u 1 THE JOTJRMI CLEARFIELD, PA., APRIL 14, 1858. Esittiso Machines. A few days since we had an opportunity of witnessing the operation of knitting stockings by machinery. The ma chine is a singular contrivance, but' performs Its work well. A single thread machine is capable of knitting from 4 to 5 pairs of men's socks per day, whilst a doable or treble thread machine will increase its capacity in like pro portion. Mr. Joseph Ilollen of Cambria coun ty is the inventor and patentee, lie is a poor man, and has lately had his property destroyed by fire. In consequence of this, we bejieve, Lis brother, John Ilollen, has undertaken the selling of rights for counties or States. His address is Fallen Timber P. O., Cambria Co., Pa. The machine is a labor-saving affair, and will doubtless become popular wherever it is oace put into operation. Cojcplimestart. Last week, our former townsman, E. S. Dundy, Esq., who has now his "tent pitched" io Archer, Nebraska Tern ary, returned hither, after having spent the winter in Washington City, attending to busi ness. On last Thursday evening, the mem bcrs of the Clearfield Bar complimented him with a supper at the Mansion House, which passed off pleasantly and to the entire satisfac tion of all who participated. Dundy is "a good fellow" to all intents and purposes, and we hope that Fortune may bestow her smiles unsparingly upon bim in his new home. A report of the supper proceedings will be found elsewhere in this paper, for a copy of which we are indebted to the editor of the Republican. At Work. We see Judge Shaw is already at Work getting material ready to Tc-build his stables, which were destroyed by the fire on the night of the 2ith ult. We understand he has also made a contract for putting up a large row of shops and offices on "the burnt dis trict." We do not know what kind of mate rial he designs using in the latter, but we should like to sec him put up a good ' brick building. It will not only be more ornamen tal than a frame, but it will be more substan tial and less liable to destruction by fire. JrccED. Officer Smith of Eeccaria town ship, this morning deposited in our county Jail one William Gillan, charged with assault and battery on Wm. Dickinson of Glen Hope. Il would seem that Gillan and others had in dulged too freely in the "O-be-joyfiil," and upon being ordered out of Dickinson's office, committed the offence. A couple, months' boarding with the Sheriff might do good to the individual who sold the fighting-whisky. Raix ! Kais ! ! During the last three days largo quantities of rain fell here, in conse quence of which the water In the Susquehan na is very high. This will give our raftsmen a fine opportunity of running their lumber to market. Quite a number of rafts passed this place yesterday, and to-day. We fear the aw-logs will do some injur-, as we were in formed that they were running thick out of Clearfield Creek yesterday. Natiosal Exchange. We direct attention to the advertisement of Mr. David Smith, who Las taken the above named hotel, situated in the Borough of Curwensville. Tub JcutList for May term will bo found in our advertising columns. Several additional accounts appear in the Register's Notice to-day. Awful Fate. Mr. Walt, recently a priso l.er in the dungeons of the infamous "Bomba" King of Naples has lcen released. His gov ernment (British) interfered in his case and boon brought him out. lie tells, some of the 'secrt-ts of his prison house" and represents the prison as presenting a stravge and ghastly spectacle. The European Time, of March 20. publishes Watt's account of this den of wretch edness from which we gather the following : "The prisoners, about 300 in number, are nearly all young men, and would have been in the prime of manhood if suffering and the dungeon had not effectually done their work. They were pale and emaciated they all had sunken eyes and prominent cheek bones they resemble a croud of animated corpses rather thanjliving and breathing human beings. There was presented by them all a uniform expres sion of countenance, as if a common suffer ing had affixed on their shrinking faces and pinched features a common impression. Some lie remarked Jo be without-shirts ; others were affected with repulsive looking sln diseases ; and all were loaded with pediculi. Mr. Watt declares that the sight he beheld 1n that court will haunt him to his dying hour. These unfortunate men talked and sometimes smiled. Death to them had ceased to be a terror. They were sheep arrived within the precincts ot the shambles. Many of them, Mr. Watt tells us, will not wait for the execu tion of the judicial sentence ; disease and death are busy amongst them. Excommitxicated. Prcoident Buchanan has issued a Bull of excommunication, through his organ, the Washington Union, against sev eral member of Congress who voted, last week, iigainst the Lecompton