u u , ii i. i i ... . . i i i - . .i - i - , . , ii - FUN, FACT & FANCY. TO A GINNT-FOWL thai comet and squawks under my winder period Oily and makes me mad exceedinkly. You missuble speckled critter, yon ! "What'n thnnder aryou squawkink about 1 Does anything hurt you bad 1 Or do you sqnawk That way in Ginny, where you came from, And so squawk now lrom educational prejudice? What'n mischief do you pull your homely head Out'n from under your wing and squawk, You speckled "cuss f " Something offensive, I rcck'n, elswise You'd keep it there, for it looks better hid. "What do you get on the fence and squawk for t Do you see anything al:irmink,you white-gilled, Speckle-feathered, squawking fool 1 Row do you expect a feller can read, or rite, Or sleep, or live, you discordant old busted Brass French horn, with all the keys open And the mouth-piece cracked ? I wish I could pizen you, you everlastin', per petual squawking machine ! What're you thinking about ? home 7 You rascally epitome of a Ginny war gong, A congo tum-ttiin and conch-shell, And a down-East Village brass band ! Dry vpf you speckled parody ot a machine sh op! Do you think that's music, you outragious vo cal atrocity 1 You boiler-maker's exacerbated echo ! Yon squawking abstract of Pandemonium, Do you think a feller can aflurd to furnish boot jacks And so forth, to chunk you with daily, dog you? Maybe you think it's funny, you speckled pa gan of Afrikin extraction ! Is your sqaawkink sass 1 or are you 'feared of me, say ? You brazen-throated, sheet-iron-lunged culmi nation of foul-creation ? Here's my blackin-brush at you ! Pax of Gravy.- Ba-a-a ! Ba-a-a !' shrieks a half-naked infant of about eighteen months old. What's the matter with mamma's thwect yittlednck?" says its affectionate motherwhile she presses it to her bosom, and the young tarplnt in return digs its talons into her face. "Da den, Missis, I know wot little massa Jim wants," exclaims the cherub's negro nurse. "Yon Mack hussy ! why don't you tell mc then !" and the Infuriated mother gives Dinah a douse iu the chops with her shoe. ""Why he wants to put his foot in dat pan ob gravy, wots on de barf!" whimpers the unfortunate black. 'Well and why don't you bring it here, you aggravating nigger you," replies the mother f the brawling young one. Dinah brings the gravy, and little Jim puts Lis bare feet into the pan, dashing the milk warm grease about its sweet little shanks to the infinite amusement of its mother; who tenderly exclaims "Did mamma's yeetle Dimmey want put to its teeny-weeny footeys in the gravy. It shall paddle in the pan as it chooseys wooseys, and then shall have its pooty red. frock on and go and see pappy yappy." As astronomical fact. A bright star, iiamcd Sirius, or the Dog star, passes over us in the season called dog-days ; and some peo ple hare foolishly supposed that its presence may cause madness or hydrophobia, in dogs. It is caculated to be 2,200,000,000,000 miles distant from the earth ; 17,000 times as dis tant as the sun is. A ray of Jight from Sirius, travelling as fust as a cannon ball at its grea test speed, would not be seen on the earth for 523,211 years. But this is the nearest fixed itar among all the multitude over us ! . Obakge Peel. The New York Journal of Commerce learns that a little son of Robert Oliver, of that city, about five years of age, is now lying in a very critical condition from the effects of eating orange peel. Parents cannot be too cautious in keeping orange peel from their children, as it contains an active poison ous oil, which in many instances baa caused the death of persons who indiscreetly made use of them. Life is jeopardized every time the rind is taken into the stomach. jLfr"An Exchange contains the following excellent, plain, j. radical advise to young men : "Be content as your mouth is full and your body covered remember the poor, kiss the pretty giris, don't rob your neighbor's hen roost, never pick an editor's pocket, or enter tain an idea that he is going to treat ; kick dull care to the devil, black your own boots, sew on your own buttons, and take a paper and pay for it." Died Laccuixo. A man in Washington County recently occasioned another's death by making hitn laugh too much. Jenkins says his cousin laughed so hard one day that all the pegs flew out of his boots. lie lust his front teeth by laughiug violently at an apothecary's certificate for coughs. It put hiiu in mind of rcadv-made cough-ins. A young woman in male attire has been ta ken into custody at Philadelphia. Her name is Georgiiina Gendlcr, and she Wlongs. in Springfield, Mas?., which place she left about a year since. She has been employed part of Xhis time in rafting, and her last exploit was iralking from New York to Philadelphia. Dr. Shaw, of Texas, states that he has found sweet oil, drank freely, a successful antidote to strychnine in two caes. The oil is to be pouro J down without regard to the patient's vomiting. This is worth minding. "Sailer," said atelier to a girl who had red hair "keep uway from me, or you'll set me Sre." "Xo danger of that," was the answer, "you are too green to burn." "Fmnk, whew hve you been ?" In a" per fect glow, "I've been playiDg at an old game chasing a hoop in Chesnut street." The wocsaa who burst into tears, wo are frl to learn, has Uwii hooped. A Fallacyto suppose that a man can mak money without advertising. ft During the months of April, May and July, rain has fallen on 43 days. Tba people of Berks county are lauch an noyed by mad dogs. , TFT! IS. I The Journal is published every Wednesday at 0-e Dgllak and JTirTT Cests per annum in advance, or Two Dollars within the year. Advertisements inserted atnnycentapersquare. of xes lines, for the first, and twenty-five cents for each additional insertion. A liberal deduction made to those who advertise by the year. The 'Terms will be strictly adhered to. No paper discontinued without payment of art rearages, unless at the option of the publisher. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. On and after Monday, Feb. 23d. 1857, passenger trains will leave. Tyrone station as follow : West fcast. Fast Line, 1.57 A. M. 8 55 P. M. Express, 8.23 A. M. 3 A. M. Mail. 6.21 P. M. 2 P. M. TOI1N RUSSELL & CO., TANNERS AND W O U Kill fennvuie, isirarjieiti jtu-.. Keen constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest ca?h prices. Hides taken in exchange. July 15, 1854. It E JI O V A L . Tho undersigned notifies his old customers and the public that he has removed his BLACKSMITH SUOP to his new building a few doors south of the shop he former ly occupied, where he is prepared to do on the shortest notice any work in his line of business. April 10. 1S57. JUUB MIUAHU F' OR SALE IN NEW MILLPORT. FOUR lots, each 50 by 110 feet. One has a large two story frame dwelling house upon it. lney will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to John S. Williams, at New Millport, or the subscri ber, at Clearfield. juuc24-,57-tf J B. M EN ALLY. TAMES B. GRAHAM. Dealer in PAWED al LI MBER, SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLES, BOARDS. Ac. is prepared to fill, on the shortest notice, all orders for articles in his line of busi ness, on as reasonable terms as they can be pro cured in the county. IJrahampton, Clearfield Co.. Jan. 23. 1356 STILL ON HAND ! Tho undersigned con tinues the CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING UUSINESS, at his now shop on the corner of Main and Mechanic streets, oue door South of Dr. R. V. Wilson s office, where he will be pleased to accom modate his customers at all times. Repairing done on the shortest notice. aug2U R. R. WELSH. TVOTICE. THE LUMBER CITY HOTEL J. 1 has been reopend and refitted by the under signed, who rcspectinlly informs the public at large that he is well provided with house room and sta bliug. He flatters himself that he can render gen eral satisfaction to all who may patronize him. ENOS McMASTER. Lumber City. March 25. 1S57. 120 Erie Turn pike, about 7 miles west of Cnrwensrille. and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same, will be sold on accommodating terms. The land lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is well covered with choice pine timber suitable for Singles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill Lear by. Apply to . L. J. CRANS. uiar20 Clearfield. TAGO.N MAKING. THE undorsingned announce that they manufacture T would Waggons of all descriptions. Buggies. Sleds, Ac, at their shop in New Salem, Brady township, Clear field county, which they ofi'er for sale at as reasona ble rates as can be purchased elsewhere. They res pectfully solicit a share of patronage. CAMBRIDGE JOHNSTON, Octl-'S6-tf WILLIAM LEWIS. IV' OTICE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of John Miles, late of Knox township, Clearfield county, I'a..dce'd, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent them, properly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL MILES. JOHN S. WILLIAMS, junel7-St Administrators. TOXE WAKE POTTERY FOR SALE k5 The property occupied by Porter 4 Brother in Brady township, near Luthersburg. will be sold low, as the owner contemplates removing westward. The pottery is in good order and has connected with it about 60 acres of land, about one half of which is in grass, the balance in wood. There is anew two f lory dwelling an'l sunicient eiaoung and sheds on the place. Good material for the manufacture of stono ware and abundance of coal are on the property. For terms applv to Apr2'.. L. J. CRANa, Clearfield. B ACK AGAIN IN THE OLD SHOP, ON TH1KD STREET. The subscriber informs his old friends and the public generally, that he is new re-established in tho OLD SHOP, on third street, lately occupied by Jacob Shunkweiler, where he hopes by strict at tention and keeping a good stock of assorted iron, to merit tho favor of the public. Country produce and cash never refused. An apprentice, froin16 to IS years of age, will meet with a good situation if application be made soon. Clearfield, May 13, 1S57. ft. W. ORR. M A X S I O N II O U S E Clear fir I ii. Pa. The undersigned respectfully announces to the public that he has leased the above Hotel in Clear field borough, and that ho is prepared to accom modate nil who may favor him with their custom. His house is commodious and convenient, and his table shall be supplied in the best manner possi ble. No effort will be spared to render general satisfaction. By strict attention to business, and to the wants and comfort of his guest, he expects to secure a liberal share of patronage. fcbll-'57 DAN. M. WEAVER.- A 31 IT V. I. 77)" II N S T O N BARBER AND HAIR PKESSER. would respectfully inform tho citizens of Clear field that he has opened a shop in '-Shaw's Row," in the room recently occupied by F. Short, as a Boot and Shoe shop, where he is at all times ready to Cut Hair in tho most fashionable style and do Shaving in the most scientific manner. Shampoo ning a'so performed He solicits the patronage of the public. Jan. 7, lsi7. He also keeps on hand a cosmetic for removing dandruff, which receives the highest praise of all who use it. O C TOR. K E L L I S S CANCER INSTITUTE, For tho Treatment of Cancers, Tumors, Wens, Ulcers, Scrofula, any Growth or Sore. Chronic I)i3cae generally, can be cured (if curable.) with out surgical operation or poison. For all particu lars write,state diseases plainly, and enclose twenj ty-five cents for advice. All letters must have a postage stamp enclosed to pre-pay answer. Med icine can be sent any distance. Address C. L. KELLING, M. D " Mcchanicsburg. Cumberland Co , Pa. L-.iMechanicsbiirg is 8 miles from Harrisburg, on the C. V. Railroad, and accessible from all parts of the Union. Old and young, poor and rich, come all we will do you goo.'I. l"T those afllicted who cannot visit mo per sonally, I will send, per mail, on receipt of S-5.00 only, a Kccipe to prepare Medicine, with full di rections for use, 4c. State all particulars. Ad dregs as above. February 18. !Sj7-6m T O T it t: teo.ple CtT CLEAR FIELD COINTY. A NEW MARBLE WORKS IN BEI.FXFONTR, PA. S. A. GIBSON 4 CO., arc now fully prepared to forni ;h the People of Clearfield county, with all kinds of Mart, la work, at s much lower rate than can be bought at any other establishment in this part of Pennsylvania, and of a FAR SUPERIOR STYLE OK WORKMANSHIP. MR. WILLIAM G AHAG AN. one of the firm. may be found at tbepwbiie house of P.M. Weaver, in Old Town, during each Court, for the purpose of re ceiving orders, and will also pass every few weeks through all the different f.axU- of the county. Persons in want of work, will d well to retain their orders until called upon, or send them by mail. The work will be delivered to any part of tho enty, free of freight. Address. . A. GIBSON A CO , Bbllefonte Marble Works May 13, 1357-6m. Bellefonte, Pa. TTALLOA: NEW W AUU.x jia.m.iai-iuiii 11 The undersigned would respectlully an nounce to his friends and the public generally' that he has opened oat a new Wagon-Making Es tablishment in "New Salem City." Brady town ship, where he will at all times be prepared to manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds of Wagons. Carts, Wheelbarrows. 4c. The best ma terial that can be procured will bo used, and his work will be made in the moat substantial and d u rable manner, such as will bear the test of strict examination. By a close observance of his busi ness engagements, and by disposing of his work on the most reasonable terms, which he will do for cither cash or approved country produce, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub lic custom BENJ. RISHEL. New Salem City. Jan. 16, 1356. A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. . I desire to sell my property in Tyrone City, Blair Co. Pa., commonly known as the Tyroue City Hotel. Comprising as follows: - One large three story brick house, Sixty feet, two fronts, and finished off in complete style. A large and extensive stable, an excellent wash house and other necessary out-buildings. There is also, on the same Lots, one frame house, with out-buildings attached, now renting for one hun dred and thirty dollars per annum. The whole stands upon three valuable Lots as in the plot of said town, and affords several very eligible loca tions for store, offices, 4c, 4c. Tho whole will be sold on reasonable terms. And to any person, de siring an investment, or speculation, now is the chance. Private reasons cautc me to sell this val uable property, which is every day increasing in value. Inquire of Caleb Guyer, or the subscriber. J.D.STEWART. Tyrone City, Sept. 19, 1655.-tf. AT ROBINS' LITERARY DEPOT, Shaw's Row, Clearfield, Pa., CAN" ALWAYS BE PROCURED BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES, Stationary, FANCY ARTICLES AND CONFECTI0NARIES, Tobacco and Cigars. DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, . Chemical, IfC, &-c... Or. Among his stock will be found Histories, Biogra phies, Sketches. Sehool Books. Poetical, Scientic, Mechanical, Medical and Law works; the latest publications always on hand or procured to order; all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish ers prices ; fancy ar.d common letter paper ; plain and ruled cap paper ; perforated paper ; note pa per ; fancy and common envelopes; blank Deeds; a great variety of Steel Pens; common and fancy pen-holders, pencils. 4c. 4c. 4c, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices. 11 is stock of Drugs, Medicines, Dye-stuffs, Paints, 4c, is large and well selected ; among which are Calomel, Blue Mass. Quinine, Morphia, Red Pre cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pnlverizcd ; Rovhclle and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar, Sulphur. Sen na. Pink Root, Sup. Carbonate Soda. Tartaric A cid, Sulphate of Zinc ; Liquorice, Columbo and Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Blue Vitriol, Coperas, Alum. Red Lead. Prussian Blue, Chrome Green and Yellow, Vermillion. Terra de Sienna, and in fact a general assortment. He has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast Pins, Ear Drops, Finger Rings, 4c. Also, Watch Guards and Keys. Penknives, Hair oils; Hair. Reading. Fine and Poeket combs, Tooth-picks. Ra tors and Strops, Sadlcrs' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variety. Also. Prunes. Figs, Raisins, Almonds, Pea-nuts and Filberts; Candies a general assortment: Cin amon. Cloves. Pepper, and other spices; Blacking, and Spool Cotton; the most popular Patent Med icines of the day ; all of which will be sold at the very cheapest rates. Call and examine the stock and judge for vour clres. ldcct7 THOMAS ROBINS. T r(J THOSE WHO WANT FARMS. A FARM WITH IN THE REACH OF EVERY MAN. THE RIDGWAY FARM COMPANY has made ar rangements by which all who desire to settle or purchase a home can do so. The farms consist of the best limestone soil of the most superior quality for farming, in a rapidly improving place, into which an extensive emigration is now pouring. The property is located in Elk Connty, Pennsylva nia, in the midst of a thriving population of some 10.000. Th climate is perfectly healthy, and the terrible plague of the west fever is unknown. It also has an abuudance of the best quality of Coal and Iron. The price to buy it out is from ?3 to !?20 per acre, payable in instalments, to bo located at the time of purchasing, or a share of 25 acres entitling to locate the same for S.'JOll, payabln SO per month or 12i acres payable SI per mouth. 1'iscount for every sum f Slt'O and under, paid in advance, a discount of 5 per cent, will be allowed, and for over 5100 a discount ot 10 per cent. In considering the advantages of emigrating to thi locality tho following are presented : First The soil is a rich limestone, capable of raising tho heaviest crops, owing to which this set tlement has attained its present great prosperity. Second It is the centre of the great North West Coal Basin, and is destined soon to become one of the greatest business places in the State. It will supply the great Lake market (according to popu lation and travel the greatest in the Union.) It has five workable veines of the best Bituminous Coal, amounting in the aggregate to over 22 feet, which makes 22,000 tons of coal under each acre. This will make the land of inestimable value. Third The eminent state geologist Dr. Chas. T. Jackson of Boston, has made a geological sur vey of the land, and analysed the coal, the iron ore and the limestone. This report together with maps will be furnished to inquirers. Funrth Thrco railroads are laid out through this property. The Sunbury and Erie Railroad gives us a market foroureoal to the Lakes it runs from Eric to Philadelphia. A large part of this road has been finished, and is now in running or der. A heavy force is now working from Erio to wards our land in the western direction, the means for the completion of which has been raised it will soon be finished. The Allegheny Valley Rail road connects ns with New York, Boston and Pitts burg. Tho Venango Road connects us with the West. There are already good Turnpike roads running through the property, various other roads have been opened to accommodate the emigration and settlement w,bich has already taken place. There is no opportunity equal to it now offered to the man who wants to provide himsolf a home in an easy way, and mike a settlement where he can live in prosperity and independence in a cli mate PERFECTLY HEALTHY. No case of fever ever having been known to oci cur in this settlement. It is not like going to the backwoods of the West, among perhaps intollerant people, where there is no society, churches, or schools, where the price of land is high, and where the emigrant, after being used to the healthiest climate in the world, has to endure sickness and pain, and perhaps ruins his health and that of his family. Rut here is a thriving settlement having three towns, containing churches, schools, hotels, stores, saw mills, grist mills, and everything de sired. There is a cash market at hand. The lum ber trado last year amounted to over two hundred million feet of lumber. In a short time, owing to the coal, it will still become more valuable, as a number of iron works'and manufactories will soon he started ; they are at present starting them ex tensively at Warren. Even for those who do not wish to go there, the payments are such that they can easily buy a farm to save their rising families from want in the future, or to gain a competence by the riso which will take place in the value of lands By an outlay scarcely missed, a substan tial provision can be made Persons should make early application, apply or write to E. Jcfferies. Seerotary, No. 135 Walnut street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. Letters care fully answered giving full information. Shares or tracts of land can be bought or secur ed by letter enclosing the first instalment of five dollars, when tho subscriber will be furnished with books, maps, 4c. Warrantee Deeds given. Persons can also purchase from our agents. Route from Philadelphia to Tyrone on tho Penn sylvania Central Railroad, and thence by St age to the land. This is a delightful season to visit St. Mary's the best hotel accommodation is afforded. Enquire for E. C. Sbultz, Esq., the Agent for tho property at St. Mary's. Junel0-'57-3m. CLOTHING. A general assortment of ready made clothing just received and opened at Nov26 W. V. IRWIN'S. 4 FIRST KATE Sett of BlacksmithingTools, X. including BHlows. Anvil. Screw-plates. 4e , for sale by Un7j MERRELL 4 CARTER M ACKEREL, CHAD and HERRING, for sale at the ' Corner Store." hy WM. IRVIN Curwemville, Maj 27, 1857. WM. P. IE WIN Has just received and is now opening at his store in Cleartield borough, A LARGE AITD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SPEING & STJMMEll ui y ij d GROCERIES,: HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, &c, BOOTS AXD SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and a genoral variety of such articles as are usual ly kept in a country store, which he offers to the public at the most reasonable prices. (may 13 WAR IN CHINA! NEW GOODS AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE! JUST received from the eastern markets, one of the largest, best, and cheapest assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Curwensville, oonsisting of a fine stock of CROCEKIES, Q.UESNSWARE. MIME. UOOTS AND SHOES, Ft, 4 G 1 S1K! 5?fk it si yf LATEST STYLE, AND I) II E S S GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ALSO, keeping a nnmber of the best workmen in the Shoe Shop, making all kinds of work to order at the shortest notice and lowest prices. All kinds of Lumber. Hides and country produce taken in exchange for Good, Roots, Shoes, Ac. We are thankful for past favors, and invite all to give us a call, examine onr handsome stock of goods, free of charge, before you buy elsewhere. Junca-'o7 MONTELl US 4 TEN EYCKE. ON HAND AGAIN! NEW STORE ! AM) NEW PRICES!!! HD. PATTON would respectfully announce to tho public that he has returned from the Eant with a large and well assorted etock of nr. Miiffi & mm w r 4 which he has opened at his NEW STORE ROOM, in Curwensville Uorough, a few doors east of the Good Intent Hotel, anu which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock is extensive, embracing a large aud splendid variety of CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, VESTINOS, LADIES DEESS GOODS, BONNETS, Shawls, Mantillas, Embroideries, Gloves, Hosiery, &c, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WAKE, &c, &c. Domestic Gods. Neck Ties, Cravats. Collars. Car pet Sacks, Rrusbes, Handkerchiefs, Perfume ry, Ribbons. Laces, Edging. Gloves, l'ara tiols, Combs, Hair l'ins, Thimbles, Sewing Silk, 4e., 4c. Al.-"0, a stock of READY-MADE CLOTIIINO, and a general assortment of such articles as are usually kept in a country store. Pon t forget to call at the NEW STORE, if you want to purchase good and cheap goods. Cull in, it costs nothing to look at goods. II. D. PATTON. Curwensville, June 10, 1857. REMOVAL. JOSHUA S. JOII&SON, CABINET MAKFR, has removed his shop to the new building of John Troutman, on Market street, where he will keep on hand or manufacture to order, (of superior finish.) every variety of Household aud Kitchen F U 11 N I T U 11 E, surh as Tables. Bureaus, Safes, Stands Cupboards, Sofas. Bedsteads, 4c., of every style and variety, which he will dispose of at cheap rates as any o ther establishment of the kind in the county. Call and examine his furniture, and judge for yourselves of its quality and finish. CHAIRS of all kinds on hand or made to order. He is also propared to make COFFINS to order, on the shortest notice, and will attend funerals with a hearse, when called npon. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON. Clearficrd, Pa.. December 17. 1S50. GFMCII & BENNEK, would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and public generally that they have entered into co-partnership in the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, and keep constantly on hands, and manufacture to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consisting of Dining, Brtakast, aud Centre Tables, Sewing, Writing, and Wash-Siandt, Mahogany, and Common Bed-steads ; Mahogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs," Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges, 4c, 4c. Coffins made and funerals attended on the short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate accompanyments. . House Painting done on the shortest notice. Shop and Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi ed by John Gulich, inearly opposite the 'Jew Store,' Clearfield. Pa JOHN GULICH. May 22, 'oa.-ly. DANIEL BENNER. HO ! FOR THE TEMPLE OF HONOR ! BRA MN 4- M'ORUCS, Tin, Copper,md Shect-Ijon War2 Manufactory. Philipbitrg, Pa., where they are at all times prepared to supply customers with every conceivable article from the smallest Coffee pot spout to the longest pipe ima ginable. They will do both a WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL business, and will at all times have on hand a large assortment of ready-made ware. MOUSE SPOUTING done to order, on the shortest notice, aud put up in a neat, substantial manner. STOf'ES, STOVE-PIPE, $ KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of the following Cook Stoves, vit : The William Penn, Queen of the Wett, the Atlantiu, and Cook-Coin plete. all of which are suitable for both wood and coal. Among the Parlor Stoves will be found the "Lady Washington," the '-Excelsior," 'Home Parlor,' 4e. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. A. A. RRADIN. October 24, 1955.-tf. JNO. D. M GIRK. gi ROCERIES. Just received and now fS VJI opening, a general assortment ot li ; irrno.erie. which will be sold at thecal lowest cash prices at WM. F. IRWIN'S. o LD RVE WHISKEY, BRANDY, GIN and WINES, for tale at the cheap cash store of apr& R. M0850P. c ALL at the ' Corner Store" of Wm. Irvin in Curwensville, if you want to buy cheap goods O. CROUCn, PHYSICIAN. Office in Cur- wensvillc. May 14. 1806-tf I JACKSON CRANS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Am . Clearfield. Penn a. Office adjoining his residonco. on Second Street, Olearfield. ' August 1. 1W3. JB. M' EM ALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cleartield, Ptun'a. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining the resi dence of James B. Graham. August 1, lbdi. ARRI31ER & TEST, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will attend promptly to all legal and other bu siness entrusted to their care in Clearfield aud ad joining counties. Clearfield, Aug.6,1836. " JAS. H. LARRIMER. t. TEST. DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional ser vices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicini ty. Residence on Second street, opposite the of fice of L. Jackson Crans, where he can be found unless absent on professional business. Clearfield. May 14. 1850 ".in. TIIOS.J. M. crLLOl'tJII, ATTORNEY AT LAW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Clearfield, Pa., maybe found at his office in Shaw's Row, four doors west of tho ''Mansion House." Deeds and other legal instruments prepared with prompt ness and accuracy. Fet. 13 ly. R. B. F. AKLEY, PHYSICIAN, GrahanUon, Clearfield County. Pa., tenders his professional services to the inhabitants of Grab am ton and surrounding country he can at all times be found at his Office, directly oppo site Mr. J. B. Graham's store, when not profes. sionally engaged. Apl- 2- WM. A.WALLACE, ROBT. J. WALLACE, T T AT TO R N E YS A T LA W, Clearfield. Penn'a., Have thii" day aociated themselves as partners in the practice of Law in Clearfield and adjoining counties. The business will be conducted as here tofore in the name of William A. Wallace. Business entrusted to them will receive prompt and careful attention. March 2, I$o"-ly. MEi EOICAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. Henry practice of Medicine, Dr. J. (J Hartswick, they offer their professional services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. They will attend to pro fessional calls at all hours, and in all soasons. Dr. Hartswick will be found during the day at their office opposite Dr. Lorain's residence, and at night, at his residence, on 2d street, one door north of Rccd 4 Weaver's store. June 13, lri56. PW. BARRETT, JUSTICE OF TnE PEACE, Luthersburg, Clearfield county. Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to hiui. niar25-tf GALEB COPE 4 CO, No. 1 S3, Market St., Phila deli. bin. Dealers in Linens, White Goods. Ho. siery, French, English and German Silk Goods, La. ccs, Gloves, iioltingCIotlis, Aug. l, 'jj.-iy GEORCE W. COLLADAY, Conveyancer and Land Agent, No. .'!. Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care. Aug. 1, laoi. ly. TSAAC M. ASIITON. llat StoreTNoTT JL Market St., Philadelphia. Hats, Caps, Furs, 4c, of every variety, aud the best quality always on band. Aug. I, loja. ly. T. LANE CO. Wholesale Clothing Store No. 171, Market Street. Every variety of ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable styles constantly on band. (Aug. I, ja.-ly. " A7"EA ER, KIT LER 4 CO., No. 19 North AVa 1 t tor Street, Philadelphia: Dealers in Car pet Chain", Yarn, Manilla and Hemp Ropes, Bcd cords, Clothes-lines, 4c, 4c, 4c, 4c. January I. 18.i7. 1 year-p: CTJNKAI) 4 WALTON, 205 Market Street rhil J adelphia; Importers and Dealers in Hard ware. Iron, Nails. 4c, 4c. They respectfully in vite the people of Clearfield, to continue their fa vors Aug. 1. ISoa.-ly. B EIDLEMAN 4 HAYWARD Wholesale Gro cers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia. D. BEIDELMAN, Ang.l,lS55.-ly.l A. HAYWARD, WILLIAM S. HANSELL 4 SON, Manufae turers and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlcry Hardware, No. 23 Market Street. Iihiladcl phia. Saddles, Bridles. Harness. Trunks. Whips Saddle Bags, Bridle Filling, Bits, Stirrups. Buckles Carpet Bags, ect. Aug. 1, 'o5.-ly JY. RUSHTON 4 CO., 213 Market Street. Phil- adelphia; Importers and Dealers in Earthen-Ware. China, Glass, and Queens Ware, Opposite the Red Lion Hotel. J. Y. RUSHTON, J. C. HOPKINS, Nov. 8, 'j4.-ly. ROBT. STILSON. HOOD 4 CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers. No, 187, Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap stock of the most fashionable and elegant goods. They in vite country Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere August 1. Iaa5.-ly. ARRIS. ORBISON 4 CO., Wholesale Drng pi.u.t. No. 2.VJ, Market Street, North side be tween Gth 4 7th, Philadelphia Drugs, Medicines, Cheinicals.Patent Mcdicines.Surgical Instruments. Druggist's Glassware, Window Glass. Paints, Oils, wyes, reriuniery, 4e. JOHN HARRIS. M. D. E. IS. ORBISON,' Aug. 1, '53.-1. J. S II ARS WOOD. MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, Number 59, North Second Street, Philadelphia. The undersigned having taken the old well known house, which has been renovated and re modeled throughout, respectfully solicits his Clear field friends to give hiiu a call on their visits to the city. The furniture is all new. and has been selected with care from Henklcs well known establishment in Chestnut Street, aud is of the latest and most fashionable style. The location for Merchants and others coming to the city is convenient, being in the centre ot business. I. L. BARRETT, Aug. 1, 185a.-ly. Proprietor A VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, No. 72 North Skcono Street, (oppo site the Mount Yeruon Ilotrse.) Pphiladelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, IS K. cases. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lcpine, do.: Quarticr; Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons, Silver Desert do, ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do.: together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb Guard and Foo Chains. All goods warranted t be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Also, Masonic Marks, Pins, 4c, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended to. His motto is: -'Small Profits and Quick Sales, Philadelphia. April 25. 1S55. A MONEY MAKl.(iT KAD E FOR OAE DOLLAR. JEFFRIES-S MANUAL OF PROFITABLE 4 USEFUL TRADES. ARTS AND OCCUPATIONS, WITHOUT A MASTER, IS NOW READY FOR SALE. -This is one of the most t aluable little books of the times, to all persons out of employment, asa number of money making trades and arts, can be learned without a faster, beside all the genu ine and popular receipts, and instructions of the day, for the manufacture of the most beneficial, and saleable articles, now in common uso. Anv peraon forwarding one dollar post-paid, to C.JEP FRJEfr, Jeffries, Clenrfietd Co., Pa., or to A. II. Bauman, Tyrone, Blair Co., Pa., will receive a copy by return mail. And ary person forwarding twenty-five cents, post paid, to C. Jeffries, will receive by return mail, one of the three following instructions: How to make the celebrated artificial Honev. How to raise double crops, of all kinds of vegeta bles, with little expense, and how to catch all the Wolves, Foxes, Minks and Muskrats in the neigh borhood. Any person forwarding fifty cents, will receive the whole thrco by return mail. . June 4, 1850 ly. D IOR SALE A first rate new ROCKATTAY, 1 built by MerrcU & Park. Lv junC-4t GEO. W. RULEM. BACON, FLOUR, mi S.LT. just received and for sale at the Corner Store. Curwensville. Aprii 2 . WM. IRVIN. TVOTICE. Tlaving purchased the Books or tba 1 1 Raftsman's Joi'rtuil with tv.e establishment all rmounts unpaid for Suosciiption. Adverti-'ng, or Job-work, are to be settled with the nd-rsned. marltf c. a. ivw . PERU AM OUTDONE! The proprietor of the Mercantile Guide would respectfully call the attention of merchants, fanners and mechan ics residing outside of this citv. to the moderate sum of yearly subscription to the Guide, being to mail subscribers only fifty cents per anrum, rua- king it the cheapest family newspaper in lue uni ted Mates. I he columns will contain me usual variety of original and spicy articles, written not only to please, but to instruct. In regard to poli tics, the Guide will maintain an independent tone, and from time to time will advocate such measures as will conduce to benefit the greatest number. I'ostmasters and others are respectlully request ed to act as agents for this piper, to whom we for. ward specimen copies free when desired to do so. PREMIUMS. As inducements for persons to in terest themselves to obtain subscribers to the Mer cantile Guide, we offer the following premiums : Upon receipt of names and pay in advance, w will forward them by express or otherwise if order ed, to the address of those entitled to theni foe three hundred and' sixty subscribers, cash, thirty five dollars; for two hundred and fifty eubscribers we will givea splendid fine gold watch. warranted, thirty dollars; for two hundred subscribers, on elegant gold locket, four glasses, worth fifteen dol lars ; for one hundred and sixty subscribers, an el egant bracelet, worth eleven dollars; for one hun dred subscribers, a gold vest chain worth eight dollars: for seventy-five subscribers, a gold pen and bolder, handsomely engraved, wortn ten dol lars; for fifty subscribers, a gold pen and holder worth eight dollars ; for forty subscribers, a gold pen and holder worth six dollars; for fifteen sub scribers, a medium gold pen and holder, worth two dollars ; for twelve subscribers, a gold, pen aud hotder, worth one dollar and fifty cents, All communications should be addressed to W. A. BLAKENW Editor and Publisher of the New York-Mercantile Guide, No. 164 Greenwich street. New York. Newspapers thronghout the Union, by pub lishing this notice two mouths, and cIiiug atten tion editorially to the same, and sending us the per. will be entitled to an exchange, and receive m gold pen and holder worth twelve dcHrrs. June 17, 1657 2m. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR THE KAriD CURE OP Colds, Couulis. ami Hoarseness. BRnmiLO, Miss, 20th Dec, 1S55. Pit. J.O. Aif.r: I do not hesitate ray the beat remedy I have ever 6un4 fjr Coughs. IIuctrfeTieafl. lafliwar.. and the concomitant iyni('toui8of a Cut j. L your CilERBT l'ECT'jRM- lU COntllt ! Ill my practice and my family U.r tlio lat ten yenra hit shown it t possess fc:ije rior virtues fur the treatment of thee comjilainu. E1!K KMli IIT, M. I. A. It. MOItTLET, Il,f CTICA.N.T, wrft: "I hav used yonr I'tcror.tL mvnelf and in my family rrer nim yon invented it. and I !:ev it tho beit nieiiiciM for its purpose ever put out. With a bad cold I should mour pay twenty -five dollars f-T a buttlu than do without It, ur tuk any other reioejy." Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza. SruirTixtn, i:!M Keb. 7, 168. BaoTHEa Area: I will rheei-fuliy cr-rtityyonr I'k.tcraX b the let reniadv we for the mm of mooj-tng Cojh. Croup, and the cli-ist t!itea of children. We cf your fraternity in tbn S.uth ;'pre-iia your skill, and coauneud your imdkiue to our teofi. HIRAM CONKLIX, M. D. AMOS LEE, Ejo Mottebet. Ii, writes. 3d Jao..lSi: "I bad a tedious Influenza, mlikii eunnned me iu duora six wvi-ks: t.kik: ir.any niedit-iues without rWicf; fiikJly tried your rccTosiL by tim mlvWe f onr rh-reytnaa. The first d.wo n-lieved ttie twrness in niy tbroul an4 lungs; lee than one h?f the lnft!e nift.fo me runnlr.tly well. Ytur medit-ine are the rhenfiest as wejl s iu lt we can bny, am! we eateem yon, iHjrlor, and Jour reme dies, as tlie poor man's frH-ud." Asthma or Phthisic, and Dronchiti. Wist MiscuoTEa. Pa, Fh. 4. 1it5. Sir: Yonr Cnrnr.T 1'kc-torai. is perforini!--n arvelloua cures in this section. It lias relieved several fmDi alarm ing symptoms if consumption, and is now rutins: a mn who ha Ltbore! UUUer an afT.--tion of the 1uno fr tl. last forty years. IIKNKV L. PAKKS, Merchant. A. A. RAMSEY, M.T, Almox. Monroe Ta), low, writvs. Sept. f. ISf.o: Imrins lay pmrtk-e of maoy years I have found nothfrijr e.;nul to y.ntr CilLRf v I'mtoev! fr giving ea-e and re li-f to couHuuiptivtf gUients, or curing sit Uj arc curntle. We milil 'ld volumes of evident, but the most con vincing proof of the virtues of this rru.miy is found iu it effect upon trial. Consnmption. Probably no one remedy has ever been known whfrh cured so many and such danger tuit rate as this. Soin ' no human aid can reach ; but even to thus the CaxRRI Pectoral afford relief and comore. Astor IIur.E, New Y: Crrr. Marrn 5. 1?S3 Poctor Arr.a. Ixwell: I f,-el it duty and a pleasure to inform yon what yonr Chcert l'rmRiL has done for my wife. She had been lire months luborinc; nnder '!. danperone symptoms tf Consni.iption. from which lio sid we could procure cave her mnrb relief. She was steadily foiling, until Dr. Strong, of this ity. v here we hare rome for advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. We bless his kindness, ss we do yonr skill, for she has recov ered, from that day. he u not yet M strong as she need to be. but is free from her ron-..!.. and call herself we'.L Yours with jrratitude and regard. ORLANDO fllKLUY, or 5aujrviLLB. Ommmptires, do not despair fill yon have tried Arcs' Cherrt I'ectoral. It is nude 1 T one of the best medical chrniixts in the world, and it ci res all around ns bespeak uie liign merit ot it virtues. 1 utiatlt!jl,ui Jjuljtr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, riMlE sciences of Cheni'stry and Medicine bare been JL taxed their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative which is known to man. Innumerable proofs are show n that these Pllxs have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordinary me-lkin.. and that they win na preceduntedly upon the esteem of all men. They a: c f and pleaxant to take, but powerful to core. TTieir pens, trating properties stimulate the vital activities of the Ky, remove Die olwtruction of ii organs, purify the blood, and expel diseuce. Tliey puree out the foul humors hkh breed aud prow dixtcnijer, stimulate elupi;Uu or disor dered organs into their natural action, nud impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they euro the every-d.iv complaints f every budy. but also formi.lnble and dangerous diseases that turm haffltd the best of human skill. While tliey produce powerful effects, tliey are at (lie same time, in diuii?.ihed d.es, the safest and best physic that ran lie employed f children. Being sngariiated, they are pleamnt to take; and lattuc purely vegetable, sre free from any ri-k of barm. Cure have I .evil mmle which gin-para b,!', f were they not sub. stantiated by men of snrh exalted position and character as to forbid the mxplrioii of ur.trtith. Many eminent rlerfrymen and phyKiciHns have lent their naniw to certi fy to the public the reliability of niy remedies, while oth ers have sent me the wnranre of their conviction tba my Preparations contribute intmen.'iely to the rshef uf mf afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The Agent below nanicd I pleased to furnh KTtis n. American Almanac. roi.tai:i;iiLr dirsetions ft thoir use an certificates of their cures, of the following comp'inU: Ccsiriveucas. Bilious Complaints, lihenmstiMn. Propsy, Heartburn, Ilea.larhe arising from a Sui ftomach, Ns.. sea, Imlixlioii, Mori .id Inaction of the Bowels and Paiaj arising therefrom. Klntiih-nrv. of Ajltite, all Ulcer ous and Cutaneous Diseanes" w hall r-o,uLre an va. ua:rf Medicine. Sk-rofu'.a or Kinp's Kvd. Tl.-y also, by purify. Ins; the blood and stimnlatinc '-e system, cure many complaint which it would not ! i.;ipoed they coull reach, such as IVenfness. Tarti-J Wind' -.". Neurn'.fria . J Nervous Irritability, rvranueuieut f tlra Li-r.s- r; kid neys, Uout. and other kindred complaints arcing from a low state of tlie body or olwtrtiction if its functiu". Do n4 be pnt off by unprincipled dealers with some other pill they iuk more pruli o, Ak Atut'a Pills, and take nulliing else. No other they can give yoa compare with this in iu intrinsic value or crtl powers. The sick want the best aid there ia foe them, and tliey Vhould have it. Prepare! by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, lorrll, Haas. PatCE Cts. per Eor. fty Boxes rca $ 1. SOLD BJT M A Frank, and C. D. Watson, Clearfield ; J C. Brenner, Morrisdale ; P. W Barrett, Lnthera burg; J. B. faegner, CurwensTillo, and bjdealari through the country. Sept 3,1856. w ..U-SB ltwsW.r 1