hi m - BY S. B. ROW. CLEAEFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1857. VOL. 4.-NO. 8. SOUL THOUGHTS. BY H. W. LOXGFELLOW. Tli wind of the Autumn midnight fi moaning around my door The curtains wave at the window, The carpet lifts on the floor. Thero are sounds like startled footlalls, 4 In the distant chambers now, And the touch of airy fingeri Is busy ou hand and brow. 'Tig thus in the Soul's dark dwelling By the moody host unsought Through the chambers of Memory wander The invisible airs of Thought. For it bloweth where it listcth, With a murmur loud and low; Whence itcometh whither itgoeth None tell us, and none may know. JSow warring around tho portals Of the vacant, desolate mind Jls tho doors of a ruined mansion. That creak in tho cold night wind And anon an awful memory Sweeps over it fierce and h lake tne roar ot a mountain li When the midnight gale g Then its voice subsides in wailing, And ere the dawn of day, Murm'rin g fainter and still fainter. In the distance dies away. MY HOST. A highway advestcee. My business called me through the northern part of tho State of Illinois. I crossed the Il linois River at Ottawa, intending to strike Kock River at Foster's Mills. Foster was an old friend, who had gouo out some years be fore, and erected a mill upon one of the tribu taries of the last mentioned river, ho having bought a whole township in that section. It was some out of my way, as my most direct route was very near due West from Ottawa, vrLereas this route took me over sixty miles further Xorth. However, I had learned that there was quite a good road to Rock River J and I turned my horse's head in that direction. I calculated my time, and concluded that'by rhoderate travelling I could reach the mill in tvo days. DuriLg the first day my road lay through a country mostly cleared, and was well travelled ; but on the second day I struck into a wilder region, and the way was little better than a bridle-path through a dense forest. I passed several clearings, why re small huts were erec ted, and at one of these latter I stopped and got some diaucr. 1 found a young man in charge of the premise, the father having gone to "tho, mills." I aked what mills they meant, nd the old lady said they were 'tF ester's Mills." From these people I learned that Foster's place was forty miles distant, and that the only dwelling, nfter leaving two near by, between hero and there was a sort of stopping place kept by a man named Daniel Groome. They vii4 he generally kept food for man and beast, and also had a good supply of liquor, princi pally whiskey. His Lousj was twelve miles to the mills. This just suited me. I could reach Groome's by six o'clock, and there get some supper, and rest and bait my horse. Then I could easily reach Foster's by nine, as the moon was well on the second quarter. The good people refused to take anything f.irmy dinner, but I bestowed half a dollar rjioa a flaxen-healed urchin who was trotting sronnd upon his Late feet, and then set for ward again. There was another hut at the dis tance of half a mile, and a second about a wilo oil'. I saw uo more human habitations until I reached Groome's. I found the trav elling full as good as I had expected, and ar rived at the forest inn at just haif-past five. This inn was situated upon a romantic spot, tnd to a lover of isolated nature must have lcen a charming retreat. Tbo house was built of logs, tho outside surface hewn, and the earns filled with cement formed of some sort of fine tough moss and pitch. There were three separate buildings to this house, the prin cipal one being built with the gable end to the road, and tho other two upon cither side, run Ling out like two L's. Then there was a barn short distance off, with a piggery connected. Take it altogether, and it was quite a place for such a locality. A small stream ran close by, bo that water was plentiful. As I rode up to tho door, Mr. Groome him self came out. He was a tall, gaunt man w ith a fiery red head, and a face as coarse as it was ugly. But I was surprised when I heard his voice. I had expected a tone like the bellow f a bull; but instead of that his notes fell u-I-on my cars like the speech of a woman. lie nmiled as he spoke, and I thought to myself ' Jiow bis appearanee would deceive any one, for ,in conversation he seemed a different man. - I Informed Lim that I was on my way to Fosters mill, and could only stop long enough to rest my horso and get sopje' puppcr. lie gazed into my face for some mottenjs without peaking, aud Anally said "Ah yes hampli," "When he turned into the entry and called "Ike." Ike came a tall, strapping youth of one or two-and-twenty with a red bead and features such as could belong to no one but a child of my host. "Ike" took my horse, and Mr. Groome led the way to the "sitting room," as he called it. It was rough but comfortable, and the furniture consisted of a pine table, a mahogany bureau, and, nr long pine benches which were set against the walls. There were io chairs, these benches being sufficient te ac commodate quite an assemblage. , -' Groom? sskcJ mc if I would, like lomethlBg jgfi, . , f warm. I supposed he meant whiskey, and I told him no. He said I had better take a lit tle 'twould do me good. But I assurod him I never used it that I felt betf?r without it. "But do you mean that you never drinkivhis- key ?'-' he added with elevated eye-brows. "Xever!" I told him. "Brandy, Is'pose ; or mebby pursued my host. "Xo," I replied. "I don't use any stimu lating drinks at all." "You don't!" burst from bis lips while he eyed me from head to foot. "Wul, stranger, I'd give sun'thin' for your picture to hang up inDiy house. Never drink 1 How in marcy's afrfe d'ye live ? How d'ye contrive when ye get wet and cold V "Why," said I, with a smile, "I get dry a gain as soon as possible." 'Dry, my sakes, I should think 'twould bo an evcrlastiu' dry .' Xever drink ! Wal here I've lived year in an' year out, goin' on to fifteen year, an' you're the fust man I ever seed as wouldn't drink a bit o' whiskey on the top of a long journey. Fact stranger 'tis by thunder I told him I thought it very probable, and ho then went out, aud I heard him leave tho house. In half an hour my host came and informed me that supper was ready. He led me to a back room, where a table was set quite respec tably, the dishes being of blue ware, and near ly new. He and Ike sat down with me, and as I saw them attack the various articles of food, I felt assured there could be no poison in them. The meal consisted of boiled potatoes, fried bacon, and new wheat bread, and I did ample justice to the repast. "You think you must go on to-night ?" said my host, while we were eating. "Yes," I told him, "I wish to sec my friend, and I shall gain considerable time by reaching his place to-night. "Is he expectin' ye ?" Groome asked. ".Vo" I answered. "Perhaps ho don't know that you're in this scctiolrat all ?" "Xo, he doesn't," I said ; and 1 expected that my host would urge me to stay with him until morning, so I had my answers all pre pared. But I was mistaken. He didn't urgo any such thing. On the contrary, ho said he thought I was wise in my determination. He would like my company, but it would be bet ter for me to push on. I was quite relieved. It wanted a quarter to seven when my horse was brought to the door. I took out my wal let and asked what was to pay. "Half a dol lar." I paid it, and then asked which was the most direct route. "You see that big tree, just over the barn there ?" 'Yes," I said. "Wal, that's right iu the best road. When you strike that you can't miss tho way." "But isn't thero another road? one which follows this stream right down to the mills ?" I asked ; for I had been informed by the young man who had taken chargo of my horse at noon, that Groome's inn was right by the very stream which gave Foster his mill power, and that the road followed the stream direct. "Oh," said my host, turning and looking off toward the stream "that road ain't fit to travel now. T'other one's the best." "But what's the matter with it !" I asked. "Why the bridges are all washed away, an' then there's been windfalls acros't. I tried it last week, and had to come back. The tip per road is a matter of a mile or two furder, but that's nothin." Your beast is good for it, I guess." 1 told him my horse would stand it well e nongh, and then asked where tho other road struck the stream. "About throe miles this side of the mills," he replied. "It's all clear and direct I" "Yes. You can't miss the way." I bade my host good-bye, and then started on. I didn't like the idea of a new road at all. The yonth before mentioned had told me what an excellent road it was from Groomcs' to the mill by the river road. He said it followed the stream, which was very near straight, and that it was light and open the w hole distance. However, of course, Groome knew, so I must make tho best of it. I looked back as I readied the edge of the wood. I was upon a gentle eminence, and could overlook the shrubbery I had passed. I looked and saw Ike going from tho house to the barn ; he bad a saddle upon his arm. I was sure it was a saddle perhaps he had an errand to do. Ere long I entered tho wood, and found it thick and gloomy. The path was plain e nough, and had evidently been at some time a travelled road. Aye I remembered, now, of having heard my informant of the noontide speak of the "old road." He said there used to be a road leading to Rock River, but when Foster commenced his settlement, a new road was opened by the stream, and the old one dis continued,. le had, eaid nothing about any bridges. At the distance of two miles, I came to a place where a bed of sand lay across the road. It was a sort of gully, and a stream mnst at some time have run there. I looked, but saw no track upon' it. Water had swept across eince anv living thing had trodden it. I slid from my saddled, and examined thoroughly ; but I could find no tracks. Of course, the father of my noontime's host could not have gone this way ! And yet he had gone to Foster's Mills. I began to sus pect mischief. Thero had been an uneasy sensation lurking in my bosom ever since I left the inn. Something was wrong. I ro gained my saddle and looked about. Tho sun was nearly down in twenty minutes, at tho farthest, it would be out of sight. Instinctively I drew one tf my pistols from the holster. I raised the hammer, and found the cap in its place. I was just putting it back, when I noticed a mark upon the butt. It was a peculiar knot in the wood. That pis tol I always carried in the left holster. It was not so sure as tho other one. I took out the other, and was sure tho weapons had been changed by other hands than mine. They had remained in the saddle at the forest inn, and the change must have taken place there. 1 began to think. Why was Mr. Groome so particular to know if my friend expected me ? And then why should he have been so anxious to have me set forward that night, instead of remaining with him, and paying him a dollar or so more than I did ? Then, this road I believed I had been deceived. There was uo freshets to carry away bridges, for it was now early Autumn, and the river road had been travelled all summer. And then, tho saddle I had seen "Ike" carrying to the barn. There was surely mischief in all this. Daniel Groome had daughters at his house, and, per haps others, whom he would notliave to hear the noise of the robbery. And very likely, he wonld not wish to have such a deed connec ted with his house at all. Of course, he knew I had money. Xo one would bo travelling, as I was then travelling, without a considerable sum. If my pistols had been taken out, might they not have been further dealt with ? I took the one from the right holster and examined it. The ball was" in its place, and the cap on. Still I was not satisfied. I slipped the cap ofl, and found the percussion composition re moved. There was not a particle left within the cap. And this was not all. I found the tube spiked with a little pine stick ! Here was the secret sure enough. I took my penknife and succeeded in drawing out the stick; and then I examined the other pis tol, which I found to be in the same plight. I stopped and went to work in earnest. 1 had an excellent screw for removing bullets, and my pistol barrels were emptied in a very few moments. I had a serious objection of firing them off in the woods, where the report might betray tho knowledge I had gained. So I emptied them, and then snapped a cap upon each. I found them both clear, and then proceeded to load them, which I did carefully. And now, how should I proceed ? That this road would lead me to Foster's Mills I had no doubt ; and it would bo nearer for me to keep on than to turn back. So upon that point my mind was made up. And next which way would my host come? For that he meant to rob me I felt certain. Every circumstance cverthing that had tran spired between him and me pointing to that one simple result. Would he go down the river road a piece, aud head me oil ? or would he follow mo directly up? Most likely the former. I considered upon it awhile, and theu resolved to push on and keep on my guard. The sun went down, and it grew dark in the deep wood ; but the moon was already up, and as her beams fell lengthwise upon the road, she gave mo conciderable light when my eyes had become used to the transition. Half an hour had passed since I looked to my pistols, and just as I began to wouderiflhad been mistaken, I heard the sound of a horse's tramp at no great distance. At first it puz zled me to tell the direction from which it came, but a moment I knew it was in advance of me, and upon my right hand w hich was to ward the river. Presently it stopped. I drew my horse to the left side of the path and kept on a gentle trot, having raised the lappel of my right holster. In a few moments I saw a dark form, amid the bushes, a little way ahead, on the right. As I came up a man rode out. It was my host! "Good evening, sir," ho said, with exceed ing politeness. Ah good evening," I returned. "I had 1 not expected the pleasure of your company." "Xo, I expect not," he resumed, in a sort of hesitating manner. "And I shouldn't have come out, only for a littlo business, I forgot when you were at tho inn." It was plain as day. My pistols had been rendered useless I had been sent off into this unfrequented wood, and now the villain had thought to take my life and my money without any risk to his own, body, and then hide my carcass in tfc,o earth, where very like ly others had been hidden before. My eyes were open, arid my hand ready. "May I ask to what business you allude ?" I said. "Yes," he snapped out, something in agree ment with his features. "I want money, money, sir." As he spoke, he raised a pistol. "Take care," I cried, raising my pistol, and pointing it in his face. "Ha, ha, ha," he laughed in coarse triumph", "your Yankee pistols wern't made to harm such as me 1 I'll soon put you where I've put others afore " When a man knows death is staring him in the face, and that only his act will avert it, he is not apt to wait long. At least I am not. And my host's last words gavo me ample proof of the correctness of my suspicions. Without waiting for him to finish, I fired. His finger must have pressed the trigger of his pistol, for within the space of a watch-tick, a sharp report answered and mingled with mine, and my hat shook upon my head. Daniel Groome swayed to and fro several times in his saddle, and then with a gurgling groan sank upon tho earth. I slipped down after him, and when I stooped over tho body, I saw a few drops of dark blood trickling from his forehead. For a few moments I felt awe struck and condemned. It was a natural feeling in such a presence. But when I came to reflect upon all that had preceded the deed, I felt that I had done my country a service. I made the robber's horse fast to a tree, and then re mounted and rode on. I reached the Mills at half-past nine, and I found Foster aud his family up. They were glad to see me, and introduced me to a Mr. Price, whom I afterwards found to be the owner of the place where I had taken my din ner. On the following morning a party sfarted out under my guidance. There were Foster and Price, and three men who worked in the mills. When we reached the spot where the tragedy Jiad happened, we found the horse as I had left him, and my host lay upon the ground still and cold. He had not bled at all, the ball having made but a small wound, though it had passed clear through. A little way within the wood, we found a place where the ground seemed at some time to have been disturbed, and npon digging there, we found two human bodies. Subse quently one more was found only a few rods distant. The body of Groome was taken up to his house, and we there found that Ike had . fled. He had probably been out and found his dead father, and fearing that he might bo implica ted, he departed. Mrs. Groome, who was a mild, broken-down woman, acknowledged that she had long been aware of her husband's crimes, but that the fear of death had kept her silent. Ike, I believe, has not yet been found, but his mother is still living in Illinois with a married daughter, whois well off. She has grown more strong and happy since tho night on which I had tho highway adventure with my host. The Advantages of Ladies' Society. It is better for you to pass an evening once or twice a week in a lady's drawing room, even though the conversation is rather slow, and you know the girl's songs all by heart, than in a club, tavern, or in a pit of a theatre. All a musements of youth, to which women are not admitcd, rely on it, are deleterious in their nature. All men who avoid female society have dull perceptions, and are stupid, or have stupid, or gross tastes, and revolt against what is pure. Your club swaggerers, who are suck ing the butts of billiard cues all night, calls female society insipid. Beauty has no charms for a blind man ; music does not please a poor beast, w ho docs not know one tune from anoth er ; and as a true epicure is hardly ever tired of water anchovy and brown bread and butter, I protest I can sit all night talking to a well regulated, kindly woman, about her girl com ing out, or her boy at Eton, and like the even ing's entertainment. One of the great bene fits man may derive from woman's society is, that he is bound to be respectful to them. The habit is of great good to your moral men, de pend upon it. Our education makes us the most eminently selfish men in the world. We fight for ourselves, we yawn for ourselves, we light our pipes and say we won't go out, we prefer ourselves ard our ease ; and the great est good that comes to a man from a woman's society is, that he has to think of somebody beside himself, to whom he is bound to be constantly attentive :and respectful. Thacke ray. Labor. The value of an industrial popula tion cannot be too highly estimated, as how ever much capital may be at command, it is of no uso until the true material, the bard working laborer or skillful mechanic arc at hand to expend it and produce in its stead a road, a canal, a steam engine or a ship. Mo ney is really worthless except in the relation it bears to the laborer; and the two arc each dependent on the other, so the capitalist is en titled to the respect of the laborer, who in his turn has a right to the same from the money ed man. KPXo man knows what powers he has till he has tried them. And of the understand ing, he may most truly say that its force is greater generally than he thinks till he is put to )t. DSWhcn a man dies, men ask what proper ty he lcaves--angels what good deeds he sent before him. DIf you want to see a black squalli just look at a negro baby attacked with the cholic. HOW SUT LOVENGOOI) EXPLODED. HIS EXPEBIESCE WITH SODA POWDERS. ' Sut related his story thus : "George did yon ever see Sicily Burns 1 Her, dad lives at the Rattil Snaik Springs, nigh to tho Gcorgy line!" "Yes, a very hardsome gal." 'Hand some ! that wurd don't kiver tho case ; it sounds like callin' good whiskey water, when ye are at Big Spring and the still-house ten miles off, an' it a rainin', an ycr flask only half full. She shows among wimmen like a sun-flower as compared to dog fennel an' smart weed an' jimscn. But thar ain't no use to des cribe her. Couldn't crawl thru a whiskey bar rel with both heads stove out, if it wur hilt study for her, an' good foot holt at that. She weighs just two hundred an' twenty-six pounds, an' stands sixteen hands high. Sho never got in an arm cheer in her life, an' you can lock tho top hoop uv a churn or a big dog collar round her waist. I've seed her jump over the top uv a split-bottom cheer, an' never show her auklis or ketch her dress onto it. She kcrricd devil enuf about about her to fill a four boss waggin bed, with a skin as white as the inside uv a frog-stool, cheeks an' lips as red as a perche's gills in dogwood blossom time; an' sich a smile ! Oh, I be dratted ef its cny use talkin'. That gal cud make mo murder old Bishop Soul liis.se If, or kill mam, not to speak uv dad, ef she jist hinted that she w anted sich a thing dun. "Well, to tell it at onst, she war a gal all over, from the pint uv her too nails tu the longest bar on the highest knob uv her bed gal all the time, everywhere and that uv the excitiuist kind. Ov course I leaned up tu her us close as I dar tu, an in spite of long legs, appetite fur whiskey, my shirt scrape, and dad's actin' boss, she sorter leaned tu me, an' I was beginnin' tu think I wur jist the greatest and comfortablest man on yearth, not except in' Old Buck or Brigham Young, w ith all his radii cullured, wrinkled wimmin, cradels full of babies, an' his Big Salt Lake thrown in. Well, one day a cussed, palaverin', stinkin' Yankee pedlur, all jack-knife an' jaw, cum tu ole maa Burnscs, with a load uv apple parins, calliker ribbons, jewsharps, an' s-o-d-y p-o-w-d-e-r-s. Xow, mind I'd never hearn tell uv that truck afore, an' I bo durncd cf I don't want it to be th last wus nor rifle powder wus nor pcrkussion three times as smart, and hurts wus, a heap wus. Durn him. Durn all Yankee pedlurs, and durn thur priocipils an' practissis, I say. I wish I had all the sody powder they ever made in his paunch, an' a slow match fixed tu him, an' I had a chunk uv fire, the feller that found a piece uv him big enuf tu feed a cockroach ought to be King uv the Sultan's harem a thousand years fur his luck. They ain't human, no how. The mint at Filadelfy is thar Heaven ; they think their God cats half dimes fur breakfust, hashes the levvies fur dinner, an' swallcrs a cent on a dried appil fur supper, sets on a starupin' ma chine fur a throne", sleeps on a crib full uv haf dollars, aud measures men like money, by count. They haint one uv them got a soal but what cud dance a jig in a kabbage seed, an' leave room fur the fiddler. 'Well, Sicily she bought a tin box nv the sody fruru him an' hid it away frum her folks, a savin' it fur me. 1 happened to pass next day, uv course I stopped to enjoy a look at the tempter, as she wus mighty luvin' tu me, pat wun arm round my neck, and t'other wun whar the circingle goes roun a boss, tuk the 'inturn on me with the left foot,' and gin me a kiss. Says she, Sufy, love, I've got sumthin, fur ye, a new sensashun' an' I believed it, for began to feel it already. My toes felt like little minners wur a nibling' at 'em a cold streak run up an' down my back like a lizzard with a turkey hen after him in setten time, my heart felt hot and onsatisfied like, an' then I'd a cut old Soul's throat, ef she'd hinted at ncedcissity fur sich an operashun. Then she poured ten or twelve blue papers uv the sody inter a big tumbler, and about tho same num ber uv the white wuns inter tuther tumbler, an' put ni onto a pint uv water on both uv them an' stirred both up with a case knife, lookin' as solemn as an ole jackass in a snow storm when the fodder's all gin out. She hilt wun while she told me to drink tuther. I swallow ed it at wnn run tasted salty like, I tho't it wur part uv the sensashun. But I wur mista kencd, all uv tho cussed infernal sensashun wur tu cum, and it wurn't long at it, hoss, you'd believe me. Then she gin mo tuther tumbler, an' I sent it after the fust, race hoss fashion. "In about wun moment an' a haf I tho't I'd swallowed a thrashin' mcrcbine in fnll blast, ur a cnpple uv bull dog, an' they had sot inter fitin'. I seed that I wur cotched agm same family dispersishun to make cussed fools uv themselves every chance so I broke fur my hoss. I stole a look back an' thar Sicily lay oif her back in the porch, a screamin' with laffin, her heels up in the air, a kickin' uv them together, like she wur a tryin' to kick her slip pers off. But I had no time tu look then; thar wur a road of foam frum the house to tho hoss two foot wide, an' four inches deep looked like it had been a snowin' poppin', and a his sin'. an' a bilin', like a tub uv hot soap suds. I had getbered a cherry tree limb as I run, an' I lie oust raddle uv my hoss, a whippin' an' a lickin' like mad. This, witji the scary noises I made (fur I wur awkislin', an' ahissin',and a s-putterin' outer mouth, nose and eyes, like a steam engine,) sot him a rearm' and cavor tin' like ho was Skeered out of his senses. Wall he went. The foam rolled, nd tho ol black hoss flew. He jist mizzled scared ni tu death, and so wur I. So we agreed on tho pint uv the greatest distance H'a the smallest time. "I aimed for Doctor Goodman's at the III wassce Copper Mines, tu get somethin' tu stop the exploshun in my innards. I met a sercnit rider on his travels towards a fried chicken an a hat full uv biskits. As I cum a tarin' along he hilt up his hands like he wanted to pray fur me, but as I preferred physic tu prayer, in my pccooliar sitawashun at that time, I jist rolled along. He tuck a skecr as I cum ni on tu him, his faith gin out, an' ho dodgod hoss, saddil bags, au' overcoat, inter a thicket Jiat like you've seed a tertil take water often a log when a tarin' big steamboat cums along. As he passed ole man Burns's, Sicily hailed him, and axed him cf he'd met anybody in a hurry gwine up the road'. The pocT man thought perhaps he did and perhaps he didu't, but he'd seen a site, uv a spook, uv a ghost, uv ole Bul zebub himself, or the komit, he didn't adzact ly know which, but takin' all things tugether an' tho short time he'd for preparashun, he thought he met a crazy, long-legged shakin Quaker, a ficein' frum the wrath tu cum, on a black and white spotted hoss, a whippin' ur him with a big brush, and he bad a white beard wht cum frum ni onto his eyes to the pummil uv the saddil, an' then forked an' went tu his knees, and then sometimes drapped in bunch es as- big asa crow's nest tu the ground, an hearin' a sound like a rushin uv mighty wat ers, an' he wur mightily exercised about it cnyhow. Well, I guess he wur, an' so wur his fat hoss, an' so wur ole blackcy ; wust exercis ed uv all uv 'em wur I, myself. "Xow, George, all this beard an' spots on. the hoss, an' steam, an' fire, an snow, an' wire tails, is ouddacious humbug. It all cum out uv my innards, droppin' ov my mouth without cny romitin' or eflurt, an' ef it hadn't I'd bus ted into more pieces than thar is aigs In a big catfish. Tho Lovengoods are all confounded fools, au' dad ain't the wust uv 'em." Pleascee or Readixo. Of all the amuse ments that can possibly be imagined for a working man, after daily toil, or in the inter vals, there is nothing like reading a newspa per or book. It calls for no bodily exertion, of which already bo has had enough, perhaps too much. It relieves his home of dullness and sameness. Xay, it accompanies him to his next day's work, and gives him something to think ot besides the mechanical drudgery of his every-day occupation ; something he can enjoy while absent, and look forward to with pleasure. If I were to pay lor a taste which would stand by me under every variety of circumstances, and be a source of happi ness and cheerfulness to me through life, and a shield against all its ills, however things might go amiss, and the world frown npon mo, it would bo a taste for reading. Sir John Her schell. C7A negative answer has been given at the General Land Office to the inquires as to whe ther a number of persons forming themselves into a Joint Stock Association can have the benefit of the Graduation Act by becoming settlers ou the public lands not for their indi vidual benefit, but for that of their common interest. The ground lor that answer Is, that the Graduation Act was intended for the bene fit of actual settlers and cultivators of the soil only, not for speculators, and that the rights given by it are personal only, and becauso of actual settlement and cultivation already mad or contemplated. tXTbe Lexington (Mo.) Erpret announ ces tho arrival of Capt. Russel from Salt Lake, who states that the Mormons have fortified Fort Bridges, with tho declared intention Ot defending it against the United States troops. Capt. Russell also reports that tho depreda tions by the Cheyenne Indians continued with out abatement, and that they were daily grow ing more daring and aggravated in character. tXThe Secretary of the Interior has re cently invested nearly one million dollars in the State Stocks of Missouri,- Pennsylvania, Illinois, Xorth Carolina, Tennessoo and Vir ginia, in trust for the Various Indian trlbes All but $50,000 of that amount has been drawn from tho Treasury. The present tuiio was chosen for the investment in order to contrib ute something toward the relief of the money market, while $180,000 has thus been realized in the transaction for the Indians. C-A dispatch was received at the General Lane Olh'ce from Hastings, Minnesota, stating that the men who stole the 30,000 acres worth of land warrants from tho Fairbault Land Of fice had been arrested, and that all the war rants, with the exception of five, had been re covered. tX7"Althongh the Government has to advi ces that the steamer Tennessee has gone on a fillibustering and piratical expedition, orders are given to-naval vessels to prevent her from landing outlaws in Xicaragua or Cuba. C7"The new rule in the matter of office holding, alluded to a short time since is, that but one member of a family shall hold an ap pointment under the Government, and that where there are more than one in office all two; shall be dismissed.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers