks." .... The Donaghmore r urnace has
Wen workinsr elegantly since it was recently
blown in. We understand that it is now tnak
ine iron at the rate of 'Jl tons of Xo. 1 a week.
.... Mr. John Gabel, one of the Proprietors
f Longacre & Gabel's Planing manufactory.
bad several of the fingers of his left hand cut
.-off by a circular saw, at which he was worKing
last Friday.
Blair Coisti. A Methodist Camp Meet
ing is to be held in a grove near Jacob Black's
about mid-way on the K. U. between HoIIi
.daysburg and Altoona, on the 2th of August
.... On Saturday evening last, as Mai. M
Berry was returning from the Post Oliiee in
Duncaiisvillc to his home, in passing the bridge
at the upper end of the town he was assaulted
bv two or three ruffians, doubtless with intent
of robbing him, but he proved too much for
them in the scuttle. and they fled without doing
him any serious injury.
A r a. ms Cot XTY. We learn from the Getty
burg Star that on Saturday evening a heavy
thunder storm passed over that place, during
which a barn belonging to Mr. Geo. Seabrecist,
in Pending township, was struck by lightning
and entirely consumed. Two cows perished
' in the flames, and a number of farming utensils
and horse tears were burnt. 1 he horses were
.saved by the active exertions of those present
Loss about $800. No insurance.
Montgomery County. On the morning of
th Id instant, the w ife of George Hansen, re
sidinsr near Penn Coyd Iron Works, who had
been laboting under tempoiary aberation of
mind for some days, committed Biucuie oy
herself in the Schuylkill. . . . OnSnn-
lav, tho'both nit., Salem Walton, of Horsham
townshin. in the same county, bung himself in
bis barn. Insanity irom pecuniary losses was
the cause.
Wrnwrvn f!.n Tr. A voting man by the
name of Dunnel, while washing sheep in the
Susquehanna river near the Mcshoppen, Wy
oming couuty, in company w ith Ids father and
brother, accidently got into the stream where
it was over his head, and being unable to swim,
was drowned before they succeeded in rescu
ing him.
Lycoming County. At Williamsport, Mr.
Prank Butcher, Mail Agent on tho Catawissa,
V illiamsnort and Llruira Railroad, was arrest
cd by Special Agent Moore, on suspicion of
robbing the mail. .Mr. is. has been released on
hail, and will be tried at the Juno term of the
f7. S. District Court, at Williamsport.
G3""Vann tho weather, for several days.
LT'A nuisance anonymous scribblers.
l"pDitto the stuff generally called poetry
J-SfTnstitutes of health the niud-holes on tho
streets .
SITloiir is selling iu Xcw York as low as 53,S5
per barrel. ' ' . '
$I"Fiore3 the 'bindoo-wid-do-all" who pitch
es into things generally.
-i?At work the street commissioner. ' Hope
he'll do things np brown.
OTGrcat affair tho market lot. Would be an
excellent place to raise tad-poles, if attended to.
LJFranee is adding to her national debt at the
average rato of fifty-six millions of dollars every
year. .-. 5 . ...
UVPGood exercise romping with a couple of
feuienincs, and gutting yourself tied ia a double
bow knot.
r"The"Athcns (Tenn.) Pbrt learns that engago-
nicnts for new wheat have been made at sixty-live
cents per bushel.
iThc cost of the vessels of war now budding
for too British Government, is estimated at twen
ty millions of dollars.
HTl'lio Buchanan Congress which has just ad
journed, appropriated about SrfO.000.000 ! Eco
nomical administration, eh .'
CjJTut together again: tho young lady who
burst into tears fcho now wears hoops to prevent
a recurrence of the accident
LSoine say that the quickest way of destroy
r weeds" is to marry a widow. It is no doubt
a most agreeable species of husbandry.
OA duel was fought in Mississippi lately, by
Mr. 'f . Knott and Mr. A. W. Shott. The result was
that Knott was shot, and Shott was not.
F.r5,'Punch says he once saw a f ither knock down
bis beloved boy, and thought it the most striking
illustration of "son down he ever beneld.
53Tho Regulators, as they call themselves, of
Tainpa, Florida, havo recently hung hve men, and
whipped two women wiiiic women 01 course.
Teflon. John P. Halo has been re-elected to
the United StaU s .Senate by tho Legislature of New
Hampshire, for six years from tho 4th March next.
rTThe pcwlv elected Mayor of New Orleans,
Col. Gerard Smith, is a practical printer, and is
one in crcry respect worthy of the honor confer
red upon una.
???-Private letters from bouora represent that
tho dominant party there have determined to de
clare independence, 'and apply for ai-nexation to
the I nited Mates.
I -f"A Moravian mirsiou church was recently ded
icated iu Providence K. X., iu which some seven
hundred of the German population of that city
dCfign to worship; ; ' : - '
"Bcveral. fields and patches of wheat grown
the present season at Montgomery, Alabama, have
been harvested recently, and the yield was fine,
and of the best quality.
-ricrs ihou'.d uoi be discouraged abaut
the corn crop. An old farmer informs the Spring
field Journal that ho has raised fii'ty bushels of
eorn to the acre whuh was planted on the 21st of
r3"A farmer said to a barber that he oubgt to
reduce his prices, now that corn was cheap. ;-ao
sir-ce,?' said the shaver, -for when corn is low,
irmers make, such long faces that 1 have twice
the ground to go over."
yA Southern Methodist miuistcr.detailing his
cxtiurienco on a curiam circuit, uounicn iwciiiy-
six children who had been named after him, and
added, that during the year ho received as com
pensation for his labor "513."
f'Prcntieo of the Louiiville Journal objects to
the live minutes rule in the Ncwiork prayer mee-
tiu"s. He siivs, 'imagine, tor instance, oiu nen-
nett. of the llnriilil, confessing Ins sins in the ri
diculous space of live minutes!"'
vjfA very destructive fire occurred iu Evans-
ville. Indiana, ou Saturday night a-weck, involv
ing a loss of $100,000. The Canal Bauk was darn
ed to the extent of M.aOO. lheomeo of the
Evarisville Journal was completely destroyed.
r'Pcnnsylvania does not own a single mile of
canal or railroad. A iiiuo over miny jcau s
h r coin me need as vste m ot internal improvements.
and she now owes a little short of forty millions of
dollar, as the result of her experience in making
canals and railroads.
r5?"The Trench Gazette 'Medical stales that
charcoal has been accidentally discovered to bu a
cure for burns. By laying a piece ot charcoal on
the bum. the pain subsides at once. By leaving
it on for an hour the wound will bo healed. It is
certainly worth a trial.
! rf'A new material for paper is said to have
been discovered in tho fibre of the beet-root, which
remains after sugar-making and distillation. It
is twenty per cent, cheaper than common paper,
md has been used in carlrigesai ooiwieu arse
nal It is to be introduced and tested in this
t'There is an organized gang of swindling
land croakers in Xerthern Iowa and Southern Min
nesota, who are bound together by secret oaths and
passwords. They rob the emigrants by selling
theia counterfeit titles to laud. Iu Iowa thcreare
already dettcted sales of land to the amount of
511'U.UUtJ under tnese ncuuous lines.
fiTThcv havestrango institutions in Cincinnati.
A married lady was severely bitten oy a large dog.
the owner of which, in his great regret, called
npon the husband of tho la.ly. and avowed his wil
lingness to kill the dog if desired. -0. never mind
my wife, but if you value your dog look to him.
If he don t die alter mar operation, ne innv con
sider himselt a darned lucky cur."
'"gAn extraordinary and disgusting exhibition
took place in Cincinnati recently. A man made a
bet that he could kill a dozen rats in less time than
a dog could kill the same number ; a large crowd
assembled. The contest was an exciting oue. Tho
man would snatch up the rats with his hands, and
biting thorn across ihe back of the neck and spino,
and thus kill them at once. The man completed
his dozen as tho dog finished his tenth.
100,000 DOLLARS
CTcargain to ClcarEeld county, pur annum, by
manufacturing their pine timber, into Shingles, on
Hucy's Celebrated Patent SAisigle 3;ri,which
makes a beautiful shingle ont of comparatively
inferior timber, that would not make split shin
gles at all. The mode of operation is :. It saws
and jJtaies the shingle xmnolk on hotli sides at one
operation, and will turn out ten finished shingles
every minute while it is kept rnnningat its speed,
which would be six thousand per day of ten hours,
if kept running all the time ; but allowing one
half of the time for greasing and other necessary
arrangements, it will make 3,000 per day, which
is a very safe calculation. All the hands neccssa
to ran it is two ; a man to attend to the sawing and
a boy tho planing. Wo will here insert a few
Words from the Lancaster Daily Express :
'It received the first premium at tho York and
Lancaster county fairs, where the practical opera
tion of this machine produced the following pro
fitable result : from one cord of select pine slabs
procured at a saw-mill, costing ten dollars, it man
ufactured in less than one day two thousand shin
gles, sold for Sixtpex Doi.LAns per thousand." .
Ii combines all tho advantages of Wood worth's
and Xorcross' Planing Machines; besides which
it possesses one great advantage which no other
Planing Machine ever invented docs that is, it
will plane a straight, beveled or tapering pieeo of
timber, wherein its great value lies.- Although
wc might fill sheets with its praises from eastern
papers, we will only insert a small extract from
the Lancaster Inland Daily Times:
"It was invented for the purpose of making
shtuglts, slaves, heading and lath, and for sawing
and planeing straight or beveled work, flooring,
weathcrboarding, &e. Its use during the last six
months has proved it to possess a full capacity for
manufacturing all the various articles above men
tioned " Ihe same paper says: '-The flour bar
rels made from the stave3 prepared by this ma
chine, are as smoothly finished as the best quali
ty of Cedar ware." i'or further information ad
dress JfATnAX G 111 K.ST, ;
Unionville, Centre Co., Pa ,
Attorney for said Patent in suid State, from
whom all persons wishing maehincs.with the right
to use them, can be supplied, or the right to man
ufacture aud sell machines iu any part of tho
Statu not yet sold. " june 9.
Tfiu Cbops in this county look remarkably
well, with the exception of corn, which was
late being planted, but if there is favorable
weather, we will yet have a good crop.
Tun Weather, during the past week lias
been very warm.
Texas Getting Anti-Slavery. The last
number of the New Orleans Bee says : '-There
is a serious danger of the utter defeat ot South
ern hopes and aspirations touching loxas, ana
that in the very heart of the aoulii, m tne re
gion of all others best adapted to the cultiva
tion ol Southern liroducts, and to the conse
quent remunerating employment ct slave la
bor, a feeling of settled opposition to Slavery
exists, which, if not counteracted, will ulti
mately neutralize tho entire benefit conlerred
thereon by the act of and to incorporate
the largest, finest and most fertile part of
Texas into the family-circle of Prce States."
Ax ingenious novelty has just been bi ought
out on the Isorth Pennsylvania itailroad, in
the shape of a station indicator, which informs
the passengers of the name of the station or
place which the tram may be approaching
A cylinder, placed in a conspicuous part of
each car, contains the names ot all the slop
ping places on the line of the road. As the
train reaches or leaves one station, the braues
man turns out and exposes to view the name
of the next. It is a great boon to travellers,
especially strangers.
William Montgoheuy, one of tho anti-Le
compton Democrats in the last Congress from
the district composed of the counties of Fay
ette, Green and Washington, has been nomina
ted for reelection. Although not possessed
of as much back-bone as we like to find in a
Congressman, he was able to beat his Lecoinp
tou competitor very handsomely, with all the
patronage of the Administratian to back bim
Bishops of Pennsylvania. Since the estab
lishment ol the Episcopal Church, iu this coun
try, there have been but three Bishops in Penn
sylvania. The first of these, the venerable
Wm. White, was consecrated at Lambeth Pal
ace, by Scottish Bishops, in 1787. When h;s
health failed, with advancing years Itev. Hen
ry U. Undordoul;, D. D., rv-s elected Assist
ant Bishop, and was consecrated, October 25th,
lHi. On the death ol ishoi White, in 1S37.
Bishop Oudcrdonk succeeded him, and con
tinued to perioral the duties of BUhop of the
diocese until his resignation in May, 1815.
uev. Alonzo Potter, D. D., was then elected
to thp diocese, and was consecrated Septem
ber 23d, 1815. If Bishop Bowman, now elec
ted Assistant Bishop, should survive Bishop
Potter, he will become Bishop ol the diocese.
A man named Barnum was last week pardon
ed out of the Connecticut State prison, after
a confinement of twenty-six years. The won
derful changes and inventions of the last twen
ty-five years are, he says, all new to him, and
are looked upon by him with about the same
degree of wonder as if he had just arisen from
the dead after a sleep ot a quarter of a centu
ry. He never, until Saturday a-week, saw a
printing press, a railroad or a train of cars,
lie was taken to the depot at New Haven to
see the express train come in, and was much
astonished at the sight.
A Jew in Cincinnati was making handsome
gains by the sale of lottery tickets, and inves
ted bis said gains in real estate, which, fear
ing prosecution and nnes on account of Ins
illegal business, he conveyed to his wife. Af
ter a while he grew jealous ol his wife, and,
satisfied of her infidelity, lie resolved to take
poison, but was dissuaded by his friends. At
this juncture bis wife, with all his property iu
her possession, has commenced suit for a di
vorce, whereat ho leels uncomfortable.
The Evansvillo (Indiana) Journal says that
it is estimated that, at the present time, there
are some two thousand people from other
States sojourning in Indiana and Illinois, for
the express purpose of getting divorced Irom.
their wives or husbands.
On the 17th Jtiue, by Uev. Thos. Barnhart,
Gen. Jons Pattos, of Curwensville, to Miss
IIo.nora J., daughter of Wm. C. I oley, Lsq.,
of Ponuville, Clearfield county-
It seems there is no resisting tho little god
of love that he will play the mischief with
hearts, and mix 'em up to suit himself. Wc
trust that in this instance he has thrown his
ties around a pair of genial spirits, who may
always be in the lull enjoyment of peace, pros-
....J W ..J.
t.- 1.a 17)1. Tnn of 41. ..c:.l.. rf ln
bride's father, by Kev. E. W. Kirby, Mr. Os
car Adams, of Clearfield Bridge, to Miss Isa
11 k li. a Holt, eldest daughter of Vincent Holt,
Esq., of Bradford township.
This morning, 2od June, William Mitchell,
ot Lawrence township, aged about 4U years.
On the morning of the i!2d June, Sarah,
wile of liobert Leonard, of Goshen township,
aged 20 years and 10 months.
STRAY STEER. Came trespassing on tho
premises of the subscriber in Beecaria town
ship, about the tuth or 1-th .May, a lied steer,
some white in .ho forehead and a white spot on
the left thigh, supposed to bo 4 yrs old. The owner
is desired to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take him away or ho will bo sold ao
cording to law. TI10S. MULLEN.
Beecaria township, June 16, lSoS-pd.
oTJL of Administration on the estate of Lyman
Miles, late of L'eccar a township, Clearfield coun
ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them duly authentica
ted for settlement, to our Attorney, Li. .1. Irans
Clearfield, or liOCEUT N. 11 EG ARTY,
June 1G, 1858, Administrators
V- lias been in thousands of instances, hi Vr.
S. 11. Burns, of Nru YorJL:i)i Doctor Stephen
II. Burns, 'the oelebratcd Indian Physioian) hav
ing nrrived to an advancod old age, desires to
spend the remnant of his davs in sending to tho
. . .... . . . " i r i - L " 1.
ntliicted throughout tho land me lueaiume wuicu
has proved so successful in the Cure of Consump
tion, llroncliitiu. Asthmn. Liver complaint. Coughs,
DvgncDsia. Ac., free of charge. Tho old Doctor
ht Ma llrmoflv to irreat pcrfeeiion in his
practice of the last fifty years, aud feels confident
that it will cure 9 cases out of 1 0 of confirmed Con
sumption. As his affluent circumstances enable
liim. fin w III send each applicant who furnishes a
desaription of his symptoms a small quantity of
his medeeme, witn minnie inu caiuich uirccuoua
for preparing it themselves, when they shall havo
tried it. and learned its beneficial effects in their
cases. Each applicant will send 3 stamps, (0 oents)
to pay the return icuer, anu io assist in mo pay
mnit oi mis aavcruscuicm. .viuicm
"junolO. PR. S. II. Bl'ltXS, Xew York
The following are the rates of discount at which
the notes of the banks given were purchased last
week by tho brokers of Philadelphia;
vArxe. disc.
Monsom Kivcr Bank. 60
ltockland Lk, lfkl'd J
Canton Bank. China,
Ellsworth liank, 75
Exchange Bs. Banjror 80
tJrocars' Hack. i
Maratimc Bk, Bangor 20
Sanford Bk, Koekland
Hancock Bk, EUswth
Bank of Hallowell, SO
xk;v HAursuiiiE.
Solvent backs, 5
Danby Bank. Danby,
liank or Iloyalton, 3
Bk of South Koyal ton,
Stark BK.Bcnningron J
St.AlbansEK.St.Alb i
MissisquoiBK.heldn i
oodstocs liant, . j
Western BK,Springfd 3
Farme rs' Bk ,W ick ford
Bank of .South Coun
ty. Wakefield. 35
Tiverton Bk, Tiverton
N arwick Bk.vV arw k 6
Uhode fsland Exchange
Bk, E. Greenwich, , i
Mt. Vernon Bank, i
llopkinton Bank, I)
All solvent banks, I
Merch.Lx.Ek, Bridgp 00
Bridgeport City Bi, i
Colchester Bank,
jJk of Hartford Co. i
Hatters' Bk. Bethel,
Exch. Bk, Hartford,
Charter Oak Bk,. "
Mercantile Bank ' i
Uucas Bk, Norwich, i
QuinebaugBK, i
w ooster Bk. Danbury i
Woodbury Bank, 1
Pawcatuck Bank, i
Bk of X.Ain. Seymour2U
Pahquioque Bk, Danb i
Granite Bk, Yolunt'n
Pequonnock Bank, 4
V.'iudham County Bk, J
Agricultural BK.Herk 10
Addison Bk, Addison i
IlK of Orleans, Albion, CD
Central Bank of New
York, Utica.
Chemung County Bk
Dairymen's Bank,
Elinira Bank. Elmiru
Hollister Bk. Buffalo.
Hamilton Ex. Bank,
UiruenotliK. .Pali J
Medina Bk. Medina, i
Niagara Biver Bank, i
Ontario Bk. Utica, 60
Ontario Co.Bk, Phelps a
Pratt Bark, Buffalo 20
Oliver LceAOo's Bk "
Ileciproeity Bk, 4 3-i
Jacket!' Harbor " .!-'
Western Bk, Loekport 2i
Yates Co. Bk, PeuYan
Mineral Bk. Cuinb.
CumbTd Savings Bk.
Bank of Kanawha, Ka-
nowha Salines
Solvent banks, 1
Bk of Penn'a, Phil'a 65
1'hil'a banks,
Allentown Bank,
Anthracite bank,
Bk of Chester co
Bk of Delaware co,
Bk of (tcrniantown, yar
Bk of Montg'y co., par
J!k of Pottstown,
Bk of Catasauqua,
Columbia Bank,
Doylestowu Bk,
Easton Bank,
Fr.ii Mcch.bK Easton par
Far.BK of Bucksco. par
Far.BK. Lancaster, par
Fur.BK. Heading, par
Lancaster Co. Bank, par
Itbanon Bank, &
Maueh Chunk Bk, par
Miners' BKl'ottsv'e, par
Stroudsburir. bank, par
Solvent banks,
Bk of Ashland, li
Solvent Banks, 1$
City Bauk. Cincinnati 50
O. Lit'eATrustCo..Cin
Senaca Co. Bk. Tiffin,
Sandusky City Bk. CI 20
Bk of Macomb County
Dayton Bank. Davtou 10
Miami Val.Bk, ' 10
tate Bank, 1
15 ock Fi i ver Bk . Bel oi t 2
Farmers;BK. Hndon.2i
Fox KiverBK.Hr.Bay 2j
Badjror State Bk, 2J
Solvent Banks, 2j
PeninsularBK. Detroit
Fanners' & Mcch. Bk, 2
Bk o Montgomery,
t'cntral liank. o
Northern Bank, 3
Wvomins Bank,
llarrisburg Bank,
Bk of Chambcrsburg,
Bk ef Middletown,
York Bank,
Bk of Gettysburg,
Bk of Pittsburg,
Citizens' Bk, 1'ittsb.
Exchsngc Bk. Pittsb.
Iron City Bk. Pittsb.
Mechanics' Bk, Pittsb
Mononga'la b, Browns
i FarADro.bK,Waynesb
I lit? nf 'nr I hil m hnrl t
- - - . ... ..... ... .. j
Bk of Danville. par
West Branch Bank, J
Lock Haven Bauk, par
Lewicburg Bank. - .4
Far.BK Schuylkill co." J
Allegheny Bk. Alljrh'y h
JK ot lawrencc co.,
Hoccsdalc Bank
McrAMan Ek.Pittsb.
Erie Bank.
Erie City Bank,
McKean County Bk.
Tioga Comity Bank,
Bk of X.J.X.Erunsw i
Btrgen County Bank
at Hackcnsack. 35
Morris County Bank 20
Agric-1 Bk. Brownv.
WestornBK, Memphis
Bank of Nashville, 20
t Exe.BK,Murfreesboro' 3
Shclbyville Bank,
Lawreneeburg bank,
Bauk of Trenton,
Bank of Claiborne,
Bank of Jefferson,
Bank of Knoxvilic.
Bank of Paris. Paris, 3i
Bank of Tazewell, 45
Bank of the Union. Si
Buck's BK.M'Minnv'e 3
City Bank. Nashville 3
Northern BK.Clarksv. 3
Traders' Bk, Nashv. 3
Bk of Commerce, "J
OcoceeBK Cleveland, 50
Bank of Middle Tenn. 3
Dandridge bank.
Bank of Tennessee,
Planters' AUnion Bk,
Bank of the Capitol,
Traders' bank,
Tippecanoe bank.
Central bank
Bank of the Stato,
Free banks, oi
Bank of Elgin, 2
Hock Island bank, 2
I'coploS bank, Carmi 25
Hamilton County Bk 2i
J'K of tho Common w h 2i
VlTAliO.V FOR SALE Tbc undersienv
w T residing in New Millport. hs a new two1
horse wagon, which he will sell low for cash. '
May lM-pd. JOHN L. HEX
1VE1V tiOODS. The undersigned has just re
JL 1 ceived from the East aud opened at the cor
ner Storo in Curwensville, a general assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods, suitable for this local
ity, which he offers on the moat reasonable terms
to suit the timua. ninylu WM. IRVIN.
CAUTION All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or meddling with Two
2-year old Steers, one 3-year old lleifi'er, 31 acres
of wheat, and It acres of oats, in the possession of
Philip Antes, of Lawrence township, as the tamo
belong to me. KOBEKT LAWHEAD. ;
Lawrcnoe tp., May IS. 1853-3t.
ll scriber has just received a fresh supply of
S I'll I AG A XV SCMMVil GOODS, which he
offers at great!? reduced prices, embracing every
variety and style of goods, adapted to this section
ofcouutrj. JOHN I'ATTON.
Curwensville, May 12. 1S5S.
TJOTICE. The Books. Notes and Judgments
1 1 of S. C. Patchin, of Glen Hope, havo been
assigned to me and left with Esq. JIayns, of An
sonville, and Esq. Wells, of Clearfield creek for
collection. All persons indebted are requested to
call immediately and settle and save costs.
Burnssde. May 13, 1857-mlO.
C ACTION. All persons are cautioned against
purchasing or meddling with the following
property, in the possession of David Crowcll, of
Graham township, vii: oue sorrel horse, one cow.
one heiffer, one wagon and one cook stove, as the
same belongs to us. J. P. NELSON A Co.
Graham township, June S, 185S. pd.
TURNPIKE KOAD. Notice is hereby giv
en, that the President and Managers of the l'hil
ipsburg aud Susquehanna Turnpike Road Compa
ny, have declared a dividend of Three dollars
per share of stock ; payable to the stockholders on
or after the first day of July next. By order of
the Board. W. BAUS1IAW, Trcas. pro tern.
Philtpsburg, June 7th, lboS-3t-pd
rIAUTION. All persons arc hereby cautioned
rtiin nnnhi'iin'r or mpitillinir with tho
following property, now in the possession of Ucury
Wisor, of Bradford township, to wit: 1 cupboard,
.. . . . i ,1. lar i if
1 laUie, 1 STOVC, I ClOCK, X COW, l UClurr, 1 Ull, 1
plow, and 1 harrow, as said property belougs to
me. was bought at constable s sale, anu loanca io
said Wisor subject to my order.
Boggs Tp.. May r.lst, 1S53 jun2
CAUTION. All persons are cautioned against
purchasing or meddling with the following
property in the possession of Robert Michaels, of
Chest township, vii: One Wagon, one Bay Marc,
i w, yori-ol 1 1 tven frtir t wn vpurl i 11" al VCS.
a lot of square timber in the woods, grain ia the
ground, one winamiu. one piougn, one narrow,
two timber sleds and two log chains, as the same
belong to me. b.AJIl EL fcfcBlHu.
Burn?idc township. May 19, IjS.
Huntsville Bank, 51
Rnshville Bank. 20
Stock Security Bk, 30
Corn Exchange, 2J
Bk of Chester. 21
Bk of Belleville, 2i
Solvent Banks, 21
CONSTABLES can be supplied with Blank
Sales, by calling at the liaj'tsmzu's Jour
nal office. Clearfield.
SCHOOL DIRECTORS are informed that
they can be supplied, at tho Raftsman's
Journal office, with Blank Articles of Agreement
with teachers, and bchool Orders.
TklSSOLUTIOX The .partnership existing
Lr between the undersigned in tho practice of
the law has this day been dissolved by mutual
consent. WM. A. WALLACE,
May l,lS5S-3m. K. J. WALLACE-
printed and for sale at the Kaftsnnn's
Journal olhce, a lot of superior blanks, to wit:
Blank Subpoenas. Blank Executions,
Jiiaiik r-ummons , lilatiK .Marriage ccrtincatcs
Judgment Notes, with and without waiver.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautionod
agaiust purchasing or meddling with one
Roan Marc and colt, and one Bay Horse, in the
jiossession of Matthew MeCully, of towuship,
us the sarao belong to me and arc only left with
the said Matthew on loan.
June 16, 1858.
The appeasing of hunger and the quench
ing of thirst, is a matter that has attracted the at
tention of many wise beads in various ages ot the
world. What conclusions they have arrived at,
and what theories they have propagated, it is need
less to mention here. In these latter daysmen
have conceived the idea that the "inner man" ean
be at least bountifully supplied by means of res
taurants. With this laudublo purposo in view,
and a desire to gain a livelihood, the undersigned
has fitted up an elegant saloon in the basement of
Merrell & Carter's new building on Second Street,
Clearfield, Pa. One of the rooms is neatly furn
ished with carpets, stands, Ac., and is designed for
the accommodation of ladies. He has had consid
erable expericneo in the business, and therefore
flatters himself able to render satisfaction. During
the summer he will constantly keep on hand thebest
quality of Ice Cream and Cakes of various kinds.
Ho will also keep a large stock of Candies, Nuts,
Oranges. Lemons Figs, Dates, Prunes, Baiseus,
and fruits of all kinds generally kept in such nn
establishment. Sardines. Spiced Oysters, Bologne
Sausage, Crackers, Boiled eggs, Ao., can be had at
all times. Also, Alo and Lager Beer, Cider, Lem
onade, and all kinds of Summer drinks ; together
with a largo assortment of Cigars and Tobacco.
The public fare respectfully solicited to extend a
liberal patronage, and to call in and try the nrti
cles on hand. ' junc2 It. B. TAYLOR.
LADIES' MANTILLAS, Shawls, Bonnets, Skel
eton Skirts, and Ladies' dress goods of ail
kinds for sale low by JOHN PATTON.
Curwensville, May 12. 135S.
LARGE LOT OF NAILS, Glass. Paints. Oils,
Ac, for sale eh cap by JOHN PATTON.
Curwensvillo, May 12, 1S53. r
ACKEREL, Herring, Bacon, Codfish, Ac, for
sale at the store of
JOHN PATTON, Curwensville.
CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Ac, can
be procured at the store of
Mayl2. JOHN PATTON, Curwensville",
LOUR, Oats, Eye. Ac, for sale at tho chean
Store of JOHN PATTON, Curwensville.
Lot of good Grindstones, with fixtures, for sale
by . JOHN PATTON, Curwemvillo.
saws cumined to ordc by
Clearfield. Juno 9. MERRELL i CARTER.
C1AUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against meddling with the following pro
perty in the possession of S. C. Patchin. of Glen
Hope, the same having been purchased by me at
Sheriff s sale, and are subject to my order, to wit:
3.000 feet ef timber at .Millport.
2.700 feet of timber on land of Potter's.
I Buggy .Clearfield town, 1 Coil rope,
1 set Harness. " 1 Bay horse,
two-horse wagon, 3 Chains.
1 Cutting box. A. W. PATCHIN.
Burnside, May 12, lS58-ml9.
Is the ulaee where all the following articles can
bo had at reduced prices: Bar Iron of all sizes by
the small or by tho quantity: Cast Steel, of vari
ous sizes and best quality ; a large assortment of
Stoves, anions which will be found the JVC If
Klevated Minnesota. ALSO, a large assortment
of Nine plates and Parlor Stoves, and Air Tights
of various patterns. ALSO, Plows of the best
and latest patterns. ALSO, of theirown man
ufacturing a large assortment of Tin-ware, Stove
pipe. Sheet-iron pans of all sizes, aud all articles
of the kind in their line kept always on hand.
House Spouting done to order, and Tin Roofing
done with dispatch. ALSO, a large assortment
of all kinds of hous keeping utensils constantly
on hand. COUNTR Y MERCHANTS are in
vited to call, as they can be accommodated at
very low figures, with anything in our line. All
orders will be thankfully received and promptly
attended to. O. B. MERRELL,
N. B. They will also receive every variety of
articles on commission, at low rates. M. A C.
WINES, for sale at the cheap cash store of
or,r3 ' - R. MOSSOP.
The undersigned has recently fitted up a room
enc door west of his old stand on Market Street,
Clearfield borough, where ho has opened a new
assortment of seasonable and fashionable Roods.
His stock consists of a general variety of the best
and all other articles usually kept in a country
store. Among which can be fouud the following :
and all artie'es generaly used by housekeepers.
My former customers, and the public at large,
are "invited to call and examine tho goods and
judge for themselves of the quality and prices, as
it is my desire to sell at rates to suit tne times.
Remember that the newly fitted up store-room
on Market Street," (opposite the Clearfield House
and one door wet of his former location.) is tho
place to buy goods low for CASH, as wany of tho
articles have been purchased at reduced prizes.
This is the place to receive a fair equivalent for
your money, these hard times.
Country produce taken in exchange fur goods.
May 20. WM. F. IRWIN.
"I .LOWS :
JL sale by
Clearfield, April .
LOUR. Just reocivPcore T
ily Flour, which will be . .
December 2, KICII-Wart)
Colds. Coughs. Croap, Ae., sold at Joseph Goon'a
Shoe Shop. Clearfield. Pa. Oct 28.
AT. SCH RY VER has resumed the practice
of medicine, and will attend promptly to all
calls in his profession, by day or night. Resi
dence opposite the Methodist church in the Eor
ough of Clearfield. May 12th. 1S5S
I PLASTERING. The subscriber having lo
cmted himself in the Borough of Clearfield,
would inform the public that he is prepared to do
work in the above line, from plain to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style. Alsrt
whitewashing aud repairing done in a neat man
ner, and on reasonable terms.
April 7. 1S5S. EDWIN COOPER.
CUANGE Tbe subscriber baring taken
the above well known stand, in Curwensville, Pa..
is ready to accommodate all who may favor him
with their, patronage. His table will always ba
supplied with the best the market ean afford, and
bis Bar with tbe choicest liquors. His stable will
be under the care of attentive hostlers.
Curwensville, April 8, 1858.
COUNTY, with a heavy stock of Domestic Dry
Goods, which compare with any eastern manufac
tured goods. His stock consists of B'auketg, Cov
erlets. P.arred and Plain Flannels, Sattinets. Cas
i lucres. Jeans, Barred and Plain Linseys and Stack
ing Yarn ; all which he will exchange for wool on'
low terms. m5 JOSEPH G WINNER
j- of Administration, enm testamcnta annexo,
on the Estate of John Jordan, seu'r, late of Pike
township, Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, having
been grauted to the undersigned, all persons in
debted to said estate, are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those Laving claims against
the same, will present them, duly authenticated
for settlement, to tha undorsignod.or to L. J. Crans,
Esq.. Clearfic'd. Pa. B. V. STERLING,
Mav 12, lS5S-Ct. Administrators.
S'ow is the Time for Bargains
Xow is the Tims for Bargains '.'.I
The undersigned has just received from tbe East
and opened rt his store in Grahamton, Clearfield
county, an extensive and well selected stock of
embracing every variety of Dry Goods, Hardware,
Queensware, Groceries, etc.. etc.
These goods have been selected with an especial
view to supply tbe wants of this community, aad
will be sld on the most reasonable terms. They
will POSITIVELY bo sold as cheap as the cheap
est in the country, for CASH.
Particular attention has been paid to tho selec
tion of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, among which
are Tlain and Fancy Silks. Plain Bareges. Cballes.
Barcgo Delaine, Robes, Embroidered collars and
sleeves. Kid Gloves ; Shawls, a great variety ; Man
tillas; Trimmings; Silk and Linen Fringes; Bon
nets of the latest styles; Bonnet Ribbons and trim
mings. iVc. Also. Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves. Mits,
Bisop and India Mulls, JackoncLs, Domestic and
trench tiinghams. Lawns, Calieoes, Barred and
Cjeck Muslin, Diapers, Crash, Napkins, Ladies'
Gaiters, children's shoes.J-c, and there is no doubt
that nil can be well rutted.
ALSO, F'rcnch cloths and cassimcres, American
cloths and cassimcres. Marseilles vestings. Boots,
Shoes. Hats, Caps, and a general assortment of
mens and boys t-umuicr wear.
. He has also a stock of READY-MADE CLOTH
ING, which he will sell low.
The undersigned is determined to sell his goods
at tho lowest prioes for CASH. This is not mere
pretence and vain boast-he do RAUAM
Grahamton. May 23. 1So3.
Trvritrvil A eeneral assortnient of ready-
t made clothing just received and opened at
omber 25. WM. F. IRWIN'S.
ILS. An assortment just received at the store
of Nov2il WM. F. IRWIN.
UGAR. White and Erown i-ugar to be bad at
.November 2a. ; WH. r. IKWIN S
BIBLES. The Bible Socioty of Clearfield co.,
hereby gives notice that their looks, name
ly. Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of
fice of James Wriglcy, Register and Recorder at
Clearfield., The books are of various sixes and a
dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun
day Schools at very cheap rates. Very Substan
tial bibles can be had as low as 25 cents apiece,
and testaments as low as 01 cents apiece. .
The people of the county generally are also in
vited to leave with Mr. Wriglcy any donatfon they
may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of tha
Society. Signed by order of the Ex-ecutive Com
mittee. ALEX. MeLEOD, President.
The undersigned would respectfully an
nounce to his friends and the public generally
that he has opened out a ttew Wagon-Making Es
tablishment in '-New Salem City," Brady town
ship, where he will at all times be prepared to
manufacture, on the shortest notice. ll kinds ot
Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows Ac'. The best ma
terial that can be procured will be used, and his
work will be made m the most substantial and du
rable manner, snch as will bear the test of strict
examination. By a close observance of his busi
ness engagements, and by disposing of hi work
on the most reasonable terms, which he will do
for cither cash or approved euuntry prod ace. ha
hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub
lic custom BEN J. I'vISHEL.
New Salem City. Jan-16; 1556.
subscriber takes this method of informing the
citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has
posite the Jail, and is now prepared tar wait upon
aud render general satisfaction to all who may fa
vor him with their patronage. He feels confident
in saying that never before nas there been offered
to tho public of this section, such inducement" aa
he offers. AH articles purchased at this establish
ment will be warranted,, and if proven not to bo
as represented, will be made good without extra
charge. His work cannot be surpassed, as he is
determined to use only the very best materials in
their manufacture. The "world and ther rest of
mankind"' are requested to call and satisfy them
selves of the fact, that his artioles arc of the beet
and most durable materials'.
Clearfield. March 17, 1S5S.
Eating House! Eating House ! and BaJtery!
Eating JToaxe! letting House f rttid Bakery!
Eating House ! Sa-ein? House . and Bakery !
Tbc undersigned takes this method of informing
the citizens of Clearfield and tho pub lie ia-gener
al, that he has opened an k.ll-(jr llOLJ-i and
BAKERY in the room on Market street, kcown aa
the "Old Jew Store," where he will keep on hand
a general assortment of Coiifectionarics, such aa
Candies of all kinds, Nuts in great variety. Figs,
Raisens, Prunes, Ac, Ae. ne will also keep Ala
aud Lager Beer at all times, which-, he does not
hesitate to say', is a superior article', and from tha
best breweries in the west. ALSV, a large assort
ment of Tobacco and Cigars, always on hand
As he is a Baker by trade, be will always keep
a supply of FRESH BREAD and CAKES, as well
as PIES of every description that tho season will
afford. He will also bake to order, on short no
tice, anything of the kind that may be wanted
by the citizens of Clearfield.
Tbe public arc respectfully inv ted to call and
see his stock, which he thinks cannot fail to meet
the wants and wishes of persons w ho desire anx
of the articles in his line of business He solicits,
and hopes to receive, a liberal share Of patronage,
as it will be his constant aim to accommodate and
please all who may favor him with their custom.
Call anil judge for yourselves. Remember tha
place, the "OLD JEW STORE." on Market street.
Clearfield lap2S WENDLIN ENTREs.
7ILLOW BASKETS. A lot on hand and or
alo by Nov25 WM. F. IRWIN.
Dr. Gustav Lintiard's Taste Restoratir Troches,
the Gxeat Substitute for Tobacco. It is a we'd
known and incontrovertable fact that tbe use of
Tobacco is the promoting cause at many of the
most severe MENTAL AN D PHYSICAL disorders
to which the race of man is subject, as curefal an
alasis and long and painful oxocrieuce have clear
ly proven that it containsccrtain narcotic and poi
sonous properties most dangerous in their effocts.
which by entering into the blood derange tha
functions and operations of the Heart causiug ma
ny to suppose that organ to be seriously diseased.
"TOBACCO affects also she entire nervous system,
manifesting itself as all who have ever used tha
noxious weed will bear testiuawiy in Lassitude,
Nervous Irritability. Water Brasb. Dyspepsia, and
many other disorders of a similar character. The
Taste Restorative Troches" are designed to Coun
teract these baneful influences, and have proved
completely successful in a multitude of capes, and
wherever used. Being harmless in themcclve
they exert a beneficial effect upon tho entire sys
tem, restoring tho Taste which has become vitia
ted or destroyed by great indulgence, complete
ly removing the irritation and accompanying tick
ling sensation of the Throat which are always
consequent upon abstaining from tho use of To
bacco, and by giving a healthy toho to tho Stom
ach, invigorate the whole system.. . i .
Persons who arc irretrievably "ndermining
their constitutions and shortening their lives,
should use these Troches Immediately and throw
off the injurious and unpleasant habit of Tobacco)
These Troches or Lozenges arc put np in a Con
venient and portable form at the low prico of 50
cents per Box. A liberal discount to tbe Trade.
Prepared solely by the undersigned, to whom
all orders should be addressed. - , . i
JAMES E. BKOWN. Druggist,
Corner 2d and Race streets. I'biladclpWBj
April 14. ISM-i-Jy.