THE JOUEML. CLEARFIELD, PA., MAY 19, 1858. The New Judicial District Bill. Major Brady, editor of the Jeffersonian, and trans cribing clerk of the House of Representatives at the last session, thus "hits off" some of the loco officials : The bill creating a new Judicial District, composed of the counties of Clearfield, Elk, Forest and Jefferson, passed both branches of the Legislature, but, through the action of Wm. . Welch, Speaker, Wm. H. Miller, Chief Clerk, and Nelson Weiscr, Comparing Clerk of the Senate, the bill was kept back until too late to reach the Governor in the tinio specified by the joint rules of the two Houses. Before leaving tho chair, Speaker Welch made a statement in relation to this bill, giving bis reasons for refusing to sign the ill, etc. This statement wo unhesitatingly jironouce untrue. Being oursclf a Clerk in the House of Representatives and feeling an Interest in this bill, we transcribed i t alter it passed the House, sent it to the Senate, pre pared it for the signatures of the Speakers and he Governor, compared it and placed it with the others to be taken to .Mr. Welch's room for him to sign- Every stroke of a pen on Ihis bill, excepting tho name of Gcorga X. Smith, was made by onrself, and we speak with a full knowledge of what who say when wo assert that this bill was killed intentional ly by the persons we have mentioned, and be cause the House refused to accept the iniquit ous amendment of theSenate to legislate Judge Wilmot out of . office. The citizens of this -county desired the formation of the district, but in obtaining it they were not prepared to establish a precedent for legislating any judge out of oflico whenever a factious legislature might see proper to do it. CLIPPINGS AND SCRIBBLINGS. ISScarec provisions, t ""Plenty lager beer, t SuTn session our courts. Z CBusy the hotel keepers tT'Dull the flour market, t Xf Active the whiskey business. kS""IIere the ice-cream season. l"Ditto VTiu. F. Irwin's new goods. IV A great -institoot"' the town council. Z Likewise the new "free whiskey" net. I trA perfect brick the hard shell preacher. rifX uiiierous counterfeit notes. Look out for 'em. f"?"iluinbugs progressive locofucoism and gift lotteries. nfFashionablc the '-whito feather," as a bon net trimming. Ij&0 n a strike tho shoemakers, in Cincinnati. Won't the pegs catch it now I CCQyery. Can a doctor by looking at tho tongue of a wagon tell what ails it '. r"e"Qu"'cd gg, at three cents a dozen, iu Mt. Carroll. 111. That's the plaee to live. f3"AVel1 attended the prayer meetings, in the hose and engine bouses, in Philadelphia. If i he man who courted an investigation says it isn't half so good as an affectionate girl. rThcre are twenty-seven theatres in Paris, twenty-three in London, and ten in New York. t tT"llas resigned General Coneba.thefiovcrnor General of Cuba, to prcvont his being turned out. dTTscsa high pressure engine the fellow who snoies so loud that he can't sleep in the same room with himself. CjTTact there is a man in Fife who has so high an opinion of himself that he imagines ho is a church steeple. I" '"Banked up the city of St. Paul. Minnesota. It has only 13 banks within its limits, 'Spect they are all wild calx. J"r"Supplied with ice San Francisco, from Stit ka in Russian America, as New Orleans is with the fame article from Boston. llTIn town Hon Geo. Taylor, Col. A. G. Cur tin, Hon. Jas T. Hale, Samuel Linn, Esq., Gen. James Irvin, and other celebrities. f"Stated by the British Standard, thnt the Income to be announced at the British and Foreign Bible Society's May meeting is 5766,000. I Recommended by Gov. Weller of Califor nia, the appointment of a night watch to guard tho State Treasury, while, the legislature is iu session. Locofocos, are they? r"Entcred into a compact Arnold, with tho English, in 1780. The result is known to the world. Buchanan's compact with the Huffish in 1358,will result in equal disaster and disgrace. l"7Xotiecs the Southern Era. the marriage of Mr John H Strange to Miss Elilabeth A. Strange, all of Albcmarlo county, Va.' That's very straits'-, bnt we presume tho next important event will bo a littlo stranger. CSProposcs to build a Yankee, an establish ment which you may drive a sheep in at one end, and have it come out at the other, as four quarters of mutton, a felt hat, a pair of drawers, a leather apron, and a quarto dictionary. fShows the result of the Philadelphia elec tion, that Buchanan has lost Pennsylvania to keep youth Carolina. To retain Florida and Texas, he will loose Indiana and Illinois. Great is Buchan an, and English is his prophet ! rpShc ought to be ashamed. In a recent des cription of a new counterfeit, an exchange paper says that, on -the right end is a female with a rnr." We don't dispute the fact, but really con sider the female lost to shame, to appear in public with such a disreputable character. fiSolid truth . '-They pass best over the world,' .paid Queen Elizabeth, ' who trip over it quickly ; for it is but a bog if we stop, we sink. A e sleep, but the loom of life never stops, and tho pat tern which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving when it comes up to-morrow." ORumorcd that Mr. Karey, tho American horse tamer, uses a filo of Congressional speeches to subdue the refractory animals put under his charge. After reading about a quarter of an hour the quadruped gives in, promises an entire amend ment of morals and manners if he will only stop. j7Tho Patterson Democrat says : ''Never was a party so completely non-plussed as has been the Republican party by the late passage of tho Eng lish Conference Kansas bill." Yes, in Philadel phia they hardly knew what to do. Out in Indian apolis they were in the. dumps, but in both places they voteel very veil. We expect to be non-plussed m o re vet this fall. tFThe Richmond South describes tho bcantics c,f the English Kansas bill as follows: "It a chieves a Congressional recognition of the Lccomp ton constitution. It affirms the principles for which tho South has contended throughout the strugglo. It admits Kansas into the Union as a Slave State, and thus consolidates the victory of lSoO. In Po lice as well as principle, it is now established that no federal prohibition will avail to restrict tho ex pansion of pro-slavery power." OTA Big Raft. The largest raft of timber that ever floated on tho Mississippi left the mouth of Black I river, near Lacrosse, Wisconsin, bound to St. Louis, Mo. It was manned by twenty-four "red shirts," and measured 560 feet in length, 200;fect in width and contained fully 1 .000.000 feet of lum ber. The deck consisted of 260,000 feet of lath, and 200,000 shingles. We have seen some pretty tall rafts floating down the Susquehanna, but we rather think the Mississippi monster isaleetlea head. Byron once said : "I am convinced, men do more barm to themselves than the devil can do tlicm." The militia biil passed ly the last legislature imposes a tax of 3d cents on all suhjeet to mil itary duty between the ages of 21 and 45, and pays voltinteers$1.50 per day forsixd ivs train ing, and also lor six days regimental encamp ment parade. It divides the State into twen ty districts, Mifflin, Juniata, Centre, Hunting don and Clearfield 1 eing tho 11th. MARRIED: On the 13th inst., by Rev. E. W. Kirby. Mr. Samcel 11. Mitchell and Miss Ass a M. Hill, all of Grahamton. On the 5th inst., by Rev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. Robebt Levi.ncstox and Miss SorniA, daughter of .Mr. James Irwin. CO I res't Judire- As" to. Judges Sheriff. . . . Prothonotary, Keg. t Kec. . Treasurer. . . Co. Surveyor, Commiss'n'rs. Auditors. PSTV 1)1 K ECTOR V. Hon. J n rues Burnside, Bellefonte.Pa. -lion. Wm. L. Moore. I 'l.rf'..l.l llon.Benj'n. Bonsall. Luthersburg. Josiuh R. Reed. George Walters, . James AVrigley, . John McPherson, . John L. Cuttle, Jacob Wil helm, . John Irwin. Sr. George Karhard, . Francis Pearee, Peter Hoover, Aaron C. Tate, Clearfield . Grahamton. . Clearfield. . NewMillport. . AVoodland. . Curwensvillc. . Clearfield. EEMOVAL OP ROBINS' LITIS Lt Alt Y DEPOT. Thomas Robins' having removed his Book and Drugstore to the Store Room formerly occupied by Riahard Shaw A Son. one door West of the "Mansion House' where he is prepared to accom modate his former customers and the public gen erally, ith everyihing in his line. Having late ly added a general assortment of Groceries to bis foruiar stock, ho is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor hiin with a call, with COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, MOLASSES, Ac , Ac. Also, with BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES, Stationary. FANCY ARTICLES AND CONFECTIONARIES, Tobacco and Cigars, DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STIFFS, PAINTS, Chemicals, c, ice.. &-r. Among his stock will be found Histories, Biogra phies, Sketches. School Books, Poetical, Scientic. Mechauical, Medical and Law works; tiic latest publications always on hand or procured to order; all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish ers prices ; fancy and common letter paper ; plain and ruled cap paper; perforated paper ; note pa per ; fancy ami common envelopes; blank Deeds; a great variety of Steel Tens; common and fancv pen-holders,, peneils. Ac. Ac. Ac, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices. His stock of Drugs, Medicines, Dye-stuffs. Paints, Ac is large and well selected; among which are Calomel, Blue Mass, Quinine. Morphia. Red Pre cipitate ; RJiubarb. root and pulverized ; Rochellc and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar. Sulphur, Sen na. Pink Roof. Sup. Carbonate Soda. Tartaric A cid. Sulphate of Zinc ; Liquorice, Cofumlo and Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Buo Vitriol, Copcras. Alum. Red Lead. Prussian Blue, Chrome Green and Yellow, Vermillion. Terra dc Sienna, anl in fact a general assortment. He has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Brcat Pins. Ear Drops, Finger Rings, Ac. Also. Wateh Guards and Keys. Penknives. Hair oils; Hair. Reading. Fine and Pocket combs. Tooth-picks. Ka zors and Strops, Sadlers" Silk. Pearl powder, Fan cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variety. Also. Prunes. Figs. Raisins, Almonds, Pea-nuts and Filberts; Candies a general assortment ; Cin amon, Cloves. Pepper, and other spiees; Blacking, and Spool Cotton; the most popular Patent Med icines of the day ; all of which will be sold at the very cheapest rates. t-aU and examine the stock and judge for your- dves. lScpt23 THOMAS ROBINS. T ii k o jj r i: . piuzL. Tllli GULDEN PRIZE. The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize. The Golden Prize. Thu Golden Prize. The Golden Prizo. The Golden Prize. Till-: GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED! it.t.rsTii atrp! ILLUSTRATED ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. Illustrated every w.'ek. Illustrated every week. HI it ruled ercry week. Illustrated every inert. ILLUSTRATED Illustrated every week. Ill ustratrd every week. Illustrated every week. Illustrated every week. EVERY WEEK. Spcci uiencopies sent free Sped men copies sent free. THE GOLDEN PRIZE Illustrated .' Ilast rated 1iuxtrateJ The New York Weekly .Goi.pen Prize is one of the largest and best weekly papers of tho day. An Imperial Quarto Containing eight pages, or forty columns, of entertaining original matter: and ele gantly illustrated every week. A Gift worth 60 cents to 500 00 in Gold will be presented to each Subscriber immediately on receipt of the subscription money. One copy for one year, S'2 00, and 1 gift. One copy for two years, 3 5(, and 2 gifts. One copy for three years, 5 Oil, and 3 gifts. One copy for five years, 8 00. aud 5 gifts. AND TO CLUBS Three copies one year, ?5 00, and 3 gifts. Five copies one year, 8 00, ami 5 gifts. Ten copies one year. . 15 00, and 10 gifts. Twenty-one copies 1 year, 30 00, and 21 gifts. The articles to be distributed aro comprised in the following list : 2 packages of Gold, containing S500 each. 5 packages of Gold, containing 200 each. 10 packages of Gold, containing 100 each. 10 Pt. Lever Hunting Cased Watches, loo each. 20 Gold Watches. 75 each. 50 Gobi Watches, CO each. 100 Gobi Watches, 50 each. 300 Ladies Gold Watches. ----- 35 each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches, - 30 each. 5(10 Silver Watches. - - - - 10 to 25 each. 1000 gold guard, vest A fobebains. 10 to 30 each. Gobi Lockets. Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins. Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons. Rings, Shirt Studs. Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $15 each. . ... Immediately on tho receipt of the subscription money, the subscriber's name will be entered upon our subscription book opposite a number, and the gift corresponding with that numbej will be for warded, within ono week, to tho subscriber, by mail or express, post paid. All communications should be addressed to BKCKET & CO., 4H and 49 Moflat Building, 335 Broadway, N. York. Specimen copies sent free. Agents wanted. New York, March 17, 185S-1 ami y. COFFEE. Can bo had low rates at the store of November 25. WM. F. IRWIN. rilUBS AND BUCKETS. A variety just rcceiv X cd and for side at WM- F. IRWIN'S. CST STEEL MILL AND CROSSCUT SAWS, of tho best qualities, made by Disston. for sale by WM. IRVIN. Curwensvillc, March 2. 1853. OOKING AND PARLOR STOVES for salo at the 'corner store, Curwcnsvillo. by her 25. 1857. WM. UIW.M. BUFFALO ROBES, Horse blankets, and Sleigh bells for sale by WM. IRVIN. Curwensvillc, November 25, 1S57. c T N B HARDWARE. A large assortment just receiv ed and opened, aud now for sale by November 25- ?!2LJL- DI5ACCO AND CIGARS. An assortment just L opened and for sale at the store of November 25. WM. F. IRWIN. AR IRON and CHAIN PUMPS, at tho Cor ner Store in Curwensvillc. Vmher25. 1S57. WM. 1KVIS. PANISII SOLE LEATHER for sale, and Hides taken at the highest prices. Tnv,v Curwensville, Nov. &. 137. WM. IR IN. OWORTirOF MADE UP CD)niING h at tho corner store. io.AVM IKVIN. Curwensvillc, November 4. IbJ7- fiVFNTXT5USllELS OF CLOVER SEED, for 1 sale a tho -Corner Store" of Curwensvillc, April OthoS. WM. I&VIN LO-rObM'IUME BACON on lnindandfor TREAKrilEK'S OF UNSEATED LANDS for Taxes for the years 1 S.5(J and 1.S57. NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of an Act of Assembly, pas sed the 12th day of Juno. A. D. 1615, entitled, "An Act to amend an act di recting the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes." Ac., the following tracts of unseated lands in Clearfield eounty. will be exposed to public sale, or outcry, for the taxes due and un paid thereon, at the Court Ilone in the Joronh cf Clearfield, on the Sec ond Monday of June, 1S5S : BECCARIA TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. OwnersAWnrrantecs. Thomns Weston. 151 50 Thos. Ketland. $23 75 162 116 AbT'm. Witmcr, 25 51 162 11(5 Michael Musser, 25 51 Herman lloiiptlr Co. 1R2 1K5 Jacob King, 25 51 162 116 John Gibson. ' 25 51 94 91 Jeremiah Moshcr 14 81 ir.2 116 Peter Getz, 25 51 330 153 Martin Foutz, 51 97 205 125 Jacob Foutz. 46 62 323 153 George Mussor, 44 98 215 73 Robert Wilson, 33 83 74 32 Thomas Wilson, 11 05 32t 84 Matthias Barton, 44 73 433 153 David Barton. 63 23 433 153 Edward Hand, 63 23 433 153 John Ewing. 03 23 356 C'J Eimnuel Reigcrt.56 07 103 George Moore, 17 01 John Patchin. 400 96 John Brady, G4 57 210 William Brady, 33 07 279 04 E. Blain. 37 CI 433 153 John Miller. 27 45 433 153 John Fordncy, 03 23 George Groom. 11 Brown ABoynton, I Will ia n Pn sep . 12 BrnwnABoynton, 1 James llaclenherru. 205 BrownABovnton.32 195 William Wright, William Dander. 140 William Brown Thorruis jfalleu. 140 P. Boynton, John D i lien. 43 119 Robert Wilson, James ( walla.her. 20 Fred. Honman, 1 89 55 50 Wm. Bausiuan, 4 91 William Hammond . 234 Herman Witmcr, 29 43 Catch (..ojirniaver. 55 103 P Gloninger, 200 Samuel Turner, Tics Robison. 60 100 P. Gloninger, Fred. Shoff. 83 1 23 John Bailsman, 93 140 Michael Fauty. Win. Porter. 93 Frc.l. K. Hubley, 8 John Co'iH-r. 55 102 Sarah Billington,13 36 David Yoiinin. 50 CampbcllATurncr.6 30 30 Plunkitt, 3 73 200 Geo.W Caldwell, 25 20 Gill dr Uraitoii. 71 bO John Ketland, 11 22 i o 89 30 63 22 05 22 05 G 62 8 63 31 50 4 54 13 04 15 41 33 BELL TOWNSHIP. John G. Brenner. 5613 1000 Henry Beck, 83 75 5019 1(1110 Henry Beck, 83 75 42S7 1000 Henry Beck, 83 75 75 William Martin, 9 00 75 Jon. Sherman, 9 0o William lirady. 3565 177 81 John Nicholson, 16 02 5904 5906 5007 5913 6919 3560 5909 5910 5911 5913 5915 5921 492 30S 1993 100 3574 20 3609 50 3011 353 3612 200 3613 150 3614 214 3616 72 1993 83 1997 750 1993 540 1999 540 2004 795 1431 305 5632 56S2 5632 5S77 5879 5381 5886 1431 1999 250 143 300 195 195 5061 Reed and Lirhtnrr. 1000 Nicklin A Griffin, 75 00 11(10 Nicklin A Griffin, 82 50 1000 Nicklin A Griflin. 75 00 1100 Nicklin A Griflin. 82 50 1100 Nicklin A Griffin.82 60 600 James McGec, 00 00 Peter Owens. 450 John Nicholson. 40 50 Arthur licit. 433 Benjamin Gibbs, 32 46 G. L.Reed. 1000 NicklinAGrifiin,75 00 350 Nicklin A Griffin. 31 50 26.1 Nicklin A Griffin, 23 64 106 Nicklin A Griffin, 9 59 767 Nicklin A Griffin, 57 54 1100 Nicklin A Griffin, 82 50 140 David Bell. 12 60 219 Frampton Bell, 22 39 B0GGS TOWNSHIP. James Dixon. 89 John Thomas, 6 G7 Etiiiftdue At Turner. 203 John Thomas, 13 GO Smith A- I'oirct. 93 Barbara Snyder, 7 36 Hunter iV lirnieriioo f. 135 70 Joseph Drinker, 13 88 403 76 11. S. Drinker, 30 (ii Thomas Read. 100 Jno. Montgomery, 7 50 John Kephart. 1C0 Henry Faunce. 7 50 I'. Ransom. 70 Henry Faunce, 5 25 due for 1854 a 1355 3 64 Grome Turner. 100 Hannah Stewart, 7 50 Fisher if Powell. 119 90 Barbara Snyder. 8 92 119 90 Fishcr.DolanACo. 8 92 William Albert mid llros. 132 George Huotman, 9 89 75 John K. Shaw, 5 62 53 Luke Kyler, 7 50 George W. Gcnrhart. 80 " Walter Stewart, G 00 206 Joseph Ball, 19 95 David Goss . 05 72 Richard Thomas, 4 95 64 Luke Kyler, 6 03 ERADY TOWNSHIP. David Esny. Wm.Kirkpatrick 3o 3 Hays and Srhuell. Roberts A Fox, 5 80 Roberts and Fox. 34 Roberts A Fox, 1 74 Roberts A Fox, 5 62 Roberts A Fox, 25 93 Roberts A Fox, 14 50 Roberts A F'ox, 11 43 Roberts A Fox, 26 39 Roberts A Fox. 5 22 Roberts A Fox, 6 33 Roberts A Fox, 65 25 Roberts A Fox, 45 24 Roberts A Fox, 53 65 Roberts A Gox, 72 15 F. Bratcx Estate 363 David Kennedy, 42 11 1G1 Ann Kennedy, 13 C3 Elisha Fen ton. 227 Joseph Fcrron, 25 33 John W. Ntwpher. 80 Joseph Ferron, 9 93 Mark L. Roberts. 86 Joseph Ferron, 9 98 50 Samuel Ambrose, 5 80 Tilton Reynolds. 1041 Henry Wykoff, 120 76 157 Joseph Dale. David Kennedy, 9 11 David Irvin. 55 Roberts and Fox, 6 26 Catharine Ewing. 220 Robert Carry, 2j o- Harrison Hall. 320 Robert Curry, -7 12 J00 James Reed. H 60 due for 1854 and 1355, 5 70 J. Freeand. Casper Stiver, 4 3J Robert Ro . Casper Stiver, 8 73 Joseph MeClitre. Joseph Ferron, 15 66 John Pattou. Joseph Fcrron, 15 06 100 77 135 135 218 110 3580 1994 . 27 155 3609 3C16 1097 G26 5602 5603 5601 -If- Tory's Heirs. 501 Christian Lower, 53 11 370 Christian Lower. 42 92 100 George Weaver, 1100 John D i' Hois if Bro. 995 91 Roberts A Fox, 115 42 365 15 Roberts A Fox. 42 31 2009 1182 62 Roberts A Fox, 137 11 2'H0 604 109 Roberts A Fox, 70 06 13 521 Christian Lower. 60 44 3i8 Benj. llewev, 36 89 258 Casper Stiver, 29 93 George JWmiii. 102 Roberts A Fox, 5 91 IF. W. Fleming. 73 103 Roberts A Fox, 4 52 A'"m II tier. 200 Roberts A Fox, 11 60 100 Charles Zilyock, 11 60 100 Jacob Pcntz. 11 00 215 Conrad Long. 20 30 EUEirSIEE TOWNSHIP. John Patrhiu. 100 John Nicholson, 12 30 214 John Nicholson, 26 32 3S6 John Nicholson, 47 48 73 John Mailer, 9 68 181 Abr. Witmer. 18 12 114 CaspcrShafler jr. 13 20 410 .Casper Shaffer, 50 43 25 George Graff. 3 03 ISO Siimuel Roberts, 22 14 300 Daniel Witmer, 36 90 474 John Hubley, 58 30 100 Matthias Young, 12 30 38.1 Wm. Bausman, 47 06 203 Mary Roberts, 25 01 76 John Tresslcr, 9 35 150 John Cumings, 18 45 264 Martin Mailer, 32 47 374 JohnBurge, 46 00 293 John Bnrch, 30 00 215 Henry Musser, 26 40 165 Mary Jenkins, 20 34 317 John Tresslcr, 42 64 Horace Patchin . 303 John Jones. 49 CO 303 JamesChaoman, 49 69 290 Benj. Tresnall, 47 56 105 J. Backhouse, 17 22 James Gallaher 424 Mary Crawford. 52 15 Ex'rsand Trustees of J. C. Fisher. 121 George" Ross. 12 33 due for 1852-'63-'54-'65, 13 58 163 Juo.Ciinninghani.16 69 due for 1852-?53-'5l-'55, 21 84 209 Peter Getz. 21 40 due for 13o4 and 1355. 21 16 223 Jac.Mussersmith 33 04 due for 1854 and 1855, 32 63 SO 10 Frederick Kuhn, 33 13 James Thompson. 100 Samuel Roberts, 12 30 100 George Grail", 12 30 Sltrply i'ritsllcy. Christian Stake, 13 62 William King, 12 30 John Ryan, 13 45 Eb. McMastcrs, 13 45 Jacob Holland, 13 45 ESADFORD'TOWNSHIP. J. W. Smith. S13 CO Hugh Ely, 12 27 Rarger if Pcarce. 102 35 John Campl.ell, 1124 159 Hall A Buck, 11 Go Carter Potter. 200 BlairM'Lanahan 14 Go Joseph if William Sansom. Ill 100 150 150 150 100 Mat. Slaymakcr, 5 85 Wm. Graham, jr. 3 85 John Graham, 3 Jjcri Pcarce. 100 Aaron Leavy, 3 Abraham Graham. 00 - Isabella Jordan, 3 George Turner. 100 Jonathan Ncsbit, 3 John W. Turner. Wm. Bingham, 4 George Dixon, 10 George Barger, 3 Abr. Lansberry, 9 JohnS. Kyler, 7 t 3m 100 100 100 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Ptter A. Karthaits. 1893 573 Morris A Stewart. 41 04 1S99 890 Morris A Stewart. 6.1 19 1902 8S9 Morris A Stewart, 63 12 1942 415 Morris A Stewart, 33 70 Peter Iamvi. 1941 200 Morris A Stewart, 10 05 . V O. Smith. 5367 250 George Mead, 17 75 CHEST TOWNSHIP. John Pat to n. 433 153 Jno. Brenneman, 64 95 253 James Ross, 33 10 John Patchin. 311 153 Benjamin Young, 46 G5 100 153 John Boyd. 15 00 313 153 Josiah llavnes, 46 95 433 15.1 Thos. Hamilton, 64 95 433 153 M. Worthington, C4 95 398 153 William Wilson, 69 70 195 John Witmer, 29 25 Henry S. Drinker's Estate. 50 Charles Gobin, 3 75 433 153 Alex. Hunter. 32 48 200 Robert Fleming, 15 00 200 IsaacRiehardsou. 15 00 200 Jon. Walker, 15 00 Sarah Downing. 433 153 John Cook 32 55 433 153 Jasper Ewing. 32 55 36 ArmstrongAGamel 6 40 Drinker if Clark. 433 153 William Cook, 04 95 433 153 Jno Cunningham 64 95 John Patchin. 416 30 James Page, 62 32 316 148 Henry Ferree, 47 32 James Thomi'soi . 100 31 Henry Pole, 15 Geddes J- Mirsh. 433 163 John Musser, 04 100 Wesley Toner. 15 200 Jas. McCraeken, 13 100 George Mullen. 11 140 Fulton, "9 200 Isaac Bloom, 15 82 ByersAMontgomcrylO Houso and Lot James Davis, 8 100 Jefferson Jordan, 1 1 fM) George llagens, 3 25 John Holes. 4 43.1 Isaac Kirk A Co. 01 160 John McFennon, 7 63 John Patton, 7 2oo John Swan, 3o loo James White, 13 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. James JHrGiri's Estate. 391 159 Thos. Billington, 52 53 Peter Owens. 401 Charles Risk, 54 14 J. W. Smith. 202 MaryMeLanahan.20 30 250 Casper Hayncs, 1(5 75 360 David Kephart, ' 36 45 due for 1854 aud 1355, 31 55 Richard Copiu. SI 137 JosephWhitehall.11 49 105 JoscphWhitehall.U 07 John and David Gearhart. 220 Jacob Downing, 29 43 Kephart Allied. 135 John Drinker, 13 53 Jams Albert. 37 49 Joseph Sansom, 5 03 76 9 William Sansom, 7 04 D. J- Primer if Co. 290 E. A J. Harrison, 33 85 00 Joseph Harrison, 40 20 200 John McG irk, 26 80 100 D. Britton, 8 75 125 Joseph Logan, 11 33 83 Joseph Logan, 10 15 100 HarrisonAFaulcyl.l 40 200 A. and J. Goss, 10 63 50 Harrison, 3 50 100 George Kephart, 10 85 100 Jona. Kephart, 7 00 100 Samuel Kay, 5 25 25 John Logan, 1 75 200 Edward Smith, 14 00 60 John Weston, 3 50 75 Daniel Philips, 10 06 Jj. J. Crau-s. 431 147 Thos. Edmonson. 57 89 195 80 Joseph Harrison, 26 13 FOX TOWNSHIP. 100 B. Davenport, 5 09 4272 50 James Wilson, 4 due for 1354 and 1855, 1 lAtla man Harirood. 4200 330 Jas.Wilson, west J, 7 Nat'iU'i Bailey. 4183 200 Jas Wilson, east , 4 John C. French. 4271 49" X. -S. Iand Company. 4241 937 James Wilson, 42.'18 917 James AVilson, 4212 298 James Wilson, 4090 923 James AVilson, 1534 20 James Wilson, 1535 CoO James Wilson, 55 Spencer V Spilcr. 4399 372 James Wilson, 8 T". Gordo it. 4393 216 James Wilson, 20 Daniel Oyster's Estate. 4100 410 JamesWilson, 21 Alexander Vial. 4310 1SS JamesWilson, 13 FERGT7S0N TOWNSHIP. Ac. Fer. 21G Greenwood Bell, 12 100 Albert Bishop, 5 Greenwood Bell. 2C3 139 John Hambright, 13 John Falchin. 433 153 Daniel Turner, .i. Moore. 210 Matthias Slough, Charles Huston. 433 153 Geoige Iloss, 23 GI3ARD TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. 1923 503 1 03 Morris A Stewart, 10 A. i- J. S pack ma n. 1S90 307 45 Morris A Stewart. 24 A. A- W. Murray. 1SSS 260 Morris A Stewart, 21 1931 649 110 Morris A Stewart. 36 1935 63i Morris A Stewart. 26 T. II. Fulton ic Co. ISSS 543 Morris A Stewart, S 1928 509 Morris A Stewart. 16 1929 70 Morris A Stewart. 2 19:;0 225 Morris A Stewajt, 7 1886 729 Morris A Stewart, 36 1917 314 Morris A Stewart, 5 1916 400 Morris A Stewart, 6 3650 226 Morris A Stewart, 22 1S87 762 Morris A Stewart, 37 1936 103 Morris A Stewart, 3 Nicholas Rousolot. 191S 115 16 Morris A Stewart, 9 Anderson Murray. 1913 114 Morris A Stewart, 9 Francis Condreit. 1890 254 120 Morris A Stewart, 20 II. ir O. Smith 5365 250 (ieorgc Mead. 24 53661000 GeorgoMead, 33 Smith A- Graham. 1929 254 Morris A Stewart, 16 James Nelson. 1836 50 Morris A Stewart, 2 Peter 1 4amm. 117 Morris A Stewart, 3 47 Morris A-Stewart, 1 80 53 3617 3613 18.57 1926 256 97 103 Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, 13 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. Xo. Ac. Fer. Peter Rider. 532-3 200 George Mead, 11 Thomas Graham. 1884 ..j Morris & Stewart, 17 1015 dM John Keating. l'J-22 201 2 Morris & Stewart, 0 Ac. 83 143 40 140 100 1C-5 207 109 300 3S0 164 14G 139 417 104 3!G 105 348 411 121 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Fer. William Einglum, T. Forcev, due for 1834 & 1855, T. Forcev, T. Cope, Samuel Lansberry. George Moore, John Fleming. A. K. Wright, llussel. Jasper Mayland, J. Graham, Wm. Drinker's heirs John Fry, jr., John Thomas, George Johnson. Bernard Gratz, Bernard Gratz, i 8 G 4 5 11 81 09 03 50 39 23 8 28 43 Reuben Haines, 21 John King, 01 41 David Hall. 1G George Wetzel, 7G 150 I'aul Wetzel, SO Joseph Henry, 53 Chas. Hall, 03 100 Wm. D. Kerwin, 18 332 Kciiben Haines, jr, 51 John Cook. 4GG Jacob Wetzel, 71 Rnssel 4' Uo. 382 Joseph Simmons, 7G Daniel W. Bradley. 43G 114 Robert Shaw, G7 431 114 llynian Gratz, . GO J. Cook. 228 Reuben II lines, 34 231 Reuben Haines, 30 Ed. Albert 4- Brother. 103 John Fry, jr., 13 47 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ac Per. 200 J. G Kidder, 22 1 jj David Caldwell, 16 Wm. Parker. 888 15 James Wilson. 24 420 WilhclmWillink,47 U. S. hand Company. 03S JamesWilson, 42 526 Jamc3 Wilson. 36 9i0 JamesWilson, G'.) Vi'M) JamesWilson, 69 9S5 123 James Wilson, 09 607 JamesWilson, 35 John Biggs. 124 WilhclmWiUink, 3 Reading. Bat tles iV Fisher. 17 03 89 27 48 41 21 00 37 03 59 29 78 11 7G 70 11 53 80 02 4257 4902 4231 4234 4235 4226 4229 4230 4390 4889 4902 5063 4S97 5062 6069 5004 900 4902 5063 4225 4336 2000 2001 3593 3601 3600 3573 3576 3592 3594 3597 3607 3584 3585 3589 360 4 1988 252 506S 4193 4254 4256 990 WilhehnWilliuk,83 55 AVilhelmWiHink, 4 100 William Powers, 8 110 AVilhelmWiHink, 9 990 AVilliam Powers. 8.1 990 AVilliam Powers.110 Thomis Holt. AVilliam Powers, 27 H. Thayer Z. Scis'en. 100 WilhclmWiUink, S 293 AVilliam Powers, 16 IT- B. Go r, I a n. 250 James AVilson, 21 500 James AVilson, 42 John D itBois, jr.. et at. 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 107 1089 9 Roberts A Fox, 107 1009 6 4 Roberts A Fox, 113 437 20 Roberts A Fox, 49 889 151 Roberta A Fox, 100 733 Roberts A Fox. 82 903 109 Roberts A Fox, 101 1016 113 Roberts A Fox, 113 1003 35 Roberts A Fox, 112 1038 35 Roberts A Fox, 116 863 28 Roberts A Fox, 91 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 114 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 114 1046 22 Roberts A Fox, 117 986 . fi Roberts A Fox. 110 429 32 Roberts A Fox, 43 2(i6 John Dunlap, 23 297 AVm. lVwers, 26 927 28 James AVilson, 109 927 23 Jauits Wilson, 109 S33 15 James AVilson. 99 40 69 00 00 40 40 00 00 80 12 70 79 33 26 06 24 24 15 43 03 06. 54 41 41 45 5672 347 27 MooreADelancy, 29 06 5676 500 MooreJ Dolaney, 42 00 6677 500 MooreADelancy, 42 00 .. W. Sn.'th. 5076 547 81 MooreJ Dclaney, 15 46 5677 517 81 Moore ADelaney, 15 46 56731041 81 J4?ore ADelaney, 58 29 4399 100 HaminondJtJoncs, 8 40 10 20 47 10 05 00 G 00 22 5 IS 00 JORDAN TOWNSHIP, Ac. Fer. Cooper $ Pusey. 108 51 Eb. Brenham, 274 Adam Kuhn, Patchin Sr Swan. 433 153 Richard Martin, 433 153 Thomas Martin, 150 Benj. Young, 120 Samuel Jordan, 200 William AVilson, 30 00 IZdirard $ James Gillegan. 200 Daniel Smith, SO 00 300 John Fatchin, 45 00 SASTHAUS TOWNSHIP. P. A. Karthaits. No Ac. Per. I'.'OO COO Morris A Stewart. 69 60 1901 778 Morris A Stewart. 90 25 1913 507 Morris A Stewart, 58 81 1093 200 Morris A Stewart, 23 20 George Arrnlarius. 555 120 AVm. Smith, 63 80 508 138 AVm. Smith. 65 89 1429 1430 3552 573 120 AVm. Smith. CO 47 Devisees of John White. Esq. 1093 79 22 Charles Willink. 4 04 S3 Charles AVillink, 7 C8 1 02.1 3403 3475 1097 1914 Ac. 437 435 433 633 147 Charles AVillink, 37 00 Henry Yothrrs. 100 Charles AVillink, 4 35 Geo. Vanx. 513 95 Morris A Stewart. 29 76 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Per. Crane , Blake $ Parley. 48 Reuben Hayncs, 39 32 oO Luke Morns, 153 Joseph Hilliard, 433 153 Robert Grav, 429 41 John BiiigliV.rst, 433 153 Sarah Ward, 433 153 George Eddy, 433 153 Moore Wharton, 433 153 Geoige Asliton, Richard Peters. 109 Susannah Ward, Benj. R. Morgan. 433 153 William Hunter, 127 John Dorse v, due lor 1351 & 1835, 14 45 John Patchin. 433 153 Israel Morris, 433 153 Bet j. l'oultncy, 433 153 Martin Fierrie, 350 John Bovd, 2i-0 Philip Loast, 200 William Johnson, 23 40 11 ilson Hoover. 80 Silas Wilcot. 23 09 Daniel Bausman. G.cM.M'Coimick,23 40 AVm.lI.Kot)crtson,14 04 I nomas McElwee. Jonathan Jones, John M. Chase. 433 153 Caleb Foulk, 293 George Westcot, 433 153 Robert Wharton, 433 153 George SeatI, 3i0 John Bovd, 133 153 Robert Wharton, GOO Isaac Thompson, 200 Isaac Thompson, 100 Isaac Thompson, 197 200 120 100 39 15 38 97 33 97 38 Gl 38 97 38 97 38 97 38 9i 17 00 SS 97 20 12 50 70 50 70 50 70 40 95 23 40 11 20 50 70 31 32 50 70 50 70 35 10 15 10 70 20 19 50 9 75 9-1I1 Tti(innf.ii.rVn,Uln!1I11J oa 1 "o -' - ' LAWBENCE TOWNSHIP. G CI Solomon Kline. 2003 131 Roberts & Fox, K0RRIS TOWNSHIP Edward Perks $- Co. 421 Jesse Yarnal, 78 18 300 Peter Yarnal, S3 30 E. C. Burton. 272 1G Robert (Hen, 50 32 Win. II. Robertson. 40 John Best, 2 9G Snyder 4- Large. 1S3 Francis Johnson, S2 2G Shaw 4-St. John Smith. 433 153 Thomas Morris, G4 23 433 153 William Morris, 04 23 433 153 Samuel Meredith, G4 23 433 153 William Miller, 64 23 279 153 Hetty Morris, 41 44 433 153 Thos Fitzsimmons,G4 23 433 153 George Clymer, Gl 23 433 153 Robert Gray, Gl 23 433 153 Patrick Moore, 04 23 433 153 Mary Morris, G4 23 433 153 Magnes Miller G4 23 433 153 XalhroFrazcr Gl 23 William Hcorcr 100 153 Francis Johnson 18 50 S. 4- J. Gratz. 205 52 James AVilson, 29 89 100 90 Robert Morris, 17 04 90 122 AVm. Morris, 13 4G 139 Richard K. Smith, GO 24 John Bauni, 30 04 Wm. Stewart, 64 81 J. A. Crawford. Simon Gratz, 83 00 7'. Kepple. John Nicholson, 11 10 Robert Thomas. ChristophcrBakcr,34 19 Swariz and. Bower. Francis Johnson, 7 40 Due for 1855, I 00 Jos. Dipard. Blair M'Lanahan, 7 40 Joseph Potter, 17 7G Ilenty Cramer. (.'.asp'-r Slmfner, 7 40 II'. J. Huff: Blair&M'Lauahan, 12 58 PEBN Towr-Hir. Ac. Per. ir. Bf'Air. 407 203 438 K3 100 231 50 50 90 50 85 No. 59221100 ItNickliuAGriffith 53 85 5951 9 16 146 do do ' 50 61 5964 074 do do 37 45 5953 109.1 do do 58 85 5925 1000 do do 56 17 5952 1099 do do 53 85 5954 515 do do 23 35 Win. Hepburn. S3 Cochrane tract. 5 35 163 Greenwood Bell, 10 70 100 Elah Johnson, 5 35 PIKE TOWNSHIP. 5781 5773 COO John Nicholson, 13 90 480 John Nicholson, 15 12 James Hopkins. 64 John Nicholson, 41 John Nicholson, 04 John Nicholson, 61 John Nicholson, Go Roberts A Fox, D n IS out cr I A) we. 799 3o Roberts A Fox, IF. C. Enos. 85 James AVilson, 15 James AA'ilson, 21 John Nicholson. Daniel Hartsoek, 3 15 R. A Z. McNaul, 11 o2 John Nicholson, 1 1 97 Win. McG ray. 5779 23o John Nicholson. 3 S2 5783 1020 5785 819 5774 CS.1 5775 820 3590 lo2o 35S2 4252 957 4253 8S3 5777 lo2o 5o 37o 5779 384 32 26 25 83 21 55 25 83 32 13 32 13 3o 13 27 93 32 13 30o3 3599 Xo. 3-379 8.3S7 3591 3-590 2008 3398 3G10 8581 3581 3573 3587 UNION T0WNSHIP- Joltn DnBoit.jr.. ir Bro. 9o9 151 Roberts A Fox, ll! 48 0o5 66 Roberts A Fox, 77 04 Roberts. Fox Co. Ac. Per. 1020 60 Roberts&Fox, 5G 10 G43 Roberts fc Fox, 35 47 358 Roberts & Fox, 25 30 780 Roberts & Fox, 42 90 050 Roberts it Fox, 30 87 150 Roberts c Fox, 8 G7 435 Roberts & Fox, 23 94 300 Roberts & Fox, 1G 50 275 Roberts & Fox, 15 14 200 Roberts & Fox, 11 00 Gartland Irrin. 350 Tvoberts & Fox, 13 00 50 Henry Bailey, C 40 202 It .W". Moore, S3 54 50 David AVoolmer, C 40 1VG Henry Whitehead. 25 CO WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. John Patchin. 427 30 John Cannon, 65 48 William B. Hegarly. 314 27 George Meek, 40 82 James McGhee 4- Co. 119 121 Christian Stake, 15 50 193 122 Mathias Young, 25 17 433 153 Christian Wager, 50 37 433 153 Geo. Musser, 50 37 237 48 Thos. Yedlar, 30 84 210 Daniel Oflley, 27 30 215 75 George Baker, jr., 27 J8 430 145 Timothy Paxtou, 50 78 433 153 John Burge, 66 37 21G 153 John Mn sser, jr., 28 18 430 145 Joseph Asbbridgc, 50 78 S34 42 Pigot Shaw, 43 42 216 Sebastin Graff, 28 08 438 73 Thomas Edniondson, 00 94 Wright 4" Menges. 413 77 Samuel Emlen, 57 G2 107 82 Thomas Neil, 14 09 Samuel Hegarly 215 Benjamin Johnson, 31 88 I Fin. B. Alexander & Co. 100 Roll & Morgan. 13 00 100 ' AVilliam AVilson, 13 00 200 Daniel Fulkcrson, 15 GO S. P. Shoff. 41 Miry Connell. 5 20 Dr. Daniel Houtz. 433 153 Philip Loast, 50 37 433 153 Jacob R. Howell, 50 37 433 1.33 William Johnson, GG 37 KMI G3 George Backhouse, 13 00 3(H) John Morgan, 39 OO 200 GO John McCahcn, 2G 78 98 John Lampblack, 12 74 William Allert 4- Bro. 121 Eli Hoot in an, 15 71 . Kephart. 404 23 Samuel Hambleton, 52 52 J. Wolf. 177 R. McGhee, 22 98 Robert Wallace. 153 5 Peter Henry, 7 28 . JOHN McPIIERSON", Treasurer. Treasurer's Oflicc, Clearfield, I March 24th, 18-38. T 1ST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and mcstie Merchandise in the County of Clear field, for the year 1S58, subject to the payment of license. Names. Class. License Bradford Township Edward Williams, 14 S7 00 Matthew Forccy, 14 7 00 Bcccaria lotvtiship. Jeremiah Cooner, 14 AVilliam Lewis, 14 Samuel llegcrty, 14 John Covodo, 14 Brady Township John Ileberling A Son, 14 Barret A Brothers, 14 F.K.Arnold. 14 Samnel Arnold, 14 It. II. Moore, 14 J. Carlisle and Co. 14 Jacob Kuntx, 14 F.K.Arnold. 14 Burnsida Township. James McMnrry. 14 J. Patchin A Sons, 14 Russell MeMurry, 14 Allison A Co., 14 J. M. Cuiuminffs, 14 Clearfield Borough. C. Kratzcr. " 13 Richard Mossop, 14 AV. F.Irwin. 13 AV. L. Moore, 13 Reed A AVeaver, 13 Charles AVatson, 14 Thomas Robins. 14 Covington Township. Francois Cuudrict, 14 J. Mullen A Co. 14 A. Lceonto 14 Humphrey, Hale A Co. 14 Curwensville Borough. Thomson A Dale. 14 A. Montgomery A Co., 14 John Patton. 11 AVilliam McBride, 14 Kliza Irvin A Sons, 11 AVilliam Irvin. 11 Decatur Township. Bowman A Perks, 14 J. H. Stiucr, 14 Goshen Township. A.B.Shaw, E. Irwin A Sons. Huston Township David Tyler, Jordan Township. J'avm -Magellan, Henry Swan, John MeMurry A Co.. Knox Township. Martin O. Stirk. I xi wren ce. Township. J. Forrest A Co., 14 Morris Toicnshiv. E. F. Brenner, E. F. Brenner, Pen n Township. 11. M. Snyder, Hegerty A Co.. Lai on Township. Daniel Erubakcr, 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 00 00 00 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 io oa 7 00 io oo 10 03 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 7 00 15 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 00 00 J. A. Hccarty, Thomas Henderson, J. Jl. Lbase, Woodward Township. tlnl 1 ownsup. 14 14 14 7 00 7 Od 7 00 7 00' 7 00 7 00 7 oa 7 00 7 00 7 00 lieorge Smith A Co., 14 7 00 Geddes, Marsh A Co., 14 7 00 Graham Township. J.B. Graham, 12 12 50 Those interested will take notice that there will be an appeal at the Commissioners' office, in the Borough of Clearfield, on Saturday the 19th of June. 1853, at 1 o'clock p.m., where yon may at tend if you think proper. S. H. FHAFFNER. may 12 Mercantile Appraiser. Tunc; light on a short sud J JECT.-FRANK SHORT announces to his friends that ho has removed some of his stock from the -Short Shoe Shoe,' on short notice, a short distance from his old stand, to tho shop formerly occupied as a AVateh and Jewelry store by R. R. AVelch, doo'd. nearly opposite to Reed A AVeavcr'a Store, where he will be found at all times ready to accommodato his old customers, and as many new ones as may faT-or him with a call, and do their work on as short notice as it can be done else where, and as short accounts make long frionds, he will sell cheap for CASH. Home-made work constantly oh hand, and warranted not to rip, ravel, or cut in the eye. And as this is the time for set tling up, said Short wants all persons indebted to him to come forward and settle up their accounts, and pay the each or give their notes, and they will save costs. FRANK SHORT. Clearfield, April 7tb, lS53.-3m. N. B. The person that found one fine boot. No. 6. on the morning after the fire, can have tho mate ot it by calling at tho Shoe Shop of FRANK SHORT. Gl'LICII & KEXXER, would respeetfally inform the citizens of Clearfield, and pablio generally that they have entered into co-partnership in the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, and keep constantly on hands, and manufacture to order, at the lowest prices, every yariety of furniture, consisting of Diving, Breakfast, and Centrt Tables, Sewing, II riting, and Wash-Stands, Mahogany, and Common Bed-sleauts ; Mahogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs, Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges, Ac., Ao. Coffins made and funerals attended on the short est notice, with a neat hearso, and appropriate accompanyments. Houso Painting done on the shortest notice. Shop and AA'are-rooms, same as formerly occupi ed by John tiulich, mearly opposite the 'Jew Store," Clearfield. Pa JOHN Gl'LICII, . May 22, '55.-1 y. DANIEL TENNER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers