Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 18, 1857, Image 3

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' Artmtrt to Bkkak Jail. On lact Thursday
afternoon, whilst the Sheriff' was in attendance
at the Court House, the prisoners in our conn- !
ty Jail made an attempt to break out. They
Succeeded in divesting themselves of nearly
all their "jewelry" and doubtless would hare
"effected their escape if they bad not been op- j
portnnely discovered.
Our jail is a poor concern, and it is a matter
f surprise to us that prisoners can be kept in
It at all. It Is a waste of money to fix it np.
What is needed is a new prison.
... Aowis the Time to Advertise. In dull
aeasons, what little trade is going on adverti
sers get, and whilst others are grumbling they
Pjr meir fit, ana wiin me newspaper as a
life preserver, swim on the top of the water,
whilst others are sinking around. The neces
sity of advertising is the more manifest now,
because thus only can good trade be secured.
Temperakck Meeting. A spirited tempe
rance meeting was held in the Court House on
Monday evening, which was addresscdby Rev.
Thos. Bamhart, Dr. Jeffries, John M.Chase
and others. The proceedings were much en
livened by the vocal and instrumental music
with which a number of ladies and gentlemen
favored the meeting.
Fast Wobk. Judge Bnrnside is deserving
of praise for the celerity with which he dis
patched the business of the adjourned court
. last week. During the fonr day? of its ses-
!on, sixteen verdicts were rendered.
- Kiw Goons. Win. F. Irwin, at the sign of
"Cheap Goods," Clearfield, Pa., is now open
ing a stock of new Fall and Winter Goods,
. ' which he offers to his customers and the pub-
15e In general, on reasonable terms. -
Proceedings of the Adjourned Court.
' Wilson & Barrett vs. J. & L. WiUianiP.
Feigned issue. Verdict lor PIfls. McEnally
for plaintiffs, Wallaco for defendants.
II. Phillip's Executor vs. J. Reams et al.
Verdict for plaintiff. J. W. Smith for Plff.,
Larrimcr for defendant.
Hugh McGonigal vs. Isaac Gaines. Appeal
from judgment of Justice. Verdict for de
fendant. Wallace for plff., McEnally for deft
John J. Bloom vs. Abraham Bloom, Sr.
Appeal. Verdict for plaintiff, $21. Crans for
plaintiff, Wallace for defendant.
David Bloom vs. James Crowther. Case for
implied warrantee of title to a hcrse. Ver
dict for plaintiff, $12-5. Wallace for plaintiff,
Ewoopc lor defendant.
Abraham Bloom. Sr. vs. John J. Bloom.
Case brought to recover the amount of a re
ceipt, ($126,) which it was.allegcd had never
been credited upon a note. Defence that the
paper had been altered from $26 to S 126 by
the clerk of Plff. Verdict for defendant.
Wallace for Plff., Crans for defendant.
Philip Chambers vs. John B. Hewitt. Case,
malicious prosecution. Jury called and plain
tiff takes non-suit. Wallace & Larrimer for
PlfJ., Crans for defendant.
Jonas Bowman vs. Wm. Bloom. Assumpsit
Defence that the goods were furnished on the
credit of another person. Verdict for Deft.
Crans for P18., Wallace & McEnally for Deft
W. II. Joy vs. Graffius & Woods. Case
"Verdict for defendants, Wallace for plaintiff,
Ewoopc for deft.
A. S. Keagy vs. Joseph n. Hi'gerty. Eject
ment. Settled by parties. McEnally for P13.
Wallace for defendant.
6. G. Pyles vs. Wm. Irvin. Case, brought
to recover value of a horse loaned to Deft 'a
aon and taken from his custody. Tlie detctice
was that proper care had been taken of the
fcorse. Verdict for the defendant. Swoope
for plaintiff, Crans and Wallace for defendant.
I,. W. Johnson vs. James M. Leonard.
Debt on note. Judgment confessed, $175,85.
Cuttle for Plff., Wallace for defendant.
Lck Haven Bank vs. Levi Luiz. Debt.
Verdict for plaintiff, $392,58. McEnally for
Plff., Wallace for defendant.
Ralston & Beatty vs. John M. Chase. Re
plevin. Defence that the timber in contro
versy bad been purchased at constable's sale
by defendant, as the property of D. Britton,
ndthat the sale from Britton to Ralston and
Beatty was fraudulent in law. Verdict for
Plffs., $300. Cuttle & Swoope for plaintiffs,
Wallace for defendants.
David Gilbert vs. II. B. Swoope. Case.
Judgment, $163,50. Wallace for plaintiff.
Argument List. Alexander Ralston et al vs.
Martin V. French. Certiorari by defendant.
Proceedings affirmed. Wallace for Deft.
Abraham Bloom, Si. vs. Wm.M. Bloom
Certiorari. Proceedings affirmed.
Abraham Bloom, Sr. vs. R. Alger and Jas.
Bloom. Certiorari on the part of Jas. Bloom.
Proceedings reversed- Wallace forplaintiff.
Crans for defendant.
c r. Pftplin v. John M. Chase. Rnlo to
show cause why an appeal should not be strick
r T.nv' nranted to nerfect bail. Mc
Enally for plff-, Wallace for deft,
Jesso Beams vs. James M. Leonard. Rule
to show cause why defendant should not be
discharged on common bail. Bail reduced to
Eliza Irvin vs. George Snyder et al Cer
tiorari. Proceedings affirmed. Wallace for
plaintiff, Crans for defendant.
A Spirited Tocxg Ladt : A dashing equi
page drew up to the pavement at tho lower end
Ot Broadway, New York, on Thursday last,
when a (beautiful, and fashionable of course)
young lady sprang out and cowhided a gentle
inan on the side walk until he screamed and
fan, when she got into her carriage and drove
back Bp Broadway. Tho lady is 6aid to be a
Miss Louisa Gasseo, who sings in tho choir
cf one of the churches, and is well known to
tho fast yonng men. Tho young g entlenUn
Mr. Enocd Tliani, well known in fa;hioa
ble IreIs of ths eify.
t"iXot in demand duns.
nXn demand gold and silver1.. " r
tfiigh flour and the wind.
CLow and still going down, spirits.
t5?Tn power Packer and Popery.
l"Fell on Saturday a little snow. - -CgTied
down the top mud, .slightly..!' '-;
LlHns a queer effect on some persons Sinn:
ton bitters. ..' '
r5?Jokea the cayenne of conversation and the
sail oi lite.
I C Speaking without thinking, is shooting with
nt taking aim. -, .......
f tOuite handsome those sproutintr ''inillin:?-
tary" whiskers. . .
I3"Babies a blessed institution, and can never
go out of fashion.
OIn jail again David Fcaster, who broke out
a couple months ago.
L"""u randiloqucnt the Jewsharn music of sev
eral b'hoys about town. . .... .
rSNeither borrow nor lend a eood maxim.
but not at all times practicable. ;
CyHad his sides repaired latelv the iollv fel
low who split them with laughter.
C"? 'Vetoed last winter by Gov. Pollock more
than thirty '-Democratic1' Dank bills.
rSCan you tell how A J am eot out cf Eden ?
D ye siva it up ? lie got snaked out.
IReduced over ye left Rents, except tho
one in the scat of our unmentionables.
E5r Wonder whether it is so a perfect "desert
of houses ' on this side of Luthersburg.
r-Kather cool asking a man on the street to
lend you his umbrella when it is raining.
0?A trio of beauties a brawler in a work
shop, a fool in fine clothes, and a villifier.
FPTndircct way to got a class of water eall
lor a third cup ot tea at a boarding bouse.
Must be a unit all true Americans and Re
publicans in opposition to Sham Democracy.
" tr comical io see a person wita a "brick ' in
his bat trying to lift his companion ont ot a gutter.
tSAsks a cruel wretch "when sorrow has left
its trace, what has become of the rest of the har
ness ?"
I'"r"Let us hnvc them a Protective Tariff and
a Hard Money Currency, instead of the Locofoco
ITtfWell, did you cber thsee the like! Bobbin
up an' down the entry all day to git the thity
stnep ou.
fSOne of the best things in the world good
manners, cither to get a name or to supply the
wantoi it.
irSHug "Molly" tho Northern Pro-slavery
aougn taccs JLet ail true 1'atnots unite in oppos
ing tbem.
l-jar is considered a saving and frugal man
Princo Albert. Because he lays by a sovereign
every night.
TVhy is a young lady sobbing for a new silk
dress like the monetary pressure i Because she
is a cry-si s.
ii? Rather slow for a couple gallants, after ta
king ladies to a party, to allow them to go home
"SHas just crawled out the man who was un
der a th -usand obligations. lie is somewhat
li""ilas been merged the American, a Straight
out organ of Wisconsin into the Netvs, the Demo
cratic paper
fir'Has recently converted his hat into a brick
yard the chap who plucked the feathers from tho
wing oi a uouse
rSDoing a "smashing" business the Sheriff
ot Luicrne county, who advertises one hundred
and seventeen s.iles.
CItajnostdarn'd funny every time I "smile'
a new "brick" is put in my hat, was the remark of
a spiritualist the other day
L5r Why it's so cross the baby; because '-it
has a stormy mother, so you needn't wonder if it
ts a little s jitMly ; it quite natural
If-IIoops and the Equator" Crino-line and
the Equinoctial-line liod bless em! J ho one en
circles the earth, and the other the heavens !
firSays he's so full of law an Editor down
South who served four da vs on a jury, that it is
hard for him to keep from cheating somebody
t"x?"'Dceribes the New Yorkers a Dutchman,
thus: -Fine people, dey go about der streets all
day, sehcating each Oder, and dey calluatpusi
l"s"Recently recovered ten thousand dollars
damages a Miss Wood for a breach of promise
from a faithless swaiu. High price lor wood, we
OArrived at New York np to the 1st of No
vember of this year. lG3.t:i-'l emigrants, being an
increase of 41,5 17 vcr tho corresponding period
last year.
GAn eastern editor heads his list of "Births,
Marriages, and Deaths." thus : -hitched, matched,
and dispatched" The. rascal's face deserTts to be
I'eVpnils cold T.ieee an Ohio patron of the
I.ewioburg Chronicle, which he says "is a yellow
' o - - i . 1
hoy. but not a mulatto"-
;ood Republican coin,
but not "Democratic."
I s.Said to be printers both U. S. Senators from
this State, the Governor. Canal Commissioner and
Supreme Judges elect, V. 1. Larnum and Unghain
Young. What is the craft coming to
n5"f las been convicted a lawyer named Shays,
in Michigan, tor stealing change and postal
stamps from the post ofUce at Centreville, and sen
tenced to the Plate prison lor hve years.
rTy""rbo celebrated precept in ancientdays was.
'Know thyself." In modern times, it has been
supplanted bv the far more fashionable maxim
"Know thy neighbor, and everything about him "
V'Sown annually in wheat one-fiflh of the
cultivated land in England. The average yield is
criven at 32 bushels per acre, which, we think, is
more than double the average yield of the United
. OP.Snys a South Carolina prper squirrels are
emi-fratinz in crcat numbers from this State. The
Louisville Journal says that "it seems South Car
olina squirrels are smarter than the South Caroli
na men
rSA coquette is a heartless flirt; a thing with
more beauty than sense, more accomplishment
than learning, more charms of person than mental
ffraccs. more admirers than friends, more fools
than wise men ;or nttendanU-
t"i?rf occasion arise says a small locofoco edi
tor, we shall find him good at biling and scratch
ing. He is more accommodating than most ver
min. . They generally bite and let you sera'ch for
yourself, remarks the Louisville Journal.
frfXprv nlentv Bears in Maine The North
Anson Alvoc.rf. snys snd havoc has been made by
tbem among the flocks of sheep in that vicinity,
and in various other portions of the State they are
exceedingly troublesome A largo number have
been killed.
t"pSniart very for joungmen, with liquor
bottles in their pockets, to attend a temperance
mccfinsr. and after sisning the pledge, go out ana
drink freely of strychnine whiskey. Shouldn t
wonder if some of them would soon rise to clerks
in a doggery or brew-houso.
ftgWe have received a communication from
nnr rnor.il .1 . in rcnlv to 'Hoop.' w ho appeared in
ik. l!,Ui.rriii a. low weeks auo, but as we do not
see that anything is to be gaiat-d by such a con
troversy, we decline publishing it
Cosmopolitan Art Journal. W'e have re
ceived the number for the cunent quarter,. of
this journal of Art. Besides being illustrated
with two steel engravings and several exqui
site wood cuts, its volume is almost doubled,
and the literary contents are both valuable and
Will he get it ?-Mr. Gardiner Fnrniss,
who has gained considerable notonoty from
S unenviable and disgraceful connection
with the Woodman case, as lately developed
Tn Xhw York is an applicant to the President
for .pllntment as Secretary of Legation to
lor appoint very strong
the IJague. Ha w to dejao'cratJ rf
anpp6rtr smong tee ,ie-" a
Elder John Hyde, Jr.. a recantincr Mormon,
delivered " a lecture in Philadelphia.' a short
time since on Mormonism. from which we
e the followiug extract, taken , from the
Inquirer ; Young's satellites all contribute to
ins exultation. .. Kimball, says that we cannot
see God, but he has given us a man to whom
wc can speak to as God. I will risk, says he,
my soul's salvation in the hands of Brigham
Young. It is terrible that such a doctrine
should be taught. " It is yet more terrible that
such a doctrine should be believed, 1 et
thousands of young persons are now growing
up in it. . Seme times there is a little oppo
sition to the authority of Biigham. . lie soon
arranges all difficulties. The rcbtlTfftns one is
sent abroad to disseminate the system, and
thus what would have been the means of wea
kening Young at home becomes an instrument
of strengthening him abroad. Biigham has
twenty wives, and has charge of the widows
of Joseph Smith.
Brigham Young is the Ignatius Loyola of
Mormonism. The points of resemblance be
tween Young and Loyola as developed in their
respective systems were here shown. x.acli
adopted a secret form for the guidance and
control of his followers, as has been adopted
by different political and religious bodies, but
never has this form been so prostituted as
with the Jesuit and the Mormon. The Mys
teries of Mormonism through which the novice
is conducted were then revealed. They con
sist of ceremonies at once awful and absurd
The neophvte is conducted into a room and
stripped naked and a name is whispered lu Ins
ear,whicli he is to remember at the peril of his
sours salvation. , In another room he is cloth
ed with a robe which makes him look half
like a Brahmin and hall like a Jewish priest
In an adjoinin; room a dramatic blasphemy
goes on. tiou is personated, lue incidents
of Genesis the Creation, the Oarden of r-uen.
the appearance of Satan, Ike, are represented.
The initiate then performs the circuit oi four
other rooms. Covenanting and vowing, a3 he
goes. In one, he ; swears to chastity ; in a
pother, polygamy is accorded with the sane
tion of Brigham xonng; in the third, a ter
rible abjuration of secrecy is administered;
the awful preparation for the fourth, where
amidst horrible surroundings the initiate is
sworn to eternal enmity to the United Stales of
America ! This is the "Mormonhndowment,
through which fifty thousand of our fellow
creatures have passed. All that I hold most
dear ou earth still cling to this horrible sys
tern. My wife and child remain at Salt Lake.
Mv wife has been forced, bv her devotion to
these things, to forego even her heart's strong
yearnings, and utter prayers w hich shape them
selves into curses! borne of you, continued
the speaker, mav have come here to gratify an
idle curiosity. I do not come here to pander
to a prurient taste, but to teach you what Mor
monism is.
Mammoth Forest. From the CaliJorniaFar-
mer we learn that a grove oi mum mom trees
has been discovered in Yosemite valley. The
first tree that was measured was eighty feet in
circumference three and a half feet from the
ground; another tree was ninety feet in cir
cumference at the same distance from the
ground, while close to the roots it was one
hundred and two feet ronnd it, and it was three
hundred feet high. The number of trees
measured was one hundred and fiitv-five, and
they are about half the group ; none were less
than fortv feet in circumference, and there
were one hundred over fifty feet. The largest
tree now lies upon the ground ; it is charred,
and its heavy bark is gone, and yet it measures
thirty-three feet in diameter, or one hundred
feet in circumference, and must have been
four hundred feet high. The Fanner con
cludes by saying : "This we believe to be the
1 irrest tree vet discovered : and tins forest
we claim as the Tarent Forest of the world."
"Inmax Simmi-r". Origin of the Term.
The early settlers of Aew r.ngland were
surprised and gratified to find that, after the
first killing frosts ot Autumn, a period inter
vened between that and Winter, of mild, smo
ky, pleasmt weather ,which soon obtained the
name of Indian Summer, from the tact that
the natural indolence of the Indian character
led them to defer until this period the work of
Summer such as harvesting their corn and
vegetables, ana getting mils, or putting up
hav. and eeneral preparations for Wiuter.
Hence the name.
Mondav, Nov. 18.
FLorn The market is inactive, and no change
in prices. Miles ironi stores at ii.oj io jj-
Lav sold at from 5'J to 14 per ton.
O its from 29 to 30 cents per bushel.
PoTAToKS-t-Keds S2a 35, and Ncshannocks 50
cents nor bushel.
IJucKWiir.w fLom 'SJ to sii.iz per urn pounas.
Uittee KoIIs retailed at 10 to 12 cents.
Married On the l!-jth Oct., by Wm. Mc-
Kt-i. Eso.. Mr. Jl'FFEBso.v Jordan to Miss
Hannah Jane Short, both of Woodward lp.
XX house occupied by J H. Larrimer. Esq
ate on tho road trom Ulenrneia to i.urwcusviite,
near Welch's saw-mill, will be sold very low. It
is suitable for a store and dwelling. For terms ap
ply to L. J. CRAN.
gep - learneia, i .1.
1 !A ACRES OF LAND, on tho Erie .Turn-
J rJ pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville.
and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same.
will be sold on accommodating terms. The land
lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is
well covered with choice pine timber suitable for
shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill
near by. Apply to L. J. CRANS.
mar 25 Clearfield.
jiwxr. n Aim rui itui run s.-iui.
The property occupied by Porter i Brother in
Brady township, near Luthersburg. will bo sold
low. as the owner contemplates removing westwaru.
The pottery is in good order and has connected
-. 1 . i . . .... r i 1 i . i. .. i r ., r
wan it uuuui ou mica ui iuju. iiuuui uuw ik.ii ui
which is in grass, the balance in wood. There is
anew twottory dwelling ana sumcicnt sunning
and sheds on tl place. Good material for the
manufacture of stone ware and abundance of coal
are on the property. For terms apply to
Aprl'a. - . k. J. lKA:.i;caniei.i.
The subscriber informs bis old friends and the !
public generally, that ho is now re-established in
the OLD MiUI', on thiru street, lately occupiea oy
Jacob Shuiikweiler, where he hopes by strict at
tention and keeping a good stock of assorted Iron,
to merit the favorof the public. Country produce
and cash never refused. An approntioe, fr.om lo
to IS years of ago, will meet with a good situation
if application be made soon.
. ClearfieltE May 13, 1S07. G. W. QRR.
Clearfield. Pa.
The undersigned respectfully announces to me
public that he has leased tho above Hotel in Clear
field borough, and that he is prepared to accom
modate all who may favor him with their custom.
His house is commodious and convenient, and nis
table shall be supplied in the best manner possi
ble. No effort will be spared to render general
satisfaction.. By strict attention to business, and
to tbi wants and comfort of his gucsta, he osrcct3
to secure a liberal snare fP"run"S- . .
fcbl l-'57 " DAN. M. WHAER.
CLCCKS! CLOCKS'.! Thirty hour and Eight
J- day Alarm clocks, weight and spring clocks,
at oriees from $2.50 to $12.00. at the corner store.
Curwensville. Nov. 4. WM. IRVIN.
sortment of Jugs, Stove-pipe Collars and
Crocks of all kinds, for sale at th '-corner." .
Cur-renyiil!9, Sept. WM-IRVIX :
HOlSirANl LOT FOR SALK-f-'i ue fate
. reside of .1. M. Pt'outs, in Ansonville,
mav bo bought cheap by immediate application to
: -.-. ?deelu-tf.l J. 1$. M ENALbY.
E Jl O V A t .The undersigned notifies
his old customers and the public that ne nas
removed his BLACKSMITH SIIOV to Ins new
building a few doors south of the shop he former
ly occupied, where he is prepared to do on the
shortest notice any work in his lino of business.
- . . ...... ,-IT X-T'M-T-1 I J' If
April la. IS7. ji-ua cii I " r.tt-iv.
lots, each 50 by llOfeet. On naa a largo
two story frame dwelling house upon it. iuej
will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to
John S. Williams, at New Millport, or the subscri
ber, at Clearfield.
june2t-'57-tf J It. M f.NALLi .
JAMES 1. GUAIIAM. Dealer in ?AtO
BOARDS. Ac, is prepared to fill, ou the shortest
notice, all orders for articles in his line of busi
ness, on as reasonable terms as they can bo Pro
cured in tho county. - -
G rah am p ton. Clearfield Co., Jan. 23, lisiO
STILL, U.M JIAIJI ice ucaersigneu con
BUSINESS, at his new shop on the corner of Main
and Mechanic street3, one uoor bourn ot VT. K. .
Wilson's oflSce. where he will be pleased to accom
modate his customers atall times. Repairing done
on the shortest notiue. 1au;20 R. Li. Vt fcLSll.
"BOR SALE An Improved Farm, with rood
1. buildings, at Ardrv:s dead water on Clearfield
creek, three miles from the county seat of Clear
field. Eor particulars inquire of A. L. bcuryver,
who lives ou the premises. Jonn and Lionel ncld.
Mt. Pleasant, or Wm. A. Wallace, ot Clearfield
town. IJulyS, JfcJi itn.
WUTIO.X. All persons aro hereby cautioned
y azainst purchasics or meddling with one
black horse, one black mare, and one sett of double
irears, in the possession of James McFadJeu. of
Ferguson township, as tnc saino oeiongs to me ana
are only left with said Mytaddcn on loan.
Bell township, October 21, 1857-St-pd
"tAUTIOX. All persons are hereby cnntioned
J aiaiust purchasing or niedd'.icg with I liorse.
I bav Mare, 7 tons ilay, I two-horse ajron, l
double set wairon Harness. 1 two-horse Sled, and
CiO bushels Buckwheat, in the possession of Wm.
A. Dunlap, of I'iko township, as the game belong
io me. si u. r t x a - j .
Curwensville. Nov. 5, 1857 novl 1-tf
fA(iO.-MAKL. THE nndersingned
Waggons of all descriptions, Eusgies. Sleds, Ac, at
their shop in iNcw r?aleni. iiraay township, Clear
field county, which they oner tor sale at as reasona
ble rates as can be purchased clsewhero. . They res-
pectlully solicit a uhare ot patronage.
t; a MB mini a j'ii.ij.vr,
Octl-'56-tf . WILLIAM LEWIS.
TTIOR SALE, THE FARM occupied by John
JL F.Wiley in Fcrjruson township, containing
10C acres, 30 acres cleared ; house, barn and other
buildintrs thereon erected.
ALSO. 50 acres of land or the timber thereon.
situate iu Fike township within one and a hail
miles of the river on a good road to haul.
tor further description and terms apply to
May 20. !So7. Clearfield.
ITlOil SALE A farm ot 120 acres on the river
above Curwensville ;
A farm of 64 acres in Tenn township ;
A farm of 100 acres in Ferguson township ;
A farm of 100 acres in Peuu township ;
2 farms of 105 acres each, 'adjoining,) in Fergu
son township ;
31m acres timber I ana in lsell township ;
,233 acres timber land in Fergusou township.
For description and terms apply to
mtuib L. J. CRANS. Clearfield.
JTOTICE, All persons indebted to Samuel
quested to make immediate payment, and persons
ith unscttleil accounts will coll a:r.i seme oeiore
the 15th of November, and save costs. Hides will
be taken in payment at the highest market prices.
N B. AH business from this date will be trans
acted iu the name of S. Biss 4 Junod. Thankful
for past favors, they respectfully solicit 'a contin
uance ot custom, cash paid lor iiiucs-
New Washington. Aug. 20 IS57 ."!m
V PROPERTY FOR SALE. The subscriber cf
fcrs that valuable property on which he now re
sides, for sale, on reasonable terms. The property
13 situate 2 miles above Clearbeld on the t-usque-hanr.a
river, comprising 270 acres of land, of
which 70 acres arc cleared and under good fence,
having thereon two orehards, a good framo two
story dwelling Louse, also another smaller-dwelling
house,: an excellent bank barn 00 feet by 40
jeet; also. a,aw and Lath mill. goou water
power. Ihe balance ot the laml is wooalanu., 01
which a considerable portion is welt timbered.
Apply to J. B. McEnally, at Clearacld, or to the
subscriber on the premises.
scpt'J ."ha PHILIP ANTES.
SEWING MACHINE. An Agency for thos.ileof
these machines, for this and tho adjoining conn
tics, can be secured by a personal application to
tbe subscribers, tilh t Arch streets. Philadelphia.
No one need apply without capital sufficient to
conduct the business properly, and without refer
ences as to reliability and capacity.
We positively assert that these machines, for all
purposes of family sewing, are in every respect
superior to any Sewing Machine in market, (no
matter at what prices they may be held.) and
wherever they arc offered for sale they must com
mand a ready and unlimited demand.
Philadelphia. August 1S, 1A57.
wanted to obtain subscribers for the Com
prehensive- Otosranhii and llixtory. Ancient and
-' - . . ....... . . I . . 1 - V. , 1 , ..
Modern, of the H iliuu; oy n. . uoincini e
ter Parley.) Handsomely bound in cloth gilt, and
illustrated with l) beautiful engravings and SO
maps. Price S3. Sold only by agents, to each of
whom a special district will be given. Applicants
should state what counties they would like to can
tjss The book is now ready. Copies will be
sent bv mail, post paid, on receipt of the price.
Bills on nil solvent banks taken at par. The
' Home Journal"' pays of this work : '-No family
whatever should be without it." For full particu
lars in regard to an agency, address,
' Publisher and Bookseller.
No. 172 William Street. New York.
N. B. All kinds of School and Miscellaneous
Books. Cheap Publications, Stationary and Maps,
furnishod at the very lowest prices. Orders soli
cited. November 11. JS57-lt
Bronchial affections.Coughs, Colds, Pleurisy, Eroa
cbitis, Asthma, and all other diseases of the tbroa
and lungs, except Consumption. This invaluable
remedy is no quack nostrum, but is prepared from
the recipe of a regular physician, who during a
practice of twenty-live years, used it with unpar
alleled success. It is a combination of expecto
rant remedies, simple in their character and nsed
by every educated physician. Itia easily taken,
produces no nausea or other dioagreeablo effects,
and gives almost iuimediuto relief. In this ever
changing climate, where coughs and colds so fre
quently end in consumption iind death, no family
should he without this certain citre.
It would be easy to follow in thewakeof the ven
ders of patent medicine, and multiply certificates
got up for the occasion, of miraculous cures, but no
sueh adventitious aid is necessary in introducing
this preparation to the public. . Jts real value, and
never failing success, in accomplishing all promis
ed for it, cannot but give it a wido circulation, and
recommend it to all those afflicted with diseases for
which it is a remody. Pries 37i Cents per Hot tie.
Prepared exclusively by
March 4, 1357.-tf Clearfield.Pn
at the corner etore.
CurwcBSville, November 1, 185",
REMEDY, and REST'UtATl VE, for
Colds. Coushs. Cronp. Ae.. sold at Joseph Wop j
Shoe Shopr Clearfield. Pa ' ' : ' M '24"
feasor of Photojrraphio Chemistry. Uallery
at .his residence on UJ tircet. one -door, outh ot
Merrctl It Carter's Tin-ware establishment. Cloar
fieldi Pa. lDays of operation: Friday and
Saturday of each week .. ..-. . . juoclS'56
EATING SA LOON. The undersigned keeps
constantly on hand at his Saloon in Phw s'
Row, a few doors weat of tho Mansion House,
Fruits, Confectionarus, locacco ana te.-jars
of every description, a".d ether Articlci
usually kept in an establishment of this kind.
He will furuLh articles to persons in larc quan
tities, on the moct reasonable terms.
Tho lovers of good l.ivslves can procure at
tho saloon of the undersigned, in bhw s Row,
Clearfield,. Pa., where, he will be happy to serve
all who may favor htm pith their custom.
Jte will supply persons with cans, if desired, at
Eultiuiore prices, with the addition of the expense
of biingic;' them here. 11. D. TAYLOR.
Clearfield. Pa.. Sept. 3ft. 1S.'.
171 A R 31 E R S LOOK AT THIS!
The undersiirued. agent fur the suilo of
tice that he is prepared to supply the Farmers of
Clearfield county, on tho shortest noti:e. with
the moot reasonable prices. These machines are
not surpassed by any in the United States, and will
thresh lu one uav, it properly attonuea, lrom luu
to 400 bushels. Repairing done to order.
Clcaafictd. 'August 12. ISj7-."m-pd.
ITIOR SALE. The undesigned offers for sale,
on reasonable terms, his entire interest in
that valuable baw-uiill property, situated on Lit
tle Anderson's creek, one and a half miles below
Moore's Mill, on the road leading from Pennville
to Curwensville. J here is in connection with tnc
saw-nii!l, a rood frame house." bank barn, spring
house and other out-buildings on the premises.
For further particulars apply to the subscriber, re
siding in Penn township, one mile south-east of
1 cnnvilie. I learhcld count r.
KANRAS lir-re 12wo 34S via" WITH A
UNTIL JUNE, 1S57 Embracing a full accuuntof
its discovery. icograohv. Soil. Climate. Products.
its organization as a Territory, transactions and e
vents un'lur Governors Iteoder and Shannon, polit
ical dissensions, 1 crsonal Kencountcrs, 1-Iection
frauds, battles and outrages, with Portraits ot
prominent actors therein, all fully authenticated
by JOHN H. GIUON, M. D., Private Secretary to
(JovernorOcary. Carefully compiled from the Of
ficial documents on file in the department of St ite
at Washington and other papers in the possession
of the Author, with full account of the INVASION
OF KANSAS FROM MISSOURI; the capture, tri
al and treatment of the Free State prisoners, the
character and movements of the Missouri Rurder
Ruffians, the murder of Buffum and others. The
Controversy between Governor Geary and Jude
Lecompte. The proceedings of tho Territorial Le
gislature, of tho Pro-slavery convention, and the
organization of the National Democratic Party,
with a Sketch of Kansas during the early troubles
under Governors Rcedcr and Shannon. Its Inva
sions, Catties. Outrages and Murders.
A copy will be sent to any part of the United
States, by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of
retail price. A liberal discount to the trade.
tyiOOO Agents wanted Price in Cloth SI.
Paper, 50 cts. CHARLES C RHODES,
Publisher, inqnirer Euildin?.
July 29, lS57-4m. Philadelphia.' Pa
Conducted by CHARLES DICKENS. The
subscriber having made arrangements with the
Publishers of Household Wu'dt. in London, and
with Mr. F. G. Shaw, assignee .of Messrs. Miller .t
Curtis, of New York, (the former publishers.) w ill
hereafter issue the American edition from the ad
vanco sheets, on or about the ISth d;iy of each
month, commencing with the November nntuber.
The American J'ublisher most respectfully begs
leave to call tho attention of yearly subscribers to
the very liberal inducements held out to them iu
tho annexed statement of Premiums.
Subscriptions will be entered ia the order re
ceived, numerically, on the subscription books an I
every ith, loth, otith, or 100th subscriber is enti
tled to a premium. On entering the name, a re
ceipt, numbered, will immediately bj forwarded
so that subscribers wiil be enabled to inform them
selves which premium they are entitled to. to wit :
If the subscription numbnrends with fh-e. as 715,
7:25, 75, etc., ihe holder is entitled to c-ne volume
as a premium. If tbe subscription number will
divide by ten. ns 710. 7p. 7:50, etc., the hol ler is
entitled to two volumes as a premium. If the
number will divide by Efty. as 750. 850, etc.. the
holder is entitled to ten volumes ns a premium.
If tbe numorr will divide by one hundred, as 700.
S11O, etc., the bolder is entitled to twenty-five vol
umes as a premium, or a complete set of Dickens'
To any Lady or Gentleman who will procure
thirty yearly subscribers to -'Household Words."
the publisher will present a beautiful edition of
Charles Dickens' works, or, if preferred, a splen
did library of twenty-five volumes, to be selected
from the catalogue of premium books.
As it may not be convenient to send the whole
thirty names atone time, a club book will bo o
pened. a register kept 01 tho names, to whioh ad
ditions can be made at any time before the close of
the volume, and as soon as the number amounts to
thirty, the premiums will be carefully boxed, and
sent by express or otherwise as ordered.
Tbe volumes commence with the September and
March number, but subscriptions may begin wi'h
any number desired. Write the name of Post Of
fice, Count v. and State, plainlv. All orders must
be addressed to JOHN JANSEN, Publisher.
Oct2'J 12" Nassau gtTcet. New York.
VJT JUitcA hy Ch irtrs G. Min t. Ks,,
Magnificent Premiums presented to Subscribers
for the new year IS5S. Think of it ! a Beautiful
Three Dollar Magazine for I.G7 a year, to Clubs
of Six or more. Succ.-ss unprecedented has atten
ded has attended -v.irum" to such an extent,
that, during tho last yciii-. it has more than dou
bled its former circulation! No greater evidence
ot the increasing popularity of this old and favor
ite periodical could be giveu.
'This periodical is like a sensible, sunny and
sound-hearted friend, whose appearance on one's
threshold always gladdens the mind with the pro
mise of a pleasant and profitable hour. '
Tho Fashion ami Home Department The latest
and best Engravings, with full and plain descrip
tions given each month, of the most serviceable
ami attractive costumes for . adies and children.
Colored Plates l ive in each number ! Making
Sixty in a year! together wi:h" a large number
of handsome Patterns for all kinds of Crochet and
, Beautiful Engravings, from the most popular
subjects, will embellish every number of tho New
Volume, and an original story, entitled 'The
King's Love," by Joseph J. Reed, one of the most
popular authors, will be commenced in the Janua-
ry number. H5H; nlso an original Poem by (Jcorgo
II. Boker. Esa.. and a great Domestic story by Mrs.
B. C. Hirst. .
'The Easy Tali,'" a department which has been
rendered so popular by the Editor, will be a mark
ed feature during the new year, nud continue to
merit, as heretofore, the high praise of both the
Press ond the people.
TEKMS' One copy, one year, to, m
VUV Vtll , V' -aww --" 1 se
pies, one year Slo. , .,
PREMIUMS To every Three-Dollar subscriber
we send, without charge, a copy of each of tho
Beautiful Portraits, in oil colors, of General WasJi
tn"ton and Henri Cl'jy, match pictures, which
for beauty and artistic colorin each in imitation
of Oil Paintings, have never before been equalled
in this country similar ones in London costing
six dollars apiece. No home in America should
be without these fine lifa-like Portraits. For Five
Dollars,, we send two copies of the Magazine, one
rear, and one of each of the Portraits.
- Address WATSON 4 CO..
-Graham's Magasin," Philadelphia, P.
TVE w O O 1) S.-A UWf
-CORNER"' STORE, Curwensville.
November 4, 1 Si 7." WM.
OR SALE. One yoke of working csen good
for logging ' Apply to "
O.MII11, JvUtlUt-3 4E niXltl.
Sterling Mills, Eurcside township,
Oct. Irt. lS5G-pd Centre .ounty.
er in Sawed Lumber, f-hinp.cs. rauaro I im-
ber, et cetera. KYLERTUVY.N, uiearneio vo., i .
July 1. 1E57 tf. ""
I CUllRlEIiS. Feiiitvitle, (JlearfieM Co.. Fa.,
Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment
of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowcn
cash prices. Hides taken in exchange. -
Julvl3.lS.il. ,
A I-TION. I hereby caution all person a-
eainst meddling w ith a set of Blacksmith
Tools, now in possession of Jehu Wood, of Chest-
township, as tho same belongs to me and are only
loaned to said Jehu Wood. L- J. I1URD.
Ncwhurgh. October 16th. I i .
CAUTION. All persons are horebyoaulionei
against buvingor in any way meddling with
a Cook Stove, r.ow in possession of John Kunger,
of Chest township, as said stove belongs to mt ana
has only been loaned to saw Kiinerr.
October 13. 1S57. SAMILL JV1 CL-.Mi.
1 PLASTERING. The undersigned, having
entered into co-partnership in the Plastering
Business, in the Borough of Curwensville, an
nounce to the public that tuey are ready to do any
work in their lino on the shortest notice and most
reasonable terms, and respectfully solicit a shar
of patronage JOSEPH WHITE.
julvS Im L. K. McCLLLOlGH.
l. of Administration on the Estate of II. B.
Smith, late of Clearfield borough, Clearfield coun
ty. Pa., deceased, have been granted to tho sub
scribers; all persons indebted to th said estate,
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having chums against the same will present
them dulv authenticated for settlement.
November 4. l&57-tlt-p. Administratrix.
xTfw'o o o r s !
Curwensville. a very large and well-selected
all of which will be sold at low prices for ready
pay Attention is directed, to our large and va
ried assortment of
including Bonnets of the latest style, and Drea
Goods of the most approved pal terns. Also, a
cloak of READY-MADE CLOTHING, of all sines,
patterns fend prices. Purchasers are invited to
call and sec for thcuifcclves. WM. IRVIN.
Curwensville.- March 27. 1?07.
H'tst End ofUprinz Creti bridge, Chenpsids,
1) t 1 1 e f o it t e, P e h 1 a .
The subscriber respectfully informs tbe public that
be has just opened a Leather an l Hide Store at his
Tannery establishment, in Bellefonto. Centra
county. Fa , where be will keep constantly on hand
a good assortment of Leathers. Ac. as follows:
(Mi Tinned pamxh Fole Leather,
Hemlock Fjuinish ."Soe Is-at'irr. French
Calf-skins, Krlo:r leather. Oil Tinned La
einfir Leather. tjJit Le.Tthei, Patent French Calf-skii-s.
M'fliti Hatit Hkiiis. Ki-l liouns and
Pink Linins-s. Ci'pe Biiuliiiv and Gai
ter Kid. Tanners- Oil. A L'( : Plas
tering hair ; Copier llivets and
" liners ; Thread. Bristles and
Wax, and c!l kinds of
Toot, firsts, Or . for Shoetmakers.
TO MACHINISTS. For the convenience of Ma
chinists of all kinds he will keep on hand a good
supply of Patent Riveted Stretched Leather Belt
ing Straps from 1 to 24 inches wide, which ho will
sell at city priecs.
CASH paid for all kinds of nides and Skins.
"The above articles have been carefully se
lected, and are the very best quality ; but call and
examine, and judge for vouis-.dres.
Bcllcfonte. April 20. Ib57-tf.
X Merry's Mtfenm Jr Parity's -iliirnzine.
Woo t forth' s Youth's Cnjiinrt ond the. trhoolfel
loir; Having much the Largest Subscription List
and tho Best Corps of Editors and Contributors of
any Juvenile in the World It will have the ben
efit. nQt only of the efficient Tabrrof Robert Mer
ry anil Hiram Hatchet, but Mr.Woodworth (Uncle
l-'iniik) will continue his able and genial services
as an Assistant Editor. In short, all the attractions
of each magazine will now be concentrated in one.
We intend that the Mi.seum shall show a decided
improvement in all respects. To satisfy you that
we are disposed to be liberal to those whoexcit
thomfWves in tbis we offer the following
1. For the largest number of new subscribers
50 in books.
2. For the r.ext largest number 525 in books.
3. " For the next SU) in books.
These hooks to be selected by the w inners. from
printed lists which will be sent them by mail.
Ail subscriptions must be sent in. with the dol
lar in advance, as early as tho 10th of January,
and ns much earlier ns may bo. It is not necessa
ry to make up the whole list before sending any,
as each one v. ill be credited with every name sect
before the 10th of January. Do not wait, but go
to work at once.
For any who do not choose to compete fur th
Premiums, wc shall continue our old offer for new
subscribers, to wit : For one new paying subscri
ber, and two stamps to pay the postage, we will
send Merry's Vnok of I'nzz'es. For two subscri
bers, and four stamps, a tmniid volttmeof the Mu
seum. TERMS One Dollar a year, iu advance.
Address. J N. STEARNS A Co.. Publishers,
Oct20 US Nassau street. New York.
tilFTS AT 4 3 9
OamixAi. Oirr B-kjK Stoke. ti. . tvss would
inform his friends and the pu jlic, that he has re -moved
his StarOift Bookstore and Publishing
House, to tbe splendid store iu Brown's Iron Buil
ding. 4-"0 Chestnut street, two doors below Fifth,
wh- rc the purchaser cf each hook will receivpon
of tha following gifts, valued at from 25 cents to'
J100, cocsisting ot Gold Watches, Jewelry, ic.
'Snmer and names of gifts. Worth cieh.
550 Patent English Lever tjold Watches. ?1 00 it)
550 Patent Anchor - ' 50 00
400 La lies' Oo!d Wat.hes. lk. cases, 35 OJ
600 Silver I.ever Watches, warranted, 15 09
500 Parlor Timepiece. . . 10 00
5i(0 Cameo Sets. Ear Drops and Pins, 10 00
500 Ladies' Gold Bracelets, 5 00 to 12 00
500 Gents Vest Chains, . . 10 00
luOO tiold Lockets, (large size, double case.) 3 00
2u00 Gold l.ockets. (small sire.) . " 3 00
1000 Io!d Pencil Cases, with g-! 1 pens. 5 00
lOtiO Extra Gold Pens.with ensesand holders. 10 50
2500 Gold Pencils. tLadies")
2 50
2 50
1 50
1 00
2 75
2 50
1 50
3 00
2 50
5 00
2500 Gold Pens, with silver pencils, .
2500 Ladies' Gold Pens, with cases, .
0500 Gold Rings. (Ladies')
2000 Gent s Gold Rings,
25HO Ladies" Gold Breastpins,
3500 Misses' Gold Breastpins,
3000 Po ket Knives.
20O Sets Gent s Gold Bosom Studs. .
2:)!tH ' ' Sleeve Buttons,.
1000 Pairs Ladies' Ear Drops,
M)00 Ladies Pearl Card Cases.
15.000 Ladies' Cnmco. Jet or Mosaic P!rl
5 00
2500 Ladies' Cameo Shawl and Ribbon Pins,
5000 Fctridge'a Balm of a Thousand flowers,
S 00
Evans' now Catalogue contains all the most pop
ular books of the day, and the newest publications, -all
of which will be sold as low as can be obtained at
other stores. A complete catalogue of bocks sent
free, by application through the mail, by address
ing G. G. Evans, 43) Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
Agents wanted in every town in the United
States. Those desiring so to aot can obtain fuU
particulars by addressing as above. .
.N". B. In consequence of the money crisis, and
numerous failures, tbe subscriber has been enabled
to purchase from assignees an immense stock of,
books, embracing every department of literature,
at prices which will enable him to give S500 worth,
of the above gifts on every $1000 worth of boova
sold. LIT" An extra book, with a rift, will besant
I to each person ordering TEN books to b sent t
! one addreM. by Express. Scd ftr wcnalojn