HIM,, THE JOTOAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., OCT. 28, 1857. Texferakce Meeting. The Washingtonian Temperance Society will hold their quarterly meeting on Monday the 9th November neat, In the Court Mouse, at early canaie ngnt, wuen the good old practice to sing temperance songs will be renewed, as we got a supply of song books. The public are kindly invited to at tend. G. P. Gulich, Prest. October 26, 1857. ' Several additional SherifFs sales appear in this week's paper. AcciDBjfr. A little daughter of John F. Weaver, Esq., of this Borough, broke one of her arms on last Sabbath forenoon, by falling Against the parlor door. Bears. We understand that a couple "bru ins" were killed during the last week in Brad ford township, this county. One, we are told, weighed 4Q0 lbs. The Effects of the "bard times" are be ginning to show themselves plainly in this county. Business of all kinds is very dull, and there is a general disposition to contract operations. The prospects for our lumbermen mre rather poor, and the chances are that but alight business will be done next spring. At present the saw mills are nearly idle; indeed. we do not know a single mill in all this region that is sawing lumber to take to the lower market. Official Vote for Assembly. Leonard. Matson. Spyker. Wilcox. Clearfield, 1278 685 . 1115 1102 Jefferson, 10H9 1037 1216 1207 Elk, 225 2C9 47G 519 McKcan, 493 624. 330 607 3095 2515 3477 G355 Editors Elected. We notice that quite a number of the editorial fraternity in Penn sylvania have been chosen for various posi tions of trust and responsibility. G. Nelson Smith, of the Johnstown Echo, is re-elected to the Legislature from Cambria, as is also John Hodgson, of the JcTersonian, from Chester county, J. Heron Foster, of the Pittsburgh Dispatch, and Col. A. K. McClurc, of the Chambersburg Transcript, the latter bcatin; Sansom, of the Fulton Democrat, about 100 votes. E. J.Kecnan, of theGreensburgDemo erat, Register and Recorder of Westmorland county, Col. T. B. Searight, of the Genius of Libtrty, Prothonotary of Fayette county, and Ed. Scull, of the Whig, Prothonotary of Som- merset county. J. C. Hays, of the Crawford Journal, is elected Treasurer of that county, and C. P. Ramsdell, of the Venango Citizen, and G. P. Shaw, of the Newcastle Gazette, reelartedto the legislature. There will be at least seven editors in the House this winter. Tub REsrir of opk Panic is Exglaxd. The Europa, which brings our latest dates, ailed on the 10th, on that day the Persia had arrived at Liverpool, her advices announcing the suspension of the Rhode Island, Philadel phia and Maryland banks which was merely the beginning of the troubles on this side. The news of what followed, culminating in the suspension of the New York banks, the fail ure of a number of leading railroads, and the general smash up among merchants, would not reach there until some two weeks later,. and we shall have to wait some time before wc learn the full effect of all our disasters upon the puplic mind of England and Europe. The first item of news, however, that to which we have alluded above the mere harbinger of disasters which no one there had yet anticipa ted produced the greatest excitement in all quarters, and on that day the 10th led to a general suspension of business in Liverpool and London. Must Come Down. A New York exchange says t les, fellow citizens, rents must come down. The hicrh rates of the flush times ct 1856 cannot long co-exist with the levcllin tendencies of the revulsion of 1857. Rents must come down fast borse3 must come down- fast young men must come down from their rt horses, and stretch their legs by a little wholesome walking. Provisions must come down hotel charges must come down the pew as well as other charges of our fashiona ble churches must come down bread must nm down, and the late enormous spread of crinolines must come down, notwithstanding the awful letting down in dry goods. Every luxnry and almost every necessity must come to the new specie standard excepting perhaps lager beer, which will probably remain at four, fire and six cents a mug. Advick to Grumblers. Mind your own business. Attend church and live up to the rales laid dowa by the preacher. "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Don't fret. Take things coolly. Pay your debts, not forgeting the printer. Finally be an honest man, and when you go home kiss your ,wife, but don't epank the babies. If you do all of these, a ray of happiness will penetrate info your here tofore darkened soul. X. B--If you havn't got a wife of your mm. kiss somebody's daughter. And if you can't kiss somebody's daughter then what ? H7An anchor to windward. The eight savings banks of New York eity, have on de posit an aggregate of twenty cine millions of dollars. This is "something for a rainy day," and will go a good way ta keep poor people iom starving the coming winter. Cy"John " said a father to bis son. one day whcQ he caught him shaving the "down1 off his upper lip, "don't throw your shaving water where there are any bare-footed beys, for they might get tbeir feet pricked.' The report of the Treasury shows a balance of $10,632,000 a reduction of $1,620,000; drafts issned, $2,069,000. One million of the payments out were for the public debt. The receipts for the past month bavo been $3,600,- 000 i paynjeuts, $10,000,000. CLIPPINGS AND SCF.1BBLINGS. H7"Scarcc Bentou 'mint-drops." E"""'PIenty duns and promises to pay. E"7BInstry the weather and certain self- important busy-bodies. LL-uigu me river, Hour and provisions generally. CF"Low our wood-pile and the chap wot rolled into the gutter the other night. E?Rich to hoar an inordinate blast pufl ing himself. KPrevailing here a sort of influenza. Wonder whether it isn't the Packer grip. CyA3 a nation we have run in debt this year alone about $125,000,000. """"Plenty Pheasants, if we can judge from the number our town Nimrods have been shooting recently. """"There are large fields of sugar cane in Kansas, and the climate, it is said, is well a- dapted to its growth. """"""Since the financial pressure commenced the notes of no less than ninety-three banks in the United States have been discredited ETThe Iowa City Republican states that farmers are offering wheat in that city for for ty cents a bushel, and cannot find purchasers "t"""Gov. Pollock has appointed Thursday, the 29th November, as a day of general thanks giving and praise throughout Pennsylvania. E"""""Good for Colds,Coughs, Croup &c. Dr, Litch's PainCurer, Anti-Billious Remedy and Restorative, which can be procured of Mr Joseph Goon, Clearfield, Pa. C""""""Found on Saturday morning on Main street, a lady's brass hoop ! Just to think where that hoop has been straying about, and well, the owner can have it by calling at this office, proving property, &c. D""?The contractors on the Lock Haven and Tyrone Railroad hava suspended operations, for the present, and discharged their work men. E7Some of tho Western papers have placed their money colntais m mourning, by invert ing the column "ffles," and putting an obit uary head at the to. E7"Courting is ki irregular, active, transi tive verb, Indicativfnood, present tense, third person, singular nutber, and agrees with all he girls in town. E-The AUeghenj Synod of the Ev. Luth Church, held its recot session at Johnstown, m a - A 11k T II - a uamoria t,oumy. sr. saiira presided as President of the SynO. HP"V"irginia land wrants, for two hundred acres each, are now ling bought by some of the shoemakers in NV England, at one dol lar an acre, payable iihoes. tT7"The earnings of he Pennsylvania Rail road Company, in Seembcr, amounted to $493,519 20 an increa of $82,599, 22 over the corresponding periclast year. K7"Pbilosopbers say 1 1 shutting the eyes makes the sense of hearij ruoro acute. A wag suggests that this aounts for so many closed eyes at church in svice time. CC7"Bcnzinger townsht, in Elk county, gave Packer a majority oJOl, a unanimous vote. There is not a Itestant Bible or school in the whole towns.). Comment un necessary, i f?W hen all the white ople of the Uni ted States reduce their einscs one shilling a day it makes a differencif eighteen mill ions of dollars a week, auver fifty millions every month. 0"""We learn that since election of the Democratic Stato Central limit tee Gover nor of Pennsylvania, theco of fighting whiskey lias increased from : cents to "ten cents" per drink. KFThe little Prince Irnpl 0f France, is entered upon the roll of Uia-ench Grena- der Guards, draws pay and hUme is called at muster, when answer is nifor njm con leavo with his family !" fX7"Mr. Miles lute, ol HH.a Potter County, raised the past scasoa Cucumber which weighed 7 lbs and 1 ouno,j measur cd 10 inches in length and II Ui es in cir- cuniference. Hard to beat. 5 trIhe Hard times nave rcac Turkey. Xo less than fourteen merchants, been de clared insolvent at Constantino Xearly all of them arc Urcck, who have?n &pecu. lating excessively in corn. CCT-The Kev. Albeit O. Johnsttjj iad Presbyterian missionaries to Indlj for. mer residents of Pittsburg, were Ui wujje making their escape from Frettnghi the mutiny there, in June last. E7An excess of imports. TThila raor chants of 2 cw York are all well stoci jt j said that there are now lying in tha tom House stores of that city, imported to the value of thirty millions of doliarsi K7An American lady of tbe name laway, while recently ascending Monf, lost her foothold, and was precipitated 4a precipice of several hundred feet, and ly killed. Her body was not recoveredi LiA aesiruciive uro wcurrcu ui una on Monday morning last, involving a M six hundred thousand dollars. Twelve sons were killed during the conflagratioi the falling of the walls of tho burning bii intTS. tXF-How to whisper away warts. Pat y. month close to the wart, and tell it in a wht Burnside-Jolin Allison, John IlJrkbangh per that if it does not go away you will buiben McMastcrs, John Mitchell, E. It. King) it out with caustic, ir it does not jaite hint be as good as your word, and you . .. have a great sore ten times worse than wart. rr7"Tho Bellefonte Democrat says, tney navev-',,-i,:"''ci r ry, w 1111am Harto a chap in that office, whose legs arc so slim that he has been advised to have them doubled so that tbe sharp winter winds cannot cut thera off. If he doubles them, may he not get intoasmarI difficulty and have them tripled ere long ? C7-They must have had a high old time in . -r mr 1 New York last week. Aisew lorsersays tbe like of it was never seen since the Devil kept a dance hoose at the Battery. The ex citement in Wall street was sufficently great to have worked all the high pressure engines in the country. Great place, that Gotham. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. Counties. Packer. Wilmot. Ilazleh. Adams, - 2363 1900 68 Allegheny, 6610 7687 856 Armstrong, 2409 2106 HI Beaver, 1557 1999 20 i Bedford, 2338 1568 398 Berks, 8722 2750 874 Blair, 1819 1450 669 i Bradford, 2082 6642 6 Bucks, 6747 4801 101 Butler, 2361 2831 . 53 Cambria, 2379 1042 165 Carbon, 1557 672 153 Centre, 2663 2145 35 Chester, 6388 6269 424 Clarion, 2132 987 23 Clearfield, 1459 725 235 Clinton, 1464 1083 18 Columbia, 2410 1144 SO Crawford, 2576 S514 Cumberland, 3078 2466 58 Dauphin, 8109 2656 600 Delaware, 1599 1614 C09 Elk, 502 276 3 Erie, 1995 S306 143 Fayette, 8104 2520 80 Franklin, 8185 S058 91 Fulton, 817 670 9 Forrest, 65 79 Greene, 2034 1000 8 Huntingdon, 1749 1678 248 Indiana, 1437 2650 26 Jefferson, 1268 1125 64 Juniata, 1108 1035 20 Lancaster, 6486 7690 1236 Lawrence, 993 1992 50 Lebanon, 1980 2664 182 Lehigh, 3805 2957 9 Lycoming, 2824 1684 847 Luzerne, 6268 8536 214 M'Kean, 496 - 565 7 Mercer, 2539 2928 49 Mifflin, 1532 1217 104 Monroe, 2254 504 6 Montgomery, 6448 2608 1386 Montour, 1080 568 71 Northampton, 4067 1111 1010 Northumberland, 2S21 974 490 Perry, 1965 1564 161 Philadelphia, 27749 10001 14335 Pike, 758 190 12 Potter, 495 957 4 Schuylkill, 6980 8079 581 Somerset, 1741 2277 5 Snyder, 999 989 81 Sullivan, 494 265 Susquehanna, 2419 8224 8 Tioga, 1193 8284 Union, 971 1275 162 Venango, 1900 1790 2 Warren, 899 " 1369 9 Washington, 8752 3614 142 Wayne, 1992 1691 50 Westmoreland, , 4301 8448 24 Wyoming, ' 1220 995 12 York, 5314 1778 1332 Total, 188,887 146.136 28,132 TnE IIarrisbubq Telezravh savs : We ob serve that some of our cotemporaries labor un der the mistake that the State has been sub jected to a heavy expense for the late extra session of the Legislature. This is not the case. The Mate has actually made some $40, 000 by the operation, which the banks are ob liged to pay, over and above lhe exnensM in curred. By a provision in the Relief Bill the banks will have to pay a tax of one-fourth of one per cent, on their capital stock, on or be- lore tne urst day xr January next, in addition to tho taxes now paid by them. This will bring In some $02,000, whilst the expenses of the Legislature have been only about $21,000. The Stato will thus make tho balance clear profit. So, after all, in a pecuniary point of iew, me r.xtra session has not been a bad op eration. Married On tho 25th inst.. bv P. TV. Bar rett, Esq., Mr. Jacob D. Shaffer, of Brady township, to Miss Barbara Kice, of Clarion o unty. Died Oct. 24th, in Curwensville. Mrs. Eli zabeth mprphv. aged 72 years. List op Traverse Jcrors. for the Adjourn ed Court to be held in Clearfield commencing on the 2d Monday of November, lSr7. Lawrence u. ti. barter, Allen Mitchell. Decatur Richard Phillips. Bell Jos. Passtnorc. Jacob Walters. J. F. Lce, Georgo XV. Logan. Burnside Fredk. Shepherd. Hush Riddle. Jnhn Ryan, ReederKing. n oodward S. P. Shoff, David High. Curwcnsville Wm. P. Chambers. Morris Johu Rayhorn. Jos. Rothrock. Ja cob Wise. Brady Roswell Luther, Jos. Dale. Pike Lewis J. Bloom. William Mc.Naul. William Dale. Bradford Edward Williams, Jas. Stewart. Clearfield John Troutman. Jordan Jas. Johnson. Beccaria Walter Keaeorv. William P John Harsh. Ferguson F. Cortes Bell. Penn AVm. S. Porter, Moses Owens. Lrosiien Robert Graham. GrahamIsaac Kylar, Wm. AVooldridge. Girard Daniel KHsc. List op Grand J ibors. for November Tom. 18-37, commencing on the Third Monday, the 16th day. jt lKe township John B. Ynmsnn. Jnhn Hancock, L. K. M'Clure. Caleb Smeal, Gilbert Scofield. Boggs township Oscar Adams. Graham township John A. Sensor. Curwensvillo boroutrh Samuel M'Dntroll Ti, rx-...i Decatur township Joseph M'Clarrcn. Girard township John Spackman. Burnside township James M'Murrav. Jnbn Wagoner. Penn township Thomas Dougherty. ivnox lownsuip George Erhard. Brady township Georce Snrart. Tavw I Reams, Joseph Suirarts. L-ovmgton township Lewis Roussey. Clearfield borough A. M. Hills. Bell township Benj. Baird, Henry Brothers jvannaus township Joseph 1 others. Traverse Jcrors lor Nov. Trrm. Brady township Robert Keeper, Peter Ri- iuij - - i, UdUlUCl AHIU1U. - "ncis oiegrove, i-atricK Uurly, m""""- .uiumers. - lfr V oodward township John M. Chase James thixander) Schoolcy Scott . ,"nase"'araes tccatur D. C. Bowman. John Miller. Jr. vington Joab Rider, Benj. Snyder, John , John Rider, Sr. son tiias Horn, Daniel Brnbaker. thaus township William S. Sankey. Jford township Seth Maincs, George Henry Buck, Sr. aria J. Comstock, J. A. T..IInnter. Joseph Davis, Wm. T. Thorp, James i crland, Jacob Campbell, J. Ross, Sr. In township John A. L. Flegal. 1 township Artemus Johnston. -vreorg-jauieH, jonn jvepnart. Sid Borough P. C. Pnrviance. j?. Robert Withercw, Jacob Gibson. e iownsjiip jacoo trwin. nship Jonathan Hartshorn. wnship Mitchell Shopc I TTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The late i JL-L residence of J. M. Pfoutz, in Ansonville, ntay be bought cheap by immediate application to JTOXE AND EARTHENWARE. A large as t3 sortment of Jutrs. Stove-tipe Collar and Crocks of all kinds, for sale at the "corner.' Cnrwensville, Sept 23. ffM.lKMa. THE COURT OP COMMON TLEAS O CLEARFIELD COUNTY. In the matter of the application of the Curwens- viue Methodist episcopal church for incorporation. And now, August 21st, 1S57, articles of associa tion filed, and on motion of I. J. Crans, Esq., atty. ior petitioners, puoucaiion airectoa. Geo. Walteks. Troth "y. All persons interested will take notice that the above application for incorporation has been made and action will be taken thereon at November Term. L. J. CRANS, ep2 Atty. for Applicants. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cauntion ed against baying or in any way meddling with a yoke of oxen, now in tiossesiion of A. L. Murphy, of Penn township, as said oxen belong to me, and nave only been loaned to said A.J. Murphy. NATHAN MOORE. Union tp., Centre co Pa., Sept 16. 1857-23-3t. R E JI O V A L. Tho undersigned notifies his old customers and the public that he has removed his BLACKSMITH SHOP to his new building a few doors south of the shop he former ly occupied, where he is prepared to do on the shortest notice any work in his line of business. April 15, 1857. JCOB SHUNKWEILER. TTIOR SALE IN NEW MILLPORT. FOUR JL lots, each 50 by 110 feet. One has a large two story frame dwelling house npon it. They will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to John o. t imams, at -ew Jlillport, or tho subscri ber, at Clearfield. june21-,57-tf J B. M ENALLY. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or meddling with one black horse, one black mare, and one sett of double gears, in tho possession of James McFadden. of r crguson township, as the same belongs to me and arc only left with said McFadden on loan. ROBERT YOUNG. Bell township, October 21, 1857-3t-pd THE $10 ASD $15, SINGLE AM) 1K)U1$LE THREADED, EMPIRE FAMILY FhWING MACHINE. An Agency for the sale of inese machines, tor this and the adjoining coun ties, can be secured by a personal application to the subscribers, 6th fc Arch streets, Philadelphia. No one need apply without capital sufficient to conduct the business properly,nnd without reffer ences as to reliability and capacity. We positively assert that these machines, for all purposes of family sewing, are in every respect superior to any Sewing Machine in market, (no matter at what prices they may be held.) and wherever they are offered for safe they must com mand a ready and unlimited demand. JOHNSON & U OODELL. Philadelphia. August 19, 1857. FTUIE T R V T IT ABOUT KANSAS! JL GOV. GEARY'S ADMINISTRATION IN KA.MiA.. Iargr 2mo 34rt m?M WITH A CO.Mi'LETE HISTORY OF THE TERRITORY LNTIL JUNE, 1857 Embracing a full account of its discovery. Geography, Soil, Climate, Products, its organization as a lerritory, transactions and c venW nnder Governors Reederand Shannon, polit ical dissensions, Personal Rencounters, Election frauds, battles and outrages, with Portraits of prominent actors therein, all fully authenticated by JOHN 11. GIUON, M. !., Private Secretary to trovernorueary. Carefully compiled lroin the Of ficial documents on file in the department of State at Washington and other papers in the possession of the Author, with full account of the INVASION OF KANSAS FROM MISSOURI : the capture, tri al and treatment of tho Free Stato prisoners, tho character and movements of the Missouri Border Ruffians, tho murder of Luffum and others. The Controversy between Governor Gearv and Judtra Lecompte. The proceedings of the Territorial Le gislature, ot the 1'ro-slavery convention, and the organization of the National Democrat if. PrtT with a Sketch of Kansas during the early troubles uuuer governors Keener and Shannon. Its Inva sions, rsauics, vutrages and Murders. A copy will bo sent to any part of the United States, by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of rctailprice. A liberal discount to the trade. r 1000 Agents wanted Price in Cloth SI. Paper, 50 cts. CHARLES C RHODES. Publisher Tnnniror ttiiiLliniv Jnly 29, lS37-4m. Philadelphia, Pa OEMOVAL OT ROBINS' J-w JLil'X'lillAUY DEPOT. Thomas Robins' havine removed his Book and Druir Store to tho Store Room formerly occupied by Riohard Shaw i Son, one door West of the -Mansion House,-' where ho is prepared to accom modate his former customers and tho public gen erally, with everything in his line. Having late ly added a general assortment of Groceries to his ionnor stock, ho is now prepared to accommodate an wno may lavor him with a call, with IVJf&U, fcLUAR, TEA, MOLASSES, Ac , Jfco. Also, ipttk BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES, iSttttotnrv. FANCY ARTICLES AND CONFECTION ARIES, TLnn.A 1 s: ' DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STIFFS, PAINTS, Chemicals, ire, A-c, tj-r. j uuttuuu Biiti t.irarn. Among his stock will be found Histories, Biogra phies, Sketches. School Books. Poetical, Scientic, Mechanical, Medical and Law works ; the latest pnoiicauous always on hand or procured to order: an tne .uagazines lurmsued monthly, at publish er. I'ntcs, mucjr ucu common letter paper; plain uu ruicu cap paper ; perforated paper ; note pa per ; fancy aud common envelopes: blank Decria- a great variety of Steel Pens ; common and fancy pen-holders, pencils, Ac. Ac. Ac., which he will sell at the most reasonable prices. His stock of Drugs, Medicines, Dye-stuffs, Paints, Ac, is largo and well selected; among which are Calomel, Blue Mass, Quinine, Morphia, Red Pre cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pnlvcrizcd ; Roehelle and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar, Sulphur, Sen na, Pink Root, Sup. Carbonate Soda. Tartaric A- cui, ouipnate ot 6iac ; Liquorice, Col umbo and Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Blue Vitriol, Coperas, Alum, Red Lead. Prussian Blue, Chrome urecn and lellow, ermillion. Terra do Sienna, and in fact a general assortment. He has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast ms, tar Urops, finger Kings, Ac. Also, Match Guards and Keys, Penknives, Hair oils; Hair, Reading. Fine and Pocket combs, Tooth-flicks. Ra zors and Strops, Sadlers' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variety. Also, Prunes, Figs, Raisins, Almonds, Pea-nuts I " I UJ IT II I , VIU' I 1 ana t nocrts ; candies a general assortment ; Cin- amon, Uloves. Pepper, and other spices: lilacfcinir I I and pool Cotton; the most popular Patent Med-I lcincs 01 me aay ; au 01 wnicb will be sold at the very cneapest rates. Call and examine the stock and judge for vour selves. Scpt23 THOMAS ROBINS. y RETIRED PIIYSICIAX 75 years -t- of Age whose sands of life have ncar- ly run out. discovered while in the Kast Indies, a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma. Bron chitis, Coughs, Colds, and General Debility. The remedy was discovered bv him when hi only child, a daughter, was given up to die. He had beard much of the wonderful restorative and healing qualities of preparations made from the East India Hemp, and the thought occurred tohira that he might make a remedy for his child. He studied hard nnd succce led in realizing his wish es. His child was cured, and is nowalive and well. He has since administered the wonderful remed to thousands of sufferers in all parts of the world, and he has never failed In making them completely healthy and happy. Wishing to do as muph Rood as possib,ei he wil, genJ to guch of hu with fli ,:r. i- - ' it un-MM leiiow-oemgs as requost it, this up, and successfully usin it i;;;;"::"'? " -ppiicau 10 inclose him ene shilling three - A . , - . 0 " - H vwvu m I ree I P , V 00 retnd as postage on the recipe and the remainder to be applied to the pay . .ul .uTcriiMcini'Di. Aaaress, c . ; HA JAS1. Xo. 19 Grand street Jersey City, N. J. BAH. mnv - . , . : ; ; Alt 1KOX assorted sizes, on hand and for Z A" 'Corner Btore" Curwcuwillo by October 14, 17a7. WM. IRWIf CJCAMsU SOLE LEATHER, for sale at the 'cor- 1 JO ner store,' Curwcnsville. Hides taken at the highest rnco. Octl 1 WM. IRWIK ?A . :'".' i"es taaen at the J " M. IRWIN. " JOHN RUSSELL & CO., TAXTTERS AND . CURRIERS. PetMvUle. CUarfieid da.. 7,i Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides taken in exchange. July 15. 1854. aAUTION. I hereby caution all persons a- V gainst nicduling with a eet of Blacksmith Tools, now in possession of Jehu M ood, of Chest township, as the same belongs to mo and are only loaned to said Jehu Wood. L. J. IIIKU. Ncwburgh, October lfith, ISo". CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against buying or in any way meddling with Cook Stove, now in possession of John Klineer, of Chest township, as said stove belongs to me and has only been loaned to said Klinger. October 16. 1857. SAMLEL M CI jE, M-D. PLASTEKINU. The undersigned, baring entered into co-partnership in the Plastering rsusmess. in the .Borough of Curwensville, an nounce to tho public that they are ready to do any work in their line on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms, aud respectfully solicit a share of patronago JOSEPH WHITE. julyS 4m L. K. McCl LLOUGH. N K W GOODS! JUST RECEIVED at the CORNER STORE," in Curwcnsville. a very large and well-selected stock of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS. Ao.. all of which will be sold at low prices for ready pay. Attention is directed to our larire and va ried assortment of SPHlNtl AND SUMMER GOODS. including Bonnets of the latest stvle. and Dress Goods of the most approved patterns. Also, a stook of READY-MADE CLOTHING, of all siics, patterns and prices. Purchasers are invited to call and seo for themselves. WM. IRVIN. Curwcnsville. March 27, 1S57. NEW FIRM MEEEELL & CASTER would inform the.public, that they have just open ed an extensive COPPER, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE MAlsUFACTOHV, On SeeoHft Street, in the liorongh ofCtrirMd. where they are prepared to?furnishat reduced pri ces, every variety of articles in their line. fcteel. liar-iron, nails, Steves of every variety Ploughs and farming utensils, pumps of every description, stove pipe, patent sausage cutters, tunnels and self sealing cans kept constantly on hand. All orders for castings for FIourMills.SawMills. Ac. will be thankfully received snd promptly at tended to. HOUSE SPOUTING DONE TO ORDER. They arc also prcpated to receive every varie ty of article on commission, at a low per-centage. O. IS. JlhKKtLk L.R. CARTER. Clearfield. Sept. 19, 1855 fy. - . j NEW STOCK OF i all nnb Wmln (Bmh. IP YOU "WANT TO UtTY CHEAP GOODS, CALL AT II. D. PATTOX'S STORE, CURWENSVILLE, PA., Where will be found a new stock of seasonable goods, just received from the East, consisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, READY-MADE CLOTHING. SHAWLS AND BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, and a general variety of articles required in this locali ty at this time of tho year. His stock is very large and is specially adapted to the wants of this community, embracing a large anu spienaia variety ot CLOTHS, CASSIMEltES, VESTINGS, rv V I -rf Tn J iflljlfS J"ini'iT J'ff'l'l OlflfiUZ "' V UUWJ U VLUUUJ, Shawls, Mantillas, Embroideries, Gloves, Hosiery, &c, Domestic Goods, Neck Ties. Cravats, Collars, Car pel eacKS, iirushes, Handkerchiefs. Perfume ry, Ribbons, Laces, Edging. Gloves, Para sols, Combs. Hair Pins, Thimbles, Sewing Silk, Ac, Ac. and will be sold on tho most reasonable and accom modating terms. NOTES on all solvent Banks will bo taken in payment of goods. ALSO, approved country Produce, lumber, ahin. gies. .c, m&cn ior goods. ALL are invited to como and examine for them - r , - selves. No charge for showing poods. October 21, 1So7. H. D. PATTON. fOlKT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS lhe Honorable JAMES BURXSnK. Fa President Judge of tho Court of Common Picas of tne twenty-tilth Judicial Hislriet. comnosed of . counties ot Clenrheld, Centre aud Clinton and tho Honorable AVi Ilium L. Moore and Beni. Ron- san. Associate Judges of Clearfield Bounty, hare iuca meir preeept, to me directed, for the holding of a Court of Common Pleas. Orphan Court. Court of Quarter Sessions Cnnrt rf rWo ....1 Terminer, and Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clearfield, in and for Clearfield county, on the iniru jionuay or November next, being the 10th aay t the month. NOTICE IS. THERT;POT?R TrrttTTtv nr-T7x- To the Coronor, Justice of this Peace, and Consta bles, in and for the said connty of Clearfield, to appear in their own proper persons with their jvoiis, iieconis, inquisitions. Examinations, and other Remembranceii. to dn tlmm i,;i, . y-ir omces, ana in their behalf, pertain to bo done, and Jurors and Witnesses are requested to be then and there attending nri ,i . . - ' nuiv.ii - 1 . , . . T - IV UVUUIl GIVEN under my hand, at Clearfield, thlslfith day of Oct , in the year of our Lord one thous- aiiu cigni nnnared and EUy-aeven. and theeigh- nciu year 01 American Independence JsfAH R. REED, Sheriff. Clearfield, Oct. 16, 18j7. M vx jja.Ni' tui KT SALE Under and - - -.- V V M V V tne Urn bans' Court of Cirfinlrl oy virtue ot an nnier nf al Ui.l nn ,.r i . "posea " saie at tne Court House in Clear , , " -J ,uwi, will O " irvwi.t JUtU. IUU following described Real Estate of James Share. ?eia rongb, on Monday, orcmbcr loth, tho NO. 1. Bccinnine at a white nine on tli nn.tl.. east of the tract surveyed for John Brown, thence - oy n 1111am Brown's land, north 31 dcz. east 31? place of beginning, Perches to containing jo acres and 140 perches NO. 2. Bceinninrr at n. nr;t .i , i ocg east 41 nerchci to a. mn! v. , , of A. Keaggy, deceased, south 20 de? t rn r ches to a hemlock, aonth 37 -l-n- mi I . I perches to a witch-bazel, thence by Jacob Kinir s iana south 40 Ueg. west 138 perches to a post, , no M "Kuw .uissgncupp u lanu north 31 dcr I i. . """i west j perches to a stone-heap, and thence bv V I -u"SnS climate, Urown 8 land north 5& do .t iw 1. . . 1 nuenny end in . . . wk lui i ir- rv ri " " , f 3 percnes to tbe midd e of Clearfield creek, thence up the same following the several courses and AUtn. r .1 ?, - 1 - . uiiui iu mo place of beginning, containing one hundred and ten a cres, 4c. Jsos. 1 and 2. hi;n ik. . .i ..'-" . - ".isuiHCBia cn.iors- 741. to the said fii ZZZJ'i"' l"5es '5' v.. n . . iuimu au icr. rn i v. . xx. u l merest in common with a. in a certain pieee of land sold by John W. Wright 1853, and describel th "'-'" iiv.iv-5 t-i rrecmenr rfftwi t ttoK.. oi.l 1Ia Aa 1an?e f iohn Brown- containing one hundred and ninety-five acres, more or less, situ- I S -T township adjoining lands of A- o ueccana tow: bram S. Keaggy e others, with ciiarfic' TERMS-One-half eorge uienn, John Straw and I vld creek on tli fkiif 1, One-half riili rn r. - I .-, - iuuco in one year with interest. Adniiniif.tnf iV ' cV. , . j'Jii PA1TON, October 21, 1S57 " I to a white pine, north 56 deg east 68 perches to fir' ,ns su;cess-,n accomplishing all proniis-ST-3i L'y l"? f ?HaV Brown " circulation, and Pro fessor of Photographic Chemistry. Gallery at his residence on 2d t-treet, one door Sowtb of Merrell Carter's Tin-ware establishmcnt- Clear field. Pa. l"Day of operation : Friday and Saturday of each week. jnjjelS'58 EATING SALOON. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand at his Saloon in Saws' Row, a few doors wct of the Mansion House, Fruits, Confoctionaries, Tobacco and Segars . of every description, and other Articles usually kept in an establishment of this kind. He will furnish articles to persons in. large quan tities, on the most reasonable terms. Sept. 30 R. B. TAYLOR. o VSTERS! OYSTERS!! The lovers of good bivalves can procure at all times THE BEST BALTIMORE OYSTERS, at the saloon of the undersigned, iu Shaw's-Row. Clearfield, Ta., where be will be happy to aerve all who may favor him with their custom. He will supply persons with cans, if desired, at Baltimore prices, with the addition of Uieexpensa of bringing them here. It. B. TAYLOR. Clearfield. Pa.. Sept. 30. 1857. FARMERS LOOK AT THIS! The undersigned, agent fr th sale of WILSON'S THRESHING MACHINES, girot no tice that he is prepared to supplv the Farmers of Clearfield county, on the shortest notie. with TWO, THREE or FOUR HORSE MACHINES, at the most reasonable prices. These machines are not surpassed by any in the United States, and will thresh in one day, if properlv attended, from 100 to 400 bushels. Repairing done to order. BENJ. SPACKMAN. Cleaafield. August 12. 1857-3m-pd. IOR SALE. The undersigned offers' for sale, oa reasonable terms, hi entire interest in that valuable Saw-mill property, situated an Lit tle Anderson's creek, one and a half miles below Moore s Mill, on the road leading from Pennvillo to Curwcnsville. Tbcre is in connection with tha saw-mill, a good frame bouse, bank barn, spring nuu-c nuu umer oui-DuilU'ngs on the premises. For further particulars innlv ta tha fnharriki r. siding in Pcun township, one mile south-east of cnnvuie. . icarneld ccunt y. Augj-oz-Jm. SAMUEL WIDEMIRE. TVOTICE. All persons indebted to Samuel J. 1 Biss, by note, bond or book account, ace re quested to make immediate payment, and persona wiiu unsemca accounts will can and settle before the 15th of November, and save costs. Hides will betaken in payment at the highest market prices. SAJll EIj KISS. N B. All business from this date will be trans acted in the name of S. Biss & Junod. Thankful for past favors, they respectfully solicit a contin uance of custom. Cash paid for bides New Washington. Aug. 20.1S57 3m VALUABLE FARM AND SAW-MILL ' PROPERTY FOR SALE. The subscriber of. fers that valuable propcrtv on which he now re sides, for sale, on reasonable terms. The property is situate 2 miles above Clearfield on the Susque hanna river, comprising 270 acres of land, of which 70 acres are cleared and under good fence-, having thereon two orchards, a good framo two story dwelling house, also another smaller dwel ling house, an excellent bank barn 60 feet by 40 jeet; also, a Saw and Lath Mill, with good water power. The balance of tho land is woodland, of which a considerable portion is wall timbered. Apply to J. B. McEually. at Clearfield, ar to tho subscriber on the premises. septO "im PHILIP ANTE3. CLEARFIELD COUNTY, SS. la UieOr phiiis'' Court of sat it Comity: In tbe mat- ter of the estate of William Moyerr late of L. S. jjiauioru iv n.-nip. m S.11U County, deceas- - "'c m nay 01 August, A. I 1857, on motion of J B. M'Enally, Atty. for Micbaci Mover, one of the heirs, a Rule was granted npon all the heirs and legal representatives of the de ceased requiring them to be and" appear at rn Or phans" Court, ti be held at the Coart House in Clearfield, in tho said County, on the third Mon day of November. A. D. 1857, then and there to accept or refuso the estato of the said deeedent at the valuation thereof; and incase they all neg lect or refuse to take the same, then to chow cause, if any they have, why the same should not ba sold according to law. By tbe Court. JAMES W RIG LET, Clerk of the Orphans' Court Ao. Oct 7. I :. -Ct. NETi?t.FSR BAREFOOTED FOLKS. THE SI BSCRIBEKS -ffTH Tfl iviv.nu THEIR FRIENDS and the PUBLIC GENERA L Ll, that they have bought out Prank Short of tho SIIOUT SHOE SHOP" in Shaw s Row. and mean to rnntina. nravn and SnOE making business, as heretofore. Cus tomers wishing to be supplied with substantial work, if they will cive us a call lir,.n.,nMu.:.. elsewhere, will find it to their advantage. All Kinds of ready made work on hnt , . i . - 1 v. uica U(- der on short notice. Repairing done on short no tice, likewise. All work sent . ..-L lishment is warranted not to be superseded by any in the country, bo they Yankee or any bodrclw J. McCABK. . . GEORGE NEWS0N. Clearfield, Pa., August 26, 1S07. T O THE PEOPLE OF CLEARFIELD torXTr. A KEW MARBLE WORKS IN BEI.I.KKOXTP I S. A. GIBSON A CO., are now fully prepared to furnish the People of Clearfield county, with all Kinds or Marble work, at a can be bought at any other establishment in this Ei1".1..":, l',nlr:nAaj ni f IAR SUPERIOR ii 1 iir. r WUKKMANSHIP. MK.V ILLIAMGAHAOAN. one of the firm.may be found at the Public hnnuofn t w - ,i,Jn Town, during each Court, for the purpose of re ceiving orders, and will also pass everv few week. through all tba different parts of the county. I ersons in want of work, will .In n their orders until caUd upon, or send them by mail. The work will be delivered to mt nur nf county, free of freight. Address. S. A. GIBSON A CO., Bellcfontc Marble Works May 13. lS57-fim. Itoll.fir.f- n. Merrell A Carter, Clearfield, anj Levi Speaee. Cu,wfns:vi', authorticd agents for this county 111 mi oracrs promptly R B I S ' EXP EC TO RANT COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRT. rfkli Til ir r-i'TD t Bronchial nffection.rtil, rviJ. tt chilis, Asthma, and all 6ther discos onhTthroS ""a. except LonsumpUon. This invaluable remedy ,s no quack nostrum, but is prepa fm the recipe of a regular physician, who K allcled success. It is a rnmhin.t;.. ..r rant remedies, simple in their character ani used by every educated physician. It is easily taken. nausea or other disagreeable effect. imnieaiuie relict. In this evcr- where coughs and colds so fre- shoui.iK .u:ri":r r ' ItVtmM K ... n -Z .L . ders of patent medicine, and multiply certificates got up for the occasion, of miraculous cures, but no " - vi tug uq. aid is necessary in introducing o the public. Its real valae, and ii prcraration to a - wWHTfA1!!01 tn -h dUeaTesfor . - """--'j . mt nee I LrilJ per JiotUa. Prepared exclusively by THOMAS Hiiptvc t . . U A n-.r .7 - KSsi, Clearfield.Pn C nhTJ, TSiLen f rom th0 hscriber, on or about tho first - ' . w by Andrew Jl,r, 'V " " S' ling for 529.00. AllVe;..;"-; ' aga-nsteceiving, or" Ukingan? berarL1o.1Si7.t II" VHE A'T r ri'p vrr . . house occunied 1 J II i JI? iho ate on the road from Ur6MJ. near c ch s saw-miU, wUl be sold very low It is suitable for a store and dw-n; llll: A ply to J. CRAKS. J A -V53 J V'l iriuii n n . - sep9 . Clearfield, Pa. S r tT atd Itiust received ii5 A MBKOTYPES. P. C. PURVIANCE, U"V1 wai. r. ijttiix.