U U kpf. - viae IN r n ,'1 X III If I : ! . "... For the Journal. MOTITER. IX HEAVEN - " A AM.UES3 XO KT SISTER ON THE DEATH CT OCR ----- MOTHiR. . - -r. v- Weeping sister, bending lowly," ' t O'er our mother's mournful bierj Cease to weep, for she's in glory,' I ' Cease to shed that bitter tear. ? - Wherefore weep the one departed, r r When ecstatic bliss 6he shares t ; 2ow from earthly sorrow parted ; ; The victor's crown ia heaven she wears. Tender sister, Christ in mercy ' Took oars to his loving arms; Tar irom every danger earthly, ' Hath she lodged where nothing harms. i . Though we saw that lovely mother , ; Droop and wither, fade and die, ' . "We are conscious that forever, ( She will live beyond the sky. Yes ! onr mother dwells in heaven, 4 Lovelier far than when below ; Singing now the heavenly anthems, T Joined by saints and angels too ! : ... List ye ! hear that voice of gladness, Bursting forth in grateful song ; . Notes that are unmixed with sadness, Float amid that happy throng. Loving sister, we are passing, , Quickly through this world of woe ; Soon with joy shall there be greeting Friends above who wait for us. -Then let the locust gently wave, -In silent grandeur o'er the dead ; I And the white rose honor the grave, f- l ' Of her who sleeps ia Christ, her heai. ' j Emma. Clover-nilf, March 12th, 1853; . MISCELLANEOUS ENIGMA Veittex roaiaE "kaftsmas's journal." ; : I am composed of 2-3 letters. . My 1, 10, 24, 8, IS, 7, 1G, 15 is an animal. : My 2, 22, 3 is what we must all do. My 4, 19, 9, 15, 7, 22, 1 is an essential pro perty of all inanimate bodies. My 5, 15, 18, 25 was an English poet. My 7, 16, 19 is a numerical adjective. My 9, 1, 24 is what we all do. My 11, 4, 10, 17 is a wild animal. My 12, 21 is a pronoun. - 3f v 13. 1, 25 ii an adverb of negation. My 1-5, IS, 14, 22. 21, 6 is a well known root. Mr 17, 22, 5, 4, i is a measure. My 19, 3, 1, 24 is the place from whence cur finest poultry is obtained. - My 21, 4, 23 is a number. My 22, 13, 20. 4, 1, 10 is a race of people My 24, 9, 1 id a beverage. My 25, 8, 18, 15 is a portion of time. My whole is a period to which political as pirants look with grcai interest. AtONZO Cherry Tree, Pa., 1S5S. - Answer to enigma of last week The Natu ral Bridge in Vit einia. TERMS. The Journal is published every Wednesday at Use Dollau axp Jrirrr cents per annum in advance, or Two Dollars within the year. - Advertisements msertedattittycentspersauare, of twelve lines, for the first, and twenty-five cents for each additional insertion. A literal deduction made to those who advertise by the year. . The 'Terms' will be strietly adhered to. No paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, unless at the option ot the publisher. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Pres't Judge lion. James Burnside, Bellefonte.Pa As te.Jud'es lion. Hiii. i,. .Moore, Idcarbeld Hon. Benj n. Bonsall, Luthersburg Sheriff. . . . Joeiah R. Reed, Clearfield Prothonotary, George Walters, , Reg. fc Ree. . James Wrigley, . Treasurer. . -r John MePherson, , Co. Surveyor, John L. Cuttle, .. Cuiomiaj'u'rs, Jacob Wilhclm, . John Irwin, Sr. George Earhard, . Auditors. . . Franc-is Pearce, Peter Hoover, Aaron C. Tate, . Grahamton. , Clearfield. . NewMillport. . Woodland. . Curwensville. Clearfield. Arrival and Departure of Hails at Clearfield. ARRIVES. Eastern, dailv, Sundays excepted, at 7 P.M. Western, 8 P.M. Smith's Mills, Saturdays, 5 P.M. Sinnamahoning.Wednvsd. & Saturd. 8 P.M. Karthaus, S-iturduvs, C P.M. Kylertown, Mondays & Thursdays, 12 M. DEPART. Eastern, daily, Sundays excepted, at 4 A.M. We.'tern, " 4 A.M. : Smith's Mills, Fridavs, 7 A.M. Sinnamahoning, Tnesdays& Fridays, G A.M. . Karthaus, Thursdays, 8 A.M. Kylertown, Moii-l;vs & Thursdavs 1 P.M. The Mails will close at 9 o'clock, P. M. N. B. Business men, of town and vicinity, will please preserve this for future reference. C. D. Waisos, Post Master. Mail arrives at Curwensville from Indiana, via Newman's Mills, Cush, Barnside, New TVashington, Chest, Bower and Granipianllills, Tuesday and Fridays at 11 1 A.M., and de parts same days at 1 P. M. Mail leaves Cnrweusville for Marron, via New Millport and Lumber City, every Satur day at 6 A. M., and returns same day ni 8 p.m. CLEAK FIELD HOUSE". CORNER OF FIRST AND MARKET STREETS. CLEAR TIED, PA. The undersigned wocld respectfully vinform his friends aui me travelling public in general, that he has taken the above house, (for merly known as the Hf mphilt lloctl.) and that he is prepared to accommodate all whoniaygivo him call in the most pleasing and agreeable manrcr. He is amply pmvi Jed with everything to rcn ler his house a desirable stopping "place, and will endeavor to entertain his pucst3 in a manner that cannot fail to give the fullest fati.sfaction. The house is situated in a pleasant and nuiet part of the town, and no expense or attention will be spa red to make it one of the best bonscs i a the county. A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited.' His bar will be supplied with an assortment of choice lienors. jant-'jS II. HAYS MORROW. O )I E T FI I N G N E W 3 LEATHER AND MTK STORE, West Karl of i?priii Creek Jiriiisre, C!iejstdr. Belle fonts, Peun'a. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has just opened a Leather ami Hide Store at his Tannery establishment, in Bcllcfopto, Centre county. Pa , where he will keep constantly on hand good asortment of Leathers, ic. as follows : Oai Tanned Spanish Sole Leather, II'mloci Spnmst Safe Leather. 1'rcnrh CaJf-shitvi, lirllott' Ijtrtther. Oil Tinned let ting Leather, Split Leithet. Patent French CaJf ekins, Madras Boot Sktns, Red Iloitn.i and Pink Lining, Cape Bindings and Gai ter Kid, Tanners' Oil. A TJ30: Plas tering hair : Copper Rivets and Brrs ; Thread. Brixtles and . Wax, antl all kinds of Tool. Isrtt, if-r., for Shoemakers. TO MACUIS ISTS. For the convenience of Ma chinists of all kinds he will keep on hana cood upply of Patent Riveted Stretched leather Belt ing Straps frojn 1 to 24 inches wide, which he will ell at city priees. 4 CASH paid for all kinds of Hides and Skins. iJSLj a aicl" have been carefully re- S22lU"2W5: to? : but caU Bellefonte. April 29. lf CCRXSiIE. BAR IRON and CHAiNCMPS, at the Cor . ner Store in Curwensville November 2j, WJL IRVtX . - J" SwSU JLEATHER for sale, and H Sv.Uken at the highest prices. - - . idei -"-iim, nor. ZJ, INJi WM. IRVIN. PULLET BLOCKS of the best make, a superior article for haulinz timber, bv Curwensville, Nov. 25, '57. WM. IRVIN. ' B IT T ham T E R . A lot of prime butter o nd, and for sale at low rates by Feb24. v ol. L.. JIOORE. F OR SALE a first rate LOG SLED, by JACOB DIETHICK. Curwensville, February 24, 135S. RAIL KOAD HOUSE, CORKER OF Main and White Streets. BROOKVILLE, Pa Feb24. R. K. ME.O'S, Proprietor. R E M O V a'L'. The undersignod notifies hisold customers and the public that he has removed hia BLACKSMITH SHOP to his new building a few doors south of the shop he former ly occupied, where he is prepared to do on the shortcut notice any work in his line of business. April 15.1S57. JCOB SHUSKWEILER. J AMES B. GUAIT A.M. Dealer in SAWED LUMBER. SQUARED T1A1RER, SlllNtiLLSs BOARDS. tc is prepared to fill, on the shortest notice, all orders lor articles in his lino ol uusi. nefj. on as reasonable terms as. they can be nro- curel in the county. - Grahampton. Clearfield Co., Jan. ISoo CJCHOOL BOOKS. Sanders Readers; htchclls' Oeosrranhy and Atlas and Primary Geogra phy ; V'ebsters' Dictionary, large and small ; Page oo teaching; Ureen r. Kirjtnam s, and uuiimn s (JrammarB; Davies', Smith's, Emerson's and Pike's Arithmetics: Davics Algebra; bandeis and fear geant's Spellers. Ac, at the "Corner" Store Curwensville. j;m 2. 1S.53. ' WM. IRVIX. rf1AlTT!ON. All persons' aro hereby caution- J - 'cd aifaint Tiurchasi.n!r, ormeddiin in any way. with tho following property as it was bought by us at Sheriff's sale and lft with the said Ma euirc on loan : 1 wasreon, 1 timber sled, 4 bead of horn cattle, 10 sheep : also 1 sorrel mare bought of Michael Frank and left with the said Mark Ma guire on loan: J- P. NELSON & CO. - February 24, !SjS.-3m. . AGON - MAKING. THE undersingned would announco that they Manufacture Wa?rons of all descriptions. Busbies. Sleds, Ac., at their shop in New Salem. Brady township. Clear fie'ld county, which thev oifer for sale at as reasona ble rates as can bepnrchascd elsewhere. They res- pecttully solicit a share of patronage. -CAMRRIDGE JOHNSTON, Oetl-S-tf WILLI AiILEVIS. 1 Cif ACRES OF LAND, on the Erie Turn XvVf pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville. and 13j ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same, will be sold on accommodating terms. The land lies well, is All susceptible ot cultivation, and is well covered with choice nine timber suitable for siiia;i!es, sawins or square timber. A saw mill near by. Apply to ' L. J. CRANS. ti:ar25 Clearfield. s E A S O N A B L E GO O I) S A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, have just been recciv ed from tho East, ty the subscriber, which he in cites the public to call and examine, as he will sell the same at the ves-v lowest rates for CASH. Call and jndge for yourselves of the quality of thecoods. aud tne prices, betoro pnrcnasin? cue where. ' JOHN PAT10N. Curwensville, January 20, T7SOR SALE, THE FARM occupied by.John M? F. Wiley in Ferguson township, containing lOo 8ri'S, acres cleared ; house, barn and other buildings tuereon erected. ALSO, 60 acres of land or tho timber thereon. situate in Pike township within one and a half miles of tho river on a good road to haul. For further description and terms apply to L. J. CRANS. M.iv2i). 1357. Clearfield 1AUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or meddling with the following property, now iu the possession of Isaac McKee. ot" township, to wit : Two horses, one colt, one yoke of oxen, three cows, two young cat- tie, one two horse wagon, sleds, grain in the oarn and all graintin the ground, as the same belongs to me and is leu iu care oi said isaa-; .McKee. WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. January 27, 1S53. KPIIANS COUKT SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the Orphans" Court of Clearfield count', there will be exposed to sale at the house of Win. A. Mason, in the Boiough of Curwensville, on Saturday the 1st day of May, 1308. the following described Real Estate of A. Dennett Dale, deceased, to wit. :- A certain , lot or piece of land, containing one and a half acres, with a frame bouse erected there on, situaUi in Pike township, Clearfield county, bounded by lands of George B. Dale and John T Irviu. TERMS Cash, on confirmation of sale. ZAC11ARIAH McNAUL. Feb21. Adm'r. uf A. Bennett Dale. dee d. USQU EI1A N N A HOUSE, ? Curwensville, Clearfield Count), Pant' a. The subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Hotel. Philipsburg, having taken the aoove house, situate in the east end ot the Rorough ot Curwensville. on the bank of the Susquehanna River, would res pectfully announce to the travelling public, that he is fully prepared to accommodate strangers and all others who may favor hiui with a call. The house is new. well furnished, large and com modious, and travellers will find every convenience necessiry to their comfort. Ample stabling is at tached to the premises DAVID JOHNSTON. Curwensville, February 17. 1S03. OITSE AND LOT TOTt SALE Tho un dersigned offers to soil at private sale a two story plankt'.-ame bouse IS by 2l feet iu dimen sions and the lot on which it stands, situate ia the village of Llooiniugvillc. Clearfield county. Theie is also a good stablo and other outbuildings on the lot. witii a good well of water near the door. Tcrm. which will bo reasonable, can be ascertained by calling on tho undersigned, rcsid ing oa the premises. WM. II. REX December Id-; l8."7-3m. N. B. This would bo a good situation for a me chanic, especially a shoemaker, as there is one much wanted in The place. W. H. R T VICE NOTICE ! TAVERN KEEPERS and the public, that Gross Kunkel. whole sale Grocers, uar.ai ctrcci nan, uarrisourg. have on hand n large lot of liquors at reduced prices, by the barrel or otherwise, to suit pur- chasers, consisting of the following : I'nion ing ; New England Rum, Lisbon Wine. Pure Holl ind Gin. Rectified Pitts. Whiskey Port Wine. Maderia Wine. Pure Holland Gin, Domestic Gin, . And other Liquors. Pure Uranilics. Old Rye Whiskey, Domestic Brandies, Monongahcla WhUkey JHackberry Irandy, Peach Brandy, Lnnsnder Brandy, Cherry Drandy, Scotch Whfekcy, Gcsler's Pure Champagne, 4c, Ac, ie LiOrders promptly attended to. GROSS & KUNKEL, Wholesale Grocer?, Canal Street Wharf, between Walr.ut and State Streets. Harrisburg. Pa. MarlO-'iS-ly. MONTGOMERY. E. A. HIPPLK. EW FIK3I. AND NEW GOODS Just received at the Store of MONTGOMERY & II I P P L E, C urtnensville. Pa.. Consisting of everything usually kept in a coun try store. Also,. a large quantify of Drugs, to which we invite the attention of Physicians ; and a large quantity of Patent Medicines, among which may be found the.following, to wit: Dr. Jayno's Medicines, ' Dr. Curtis' Hygcana inhaling vapor, Dr. Louden'a Medicines, Dr. Ilolloway's Ointment and Pills, Dr. Thompson's Medicines, Dr. OsbounTs Golden Ointment, Dr. Wright's Indian Pills, Dr. Trask's Magnetic Ointment, Dr. Clark " Female Tills. -"..--Dr. Hoffman's German Bitte8, Dr Eeaty's Arabian Ointment, for Spavin and Ringbone; a eertain cure. ALSO, Flour, Grain, Fish. Cheesa. Bacon, Beans, Dried Apples, Salt. Ac, on bands at all times. The above we offer low for CASH, as we wish strictly to adhere to the Readif-Pav Svstcm. We offer our goods, in price, as low as the lowest ; and in exchange, will take all kinds of produce, atthe highest Cash priees. We invit all to give us a ealland jndjc,frtbiatlTO. Feb. 3,183. m ' ' " " IJMMts i , ij tat in Msasssi mTZiZm'm 8i"aui mfm i"i , mm hr rM.it, rSsm r imi i CLOTHING. A general assortment of ready made clothing just received and opened at November 25. WM. F. IRWIN'S. , CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or meddling with 1 Horse, 1 bay Mare, 7 tons Hay, 1 two-horse Wagon, 1 double set wagon Harness, 1 two-horse Sled, and 6o bushels buckwheat, in the possession of Win. A. Dunlap, of Pike township, as the same belong tome.. . n. i'. i auu.. Curwensville. Nov. 5, 1S57 novll-tf. 4 DMIN1STRATORS NOTICE. Letters X of Administration on the Estate pf Elihu Mott. late of Bell'township, Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersign ed ; all persons indebted to said estate, are reques ted to make immediate payment, ana tuoe hav ing claims against tho same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to the under signed, or to L. J. Cran3, Esq., Clcarfie'd. Pa. HOMER W. MOTT; .' March 3, lS53-6t. Administrator. S A M V T. L JOHNSTON, BARBER AND II A IK DRESSER, would respectfully inform the citizens of Clear field that he has opened a shop in '-Shaw's Row,"' in the room recently occupied by F. Short, as a Boot aad Shoe shop, where he is at all times ready to Cut Hair in the most fashionable stylo aud do Shaving in the most scientific manner. Shampoo ning a!so performed He solicits the patronage of the public. . Jan. 1, lio7.. He also keeps on hand a cosmetia lor removing dandreff, which receives the highest praise of all who use it. i' BIBLES. The Biblo Society of Clearfield CO., "hereby gives notieeithat their hooks, name ly, Bibles aud Testaments, are deposited in the of fice of James Wrigley, Register and Recorder at Clearfield. The books are of various sizes and a dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun day Schools at very cheap rates. Very Substan tial bibles can bo had as low as 25 cents apiece, and testaments as low as fl ct-uts apicco. The people of the county generally are also in vited to leave with Mr. Yrigley any donation they may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the St-ciety. Signed by order of the Executive Com mittee. - ALEX. MuLEOD, President. HALLOA! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to his friends and the public generally' that he has opened out a new V. agon-Making Es tablishment iu '-New Salem City," Brady town ship, where he will at all times be prepared to manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds of Wagons, Carts, AVheelbarrows &e. The best ma terial that can bo procured will be used, and his work will be made in tho most substantial and du rable manner, such as will bear tho test of strict examination. By a close observance of his busi nc3 engagements, and by disposing ot his work on the luoit reasonable "termswhich he will do for either cash or approved country produce, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub lic custom BENJ. RISHEL. New Salem City. Jan. lit, 133;. A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. . I desire to sell my property in Tyrone City, Blair Co. Pa., cominonly known as tho Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising as follows : One largo three story brick house, Sixty feet, two fronts, and finished o!t in complete stylo. A largo and extensive stable, an excellent wash house and other necessary out-buildings. There is also, on the samo Lots, one frame house, with out-buiMinrs attached, now renting for one bun dred and thirty dollars per annum. The wholo stands upon three valuable Lots as in the plot of said town, and nllords several very eligible loca tions for store, offices, Ac, Ac. lne whole will be sold on reasonable terms. And to any person, de siring an-investment, or speculation, now is tue chance. Private reasons cau.-c mo to sell this Tali uable property, which i; every day increasing ia value. Inquire ot Caleb Guyer. or tlio subscriber, J. D. STEWART. Tyrone City, Sept. 19, lSjo.-tf. 1JO.NKY SAVED, BV SUBSCRIBING FOR 1TA HODGES' JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND RANK REPORTER, becauso it gives full, row flite, early anil reliable information of all Bank Failures and changes; true descriptions i4" nil counterfeit, altered and spurious bills ; genuine banknotes: quotations and sales ot Mocks. JJonds and Securities; financial and monetary affairs of every nature and kind. Containing leu limes more original, important, and valuable statistics and reading mutter pertaining to Ranks and Mo ney than any other Detector or Reporter ever pub lished. Alsro gives correct quotations of buying and selling rates of Money, Land Warrants, lc, corrected by the most tTprrimred and responsible Bankers in New York, Philadelphia, Boston. Cin cinnati, and Chicago, uiakhig J'ice Reporters in. One! No business man can well do without this work. TERMS: Monthly, one year. SI ; Semi monthly, M oO ; Weekly, S2 oO; including book of all tho Coins of the world. Any one sending us fire yearly subscribers, will receive a copy of tho S.ife-Guard andWcekly Journal for one year. free. 2a percent, allowed to Agents and Postmasters. IlU'The only work ever published giving cor. rect delineations and fac simile descriptions of all theGeiiuino Bank Notes, is HODGES' NEW BANK NOTE SAFE-GUARD. Itcost toarrange and pub lish this great work, over "JO.Oufl, besides years of lime and labor. 'I he book is splendidly bound about 14 inches in length by in inrhes in width containing -100 pages of Bank Noto Plate delinia tions. being equivalent to having upwards of 12, 0U0 Creum He li ink Bills to compare with and de tect the CoHuttrfeit and Spurious, in advance of any description in any Detector or Bank Note Re porter. It condemns'the inrons. by showing tho rizht. With this book, it is almost impossible to be imposed nnon bv bad nioncv. Every Business Man should 'have 'it. The Safe-Guard is copy righted, pub'.ishcdjind sold exclusively by tho un dersigned, and will be sent free of postage to any part of the country on receipt of 2 2. per cenU discount will be allowed to Booksellers. Agents, or to the subscriber for Hodges' Journal of Finance and Bunk Reporter. Address, J. TYLER HODGES. Banker. Feb. 10. 271 Broadway. N. Y E EMOVAL OF ROBINS' LITEltAltY DjJlOT. Thomas Robins' having removed his Book and Dru5 Store t' tho Store Room formerly occupied byRijhard Shaw & Son. one door West of the Mansion House," where he is prepared to accom modate his former customers and the public gen erally, with everyihing in his line. Having late ly added a general assortment of Groceries to his formor stock, ho is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call, with COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, MOLASSES, Ac , Ac Atfio'. fiti BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES, Stationary. FANCY ARTICLES AND CONFECTION ARIES, Tobacco and Cigars. DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, Chemirals, 5-r., tee., Among his stock will be found Histories, Biogra phies, Sketches. School Books, Poetical, Scientic, Mechanical, Medical and Law works; the latest publications always on hand or procured to order; all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish ers prices ; fancy and common letter paper ; plain and ruled cap paper; perforated paper; note pa per ; fancy and common envelopes; blank Deeds; a great variety of Steel Pens ; common and fancy pen-holders, pencils. Ac Ac Ac, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices. His stock of Drugs, M'edicincs, Dye-stuff. Paints, Ac, is large and 'well selected; among which are Calomef, Blue Mass, Quinine, Morphia, Red Pre cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pnlverized ; Rochello and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar, Sulphur. Sen na, Pink Root, Sup. Carbonate Soda. Tartaric A cid, Sulphate of Zinc ; Liquorice, Cof umbo and Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Btje Vitriol, Coperas, Alum. Red Lead. Prussian Blue, Chrome Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra do SienDa, and in fact a general assortment. He has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast Pins, Ear Drops, Finger Rings, Ac. Also, Watch Guards and Keys. Penknives, Hair oils; Hair, Reading. Fine and Pocket combs, Tooth-picks. Ra zors and Strops, Sadlcrs' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variety. Also, Prunes. Figs, Raisius, Almonds, Pea-nuts and Filberts ; Candies a general assortment; Cin atnon, Cloves. Pepper, and other spices; Blacking, and Spool Cotton ; the most popular Patent Med icines of the day ; all of which will be sold at tho very cheapest rates. Call and examine the stock and judge for your soItw. ; lSpt33 THOMAS BX)BINd. milOMAS G.SNYDER. MERCHANT, Deal- X er in Sawed Lumber, Shingles. Square Tim ber, ot cetera. KYLERTOWN, ClearfiolJ Co, Pa. , July 1. 1357. tf. . ., ..... NOTICE TO FARMERS. Tne uudcrsign ' ed would inform the Farmers of Clearfield county, that he intends to pay them a professional visit in the spring. Persons interested will please take notice. - lmaru SAMltbsntAiT. . .XECCTORS' NOTICE. Letters Testa 2J lnentarv on the Estate of Joseph Smcal, late ot Pike township, Clearfield county. Pa. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned ; alt per sons indebted to said estate aro requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims a gainst the same will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. Z. McNAUL. Pike tp., March 17, 1853-fit p Executor. M RULE YAK TYRONE CITY, PA. ISAAC BERLIN, would inform the citizens of Clearfield, that he is prepar ed to furnish MARBLE WORK of all kinds, such as Monuments. Box-tombs, Tomli-tables, Head Stones, and all kinds of Grave Yard work, on the shortest tiotico, neatest styles, and cheapest rates. ALSO, building work, such as Marble Lintels and Door Steps. Brown stoue Platforms, Base Courses, Window Sills and Caps, door steps, Ac. Head stones of all kinds aud patterns. .Work delivered to all parts f the county. - ISAAC BERLIN. Tyrone City. Dec. 23,-1S57. - .. ; . CA UTION. All persons arc hereby cautioned - against meddling with the following proper ty in the possession of Thomas A. McGheeACo., the same having been purchased by me at Sheriff's sale, and are subject to my order, to wit : T Stoves, j - 4 Clocks, - . S Rifles, , - Kitchen Furniture, 8 Beds and Bedding, .8 Bedsteads. 1 Bureau. 1 Large Trunk, 3 dozen Chair3, 2 Rocking Chairs, 1 Looking glass, 1 Wash stand, 2 Tables, 1 Book case desk & books 1 Stand. 0 yards Carpet, Lot of Chamber furniture, - Timber on ISO acres laud, owned by David and John Snyder. . JOHN PATTON. Curwensville, March 10. ISoS-mli. EMOVAL. JOSHUA S. JOII.NSON. t, CABIXET MAKFR, has removed his shop to the new building of John Troutman, on Market street, M here he will keep on hand or manufacture to order, (of superior, linish.) every variety ot Household and Kitchen F U II X I T U II i:, such as Tables, Bureaus, Safes, Stands Cupboards, Sofas. Bedsteads. tc. of every style and variety, whieh he will dispose of at cheap rates a3 any o ther establishment of the kind in the county. Call and examine Kis furniture, and judge for yourselves ot its quality and finish. CHAIRS, of ail kinds on hand or made to order. He is also proparcd to make COFFINS to order, on the shortest notice, and will attend funerals with a hearse, when called unon. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON. Clearfield. Pa., December 17, ISjO. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against meddling With the following proper ty in tho possession of Thomas A. M'Ghee it Co , as the same belongs to ns, having been purchased at Sheriffs sale : 1 voke Oxen. 6 Cows. 1 grey Marc, 1 roau Horse, 4 setts Harness, 2 cutting boxes, 1 long sled. 2 harrows. 4 two year ol 1 Calves, 7 one year old Calves, 1 dark brown Horse, 1 wind mill. 4 log sleds and chains, 1 wash kettle, 1 plough. 20 head of hojrs. 1 croAS-cut saw, 20 bu. grain in the mill, 1 pair scales in mill, 1 wagon. Lot of bay. Rafting fools, 2 trrinu stones. Lumber in new house, Lot of scythe snaths Ac, J mill saw, 1 sett timber pullies, 2 sett Union wheels, 60 bushels lime, I sett wagon springs. Lot of tools and stove in the mill. JAMES MeGHEE. HENRY L. MeGHEE. Che-:t tp., March 10. 18jS-iiiI7. TVEW FIRM. MESKELL & CARTER wonld IV inform the. public, that they have just open cd an extensive COPPER. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE Ou Second Strefl, in the loronzh of Ciearlehl. where they are prepared to furnish at reduced pri ces, everv varietv ol articles in their line. Steel. Bar-iron, nails, sieves of every variety Ploughs and farming utensils, pumps of every descrtption. stove pipe, patent sausage cutteraj funnels and self sealing cans kept constantly on hand. AH orders for castings for Flour Mills,Saw Mills. Ac will bo thaukfully received and promptly at tended to. HOUSE SPOUTING DONE TO ORDER. They are also prepated to receive every varie tv of article on comiui:sion, at a low per-centage. 1 0. B. ME 11 REEL. L.R.CARTER. Clearfield. Sept. 10, 1S:3 ly. GULICTI & 1JENNER, wou-H respectfully inform fLe citizens of Clearfield, aud public generally that they have entered into co-partner-shin in the CABIXET MAKTXa BUSTXESS, and keep constantly oa hands, and manufacture to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consisting of Dining, Breakfast, aiul Centre Tables, Sewing, Writing, and Wash-Stands, Mahogany, and Common Bid-s'.eads ; Mahogor.y and Cane-bottomed Chairs, Bureaus, Sofas. Lounges, Ac, Ac. Coffins made and funerals attended on-the short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate accompanyments. House Painting done on the shortest notice. Shop and Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi ed by John Gulich, mcarly opposite the -Jew Store,' Clearfield. Pa - JOHN GULICH, May 22, 'jo.-ly. DANIEL BENNER. "jVOTlCE. The subscriber having purchased 1 1 the stock of Merchandize lately owned by 11. D. Patton, offers the same for sale at reasonable prices on credit, or VERY LOW FOR CASH. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. I respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. JOHN PATTON." Curwensville. fa.. Janj-lth, 1Sj3. TVTOTICE Letters of Administration on the 1 1 . Estate of Robert R. Welsh, late of Clearfield borough,y Clearfield county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the subscriber ; all persons in debted to the said estate, are requested to niako immediate payment, and those having claims a gainstthe same will present them lulv authenti cated for settlement. HENRIETTA "WELSH, January 27, ISoS. Administratrix. CAST STEEL MILL AND CROSS CUT SAWS, of the best qualities, made by Disston. for sale by WM. IRVIN. Curwensville, March 2. 1S5S. A LARGE LOT OF READY-MADE CLOTH ING, iticluding Shirts, Drawers. Monkey Jackets. Gum coats, Ac. at the 'corner store.' Curwensville. Nov. 23, ' 7 WM IRVIN. CLCCK3! CLOCKS!! Thirty hour and Eight day Alarm clocks, weight and spring clocks, at prices from 2.50 to $12.00, at the corner store. Curwensville. Nov. 4. WM. IRVIN. SILKS. MERINOES, COBCRGS, DELAINES, with Silk Fringes. Moire Antique, and Velvet trimmings to match, for sale at tho corner store of Curwensville. Nov. 25. '.r7. WM. IRVIN. c 0OKING AND PARLOR STOVES for sale at the 'corner store, L'urwensviIIe. bv November 2."., 1S37, WM. IRVIN. B UFFALO ROBES, Horse blankets, and Sleigh bells for salo by W M. IRVIN. Cnrwensvillo, November 25, 1S57. - j HARDWARE. A large assortment just receiv ed and opened, and now for sale by November 2-v WM F. IRWIN. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. An assortment just opened and for sale at tho store of ; November 2-V WM. F. IRWIN. TVAILS. An assortment just received at the store 11 of Nov25l AVM. V. IRWIN. OLD RYE WHISKEY, BRANDY, GIN and WINES, for sale at tho cheap cash store of aprS - R. MOSSOP. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The bouse occupied bv J. II. Larrimer. Esq.rsitu- ate on the road from Clearfield to Curwensville near Welch's saw-mill, will be sold very low. It is suitable for a store and dwelling. For terms ap ply to L. J. CRANS. Clearfield. Pa. I FREDERICK SCUM ELL, CLOCK AND . WATCH MAKER, would respectfully an nounce to tho public that his shop is located no door east of the Methodist Church, Clearfield. Pa., where he is prepared to repair Clocks. Watches. Ac, on short notice and Yeasonable terms. Give him a call. All work warranted to give satisfac tion. Clearfield. January 6, 1S5P. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE- Letters of Administration on tho Estate of Oliphant Coch ran. late of Penn township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned; all persons in debted to said estate arc requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated to me, or my Attorney. L. J. Crafis. Clearfield. . WILLIAM C. FOLEY. Penn tp.. March 17, 18j8-Ct. Administrator. fTUIE MUSICAL WORLD Edited byR. JL Storrs Willis. (Edward Hodges. Mns. Doc. independent contributor.! has entered upon its -I'Jth volume. It is issued weekly, with music in every number which can be detached for binding Mr. Willis intends to add to tho usual attractions of the paper during the coming year reminiscen ces of his European experiences the first of which appears in the early January number. The Mu sical World is published at 52 a year, in advance. Five copies. ?S; ten copies. SI 5. Address '-Musical World OSicc. No. 379 Broadway. New York. ACK AGAIN IN THE OLD SHOP, o: Tnint) str.rtT. , The subscriber informs hisold friends and the public generally, that ho is now re-established in the OLD SHOP,"on third street, lately occupied by Jacob Shunkweiler, where he hopes by strict at tention and keeping a good stock of assorted iron, to merit the favor of the public County- produce and cash never refused. An apprentice, from 1G to 13 years of age, will meet with a good situation if application be made som. Clearfield, May 13, HOT. ?.W. ORR. MA N S I o n n b U S E , Clearfield. Pa. 1 he undersigned respectfully announces to the public that he has leased the above Hotel in Clear field borough, and that he is prepared to accom modate all who may favor him with their custom. His house is commodious and convenient, and bis table shall be supplied in the best manner possi ble. No effort will be spared to render general satisfaction. By strict attention to business, and to til's wants and comfort of his guests, he expects to secure a liberal share of patronage. f eb 1 l-j7 DAN. M. WEAVER. TTEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! 1H FALL AND WINTER STOCK!:! The undersigned has just returned from the east, and is now opening a new assortment of seasona ble and fashionable goods, at his old stand in Clearfield borough. Hi stock consists of a gen eral varietv of the best and most seasonu'Ho DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENS W ARE, HATS A CAPS, BOOTSSiioks. and all other articles usually kept in a. country store. Among which e-m be f"Ui;d the following; CLOTHS, CASSl MERES, S ATT I NETS, TWEEDS. JEAN!. FLANNELS. GINGHAMS, MERINOES. CASHMERES, LUSTRES, CALICOES. MUSLINS, and all artie'es, generaly used by housekeepers. My former customers, and the public at large, are invited to call ' and examine the goods and judge for themselves of the quality and prices. Country produce takn ia exchange fr rjor.ds Remember the sign cf tho CHEAPEST GOBI'S, on Market street, is the place to call and buy these bard times, as you will receive a fair equivalent for vour money by doing -a,. Nov25-:67 WILLIAM F. IRWIN. RPIIANS' COURT SALE. Under nnd by virtue of r.n order of sale issued out of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, there will be exposed to sale at the bouse of Win. A. Mason, in tho Borough of Cunveiisvule. ou Saturday the 1st day of May, 1"S. t!;. 'V.iMving deseribud Ilea! Estate of James Sh.-i;i, doc::c-l, to wit: NO. 1. Beginning ui. a v Lite p.ine o:i the north east nf t!,c tract surveyed f-jr Joan Brown, thenci by William Brown's land, noii'.i 21 dog. cast .IS perches to a witch-hazel, thence by Jacob King s land sonth -I'l deg. west l-'H perches to a post, thence by Jacob Misseneopp's land north 34 deg. west SS perches to a stone-henp. and thenco by E. Brown land north 5i deg. east L"S f ercbes to place of beginning, containing 3d acres and 150 perches. No. 2. Boi'-iiiiiing at a white pine, thence south ."7 deg. east 41 perches to a maple, thence by land of A. Keaggy, deceased, sonth 20 deg. cast 70 per ches to a hemlock, south ;'7 deg. east 101 perches to a white pine, thence by land of William Brown r.oiih 34i deg. west 2?0i perches-to the middle of Clearfield creek, thence up the same following the several courses ami distances thereof to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and ton a cres. Ac Nus. 1 and 2 being the same premises conveyed by Jacob Patton by nsMgmients endors ed on deeds recorded in deed book O. pages 730 A 711. to the said Green A Sharp in fee. NO. 3. An interest in common with sai-.l Green in a certain piece of land sold by John W. Wright under articles of agreement dated October 21th. 1S5'S. nnd described therein as follows : Ona tract of land in the name of John Brown, containing ono hundred and ninety-fivo acres, more or less, situ ate in Beecaria township, adjoining hinds of A bram S. Kcaggy, George Glenn. John Straw aud others, w ith Clearfield creek on the south. TERMS One-half cash on confirmation of tho sale, aud the balance in one year with interest. JOHN PATTON. Feb 4. Adm'r. of James Sharp, dce'd. TO MECHANICS, INVENTORS AND MANUFACTURERS. In announcing the 13th annual volume of the Scientific American, the Publishers respoctlul"3- inform the public that in order to increase and stimulate the formation of clubs, they propose to offer ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CASH PREMI UMS for the fifteen largest lists of subscribers sent in by the 1st of January. lsjS, said premiums to be distributed as follows : Fo the largest list, 5300; 2d, S2j0; ?.J. S200; 4th. $1:.0; ith, S100; Gth. S'JO ; 7th, S50; 8th. $70 ; Slth. fOO; loth, SoO ; 11th, SiO; 12lh,Sw: 13th, SU0; Illh, S2.i; loth. $20. Names of subscribers cau be sent at different times and from difi'crcnt post offices. The cash will be paid to tho orders of tho successful com petitors immediately after tho 1st January, ls:'). Southern, Westcru aud Canada money will bo ta ken for subscriptions. KV of Subscription. Two Dollars a year, or Ono Dollar for six months. CI nb Rates. Five copies, for six months,?!; five copies for twelve months, SS; Ten copies, for six months. SS; ten copies, for 12 months, S15; Twenty copies, for twelve months, 23. For all clubs of twenty and over, the yearly subscription is 51.40. - The new volume will be printed upon fine paper with new type. Tho general character of the Scientific Ameri can is well known, and as heretofore,' it will bo chiefily devoted to the promulgation of informa tion relating to the various Mechanical and Chem ical Arts, Manufactures, Agriculture, Patents, In vention?, Engineering, Mill Work, and Till inter ests which tlfo light of Practical Science is calcu lated to advance. It is issued weekly, in form for binding; it contains annually from 50(1 to 600 fine ly executed Engravings, and Notices of American and European Improvements, together with an Official List of American Patent Claims published weekly in advance of all othet papers. It is the aim of tho editors of the Scientific A mrrieau to present all subjects discussed in its col umns in a practical and popular form. They will also endeavor to maintain a candid fearlessness in combating and exposing false theories and practi ces in Scientific and Mechanical matters, and thus preserve tho character of the Scientific American as a reliable Encyclopaedia of Useful and Enter taining Knowledge UjSpecimon copies will bo sent gratis to any part of the country. MCNN CO., Publishers and Patent Agento, "o. 129 Fulton stroot, New Toik. PROFESSIONAL. JT O. CROUCH, PHYSICIAN. Office in Car 'jL wensville. . May li, lSSS-tf T JACKSON CRANS, ATTORNEY ATLAW, J, Clearfield. Penn'a. Office adjoining his residence, on Second Street, Olearfield. ' Angnst 1. 165S. JB. .U'EXALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Petnra. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining the resi dence of James B. Graham. August l. 185S. LARRIMER & TEST, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will attend promptly to all legal and other ba sinets entrusted to their care in Clearfield and ad 5oining counties. , Clearfield, Aug.6.1S5o. JAS. H. LAItniMFtt. I. VEST. DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional ser vices to the citizens of- Clearfield and vicini ty. " Residence on Second street, opposite the of fice of L- Jackson Crans, where he. can be found unless absent on professional business. Clearfield. May 14. 1856 3m. rpiIOS. J. McCULLOUGIl. ATTORNEY" AT JL LAW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Clearfield, Pa., may bo found at hi office in Shaw's Row. four doors west cf the '-Mansion House." Deeds avid other legal instruments prepared with prompt ness and accuracy. . fl'eb. 13 ly. DR. C. F. AKLEY,Pr5CL4.Y, Grahamton. Clearfield County. Pa,, tenders his professional services to the inhabitants of Grahamton and surrounding country he can stall times be found at his Office, directly oppo site Mr. J.B. Graham's store, when not proles. sion.illy engaged. . (Apl. 25. Witt- A. WALLACE, EOBT. J. WALLACE, ?1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. T Clearfield. Pcnn'a.', Havo this day associated themselves as partners In the practice of Law in Clearfield and adjoining; counties. The business will be conducted as here tofore in the name of William A. Wallace. Business entrusted to them will receive prompt and careful attention. March 2. lS57-ly. EDICAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. Henry Lorain, having associated with him. in the practice of Medicine. Dr. J. G Hartswick. they offer their professional services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. They will attend to pro fessional calls at all hours, and in all seasons. Dr. Hartswick will be found durirg tho day at their office opposite Dr. Lorain's residence, and at night, at his residence, on 2d street, one door north of Reed A Weaver's store. June IS, l$i9. Y OUR T E E T H TAKE CARE OF THII !! DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to announce to his friends and patrons, that he is now devoting all of bis time to operations in Deniistry. Those desir ing his services will find him at his office, adjoining his residence, at nearly all times, and always oa Fridaysand Saturdays, unless notified otherwise in the town papers the week before. N D. All work warranted to ba satisfactory. Clearfield, Pa., Julv 22. 1357. PW. B Alt R E T T, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Luthersburg. Clearfield county. Pa., will attend promptly to all business entru.-ted tj him. inar2a-tf ilabflpjiw Slkrrfennrnis. 7J S. LAWRENCE'S NEW PAPER. 1. PRINTERS' CARD AND ENVELOPE Warehouse, No. 4(J5 Commerce Street, Philadel- puia. cash buyeis will find it for taeir inter- ot to call. January 6. lS:-5-lv. CONRAD A WALTON, 255 Market Street Phil aileiphia; Importers and Dealers in Hard ware, Iron, Nails, Ac, Ac 1 hey respectfully in vite the people of Clearfield, to continue their f vors. Aug. 1. lS55.-ly. A VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, No. 72 North Skcosi Street, (oppo--sitr the Mount Vernon House.) Pphiladclphia. Geld Lever Watches, full jewelled. IS K. cases." Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lcpine, do.; Quarlier; Gold Spectacles. Silver do.; Silver Tab'.e Spoons, Silver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Peas and Gold Cases.;. Gold Pens and Silver do.: togc-thes with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb Guu.rd and Foo Chains. All goo Is warranted ti be as represented. Watches aud Jewslry, repair ed in the best mrinr.er. Also. Masonic Marks, Pins. & e.. made to order.. N. B. Ail orders sont by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended 'to. His motto is: -Small Bruits and Quick Salss,' - Philadelphia. April 25. 1S55. rjHIE $10 AND S15, SINGLE AND JL DOUBLE THREADED. EMPIRE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE An Agency for the saleof these machines, for this and the adjoining coun ties, can be secured by a personal application to the sutsciibcrs, Gth A Arch streets, l'tiladelpbia. No one need apply without capital suCicient to conduct the business properly, and without rcfler enees as to reliability and capacity. We positively assert that these machines, for all purposes of family sewing, are in every respect superior to any Sewing Machine in market, (no waiter at what prices they may ba held.) and wherever they are cfTcred for sal'cthey must com mand a ready and unlimited demand. K JOHNSON A GOODELL. Philadelphia, August 10. 1S57. TTkELHI HAS FALLEN. AND NEW J GOODS II A YE ARRI V ED A T THE CHEAP CASH STORE IN CURWENSVILLE! Tho isadcrsigned have one of the best, cheapest, nnd largest assortments of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, in Curwensville. and which they will sell at the very lowest cash prices. Their stock con sists of a general assortment of well selected VRY GOODS.- GROCERIES. HARD- ' WAIZE. QUEEMSWARE. GLASS WAKE. HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS. Jre., &-e., together with a large assortment of the latest styes of LEDIES' DRESS GOODS, snituble fur the seast-n, among whiih can be found, such ad Dress Silks. French and English Merinoes; Brocha, Merino and Wool Shawls; Bril liants, Plaids, DcLains, Embroideries, Trite inings.Ronnents. Bonnet Rib bons and Borders. Gloves, Ac ALSO, a lot Drugs. Medicine. Paints, Dye-stuffs. Oils, Varnisnes, Ac., Ac ALSO, keeping a nnmbcr of tho best workmen in tho Shoe Shop, making nil kinds of work to order at.ihe shortest notice and lowest prices. All kinds of Lumber. Hides and country produce taken in exchange for Goods, Boots, Shoes, Ac. We are thankful for past favors, and invite all to give cs a call, examine our handsome stock of goods, freo of charge, before vou buy elsewhere. Nov25-'a7 MONTELIUS A TENEYCKE. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The subscriber respectfully announces to hi 3 friends and the public generally, that he has just received a fresh supply of GOODS, at his old stand,- embracing everything necessary for the season the wants of families, or the business of the people. All n ho want to buv right, can have either made up CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, or anything else, on terms most favorable, and for CASH lower than they can be bought elsewhere. LCall and see. WM. L. MOORE. Clearfield. December 23, 1857. SCHOOL ROOKS. Sarganfs, Cobbs', and San ders' Spellers ; Bullion's and Green's Gram mars ; Davies' Arithmetic, Ac, for sale at the cor ner store of WM. 1RYIX. Curwensville. November 25, 1S57. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FLOUR for sale by Curwensville, March 2. WM. IRVIN. COFFEE. Can be had low rates at the store of November 25. WM. F. IRWIN. T CBS AND BUCKETS. ed and for sale at -A yariety just reeeiv WM. F. IRWIN'S- ANEW Two Horse Waggon, for sale at the oor . nr, CurwsntriU, b.r . YM. IBVLX. inr V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers