Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 19, 1858, Image 4

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    U U
"While reading recently aa account of the i
rightful massacre of several white families by
the Black-foot Indians, we were reminded of
a thrilling event which occurre d in the "Wild
West," a short time subsequent to the Revo
lution, in which a highly accomplished young
lady, the daughter of a distinguished officer of
the American Army, played an important part.
The story being of a most thrilling nature,and
exhibiting in a striking manner the 'Perils of
the Border," we have concluded to give an
extract from it, as originally published, as fol
lows :
The anglo on the right bank of the Great
Kanawha, formed bv its junction with the O
hio, Is called Point Pleasant, and is a place of
historical note. Here, on trie 10th ol Octo
ber. 1774, durins what is known as Lord Dun
more's War. was fought of the fiercest aud
most desperate battles that ever took place be
tween the V irgmians and their Iocs.
After the battle in question, in which the
Indians were defeated with great loss, a fort
was here erected bv the victors.which became
a post of rreat importance throughout the san
euinary scenes of strifo which almost immedi
ately followed, and in which in this section of
the country were continued for many years al
ter that establishment of peace which acknswl
edzed the United Colonies of America a free
and independent nation.
At the landing of the fort, oa the day of our
Etorv opens, was fastened a flat-boat, of the
kind used by the early navigators of the Wes
tern rivers.
Upon the deck of this boat, at the moment
we present the scene to the reader, stood five
individuals, alike engaged in watching a group
of persons mostly females, who were slowly
approaching the landing. Of these five, one
was a stout, sleek negro, in partial livery, and
evidently a house or body servant ; three were
boatmen and borderers, as indicated by their
rough, bronzed visages and coarse attire ; but
the filth was a young man, some two-and-twen
ty years of age, of a hne commanding person
and a clear, open and intelligent countenance
and in the lofty carriage of his head-in the
gleam of his large, bright, hazel eye there
was something which denoted one ol superior
mind ; but as we shall have occasion in me
course of our narrative to fully set forth who
and what Eugene Fairfax was, we will leave
him for the present, and turn to the appreach
ing group, whom he suemed to be regarding
with lively interest.
Of this group, composed of a middle aged
man and four females, with a black female ser
vant following some five or six paces in the
rear, there was one whom the most casual eye
would have singled out and rested upon with
pleasure. The lady in question,was apparent
ly about twenty years of age, of a slender and
graceful figure, and of that peculiar cast of
feature, which, besides being beautiful in eve
ry lineament, rarely fails to affect the behold
er with something like a charm.
Her travelling costume a fine brown halit,
high in the neck, buttoned closely over the
bosom and coming down to her small pretty
feet, without trailing on the ground was both
neat and becoming; and with her ridiiig-cap
and its waving ostrich plnme, set gaily above
her flowing curls, her appearance contrasted
forcibly with the rough, unpolished looks of
those of her sex beside her, with their linsey
bed-gowns, scarlet flannel petticoats, and blea
ched linen caps.
"Oh, Blanche," said one of the more vener
able of her female companions, pursuing a
conversation which had been maintained since
quitting the open fort behind them, 'I cannot
bear to let you go ; for it just seems to me as
if something were going to Lajpen to you, and
when I feel that
does happenr"
way, something
"Well, aunt," returned Blanche, with a light
laugh, "I do not doubt in the least that some
thing will happen for I expuct one of these
days to reach my dear father and blessed moth
er, and give them such an embrace as is due
from a dutiful daughter to her parents and
that will be something that has not happened
for two long years at least."
"But I don't mean that, Blanche," returned
the other, somewhat petulently ; "ard you
.Just laugh like a gay and thoughtless girl,
when you ought to be serious. Because you
have come safe thus far, through a partially
settled country, you think, perhaps, your own
pretty face will ward off danger in the more
perilous wilderness but I warn you that a
fearful journey is before you ! Scarcely a boat
descends the Ohio, that does not encounter
more or leas peril from the savages that prowl
along either shoro ; and some of them that go
down freighted with human life, are heard of
no more, and none ever return to tell the
"But why repeat this to me, dear aunt," re
turned Blanche, with a more serious air, "when
you know it is my destiny, either good or bad,
to attempt the voyage ? My parents have sent
for me to join them in their new home, and it
is my duty to go to them, be the peril what it
"l'on never did know what it was to fear?"
pursued the good woman, rather proudly.
"No," she n-peated, turning to the others,
Blanche Bertrand never did know what it was
to fear, I believe !"
"Just like her father!" joined in the hus
band of the matron, the brother of Blanche's
mother, the commander of the station, and
the middle-aged gentleman mentioned as one
of the party ; "a true daughter of a true sol
dier. Her father, Colonel Philip Bertrand,
God bless him for a true heart! never did
seem to know what it was to fear and Blanche
is just like him !"
By this time the parties had roarhorl the
boat ; and the young man already described
Eugene Fairfax, the secretary of Blanche's
lather at once stepped forward, and. in a no
lite and deferential manner, otlered his hand
to the differed females, to assist them on
board. The hand of Blanche was the last to
touch his and then but slightly, as she sprung
quickly and lightly to the deck but a close
observer might have detected the slight flush
which mantled his noble, expressive features
as his evt fkr a sin! instant met hers. She
Might herself have seen it perhaps she did
but there was no corresponding glow on her
own bright, pretty face, as she inquired, in the
calm, dignified tone of one having the right
to put the question, and who might also have
been aware of the inequality of position be
tween herself and him she addressed :
"Eugene, is everything prepared for our de
parture I It will not do for our boat to spring
a leak again, as it did coming down the Ka
nawha for it will not be safe for ns, I am told,
to touch either shore between the different
forts and trading posts on our route, this side
01 out aesunation, the Falls of the Ohio."
"No, indeed!" reioined liOTannt nnii-tlr
it will be as much as your lives are worth'to
venture a foot from the main current of the
unio ror news reached us only the other day,
that many boats had been attacked this spring
v- "l wuu an on ooara.l
-u one leeis more concerned about the
,- pasfS8 or Miss Bertrand than mvself "
rep.ied Eugene, in a deferential tone", "and
Since our arriral Imr. I I... i.r- . .
j - - , -"- ""o mi Dotiun; un
done that I thought might possibly add to her
uu comiorx.
"That is true, to mr Twrui i..i,.j
ln'nexriDi.h? ?ncl? of Blanch ; "d I thank
, , lriax, m behait ot my fair kiuswo
man. There will, perhaps," he pursued, "be
no great danger, so long as you keep in the
current ; but your watch must not be neglect
ed for a siDgle moment, either night or day ;
and do not, I most solemnly charge and warn
you, under any circumstances, or on any pre
tence whatsoever, suffer yourselves to be de
coyed to either shore !"
"I hope we understand our duty better, Co
lonel," said one of the men, respectfully.
"I douut it not." replied the commander of
the Point ; "1 believe you are all faithful and
true men, or you would not have been select
ed by the agent of Colonel Bertrand, for tail
ing down more precious freight than you ever
earned; but still the wisest and best ot men
have lost their lives by giving ear to the most
earnest appeals ol humanity. You understand
what I mean 1 V Lite men, apparently in the
greatest distr.ss, will hail your boat, represent
themselves as having just escaped from the In
dians, aud beg of you, for the love of God, in
the most piteous tones, to come to their relief;
but turn a deaf ear to them to each and all
of them even should yon know the pleaders
to be of your own kin ; for in such a case your
own brother might deceive you not wilfully
and voluntarily, perhaps but because of le-
mg goaded on bv the savages, themselves con
cealed. Yes, such things have been known as
one friend being thus used to lure another to
his destruction : and so be cautious, vigilant,
brave and true, and may the good God keep
vou all from harm !"'
As he finished siieaking, Blanche proceeded
to take an afiectionate leave of all, receiving
many a tender message for her pa-ents from
those who held them in love and veneration
and the boat swung out, and began to float
down with the current, now fairly entered up
on the most dangerous portion of a long and
perilous jonrnev.
The father of Blanche, Colonel Philip Ber
trand, was a native of Virginia, and a descen
dant of one of the Huguenot refugees, who
fled from their native land after the revocation
of the edict of Naclz in ljio. lie had been
officer of some note during the Revolution a
warm political and personal friend of the au
thor ot the Declaration of Independence and
a gentleman who had always stood high in tho
esteem of his associates and cotemporaries
Though at one time a man of wealth, Colo
nel Bertrand had lost much, and suffered much,
through British invasion; and when, shortly
after the close of the war, he had met with a
few more serious reverses, ho had been fain to
accept a grant of land, near the fails of the
Ohio, now Louisville, tendered him by Vir
nia, which then held jurisdiction over the en
tire territory now constituting the State of
I he grant had decided the Colonel upon
seeking his new possessions and building up a
new home in the then Far West, and as his
wife had insisted upon accompanying him on
his first tour, he had assented to her desire, on
condition that Blanche should be left among
her friends, till such time as a place could be
prepared which might in some degree be con
sidered a fit abode for one so carefully and
tenderly reared.
Blanche would gladly have gone with her
parents; but on this point her father had been
inexorable declaring that she would have to
remain at the East till he should see proper to
send for her; and as he was a man of positive
character, and a rigid disciplinarian, the mat'
ter I ad been settled without argument.
When Colonel Bertrand removed to the
West, Eugene Fairfax, as we have seen, accom
panied him ; ari l coming of age shortly alter,
he had accepted the liberal oiler of his noble
benefactor, to remain with him in the capacity
of private secrelary and confilential agent.
On taking possession of his grant, the Colonel
had almost immediately erjeted a fort, and of
fered such inducements to settlers as to speedr
i!y collect around him quite a little communi
ty of which, as a matter of course, he became
the head and chief; and to supply the wants of
his own family and others, and increase his
gains in a legitimate way, he had opened a
store, and filled it with goods from the Eastern
marts, which goods were transported by land
over the mountains to the Kanawha. and thence
by rtater to the Falls of the Ohio, whence
their removal to Fort Bertrand became an easy
matter. To purchase and shin these eoous.
and deliver a package of letters !o friends in
ha East, Eugene had been thrice dispatched
his third commission also extending to the
escorting of the beautif ul heiress, w ith her
servants, to her new home. This last com
mission had been so far executed at the time
chosen for the opening of our storv. as to
bring th? diiierent parties to the mouth of the
reat Kanawha, whence the reader his seen
them ilow I v floating off upon the still, glassy
bosom of "the belle of rivers."
The day, which was an auspicious one. pass
ed without anything occurring worthy of note,
until near four o'clock, when, as Blanche was
anding on the fore part of the deck gazing
at the lovely scene which surrounded her, she
saw a seemingly flying bodv suddenly leave a
limb ot a gigantic tree, (whose mighty bran
ches extended far over the aiver, and near
which the boat was then swayed by the action
of the current,) and alight with a crash upon
the deck of the boat, not more than eight teet
from her. One glance sufficed to show her
what the object was, and to freeze the blood
in her veins. The glowing eyes of a huge
panther met her gaze. The suddenness of the
shock which this discovery gave her was over-
With a deafening shriek she fell
' "-D- . , .r.Lj-
unon her knees and ciaspeu r-er ua.ius ueiore
her breast. The panther crouched lor his
deadly leap, but ere he sprang, tne iiunun
knife of Eugene t ainax (wno, witn inc steers
man, was the only person on deck besides
Blanche,) was buried to tne nut m nis siue,
inflicting a severe bat not fatal wound. The
infuriated beast at once turned upon Eugene,
and a deadly struggle ensued. Hut it was a
short one. The po.ished blade of the knife
rdaved back and forth like lightning flashes,
and at every plunge it was buried to the hilt
in the panther s body, who soon fell to the
deck,dragging the dauntless Eugene with him.
On seeing her protector fall, Blanche uttered
another shriek and rushed to his aid; but as
sistance from stouter arms was at band. The
boatmen gathered round, and the savage mon
ster was literally hacked in pieces with their
knives and hatchets, and Eugene, covered with
blood, was dragged from under his carcass.
Supposing him to be dead or mortally wound
ed, Blanche threw her arms around his neck,
and gave way to a passionate burst of grief,
But he was not dead he was not even hurt,
witn the exception of a few slight scratches
The blood with which he was covered was the
panther s, not bis own. But Blanche's em
brace vas his a priceless treasure an index
of her heart's emotions and affections. It was
to color his whole future life, as will be seen
in the progress of our storv.
Slowly and silently,save the occasional creak,
dip, and plash of the steersman's oar, the boat
of our voyagers was borne along upon the bo
som of the current, on tho third night of the
voyage. The hour was waxing late, and Eu
gene, the only ono astir except the watch, was
suddenly startled, by a rough hand being pla
ced upon his shoulder, accompanied by the
words, in the grun voice of the boatman :
"I say, Cap'n, here's trouble !"
"What is it, Dick 1" inquired Eugene, star
ting to nis iee.
"Don't you see thar's a heavy fog rising,
that'll soon kiver ns up so thick that we won't
be able to tell a white man from a nigger V
replied the boatman Dick Winter by came
a tall, bony, muscular, athletic specimen of
his class.
'Good heaven ! so there is !" exclaimed Eu
gene, looking oil upon the already misty wat
ers. "It must have gathered very suddenly,
for all was clear a minute ago. What is to be
done now t This is something I was not pre
pared for, oo such a night as this."
"It looks troublous, Cap'n, 1 ii allow,-' re
turned Dick ; "but we'er in for't, that's sar
tin, and I s'pose we'll have to make the best
"But what is to be done 7 what do you ad
vise V asked Eugene, in "a quick, excited
tone, that indicated some degree of alarm.
'Why, ef you warn't so skeered about the
voung ladv, and it warn't so dead agin the or
ders from head quarters, my plan would be a
cl ar and easy one I d just run over to the
Kaintuck shore, and tie up."
"No, no," said Eugene, positively; "that
will never do, Dick that will never do! 1
would not think of such a thing for a mo
ment ! We must keep in the current by all
"Ef you can," rejoined the boatmen ; "hut
when it gits so dark as we can't tell one thing
from t'other, it'll be powciful hard to do ; and
ef we don't run agin a bar or bank afore morn
ing, in spite of the best o' us, it'll be the luck
iest go that ever I had a hand in. See, Cap'n
it's thickening up fast ; we can't see eyiher
bank at all, nor the water cyther ; the stars is
gettin' dim, and it looks as if tharwar a cloud
all round us."
"I see ! I sec ! returned Eugene, excitedly.
"Merciful Heaven! I hope no accident will
befall us here ! and yet my heart almost mis
gives me ! for this, I believe, is the most dan
gerous part of our journey the vicinity where
most ot our boats have btea captured by the
Saving this, Eugene hastened below, where
he found the other boatmen sleeping so sound
ly as to require considerable effort, on his part,
to wake them. At last, getting them lairiy
roused, he informed them, almost in a whis
per, for he did not care to disturb the others,
that a heavy fog had suddenly arisen, and he
wished their presence on deck, immediately
"A fog, Cap'n ?"' exclaimed one, in a tone
which indicated that he comprehended the
peril with the word.
"IJush!" returned Eugene; "there is no
necessity for waking the others, and having a
scene. L p ! and follow me, without a word !
lie glided back to the deck, and was almost
immediately joined by the boatmen, to whom
he brienv made known his hopes and fears.
They thought, like their companion, that
the boat would be safest if made last to an o
verhanging limb of the Kentucky bhore ; but
frankly admitted that this could not now be
done without difficulty and danger, arrd that
there was a possibility ol keeping tho cur-
"Then make that possibility a certainfy.and
it shall be the best night's work you ever per
formed!" rejoined Eugene, ma quick, exci
"We'll do the best wo can, Cap'n." was the
response; "but no man can be sarlin ot the
current of this here crooked stream in a foggy
A long silence followed the voyagers slow
ly drifting down through a misty darkness im
penetrable to the eye when, suddenly, our
young commander, who was standing near the
bow, felt the extended branch of an overhang
ing limb silently brush his face, lie started,
with an exclamation of alarm, and at the
same moment the boatman on the right called
out :
"Quick, here, boys ! we'ro agin the shore,
as sure as death !"
Then followed a scene of hurried and anx-
confusion, the voices of the three boatmen
mingled together in loud, quick, and excited
"Push off the bow !" cried ono.
"Quick! altogether, now ! over with her!"
shouted another.
The de'il's in it ! she's running aground
here on a muddy bottom !" almost yelled a
Meantime the laden boat was brushing along
against projecting bushes ami overreaching
limbs, and every moment getting more and
more entansled: while the long poles and
sweeps of the boatmen, as they attempted to
push her ofLwerc olten plunged,v. ltnout touch
ing bottom, into what appeared to oca soil,
clayey mud, from which they were only extri
cated by such an outlay ol strengtn as tenaea
still more to drrw the clumsy crau upon me
Aank they wished to avoid. At lmgth, scarcc-
v a minute from the first alarm, mere was a
kind of settling together, as it were, and the
boat became fast and immovable.
The fact was announced by Dick V inter, in
his characteristic manuer who added, with an
oath, that it was just what he expected. For
a moment or two a dead silence followed, as if
each comprehended that the matter was ono to
be viewed in a very serious light.
"I'll tret over the bow, and try to git the lay
of the land with my feet," said Tom Harris ;
land forthwith he set about the not very plea
sant undertaking.
At this moment Eugene heard his name pro
nounced by a voice that seldom failed to ex
cite a peculiar emotion in his breast, and now
sent a strange thrill through every nerve ; and
hastening below, he found Ulanche, ruuy dres
sed, with alight in her hand, standing just
outside of her cabin, in the regular passage
which led lengthwise through tho centre of
the boat.
"I have heard something, Eugene" she said,
"enough io know that we have met with an
accident.but not sufficient to fully comprehend
its nature."
"Unfortunately, about two hours ago," re
plied Eugene, "we suddenly became involved
in a dense fog ; and in spite of every precau
tion and care, we have run aground it may be
against the Ohio shore it may be against an
island it is so dark wc can't tell. But be not
alarmed, Miss Blanche," he hurriedly added ;
"I trust we shall soon be afloat again ; though
in any event, the darkness is sufficient to con
ceal us from the savages, even were they in
the vicinity."
"I know little of Indians" returned Blanche,
"but I have always understood that they are
somewhat remarkable for their acuteness of
hearing ; and if such is the case, there would
be no necessity of their being very near, to be
made acquainted with our locality, judging
from the loud voices I heard a few minutes
"I fear we've been rather imprudent," said
Eugene, in a deprecating tone ; "but in the
excitement "
His words were suddenly cut short by sever
al loud voices of alarm from without, followed
by a quick and heavy trampling acrosss the
deck ; and the next moment Seth Harper and
Dick Winter burst into the passage, the former
exclaiming :
"We've rrn plum into a red nigger's nest,
Cap'n, and Tom Harris is already butchered
and scalped !"
And even as he spoke, as if in confirmation
of his dreadful intelligence, there arose a se
ries of wild, piercing, demoniacal yells, fol
lowed by a dead and ominous silence.
So far we have followed the lovely heroine
and her friends in this adventure ; but the
foregoing is all that we can publish in our col
umns. Ihe balance of the narrative can only
be found in the New York Ledger, the great
family paper, which can be obtained at all the
periodical stores where papers are sold. Re
member to ask for the "Ledger," dated May
2d, and in it vou will get the continuation of
the narrative from where it leaves oil here. H
there are no book-stores or news-offices conve
nient to where yoa reside, the publisher of the
Ledger will send yon a copy by mail, if you
will send him five cents in a letter. Address,
Robert Bonner, Ledger Office, 44 Ann street,
New York. This story is entitled, "Perils ot
the Border," and grows more and more inter
esting as it goes on.
I er in t-awt'l Lumber. Shingles. Square Tim
ber, et cetera. KYLERTOWN. Clearfield Co.. Pa.
Julv 1. 1857. f.
Louse occupied by J. II. Larrimer, Esq., situ
ate on the road from Clearfield to Curwensville
near Welch's saw-will, will be soli very low. It
is suitable for a store and dwelling. For terras ap
ply to L. J. CRAN S. Clearfieid , Pa.
CURIUEHS, I'tMiuiUf, CU n field Co.. Pa..
Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment
of leather. whU-h they offer for sale at the lowest
cash prices. Hides taken in exchange.
July 15. 15j4.
1VOTICE. The subscriber having purchased
11 the stock of Merchandise lately owned by il.
I). Patton. offers the fame forfale at reasonable
prices on credit, or VERY WW FOR CASH. All
kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for
ioods. I respectfully solicit a share of the publie
patronage. JUHX TATIOX.
Cnrwen'ville. Pa.. Jan. 4th. lno.
1. The property formerly occupied by James
Smith, being 3 adjoining lots," having a two story
plank house, ol by 16 feet, and a plank shop. 24
by 1 i f .-et. thereon erected, is fr tale, or rent, on
aceommodaiing terms. Apply to
March '24. L. J. CRAX.S. Clearfield.
1 WATCH MAKER, would respectfully an
nounce to the public that his sh.p is located one
door esst of the Metbo Jut Church. Clearfield. Pa.,
where be is prepared to repair Clocks. Watches.
Ac. on short notice and reasonable term3. ;ive
hiin a call. All work warranted to give satisfac
tion. Clearfield, Jacuarv 6. 1853.
.IXEtTTOKS' NOTICE. Letters Testa
mentary on the Estate of Joseph Sineal. late
of Pike townrbip. Clearfield county. Pa. deceased,
having been granted to the undersigned ; all per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims a
gainst the same will present them duly authenti
cated fur settlement. Z. McXAl'L.
Pike tp.. March 17. 1-555-fit-p Executor.
tiee is hereby given, that Letters of Admin-
tration on the estate of tJeorge Sebright, late of
Iiecatur township. Clearfield county. Pa . have
been granted to the subscriber. All persons hav
ing claims against the estate arc requested to mako
known the same ; and persons k now ing themselves
indebted, arc requested to make pavment without
Decatur tp., April 7. Administratrix.
of Administration on the Estate of Oliphant
Coch ran. late of Penn township, deceased, having
been granted to the undersigned; all persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claim against
the same will present them duly authenticated to
me, or my Attorney. L. J. Crats. Clearfield.
Penn tp., March 17, Ii3-Ct. Administrator.
The subscriber informs his old friend and the
public generally, that he is now re-established in
the OLD SHOP, on third street, lately occupied by
Jacob Shuukweiler, where he hopes by strict at
tention and keepings good stock of assorted iron,
to merit the favor of the public. Country produce
and cn;h ncTer refused. An apprentice, from 14
to 13 years of age, will meet with a good situation
if application be made soon.
Cl'earfield. May 13, 1S07. O. IV. ORR.
Ctsarfirhl. Pa.
O IT S E ,
The undersigned respectfully announces to the
public that be has leased the above Hotel in Clear
field borough, and that ho is prepared to accom
modate all who may favor him with their custom.
Hi house is commodious and convenient, and his
table shall be supplied in the best manner possi
ble. Xo effort will be spared tu- render general
satisfaction. Uv strict attention to business, and
to the wants and comfort of his guests, he eipects
to secure a liberal share of patronage.
fcbll- o7 DAX. M. WEAVER.
-Y A K II L E V A It
ISAAC RERLIX. would inform the rjjj.-.
citizens of Clearfield, that he is prepar
ed to furnish MARULE WORK of all kinds,
such as Monuments, Eox -tombs. Tomb-tables, Head
Stones, and all kinds of (irave Y'ard work, on the
shortest notice, neatest styles, and cheapest rates.
ALSO, building work, such a? Marble Lintels and
Door Steps. Crown stone Platforms, Base Courses,
Window Sills and Caps, door steps, Ac. Head
stones of all kinds and patterns. Work delivered
to all parts of the county. ISAAC RERLIX.
Tyrone City. Dec. 23. 157.
has removed his shop to the new building of John
Troutinan, on Market street, where he will keep
on hand or manufacture to order, (of superior
finish.) every variety of Household and Kitchen
F TJ 11 X I T U 11 E,
such as Tables, Bureaus, Safes, Stands Cupboards,
Sofas. Bedsteads, Ac., of every Etyle and variety,
which he will dispose of at cheap rates as any o
ther establishment of the kind in the county.
Call and examine his furniture, and judge for
yourselves of its quality and finish.
CHAIRS of all kinds on hand or made to order.
He is also propared to make COFEIXS to order,
on the shortest notice, and will attend funerals
with a hearse, when called npon.
Clearfield. Pa., December 17, 1S56.
li inform the. public, that they have just open
ed an extensive
On Second Street, in the borough of Clearfield,
where they are prepared to furnish at reduced pri
ces, every variety of articles in their line.
Steel. Bar-iron, nails, steves of every variety
Ploughs and farming utensils, pumps of every
description, stove pipe, patent sausage cutters,
funnels and self sealing cans kept constantly on
All orders for castings for FlourMills.SawMills,
Ac. will be thankfully received sad promptly at
tended to.
They are also prepated to receive every varie
ty of article on commission, at a low pcr-centage.
Clearfield. Sept. 19, 1S55 ly.
SCHOOL BOOKS. Sargant's, Cobbs', and San
ders' Spellers: Bullion's and Green"s Gram
mars ; Davics' Arithmetic, Ac, for sale at the cor
ner store of WM. IRVIX.
Curwensville. November 25, 1S57.
IXG. iuclading Shirts, Drawers. Monkey
Jackets, Gum coats, Ac, at the 'corner store.'
Curwensville, Xov. 2o. ' 7 WM. IRVIX.
CLCCKS ! CLOCKS !! Thirty hour and Eight
day Alarm clocks, weight and spring clocks
at prices from S2.50 to S12.U0, at the corner store
Curwensville, Xov. 4. WM. IRVIX
K-7 with Silk Fringes. Moire Antique, and Velvet
trimmings to match, for sale at the corner store of
Curweusville. Xov. 25. '57. WM. IRVIX
vurwcusvilie, Jiarcn Z. il. IK YEN.
k, Main and White Streets. EROOKYILLE, Pa
Feb24. R. K. MEANS. Proprietor.
RE I O V A L . The undcHgned notifies
his old customer and the public that he has
removed Lis BLACKSMITH SHOP to his new
building a few doors south of the shop he former
ly occupied, where ho is prepared to do on the
soonest notice any worK in insiine oi oiirtuc?!;.
April 15, LS57. J COS SJ
BOARDS. Ac. is prepared to fill, on tho shortest
notice, all orders for articles in his lin'i of busi
ness, on as reasonable terms as they can be pro
cured in the county.
Grahampton. Clearfield Co.. Jan. 1S5S
SCHOOL COOKS. Sanders' Readers; Mitchells'
5 Geography and Atlas and Primary tJeogra
phv; Websters" Dictionary, large and small ; Page
on'Teaching; Green's. Kirkham'a. and Bullion's
Grammars; Davics'. Smith's. Eniersou's and Pike's
Arithmetics: Da vies Algebra; Sander.-! and Sar
"eant's Spellers. Ac. at the -Corner"' Store.
Curwensville. jan 20. WM. IRVIX.
CAUTION. All persons arc hereby caution
ed against purchasing, or meddling in any
way, with the following property as it was bought
by us at Sheriff's saie and left w ith the said Ma
truire ou loan: 1 waggon. 1 timber sled. 4 head of
horn cattle. 10 sheep ; also 1 sorrel mar! bousht of
Michael i rank and lelt with the said Mark Ma
guire on loan. J- P. XELSUX A CO.
February 21, lS5S.-3m.
"VTAGON - MAKING. TIIE un lersingncd
T T would announce that they manufacture
Waggons of all descriptions, Buggies. Sleds, Ac. at
their shop in Xcw Salem. Brady township, Clear
field county, which they offer for sale at a reasona
ble rates aa can be purchased elsewhere. They res
pectfully solicit a share of patronage.
1 ?n AL'UES OT LAND, on the Erie Turn
J ivU pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville.
and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same,
will be sold on accommodating terms. The land
lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is
well covered with choice pine timber suitable for
shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill
near" by. Apply to L. J. CRANS.
mar25 " Clearfield.
OF SEASON ABLE GOODS, have just Von receiv
ed from the East, by the subscriber, which hs in
vites the public to call and examine, as he will
sell the same at the very lowest rates for CASH.
Call and judge for yourselves of the quality of
the goods, and the prices, betore purcuasing else
where. ' JOHN PATTON.
Curwensville. .Tannarv 2". 195s.
I7OR SALE, THE FARM occupied by John
F.Wiley in Ferguson township, containing
lOfi acres, 30 acres cleared ; house, barn and other
buildings thereon erected.
A1.SO. 50 acres of land or the timber thereon.
situate in Pike township within one aod a half
miles of the river on a good road to haul.
For further description and terms spplv to
May 20. 1857. Clearfield.
signed notifies the public that he ha opened out
the above named house, and that he is well pre
pared to accommodate all who may favor him
with a call. The bouse is three stories high, is
commodious and well furnished, and no pains will
be spared to render satisfaction to guests. His
liar is always supplied with choice liquors of all
kinds. There is plenty of stabling connected with
tbe house, lie solicits a share of public patron
age L. W. TEX EYCK.
'Lumber City. April 21. 1S5S-3m-pd.
rTs riTinli a7n N A II OCSE,
The subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Hotel.
Philipsburg. having taken the aoove house, situate
in the east end ol the Borough ot Curwensville.
on the bank of the Susquehanna River, would res
pectfully announce to the travelling public, that
he is fully prepared to accc-mniod..te srangT3
and all others who may favor hiin with a call.
The house is new, well furnished, large and com
modious, and travellers will find every convenience
necessary to their comfort. Ampic stabling is at
tached to the premises DAYID JOHNSTON.
Curwensville, February 1". H5S.
dersigned offers to sell at private sale a two
story plank frame house IS by 24 fi-et in dimen
sions and the lot on -which it stands, situate in
the village of Eloomitigville. Clearfield county.
There is a!s a good stable and other outbuildings
on the lot. with a good well of water near the
door. Terms, which will be reasonable, can be
ascertained by calling on the undersigned, resid
ing on the premises. WM. H. REX
December 15. lS57-3m.
X. U. This would be a good situation for a me
chanic, especially a shemakcr, as there is one
much wanted in the place. W. 11. R
F1ED, PA. The undersigned would respectfully
inform his friends and the travelling public in
general, that he has taken the above house, (for
merly known as the IlcmjJii.'l Hotel.) and that he
id prepared to accommodate all who aiay give him
a call in the most pleasing and agrc;ab!c manner.
He is amply provided with everything to render
his house a desirable stopping place, and will
endeavor to entertain his guests in u manuer that
cannot fail to give the fullest satisfaction. The
house is situated in a pleasant and quiet part of
the town, and no expense or attention will be spa
red to make it one of the best houses in the county.
A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. His
bar will be supplied with an assortment of choice
liquors. jano-'5H H. HAY'S MORROW.
A and the public, that Gros Kunkel. whole
sale Grocers, Canal Street Wharf, Uarrisburg.
have on hand a large lot of Liqucrs at reduced
prices, by the barrel or otherwise, to suit pur
chasers, consisting of ihe following :
Pure Brandies.
Old Rye Whiskey,
Domestic Brandies,
Monongahcla Whiskey
Blackberry Brandy,
Peach Brandy,
Ln vender Brandy,
Cherry Brandy,
New England Rum,
Lisbon Wine.
Pure Holland Gin.
Rectified Pitts.Whiskey
Tort Win ;.
Maderia Wine.
Pure Holland Gin,
Domestic Gin,
Scotch Whi.-key,
And other Liquors.
Gcsler's Pure Chamnasrii"!. Ac. Ac. Ac
Lsr'Orders promptly attended to.
Wholesale Grocers.
Canal Street Wharf, between Walnut, and State
Streets. Uarrisburg. Pa. MarI0-'5S-ly.
A. StONTfioVERV. r.. A. HtPPI.E
hi Just received at tho St ire of
Citrtreutrille, Fa..
Consisting of everything usually kept in a coun
try store. Also, a large quantity of Drugs, to
which we invite the attention of Physicians ; and
a large quantity of Patent Medicines, among
which may be found the following, to wit :
Dr. Jayue's Medicines,
Dr. Curtis' Hygoana inhaling vapor.
Dr. Loudcn's Medicines,
Ir. llolloway's Ointment and Pills,
Dr. Thompson's Medicines,
. Dr. Osbourn's Golden Ointment,
Dr. Wright s Indian Pills.
, , . Dr.Trask's Magnetic Ointment,
Dr. Clark a Female Pills.
Dr. Hoffman's, German Eitte s.
Dr Eeaty'g Arabian Ointnierit, for Spavin and
Ringbone; a certain cure.
ALSO, Flour. Grain. Fish. Cheese. Bacon, Roans,
Dried Apples, Salt. Ac. on hands at all times.
The above wc offer low for CASH, as wa wish
strictly to adhere to tho Re tirf-Pny System. We
offer our goods, in price, as low as tho lowest: and
in exchange, will take all kinds ot produce, at the
highest Cash prices. We invite aUl to give us a
call and judge for themselves. Feb. 3. 1S5S
PULLEY BLOCKS of the best make, a superior
aticla for hauling timberj Iv
Curwensville, Nov. 2j, '57. WM. IRVIX.
O. CROUCn.niYSICIAX. Of5ceinCr-
wensville. . May 14. lo56-tf
J. Clearfi U. Ptntta.
Office adjoining his residence, on Second Street,
Olearfield. An gust 1. 155.
Clearfield. Penn'a.
Practices in Clearfield and adjoining coo ntics.
OSce in new brick addition, adjoining the resi
dence of James B. Grahaci. August 1. l?5a.
Will attend promptly to all legal and other bo
gincss entrusted to their care in Clearfield and ad
;oining counties. Clearfield. Aug.6.1S55.
DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicini
ty. Residence on Second street- opposite the of
fice of L. Jackson Crans. where he can be found,.
unlessabsent on professional business.
Clearfield. May U. 1H56 3m.
Pa., may be found at hi office in Shaw's Kow
four doors west of the -Mansion House." Decdf .
and other legal instruments prepared with prompt
ness and accuracy. Feb. 13 ly.
trmhamton, Clearfield County. Pa.,
tenders his professional services to the inhabitants'
of Graham ton and surrounding country he can
at all times be found at his Ofhee. directly oppo
site Mr. J. E. Graham "a store, when uot'profeff.
sionaMy engaged. Apl. 25.
Clearfield. Penn'a.,
Have this day associated themselves as partners in,
the practice of Law in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. The business will be conducted as here
tofore in the name of William A. Wallace.
Business entrusted to thc-ca will receive prompt
and careful attention. March 2. lS-57-ly.
Ixirain. having associated with him. in the
practice of Medicine, Dr. J. G Hartswick, they
offer their professional services to the citizens of
Clearfield and vicinity. They will attend to pro
fessional calls at all hours, and in all se&son.
Dr. Hartswick it ill be found during the day at
their office opposite Lr. Lorain's residence, and at
night, at Lis residence, on 2d street, one door norths
of Reed & Weavers store. - June IS. 16.
DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to announce to his
friends and patrons, that he is now devoting all of
his time to operation? in Dentistry. Tho?e desir
ing his services will find him at his" office. adjoia;ng
his residence, at nearly all times, and always on
Fridays and Saturdays, unless notified otherwise
in the town papers the week before.
X B. AM work warranted to bo satisfactory.
Clearfield. Pa . Julv 22. 1S57.
PEACE. Luihersburg. Clearfield county. Pa.,
will attend promptly to all business entrusted to
him. mar25-tf
JJL fessor of Photographic Chemistry. Gallery
at his residence on 21 Street, one door South f
Merrell A Carter s Tin-ware establishment, Clear
field. Pa. nDays of operation : Friday and
Satcrday of each week. junel S'55
ty. Fa., One Duor East of IIonleliNt Ar Ten Eyrl's
Store. AH business er-trusted to him will l
promptly attended to. and all instrnments of writ
ing done on hort imliop. Arril 7.
Ijilnbrlfliia SDnrrtisfmnik
Warehouse. Xo. 405 Cominereo Street, Philadel
phia. rsTah buyers will find it for their inter
est to call. January 6. lS5b-ly.
CONRAD A WALTON. 255 Market Street Phil
a ieiphia; Importers and Dealers in Hard
ware. Iron, Nails. A-c, Ac They respectfully in
vite the people of Clearfield, to continue their fa-
Aug. 1. 1S55. ly.
Avi sirs cheap WATcn and jewelry
STORE. Xo 7? Vorth Spi-.tvn y'ri-.f
site the Muttit I eriicrt Hoite.) Pphiladelphia.
vioiu j.cver vtatencs. lull jewelled, IS K. cases.
Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine. do.; Quartier;
Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons
Silver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and
Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do.: together
with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb
Guard and Fori Chains. All goods warranted t
be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair
ed in the best manner.
Also, Masonic Marks, Pins. Ac, made to order..
N. B. Ail orders sent by mail or otherwise
will be punctually attcn led "to.
His motto is: - Small Profits and Quick Sales.'
Philadelphia, April 25. 1S55.
sd-.W ING MACHINE. An Agency for the saleof
these machines, for this and the adjoining coun
ties, can be secured by a personal application to
the subscribers, 6th A Arch streets, Philadelphia.
No one need apply without capita sufficient to
conduct the business properly, and without refer
ences as to reliability and capacity.
Wc positively assert that these machines, for all
purposes of family sewing, arc in every respect
superior to any Sewing Machine in market, (no
matter at what prices they may be hell.) and
wherever they are offered for safe they muat com
mand a ready and unlimited demand.
Philadelphia, August 19. 1S57.
at the very lowest cash prices. Their stock eon-
together with a large assortment of the latest
styes of LEDIES' DRESS GOODS, suitablo for
the season, among which can be found, such as
Dress Siiks. French and English Merinoes;
Rrocha, Merino and Wool Shawls; Bril
liants, Plaids, DeLains. Embroideries,
Trimmings.Ronnents. Bonnet Rib
bons and Borders. Gloves. tc
ALSO, a lot Drugs. Medicine. Paints, Dye-stuns,
Oils, Varnisnes. Ac Ac
ALSO, keeping a nnmbcr of the best workmen in
the Shoe Shop, making all kinds of work to order
at the shortest notice and lowest prices. All kinds
of Lumber. Hides and country produce taken ia
exchange for Goods, Boots. Shoes, Ac. We ar
thankful for pat favors, and invite all to give u
a call, examine our handsome stock of goods, free,
of charge, before you bnv elsewhere.'
The subscriber respectfully announces to hia
friends and the public generally, that he has just
received a fresh supply of GOODS, at his eld
stand, embracing everything necessary for the
season tho wants of families, or the business of
the people. -
-iV.'.!'.7x-n,t to,bnT ri8htcan have either made
MIOfcfe, or anything else, on terms most favorable,
and for CASH lower than they can be bought
elsewhere. LTCall aud see.
. , -WM. L. MOORE,
Clearfield. December 23. 1657 .
A NEW Two Horse Wacgon, for sale at the eorj
a, tier, Curwensville, by WM. IK VIS
The undersigned have one of the best, cheapest,
and largest Hssortmcnts of FALL AND WINTER
GOODS, iu Curwensville, and which they will .it
sims oi a general assortment of well selected
dry goods, groceries, hard
ware. qcee.ssware. glass
hare, hats. caps. boots