Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 28, 1858, Image 3

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    ' .'v- ii J -
. , .
T : j" T7".."-'' f '"r V7..'
We have on hand a lengthy communication
on" education, which came to hand too late for
insertion this week. - - - - - - - '
-t f
GfiOD Pristisg Isk. We are at present,,
and have been for some months using Ink man
ufactured by. L. Johnson & Co., COG Sansora
street, Philadelphia, for. printing, our j aper
with, regarding it as superior to any other ive
fcnov? of, and we take pleasure in recommend
ing it as such to. our brethren of the press, and
Johnson & Co. as a prompt, attentive, and gen
tlemanly business firm.. . , , ,
. " '"; " '" "' i
Ssow os the 21th April. Last Saturday
morning we were, on rising, somewhat aston
ished to find the ground white with snow which
had fallen during the night. During the day
it snowed occasionally ; and the atmosphere
was raw and chilly, and doubtless tho growth
of Tegetation'wiH be retarded by it. We had
a remarkably mild winter; but this looks as if
we were to have an unfavorable spring. Very
appropriately might it 1 e remarked that ' t
"Winter lingering chills the lap of May.":
Ma. Editor : Allow space in your valuable
pajer lor a few lines concerning our Schools.
Ortificates of a new style have been issued by
Ilio Department at Ilarrisburg, which I will
commence giving to teachers, found worthy
upon examination, at the close of the Normal
School. -
Axd Notics is nEREBT givex, that on and
after the 2Sth day of June nest, all the old
permanent certificates will be annulled; and
those, teachers who hare received them, who wish
1o receive new ones, must appear at the public ex
amination . of lift teachers in Curweusville, on
the above famed day, and be examined. Also,
.that on and after the 1st day of October next,
.all the provisional certificates, running beyond
That date,, will be annulled, to give place to
the new style of provisional certificates.
.To procure the professional certificate, a
thorough knowledge of all the common bran
ches Is required, with Skill and success in the
art of teaching.- : .
, -A" Word to Directors. Please end me
the report for your Districts, at as early a day
as possible. . If any districts have failed to re
ceive blanks Tor 5o8, notify me without delay.
Also, remember the obligation yon have im
' posed upon me, and do not have your schools
in session during the Normal School.
L. L. Still, Co. Superintendent.
... Counterfeit tens on the. Southwark Bank,
Philadelphia, have just made their appearance
at various points in New-Jersey, and a number
of arrests have been made for passing them.
The Chicago Christian Advocate gives :re
ports weekly of the number of conversions in
the Methodist Churches of the of the North
west., .Week before last, it reported 2,500 and
last -week nearly 3,000 accessions reported to
the Northern branch of the church have been
made since the first of January.
Alligators' Nests. They resemble hay
cocks,' four feet high and five in diameter at
their bases, being constructed with grass and
herbage. . First, they deposit one layer ol eggs
on a floor f mortar, and having covered this
... J -A. X , I . .1 . 1 kAl.nf.A
Wlin a scconu stratum vi uiuu uviu6i
eight inches thick, lay another set of eggs
upon that, ana so on to me top, mere wmg
commonly from one to two hundred eggs in a
nest, With their tails they then beat down
round the nest the dense grass and reeds five
feet high, to prevent the npproach of enemies
The lemale watches her eggs until they are
all hatched by the beat of tho sun, and then
takes her brood under her own care; defen
ding them and providing for their subsistence.
Dr. Lutzenburg, of New Orleans, told me
that he once patfked up one of these nests
with the eggs, in a box for the museum of St
Petersburg, but was recommended before he
closed it to see that there was no danger of
the eggs being hatched on the vtyage. On
opening one, a young alligator walked but,
.and was soon followed by the rest, about a
hundred, which he fed in his house, where
they went up and down stairs, whining aud
barking like youog puppies.
iie Siamese Twixs Nowhere. A corrcs-
rw.n.l.n. if tlio T.onisvill Jimrual. writinir
ironi Henderson, Ky., giving the following
account of a ucus nature" in that place,
that surpasses all freaks of that occasionally
whimsical lady, Dame Nature, that was ever
heard of : : .
I have just returned from a visit to one of
the most extraordinary curiosities ever known
in the . history .of human race, A negro .o-
man be longing to .nr.aarauci otitic,
place, gave birth, eight days ago, to four liv
ing children, joined together by pairs in a still
more peculiar manner than the Siamese Twins
The two boys are connected at the shoulder,
.and from the hip to tho knee jwnt, leaving the
lower joint of the legs and the feet of each
perfectly free. The girls arc joined at the
shoulder, with this diilbrence from the boys,
that they have but one arm issuing from the
junction of their shoulders. They are joined
Jrom the hip down to tho foot the two legs
ending In one loot. ... - , .,,
In regard to the color of tho children, na
ture seems to have been quite as eccentric as
in their formatiouo of the boys being black,
and the other as white as the child of a white
woman , and so with the girls. - They all seem
to be perfectly healthy, and tho mother Is do
ing uncommonly well. . - :
Testing Seed Cons. A correspondent of
the Cincinnati Gazelle furnishes the following
node of testing seed corn : There is so much
.damaged corn this year, that much care will
ixj requisite in selecting such as is suitable for
need. I have seen in your paper and else
where, several modes suggested for testing its
germinating qualities, but they are inefieient,
impracticable, or attended' with too mnch
trouble to bo generally useful. The following
mode will be found simple, practical and cer
tain, and can be applied to any extent desired.
Put the shelled corn in a vessel of such di
mensions as arc required for the quantity to
be tested. Pour water over it of about the
temperature of milk from the cow, untiLit is
fairlv covered, adding to the water from time
to time, if the absorption and swelling ot the
corn should raise it above tho surface, bet
it in a moderate warm place and let it remain
twenty-four hours. Then pour the water oft,
cover the corn with some thick cloth which
must be kept wet, and let it stand in a mass,
still in a warm place until it sprouts. This
will take place in about thirty-six hours, usu
ally, if the corn is'good. I prepare all my
corn for planting in this manner, though I
know the seed to be good. I plant sometimes
with tho sprout half an inch long. The result
is that jt brings the plant forward a week or
more earlier than planting dry. This advan
tage in the fall is sometimes very important.
The damaged corn from my fleld last year did
not exceed five per cent - ' -
iiSfell--enow, ou last Saturday.' .
, liflm ported cotton- from Africa. 'recently."
ESAbout the borough Constable. "Eyes ri"ht
Pigs.' - '
tSold stawberries, in Augusta." Ga., a week
since. .' "-...-;-!.. .; .. - ; ... ..' . .-
OTn y w York thirty practicing female vhr
sicians. - - . J
PTA father called his eon Into a crowded coach
'-Ben-jam-in." . .
EAppeared cucumbers, " in : tho Savannah
market, last Week. . . . -
LETlattering the prospect for a good fruit
crop, in'Tenncssce.
"lAdjourncd the New York Legislature, on
the 20th inst , sine die.
n?A beanty tho "Photograph'.' picture in the
Blairsville Tru American .
OKilled a B;"-fieri Blaci Unci. W T
on. . 'Twas too strorv a dosn. .
EIn session the Editorial convention. May
it result in benefit to the craft.
r5TPased the bill, to sell tho Stato canals to
the S. St E. KailrOad Company. . , ; ., ; , .
Tfllail stones aid to weigh 1 lbs. felt re
cently at New Braunfels, Texas.
L?IInng himself James Burns, a hackman, in
Baltimore. Cause, loss of money.
GTWM exceed 20,000 the majority in favor
of a five million loan in ilinneaota.
reappointed by the Pope, young Lucien Bo
naparte as one of the Pontifical Prelates. - ' -
IZi Cheering the news concerning the wheat
crop, from all sectionof the country.
L"Iestroyed by fire a large amount of tim
ber in the mountains near Wilkesbarre.
SliA funny request a Hotel-keeper asking a
naval officer permission to hoard his vessel.
nTall the wheat in I Talbot county. Md. It
has already grown to the height of 20 inches. '
tsfls now trying to spin a mountain top the
man who ate his dinner with the fork of a river..
t-2TUot adrift accidentally,the Leviathan from
her moorings, but was secured without being dam
aged. - - .
CflTas become a convert Hoii. Thos. F. Mar
shal 1 of Kentucky, "to Christianity and temper
ance." ETSVill cost the transportation of flour to the
Utah army, $40 to $00 per barrel. It is so official
ly stated. : , ,
fIIavo been ordered into active service all
the midshipmen who passed examination lately at
G?"A queer fellow the man who eirrietl out
his moral resolutions. He forgot to bring them in
again, however. '
rSGood at imitating the man who painted a
shingle so much like marble that when it fell in
the river it sank.
: t'iChanged the namo of the Post-Offiee at
Pennficld. It is new called Tyler, and D. Tyler,
Esq.. appointed Postmaster.
rPlcad guilty Pullen, the custom house rob
ber at Jiichniond, Va. He was sentenced to the
penitentiary for eight years.
rFConfirmed by the V. S Senate, Joh Cad
wallader as Judge of the Eastern District Court for
Pennsylvania, vice, Kane, dqpeased. . .
Lj&Are in the habit some landlords, of laying
an extra Cork across the plates of their delinquent
boarders; as much as to say, "fork Over." .
CpIn the funeral procession which attended the
remains ot Col. Benton to the grave at St. Louis,
there were 2,100 persons and 120 vehicles.
CSArrested J- Zimmerman and " J. Thurin
gcr, at Buffalo, on a charge of enlisting soldiers
lor the Bri.ish service within the U. States.
rj?Noticed by the Savannah RfpiMican, the
arrival of seven vessels at that port, within two
days, all of them loaded with ico from Maine.
Csitied suddenly Judge Stevens, ono of tho
oldest residents of Indianapolis, on the 20th inst.
He was a brother to Toad. Stevens of this State.
OfXovcl Prayer Meeting. Tho passengers on
the C. O Kailroad Express train cast, on Thursday
of last week, held a prayer meeting at Newark, O.
rAre like the Artie pole many human hearts.
They have an open sea around the centre, but on
ly reachable through an almost impassable desert
of ico.
tLThc'reccipts into the U. S. Treasury are each
week half a million less than tho expenditures.
Wonder if Lecompton has anything to do with the
deficit ? '
ONow stationed eighteen British gun-boats,
along the ooast of Cuba to prevent the landing of
slaves. Several American vessels have been search
ed by them. ,
OPSpeaking of Balaam's ass a theological pro
fessor said : "It is wrong to doubt that the ass spoke
like a man, when wc hear every day so many men
speak like asses."
rThe three female slaves of tho late William
Bosnian, of Baltimore, who were lately sold by
Charles Bod man, of Cincinnati, bavo been repur
chased by him, and set free. m'
"Allotted the Borough printing to the Kc
yitUtt tit office. So wo understand. Wonder hov
this comes when both our propositions were exact
ly alike! Wc will pay our respects to several of
the council at some future time. .
rMany a man '-blows his brains out" with a
brandy bottle. Tbey think that if they 'gooff"
hut Aiy-cockcd there is no danger, but experience
baa proved the reverse. There is suicide in a
rrtm-barrel as well as in a jo-barrel.
!"2Badly drifted. Tho roads in the interior of
Iowa ore rather muddy. A citizen of Burlington
who has just returned from a. trip west, was asked
if the mud was deep. '-Oh, not very," said be,
bout three feet on an average, but badly drifted
in some places."
i3r"A correspondent of tho X. T. Tribune in
sists that the Minnesota Constitution, now before
Congress for acceptance, and passed the Senate,
through iotne blunder tnaies tli. present Rfjjresen
Vitires in tltf Iesrislatttre members for life, and
provides no mode of filling their seats even after
their death.
?The Columbia Democrat, of tho 17th, con
tains tho following: '-TheDcvil has the sole
charge of tho Democrat this wc"ck." We would
infer from the above that the DevU is a perma
nent assistant of Col. Tate's, and that th is accounts
for the course the "Democrat" pursues ia relation
to the Lecompton swindle.
TiThe Strasbnrg Clock. Calignani says : "The
famous astronomical clock of the Cathedral of
Strasburf reproduced, by means of its machinery,
with perfect accuracy, the various phases of the
recent eclipse of the sun. This clock, as is known,
in addition to declaring the time, presents the
heavenly bodies and their movementa."
a , y
In Philipsburg, April 20th, by the Rev. E. W.
Kirby. Matthias Blasjc to Chaulttb Doaav, all
of Philipsburg, Centre county.
In Lawrence township,- on Tuesday morning
27th inst , Theowore, eldest son of Wm. Mitchell,
aged about 2-1 years.
r t . ..i, ; nA..e.M Cnl Pn . on the
18th of fourth month, lbo8. in tho 39th year of
her age 'Elizabeth, wife of Isaiah Wain, after
- i: '- , t n . 1 mnntlia
In Lawrence township, on Thursday the 22d inst,
of Typhoid fever, after three weeks of severe suf
fering, Clarence Augustus Tate, youngest son of
Joshua J. Tate, aged 8 years, 9 months and 3 days.
Dear Clarie's sufferings now are o'er, .
And he is gone to rest; -
nis body's with its kindred clay,
! His spirit with the blest. '
We miss the face ve used to greet, -
The expression of those eyes ;
For Clarie s gone, forever gone,
To dwell in yonder skies. ,
Too likely and too fair a flower, .
- In this wide soil to bloom,
He has been early taken ;
To a world beyond the tomb. '
Then weep not, father, tho' thy boy,
.from tby embrace has flown ;
' '' For God in pity bade him come,
Ere sorrow he had known.
..;;. j'OMMCMlATZD.-
Taieefor the years 1855-acd 1857. .
NOTICE is hereby given', that' in
pursuance of an Act of Assembly, pas
sed the 12th day of June, A. 1). 1815,
entitled, "An Act to" amend an act di
recting the mode of selling unseated
lands for taxes," Ac. the following
tracts of unseated lands in Clearfield
county, will be exposed to public sale,
or outcry, for the taxes due and un
paid thereon, at the Court House
the Jrouffh cf Clearfield, on the Sec
ond Monday of June, 1858 :
No. Ac. Per. OwnersAWarrantces.
Thomas Weston.
151 50 Thos. Ketland, S23 75
162 116 Abr'm. Witmcr, 25 51
. 162 116 Michael Musser, 25 Si
Herman Honpt Co.
162 116 Jacob King, 25 51
162 116 John Uibson, .'25 51
94 91 Jeremiah Mosherl 4 81
162 116 Peter Gets, 25 51
330 153 Martin Foutz,' 51 97
296 125 Jacob Foutz, .' 46 62
323 153 Oeorge Musser, 44 98
215 73 Robert Wilson,' 33 83
74 32 Thomas Wilson, 1165
321 84 Matthias Barton, 44 73
433 153 David Barton. C8 23
433 153 Edward Hand, 68 23
. 433 153 John Ewing, 63 23
356 69 EmmuclKeigcrt56 07
103 George Moore, 17 01
John Patchiti.
400 9(5 John Brady, . , 64 57
210 William Brady, 33 07
279 04 E. Blain. 37 61
433 153 John Miller, . 27 45
433 153 John Fordncy, CS 23
George Groom.
11 Brown ABoynton. 1 78
. : Williaml'usev. '
12 BrownABoynton, 1 89
James IIoc&euberry -
205 BrownABoynton,32 25
195 William Wright, 30 68
William- VonHer..
140 William Brown, 22 05
Thomai Mullen.
140 P. Boynton, 22 05
John Dtlrn.
48 119 Kobert Wilson, 6 02
J urn Gdllaher. ' .
20 Fred. Honman, 1 89
- 55 60 Wm. Bausuan, 4 91
lVillinm Jlammotui- '
234 Herman Witmer, 29 43
Caleb Coprnhaver.
55 108 P.Gloninger, 8 63
200 Samuel Turner, 31 50
UToses Robixon.
60 100 P.Gloninger, 4 54
83 123 John Bausman, 13 04
88 140 Michael Fauty. 15 44
Wm. Porter.
93 Fred.K. Hubley, 8 33
John Cooprr.
55 102 Sarah Billington,13 36
Darid Yonniin.
50 Campbell ATurncr,6 30
30 Plunkitr, 3 78
200 Geo.W Caldwell, 25 20
Gill ie Brtrtton.
71 SO John Ketland, 11 22
John G. Brenner.
5C13 1000 Henry Beck, 83 75
5619 1000 Henry Beck, 83 75
4287 1000 Henry Beck, 83 75
75 William Martin, 9 00
75 - Jon. Sherman, 9 0q
William Brady.
35C5 177 81 John Nicholson, 16 02
Reed anil Tjichtner.
5904 1000 NicklinAGriffin,
5906 1100 NicklinAGriffin.
5907 1000 Nicklin A Griffin,
591 1100 NicklinAGriffin,
5919 1100 NicklinAGriffin
500 James McGee,
. Peter Oinens.
356S 450 John Nicholson,
Arthur Bell.
Benjamin Gibbs,
Nicklin A Griffin,
. NicklinAGriffin,
David Bell.
Frampton Bell,
1 06
75 00
82 50
75 00
82 50
82 50
CO 00
40 50
32 46
75 00
31 50
23 64
9 59
57 54
82 50
12 60
22 39
" James Dixon.
89 ' . John Thomas, 6 67
Lit mains V Turner.
203 John Thomas, 15 CO
Smith Sr Powell.
93 Barbara Snyder, 7 36
Hunter Jf Rrokerhoof.
185 76 Joseph Drinker, 13 83
403 76 II. S. Drinker, 30 61
Thomas Read.
100 Jno. Montgomery, 7 50
John Kejthjirt.
100 Henry Eaunce. 7 50
F. Ransom. " '
70 . Henry Fauncc, 5 25
due for 1354 a 1855 3 64
George Turner.
100 Hannah Stewart, 7 50
Fisher V Powell.
119 90 Barbara Snyder, 8 92
119 90 Fisher,DolanACo. 8 92
William Albert mid Bros.
132 George Hootman, 9 89
75 " John E.Shaw, 5 62
53 Luke Kyler, 7 50
George W. Gearhart,
80 Walter Stewart, 6 00
266 Joseph Ball, 19 95
David Go is .
65 72 Kichard Thomas, 4 95
54 Luke Kyler, 6 03
Dand Htny.
303 Wm.Kirkpatrick 35 73
Hays and Schnell. '
100 KoberU A Fox, 5 SO
h oberts and rox.
20 34 ltoberts A Fox,
Kobcrts A Fox,
Roberts A Fox,
Roberts A Fox,
Roberta A Fox, ,
Roberts & Fox,
Roberts A Fox.
Roberts A Fox,
Roberts A Fox,
Roberts A Fox,
Roberts A Fox,
Roberts A Gox,
1 74
5 62
25 93
14 50
11 43
25 39
5 22
6 38
65 25
45 24
53 65
72 15
F. Urate's Estate
363 David Kennedy, 42 11
161 Ann Kennedy, 18 68
Elisha Fen ton.
227 Joseph FerroL, 26 33
John W. JVcwpher.
86 Joseph Ferron, 9 93
Mart L. Roberts.
86 Joseph Ferron, 9 93
50 Samuel Ambrose, 5 80
TUton. Reynolds.
1041 Henry Wykcff, 120 76
. Joseph Dale.
157 David Kennedy,
David Irvin.
55 Roberts and Fox,
Catharine Fwing.
220 Robert Curry,
" Harrison Hall.
320 Robert Curry,
100 James Reed,
due for 1854 and 1855,
J. Freeand.
100 Casper Stiver, '
Robert Ross. :
77 i Casper Stiver,
Joseph MeCture.
135 Joseph Ferron,
135- - Joseph Ferron,
9 11
6 26
25 52
37 12
11 60
b 70
4 35
6 73
15 66
15 66
M.IsyS Heirs.
218 5ftt i ' Christian Lower, 53 11
110 370' Christian Lower. 42 92
100 - George Weaver,' 11 60
John DtiBuis tV Bro
3580 995 ,.94 Roberts A Fox, 115 42
1994 365 15 Roberts A Fox, 42 34
2009 1182 62 Roberts A Fox, 137 11
2010 604 109 Roberts A Fox 70 06
13 '521 Christian Lower, 60 44
27 303 ' r,etij. Hewey, 36 89
155 , 253 Casper Stiver, 29 93
. ' George Mnttn.
3609 102 Roberts A Fox, . 5 91
TT. W. Fleming. ' '
3G16 73 103 Roberts A Fox,, 4 52
Adam Weber. '
1997 "200 . Roberts Fox,' ; 11 60
,100 t .' Charles Zilvock, 11 60
100 Jacob Pentz, .1160
626 215 , Conrad Long, . 20 30
John Patrhin. , '
5003 100 John Nicholson, 12 30
5603 214 Jthn Nicholson, 26 32
5604 386 John Nicholson, 47 48
73- John Mailer, .. . 9 68
181- Abr. Witmcr, 13 12
114 CasperShafferjr.13 20
410 Casper Shaffer, : 50 43
25 George Graff, - 3 03
180 Samael Roberts, 22 14
300 Daniel Witmer, 36 90
474 : John Hubley, 53 30
100 Matthias Young, 12 30
383 . Wm. Bausinan, 47 06
'' 203 Mary Roberts, . 25 01
76 - John Tresslcr, 9 35
150 John Cnmmgs, 18 45
264 Martin Mailer, 32 47
374 JohnBurge, 46 00
293 John Burch, 36 00
215 Henry Musser, -26 40
165 Mary Jenkins,! 20 34
347 John Tressler, . 42 64
Horace Patchin. -SOI
John Jones, . 49 69
803 Jimes Chapman. 49 69
290 Benj. Tresnall, 47 56
105 J. Backhouse, 17 22
'James Gallaher.
' 424 Mary Crawford, 52 15
Ex,rs and Trustees of J. C. FisJier.
121 George Ross. 12 33
' dueforl852-'53-,54-'55, 18 58
163 . Jno.Cnnningbam.16 69
due for 1852-'53-'54-'55, 24 84
209 - Peter Gets. "2140
due for 1854 and 1855, 21 16
223 Jac.Mussersinith 33 04
' due for 1854 and 1855, 32 63
3U10 - Frederick Kuhn, 33 13
James Thompson..;
100 - Samuel Roberta, 12 30
100 George Graff, ' 12 30
; Sheply Priestley.
111 Christian Stake, 13 62
100 William King, 12 30
150 John Ryan, . 18 45
150 Eb. McMasters, 18 45
150 Jacob Holland, 13 45
J. IF. Smith.'
' 346 CO Hugh Ely; .. 12 27
" 'Banrer t!r Pearre. '
102 35 John Campbell, 11 24
1.59 ' Hall A Buck, 11 Co
- Caezer Potter.
200 Blair M Lanahan 14 6o
Joseph 4' William Sansom.
100 Mat. Slaymaker, 5 47
85 -Win. Graham, jr. 3 06
85 ' John Graham, 3 06
- - Ijevi Pcarce.
100 Aaron Leavy, 3 65
Abraliam Graham.
90 Isabella Jordan, 3 23
George Turner.
-100 ' Jonathan Nesbft, 3 C5
John W. Turner.
' '- 75 : Wm. Bingham, 4 08
300 i George Dixon, 10 95
100 George Barger, 3 65
100 i Abr. Lansberry, 9 12
100 JohnS. Kyler, 7 30
Peter A. Karthaus.
ISOfi 573 Morris A Stewart, 41 04
189ST 890 Morris A Stewart, 63 19
1902 889 i Morris A Stewart, 63 12
1942 415 Morris A Stewart, 33 70
Peter Lamm.
1941 200 Morris A Stewart, 10 65
II. V O. Smith.
53C7 250 George Mead, 17 75
John Patton.
433 153 Jno. Brenncman, 61 95
258 James Ross, . . 33 10
John Patchtn.
311 153 Benjamin Young, 46 65
100 153 John Boyd, 15 00
313 153 Josiah llaynes, 46 95
433 153 Thos. Hamilton, 64 95
433 153 M. Worthington, 64 95
: 398 153 William Wilson, 59 70
195 John "Witmcr, 29 25
Henry S. Drinler's Estate.
50 Charles Gobin, 3 75
433 153 Alex. Hunter, 32 48
200 , Robert Fleming, 15 00
200 IsaacRichardson,15 00
200 Jon. Walker, 15 00
- Sarah Downing.
433 153 John Cook, S2 55
433 153 Jasper Ewing, 32 55
- 36 : ArmstrongAGamel 5 40
Drititcr if Clari:
433 153 'William Cook, . 64 95
433 153 Jno Cunningham 64 95
, John Patrhin.
415 30 James Page, 62 32
316 143 Henry Ferree, 47 32
James Thompson. :
100 31 nenry Pole, , 15 00
Geddes if Marsh.
. 433 153 John M-usscr, . 64 95
160 , Wesley Toner, 15 66
200 i Jas. McCrackcn, 13 75
100' George Mullen, 1125
140 - . Fulton, . , 9 50
200 - Isaac Bloom, . 15 00
82 ByersAMontgomerylO 80
House and Lot James Davis, 8 25
J. 00 - Jefferson Jordan. 11 25
80 George Ha gens, 3 75
. 25 John Holes, 4 50
433 Isaac Kirk A Co. 64 95
160. John McFcnnon, 7 50
63 John Patton, 7 05
: 2oo - '- John Swan,- 3o oo
loo James White, 13 12
James McGirk's Estate.
' 391 159 Thos. Billington, 52 53
Peter Owens.
404 Charles Risk, 54 14
; J. W. SmHh.
202 . MaryMcLanahan,20 30
250 Casper Haynes, 16 75
300 David Kephart, 36 45
, - due for 1354 and 1S55, 31 55
Richard Copin.
84 137 JoscphWhitehall,ll 49
. . 105 JosephWhitehall,14 07
John aiui David Gearhart. '
220 Jacob Downing, 29 43
Kephart If Albert.
135 Johni Drinker, 13 53
James Albert.
37 49 Joseph Sansom, 5 08
76 96 William Sansom, 7 64
D. J. Prnner SrVo.
290 E. A J. Harrison, 3S 86
300 Joseph Harrison, 4ft 20
200 . John McGirk, 26 80
JOO D. Eritton, : 8 75
125 , Joseph Logan, '11 33
'! ' 83 Joseph Logan, 10 15
100 "' Harrison A Fauleyl3 40
: ' I 280 . A. and JtGoss, 10 63
' ' 50 , Harrison, . 5 50
100- - George Kephart, 10 85
100 JonaKephart, .7 00
'i 100 '.". Samuel Kay, ' 5 25
25 ' 'John Logan, "1 75
' 200 . Edward Smith, 1 00
- 60 John Weston, . . 3 50
j Z5 .' Daniel Philips, ' 10 05
L. J. Gratis. , .
431 147 Thos. Edmonson.' 57 89
,195 80 Joseph Harrison, 26 13
B. Davenport, 5 09
4 80
.1 75
hi 92
,4 80
50 James Wilson,
due for 1854 and 1855,
Ij 11 a man Hanooad.
330 ' Jas.Wilson, west J
i t h n i linilev.
200 . Jas- Wilson, east i
Snhn f .. French.
495 . Jas.Wilson, epart.ll 91
IT. S. I And Company.
937 ' James Wilson, . 66 21
947 ' James Wilson, . 66 83
298 James Wilson, : 23 61
92.1 James Wilson, 22 18
20 James Wilson, 1 92
600 ; "' James Wilson, 56 60
' Spencer Sr Sprier.
372 : JamesWilson, 8 93
' Wm. Gordon.
216 JamesWilson, 20 74
Daniel Oyster's Estate.
440. JamesWilson, 21 12
' Alexander Vial.
183 JamesWilson, 13 05
216 Greenwood Bell, 12 53
.100 , Albert Bishop," 5 80
Gretwood Bell.
233 150 John Ilambright, 13 57
John Palchin.
433 153 Daniel Turner, 25 27
A. Moore.
21G - Matthias Slongh, 12 53
Charles Huston.
433 153 George Ross, 23 27
Ac. Per. . .i ,
503 103 Morris A Stewart,
A. If J. Specimau.
367 45 Morris A Stewart,
A. & W. Murray.
260 . Morris A Stewart,
649 116 Morris A Stewart
Morris A Stewart,
1. XI. titUon Cr Co.
543 . Morris A Stewart,
509 . . , Morris A Stewart,
70 . Morris A Stewart,
225 Morris A Stewajt,
729 Morris A Stewart,
314 Morris A Stewart,
406. , , Morris A Stewart,
226 Morris A Stewart,
762 . r Morris A Stewart.
103 Morris A Stewart,
Tficliolas Rousolot,
115 16 Morris A Stewart,
Anderson Murray.
114 . Morris A Stewart,
Francis Coitdrett.
254 120 Morris A Stewart,
U.irO. Smith
250 ' George Mead,
1000 George Mead,'
. smith or Irraiam.
254 Morris A Stewart,
Ja mes Nelson.
60 Morris A Stewart,
Peter Lamm.
117 Morris A Stewart,
47 Morrs A Stewart,
97 103 Morris A Stewart,
256 : Morris A Stewart,
24 22
21 45
36 24
26 53
8 91
16 77
1 31
7 39
36 04
5 12
6 69
22 37
37 69
3 43
9 44
9 37
20 99
24 75
33 00
16 76
2 41
3 63
1 43
8 05
13 33
tso. Ac. Per.
. Peter Rider.
5325 200 George Mead, 11 16
Thomat Graham
Morris & Stewart, 17 40
1884 I
1915 (
John Keating.
1922 201 2 Morrjs& Stewart, 9 50
Ac. Per.
83 William Bingham, 7 81
145 T. Forcey, 8 00
due for!854,& 1855, 6 03
40 T. Forcey, : 4 50
140 T. Cope, 5 39
Samuel Lansberry.
100 George Moore,. 11 25
John Fleming.
1C5 .- A. K. Wright, 22 27
207 . Jasper Mayland, 23 25
109 J.Graham, 8 17
JFm. Drinker's heirs.
300 John Fry, jr., 28 C3
380 Jhn Thomas, 43 89
George Johnson.
164 BernardGratz, 25 27
146 BernardGratz, 22 48
139 Reuben ITaines, 21 41
417 John King, 64 21
104 41 David Hall. 16 00
396 George Wetzel, . 76 37
195 150 Paul Wetzel, 30 03
348 Joseph Henry, 53 59
411 Chas. Hall, 63 29
121 100 Wm. D. Kerwin, 18 78
332 Reuben Haines, jr, 51 14
John Cook. " '
466 Jacob Wetzel, 71 76
Russel Sr Co.
382 Joseph Simmons, 76 76
Daniel IF. Bradley.
436 114 Robert Shaw, 67 14
431 114 Hyman Gratz, 66 53
J. Cook.
228 Reuben Haines, 34 SO
234 Reuben Haines, S6 02
Ed. Mbert 4- Brother.
ICC John Fry, jr., 13 47
No. " Ac Ter.
200 J. G. Kiddor, 22 40
195 David Caldwell,. 15 35
Wm. Parler.
4257 883 15 James Wilson, 24 85
4902 420 WilhelmWillink,47 04
. - Z7. S. Land Company.
4231.633- - JamesWilson, 42 63
4234- 526 ' JamesWilson, Zi 80
4235 986 James Wilson, . C9 22
4226 990 JamesWilson, 69 27
4229 9S5 123 JamesWilson, 69 53
4230 507 James Wilson, 35 50
John Bigg'. -
4S90" 124 j WilhelmWillink, 3 47
Reading, Bartles iV Fisher.
4889 990 WilholmWil!ink,83 72
4902 55 WilhelmWillink, 4 59
5063 100 WilliamPowers, . 8 40
4897 110 WilhelmWillink,- 9 2t
6062 990 WilliamPowers. 83 72
5069 990 William PowersjllO 88
Tltomn-s Holt. - -
5064 990 William Powers, 27 52
. II . Thayer ir Z. Set's rn .
4902 100 WilhelmWillink, 8 40
5063 293 William Powers, 16 69
IF- B. Gordan.
4225 250 JamesWilson, 21 00
4336 600 JamesWilson, .42 00
John. DnBois.jr.. et al.
2000 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 107 40
2001 1089 9 Roberts A Fox, 107 40
3593 1009 64 Roberts A Fox, 113 00
3601 437 20 Roberts A' Fox, ' 49 00
3600. 889 151 Roberts A Fox, 100 80
3573 733 Roberts A Fox, 82 12
3576 903 109 Roberts A Fox, 101 70
3592 1016 1U Roberts A Fox, 113 79
3594 1003 35 Roberts A Fox, 112 33
3597 1033 35 Roberts A Fox, 116 26
3607 863 23 Roberts A Fox, 91 06
3584 1020 64 Roberta A Fox, 114 24
3583 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 114 24
3689 1046 . 22 Roberta A Fox, 117 15
3004 986 f 6 Roberts A Fox, 110 43
1988 429 ,32 Roberts A Fox, 43 OS
252 206 , John Dunlap, . 23 06
5068 297 . Wm. Powers, 26 54
4193 927 23 James Wilson, 109 4t
4254 927 23 Janus Wilson, 109 41
4256 833 15 James Wilson. 99 45
5672 347
5676 500
5677 600
5676 647
5677 647
6673 1041
27 MooreADelaney, 29 06
. MooreADelaney, 42 00
MooreADelaney, 42 00
IJ. W.Smith.
81 MooreADelaney, 13 45
81 MooreADelaney, 15 46
81 MooreADelaney, 58 29
4S99 100 " ' lJammyndAJcneS; 8 40
Aci Per. - ; - :
Coop cr Sf Evscy.' '' ,
108 54 Eb. Brenham, 16 20
274 Adam Kuhn, 47 10
Patchin (t Swan.' ' -433
153 Richard Martin, 65 00
433 153 Thomas Martin, G5 00
150 . Benj. Young, 22 50
120 Samuel Jordan, 1800
200 : W illiaip Wilson, SO 00
Edward 4- James Gillegan.
200 . Daniel Smith, . 30 00
S00 , ' John Patchin, 45 00
P. A. Karthaus.
No. Ac. Per.
1900 600 Morris A Stewart, C9 CO
1901 778 Morris A Stewart, 90 25
1943 507 Morris A Stewart, 58 81
1093 200 Morris A Stewart, 23 20
Georcre Arealarins.
1429 555 120 Wm. Smith, 63 80
1430 668 138 Wm. Smith, : .65 89
3552 573 120 Wm. Smith, 66 47
Devisers of John White, Esq.
1093 79 22 Charles Willink, 4 64
1023 83 Charles Willink, 7 03
J633 147 Charles Willink, 37
Henry Yothers.
100; Charles Willink, 4
Geo. Vatix.
513 95 Morris A Stewart, 29
Crane, Blake 4- Purlcy
48 Reuben Haynes,
50 Luke Morris,
433 153 Joseph Hilllard,
433 153 Robert Gray,
429 41 John Binghnrst,
433 153 Sarah Ward,
433 153 George Eddy,
433 153 Moore Wharton,
433 153 George Asbton,
Richard Peters. :
109 Susannah Ward,
- Benj. R.Morgan.
433 153 William Hunter,
127 - JohnDorscy,. .
duo for 1354 & 1855, 14 45
John Patchin.
433 153 Israel Morris,
433 153 Benj. Poultney, ,
433 133 Martin Picrrie,-
-: John Boyd,
Philip Loast,
- William Johnson,
?17fson Hooter.
80 Silas Wilcot.
Daniel Bausman.
G.&M.M'Cormick,23 40
Wm.H.Robertson,14 04
J nomas Mcl.lxcee.
Jonathan Jones,
John M. Chase.
153 Caleb Foulk,
George Westcot,
433 153 Robert Wharton,
433 153 George Seat!,
300 John Boyd,
133 153 Robert Wharton,
, 39 32
39 15
38 97
38 97
38 61
38 97
38 97
38 97
38 97
17 00
38 97
20 12
50 70
50 70
50 70
40 95
23 40
23 40
23 09
11 20
50 70
34 32
50 70
50 70
35 10
15 16
70 20
19 50
9 75
600 Isaac Thompson,
200 ' - Isaac Thompson,
100 - Isaac Thompson,
240 ' ThbmpsonAEngleman 28 03
Solomon Kline.
2003 131 Roberta & Fox, 0
Edward Perks Sr Co,
'Jesse Yarnal,
Peter Yarnal,
E. C. Burton.
16 Robert Glen,
Wm. II. Robertson.
John Best,
Snyder Sr Large.
Francis Johnson,
Shaw &r St. John Smith.
433 153-Thomas Morris, 64 23
433 153 William Morris, 64 23
433 153 Samael Meredith, 64 23
433 153 William Miller, 64 23
78 18
S3 30
60 32
2 96
32 26
!79 153 netty Morris,
41 44
433 153 Thos Fitzsimmons,64 23
433 153 George Clymer, 04 23
433 153 Robert Gray, 64 23
433 153 Patrick Moore, C4 23
433 153 Mary Morris, 04 23
433 153 Magnes Miller 64 23
433 153 NalbroFrazer 64 23
William Hooter
100 153 Francis Johnson 18 50
S. J. Gratz.
205 52 James Wilson,
100 90 Robert Morris,
90 122 Wm. Morris.
29 89
17 04
13 46
407 139 Richard R. Smith, 60 24
203 JohnBaum, . SO 04
438 Wm. Stewart, 64 81
J. Jl. Crawford.
223 Simon Gratz, 33 00
P. Kepple.
100 John Nicholson, 11 10
Robert Thomas.
231 ChnstopherBakcr,34 19
Swarlz and Bower.
50 Francis Johnson, 7 40
Due for 1855, I 00
' Jos. Dipard.
50 Blair M'Lanahan, 7 40
96 Joseph Potter, 17 76
Henry Cramer.
50 Ca.p.r Shnfner, 7 40
IV. A- J. Huff.
85 Blair&M'Lanahan, 12 58
No. Ac. Ter.
Wm. Hitler.
5922 1100 UNieklinAGrifSth 53 85
946 146
5953 1093
5925 1000
5tf52 1099
5954 515
, 83
. 168
..do do 50 61
do do 37 45
do do 6S 85
. da do , 56 17
do do 58 85
do . do 23 35
Wm. Hepburn. .
Cochrane tract. 5 35
Greenwood Bell, 10 70
Elah Johnson, 5 35
COO John Nicholson,
.430 John Nicholson,
James Hopkins.
1020 64 John Nicholson,
819 41 John Nicholson,
683 64 John Nicholson,
830 64 John Nicholson,
lo2o 60 Roberts A Fox,
DhBois Sr Lowe.
35S2 799 3o Roberts A Fox,.
W. C. Enos.
957 ' S5 Jamas Wilson,
SS3 1 5 James Wilson,
lo2o 24 John Nicholson,
5o Daniel Hartsock,
37o R- A Z. McNaul,
334 ' John Nicholson,
John Nicholson,
13 90
15 12
32 26
25 83
21 55
25 83
22 13
32 13
3o 13
27 93
32 13
3 15
II 2
11 97
8 82
John DuBoir.jr., ir Jro-. 10
9o9 151 Roberts A Fox, 110 43
606 f6 Roberts A Fox, 77 6 1
' ' Roberts. Fox Co. ,
Ac. Per.' '
1020 60 Roberts&Fox, 56 10
045 Roberta & Fox, .35 47
3-38 Roberts & Fox, 25 30
780 Roberts & Fox, 42 90
50 Roberts & Fox, - 86 87
150 Roberts & Fox, ' 8 C7
435 Roberta Sc Fox, ' 23 94
300 Roberts & Fox, 10 50
275 Roberts & Fox, la 14
200 Roberts & Fox, 11 00
Gartland Irrin. ' - -
350 Roberts & Fjx, 43 00
433 153
216 153:
50 Henry Bailey,
262 R .W. Moore, ,
50 David, Wool mer,
196 Henry Whitehead,
John Patchin. ' ' :
427 30 John Cannon, ' . ! 55 43
milium B. Hegarly ' '.'
314 27 - George Meek, 40 82
James McGhee Sr Co. . -
119 121 Christian Stake. v 13
' Mathias Younff, - . 25
Christian Wager, . 66
Geo. Musser, - : 66
Thos. Yedlar, SO
Daniel Offley, 27
George Baker, jr., ; 27
Timothy Paxtop, . , , -. 56
John linrge, 56
John Musser, jr., ;
Joseph Ashbridge, , ; , 66
Pigot Shaw, - 43
Sebastin Graff. 28
73 Thomas Edmondson, 56
TFWgaf Sr Menges.
77 Samuel Emlen, 57
82 Thomas Neil, J4
Samuel Hegarty.
Beniamin Johnson, 3188
B. Alexander 8c Co.
Roll & Morean. 13
William Wilson, 13
Daniel Fulkcrson, 15
S. P, Shojf.
Mary Council. 5 20
Dr. Daniel Honlz.
133 rhilip Loast, 66 37
153 Jacob R. Howell, 66 37
153 William Johnson, ... 56 37
63 George Backhouse, 13 06
- John Morgan, . . 39 00
00 John McCahcn, s. 26 78
John Lampblack, 12 74
William Mbert Sr Bro.
Eli Hootman, 15 71.
U. Kephart.
Samuel Ilambleton, 62 52
J. Wolf.
R. McGhee, 22 93
Robert Wallace.
Peter Hcnrv, ' 7 23
Treasurer's Office, Clearfield, J
. 334
. 93
404 23
March 24th, 1858.
Jl (commencing 3d Monday, the 17th day.)
Frederick Shoff,
W. R. Dickcrson,
W. M. Smiley,
Samuel T. Hoover,
Henry Heberling, .
Peter Syler,
Jesse llutton,
George Horton,
William S.Wiggin,
R. F. Ward, -Elijah
Richard Hughes,
William Rook,
Penry Post.
Foster Davis,
John F. Rote.
David Crowell, '
John Hunter,
Ajidrcw Conaway,
John McMurray,
'James A- Read,
John Beaumont,
John McNaul,
James Arthurs.
George W. Caldwell Beccaria township
S. D. Rhule, "
JohnLitr, " . . "
Joseph W. Sull, - . " ' 1
Thomas Groom,
William Barr, " .
. Philip Ross.
David S. Plotner,
James Dowler, ;
John Mehaffey,
-David Snyder,
George W. Horn,
Miles J. Rishcl,
Henry Shcffcr,
John Stewart,
C. C. Worrell,
. Austin Curry,
John J. Westover,
Joseph P. Mulsou,
George Pcarce, .
John Rider, jr.,
S. J. Gates,
! J. M. Williams,
Jacob Bilger,
Henry E. Snyder,
John Barnh&rt,
Jacob Runk,
; . George B. Smith,
, Daniel Wetzel, . .
. George W. Nairhood, .
William Davis,
William B. Montgomery
.Hiram Woodward,
Robert Liddell,
Evans Miller,
Elisba Ardry,
Abraham Kyler. .: .
Georjjo R. Dillon,
Lewis I.aporte.
James Bloom, "sr.,"
Win. W. Cathcart,
Jason Kirk, jr.,
David Whitmor,
Wm. F. Johnson, :
Isaac Gos,
Thomas Mathers,
R. B. Hegarty,
John Byers,
Beccaria township. '
u ' "-. ' '
Bell township.
Brady township..
Burnside township. .
ct . 44 '
Bradford township.
Clearfield borough.
Decatur township.r
Ferguson township.'
Goshen-township. '
Graham township.
Jordan township.
' Karthaus township. '
Knox township.
Lawrence township.
4 L4.
Pike township.
Penn township.
Bell township.
- 4. . 4.
Burnside township.
44 . 44 -
44 .44
Brady township.
Bradford township.
Chest township. -
Covington township.
44. 44.
44 44
Curwensviilo boro.
4. 44
44 44," '
Clearfield borough.
Decatur township.
44 . . .44
Girard township.
44 4.
Graham township.
44 44
-. t- .-. ct
Huston township. -
Jordan towdship. .
Lawrence township.
.4 44
Morris township..
44 44
Pike township.
44, . ti."
. (4 ; 44 , .
Tcnn township.
44 ... 4.
Union township.
Woodward township.
tho Honorable JAMES BURNSIDE, Esquire.
President Judge oC the Court of Common Pleas of
the twentyfifth Judicfltl District, composed of the
counties of Clearfield. Centre and Clinton and the
Honorable William L. Moore and Benjamin Bon
sall, Associate Judges of Clearfield county, have
issued their precept, to me directed, for the hold
ing of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court,
Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyert Termi
ner, and Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clear
field, in and for Clearfield Co.. on tho Third Mon
day, the lfiih day of MAY next.
NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to the Cor
oner. Justices of the Peace, and Constables, in and
for said county of Clearfield, to appearin theirown
proper persons with their Rolls. Records, Inquisi
tions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to
do those things which to their offices, and in their
behalf, pertain to bo done, and Jurors aod Witnes
ses arc requested to be thon and there atteadiag,
and not to depart without leave, at their peril.
GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this 7th day
of April, ia the year of oar Lord one thousand
eight hundredand fifty-eight, and the eighty -first
year of .American Independence.
JOSIAH R. REED, gheriff.
David and Andrew Spencer 1
vs. No4SAug.T.1857.
Wm. A.-Dale A Tolbert Dale
with notice to Thomas Moore No 83 Nov.T. 1S57.
tcrro tenant. J .
Summons and alias Summons an ejectment to
enforce specific performance of contract for 110
acres of lands in Pike township Clearfield County,
bounded by lands of E. Fen ton, John P. Dale,
J. Thomas, Chas Cleaver and others.
And now, November ISth. 1S57, on motion of L.
J. Crans Esq., Atty. for Pltffs rule on defendants
to appearand plead and order of publication awar
ded. Certified from the record.
To defCs. aliove, named -You ill take notice of
the above rule and that you are required to ap
pear and plead by the 3d Monday f Miv next or
judgment will be entered. L. 'j. CRA"NS. i.
Mareh 17th, 1S5S. - 1 AW y for Pltffs.
EATIN G SALOON. The undersigned keeps
constantly on hand at his Saloon ia Mcrrell
A Carter's Basement, 1 door oiith of Moore's store,
- Fruits, Confoctionaries, Tobacco and Segmrs
' of every description, -and other Article
nsnally kept in an establishment of this kind.
He will furnish articles to persons in) large. quan-
: . : .1 . v 1 .. -
ent. 3Q