Constitution. What will they say to this summary process or read ing them out of bad company, and turning them over to the enemy ? Here is the Bull, at we find it in the Union and other adminis tration papers : "Messrs. Han is, of Illinois, and Chapman and Hickman, of Pennsylvania, went over, on Thursday, bag or baggage, to the black-republicans. Upon the motion of Mr. Giddings to reject ihe Senate Kansas bill, and thus prolong indefinitely the settlement of the . question, they were the only men pretending to be any thing else than republicans who voted with that party for the motion. Afterthus openly giving in their adhesions to black republican ism, we suppose they will no longer claim to be democrats or complain that they have been read oat of the democratic party. They are now clearly without its organization, and as thoroughly identified with its enemies as Gid dings himself." Pa. Legislature. The bill for the sale of the remainder of the State Canals to the Sun bury & Erie Road, passed the House Mr. Hayes voting in the affirmative. The bill re ducing the prices of licenses, and otherwise facilitating the salo of liquor, passed the Hou also, mostly by a Btrict party vote. CLIPPINGS AND SCRIBBLINGS. la"Rather slushy the roads. tdGr"Scarce good, fresh hotter. X'?"Plenty 'hen fruit,' jast now. LSTost the season for bivalves. LsNear at hand ice cream time . CP'Bad some of the street crossings. rTell large quantities of rain, the past few days. CP"A tall word "scatterlofisticated." Whar's Webster. ETArrived in Mobile, Hon. Edward Everett, on the 8th. tSSeriously ill Thomas II. Benton, at Wash ington city. L"FAbolished of Louisiana. capital punishment, in the State LsrOpened a large bed of anthracite coal, near Atchison city, Kansas. C5"Erccted a bridge of iron and stone, over the Kansas river at Tecumseh. ERumored in Washington, that there will be a re-construction of the Cabinet. CF'Robbed the Grafton Bank, at Grafton, Mass., of 512.000, on tho 8th inst. LsLcft West Point last week, a company of sixty-four sappers and miners, fur Utah Applied the appellation of 'King James I,' to President Buchanan, by some of the papers. rSDead again Lecompton. The House voted to adhere to its amendment yeas 119, nays 110. OTContradieted the report that a yankce had invented a machine to tako the noise out of thun der. r-5Punch says in the shadow of a email waist may be seen a large doctor's bill and the outlines of a eofiin. JSSigned tho bill Governor Packer, for a re charter of the Merchants' A Manufacturers' Bank of Pittsburg. CfiConcIuded a contract the War department, to the extent of S3.000.000 for transportation alone to the Utah army. t SSeveral fine cattle belonging to Mr. John S. Burns, of Dauphin county, wercseixed with hy drophobia, recently. . tAt the town election in Perkins, Ohio, there were but 6 "democratic" votes cast, out of 114, the whole number polled. 1.. Victorious the anti-Lecomptonites, in St. Louis, Mo. They carried their whole municipal ticket by 1300 majority. tfDcfcated the standing army bill, but the President is authorized to accept the services of two Regiments of Volunteers. fThe first woolcn-mill on the Pacific Coast has been set in operation at Snlein, Oregon, with four hundred and eighty spindles. rIestroyed Mrs. Swishclm's printing office, in St. Cloud; Minnesota, by a band of ruffians, who took offence nt her editorial strictures. OThe largest room in the world is the great tobacco store at the London docks. It is said to cover six acres, and is under one roof. isTon verted at Ripley, Ohio, tho proprietor of a gambling saloon. At his request a daily pray er meeting was organized in his rooms. rConvietcd Green Martin, a farmer in Geor gia, for whipping one of his slaves to death, and sentenced to be hung on thoTfh of May. tjaPaascd by the Virginia Legislature, a bill to permit the General Government to purchase cer tain lots in Alexandria for a national foundry LsI'icd in Pittsburg recently. Rev. Dr. Eaton, one of the clergy connected with the Church of the Advent, lie was above eighty years of age. EsFRer. La ban Ainsworth. of Jeffrey, N. II., died lately, lie- was pastor of the Congregational church in Jeffrey 74 years. His age was 100 years, 7 months, and 28 days. ""Squntter sovereignty. The entrance of six full dressed ladies into an omnibus, and taking ex clusive possession thereof, while eighteen spare gentlemen are forcibly expelled. tSf"Six feet in his boots!"' exclaimed Mrs. Par tington. '-What will the impcrtinenco of this world come to, I wonder ? Why they might as well tell me a man had six heads in his hat. Ls"""i?entcnccd II uldah Morrison, to confinement in tho penitentiary for 20 years, She had set fire to the Ashtabula county, Ohio, Infirmary, by the burning of which seven persons lost their lives. tr4?Lucky E. W. Gabanis, formerly editor of the Brandon (Miss.) RepnUiean. By the death of a relative, recently, he fell heir to a plantation and negroes in Hinds Co., Miss., valued at $00,000. nr'A -'fixed fact"' the transfer of Mount Ver non to the Ladies of the Mount Vernon Associa tion. The arrangements, as soon as the necessary preliminaries are completed, will be laid before the public. Pctatcd that Louis Xapoleon has exiled thirty-two thousand men. Of tbeso, thirty thousand have been pardoned. Tho recent arrests are said to havo been mado almost entirely from among the pardoned. "cr"Celebrated the 70th anniversary of the set tlement of Ohio, by the Pioneer Association, at the Burnett House. Cincinnati. A daughter of Simon Kenton, tho wife of Gen. St. Clair, and other old settlers were present. l"iTRefused last fall a stingy farmer at Bridg ton, III.. $1 75 per bushel for5l)(IO bushels of choice wheat, hoi. ling on to it. in hopes of getting 52. ' He was obliged to sell it off his hands tor 78 cents per bushel, a few weeks since. 1zflt, as the Lccomptonites assume, the Repub licans. Americans and touglas men hare, in voting for the Crittenden substitute, '-backed down" from their ultra position, why do the Democratic Sena tors refuse to vote for that substitute ? t"Made a wager Conrad Pleistcr. a brewer at St. Louis, that ho could uplift a half barrel of beer by his teeth. "Whilst endeavoring to do so he had his upper jaw broken in so fearful a manner that it is expected he will die of his iftjurics. CiTTurned out about 700 watches per month at the factory at Waltham, Mass., which are said to bo fully equal to articles of the same character f foreign manufacture, while they are correct time-keepers, and are much lower in price. fGrcatcr the stagnation of business and dearth of employment in Lawrence, Mass., than in any manufacturing town of New England. Twelve months ngo the population was reckoned at fifteen thousand: by the first of May, it is said, it will not ci.'ccd ten thousand. ITsPGetting on his legs again V. T. Barnum. He has lately resumed the management of the N. York Museum, and is laboring with extraordinary vigor and skill to make it pay. He has recently received $27,000 insurance on Iranistan, and is making preparations to rebuild it. j5""It is said that the Earl of Rosso, one of tho first astronomers in Europe, has told a gentleman in England, that he anticipates one of the most in tensely hot summers this year that has ever been known, and he advises farmers to build sheds for their cattle, by way of protection against the ex treme heat. tTSlIad their pockets picked two ladies, whilst attending a noon prayer meeting in Chicago. Ono lady lost between fifty and sixty dollars, and the other between twelve and fifteen dollars. The won der is how so much money found its way into a church. Had it been a Sunday, the thief would not have found more than a quarter dollar inten ded for the contribution plate. MARRIED: On the 29th March, by Rev. A. Crowell, Kev. II. Ow, of Indiana County, to Rehecca Wilson, of Clearfield County, Pa. DIED: At the residence of W. C. Foley in Penn township, on Friday the 26th of March, Mrs. Mary Thompson, aged sixty-five years. (Bellefonte papers please copy.) PLASTERING. The subscriber having lo cated himself in the Borough of Clearfield, would inform the public that he is prepared to do work in the above line, from plain to ornamental of any description, In a workmanlike stylo. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man ner, and on reasonable terms. April 7, 1353. EDWIN COCPER. A LOT OF PRIME BACON on hand and for .aloby W. F. IRWI. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS for Taxes for the years 1856 and 1867. NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of an Act of Assembly, pas sed the 12th day of June, A. D. 1815, entitled, "An Act to amend an act di recting the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes," Ac, the following tracts of unseated lands in Clearfield county, will be exposed to public sale, or outcry, for the taxes due and un paid thereon, at the Court House in. the Borough cf Clearfield, on ihe Sec ond Monday of June, 1858 : BECCARIA TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Owners! Warrantees. Thomas Weston. 151 50 Tbos. Ketland, $23 75 162 116 Abr'm. Witmer, 25 51 162 116 Michael Musser, 25 51 Herman Hovpt Sr Co. 162 116 Jacob King, 25 61 . 162 116 John Gibson, 25 51 91 91 Jeremiah Mosherl 4 81 162 116 Peter Gets, 25 51 330 153 Martin Fonts, 61 97 296 1 25 Jacob Fonts, 46 62 323 153 George Musser, 44 98 215 73 Robert Wilson, 33 83 74 32 Thomas Wilson, 1165 S24 84 Matthias Barton, 44 73 433 1 53 David Barton. 68 23 433 1 53 Edward Hand, 63 23 - 433 153 John Ewing, 63 23 356 69 E annuel Reigert.56 07 103 George Moore, 17 01 John Patehin. 400 96 John Brady, 64 57 210 William Brady, 33 D7 279 04 E. Blain. 37 61 433 153 John Miller, 27 45 433 153 John Fordney, 63 23 George Groom. 11 Brown ABoynton, 1 76 William Pusev. 12 Brown ABoynton, 1 89 James Ilockenherry . 205 BrownABoynton, 32 25 195 William Wright, 30 63 William Donder. 140 William Brown, 22 05 Thomat Mullen. 140 P. Boynton, 22 05 John Ditlen. 43 119 Robert Wilson, 6 62 James Gallaher. 20 Fred. Honman, 1 89 55 50 Wm. Bausman, 4 91 William Hammond. 234 Herman Witmer, 29 43 Caleh Copenhaver. 55 108 P.GIoninger, 8 63 200 Samuel Turner, 31 50 Moses Robison. 60 100 P.GIoninger, 4 54 Fred. Shoff. 83 123 John Bausman, 13 04 93 140 Michael Fauty, 15 44 Wm. Porter. 93 Frcd.K. Ilubley, 8 33 John Cooper. 55 102 Sarah Billington, 13 36 David Yotmiin. 60 CampbcllATurncr,6 30 30 Plunkitt, 3 78 200 Geo.W. Caldwell, 25 20 Gill if liratton. 71 80 John Ketland, '1122 BELL TOWUSHIP. John G. Brenner. 5618 1000 Henry Beck, 83 75 5619 1000 Henry Beck, 63 75 4287 1000 Henry Beck, 83 75 75 William Martin, 9 00 75 Jon. Sherman, 9 On William Brady. 3565' 177 81 John Nicholson, 16 02 Reed and Uelitner. 5904 1000 Nicklin A Griffin, 75 00 5906 1100 Nicklin A Griffin, 82 50 5907 1000 Nicklin A Griffin, 75 00 59181100 Nicklin AGriffin,82 50 5919 1100 Nicklin A Griffin. 82 50 500 James McGco, 60 00 Peter Otreus. 35CG 450 John Nicholson. 40 50 Arthur Bell. 433 Benjamin Gibbs, 32 4G G. L.Reed. 5909 1000' Nicklin A Griffin, 75 00 5910 350 Nicklin AGrifnn.31 50 5911 263 Nicklin A Griffin, 23 64 5913 106 Nicklin A Griffin, 9 69 5915 767 Nicklin A Griffin, 57 54 5921 1100 Nicklin A Griffin, 82 60 140 David Bell. 12 60 249 Frampton Bell, 22 39 BOGGS TOWNSHIP. James Dixon. 89 John Thomas, 6 67 Lit mad it e if Turner. 203 John Thomas, 15 60 Smith if PoireJl. 93 Barbara Snyder, 7 36 Hunter if Broterhoof. 185 76 Joseph Drfnker, 13 83 403 76 11. S. Drinker, 30 61 Thomas Reatl. 100 Jno. Montgomery, 7 50 Joh n Kephart. 100 Henry Faunce. 7 50 F. Ransom, i 70 Henry Faunce, 5 25 due for 1854 a 1855 3 64 George Turner. 100 Hannah Stewart, 7 50 Fisher ir Potrell. 119 90 Barbara Snyder. 8 92 119 90 Fisher,DoIanACo. 8 92 William Albert emd Bros. 132 George Hootman, 9 89 75 John E.Shaw, 5 62 53 Luke Kyler, 7 50 George W. Gearhart. 80 Walter Stewart, 6 00 2(6 Joseph Ball, 19 95 David Go. 65 72 Richard Thomas, 4 95 54 Luke Kyler, C 03 BRADY TOWNSHIP. David Espy. 303 Wm.Kirkparrick 35 73 Hays and Schnell. 100 Roberts A Fox, 6 80 tiobrrts and rox. 20 34 Roberts A Fox, 492 1993 3574 3G09 3611 3612 3613 3614 3616 1993 1997 1993 1999 2004 1434 305 5682 5682 56S2 5877 5379 5381 5836 50 353 200 150 214 .72 8-J 750 540 540 795 Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox. Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Gox, 1 74 5 62 26 93 14 50 11 43 26 39 5 22 6 38 65 25 45 24 53 65 72 15 F. Beate's Estate 363 David Kennedy, 42 11 161 Ann Kennedy, 13 63 Elisha Fenton. 227 Joseph Ferron, 26 33 John W. Netrpher. 86 Joseph Ferron, 9 93 Marl L. Roberts. 86 Joseph Ferron, 9 93 50 . Samuel Ambroso, 5 80 Til ton Reynolds. 1011 Henry Wykoff, 120 76 1431 J 57 1999 55 250 143 300 195 195 5681 wsi Joseph Dale. David Kennedy, David Irvin. Roberts and Fox, Catharine Etrinif. 220 Robert Cuiry, Harrison. Hall. 320 Robert Curry, 100 James Reed, dna for 1854 and 1855, J. Free-land. 100 Casper Stiver, Robert Ross. 77 Casper Stiver, Joseph McClure. 135 Joseph Ferron, ' John Patton. 155 Joseph Ferron, 9 11 6 26 25 52 37 13 11 60 5 70 4 35 6 73 15 66 19 M M. Ley's tlein. . 213 501 Christian Lower, 53 11 110 370 Christian Lower, 42 92 100 George Wearer, 1160 John DnBois r Bro. 3580 995 94 Roberts k Fox, 115 42 1994 366 15 Roberts A Fox, 42 34 2009 1182 62 Roberts k Fox, 137 11 2010 6P4 109 Roberts A Fox, 70 06 13 521 Christian Lower, 60 44 27 303 Benj. llewey, 36 89 155 25S Casper Stirer, 29 93 George Munn. 3609 162 Roberts A Fox, 6 91 W. W. Fleming. 3616 73 103 Roberts k Fox, I 62 Adam Weber. 1997 200 Roberts k Fox, 1160 100 Charles Zilyock. 11 60 100 Jacob PenU, 11 60 626 215 Conrad Long, 20 30 BURNS IDE TOWNSHIP. Joh m Patrhin. 6602 100 John Nicholson, 12 30 5603 214 John Nicholson, 26 32 6604 336 John Nicholson, 47 48 78 John Mailer, 9 68 181 Abr. Witmer, 18 12 114 Casper Shaffer jr. 13 20 410 Casper Shaffer, 50 43 25 George Graff. 3 03 180 Samuel Roberts, 22 14 300 Daniel Witmer, 36 90 474 John Hubley, 53 30 100 Matthias Young, 12 30 S83 Wm. Bausman, 47 06 203 Mary Roberto, 25 01 76 John Tresaler, 9 35 ' 150 John Cumings, 18 45 264 Martin Mailer, 32 47 374 JohnBurge, 46 00 293 John Burch, 36 00 215 - Henry Musser, 26 40 165 Mary Jenkins, 20 34 347 John Tressler, 42 64 Horace Patehin. 303 John Jones, 49 C9 303 James Chapman, 49 69 290 Benj. Tresnall, 47 56 . 105 J. Backhouse, 17 22 James Gallaher. 424 Mary Crawford. 52 15 Ex'rs and Trustees of J. C. Fisher. 121 GeorgoRoss. 12 38 due for 1852-'53-'54-'55, 18 53 . 163 Jno.Cnnningham.16 69 due for 1852-'63-'54-'55, 24 84 209 Peter Gets. 21 40 - due for 1864 and 1855, 21 16 223 Jac.Mussersmith 33 04 due for 1854 and 1855, 32 63 8010 Frederick Kuhn, 33 13 James Thompson. 100 Samuel Roberts, 12 30 100 George Graff, .12 30 Sltrply Priestley. Ill Christian Stake, 13 62 100 William King, 12 30 150 John Ryan, 13 45 ' 150 Eb. McMastcrs, 18 45 150 . Jacob Holland, 13 45 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. J. W. Sm,th. 346 60 Hugh Ely, 12 27 Barger Pear re. 102 S5 John Campbell, 11 24 159 Hall A Buck, 11 6o Caezer Potter. 200 Blair M Lanahan 14 6o Joseph If William Sansom. 100 Mat. Slaymaker, 5 47 85 Wm. Graham, jr. 3 06 85 John Graham, 3 06 Levi Pearce. 100 Aaron Leavy, S 65 Abraham Graham. 90 Isabella Jordan, 3 23 George Turner. 100 Jonathan Nesbit, 3 65 John W. Turner. 75 Wm. Bingham, 4 03 300 George Dixon, 10 95 100 George Barger, 3 65 100 Abr. Laniberry, 9 12 100 John S. Kyler, 7 30 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Peter A. Karthans. 1893 573 Morris A Stewart, 41 04 1899 890 Morris A Stewart, 63 19 1902 89 Morris A Stewart, 63 12 1942 445 Morris A Stewart. 38 70 Peter L-amm. 1941 200 Morris A Stewart, 10 65 II. Sr O. Smith. 5367 250 George Mead, 17 75 CHEST TOWNSHIP. John Patton. 433 153 Jno. Brenncman, 64 95 253 James Ross, 33 10 John Patrhtn. SU 153 Benjamin Yoncg, 46 65 100 153 John Boyd, 15 00 313 153 Josiah Haynes, 46 95 433 153 Thos. Hamilton, 64 95 433 153 M. Worthington, 64 95 393 153 William Wilson, 59 70 195 John Witmer, 29 25 llenrv S. Drinler's Estate. 50 Charles Gobin, 3 75, 433 153 Alex. Hunter, 32 48 200 Robert Fleming, 15 00 200 IsaacRichardson,15 00 200 Jon. Walker, 15 00 Sarah Downing. 433 153 John Cook. 32 55 433 153 Jasper Ewing,' 32 55 36 ArmstrongAGamcl 5 40 Drinler Cftari: 433 153 William Cook, 64 95 . 433 153 Jno Cunningham 64 95 John Patrhin. 416 30 James Page, 62 32 316 148 Henry Ferrce, 47 32 James Thompson. 100 31 Henry Pole, 15 00 Geddes ir Marsh. 433 153 John Musser, 64 95 100 Wesley Toner. 15 00 200 Jas. MoCrackcn, 13 75 100 George Mullen, 11 25 140 Fulton, 9 50 200 Isaao Bloom, 15 00 82 ByersAMontgomerylO 80 House and lt James Davis, 8 25 100 JetTcrson Jordan, 11 25 30 George Hagens, 3 75 25 John Holes, - 4-40J Isaac turn a co. o 160 John McFennon, 7 50 63 John Patton, 7 05 2oo John 8wao, 3o oo loo Jam White, 13 12 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. James McGirl's Estate. 391 159 Thos. Billington, 52 53 Peter Ovens. 404 Charles Risk, 54 14 J. W. Smith. 202 MaryMcLanahan,20 30 250 Casper Haynes, 16 75 360 David Kephart, 36 45 due for 1854 and 1855, 31 55 Richard Coplin. 84 137 JosephWhitehall.il 49 105 Joseph Whitehall,14 07 John and David Gearhart. 220 Jacob Downing, 29 48 Kephart if Albert. 135 John Drinker, 13 53 James Albert. 37 49 Joseph Sansom, 5 03 76 96 William Sansom, 7 64 D. J. Pruner iV Co. 290 E. A J. Harrison, 33 86 300 Joseph Harrison, 40 20 200 John McGirk, 26 80 100 - D- Britton, 8 75 125 Joseph Logan, 11 33 88 Joseph Logan, 10 15 00 Harrison A Fauleyl3 40 260 A. and J. G osa, 10 63 50 Harrison, 3 50 100 George Kephart, 10 85 - 100 Jona. Kephart, 7 00 100 Bamuel Kay, 5 25 25 John Logan. 1 75 200 Edward Smith, 14 00 ' 59 John Western, 3 50 Daniel Philips, 10 Op Jj. J. Crans. 431 147 Thos.Edmonson, 57 89 195 80 Joseph Harrison, 26 13 T0X TOWNSHIP. 108 B.ParatipcT, 1 60 - " James Wilson, 4 "80 duo for 1854 and 1855, 1 75 Lillaman Hanrood. 330 Jas.Wilson, west ,7 92 Nathan Bailey. 200 Jas- Wilson, east i, 4 80 John C. French. 495 Jas.Wilson,epart,ll 91 U. S. Land Company. 937 James Wilson, 56 2t 947 James Wilson, ' 56 83 298 James Wilson, 28 61 923 James Wilson, 22 18 20 James Wilson, 1 92 600 James Wilson, 66 60 Spencer if Spiler. 372 ' JamesWilson, 8 93 Wm. Gordon. 216 JamesWilson, 20 74 Daniel Oyster's Estate. 440 JamesWilson, 21 12 Alexander Vial. 1S8 JamesWilson, 13 05 4272 4200 4183 4271 4241 4233 4242 4090 1534 1535 4399 4393 4400 4340 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. 216 Greenwood Bell, 12 53 100 Albert Bishop, 5 80 Greenwood Bell. 233 159 John Hambright, 13 57 John Patehin. ' 433 153 Daniel Turner, 25 27 jl. Moore. 218 Matthias Slough, 12 53 Charles Huston. 433 153 George Ross, 25 27 GIRARD TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. 1923 508 108 Morris A Stewart, 16 73 A. Sf J. Spaelman. 1890 367 45 Morris A Stewart, 24 22 - A. if W. Murray. 1888 260 Morris A Stewart, 21 45 1931 549 116 Morris A Stewart, 36 24 1935 636 Morris A Stewart, 26 53 T. II. Fulton 6r Co. 1888 543 Morris A Stewart, 8 91 1923 509 Morris A Stewart, 16 77 1929 70 Morris A Stewart, 2 31 1930 225 Morris A Stewajt, 7 39 1886 729 Morris A Stewart, 36 04 1917 314 - Morris Stewart, 5 12 1916 406 Morris A Stewart, 6 69 3650 226 Morris A Stewart, 22 37 1887 762 Morris A Stewart, 37 69 1936 103 Morris A Stewart, 3 43 Nicholas Ronsolot. 1913 115 16 Morris A Stewart, 9 44 Anderson Murray. 1918 114 Morris A Stewart, 9 37 Francis CoudreU. 1890 254 120 Morris A Stewart, 20 99 II. if O. Smith 5365 250 George Mead, 24 75 53661000 George Mead, 33 00 Smith if Graham. 1929 254 Morris A Stewart, 16 76 James Nelson. 1886 50 Morris A Stewart, 2 44 Peter Lamm. 3647 117 Morris A Stewart, 3 83 3648 47 Morris A Stewart, 1 43 1837 97 103 Morris A Stewart, 8 05 1926 256 Morris A Stewart, 13 33 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Peter Rider. 5325 200 George Mead, 11 10 Thomas Graham. 1884 ,m Morris& Stewart, 17 40 1915 ,300 Jo An Keating. 1922 201 2 Morris & Stewart, 9 60 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. 83 William Bingham, 145 T. Forcey, due for 1854 & 1855, 40 T. Forcey, 140 T. Cope, Samuel La ns berry. 100 George Moore, John Heming. 1C5 A. K. Wright, Russel. 207 Jasper Mayland, 109 J. Graham, Wm. Drinker's heirs 300 John Fry, jr., 380 John Thomas, George Johnson. 1C4 Bernard Gratz, 146 Bernard Gratz, 139 Reuben Haines, 417 John King, 104 41 David Hall. 396 George Wetzel, 195 150 Paul Wetzel, 348 Joseph Hcary, 411 Chas. Hall, 121 100 Wm. D. Kerwin, 332 Reuben Hai nes, j r, JoAn Cook. 4C6 Jaeob Wetzel, Russel If Co. -382 Joseph Simmons, Daniel M . Bradley. 436 114 Robert Shaw, 431 114 Hyman Gratz, J. Cook . 228 Reuben II lines, 234 Reuben Haines, Ed. Jilbert $ Brother. 113 John Fry, jr., 7 81 8 09 6 03 4 50 5 39 11 25 22 27 23 25 8 17 28 63 43 89 25 27 22 48 21 41 64 21 16 00 76 37 30 03 63 59 63 29 18 78 51 14 71 76 76 76 67 14 66 53 S4 80 86 02 13 47 No. 4257 4902 4231 4234 4235 422S 4229 4230 4890 4889 4902 5063 4897 5062 5069 5064 4902 5063 4225 4336 2000 2001 3593 3601 3600 3578 3576 3592 3594 3597 3607 3584 3535 3589 3604 1983 252 5068 4193 4254 4256 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. Ac Per. 200 J. G Kidder, 22 40 195 David Caldwell, 16 35 Wm. Parker. 833 15 James Wilson, 24 85 420 WilheImWillink,47 04 U. S. Land Company. 633 James Wilson, 42 63 526 James Wilson. 36 80 936 JamesWilson, 69 22 990 JamesWilson, 69 27 965 123 James Wilson, 69 53 507 JamesWilson, 35 50 John Biggs. 124 WilhelmWillink, 3 47 Reading, Bartles & Fisher. 9. 990 WilhelmWillink, 83 72 55 WilhelmWillink, 4 59 100 William Powers, 8 40 110 WilhelmWillink, 9 24 990 William Powers, 83 72 990 WilliamPowers.110 88 Thomas Holt. 990 William Powers, 27 52 II. Thayer ir Z. Srisen. 100 WilhelmWillink, 8 40 293 William Powers, 16 69 W- B. Gordan. 250 JamesWilson, 21 00 500 JamesWilson, 4200 John DuBois, jr., et al. 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 107 40 1089 9 Roberts A Fox, 107 40 ! 1009 64 Roberts A Fox, 113 00 437 20 Roberto A Fox, 49 00 889 151 Roberto A Fox, 100 80 733 Roberts A Fox, 82 12 90S 109 Roberts A Fox, 101 70 1016 113 Roberto A Fox, 113 79 1003 35 Roberto A Fox, 112 33 1033 35 Roberts A Fox, 116 26 863 23 Roberts k Fox, 91 06 1020 64 Roberto A Fox, 114 24 1020 64 Roberto A Fox, 114 24 1046 22 Roberto A Fox, 117 15 9S6 6 Roberts A Fox, 110 43 429 32 Roberto A Fox, 43 03 206 John Dunlap, 23 06 297 Wm. Powers, 26 54 927 23 James Wilson, 109 41 927 28 Jamts Wilson, 109 41 883 15 James Wilson, 99 45 5672 317 27 MooreADelaney, 29 06 5676 500 MooreADelaney, 42 00 5677 500 MooreADelaney, 42 00 J. W. Smith. 6676 547 81 MooreADelaney, 15 46 5677 547 81 Moore ADelaney, 15 46 5678 1041 81 Moore ADelaney, 58 29 4299 100 HaffimosdAJoset, 8 40 JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Cooper t Pusey. 108 64 Eb. Brcnham,. 16 20 274 Adam Kuhn, 47 10 Patehin if Swan. 433 153 Richard Martin, 65 00 433 153 Thomas Martin, 6 00 150 Benj. Young, 22 60 120 Samuel Jordan, 18 00 200 William Wilson, 30 00 Edward 4r James Gillegan. 200 Daniel Smith, 30 00 300 John Patehin, 45 00 IARTHAUS TOWNSHIP. P. A. Karthans. No. Ac. Per. 1900 600 Morris A Stewart 69 60 1901 778 Morris A Stewart, 90 25 1943 607 Morris A Stewart, 53 81 1093 200 Morris A Stewart, 23 20 George Arealaritts. 1429 555 1 20 Wm. Smith, 63 80 1430 663 138 Wm. Smith, 65 89 3552 573 120 Wm. Smith, 66 47 Devisees of John White, Esq. 1093 79 22 Charles Willink, 4 64 1023 83 Charles Willink, 7 08 3463 ) 3475 j 633 147 Charles Willink, 37 00 Henry Yothers. 1097 100 Charles Willink, 4 35 Geo. Vattr. 1944 513 95 Morris A Stewart, 29 70 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Ac.. Per. Crane, Blake 4r Purley. 437 48 Reuben Haynes, 39 32 435 50 Luke Morris, 39 15 433 153 Joseph Ililllard, 38 97 433 153 Robert Gray, 38 97 429 41 John Binghurst, 38 61 433 153 Sarah Ward, 38 97 433 153 George Eddy, 38 97 433 153 Moore Wharton, 38 97 433 153 George Ashton, 38 97 Richard Peters. 109 Susannah Ward, 17 00 Benj. R. Morgan. 433 153 William Hunter, 38 97 127 JohnDorsey, 20 12 due for 1354 c 1855, 14 45 John Patehin. 433 153 IsraeVMorris, 60 70 433 153 Benj. Poultney, 50 70 433 153 Martin Pierrie, 60 70 350 John Boyd, 40 95 200 Philip Loaat, 23 40 "200 William Johnson, 23 40 Wilson Hooter. 197 80 Silas Wilcot. 23 09 Daniel Bausman. 200 G.&M.M'Cormick,23 40 120 Wm.H.Rooertson,14 04 Thomas McElwee. 100 Jonathan Jones, 11 20 John M. Chase. . 433 153 Caleb Foulb, 50 70 293 George Westcot, 34 32 433 153 Robert Wharton, 50 70 433 153 George Seaff, 50 70 300 John Boyd, 35 10 133 153 Robert Wharton, 15 16 600 Isaac Thompson, 70 20 200 Isaac Thompson, 19 50 100 Isaac Thompson, 9 75 240 ThompsonAEnglcman 23 03 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Solomon Kline. ' 2003 131 Roberts & Fox, 6 64 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Edward Perks Se Co. 421 'Jesse Yarnal, 78 300 Peter Yarnal, 83 E. C. Burton. 272 16 Robert Glen, 60 Wm. H. Robertson. 40 John Best, 2 Snyder 4r Large. 183 Francis Johnson, 32 Shaw 4- SI. John Smith. 433 153 Thomas Morris, 64 433 153 William Morris, 64 433 153 Samuel Meredith, 64 433 153 William Miller, 64 279 153 Iletfy Morris, 41 433 153 ThosFitzsimmons,64 433 153 George Clymer, 64 433 153 Robert Gray, 64 433 153 Patrick Moore, 64 433 153 Mary Morris, 64 433 153 Magncs Miller 64 433 153 Nalbro Frazer 64 William Hooter 100 153 Francis Johnson 18 S. & J. Gratz. 205 52 James Wilson, 29 100 90 Robert Morris, 17 90 122 Wm. Morris. 13 407 139 Richard R. Smith, 60 203 John Baum, 30 438 Wm. Stewart, 64 J. A. Crawford. 223 Simon Gratz, 33 P. Kepple. 100 John Nicholson, 11 Robert Thomas. 231 CbnstopherBaker, 34 Swartz and Bower. 60 Francis Johnson, 7 Due for 1855, I Jos. Dipard. 50 Blair M'Lanahan, 7 96 Joseph Potter, 17 Hemy Cramer. 50 Casper Shafncrj 7 W. if J. Huff. 85 Blair&M'Lanahan, 12 PENN TOWrSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Wm. Higler. 59221100 14 Nicklin AGriffith, 53 5951 946 146 do do 50 5964 674 do 'do 37 5953 1093 do do 53 59251000 do do 56 59521099 do do 53 5954 515 do do 23 Wm. Hepburn. 83 Cochrane tract. 5 163 Greenwood Bell, 10 100 ' Elah Johnson, 5 PIKE TOWNSHIP. . 5781 600 John Nioholson,13 90 5773 430 John Nioholson, 15 12 James Hopkins. 57331020 64 John Nicholson, 32 26 5785 819 41 John Nicholson, 25 83 5774 633 64 John Nicholson, 21 55 5775 820 64 John Nicholson, 25 83 3590 lo2o 60 Roberts A Fox, 32 13 DnBois if Loire. 3582 799 So Roberts k Fox, -32 13 W.C.Ehos. 4252 937 85 James Wilson, 3o 13 4253 883 15 James Wilson, 27 93 5777 lo2o 24 John Nicholson, 32 13 60 Daniel II artoock, 3 15 37o R. A Z. MoNaul, 11 o2 3779 334 John Nioholson, 11 97 Wm.McCray. 5779 2So John Nicholson, 8 82 UNION TOWNSHIP- John DuBois.jr., Sr Bro. 36o3 9o9 151 Roberto A Fox, 116 43 3599 608 66 Roberts A Fox, 77 64 Roberts. Fox Sr Co. No." Ac. Per. 3579 1020 60 Roberts&Fox, 56 10 S587 645 Roberts & Fox, 35 47 3591 358 Roberts & Fox, 25 30 3596 780 Roberts & Fox, 42 90 008 650 Roberts & Fox, 36 87 3598 "150 Roberta & Fox, 8 67 8610 435 Roberts fc Fox, 23 94 3581 300 Roberta Fox, 16 60 8581 275 Roberta & Fox, 15 14 3573 200 Roberts & Fox, 11 00 Gartland Irvin. . 8667 850 Robert & Fox, 48 00 18 30 32 96 26 23 23 23 23 44 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 50 89 04 46 24 04 81 00 10 19 40 00 40 76 40 68 42 73 60 nenry Bailey, 40 262 R .W. Moore, 83 64 60 David Woolmer, 6 40 196 Henry Whitehead, 25 00 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. John Patehin. 30 John Cannon, William B. Hegarty. 27 George Meek. James McGhee Co. 119 121 Christian Stake, Mathias Yonng, Christian Wager, Geo. Musser, Thos. Yedlar, . Daniel Offley, George Baker, Jr., Timothy Paxton, John Burge, John Musser, jr., Joseph Ashbridge, ' Pigot Shaw, Sebastin Graff, Thomas Edmondson. Wright tf Menges. 77 Samuel Emlen, 82 Thomas Neil, Samuel Hegarty. Benjamin Johnson, B. Alexander tc Co. Roll & Morgan. William Wilson, Daniel Fulkerson, S. P. Shqf. Mary Connell. Dr. Daniel Houiz. 433 153 Philip Loast, Jacob R. Howell, William Johnson, George Backhotfao, John Morgan, John McCahen, John Lampblack, William Albert $ Bro. Eli Hootman, . Kephart. Samuel Ilambleton, J. Wolf. R. McGhee, Robert Wallact. Peter Henry, JOHN McPHERSON, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Clearfield, I s 427 814 193 122 433 153 433 153 23748 210 215 75 436 145 433 153 216 153 436 145 834 216 438 443 107 245 100 100 200 41 Wm. 433 433 100 300 2C0 83 121 153 153 63 60 404 28 177 153 March 24th, 1858. 65 48 40 83 15 60 25 17 66 97 66 87 80 84 27 SO 27 98 66 78 66 87 28 18 66 78 43 42 28 08 66 94 67 62 14 09 81 88 13 00 13 00" 15 60 6 20 87 66 87 66 37 13 0(1 89 00 26 78 12 71 15 71 62 62 22 93 1 28 TTiLOUIt. Just received 30 barrels Extra Fam JL ily Flour, which will be 1 December 2, sold low for cash by RICHARD MOSSOP. DR. LITCII'S PAIN CL'RER, ANTI-BILIOUS REMEDY, and RESTORATIVE, far Colds, Coughs, Croup, Ac., sold at Joseph Goon a Shoe Shop, Clearfield, Pa. Oct 23. JOH N RUSSELL & CO., TANNERS AND CURRIERS, PennvilU, Clearfield Co., Pa Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at tha lowest cash prices. Hides taken in exchange. July 15, 1854. AMBUOTYPESP. C. PURVIANCE, Pro fessor of Photographic Chemistry. Gallery at his residence on 2d fctreeUone door South of Merrell A Carter's Tin-ware establishment, Clear field, Pa. rPDays of operation : Friday and Saturday of each week. junelS'66 ANSON VILLK PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tho property formerly occupied by James Smith, being 3 adjoining lots, having a two story plank house, 34 by la feet, and a plank shop, 24 by 15 feet, thereon erected, is for sale, or tent, oa accommodating terms. Apply to March 24. L. J. CRANS, Clearfield. EATING SALOON. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand at his Saloon in Merrell A Carter's Basement, 1 door south of Moore's store. Fruits, Confectionariea, Tobacco and Sogara of every description, and other Article usually kept in an establishment of this kind. He will furnish articles to persons in large quan tities, on the most reasonable terms. Sept. 30 R. B. TAYLOR. OYSTERS! OYSTERSII The lovers of good bir aires en procure at all times THE BEST BALTIMORE OYSTERS, at the saloon of the undersigned, in Merrell A Car ter's basement, one door south of W. L. Meore'a store, Clearfield, Pa., where he will be happy to serve all who may favor him with their custom. He will supply persons with cans, if desired, at Baltimore prices, with the addition of the expense of bringing them here. - R. B. TAYLOR. Clearfield. Pa., Sept. 30. 1357. NORMAL SCHOOL. In accordance with notice heretofore given, I will open and teach a Normal School two months, in the Borough of Curwensville, commencing on Tuesday, the 4th day of May. Teachers who design attending it, are desired to make their preparations, to be pres ent at its commencement ; and to bring snch text books as they have in their possession. Our de termination is. to make the course of instruction, as practical, and well adapted to prepare Teachers for the duties of tho school room as possible. L. L. STILL, April 7. 1853 Co. Superintendent. No 43 Ang.T. 1851. No 88 Nor. T. 1857. IN THE COURT OF COMMON FLEAS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY. David and Andrew Spencer vs. Wm. A. Dale A Tolbert Dale with notice to Thomas Moore terre tenant. Summons and alias Summons an ejectment to enforce specific performance ef contract for 110 acres of lands in Pike township Clearfield County, bounded by lands of E. Fenton. John P. Dale, J. Thomas, Chas Cleaver and others. And now, November 18th. 1857, on motion of L. J. Crans Esq., Arty, for PHffs rule on defendants to appearand plead and order of publication awar ded. Certified from the record. GEORGE WALTERS, Profy. To deffs. above named Yoa will take notice of the above rule and that yoa are required to ap pear and plead by the 3d Monday of May next or judgment will be entered. L. J. CRANS. March 17th, 1858. Att'y for Pltffs. CLEARFIELD BOOT AMD SHOE MANUFACTORY. A WORDTO ALL. The subscriber takes this method of informing the citixens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has LOCATED himself on MAIN STREET op posite the Jail, and is now prepared to wait npon and render general satisfaction to all who may fa vor him with their patronage. He feels confident in saying that never before nas there been offered to the public of this section, such inducement aa he offers. All articles purchased at this establish ment will be warranted, and if proven not to be as represented, will be made good without extra charge. His work eannot be surpassed, as he is determined to use only the very beat materials in their manufacture. The "world and the rest of mankind" are requested to oall and satisfy them selves of the fact, that bis articles are of the best and most durable materials. GEORGE SHCLTZ. Clearfield, March 17. 1S58 - . COURT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Honorable JAMES BURXSIDE, Esquire, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the twenty-fifth Judioial District, composed of the counties of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton and the Honorable William L. Moore and Benjamin Bon gall, Associate Judges of Clearfield eounty, have issued their precept, to me directed, for the hold ing of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court. Court of Quarter Sessions. Court of Oyer k Termi ner. aai wun ot uenerai Jail Delivery, at Clear field, in and for Clearfield Co.. on the Third Mam.. day. the 16th day of MAY next. ' JNO I lib IS, therefore, hereby given, to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peaoe, and Constables, in and for said eounty of Clearfield, to appear in their own proper persons wiin ueir Kails, Keeords, inquisi tions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to be done, and Jurors and Witnes ses are requested to be then and there attending, and not to depart without leave, at their peril. GIVEN nnder my hand at Clearfield, this 7th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and the eighty first year of American Independence. JOSIAH R. REED, Sheriff.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers