Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 26, 1858, Image 1

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    'A .0TJJJ
BY s. b. roav.
VOL. 4.-JTO. 39.
Life is a race where some succeed,
. While others are beginning;
'Tis luck nt times, nt others speed.
That gives an early winning ;
Cntif you chance to fail behind,
. Xe'er slacken your endeavor.
Bnt keep this wholesome truth in mind.
'lis better late than never.
If yon can keep ahead, 'tis well ;
l)ut never trip your neighbor;
Tis noblo when you can excel
. By honest, patient labor;
Put if you arcoutstriped at last,
Fress on a a bold as ever ;
lUuiember. though you are surpassed.
'Tis better late than never.
Ke'er labor for nn idle boast
Of victory o'er another; .
But while you strive, your uttermost,
I'eal fairly with a brother.
What'cr your station, do your best,
Ar.d hold your purpose ever.
-And if yon fail to beat the rest,
'Tis better lato than never.
Choose well the path in which you mn,
Succeed by noble daring;
Then, tho' the last, when once 'tis won,
- Yonr crown is worth tho wearing.
Then never fret if left behind,
Nor slacken yonr endeavor.
But ever keep tblf truth in mind
'lis better late than never.
"I vow!" said Joe Chickweed, as lie stool
beforo the parlor niit rnr, putting the last touch
to his well-oiled liair, "if I let the night pass
without finding out just how I stand with Mc
liuda Martin, then I'm a cow. The crittcr'3
ulways acted so pesky skittish that there's
iK-en no getting around her. I like her, and
the knows it, and I'm inclined to think she
likes me; bnt sho likes wore than one string
to her bow, and I ain't sure but she'd skip me
tiny minute if she could make a better bar
gain. Maybe I'm doing her an injustice, and
I hope I am ; but she acts sometimes 'tarnally
like a real coquette, and I don't know what to
make of her. But to-night," ho added, fit
ting an immensely high and an immensely
wide brimmed iiat upon his shining head, "to
night I'll settlo the matter I'll cross the Ru
bicon, if I get my boots full ot water. Melin
da ain't a bad spec, aud I might do worse most
anywhere else."
"Do fell if it's como to that?" exclaimed
old Mis.Chickwecd,who had entered the room,
unnoticed by her son, in time to hear his last
sentence "well, I've all along had a notion
that you was aimin' in that 'ere direction."
Joe turned red from his eye-winkers to his
ankles, and looked very sheepish. lie w orked
rcry busily, too, for a few seconds, with brush
ing some imaginary dust from a place between
rhe shoulders of his coat; which he couldn't
reach, but he said nothing.
"There ain't nothin' to be ashamed of Joe,"
continued the loquacious old lady, apparently
greatly pleased at making the discovery she
had ; "and you spoke gospel truth when you
said you might do worse elsewhere. Molin
U's a nice gal."
"Well," said Joe, gaining some courage
from his mother's manner, "I'm glad you
think so, for I'm bound to make her my wife,
if "
"If what ?" asked tho old lady.
"Well, if everything's favorable."
Don't you fear anything's agin it. You
just do your duty, Joe, and Mclinda's yourn.
Remember the farm."
"It i a fine farm no mistake !" said the
young man, earnestly.
"No better farm of its sizo in tho whole
county than tho Widdcr Martin's !" said Mrs.
duckweed, in an emphatic tone.
"No, I think not."
"And then see how it is stocked : two yoke
of the best steers in all these parts, besides
her two hosses, sayin' nothin' of the rest of
Ihe critters. And, of course, they'll all go
with Melinda when the Widdcr's dead, and be
fore, loo ; for you will go right outo the farm
an soon as you marry, and take charge of eve
rything." "It's a good opening, that's a fact," said
Joe; "but I put a higher value on Melinda
than on all tho property."
"And well you should ; though the farm and
fixin's ain't to be despised."
"Oh, I ain't one to despise 'em."
Joe laughed and left the room, and soon af
ter he left the house, and made his way as cx
peditely as the gloom of evening would permit
toward the residence of the Widow Martin.
A light was burning in the front room, but the
window curtains were closely drawn, so that
lie could not get a view into tho apartment as
he passed along the yard. He knocked at the
door, and was admitted by the widow in per
son, who, after inquiring benevolently after
his health, ushered him into the parlor.
: Jtwas already occupied by two persons
Melinda and Reuben Sparks,the latter a young
man who bad recently returned to Sprigvillc
from California, and who was looked upon
with special disfavor by the young farmer.
Joo wa3 welcomed by tho young lady, but
not so cordially as formerly, and by no means
so cordially as Joe thought his due. lie was
greeted by Mr. Sparks in a sort of joking, con
descending way that raised his ire inwardly.
However, the conversation that followed was
apparently agreeable to all parties, and the
evening wore away till the widow retired,
when Mr. Sparks intimated that it was per
haps time lor him to bo returning, as it was
quite a little walk to tho village. Melinda at
once asserted that it was very early indeed,
and he should not think of leaving so soon ;
whereupon Mr. Sparks was induced to remain
a while longer, and Mr. Chickweed was se
cretly enraged that Melinda should be so taken
np with the company of the young sprig.
California became the topic of conversation,
and Reuben Sparks shono brilliantly in his
descriptive accounts of the country, and what
he had done there.
"Then you weren't in the diggin's?" in
quired Joe, in response to something his rival
had uttered.
"By no nicans," replied Sparks, loftily. "I
lea digging to those that were used to it; I
hadn't a taste that way."
"Oh, then you stopped in town ?"
"Business, I s'pose, first rate there."
"Yes. A young man of talent will soon
engage himself in profitable employment."
Then I s'pect you must have done extra
ordinary well!" said Joe, ia a tone ho inten
ded should be sarcastic.
"Oh !" replied tho other, laughing in a
meaning way, and winking with one eye at
the young lady who appeared to "take," and
enjoyed it accordingly "as for that matter,
I can't complain. I think 1 improved my
chances I rather think I did. No, I don't
complain, by no means."
"Then why didn't you sty longer? You
weren't gone but a short time ; you should
have staid a year or two more, and made your
self independent."
"Perhaps I am independent already ; I say,
perhaps. Of course, I can't tell you the exact
amount 1 madethat, I think, is quite un
necessary." "Oh, quite."
"And perhaps, too, there wero attractions
in this part ol tho woild as alluring as Cali
fornia gold."
lie looked kowingly at Melinda as he spoke,
and gave her another wink, which that young
1 idy seemed to relish, though sue blushed,
and appeared wonderfully embarrassed for a
Joe noticed what occurred, and didn't at
all fancy the course affairs seemed to be set
ting. Ho knew that he should feel and ap
pear peculiarly savage, if he remained much
longer; and so he hinted that it was about
time for him to be going ; and what served to
enrage him more than aught else, Melinda ap
peared to bo of the same mind, for she offered
no objection. So he took his hat and depar
ted, with firmness in his step aud bitterness
in his heart.
"I don't like the looks of things at all," be
muttered to himself, as he walked on through
the dark ; "she's altogether too tender with
that chap to be agreeable to me.. If he has
not turned her head, then there's a mistake
somewhere. I don't believe he has brought
enough money from Californy to buy a rope
to hang him. He's after the Widdcr's farm,
now, to make it up, I'll bet my hat. Yes, sir,
he means to catch Melinda; and I've been
fool enough to wait till this time before com
ing to a final point. But perhaps it aint too
late vet!" lie added, alter a few moments'
reflection ; "maybe she'll consent to have me
yet, if I lose no time in asking her.- I 11 try
it; I vow I will. I'll go over again to-morrow,
and have the thing settled."
And having como to this conclusion, he
hurried forward, and soon after was dreaming
of Melinda Martin, the widow, himself, and
an inSnito number of Reuben Spaikes, who
were all endeavoring to chase him up a steep
hill, and beat his brains out with bars of Cal
ifornia gold.
Mrs. Chickweed was most anxious next
morning to learn from her son tho result of
his mission to the widow's, but Joe was silent
and pensive, avoiding his mother's eye, and
keeping away from the house as much as pos
sible. Lato in the evening ho carefully dres
sed himself in his best suit, and with a look
of determination stamped upon his.fcatures,
heonce more set out to visit the fickle Me
linda. lie found her at home and alone.
"Hope you spent an agreeable evening yes
terday," remarked Joe, after ho had passed
the usual compliments, and seated himself
near the young lady.
"Oh, yes, I did, I assure you," was the
"Mr. Sparks, I should say is a very enter
taining young man !"
Joodidn't think, anything of the kind, but
quite the contrary.
'He is, indeed," responded Melinda.
Joe looked anything but pleased ot this
encomium on his rival, and sat for some mo
ments in utter silence. At length he turned
to tho young lady and spoke:
'I came here last evening," he said, "with
the intention of spcakiug to you on a particu
lar subject, but I found you so engaged that
I determined to call again to-night, and so
"Here you are," said Melinda, smiling at
his embarrassment.
"Yes' here I am. And, now that I'm here,
I'll tell you at once what I have come for.
You know I lovo you ; I've told you as much
mcro'n once, and I've flattered myself that I
weren't inditferent to you. But now I wish
you to tell me if you really love me in return,
and if I may hope to make you ray wife.
AY ill you marry me ?"
Joe, having arrived at this important ones
lion, looked tenderly and appealingly into
her face, and breathlessly awaited her reply.
She colored slightly, and bent her eyes to the
"You arc quite right," sho said, "in sup
posing that you are not indifferent to me,
for I regard you very highly."
'Then all my fears have been groundless !"
uttered Joe, exultingly.
"But," continued tho lady, "I cannot very
well grant your wish regarding "
'What!" cried Joe, his countenanco sud
denly changing.
"I cannot very well marry yon I"
"And why can't you? I'd like to know
what's to hinder. you marrying me if you
think enough of me."
"There is one reason in particular."
"What is it?"
"I'm engaged to another!".
Joe turned pale.
"Sparks !" he cried "tell me,is it Sparks?"
"Well ! and if it is."
"I knew It! Blast him, I kucw what he
was after!"
"I don't know that Mr. Sparks has acted
in any way as he should not !" remarked the
young lady, warmly.
"He's a cheatin' villian !" replied Joe, in
dignantly. "You don't know him ; he's nothing of the
"It's you that don't know him ; but you
will before long. I've been deceived, and I
ain't afraid to say so !" continued he, snatch
ing up his hat; "it's the money he pretends
to have that's lost me a wife; but when you
want to touch it, just as like as not you won't
be able."
He rushed from the houso as ho uttered
these words, and hurried homeward. lie
found his mother still up, and was eagerly in
terrogated by her as to the luck he had met
with, lie told-her all, and little cond olenco
was sho enabled to ofTer him in return.
For two or three days following, Joe Chick
weed said very little, but ho thought much.
One morning he met his mother w ith a smiling
face and a sort of triumph in his look. The
old lady was somewhat surprised at this sud
den change in her son's manner.
Why, what on airth's the matter now, Joe?"
said she ; "hope you ain't goin' to go crazy."
"Not by a long shot," replied Joe; "I ain't
quite so big a fool as that."
"Then what ails you ?"
"Oh. I've got it all arranged at last I've
got 'em now."
"Who? What?"
"Why, Melinda and that vagabond Rcubeu
Sparks ha ! ha! I'll surprise him."
"Well, how are you goin' to do it?"
"Oh, it's all right !" said Joe, laughing sly
ly "I'll do it, darn'd if I don't. I'll fix the
sncakin' critter !"
"But how how, Joe ? Can't you speak out?
What's got into the boy ?" cried the old lady,
dying with curiosity to know what was his
"Well, now, I'll tell you all about it," be
gan Joe, assuming a more sober tone.
"AVell, I just wish you would."
"You know tho widder has always favored
my keeping company with Melinda."
'And I do believe she's desp'rato down on
that feller, Sparks, coming into her family."
"In that case she wouldn't very willingly
let her property go into his hands."
"But, 'cording to the will of old Mr. Martin,
the property ain't to go out of her hands till
she's dead.""
"Just so but Sparks would havo all the
benefit. And now I'm coming to tho p'int
it's just there I'm going to floor Reub Sparks!"
"Well, do let me hear !"
"The widder Martin herself ain't a bad look
ing woman!" Joe remarked, in a sort of a
mysterious tone of voice, glancing up sudden
ly into his mother's face.
"No but what's that got to do with tho
matter ?" replied the old lady, impatiently.
'And she ain't very old, neither," continued
he, with the same air.
"Why, she can't be morc'n forty."
"So I should think ; and she has a good
chance of living forty more."
"Well, and what of it ?"
"Just this," said Joe, leaning over to reach
his mother's car "Til marry ihe widder .'"
Mrs. Chickweed, expecting, as she was,
something startling, wasn't prepared for this.
She uttered an exclamation of unbounded sur
prise, started upward from her seat, and then
sank back and fixed her eyes with a vacant
stare upon her son's face.
"Well," said Joe, "I hope you don't see
anything that's agin it."
"No no !" stammered his mother, recover
ing somewhat from the shock she had receiv
ed ; "but are you really in airnest, Joe will
you marry the widder?"
"To bo sure I will, and that's the wholo of
it. I'm going up to see her this very day.
I'll marry her if she'll have me, and be re
venged on Melinda for cutting me as she has
for that blasted.Sparks. I'll teach 'em what's
Joe was as good as his word. He sought
the widow and made his proposal. She was
more astonished than sho kuew bow to express,
but she was more gratified than she was aston
ished. Fresh and fair as she was, considering
her years, she had never given over the idea
of winning another husband ; but it had never
entered her head that she could possibly se
cure so young and estimable a prize as Joe
Joe made it a special proviso In his proposal,
that they should be married privately the day
before the marriage of Sparks with the wid
ow's daughter, and that it should be kept a
secret till that wedding had taken place. To
this the widow readily agreed, although it was
a hard task sometimes for her to restrain the
enjoyment she experienced, and prevent tho
secret being discovered.
The evening before tho nuptials of Sparks
and Melinda at length arrived, and all the pre
parations for tho ceremony on tho ensuing
day were completed. When darkness had
fairly set in, while Melinda was so occupied
with the company and conversation of her
soon-to-be husband as to bo completely obli
vious to all else, Mrs. Martin cautiously left
the house, and meeting Joe near at hand, she
hastened with him to tho residence of the
Chickweed. Tho minister, who had been
duly admonished to secrcsy,wasin attendance ;
and in less than , half an hour afterwards Joe
was a married man, and the no-longer widow
was on her way "back to her room parting
from Joe with a single but very enormous
kiss, with which he was content to satisfy him
self considering vhat was to follow from so
doing on the morrow.
The wedding passed off next day to the en
tire satisfaction of all parties. The affair took
place in the morning at the residence of tho
bride, and at the hour of noon all the guests,
with tho exception of Joe Chickweed, who
had been formally invited, had departed.
Why he remained so long it puzzled the newly
married pairpurmisc, as they had not sup
posed he wou"s5be present at all. Joe took it
very easily, however, and seemed quito unem
barrassed by the occasional banterings of the
happy Sparks.
"I s'pose," said Joe, addressing himself to
tho newly made husband, as they were all as
sembled in the parlor together "I s'pose you
w ill take up your residence in the village right
away buy, you a nice house and live fashion
ably!" "Oh, no," replied Mr. Sparks "don't know
as I shall."
"What! Well, now, I calc'late you don't
have an idear of settling on a farm! you ain,t
used to that kind of work, you know."
"Don't know but I may," said Sparks, as
suming a careless air and tone; "coming on
hot weather, yon know, and living in town is
a bore in summer. Yes,think I shall try coun
try life for a while ; I ain't in the best of
health, and a farm life may improve me."
'Well," responded Joe, deliberately, "can't
say that I'm sorry you're going to stay with
us. I think myself it would be to your bene
fit to work on a farm for a while ; and we'll
try to make it as comfortable for you as wo
Mr. Sparks looked at him, and Mrs. Sparks
looked at him ; then they looked at ono anoth
er and laughed.
"No doubt," remarked Mr. Sparks, 'you
will make a very agreeable neighbor very a
grecable indeed."
"Oh, w'H be nearer than neighbors, a good
sight of course we will," said Joe, glancing
with a look cf intelligence toward the former
Again Mr. and Mrs. Sparks glanced at ono
another, bnt this time they didn't laugh.
"What do you mean ?" they asked, simul
taneously. "Oh, excuse me ; I forgot that yon didn't
know what has transpired. The fact is, tho
widow, here, and myself, taking a mutual lik
ing to each other, were married last night I
Are should have invited you to the wedding,
but w e knew you were so engaged "
"AVIiat! married?" cried young Sparks,
springing to his feet, while a look of horror
overspread his features. His wife sat pale as
a ghost, utterly unable to speak a word.
"Certainly, married," said Joe, coolly.
'Is this so?" he inquired, turning to tho
late widow.
'You may rely upon all ho says," sho re
plied.' ..
'Then I have been swindled imposed upon
deceived ! And you knew of this also, and
led mo on ?" he continued, in a violent tone,
addressing his wife. "You to get me, while
this infernal cheat gets all the property !"
"No it's not so," exclaimed Melind.i,
bursting into tears ; I knew nothiDg of it.
And I thought you married me for yourself,
and not for money you pretend to havo e
nough of that yourself !"
Reuben Sparks smiled a sickly and scornful
"It's even as I thonght ; his money's so
deep in bunk that he nevcr'll be able to dig it
out," remarked Joe.
'You scheming rascal!" gasped Sparks,
looking as if it would bo the height of plea
sure to cat him entirely up, body and bones.
"Ob, fire away ! it don't hurt any ; and. I've
got a long lease of the farm"
"You scoundrel !"
And the horses, and the steers "-
"Oh! you miserable cheat !"
"And tho fixin's generally "
"Fool!" .
"And moreover," continued Joe, assuming
a rjore sober and sterner tone, and grasping
Sparks firmly by the collar as he spoke "a
niong other things I've got a word or two of
advice for you. You married Melinda in the
expectation of stepping into a snug property,
palming yourself oil" as a man of means to
accomplish your end. You are the real sche
mer, but a part of your scheme has failed.
Tt.ke my advice and it will be well with you :
use your wife as you know you should go to
work like a man and strive to be an iionest
one. And finally, don't let me hear you make
use of any more such expressions as you just
now bestowed upon me, or I'll thrash you
within an inch of your life ! Remember," ad
ded Joe, giving him a shake, as a terrier would
a rat, "you're my son now, 'cording to law,
and you must havo a slight show of respect
for your father !'
Reuben Sparks seemed to come at onco to
his senses, and after a little reflection conclu
ded that the advice ho had received was, upon
te whole, the best he could act upon ; and for
many a year thereafter Jce Chickweed looked
rpon him as a most valuable assistant.
Cofleo is of Asiatic origin, and was brought
to the Occident by tho Turks. They called it
Cahveh. Yehman, a province in Arabia, is
generally considered tho place where coffee
sprang up. Certain it is, that Arabian herds
men of the deseit of Aldshesrla, approaching
Ono evening the shores of tho Euphrates, were
the first to discover the enlivening power of
cotTee. Worn out as they were, after a tire
sonic Journey through tho desert, they were
reclining beneath a coffee .tree, and for past
time commenced chewing the cofleo beans.
They soon observed that their weariness pass
ed away, and left them fine-spirited during the
night. Next evening they repeated their pas
time, and it had tho same effect. They were
convinced that thcro was hidden and refresh
ing power in the coffee beans.
It was then introduced as a kind of medi
cine for relaxation, for which purpose it was
roasted, ground, and boiled in hot water, in
, the manner wo prepare coffee now. Conse
quent on the prohibition of wine-drinking by
Mahomet, the use of coffee soon became in
extensive demand all over Arabia, Turkey
and Persia. From theso countries cotTee was
introduced by the Venetians, in ihe year 1391,
into Italy, to be used only as an enlivening
medicine. At first they tried it with the
leaves of the coffee-tree, which was, however,
abandoned, and they resorted to tho coffee
beans and prepared them in the same manner
as tho Arabians. After a w hile it became a
favorito beverage for dainty persons, and its
importation from a foreign country rendered
It, in tho eyes of the aristocracy of that pe
riod, desirable.
From Venice, coffee was introduced to Eng
land, France and Holland. The first public
coffee-house was opened in London in the
year 1C52 ; a few years afterwards a second
appealed in Paris, and a third in Amsterdam.
Not, however, until the year 1G02, was coffee
known in Germany ; it was imported from
Holland already roasted. The first public
coffee-house was established at Leipzig, in tho
year 1720, which, no doubt, is the oldest
coffee-house in the world, and it is even at
the present day a place of public amusement.
Two circumstances contributed principally to
make coffee a general beverage in Germany ;
firstly, that coffee was excepted by the govern
ment from the taxes laid on beer and w ine ;
and secondly the powers of coffee to produce
an agreeablo excitement without producing
intoxication. These qualities made it the
most agreeable to ladies and business men.
The Jews in Germany, known to be the most
active merchants, became exceedingly fond
of this enlivening beverage, and also the
poets. It is a well known story, that Rosseau,
once on a visit to Voltaire, remarked to tho
latter, that coffee was poison. Voltaire re
plied ; "Trac, but a poison that affects the
health very slowly, as I have been drinking it
for sixty years."
The greatest opponents to coffee-drinking
are the homeopathic doctors, who consider
coffee as most injurious to health. Indeed it
is to nervous people, particularly strong cof
fee ; also to dyspeptics it may prove not di
gestible, but in the latter case, its ill-digestion
arises from impuro milk w hich is mixed
with it.
The French and Germans drink more black
coffee than white, and take soon afterward a
glass of pure 'cold water, and that custom is
one which it would bo useful to adopt in this
country ; as in this mannerjeoffee is not inju
lious to plethoric people ; if they drink only
a small quantity of it. It serves under this
condition to aid digestion and to enliven the
spirits. To young people, it is not so whole
some as beer soup, which 13 used for them in
Germany. There is often added to coffee,
roasted roots, as that of succory or carrot, for
instance, which diminishes the flavor. Roast
ed beans of cocoa, on the other hand, arc most
healthy and palatable if mixed with coffee.
The Turks add different species, and the
French pour rum in it, as do the Italians and
Germans ; and they uso sometimes the yolk
of auwt$g instead of cream, which is commen
dable where there is no good milk to be found.
Particular care is everywhere taken, except in
this country, not to roast or grind coffee be
fore it is wanted for immediate use, otherwise
it looses by exhalation tho volatile oil which
imparts such an excellent flavor to it.
The smoke of the roasted coffee is one of
the most powerful disinfectants. Coffee is
also an antidote to poisons of opium, cherry,
Ianrel and intoxication. The onsonpti
of coffee is from year to year increasing. In
Europe alone, for instance, the importation ia
a period of ten years, from 1S17 to 1S27, in
creased from one hundred and sixty millions
to two hundred and twenty-five millions cf
pounds. - '
The coffee tree reaches a height of twerity
feet, has with its branches pyramidal formed
evergreen leaves, and is considered one of tho
most beautiful ot trees. In the third year it
yields three pounds of beans. In highest es
timation, concerning the quality, stands Mo
cha coffee from Arabia ; next to it St. Domin
go, Java, St. Jago do Cuba, and then Rio ot
Brazil and Cuba. However, one kind is found
more palatable in one country than in another,
and dilferent nations give preference to a dif
ferent kind of coffee. -
Tue Islaxo ofPupim. A bare, untenanted rock
at the entrance of tho Ked ra, known as the Isle
of Pcriin, has suddenly become a point of great in
terest and figures largely in European politics. It
is the Gibraltar of the lied Sea. The Mail and
portion of the passenger traffic between Europe and
tho Bast Indies and China, already goes by way
of the Isthmus of Suez. A ship Canal connecting
the Mediterranean and Red Seas, will lead to the
abandonment of tho Cai.e of tiood Hope, rcrim
commanding the commerce o f the lied Sea, will
then be a point of the utmost importance. The
railroad, already nearly completed across the Isth
mus of Suer, will ensure most of the travel and
considerable merchandize by this shorter route.
England, foreseeing its importance, has-very re
cently occupied and fortified this island, although
it belongs to Turkey. Franco protests against it,
and there is a strong probability that Russia will
second her remonstrance, those powers holding
that tho stipulated integrity of Turkey is violated
by this act of the English government.
Tdk Hevelatioxs or Astko-vosticai. Sciexcb
show that the sun is 3,800 times as far again from
the earth as the earth is round. This distance is
so great that it would take a railway carriage,
moving at the rate of 100 miles every three hours.
330 years to got through it : but the arth itself,
traveling with a speed of better than 63.000 mile
per hour, gets through a journey of a like extent
that is, S5.OOO.0OO miles in something like two
months. The nearest star is at Icatt 200,000 times
farther a w.iv than tho sun. The light beams como
from the sun to the earth in eight minutes and a
quarter, but it must consume three years and a
quarter upon its journey before it can arrive from
tho nearest star. Eut the nearest star is only on
tho inner confines of the vast star galaxy; the
space that it takes the flash of light three years
and a quarter to traverse, is nevertheless but a lit
tle space, almost swallowed up in the immensity by
which it is surrounded, for it is computed that tho
most remote stars of the milky way are 750 times
as far away again as the nearest one.
AGoodWitxess. "Did the defendant knock
tho plaintiff" dow n with a malice prepense ?"
"No, sir ; he knocked him down with a flat
"You misunderstand me my friend ; I want
to know whether he attacked him with an evil
Oh, no. sir ; it was ontside the tent."
"No, no ; I wish you to tell me whether the
attack was at all a preconcerted affair."
"No, sir; it was not a free concert affair ; It
was a circus."
Yield of Maple Sucae. The Montpclier
(Vt.) correspondent of tho Boston Traveler
writes that the maple sugar season is about o
ver, the crop being a full average one, or a tri
fle less than three pounds to the tree. Last
year was an extraordinary season, tho yield
being over five pounds to the tree, or nearly
enough, if equally distributed, and all kept for
home consumption,to have supplied every fam
ily in the state.
A rather plain spoken clergyman onco took
for his text this passage in the Psalms:
I said in my haste all men are liars.'
Looking up, apparently as if . he saw the
Psalmist stand immediately before him he said.
"You said so in your haste did yon, David?
AVell,if you had been here you might bare said
it after mature reflection."
Among the numerous casualties recently detail
ed, the following is decidedly melancholy- ' '-The
young man w ho recently went on a bridal tour
with an augel iu book muslin, has just rotiyncd
with a tormigant in hoops."
A witness In an Irish Court of Justice,- sta
ted that he was suddenly roused from Lis
slumber by a blow on bis head. "And tow
did you findycurself V asked counceL, "Fait
asleep," replied tho witness.
AVhat is the reason, said one Irishman to i
another, that you and yonr wife are always
disagreeing ? "Because," replied .Pat, ?wo
are both of one mid sho wauta to bo master,
and so do L" ' .
North Carolina has now some' l,C0O miles
of railroad, and these works were begun when
the State had not even an income of over
$100,000. '
Cotton soaked in alum, and salt, it is said,,
will euro tho torments of a hollow and aching,
tooth. AVorth trying, that. - - '