Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 21, 1857, Image 3

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CLEARFIELD, PA., OCT. 21, 1857.
..BisaoF Potter, according to appointment
vlll visit Clearfield and hold service in the E
piscopal Charch on the evening of the 24th
inst. It is presumed that he will spend the
2th, bciug Sunday, also in the place.
Encape of an alleged Horse-thief Jrom Prison
t Attempt to Rob the Sltei iff Another Horse
Stolen The Thief Pursued and Captured
Threats to Hang the Thief and other inleres-
tii-.g performances.
A lew weeks since a man was lodged in our
ounty Jail, charged with having stolen a mare
from ilr. Wm. L. Wilson. On last Friday
sight he ninde bis escape by digging a hole
through the prison' wall, and then scaling the
wall which surrounds the jail yard. He had
managed to divest himself of the hand-cuffs
which had been placed on him, and to get oft
h chain with which he was fastened to the
"floor ; but it is the geueral opinion that he had
tome outside help. .
"We mar as well here state that when he was
first taken, on searching bis person, a package
of napers was found fastened around his ankle.
Among these papers was a not3 on Mr. John
MiHcr, of the State of Michigan, for $116, and
a power cf attorney to Mr. Robert Warden,
Trcai "r. George Myers, of Lower East Bethel,
iCorthaiiiptou county, to collect the same. A
letter was addressed to the Recorder of the
last named county, making inquiries relative
to the papers, and he states in answer, that Mr.
H jcrs is llie administrator of an Estate ; that
a man calling-himself Robert Warden ingrati
ated himself into the favor of Mr. Myers, who
Is an honest, unsuspecting German farmer, and
induced i.iiii to i;rT LItn the necessary author
ity to Hit the money, for the note, represent
ing that he resided in Michigan, near Mr. Mil
lers. " Warden is described as a man about five
feet bix'inehc's I.igh, sandy or red h-iir, sandy
complexion, .iI a wearing checkered pants,
".i!e hat, ami frock coat. This description
Ziwer3 well that of the man here in prison
- On Saturday night, some scoundrels, cvi-1-ntly
sutisflod, as it is an easy matter to
Lreak out of our jail, that they could also east
ly break in, performed that feat, designing no
doubt to rob the Sfir-riO, who lives in the build
ing. Ths window shutter was bored about the
ftMiings and forced open, the window raised
nud an ci.t:anc! eJTocted. The object was,
doubtless, to get possession of a couple watches
::? fOTT!e f'xty dollars in money, found on the
prisoner when arrested. A brace and bit had
been taken out of Mr. Wm. R. Brown's shop,
the window of which was also forced open, ani
a pivce was bored out of the table top, ininic
dialely over the lock to" the drawer, but for
tunately the burglars after rummaging all the
drawer in the room found nothing more than
a little over a dollar in change.
f Towards noon on Sunday, information was
rwdved hert that a fine mare had been stolen
it;iius the nicht previous from Mr. Jacob
Hoover, who' resides in Lawrence township,
a conr.! miles from town. It was at once sup
Txsed that the escaped prisoner had something
to do with the traua.iction, and the Sheriff aud
ot!:rs from here and Curwensville went in
t uniuit. We are told they had a "tall time
in catching the fellow, who was chased about
throve the woods and roads, and fina'iy cap-
tsrtd near Neper's, in Brdy township. On
Monday forenoou he was brought to town, and
is the same fellow who broko jail on Friday
Ilight. -
The people had become aroused by these re
peated villainies, and tho excitement became
Intense. Some i0 or 300 persons surrounded
the wagon in which, the prisoner was brought
t this place, and, producing a rope, threaten
ed to h..i him, and whether in jest or earn
. st, it baould serve as a warn ng to the horso
thief gentry what they may expect in future.
The nrrsons who had charge of the thief, were
armed with revolvers and threatened to shoot
any one who laid hcM of Mm. These various
demonstrations, together with the ringing of
the Court House bell, and shouts of "hang him,
sLot him, "lets make him stretch hemp,"
&e., wore not calculated to make him feel very
eay, and he implored the officers to protect
him, and agrcod that he would make a confes
sion. He then made a statement in which he tried
tn screen hirasel' by representing that he hud
not stolen the horses himself; that he had pur
tntd Wilson's marc from the gypsies and
another man he named, although he was aware
the animal had been stolen ; that he had sold
another horse to a maa at the Jefferson county
line; that Hoover's mare had been placed in
his haals by a certain individual he named;
that the same person offered to get another
man to assist him in recovering his money and
watches from the Sheriff; tad that he had no
one to assist him in breaking out of prison.
II? afterwards wade an affidavit relative to
the matter, and warrants were issued and sev
eral cf the pel sons whom ho implicated, ar
rested. Whether his statement is worthy of
rodenc?, is not for ns to say or decide. The
whole aff-iir is in a fairway for being judicial
ly investigated, when the facts can be made
pnblic.- ,m. . "
- r,Yr M;itflr Miles Tate, son of
a. ;w lb a,a a
Win. Tate, of Lawrence township, presented
is vstTdir snecimens of several varieties of
an.les. which are as choice and delicious fruit
as wo have ever seen, and Icr which our young
frletd will i'.ease accept onr thanks. Mr. Tat j
Las, we believe, paid some cttentioa to the
cultivation of fruit, and the result shows that
all that is required to produce a superior qual
ity in Clearfield connty, is proper attention,
aud w should like to sec oar farmers general
ly give the subject' of fruit raising more con-aiJep-tioa
tlian it has heretofore received.
.Old winter i coming, o ho, - oho." Yes
terday the air was very raw and chilly, and in
t Tif ejrening we were favored with a light fajl
rf snowr -. . .;.'.-.-
New Goods. II. D. Palton, Curwensville,
has received and opened a new stock f goods
for fall and wintei use. See advertisement.
Q5"0ver the election.
r?Beat slightly Wilmot. . .. " ...
U"Elected Molly Maguire Packer.
E"7TIigh the horse-thief excitement
E"A discontcntedfamily poverty, pride
and laziness. 1
C-Large, fine, and not hard ta take those
Isabella grapes of Mrs. Ward, of our town.
Hp-Wanted several cords ol wood, inpay
ment of subscription, at this office. .:- - ' is, '
K7"Reported that an election was held cno
day last week, in some parts of onr State. -. .
C7"The money panic is subsiding here
abouts. Reason there is no money to kicK
up a fuss about. ' .' -
' 07-A whopper that radish brought us by
Mr. Henry Waple, of Boggs lowDship. . It
weighs II f lbs. Hard to beat, that.
K7"If the people of Portugal are Portu-
geese, is it proper to call one of them a portu
goose ?
We are indebted to Nathaniel Rishel, of
Lawrence township, for several clusters of fine
CCp-Some cotton. There are three Missis
sippi widows at White Sulphur Springs, Vir
ginia, who represent fifty thousand bales of
CJAn Irish gentleman lately fought a duel
with his intimate friend, because he jocosely
asserted that he was born without a shirt on
his back. -
lT7Louis XIV. asked Count 3Iahony if he
understood Italian. "Yes, please your Ma
jesty," answered the couut, "if it is spoken
in Irish."
tr"7The Parkersburg, Virginia, News eom-
pljins that there is a great scarcity of me
chanics, especially carpenters, in that town
The wages, it says, are good.
("C"rAt the Bui'ilo Fair grounds, a day cr
two since, an Indian ran ten miles in 60 min
utes and 19 seconds a speed unprecedented
lie would make a good candidate.
CLThe Question is being discussed in some
of the Missouri papers whether raising hemp
is a good business. A much better business,
certainly, than being raised by it.
D3P"Excitiiig the "muss" between "the
Parson" and "Primer," on Monday night and
Tuesday forenoon. Ilatchctsand muskets arc
calculated to make things highly interesting. .
E?""Ladies should prepare for an extreme
change in wearing apparel, for a Paris cor
respondent of the New York Courier says the
ladies are coming out without hoops", bustle,
wadding, or anything else.
U3A jockey at the Maze races, England,
asked a Yankee if they had any such swift
horses in America. "Swift ?" said Jonathan,
"I've seen a horse at Baltimore beat his own
shadow, a quarter of a mile at the first heat."
G-A minister in Salem county, New Jer
sey, advertises that he will perform the mar
riage ceremony on the most accommodating
teims. Those who ara not blessed with cash,
can pay the fee in cord-wood, bacon, cr corn !
EPRats. Last Wednesday, the crew of the
bark Fleet Eagle, lying at Central wharf, Bos
ton, M ss., smoked the vessel for the purpose
of clearing out the rats, and after the opera
tion was performed, 5G0 of the defunct ver.
ruin were found.
fFWhcn you say, in a phrase which is now
Americanized, such and such a man is a 'brick,'
do you think of, or know the origin of it ? It
is this: An Eastern prince being asked,
; Where are the fortifications of your city?"
replied, pointing to his soldiers, "Every man
you see is a brick."
C"Fraud sticking but. In tho town of
Kickapoo, Kansas, where the Border-Ruffian
census-takers reported bet two hundred vo
ters, the National Democratic Nigger-driving
ticket received five hundred majority ! How-
did they get five hundred majority out of two
hundred voters 7
D"A doctor up town gave the following,
prescription for a sick lady, a few days since
"A new bonnet, a Cashmere shawl, and a pair
of gaiter boots V The lady recovered im
mediately. Shortly after, the Sheriff pre
scribed for her husband, two executions and a
small red flag, lie will nat rccovej.
X7"The New Orleans papers of the 7th men
tion the presence of filibuster Walker in that
city. The True Delta says that he very coolly
and philosophically proceeds towards the con
summation of his plans. . The tightness of the
money market somew hat affects his operations.
as it prevents him converting bonds into cash
except at too heavy a loss.
CThe Dred Scott Decision Outdone. A
correspondent of the St. Louis Democrat
writes that the jifdges for his precinct decided
that, in the absence of naturalization papers
or in case a foreigner had not been natural
ize 1, it was only necessary for him to produce
a lund warrant to entitle him to the elective
DThc vast amount of business transacted
in the Post Office Department is indicated by
the fact the transcrips of mails sent from and
received at th New York city Post Ollices
measuring nearly three miles in length of col
umns of figures, were placed in the hands of
the examiners in the sixth Audttor's Office
on the 2th inst., and on the 10th the additions
were completed iii full.
Convicted ax StXTtxcEB to Death after
Ten Years' Imprijoxmes. The case of James
Copeland, which has been pending for some
ten years, was tried a few days since at at Au
gnsta, Miss., and resulted in his conviction of
murder in the first degree. Copeland was
charged with killing one James A Harvey,
and has been found guilty twice before by the
juries of the country ; yet, by resorting to the
tcchuicalitiea of the law, he has been enabled
to gaiat.ial after trial to the pn-sent time.
On the verdict being rendered the Judge pro
nounced upou him tho sentence of death,
ordering him to bo executed, on Friday, tlje
ftnth dav of Octcber. .
The reasons teat Mr. Forsyth, our minister
to Mexico, assigns for opposing the arrange
ment of Messrs. Benjamin and Le Sere with
Conionfort relative t the Tehnantepec route,
place his conduct iu a favorable light.
Married. On the 15th, by Rev. T. Barn-
heart, Mr. Savoel McCloskt, of Clinton coun
ty, to Miss AsxabeL: Ross, of Pike township,
Clearfield connty.
On the 15th, by Rev. J. M. Galloway, Da.
D. O. Crocch to Miss Harriet Hartshorn,
both of Curwensville.
On the 20th. bv the same, Mr. James M. Keed
to Miss Mary E., daughter of Mr. Ross Read.
Died. On the 14th, Ecoejje Fisiier, son of
John and Mary E. Leonard, of Goshen town
ship, aged 10 years and 3 months. . -
The above was a child ol much promise, ana
his death is painfully felt by his parents and
playmates; bat
He sleeps in Jesus peacerul rest
No mortal strile invades his breast ;
No pain, or sin, of woe, or care, .
Can reach the silent slumbcrcr there.
He sleeps in Jesus soon to rise
When the last trump shall rend the skies,
Then burst the fetters of the tomb,
To wake to full immortal bloom,
He sleeps in Jesus cease thy grief,
Let this afford thee sweet relief,
That freed from death's triumphant reign,
In Heaven he shall live ngnin.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or meddling with one
black horse, one black mare, and one sett of doable
pears, in the possession of James McFndilen. of
Ferguson township, s the f.iihc belongs to me and
are only leu with said jMoiacl.len on lonn.
Bell townfhip, October 21, 1857-3t-pd
rrwiOMAS :. s.nydlu, merchant. ieai-
JL er in t"awed Lumber. Shingles, Square Tim
ber, et cetera. KYLEJiTOWN", Clearfield Co., Pa.
July I. lb.ii it.
FOR SAL1". One yoke of working oxen good
for loiririnir. Aniily to
tfillTIl. K1IODE3 A- SMITII.
?teri:ng Mills, liurnsidc township.
Oct. Id. lSjfi-pd Centre eounty.
. C URKIEK.S, PanvilU, C'f trfic,1 Co., Fa..
Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment
of leather, which they offer for eale at tho lowest
cah prices. Rides tukca in exchange.
July 1J. Isj4.
Ri: M OVAL. The nndersisiW notifies
his old customers and the public that he his
removed his BLACKSMITH SHOP to bis new
building a few doors south of the shop he formcr
lv occupied, where he is prepared to do on the
shortest notice any work in his line of business.
April 15. 157. JCB f? HUNK WE I LEK.
FOK SALE IN SEW AllLLl Ull T. l'Ulll
lots, each 50 by 111) feet. One has a Urge
two story frame dwclliug house upon it. They
will bo sold chcan and easv terms. Apply to
John S. Williams, at Xcw Millport, or the subscri
ber, at Clearfield.'
june2l-'7-U - J li. M fa-NAl.ux.
REGISTER'S 'OTICE. Notice" is here
by given, that the following accounts hare
been examined and passed by me, and remain filed
of record in this office for tho inspection of hci;i,
legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way
iotercstcd, and will be presented to the next Or
phans' Court of Clearfield County, to be held at
the Court Ilouse. in the Borough of Clearfield;
commencing on the tnira juonuay ol .uvcinocr,
lHS". for confirmation and allowance:
The Administration account of James Stott, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Matthew Stott. late of
the town..hin of IJosrcs. Clearfield county, dec d.
Tho tcsttmentary account of II. II.' Hurd. one of
the Executors of the last Will and Testament of
Thomas 'VVilron, late of Chest township, Clearfield
county, deceased.
The Administration account of Roswcll Lu.thcr,
Esq., Administrator of the estate of James Wal
lace Dunlan, late of Urady township, Clearfield
county, deceased.
Jhe rinai account of Amos rJarncman, adminis
trator of the estate of Gcorgo Rayhorn, late of
-Morris tow nslup, Clearfield coitntv. lcc a
Clearfield. Pa.. Oct. 10, 1357. Register.
List of Traverse Jcrors. for the Adjourn
ed Court to be held in Clearfield commencing
on the 2d Monday of November, 1857.
Lawrence L.R. Carter, Allen Mitchell.
Decatur Richard Phillips.
Bell Jos. Passmore, Jacob Walters, J. F.
Lee, George V. Logan.
Burnside Fredk. ShephefW, Hugh Riddle,
John Ryan. Recder King.
Woodward S. P. Shoff, David High.
Curwensville Wm. P. Chambers.
Morris John Rayhorn, Jos. Rothrock, Ja
cob Wise.
Brady Roswell Luther. Jos. Dale.
Pike Lewis J. Bloom, William McXaul,
W illiam Dale.
Bradford Edward Williams, Jas. Stewart.
Clearfield John Troutman.
Jordan Jas. Johnson.
Beccaria Walter Keaggy, William Puscy,
John Harsh.
Ferguson F. Cortes Bell.
I'enn Wm. S. Porter, Moses Owens.
Goshen Robert Graham.
GrahamIsaac Kylar, Wni. Wooldridgc.
Girard Daniel Krise.
List of Gr an d Jcrors, for November Term,
1857, commencing on the Third Monday, tne
ICth d:iy.
Pike township John B. Yamson, John
Hancock, L. K. M'Clure, Caleb Way, George
Smcnl, Gilbert bconolu.
Boggs township) Oscar Adams,
nniham townshin John A. Sensor.
Corwensville borough Samuel M'Dowcll,
John M'Naul.
Decatur township Joseph M'Chirren.
Cirard townshin John Suackman.
Burnside township James M'Murray, John
Penn township Thomas Dougherty.
Knot town.sliin Georse Erhard.
Tiradv townshin Georzc Susarts, John
Reams, Joseph Sugarts.
Covington township Lewis Roussey.
Clearfield borouch A. M. Hills.
Bell township Benj. Baird, Henry Brothers
Karthaus township Joseph 1 others.
Traverse Jurors lor Nov. Terra.
Brady township Robert Nccper, Peter Ri-
singer, Jsamuel Arnold.
Graham Francis Colegrove, Patrick Curly,
Samuel S. McEweii. Samuel Lansbury.
Burnside John Allison, John Rorabaugh,
Ebon McMasters, John Mitchell, E. R. King,
William Brothers.
Curwensville Borough Wm. A. Mason.
Woodward township John M. Chase, James
Alexander, Scliooley Scott.
Decatur D. C. Bowman, John Miller, Jr.
Chest Daniel Fry, William Barto.
Covington Joab Rider, Benj. Snyder, John
Breil, John Rider, Sr.
Union Elias Horn, Daniel Brubaker.
Karthaus township William S. Sankey.
Bradford township Seth Maines, George
Barger, Henrv Buck, Sr.
Beccaria J. Comstock, J. A. T. nuntcr.
Bell Joseph Dvis, Wm. T. Thorp, James
B. Sunderland, Jacob Campbell, J. Ross, Sr.
Goshen township John A. L. Flegal.
Morris township Artemus Johnston.
Bo 'gs George James, Johu Kephart. i .
Clearfield Borough P. C. Purviance. -
Knox tp. Robert Withercw, Jacob Gibson.
Lawrence township Jacob Irwin.
Pike township Jonathan Harthborn.
Girard township Mitchell Sbopc.
residence of . J. M. Pfouti, in Ansonville,
may be bought cheap by immediate application to
mo, )ueciu-u. u. xj. .i.. m. .
5 sortment of Jugs, Stove-pipe Collars "and
Crocks of all kinds, for sale at tee -corner."
CarwensTiUo,Sept23. WM. IRYIN.
. In the matter of the application of the Curwens
ville Method ist Episcopal church for incorporation.
And now, August 21st, 1S07, articles of associa
tion filed, and on motion of L. J. Craos, Esq., atty.
for petitioner;, publication diroctcd.
Geo. Walters, Proth'y.
. All persons interested will take notice that the
above application for incorporation has been made
and action will be taken thereon at November
Term. . . L. J. CRANS,
sep2 " ; Atty. for Applicants. .
CAUTIOX. All persons are hereby cauntion
cd against buyiDg or in any way meddling
with a yoke of oxen, now in posscsiion of A. L.
Murphy, of Penn township, as said oxen belong
to me, and have only been loaned to said A.J.
Union tp., Centre eo.,ra., Sept 16, 185T-23-3t.
' A ing a school for youth, male and female, on
the 12th day of October. 1337. provided sufficient
encouragement be given.
J-or this purpose, iu connexion with the ''Hoard
ef Trustees," Le is fitting up a room in the lower
story of the "Clearfield Institute," where be hopes
to render his pupils comfortable in the pursuit
of their studies.
No effort will be spared to promote the moral
and intellectual improvement of the pupils atten
ding this school. i
Orthography, Reading. Writing. Arithmetic. Geo
graphy and J'.nlish drammar. . ?1 TO
Higher branches of an English Education
ulU the Classics, . a vo
No Scholar received for less than a terra, aud no
deduction mado for absence except in castas of
protracted sickness. J. BUCHANAN.
Uleirhclit. eptcnibcr z:$. isa-4t.
SEWING MACHINE. An Agency for the sale of
these machines, for this and the adjoining coun
ties, en n bo secured by a personal application to
the subscribers, otn .area streets, i"niiaaeipnia.
No one need apply without capital sufficient to
conduct the business properly, and without reffcr-
ences as to reliability and capacity.
we positively ansert that these machines, tor all
purposes of family ecwinfr. are in every respect
superior to nr.y tewing Machine in market, (no
matter at what prices they may be held.) and
wherever they are offered for sale they must com
mand a ready and unlimited demand.
JOI1.M-M.N A liUU.Ui.l.t..
Philadelphia, August t'.l, 1S37. .
kAN'RAS. yirov. 12Tio 3i futr WITH A
UNTIL JUNE. 1 857 Embracing a full aecountof
its discovery. (Jeograpby, Soil, Climate. Products,
its organization as'a Territory, transactions and e
vents undter Governor Reederand Shannon, polit
ical dissensions, IVrfonal l'.encounters, Election
frauds, battles and outrages, with Portraits of
rominent actors therein, all fully anthenticated
y JOHN II. HIHON, M. D., Private Secretary to
Governor Genry. Carefully compiled from the Of
ficial documents on hie in the department oi t tate
at Washington and other papers in the possession
of the Author, with full account of the INVASION
OF KANSAS FROM MISSOURI; the capture, tri
al and treatment of the free State prisoners, the
character and movements of the Missouri Border
Ruffians, the murder of Buffum and others. The
Controversy between Governor Geary and Judge
Lecompte. The proceedings of the Territorial le
gislature, of the Pro-slavery convention, and the
organization of the National Democratic Party,
with a Sketch of Kansas during the early troubles
under Governors Recder and Shannon. Its Inva
sions, Battles. Outrages and Murders.
A copy will be sent to any part of the United
States, by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of
retail price. A liberal discount to the trade.
nS"" 1 000 Agents w inted Price in Cloth SI.
Paper, 50 cts. CHARLES C RHODES,
Publisher, Inquirer Building,
July 29, l.57-4m. Philadelphia, Pa.
Thomas Robins' having rimoved bis Book and
Dru Store to the Store Room formerly occupied
by Riohard Shaw 3c Son. one door West of the
"Mansion House,"' where be is prepared to accom
modate his former customers mid the public gen
erally, with evcryihiiijr inhisline. Having late
ly added a general assortment of Groceries to his
foruiar stock, he is now prepared to accommodate
all wfTb may favor him with a call, with
Also. ?iti
Tobacco and Cigars,
Chrmiratx, !(-., Jfr., Sfr.
Among his stock will be found Histories, Biogra
phies. Sketches. School Books, Poetical, Scicntic,
Mechanical, Medical and Law works; the latest
publications always on bander procured to order;
all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish
ers prices ; fancy and common letter paper'; plain
and ruled cap paper ; perforated paper ; note pa
per ; fancy and common cnvclopos; blank Deeds;
a great variety of Steel Pens ; common and fancy
peu-holdcrs. pencils. Ac. Ac. Ac, which he will sell
at the most reasonable prices.
His stock of Drugs, Medicines, Dye-stuffs. Paints,
Ac, is large and well selected ; among which aro
Cnlomcl, Blue Mass, Quinine, Morphia, Red Pre
cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pnlvcriiod ; Rochelle
and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar, Sulphur. Sen
na. Pink Root, Sup. Carbonate Soda. Tartaric A
cid, Sulphate of Zisc ; Liquorice. Columbo and
Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Blue Vitriol,
Coperas, Alum. Red Lead. Prussian Blue, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra do Sienna,
and in fact a general assortment.
lie has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast
Pins, Ear Drops, Finger Rings. Ac. Also, Watch
Guards and Keys, Penknives, Hair oils; Hair,
Reading. Fine and Pocket combs, Tooth-picks, Ra
ior3 and Strops. Padlcrs' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan
cy. Soaps and Perfumery, a great variety.
"Also. Prunes. Figs, Raisins, Almonds, Pea-nuts
and Filberts; Candies a general assortment; Cin
amon, Cloves. Pepper, aud other spices; Blacking,
ami Spool Cotton ; the most popular Patent Med
icines of the day ; all of which will be sold at the
very cheapest rates.
Call and examine the stock and judge for your
selves. l.Sept23 THOMAS ROBINS.
of Aee whuse sands of life have ncar-
ry run out. discovered while In the Last Indi
a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma. Brc
ly run out. discovered wuilc in the East Indies,
a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma. Bron
chitis. Coughs, Colds, aud General Dcbilitv.
Tho remedy was discovered by him when Lis
only child, a daughter, was Hvrn up to die. He
bad heard much of the wonderful restorative and
healing qualities of preparations mado from the
East India Hump, and the thought occurred to him
that he might make a remcly for his child.. He
studied hard and snccce lod in realiiing his wish
es, Hi? child was cured, and is now alive and
well. He has sinco administered tho wonderful
remed to thousands of sufferers in all parts of the
world, and he has never failed In making them
completely healthy and Aiappy. Wishing to do as
mn-h good as possible, be will send to such of his
afflicted fellow-beings as request it, this recipe,
with full and csplielt directions for making it
np. and successfully using It. He requires each
applicant to inclose him ene shilling three
cents to bo returned as pojtago on tho recipe,
ana in remainder to bo applied to toe pay
muni oi tois advertisement. Address,.
Dr. II. JAMES, No. 19 Grand street.
Fcpt. 23, lS37-lm Jersey City, N. J.
AR 1ROX assorted sizes, on hand and for
sale at tho '-corner storo Curwensville by
October 14. 1757. . UM. IRWIN. '
STAXISII SOLE LEATHER, for sale at the 'cor
ner store,' Curwensville. Rides taken at the
bhe.-t price. Oct 10 J w;i IRWIN',
CAUTION. I hereby' caution all persons a
gainst meddling with a set of PJacksmith
Tools, now in possession of Johu Wood, of Chest
township, as the same belongs to me aud are only
loaned to said Jehu Wood. L. J. II LRU.
Newburgh, October ICth, 1&'7.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against bnyingor in any way meddling with
a Cook Stove, now in possession of John Klingcr,
of Chest township, as said stove belongs to me and
has only been loaned to said Klinger.
October 16. 1H57. SAMUEL M'CfJNE. M.D.
PLASTERING. The undersigned, having
entered into co-partnership in the Plastering
Business, in the Borough of Curwensville, an
nounce to the public that they are ready to do any
work in their line ou the shortest notice and most
reasonable terms;- and respeetfnllT wlicit-a share
of patronage , JOSEPH WHITE, r,
julyS tin L. K. McCULLOUGIT.' ,
OR SALE A farm of 120 acres on the river
above Curwensville
A farm of (i-t acres in Penh township ;
A farm of 100 acres in Ferguson township ;
A farm of 100 acres in Penn tuwmdtip :
2 farms of H6 acres each; 'adjoining ) in Fergu
son township ;
M0 acres timber land in Bell township;
233 acres timber land in'Fcrguson township.' "
For description and ternm apply to
mar2i L. J. CKANS, Clearfield.
x k w a o o r s !
Curwensvi'le. a very large and well-selected
all of which will be sold at low prices for ready
pay Attention is directed to our large and va
ried assortment of
includi:!r Bonnets of the Litest style, and Dress
Goods of tho most approved patterns. Also,, a
stoak of READY-MADE CLUllilAU. of all sizes.
patterns and prices. Purchasers are invited to
call and see for themselves. A M. IUV1N.
Curwensville. March 27, 1S37.
ll inform the. public, that they have just open
ed an extensive
where they are prepared to'furnish at reduced pri
ces, every variety of articles in their line.
Steel. Bar-iron, nails, stoves ofeVery variety
Ploughs and farming utensils, pumps of every
description, stove pipe, pa!-nt gaui-acre cutlers,
funnels and self scaling cacs kept'eonstautiy oa
All orders for castings for Flour MilIs,Saw Mills,
Ae. will be thankfully received snd promptly at-
They are also prepatcd to receive every varie
ty of article on commission, at a low per-eentage.
Clearfield. Sept. 19, lS-i ly. . '
The Honorable JAMES BURNSIDE. Esq.,
President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of
the twonty-htin Judicial District, composed ot tne
counties of Clearfield, Centre aud Clinton and
the Houorablo William L. Mooro aud Benj. Bon-
sall. Associate Judges of Clearfield county, have
issued their precept, to mo directed, for the
holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's
Court. Court of Quarter ressionf . lourt ot Oyer and
J erminer, and Court of General .lail Delivery, at
Clearfield, in and for Clearfield county, on the
Third Monday of November next, being the 16th
dav of the month. '
To the Coronor, Justice of the Peace, and Constat
bios, in and for the said county of- Clearfield, to
appear in their own proper persons with their
Itolls. Records, Innuisitions. Examinations, and
other Remembrances, to do those things which to
their offices, aud ii, their behalf, pertain to be
done, and Jurors ami Witnosscs are. requested to
he then and there attending, aud nut to depart
without leave, at their peril.
GIVEN under my hand, at Clearfield, this 16th
day of Oct , in the year of our Lord one thous
and eight Hundred and ntty-aeven. and theeigh-
iiein year oi -American independence.
JOSIAU R. REED, Sheriff.
Clearfield, Oct, 16, 1S67.
Largest at id Iirst Literary Papjr of the jji(.
Terms of subscription S2 per year. And a Gift
wil 1 be presented to each Subscriber immediately
on the receipt of the subscription money. .
Euc-li subscriber will be entitled to a gift worth
from l to 30tin.no
TO CLUBS. Three copies for one year ? 5.00
Ten eopies for one year, 15.HU
1 Package containing $000, in Gold.
10 Gold Patent Lever English Hun
ting Cased Watches, ' . .
15 .. .. .. .
2.) Gold Watches . ; .' : . "
lltO Gold Watches.
Stitt 1-adies Gold Watches.
" 35
100 Sil-cr Hunting Cased Watches,
200 Silver Watches.
18 to 20
600 Gobi Vest and Guard and
Fobchain. 10 to 30 each
50t0 Gold Lockets. 2 to 10 each
Gold Rings," Ear Drops, Broaches,
I!rcat Pins. Studs, Cuff Pins,
Sleeve Buttons. Ac., Ac, Ao.. ltol5 each
Immediately on the receipt of the subscription
money, the subscriber's namo w ill be entered upon
our subscription book, opposite a number and the
gift corresponding with that number will be for
warded to his or her address by mail or express,
post-paid.- Address BECKET A CO.,
Publishers, 92 MoJTat's Buildtngs.
, July 22, 1857. New York.
X MANUFACTURERS. In announcing the
tth annual volume of the Scientific Amrriran,
ihe Publishers respectfully inform the public that
In order to increase arl stimulate the formation of
clubs, thev propose to offer ONE THOUSAN'D
UMS for the fifteen largest lists of subscribers sent
in hy the 1st of January, 1S0S, said premiums to
be distribute J as follows :
For the largest list, S-100 ; 2d. 52S0; 3d. S200;
4th. S 150; 5th. 100; 6th. S!0 ; 7th, SsO; 8th.
S70; !ih. SCO;' 10th, 50 ; 11th, $40; 12ili,
13rh, ?30; l-Jth, 523; 15th. 20.
Names of subscribers can be "sent at different
times and firm diS'erent post ollices. The cash
wiil be paid to the orders of tto successful com
petitor? immediately after the 1st January, 1S5S.
Southern. Western and Canada money will be ta
ken for subscript ions.
Term of Su''Srrijitiot. Two Dollars a year, or
One Dollar for six months. . v
Club Rii'. Five copies, for six months, 54;
five copies for twelve months, SS; Ten copies, for
fix months, SS; ten copies, for 12 months, i 5;
Twenty copies, for twelve months, 52S.
For all clubs of twenty and over, the yearly
subscription is 51-10. .
The new volume will be printed ttpon fine paper
with new type.
Tho general character of tho Srirutijlr A mert
e?n is well known, and as-. heretofore, it will be
chictlly devoted to the promulgation of informa
tion relating to tho various MehanioaT and Chem
ical Arts, Manufactures, Agriculture, Patents, In
ventions. Engineering. Mill Work, and all inter
ests which the light of Practical Science is calcu
lated to advance. It is issued weekly, in form for
binding; It contains annually fromaOO to GOO fine
ly executed Engravings, aid Notices of American
snd European Improvements, together v. Ithau
Official List of American Patent Claims published
weekly in advance of all othei papers.
It is the :iim of the editors of the Scientific A
mrrici to present all eubjeeU discussed in its col-utr-.ns
in a practical and popular form. They will
alo endeavor to maintain a caudll fearlessness In
Combating and exposing false theories and practl
ees in Scientific and Mechanical matters, and thus
preserve tho character of the Soieutifio American
as a reliable Encyclopccdia of Useful and Enter,
taining Knowledge.
ETir"Specimcn copies will be' sent gratis to any
part of tho country. -MCSS
A CO., Publishers and Patent Agents,
No. 123Fultaa street, New York.
ATHAWAY STOVES A good artiobJef 1
pricej at the ' coraer "' WJl. IRVJV.
fessor of Photographic Chemistry. Oallory
at his residence on 2d. Street, one door-South of
Merrell Carter's Tin-ware catablishmeTit, Clear
field, Pa. "TP Dave 0f operation: Friday aad
Saturday of each week. jonel8'55 ,
IATIXGSALOONJ Theandewigned kep
i constantly on hand at hii Saloon in Sbw V
Row, a few doors west of the Mansion Jlonn,
Fruits, Confectionariet, Tobacco med Segar
of every description, and other ArtielM , .r
usually kept in an establishment of this kind
He will furnish artiolos to persons in lar&e qaaa
titics, on the most reasonable terms. - " -
Sept. 30 - It. B. TAYLOR-
The lover of (rood bivalves n proem at
the saloon of tho undersigned, -in Phtw's Row,
Clearfield,-Pa., where, he will bo, happy to seiva
all who may favor him with their cuhicjii.
He will supply persona with cans, ff df sired. t
Baltimore prices, with the addition of thi exponas
of bringing them here. R, B. TAYIJlt.
Clearfield. Pa - Sept. 30. !Si7. ' ' '
17 Alt ME US. LOOK. . A T THIS'
The undersigned, agent for )V sale T
tice that he is prepared to supply tho Fanners tf
Clearfield county, on tho shortest no;ice, wiih
the most reasonable prices. These aitrumcs r
not surpassed by any iu tho Uuiuxj, Stat and wiil
thresh in one dav. if properly attended, from tUO
to 400 bushels. Repairing ln t order. -
Ciena field. An gust 12. lSST-Sui-pd.
ITOR.SALE. Tho undersigned oErs f.x fala,
on reasonable terms, his entire "ituorest ia
that valuable Saw-mil! property, situated on' l.t
tle Anderson's creek, one and a half milos below
Moore's Mill, on the road leading from Pccnviilo
to Curwensville. "There is in connection with the
saw-mill, a trood frame houso. bank barn, spring
bousA and other out-buildmgs bu Uie premiw.
For further particulars arrdv to tho subscriber, re
siding in Penn township, ore mile south-east tit
I'ennvilie. t-learhcld count f.
TV'OTICE.' All pcrsops- i-Uubtcd to $aiuel
J. Bis, by note, bond or book account, are re
quested to make imniedixto payment, and penotu
witn unsettled accvuuls will oall al j-it: tmiore
the 15ih of November, and nave o03:a. iiidoj will
betaken in payment at the higi.jt marbet priuoa.
cAMl bias.
N B. All business from this datu will be trans
acted in the same of S. Biss A JunoJ. Thankful
for past favors, they respectfully solicit a cunUu
nance of custom. Ca.h paid for hides.
New Washington. Aug. 20 1S37 Sm
PROPERTY FOR SALE. The subscriber of.
fers that valuable property on which lie now re
sides, for sale, on reasonable terms. The property
is situate 2 miles above Clearfield on the Suqu
hnnna river, comprising 270 acres of land, of
which 70 acres are cleared and under good fenoc,
having thereon two orchards, a good frame two
story dwelling house, also another smaller dr;.
ling boose, an excellent bank barn 60 feet by 40
jeot; also, a Saw and Lain Mill, with good water
power. The balance of the land is woodland, of
which a considerable portion is weU timbered.
. Apply to J. B. McEnally, at CLarfic!dr or la lha
subscriber on the premises.
scplj 3m - pnn.fp ante-;.
phans' Court of si:d Cottuty: In the mat
ter of the estate of William Mover, late of
l S. Bradford township, in said County, deceas
ed. On tho 1 7th day of August, A. D 157.
on motion of J B. M'Enally. Atty. for Miefcael
Moyer. one of the heirs, a Rule war granted upon
all the heirs and legal representatives of the de
ceased requiring them to be and appear at m Or
phans' Court, t i be held at the Court House in
I'icsrfield, in the said County, on tb.4: third Mon
day of November, A. D. Ia57, than end there to
accept or refuse th estate of the said decedent
at the valuation thereof ; and in esse they all neg
lect or refuse to take the same, then to show cause,
if any they have, why the game should sot b
sold according to law. By the C curt.
Clerk of the Orphans' Court Ao.
Oct 7. IS57-6t.
LY, that they have bought out FrEsL Short of the
in Shaw's Row, and mean tv continue the BOOT
and IIOK making business, as keretofore. Cus
tomers wishing to be supplied with sabstabtial
work, if they will give us a call before, purchasing
elsewhere, wit? find it t tbfir sr.-iTitao. All
kinds of ready made wora on baud, uiiiaaJe to or
der on short notice. Repairing done en short.
tice, likewise. All work sent out from our estab
lishment is warranted not to be superseded by any
in the country, be they Yankee or any .body "edie.
. ... J. MeCAUti.
Clearfield. Pa.. Agst"-ii; 1S57. - '
S. A. GIBSON A CO.. are now fully prepared to
furnish the People of Clearfield eounty. with all
kinds of Marble work, at a much lower rata than
can be bought at any other establishment in this
part of Pennsylvania, and of a FAR SUPERIOR
M R.WILLIAM GAUAGAN.oneof the&rni.Biay
be found at the public house of I.M .Weaver, in oil
Town, during each Court, for the pnrpoe of re
ceiving orders, end will also pass every few weeks
through all the different part. of the county.
Porsons iu want of work, ,l ao well to retain'
their orders nutil called upon, or soad thvia by
mail. . . ' . A
The work will be delivered to any part of tiie
county, free of freight. Addre5, - . -
... - b. A. GIGSUN" & CO..
Bullcfonte Marlle Vork. . f
" May 13. 1S57-?m. T .l.i'ant ".
Merrell k Cartr, ClearSelJ.'and Levi peaeet
Curwensville. authorised a genu fur tUi OiUktjf,
will fill orders promptly
T O H .V.N T
FOB TRHrrcs l - ' - - - -
BroncbUl aUections.Couhs, CoIJs. Pleurisy Braa
chit is, Asthma, and all other diioas-.-s of tito thrua t
r, 1 1 ( 1 IllTli' BV(nf ('tfin.nmi'tin. 't' t. I ' 1. . - t.
- - 1 " .... .... ..irt -
remedy is no quack nostrum, but i-xo"v':"l from,
the recipe of a reguiar pUyfcioian. iioi..r:-T a
practice of twenty-nvc years ujed it wiOi ut. or
alleled eucee.. It is a comiinain of espveto
rant remedies, simple in their cbsraoter an I used -by
every cdut-alod physician. It is ojslly tiltcn. -produces
no' nausea or o'.her Hsa?;reeal,lo ilcc'i, '
and gives almost itumcdiuto relief. la thij.-Ter- "
changing cliiuatCj where coughs ad ci li so j're- .
qnentl vend in consuaiption .ir.a e.ta. j.w ;r.y,
should be without thi rraTArv t rnr
It would be ousy m follow in tue a&eot the ven
dcrs of patent medicine, and multiply ccrUa':ua ,
got up for the occasion, of tn : ul:n') cr.rcs. b-t uo
such adventitious aid is neecsary in iutra.jo5n! -this
preparation to the pi:'. !.;. In read vain. ;.as
never failing success, in accoc a:i prrnxii-
ed for it. cannot bnt pive it . .vide cirtulatioj. ac4 I
recommend it to all those afflict oi with dia.-tue for!
which it is a remei v. Price Z i Crnls per firtttj.
Prepared evclusirelv h .
THMMAS IttBIN'j, Prrgr'-"t.
March 4, lA37.-tf - C.iar6cid.Pa:'
CAUTION. Stolen from thesnW'fSr,oer
about the first ?eptember. lno Bill, giwm
by Andrew .Moore, in favor of James Croslv csJr
ling forS29.W. Alt pers,ns are he reby eawtiojie '
gaint reotivlng, or Uking any aianlatM "
the same D. S. IfOQKX, ,
um ber City, Sc rJSST-septS-gt,. ,Trr ' ? .
houo occupied by J 11, Lairkwer. Jt-,
ate on the road from Clearfield ta Cv
near Welch's saw-mill. wHl ba sw.J V It
is taitable for a store aad iwliit' Jt-S. . :
p'y to
f '- ' C.TBal 1, 1 -
ALT. and coarse; Salt jcat recr i J!'
fr sale by Jjttly22J Vjf :. P.