TIIE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., JUNE 2, 1858. TnE Weather. For the last seven or eight weeks wo have had a great deal of rain, which has almost entirely suspended farming opera tions. But little corn has as yet been planted in this county, and that which is in the ground will doubtless rot, and render re-planting ne cessary. Tho growing crops look well, but stand much in need of warm sunshine. . Holmes had reference to such weather as wc Iiave been experiencing for some time, when lie wrote that 'The weather cock has rusted East ; The blue sky is forgotten ; Tho earth's a saturated sponge, And vegetation 's rotten. I hate to see the darkest side ; I hate to be complaining ; ' JBut hang me if my temper stands This raining, raining, raining!" Released os Bail. Hiram and Jonathan Ilemans, who were committed to jail in tho beginning of last week charged with being im plicated in the robbery of Wm. Irvin's store in Curwensvillo on the 21th April, were on Monday brought out on a habeas corpus, and released after entering bail for their appear ance at onr next court of quarter sessions. TnE Fleming Hotel, formerly the Good In tent, Curwcnsville, has been taken by Mr. Win. A. Mason, who announces in an advertisement which will be found in another column of this p:per, that he has refitted and refurnished it, and is now prepared to accommodate guests in the best manner. "We direct the attention of the public to the ard of Mr. II. H. Morrow of the Clearfield House, which has been much improved and newly furnished, and is now comfortable and commodious. The stabling, which was consumed by the late Are, has been rc-built. Mr. James Morgan, whilst playing ball on last Thursday, slipped and dislocated a joint in one of his feet. . We learn by the Journal, printed at Middle town, Dauphin Co., Fa., that one of the bold est and most daring roblicrics ever perpetrated in that borough, took place on Wednesday night, May 19th. between the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock. The large tavern rf Mrs. GrifTec was entered, where the thieves succeeded in getting some $80,00. Following up Union street, the hext house entered was that of Mr. Samuel Landis, which was entered through a window. The pocket book of Mr. L., con taining some $-39,00, had been left in his pan taloons, which he had thrown in the entry be fore retiring for the night. This the rascals extracted, and left, it appears, without disturb ing any of the inmates, who must have been sound asleep at the time. The house ot Mrs. Ferrington Vas also entered, but as some one of tho family were np at the time, the alarm was given and the thieves disappeared. On the same evening, the large brick house of Gen. Smaller, President of the Bank of Mid i let own, was entered. The thieves gained ad mittance through a window on the balcony having climbed up on a grape vine. After having gone through two rooms, the noise of the intruders awakened Mr. S-, who called to know whether any of. the family had been up. Receiving no reply, he proceeded to light a tajHir, when he distinctly heard a noiso as if me one was leaving the house, after which all was quiet. In the morning traces of the intru ders mere visible, but nothing had been stolen. SrECiE. Peterson's, Philadelphia, Detector fit June 1st says : "The amount of siecie now held by the banks of the Atlantic cities, and in the Mibtreasnry, is immense ; New York ex hibiting more than furty millions, and the oth vr cities in proportion. The demand for coin fvr export i very light, while steamer aiter clean er from CaliVornia'adds millions more to the .stock on handalready troublesome from its great amount, and the dilliculty of fludi'tg profitable means of getting it into general cir culation, and into the performance ot its so much-needed function of stimulating trade, manufactures and commerce. In the absence of more useful occupation, clerks will some times make curious calculations. In connec tion w ith the many reports ol the great amount ejf gold on hand, it has been computed that if we estimate the solid yard of gold at ten mil lions of dollars, which it is in round numbers, all the gold in the world might, if welded into ingots, be contained In a cellar twenty-four ieet square, and sixteen feet high. All the boasted wealth already obtained from Califor nia and Australia, would go into an iron safe jiine feet square, and nine feet high so small is the cube of yellow metal that has set pop ulations on the march, aDd roused tho whole world to wonder. A Mixed up law suit came o(T lately in Vermont. One Smith shot a rabid dog that was trespassing on his lot, and beloning to one Davidson. Dog ran into the road lightened ahorse belonging to one Shufelt. Shufelt's horse ran awav. upset a wagon, and broke a leg belonging to W. II. Patterson. As Smith caused the accident, Shufelt say that Smith (should loot the bill. Smith says that the own er of the dog should pay the damages. Da vidson claims that he is not holden, liecause the dog was not mad, and if he were mad, he .would not have frightened the horse, had Smith attended to his own business, and let the dog alone. Tennessee. Where the carcass is there will .the eagles be gathered together. Wherever there is public money to steal, a locofoco is sure to have his hand in It. Dr. T. N. U. Bur ton, the democratic Secretary of State of Ten nessee, has run off in consequence ot large de falcations in his accounts. The clerk of the Comptroller's office is also charged with stuf fing his pockets with coupons whenever he was in want of small change. The coupons were lying about "loose," it is said, begging to be booked. Billy Bowlegs' speech when "glorious," in New Orleans, the other day, opened richly, as follows: "I stand up here big chief, brave warrior. I kill heap your people before; 1 can do him again easy. Give Billy seven good men to follow on the war track and be lick all the United States and scalp big father at Wash ington ! Whoop!" Rev. Mr. Williams has recently como into possession of a fresh batch of documents, which he contends to be proof positive that he j s v Leir to the throac of France. 1 CLIPPINGS AND SCRIBSLINGS. tFHigh the river. -LrVMuddy the roads. OF Leaving- the oak trees, - x Ijp"--Weeping" tho weather. OGreen tho grain and gra-s field?. rDi'tto the chap that pouts when his gal talks with another man. b Vf Contradicted tho report that '-Jordan is a hard road to travel." GCses sugar again the man who tried to sweeten his tea with one of his wife's smiles. tIn Switzerland, no less than twenty thou sand women earn a fair livelihood by makin" watches. Reported -that JlenryWard Becehcr intends spending a few weeks in Kansas during the com ing summer. is feared that the quantity of rain that has fallen, will make a harvest for doctors during the coming summer. L&TJecided that John Augustus Washington, tho huckster of the tomb of Washington, is tho meanest man in the country. LFIn tho town of Quindaro, Kansas, it is said every man votes the free State ticket, except the postmaster. He is in a minority of one. OOhio builtin 1S57, 220 churches, worth S400 -000; eight hundred school-houses, worth S400,000 and twenty county buildings, worth S300,00o! ' 7Query. Why can't the captain of a vessel keep a memorandum of the weight of hn anchor, instead of weighing it every time he leaves port? tA few days since we wero the recipient of a beautiful boouet of spring flowers, for which the fair donor will please accept our most grateful thanks. 6 EFAre to arrest the Philadelphia Police in pursuance of an.order from Mayor Henry: all per sons found on the streets on Sunday crying Sun day papers for sale. ESNo less than sixty couple were divorced by the Oregon Legislature at its last session. What a happy country for discontented husbands, who are tired of matrimony. rsTCounterfeit $2i and $10 gold pieces are in circulation. They are well executed, but light The ten dollar pieces arc dated 1S17, and have an 'O ' under the eagle. E""Thc Pennsylvania Railroad Company have declared a semi-annual dividend of threo per cen tum ont of the profit', clear of State tax. Good, that, for theso hard times. CSMrs. Gage s.aid,nt the rccentWoman'g Rights Convent ion. that the next best thing about a house to tho cooking stove is a husband. That's so, if he's good for anything if not, not. f&An old toper was overheard the other day, advising a young man to get married 'Becauss then, my boy, youlll have soinebodv to pull off your boots when you come home drunk." lTl!rCharIc3 Sumner, Senator of Massachusetts, sailed for Kurope in the steamship "Yandoibilf which left New York on Saturday a-week. He pub lishes a valedictory letter to his constituents. L VIn the tornado which recently passed over a portion of Illinois, a small two story house slid for three hundred yards across the smooth prairi, with a family inside, the house remainiug upright and uninjured. A man was arrested in Hartford. Connecti cut, last week, with a bundle of counterfeit hills under his arm. amounting to ?1S.000 ; all fives on tho Hadley Falls Bank, Holyoke,Mass , and were admirably executed. ould he much improved the tono of con version, if Rishop Berkley's rule was generally followed : "I resolve." said he, -novcr to speak of a man's virtues to his face, nor of his faults be hind his back." rThe Court of Montgomery county has deter mined that in no ca.se will the publication of the application for license, as required by the act of 1856 to which the present license law is a supple ment be dispensed with. EjA woman at Smyrna. Delaware, recently flogged a fellow vc,ry severely, on the piazzaof the hotel, for seducing her husband to the tavern, where the pair would indulge too freely. She then offered her arm lo her husband and conducted him home. !?Tlic Osealoosa H'rald, admitting that gold has been found in Chirk county. I owa, discourages emigration thither by saying in tho next para graph that tho amount is infinitesimal, and that thus far miners havo averaged only ten to twenty rent a day. Buchanan wages, that. I"aGovernor Wise, it is expected, will run foj Congress from his (Accomac) district, at the close of his gubernatorial term, and will make as an is sue the course he pursued on the Lccompton ques tion. He denounces tho English bill as even worse than the pure Lecompton bill. I Fourteen hundred tavern licenses were gran ted last week in Philadelphia, seven hundred of which were to new houses. The first elass hotels which last year paid one thousand dollars for their licenses now only pay from one hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars. S1"Look out for altered notes. ?.Vs. Butcher's and Drover's Bank : S.Vs, Atlantic Bank. Brook. lyn: ?I0', Bull s Head Bank; Si's. Hanover Bk. all X. Y. banks, are being circulated around Sew York city, and wo may expect to find the country flooded with them, as they arc so well done, that both Banks and Brokers in New York hare taken them. ' FcPIcnty Democratic candidates, just now. The Sheriff's office seems to be the most attractive, judging from the numbo? of aspirants. The fol lowing named individuals wc hare heard spoken of in connection with that office: Maj. J. Wil hclm. P. G. Miller. Martin Lather. B. D. Hall. G. W. Shoff, Jacob Faust, Edward Perks. Joseph Jor dan. Samuel Clyde. James Thompson. John W. Shngart, Wm. M. Bloom, W. C Foley. Wm. A. Bloom, James Bloom, Sr , and II. I. Rose For the other offices there are also plenty of patriots. MARRIED; On the 20th May, by Rev. E. W. Kirby, Mr. Owes Hancock and Miss Rachel Foster, all of Philipsburg, Centre Co. DISSOLUTION'. The partnership existing between the undersigned in the practice of the law has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. WM. A. WALLACE, May l,lS5S-3m. K. J. WALLACE TV'OTICE. All persons in any way indebted to I the firm of Dowler A Ake, by Judgment, Note, or Book account, will take notice that I, the subscriber, havo been appointed Receiver for said firm by the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county ; and that I, with Dowler A Ake. will be at the office of Samuel Scbring, Etq.. in NEW WASH INGTON, Clearfield county on. Friday the. ith day of Jim next, at 9 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of Receiving; Settling Accounts. Jfc, V"-? on said day and no longer. All thoso interested will pleaso attend and savo costs, as I cannot go up there a second time. Thoso neglecting may cal culate on coming to see me. WM. PORTER. Receiver in the Partnership estate of Dowler A Ake. Clearfield. May 21st, 1853 TVEW STOKE KOOM & NEW GOODS!! II SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK !:! The undersigned has recently fitted up a room cno door west of his old stand on Market Street, Clearfield' borough, where he has opened a new assortment of seasonable and fashionable goods. His stock consists of a general variety of the best DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QCEENSWARE, HATS A CAPS, BOOTSShoes. and all other articles usually kept in a country utore. Among which can be found the following : CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, TWEEDS. JEANS. r LAN N ELS. GINGHAMS, MERINOES, CASHMERE, LUS1RES, CALICOES. MISLIN&, and all articles generaly used by housekeepers, Mt former customers, and the publio at large are invited to call and examine the goods and iude for themselves of the quality and prices, as it ismy desire to sell at rates to suit the times. Remember that the newly fitted up store room on Market Street, (opposite the Clearfield House 2nd one door west of n is former location.) ,s the rdaee to buv goods low for CASH, as many of the fitfcle bVe been porcbased at reduced pn3 Tnis is the place to receive a fair equivalent for vour money, these hard times. : try jW taken in exchange for good, TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED I. AMDS for laxes for the years 1856 and lSb". NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of an Act of Assembly, pas sed the 12th day .of June, A-D. 1S15, entitled. "An Act to amend an act di recting the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes," Ac., the following tracts of unseated lands in Clearfield county, will be exposed to publio sale, or outcry, for the taxes due and un paid thereon, at the Conrt House in the Borough ef Clearfield, on the Sec ond Monrlay of June, 1S33 : BECCAKIA TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Ter. OwnersAWarrantecs. Thoma Weston. 151 50 Thos. Ketland, $23 75 102 116 Abr'm. Witmer, 25 51 162 116 Michael Musser, 25 51 Herman lloiiptif Co. 162 116 Jacob King, 25 51 162 116 John Gibson, 25 51 94 91 Jeremiah MosherU 81 1 62 116 Peter Getz, 25 51 230 153 Martin Foutz, 51 97 2U6 125 Jacob Foutz, 46 62 328 153 George Musser, 44 93 215 73 Robert Wilson, 33 83 74 32 Thomas Wilson, 11 65 324 64 Matthias Barton, 44 73 433 153 David Barton. 68 23 433 153 Edward Hand, 68 23 433 153 John Ewing, 63 23 356 69 Emmuol Reigert.56 07 103 Georgo Moore, 17 01 Joh n Patehiti. , 400 96 .Tohn Brady, 64 57 210 William Brady, 33 07 279 04 E. Blain. 37 61 433 153 John Miller, 27 45 433 153 John Fordney, 68 23 Oeorge Groom. 11 Brown ABoynton, 1 76 WilliamPnsey. 12 BrownABoynton, jl 89 James lloeienherrq. 205 BrownABoynton. 32 25 195 William Wright. 30 68 William Donder. 140 William Brown, 22 05 Thomas Mullen. 140 P. Boynton, 22 05 John Dillen. 43 119 Robert Wilson, 6 62 James Gallaher. 20 Fred. Honman, 1 89 55 50 Wm. Bausman, 4 91 Villiam Hammond. .234 Herman Witmer, 29 43 Caleb Copenharer. 55 108 P Gloninger, 8 63 200 Samuel Tumor, 31 50 ITosrs lio'ixon. 50 100 P. Gloninger, 4 54 Fred. iVioff. 83 123 John Bausman, 13 04 93 140 Michael Fauty, 15 44 Win. I'orter. 93 Fred. K. llubley, 8 33 John Conjtrr. 55 102 Sarah Billington, 13 36 David Yonniin. 50 CainpbcllATurner,6 30 30 Plunftitt, 3 78 200 ' Geo.W Caldwell, 25 20 Gill if Brattou. 71 80 John Ketland, 11 22 BELL TOWNSHIP. John G. Brenner. 5613 1000 . Henry Beck, 83 75 5619 1000 Henry Beck, 83 75 4237 1000 Henry Beck, 83 75 75 William Martin, 9 00 75 Jon.-Shcrman, 9 Oo William Brady. 3565 177 81 John Nicholson, 16 02 5904 5!l!)6 5907 5918 5919 3566 5909 5910 5911 5913 5915 5921 75 00 82 50 75 00 82 50 82 50 60 00 40 50 32 46 75 00 31 50 23 64 9 59 57 54 82 50 12 60 22 39 492 1993 3574 3609 3611 3612 3613 3614 3616 1993 1997 1998 1999 2004 Tteed and TJchtner. 1000 Nicklin A Griffin. 1100 Nicklin A Griffin, 1000 Nicklin A Griffin, 1100 Nicklin A Griffin, 1100 Nicklin A Griffin. 500 James McGce, Peter Otrens. 450 John Nicholson, Arthur Bell. 433 ' Benjamin Gibbs, G. I. Heed. 1000 Nicklin A Griffin, 350 Nicklin A Griffin. 263 Nicklin A G riffin, 106 Nicklin A Griffin, 767 Nicklin A Grithn, 1100 Nicklin A Griffin, 140 David Bell. 213 Frauipton Bell, E0GGS TOWNSHIP. Ja-mex Dixon. 89 John Thomas, 6 67 l.nmailue iV Turner. 203 John Thomas, 15 60 Smith Jf J'oirell. 93 Barbara Snyder, 7 30 Hunter Broierhoof. 135 76 Joserji Drinker, 13 83 403 76 H. S. Drinker, 30 61 Thomas Read. 100 Jno. Montgomery, 7 50 John KcpJiart. 100 Henry Faunco. 7 50 l' Ransom. 70 Henry Faunco, 5 25 due for 1354 a 1855 3 64 Genrse Turner. 100 Hannah Stewart, 7 50 Fisher 4y Powell. 119 90 Barbara Snyder. 8 92 119 90 Fisher.DolanACo, 8 92 William Albert and Bros. 132 George Hootman, 9 89 75 John E.Shaw, 5 62 53 Luko Kyler, 7 50 George W. Gcarhart. 80 W-alter Stewart, 6 00 206 Joseph Ball, 19 95 David Gats. 65 T2 Richard Thomas, 4 95 54 Luke Kyler, 6 03 BRADY TOWNSHIP. David Ksny. 803 Wm.Kirkpatrick 35 73 Hays and Schnrll. 100 Roberts A Fox, 5 80 Roberts and Pox. 20 34 Roberts A Fox, 1 74 50 Roberts A Fox, 5 62 358 Roberts A Fox, 25 93 200 Roberts A Fox, 14 50 50 Roberts A Fox, 1 1 43 214 Roberts A Fox, 26 39 72 Roberts A Fox. 5 22 83 Roberts A-Fox, 6 38 750 Roberts A Fox, 65 25 540 Roberts A Fox, 45 24 540 Roberts A Fox, 53 65 795 Roberts AG ox, 72 15 1434 305 5682 5632 5682 5877 5879 5SS1 5886 1431 1999 250 143 300 195 195 5631 56S1 F. Beate's Estate 363 David Kennedy, 42 11 161 Ann Kennedy, 18 68 Elisha Feuton. 227 Joseph Fcrron, 26 33 John W. Neirpher. 86 Joseph Ferron, 9 93 Mart L. Roberts. 86 Joseph Ferron, 9 93 50 Samuel Ambrose, 5 80 Tilton Reynolds. 1041 Henry Wykoff, 120 76 Josrnli Dale. 157 David Kennedy, 9 11 David Jrvin. 55 Roberts and Fox, 6 26 Cathariiu Eudmr. 220 Robert Curry, 35 52 Harrison Hall. 320 Robert Curry, 37 12 100 JamosReed, 1160 duo for 1854 and 1855, 5 70 J. Freeland. 100 Casper Stiver, 4 35 Robert Ross. 77 Casper Stiver, 6 73 Joseph McClure. 135 Joseph Ferron, 15 66 John Patton. 135 Joseph Ferron, 15 66 JIT. Jjey's Heirs. 213 501 Christian Lower 53 11 110 370 Christian Lower, 42 92 loo neorge Weaver, 1160 John Dnhois Bro. 35S0 995 94 Roberts A Vm. 115 42 1994 365 15 Roberts A Fox, 42 34 zoua tti Koberts A Fox, 137 11 2010 604 109 Roberts A Fox, 70 06 13 521 Christian Lower, 60 44 27 303 Benj. Hcwey, 36 89 155 258 Casper Stiver, 29 93 Georsre Mittin. 3609 102 Roberts A Fox, 5 91 W. W. Plemimr. 3616 73 103 Roberts A Fox, 4 52 Adam Wcbrr. 1997 200 Roberts A Fox, 1160 100 Charles Zilyock, 11 60 100 Jacob Pents, 11 60 626 215 Conrad Long, 20 30 BUENSIDE TOWNSHIP. John Patchin. 5002 100 John Nicholson, 12 30 5603 214 John Nicholson, 26 32 5604 CS6 John Nicholson, 47 48 73 John Mailer, . 9 63 181 Abr. Witmer. 13 12 114 Casper Shaffer jr. 13 20 410 Casper Shaffer, 50 43 25 George Graff. 3 03 180 Samuel Roberts, 22 14 300 Daniel Witmer, 36 90 474 John llubley, 53 30 100 JIatthias Y'oung, 12 30 383 Wm. Bausman, - 47 06 203 Mary Roberts, 25 01 76 John Tressler, 9 35 150 John Cummgs, 13 45 204 Martin Mailer, 32 47 374 JohnBurgc, 46 oo 293 JohnBurch, ; 38 oo 215 Henry Musser, 26 40 165 Mary Jenkins, 20 34 347 1 John Tressler, 42 64 Horace PalcJUu. 303 John Jones. 49 69 303 Junes Chapman, 49 69 290 Benj. Tresnall, 47 56 105 J. Backhouse, 17 22 James Gallaher. 424 Mary Crawford, 52 15 Ex'rs and Trusters of J. C. Pisher. 121 George Ross. 12 33 due for 1852-'53-'54-'55, 18 58 163 Jno.Cunningham.16 69 duo for 1852-!53-'54-55, 24 84 209 Peter Geta. 21 40 duo for 1854 and 1855. 21 16 223 Jac.Mussersmith 33 04 due for 1854 and 1355, 32 63 8010 Frederick Kuhn, 33 13 James Thompson. 100 Samuel Roberts, 12 30 100 George Graff, 12 30 Sheply Priestley . Ill Christian Stake, 13 62 100 William King, 12 30 150 John Rvan. 18 45 150 Kb. McMastcrs, 18 45 150 Jacob Holland, 13 45 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. J. IT. Smith. . S46 60 Hugh Ely, 12 27 Barger Se Pt tirrc. 102 35 John Campbell, 11 24 159 Hall A Buck, 11 Co Cazer Potter. 200 BlairM'Lanahan 14 Co Joseph If Williu ni Satixom. 100 Mat. Slaymaker, 5 47 85 Wm. Graham, jr. 3 06 85 John Graham, 3 06 lscvi Pearce. 100 Aaron Lea vy, ' 3 65 Abraham Graham. 90 Isabella Jordan, S 23 George Turner. 100 Jonathan Nesbit, 3 65 John W. 'Turner. 75 Wm. Bingham, 4 08 300 George Dixon, 10 95 100 George Barger, 3 65 100 Abr. Lansberry, 9 12 100 John S. Kyler, 7 30 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Peter A. Kartliaus. 1S93 573 Morris A Stewart. 41 04 1899 890 Morris A Stewart, 63 19 1902 89 Morris A Stewart, 63 12 1942 445 Morris A Stewart, 33 70 Peter Lamm. 1941 200 Morris A Stewart, 10 65 II. V O. Smith. 5307 250 George Mead, 17 75 CHEST TOWNSHIP. John Patton. 433 153 Jno. Brenncman, 61 95 253 James Ross, 33 10 John Patchin. 311 153 Benjamin Young, 46 65 100 153 John Boyd, 15 00 313 153 Josiah Ilavnes, 46 95 433 153 Thos. Hamilton, 64 95 433 153 M. Wortbington, 64 95 398 153 William Wilson, 59 70 195 John Witmer, 29 25 Henry S. Drinker's Estate. 50 Charles Gobin, 3 75 433 153 Alex. Hunter, 32 48 200 Robert Fleming. 15 00 2U0 IsaacRichardson.15 00 200 Jon. Walker, 15 oo Sarah Dovrning. 433 153 John Cook. 32 55 433 153 Jasper Ewing. 32 55 36 ArmstrongAGainel 5 40 Drinker if Clark. 433 153 William Cook, 64 95 433 153 Jno Cunningham 64 95 John Patchin. 416 30 James Page, 62 32 S16 143 Henry Fence, 47 32 James Thompson. 100 31 Henry Pole, 15 00 Geddes if Marsh. 433 153 John Musser, G4 95 100 Wesley Toner. 15 00 200 Jas ilcCrackcn, 18 75 100 Georgo Mullen, 1125 140 Fulton, 9 50 200 Isaac Bloom, 15 00 82 BycrsAMontgomcrylO 80 House and Lot James Davis, 8 25 100 Jefferson Jordan, 11 25 30 George Hagcns, 3 75 25 John Holes, 4 50 433 Isaac Kirk A Co. 64 95 160 JohnMcFennon, 7 50 63 John Tatton, 7 05 2oo John Swan, 3o oo loo James White, 13 12 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. James McGirk's Estate. 391 159 Thos. Billington, 52 53 Peter Owens. 404 Charles Risk, 54 14 J. W. Smith. 202 MaryMcLanahan,20 30 250 Casper Hay nes, 16 75 360 David Kephart, 36 45 due for 1354 and 1855, 31 55 Richard Coplin. 84 137 Joseph Whitchall.il 49 105 Joseph Whitehall,14 07 John awl David Gearhart. 220 - Jacob Downing, 29 43 Kephart If Albert. 135 John Drinker, 13 53 James Albert. 37 49 Joseph Sansom, 5 OS 76 96 William Sansom, 7 64 D. J. Primer If Co. 290 E. A J. Harrison, 33 86 300 Joseph Harrison, 40 20 200 John McGirk, 25 SO 00 D. Britton, 8 75 125 Joseph Logan, 11 38 83 Joseph Logan, 10 15 100 Harrison A i'auley 13 40 260 A. and J. Goss, 10 63 50 Harrison, 3 50 100 George Kephart, 10 85 100 Jona. Kephart, 7 00 100 Samuel Kay, 5 25 25 - John Logan. 1 75 200 Edward Smith, 14 00 50 John Weston, 3 5Q 75 Daniel Philips, 10 06 L- J. Crans. 431 147 Thos. Edmonson. 57 89 195 60 Joseph Harrison, 26 13 FOX TOWNSHIP. 106. ' Davenport, 5 09 50 James Wilson, 4 80 due for 1854 and 1855, 1 75 Lillaman Hancood. 330 Jas.W ilson, west J, 7 92 iVaAow Bailey. 200 Jas- Wilson, east J, 4 80 John C. French. 495 Jas.Wi!son, e part,ll 91 IT. S. I Mild Company. 937 James Wilson, 56 21 947 James Wilson, 56 83 293 James Wilson, 28 61 923 James Wilson, 22 18 20 James Wilson, 1 92 600 James Wilson, 56 60 Spencer f Spiler. 372 James Wilson, 8 93 Wm. Gordon. 216 JamesWilson, 20 74 Daniel Oyster's Estate. 440 JamcsWilson, 21 12 Alexander Vial. 183 James Wilson, 13 05 .l.lfl LVt rionw.l Tumor ." ? 4272 4200 41S3 4271 4241 4233 4242 4090 1534 1535 4399 4393 4400 4340 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. 216 Greenwood Bell, 12 53 100 Albert Bishop, 5 80 Greenwood Bell. 233 159 John Hambright, 13 S7 John Patchin. t i. Moore. 21G Matthias Slough, 12 53 diaries Huston. 433 153 Geoige Ross, 25 27 GIBAED TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. 1923 508 108 Morris A Stewart, 16 73 ' A. Jf J. Spaekman. 1890 367 45 Morris A Stewart, 24 22 A. If W. Murray. 1S88 260 Morris A Stewart, 21 45 1931 549 116 Morris A Stewart 36 24 1935 536 Morris A Stewart, 26 53 T. II . Pulton 6r Co. 1888 543 Morris A Stewart, 8 91 1928 509 Morris A Stewart, 16 77 1929 70 Morris A Stewart, 2 31 1930 225 Morris A Stewajt, 7 39 1886 729 Morris A Stewart, 36 04 1917 314 Morris A Stewart, 5 12 1916 406 Morris A Stewart, 6 69 3650 226 Morris A Stewart 22 37 1S87 762 Morris A Stewart, 37 69 1936 103 Morris A Stewart, 3 43 ITicJtola Ronsnlot, 1918 115 16 Morris A Stewart, 9 44 Anderson Murray. 1918 114 Morris A Stewart, 9 37 Fran-ris Condreit. 1800 254 1 20 Morris A Stewart, 20 99 II. Sr O. Smith 5365 250 George Mead, 24 75 5366 1000 George Mead, 33 oo Smith if Graham. 1929 254 Morris A Stewart, 16 76 James Nelson. 18S6 50 Morris A Stewart, 2 44 Peter Ijamm. 3617 117 Morris A Stewart, 3 83 3648 47 Morr's A Stewart, 1 43 1837 97 103 Morris A Stewart. 8 05 1926 256 Morris A Stewart, 13 33 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. JTo. Ac. Per. Peter Rider. 5325 200 George Mead, 11 1G Thomas Graham. 1884 )orw, Morris & Stewart, 17 40 Xi7A'J John Keating. 1022 201 2 Morris & Stewart, 9 50 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. 83 William Bingham, 7 81 .145 T. Forcev, 8 Ot) due for 1851 & 1855, G 03 40 T. Forcey, 4 50 140 T. Cope, 5 39 Samuel Lansberry. 100 George Moore, 11 25 John Fleming. 1G5 A. K. Wright, C2 27 Russel. 207 Jasper Mayland, 23 25 109 J. Graham, 8 17 II'w. Drinker's heirs. 300 John Fry, jr., 28 G3 380 John Thomas, 43 89 George Johnson. 1G4 Bernard Gratz, 25 27 140 Bernard Gratz, 22 48 139 417 104 39G 195 348 411 121 332 228 234 113 Reuben Haines, 21 41 John King, G4 21 41 David Hall. 1G 00 George Wetzel, 76 37 150 Paul Wetzel, SO 03 Joseph Henry, 53 59 Chas. Hall, 63 29 100 Wm. D. Kerwin, 18 78 Ri-nben Haines, jr, 51 14 Jo An Ccok. 4GG Jacob Wetzel, 71 76 Russel $ Co. 382 Joseph Simmons, 7G 76 Daniel W. Bradley. 436 114 Robert Shaw, 07 14 431 114 Ilyman Gratz, CG 53 J. Cook. Reuben Iliines, 34 80 Reuben Haines, 3G 02 Ed. Albert $ Brother. John Fry, jr., 13 47 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ac Per. 200 J. G Kidder, 22 40 195 David Caldwell, 16 35 Wm. Parker. 4257 883 15 James Wilson, 24 85 4902 420 WilhelmWillink,47 04 IT. S. Land Company. 4231 633 James Wilson, 42 63 4234 520 James Wilson, 36 SO 4235 986 JamcsWilson, 69 22 4226 990 JamcsWilson, 69 27 4229 945 123 James Wilson, 69 53 4230 507 James w llson, 35 50 John Bicgs. 4390 1 24 M'ilhelmWillink, 3 47 Reading. Ti.irtlcs iV Fisher. 4889 990 " WilhcIinWiI!ink,83 f2 4902 55 WilhelmWillink, 4 59 5063 100 William Powers, 8 40 4897 110 WilhelmWillink, 9 24 5062 990 William Powers. 83 72 5009 990 William Powers,U0 83 Tho nuts Holt. 5064 990 William Powers, 27 52 II. Tliayer & Z. Srixrn. 4902 100 WilhelmWillink, 8 40 5063 293 William Powers, 16 69 TP B. Gordan. 4225 250 James Wilson, 21 00 4336 500 JamcsWilson, 42 00 John DuBois.jr., et at. 2000 1020 60 Roberts A FSx, 107 40 2001 1089 9 Roberts A Fox, 107 40 3593 1009 64 Roberts A Fox, 113 00 3601 437 20 Roberts A Fox, 49 00 3600 889 151 Roberts A Fox, 100 80 3578 733 Roberts A Fox, 82 12 3576 908 109 Roberts A Fox, 101 70 3592 1016 118 Roberts A Fox, 113 79 3594 1003 35 Roberts A Fox, 112 33 3597 1038 35 Roberts A Fox, 116 26 3607 863 28 Roberts A Fox, 91 06 3584 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 114 24 3585 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 114 24 3589 1046 22 Roberts A Fox, 117 15 3604 986 6 Roberts A Fox, 110 43 1983 429 32 Roberts A Fox, 43 03 252 206 John Dunlap, 23 06 5063 297 Wm. Powers, 26 54 4193 927 28 James Wilson, 109 41 4254 927 23 James Wilson, 109 41 4256 883 15 James Wilson. 99 45 5672 347 27 MoorcADelaney, 29 06 5676 500 MooreAIcIaney, 42 00 5677 500 MooreADelaney, 42 00 J. W. Smith. 5676 547 81 MooreADelaney, 15 4b 5677' 547 81 MooreADelaney, la 4o 5678 1041 81 Moore ADelaney, a8 29 4899 100 HammondAJones, 8 40 ' JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Coojfcr 4r Fusey. 108 54 Eb. Brenhaui, 16 274 Adam Kuhn, 47 Patchin Sf Swan. 433 153 Richard Martin, G5 433 153 Thomas Martin, G-5 150 Benj. Young, 22 120 Samuel Jordan, 18 200 William Wilson, SO Edward tr James Gillegan. 200 Daniel Smith, 30 300 John Patchin, 45 ZAETHAUS TOWNSHIP. P. A. Idrtliaus. No. Ac. Per. 1900 600 Morris A Stewart. 69 1901 778 Morris A Stewart, 90 1943 507 Morris A Stewart. 58 1093 200 Morris A Stewart, 23 George Arcalarins. 1429 555 120 Wm. Smith, 63 14.10 563 138 Wm. Smith, 65 3552 573 120 Wm. Smith, 66 Devisers of John White. Esq. 1093 79 22 Charles Willink, 4 1023 83 Charles Willink, 7 3463 ) 3475 J 633 147 Charles Willink, 37 Henry Yothers. 1097 100 Charles Willink, 4 Gen. Vanr. 1944 513 95 Morris A Stewart, 29 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Crane, Blake 4- Purley. 437 48 Reuben Ilavnes, 39 435 50 Luke Morris, 39 433 153 Joseph Ililllard, 38 433 153 Robert Gray, 88 429 41 John Binghurst, 38 433 153 Sarah Ward, 38 433 153 George Eddv, 38 433 153 Moore Wharton, 38 433 153 George Ashton, . 38 Richard Peters. 109 Susannah Ward, 17 Benj. R.Morgan. 433 153 William Hunter, 38 127 John Dorsey, 20 due for 1354 & 1855, 14 John Patchin. 433 153 Israel Morris, 50 433 153 Bcrj. Ponltncy, 50 433 153 Martin Pierrie, 50 350 John Bovd, 40 200 Philip Loast, 23 200 William Johnson, 23 Hi7OM Hoover. 197 80 Silas Wilcot. 23 Daniel Bausman. 200 G.&M. M 'Cot mick,23 120 Wm.H.Rot)ertson,14 Thomas McEhrce. 100 Jonathan Jones, 11 John M. Chase. 433 153 Caleb Foulk, 50 293 George Westcot, 34 433 153 Robert Wharton, 50 433 153 George Seaff, 50 3'M John Bovd, 35 133 153 Robert Wharton, 15 GOO Isaac Thompson,- 70 200 Isaac Thompson, 19 100 Isaac Thompson, 9 240 ThompsonAEngleman 23 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Solomon Kline. 2003 131 Roberts & Fox, G MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Edward Perks J- Co. 421 Jesse Yarnal, 78 300 Peter Yarnal, S3 E. C. Burton. 272 16 Robert Glen, 50 Hot. H. Robertson. 40 John Best, 2 Snyder Sf Large. 183 Francis Johnson, 82 Shaw 4-St. John Smith. 433 153 Thomas Morris, 64 433 153 William Morris, G4 433 153 Samuel Meredith, 61 433 153 William Miller, G4 279 153 Hetty Morris, 41 433 153 Thos Fitzsimmons,64 433 153 George Clymer, 64 433 153 Robert Gray, G4 433 153 Patrick Moore, C4 433 153 Mary Morris, G4 433 153 Magnes Miller G4 433 153 XalbroFrazer G4 William Hoover 100 153 Francis Johnson 18 S. If J. Gratz. 205 52 James Wilson, 29 100 !M) Robert Morris, 17 K) 122 Wm. Morris, 13 407 139 Richard R. Smith, 00 203 John Baum, 30 438 Wm. Stewart, 64 J. Jl. Crawford. 223 Simon Gratz, S3 P. Kcpple. 100 John Nicholson. 11 Robert Thomas. 231 ChristophcrBaker, 34 Sartz and Bower. 60 Francis Johnson, 7 Due for 1855, I Jos. Dipard. 50 Blair M'Lanahan, 7 90 Joseph Potter, , 17 Hemy Cramer. 50 Cafrr Shffner, 7 W. & J. Huff. 85 Blair&M'Lanahan, 12 PEHN TOWrifllP. No. Ao. Per. Wm. Tjigfer. 5922 1100 14NickIinAGriffith 58 5951 946 146 do do 50 5964 674 do do 37 5953 1093 do do 58 5925 1000 do do 56 5952 1099 do do 58 5954 515 do do 23 Wm. Hepburn. 83 Cochrane tract, 5 163 Greenwood Bell, 10 100 El ah Johnson, 5 20 10 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 60 25 81 20 80 89 47 64 03 00 35 76 32 15 97 U7 Gl 97 97 97 97 00 97 12 45 70 70 70 95 40 40 09 40 04 20 70 32 70 70 10 1G 20 50 75 03 C4 18 30 5781 5778 5783 5785 5774 5775 3590 3582 4252 4258 5777 5779 5779 2 9G 26 23 23 23 44 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 50 89 04 46 24 04 81 00 10 19 40 00 40 76 40 58 85 61 45 85 17 85 35 35 70 35 PIKE TOWNSHIP. 600 John Nicholson, 13 90 430 John Nicholson, 15 12 Ja met Hopkins. 1020 64 John Nicholson, 32 20 819 41 John Nicholson, 25 83 683 64 John Nicholson, 21 55 820 64 John Nicholson, 25 83 lo2o 6o Roberts A Fox, 32 13 D u Bins Jf IjO ire. 799 So Roberts A Fox, 32 13 W. C. Euos. 957 85 James Wilson, So 18 888 1 5 James Wilson, 27 93 lo2o 24 John Nicholson, 32 13 5o Daniel II art sock, 3 15 37o R.4Z. McXaul, 11 o2 334 John Nicholson, 11 97 Win. McCray. 23o John Nicholson. 8 S2 36o3 3599 So. 3579 35S7 3591 3596 2008 3598 3010 3581 3581 3573 3587 UNION TOWNSHIP- - John DuBois.jr., & Bro. 9o9 151 Roberts A Fox, 116 4b 606 66 Roberta A Fox, 77 61 Roberts, Pox Sf Co. Ac. Per. 1020 60 Robcrts&Fox, 56 10 645 Kolert8 & Fox, 35 47 358 Roberts & Fox, 25 30 780 Roberts & Fox, 42 90 650 Roberts & Fox, 36 87 150 Roberts & Fox, 8 67 435 Roberts & Fox, 23 91 300 Roberts & Fox, 16 50 275 Roberts c Fox, 15 14 200 Roberts & Fox, II 00 Gartland Irvin. 350 Roberts & Fox, 48 00 433 153 216 153 436 334 216 438 443 107 243 100 100 200 41 55 40 15 25 56 56 30 27 27 56 66 28 66 43 28 6G 57 11 50 Henry Bailey, 6 40 262 R.W.Moore, S3 54 50 David Woolmcr, 6 40 19G Henry Whitehead, 25 09 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. John Patchin. , 427 30 John Cannon, William B. Hegarty. 314 27 George Meek, James McGhee 4- Co. 119 121 Christian Stake, 193 122 Mathias Young, 433 153 Christian Wager, 433 153 Geo. Mnsscr, 237 48 Thos. Yedlar, 210 Daniel Oflley, 215 75 George Baker, jr., 436 145 Timothy Paxton, John Bnrge, John Musser, jr., 145 Joseph Ashbridgc, 42 Pigot Shaw, Scbastin Graff, 73 Thomas Kdnioudson, Wright 6f Menges. 77 Samuel Emlen, 82 Thomas Neil, Samuel Hegarty. Benjamin Johnson, SI 88 Il'm. B. Alexander & Co. Roll & Morgan. 13 William Wilson. 13 Daniel Fulkcrson, 15 S. P. Shoff. Mrv Council. ' 6 20 Dr. Daniel Houlz. 433 153 Philip Loast, CG Jacob R. Howell, 56 William Johnson, 66 George Backhouse, 13 John Morgan, 39 John McCahen, G John Lampblack, 12 William Albert $ Bro. EH Hootman, 15 . Kephart. 404 28 Samnel Hambleton, 62 J. Wolf. 177 R. McGhee, 22 Robert Wallace. 153 5 Peter Henrv, 7 JOHN McPIIERSON, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Clearfield, March 24th, 1858. I 433 433 100 300 260 98 121 153 153 G3 60 48 83 50 17 37 37 81 SO 98 78 37 18 78 42 08 94 G2 09 00 OO GO 37 37 37 00 OO 78 74 71 52 98 28 NEW AND CTIEAP GOODS. The sub scriber has just received a fresh supply of SPRIJVG AND S ITMMER GOODS, which he offers at greatly reduced prices, embracing every variety and style of goods, adapted to this section of countrj. JOHN PATTON. Curwensvillo. May 12. 1353. TLOCR, Oats, Rve. Ac., for sale at the cheap V store of- JOHN PATTON, Curwcnsville. Lot of good Grindstones, with fixtures, for sale by JOHN PATTON. Curwensvillo. C1ARPETS, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Ac., can J be procured at the store of Mayl2. JOHN PATTON, Cnrwensville. MACKEREL, Herring, Bacon, Codfish. Ac, for sale at the store of JOHN PATTON, Cnrwensville. A LARGE LOT OF NAILS. Glass. Paints. Oils Ac, for sale cheup by JOHN PATTON. ' Cnrwensville, May 12, 1853. LADIES' MANTILLAS, Shawls, Bob nets. Skel eton Skirts, and Ladies' dress goods of all kinds for sale low by JOHN PATTON. Curwensville, May 12. 1853. " WAOO.V FOR SALE. The undersigned, residing ia New Millport. basa new two horse wagon, which he will sell low for cash. May 19-pd. JOHN L. REX. NEW CJOODS. The undersigned has just re ceived from the East and opened at the cor ner Store in Curwensville, a general assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, suitable for this local ity, which he offers on the most reasonable terms tsuit the times. mayl'Jj WM. IRVIN. CAUTION All persons are hereby cautioned again.t purchasing or meddling with Two 2-ycar old Steers, one 3-year old Heifler, SJ acres of wheatt, and 6 acres of oats, in the possession of Philip Antes, of Lawrence township, as the same belong to me. ROBERT LAWHEAD. Lawrence tp., May IS, 1858-3t. "IVOTICE. Tao Books. Notes and Judgments 1 of S. C. Patchin, of Glen Hope, have been assigned to me and left with i. Hayns, of An sonville, and F:sq. Wells, of Clearfield creek for collection. All persons indebted are requested to call immediately and settle and save costs. A. W- PATCHIN. . Burnssde, May 13, 1857-m19. CAUTION. All persons are cautioned against purchasing or meddling with the following property in tho possession of Robert Michaels, of Chest township, via: One Wagon, one Bay Mare, one Sorrel Horse, two Cuw.i, tw yearling Calves, a lot of square timber in the woods, grain in the ground, one windmill, one plough, oue harrow, two timber sleds and two log chains, as the same belong to mo. SAMl'KL SEBR1NG. Burnsido township, May 19, 1858. "CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned J against meddling with the following pro perty iu the possession of S. C. Patchin, of Glen Hope, tho same having been purchased by me at Sheriff's sale, and are subject to my order, toj wit : 3.000 feet of timber at Millport. 2.700 feet of timber on land of Potter's. 1 Buggy .Clearfield town, 1 Coil rope, 1 set Harness, 1 Bay horse, 1 two-horse wagon, 3" Chains. 1 Cutting box. A. W. PATCHIN. Burnside, May 12,1353-ml9. GRAHAMTON AHEAD!! Noio is the Tim for Bargains .'.' Note is the Time for Bargains The undersigned has just received from the East and opened at his store in Grahamton. Clearfield countv. an extensive and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, embracing every variety of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, etc.. etc. These goods have been selected with an especial view to supply the wants of this community, and will be sold on the most reasonable terms. They will POSITIVELY be sold as cheap as the cheap est in the country, for CASH. Particular attention ha? been paid to the selec tion of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, among which are Plain and Fancy Silks. Plain Bareges. Challes. Barege Delaine, Robes. Embroidered collars and sleeves. Kid Gloves; Shawls, agrcat variety ; Maa-t tillas; Trimmings; Silk and Linen Fringes; Bob- nets of the latest styles; Bonnet Ribbons ami trim mings, JfC. Also. Parasols, Hosiery. Gloves. Mits. Bisop and India Mulls, JackoneU, Domestic and F"rench Ginghams, Lawns, Calicoes. Barred and Cbeck Muslin. Diapers, Crash, Napkins, Ladies' Gaiters, children's shoes.tVc, and there is no doubt that all ran be well suited. ALSO, French cloths and cashmeres, American cloths and carsimcrcs. Marseilles vestings. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and a general assortment of mens and bovs' Summer wear. He has also" a stock of READY-MADE CLOTII INU, which he will sell low. The undersigned is determined to sell his goods at the lowest nrioes for CASH. This is not mor pretence and vain boast he trtll do it. n t. . , , JAMES B. GRAIIAM. . . Grahamton, May 26, 1853. CLOTHING. A general assortment of ready made clothing just received and opened at - Ju. Jr. IKn IN S. AILS. An assortment just received at the store j-novzoi WM. F. IK WIN. N LD RYE WHISKEY, BRANDY, GIN and WINES, for sale at th rkn PrS R. MOSSOP. '. CGAR. White and Brown sugar to be had at juvemucr za. l t . 1HWIS S " TLLOW BASKETS. A lot on hand and or sate oy lNov2a WM. F. IRWIN. O a I w