ij , - m: RAFT . ! it r - THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., DEC. SO, 18-1 Temperance M eetino. According to ad journment, the AYashingtonian Temperance Society will meet on Friday evening, the 1st of January, at early candle lighting, in the Court House. Several addresses will be de livered, and the audience entertained by Tem perance songs. Ladies and gentlemen are kindly invited to attend. Dec. 23. G. Tninpr Gcelicii, Tres't. Broke Jail. Henry F. Cook, confined in our county jail on a charge of forgery, &c, and Charles Stevens, charged with stealing a horse and buggy from Kceffor Brothers, Cor ning, X. y., made their escape on last Thurs day evening. It would seem that they had false keys, opened the doors, passed into the jail yard, locked the outer door, and then scaled the yard wall. Two men, answering their description, were seen on the road to I'hilipsburg the same night. Accident. We regret to learn that, on Sun day evening last, 27th Dec., Miss Christina Shaw, daughter of Archibald Shaw, Sr., of Goshen township, had her collar-bone broken, and received some injuries about her bead, by being thrown from a sled at Goshen school house, where she was attending church. Sur gical aid was called into requisition. The in Jury was a serious one, but, we believe, hopes of a speedy recovery are entertained. Sxow. Last Saturday several inches of snow fell here, and although not sufficient to make good sleighing, yet our streets were toon enlivened by the jingle of bells and the appearance of a number of cutters. On Mon day, the weather moderated and the snow melted considerably. Yesterday (Tuesday) forenoon it snowed rapidly, with a tendency, however, all day, to melt. Fixe Arn.ES. On last Saturday, our worthy iriend Peter Gearhart, of Boggs township, presented ns with a half bushel of large and excellent apples, such as are well calculated to make ones "teeth water" to look at. We thank Mr. G. for his acceptable present, and hope he may every year have an abundance ol the "same sort." Scarlet Fkvek has been prevailing among the children in our borough for some weeks past, and quite a number of deaths have oc curred. We notice several more this week. It seems to be a difficult matter to treat this fever successfully. Xlw Jimcial District. We understand that steps are being taken to form a new J udi cial District, to be composed of the counties ol Clearfield, Jeflerson, Elk and Forest. That would make a good big district. A Big I'orcee. We are told that John Ir win, Sr., ot Lawrence township, this county, killed a hog on Monday last, which weighed dressed 513 pounds. .Newspaper Patboxage says a cotempora rv is a curious thing in the estimation of some people. A man lives near you never took your paper it is too small don't like the ed itor dou't like the politics too whiggish too old fogyish or too something else yet goes regularly to his neighbor and reads it by a good fire finds fault with its contents dis putes with its positions, and quarrels with its type occasionally sees an article he likes caves half a dime, and begs a number. This is newspaper patronage with a vengeance. Methodism. The Methodist Church Xorth lias a membership, it appears from its minutes, just publihed, of 20,219; being an increase of 20,11)2 over last year. Its travelling preach ers number 5,134 ; its local preachers 7,109 ; its .churches 8,33o ; and thej value of its churches and parsonages is estimated at $18, 00,000. Its contributions formissions, tracts, bibles and Sunday-school publications reach 5311,315. The Church South has a member ship of 5.jO,S90. Shipment of Irish Girls. The BritishGov ernment is shipping Irish girls to the Cape of Good Hope, as a means of preventing its colo nists from relapsing into barbarism. A party of 350 has already sailed, and another com pany of 250 is soon to be forwarded all des cribed as healthy and good looking. They go with the understanding that , matrimony is to reward their expatriation. Weather Wisdom is a matter in which pro phets are sometimes grievously mistaken. If, however, the vaticinations of the Penobscot Indians on this subject should prove correct, wc will have a poor winter. They say "the beaver build urn house high and thin," and therefore predict an "open" winter. This is Lad news for sleighers. To Cure Hoarseness. Take the whites of two eggs and beat them with two spoonsful of sugar; grate in a little nutmeg; then add a pint of lukewarm water. Stir well, and drink often. Repeat the prescription, if necessary, nnl it will rure the most obstinate case of hoarseness in a short time. It won't cost much to tct.t this prescription, at any rate. Archbisuop High es delivered a lecture in Xew Yo-k recently, in which he took "strong i.round.s against the public school system." This is hardly christian-like in the Archbishop. To be sure, the public school system has taken -strong grounds" against him; but then re taliation is not the law of the Gospel. What is Mas ? A young lady answers : "A thing to waltz with, a thing to flirt with, to take one to places of amusement, to laugh at, to be married to, to pay one's bills, to keep one comfortably." Xot far from the truth. The Congressional printing amounts to the enormous sum of $2H)0.000 annually. What a fine chance for tall stealing. Stb news yet from the Kansas election. CLIPPINGS AN SCRIBBLINGS. 150 ver Christmas. LSCoining New Year's day. tTSFell .-now, on Saturday. I1?Jitto crinoline, into church. Jlr'onc Old Buck's love for Freedom. "i?"Vioo 1 the original story on our outside. "Dangerous pistols that won't break caps. CiMigrated a couple of jail-birds, last week. I "ifExciting the biiibtrox& perforuiauee on Sat urday evening. E3?A good move the establishing of Teachers' Institutes in our county. jCool operation getting out of bed and mak ing fires these frosty mornings. "sLaughablo to see a -barrel of lager" try ing to run down a bag of buckwheat. 5c5?'llad a good time of it the children, at St. Andrew's church, on Thursday evening. IlifPasscd tho Senate the Treasury note bill. Look out for hard money, it's on the way. LjpAJjourned Congress, over the iloliidays. Meets again on Monday, the 4th January. '""Yery scarce Beuton '-mint-drops." Won der if the Mississippi flows t'other way now? ZH? Jug-glory throwing a tumbler at a man, and finding yourself in jail immediately after. rsBuund to bring it the chap that foughtthe sign post in Curwensvillo on Christmas evening. FJs'oming down tho price of pork. On Mon day, gales were made in Curwensvillo and in this place at 5 cents per lb. ijuery. i onucr who it was. that, on going home on Christmas night, pulled off bis boots and went up stairs on all lours : .""Destroyed by fire Iranistan, the handsome residence limit by 1. J . bartium, at Bridgport, Connecticut. It cost SlUU.ulK). ' ST ot generally known the fact, that 2o0 years ago, twenty-four dollars purchased the whole city and county of New York. "5r"Are being made great preparations, for the inauguration of Gov Packer. Tho militia of all parts of the State are invited to attend. Wants four new regiments Buchanan, to put down the Utah rebellion. How many will it take to crusu the tree spirits ot Kansas f CPWas submitted the Constitution of Oregon, to the people, and a large majority have voted to exclude slavery ana tree negroes trom the Mate J"?"Vhat a wish. There is said to be a youn lady in our town, who recently wished she was cart wheel, because it has lots of "ft lloirs."' Wo are glad she spoke of it. I r tjuite valiant the chap, who on Christmas night threatened to '-lay his life down on the plank walk,'' ns a witness to the truth of his declara tions, lioo-oo-hoo-hoo. r'Crceping into use the apncIJation of 'Anti Buchanan Democrat," and those to whom it is ap plied are already spoken of as a distinct combina tion. 1'ouglas is regarded as its leader. i-'ir The skin of a boiled egg is the most effica- ciou remedy that can be applied to u boil. Peel it carefully, wet nud apply it. It will draw off the matter, tCnd relieve the soreness, in a few hours. j?"BIeeding Kansas." Just now the Demo cratic party are exciting the bleeding Kansas ques- lion to an alarming extent. I hev have all alourr been swallowing camels, but now thev strain at a gnat. Ue careful of the Union, gentlemen. I'SrThe most essential point of our intercourso with children, is to be truthful ourselves. Every other interest ought to be sacrihecU to that of truth A hen we in any way deceive a child, wo not only set a pernicious example, but also lose our influ ence over Inm tor ever. n?"IIofl"nian and Dunn, whose arrest in Thila dulphia wo noticed a couple weeks ago. for selling sausages made ot horse meat, were tried last week found guiltv, and sentenced to eighteen months confinement in the counly prison. They are dint' making .sausages for a while, at least. Shouldn t wonder if they'd get a little huffy about it, too. t"s?Kathcr doubtful whether Governor Packer will get the kind of man he wants for whiskey in' spector at Philadelphia. He says be must have a temperance man tor that position, if he can find one among the members of his own party. Ho thinks that those who driuk the most whiskey arc not the best judges of the article. Ex-Governor Johnston thought different. rjBy a young poet, after taking seven lessons, who has a burning desiro for immortality: 'Twas on an evening piping hot. The air it seemed ii-bl.i7.ing. When charming Juliana sot Upon the stars a-gaiing. Her charms shono in the mystic light, When said a young mosquiter, 'By Jupiter I'll have a bite." And jumped right up and bit hor! A Tow.v A3 is a Towx. Brady, of the Jejf'ersouiun blasts of Brookville as ciono of the fastest places to be- found in the western part of tho State having its own peculiar"! ties and customs, and its citizens admitted to he the most hospitable and kind hearted peo ple lo be found in any neighborhood. With out exhibiting any o! those aristocratic airs which so olten create divisions in society and jealousies among neighbors, our citizens treat each other with that courtesy due their res pective stations, and live together in compar ative peace and happiness. The men arc gen erally careless about dress, while the women pay great attention to the fashions and pile on the extras to the fullest extent. We can raise a prayer meeting, a cotillion party, or a game of uchrc, in half an hour, so that strangers can select their own choice of spending an evening. H e have last young men, and a few old hard-shells, and we would like to know a place of the same size that could go ahead of Brookville in anything.'-" Brady knows he does, that's sure. A Model Teacher. The Pottstown Ledger tells a tough story of a teacher in one of the public schools in a neighboring district, who is in tho habit of employing his time at the nocn recesses by holding "raffling matches" with his scholars, by means of which ingeni ous operation he disposes of books, portc monaics, pencils, &c, with profit to himself and at the expense of the loose change of his pupils. This is rather a novelty in the way of teachin?. and deserves tho attention of the School Directors. Old Boots. The Charleston(Massaehusctts) .ldccrtiser says, a whale of the humpbacked species was driven ashore at Xahant.a few days since, and upon being cut open, a pair of boots nvuked "J," in a state of preservation, were found in its entrails. It is supposed that the boots, as they were marked -J," belonged to Jonah, and were taken off and left behind by accident when he made his e.vit from the big fish, of which every body has heard. A Warm Place. Elder Knapp, the celebra ted revivalist, in a recent sermon, assured his hearers, that hell was so much hotter than any thing they could conceive of in this world, that if one who had been inured to its flames, should be suddenly transmitted into a furnace glowing with the hottest Lehighhe'd freeze lo death in fire minutes ! Wonder how the El der kuows f m singular disease, resembling consump tion, has attacked the deer of Georgia, and they are found dead in great numbsrs. Married In Philadelphia, on the evening of the 16th of December, by the Kev. C. L- vans, Mr. Wm. P. Beck, of Bellefunte, and Miss Jukia V. Palmer, of Philadelphia, daugh ter of Alderman Palmer. Died On Friday last, Dec. 25th, William IIi.xrt, son of Josiah W. and Mary F. Baird, of this Borough, aged 8 years, 7 months and 2 d.tys. Centre and Tioga papers please copy. 'Hero kept in perfect peace, our darling boy Xow lives a cherub in the realms of joy; And though his spirit lingered, loath to part 1'roni the waste form which held so pure a heart, And when twas watted through the expanse ol air, Took with it all that made that torm so fair. No mystery see we here, but now can traco hat was it gave such sweetness to that lace. 'Twas tiod's own spirit that resided there. The hallowed soul that made the child so fair. That habitant is gone and now we see, Nothinz alas', but frail mortality : Tho same loved form, but no expression given, The patient spirit's flown away to heaven." On Wednesday eveninjr, 23d inst., in Penn township, 0f lung fever, Sarah Ellen, daugh ter of Charles M. and Lydia S. Gotl, aged 4 years, one month, and 3 days. Fmoothe the hair and close the eyelids, Let the window curtains fall ; With a smilo upon her features, She has answered to the call. Parents, children, kiss her gently, As she lies upon the bed ; God hath called her to his bosom, And the littlo one is dead. D. On Monday morning, 28th, Mary Virginia, daughter of Kobert and Ann Mitchell, of this Boiough, agedo years and days. BANK OTE LIST. Tho following are the rates of discount nt which the notes of the banks given were purchased last week by the brokers of Philadelphia: MAIN E. UlSC. VIKCINIV. UiSC. Mousora River Bank. 5(1 Kocklaud Bk, K'kTd Canton Bank, China, Bank of Kanawha, Ka- no-.vli.'. Salines Solvent banks, 4 PENNSYLVANIA. Bk of Pcun'a, l'hii'a 40 Ellsworth Bank. DO Exchange Bk. Bangor HO (i recurs' Bank. iJ Phil a banks, Jpar Mai'Hthne Bk, Bangor 30 Allcntown Hank, pur Anthracite bank, jpar Bk of Chester Co.. par Bk of Delaware co. par Bk of Germantow n, tar anford Bk, Bockland 60 Hancock Bk. EIlsw th (J Bank of llallowcll, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Exeter Bk, Exeter, Bk of Montg'y co., par Bk of Pottstown, par Bk of Cutasauqua, par Columbia Bank, par Doylcstown Bk, par Easton Bank. par Fr. A Mech. uk Easton par Far.BK of Bucksco. par Far. Bk. Lancaster, par Far.BK. Reading. par Lancaster Co. Bank, par Lebanon Bank. par Mauch Chunk Bk. par Miners' Bk Pottsv'c, par Stroudsburg bank, par Wyoming Bank, par Harrisburg Bank. 2 Bk of Chambersliurg, 2 Bk of Middletown, 2 York Bank. 2 Bk of Gettysburg, 2 Bk of Pittsburg, 2 Citizens' Bk, Pitlsb. 2 Exchange Bk. Pittsb. 2 Iron City Bk. Pittsb. 2 Mechanics' Bk. Pittsb 2 MonongaTa b.Brownsv 2 Frankl.bK.Wa.-Uingt. 2 VERMONT. Banby Bank, Dauby, 75 Bank of hoyalton, 00 Bk of .South Hovalton, (iO Stark Bk. Benningrou 75 t.Albaus I'.K.St.Alb 43 Missisquoi liK.Hieldn 40 Woodstock Bank, 50 MASSACIir.xKTTS. Western Bs.Spriugfd 25 RHODE ISI.AM. Farmers' IiK.Wickford Bank of South Coun ty, Wakefield, 60 Tiverton Bk. Tiverton Warwick BK.Warw'k 25 Rhode Island Central Bk, E. tircenwich, 73 Mt. Vernon Bank, 15 Ilopkinton Bank. 75 AH solvent banks, 5 COVNECTUXT. Merck. Ex. Bk, Bridgp Bridgeport Citv Brf, 30 Colchester Bank, 00 Bk of Hartford Co. 25 Hatters' Bk. Bethel, 40 Exch. Bk. Hartford, 25 Far.A Dro.bK.Wayncsb 2 Bk of Xorthuiuberl. 2 Bk of Danville, 2 West Branch Bank, 2 Lock Haven Bauk, 2 Lewisburg Bank. 2 Far.l'K Schuvlkill co. 2 Allegheny BK.AIlgh'y 2 Bk of Lawrence co., 3 lloni s lalc Batik par McrJtMan Bk. Pittsb. 5 NEW JKI'.SKV. Bk of X.J. X. Brunsw 25 Bcrgan County Bank at Hackcnsack, 40 Morris County Bank CO NOUT1I CAUOI.1M A. Fanners' Bank, Eliza Charter Oak Bk, 25 Mercantile Bank ' 25 Uncus Bk, Norwich. 30 Quinebuug Bk, " 40 V oostcr Bk. Danbury 40 Woodbury Bank, 5 1'awcatuck Bank, 40 Bk of N.Am. Sevmour tO Pabquioquc Bk, Danb 40 Granite Bk. Volunt'n Pequnnnock Bank. 5 Windham County Bk, 40 NEW VOItK. Agricultural I'.K.Herk 50 Addison Bk, Addison 50 li ofOrleans. Albion, Central Bank of New York. Utica. 50 beth City, 35 Solvent banks, ai Chemung County Bk 10 Dairymen's Bank, 50 TKNNF.bSEE. Agric-1 Bk. L'rownsv. h'mira Bank. Elmira 50 Hollister Bk. Buffalo, 30 I Hamilton Ex. Bank. 50 Huguenot Bx.X.l'alUu'l Medina Bk. Medina, 50 Niagara River Bank. 5 WcstPtn Bk, Memphis Bank of Nashville, 30 E.-c.Bk.Mi;rl'icesboro'30 Shelbyville Bank, 30 l.nwrenccburg bank, 30 Bank of Trenton. 30 Bank of Claiborne, 30 Bank of Jefferson. 30 Ontario Bk. Utica, f0 Ontario Co. Bk. Phelps30 Pratt Bank, Buffalo 50 Oliver LeeACo's Bk 3d Bank of Knoxville, 30 Bank of Paris. Paris, 30 Bank of Tazewell, 30 Bank of the Union. ."') Reciprocity Bk. i4 Sackctt'a Harbor " Western Bk. Lockport 50 Yates Co. Bk, PenYun MARYLAND. Mineral Bk, Cumb. Cuinb'l d .Savings Bk. 5 Solvent banks, 3J K ENTfl'KV. Bk of As-hlaod, Solvent Banks, 1 omo. City Bank, Cincinnati GO O. LifcATrustCo.,Cin Scnaca Co. Bk. Titan. 40 Sandusky City Bk.Cl 40 Bk of Macomb County Dayton Bank. Dayton 60 Miami Yal.lik, " State Bank, 13 WISCONSIN. Rouk River Bk. Beloit 70 Farmers" Bk, Hudson. 70 Fox Rivorl'K.iir.Bay 70 Badger State Bk, 70 SoIent Banks, 8 MICI1KSAN. PeninsularliK. Detroit 70 Farmers' .t Mech. Bk, ALABAMA. Bk ot Montgomery, 15 Central Bank, 15 Northern Bank, 15 Buck's lik.M Minnv'e 30 Citv Bank, Nashville 3U Northern Rk.Clarksv. 3.) Traders' I-'k. Xashv. 30 Bk of Commerce. 30 Ooocce Bk Cleveland, 30 Bank of Middle Tcnn. 30 Dandridge bank, Bank of Tennessee. Planters'.! Union Bk, iN PI AN A. Bank of the Capitol, Traders' bank, Tippecanoe bank, Central bank Bank of the State, Free banks. ILLINOIS. Bank of Elgin. Rock Island bank, Peoples' bank, Carmi 70 Hamilton County Bk Bk of the Commonw'h 50 lluntsville Bank, 70 Rushvillc Bank, 70 Stock Security Bk, 70 Corn Exchange, 70 Bk of Chester, Bk of Belleville, 7( Solvent Banks, 8 T M VKON K & WEAR IT E Ll K A 1 LKOA I). Notice is hereby given to tho stockholders that an election for President and Directors of the Ty rene t Clearfield Railroad will bo held on the 2d Monday of January, 1853. at the house of D.John ston, in Thilipsburg. J.vs. T. HaLK. Prest. Geo. L. Rkkd, Sec'y Dec. 23. IS57. Tr'IT-T' I s hereby given that Lewis W. Ten Eyck, of Li'inber City, in Penn township. Clearfield countp, will be an applicant at our next Court of Quarter Sessions for a license to keep a public house in Lumber City, for the accommoda tion of the public- and to entertain strangers and travelers. Also. Peter Bloom, Jordan township, tavern. Joseph 1'- Mulson, Covington tp., tavern. David Johnston, Curwensvillo. tavern. . GEO. WALTERS. Proth'y. Dec. 23 1857. LICENSE .NOTICE Notice is hereby giv en in accordance with tho Act of Assembly passed the 13th March. 1S515. that Richard B. Tay lor, of Clearfield borough, will make application at our next Court of Quarter Session, for s Li cense to keep an Eating House, in said borough of Clearfield, and has complied with the require ments of the aforesaid act of Assembly, by filing his petition, bond. Ac. tho length of time beforo said term of Quarter Sessions, as he is by said act repuired. December 16, 1Sj7. s END I'OU IT. The most superbly illustra- ted Magazine ever published in America, is li.n.or number of tho ' Cosmopolitan Art Journal," containing over sixty splendid eugrav-in-". and giving full particulars of the benefits of the Cosmopolitan Art Association. $2 a year; sin gle copies 50 cents. Specimen copies will be sent to alt persons who. wish to subscribe on the receipt of five postage stamps, (15 cents.) See advertise ment headed -Brilliant Prospectus"' in this paper. Addrer, C. L. DERBY, Actuary C.A.A.. BroadTnv. New York- TF.OITR Tii.t roKPi'vod 30 Inr M? ily Flour, which will be sold iowVtra Fam- i l'cceinber 2, RICHARD MOSK.bY I LITCH'S FAIN CUltER, ANTI-BIL- 101 REMEDY, and RESTORATI K, for Colds, Coughs, Croup, Ac, sold at Joseph toon 8 Shoe Shop, Clearfield, Pa Oct 28. ,4 M BltOTYPES . P. C. PUR.VIANCE, Tro-X- fessor of Photographic Chemistry. Gallery at his resilience on 2d Street, one door South ot Mcrrell i Carter's Tin-ware establishment, Clcar- field, Pa. fSDavs of operation: Friday and Saturday of each week. junelS'56 CAUTION. Certain '-Molly Maguires." arc hereby cautioned, to stop meddling with the wood pile" of the undersigned, ns he is deter mined hereafter to guard hirf property, however smail it may be. '.. C. M Cl'l-LOUUlI. Clearfield. Dceotsber 5. lS57-3t. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against buying or meddling in any way with a yoke of cattle" now in possession of Michael S. Witherite. as the same belongs to me, and are at my disposal until further arrangement is made. li.il. WILLIAMS. Ferguson township. Dec. 3. lS57.-d'J-3t R'i M O V A I. . The undersigned notifies his old customers and the l.ublie that he has removed his JSLACKSMITIl SHOP to his new building a few doors south of the shop he former ly occupied, where ho is prepared to do on the shortest notice any work in his line of business. April 15. 1S57. J.1 COB SI1UNKWEILER. I7U)H SALE IX 1 lots, each 50 by X E W M I LI. PORT. FOUR bv 110 feet. One has a large two story frame dwelling house upon it. 1 hey will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to John S. AVilliams, at New Millport, or tho subscri ber, at Clearfield. junc21-'57-tf J B. M'EXAU.Y JAMF.S 15. LUMBER ;HAIIA.M. Dealer in SAWED SQUARED TIMBER, SHIXGLES, BOARDS, ic. is prepared to fill, ou the shortest notice, all orders for articles in his line of busi ness, on ns reasonable terms as they can be nro curcd in the county. Grahampton, Clearfield Co.. Jan. 2.1. lS5o STRAY HOG. Came to the premises of the subscriber, in Frenchville, Covington town ship, about the 15th of Octjbcr last, a white Hog, about one year old; the owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take it away, or it will bo disposed ot according to law. ber 25, 1S57. JOHN CI RLEY. Xovcinber CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or meddling with the fol lowing property now in tho possession of Cyrus lliurston. Sr., of rerguson township, viz : i Hor ses, l two-horso v agon, and tne iiiterest oi said Thurston in all the hay and grain on the premi ses occup;cd by him, as the same now belong to me .Nor. itf.ls.M-3t. i.ui l J. ill m. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned J against purchasing or meddling with one black horse, one black mare, and one sett of double gears, in the possession of James McFaddcli. of rerguson township, as the same belongs to me and arc only left with said MFaddcn on loan. KOIiblil lUL.NU. Bell township, October 21, 1857-3t-pd W 7"AtiON -M AKINC;. THE undersingr.ed would announce that tncy manuiaciure Waggons of all descriptions. Buggies. Sleds, ic. at their shop in New Salem. Brady township, Clear field county, which they offer for sale at as reasona ble rates as can be purchased elsewhere They res pectfully solicit a share of patronage. CAMBRIDGE JOHNSTON, Octl-'5G-tf WILLIAM-LEWIS. I N the Court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield County, the petition of the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Clearfield was present ed and read, praying that the provisions of the re vised act of Assembly of 1.H5I, may be made ap plicable to the said borough. Whereupon tho court, on motion of Win. A.Wallace, attorney for the applicants, orders that notice of the said ap plication bo given in the newspapers in said coun ty during three weeks, of which application all par'ies interested will plcaso take notice. Certi fied from the record. GEO. WALTERS. December IB, 1857-3L Clerk X THE COURT COMMON PLEAS op Clear fiki.d CorsTV. In the matter of the application of the East Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Congregutiou of Burnsidc township, for incorporation. And now, Nov. I','. 1S57, articles of association filed, whereupon publication as required by the Act of Assembly, was directed by the Court. G :.-. Waltimis, Proth'y. All persons interested are hereby notified that tlieabove application has been made and that na tion will he taken thereon at January Term A. D. 1S5S, in the said court. J. B. McENALLY, !cc2 Atty. for Applicants. ir Ol SE AND LOT FOR SALE The un dersigned offers to sell at private sale a two- story plank frame house IS by 21 fect in dimen sions and the lot en which it stands, situate in the village of Rloomiugville. Clearfield county. There is also a good stable and other outbuildings on the lot. with a good well of . water near the door. Terms, which will bo reasonable, can be ascertained by calling on the undersigned, resid ing on the premises. WM. II. REX. December 10, ltC7-3m. N. 15. This would be a good situation for a me chanic, especially a shoemaker, as there is one much wanted in the place. W. 11. R 7A LIT ABLE FARM AND SAW-MILL V PROPERTY FOR SALE. The subscriber of fers that vnluablc property on which he cow re sides, for sale, on reasonable terms. The property is situate 2 miles above (.lcarhebi on the Susque hanna river, comprising 270 acres of land, of which 70 acres are cleared and under good fence, having thereon two orchards, agoodlrame two story dwelling house, also another smaller dwel ling house, an excellent bank barn 00 feet by 40 jeet; also, a Saw and Lath Mill, with good water power. The balance of the land is woodland, of which a considerable portion is well timbered. Apply to J. B. McEnally. at Clearfield, or to the subscriber en the premises. sepfJ 3m PHILIP ANTES. BR 1 L L I A N T P R O S P E C T V S ! Fociitu Year ov tiik Cosmopolitan Art As sociation. The Famoi s Dissklhoiik Gali.krv ok Paintings '. rritciiASKn at a cost ok SImi.Ouo ! and PoWKIts' WOULD IIENOWNEH STATl'K OF TUB GREEK Slave'. ! re-purchased for Six thousand dollars. with several hundred other works of Art. in Paint ings, Sculpturo and Bronzes, comprise tho Premi ums to be awarded to the subscribers of the Cos mopolitan Art Associatien, who subscribe before the 2-th of January, 1S5S, at which time the a wards will tako plaee. Terms ok SunsciurTioN. Every subscriber of Three Dollar is entitled to a copy of the large and splendid Steel Engraving, entitled -Manifest Destiny," also to a copy of tho Cosmopolitan Art Journal one j-ear, also to a Certificate in the A ward of Premiums, also a free admission to the Dusseldorf and Cosmopolitan Galleries. Thus it is seen that every "Three Dollars'' paid, the subscriber not only receives a splendid "Three Dollar Engraving!" but. also, tho beautifully il lustrated Two Dollar Art Journal, One year. Each subscriber is also presented with a Certifi cate in the Awards of Premiums, by which a val uable work of Art, in Painting or Sculpture, may be received in addition, thus giving to cverysub scriber an equivalent to tho value of '-Five Dol lars," and a certificate grati. Any one of the leading S3 Magaxines is furnish ed, instead of the Engraving and Art Journal, if desired. No person is restricted to a single share. Those taking five memberships, remitting SI5. are entitled to an extra Engraving, and six tickets. Full particulars of the Association are given in the Art Journal, which contains over sixty splen did engravings, price 50 cents per number. Spe cimen copies will be sent to all persons who desiro to subscribe, ou receipt of five postage stamps, (15 cents. Addres, C. L. DERBY, Actuary C.A A. 5t8 Broadway, Now-York. jTOLASSES. Just received at the sign of tho il. '-cheapest goods and for sale by November 25. WM. F IRWIN. CI LOTH I NG. A general assortment of ready J made clothinz just received and opened at XevcEber 23. WM. F. IRWIN'S. fTIJIOMAS G. SNYDER, MERCHANT, Dcal- cr in Sawed Lumber. Shingles. Square Tim- r. et cetera. KYLERTOWN, Clearfield Co.. Pa ofiN l?j7-,,i cURRHw.Li. &. co.. taxxj:i;s a.xd Keep constantly on u-,r!f Clftrfirld Co.. Pit.. of leather, which they oflc. -.eel'ient assortment cash prices. Hides taken in nxcuu at tae iowcst July Ij. lhJ4. FOR SALE An In-proved Farm, with go.J buildings, at Ardrv's dead water ou Clearfield creek, three miles from the comity scat ot Clear field. For particulars inquire or A. l . sviiryver. who lives on the premises. John and Lionel Veld. Mt. Pleasant, or Win. A. Wallace, of Icai field town. 1-July S. IS57 3m. JLASTEUINC:. The undersigned, having .L entered into co-partnership in the Plastering Business, in the Borough of Curwensville. an nounce to the public that they arc ready to do any work in their line on the shortest notice ami most reasonable terms, and respectfully solicit a share of patronage JOSEPH WHITE. julyS tin L. K. McCULI.OUGII. "I Of ACRES OF LAND, on the Erie Tiirn J mJ pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville. and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same, will be sold on accommodating terms. Tho land lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is well covered with choice pine timber suitable for shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill nearby. Apply to L. J. C it A. VS. ninr-. Clearfield. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of 11. B. Smith, late of Clearfield borough. Clearfield coun ty. Pa., deceased, have been grunted to the sub scribers ; all persons indebted to th said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. Mrs. LAURA M. SMITH. November 4, lH57-Ct-p. Administratrix. ITIOit SALE A larm ot 120 r.crcs on the river above Curwensville ; A farm of 6t acres in Penn town-hip : A farm of 100 acres in Ferguson town-hip ; A farm of D'O acres in Penn township ; 2 funis of Hfj acres each, 'adjoining.) in Fergu son township ; 300 acres timber lad in Bell township ; 233 acres timber land in Ferguson tow nship. For description and terms apitlr to m:ir25 L. J. Ci! ANS. Clearfield. Nb! JOTICE. All persons indebted to Samuel by note, bond or book account, arc re quested to make immediate pay meat, and persons - . ... '11 il I ..,.!. 1 v I til unsettled accounts will can auu seme wciure the 15th of November, and save costs. Hides will betaken in pavuient at the highest market prices. SAMUEL DISS. X B. All business from this date will be trans acted in the name of S. Biss & Junod. Thankful for past favors, they respectfully solicit a contin uance of custom. Cash paid for hides New Washington. Aug. 20. 157 3m 5 West 31 E T II I X Ci N" I XV ! LEATHER AND HIDE STORE, llit.l of Sjiri-ig Crrti ISridffr. Clin' jiiidf, 1! e 1 1 e f o ii t e . J' t n ii a . The subscriber rcsnectfullv informs the public that he has just opened a Leather and HideStore at bis Tannery establishment, in Bellet'or.te. Centre county .'Pa .where he will keep constantly on hand a good assortment ot Learners, itc, as loiiow (hik Tanned SiTiiisfi Sole Is.itlttr. llrmtock imilisa Ije tthrr. freiirn Ci'f- Hi-lion' Jieiither. (HI Tinned 1n- ctJicr Jjritrhrr. Split Li ilhri. Patent rmirh Cnlf- s.i'iim. ?d virus U nit Skins. Ltd- hoiint and Pi iik Tsuins. C(-'l" ll'nidiii'jx and (l.il trr Kid. Tanners' Oil. A LSO: Plas ttri n hnir ; Copprr liirtls tin I JJnrrx ; Thread. Ihistlis and Il'ffjr. and all iiml of Too-: Isist. &-r., fur Slioeimit r.f. TO MACHINISTS. For the convenience of Ma iibinists of all kinds he will keei. on hand a good supply of Patent Riveted Stretched Leather Belt ing Straps frou 1 to 24 inches w ide, w hich Lc will sell at city prices. CASH paid for all kinds of Hides aud Skins. r"The above articles have been carefully se lected, and are the very best quality ; but call and examine, and judge for yourselves. 'THOMAS BL'RNSIDE. Bellefonte. April 2'.. lS57-tf. I O B I N S ' II X P E V T O R A X T , V AND COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. FOR T!iU( THE OF Bronchial afleetions.Couglis. Colds, Pleurisy. Bro: chitis. Asthma, and ail other diseases of the throa and lungs, except Consumption. This invaluable remedy is no quack nostrum, but is prepared from the recipe of a regular physician, w ho during a practice of twenty-five years, used it with unpar alleled success. It is a combination of expecto rant remedies, simple iu their character and used bv every educated physiciau. It is easily taken, produces no nausea or oilier disagreeable effects, and gives almost iinmedititu relief. Ia this ever changing climate, where coughs and cobls so fre quently end in consumption and death, no family should" be without this certain ruiti:. It would be easy to follow in the wake of the ven ders of patent medicine, aud multiply certificates got up for the occasion, of miraculous cures, but no such adventitious aid is necessary in introducing this preparation to the public. 1 ts real value, and never failing success, in accomplishing all promis ed for it. cannot but give it a wide circulation, and recommend it to all those afflicted with diseases for which it is a remedy. Price 37i Crittx per Buttle Prepared exclusively by THOMAS" ROBINS. Druggist, March 4, lS57.-rf Clearfield. rn DULY TELEC.RAPII FOR Til E SES SION. PROPOSED EX L A R G E MENT. The II irrislnir Dmli Telegraph is now in the second year of its existence. It started last fall rather as an experiment, and has succeeded be yond the most sanguine expectations of its publish ers. It has gradually won its way to public favor, until it has placed itself upon a firm and sure ba sis, and is now one of tho permanent '-institutions' of the Capitol. It shall be the effort of the pub lishers to continue it in the spirit in which it has been conducted, to add to its general and local in terest, and to merit it? steadily increasing patron age ; and should its increased patronage in sub scription and advertising be commensurate with their hopes and expectations, it is their intention to enlarge it about the first of January next, by the addition oi four mure columns. This will give us additional room for our advertising patrons, without intrenching upon the space allotted to the reading matter. During the Legislative session it is the most desirable paper in the State. Tho paper will be strictly ventral in politics. During the approaching session of the Legisla ture, it is our intention to make the ' D vilv Ti'.L E'.R.vru'' a correct aud reliable exponent of the doings of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. With this view, a corps of competent Reporters will be employed in each House. The session will be one of more than ordinary importance. The derange ment of the currency, and the peculiar position of the Banks, will require, or, at least, will excite much legislation. Incorporated companies for manufacturing, mining and other purposes, will also require much legislation. It shall be our province to present totiie readers of the Telegraph fall and impartial legislation upon these and all other subjects, wherein they may be interested. Business men throughout the State, who desire a correct knowledge of the doings of their repre sentatives during the sessions of the Legislature, and there are many such, do not properly appre ciate the Ttlegraph Through its columns they can obtain this knowledge, and also receive tho very latest news of the day, domestic and foreign, by telegraph and mails; and will be a perfect mirror of tho news throughout the wor,'!- 1 er" sons who desire correct information, an'l who once take the TeJesraph. would not do without It again. The Local department will be attended to u. sual, and will give afaithful record of everything Of interest occurring in our immediate midst. The T.lo-ranh will be published every evening, (Sundays excepted.) on the blowing terms: FOR THE SESSION. 10U DIE YEAR.. single copy, 1 00 A singlccopy, SI f:0 Two copies. 1 75 1 wo eopies. 7 00 Thrto copies. 2 50 Three copies, 9 t"0 Vira copies, 4 00 Five copies, 14 00 Ten copies, 8 00 Ten copies, 25 00 All orders to be addressed to GEO. BZRCNER CO., Hetrriibnrg. Pa. rrillE $10 AND $15, SINOLE AND X DOUIILK THREADED. EMPIRE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. An Azcncy for the sale of these machines, for this and flic adjoining coun ties, can be secured by a personal application to the subscribers, tilh Arch street. Philadelphia. No one need apply without capita! sufScient to conduct the business properly, and without reffer ences as to reliability and capacity. Ve positively assert that these machines, for alt purposes of family sewing, are in every rnspect "ior to any Sewing Mac hi no in market, (no er,Cw rhat prices they may be held.) and niand a reaUj ,c offore,i for eale thcy must com- gui xtS()n- GOODELL. .7 E XV V. O O D s r N E w FALL AND WINTER ?ToC. The undersigned has just returned from the ci." ami is now opening a iicw assortment of seasona ble and fashionable good., at his-old stand in Clearfield borough. His stock consists of a gen eral varit tv of the be?t and most seasonable DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUKENSWAKK. II ATS & CAPS. BOOTSiSuors. and all other articles usually kept in a country store. Among which can be found tho following : CL'iTHS. C.VSS1MERFS, SATTINETS, TWEEDS. JEANS. FLAXXELS. GINGHAMS. MER1NOES, CASHMERES, LUSTRES. ' CALICOES. MUSLINS, aDil all ai tic'es gencraly used by honsckecper. My former customers, and the public at largo. arc invited to call and examine inc goois and judge for themselves of the quality and prices. Country produce t.-tKon in rxeiiangc ior goois. Remember the sirrn of tLo CHEAPEST GOuDS, on Market street, is the place to ckII an t buy these hard tiine.f. as you will receive u Ltir equivalent lor vour money y doing n-i. X",.v2.--57 "WILLIAM F. IRWIN. c OF R'F P ROC LA M AT I ON". WIJ ER E AS J The Honorable JAMES JU'RNSIDE. Esq.. President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of the counties ot Cuvirhw 1. Cert re nud Clinton and the Honorable William L. Mooro and Bent. Bou- s;ill. As-oi-iate Judge of Clearfield county, havo issued their precept, to me directed. :'or tb holding of a Court of Common PK-ss. Orphan's Court. Conrt of Quarter Sessions. Court of Oyer and Terminer, mi l Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clearfield, in and fr Cleaitu-M wir.tr. cm tha Third Monday of January next, being the l?;h Li v of the month. .NOTICE IS, THEREFORE. HEREBY GTVEX, To the Coronor. Justico of the Pea;'f. and Consta bles. it and for the said county of Clearfield, to appear in their own proper persons with their Rolls. Record. Inquisitions. Examinations, and other Remembrances, to tlo those things which to their ofli -cs. and in their behalf, pertain to bo done, and Jurors and Witnesses are requested to be then and there attending, aud not to depart w ithout leave, at their peril. GIYEX under my band, at Clearfield, this 16th day of Dec . in the year of our Lord one thous and eight hundred and fifty-seven, and the eigh tieth rear of American Independence. JOSIAH 11. REED, SheriiT. Clearfield, Dec. lt, 157. eC-urmrnnuille ilkuriinniunt TV E W FALL S AND T O C WINTER K O GOODS. IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP GOODS. CALL AT 11. D. PATTON'S STORE CURWENSVILLE, Where will bo found a new stock of scasonablo goods, just received from the East, consisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE. I j U E E N S W ARE. READY-MADE CLOTH ING. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. CARPETINGS, and a general variety of articles required in thia locality at this time of tho year. liis stock is very large and is specially adapted to the wants of this community, embracing a largo and splendid variety of CLOTHS. CASIMERES. SATINETS. YESTTNGS, LADIES" FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, .MANTILLAS. EMBROIDERIES. HOSIE RY. GLOVES AND .HITS, t C. .tl Domestic Goods, Neck l ies. Cravats. Collars, Car jet Sacks. Brushes, Handkerchiefs, Perfume ry, Ribbons. Laces. Edging. Gloves, Para sols. Combs. Hair Pins. Thimbles, Sewing Silk. Ac.. v.c., and will be s il J on the nut reasonable aud accom modating terms. N'oTES on all solvent Banks will be taken la payment of goods. ALSO, approved country produce, lumber, shin gles. Ae., taken for goods. ALL are invited to come ami examine for them selves. No charge for showing goods. October 21. IS57. ll. D. PATTON. D' ELMI II AS FALLEN, AND NEW GOODS IIAYi: ALiniYIZl) AT TIIIu CHEAP CASH STORE IN CURWENSVILLE ! The undersigned have or.e of the hcrf. cheapest, and largest assortments of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, in Curwensville. and whieh they will sell at the very lowest c.;sh prices. Their stock con sists of a general assortment of well selected DRV GOODS. GROCERIES. HARD WARE. tjt'i:i:.swAi:i:. glass ware. JIATS. CAPS. POOTS, SHOES. C. I V PE TS. J,-c. c. . together with a largo assortment of the latest styes of LED1ES" DRESS GooDS. suitable for the sea3t.ii. among which can be f iaiid, such ixi Dress Silks. French ami English Mcriuoes; Brovha. Merino and Wool Shawls; Bril liants. Plaids. DcLains. Embroideries, Trimmings. Hutments. Bonnet Rib bons and Borders. Gloves. tc. ALSO, a lot Drugs. Medicine. Paint. Dye-stuffs. Oils. Varnisnes, ic . Ac. ALSO, keeping a number of the best workmen iu the Shoe Shop, making all kinds of work to order at the shortest notice and lowest prices. All kind of Lumber. Hides and country pro luce taken in exchange for Goods, Boots. !!.'.. te. We are thankful for past favors, and invite ail to give us a call, examine our hanJsoine st'H-k of goods, frci of charge, before von buy rlvwhcre. Xov25-'57 M 'NTEI.l US TEN EYCKE. vr i; v ti o o d s . a largi: i ASSORT.M ENT OF NEW GOODS AT TIIK CORNER"' STORE, Curwensville. November I. 1S57. AVM. IRVIX. SCHOOL BOOKS Sarganfs. Cobbs", end San ders' Spellers; Bullion's and Green's Gram mars ; Davics' Arithmetic, Ac. for sale nt the cor ner store of ' W.M. IRVIN. Curwensville. November 25. 1S57. ILKS. MERIXOES, COBURC.S. DELAINES. with Silk Fringes. Moire Antionc. and Velvet trimmings to match, for sale at the corner store of Curwensville. Nov. 25. :."7. WM. IRVIN. 4 LARGE LOT of x. IN'., including Jackets, Gum coats. Ac. Curwensville. Nov. 2.' READY-MADE CLOT1I hirts. Drawers. Monkey , at the -corner store.' . or w.m iiivrx. CLCCKS! CLOCKS V. Thirty hour aud Eight J day Alarm clocks, weight and spring clocks, at priees from S2 5(1 to 12. M. at the corner store. Curwensville. Nov. 4. WM. IRVIX. JM.OOO WORTH OF MADE UP CLOTHIXU J at the corner store. Curwensville. November 4 WM. IRVIN. 157. 15 "RICK, on hand and for sale bv WM. IRVIN. Curwensville. November 25, 1S57. BAR IRON anil CHAIN PUMP, ner Store in Curwensville. at tho Cor- November 25. 1S5". WM. IRVIN. SPANISH POLE LEATHER for Bale, and Hides taken at the highest prices. Curwensville. Nov. 25. 1S57. AVM. IRA'IN. CWKINCt AND PARLOR STOVES for sale at the 'corner store,' Curwensville. bv November 25, 1S57. AVM.'lRVIN. . BUFFALO ROBES, llorsc blankets, and Sleigh bells for sale by AVM. IRVIN. Curwensville. November 25. 1M57. 13ULLEY BLOCKS of tho best make, a superior article for hauling timber, bv -rarwcnville; Nor. 2. "i-7, WM. IRA'IN,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers